Our herringbone is the middle group of abstract drawing. GCD abstract for drawing "Our smart Christmas tree" in the middle group


State government agency Orphanage for mentally retarded children "Yuzhnoye Butovo" of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow.

Synopsis of a correctional and developing lesson in drawing.



Bogdanova N.A.



Subject: Drawing

Topic of this lesson:Our elegant Christmas tree»

Purpose of this lesson:teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in a drawing


Educational:to form the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches extending downwards, to learn to use paints of different colors, to carefully apply one paint to another only after drying.

Correction-developing:to continue the development of color and form as a means of figurative expression, to form ways of visual examination of objects.

Educational: lead to an emotional assessment of the work, cause a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

Age orientation of the lesson:middle-aged children with moderate mental retardation.

Visual and didactic material:greeting cards with Christmas trees. Christmas tree, artificial or live.

Equipment: a sheet of white paper, gouache of different colors, cotton buds, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin for each child.

Preliminary work:A conversation about the forest coniferous trees. Acquaintance with the structure and features appearance Christmas trees (trunk, branches, evergreen needles). Remember the Christmas tree, talk about how it was decorated. Emphasize diversity Christmas decorations.

Lesson progress:

Reading M. Ivensen's poem "Herringbone":

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Prickly needle!

Where did you grow up?

In the forest.

What did you see?


What's in the forest?


bare birches,

Wolves and bears

That's all the neighbors.

The teacher offers to admire the Christmas tree and draw her portrait.

Children, look what beautiful Christmas tree came to visit us. Let's take a closer look at her, and then draw her portrait. Look and tell me, where is the trunk of the Christmas tree? Branches? Needles? Where are the branches going? Why is a Christmas tree called evergreen? (children's answers)

You know that for the New Year it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with various toys, garlands and lanterns. Our Christmas tree will also be smart if you help her with this! The teacher offers to draw a Christmas tree and decorate it. Techniques for depicting a Christmas tree are being clarified by showing the sequence and individual methods of work.

We select paper for drawing and correctly place the sheet on the table in front of us. We draw a Christmas tree in order: first the trunk Brown, and then green branches on the sides of the trunk - we begin to draw branches from top to bottom, a branch on the right is a branch on the left, a branch on the right is a grid on the left. The needles are applied with the tip of the brush in short strokes.

Children do the work with the help of a teacher. Whoever has difficulties with drawing - the educator helps with the "hand in hand" method.

Let's take a cotton swab and draw bright toys on the branches - first in one color, then in another. Please note that the toys hang along the entire length of the branches, and not at the tips.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that cotton buds do not need to be washed in water, like brushes. To change the color, just take another cotton swab.

Children do the work by sticking.

Children, tell me, please, what shape did the lanterns turn out to be? (Round). What size are they? (Different. Large and small).

At the end of the work, the teacher reads a poem by V. Shipunova "Herringbone":

Herringbone fluffy

herringbone green,

Glowing, sparkling

Like bewitched.

The lights are sparkling
The balls are ringing.
As if invited

In a round dance guys.

All works are hung on the stand and the teacher offers the children to choose the most elegant Christmas trees. And all together to rejoice at the elegant Christmas trees drawn by the guys.


T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in middle group kindergarten"

I. A. Lykova " Visual activity in kindergarten. Junior group»

Current page: 8 (total book has 13 pages) [available reading excerpt: 9 pages]


Software tasks.

To develop compositional skills in children (the image of two characters located opposite each other); learn to convey in a drawing characteristics squirrels and a hare (shape of body parts, coat color); develop Creative skills(introducing additions to the drawing that enrich its content); to consolidate the ability to work with the whole brush and its end (drawing small parts).


The teacher has a mobile application - a sheet of cardboard with a pocket at the bottom and cardboard figures of a hare and a squirrel, painted on both sides. Children have sheets of gray paper, gouache paints, soft brushes.

Course progress.

The teacher addresses the children: “Children, imagine that we, like the artist who saw a squirrel with a fungus in the forest and painted it, went for a walk in the forest.

Quiet in the forest. The bear is fast asleep in its lair. The hedgehog also fell asleep until spring in a nest of grass and moss. We approached a small clearing, stopped behind a thick bush and hid, because we saw someone peeking out of a hollow on a tall fir tree. This is ... (squirrel). She looked into different sides- nobody here. The squirrel became sad. But then a familiar bunny jumped into the clearing. The squirrel was delighted, quickly went down the trunk of the spruce. Friends greeted each other, told each other their news. A bunny is about how he deftly ran away from a fox, a squirrel is about a woodpecker who wakes her up every morning with his knock on a tree. This bird finds all sorts of harmful bugs under the bark and takes them out of there.

The teacher puts a mobile application in front of the children, shows the figures of a bunny and a squirrel: “I want to depict a meeting of a bunny and a squirrel here. How can I arrange them? Maybe so? (Puts the animals in the pocket, one after the other.) Maybe so? (Turns them in different directions.) Not so again. And how should they be placed? Who will show?

One of the children correctly places the figures. “Of course, the squirrel and the bunny should be placed opposite each other so that they can see each other,” says the teacher. Invites children to depict a meeting of a bunny and a squirrel. Reminds that when starting to draw the first character, children must leave space on paper for the second. He asks to show with his hand on the sheet where they will draw a bunny and where a squirrel.

In the process of drawing, he makes sure that the children convey in the drawing the characteristic features of a hare and a squirrel (see lessons 9, 10).

When the children complete their work, it is advisable to advise them to draw some objects by which you can find out where the squirrel and the bunny met, what they gave each other or who saw their meeting in the forest. Then the drawings will become more interesting and will differ from each other.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher puts the children's drawings on the stand.

- If an artist comes to us and asks what we saw in the forest, we will show him our drawings. What will he learn when he looks at them?

It can refer to specific children.

– Vasya, what does the artist learn from your drawing?

- From what picture does he learn that the bunny and the squirrel met near a tall Christmas tree (bush, stump)?

- And from what drawing does he learn that a woodpecker saw their meeting?



1. Drawing. "A tree grew in the forest on the mountain."

2. Application. "Christmas trees".

3. Application. "The House of the Snow Maiden near the Christmas Tree" (2 lessons).

4. Drawing. "What little animals came to the Snow Maiden's house."

5. Acquaintance with art - viewing illustrations with images of different winter weather.

6. Drawing. "Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white ...".

7. Modeling. "Snowman".

8. Didactic game"Who has another snowman."

9. Drawing. "We made different snowmen."

10. Drawing. "Christmas tree".

In a loop:

5 drawing lessons,

1 modeling session

2 application lessons,

1 lesson devoted to looking at illustrations,

1 didactic game.


Software tasks.

Learn to depict a Christmas tree in accordance with the content of the poem, draw cones, snow on the branches; make additions to the drawing that enrich its content; to distinguish by color the sky, weather and time of day (day, evening or morning).


At the tutor book illustration with the image of a Christmas tree corresponding to the description in E. Trutneva's poem "Christmas Tree", a sheet of paper with a painted spruce branch (to show the image of cones and snow). Children have sheets of paper with different backgrounds. Some children have paper gray color, others blue, others pinkish-yellow (the color of the sky at sunrise or sunset). At the bottom of the sheet is a slide (unshaded White paper), gouache paints, soft brushes.


Course progress.

- In the forest on the mountain grew beautiful tree, says the teacher. - Once an artist saw a Christmas tree and painted it like this. (Show an illustration.) Then the writer Elena Trutneva saw this Christmas tree and composed the following poem:

Christmas tree grew
In the forest on the mountain.
She has needles
Silver in winter

She has on the bumps
Ice cubes are knocking
snow coat
Lies on the shoulders...

- What did the artist draw on the branches of the Christmas tree? (Cones, snow.) And what did the poetess write about the cones on the Christmas tree? (“She has ice on her cones.”) How did she describe the snow on the spruce branches? ("Snow coat lies on the shoulders.")

You can invite the children to repeat these lines from the poem in chorus, and then offer: “Let's draw a Christmas tree on high mountain with a snow coat on the shoulders, with bumps, with ice.

"What shape is the bump?" the teacher asks. (Oval.) Shows how to paint the bumps at the bottom of a spruce branch with brown paint using the dab technique (side stroke).


Next, the teacher shows two methods of depicting snow on the branches: he draws a wide strip at the top of one branch with white paint and applies horizontal strokes along the top of another branch. Explains that snow can be depicted in different ways. In calm weather, the snow lies even, and in windy weather - in clods.

The children start painting. In the process of work, the teacher makes sure that they correctly convey the pyramidal structure of the spruce, and draw snow only after the dark green paint has dried, and also that they wash the brush well before drawing with white paint.


By the end of the drawing, you can invite the guys to depict some kind of animal on a hill or below, traces of animals (a blue or blue side stroke is made). light gray paint), a bush, a tree - whoever wants what.

Finished drawings are placed on the stand. Separately put side by side three drawings with different background colors. The teacher asks when the sky is blue, and when it is gray, has anyone seen a pink, yellow sky, and when is the sky that color? (Evening or morning, at sunset or sunrise.)

In conclusion, one can ask whether the Christmas trees on the mountain turned out the way it is written in the poem. Read again an excerpt from the poem by E. Trutneva and point to the corresponding figures. Praise those who have made interesting additions to their work, invite the children to tell what they have depicted.

LESSON 2. APPLICATION. "Christmas Trees"

Software tasks.

Teach children to cut triangles from squares; make an application of two objects, placing them side by side on a sheet of paper; stick triangles (tree branches) in descending order.


The teacher has a sample application, a small flannelograph, three triangles, decreasing in size, glued with reverse side flannel. Children have three rectangles dark green size 5×10 cm, 4×8 cm and 3x6 cm; a strip of white paper (snow), sheets of gray or blue paper the size of 1/2 landscape sheet; additional material: narrow white stripes (for falling snow) 0.5×10–12 cm; scissors, glue.


Course progress.

The teacher reminds the children that they already know how to draw spruces, and today they will learn how to cut and paste these trees. Here they are (shows an example).

He proposes to answer the following questions: what are the branches of fir trees made of (from triangles), are the triangles the same in size; where are the large branches, and where are the small ones.

- Who wants to lay out the same Christmas tree on a flannelgraph?

- What size triangle should be placed below, which one is higher and which one is above? - Triangles gradually decrease and the Christmas tree becomes like a pyramid. Each next triangle finds a little on the corner of the bottom one. - Show everything on your sheets of paper the place where you stick the first Christmas tree and where the second.

The teacher shows the children a rectangle, asks what color it is (dark green). He says that children will cut out branches of Christmas trees from such rectangles.

– First you need to fold each rectangle in half and cut along the fold. You will get squares of different sizes. Each square must be cut into two triangles (shows cutting techniques). Who wants to show how to cut a square from corner to corner to get two triangles?

A child from among those who wish shows how to cut.

The teacher says that at the bottom of the sheet of paper you need to stick White snow and then Christmas trees. In the process of work, he monitors the use of the correct methods of cutting rectangles into squares, squares into triangles. It reminds you that during cutting, the scissors should not be completely closed, and when triangles are cut out, you need to look at the upper corner and direct the cut there.

Children who completed the task faster than others can be offered to depict falling snow: tear off small pieces from a narrow white strip and touch the glue on paper to the place where the snowflake will be, and then apply it to this place. Snowflakes should not be glued close to each other. You can stick snowflakes on Christmas trees. After all, when snow falls in nature, it covers everything.

At the end of the lesson, children's work is placed on the stand.

The teacher can say that it turned out to be a large spruce forest. Offer to find Christmas trees in this forest that look like pyramids, in which the branches gradually decrease upwards, then see if all the trees in the forest have grown straight, if there are any that are bent strong wind. You can also take two or three applications and consider their location on a piece of paper (herringbones are nearby, do not rest against the edges of the paper).


Software tasks.

To teach children to depict a simple plot from objects of different shapes and sizes; portray fairytale house, decorated with a pattern with a symmetrical arrangement of elements on paired parts; notice unusual color combinations (cold colors); develop cognitive activity; develop collaboration skills.


The teacher has a sample - the house of the Snow Maiden, made in the applique way from paper of cold colors, the figure of the Snow Maiden, cut out of New Year's card. In children, the initial forms for the house: a rectangle 8 × 10 cm for wall, square 9×9 cm for roof, square 3×3 cm for window, rectangle 6×2 cm for two shutters, square 2.5×2.5 cm for architraves, two strips of two colors 6×1 cm for patterns of small triangles, two white strips of 10 cm for snow on the roof; initial forms for the Christmas tree: four squares of dark green paper for two Christmas trees: 8 × 8 cm, 6×6 cm, 4×4 cm, 2×2 cm; scissors, glue; sheet of gray paper Pink colour the size of a landscape sheet, at the bottom of which white stripe- snow.


Course progress.

Lesson 1


- In the spruce forest there was a house, like this (shows a sample). It was blue (blue, light green...), with purple shutters adorned with small triangles that looked like icicles. What do you think, children, who lives in such an ice house?

He listens to the children's answers until one of them names the Snow Maiden. Confirms that a snow girl named Snegurochka lives in the ice house. Shows the figure of the Snow Maiden and places it near the house. Draws the attention of children to the fact that the outfit of the Snow Maiden is similar in color to the color of her house.


- The Snow Maiden told me that she has many girlfriends, but they do not have such beautiful ice houses, and she asks you to cut and paste the same houses for them. Do you agree, children, to help the Snow Maiden's friends?

Then the teacher invites the children to look at the blanks for the house and find among them a rectangle for the wall. Rectangles can be different in color: blue, green-blue, blue, light purple.

Next, the children are given the task of finding a shape from which to cut a roof for the Snow Maiden's house. The teacher asks what shape the roof is and how to make a triangular roof from a large square. You can call a child to show how to cut a square from corner to corner to get triangles.

Then the children answer the questions, from what shapes they will make a window, shutters, platbands, from which they will cut out many small triangles for a pattern on the roof, on shutters and platbands. In case of difficulty, the teacher invites the child to look at the sample and compare the parts of the house with the original forms in order to guess how they should be changed. He explains that the house for the Snow Maiden needs to be glued on the side on a piece of paper so that there is room for the Christmas tree, which they will depict in the next lesson.

If time permits, the children can decorate the house with a pattern, or this work is transferred to activity 2.

When the children apply a pattern to the roof, they should pay attention to the alternation in color of small triangles (light blue and blue, purple and blue, etc.). When decorating the shutters, it is important that the child makes the same pattern on both shutters. Children can create patterns themselves.

Lesson 2

The teacher reminds that a Christmas tree grows near the house of the Snow Maiden, and offers to depict it. Explains that there are four squares for two Christmas trees in the box.

Let everyone take two squares and cut them into triangles. He will keep two triangles of different sizes for himself, and give two to a friend. And a friend will do the same. Thus, together you will cut out the parts for two Christmas trees. Paste the Christmas trees near the Snow Maiden's house.

In the course of work, if necessary, the teacher reminds that the Christmas tree should look like a pyramid. You can invite children to tear off small pieces of white paper from a narrow strip and stick them on, depicting falling snow.

During the lesson, the teacher places all the applications on the stand. He asks which of the children wants to show his house to the Snow Maiden and tell what it is (what color, how it is decorated). Summons several children. The Snow Maiden marks in which houses her girlfriends will settle. He promises to call them and show them the houses that the children have made for them.


Software tasks.

Continue to work with children on the composition of the plot drawing, learn to combine objects of different sizes and shapes (house and animals) through their location relative to each other and respect for the proportions between them; to consolidate the characteristic combination of colors for the Snow Maiden's house, the ability to independently choose cold colors when depicting it; learn to portray a running animal; choose a character for the image: a bunny or a squirrel and a pose for him (sits near the Snow Maiden's house or runs to the house); use familiar brush drawing techniques: painting with the whole brush, painting according to the shape (of the body of the animal), side stroke when depicting small parts, small details and pattern elements, drawing with the end of the brush.


The teacher has two flyelegraphs - one for drawing up a picture (plot), the other for placing figures and objects; objects glued on one side with flannel: the hut and the house of the Snow Maiden, two figures of a bunny and a squirrel, sitting and running; a sheet of paper with an incomplete image of a bunny and a squirrel. Children have tinted sheets of paper - at the bottom there is a strip of snow with a small hill, the sky is of different colors (gray, blue, sunset colors); gouache paints, soft brushes.

Course progress.

The teacher says:

- You know, children, that the Snow Maiden lives in her house in the forest. The Snow Maiden is friends with all forest animals: bunnies, squirrels, chanterelles. The little animals also love the Snow Maiden and often come to visit her. Let's make a picture on the flannelograph of how a bunny or a squirrel came to the Snow Maiden's house. Or maybe they came together to visit the Snow Maiden.

Indicates additional flannelgraph:

- Look, children, there are two houses. In which one does the Snow Maiden live? Why do you think that the Snow Maiden lives in this house?

The teacher invites one of the children to glue the Snow Maiden's house on the side of the flannelograph, near the hill. The story continues:

- The house of the Snow Maiden stands near a low hill. And from this hill her friends will go down to her.

Attaches two figurines of bunnies to an additional flannelgraph: sitting and running.

How are these bunnies different from each other? Which bunny will we put in the picture?

After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher first places a running hare on the flannelograph.


This bunny is in a hurry, running to the house. You see, children, his front paws are extended forward, and his hind legs back.

He removes the figure of a running hare and places it closer to the house of a sitting hare.

- And you can do it differently. The bunny has already run to the house. He will catch his breath a little and knock on the door of the Snow Maiden.

The teacher removes the bunnies and places two figurines of squirrels on an additional flannelgraph. Invites the child to take one of the squirrels and attach it to the flannelograph.

- What is this squirrel doing? And who wants to make a picture with another squirrel?

After removing the figures, the teacher says:

- Children, pictures about the house of the Snow Maiden and her animal friends can be made different. You have already drawn sitting squirrels and bunnies. Now I will show you how to draw legs for running animals.

He places a sheet of paper with an unfinished image of a hare and a squirrel on the easel. Invites the child to the easel.

- Come on, Kolya, let's draw running animals together. Which animal do you want to draw legs for - a bunny or a squirrel? Just watch how I draw the front paws first, and then do the same. Then we will draw the hind legs of our little animals.

Depending on the animal chosen by the child, the teacher gives him a brush with painted paint, orange or white (gray). Having drawn the animal's legs with a side stroke (dipping), he asks:

- Where are the front legs of a running animal extended and where are the hind legs? Think about who you will draw - a bunny or a squirrel running towards the house or sitting near it.

- Show on your sheets of paper where you will draw the house of the Snow Maiden (on the side, near the hill). Why do you draw the house first and then the little animal? (The house is large, and large objects are always drawn first.)


In the process of drawing, the teacher monitors the choice of colors for the image of the Snow Maiden's house. Reminds, if necessary, of the color of paper that the children used for the application in the previous lesson. You can show two or three children's work. Advise the roof of the house to depict covered with snow; when drawing with a pattern on the shutters, use a side stroke and dots, and select the color of the elements of the pattern so that the pattern stands out. For example, on blue background the pattern can be white and blue, etc. Children should be praised for making additions to the drawing that enrich its content.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher places one of the drawings on the stand. He invites the children to look at it and say who came to the Snow Maiden's house. Then look at your drawings and bring to the stand one on which another animal came to visit the Snow Maiden.

The teacher offers to find the most elegant house of the Snow Maiden, decorated with patterns, when drawing which the child used several "snow" colors. Emphasizes that the little animals went to visit the Snow Maiden in different weather (points to the color of the sky), and some of them early in the morning. He concludes that the children's pictures turned out to be different, because everyone decided for himself who he would draw, what his little animal would do - run to the house or sit near it. Miscellaneous drawings always interesting to look at.


Form an idea of ​​color as one of means of expression, with which artists depict different winter weather.


Several large color illustrations depicting winter scenery in different weather (clear, cloudy, snowfall); cardboard palette with glued colored circles, similar in color to the paints in the illustrations; set of postcards with winter landscapes (drawn or artistic pictures); tassel.

Course progress.

The teacher shows two illustrations depicting clear and cloudy weather. He says that one picture shows a clear day, and the other one is cloudy.


- Who wants to show where the artist depicted a clear day? How did you know this picture shows a clear winter day?

Similar work is carried out on another picture. If the children cannot answer the questions, then the teacher asks them about the color of the sky in the pictures. Explains that the blue sky without clouds happens on a clear day, and on a cloudy day the sky is covered with gray clouds.

Shows the palette: “This is a palette, it has different colors of paint on it. For artists, these are real paints, and colored circles are glued on a toy palette instead of paints.

The teacher calls the child and offers to show with a brush what paint the artist painted the sky in one and the other pictures. He says to another child: “You are like an artist, type in“ paint ”for the image of a clear sky and“ paint over ”it. The child imitates the actions of the artist. Another child is invited to show how the artist paints over the sky in another picture. He is given a palette and brush in his hands.

The teacher adds a third illustration depicting a snowfall. Covers the sky with a piece of paper. He says that in this picture the artist depicted a snowfall.

Asks to guess what kind of sky the artist painted - gray or blue. Confirms the children's answers that snow falls from the clouds, so when artists depict snowfall, they draw gray clouds in the sky. Opens the top half of the illustration.

You can invite the child to show how the artist draws the sky and falling snow, "typing" desired color"paints" on the "palette".

The same work with illustrations is carried out when examining snow on the ground, on tree branches. It is determined what colors they are depicted in the paintings (white, blue, blue, etc.).

Then a game exercise with postcards is carried out. Children are given one or two cards. The teacher calls the weather: “clear”, “cloudy”, “snowfall”, “blizzard”, etc., and the children show the corresponding postcard. Then the teacher shows one or the other “paint” on the “palette”, and the children name what they have drawn with such paint on the postcard.

Svetlana Pavlovna Druzkina

Subject: « Our beautiful tree»

Program sod.: To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in a drawing; to form a skill paint a Christmas tree with branches extending downwards, continue to teach children to use paints of different colors; evoke a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

materials: Album sheets, gouache of different colors, brushes, jars of water, napkins - for each child. Artificial Christmas tree.

GCD progress:

1. Organizing time. caregiver: - Hello guys! I want to tell you good news. A guest from the forest came to us.

Children, are you welcome guests?

caregiver: - I will now guess a riddle about her and you will immediately guess.

The teacher makes a riddle.

Winter and summer in one color. What is this?

That's right, it's a tree. And on what holiday does the Christmas tree come? (On New Year) .

Tell me, guys, how will we decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Toys, garlands, tinsel, rain).

And who else lives in the forest, where did the Christmas tree come from? (Bear, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel, hedgehog).

Guys, how in one word can you call the animals that live in the forest?

That's right, they are called wild, but they also want to have a beautiful one for the New Year, elegant Christmas tree. But not in the forest beautiful toys, bright tinsel, colorful rain.

Guys let's help forest dwellers and draw for them elegant Christmas trees?

2. Examining the sample smart Christmas tree. – Look. Guys how decorated Christmas tree! What shape are the toys on the Christmas tree? - What color?

3. Show tricks drawing: « Our beautiful tree» .

Clarify the techniques for depicting a Christmas tree by calling 2-3 children to the board. Emphasize the variety of Christmas decorations. Remind tricks paint drawing.

4. Independent work children. Remind the rules of working drawing: back straight, legs together. Children who have dressy drawing Christmas tree causes difficulty - repeat techniques drawing on your paper.

5. Finger gymnastics : "1,2,3,4,5 - we will count the fingers ..."

6. Analysis of work. Put all the works on the board, consider, praise the most beautiful, neat.


To expand and deepen children's knowledge about the New Year's holiday, the Christmas tree, as a New Year's attribute of the holiday;

To consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about geometric shapes;

To form the ability to draw patterns on a given plane;

Continue introduce children to application techniques;

Build the ability to create artistic image on a limited plane;

Learn to use glue and paint correctly and accurately;

To form the ability to draw straight lines with a finger;

Correct the correctness of the names of geometric shapes and animal names, active and passive vocabulary on this topic;

Develop emotions and facial expressions;

Learn to enjoy the results of work;

Develop imagination, perseverance;

Raise the love of preschoolers for appliqué and drawing classes.

Equipment: animal masks for each child, Christmas tree, demonstration geometric shapes; geometric shapes for each child, oilcloths, dry and wet napkins, glue, brushes, blue paint, ribbons, stapler; video fairy tale "Herringbone", recording a song about animals, video physical education minutes, musical instruments.

Previous work

Teacher's conversation with children on the topic "Christmas tree"

Consideration of drawings of a decorated Christmas tree

Didactic game "Forest animals"

The course of classes in kindergarten by application

1. Psychogymnastics "Dance of animals"

Music is playing. The teacher and the children become in a round dance. An adult names some animal, and children transform into it, imitating its voice and movements. The teacher distributes animal masks to children.

Forest animals gathered in a clearing to visit the Christmas tree.

Let's see how the Christmas tree lives in the forest.

2. Watching the video-fairy tale "Herringbone"

The teacher invites children to watch a movie using musical instruments about the life of the Christmas tree.

3. Motivation

Educator. Our Christmas tree is in a hurry New Year's celebration to children in kindergarten. The Christmas tree dreamed of coming to the kids beautiful, with bright toys, colored decorations, rain. But Baba Yaga bewitched the Christmas tree, because she was offended, Santa Claus did not invite her to the holiday.

Our Christmas tree asks you, the forest dwellers, to save it. Prepare Christmas decorations and decorate the Christmas tree. But we don't have toys. Where will we take them? Right! Let's do it by hand!

The Christmas tree gave us such a magic leaf to tell us where to find toys. Let's open it? Oh what is it? Right! Geometric figures.

Close your eyes and we will go to the country of geometric shapes.

4. Creative play"Journey of Figurines"

The teacher shows a video presentation and tells the children about the journey of each geometric figure. The kids are looking to see who the figurine could be friends with.

“The circle went out for a walk around the country of geometric shapes and met a bun, a ball and the sun on the way. A merry square came to visit the engine, and then looked into the house from a large window. The merry triangle, having gone on a holiday, took a cap, a pyramid with him and came to the Christmas tree "

The presentation is available for download at the end of the material.

5. Motivation

Our geometric shapes will become ours Christmas decorations. By using of blue color paints and applications will make bright decorations from these figures. Decorate them with snowflakes.

And now let's rest a little and do exercises with our Christmas tree

6. Physical education "Herringbone". Children repeat the movements behind the tree

7. Help at work

What do we see in front of us?

Geometric figures. Everyone has it different figure. Light and dark color

What figure does Sasha have? What figure does Dasha have?

Dye. What colour?

Sequins. What form?

Glue and brushes for glue.

8. Practical work

Take your geometric figure and put in front of you in dark color.

First, we will decorate the toy with sparkles-snowflakes.

Take a glitter and apply glue to it with a brush. glue the glitter

Wipe the adhesive area with a tissue

While our decorations are a little dry, forest animals will play a game

9. The outdoor game "White Bunny is sitting"

or video physical education "Repeat after the animals"

Children sit on tiptoe and say:

A white bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears

(Children put their hands like ears to their heads)

Like this, like this

And wiggles his ears

(Move hands like ears)

It's cold for hares to sit

I need to warm my paws

(Put hands like paws in front of the chest)

Like this, like this

I need to warm my paws

(Rubbing hands as if warm paws)

They're tired of standing

Gotta jump a little

(start jumping)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Gotta jump a little

10. Practical work

And now we will decorate the toy with paints. We will draw with our fingers.

Drawing techniques: dots, straight lines.

Dip your index finger in blue paint and draw a straight line and another crosswise, then two more crosswise.

Put dots at each line to finish our snowflake.

Wipe your finger with a tissue.

Educator. What is missing from our toys so that they could be hung on a Christmas tree? We don't have enough ribbon for the loop. We attach the tape with a stapler.

Remember! We work carefully with the stapler, we do not fasten the parts ourselves, we DO NOT substitute our fingers under the stapler, we press only with the teacher.

Take the ribbon and attach it to your toy.

11. Exhibition and discussion of works

Look at our toys. Everyone has their own, unique, beautiful, bright toy. And who likes the toy the most? children's answers

Let's decorate the Christmas tree with our toys. Hang toys on the tree.

12. Summary of the lesson

Did you like the trip to the Christmas tree? And now it's time for us to say goodbye to the Christmas tree. Let's invite the Christmas tree to our New Year's holiday. And we return to the group and become kids again.

Music sounds. Children become in a round dance. The teacher removes the masks from the children.

Did you enjoy the trip?

What was interesting about the trip?

What did you do?

How were geometric shapes decorated?

Fine art lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Our smart Christmas tree”

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity».

Tasks of the priority educational field: teach children to convey an image in a drawing Christmas tree, to form the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches extending downwards, to learn to use paints of different colors, to carefully apply one paint to another only after drying. Cause a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings. To form a desire to consider your drawings, evaluate them, the desire to complement the images.

Tasks of the educational field in integration: Area "Cognition"

To teach children to create an image of a New Year tree, to convey its structure, shape, parts in a drawing;

Promote the development of curiosity, thinking.

Area "Communication"

To improve dialogic speech: to teach to participate in a conversation, to express one's point of view, to answer questions clearly for the listener. Learn to guess riddles;

Area "Artistic creativity"

To teach how to create a composition, to form a desire to interact with children and adults when creating it;

Area "Socialization"

To cultivate perseverance in achieving the goal, accuracy, a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance.

Prerequisites learning activities: the formation of the ability to perform as planned.

Equipment for the teacher: Christmas tree, bunny

Equipment for children: Album sheets, gouache of different colors, brushes, jars of water, napkins - for each child

Introductory part (motivational, preparatory stage)


Cognitive research

Perception of fiction and folklore


A surprise moment, the arrival of a bunny and a smart Christmas tree.

Reading a poem about the Christmas tree "Our Christmas tree is great"



Demonstration of drawing techniques: "Our elegant Christmas tree."

Finger gymnastics

Organizational moment - the surprise arrival of the Bunny and the Christmas tree-conversation, thereby motivating children to study

Develop oral speech, memory, attention, thinking through games and game exercises.

Develop imagination. Cultivate confidence, independence in artistic search and in the implementation of ideas

To improve dialogic speech: to teach to participate in a conversation, to express one's point of view, to answer questions clearly for the listener. Learn to solve riddles

Content of NNOD

1. Organizational moment. Teacher: Hello guys! I want to tell you good news. A guest from the forest came to us.

Children, are you welcome guests?

Educator: - I will now guess a riddle about her and you will immediately guess.

The teacher makes a riddle.

Winter and summer in one color. What is this?

That's right, it's a tree. And on what holiday does the Christmas tree come? (For the New Year).

Tell me, guys, how will we decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Toys, garlands, tinsel, rain).

And who else lives in the forest, where did the Christmas tree come from? (Bear, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel, hedgehog).

Guys, how in one word can you call the animals that live in the forest?

That's right, they are called wild, but they also want them to have a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree for the New Year. And in the forest there are no beautiful toys, bright tinsel, colorful rain.

Guys, let's help the forest dwellers and draw elegant Christmas trees for them?

2. Examination of a sample of an elegant Christmas tree. – Look. Guys, how the Christmas tree is decorated! What shape are the toys on the Christmas tree? - What color?

3. Demonstration of drawing techniques: "Our elegant Christmas tree."

Clarify the techniques for depicting a Christmas tree by calling 2-3 children to the board. Emphasize the variety of Christmas decorations. Recall the techniques of painting with paints.

Finger gymnastics.

"Here are my helpers,

Turn them however you want.

I rub my hands hard

I twist each finger

I greet him warmly

And I'll start pulling.

Then I will wash my hands

I'll press my finger to my finger,

I'll lock them up

And keep warm.

I will release my fingers

Let them run like bunnies.

Main part (content, activity stage)

Drawing an elegant Christmas tree

Finger gymnastics

To teach children to create an image of an elegant Christmas tree, to convey in the drawing its shape, structure, parts. Practice painting with paints.

Promote the development of curiosity, thinking

To teach how to create a composition, to form a desire to interact with children and adults when creating it

Cultivate aesthetic taste, imagination, develop creative thinking.

Content of NNOD

4. Independent work of children. Remind the rules of work when drawing: the back is straight, the legs are together. For children who find it difficult to draw an elegant Christmas tree, repeat the drawing techniques on their sheet.

5. Finger gymnastics: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we will count the fingers ..."

Final part (reflexive stage)


Exhibition of works


Review of works. The teacher shows admiration. They talk about their work.

Get positive emotions

Content of NNOD

6. Analysis of work. Put all the works on the board, consider, praise the most beautiful, neat.

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