Husband of Tina Kandelaki. Such a famous tina kandelaki


Tina Kandelaki is now constantly in the spotlight. In connection with her appointment to the leadership of the Match-TV channel and the radical transformations being carried out there, all more or less prominent media write about her. What does she write about?

Let's see what public pages Tina has and what is published on them. There are not so many resources on which these pages are located: LiveJournal, personal website, Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte.

Tina's LiveJournal blog has not been updated for almost 4 months, last post- dated April 9 - dedicated to her project "Smart School". The comments are few and for the most part “not relevant”. Apparently, even then Tina did not consider LiveJournal as the main platform and therefore abandoned the blog. It's a pity, she succeeds in large texts.

A personal site is just a site, not a stand-alone blog. Information is published here not only about herself, but also about the Apostol company headed by her and her projects - the Shelestovo club village near Moscow, the Tinatin restaurant and educational project"Smart school" in the Irkutsk region.

But the site is not a reflection of the personality, but rather " business card”, its purpose is to tell what kind of person is represented on it. But to understand how this person lives, you need social networks.

You can find out how Tina Kandelaki spent this weekend on her pages on Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte or Instagram. Where you look is not so important, 99% of the content of these pages is identical.

On Friday, in a series of business cases, including a meeting with one of the leaders of Adidas, she also followed the events in the world of sports, do not miss the news about the election of Beijing as the capital of the 2022 Winter Olympics.

On Saturday, a wonderful text appeared on Tina’s Instagram, which I will quote here in full: “ You always write to me about children. I will answer once and explain why I do not involve my children in my public life. Golda Meir absolutely rightly noted that the life of a working mother without the constant presence and support of the father of her children is three times harder life any man. We have to work and take care of the children, and both of these processes are equally important and there are no priorities. Children have a lot to give and we must not wait for help, but do everything ourselves.
(...) I worked all my life, I never had nannies, either my mother-in-law or my mother lived with me and helped me with the children. I spent all my free time from work and spend with them. But! This does not mean that they should be known by sight. The decision to be public is their choice, they have the right to be self-sufficient individuals without the prefix "children of Tina". They are very proud of me, as I am of them, so if you do not post photos of your children on #instagram, this does not mean that you are a bad / good parent. This means that you simply do not want to share this part of life for subjective reasons. That's all. No more, no less)"

Basically, “Saturday Tina” in social networks focused on sports and the opening of her first Apple store in Moscow. But on Sunday morning she went to work. Unexpectedly, but quite justified: she has just taken up her duties, and there is a lot of work to do. And at the same time, Tina manages to write on Twitter and Instagram, albeit not as actively as on Saturday.

If you try to sum it up, it turns out that the network image of Kandelaki is not very different from the one created by the media: a business woman, a mother, smart and sober thinking person, a tough leader, sometimes allowing himself to be just a woman.

What do you think?

Tinatin Givievna Kandelaki was born in Georgia on November 10, 1975. Tina received her secondary education in Tbilisi at the 64th military school. After receiving a matriculation certificate, the girl entered the medical institute at the Faculty of General Medicine with a degree in maxillofacial surgery.

The beginning of Tina Kandelaki's television career in Georgia

In her first year, Tina Kandelaki went to the casting of one of the central Georgian TV channels and passed it. The staff of the channel noted both the appearance of the future celebrity and her demeanor. However, there was one problem on the road to a brilliant future - Tina did not own at all Georgian language. However, the purposeful girl set herself the task of mastering the language in three months.

By the way, Tina Kandelaki still remembers her first live broadcast to the minute. The management of the channel had no one to put in the frame, since all the presenters and journalists went to music Festival. As a result, Tina was entrusted to lead the program. The father of the TV presenter was sure that the girl would not cope with the task and ruin the broadcast. However, it was decided that it would be better for Tina Kandelaki to fail miserably, to put an end to television career and will plunge headlong into the comprehension of the intricacies of medical practice. As a result, the girl still failed the broadcast, only remained on television and even in the frame.

I remember Tina Kandelaki and the moment when she was first recognized on the street. Early in the morning in Tbilisi, the TV presenter was noticed by two pretty tipsy people. One of them looked around and asked with a surprised look: “And this is you?”.

After some time, Tina Kandelaki, under the personal supervision of the general producer of the second Georgian channel "Meorearchi" Sergo Petadze, went to Batumi for a television festival. Everyone liked the talented girl so much that Georgian texts were written especially for her with Russian transcription.

IN medical institute the teachers were sure that Tina Kandelaki was fond of show business temporarily, and youthful affection would pass. The professors hoped that the student would lean in favor of the respectable and pecuniary profession of a surgeon. Moreover, study was given to Tina effortlessly. Nevertheless, the girl preferred journalism to medicine, left the medical institute and entered the journalism department of VTSU. During her studies, Tina continued to build a career on television and Radio 105.

Tina Kandelaki's career in Russia

In Georgia, Tina Kandelaki reached the pinnacle of her television career. There was simply nowhere to grow higher. However, personal life in a country where patriarchy flourishes was not possible for a self-sufficient girl. That is why Tina went to conquer Moscow.

Tina Kandelaki on the Evening Urgant program

In the capital, Tina Kandelaki first lived near the Kolomenskaya metro station. There, the girl rented an apartment and tried to find a job. Kandelaki herself called the capital's media and offered her candidacy.

First workplace in Moscow it was on M-radio. After that, Tina switched to the Russian Far East, where she met Stanislav Sadalsky and went with him to the Silver Rain radio. However, a little later she returned to the RFE. Further, Tina Kandelaki looked for herself in the Biz-TV program on the 2X2 TV channel, worked on Muz-TV together with Alexander Pryanikov, worked on the Vremechko program, and on the TV-6 channel she hosted three programs at once: " Oh, mommy!", "Hello, people!" and "I know everything."

For 5 years, from 2002 to 2007, Kandelaki was the host of the Details program on the STS channel, and since March 2003 she became the face of the Most Intelligent program. A year later, the program won TEFI in the nomination "Children's Program".

Since 2004, Tina Kandelaki, together with Alexander Tsekalo, began to host the program " Good songs» on three channels "Domashny", STS and 1 + 1 (Ukraine) at once.

In parallel with all the projects, Tina took on two shows in 2007: "Wedding Planner" and "STS Lights the Superstar".

Tina Kandelaki's speech, KVN

In 2005, according to the Ukrainian television magazine Telenedelya, Kandelaki was recognized as the best TV presenter. In the same year, the girl became "Person of the Year" in the nomination "Television". Among other things, since the beginning of 2006, the TV presenter has been collaborating with Ekho Moskvy radio. There, the girl leads the Special Opinion program jointly with RTVI. Tina also became the co-host of the morning interactive broadcast of the U-turn program and the host of the Unreal Politics program on REN-TV.

By the way, now Tina Kandelaki is one of the fastest-speaking TV presenters in Russia. As the girl herself admits, it is almost impossible to stop and talk her over, not only in a direct conversation, but also in a virtual one. Journalism has become so tightly integrated into Kandelaki's life that in his free time from his main job, the celebrity spends time on the Internet - he writes articles and constantly publishes details of his life on blogs.

Achievements of Tina Kandelaki

In 2006, Kandelaki became the owner of the Astra award in the field of fashion and style in the nomination "The Most stylish TV presenter". At the same time, the Glamor Award was received in the special nomination "Form and Content". Tina also entered the "Top 10 Sexy" and was recognized as the sexiest TV presenter in Russia, and also took TEFI in 2006 in the nomination "Best Presenter Talk -show".

Among other things, Tina Kandelaki is a Member of the Academy Russian Television, Board of Trustees of the Give Life Charitable Foundation.

And in 2007, the star released her first books called "Big Children's Encyclopedia of the Erudite" and "Beauty Constructor".

A year later, Kandelaki created the OK Production company and became the producer of the Smartest project.

2009 was a particularly busy year for Tina. The presenter began to cooperate with a number of central channels in Russia and abroad. In her piggy bank, participation in such projects as "Two Stars", "Festival New wave”, “Fort Boyard” and “Tashir 2009”. The program "The Smartest" receives TEFI 2009, and in October of the same year the film "Forbidden Reality" premiered with Tina Kandelaki as an actress. In 2009, Tina Kandelaki was appointed a Member by the Decree of the President of Russia Public Chamber RF.

In 2013, a scandal erupted around Tina Kandelaki and Ksenia Sobchak. socialite accused Tina in connection with married man, Ramzan Kadyrov . It all ended with the girls making each other's personal lives public. In the summer of 2015, Tina Kandelaki was again mired in scandal. This time with Vasily Utkin, editor-in-chief of NTV Plus sports channels. The confrontation between Kandelaki and Utkin continued almost from the very moment of Kandelaki's appointment general producer and deputy CEO united sports edition "Match TV". Initially, the dispute began after Kandelaki's phrase about the desire to create the editorial office of the TV channel from scratch. Now Tina Kandelaki is one of the co-owners of the agency full cycle"Apostol", the owner of the Moscow restaurant of Georgian cuisine "Tinatin".

Personal life of Tina Kandelaki

In 1997, Tina Kandelaki met a young man named Andrey Kondrakhin. While future celebrity just stormed Moscow with her talent. The TV presenter met with a businessman and artist in one person for two years, after which the couple formalized their relationship. The fruit of love was two children of the weather: daughter Melania and son Leonty.

The couple lived in perfect harmony for 11 years. However, the marriage ended in divorce. First serious conflicts, which became an alarming bell, began in 2009. The press vying wrote that the family smells of divorce. During the year, Tina and Andrey tried to revive the faded feeling and glue together the broken relationship. However, in May 2010, the Lefortovo Court of Moscow declared the couple neither husband nor wife.

Now the children live with their mother, however, the father constantly sees them. Tina Kandelaki did not ask the court to limit Andrei's communication with children.

Spouses and property did not share. Now Tina lives with her children and mother-in-law in an apartment on the Krylatsky Hills, which she bought in 2008, and Andrey lives in the apartment where the family has lived for the past 10 years.

Neither Tina Kandelaki nor Andrei Kondrakhin disclosed the true reason for the divorce. According to one version, the spouses were simply tired of each other, and according to another, the gap occurred due to financial disagreements. Allegedly, Tina asked her husband to control the repairs in the purchased penthouse, however, the result of the work was not at all what Kandelaki wanted. As a result, the alteration took no less than 500 thousand dollars.

It is not in my tradition to brag about my husband, but the occasion obliges.
Yesterday my husband Vasily Brovko was awarded a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. He received the award for his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, and as the general producer of Match! TV, this is doubly pleasant for me. I always wanted to have our contribution to the best World Cup in history. And the contribution made by my husband's team and he personally is very important both for the World Cup and for the further technological breakthrough of our country. The fact that communications and TV broadcasts worked flawlessly during the World Cup is their merit.

Since I started talking about my husband, I will say a few words about his biography, since it is directly related to the possibilities new Russia for those who are ready to compete at the expense of their intellect.

A simple guy from Zhukovsky near Moscow graduated from Moscow State University, worked on television and radio, founded his own successful communications business and went to work in one of largest corporations countries. At Rostec, Vasily was initially responsible for strategic communications, and after communications he was responsible for strategy, information and analytics. Later he moved to the position of Director of special assignments engaged in the implementation of complex and interesting projects requiring a colossal consolidation of resources and personnel.

Vasya has always invested in people. Specialists of different views, united by the desire to create, work with him. He has a lot to his credit different projects, and I am especially proud of the Oktava creative industrial cluster in Tula, which has transformed the social and cultural life of the capital of Russian weapons. For which Vasily received a silver medal "For a special contribution to the development of the Tula region" from Alexei Gennadievich Dyumin. His work has been repeatedly commended by the president.

Vasya's family consists of ideological patriots. Mom raised them in true love to the motherland. These are not pompous words. This real example how it is necessary not only to give children a quality education, but also to explain from childhood that they can and should benefit their country.

I congratulate Vasily. Not only as a husband. For me, he is an example of an ideal employee of a state corporation. modern Russia. His entire team is under 40, they have MBAs, languages ​​and ambitions to work for the good of their country. Not complaining about the circumstances, but realizing ambitious projects raising Russia to a new level.

So, today I am filming in the program “We and Science. Science and Us” on #NTV channel. Theme issue: in 10 years, gadgets will deprive people of sex. The topic, judging by the opening of a brothel in Moscow City, where you can use the services of sex dolls or a model of the future shown in the series "Westworld", is very hot and has been worrying everyone for the past three years.

First, the reason for this big breakthrough in robotics and technology artificial intelligence and the sex industry. There are $20,000 dolls on the market that already recognize your voice, maintain the correct body temperature, and begin to remember your preferences.

Secondly, the "World of the Wild West" is a prototype of the reality about which earlier man could not dream. A reality in which a person can be free from the restrictions accepted in society, and behave as he pleases at one moment or another: love if he is loved, hate and kill if he is killed. Sooner or later, technology will begin to influence human nature in this area as well.
The articles I've read on this subject boil down to one thing - control. To what extent will such a sex industry keep human complexes, perversions and inclinations in check? Personally, I do not believe that a person who will rape dolls will stop raping people. No one can stop the development of this industry, but I will not count on it to solve the problems of deviations that cause suicide and sexual crimes.

There are both skeptics and optimists here today, so let's see how the conversation ends.

I will say a few words about Baronova

We are strangers, and I have never been a fan of Maria. From a distance, she always reminded me of a painfully familiar type of restless Russian woman who is ready to close both the child and the kitten with her breasts, because chemical reaction her personality with life's injustice did not allow her to live otherwise.

I can't say that I watched her all the time, but from time to time I heard her looking for a constructive force to join. Fearlessly and headlong plunged into the opposition whirlpool, but surfaced rather quickly. I suppose that the reason for this was disappointment in the futility of the opposition. There is no program, no action, there is a desire to simply replace Putin. Why? Because Navalny is simply better. Why? Because he does not have billions of Putin's associates. Why? Because his associates are crystal clear clean people. Why? Because they are Navalny's associates. And where do we get the guarantee that, having come to power, they will not become billionaires? And we have to take their word for it.

It is difficult to agree with the programs of reforms in health care, education and industry, which simply do not exist. For 15 years I have not learned anything about them, and Baronova, apparently, too. That's why I went to work for @margaritasimonyan, who advocates softening judicial system and simplification of legal mechanisms for resolving issues that are very important for our compatriots. He fights and tells serious people to their faces that they will not go far if they do not systematically change the country for the better. I have seen this in person more than once, for which I respect Margaret. That is why people who really want to change something and work for their country, and not complain to the Washington regional committee, reached out to her.

Respect for diving into the topic, gentlemen @scienpolicy, but with optimism, sorry for the bias, I disagree.
Is it the first time in long years“Youth policy has become a priority public policy"? Was there really no program document outlining the principles, goals, objectives and mechanisms for its implementation before 2019? What about the "Fundamentals of State Youth Policy until 2025", adopted 4 (long) years ago?

It is difficult to imagine that in national projects"red lines" will enter the solution of the problem, where we have reached incredible results. As they say, this has never happened, and here it is again.

I see the problem not in the absence of people and projects, but in the fact that youth policy knows too little about the subject of its regulation, and while this is the case, it will never have enough virality to solve its problems.

you listed the names wonderful people, but why are there no bloggers on the list who generate tens of millions of views in one day? Or do they lack the "reality" to be named?

The subject of our discussion is not a matter of believing or not believing that someone is working hard on a problem. As stated in the same "Foundations ...", the goal of the state youth policy is to increase the number of young people with good physical health involved in physical education and sports that do not have bad habits working on their personal and professional development. In this sense, I do not observe flaws in myself. That's why I can read about the youth of the Chechen Republic.

Therefore, let it be again “for the first time in many years”, only now with an understanding of the values ​​of young people and the involvement in this work of all leaders adequate to this youth, whom the youth wants to follow. And, most importantly, let it happen everywhere: on YouTube and summer camps, in books and blogs, in school lessons and in Instagram minute vines in Russian, English and any other languages.

Epigraph: Do you know what our problem is, Sasha? That we don't have any problems. Someone delivered and brought everything to us. And we just sit and think: “What am I? What can I do? What can we give to the world, besides charging from an iPhone?
XXI Century

Today I was at a meeting of the working group State Council Russian Federation on youth policy.
We were gathered by its head - the governor of the Yaroslavl region Dmitry Mironov. I respect Dmitry Yuryevich and have known him for more than a year, so I hope that under his leadership we will finally have a youth policy, because now it does not exist.

We have federal agency on youth affairs, there is a competition "Leaders of Russia", we regularly hold forums. At the same time, we do not have a youth policy, and not out of malice, but because in the world of post-truth, in which technology has won over content, there is no ideologeme valuable for all that would unite young people.

The youth today is the new power, because there are 26 million of them, because at a young age people become like-minded people much faster, because they do not hold on to their power and their influence, or rather, they do not keep it to themselves, but direct it through different channels. This is a force with viral self-organization, which is able to mobilize in short time. Both constructive and destructive.

We live in a world of informal network management, where the involvement of the public in decision-making is the only way for the public to approve these decisions.

When I hear at a meeting that we need to figure out how to lead the youth trends, and about who will give us money for these programs, then I’m not even funny, but sad. How to convey to people that the stage when citizens decided which teachers are worthy and which are not, has already passed in the world?
There is, for example, a program - the site donors choose (giving choose), when teachers themselves must attract funding for those needs of the classes that they consider urgent. During the existence of this site, civic sponsors have donated about $400 million, which has made it possible to help 18 million public school students.
This is one of the most successful crowdfunding sites. Tell me, do we have no money and society is not up to it? Not true. People wanted to keep The New Times magazine and raised the money in record time. How many? And we want to offer an ideology invented for youth without youth!

The youth, who are also the carriers of a new type of thinking, have every kind of dislike for centralized bureaucratic machines. And not only with us! This is happening all over the world. She doesn't care how much money the state allocates for patriotic education. Much more interesting and effective is an impulse, like what makes a flash mob possible, where everyone quickly gathers and does something tangibly good or bad.
And this applies to everything.

Modern technological youth does not feel reverence for experts from the academic environment. They have long been opposed by ordinary people. And in this world, which has an incredible number of shades and every second there is a new shade, you need to have an incredibly mobile brain in order to understand at 40 why Morgenstern is an idol for 3.3 million people.
After my words about him, everyone googled him and even decided to invite him to the next meeting.
But the essence is not in the invitation of Morgenstern, but in the words of the character of “Acid”, when he shouts to his mother in the cemetery, who has just buried his brother and is lamenting that she brought him lingonberries, but he did not have time to try it, “did you even know him? !

So, in order to get to know the youth and offer something to them, we must at least try to talk to them and discuss with them every idea and every law. If this activity is for them, of course, and not for us.

It seems to me that in order for the work of the Council to be productive, it is necessary to actually involve all the major players from Yandex to VKontakte with their audience research. And when we have her portrait with an understanding of the requests, we can at least start thinking in the direction of how to satisfy these requests.

Dear men, thank you very much that after 2000 years you still understood that it is better to fight each other intellectually than physically.

You are by and large, despite my great desire to be equal with you, nevertheless, the architects of the past, present and future. It was you who came up with the Gutenberg machine, radio, TV, telephone, iPhone and the list goes on. I dare to hope that you came up with all this, inspired by us. By the way, Charles Condom is also yours, and contraception, respectively, was also invented by you. Like cinema, like the best literary works, poetry and even the image of Cinderella, which has become the dream of every girl for centuries.

And at least the first among women Nobel Prize Marie Skłodowska-Curie won, and she was the first in history to receive this award twice, we still depend on your testosterone level. Do not fight, men, with each other, do not fight for land, or for people, or for countries. You are so talented that I want you to spend your energy only on creation. Squeeze you Mask, let's already establish tourism to Mars. Press it, even though he is a citizen of another country.

Our dear men, you can do everything. Even when no one believes in you. As in our team before the World Cup-18. And then you suddenly take and win. Without warning or hope. Therefore, I always say that you need to believe in you and love you. And then you will move mountains.

Since February 23, you, defenders. Those who served, fought, civilians - you are all born to protect us and inspire us to prolong life in spite of death!

Dear Vitaly,

I very carefully read your letter, which you published in Novye Izvestia. Everything in this text and without mentioning the profession betrays you as a journalist. I also read your article on the link so that you do not consider my answer written in hastily"for check".

I think you will agree that both in the article and in this letter there is enough nostalgia for big country which we have lost for some, unfortunately, for others, fortunately. And you yourself characterize this country with the words of Zhvanetsky: "it was impossible to live, although everyone lived."

I'm sure you understand that nothing was free in that country, including football. Soviet football players received a salary, stadiums and schools had to be maintained, and broadcasts had to be organized. Yes, the state did it, but in fact, people paid for it anyway.

The Match TV channel shows two RPL matches in each round and the matches of our teams in Eurocups. By signing a contract with the Premier League and specifying such conditions for showing matches on federal channel, we contribute to the development of Russian football. Clubs that, among other things, maintain football schools, need this income. The leagues of all successful football countries work in the same way and this must be borne in mind.

Tina Kandelaki.

Since telegram channels parsed the president's speech into numbers and quotes during his speech, I will summarize briefly.

Colleagues counted: the president devoted 75 minutes of his speech to domestic politics, fitting everything else into 15. A record? Don't think. In any case, the fact is obvious: the domestic political agenda has deservedly taken its toll.

I think it is important to focus on two points. Firstly, the president's speech was full of specifics and precise decisions on key topics. Less general principles, more targeted orders with clear KPIs. It turns out that step-by-step instructions for the branches of executive power are still needed?

Secondly, it seemed to me that the intonation with which Putin addressed the audience was not accidental. It was the intonation of a man who confidentially, practically in a heart-to-heart conversation, explained to everyone who listened to him that from now on only internal (including personal) mobilization can solve our problems. internal problems. grafted folk tales hope for a miracle is good only for a child. Everything after that is, as you know, infantilism.

In our time, a miracle for adults is the price of oil for 100 and above, this is the goodwill of geopolitical partners, this is cheap money and the global priority of the economy over politics. There is no more miracle. Therefore, in the intonation of the president, the desire to explain to people the simple truth: sovereignty is independence. Before, we thought about the meaning of this word less often than it is worth it. Before, but not now.

Watched Alita: Battle Angel. I highly recommend to anyone who loves comics and forecasts for the year 2500.

Rodriguez didn't write on Sin City. Taking James Cameron as a producer and armed with a story based on Yukito Kishiro's manga, he shot a very peppy action movie with a star cast: Christopher Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali and Edward Norton, episodic role which is a clear hint to the actors to think about their future, because he is not even listed in the credits.

I carefully googled Rosa Salazar, the leading lady. Although this is not the first utopia for her, what part of her, besides her voice, is involved, I still did not understand, because she is pure manga.

Very decent graphics and subtle irony over topical feminism. It is no longer even discussed who saves whom. Obviously a woman is a man. The man is completely lost, he is needed only as a mechanic, holding out another modification of a cyborg woman. In this role, he is impeccable, but in all the rest he is a disaster.

In short, go watch. And yes, if now we are surprised to watch videos about people living with sex dolls, then in 2500 we will sincerely love cyborgs.

Star of TV and radio journalism, bright representative of the Russian beau monde, host of popular blogs, active participant education reform, public figure, teacher and many other regalia belong to Tina Kandelaki, who, among other things, is also a lover of a wide variety of mobile devices. We became interested in her for several intriguing reasons. Firstly, despite the lack of official status of the Vertu ambassador in Russia, she very often ends up on the pages of the company's official accounts in in social networks. Secondly, a number of diverse interviews that mention a well-known British brand show either an extremely negative attitude towards it, or an overly positive one - a moment that deserves special attention.

So what does Tina Kandelaki think about Vertu phones?

Tina Kandelaki was born in 1975 in the capital of Georgia in the family of a doctor and an economist. On her paternal side, she belongs to a well-known local ascetic noble family However, the mother's blood that flows in her veins makes the girl wayward and freedom-loving. For the first fifteen years of her life, being on socialist territory, Tina dreamed of leading an October star and building a pioneer career, but today she has more pragmatic goals. After the collapse of the Union, the girl tried to get out of poverty and become a doctor, but even then television and journalism lived in her thoughts. In the second half of the 90s, she became a Moscow resident and quickly found herself in the business that she had been dreaming about for so long. Today, many love her, many hate her, but no one denies the fact - she achieves what she really wants.

Tina Kandelaki began her Moscow journey quite difficult. The lack of money and connections affected, but she had the main thing - her dream. Today, the girl is part of the local glamor and a constant picture of the gossip column, but then she could look at all this, huddled in a small odnushka, only on the TV screen. To make her dreams come true, Tina made "a little" more effort than other girls, therefore, unlike them, she did not become a pleasant addition to a wealthy man, but an independent element of society with the ability to personal growth. Being in fact in the world of glamor and being a direct part of it, she despises all of his "through the looking glass", because she made herself without significant outside help. The girl began her career with a modest position on the radio in 2005, and today she collaborates with a huge number of television channels and is the face of a number of brands.

Fans of glossy magazines are hardly aware of the other side of Tina Kandelaki's personality coin. Surprisingly, from time to time she is engaged in scientific and educational activities. After graduating from her graduate school at her alma mater, in order to develop a system for training highly qualified specialists, she became a teacher. One of Tina's key lecture courses was entirely devoted to the Internet, which today is one of the key parts of her life. She is sure that the modern world wide web is not an ordinary entertainment or a banal means of communication, but a convenient and insanely effective tool for promoting serious projects, ideas and initiatives.

Today, Tina Kandelaki is one of the shareholders of the Apostol Media company, which specializes in PR and the production of television and video content. Now it employs more than 130 people and owns a variety of assets in real and virtual space, but just a few years ago it all started with just a couple of people and work in the kitchen. The first project of the enterprise was the promotion of several books, then - magazines, events and talk shows with stars and politicians. The main project of the company today is Tina herself - an absolutely self-sufficient and established hero engaged in social and political activities, who is constantly developing in this and many other directions. She no longer needs ether for the sake of ether, because she has become a real cherry on every cake.

Within its social activities Tina Kandelaki raised many problems on the development of education, reform high school and informatization of even the most remote corners huge country. She believes that with modern technologies It is possible to convey knowledge to places where they could not reach before with all their desire. She raises the questions she points out. high level receiving the support of the most senior politicians Russian Federation. One of its key projects in this direction was a unified information Center talent management that helps geeks and young talents declare themselves and find potential employers in a wide variety of areas of modern human life.

Last years Tina Kandelaki practically lives on the Internet - she sometimes even brings up her children at a distance with his help. Everything that happens to the girl, she shoots on the phone, after which she shares this material with her army of thousands of subscribers, which is constantly increasing. Interestingly, she never forbids journalists, students, schoolchildren or students to use any technical devices to access the Internet, of which she is one of the most devoted fans. Progress cannot be stopped, so new technologies must be indispensably ubiquitous. Last news, the life and breath of society, communication, nullification of any distances - these are just a small part of the advantages of the Internet and the new high-tech devices that provide universal access to it.

Vegetarian food, ginger tea, literature, cinema, music, cars and family are the key elements of Tina Kandelaki's personal space. In the past, she was married to a simple Russian guy Andrei, but some time after the birth of the children, they broke up. There was no noise, no scandals - no division of children and property. She claims that it was he who played a key role in her decision to have children at a relatively young age - he was not a prince from a fairy tale, but he gave her confidence. Today they are friends and take part in the upbringing of children. Moreover, when parents do not have time at all, grandmothers take care of them. Tina claims that love is gratitude to God for children, and therefore it can be considered part of her personal space.

Tina Kandelaki met Vertu phones not of her own free will. The fact is that a well-known supplier of luxury communications to Russia - close friend stars - regularly generously endows her with a wide variety of pipes of a famous British brand, so that she "shines" with them in secular society drawing attention to them. She collected devices for one and a half, if not more, million rubles. Doing repairs in your new apartment Tina decided to sell several phones in order to purchase new furniture. This was done by her assistant, who brought a couple of devices to the nearest Vertu boutique. Young man they immediately suspected of theft, but after clarifying all the circumstances, they still refused to accept them, because Tina simply does not have any documents for them. Thus, the phones she did not like then remained in the girl's property.

Vertu are very stupid phones that the toad strangles to throw away, and you can’t use them with all your desire. Tina Kandelaki had a similar opinion for a long time. In numerous interviews, she, not understanding those who buy them for their hard-earned people, compared them with elite cars with a gearbox from Zaporozhets. A business woman and, concurrently, a TV presenter even spent comparative analysis two devices, one of which was a modern model of Vertu, and the second, presumably, an iPhone. Its result was the conclusion that it was absolutely inexpedient to purchase expensive devices of the first one and abandon them in favor of Apple's much more technologically advanced means of communication. She was sure that Vertu phones are needed only to “light up” at a fashionable get-together - they do not carry any other load.

With bewilderment, Tina Kandelaki treated Vertu phones only to the point of meeting with. She was convinced that the communications equipment of a well-known British brand were useless toys for wealthy users. However, a new acquaintance told her about a fresh strategy for the production of luxury devices that are no longer banal copies of Nokia in an expensive wrapper. Now each of them is a successful symbiosis of the most modern technologies and high-quality materials in the design without regard to the final cost. Now Tina understands that Vertu is an ideal tool for checking mail, coordinating work documents, communicating through all sorts of services. She is sure that Massimiliano Pogliani very subtly feels the needs of users and moves the Vertu locomotive in right direction. It's amazing how quickly she changed her mind.

Thus, modern businesswoman, businesswoman and TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, who now quite often flickers in Vertu's official social media accounts, has dramatically changed her mind about the well-known brand - just one dinner with Massimiliano Pogliani was enough for this. This may seem rather strange and very suspicious, but such conclusions are best left to the yellow press.

June 14th, 2016 , 08:00 pm

Tina Kandelaki has a husband. Real. The one she lives with. Call Vasily. Surname - Brovko. Vasya is 29 years old. Tina is 40.

I looked at this couple.


I wanted to understand what, in fact, Vasya is - an independent combat unit, or someone who plays in the same sandbox with Maksyusha Sobchak?

Fat boy, who are you?
- I am the husband of Ksenia Sobchak. And you?

Can Tina's husband say: "And I am Vasily Brovko." Does he have a right?

Yes. I will not list the projects of the entrepreneur Brovko. I'm lazy. These projects exist. A lot of them. For those who are interested, read Wikipedia.

I want to talk about something else: how long in our mentality will young age be considered synonymous with stupidity?

Where did it actually come from?

For example, I like to be friends with students - with girls, with guys. I'm interested in them.

The world of the young does not revolve around everyday life. Young people dream. Carelessly. Sweepingly. The young suffer and sympathize. They are on fire.

Young people are learning. Their brains are not busy shifting paper clips from tray to tray, not the question of what to cook for dinner - soup or stew, but absorbing information and processing it into some even bold projects in their boldness.

The current students will become tired later. After 30. After 30, almost everyone is tired. Closer to 45, the majority finally comes to an understanding: dreams will not come true, the wizard will not fly.

That's why, tell me, active Tina, who, unlike most, is not tired, the old fart is nearby? Why does she need a jaded man? Let the oligarch. With tired - rotten, and life - one, and it flies quickly.

Nowadays, with an appropriate lifestyle and money, a woman can look young for a long time. Age boundaries are now very blurred.

Are you not thumping? Don't smoke? Have you been training for decades? Are you eating right? Do you have money for cosmetology and plastic surgery? Then get out of your mother's head ideas about what 40 years are.

40 today and 40 at the time of mymra from " office romance' are two big differences provided that you have money and you drive healthy lifestyle life from the age of 20. Then there will be an energetic man nearby, and not a boring fart. Then they will love. And they will want. And all will be well.

Keep youth from youth, girls, and earn money. Their. Don't wait for your uncle to give them to you. Uncle, maybe he will, but he will take away the main thing from you - self-respect.

Live boldly. Don't expect help from the world. Better help him yourself. And then it will be all yours.

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