Musician Yuri Shevchuk biography. Yuri Shevchuk - detailed biography in photos


Ksenia Sobchak is a popular media person in our country. It is difficult to find a person who would not hear anything about her. She is a TV and radio host political figure, a journalist and even a little actress.

Ksyusha is the daughter of difficult parents. Her father, Anatoly Sobchak, a well-known person in the early nineties, was the mayor of St. Petersburg from the 91st to the 96th year. Mother, Lyudmila Narusova, historian, State Duma deputy.

Ksenia was born in Leningrad. She grew up as a difficult, assertive and impudent child.

Teachers at school noted that she often disrupted lessons. Her father tried to punish her for this, but little Ksyusha skillfully parried him.

Ksenia changed several schools during her studies. For some time she studied at a school with in-depth English, but she received a certificate of secondary education at a school at the Pedagogical University.

She devoted her extracurricular time to painting at the Hermitage and ballet classes at the Mariinsky Theatre. Since her father became the mayor of the city, the girl was accompanied everywhere by bodyguards.

By the way, since childhood she was familiar with the future President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

After graduating from school, Ksenia entered the University in St. Petersburg at the faculty international relations. And two years later she moved to Moscow and transferred to a similar faculty at MGIMO, from which she graduated in 2004 with a red diploma.

Active creative life of a socialite

The first fame came to Sobchak at the age of 16. Even then, her person began to acquire rumors. After moving to the capital, she began to actively appear at various secular parties, the title of " socialite».

She adored shocking and wanted to achieve popularity not at the expense of famous surname but thanks to their own efforts.

The first time after graduation, she planned to continue her studies by enrolling in graduate school. And in parallel, she began to conduct television programs.

The first television experience was the reality show "Dom2". The project itself was unusual for that time and caused a lot of criticism. But the scandals were only in the hands of Xenia.

Her popularity grew, and soon she was invited as a host to other projects. Thanks to her intelligence and well-delivered speech, she successfully fit into any broadcast format.

Ksenia was a presenter not only on television, but also on radio, where she hosted, among other things, her own programs.

Ksenia is also known for her political activity in the ranks of the opposition to the current government. It starts in December 2011. Then she took part in a rally against election fraud.

Soon Ksenia was recognized as one of the ten most powerful women RF. During the year from October 2012 to October 2013, she was a member of the Council of the Russian Opposition until it ceased to exist.

It was in that year that she was removed from running several programs and notable events, which, according to her, was done for political reasons.

Ksenia is famous for the books she has written and published. There are five of them. Two of them were written in collaboration.

The girl had a chance to star in a number of domestic films, mainly in episodic roles. She also took part in the Circus with the Stars project.

Personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

Before Xenia's marriage, little was known about her personal life. In 2005, she almost married a famous businessman, but the wedding was upset shortly before the scheduled date.

In 2010-11, she met with Sergei Kapkov, a State Duma deputy, but this relationship did not end with a wedding.

For six months in 2012, she had a close relationship with Ilya Yashin, a well-known opposition leader. These relationships also fell apart.

Soon, unexpectedly for everyone, in February 2013, Ksenia secretly married an actor. Young people live happily ever after.

The couple has no children yet, but according to Ksenia, she still decides to give birth before the age of 40. But now she's so rich life that she simply does not imagine how she could pay attention to the child.

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Blonde in chocolate Ksenia Sobchak, leading degradant show House 2 Ksenia Sobchak, socialite Ksenia Sobchak, sharp-tongued pseudo-intellectual interviewer Ksenia Sobchak and a sexy quasi-political figure - all the same Ksenia Sobchak. That's all - she, our heroine, is multifaceted in her images like no other.

But is it multifaceted? All this - both being concerned about the fate of the Motherland, and the host of television programs that are clearly aimed against the future of the country - all this resembles typical manifestations of liberal thinking of a not too deep personality (albeit not without a touch of education).

Ksenia Sobchak was born in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in 1981 on November 5 in a completely nomenklatura family. Father of Ksenia Sobchak- the late Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak (the first mayor of St. Petersburg in the post-Soviet history of the country), the head of the future head Russian state some friend of Putin V.V. Thus, Ksenia Sobchak was well acquainted in her pink childhood with this outstanding person. Isn’t it because she so boldly opposes him from time to time from her liberal nest (in an embrace with the young Orangeman Ilya Yashin) that she has nothing to be afraid of ?! Mother of Ksenia Sobchak- Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is still a member of the Federation Council.

Education Ksenia Sobchak

WITH early childhood schedule Ksenia Sobchak was completely painted. Young at first Ksenia Sobchak attended art studio at the Hermitage, and Ksenia Sobchak went to the ballet studio at the Mariinsky Theatre. A little later (in the middle classes) young Sobchak studied at the school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, studied English in depth at school No. 185.

Ksenia Sobchak successfully entered the Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg State University in 1998. h?v=BayL3dlU4x4

Later, having moved to Moscow, in 2001 Ksenia Sobchak transferred to MGIMO at the Faculty of International Relations. The following year, she already had a bachelor's degree, after which Ms. Sobchak entered the magistracy of MGIMO at the Faculty of Political Science. After completing the receipt higher education in the elite MGIMO, Ksenia Sobchak made grandiose plans for the future: she wanted to continue to study, to participate in all kinds of, in general, the goal Ksenia Sobchak became popular (sometimes of a very dubious nature).

Television in the life of Ksenia Sobchak

Having reached his goal and breaking out on television, Ksenia Sobchak She was a TV presenter of such reality shows as:

  • "Blonde in Chocolate" - on the Muz-TV channel
  • "Who does not want to become a millionaire" - on TNT
  • « Last Hero"- on Channel One
  • "Two Stars" (was one of the presenters) - on Channel One
  • Muz-TV Award in 2008 and 2010 (was one of the presenters, co-host - Ivan Urgant)

Until recently (summer 2012) Ksenia Sobchak was fed up with the whole of Russia on the TNT channel, she is one of its presenters (leading Ksenia Sobchak, Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova).
She also hosts her own radio show "Weekdays of Barabaki" on the radio "Silver Rain".

Since April 2010 Ksenia Sobchak got out on Channel Five, now she is talk show host"Freedom of Thought". Also in April 2010, she took the "post" of the TV presenter of the "Girls" program, which is broadcast on the Russia TV channel.

Secular society in the life of Ksenia Sobchak

In newspapers, on radio and television, you can often hear the phrase "socialite" and immediately arises image of Ksenia Sobchak. This “title” was not assigned to her by chance, because she is the very embodiment of glamor and pathos, our heroine knows how to present herself profitably (sell - in the language of a liberal party), smart, graceful, sociable. All these qualities make it more and more popular and in demand.

Income of Ksenia Sobchak

For 1 year, from September 2008 to September 2009, her income was $1.200.000. In 2010, Ksenia bought a minority stake (less than 0.1%) in Euroset for $1,000,000.

Criticism of Ksenia Sobchak

Her projects and stage image are criticized at almost every turn, but despite this, she has enough fans and supporters of her position. Many journalists simply do not dare to slander her or offend the "poor thing" in any way. Ksenia Sobchak. official newspaper Russian Federation"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" in 2005, published an article about the beginning "talents" of Ms. Sobchak, where she rather carefully and restrainedly reported that Ksenia was hopeless, because she became the host of the Dom-2 reality show, which is positioned as an intimate youth show, and then began to host the Star Boulevard program.
Rossiyskaya Gazeta also wrote that Ksenia Sobchak became a TV presenter, only because she can talk, but not sing and dance. The same article stated that Ksenia Sobchak Even before its birth, it was already a kind of brand. There were also editions Russian newspaper» in one of the issues for 2007 and 2008, where there were also unflattering

Some modern stars built a career thanks to the famous TV show "Dom-2". Our today's heroine is no exception. Ksenia Sobchak was presented to the audience as a blonde in chocolate, but on this moment, she changed her image and is engaged in journalism and social movements. By the way, she adheres to the opposition ranks. The actress tries not to be limited to one creativity, but leads varied life. In addition, many note her ability to pull off some original and unexpected act.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Sobchak

Of course, an actress with excellent forms becomes a fashion model. Ksenia is no exception, so she often takes part in photo shoots for various magazines. Fans admire her figure. That is why, they are often interested in such numerical indicators of the model as height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Sobchak - a question that often flashes in the circles of fans. You asked - we answer. At the moment, the height of the TV presenter is 168 centimeters, and the weight is approximately 58 kilograms. This November, she will celebrate her 36th birthday.

Biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

The biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak is full of various interesting moments which we will discuss below. The future TV star was born in 1981. It should be said right away that the family did not belong to theatrical circles.

During her studies, the girl changed several schools. While there, she visited ballet studio where she studied with the best teachers. Those who knew her in her youth say that Ksenia had a naughty character. Disrupting a lesson was nothing new to her, and it wasn't much of a problem. It is impossible not to mention her sharp tongue, even in the family circle.

Not yet gaining popularity, Sobchak was familiar with Vladimir Putin. Their life path crossed a very long time ago, even when she was a young girl.

Since 1998, she studied at St. Petersburg State University. When Ksenia studied for about three years, she transferred to Moscow, because. had to move there permanent place residence. Her educational path ends in 2004, when Ksenia received a master's degree in political science.

Our heroine has been familiar with media life since the age of 16. The first news tabloids talked about the kidnapping. After some time, newspapers began to publish information about her marriage. Of course, the parents wanted to protect their daughter from journalists, but the opposite picture emerged - Xenia herself was more than satisfied with these attacks.

The future actress wanted to achieve popularity, which would not depend on her family and big name. Once in the capital, she begins to show herself by speaking at political events and meetings. Relatives note that such outrageousness is associated with the character that she developed from childhood.

Upon graduation, Ksenia appears on the television screen as one of the hosts of "House-2". Participation in this project brought great popularity, and with it, criticism in huge quantities. The more fame became, the more often she was invited to television to broadcast on other channels.

After that, she acted as the host of various popular TV shows, such as "Two Stars", "The Last Hero", etc. The audience has always been attracted to Xenia, thanks to her "sharp language" and communication skills. But, it is worth noting that such popularity was, for the most part, negative.

In 2010, Sobchak led entertainment program called "Girls", which was broadcast on "Russia-1". After some time, she leaves this TV show, due to disagreements with Solovyov that arose right on the air.

Apart from television projects, Ksenia starred in several videos and in the "Circus with the Stars". 2012 was marked by the departure from Dom-2.

In films, Ksenia Sobchak has been acting since 2005. The debut role is a journalist in Thieves and Prostitutes. In 2006, she was the voice of Paris Hilton in the Russian dub. "Most best movie"Also brought the actress great popularity.

Some time later, Xenia plays Hitler's mistress. In 2009, several films were shot in which she plays episodic roles.

In addition to cinema, the TV presenter often starred in commercials. The most famous among them are store advertisements. mobile network. The so-called viral advertising is popular on the Internet, in which Sobchak is sometimes removed.

The television screen is not the only way she gets her point across to the viewer. Ksenia has 5 books of her authorship, which describe various factors from the life of show business stars, are affected social problems that accept a satirical description.

Personal life is full of various scandals and dark sides. In 2005, the actress was going to get married, but in last moment, was cancelled. Then, she met with Kapkov, who heads the cultural department of Moscow, but this relationship did not lead to anything serious.

In February 2013, the presentation of the next picture took place, and Ksenia spoke about her secret marriage in the same year. Everyone was shocked, even close people who did not know about it.

It is worth mentioning that Ksenia also has a strong civil position and participates in political life countries. Since 2011, she has been actively participating in the State Duma elections, until May 8, 2012 she was detained as a participant in the rally. After that, his television career collapsed. But such events did not stop her, and she continued to express Political Views. She hosted her own program called “Sobchak Live” - the problems faced by society and the state were discussed here. Zyuganov was invited to the debut release of the TV show.

Family and children of Ksenia Sobchak

Family and children of Ksenia Sobchak - interesting topic, which should be mentioned when telling the story of the life of an actress. So, for example, her relatives were not connected with cinema or big stage. Father is a lawyer and deputy who served as mayor for 5 years Cultural Capital. Mother - Lyudmila Narusova, a historian by education, holds the position of senator of Tuva and is a member of the State Duma of Russia. Such an environment contributed to the fact that the future model and actress studied at best schools and universities. In addition, she is fluent in English, Spanish and French.

At the moment, Ksenia has one child - a son who was born in November 2016. In addition to her relatives, she lives with her husband's children - they quickly got along.

The son of Ksenia Sobchak - Plato

As mentioned a little earlier, the son of Ksenia Sobchak, Plato, was born last year, and at the moment, he is not even a year old. As it is known at the moment, the boy was named Plato, and from the photographs it can be said that star mom does his job well. However, there are no full-fledged photos yet - the parents hide the baby's face from the press. But fans do not despair and are waiting for full-fledged photographs closer to the first birthday. Therefore, fans do not get tired of following the news using the popular query "Ksenia Sobchak with her son, photo 2017." They are interested in who the child looks more like - mom or dad.

Husband of Ksenia Sobchak - Maxim Vitorgan

The fact that Ksenia Sobchak's husband, Maxim Vitorgan, became known after the wedding ceremony. The marriage took place secretly, not even all friends knew about it. Among other things, the wedding was democratic - elegant guests and modest festivities. It is worth noting that Maxim already had two marriages, from which two children remained. At the moment, the whole family gets along well with each other and lives under the same roof. In addition to roles in films, her husband has several works where he acts as a director - "Sky Light" and so on. Like Ksenia, he participated in many TV shows, thanks to which he gained some popularity.

Ksenia Sobchak, latest news for today

For those who are interested in Ksenia Sobchak, last news will be very relevant today. IN Lately, as you know, the TV presenter came to a more calm and measured life, although she continues to give interviews and comment on various news from the life of other stars. In addition, journalists continue to follow the life of Xenia - she recently vacationed with her whole family in Malibu. Back in 2014, the publication of a fashionable and popular magazine recognized Sobchak as one of the most influential girls in the Russian Federation - 21st place in the ranking. Concerning family life- social networks are often replenished with photos of the son and husband. It becomes clear that the actress tries to spend as much time with them as possible. The news that she was pregnant did not shock people much, because. at that time she was already legally married. Ksenia gave birth to a son on November 18, 2016, and at the moment, little Plato 8 months.

Photo by Ksenia Sobchak in Maxim magazine

In 2007, the actress starred in candid photo shoots. So, for example, Ksenia Sobchak in the Maxim magazine, whose photos were popular for a long time among fans. Of course, such news and roles delighted fans, because. many have long dreamed of seeing her figure in a swimsuit. Almost naked Ksenia Sobchak on the pages of a popular magazine was discussed for a very long time and in various sectors of society - from show business to ordinary fans. It is impossible not to mention that these photos can be easily found in open access, because they do not violate generally accepted norms of media life.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Sobchak

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Sobchak are very popular among those who follow the life of the actress. IN in social networks There is a large number of photographs in which a happy family, together with Plato and her husband. In addition, photos from the filming of the film often appear, so you can find out in advance about the release of the film. Wikipedia contains basic data regarding life, family, education and other aspects in Xenia's life. Many will be interested to know that in addition to various scandals and intrigues, Sobchak conducts civic activities, speaks in opposition, etc. In addition, she has her own investments that bring sufficient income.


Father of Ksenia Sobchak - former mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. Mother - historian, former member of the Federation Council Ludmila Narusova.

During the protest rallies in 2011, Ksenia met an oppositionist. The media wrote that a close relationship developed between young people, which lasted almost a year - until November 2012. Before the new year, 2013, Ksenia and Ilya broke up, and on February 1, 2013, Sobchak married an actor Maxim Vitorgan- the son of a Soviet actor Emmanuil Vitorgan.

Before meeting Yashin, tabloids wrote about Sobchak's connection with the head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow Sergey Kapkov, businessman Oleg Malis and head of the radio station "Silver Rain" Dmitry Savitsky.


Ksenia Sobchak was born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad. Ksenia's godfather was Father Gury, who at that time served in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and the godmother was Lyudmila Narusova's university friend Natasha.

She lived with her parents at 21 Kustodieva Street, then in a communal apartment on the embankment of the Moika River. As a child, Ksenia studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage. In middle school, she studied at high school#185 in-depth study in English. She graduated from school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

In 1998 she entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. In 2000 she moved to Moscow and transferred to the Faculty of International Relations MGIMO. In 2002 she received a bachelor's degree, and in 2004 she graduated with honors from the MGIMO master's program in the direction of "political science" (diploma topic - " Comparative analysis institutions of the presidency in France and Russia"), subsequently abandoning the career of a diplomat.

"It would be small for me, after graduating from MGIMO, to become the fifth assistant to the sixth attache at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or go to some country to the embassy. I'm not interested".

As a result, while still a student, Sobchak became one of the leading reality shows. "House 2" on TNT. She also hosted such shows as "Who Doesn't Want to Be a Millionaire" on TNT, "The Last Hero-6" on Channel One, "Blonde in Chocolate" on Muz-TV.

Was one of the show hosts "Two stars" on Channel One entertainment program"Girls" on TV channel Russia 1. In 2008 and 2010, together with Ivan Urgant, she was the host of the award Muz TV.

Many programs with the participation of Sobchak caused a lot of criticism: the TV presenter was reproached for the fact that, having taken their parents' name and connections, she "began to exploit base human passions", and uses the time of television air received at her disposal "for self-advertising and satisfying indefatigable vanity."

"Chocolate Blonde" was criticized for being dedicated to the "glamorous" life of Sobchak herself, who, through television, "promotes her social superiority, engaging in" high-budget "shopping in front of millions of viewers." Her radio broadcast in the press was defined as "Xenia Sobchak's audio diary, an analogue of the TV show" Blonde in Chocolate ".

The Dom-2 project caused particular dissatisfaction among members of the public. Speaking about the project, Sobchak herself admitted that they were in it " moments and vulgar, and even vulgar". At the same time, she emphasized that when she herself is in the frame, "this can be avoided." It is important for me, in particular in this project, to pull people up to me, - noted Sobchak, - I ... teach the guys. And I think that thanks to me they grow up".

The deputies of the Moscow City Duma called the reality show immoral, and Sobchak was even accused of pandering and pimping. However, according to the TV presenter herself, this whole story with the deputies ended "as usual, with nothing."

"It's just that the deputies were obviously haunted by my popularity. So they decided to snatch a piece from her, but I defended my right to the glory I won", she stated.

Ksenia Sobchak quickly became famous in the Moscow secular party, where she often appeared in the company of a Chechen businessman Umar Dzhabrailova, the owner of the capital's real estate and a former candidate for the presidency of Russia.

In early February 2012, the MTV channel launched the program "State Department with Sobchak", where Ksenia became the host, but only one episode aired. The program was supposed to be a weekly program, but the management of the MTV channel decided to take it off the air. The program began to appear on the Internet portal of the Snob project, and then on the air of the RBC TV channel, but already under the name Gosdep-2.

From September 2012 to April 2013, Sobchak hosted the author's talk show "State Department-3" on the TV channel "Rain".

Since February 2012, her program “Sobchak Live” has been broadcast on the Dozhd channel.

In May 2012, Ksenia became the editor-in-chief of the glossy women's magazine SNC of the ARTCOM Media publishing house.

Sobchak said that in 2015 a film adaptation of the novel will be released Sergei Minaev "The Chicks", where Xenia got one of the roles.

Speaks English, French and Spanish.


In May 2006, Sobchak announced the creation of a new youth movement, All Are Free!, calling herself the leader of this self-funded youth organization. " Fighting for rights can be fun. We want to lead her freely and naturally", - she said, explaining to journalists the goals of the movement. New organization, called in the media the "Party of Sobchak Fans", caused a lot of speculation from both political scientists and representatives of the opposition, and they could not decide unequivocally why Sobchak did it. In the future, about the movement "All are free!" The media didn't mention it.

After the elections to the State Duma on December 4, 2011, in which she won, Sobchak supported protests against election fraud.

On December 10, she came to the rally on Bolotnaya Square , and on December 24 she spoke at a rally on Academician Sakharov Avenue.

In January 2013, Sobchak was included in the top ten most influential Russian women, compiled by the radio station "Echo of Moscow" with the support of the agencies "Interfax", RIA Novosti and the magazine "Spark".

After the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, which were won by Vladimir Putin, Sobchak spoke at the rally "For Fair Elections" on Novy Arbat. On April 14, Sobchak spoke at a rally in Astrakhan in support of the ex-candidate for mayor of Astrakhan, who did not recognize the results of the mayoral elections.

In stock "March of the Millions" on Bolotnaya Square the 6th of May Sobchak deliberately did not take part, because, as she reported after the fact on May 7, she knew that the action would be aimed at increasing radicalization.

However, already on May 8, she came to the camp of the opposition on Chistoprudny Boulevard. After the oppositionists were ousted from Chistye Prudy they gathered on Pushkinskaya Square, but Ksenia Sobchak was already detained there at the Nikitsky Gate. After her arrest, Sobchak tweeted that she had changed her mind about the radicalization of the protest. Immediately after her release at night, Sobchak arrived at Kudrinskaya Square, where the opposition gathered again.

In May, it became known that Sobchak was excluded from the list of hosts of the Muz-TV anniversary award (initially, she was supposed to host it together with Maxim Galkin, Leroy Kudryavtseva and Andrey Malakhov), and also suspended from the TEFI award in the Best Reporter nomination. According to her own statement, this was done for political reasons.

In June 2012, police searched Sobchak's apartment, which, according to her lawyer, Henry Reznik, with the assumption Investigative Committee that oppositionist Ilya Yashin actually lives in this apartment. The TV presenter expressed outrage that the investigators, "grinning", read her personal letters aloud, and said: "I never thought that we would return to the country of such repressions."

Official representative TFR stated that "in the apartment of Yashin and Sobchak seized large sum money in European and American currencies, arranged in more than 100 envelopes (not less than 1 million euros)". For several days, investigators checked the seized currency and individually tested each banknote for authenticity.

On June 15, responding to this incident, one of the leaders of the opposition, a State Duma deputy called on Ksenia to distance herself from participating in the organizational structures of the opposition movement. To do this during the investigation of the criminal case on the riots on Bolotnaya, so that the country, Ponomarev explained, would not concentrate on millions of Sobchaks, so as not to cast a shadow on the opposition and not divert attention from real activity protesters. Sobchak replied that she did not claim any leadership role in the protest movement.

On September 17, 2012, Sobchak announced her candidacy for coordinating council of the Russian opposition. Among 11 opposition activists, she made a statement saying that "between the government and society, a confrontation is growing in a violent direction," therefore, "large-scale political reform" is needed.

On October 22, 2012, in the elections of the Coordinating Council of the Opposition on the general civil list, she took fourth place, gaining 32.5 thousand votes, losing to Navalny, Bykov and. On the same day the governor Bryansk region terminated the powers of Sobchak's mother - Lyudmila Narusova - in the Federation Council.


According to the magazine Forbes, for the period from September 2008 to September 2009, Ksenia Sobchak's income amounted to $ 1.2 million. In the 2010 Forbes star rating, she already took 4th place with a fortune of $ 2.3 million, in 2011 - eighth (2.8 million dollars). At the end of 2012, the magazine estimated her income at $ 1.4 million, putting her in 7th place in the ranking of the highest paid TV stars.

In February 2010, Sobchak acquired a minority (less than 0.1%) stake in the Russian mobile retailer Euroset, having spent a little more than $ 1 million on this. In December 2012, it became known that she sold her stake in the retailer for $ 2.3 million. Thus, K. Sobchak's income from Euroset shares amounted to $ 1.3 million.

In June 2010, Sobchak invested 17 million rubles in the creation of the Bublik cafe on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow (the share of the TV presenter in the project was more than 33%, like that of the other two investors, co-owners of the Ginza Project Dmitry Sergeev and Vadim Lapin). Six months later, Sobchak opened another restaurant, jointly with the Ginza Project, not far from the Bagel - Tverbul.

Sobchak compared the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014 with the "death of the Titanic": "when the passengers of the Titanic collided with an iceberg, they shouted:" the iceberg is ours!

In August-September 2014, public attention was riveted to the public sparring of Ksenia and the well-known director Nikita Mikhalkov. On the air of his author's program "Besogon TV" on the TV channel "Russia 2", Mikhalkov accused Sobchak of vulgarity and belonging to the "fifth column". In response to Xenia open letter Mikhalkov, published on Snob, accused the director of "nobility", opportunistic behavior and advised her to refuse foreign awards, including the Oscar.


On March 23, 2012, the Moscow police department opened a criminal case on the attack on two reporters of the portal life news in the restaurant "Tverbul" on Tverskoy Boulevard. The participants in the conflict were Sobchak, Yashin, journalist Anton Krasovsky, oppositionist Anastasia Ogneva and others.

According to the victims, on March 12, Sobchak and her friends, noticing that they were being filmed, beat the journalists and broke their video camera. Sobchak and Yashin denied the fact of the attack, accusing reporters of provocation. In September 2012, in connection with the reconciliation of the parties, the cases of "beatings" and " deliberate destruction or damage to property" in respect of Ogneva and Krasovsky.

In February 2015, a scandal involving Sobchak erupted on the set of the NTV program Norkin's List. The invited guests, among whom were Ksenia Sobchak and journalist Viktor Baranets, discussed rumors that regular units of the Russian Armed Forces were allegedly fighting in the Donbass. As a result of a verbal brawl, Sobchak at first scared Norkin for a long time that she would leave the air, but, apparently, given her lack of media lately, Sobchak decided to endure the humiliation and remained until the end of the program.

Sobchak Ksenia Anatolyevna (11/5/1981) is a very successful and well-known radio and TV presenter in Russia, known primarily for the reality show "Dom 2", as well as the programs "Blonde in Chocolate" and "Top Model in Russian ". Conducts his own program on the radio "Silver Rain".

“Primitive and ordinary - it's gone. This is the same layman who hates me. And only because I personify the freedom of taste and choice. Yes, sometimes it starts to carry me and it's hard for me to stop. I even ask myself sometimes - why, because of one broadcast, I ruined relations with so many people ?!


Ksenia Sobchak was born in the city of St. Petersburg (at that time still Leningrad) on November 5, 1981. Her parents were very influential people. Mom - Narusova Lyudmila Borisovna, being a historian by education, made quite a successful political career. For a long time she was an MP State Duma, and in the period 2002-2012 she worked in the Federation Council.

Well, Xenia's dad is even more famous person. Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak for a long time (1991-1996) was the mayor of St. Petersburg, and in addition, he owns the authorship of the main law in Russia - the Constitution. One little fact from the biography of Sobchak Sr., speaking of his influence: once the incumbent President Vladimir Putin worked for him as an adviser on international affairs.

Naturally, the fame of the parents could not but affect the daughter's childhood. Suffice it to say that somewhere from the age of 10, young Ksyusha did not leave the house without bodyguards. Sobchak studied at several schools at once - at first she went to an institution with in-depth study English, and then to school at Pedagogical University named after Herzen. In addition to studying classical disciplines, young Ksenia attended classes at a ballet studio and art school. Interestingly, in terms of academic performance, Sobchak was always one of the leaders in the class, but in terms of behavior she could give a hundred points of odds to any bully. As a child, the girl was distinguished by a very wayward character and disobedience. In some ways, this feature of Ksenia Sobchak was preserved in adulthood.

In 1998, Ksenia Sobchak entered State University Petersburg at the Faculty of International Relations. But she didn’t finish her studies - two years later the girl decided to move to Moscow and for this she transferred to MGIMO. She received a bachelor's degree and decided to go to the magistracy, only to the faculty of political science. Sobchak graduated with honors from the university in 2004.

"Dom-2" and other television programs

Interestingly, the first mention of Ksenia in the media appeared when she was only 16 years old. True, these were not the most pleasant notes, the journalists then reported on the abduction of the daughter of Anatoly Sobchak. Then this information was denied. Otherwise, the parents, as best they could, protected Ksyusha from the attention of the press.

But after moving to Moscow and graduating, the name of Ksenia Sobchak began to appear more and more often in various publications. And it was connected, first of all, with her participation in various social events. She constantly flashed at fashionable parties, receptions and so on. The well-known journalistic cliche “socialite” even clung to her.

A non-television career began in 2004. Ksenia Sobchak was invited to host a new reality show "Dom-2" on TNT. The project eventually became super popular, like everyone who was involved in it.

"Dom-2" is a slice of our society. All layers and traits are represented on the project. This is our country, only on the scale of the television perimeter - the way it is, and there will be no other. You can, of course, ban the project, as it was already with other programs, but people will not get away from this.”

At Dom-2, Ksenia Sobchak, as they say, made a name for herself. And she began to be invited to other television projects. In particular, she hosted such shows as "The Last Hero" on Channel One, "Blonde in Chocolate" on Muz-TV, "Who Doesn't Want to Be a Millionaire" on the same TNT. There were others enough successful work: on Russia-1 in the show "Girls" and the program "Freedom of Thought" on Channel Five. One of recent projects with the participation of Ksenia Sobchak became "Top Model in Russian".

Other projects of Ksenia Sobchak

"Socialite" is not averse to always appear in commercials or movies. She already has a dozen roles, however, far from being the most important ones. So, she managed to "light up" in the films "Hitler Kaput" and "The Best Film", as well as in advertising for the Euroset mobile phone salon. The latter, by the way, is partly owned by Sobchak herself, since she once bought out a small stake in the company, so we can say that by advertising the store, she worked for herself. Another business owned by Ksenia Sobchak is the Bagel Cafe. Located in Moscow on Tverskoy Boulevard.

In addition to all this, Sobchak writes books - sometimes herself, sometimes in collaboration. Five editions have already been published, in which the name of the “socialite” is on the cover. Ksenia also leads her program at the Silver Rain radio station.


The name of Ksenia Sobchak often appears in the media when it comes to some kind of scandals - secular or political. For example, at one time she had a fight in live on the radio with Katya Gordon. She interviewed her, and Xenia did not like the questions. Interestingly, the conflict then moved to the Internet space.

Another scandal involved famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. Famous photo session in which the ex-prima Bolshoi Theater posed naked, and without that caused a wave of criticism. But it was Sobchak who inflated the scandal to such an extent that Volochkova was even forced to leave the party. United Russia».

No less wide resonance was caused by the incident in which Sobchak herself was involved. It's about about the search in her apartment, after the well-known Bolotny case. The police then found a lot of money, the origin of which Ksenia could not explain. As they said in the press, in fact, the "opposition cash desk" was found in Sobchak's apartment.

And finally, the last trick of the "socialite" - a question to Vladimir Putin at the traditional presidential press conference in 2014. She actually sided with the terrorists who staged an attack on the capital Chechen Republic, accusing the authorities of condoning the persecution of relatives of criminals.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the whole life of Ksenia Sobchak is always under the gun of journalists, very little is known about her relationships with men. Although the "yellow press" often associated her with the richest people in Russia. For example, among them was a former member of the Federation Council Umar Dzhabrailov and even billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov.

But Sobchak was able to surprise everyone in this case. As a result, her chosen one became quite famous actor Maxim Vitorgan. Interestingly, the couple did not advertise their relationship for a long time, even the wedding was played in secret, inviting only the closest people. The actor himself had already been married twice before, he even has children from previous marriages. But Ksenia Sobchak is not thinking about offspring yet. As she herself says, raising children is not for her.

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