The real name of the writer Kira Bulychev. Work and education


Bulychev Kir(Kirill). Real name: Mozheiko Igor Vsevolodovich. Nicknames: Mints Lev Khristoforovich, Lozhkin Nikolai, Maun Sein Gee.

Russian Soviet prose writer, screenwriter and historian, also known for works of other genres (adventure, biographical, popular science and science fiction), one of the leading and most prolific authors of Soviet science fiction in the 1960s-2000s. Born in Moscow, in 1957 graduated from the Moscow pedagogical institute foreign languages them. Maurice Thorez, with a degree in Oriental studies, worked in Burma as a construction interpreter. In 1959, after returning from Burma, he entered the graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies. Then he began to write popular science essays for the magazine "Around the World", in connection with which he traveled a lot around the country. Since the mid-1960s, he has been a researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences; author of many monographs, popular science and science fiction books; doctor historical sciences. Started publishing in 1960 Laureate State Prize USSR (1982 - for screenwriting). In 1965, Bulychev defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries)" and began working as an orientalist with a degree in "History of Burma". In the scientific world, he is known for his works on the history of Southeast Asia. In 1981 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme "The Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma".

The first SF publications were the hoax story "Debt of Hospitality" (1965; published as a translation, the author is "Burmese prose writer Maun Sein Ji") and a selection of stories - "The Girl with whom nothing will happen" (1965). Stories about adventures on Earth and in space girls of the 21st century. Alisa Seleznyova, with whom Bulychev made his debut in SF, marked the beginning of a long series of children's SF, which brought the author considerable success and popularity among teenage readers; stories about Alice, first published in various anthologies (and repeatedly reprinted), made up a collection - "The Girl from the Earth" (1974), "One Hundred Years Ahead" (1978), "A Million Adventures" (1982), "The Girl from the Future" (1984), "Fidget" (1985), "Prisoners of the Asteroid" (1988), "Alice's New Adventures" (1990); a number of works have been filmed (most often, according to the script of Bulychev himself) in the form of feature films, full-length cartoons and television series. Started fresh and talented - Bulychev skillfully filled in the long empty gap of an action-packed, intelligent and at the same time moral and "pedagogical" science fiction for children and adolescents - the series frankly fizzled out over time, continuing to replenish with new stories by inertia; A cardinal changes V public life countries in the 1980s and 1990s turned the image of the “pioneer” of the communist near future into an anachronism. Nevertheless, the successful - over a quarter of a century - publishing and cinematographic fate of the cycle confirmed the unique commercial flair of Bulychev, who was the closest in the Soviet science fiction (excluding - for other reasons - A. and B. Strugatsky) to the status of a "bestseller" author.

The gift of a humorist (to a greater extent than a satirist) was impressively demonstrated by Bulychev with early stories about the inhabitants of the provincial town of Veliky Guslyar, partially combined into the collection Miracles in Guslyar (1972); written out with humor and sympathy, the city became an excellent training ground where one could observe the clash of recognizable Soviet life of the 1960-80s. with the most incredible fantasy events, often presented as a clever parody of the clichés of SF literature, from "routine" alien landings to the realization of fabulous situations: sales of wish-granting goldfish in a local shop - in the story "Goldfish went on sale" (1972) ; the elixir of immortality discovered in the vicinity of the Great Guslar - in the story "Martian Potion" (1971); the latter is screened. However, as in the case of the series about Alice, later stories - and subsequently voluminous stories - about the inhabitants of the Great Guslar did not bring a new quality, parodic lightness was lost, and against the backdrop of the political "stagnation" of the 1970-80s. Bulychev's soft and quite "safe" humor sometimes began to irritate with its goodness; the writer became somewhat "emboldened" only in the late 1980s - the story "Perpendicular World" (1989) and other "post-perestroika gusliar" stories. The later works of the cycle were collected in collections - “The Great Guslar” (1987), “Respected Microbe, or Guslar in Space” (1989), “Martian Potion. The most complete chronicle of the Great Guslyar "(1990).

Versatile SF creativity Bulychev is not limited to these serials. The success of the writer was already brought by early stories and novellas, which were united by the programmatically named (in polemics with the authors of utopias - from H. Wells to S. Snegov) collection "People as People" (1975), which determined Bulychev's "ecological niche" in the national science fiction: chamber stories about ordinary people caught in incredible circumstances, accuracy psychological drawing, household parts, creating a unique credibility of the most exotic worlds SF, humor, capacious laconic language of intelligent "urban prose"; other works of the short form made collections - " Summer morning"(1979), "Pass" (1983), "Kidnapping of the Sorcerer" (1989), "Coral Castle" (1990). In a number of stories, people's lives change decisively under the influence of fantastic inventions and discoveries: an apparatus for reading thoughts in Professor Kozarin's Crown (1973), artificial vision in the story The Eye (1978); in the story "The ability to throw the ball" (1973), an absolutely unsportsmanlike hero, who suddenly gained the ability to throw objects with exceptional accuracy, tries to become a basketball player; filmed. In the story "Can I ask Nina?" (1973) our contemporary can talk on the phone with a subscriber from besieged Leningrad in 1941; in the story "Half of Life" (1974), aggressive aliens abduct a simple Russian woman from Earth, who, however, did not lose heart in complete isolation from her own kind and "found herself", becoming a heroine on a distant planet. The action-packed story The Kidnapping of the Sorcerer (1979) is interesting and elaborated in detail. It tells how our descendants - historians from the distant future - are trying to carry out "progressive" activities in the medieval Russian past, saving a nugget genius; filmed. Among other stories, two witty examples of evolution's "quirks" stand out: "When did the dinosaurs become extinct?" (1967) and "Mutant" (1977).

A number of more traditional "space" stories and Bulychev's stories are united by one hero - the space doctor Pavlysh, whose prototype was Slava Pavlysh, the ship's doctor of the Segezha bulk carrier. (The writer traveled on Segezha as a correspondent for the Vokrug Sveta magazine in 1967. The cycle includes one of the best early stories Bulychev - "The Snow Maiden" (1973), as well as the stories - "The Great Spirit and the Fugitives" (1972) and "The Law for the Dragon" (1975). The cycle is adjoined by a rare in Bulychev's work NF-novel " Last war"(1970) - one of the few in Soviet literature works that describe the consequences nuclear war, however, on another planet, where, in order to revive life on the atomic ashes, an earthly expedition arrived. Among other works related to space exploration, the following stand out: the psychological novella “On an Ugly Bioform” (1974), the hero of which undergoes a complete biological transformation of the body in order to survive and work on a harsh planet; the stories “The World is Strange, but Good” (1967; others “This is how the floods begin”) and “Toly Gusev’s Hockey” (1972), in which the action takes place on planets with unusual physical, climatic and environmental phenomena. The story "Pass" (1980), which became the first part of the novel "The Village" (1988), is a fascinating "robinsonade" of the descendants of shipwrecked on another planet, forced to coexist with local nature and maintain the rudiments of earthly civilization; based on the story, a full-length cartoon was created. Also filmed was the action-packed story "Dungeon of the Witches" (1987), which combines elements of "space opera" and "heroic fantasy" and is dedicated to the adventures of an Earth agent on a dysfunctional planet; the novel "KF Agent" (1984, 1986) is plotted with her.

In the mid 1980s. Bulychev gained a reputation as a solid master of commercial sci-fi series (about Alice, about the Great Guslyar), who does not aggravate relations with publishers and ideological authorities by turning to "politics", but does not reduce the accumulated literary level.

In the nineties of the last century, the writer tried to raise this level, significantly expand the subject matter of his works, and these attempts seem worthy of the attention of readers and critics. The story "Death One Floor Below" (1989) tells about the catastrophe of a secret chemical plant in a Siberian city and about the attempts of local authorities to hide information about thousands of victims; Bulychev's collection - "Apology" (1990) - includes stories of various levels and topics, for example, "Meeting near Rovno" (1990) - the story of Hitler's secret meeting with Stalin, and both dictators turn out to be aliens, cruel "educators" of the earth civilization.

Fantastic elements are also contained in a number of Bulychev's historical adventure books: the story "The Sword of General Bandula" (1968) and the novel "An Earthquake in Ligon the other day" (1980). Peru Bulychev also owns numerous translations of English and American SF and a number of scripts for SF films and films in the genre of "modern fairy tale" - "Through thorns - to the stars" (co-authored with R. Viktorov); published in two parts: Daughter of Space (1980) and Angels of Space (1981); "Comet" (co-authored with R. Viktorov), "Tears dripped" (co-authored with A. Volodin and G. Danelia; staged in 1982), "Glade of Fairy Tales" (staged in 1988), etc.

Under the pseudonym Yu. Mikhailovsky, Bulychev translated Heinlein's story "If this continues ...", and under the pseudonym Alexander Ge, he translated the story of Simak " Money Tree” for the magazine “Iskatel”.

Since 1989, K. Bulychev has been writing a long novel "The Chronos River", which develops into the "Chronos" cycle, which already consists of several novels. At the turn of the century, Bulychev continued to write as works from already famous heroes(cycles Alice, Guslyar, Shadow Theater), and other works (including cycles InterGpol, Verevkin). During this period, the writer's talent is fully revealed, he writes detective stories (Lydia Berestov's cycle), poems, plays, diverse novels and stories. Paphos and Kira Bulychev's books are completely incompatible things. The absence of pathos is, in fact, a sign of intelligence and good taste.

Based on the works of Kir Bulychev, feature films and cartoons, comics were published, filmstrips were released. His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and peoples of the former USSR.

Laureate of the science fiction award "Aelita-1997".

Briefly about the article: The writer of Alisa Selezneva and the Great Guslar not only left a rich fantastic heritage, but also lived three lives. Andrey Shcherbak-Zhukov tells about Bulychev, a scientist, writer and cinematographer.

The Man Who Lived Three Lives

Fiction Kira Bulycheva

It's the coincidences for the most part incredible, rule our lives.

Kir Bulychev

Photo by A. Shcherbak-Zhukov

Just over three years ago, on September 5, 2003, Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko passed away- an amazing person, known to four generations of science fiction lovers under the name of Kir Bulychev... There is a famous Sufi parable about how several blind men felt an elephant, and then argued what he was like. One described a trunk, another an ear, a third a leg, but no one ever imagined the animal as a whole. Kir Bulychev was the same elephant in Russian science fiction and popular science literature. He himself was a rather big person - he often repeated, commenting on intra-writer squabbles: “We, large men, should not have complexes!” And he worked, worked, not looking back at what had already been created.

The work of Kira Bulychev amazes with its volumes. Someone knows his childhood stories about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva, someone - humorous stories about the inhabitants of the city of Veliky Guslyar, someone - "adult" works written in the traditions of classical sci-fi, someone - "downhole" adventure teenage stories about Andrei Bruce or Kora Orvat, someone - popular science books about pirates of the Indian Ocean and the rulers of the Middle Ages ... To publish all this in one collection, it will take about fifty volumes. It seems that in order to write all this, one life is not enough. But Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, indeed, lived three lives in parallel ...

First life

The future scientist and writer was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow, in Bankovsky lane near Chistye Prudy. Thus began his first life - the one in which he was Igor Mozheiko. His childhood and youth were mostly spent in the capital, with the exception of the year spent during the war in Chistopol - already in 1942 his family returned to Moscow, one of the first evacuees.

Childhood friends recalled that Igor Mozheiko was already an inventor and ringleader in those years. They went on campaigns, created a society Who In What Much - abbreviated as KOVCHEG, wrote poems, created handwritten journals. After school, Igor Mozheiko entered the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez, who graduated in 1957. Came not according to own will- according to the "Komsomol order". The country needed translators, do you want to get higher education- learn languages. At the institute, Igor Mozheiko actively wrote poetry - there is a line about this in the book of his fellow student Andrei Sergeev “Album for Stamps”, which received the prestigious Booker Prize in 1996: “The earliest friend in IN-YaZ is Igor Mozheiko. light man some verses... In the year of graduation, he married Kira Alekseevna Soshinskaya, a student at the Architectural Institute, who became his lifelong companion and one of his illustrators.

It was relatively easy for those who were married in those years to go abroad - there are guarantees that they will not stay. And Igor Vsevolodovich was sent to Burma, where Soviet specialists helped in the construction Institute of Technology. Here he was both a translator and a supply manager, and then a correspondent for the Novosti Press Agency and the Vokrug Sveta magazine.

Having fallen in love with a mysterious eastern country, Mozheiko began to study its history and culture, and upon returning to Moscow, he entered the postgraduate course at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he graduated in 1962. And in 1965 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Pagan State (11-13 centuries)".

The first texts of the future writer were essays about Burma for "Around the World". The same magazine published his first fictional story"Maung Jo will live", signed with his real name.

However, already in 1965, his story "The Girl with whom Nothing Will Happen" was offered to be printed in the almanac "World of Adventures". This was the first work about Alisa Selezneva - a selection of funny and touching stories that happened to a father and daughter in the then distant 21st century, inspired by real communication with her daughter Alice.

Igor Vsevolodovich spoke about the appearance of the pseudonym as follows:

“By this time I was already finishing my postgraduate studies and imagined how I would come to the institute, when it was printed, and they would say to me: “Here you are, Comrade Mozheiko, you didn’t come to the vegetable base, you didn’t treat Comrade Ivanova in a comradely manner, you were late for meeting and still write fiction!”. I was so scared that I decided to hide behind a pseudonym. And since there was no time for this, I took the name of my wife (Kira), the surname of my mother (Bulycheva), made up such a mechanical formation from this and signed the work: “Kir Bulychev”. And this signature - it seemed to break away from me and already sounded, existed on its own. And somehow it was already inconvenient for me to change it - in front of this Kir Bulychev. That's how he stayed."

It only remains to add that not all editors were sympathetic to this design, so variations of “Kir. Bulychev" (with a dot-abbreviation) and "Kirill Bulychev".

This is how his second life began - the life of the popular writer Kir Bulychev.

second life

In his very first stories, Kir Bulychev found that inimitable, that unique intonation that always distinguished him from other writers. In those years, everyone wrote about the future - about how heroic people would be, what incredible feats and discoveries they will make, what amazing Adventures will fall to their lot... All this is also in the first works of Kir Bulychev, but the difference is that it is not feats, discoveries and adventures that are important to him, but these same people who, despite the improbability of the world and the burden of events, remain simple, kind - humane! No wonder one of his first books was called "People as people." In the story "Half of Life" an ordinary earthly woman, who was captured by evil aliens, gives her life in the struggle for the freedom of non-humanoid creatures. And the hero of the story "About an ugly bioform", whose appearance is radically changed to work on a distant planet, is touchingly afraid that his beloved will see him in this form...

The themes of the works were prompted by life itself. From the address book of the 19th century, Kir Bulychev wrote out the names of the characters who settled the small town of Veliky Guslyar, which differs from other Central Russian settlements only by the fact that miracles happen here too often. Here is the story of the creation of one story from the Guslyar cycle:

“In the “Iskatele” - an appendix to the magazine “Around the World” - a disaster happened. The cover was printed in a circulation of three hundred thousand copies, and the story, to which the illustration was on the cover, was cut down by censorship. The story was some kind of translation, and why it flew out is no longer important now. The main thing is that there was a cover, and if you make a new one, then everyone will lose the award, and everyone will have a lot of trouble. And then someone had a bright idea - to take and write a story on the existing cover. And on it was a chair, on a chair - a bank; in a jar - a dinosaur ... It ended up that there were only two or three stories, so I had a small competition. Somehow everyone became too lazy: they joked and dispersed. But I wrote and thus put the editors of The Seeker in a position where they were forced to publish this story - or else they would lose the prize.

This is how the story “When did the dinosaurs die out?” appeared, which was then reprinted at least six times.

Books by Kira Bulychev were published one after another, and in the late seventies, filmmakers became seriously interested in science fiction. Thus began the third life of Kira Bulychev - the life of a screenwriter, according to the scripts of which most science fiction films were shot.

This is interesting
  • Kir Bulychev called the short film “Goldfish”, shot by Alexander Mayorov, the most beloved adaptation of his work. Impressions received on film set of this picture, were reflected in the story "Cockerel".
  • In the Moscow park "Druzhba", which is near the metro station "Rechnoy Vokzal", fans of the work of Kir Bulychev and the television series "Guest from the Future" planted a whole Alley named after Alisa Selezneva from mountain ash.
  • The production designer of the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" Natalia Orlova lives in the same entrance that Kir Bulychev lived. It was from him that she drew Captain Zeleny, and Alice - from her daughter, now theater and film actress Ekaterina Semenova.
  • Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko was an avid collector. IN different years he collected ancient military hats, coins, orders and other insignia. His book "Awards" is considered by experts to be the best in this field. I. V. Mozheiko was a member of the Presidential Council for awards.

life three

The first co-authors of Kir Bulychev in the cinema were such venerable directors as the author of cartoons about Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena Roman Kachanov, the director of the popular science fiction film dilogy "Moscow - Cassiopeia" and "Youths in the Universe" Richard Viktorov and the leading Russian comedian Georgy Danelia. The result of their joint work was the films "The Secret of the Third Planet", "Through thorns to the stars" and "Tears dripped". For the first two, Kir Bulychev received the State Prize. The official government report of the event went incognito, reporting that "Kir Bulychev is the pseudonym of Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko."

The fact is that the first and second life by this time did not stop, but continued in parallel. Under his own name, Igor Mozheiko published a number of popular science books, among which are “7 and 37 Wonders”, “Pirates, Raiders, Corsairs”, “1185”. In 1981, he defended his doctoral dissertation on "The Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma". At this very time, the whole country was staring at the brightest Russian science fiction film Through Hardships to the Stars, and young readers were looking forward to the next issue of the newspaper. Pioneer Truth”, where stories about Alisa Selezneva were published ...

In 1990, the film "Dungeon of the Witches" was released, based on the 1987 novel of the same name. The action takes place on the planet Evur, where wild tribes destroy the station of earthlings by cunning and cunning. The idea of ​​both the story and the film is that a developed society guided by humanism and liberalism may be powerless against a wild community guided by the interests of the clan. Cosmoflot agent Andrei Bruce, whose role was played by Sergey Zhigunov, who specially pumped up his muscles, has to take up a sword and abandon all intellectual principles in order to save the surviving earthlings, and with them the rudiments of humanism on the planet. And 12 years later, in 2002, Russian rental Aleksey Balabanov's picture "War" came out, the main idea of ​​which is exactly the same! But between these two films - two Chechen wars! And the second was based on terrible events recent years, and the first one was born of a writer's fantasy. But how to explain the fact that Dmitry Pevtsov, who played the leader of the savages Oktin-Khash, looks and behaves absolutely like a Chechen field commander from a television chronicle of much later times? Only the insight of the writer and director!

In addition to screenplays, Kir Bulychev also wrote plays. "Misfire-67" was staged on Leningrad television, and "Comrade D." - in the Moscow theater "Laboratory".


A few months before the death of Kira Bulychev, the recording of the TV show "Life Line" with his participation took place. The first time it was shown a month after filming, and the second, having changed the network of the Kultura channel, on the day of his departure. From the screen, Igor Vsevolodovich simply talked about his life, joked about something, thought about something together with the audience, but after a few months, alas, this video sounded like a kind of summing up. Among the many interesting questions, given to the writer, was also this: “What do you yourself consider the most important of what you wrote, what is most dear to you?” The question sounded casual, and Igor Vsevolodovich just as casual, almost without hesitation, answered that he had a business, if not his whole life, then at least last decade, but he, in all likelihood, will not finish it ... He talked about a big book project"River Chronos". A fantastic technique helped Kir Bulychev present the history of Russia in the 20th century as the history of one family - the heroes of the cycle Andrey and Lidochka Berestov received from Pan Theodore an unusual artifact that allows you to jump forward in time, sometimes even falling into it alternative options.

To the great regret of the readers, Kir Bulychev turned out to be right - the cycle remained unfinished, although work on it continued until the last days. In May, Kir Bulychev traveled to the Crimea and significantly edited the first three novels of the cycle: The Heir, The Storming of Dulber and The Return from Trebizond, which take place from 1913 to 1917. Alas, Igor Vsevolodovich almost did not have time to see the book edition of the novel "A House in London" - this is the latest chronologically novel of the cycle, which takes place already at the beginning of the 21st century. And between them "Reserve for academicians" (1934-39), "Baby Frey" (1992), "Sleep, beauty" and "They don't kill such people" (also the nineties). In the archives of Kir Bulychev, an almost completed manuscript of the "Assassination" was found - the fourth part, which takes place in 1918 ... Oh, how does that situation echo the events of the collapse Soviet Union!

The unnumbered collected works of Kir Bulychev, published by Eksmo as part of the Founding Fathers. Russian space. There are many forgotten works, published only once, but no less interesting for that.

In the archive of Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, a sheet with a plan has been preserved last novel from the cycle "River Chronos" - fantastic again. In it, the heroes part, Andrei is transferred to the future, and Lidochka lags behind. Then they meet again - Andrei has a new family. The heroes understand that they cannot live apart - Lidochka is transferred to the future, and Andrei "catches up" with her. Now they are again the same age, but already quite old people. They are again transported somewhere, where Pan Theodore is waiting for them, but they fall into an unstable "offshoot" and perish along with this world. And Theodore is waiting for them in a parallel world to make them young...

On the one hand, it is a pity that this novel was not written, but on the other hand, it is even good. May the heroes live. Just as Kir Bulychev himself will forever remain alive in our memory.

The main stories and novels of Kir Bulychev

Alisa Selezneva

  • "The Girl That Nothing Happens to" (1965)
  • "Rusty Field Marshal" ("Island of the Rusty General", "Island of the Rusty Lieutenant", 1968-91)
  • "Alice's Journey" (1974)
  • "Alice's Birthday" (1974)
  • "A Million Adventures" (1976)
  • "One Hundred Years Ahead" (1978)
  • "Prisoners of the Asteroid" (1984)
  • "Reserve of fairy tales" (1985)
  • "Kozlik Ivan Ivanovich" (1985)
  • "Purple Ball" (1983)
  • "Gai-do" (1986)
  • "Prisoners of Yamagiri-maru" (1987)
  • "The End of Atlantis" (1987)
  • "City Without Memory" (1988)
  • "Underground Boat" (1989)
  • "War with the Lilliputians" (1990)
  • "Alice and the Crusaders" (1993)
  • "Golden Bear" (1993)
  • "Dangerous Tales" (1997)
  • "Dinosaur Children" (1995)
  • "Kindness Emitter" (1996)
  • "Detective Alice" (1996)
  • "Guest in a jug" (1996)
  • "There are no ghosts" (1996)
  • "A Planet for Tyrants" (1997)
  • "Alice and the Beast" (1999)
  • "Vampire Twilight" (2001)
  • "Star Dog" (2001)

"Chronos River"

  • "Heir" (1992-2003)
  • "Storm of Dulber" (1992-2003)
  • "Return from Trebizond" (1992-2003)
  • "Assassination" (unfinished, 2005)
  • "Reserve for Academicians" (1992)
  • "Baby Frey" (1993)
  • "Sleep, beauty" (1994)
  • "Cupid in Forty Years" (1998)
  • "They don't kill them" (1998)
  • "House in London" (2003)

Dr. Pavlysh

  • "Last War" (1970)
  • "Great Spirit and Runaways" (1972)
  • "Half Life" (1973)
  • "Law for the Dragon" (1975)
  • "White Dress for Cinderella" (1980)
  • "Thirteen Years of Traveling" (1983)
  • "Village" (1988)

Space Fleet Agent Andrei Bruce

  • "KF Agent" (1984)
  • "Dungeon of the Witches" (1987)

Galactic Police Agent Cora Orvat

  • "Attempt on Theseus" (1994)
  • "In a chicken skin" (1994)
  • "Forecaster of the Past" (1994)
  • "Last Dragons" (1994)
  • "The Disappearance of Professor Lu Fu" (1994)
  • "Children's Island" (1995)
  • "Halfway off the Cliff" (1995)
  • "Mirror of Evil" (1996)

City of Veliky Guslyar

  • "Martian Potion" (1971-76)
  • "We Need a Free Planet" ("The Lamentable Drifter", 1977)
  • "Respected Microbe" (1979-89)
  • "Perpendicular World" (1989)

"Shadow play"

  • "View of the battle from above" (1998)
  • "Old Year" (1998)
  • "Operation Viper" (2000)

City of Verevkin

  • "Extra Twin" (1997)
  • "In the Claws of Passion" (1998)
  • "A plague on your field!" (1999)
  • "Genius and Villainy" (2000)

"Earthquake in Lygon"

  • "Lygon Earthquake the other day" (1980)
  • "Naked People" (1996)

Non-serial novels and short stories for adults:

  • "The ability to throw the ball" (1973)
  • "Crane in Hands" (1976)
  • "Kidnapping the Sorcerer" (1978)
  • "Tsaritsyn Key" (1981)
  • "Alien Memory" (1981)
  • "Death One Floor Below" (1989)
  • "City Above" (1986-89)
  • "Flourishing Devil" (1989)
  • "Beloved" (1991)
  • "The Secret of Urulgan" (1991)
  • "Mammoth" (1992)
  • "Misfire-67" (1995)
  • "Cinderella in the Market" (1999)
  • "Vanya + Dasha = Love" (2001)

Non-serial novels and short stories for children and teenagers

  • "General Bandula's Sword" (1968)
  • "Starship in the Forest" (1979)
  • "Two Tickets to India" (1981)
  • "Hercules and Hydra" (1982)
  • "Black bag" (1983)
  • "Alien Photograph" (1985)
  • "River Doctor" (1988)
  • "Aliens" (1992)
  • "Kids in a Cage" (1994)
  • Bloody Riding Hood, or Tale after Tale (1994)
  • "Sinbad the Sailor" (2000)
  • "Riders" (2001)
  • "Refuge" (2003)
  • "Another Childhood" (2004)

Kir Bulychev(real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko; October 18, 1934, Moscow - September 5, 2003, Moscow) - Soviet science fiction writer, orientalist, falerist, screenwriter. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1982). The pseudonym is composed of the name of the wife and maiden name the writer's mother, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva.

As the writer himself states in his autobiography

The author, also known as Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, was born in
Moscow, in Bankovsky Lane near Chistye Prudy on October 18, 1934 in
a family of proletarians - a locksmith Vsevolod Nikolaevich Mozheiko and a worker at the Hammer factory Bulycheva Maria Mikhailovna.

... I came closest to fame after the release of the five-episode film directed by Arsenov "" on television. Charming played the main role there.
And it turned out that a hundred thousand boys fell in love with her.
Everyone wanted to get to know her, go to the movies with her and do homework. The boys wrote letters, the Gorky studio was filled with these letters up to their ears, among the letters were pearls of boyish ingenuity, like this: “Dear director! I love your picture, but even more I love. If you doubt my feelings, I can marry.”
Kolya K. 6th grade "B".
(...) But if I myself had to speak in front of a children's audience, then it was worth saying the words that I wrote the script for the film "Guest from the Future", as an admiring rumble swept through the hall. And I understood how lucky I was in life: I was familiar with and at any moment could invite her to the cinema or an ice cream parlor.

The Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko was always fond of something. As a child, he adored stories about scouts and the border guard Karatsupa. At the age of ten, he wanted to become an artist and even entered an art school. True, he did not study there for long - he fell ill, missed a lot, and then was afraid to return. Probably, Igor was very worried and offended by his mother for not persuading him, not insisting, but soon he had new hobbies, completely different - geology and paleontology.
Igor was terribly anxious "travel, live in a tent, do scientific discoveries» . Imagining himself a researcher of the Amazonian selva, he walked along and across the Moscow region. He diligently studied the books of Ivan Efremov about paleontological expeditions to the Gobi Desert, collected extensive collections of minerals and, of course, imagined himself a real geologist with a courageous face and weathered hands...
It seemed that he had a direct road to the geological exploration institute, but it so happened that, according to the Komsomol order, Mozheiko was sent to the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, and, having graduated from the translation department there, he got a job in a distant Asian country- Burma...
Sometimes it seemed to the young translator that he found himself in some fairy world. From the window of the hotel he could see thousands of ancient Buddhist temples. Before dawn, they became blue, purple and somehow airy. Shocked by what he saw, Igor Mozheiko, returning to his homeland, entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1966 defended a thesis on medieval Burma on the topic “Pagan State”.
Research and work on monographs began. Life seemed to be going along a knurled track, but ... At the same time, Mozheiko's daughter Alice was growing up. She wasn't too interested in the history of Burma, but she really wanted her dad to forget about business and tell her something completely unusual. And especially for his daughter, Igor Vsevolodovich gladly began to invent fantastic stories about a girl from the 21st century, whom, like his own child, he named Alice.
These stories, entitled "The Girl with whom Nothing Happens" were published in 1965 in the popular almanac "World of Adventures". And soon there was one interesting story with the magazine "Seeker", which published detective stories and science fiction. Somehow a real emergency happened in the editorial office of this glorious publication. Before the delivery of materials to the printing house, it was decided not to publish one of the foreign fantastic stories. However, as if on purpose, the cover of the forthcoming issue with an illustration for this story had already been printed. From the cover, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked dejectedly at the upset editorial staff.
The drawing urgently demanded an explanation, and several people, saving the day, decided to write on fantasy story, the best of which was supposed to get into the collection the next day. Orientalist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat all night at the typewriter, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editor. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When did the dinosaurs die out?”) seemed to the employees the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue. But how to sign such an unforeseen creation? "Igor Mozheiko" - it seems uncomfortable. Still, a historian, a scientist, and here are some dinosaurs in jars. Wife's name plus mother's maiden name- the author decided and wrote "Kir Bulychev" under the manuscript. And so one of the most popular modern science fiction writers appeared.
Be that as it may, the fact remains: a serious historian Mozheiko began to write "frivolous" fiction. And, apparently, he really liked this lesson, because after the first short stories that laid the foundation for the stories “about Alice”, real “big” books appeared: “The Girl from the Earth” (1974), “One Hundred Years Ahead” (1978 ), “A Million Adventures” (1982), “Fidget” (1985), “Alice’s New Adventures” (1990) ... And once Alisa Selezneva even became a movie star - the scripts for the animated film “The Secret of the Third Planet” and the five-episode feature film “Guest from the future". And each new meeting with a girl from the 21st century caused both readers and viewers a storm of delight.
But Kir Bulychev did not want to compose only about Alice. His pen belongs to a great many completely different, completely different similar friend on a friend of books: an ironic epic about the provincial town of Veliky Guslyar and its glorious resident Kornely Udalov, an "adult" cycle about space doctor Vladislav Pavlysh and much, much more ...
At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich did not leave his scientific studies. Simultaneously with the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. He published several monographs, popular science books “7 and 37 Wonders”, “Pirates, Corsairs, Raiders”, “1185. East-West". And yet - he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Buddhism in Burma."
One can only wonder how Igor Vsevolodovich had enough time and energy for everything. However, no, there was just not enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, most of all dreamed of somehow increasing the day ...

Nadezhda Voronova, Alexey Kopeikin


[COMPLETE WORKS]: Adult Fiction Series / Comp. A.V. Alekseev; Artistic K.A. Soshinskaya. - M.: Khronos, 1993-.
The first fifteen volumes of the "Complete Works" by Kir Bulychev included works about Dr. Pavlysh, a cycle about the Great Guslar, a dilogy about Space Fleet Agent Andrei Bruce, about the fictional state of Ligon, the novel "Favorite", as well as numerous novels and stories.
The next fifteen volumes were supposed to include the epic "The Chronos River", novels about Garik Gagarin and the Institute of Expertise, collections of new stories and some documentary and journalistic works, including a book about the history of Soviet science fiction "The Stepdaughter of the Epoch", but most of them are in print. did not appear.

[COMPLETE WORKS]: Series "Children's fantasy" / Comp. A.V. Alekseev; Artistic E.T. Migunov. - M.: Khronos, 1994-.
For the most part, this collection consists of reprints of novels and stories about a girl from the future, Alisa Selezneva. But his very first volume - "The River Doctor" - included works that are not related to famous series: fantastic stories "The River Doctor" and "Starship in the Forest", funny and funny fairy tales "Children in a Cage", "Bloody Riding Hood, or a Tale after a Tale", as well as poems. Only the short story "Two Tickets to India" is connected with the cycle about Alice.

WORKS: In 3 volumes / designed. A.Akishina, I.Voronina. - M.: TERRA-Kn. club, 1999. - (Big library of adventures and science fiction).
T. 1: Reserve for Academicians: Fantast. novel. - 543 p.
T. 2: Earthquake in Ligon: Recently, an earthquake in Ligon; Naked people: Fantastic. novels. - 431 p.
T. 3: Sleep, beauty: A novel; Death one floor below: Fantastic. story. - 431 p.

- Great Guslar -

THE GREAT GUSLIER: Tales, stories / Khudozh. A. Kozhanovsky. - Minsk: Yunatsva, 1995. - 464 p.: ill. - (B-ka adventure and fantasy).
Where else, if not in Russia, will you find the town of Veliky Guslyar? And its inhabitants, able not to lose their presence of mind in the most unexpected situations, whether it's buying talking goldfish in a pet store, another brilliant discovery by Professor Lev Khristoforovich Mints, or a meeting with space aliens, from which the city has become somehow even cramped lately? ..

NEED A FREE PLANET: [Fantastic. works] / [Comp. M.Yu.Manakov]. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 991 p. - (Masterpieces of Russian science fiction).
GENIUS FROM GUSLYAR: [Fantastic. works] / [Comp. M.Yu.Manakov]. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 735 p. - (Masterpieces of Russian science fiction).
"Martian Potion"
It is no secret that in Veliky Guslyar there are underground passages and treasures literally under every street. One of these treasures may be, for example, a pot-bellied bottle containing a real elixir of youth...

"Need a free planet" And "Respected Microbe"
"You obviously have no idea of ​​the difficulties and dangers of space travel", - said the alien Gnets-18 to Cornelius Udalov. - "You you can die, dematerialize, fall into the past, get into the sixth dimension, turn into a woman. Finally, you can become a victim of cosmic dragons or pick up a galactic dry skin.. However, the Great Guslyar head of the construction office, who was suddenly seized with a thirst for wandering, firmly decided to help Gnets-18 find a free planet in the endless Cosmos, which is vital for his compatriots "brother in mind" ...
The merits of Kornely Ivanovich before the Galaxy were duly appreciated, and he once again had to go on a deep space journey, described in the continuation - the story "Dear Microbe".

- Galactic Police -

GALACTIC POLICE: Book. 1: Halfway off the cliff: [Fantastic. novels] / Il. A. Razumova. - M.: Lokid, 1995. - 557 p.: ill. - (Modern Russian science fiction).
Contents: Children's Island; Halfway off the cliff.
GALACTIC POLICE: Book. 2: Assassination attempt on Theseus: [Fantastic. novel] / Il. A. Razumova. - M.: Lokid, 1995. - 491 p.: ill. - (Modern Russian science fiction).
GALACTIC POLICE: Book. 3: Foreteller of the past: [Fantastic. story] / Il. A. Razumova. - M.: Lokid, 1995. - 441 p.: ill. - (Modern Russian science fiction).
Contents: In chicken skin; predictor of the past; Last dragons.
GALACTIC POLICE: Book. 4: Evil Mirror: [Fantastic. novel] / Il. A. Taranina. - M.: Lokid, 1997. - 442 p.: ill. - (Modern Russian science fiction).

ATTEMPT ON THESEUS: Fantastic. novels / Comp. M. Manakov; Artistic A.Saukov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 894 p. - (Founding Fathers: Russian space).
Contents: Children's Island; Halfway off the cliff; Assassination attempt on Theseus.
THE LAST DRAGONS: Fantastic. novel, novel / Comp. M. Manakov; Artistic A.Saukov. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 893 p. - (Founding Fathers: Russian space). Contents: In chicken skin; predictor of the past; Last dragons; Disappearance of Professor Lu Fu; Mirror of Evil.
InterGalactic Police Agent Cora Orvat is an extremely charming and adventurous person. Some, by the way, consider her as if grown up Alisa Selezneva. Nothing like this. Alice is familiar with Kora, but let's hope that a serious scientist will grow out of her, and not such an inveterate "break your head." Be that as it may, there were no less adventures for Cora, and such that Alice never dreamed of: Cora also repelled an invasion from a parallel world, and traveled to Ancient Greece, and visited a chicken skin, and searched for the missing dragons, and even with the legendary commissar Milodar on a friendly footing!

- Dr. Pavlysh -

LAST WAR: [Fantastic. novel, story]. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka - Terra, 1997. - 399 p. - (Russian field).
Contents: The Last War; Great spirit and fugitives; Half life.
PASS: [Fantastic. novel, story]. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka - Terra, 1997. - 479 p. - (Russian field).
Contents: Village; Law for the dragon; Cinderella's white dress.
The novels and stories included in these books are united by the main character - space doctor Vladislav Pavlysh. However, “main” is perhaps an exaggeration. Dr. Pavlysh rarely becomes a direct participant in the unfolding dramas. Rather, he is an outside observer, whose view of current events is the view of the author himself, attentive and ironic.

VILLAGE: [Fantastic. works] / Comp. M. Manakov; Artistic A.Saukov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 894 p. - (Founding Fathers: Russian space).
Contents: Thirteen years of travel; Great spirit and fugitives; Last war; Law for the dragon; Cinderella's white dress; half life; Village; City Above.
"Last War"
On the distant Mun, where the earthly spaceship Segezha arrives, a terrible nuclear war took place, turning the planet into an endless, lifeless desert. Only in the deep dungeons are the remnants of life still glimmering...

“Sixteen years ago, Oleg and Dick were less than two years old. Mariana was not yet in the world. And they did not remember how the Polus research ship landed here in the mountains. Their first memories were connected with the village, with the forest; they learned the habits of nimble red mushrooms and predatory vines before they heard from their elders that there are stars and another world ".
Sixteen years on distant planet with flora and fauna hostile to humans, there is a small colony founded by passengers who survived the accident spaceship"Pole", who are trying to survive in a world completely alien to people ...
Is there really no salvation and a return to savagery, and then the slow death of this tiny fragment of earthly civilization, is inevitable? ..

VILLAGE: Fantastic. novel / Art. V. Rudenko. - [Ed. 2nd]. - M.: Det. lit., 1993. - 334 p.: ill. - (B-ka adventure and fantasy).

LAST WAR: Fantasy. novel. - [St. Petersburg]: Griffon, 1991. - 336 p.

- Alice's Adventures -

ALICE'S JOURNEY: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 428 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: A girl with whom nothing will happen; Rusty field marshal; Alice's Journey; Alice's birthday.
HUNDRED YEARS AHEAD: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1995. - 298 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
A MILLION ADVENTURES: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 395 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: Prisoners of the asteroid; A million adventures
RESERVE OF FAIRY TALES: Fantast. novels and short stories / Khudozh. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 396 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: Reserve of fairy tales; Kozlik Ivan Ivanovich; Purple ball: Tales; Girl from the Future: Stories.
THE END OF ATLANTIS: Fantastic. novels and short stories / Khudozh. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 364 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: Prisoners of the Yamagiri-maru; Guy-do; End of Atlantis: Tales; Alice Again: Stories.
UNDERGROUND BOAT: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1995. - 379 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: City without memory; Underground boat.
WAR WITH LILLIPUTS: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1995. - 332 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
ALICE AND THE CRUSADERS: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1995. - 216 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: Alice and the Crusaders; Golden teddy bear.
DETECTIVE ALICE: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1996. - 230 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: Detective Alice; Emitter of kindness.
DINOSAUR KIDS: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1996. - 214 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: Dinosaur kids; Guest in a jug.
THERE ARE NO GHOSTS: Fantastic. story / Art. E.Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1996. - 237 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
DANGEROUS TALES: Fantasy. story / Il. E. Migunova. - M.: ARMADA, 1998. - 250 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).
Contents: A planet for tyrants; Dangerous Tales.
Have you read about the adventures of Alice?
If not, then you are missing out! After all, this girl from the XXI century managed to do what every self-respecting teenager can only dream of! For example, to tame a cute, tiny - some two and a half meters - brontosaurus, go with his father, Professor Seleznev, to space trip collect rare animals for the Moscow Zoo, save the whole planet from death, take a ride into the past in a time machine, become a princess of a medieval kingdom, destroy the lair of space pirates, enter the reserve of fairy tales without asking...
Well? Are you still thinking?

About the story "Dragonosaurus" from the cycle "Alice and her friends in the labyrinths of history" ...

- Chronos River -

RETURN FROM TRAPEZOUND: Fantastic. novels / Comp. M. Manakov; Artistic A.Saukov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 863 p. - (Founding Fathers: Russian space).
Contents: Heir; Assault on Dulber; Return from Trebizond.

RESERVE FOR ACADEMIANS: Fantastic. novels / Comp. M. Manakov; Artistic A.Saukov. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 955 p. - (Founding Fathers: Russian space).
Contents: Reserve for academicians; Frey baby.

RIVER CHRONOS: Fantastic. novel / Art. K. Soshinskaya. - M.: Mosk. worker, 1992. - 414 p.: ill.
This book is thorough and unhurried, full of descriptions and conversations, details and details, digressions and experiences ... Only a high school student can overcome it, and even then not everyone.
She tells about the events in Russia at the beginning of the century. Still quite young Andrei Berestov, his stepfather reveals the secret of traveling through various streams of time, which only a select few can own ...

RESERVE FOR ACADEMIANS: Fantastic. novel / Art. A. Bondarenko. - M.: Text, 1994. - 622 p.: ill. - (Fantastic prose).
Times change, revolutions happen, old tyrants are replaced by new ones, and travelers along the River of Time Andrei Berestov and Lidochka Ivanitskaya remain young. They have long haul: they are destined to know all the tragedies and hopes of our age ...

RIVER CHRONOS: Heir; Assault on Dulber; Return from Trebizond: Fantastic. novels / Art. M. Kalinkin. - M.: AST, 2004. - 829 p. - (B-ka fiction).
RIVER CHRONOS: Reserve for academicians; Cupid; Baby Frey [Fantastic. novels, story] / Khudozh. M. Kalinkin. - M.: AST, 2005. - 831 p. - (B-ka fiction).
RIVER CHRONOS: Sleep, beauty!; They don't kill them; House in London; Attempt: [Novels] / Art. M. Kalinkin. - M.: AST, 2005. - 953 p. - (B-ka fiction).
Contents: Sleep, beauty!; They don't kill them; House in London; Manakov M., Shcherbak-Zhukov A. Preface; assassination attempt; Manakov M., Shcherbak-Zhukov A. Along the "Chronos River"; From the archive.

CF AGENT: CF Agent; Witch Dungeon; City Above: [Fantastic. story] / Foreword. V.Gopman; Artistic O.Yudin. - M.: ARMADA, 1998. - 474 p.: ill. - (Classic fantasy action movie).
"KF Agent" And "Dungeon of the Witches"
On barbarian planets far behind the Earth in their development, Space Fleet agent Andrei Bruce often has to see how savagery and cruelty take precedence over the forces of good and humanity. But is it possible to artificially accelerate progress? And is outside interference acceptable for this? ..

"City Above"
In the gloomy underworld, in which all life is divided into tiers and floors, it is hard for the poor trumpeter Kroni, lonely and despised by everyone. Like other inhabitants of the underground, he has never seen the sun and does not even know what it is. But there is a forbidden legend about the City Above, which cannot be told on pain of death...

TWO TICKETS TO INDIA: [Sat.] / Comp. M. Manakov; Artistic A.Saukov. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 959 p. - (Founding Fathers: Russian space).
Contents: Sword of General Bandula; Two tickets to India; Hercules and Hydra; Starship in the forest; Black bag; Alien photo; Aliens; River Doctor; Children in a cage; Bloody Riding Hood, or Tale after Tale; Sinbad the Sailor; Riders; Shelter; Another childhood.
In this collection, for the first time, the complete author's edition of the last novel by Kir Bulychev "Shelter" and the story "Another Childhood" published posthumously saw the light of day.

SOME POEMS: Poems. - Chelyabinsk: Outskirts, 2000. - 134 p.: ill. - (For a narrow circle).
Bulychev the poet is another facet of his versatile talent.

WHO NEEDS IT?: Fantastic. history / Art. V. Zuykov. - M.: RIF, 1991. - 351 p.: ill.
Kir Bulychev once admitted that he loves this book of his more than others. Still, because it contains his best stories, and stories, according to critics, are especially good for him. There is very little fantasy in them, much more - the experiences and feelings of likeable and touching people whom the writer knows and loves well.

CROCODILE IN THE YARD: Sat. / Art. M. Kalinkin. - M.: AST: Ermak, 2003. - 379 p. - (Worlds of Kir Bulychev).
Contents: Vanya + Dasha = love; Misfire-67; Comrade D; Name day of Mrs. Vorchalkina; Crocodile in the yard.
And another facet of the versatile talent of Kira Bulychev is a playwright.

FAVORITE: Fantastic. novel / Art. K. Soshinskaya. - M.: Culture, 1993. - 349 p.: ill.
Giant (three or four meters tall), similar to disgusting toads, insidious and soulless aliens from the planet Reikino came to conquer the Earth. They perform terrible experiments on people, use them as slaves or keep them as pets. And now one of these domestic "favorites" escapes from his "masters" and wanders around dark world under the heel of cruel conquerors ...

SWORD OF GENERAL BANDULA: Adventure. story / Art. Yu.Chistyakov. - M.: Det. lit., 1968. - 224 p.: ill.
Burma holds many secrets. Some of them will face the Moscow schoolboy Igor Isaev...

RIDERS: Fantastic. story / Il. V. Krivenko. - M.: ARMADA: "Alpha-book Publishing House", 2002. - 218 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

DUNGEON WITCHES: [Fantastic. works] / Comp. M. Manakov; Artistic A.Saukov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 1086 p. - (Founding Fathers: Russian space).
Contents: CF Agent; Witch Dungeon; Favorite; Vanya + Dasha = love; Extra twin; In the clutches of passion; A plague on your field!; Cinderella in the market; Genius and villainy; Secret of Urulgan.

DUNGEON WITCHES: [Fantastic. novels] / Il. A. Taranina. - M.: Lokid, 1996. - 490 p.: ill. - (Modern Russian science fiction).
Contents: CF Agent; Witch Dungeon; City Above.

KIDNAPPING OF THE WIZARD: [Fantastic. story]. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka - Terra, 1997. - 415 p. - (Russian field).
Contents: Crane in hands; Abduction of the sorcerer; Tsaritsyn key; Alien memory.

KIDNAPPING OF THE WIZARD: [Fantastic. works] / Comp. M. Manakov; Artistic A.Saukov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 1146 p. - (Founding Fathers: Russian space).
Contents: An earthquake in Ligon the other day; naked people; Death is one floor below; The ability to throw the ball; Crane in the hands; Tsaritsyn key; Abduction of the sorcerer; Alien memory; ornate devil; Mammoth; Misfire-67.
"The Queen's Key"
The folklore expedition, which went for songs and fairy tales to the distant Ural village of Poluyekhtovy Ruchi, did not expect to find a real magical kingdom. In this remote corner, raspberries the size of a fist grow, a talking raven Grigory lives, a mill wanders by itself and, following an old tradition, a bear shoots from a cannon every morning! ..
And all because in time immemorial A huge meteorite fell into the valley of the Tsaritsyn Key. “Brought from the depths of space, strange compounds of the local unknown substances soaked the spring, gushing from the earth, with fabulous power, and the water here acquired properties that are not found anywhere else in the world”.

"Sorcerer's Abduction"
Keane, an alien from the 28th century, tells our contemporary Anna about the purpose of his visit, along the way explaining the principle of time travel: “You and I are particles floating in a spiral flow, and nothing in the world can slow down or speed up this movement. But there is another possibility - to move straight, out of the flow, as if crossing coil after coil..
A difficult task faces people from the distant future: they intend to save the obscure genius of the 13th century from inevitable death ...

"Alien Memory"
A homunculus was cloned in one of the Moscow institutes - artificial man. The head of the experiment, Sergei Rzhevsky, in his own image and likeness, created a “son” for himself, rewarding him, in addition to his appearance, with his memories and pangs of conscience ...

THE MYSTERY OF URULGAN: Novels / Art. M. Kalinkin. - M.: AST, 2001. - 412 p. - (Worlds of Kir Bulychev).
Contents: The Secret of Urulgan. Death is one floor below.

MYSTERY OF URULGAN: Old-fashioned science fiction. story / Art. G. Kornyshev. - M.: Orbita, 1991. - 221 p.: ill.
This story is called "old-fashioned" partly because its action takes place at the beginning of our century - in 1913. The beautiful Englishwoman Miss Veronica Smith set out to make a dangerous journey to a terribly distant, wild and unknown Siberia. What prompted her to take such a risky act? A vague message about her father - Captain Oliver Smith, missing in those parts without a trace ...

REfuge: Roman / Il. A. Derzhavin. - M.: Egmont Russia Ltd., 2004. - 478 p.
Kira Bulychev's latest novel.

THROUGH THORKS TO THE STARS: Sat. / Art. M. Kalinkin. - M.: AST, 2003. - 348 p. - (Worlds of Kir Bulychev).
Contents: Hercules and Hydra; Alien photo; Black bag; My dog ​​Polkan; Aliens; From the author; Through hardship to the stars.
In addition to five well-known stories, the collection includes the script for the science fiction film Through Hardships to the Stars, written in collaboration with director Richard Viktorov.

- Secrets of history -

ENGLAND: Gods and Heroes / Khudozh. V. Tsikota. - Tver: Polina, 1997. - 79 p.: ill. - (Gods and heroes).
It is not known whether the powerful gods of the ancient inhabitants of Britain - the Celts - actually existed, but here are the heroes - “not at all a product of fantasy or poetic fiction. The British themselves believe that their ancient heroes, such as Boudicca, King Arthur, Sir Lancelot of the Lake, Robin Hood, actually lived. And they will even show you the Round Table of King Arthur, which is kept in one of the cathedrals ... "

ATLANTIS: Gods and Heroes / Art. G. Zlatogorov. - Tver: Polina, 1997. - 80 p.: ill. - (Gods and heroes).
“... there was one people in the world, from which not only not a single book or inscription, but even a clay shard, even beads or coins, not to mention the ruins of palaces, was preserved ...
These people are the Atlanteans.
Their country was called Atlantis...
It is said that Atlantis sank entirely, along with cities, fields, mountains and swamps.
And you can only read about it in one book ...
Atlantis is one of unsolved mysteries history of the earth…

WOMEN-KILLERS. - M.: Sovremennik, 1996. - 320 p.: ill. - (Anthology of secrets, miracles and mysteries).
Contents: Conan Doyle and Jack the Ripper; Killer women.
"Conan Doyle and Jack the Ripper"
"This book is like a chain of stories told by the fireside, which were so loved by the respected Charles Dickens". Information about the life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is here side by side with stories about sensational crimes of that time, in which the author of famous detectives drew inspiration. Kira Bulychev “it seemed natural to bring together the life of Conan Doyle and the biography of Sherlock Holmes and show how they fit into reality and how they interacted with the progress of forensic science”.

"Killer Women"
Of course, women are demonic beings. But they were often driven to crime not by malicious intent, but by despair and the merciless force of circumstances ...

STEPDAUGHTER OF THE EPOCH: Fav. fiction works. - M .: Magazine "If": LK press: Intern. center of fantasy, 2004. - 368 p.
Bulychev is a literary critic - and this is not the last facet of his versatile talent.
Igor Vsevolodovich has never been an aloof researcher of science fiction, a philologist, impassively fixing certain literary trends. According to A. Shcherbak-Zhukov, "The stepdaughter of the era" is “an extremely personal story about how fantasy literature became a vivid reflection of the processes that took place in our country between the world wars".

FANTASTIC BESTIARY / Khudozh. K. Soshinskaya. - St. Petersburg: "KN Publishing House", 1995. - 259 p.: ill. - (Anthology of secrets, miracles and mysteries).
The Bestiary is a book about beasts, while the Fantasy Bestiary is a book about fictional beasts. Kir Bulychev wanted to tell “about creatures that never existed… and look at them through our eyes. Then scary tales become funny, and sometimes touching". To do this, he selected a unicorn, a kraken, a dragon, an echidna, a sphinx, a basilisk, a mermaid, a kikimora in his amazing menagerie - you can’t list them all! But among the creatures invented in antiquity, there are others - those that were unknown to the monks of the Middle Ages - a special section is dedicated to them: "Inventions of our days."


[COMPLETE WORKS]: East. series / Comp. A.V. Alekseev. - M.: Khronos, 1996-.
This multi-volume edition was supposed to include popular science books, which were published in different years under the real name of Kira Bulychev - I.V. Mozheiko. Unfortunately, the meeting was left unfinished.

“The happiness of a collector is absolutely special kind joy that is not available to everyone. This feeling in its purest form is disinterested, since a real collector with the same intensity will rejoice in the acquisition of a penny or priceless - it is not the cost that matters, but the fact of possession "(Kir Bulychev. "KF Agent").
All his life Igor Mozheiko was a passionate collector. Faleristics became his passion, a passion so strong and deep that over time it turned into another profession.
“Falera was called a chest plate Roman legionary, - Igor Vsevolodovich writes in the introduction. - Falera was a reward for valor.
The doctrine of rewards is called phaleristics.
A true collector knows absolutely everything about his collection. Therefore, Igor Mozheiko conducts “talk about phaleristics” very competently and with obvious pleasure.

PIRATES, CORSAIRS, RADERS: Essays on the history of piracy in the Indian Ocean and the South Seas (XV - XX centuries). - 3rd ed., add. - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 349 p.: ill.

PIRATES, CORSAIRS, RADERS: [Sat. articles]. - M.: Veche, 2006. - 477 p.: ill., photo. - (Great secrets).
“Piracy arose in ancient times. There is reason to believe that on the day when the first sea merchant loaded his boat with goods, the first sea robber set off after him..
Books about pirates best reading in the world. And although the book “Pirates, Corsairs, Raiders” is not a novel, but just a collection of historical essays, it is just as difficult to break away from it as from R.L. Stevenson’s “Treasure Island” ...

7 AND 37 WONDERS / Art. K. Soshinskaya. - M.: Sovremennik, 1996. - 331 p.: ill. - (Anthology of secrets, miracles and mysteries).

7 AND 37 WONDERS OF THE WORLD: From Hellas to China. - M.: Veche, 2006. - 413 p.: ill., photo. - (Great secrets).
Seven is a wonderful number, of course, and perhaps even magical. But there were not seven wonders of the world, but much more! ..
Igor Mozheiko talks not only about Egyptian pyramids, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, but also about dozens of other miracles that were created by the hands of people who lived in various parts the globe many centuries ago...

1185 YEAR. (EAST - WEST). - M.: Nauka, 1989. - 524 p.: ill.
“I wanted to see and show the reader- I.V. Mozheiko wrote in the "Introduction" to this book, - the world of one year (or several years), but not today and not close to us in time, but distant ... I wanted to show the reader that the great thinkers and artists, warriors and poets of the distant past were particles of humanity, albeit separated by mountains and forests ... For those who do not like history because there are a lot of dates in it and they need to be crammed, I will make a big indulgence. The date will be…
1185 ... By this time, the events described in the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" belong. Historian I.V. Mozheiko invites us on an exciting journey from East to West, so that, moving along the Great silk road, to meet not only with Prince Igor, but also with the Georgian Queen Tamara, Genghis Khan, Nizami, Frederick Barbarossa, the Crusader Knights and even Richard the Lionheart himself ...

More about the book “1185. (East - West) "...

Alexey Kopeikin


Bulychev Kir. Everything is still ahead! // Ural pathfinder. - 1988. - No. 4. - S. 39-44.

Bulychev Kir. Introduction // Bulychev Kir. Great spirit and fugitives. - M.: Khronos, 1993. - S. 3-10.

Bulychev Kir. How to become a science fiction writer: [Memories] // If. - 1999. - No. 8-11.

Bulychev Kir. How to become a science fiction writer: Notes of the Seventies. - Ed. 3rd, add. and abbr. - Chelyabinsk: Outskirts, 2001. - 325 p.: fotoil. - (For a narrow circle).

Bulychev Kir. How to become a science fiction writer: Notes of the Seventies. - Ed. 4th, corrected, add. and abbr. - M.: Bustard, 2003. - 382 p.: photo.

In the “clip” or outside it?..: [Conversation with Kir Bulychev is conducted by VL Gopman]; Bulychev Kir. Last 100 Minutes: Story; Works of K. Bulychev: [Bibliography of books and journal publications 1965-88] // Sov. bibliography. - 1989. - No. 2. - S. 71-82.

Miracles in Guslyar and other miracles: [Meeting with Kir Bulychev is led by V.I.Malov] // Young Technician. - 1983. - No. 8. - S. 32-39.

Arbitman R. Farewell to the Great Guslar // Arbitman R. The fate of Cassandra: Articles about science fiction, and not only about it. - Saratov: MP "Litera II", 1993. - S. 13-21.

Borisov V. BULYCHEV Kir (or Kirill) (pseudo Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) (b. 1934) // Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Minsk: IKO "Galaxias", 1995. - S. 115-117.
The author of this encyclopedic article made many inaccuracies and mistakes. Nevertheless, it is of known interest as a biased and subjective view of the work of Kira Bulychev.

Gopman V. People as people: About the heroes of Kir Bulychev and a little about himself // Bulychev Kir. KF agent. - M.: ARMADA, 1998. - S. 5-14.

Gurbolikova O. Bulychev Kira // Gurbolikova O. Honored with the State Prize of the USSR: Works of owls. writers: Bibliogr. directory. - M.: Book, 1986. - S. 115-117.

Evdokimov A. A book about kindness // Knowledge is power. - 1979. - No. 12. - S. 46-47.

Kir Bulychev in the XX century: Bibliography. reference book / Comp.: V.Kolyadin, A.Lyakhov, M.Manakov, A.Popov; Under total ed. M. Manakova; Designed region M. Manakova. - Chelyabinsk: Outskirts, 2002. - 264 p.

Kir Bulychev and his friends: Sat. - Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk Printing House, 2004. - 318 p.: ill., photo. - (For a narrow circle).
The main place in this book is occupied by memories of Kira Bulychev.

Mozheiko Igor Vsevolodovich (Kir Bulychev): Brief. biobibliogr. reference // World of Adventures. - M.: Det. lit., 1989. - S. 648-649.

Neyolov E. About the white dress of Cinderella and the skin of a rhinoceros // Literary newspaper. - 1985. - No. 46. - November 13. - p. 3.

Podolny R. In Wonderland // Literary Review. - 1975. - No. 1. - S. 47-48.

Pokrovsky M. Beyond the horizon - the horizon // The fourth dimension. - 1991. - No. 1. - S. 104-106.

Polikovskaya L. A million adventures // Children's literature. - 1983. - No. 7. - S. 56-57.

Revich V. Children as children // Bulychev Kir. Girl from the future ... and other stories. - Chisinau: Lumina, 1984. - S. 613-620.

Revich V. Saryn on the kichka!; A terrible dream, but merciful God // Revich V. Crossroads of utopias: The fate of science fiction against the backdrop of the fate of the country. - M.: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 1998. - S. 213-216, 333-336.

Rudishina T. About difficult and easy issues of life // Children's literature. - 1991. - No. 5. - S. 74-76.




Throw, or It all started on Saturday. Based on the story "The ability to throw the ball." Scene. A.Strakhova, F.Frantzuzov. Dir. S. Raibaev. Comp. A. Zatsepin. USSR, 1976. Cast: E. Zhaisanbaev, L. Tyomkin and others.
Guest from the future. TV movie in 5 episodes based on the novel "One Hundred Years Ahead". Scene. Kira Bulycheva, P. Arsenova. Dir. P. Arsenov. Comp. E. Krylatov. USSR, 1984. Cast: Natasha Guseva, Alyosha Fomkin, Ilyusha Naumov, Maryana Ionesyan, V. Nevinny, M. Kononov, G. Burkov, L. Arinina, V. Talyzina, N. Varley, E. Gerasimov and others.
Goldfish. A short film based on the short story "Goldfish went on sale". Scene. Kira Bulycheva, A. Mayorova. Dir. A. Mayorov. Comp. M. Bronner. USSR, 1983. Cast: M. Kononov, G. Polskikh, N. Parfenov, E. Maksimova and others.
Lilac ball. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. P. Arsenov. Comp. E. Krylatov. USSR, 1987. Cast: Natasha Guseva, Sasha Gusev, V. Nevinny, V. Baranov, V. Nosik, B. Shcherbakov, S. Kharitonova, I. Yasulovich, V. Pavlov, S. Nikonenko, M. Levtova and others .
A Million Adventures: Rusty General's Island. TV movie based on the story "The Island of the Rusty Lieutenant". Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. V. Khovenko. Comp. A. Tchaikovsky. USSR, 1988. Cast: Katya Prizhbilyak, A. Lenkov, L. Artemyeva and others.
May I ask Nina? Short TV movie based on story of the same name. USSR, Central Television.
Misfire. TV movie in 2 episodes based on the story "Misfire-67". Scene. and staging by V. Makarov. Comp. A. Yakovlev. Russia, GTRK "Petersburg - Channel Five".
Witch Dungeon. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. Y. Moroz. Comp. M. Dunaevsky. USSR-Czechoslovakia, 1990. Cast: S. Zhigunov, M. Levtova, N. Karachentsov, D. Pevtsov, I. Yasulovich, Zh. Prokhorenko and others.
Glade of fairy tales. TV movie based on the story "The Unworthy Hero". Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. L. Gorovets. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1988. Starring - N. Stotsky.
The kidnapping of a sorcerer. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva with the participation of V. Kobzev. Dir. V. Kobzev. Comp. A. Paulavichus. USSR, 1989. Cast: Y. Aug, R. Ramanauskas, L. Borisov, S. Varchuk, V. Gostyukhin, A. Boltnev and others.
The kidnapping of a sorcerer. Teleplay in 2 parts based on the story of the same name. Scene. and staging by G. Selyanin. Comp. I. Tsvetkov. THE USSR, Leningrad television. Cast: N. Danilova, Y. Demich, I. Krasko and others.
Birthmark. A short film based on the story "Birthmarks". Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. L. Gorovets. Comp. S. Bedusenko. USSR, 1986. Cast: V. Nikolenko, M. Vinogradova, I. Mozheiko and others.
The ability to throw the ball. TV movie based on the story of the same name and the story "Summer Morning". Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. V. Spiridonov. Comp. E.Doga. USSR, 1988. Cast: A. Porokhovshchikov, V. Dolinsky and others.
Chance. Based on the story "Martian Potion". Scene. Kira Bulycheva, A. Mayorova. Dir. A. Mayorov. Comp. A. Rybnikov. USSR, 1984. Cast: S. Plotnikov, M. Kapnist, D. Kambarova, V. Pavlov, B. Ivanov, L. Ivanova, R. Kurkina, I. Yasulovich, M. Menglet, S. Zhigunov and others.
Experiment 200. A short film based on the story "Jubilee 200". Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. Y. Moroz. USSR, (1987).

- Films based on scripts by Kira Bulychev -

In a familiar street A short film based on the story of L. Andreev "Ivan Ivanovich". Scene. Kira Bulycheva, A. Kozmenko. Dir. A. Kozmenko. Comp. S. Lazarev. USSR, 1988. Cast: A. Bubashkin, A. Zelenov, V. Barinov, G. Sichkar, V. Basov and others.
Comet. Scene. Kira Bulycheva, R. Viktorov with the participation of Yu. Chulyukin. Dir. R. Viktorov. Comp. V. Chernyshev. USSR, 1983. Cast: A. Kuznetsov, N. Sementsova, A. Belyak, D. Zolotukhin, V. Basov, V. Smirnitsky, Fedya Stukov, G. Millyar and others.
Tears dripped. Scene. Kira Bulycheva, A.Volodina, G.Danelia. Dir. G. Danelia. Comp. G. Kancheli. USSR, 1982. Cast: E. Leonov, I. Savvina, N. Grebeshkova, N. Ruslanova, B. Andreev, N. Parfenov, A. Yakovleva and others.
Through hardship to the stars. In 2 series. Scene. Kira Bulycheva, R. Viktorova. Dir. R. Viktorov. Comp. A. Rybnikov. Soviet Union, 1980 and others (State Prize of the USSR in 1982).

- Documentary -

Date with the Comet. Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. I. Raush. USSR, 1983.


Two tickets to India. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. Yu.Saulsky. USSR, 1985. Roles were voiced by: A. Kaydanovsky, M. Vinogradova, R. Sukhoverko, Yu. Volintsev and others.
Alice's birthday. Based on the story of the same name. Dir. S.Seregin. Art director S. Gavrilov. Comp. D. Rybnikov. Russia, 2009. Roles were voiced by: Ya. Nikolaeva, A. Kolgan, E. Stychkin, N. Guseva and others.
A treasure trove of wisdom. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. A.Polushkin. Comp. A. Yanitsky. USSR, 1991.
Money box. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. A.Polushkin. Comp. A. Yanitsky. USSR, 1990. Roles were voiced by: Z. Naryshkina, B. Runge, G. Kachin and others.
Pass. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. V. Tarasov. Art director T. Zvorykina, S. Davydova, A. Fomenko. Comp. A. Gradsky. Song on verses by Sasha Cherny. USSR, 1988. Roles are voiced by: V. Livanov, A. Pokrovskaya, A. Pashutin and others. The text from the author is read by A. Kaidanovsky.
The secret of the third planet. Feature-length animated film based on the story "Alice's Journey". Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. R. Kachanov. Art director N. Orlova. Comp. A. Zatsepin. USSR 1981
Prisoners of the Yamagiri Maru. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva, A. Solovyova. Dir. A. Solovyov. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1988. Roles were voiced by: T. Aksyuta, V. Larionov and others.
Miracles in Guslyar. Based on the story "A Steam Engine for the Tsar". Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. A.Polushkin. Comp. V.Kazenin. USSR, 1991.
Apple tree. Based on the story of the same name. Scene. Kira Bulycheva. Dir. A.Polushkin. Comp. V.Kazenin. USSR, 1989.


See also:
Official site of Kir Bulychev

Kir Bulychev(real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) - Soviet science fiction writer, orientalist, phalerist, screenwriter and historian, also known for works of other genres (adventure, biographical, popular science and science fiction), one of the leading and most prolific authors of Soviet science fiction in the 1960s-2000s. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1982). The pseudonym is composed of the name of Kira's wife and the maiden name of the writer's mother, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva.

Born October 18, 1934 in Moscow.
In 1957 he graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez, with a degree in Oriental studies, worked in Burma as a construction interpreter. In 1959, after returning from Burma, he entered the graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies. Then he began to write popular science essays for the magazine "Around the World", in connection with which he traveled a lot around the country.
Since the mid-1960s, he has been a researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences; author of many monographs, popular science and science fiction books; Doctor of Historical Sciences. He began publishing in 1960.
In 1965, Bulychev defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries)" and began working as an orientalist with a degree in "History of Burma". In the scientific world, he is known for his works on the history of Southeast Asia. In 1981 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme "The Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma".

The first SF publications were the hoax story "Debt of Hospitality" (1965; published as a translation, the author is "Burmese prose writer Maun Sein Ji") and a selection of stories - "The Girl with whom nothing will happen" (1965). Stories about adventures on Earth and in space by a 21st century girl, Alisa Selezneva, with whom Bulychev made his debut in science fiction, brought the author significant success and popularity among teenage readers; stories about Alice, first published in various anthologies (and repeatedly reprinted), made up a collection - "The Girl from the Earth" (1974), "One Hundred Years Ahead" (1978), "A Million Adventures" (1982), "The Girl from the Future" (1984), "Fidget" (1985), "Prisoners of the Asteroid" (1988), "Alice's New Adventures" (1990); a number of works have been filmed (most often according to the script of Bulychev himself) in the form of feature films, full-length cartoons and television series.
Started fresh and talented - Bulychev skillfully filled in the long empty gap of action-packed, intelligent and at the same time moral and "pedagogical" science fiction for children and adolescents - the series frankly ran out of steam over time, continuing to replenish with new stories by inertia; and cardinal changes in the public life of the country at the turn of the 1980-90s. turned the image of the “pioneer” of the communist near future into an anachronism. Nevertheless, the successful - over a quarter of a century - publishing and cinematographic fate of the cycle confirmed the unique commercial flair of Bulychev, who was the closest in the Soviet science fiction (excluding - for other reasons - A. and B. Strugatsky) to the status of a "bestseller" author.

The gift of a humorist (to a greater extent than a satirist) was impressively demonstrated by Bulychev with early stories about the inhabitants of the provincial town of Veliky Guslyar, partially combined into the collection Miracles in Guslyar (1972); written out with humor and sympathy, the city became an excellent training ground where one could observe the clash of recognizable Soviet life of the 1960-80s. with the most incredible fantastic events, often presented as a clever parody of cliches of science fiction literature, from "routine" landings of aliens to the realization of fabulous situations: sales of wish-granting goldfish in a local shop - in the story "Goldfish went on sale" ( 1972); the elixir of immortality discovered in the vicinity of the Great Guslar - in the story "Martian Potion" (1971); the latter is screened.
However, as in the case of the series about Alice, later stories - and subsequently voluminous stories - about the inhabitants of the Great Guslar did not bring a new quality, parodic lightness was lost, and against the backdrop of the political "stagnation" of the 1970-80s. Bulychev's soft and completely "safe" humor sometimes began to irritate with its benignity; the writer became somewhat "emboldened" only in the late 1980s - the story "Perpendicular World" (1989) and other "post-perestroika guslyar" stories. The later works of the cycle were collected in collections - “The Great Guslar” (1987), “Respected Microbe, or Guslar in Space” (1989), “Martian Potion. The most complete chronicle of the Great Guslyar "(1990).

Versatile SF creativity Bulychev is not limited to these series. The success of the writer was already brought by early stories and novellas, which were united by the programmatically named (in polemics with the authors of utopias - from G. Wells to S. Snegov) collection "People as People" (1975), which determined Bulychev's "ecological niche" in the national science fiction: chamber stories about ordinary people who find themselves in incredible circumstances, the accuracy of the psychological picture, everyday details that create the unique credibility of the most exotic worlds, humor, the capacious laconic language of intelligent "urban prose"; other works of the short form were collected - "Summer Morning" (1979), "Pass" (1983), "The Abduction of the Sorcerer" (1989), "Coral Castle" (1990).
In a number of stories, people's lives change decisively under the influence of fantastic inventions and discoveries: an apparatus for reading thoughts in Professor Kozarin's Crown (1973), artificial vision in the story The Eye (1978); in the story "The ability to throw the ball" (1973), an absolutely unsportsmanlike hero, who suddenly gained the ability to throw objects with exceptional accuracy, tries to become a basketball player; filmed.

A number of more traditional "space" stories and Bulychev's stories are united by one hero - the space doctor Pavlysh, whose prototype was Slava Pavlysh, the ship's doctor of the Segezha bulk carrier. (The writer traveled on Segezha as a correspondent for the Vokrug Sveta magazine in 1967. The cycle includes one of Bulychev’s best early stories, The Snow Maiden (1973), as well as the stories The Great Spirit and the Runaways (1972) and "The Law for the Dragon" (1975).The cycle is adjoined by the rare novel in Bulychev's work "The Last War" (1970) - one of the few works in Soviet literature that describes the consequences of a nuclear war, however, on another planet, where, in order to revive life on the atomic ashes, an earthly expedition arrived.
Among other works related to space exploration, the following stand out: the psychological novella “On an Ugly Bioform” (1974), the hero of which undergoes a complete biological transformation of the body in order to survive and work on a harsh planet; the stories “The World is Strange, but Good” (1967; others “This is how the floods begin”) and “Toly Gusev’s Hockey” (1972), in which the action takes place on planets with unusual physical, climatic and environmental phenomena. The story "Pass" (1980), which became the first part of the novel "The Village" (1988), is a fascinating "robinsonade" of the descendants of shipwrecked on another planet, forced to coexist with local nature and maintain the rudiments of earthly civilization; based on the story, a full-length cartoon was created. Also filmed was the action-packed story "Dungeon of the Witches" (1987), which combines elements of "space opera" and "heroic fantasy" and is dedicated to the adventures of an Earth agent on a dysfunctional planet; the novel "KF Agent" (1984, 1986) is plotted with her.

In the mid 1980s. Bulychev gained a reputation as a solid master of commercial science fiction series (about Alice, about the Great Guslar), who does not aggravate relations with publishers and ideological authorities by turning to "politics", but does not reduce the accumulated literary level.

In the nineties of the last century, the writer tried to raise this level, significantly expand the subject matter of his works, and these attempts seem worthy of the attention of readers and critics. The story "Death One Floor Below" (1989) tells about the catastrophe of a secret chemical plant in a Siberian city and about the attempts of local authorities to hide information about thousands of victims; Bulychev's collection - "Apology" (1990) - includes stories of various levels and topics, for example, "Meeting near Rovno" (1990) - the story of Hitler's secret meeting with Stalin, and both dictators turn out to be aliens, cruel "educators" of the earth civilization.

Fantastic elements are also contained in a number of Bulychev's historical adventure books: the story "The Sword of General Bandula" (1968) and the novel "An Earthquake in Ligon the other day" (1980). Bulychev's Peru also owns numerous translations of English and American science fiction and a number of film scripts in the same genre and in the genre of "modern fairy tale" - "Through thorns - to the stars" (co-authored with R. Viktorov); published in two parts: Daughter of Space (1980) and Angels of Space (1981); "Comet" (co-authored with R. Viktorov), "Tears dripped" (co-authored with A. Volodin and G. Daneliya; staged in 1982), "Glade of Fairy Tales" (staged in 1988) and others.

Under the pseudonym Yu. Mikhailovsky Bulychev translated Heinlein's story "If this continues ...", and as Alexander Ge, Simak's story "Money Tree" was translated for the magazine "Iskatel".

Since 1989, K. Bulychev has been writing a long novel "The Chronos River", which develops into the "Chronos" cycle, which already consists of several novels.

At the turn of the century, Bulychev continued to write both works with already known characters (the cycles of Alice, Guslyar, Shadow Theater) and other works (including the cycles of InterGpol, Verevkin). During this period, the writer's talent is fully revealed, he writes detective stories (Lydia Berestov's cycle), poems, plays, diverse novels and stories.

Based on the works of Kir Bulychev, feature and animated films were shot, comics were published, filmstrips were released. His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and peoples of the former USSR.

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