Methodical development on reading (grade 2) on the topic: Literary reading Topic: Oral folk art.



LESSON OBJECTIVES: 1. Expand children's knowledge of Russian oral folk


2. Promote the development of interest in the study of these


3. Develop Creative skills children, their memory,


4. Contribute to the education of patriotic feelings,

instill love for Russian oral folk




(The lesson begins with the children performing the Russian folk song "Kalinka-Malinka").

So unusually, with the wonderful Russian folk song "Kalinka-Malinka", our lesson dedicated to Russian oral folk art begins.

Russian oral folk art arose in ancient times, when there was no written language. It includes different types works: ritual songs, fairy tales, proverbs, riddles, epics, ditties, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters - and you can’t list everything. All these works are called folklore.

So what is "folklore"? what does Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary say about this word?(Children read the definition of the word in the dictionary)

How were these works passed down from generation to generation?

Passed down from generation to generation folk wisdom, and this continuity may be interrupted if you and I forget how to sing folk songs, ditties, play folk games, appreciate your past. Today we will fill this wonderful box with wonderful creations of the Russian people.


On book fair and on your tables I see a lot of books, from which you probably learned with interest and surprise that it turns out that oral folk art accompanies us all our lives.

And in fact - you were born and lullabies of Russian songs sounded over your cradle.

(Girls shake their dolls and sing):

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

Don't lie on the edge!

A gray wolf will come

He grabs the barrel.

Kitty, kitty, kitty,

Cat, gray tail!

Come, cat, spend the night,

Download my baby

To lull!

The child stretches and they say to him:

Pull, pull, pull!

For a teenage daughter

You grow up healthy all the time

Like wheat dough.

Finger hurts:

The fox is in pain

The bear is in pain

And Petenka's pain

Go to the mountains!

They bathe the child - they say:

From the goose water, from swan water,

And from my child all thinness -

To the empty forest clean water,

Under the rotten deck!

Strictly speaking:

Don't go beyond the village

There is Yaga with a broomstick.

Don't walk in the dark

There is fear in the bushes.

Caresses daughter:

Oh you my girl

sweet candy,

Purple branch!

How do they play with children? You probably didn’t know that it turns out that these are all folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes.

Sweeties, sweeties!

Let's bake pancakes.

We will put it on the window - we will force it to cool.

Sparrows flew in, all the pancakes ate.

Shh! And they flew away! They sat on the head.

Do you remember the nursery rhyme about the thief magpie? Come on, all together!


I cooked porridge, fed the children:

I gave it, I gave it

And the smallest - a bump under the sock.

And with what pleasure small children memorize such nursery rhymes songs:

Vodka, vodka!

Wash my face!

To make the eyes sparkle

To make cheeks burn

To laugh mouth,

To bite your teeth!

A lot of folk songs ok dedicated to animals:

Kisonka - little murisenka,

Where were you?

At the mill!

Kisonka - little murisenka,

What did she do there?

The flour was ground.

Kisonka - little murisenka,

What was baked from flour?


Kisonka - little murisenka,

Who did you eat gingerbread with?


Don't eat alone!

Don't eat alone!

And how fervently sounds a song about a cow. Come on guys, sing it.

Oh, how I love my cow,

I’ll pour a satisfying drink for a cow!

Eat your fill, my Burenushka,

So that you give the kids cream!

Children grow up, games begin with comrades in the yard. And how to do in the game without a counter? Come on, kids, round up!

One two three four five!

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

Shoots directly at the rabbit.

Pif! Puff! Missed!

The gray bunny ran away.

And what wonderful Russian folk games your grandmothers played: bast shoes, burners and many others.

Played, kids, rested, and now let's tell stories, jokes, jokes.

Hello, godfather!

Yes, it was on the market.

Are you deaf?

Bought a rooster!

Farewell, godmother!

I gave five rubles!

Fedul, why pouted his lips?

Yes, the caftan burned!

You can sew.

There are no needles.

Is the hole big?

One collar remains.

And how many chatterboxes, tongue twisters came up with the Russian people! Let's honor them.

(Children read tongue twisters)

Well, you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters. It's time to get down to business. After all, hard work in Rus' has long been accompanied by songs.

(The girls sing the Russian folk song "I already sowed, sowed lenok",

accompanying her movements)

Ooh, tired! And now a wider circle! Funny ditties! Smolensk! Tver! Kostroma! Ryazan!

Eh, stamp your foot, stamp your right hand.

I'm going to dance anyway

Even if it's small!

I didn't want to dance

And the guys were shy.

And the harmonica played -

I couldn't resist!

I walked through the village

And I saw Vanyusha.

Sitting under a bush and crying

The chicken hurt.

I danced with three legs

Lost boots.

looked back -

My boots are down!

Hedgehog sits on a birch

White shirt,

Boots on the head

On the leg - a cap!

There is a cart on the mountain

Tears drip from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain

Puts on boots.

Two flowers on the window

Blue and scarlet.

I'm a fighting boy

Although small in stature.

Don't stand at the gate

Don't wave your cap.

I won't walk anyway.

With such a little one.

And how many proverbs, riddles, sayings came up with the Russian people. Let's remember them.

( Children call Russians folk proverbs, sayings,

riddles to each other

The origins of Russian folklore originate in the mists of time. From time immemorial man believed in magical power words. With them, he conjured nature, turning to the sun, earth, wind, water for help:

The sun is a bucket,

Look out the window.

Your children are crying

They jump over the pebbles.

The Russian people have always celebrated their calendar holidays ritual songs. In villages and villages, there was a custom on the eve of the New Year to go around the peasant yards and sing congratulatory songs - carols. The boys caroled separately, the girls separately, children, and in some villages even elderly peasants. The guys came to carol in masks of various animals. Some carolers had large canvas bags hanging over their shoulders, others held long cues - sticks. The winder with a bell depicted carols. They walked in a crowd through the village and sang:

We are already walking, Generous evening, And we will take,

We are already wandering Good evening, We will take - buy -

along the lanes, kind people All kalachiki, all hot.

Through the alleys. For the whole evening!

Approaching one of the houses, they knocked on the gates with cues and asked the owners:

Come on, aunty,

You, swan, come on.

You give me a pie -

Wide with a mitten.

Give it, don't break it

And don't waste your stuffing.

Don't be stingy

When, finally, the owners brought treats to carolers: wheat or rye cakes, bacon, bread, they wished them happiness and prosperity in the New Year:

Happiness to you the owner with the hostess!

Happy New Year! With all kind!

And what wonderful tales composed by the Russian people! What Russians folk tales did you bring it with you?

And let's remember the fairy tales that you yourself composed. After all, they are also Russian folk tales.(Children read their stories).

This collection "Wonderful Box", from which we took a lot of useful and interesting material, was compiled by Georgy Markovich Naumenko, and he recorded many works in the Smolensk region.


So our wonderful box is full. What did we fill it with? (Russian songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, tongue twisters, proverbs, riddles, fables).

How to call all these works in one word?

Many of you, I think, will want to read the works you heard in the lesson. These books are in front of you at the book fair and on the desks. Reading them, you will learn the history of the Russian people, feel the beauty of Russian folklore.

Pay attention to the words of the Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov: “Russian songs, legends, proverbs ... Finally, Russian fairy tales are the memory of our long past, the repository of Russian wisdom.

Carry your love for Russian oral folk art through your whole life. Give it not only to your younger brothers and sisters, but also to their children and even grandchildren.

The lesson is over.

Didactic manual for the lessons of literary reading in grade 1 "Oral folk art"

Author: Shelomova Elena Yurievna, teacher primary school the highest category MAOU secondary school No. 115 Industrial district of Perm
Purpose: acquaintance with the works of oral folk art
to form an interest in the works of oral folk art;
develop the desire to read children's fiction;
develop cognitive interests, creative thinking, fantasy, speech;
expand your active vocabulary.
Equipment: book exhibition, illustrations
Recommendations: this material can be used by primary school teachers in the lessons of literary reading when studying the section "Oral Folk Art".

Tongue Twisters

The tongue twister in Russian folklore is fast speech, phrases were specially invented with a difficult to pronounce selection of sounds, which must be pronounced quickly, without stammering. This children's folklore served not only for fun and entertainment for children, but also tongue twisters, or tongue twisters, taught to pronounce sounds correctly, developed the muscles of the tongue, speech organs, and memory.

Examples of tongue twisters:
Three magpies chirped at dawn in the yard,
Three magpies woke up the evil Rex in the kennel.
Menacingly "watchman" growled,
Forty drove out of the yard.

The little crucian fell on the bait of Tarasik.
Tarasik took pity, let the crucian go.

The song is a special verbal-musical genre. It is a small lyric-narrative or lyrical work, which was created specifically for singing. Their types are as follows: lyrical, dance, ritual, historical. The feelings of one person are expressed in folk songs, but at the same time, many people. They are reflected love experiences, social events and family life, reflections on the hard fate. In folk songs, the so-called technique of parallelism is often used, when they are transferred to the nature of the mood of a given lyrical hero.

Song examples:
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
Look out the window
I'll give you peas
Ladies and grains.

Where was?
- Grazing horses.
- Where are the horses?
- They left the gate.
- Where is the gate?
- The fire burned.
- Where is the fire?
- Water flooded.
- Where is the water?
- Bulls drank.
- Where are the bulls?
- We went over the mountain.
- Where is the mountain?
- The worms have been removed.
- Where are the worms?
- Ducks pecked.

Fairy tales. These works of oral folk art are based on invented events. Fairy tales can be magical (in which fantastic forces participate), as well as everyday ones, where people are depicted - soldiers, peasants, kings, workers, princesses and princes - in everyday situations. This type of folklore differs from other works in an optimistic plot: in it, good always triumphs over evil, and the latter is either defeated or ridiculed.

fairy tales
By pike command. Tom Thumb. Swan geese. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.
Animal Tales
Animals in the hole. Teremok. bean seed. Sister fox and wolf. Kolobok.
Social fairy tales
Morozko, The Tale of How a Man Feeded Two Masters.

Fairy tale Kolobok

There lived an old man and an old woman. They decided to somehow bake a bun. The old man to the old woman and says:
- Come on, old woman, scrape the box, mark the bottom of the pan, if you can scrape up flour for a bun.
The old woman did just that: she scratched the box, broomed the bin and scraped off two handfuls of flour. She kneaded the dough, rolled up a bun, baked it and put it on the window to cool. It became boring to lie on the window, he took it and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the grass, from the grass to the path - and further along the path.

A gingerbread man rolls, and a hare meets him:

- Don’t eat me, hare, I’ll sing a song for you: I’m a bun, scraped in a box, swept in the barrel, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, it’s not cunning to get away from you, a hare!
And the bun rolled on - only the hare saw it!

A gingerbread man rolls, and a wolf meets him:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!
- Don’t eat me, wolf, I’ll sing a song for you: I’m a bun, scraped in a box, swept in the barrel, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, and it’s not difficult to get away from you, wolf!
And the bun rolled on!

A bun rolls, and a bear meets it:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!
- Don't eat, bear! I am a gingerbread man, I am scraped along the box, I am swept along the bottom of the barrel, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I left the wolf and I will easily leave you, bear! The bear only saw him.

The gingerbread man rolls on, and a cunning fox meets him:
- Hello, kolobok! What a ruddy, good!
Kolobok was delighted that he was being praised and sang his song. And the fox says:
- What a glorious song, only I have become old, I can’t hear well, sit on my nose and sing one more time.
He jumped on the fox's nose and sang: I am a gingerbread man, scraped along the box, along ...
And his fox - am! And ate!

Oral folk art is represented by many mysteries. They are an allegorical image of some object, usually based on a metaphorical rapprochement with it. Riddles in volume are very small, have a certain rhythmic structure, often emphasized by the presence of rhyme. They are designed to develop ingenuity, ingenuity. Riddles are diverse in content and themes. Perhaps there are several of their variants about the same phenomenon, animal, object, each of which characterizes it from a certain point of view.

Examples of riddles:
scarlet boot
Burning in the ground.
* * *
Red girl
Sitting in the dark
And the braid is outside.
* * *
Neither sew nor cut,
And all in scars:
No count of clothes
And all without zippers.
(Head of cabbage)
* * *
iron nose
Rooted into the ground;
Digging, digging
The earth loosens.

I walked through the forest
I found a tree;
From this tree
There are four cases:
The first thing is illumination for the blind
The second thing is naked amusement
The third thing - creaky help
The fourth thing is relief for an ailing person.
(Birch: torch, broom, birch bark, juice)

Proverbs and sayings

Genres of oral folk art also include sayings and proverbs. Proverb - rhythmically organized, short, figurative saying, aphoristic folk saying. It usually has a two-part structure, which is reinforced by rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and assonance. A proverb is a figurative expression that evaluates a certain phenomenon of life. She, unlike the proverb, is not a whole sentence, but only a part of the statement, which is part of oral folk art. Proverbs, sayings and riddles are included in the so-called small genres of folklore. What is it? In addition to the above types, they include other oral folk art. Types of small genres are complemented by the following: lullabies, pestles, nursery rhymes, jokes, game choruses, invocations, sentences, riddles. Let's take a closer look at each of them.
About Motherland
For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Where there is courage, there is victory.
About friendship
There is no friend - look for, but found - take care.
All for one, one for all.
About skill and diligence
Business before pleasure.
Teaching is the path to skill.
Patience and a little effort.
Measure seven times and cut once.
You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.


Rhyming rhymes are small, usually poetic texts with a clear rhythm, which are intended primarily for random selection one member of a group of people. Most often, the leader in the game is chosen by the rhyme.
Previously, Russian folk rhymes were akin to a spell, and only much later turned into ordinary children's fun.

Examples of counters:
Ay, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo,
I'm milking peas
I'm milking peas
On Ivanov current.
The hen is running towards me
The caulker is in a hurry.
Oh, she's running, in a hurry,
Does not say anything.
A feather from a chicken
Flew far away
Oh, far, far away
in Ivanovo village.
zealous horse,
Rides across the field
Rides the field.
Who is the horse
Togo will catch
With us in the halls
* * *
The countdown begins:
A jackdaw sat on a birch,
Two crows, a sparrow,
Three magpies, nightingale.
* * *
Oh you, dawn-dawn,
Evening dawn.
And who will find the dawn
He will go out.


Literary reading

Subject: Folklore

(School of Russia - Grade 2)

Grunskaya Elena Nikolaevna

Teacher of the highest qualification

Gulkevichsky district

Krasnodar Territory

Literary reading

Subject: Folklore

Target: introduce one of the forms of communication in Russian peasant settlements.

Tasks : form holistic perception children's folklore, develop memory, outlook, emotional sphere of the child, cultivate respect for the national artistic heritage, the desire to preserve it as a priceless treasury of beauty.

During the classes.

(A recording of the melody of a calm folk song sounds.

“Oh, you, guests, are red-haired girls and good fellows!

Listen and look!

Don't say you haven't heard

And they did not see the view!

We invite you all to the gatherings!

Welcome guests are gathering here!

In the old days there was such a custom in Rus': as they finished their work, they whiled away the autumn yes winter evenings together, arranged gatherings to look at people and show themselves. Some sit at embroidery, some at knitting, some sharpen wooden spoons, some sew, and young people sing and dance. It was fun, and we gathered today in our class for gatherings. We will make riddles, and listen to fairy tales, and pronounce tongue twisters. Let's do the lesson oral journal"Folklore".

We open the first page. Puzzles

What is a riddle? That's right, this is an expression that needs to be unraveled.

(Riddles on slides)

Maybe one of the guys wants to guess soy riddles.

(Children tell riddles to each other

The riddle is a tricky question. Its main purpose is to reveal how quick-witted, quick-witted a person is. According to the primitive hunter, cattle breeder, plowman, in the field, in the forest, on the water, in the dwelling - everywhere and everywhere, a person constantly encounters a hostile conscious force that sends bad luck, fire, disease. This force must be outwitted, and for this it is necessary to be able to conduct a secret conditional speech. Without knowledge of this conditional speech, the young man could not become a full member of his kind. Therefore, he was tested for wisdom.

In fairy tales, the princess marries the one who managed to solve riddles.

Among the ancient Greeks, guessing riddles was equated with martial arts. According to legends and legends, one who did not guess the riddle could pay with his life.

We open the second page. Tongue Twisters

What is a patter? A tongue twister is a phrase with an unpronounceable selection of sounds that must be pronounced quickly without stammering. These are small poems, but with a secret. The secret of the tongue twister is that sounds, syllables are selected in it, the rapid pronunciation of which leads to an error.

(Children pronounce tongue twisters written on slides with different intonation: with interrogative intonation, with surprise, with fear).

We open the third page. Fables

Do you hear someone knocking?

These are fake faces.

Those who sit in dungeons and svetlitsy

Nuts are cracking and ridicule is repeated.

Fables are fairy tales built on the absurd. They are small in volume and often have the form of rhythmic prose. Their function is to captivate the upcoming fairy tale. Fables are special genre folklore, which is found among all peoples as independent work or as part of a fairy tale, buffoons, bylinas, bylinas. Fiction cheerfully teaches to distinguish between reality and fantasy, develops the imagination, draws unusual, unprecedented pictures of life.

(Children read fairy tales by roles).

Let's open the fourth page. Proverbs.

These little ones wise sayings for centuries taught and educated an entire generation. The proverb speaks of the most essential in human life. They wanted to be remembered. But poetry is remembered better than prose. Therefore, the people honed their proverbs so that they become like poetic lines. The proverb does not express the thought of individuals, but a mass popular assessment of a particular phenomenon. She became winged because there is something in her that allows many to recognize her as their own. The proverb is short, there are no superfluous words in it, each word is weighty, meaningful, accurate.

(Children read proverbs and explain their meaning.

We open the fifth page. Epics.

A long time ago, when cars and trains did not travel on the earth, people who were called storytellers, and their legends were epics, went from village to village, from city to city. The storytellers usually owned one or two melodies, accompanied by which they performed all the epics known to them. Narrators enjoyed special respect as very talented people with an exceptional memory. Often they knew tens of thousands of verses by heart. The skill of telling epics has been studied for years. It was inherited from parents to children who knew them from childhood, but said them to others already in old age.

Imagine a gray-haired old man who sits surrounded by people attentively listening to him. His fingers lightly touch the strings of the harp lying on his knees. A leisurely smooth calm melody flows. Singer - storyteller begins his tale about ancient Rus', about ancient times.

We are telling a story

About old things

What about the old, experienced,

To calm the sea

For good people to listen.

So that the good fellows become thoughtful!

Epics were composed as poems, but fairy tales were also composed about heroes, heroes of epics. They were called heroes. At the same time, originality was preserved in epithets and comparisons.

What Russian heroes do you know?

The famous Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov created the painting "Bogatyrs". He wrote it for almost twenty years. Who do you see in the picture?

In the center of a group of heroes - brothers main character Ilya Muromets. To the left of Ilya, the princely combatant Dobrynya Nikitich. All he impulse and courage. On the right - the youngest hero - Alyosha Popovich - crafty, savvy, dexterous and resourceful.

What unites the heroes? Bogatyrs are powerful and fair, courageous and united. They are shown by the artist at the moment of patrol. They guard the peace of this land. The withered steppe feather grass, the golden mane of Alyosha Popovich's horse, the dark green hills, the dark silhouette of the heroic horse Ilya Muromets, answer ideological content the idea of ​​the painting. And only the snow-white horse of Dobrynya Nikitich and white clouds bring an element of anxiety.

Three heroes vigilantly stand guard over the Russian land. The number three in the people had the meaning of plurality, therefore, three heroes standing at the outpost and vigilantly guarding the Russian land are perceived as if the whole people were guarding their land.

What are the heroes famous for?

Nikitich He became famous for defeating the Fiery Serpent in a difficult battle, freed many people from the crowd, and among them the niece of Prince Vladimir - Zabava Putyatichna.

At a feast at Prince Vladimir Alesha Popovich saves the prince's wife Apraksia from Tugarin Zmeevich, and the Russian people from incredible hardships and taxes.

Ilya Muromets - most popular hero epic, mighty hero.

He eats three rolls of bread, drinks three copper patches. However, he always wins, in all battles and fights. Death in battle is not written for him. Ilya protects his native land. Where possible, he tries to avoid bloodshed. He does not beat enemies, but before their eyes he breaks into chips an oak tree, which is multi-grip with his heroic club, and the enemies, frightened by his strength, scatter.

A tenth of the epics is dedicated to Ilya Muromets.

Oddly enough, Ilya Muromets appeared later than his epic younger comrades Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. His homeland is the city of Murom, the village of Karacharovo.

The peasant son, the sick Ilya, "sat on the stove for 30 years and three years." One day wanderers came to the house, “passable kaliks”. They healed Elijah by giving him heroic strength. From now on, he is a hero who is destined to serve the city of Kyiv and Prince Vladimir. On the way to Kyiv, Ilya defeats the Nightingale the Robber, puts him in "toroks" and takes him to the prince's court.

(Children tell heroic tale"Ilya Muromets")

We open the last page. Fairy tales.

Everyone loves fairy tales, even adults. From the early childhood we hear stories. When you were little, you were told fairy tales by your mother and father, and then you went to school and learned to read them yourself. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate into a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world. In fairy tales, the most incredible miracles are performed: either the Serpent Gorynych takes the beautiful princess to his domain, then the apple tree rewards the hardworking girl with golden apples, then the cunning fox deceives everyone.

(Competition "Guess the fairy tale")

Listening to the fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids."

Summary of the lesson.

Literary reading lesson in grade 3
primary school teachers
MKOU "Borkovskaya basic comprehensive school"
Elnikova Natalia Vasilievna
UMK: "School of Russia"
Subject: Literary reading.
Lesson topic: “Oral folk art. Russian folk songs".
The purpose of the lesson:
- to update students' knowledge on the topic "Oral folk art";
- deepen children's knowledge of Russian folklore; show the beauty and richness of the Russian language, the melodiousness of Russian songs.
To form UUD: Subject: Improve the skills of expressive, fluent, conscious reading; give an idea of ​​the diversity of folklore genres, their purpose and main features. To acquaint with Russian folk songs, which reflected not only universal values, but also the identity of the Russian people. Metasubject: The ability to develop skills to identify and distinguish genres of oral folk art of the Russian people, to distinguish types of Russian folk songs. Developing the skill to use them for their intended purpose in different situations. To create motivation to independently compose their own "small" works based on folklore. Personal: Introduce children to the world folk art as a source of enrichment for their mind and senses. With the help of folklore works, to form love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it. Contribute to the education of aesthetic feelings in children.
speech activity, cooperation skills.
The place of the lesson in a series of other lessons: a lesson from the section "Oral Folk Art".
Forms of organization cognitive activity: frontal, individual.
Lesson type: Study lesson and primary fixation new knowledge. Equipment: a textbook, writing on the board, writing a topic on a poster, a music center, a CD with songs. Estimated result:
Formation of interest in national culture, a positive attitude towards it, to cultivate love for their native language.
the formation of children's ideas about the genre of oral folk art - a lullaby.
Development creative thinking, creative activity, the ability to compare, analyze, compare.
The development of speech, memory.
Raising a sense of respect for the historical past of the Russian people and its original culture.
Raising the need for communication with folk art.
Stage Purpose of the stage Teacher activity Student activity
1. Organizational moment.
Organization of focused attention at the beginning of the lesson Today we have a lot of work to do in the lesson. What does it take to do this job well? (The teacher invites the children to work out the rules for working in the lesson.)
To do the job quickly and correctly, we need to follow certain rules. Some of them are written on the board, read and say what you think about them. Writing on the board. It is important for us: 1. Prove your point of view. 2. Interrupt comrades. 3. See the depth and beauty of the author's word. 4. Shout out your opinion. 5. Listen carefully to the opinion of comrades. 6. Be silent when asked. 7. Be willing to lend a helping hand. 8. Be afraid to express your opinion. 9. Use the knowledge and skills gained in other lessons. 10. Take offense and offend comrades. 11. Work quickly and amicably in pairs and groups. 12. Be useless to comrades.
Why did you decide that some rules do not suit us? Read how we will work in the lesson. Analyze the proposed rules of conduct in the lesson; explain why they need to be done.
2. Actualization of knowledge, motivation.
Create an appropriate emotional atmosphere, revive the life impressions of children necessary for the perception of the work.
Speech workout. Today, guys, in the lesson we will go with you to a kind, bright, colorful, affectionate and gentle country.
And what kind of country you now find out.
Read the poem.
Kolyada, carol, Come from afar, Once a year, Let's admire an hour. With a crackling frost, With a prickly cold, With white snows, blizzard, with blizzards. Scooters - sleighs Ride themselves - From village to village, Kolyada is cheerful.
- Read slowly, "buzzing" reading.
- Let's read everything together smoothly and melodiously.
- Read fast.
- Guys, what do you think we have just read?
- That's right - it's a carol. And what does this word mean?
- Who came up with this song? Children read the poem slowly, in a "buzzing" reading; smoothly and melodiously; with acceleration.
Kolyada- traditional holiday of pagan origin Slavic peoples associated with the winter solstice, timed to coincide with Christmas and Christmas time. The integral attributes of the holiday were dressing up (dressing with the use of skins, masks and horns), solemn carol songs in honor of the owners of the house, giving gifts to carolers, youth games, fortune-telling. (prepared child answers)
3. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.
Make a suggestion about the topic and objectives of the upcoming lesson.
Vocabulary work.
- Think about what we will begin to study in this lesson? The topic is written on the board: “Oral folk art. Russian folk songs." - How do you understand what oral folk art is?
Now let's turn to explanatory dictionary and learn the meaning of each word from the title of the topic of our lesson.
Oral - mouth (lips, mouth): Narrator, storyteller, singer.
Folk (from the word people): not one person, but a team, because the author is nameless.
Creativity (create, creation): Create, give birth, invent, compose.
Folk - since there is no one author, the author is the people, oral - since these works were not written down (ordinary people did not know how to read), but were told, that is, passed from mouth to mouth. The teacher draws the children's attention to the word mouth - mouth, lips. Folklore is a work of oral folk art. Folklore English word. The folklore of any Russian, Kazakh, Polish or English people contains enormous educational powers.
- From the first grade we know that the works of oral folk art teach us to empathize and rejoice, contribute to the development of aesthetic feelings, in which the nobility of the soul is unthinkable.
- What genres of oral folk art, folklore are you familiar with?
- These are songs, and nursery rhymes, ditties, counting rhymes and riddles, tongue twisters, fables, proverbs, sayings and, of course, fairy tales. - What genre can carols be attributed to? Children express their assumptions about the objectives of the lesson; answer the teacher's questions.
These are songs.
4. Primary perception of the work.
Provide integrity, emotionality, interest in the work being studied. 1) A conversation about Russian folk songs. - Each of you heard Russian folk songs. They are very beautiful, melodious, easy to remember. (Listening to a musical recording of a Russian folk song.)
- Read in the textbook about Russian folk songs on page 14.
- Give examples of Russian folk songs, what are they? How do you understand the name of the songs "rhymes", "chants", "dance"?
Songs are:
- Lullabies;
- Songs-rhymes;
- Calls;
- Comic songs;
- Dance songs.
- People sang songs at the cradle, at weddings. During sowing or harvesting, merry festivities were organized, where funny chants, laudatory songs, ditties sounded. All this is oral folk art.
Reading pp. 14-15. Children listen carefully. They answer questions. Determine the tempo, rhythm, sound of songs.
5. Revealing the features of perception (testing perception) Determine how emotionally the children responded to the work. - What are these songs? Prove it. What mood did the songs evoke in you? - In terms of performance, what songs are these?
- When were these songs performed?
Who are the children addressing in the songs? Give examples from the text.
- Let's read the next song. Reading on pages 15-16.
- Share your impressions after reading this song.
- Who was meant by the image of the swan?
- When does a young girl leave her house?
- Which melody is more in line with the song about the swan: cheerful or sad; melodious, long or fast?
Reading and discussion of the Russian folk song "Like a thin ice"
- Read the song on page 17.
- Share your impressions of what you read.
- Is it possible to call a song about Vanya comic? Why?
- Do you think it is necessary to preserve folk songs? Why? Children answer the teacher's questions based on the text, argue their point of view. Read songs on their own.
(rereading) Deepen the perception of the work Children are divided into groups, each of which prepares expressive reading one song.
Reading songs aloud.
7.Reflection of activity
Recognize the path that helped students comprehend the idea of ​​the work We got acquainted with the genre of oral folk art - songs, read and listened to Russian folk songs. Do you need and use this knowledge?
- What did you like about the lesson?
- What have you learned?
- What did you study?
- How do you rate your work? Children answer the teacher's questions, evaluate themselves; acknowledge what works or doesn't work.
8. Homework To consolidate the skills acquired in the lesson At home, everyone should learn the song they like the most. Children write down homework in a diary
Appraisal activity
Assess the knowledge gained. Organization of evaluation of the quality of the reading, students' activities.

  • What is oral folk art? Tell using key words.
    author-people, word of mouth, dream of happiness, small folklore works, fairy tales (about animals, household, magic), magic items, fabulous transformations.

Oral folk art is small folklore works created by anonymous authors and passed from mouth to mouth. The story is one of ancient species oral folk art. Fairy tales are divided into magical, everyday, about animals. Because the storytellers were simple people, they kept and passed on to each other only those stories that corresponded to their ideas about beauty, kindness, honesty, justice and nobility of the soul, carried the dream of happiness. The events in the fairy tale take place in such a way as to repeatedly test the hero: his strength, courage, kindness, love for people and animals. Therefore, the hero is often rescued by fabulous items and miraculous transformations.

Oral folk art - works created by anonymous authors and passed from mouth to mouth. Songs, fairy tales, epics, proverbs, sayings, riddles - these are all works of oral folk art. In ancient times they were composed talented people from the people, but we do not know their names, because beautiful songs, fascinating tales, wise proverbs were not written down, but were transmitted orally from one person to another, from one generation to another. When telling a fairy tale or performing a song, each storyteller or singer added something from himself, omitted something, changed something to make the fairy tale even more entertaining and the song even more beautiful. That is why we say that the author of songs, epics, fairy tales, proverbs, ditties, riddles is the people themselves. Introduction to treasure folk poetry helps to get to know our Motherland more deeply.

  • What types of folk art do you know?

Fairy tales, riddles, incantations, fables, epics, tales, songs, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings.

  • Make a list of books with a friend that can be placed in the exhibition "Folk Art".

Russian folk tales. Proverbs and sayings. Puzzles. Jokes and jokes. Folk lyric songs. Legends. Epics. Spiritual verses. Ballads. Jokes. Chastushki. Fables. Tongue Twisters. Lullaby songs.

  • Prepare a story about one of the Russian folk crafts (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkovo toy). Perhaps, in the place where you live, some other kind of folk art is developed. Prepare a message about him, first make a plan for your story.

Dymkovo toy

Dymkovo toy is one of the Russian folk clay art crafts. It originated in the settlement Dymkovo, near the city of Vyatka (now in the territory of the city of Kirov). This is one of the oldest crafts in Russia, which arose in XV-XVI centuries. For four centuries, the Dymkovo toy reflected the life and lifestyle many generations of masters. The appearance of the toy is associated with spring holiday Svistunya, to which the female population of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, ducks and other animals; they were painted in different bright colors. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the craft not only survived, but also received further development. Dymkovo toy - product self made. Each toy is the creation of one master. Making a toy from modeling to painting is a creative process that never repeats. There are no and cannot be two absolutely identical products. For the production of Dymkovo toys, local bright red clay is used, thoroughly mixed with fine brown river sand. The figurines are molded in parts, individual parts are assembled and molded using liquid red clay as a binder. Traces of molding are smoothed out to give the product a smooth surface. For more than four hundred years of existence and development of the Dymkovo fishery, it has developed traditional themes, plots and images, found display and consolidation means of expression inherent in very plastic red pottery clay, simple ( geometric pattern) mural ornaments, which are dominated by red, yellow, blue, green colors. Halftones and imperceptible transitions are generally alien to the Dymkovo toy. All of it is an overflowing fullness of feeling the joy of life. Bright, elegant Dymkovo toy does not like "loneliness". Often, craftswomen of the Dymkovo trade create whole thematic compositions in which there is a place for both people and animals, both animated and inanimate objects. Not only a person, a horse, a dog or a deer can appear before the audience, but also a tree, a decorative fence, a carriage, a sleigh, a Russian stove ... In the 19th century, from 30 to 50 families of toy makers lived and worked in the Dymkovo settlement. Entire dynasties were formed - Nikulins, Penkins, Koshkins ... The shape and proportions, color and ornament in their products had their own characteristics. At that time, the Dymkovo toy consisted of single figures of people, animals, birds, whistles, carrying ancient images - people's ideas about the world. Dymkovo toy has become one of the symbols Kirov region emphasizing the identity Vyatka region, its ancient history.

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