Dmitry Komarov journalist biography married. Dmitry Komarov: interesting facts about the life of the presenter


June 26 favorite Ukrainian viewers, extreme traveler Dmitry Komarov. This time under the gun of the TV presenter and the program team The World Inside Out(channel 1+1 ) turned out to be Brazil and the Amazon.

Today Dima Komarov went live on Snidanka for 1+1. At the time of filming morning show the traveler was in the Brazilian city of Manaus.

During a conversation with Snidakov’s team, he talked about how he and his cameraman Alexander Dmitriev prepared for a new expedition:

“We get permission from the police, from the army partially for some regions, we get permission from the local government organization that is responsible for the tribes.

And here the largest number wild tribes, many of which are non-contact, that is, they have never been in contact with people. We are now doing administrative work.”

Details of Dmitry Komarov's new expedition

The traveler also noted that tomorrow the team will fly to the border of Colombia and Venezuela, where work will begin on filming in the tribes:

“We will fly planes over the tribes, we will look for truly uncontacted tribes, we will try to become the first people to make contact. I cannot guarantee the result, but we already have very big plan compiled and we will try to do the impossible.”

Details of Dmitry Komarov's new expedition

January 18, 2017, 16:00

Nowadays, such popular travel shows are broadcast on many TV channels. “Heads and Tails”, “Around the World”, “In Search of Adventure”, “Restless Night”, etc. and so on. However, against the backdrop of all these programs, what is special for me is "The World Inside Out", the author and presenter of which has been for 6 years Dmitry Komarov.

Dmitry Komarov was born and raised in Kyiv. He was interested in journalism since childhood and began writing articles for periodicals from the age of 12. During my creative career he managed to work with magazines such as Playboy and EGO, but after 25 years he seriously thought about creating his own television show. By that time, Dmitry had already traveled to many countries, being a sincere fan of travel.
“I got into journalism before I received my passport, at the age of 17, when I was in my first year. And I even managed to become a minor editor of the “Man” page: I wrote about all sorts of men’s hobbies and lifestyles. Extreme sports, expeditions, aviation, cars, private detectives, etc. Plus, for example, new technologies: Cell phones, which then, in 2001, were just beginning to actively enter into mass use, or GPS-s. Led this lane.
Then I moved to Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine and worked as a photojournalist and a journalist in parallel - I never separated these two professions, I always accompanied my texts only with my photographs. When you get into big journalism, sooner or later business trips begin. They started from Ukraine.
I remember my first vivid impressions when I came to the village of Velykyi Kuchurov in the Chernivtsi region - it was approximately 2000–01 - for the celebration of Malanka (celebrated on January 13th as the Old New Year). And there was a fantastic carnival - bear fights. Unmarried boys of the village dressed up and fought for the title best guy villages. Now, alas, this tradition has practically disappeared, tourists and journalists began to come. And then, 15 years ago, it was simply incredible - the guys fought until they bled. Very bright, expressive, colorful. This was one of my first big travel reports."

“Then I went abroad for the first time, mainly Europe. I was so inspired by it all that I realized: I want my work to always give such emotions. For life to be work, work to be life. And I began to travel on my own. I just went to an unfamiliar country , with a one-way ticket, and dragged around there for months, with a camera and a laptop, for his own money. And right from the wheels he wrote reports, trying to emphasize things that a simple tourist does not see, and showing real life. When he arrived, he sold reports to newspapers and magazines. There were many clients, the trips paid off. Plus, I also held author’s photo exhibitions, in Ukraine and not only. But at some point I suddenly began to feel that I no longer had enough of these tools - a camera and a laptop - to show "all the volume and three-dimensionality of what I see while traveling. I wanted a “live” picture. I began to supplement my reports with small videos - what was happening, how it was happening, I commented on it myself. And I quickly realized that it was time to make my own television program."

“At that time I was a fairly experienced newspaper journalist and photographer, but had no television experience at all. I didn’t have any special connections or acquaintances on TV, but I decided that I had to try. Then I had just returned from India and felt bad ". After 4 months of poor nutrition, my liver and kidneys began to play havoc. My doctor then said - go to Truskavets, drink a month of water, this is very important for you. It sounded almost like a sentence - I hate passive rest and sanatorium treatment. My vacation is always there was, for example, freeride - skiing on virgin soil, between rocks where avalanches occur, kayaking on mountain rivers, parachuting, etc. But it was very important to heal, so I decided to somehow justify it to myself This is an illogical step and a vacation so that I don’t feel ashamed of myself. And I decided - I’m going to the Carpathians to prepare a business plan and write out the concept and releases of a new program.
Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float,” I started with the name. And I recently found this file, there are 70 options in it. Things took off when the word “inside out” appeared - so I quickly came to “The World Inside Out”. And I realized - this is it.
I started knocking on the doors of TV channels, but no one wanted to invest a lot of money in the idea of ​​a journalist without television experience or a “portfolio.” There was only one way out - to find money, take a risk and, as an experiment, film the first season on your own to show what you are capable of. So I did. As I remember now, I brought 350 hours of video from my first trip and at 1+1 they told me: you have two weeks to show the pilot. It depended on him whether the project would be or not. And I had no idea how to approach this material. I was introduced to Vitaly Naryshkin ( main director editing), who at that time had been working in television for a long time. He looked at me so skeptically and said: “Give me the script and I will edit it.” I say, “What scenario?” He: “The one you write. I will edit only according to your script.” I hadn’t written scripts at that time. Therefore, there was only one option left - to imagine what the program that I would like to watch on TV should look like. And he wrote his first experimental script. The first episode based on this scenario went on air virtually unchanged. It was Cambodia."

“On the expedition, we travel together with a cameraman, and I am not ready to change this tradition. This team composition gives us the opportunity to climb further, and film and show more. Unlike a large television crew, which in any case attracts the attention of the local population, we are inconspicuous . Like two tourists with cameras. Therefore, it is much easier to establish contact with people. Our appearance does not cause a stir. The natural course of life is not disrupted, and this is ours the main task. It’s more convenient to show the “wrong side” this way.”

“They also often ask me how many countries I’ve visited. I don’t know. Honestly, I’ve never counted. Because I’m not interested in collecting “ticks.” We go to one country and delve into it for 3-4 months. This is the only way to find topics which are truly surprising."

“It is also very important to prepare well, and the Internet is not enough for this. It is very important to draw up a route on the spot together with experts, guides, and orientalists. For example, in Vietnam, the former consul of the USSR Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City told me how in the 70s he saw interesting way hunting eels in flooded rice fields. The peasants took bamboo, sealed it on one side, put a dead mouse inside and immersed the stem in water. The eel crawls into the bamboo due to the smell of rotten meat, but “ reversing“He doesn’t have it, so he can’t crawl out. All that remains is to simply collect the bamboo trunks in the morning and get the freshest and most delicious eels. But that's how it was in the 1970s. And we filmed in 2012 or 2013. And if I had not known about the existence of this tradition, I would never have filmed the story. Because traditions have been replaced en masse by electric fishing rods. But we knew and purposefully asked in every village: “Do you use bamboo?” On the catcher and the beast runs. We searched for almost a month, and finally met a family of retirees who kept the tradition alive. But they have modernized it - instead of bamboo they now use plastic water pipes. So we found an exclusive topic that had never been shown on TV before. You can bring a lot of examples of such impromptu examples.
In India, in the non-tourist city of Ahmedabad, I accidentally found a cafe in a cemetery. I go to eat in the city center, and suddenly I realize that all the tables are located between the tombstones. As it turned out, they decided to build a cafe on the site of a small park. The place there is passable and crowded. When it came to the foundation, we came across old burials. And they decided: these were definitely not Hindus - they would have been burned. So these are Muslims. Out of respect for these people, the graves were painted and fenced, and tables were placed between them. At the time of filming, there was no information about this cafe on the Internet. This topic is the result of good intelligence. The main thing is not to give up."

After Cambodia and India, there were seasons about Africa, Vietnam, Indonesia, Latin America, Bolivia and Nepal. In each country, Komarov manages not only to talk about the life, work, leisure, habits and rituals of other peoples, but also to make friends with many unusual people, experience it for yourself different professions, find adventures for yourself and taste everything.

In Mexico, for example, I became friends with a vampire woman.

Maria Jose's appearance is terrifying - her teeth are ground down to sharp fangs, she has horn-implants on her head, and 99% of her body is covered with tattoos. Dmitry spent the whole day with the extravagant lady.

“We spent the whole day with Maria. It’s amazing what a person can bring himself to, and most importantly, what is hidden behind her inhuman image. Maria turned out to be a mother of many children and a wonderful housewife who cooks very tasty,” Dima does not hold back his emotions.
The vampire woman introduced Komarov to her children and even offered to pick them up from school together. In the morning, she took the film crew of “The World Inside Out” to the gym for training. And late in the evening - to the rehearsal of my metal band."

An acquaintance with the “Little Buddha” took place in Nepal.

In Pokhara (a city in central Nepal), Dmitry Komarov came to visit a local star - Kahendra. This is the smallest person in Nepal. Once he was invited to TV shows around the world, but now interest in him has faded and he lives a simple poor life with his parents.

At 24, Kahendra Tapa Magar is slightly heavier than a newborn - only five and a half kilograms. His height - 67 centimeters - was called a record and registered in the Guinness book. But the title itself little man He lived on Earth for only a year. His place was taken by 18-year-old Junry Baluing from the Philippines. It is 60 centimeters high. This event broke Kahendra.
Despite the fact that Kahendra lives in the Himalayas, he has never seen them - health does not allow.
Komarov decided to fix this. While Kahendra was enjoying the mountain scenery, a representative arrived from Ukraine national register records to make Nepalese's greatest dream come true.
According to international protocol, Kahendra’s shoes were removed and his height and arm span were measured. Despite the pain, the man stood straight and waited for a decision. It was stunning - 63 cm and 1 mm.

This is almost four centimeters less than measured by Guinness. And therefore, the growth of the Filipino record holder could also be questioned. "I will be the most happy man in the world if you give me back my record. So that everyone knows me as the smallest man in the world"
As a result, the title of the smallest person was returned to Kahendra. But the fairy tale did not end there for the little Nepalese. Dmitry Komarov arranged a meeting for Kahendra that he could only dream of. He introduced him to Rajesh Hamala - famous actor and the sex symbol of Nepal.

Extreme traveler Dmitry Komarov, whom journalists include in rating of eligible bachelors, rarely talks about his personal life.
And at 33 years old, he is not yet planning to tie the knot.
“I would say that now I am still free. I have repeatedly had moments when I was already preparing my finger and picking up the ring. But then I left, and the girl understood that she would wait like this all her life and thought: why do I need you.
First of all, I should be interested in this person. Anytime and anywhere. The girl who is boring is not my girlfriend. If a couple is truly on the same wavelength, he and she always get high. It seems that the two of us know something that no one else knows. It is desirable that my girlfriend and I have common interests.
Appearance is definitely important. But I have never made lists of “passing” qualities. For me, content is much more important than form. I believe in fate. And I know for sure that love is a magical thing that you cannot control. She doesn't ask whether the object meets any standards."

In contrast to his colleague, the operator The world inside out Alexander Dmitriev has been happily married since 2015 and is raising his daughter Alisa.

Regarding this, Dima wrote: "There is one less eligible groom in the world. And one less enviable bride. Are you ready? Are you sitting comfortably? Holding on tight? Sasha Dmitriev, operator of the “World Inside Out” program and Ira Spiridonova, editor of the “World Inside Out” program - husband and wife! The work united two unique people. I would say this: this union is the embodiment of kindness on earth. Because they are so open, honest and truly the right people, like Sanya and Ira, you meet very rarely. People who don't know what conflict is. That is why I have no doubt that they will never quarrel and will live to see their diamond wedding. I am truly happy for my colleagues. And I am proud that our program has another achievement - new family. "The World Inside Out" unites hearts.

It is commendable that Komarov uses his popularity in charitable purposes. Literally over the last year, his action in the social. networks "Cup of Coffee" helped save four young lives.
According to the presenter, people today do not trust those who publish information that some child urgently needs help, because there are many scammers. They trust only trusted people who take responsibility and are responsible for the truthfulness of the information. In his opinion, all our public people, especially those who have many subscribers in in social networks obligated to do charity work: "A lot of what they have today is not only talent. In some ways they were lucky, this is how the circumstances developed. And they need to thank the space for what they have, helping those who really need it. Why everyone famous people they don't do that, I don't know. I’m not even saying to personally donate money, although considering that the amount of their fee for one corporate event or concert exceeds the annual income of people who need help, it would be possible to help. At least organize and supervise the collection of money. So, thanks to the responses of people on my Facebook page and Instagram, we were able to raise one million hryvnia for Katya Rychkova in one month. This gave her parents the opportunity to take her to Italy for treatment. Just imagine, even the children from Katya’s school collected money. They put two hryvnias per sandwich into a plastic jar, made crafts and sold them for pennies. This is very touching, but it is clear that this money could not solve the problem. But in the end, through my subscribers, we collected the entire amount, and now I will definitely continue to help other children who need help."

And I’ll add on my own behalf - I had the opportunity to meet Dmitry Komarov at a closed pre-premiere screening of the first episode of the series about Nepal in September last year.

It was very atmospheric and incredibly interesting to hear about all the adventures first hand. And despite all the hype around him, Dmitry Komarov manages to maintain his uniqueness in order to attract the attention of viewers to television screens again and again.

Nice guy with an open smile and kind eyes, he is a real “thing in himself”: responsive and ready to help anyone, providing a minimum of information about himself.

He has crawled all over the world and surprises fans unusual photos from the most secret corners of the planet. By education he is a transport engineer, by passion he is a photojournalist. Meet Dmitry Komarov, host of the incredibly popular extreme travel show “The World Inside Out.”

Brief biographical information

  • First name/patronymic/surname – Dmitry Konstantinovich Komarov;
  • Date of birth, zodiac sign: 1983, June 17, Gemini (by Eastern calendar- Boar);
  • Height and weight – 180 cm, about 77 kg;
  • Place of birth – Kyiv, Ukraine;
  • Higher education. NTU (National Transport University) – engineer, KNUKiI (Kiev National University of Culture and Arts) – public relations specialist;
  • Marital status: single. There is a brother Nikolai, a sister Angelina.

Dima's childhood, beginning of his career

The future star of the Ukrainian channel “1+1” and the Russian channel “Friday” was born in the sunny and hospitable city of Kyiv before the collapse of the USSR, in 1983. Modest and not at all public, Dima’s parents managed to create a strong family and raise wonderful children. In addition to Dima, his father and mother also have twins, Nikolai and Angelina. Your parents with early childhood Dima remembers them being cheerful and sociable: there were always guests in the house, sincere parties were held with songs and interesting conversations. The boy was sent to music school to a piano class (a common thing in Soviet families at that time), where he studied for six years.

In the photo are the parents of Dmitry Komarov.

Interesting fact about brother and sister. Dmitry recalls that he really did not like being only child, and he persuaded his parents to “give” him a brother or sister. He was looking forward to the addition of his family with great excitement when his mother started going to the doctor, and it was already clear that someone would be born soon. A boy - this was the result of an early ultrasound, but... after his brother, a sister was born!

When the parents were away, the older brother was entrusted with looking after the naughty twins. Dmitry loves his brother and sister very much, they have also achieved success in life. Brother Nikolai is studying computer games(developing 2D games using the Unity engine), sister is a hairdresser-stylist.

Happy childhood Dima..

At the age of 12, he already tried himself in the field of journalism, writing articles for school newspaper. The management of the Ukrainian weekly Telenedelya was incredibly surprised when Dmitry, as a 17-year-old boy, came to the editorial office and seriously proposed his candidacy for the staff of correspondents. According to the law, at this age it was impossible to hire a child; written consent from the parents was required. They gave it without objection: is it bad that the son already wants to earn money himself?

There was also parallel collaboration with the publications EGO and Playboy. “What does this have to do with travel? last magazine? – readers of numerous biographies of Dmitry think in surprise, where this fact is necessarily indicated. Not everyone knows that in addition to the “frank” section, Playboy also has a travel section, which is where Dima wrote articles, and, according to him, the pay was very good.

This was after two universities. Two - because at first Dima Komarov entered the Kiev National Technical University as an engineer. Why did he go there - even his parents were incredibly surprised, because everything pointed to the young man’s creative nature and the fact that he would be a correspondent. After graduating from the transport university, Dmitry goes to get a second higher education already to my liking - to the University of Culture and Arts.

Then - successful work in Komsomolskaya Pravda, he was a specialist there for six whole years. correspondent. At the same time, Dima worked for several years at the publication Izvestia in Ukraine (since 2007).

He began traveling the world and taking interesting photographs of picturesque places on the planet while still a student. Dmitry immediately decided to move away from standard “clichés” in his travels: he photographed large cities and capitals of countries, of course, but he was more interested in small villages, remote places with unusual, mysterious stories. He made his first trips completely alone, believing that loneliness is the main “engine” in the naturalness of the information that a nature photographer receives; it helps to collect “pure” facts about the exotic tribes with which contact is planned.

In 2005, viewers were offered the first reportage-exhibition about Africa (it included photographs taken in Tanzania and Kenya). Then Dmitry made an exhibition about Nepal. The next series of photos was dedicated to India (it was published under the title “Indosutra”). During his trip to India, Komarov won two records at once: he was the first foreign correspondent allowed to be cremated on the banks of the Ganges River, and the figures “20 thousand km in three months” were included in the Ukrainian Book of Records.

Photo reports had big success, but the two-dimensionality of the photographs was not enough for their author. The photo, according to Dima, could not fully convey the beauty and originality of the exoticism that he witnessed.

Volume, play of colors, sounds - all this should be in a television program that will show the viewer not the standard “sleek” views of the Earth, but something new, shocking, so that it will take your breath away. With this thought in mind, Dmitry Komarov and his friend Dmitriev Alexander went to Cambodia with a film camera. It was not possible to find a sponsor for this dangerous journey, and the friends decided to make a report with their own money.

Creation of the “The World Inside Out” program and its resounding success

A trial episode, the so-called “pilot,” was offered to the Ukrainian channel “1+1” and aired in December 2010. The success exceeded all expectations: a fascinating report about the culture of Cambodia, facts about mysterious rituals, the presenter himself, who presented information in an original way - all this convinced the channel’s editors that the program was a real find. Footage of local residents eating poisonous spiders, filming of the country's brothels, a story about a tribe of cannibals - this is what shocked viewers saw in the first episode of "The World Inside Out", and of course, they began to write, call, and ask: when will the next program air, where will the fearless leader go further?

Vietnam, Indonesia, India, several African countries - this is an incomplete list of places where Dmitry filmed his program. By 2016, together with cameraman Dmitriev, he had processed so much material that this allowed him to receive another nomination in the Ukrainian Book of Records. It is called “the maximum number of tourism programs filmed by a minimum film crew.”

In any country Dima tries to find unusual and interesting information. In Mexico, he visited Hemingway's house, where the writer created his most famous works. Dmitry conquered Everest (2016), risking his life and reaching the highest point on the planet. In Nepal, he visited the epicenter of an earthquake (magnitude 5.5) and filmed what was happening.

The journey through the kingdom of Mustang was remembered by viewers of “The World Inside Out” because the host of their favorite program almost died: some higher power protected him from death. They had to get to the city of Jompson by plane, and there Dmitry met a mysterious hermit (by the way, his fellow countryman!), who dissuaded him from flying by air. Dmitry doubted whether it was worth taking a car: the road is very dangerous, and besides, the cost of renting a car is several times more than plane tickets. Still, we went in a jeep, miraculously survived the collapse, and when we got to Mustang, we found out that the plane we were supposed to fly on had crashed!

The journalist’s “trick” is to celebrate the New Year not in a hotel room or even in a tent, but in unusual place Outdoors. While traveling in Kenya, Dima was on January 1... in a distant tribe of cannibals: “I’m still in shock, how did they not eat us?” In Bolivia, on the night from December 31 to January 1, he put on “crampons” (special alpine equipment on his legs) and alone began to climb Mount Huayna Potosi, where he celebrated the New Year with a Ukrainian flag in his hands at an altitude of 6 thousand meters.

The year 2017 passed for Dmitry under the sign of Japan. He was admitted to secret world sumo fighters, communicated with representatives of the yakuza (due to a slightly unfortunate comment, he was almost killed, but brilliantly came out of a dangerous situation). Dima climbed the “suicide rock” in this country and tried to reveal the secret high level suicides in Japan. While climbing, he met a woman named Yayo and talked her out of committing suicide. “I then descended and thought that this was not just an ascent, but a mission whose purpose was the price of human life.”

Dmitry Komarov and social networks, his charitable activities

The journalist is an active user of social pages: photographs and travel clips are very popular among his fans in RuNet and abroad. Everyone: viewers of the program, visitors to Instagram, VK, Facebook, the management of “1+1” and “Fridays” - have long been convinced that not only exclusive information is the key to the success of “The World Inside Out”. He himself is an incredibly interesting person, charming and open, with an amazingly kind smile. In the difficult situation he “keeps his mark” and maintains composure, with humor he describes moments that at first glance are not funny at all.

Dmitry Komarov and Nadya Dorofeeva managed to collect cash for an operation for four-year-old Stas.

Under the tag “cup of coffee,” Dmitry runs a charity program, the proceeds of which go to seriously ill children. The essence of the program: people are encouraged to donate a purely symbolic amount to a fund to help children in need of complex expensive operation. “Give up one cup of coffee, one pack of cigarettes, put one liter of gasoline in your car tank less, don’t drink a bottle of soda. You won’t even feel that you have less money, but for some this is life! Let's prove that people can perform miracles, and a cup of coffee can stop death!” - this is how Dima calls on people to do good.

There is no shame or conscience among the scammers, who even here do not hesitate to get rich: Dima’s Instagram and Facebook pages have been hacked countless times, trying to gain access to the accounts where donations are received. Dmitry's team on social media networks (his most active assistants are Nadya Dorofeeva and Alena Semenit) constantly warns those who want to help children not to “be fooled” by hacked or fake pages, and not to give a “cup of coffee” to deceivers.

In the photo, Dmitry Komarov and Alexandra Kucherenko in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.”

In October 2017, Dima Komarov amazed everyone with another noble deed. He participated in the Ukrainian project “Dancing with the Stars” and at the final stage, together with his partner Alexandra Kucherenko, took joint decision leave the program, losing leadership to the duet “Yuri Tkach - Ilona Gvozdeva”. The couple donated all the funds that were collected from SMS messages sent to the address “Komarov – Kucherenko” to the fund for sick children. It was rumored that Dima got involved with this girl during the filming of the program romantic relationship, but both participants in the show ignored the rumors.

Personal life and latest news

The alleged affair with the brilliant Sasha Kucherenko is most likely not a fact, but the reaction of Dima’s fans to his absolute “ignor” when questions about his personal life are asked. Open to the whole world, able to find mutual language with shamans, cannibals and yakuza, it is completely closed to everyone in terms of details personal. “What is this, a game for the public, a desire to “warm up” popularity with a secret?” - some envious people grumble. Does he really need to artificially increase his rating? He’s just modest, doesn’t like to put his personal things on display, and probably hasn’t met his true love yet, since he still doesn’t have a wife or children.

Dmitry Komarov with his brother Nikolai and sister Angelina.

Some literal bits of information about the “matters of the heart” of the star of an extreme TV show sometimes leak into the press, though without names. Allegedly, he is so attractive and sincere that in almost every country he has a fleeting romance. Dima himself does not deny the fact that he fell in love with foreign women several times, but his chosen one for the “post” of his wife will only be a Ukrainian. “Lent” - because it is not only joy to live with such wonderful person, but also difficult work: enduring constant absences, watching with bated breath as her husband climbs a high cliff or talks with savages.

About his statements about the fact that the “best” girls in the world are Ukrainian, the media also criticized him many times. Dima explains his sympathy for his fellow countrymen without being “linked” to national question. I, he says, can find a common language and live for a long time with a girl who was raised in the same environment as me. Same upbringing, similar children's and teenage company, university home country, the same films watched and even cartoons - all this forms a similar mindset that should be future darling Dmitry. “When I meet someone with whom we are on the same wavelength, then I’ll start thinking about family,” he invariably says. And when they ask him if he even has a permanent girlfriend, he smiles and answers: “Happiness loves silence.”

Instagram komarovmir.

In 2018, Dima Komarov continues to work fruitfully and shoot new reports. But this is not the limit of his creativity: he is currently writing a book; its preliminary announcement was released at the beginning of the year. According to him, the book will be a symbiosis of advice from an extreme traveler; it will include rare recipes from exotic countries, photos that were not included in social networks, even detailed maps the places he visited. Dima dreams of this book becoming an alternative geography textbook for schoolchildren.

  • His grandparents lived in Nalchik, his grandfather headed the anti-hail and anti-avalanche services of the region. Isn't it by inheritance? genetic level is he drawn to dangerous places?
  • He trusts his hair only to his sister Angelina - he gets his hair cut exclusively in her salon.
  • Dmitry spent a lot of time in the Elbrus region as a child, and as an adult he came there to practice free-riding (descent from the mountains not on ski tracks, but on clean snow).
  • Even before the Ukrainian “Dancing with the Stars,” he tried himself as a dancer, starring in a video in Japan with a famous pop group.
  • The ideal vacation, he says, is a ride on a four-wheeled chopper. Explaining this strange choice, Dima quotes experienced motorcyclists: “Four wheels carry your soul, but two only carry your body.”
  • He is so charming and irresistible that even native women cannot resist his masculine attractiveness. In New Guinea, a Papuan woman persistently rubbed against his shoulder, suggesting that he “take a walk in the forest.” The translator also said that the girl asked to convey to the “white deity”: she agrees to marry him.
  • It is quite possible that one of the journalist’s upcoming reports will be about his native Ukraine: “In Ukraine, too, there are places where you can greatly surprise both yourself and the viewer.”
  • Dima travels strictly alone with the operator, but there is one more person to whom Komarov has expressed public gratitude many times for his help in creating the program. This is “voice-over”, director-editor Vitaly Naryshkin.
  • Continuing to raise funds under the “cup of coffee” tag, the journalist is seriously thinking about creating his own charitable foundation.

Already this Thursday, the much-anticipated eighth season of Dmitry Komarov’s author’s project “The World Inside Out” will be released on television screens. The TV presenter himself promises that it will be incredibly extreme and exciting. Exclusively for us, Dmitry declassified the most interesting moments upcoming releases of the program and shared how he spends his time outside the project.

- How do you feel about your popularity that hit you six years ago with the advent of the project?
- For the first year and a half, it was very unusual to have such universal attention. At times it was even scary: you go into a store to buy kefir, and people come up to you, take pictures, ask for autographs, and ask questions. I didn’t understand this, I felt uncomfortable and even wore a baseball cap, hiding my hairstyle that was recognizable at that time. But now I’ve gotten used to it and stopped paying attention. Moreover, I realize that this is part of my profession and I am obliged to pay attention to the audience, including outside of work. For example, after a creative meeting in Dnepropetrovsk, I signed autographs for another three or four hours. I was very uncomfortable that these people were forced to stand in line and wait, so from time to time I even apologized into the microphone.
And sometimes even my flight turns into a press conference. So, while returning from Nepal, two seats next to me on the plane were free, and they eventually turned into creative meeting places. Passengers came up to me one by one to discuss questions that interested them: some suggested joint business, others consulted about the route in this or that country. All this lasted for four and a half hours until the plane landed in Kyiv.
- Where do you spend your vacation and how do you relax in your free time from the project?
- Nobody will believe it, but I practically don’t rest. 99 percent of my life is dedicated to the project. I live in the office where we are now. True, several times last years I went to India for a week. This country has an inexplicable magnetism, and a person who goes there once usually falls in love with it and returns again. Once I had a week's vacation and I went to Varanasi, got a room overlooking the Ganges, went to the Manikarnika ghat where corpses are burned, and spent half a day there. I still have many friends in this city. It was funny when the corpse burners began to hug and offer coffee. So, together with Hindus from the untouchable caste, we simply sat and watched the corpses burn. At that moment I thought: am I even a normal person if I spend my much-desired vacation here, on the banks of the Ganges?

- Don’t you have time to disconnect from work for at least an hour?
- To relax, I need to change the atmosphere and go somewhere for one or two days. In July, for example, I completely spontaneously went to Latvia to visit my friends from the “95th quarter”, they were organizing a festival Made in Ukraine. I went to the Nürburgring for a few more days - this is the most dangerous race track in the world. I have long dreamed of testing myself as a racer there. After this, it immediately became obvious that I did not have enough skills to drive on a sports track, now I want to train with our athletes on a closed track. Another trip this summer was to Italy. I flew to Katya Rychkova, for whom I had been raising money for a complex operation since December. (Dmitry raised € 87,000 for an operation for a girl whose intestines were removed due to a genetic disease. - Ed.).
- Why did you suddenly become involved in charity work?
- People today do not trust those who publish information that some child urgently needs help, because there are many scammers. They trust only trusted people who take responsibility and are responsible for the truthfulness of the information. I use my popularity to help. Moreover, I believe that all our public people, especially those who have many subscribers on social networks, are obliged to engage in charity. Much of what they have today is not just talent. In some ways they were lucky, the circumstances turned out that way. And we need to thank the space for what they have, helping those who really need it. Why all famous people don't do this, I don't know. I’m not even saying to personally donate money, although considering that the amount of their fee for one corporate event or concert exceeds the annual income of people who need help, it would be possible to help. At least organize and supervise the collection of money. So, thanks to the responses of people on my page in Facebook and in Instagram, we were able to raise one million hryvnia for Katya Rychkova in one month. This gave her parents the opportunity to take her to Italy for treatment. Just imagine, even the children from Katya’s school collected money. They put two hryvnias per sandwich into a plastic jar, made crafts and sold them for pennies. This is very touching, but it is clear that this money could not solve the problem. But in the end, through my subscribers, we collected the entire amount, and now I will definitely continue to help other children who need help.

- Now you are actively preparing the eighth season for broadcast. What will surprise you this time?
- We call this season one of the most extreme. He is in literally the words were filmed between heaven and earth: after all, it was the Himalayas that the gods chose as their habitat. Nepal is a place of power, but compared to us it is a different planet. There was a lot of extreme sports and situations “on the brink”: repeatedly I had to ruin insurance company and call a helicopter for evacuation. This season we will show our ascent to Island Peak (6189 m), and also give an answer to the question that interests the whole world: does Yeti Man exist? Only we found a way to find out, and we even involved experts from other countries in solving the problem. We will also show viewers a new look at magic.
- Almost at the very beginning of this trip there was a turning point for you: a plane crashed on a flight to Jomsom, in which you and cameraman Alexander Dmitriev were supposed to be. How much did this tragedy change the course of the expedition?
- Everything happened almost mystically. We met a unique Ukrainian who quit his business and went to live in Nepal, radically changing his life: he built the world’s highest wood-fired bathhouse near the kingdom of Mustang, he doesn’t wear shoes. His heels now look like the soles of sneakers, very hard. He has given up food and only eats black Himalayan salt and drinks water, tea and milk. At the same time, he works as a cook in his own hotel. He has a very specific philosophy of life. He calls all people deities. And so we communicate, I tell about my plans to fly to Jomsom, to which he answers me: “Deity, I strongly recommend that you do not fly, but go by car and film the beautiful road.” This was a completely illogical proposal in terms of finances, time and comfort. But I decided to go by jeep. Upon arrival, I asked the cameraman to go film the city in the morning and at the same time film the plane landing at a high-altitude airport. After 10 minutes, Sasha returns and says: “Can you imagine, the plane crashed.” The fact is that it was not the tourist season, flights at that time departed every four days, and we would definitely have been on that plane. Naturally, we ran straight to the airport to chat with those who were meeting the plane. On the way, we met jeeps with military men who were going to look for a plane that had crashed in the mountains, and joined them. In my haste I made several mistakes fatal mistakes: I didn’t take warm clothes and left my satellite phone on the hotel bed. Without food, without warm clothes, without communication, we searched for this ill-fated plane for two days. We eventually found him, but during the search and rescue operation the operator injured his leg, and this completely changed the course of our expedition. Already near the wreckage of the plane, I agreed with officials from the Nepalese air service to lower Sasha by helicopter. In return, I was asked to go down into the gorge and help find the black box, because the local specialists couldn’t handle it, and I knew how to do it. I did my job, but they deceived us and flew away without a cameraman. After that there was a very dramatic descent: Sasha’s leg was in terrible condition, and he ended up in the hospital.
- Is it scary during such situations?
- No. Our profession is atrophying the instincts of self-preservation. When you have such an extreme lifestyle, it becomes more and more difficult to scare you willy-nilly. But in Nepal there were many situations, in the same mountains, where life was in the balance. And only now from time to time I myself am surprised at how calmly I made certain decisions. As I remember now, we climbed Island Peak, an altitude of about 6,000 meters, a gusty wind that knocked you off your feet. We walk along the stairs of a crack 20-30 meters wide with an ice ax in our hands, the stairs sway beneath us. Incredibly scary, but we cross one crack after another, and the further, the more... stronger wind. It gets harder and harder to walk. At one point, the Sherpa guides stop us and say that we can’t go further, that the ascent must be completed. No matter what I said, no matter how I persuaded them, they refused to continue, fearing simply to die. I was very upset, realizing that there would not be a second chance like this. He told the cameraman on camera that we could not go further and that our ascent was over, after which he squatted down and thought about what to do next. The Sherpas looked at me and asked: “Do you really want to rise that bad?” I answer: “I need to get up!” I suggested that they cross the cracks not standing, but on all fours, so that the windage of the body would be less and the wind would not blow us away. They looked at me like I was crazy and asked if I would crawl first. "Of course!" I replied. Then they realized that it was useless to fight me, and on all fours we continued to make our way up these stairs. Further on our way there was an icefall, and every time, getting to the next ice screw (something like a metal screw to which a rope is attached - Ed.) and seeing how old, bent and how they were screwed in, I looked down and I understood: if anything happens, I’ll fall down about 400 meters, and there will be nothing left of me. There was a moment when I thought I might die.

- How does your mother react to everything that happens to you in the frame?
“Mom had to be taught to do this; sometimes you have to lie in order to save her nerves.” If I go on a climb, I tell her that we are photographing elephants in the tropical jungle, so there will be no communication for the next few days. Sometimes I take a satellite phone to call her periodically. Sooner or later she will still find out the truth, but she is already used to watching extreme footage in the program. In this case, shock therapy is very useful: the main thing is to show her the most when you arrive. scary photo or video. She says I'm crazy, but then, looking through some really scary episode, may say: “Well, compared to a snake, this is nonsense!”
- Do you often manage to see your family, because you have a fairly busy schedule?
- We have a very friendly family, and whenever possible we try to go to our parents’ house for dinner at least once a week with my brother and sister after work. And once every two weeks I try to drag them out to my dacha, grill kebabs, and cook Thai soup.
- Do you know how to cook?
- I like to cook, but not for myself. I can't afford to spend more time than cooking scrambled eggs. Sometimes I can also steam eggplants. But when a group of friends and family gathers at my house, I turn into a different person: I take out the spices I brought from Thailand from my bag, look for recipes, the necessary ingredients, and start cooking.
-Are you on diets?
- I didn’t work out with diets. I won’t hide that before my first expedition I was haunted by the myth that I had to look like a glossy hero when I was on camera. At that time I was in fairly good shape, but I decided to go on a special diet: I ate only boiled protein for several days, then only boiled vegetables for several days, rice, a spoonful of honey and water. This diet excluded sports. Despite this, every morning I went for a 10-kilometer cross-country race, and in the evening I went to Gym and pulled iron. When my friends saw me a month later, they didn’t believe it. Later I realized that appearance is important, but in the frame something else is more important. You can be a jock or a model, but at the same time not be interesting to anyone. On camera I try to be what I am in real life.
It is also important to find the right approach to the characters we show in the program. My main secret is to become at their level of perception of life when meeting them. This approach is especially important when communicating with people from third world countries, in tribes. Residents of Nepal, for example, have a complex that white people who come to them look down on the locals, through camera lenses, from under the brims of their hats. Visitors don’t care what these people’s names are, they don’t care what the natives do. They are only interested in looking at an exotic picture, photographing it and posting it on Instagram. When I arrive, I make sure to remember the names local residents, I learn fifty words in their language, I cook with them, eat, sleep, I can hug in a friendly way and forget about disgust. Then they immediately open up. It is necessary to scan the level of perception of the lives of these people. If I go, for example, to a tribe of cannibals, I understand that they have never seen roads, cars, and they have no money in their everyday life. They only have the forest, and they don’t know what’s beyond it. Therefore, I will ask them basic questions about their life, and not talk about spaceships. It is also very important not to put yourself above them, but on the contrary, to make it clear that in many matters they are better than me.
Moreover, there really is a lot to learn from people in these countries. They are wiser than us in some ways. One of the cross-cutting themes of the eighth season is to find a recipe for happiness for Ukraine. And Nepal is the place that provides the answer to this question. Despite the fact that it is one of the poorest countries in the world, people here are happy, even if their income is one dollar a day. You go out into the street and you see the unhappy faces of your compatriots, many of them are worried about an endless number of problems. In addition, negativity pours out from everywhere: on TV, on the Internet... There is little positivity. I understand that in the country there is a war, the economic situation is far from the best. But at the same time, look at the Nepalese who lives in a hut made of slate, because his house was destroyed by an earthquake, and the government gave out $200 in compensation for everything, without even bothering to dismantle the rubble of bricks from his home . In addition, a person could lose relatives during a natural disaster. At the same time, if you go to visit him, he will always treat you to rice, give you water to drink, and will not ask for money for it. And he will smile as if nothing had happened.

- So what is the secret of Nepalese happiness?
- Throughout the entire trip, starting from the bustling capital and ending with the highlands of the Himalayas and Buddhist monasteries, I asked them why, despite all the difficulties in the country, the harsh climate and the lack of basic living conditions, they feel happy, unlike the Ukrainians. According to them, we worry too much about the past and the future, and we need to live in the present moment. Right now we are sitting with you and having a pleasant conversation outside the window beautiful view to Podol - this is happiness. It consists of little things, and the main thing is not to miss them. We are always in pursuit of mythical joys that will be somewhere and someday, not noticing what is happening to us now. It is very difficult to follow these principles while living at a crazy pace big city. But I really strive for this. One very important step I have already done something in this direction: in the summer I live not in an apartment, but in a rented dacha outside the city. When I get ready for work in the morning, I drink a cup of coffee, look at the pine trees, breathe this air even for five minutes - and only then go about my business. This is the little one important point, which is very energizing. Nature is always with you here. One evening I met a fox in the yard, and last year I caught a marten. I generally keep quiet about squirrels and hedgehogs - there are a lot of them here. I'm a savage, and I probably need to live in the forest. I love it.
- Finally, I can’t help but ask, which countries will the film crew of “The World Inside Out” now go to?
- Following the example of the Nepalese, I live today, and so far I cannot say for sure. We definitely want to go to Japan. Although you can find interesting things in any country. We are less attracted to Europe, America or Australia, since their culture is more understandable to us, but now we need to have time to catch those places that civilization is beginning to actively absorb. Where there were tribes and jungles, paved roads and supermarkets are already appearing. Globalization cannot be avoided, so you need to see many countries before it completely engulfs them. In ten years, 70% of the exoticism that is present in our programs today will no longer exist. Therefore, I advise everyone to go on a trip to any of the countries in the southeastern region of Asia, be it India, Burma or even Thailand, but not to the resort beaches, but, for example, to the north, into the jungle.

He is a very charming and pleasant young man, passionate about his profession and loves to travel. Host of the program about extreme travel “The World Inside Out” most spends time away from home, but even in distant countries he has not yet found the one who could become part of Dmitry Komarov’s personal life.

But he does not seek to find a bride in some exotic country, believing that the most beautiful girls are his compatriots. Moreover, he believes that if the wife is a foreigner, then a language barrier arises in the family, preventing the spouses from understanding each other, which can result in a real disaster.

In the photo - Dmitry Komarov

The presenter admits that he met unrealistically beautiful girls while traveling around the world, but after the first moments of communication he realized that they were too “different” to create a strong union in which love and mutual understanding would reign.

In addition to mutual attraction between a man and a woman, there must be something more that will fuel future relationships, says Dmitry Komarov.

Family of Dmitry Komarov

He grew up in a large friendly family surrounded loving people. Komarov has younger brother and a sister - twins Angelina and Nikolai, whom he sometimes takes with him on short trips in his free time, and most often the whole family gathers at a country dacha.

Dmitry with his brother and sister

Dmitry's sister is a stylist in one of the Kyiv beauty salons, and his brother has his own computer company. Komarov says that he only gets his hair cut by Angelina, who is considered a first-class hairdresser, and people make an appointment in advance to see her.

Dima is six years older than the twins and treats them like a father - when they were little, their parents often left him in charge, and he looked after them while mom and dad were at work.

Dmitry Komarov treats his parents with special tenderness - they have always been and remain an example of how to build your biography.

In the photo - parents of Dmitry Komarov

They got married late by the standards of that time - father was thirty-three years old, mother twenty-seven, but this did not stop them from becoming absolutely happy:

“Dad didn’t pay attention to who said what, and lived in such a way as to pass on the right genes to me: he climbed the mountains, to the peaks of the Caucasus and Tien Shan, rode skiing in the Elbrus region, traveled a lot throughout the Union republics. The mother in this photo is 27. It’s also too late for the USSR. Neighbors and grandmothers on the benches gossiped: “Why aren’t you married?” And my mother was simply enjoying life and did not pay attention to anyone. And the parents were able to create an absolutely happy family,” says Dmitry Komarov.

They are the most beloved and closest people to him, who taught his son the right attitude towards life.

Personal life of Dmitry Komarov

Several times already, Dmitry Komarov’s personal life could change dramatically, but the thirty-four-year-old presenter believes that it is too early for him to tie the knot.

For now, his main priority is work, which is largely responsible for the difficulties in starting a family.

The host of the “The World Inside Out” project rightly believes that few of the girls will agree to wait for him after many long expeditions.

“I repeatedly had moments when I was already preparing my finger and picking up the ring. But then I left, and the girl understood that she would wait like this all her life and thought: why do I need you.”

So far, not a single potential wife of Dmitry Komarov has passed the test of his work, but he does not blame them for this, because every girl needs to feel a strong man’s shoulder nearby and feel the support of her loved one.

For now, he cannot offer this, since he is away from home for several months a year.

With the advent of popularity, Komarov has another problem - he now has to find delicate words to refuse girls who are trying to establish close relationships with him by any means and even become his wife.

In the photo - Dmitry on another trip

He receives mountains of letters and thousands of messages on social networks, not only with words of gratitude for the interesting program, but also with declarations of love and offers to meet, and he even has to hide from the most annoying fans.

However, Dmitry is already thinking about starting a family and is not against him having children, but in this matter he relies on fate, and if it so happened that Dmitry Komarov’s wife finally appeared and gave him a son or daughter, he would be only too happy.

Dmitry’s mother also can’t wait for her son to start a family as soon as possible and please him and his father with grandchildren, but so far he can’t make his parents’ dream come true - Dmitry Komarov doesn’t have enough time for his personal life, most of which he spends traveling.

The presenter says that, despite his sociability, he sometimes needs to be left alone in order to concentrate on his thoughts and be in silence. He finds the opportunity for such solitude at the dacha, where he feels cozy and comfortable.

Sometimes he goes on trips alone in order to better understand the country in which he is located and feel its life.

First love

Dima’s biography included his first love, which he still remembers to this day. The first time he seriously fell in love was when he was in school. Dima made friends with a girl from a parallel class, with whom he was ready to spend all his time. He met her at the bus stop, accompanied her to school, and after class they prepared homework together. It was the first real love in the personal life of Dmitry Komarov, about which he has the fondest memories.

Thoughts on the future

Dmitry came up with the “The World Inside Out” project himself at a time when he was making his way through a muddy ford in Thailand. He assumed that viewers would be interested in watching programs about extreme travel, and he was not mistaken.

The project has become a part of Komarov’s life, on which he spends a lot of time and effort, and sometimes he realizes that he is very tired. Then Dmitry begins to think that it’s time to finish the project or at least take a long break, but he remembers the audience who are waiting for the release of new episodes, and continues to work.

Dmitry does not rule out that in the future he will have his own business, which will definitely be related to travel and television.

Dima began to study journalism while still in school - he got a job at the popular weekly Telenedelya, where he published exclusive materials. Later he began to write articles himself, sending them to the editors of such publications as “ TVNZ" and "Izvestia in Ukraine".

As for his personal life, the host of “The World Inside Out” tries not to advertise its details, believing that it should not be put on public display.

He will decide to talk about the girl who will be his wife only after he is sure that she is absolutely his person, with whom he will have the same interests and outlook on life.

He has already prepared the gold from which he plans to make wedding rings, which he mined with his own hands in Indonesia, but so far it has not been useful.

In the photo - Dmitry with a boy with cancer, whom he is trying to help with treatment

Dmitry Komarov also plans to create his own charitable foundation, different from many existing now, in which funds go not only to help those in need, but also to cover their own needs and expenses. One of the funds created by Dmitry already exists and is called “Cup of Coffee”. The idea of ​​this project is to transfer the money that people spend every day on small, non-essential expenses, for example, a cup of coffee before work, to be used for treatment of children who need expensive surgeries.

He has already done a lot in this direction, and there are many children whom he helps or has already helped. One of these children was the girl Katya Rychkova, who needed complicated operation abroad, because in her homeland she simply would not have survived. Dmitry helped raise the necessary amount and even sold his own expensive camera, putting it up at auction. As a result, Katya was taken to Italy, where she underwent surgery.

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