Excerpts from the book of Carlos the Jackal "Revolutionary Islam.


What does the name Carlos mean? For a long time, people have been interested in the meaning of this name. What happens if you name your child Carlos? After all, each of us at birth is given a name that accompanies us all our lives. Yes, and after death, it is customary to indicate data about a person on a memorial. And what is constantly with us cannot but be reflected in the character and behavior. So let's get back to the secret of the name Carlos.
Scientists, philosophers, astrologers - they all fought for centuries, trying to decipher male and female names. In our time, many books have been published with the meanings and secrets of the name Botagoz, and the list is constantly updated, since over the years new proper names appear, and the old ones go away, are forgotten. By the way, in ancient times, babies were given names that were even scary to pronounce. This was done on purpose to ward off evil spirits. Later in Rus', children were called by two names, one was pronounced only in church and hidden from everyone. It was believed that Botagoz is the name of a guardian angel who will protect a person all his life. Today there is a special fashion for names. Many mothers and fathers carefully choose the name of the future baby, referring to the Old Slavonic lists. Someone first studies the meaning of the name, and only then chooses the appropriate one. And there are fewer and fewer who come up with names themselves. Here everything is already limited by the flight of your imagination. But then to determine the nature of the owner unique name there will be phonetics - sound combinations and syllables. IN meaning of the name Carlos there are many ancient roots and sources that are irretrievably lost today ...

Forms of the name Karl

Common name variants: Karlushka, Karlusha, Karlunya, Chuck, Charlie, Callie, Carly, Litush, Karlan, Carletto, Carlino, Kari, Karchi, Karus, Karuk. Synonyms for Karl. Carlos, Carlos, Carlos, Carlo, Karol, Karoy, Karolos, Karol, Karel, Charles, Charles, Charles, Sherlas, Carolus.

Carl name in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 卡爾 (Kǎ"ěr). Japanese: カール (Kāru). Greek: Καρλ (Karl). Hindi: कार्ल (Kārla). Ukrainian: Carl Georgian: კარლ (karl) English: Carl (Carl)

origin of the name Carl

The name Carl has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Karl has and comes from "karl", meaning "man". The name originally came from the Old Norse language, where "karl" meant "free man". This name was worn by many kings of European dynasties. The name of the monarch, his title - king - came from the name of the first German emperor Charlemagne.

In various European countries, the name Karl has adapted to phonetics. given people. So in England, Charles will be called as Charles (Charles), in France - Charles, in Spain - Carlos, in Portugal - Carlos (Carlos), in Italy - Carlo, in Romania - Karol, in Hungary - Karoy, in Greece - Karolos, in Poland - Karol, in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands - Karel, in Ireland - Sherlas.

According to the second version, the name Karl has and means "brave".

In Russia, the name Karl has become a household name. It was resorted to in two cases when they called visitors from Europe, mostly Germans, and also if the person was very vertically challenged. It was from these two components that the word “dwarf” appeared in the Russian language, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna called the court jester Karlusha. From the name Karl in Russian, the surname Karlov appeared.

Women's names derived from the name Karl are widespread in Europe. So from the name of Carl the name Caroline appeared, and from the French Charles - Charlotte.

Carl's character

Carl is monogamous, suffers a lot if he is not reciprocated with feelings.

Karl is a multifaceted nature, has a subtle intuition and organizational talent.

Mystery of the name

Men with the name Karl are people with pretensions, they are talented in many areas of art. Carl is a strong, uncontrollable personality. Knows how to be convincing, influences others without forcing the psyche. The appearance of these men is a rough face with intelligent, benevolent and sly eyes- usually misleads others, which contributes to the creation of an aura of mystery around these personalities. Possessing the gift of persuasion and the ability to catch the most complex movements human soul, Karl himself are absolutely uncontrollable and poorly controlled.

Astrological characteristic:

Sign zodiac name:
Planet: Jupiter
Colors name: scarlet
Stone-mascot: aventurine
Totemic plant: pine
Totemic animal: cat

Main traits character Charles: solidity, emotionality

Additional characteristics of the name Carl:

Vibration: 115,000 vibrations/s
Self-realization(character): 98%

The meaning of the name Karl

Courageous. "Brave", "Courageous" (germ.) These are people with pretensions, they are talented in many areas of art. Strong, uncontrollable personality. They know how to be convincing, I influence others without forcing the psyche. The appearance of these men: a rough face with intelligent, benevolent and cunning eyes - usually misleads others, which contributes to the creation of an aura of mystery around these personalities. They are monogamous and suffer greatly if there is no reciprocity. Good hosts. Prudent, prudent, tight-fisted, able to save.

Numerology Of The Name Carl

For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G-8s are for the most part very strong personalities that prioritize practicality and material gain. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to start a large number friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

The name Carl as a phrase

To Kako
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
L People

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Karl

Characteristics of the name Karl according to B. Higir

Translated from ancient German - "courageous". Carls with claims, they are talented in many areas of art Strong, uncontrollable personality. They know how to be convincing, I influence others without forcing the psyche. The appearance of these men: a rough face with intelligent, benevolent and cunning eyes - usually misleads those around them, which contributes to the creation of an aura of mystery around these personalities. They are monogamous and suffer greatly if there is no mutual ti. Good hosts. Prudent, prudent, tight-fisted, able to save.

Positive traits of the name

Karp is distinguished by outstanding intelligence, high ingenuity, breadth of interests, intuition in business and in communicating with people. Most feature is a combination of hardness and extreme sensitivity.

Negative traits of the name

Usually, since childhood, Karp has been distinguished by impressionability and considerable pride, he reacts rather sharply to criticism or any comments addressed to him, but his inherent firmness inclines him to hide his emotions.

Choosing a profession by name

A lighter attitude to life perfectly relieves self-esteem of pain, and in addition, thanks to this, Karp not only significantly improves his relationships with others and especially with loved ones, but also finds good use for his talents in a profession related to technology, exact sciences.

The impact of the name on business

Karp is ready to take risks in money matters. Uncommon financial abilities may manifest if he does not allow himself to be carried away. pipe dreams and scams. But usually ups and downs in his life alternate, money melts in his hands, and by old age they are gone.

The impact of the name on health

Carp can suffer from neurological diseases, lumbago. Irritation will only complicate the course of diseases.

Name psychology

Often, even when there seems to be no reason for dissatisfaction, Karp cannot get rid of a strange internal tension - it seems that he is in eternal readiness for someone's aggression and does not notice that because of this he himself becomes somewhat aggressive . It is necessary to teach Karp to restrain irritation at the very beginning and not accumulate resentment.

Famous people named Carl

Charles I the Great ((742/747/748 - 814) King of the Franks from 768 (in the southern part from 771), King of the Lombards from 774, Duke of Bavaria from 788, Emperor of the West from 800. The eldest son of Pepin the Short and Bertrada The Pipinid dynasty was called the Carolingians by the name of Charles. Charles received the nickname "Great" during his lifetime.)
Karl Heinrich Marx ((1818-1883) German philosopher, sociologist, economist, political journalist, public figure. His works formed dialectical and historical materialism in philosophy, the theory of surplus value in economics, and the theory of class struggle in politics. These directions became the basis of the communist and socialist movement and ideology, called "Marxism".)
Peter Carl Faberge ((1846-1920) Russian jeweler. The most famous jeweler of all time. The founder of a family firm and a dynasty of jewelry masters. He is the creator of the world-famous Faberge eggs, which are highly valued by collectors around the world.)
Karl Bryullov ((1799-1852) great Russian artist, painter, muralist, watercolorist, draftsman, representative of academicism)
Carl Gustav Jung ((1875 - 1961) Swiss psychiatrist, founder of one of the areas of depth psychology, analytical psychology. Jung considered the task of analytical psychology to be the interpretation of archetypal images that arise in patients. Jung developed the doctrine of the collective unconscious, in the images (archetypes) of which the source saw universal human symbolism, including myths and dreams ("Metamorphoses and symbols of libido"). The goal of psychotherapy, according to Jung, is the implementation of individual individuation. The concept of psychological types Jung, divided by setting (extroverted and introverted) and by a combination of functions (“thinking”, “feelings”, “sensorics” and “intuition”). In connection with the death of Jung, a generalizing work with a systematized conceptual apparatus was not published. Nevertheless, his ideas aroused and are of interest in the world, and the followers of his method - Jungian psychologists - continue to develop his methodology in relation to the analysis of the phenomena of the human psyche. Jung also influenced cultural studies, comparative religion, and mythology.)
Charles I ((1600-1649) King of England, Scotland and Ireland from March 27, 1625. From the Stuart dynasty. His policy of absolutism and church reforms caused uprisings in Scotland and Ireland and the English Revolution. During the civil wars, Charles I was defeated, was tried by Parliament and executed.)
Karel I, Charles IV ((1316-1378) King of Germany, Bohemia from 1346, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1355)
Charles V Habsburg ((1500-1558) King of Germany (Roman King) from 1519 to 1520, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1520 (crowned in 1530 in Bologna by Pope Clement VII), King of Spain (Castile and Aragon) from 1516 of the year (under the name of Charles I). The largest statesman of Europe in the first half of the 16th century, who made the greatest contribution to history among the rulers of that time. Charles V - last man, ever formally proclaimed a Roman emperor, he is also the last person to celebrate a triumph in Rome.)
Carlos (Charles) I Martyr ((1863-1908) King of Portugal (1889-1908), belonged to the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, officially considered a representative of the Braganza dynasty. Carlos I became the first Portuguese king to die a violent death since the time of Sebastian I who ruled in the 16th century.)
Karol (Karl) I ((1839-1914) prince ("domnitor") of Romania (1866-1881), and then from 1881 the first king of Romania, from the German Catholic house of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (relatives of the Protestant Hohenzollern dynasty that reigned in Prussia), son Prince Karl Anton)
Karl Georg Maassen ((1769-1834) Prussian statesman, finance minister; did a lot to implement the German customs union)
Karl Zaleman ((1849-1916) Russian Iranian philologist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1895), director of the Asian Museum of the Academy of Sciences (since 1890))
Karl Friedrich Abel ((1723-1787) German composer and viola da gamba player)
Karl Kellner ((1851-1905) occultist. He was a talented chemist who, at the age of 22, made a name for himself in scientific world. Kellner made a series important discoveries in industries such as papermaking, synthesis of artificial gems, photography, electrochemistry, etc. In addition, he was an energetic student of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, yoga and alchemy. Kelner traveled extensively in Europe, America and Asia Minor. Kellner was considered one of the best experts in yoga in Europe and in 1889 he even published a textbook on this subject. In parallel with Masonic research, Kellner was actively involved in alchemy. Kellner's death was mysterious. By official version, he died of blood poisoning and "permanent poisoning" - shortly after an accident and an explosion in his laboratory. Others believe that death occurred after Kellner ingested a homemade Elixir of Life.)
Karl May ((1928-1993) German footballer, world champion in 1954)
Karl Ludwig Sigmund ((1810-1883) syphilidologist, has a doctorate in surgery and a master of eye diseases and obstetrics. In 1848, he traveled to the East on behalf of the government to clarify the issue of plague and quarantines; the result of this trip was a work in which Sigmund pointed out the need to revise the police law on the plague of 1837 and radically change the quarantines.As a result of the efforts of Sigmund, an exemplary syphilitic ward was set up in Vienna, where he introduced more simplified methods of treatment.)
Karl Mannheim ((1893-1947) German and British philosopher and sociologist of Jewish origin, one of the creators of the sociology of knowledge)
Karl Barth ((1886-1968) Swiss Calvinist theologian, one of the founders of the so-called dialectical theology; his Church Dogmatics in 13 volumes became a significant event in the Christian world of the 20th century)
Karel the Elder from Zherotyn ((1564 - 1636) a Czech philanthropist and patriot from the Zherotinsky family. He traveled a lot, spent some time at the court of Henry IV; returning to his homeland, he devoted himself to serving the interests of the Czech people's party. After the Battle of Belogorsk, he sold his estates and left his homeland .)
Karl Davydov ((1838-1889) Russian composer and cellist, director of the St. Petersburg Conservatory (1876 - 1887))
Karl Vogt (Vogt) ((1817-1895) an outstanding German naturalist, zoologist, paleontologist, doctor (worked in Switzerland and France for a significant part of his career); also known as a philosopher, a representative of vulgar materialism ( philosophical views Vogt are presented in his natural scientific works))
Carl Edward Sagan ((1934-1996) American astronomer, astrophysicist and outstanding popularizer of science. Sagan was a pioneer in the field of exobiology and gave impetus to the development of the SETI project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Received world fame for his non-fiction books and television mini-series Space: A Personal Journey. He is also the author of the novel "Contact", which was based on the film of the same name in 1997.)
Carl Rogers ((1902-1987) American psychologist, one of the founders and leaders of humanistic psychology (along with Abraham Maslow). Rogers considered the “I-concept” to be a fundamental component of the personality structure, which is formed in the process of interaction of the subject with the surrounding social environment and is an integral mechanism self-regulation of his (the subject's) behavior. Rogers made a great contribution to the creation of non-directive psychotherapy, which he called "person-centered psychotherapy.")
Karl Theodor Jaspers ((1883-1969) German philosopher, psychologist and psychiatrist, one of the main representatives of existentialism)
Karl Seifert ((1829 - ?) German engraver)
Karl Seifert ((1809-1891) German landscape painter)
Carl von Ossietzky ((1889-1938) radical German pacifist, anti-fascist and Nobel Peace Prize winner 1935)
Sir Karl Popper ((1902-1994) Austrian and British philosopher and sociologist. One of the most influential philosophers of science of the 20th century. Popper is best known for his works on the philosophy of sciences, as well as social and political philosophy, in which he criticized the classical notion of the scientific method, and also vigorously defended the principles of democracy and social criticism, which he proposed to adhere to in order to make prosperity possible open society. Karl Popper is the founder of the philosophical concept of critical rationalism.)
Carl Ludwig Henke ((1793-1866) German amateur astronomer)
Carlo Ceresoli ((1910-1995) Italian football player, goalkeeper, World Champion 1938)
Carlo Zecchi ((1903 - 1984) Italian pianist and conductor)
Carlo Gadda ((1893-1973) Italian writer)
Carlo Dürselen ((1926-2006) German sculptor)
Carlo Pisacane ((1818-1857) Italian revolutionary)
Carlo Maderna ((1556-1629) Roman architect, student of his uncle, Domenico Fontana. Of his buildings are known in Rome: the facade of the Church of St. Susanna, which is the first example of facades so widespread in the 17th century with two or more built on top of each other, orders, the palace of Mattei di Giove, the fountains in St. Peter's Square and partly the Palazzo Barberini, completed by Bernini and Borromini. He immortalized his name mainly by completing the construction (1605-1613) of St. Peter's Cathedral.)
Carlo Maratta (Maratti) ((1625-1713) italian artist and a baroque architect who belonged to the Roman school of painting)
Carlos Bianchi ((born 1949) Argentine football coach, formerly a football player, striker. He was the top scorer in the leagues of France and Argentina five times. He was recognized five times best coach years in South America. He currently works as a columnist for ESPN.)
Carlos Plummer (Honduran football striker, the most popular footballer of 2009 in the world according to International Federation Football History and Statistics (IFFHS). He is sometimes referred to in the media as "the living legend of Honduran football".)
Carlos Senamor (famous Spanish race car driver, two-time world rally champion (1990, 1992) and 4-time world vice-champion (1991, 1994, 1995 and 1998). Winner of the 2010 Dakar Rally (Argentina-Chile-Argentina). Nickname - "Matador".)
Carlos Scarone ((1888-1965) Uruguayan footballer, striker)
Carlos Delfino (Argentine basketball player, 2004 Olympic champion)
Vittorio Vidali ((1900-1983) pseudonym - Carlos Contreras; Italian anti-fascist, worker of the Comintern, participant in the Spanish Civil War, member of the Italian Parliament from the PCI. In 1948-1954 - General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Free Territory of Trieste.)
Carlos-Ernesto Murillo (Panamanian professional boxer, performing in the first lightweight (Light Flyweight) weight category, is the world champion according to the WBA (WBA))
Carlos Parreira (Brazilian football coach, the only coach to lead the national team at the World Cup six times; in 1994 he led the Brazilian team to victory at the World Cup in the USA)
Carlos Reygadas (Mexican film director, multiple winner of national and international awards and festivals)
Carlos Llompart (Spanish tennis player, the first Spaniard to become the first racket of the world)
Carlos Sherman ((1934-2005) Belarusian translator from Spanish, writer, human rights activist and honorary vice-president of the Belarusian PEN club (an international association of writers whose goal is to protect writers' rights, fight for freedom of speech and personality). Sherman translated on spanish works several Belarusian writers and poets (such as Yakub Kolas, Yanka Kupala, Ryhor Borodulin, Vasil Bykov) and into Belarusian and Russian works by Lorca, Neruda and many others, wrote poems in Spanish.)
Carlos Iaconelli (Brazilian racing driver)
Carlos Ghosn (President and CEO Renault and Nissan companies. He gained fame in connection with the brilliant implementation of a plan to bring Nissan out of a severe crisis.)
Carlos Belo (Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, who, together with José Ramos-Horta, received in 1996 Nobel Prize peace "for their efforts towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor". He is a member of the monastic congregation Salesians of Don Bosco and the Portuguese Order of Liberty.)
Jose Carlus Pace ((1944-1977) Brazilian race car driver, participant in the Formula 1 World Championship. He took part in 73 Formula 1 Grand Prix. The track, which now hosts the Brazilian Grand Prix, as a recognition his success, bears his name.)
Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Secretario (former Portuguese football player, right back, now a coach)
Carlos de Carvalho Veiga (First democratically elected Prime Minister of Cape Verde (1991–2000))
Juan Carlos Marigella ((1911-1969) political figure Brazil, leader of the Brazilian Communist Party (BCP) until 1967, founder and leader of the Action for National Liberation (ALN), writer, "father of the urban guerilla")
Karoly Husar de Sarvar ((1882-1941) Hungarian conservative politician, journalist)
Karoly Botvay ((1897-1958) Hungarian scientist)
Karoly Botvay ((born 1932) Hungarian musician)
Karoy Lotz ((1833-1904) Hungarian artist of German origin)
Karoly Ferenczi ((1862-1917) Hungarian impressionist painter, one of the leading representatives of the Nagybany school of painting)
Karoly Güttler (Hungarian swimmer, one of the strongest breaststrokers in the world from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. Two-time vice-champion Olympic Games, two-time winner of the world championships, champion and multiple winner of the European championships. Former world record holder at a distance of 100 m breaststroke in the "long course".)
Karol Stryya ((1915-1998) Polish conductor; in 1979 he stood at the origins of the Grzegorz Fitelberg International Conducting Competition in Katowice, in 1980 he became one of the founders of the Carl Nielsen International Competition in Odense. He recorded, in particular, all vocal and symphonic works by Karol Szymanowski, including the opera King Roger.)
Karol Stanislav Radziwill ((1669-1719) Great Chancellor of Lithuania)
Karol Stanislav Radziwill, "Pane Kokhanku" ((1734 - 1790) Vilna voivode)
Karoly Schranz (Hungarian-American violinist, second violinist of the Takács Quartet since its founding in 1975, according to music critic New York Times by Jeremy Eikler - " musical soul quartet")
Karol Mikuli ((1819-1897) Polish virtuoso pianist, composer, conductor and teacher, founder of the Galician Musical Society in the city of Lvov)
John Paul II ((1920-2005) before enthronement - Karol Jozef Wojtyla; Pope, primate Roman Catholic Church(1978–2005). Beatified on 1 May 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. In 1978, Pope John Paul II, 264, became the first non-pope. Italian descent on the Holy See, elected in the last 455 years (Adrian VI, who became pope in 1523, was a Dutchman by birth), one of the youngest pontiffs in history and the first pope of Slavic origin.)
Karol Yelsky ( Polish artist and a sculptor who worked in late XVIII- XIX centuries in Lithuania; representative of classicism)
Karol Kurpiński ((1785-1857) Polish composer, wrote operas in national spirit(total - 26), which enjoyed great success, melodramas, ballets, church instrumental and piano works, the author of the melody of the revolutionary song "Varshavyanka" (1831))

What does the name Carlo mean?: the name Carlo is of Italian origin.

The meaning of the name Carlo can be analyzed according to several versions of its origin. According to one of them, the name Carlo has Germanic roots, which allows him to be interpreted as a “man”. In the Old Norse language, there was a word that was translated as "free man", and subsequently it became the basis for the formation of the name Karl. By the way, it was worn by representatives of many monarchical dynasties in Europe. Often it was even identified with the word "king" - especially after the first German emperor named Charlemagne.

There is another version according to which the meaning of the name Carlo from the ancient Greek language is translated as "brave". In Russia, the name Carlo (Karl) was used as a common noun. In particular, it was Karls who were called people who came from Europe (this was especially true for the Germans). Then a different interpretation of this name appeared - so, short people were called dwarfs. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna even had a court jester, whom she called none other than Carlos. Subsequently, the Russian surname Karlov was formed, which is still found today. From male version Carl was educated female name Carolina or Charlotte.

In Europe, the name Karl sounds differently: Carlos - in Spain, Karolos - in Greece, Sherlam - in Ireland, Karol - in Poland, Charles - in France, etc.

Short meaning of the name Carlo: Karlushka, Karlusha, Karlunya, Chuck, Charlie, Callie, Carly, Litush, Karlan, Carletto.

Carlo's Angel Day: The name Carlo celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 5, 7, 28,
  • 2nd of March,
  • June 3
  • July 7, 13,
  • 12th of August,
  • September 11, 18, 19, 26, 29,
  • October 19, 21,
  • November 3, 4, 22,
  • December 1.

Characteristics of the name Carlo

Positive features: He is an uncontrollable and strong personality, but at the same time he is able to influence the people around him as imperceptibly as possible.

Negative Traits: I must say that Carlo is a man with pretensions. He is talented in many areas, and therefore, he is aware of his own uniqueness and often requires a special attitude towards himself.

The nature of the name Carlo: Easily inclines them towards own opinion. But, he will not let anyone convince him for anything. A man named Carlo firmly believes that it is his point of view that is the only correct one, and therefore, insists on his own in any dispute. Outwardly, the name Carlo may look rather rude, but his eyes are kind, which introduces others into confusion, creating a peculiar halo of mystery around Carlo.

Carlo and his personal life

Love and marriage: Carlo is a real monogamous and suffers a lot if he falls in love without reciprocity. He is an incredibly multifaceted nature, and therefore, it is never boring with him. He has developed intuition and charm, as a result of which he is almost constantly surrounded by a large number of friends. The name Carlo is generous and always thinks about the well-being of loved ones. In life, Carlo does not achieve goals just like that - for this he constantly has to work and overcome various obstacles. But this is what makes him a strong personality.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In numerology, the meaning of the name Karl is determined by the number 8, which predicts its owner good luck in major matters, portending the receipt wealth. For this, the name Carlo has such qualities as prudence and enterprise. Finishing one thing, he will definitely take on the next - it is difficult for Carlo to sit still doing nothing. Very often, success is brought to him by some unfinished and forgotten projects that seemed outdated. It is very important for him to learn to refuse trifles in order to concentrate on the main thing. It is in this case that Carlo can achieve his goals.

The fate of Carlo in history

What does the name Carlo mean for male destiny?

  1. Carlo Ceresoli ((1910-1995) Italian football player, goalkeeper, World Champion 1938)
  2. Carlo Zecchi ((1903 - 1984) Italian pianist and conductor)
  3. Carlo Gadda ((1893-1973) Italian writer)
  4. Carlo Dürselen ((1926-2006) German sculptor)
  5. Carlo Pisacane ((1818-1857) Italian revolutionary)
  6. Carlo Maderna ((1556-1629) Roman architect, student of his uncle, Domenico Fontana. Of his buildings are known in Rome: the facade of the Church of St. Susanna, which is the first example of facades so widespread in the 17th century with two or more built on top of each other, orders, the palace of Mattei di Giove, the fountains in St. Peter's Square and partly the Palazzo Barberini, completed by Bernini and Borromini. He immortalized his name mainly by completing the construction (1605-1613) of St. Peter's Cathedral.)
  7. Carlo Maratta (Maratti) ((1625-1713) Italian painter and architect of the Baroque era, who belonged to the Roman school of painting)

Karl's name day

Karl's name day (according to the Catholic calendar, this name does not appear in the Orthodox calendar) January 6, March 2, June 3, November 4. Saints: Charles Borromeo (Carlo Borromeo); Karl Dobry; Karl from Sezze; Carl Luanga.

The meaning of the name Karl

Karl means "man" (this is a translation of the name Karl from the ancient Germanic language).

origin of the name Carl

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Karl with its origin. The history of the name Karl has German roots. It came from the ancient Germanic name Karl, which translates as "man."

What does the name Karl mean according to B. Higir

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Karl according to B. Higir, the owners of this name are talented in many areas of art. Strong, uncontrollable personality. They know how to be convincing, I influence others without forcing the psyche. The appearance of these men: a rough face with intelligent, benevolent and cunning eyes - usually misleads others, which contributes to the creation of an aura of mystery around these personalities. They are monogamous and suffer greatly if there is no reciprocity. Good hosts. Prudent, prudent, tight-fisted, able to save.

Characteristics of the name Karl according to N. Zagovorova

According to the description of the name Karl by N. Zagovorova, its owner must have some kind of talent that distinguishes him from others. He realizes his exclusivity quite early, and all his thoughts become directed towards achieving perfection in the chosen business.

In an effort to achieve this perfection, Karl shows such traits of character as courage, determination, perseverance, the ability not to succumb to difficulties (although often - and the willingness to go over their heads; however, without such an ability it is hardly possible to achieve anything significant). The nature of the name Karl is such that it is very difficult, almost impossible for a man who bears this name to manage (neither his wife nor his parents); he knows how to convince others of the expediency of his actions, to make everyone dance to his tune. However, he rarely makes mistakes, so few people go into open confrontation with Karl. Still, he's right. Yes, and not very eager to get involved - Karl gives the impression of a person who will still emerge victorious from any situation.

Carl is a very good worker, diligent and skillful owner. He is prudent (even tight-fisted), does not cheat on his wife, avoids large and noisy companies.

Derivatives of the name Carl

Variations for the name Carl: Charles, Charles.

Diminutive name Karl: Karlushka, Karlusha, Karlunya.

Carl name in different languages

  • Carl's first name English language: Charles (Charles, Charles).
  • Carl's first name German: Karl, Carl (Karl).
  • Carl's first name French: Charles (Charles).
  • Carl's first name Spanish: Carlos (Carlos).
  • Name Carl in Portuguese: Carlos (Carlos, Carlos).
  • Carl's first name Italian: Carlo (Carlo).
  • Name Carl in Corsican: Carlu (Karlu), Carulu (Karulu).
  • Name Carl in Catalan: Carles (Carles).
  • Name Carl in Hungarian: K?roly (Karoy).
  • Name Karl in Belarusian: Karol.
  • Name Carl in Greek: ??????? (Karolos).
  • Name Karl in Polish: Karol (Karol).
  • Name Karl in Czech: Karel (Karel).
  • Name Carl in Welsh: Siarl (Sharl).
  • Name Karl in Dutch: Karel (Karel), Carolus, Karolus (Karolus).
  • Name Karl in Danish: Karl, Carl (Karl).
  • Carl's first name Swedish: Karl, Carl (Karl).
  • Carl's first name Norwegian: Karl, Carl (Karl).
  • Name Karl in Icelandic: Karl, Carl (Kadl, Karl).
  • Name Karl in Finnish: Kaarle (Kaarle), Kaarlo (Kaarlo).
  • Name Carl in Irish: S?arlas (Sherlas).
  • Name Carl in Romanian: Carol (Karol).
  • Name Charles in Breton: Charles (Charles).

Famous Karls:

  • Karl Heinrich Marx is a German philosopher, sociologist, economist, political journalist, public figure. His works formed dialectical and historical materialism in philosophy, the theory of surplus value in economics, and the theory of class struggle in politics. These directions became the basis of the communist and socialist movement and were called "Marxism".
  • Karl Pavlovich Bryullov is a great Russian artist, painter, muralist, watercolorist, draftsman, representative of academicism, member of the Milan and Parma academies, the Academy of St. Luke in Rome, professor of the St. Petersburg and Florence academies of arts, honorary free accomplice of the Paris Academy of Arts.
  • Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi was a German mathematician. He made a huge contribution to complex analysis, linear algebra, dynamics and other branches of mathematics and mechanics.
  • Karl Osipovich de Lambert - Count, participant in the wars against Napoleon.
  • Karl Ivanovich Blank - Moscow architect and civil engineer, one of last masters baroque and the first architect of early classicism. Known for temple buildings (Trinity temples in Serebryaniki, St. Nicholas in Zvonari) and the building of the Orphanage on Moskvoretskaya embankment.
  • Carl Vogt is an outstanding German naturalist, zoologist, paleontologist, doctor (he worked in Switzerland and France for a significant part of his career). He is also known as a philosopher, a representative of vulgar materialism (Fogt's philosophical views are expounded in his natural-science works).
  • Carl Ferdinand Cori (Carl Ferdinand Cori) - American biochemist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1947 (together with his wife Gertie Cori) "for the discovery of the catalytic conversion of glycogen."
  • Karl Andreevich Lieven - General of Infantry, Minister of Public Education, member of the State Council.
  • Karl Karlovich Sievers - Russian commander of the era of the Napoleonic wars, cavalry general.
  • Karl Philipp Stamitz - German composer and violinist Czech origin, a major representative of the "Mannheim school".
  • Karl Karlovich Albrecht - German cellist, choral conductor, composer and teacher who worked in Russia. In 1883-1885 he acted as director of the Moscow Conservatory.
  • Carl Linnaeus (Carl Linn?) is a Swedish naturalist and physician, the creator of a unified system of flora and fauna, which summarized and largely streamlined the biological knowledge of the entire previous period and brought him worldwide fame during his lifetime.
  • Karl Sigismund Kunth was a German botanist.
  • Carl Orff is a German composer best known for the cantata Carmina Burana. As a major composer of the 20th century, he also made a great contribution to the development of music education.
  • Charles Robert Darwin, an English naturalist and traveler, was one of the first to realize and clearly demonstrate that all types of living organisms evolve over time from common ancestors.
  • Charles John Huffam Dickens is an English writer.
  • Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin (Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin) - an outstanding American and English film actor, screenwriter, composer and director, universal master of cinema, creator of one of the most famous images world cinema - the image of the tramp Charlie, who appeared in short comedies put on stream in the 1910s at the Keystone film studio.
  • Charles Perrault - French poet and classicist critic, member of the Académie française since 1671, now best known as the author of The Tales of Mother Goose.
  • Charles Aznavour is a French chansonnier and actor of Armenian origin.
  • Charles de Gaulle - French general, statesman, president from 1959 to 1969.

Short form of Karl. Karlushka, Karlusha, Karlunya, Chuck, Charlie, Callie, Carly, Litush, Karlan, Carletto, Carlino, Kari, Karchi, Karus, Karuk.
Synonyms for Karl. Carlos, Carlos, Carlos, Carlo, Karol, Karoy, Karolos, Karol, Karel, Charles, Charles, Charles, Sherlas, Carolus.
Origin of the name Carl The name Karl is German, Catholic, Greek.

The name Carl has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Karl has ancient Germanic roots and comes from "karl", meaning "man". The name originally came from the Old Norse language, where "karl" meant "free man". This name was worn by many kings of European dynasties. The name of the monarch, his title - king - came from the name of the first German emperor Charlemagne.

In various European countries, the name Karl has adapted to the phonetics of this people. So in England, Charles will be called as Charles (Charles), in France - Charles, in Spain - Carlos, in Portugal - Carlos (Carlus), in Italy - Carlo, in Romania - Karol, in Hungary - Karoy, in Greece - Karolos, in Poland - Karol, in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands - Karel, in Ireland - Sherlas.

According to the second version, the name Karl has ancient Greek origin and means "brave".

In Russia, the name Karl has become a household name. They resorted to it in two cases when they called visitors from Europe, mostly Germans, and also if the person was very short. It was from these two components that the word “dwarf” appeared in the Russian language, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna called the court jester Karlusha. From the name Karl in Russian, the surname Karlov appeared.

Women's names derived from the name Karl are widespread in Europe. So from the name of Karl appeared the name Carolina, and from the French Charles - Charlotte.

Men with the name Karl are people with pretensions, they are talented in many areas of art. Carl is a strong, uncontrollable personality. Knows how to be convincing, influences others without forcing the psyche. The appearance of these men: a rough face with intelligent, benevolent and cunning eyes, usually misleads others, which contributes to the creation of an aura of mystery around these personalities.

Possessing the gift of persuasion and the ability to capture the most complex movements of the human soul, Karl himself is completely uncontrollable and poorly controlled. This man is monogamous, suffers a lot if he is not reciprocated with feelings. Karl is a multifaceted nature, has a subtle intuition and organizational talent.

He can be talented in many areas. He has a rare gift of persuasion, he knows how to influence others in such a way that he completely subordinates them to his influence. Very often, his appearance is surrounded by an aura of mystery - Karl's intuition is too strong; his understanding of the undercurrents of the human psyche sometimes seems supernatural. Carl is kind and generous, he is a great leader and a good host. He is generous spiritually, well versed in finances, but rarely thinks about the well-being of his own and those close to him.

The owners of the name Karl are characterized by a penchant for business. For the most part, very strong personalities, putting practicality and material gain at the forefront. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. Nothing gets to Karl in life just like that - you have to fight for everything. However, among them there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve his goals, Karl does not stop at anything and achieves his goal at any cost and by any means.

In the family, the owner of this name is always the leader. By nature, Karl is not inclined to make a lot of friends. His main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if a long streak of failures overtakes him, she can break down, withdraw into herself and lose all interest in life. Carl is a good host. Prudent, prudent, fisted, able to save.

Karl's name day

Karl celebrates name day on January 5, January 7, January 28, March 2, June 3, July 7, July 13, August 12, September 11, September 18, September 19, September 26, September 29, October 19, October 21, November 3 November 4th, November 22nd, December 1st.

Notable people named Carl

  • Charles I the Great ((742/747/748 - 814) King of the Franks from 768 (in the southern part from 771), King of the Lombards from 774, Duke of Bavaria from 788, Emperor of the West from 800. The eldest son of Pepin the Short and Bertrada The Pipinid dynasty was called the Carolingians by the name of Charles. Charles received the nickname "Great" during his lifetime.)
  • Karl Heinrich Marx ((1818-1883) German philosopher, sociologist, economist, political journalist, public figure. His works formed dialectical and historical materialism in philosophy, the theory of surplus value in economics, and the theory of class struggle in politics. These areas became the basis communist and socialist movement and ideology, called "Marxism".)
  • Peter Carl Faberge ((1846-1920) Russian jeweler. The most famous jeweler of all time. The founder of a family company and a dynasty of jewelry masters. He is the creator of the world-famous Faberge eggs, which are highly valued by collectors around the world.)
  • Karl Bryullov ((1799-1852) great Russian artist, painter, muralist, watercolorist, draftsman, representative of academicism)
  • Carl Gustav Jung ((1875 - 1961) Swiss psychiatrist, founder of one of the areas of depth psychology, analytical psychology. Jung considered the task of analytical psychology to be the interpretation of archetypal images that arise in patients. Jung developed the doctrine of the collective unconscious, in the images (archetypes) of which the source saw universal human symbolism, including myths and dreams ("Metamorphoses and symbols of libido"). The goal of psychotherapy, according to Jung, is the implementation of the individuation of the personality. Also known was the concept of Jung's psychological types, divided by setting (extroverted and introverted) and by a combination of functions ( "thinking", "feelings", "sensorics" and "intuition"). In connection with Jung's death, a generalizing work with a systematized conceptual apparatus was not published. Nevertheless, his ideas aroused and are of interest in the world, and the followers of his method are psychologists - Jungians - continue to develop his methodology in relation to the analysis of the phenomena of the human psyche. Jung also influenced cultural studies, comparative religion, and mythology.)
  • Charles I ((1600-1649) King of England, Scotland and Ireland from March 27, 1625. From the Stuart dynasty. His policy of absolutism and church reforms caused uprisings in Scotland and Ireland and the English Revolution. During the civil wars, Charles I was defeated, was tried by Parliament and executed.)
  • Karel I, Charles IV ((1316-1378) King of Germany, Bohemia from 1346, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1355)
  • Charles V Habsburg ((1500-1558) King of Germany (Roman King) from 1519 to 1520, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1520 (crowned in 1530 in Bologna by Pope Clement VII), King of Spain (Castile and Aragon) from 1516 of the year (under the name of Charles I). The largest statesman of Europe in the first half of the 16th century, who made the greatest contribution to history among the rulers of that time. Charles V is the last person ever formally proclaimed Roman emperor, he is also the last person to celebrate in Rome triumph.)
  • Carlos (Charles) I Martyr ((1863-1908) King of Portugal (1889-1908), belonged to the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, officially considered a representative of the Braganza dynasty. Carlos I became the first Portuguese king to die a violent death since the time of Sebastian I who ruled in the 16th century.)
  • Karol (Karl) I ((1839-1914) prince ("domnitor") of Romania (1866-1881), and then from 1881 the first king of Romania, from the German Catholic house of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (relatives of the Protestant Hohenzollern dynasty that reigned in Prussia), son Prince Karl Anton)
  • Karl Georg Maassen ((1769-1834) Prussian statesman, finance minister; did a lot to implement the German customs union)
  • Karl Zaleman ((1849-1916) Russian Iranian philologist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1895), director of the Asian Museum of the Academy of Sciences (since 1890))
  • Carl Friedrich Abel ((1723-1787) German composer and viola da gamba player)
  • Karl Kellner ((1851-1905) occultist. He was a talented chemist who had already made a name for himself in the scientific world at the age of 22. Kellner made a number of important discoveries in such industries as papermaking, the synthesis of artificial gems, photography, electrochemistry, etc. In addition, he was an energetic researcher of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, yoga and alchemy.Kellner traveled extensively in Europe, America and Asia Minor.Kellner was considered one of the best experts in Europe on yoga and in 1889 even published a textbook on this subject.In parallel with Masonic research Kellner was actively involved in alchemy.Kelner's death was mysterious.According to the official version, he died of blood poisoning and "permanent poisoning" - shortly after an accident and an explosion in his laboratory.Others believe that death occurred after Kellner took homemade Elixir of Life .)
  • Karl May ((1928-1993) German footballer, world champion in 1954)
  • Karl Ludwig Sigmund ((1810-1883) syphilidologist, has a doctorate in surgery and a master of eye diseases and obstetrics. In 1848, he traveled to the East on behalf of the government to clarify the issue of plague and quarantines; the result of this trip was a work in which Sigmund pointed out the need to revise the police law on the plague of 1837 and radically change the quarantines.As a result of the efforts of Sigmund, an exemplary syphilitic ward was set up in Vienna, where he introduced more simplified methods of treatment.)
  • Karl Mannheim ((1893-1947) German and British philosopher and sociologist of Jewish origin, one of the creators of the sociology of knowledge)
  • Karl Barth ((1886-1968) Swiss Calvinist theologian, one of the founders of the so-called dialectical theology; his Church Dogmatics in 13 volumes became a significant event in the Christian world of the 20th century)
  • Karel the Elder from Zherotyn ((1564 - 1636) a Czech philanthropist and patriot from the Zherotinsky family. He traveled a lot, spent some time at the court of Henry IV; returning to his homeland, he devoted himself to serving the interests of the Czech people's party. After the Battle of Belogorsk, he sold his estates and left his homeland .)
  • Karl Davydov ((1838-1889) Russian composer and cellist, director of the St. Petersburg Conservatory (1876 - 1887))
  • Karl Vogt (Vogt) ((1817-1895) an outstanding German naturalist, zoologist, paleontologist, doctor (he worked in Switzerland and France for a significant part of his career); also known as a philosopher, a representative of vulgar materialism (Vocht’s philosophical views are set forth in his natural science works))
  • Carl Edward Sagan ((1934-1996) American astronomer, astrophysicist and outstanding popularizer of science. Sagan was a pioneer in the field of exobiology and gave impetus to the development of the SETI project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. He gained worldwide fame for his popular science books and television mini-series " Space: A Personal Journey". He is also the author of the novel "Contact", which was based on the film of the same name in 1997.)
  • Carl Rogers ((1902-1987) American psychologist, one of the founders and leaders of humanistic psychology (along with Abraham Maslow). Rogers considered the “I-concept” to be a fundamental component of the personality structure, which is formed in the process of interaction of the subject with the surrounding social environment and is an integral mechanism self-regulation of his (the subject's) behavior. Rogers made a great contribution to the creation of non-directive psychotherapy, which he called "person-centered psychotherapy.")
  • Karl Theodor Jaspers ((1883-1969) German philosopher, psychologist and psychiatrist, one of the main representatives of existentialism)
  • Karl Seifert ((1829 - ?) German engraver)
  • Karl Seifert ((1809-1891) German landscape painter)
  • Carl von Ossietzky ((1889-1938) radical German pacifist, anti-fascist and Nobel Peace Prize winner 1935)
  • Sir Karl Popper ((1902-1994) Austrian and British philosopher and sociologist. One of the most influential philosophers of science of the 20th century. Popper is best known for his works on the philosophy of sciences, as well as social and political philosophy, in which he criticized the classical concept of the scientific method , and also vigorously defended the principles of democracy and social criticism, which he proposed to adhere to in order to make possible the prosperity of an open society. Karl Popper is the founder of the philosophical concept of critical rationalism.)
  • Carl Ludwig Henke ((1793-1866) German amateur astronomer)
  • Carlo Ceresoli ((1910-1995) Italian football player, goalkeeper, World Champion 1938)
  • Carlo Zecchi ((1903 - 1984) Italian pianist and conductor)
  • Carlo Gadda ((1893-1973) Italian writer)
  • Carlo Dürselen ((1926-2006) German sculptor)
  • Carlo Pisacane ((1818-1857) Italian revolutionary)
  • Carlo Maderna ((1556-1629) Roman architect, student of his uncle, Domenico Fontana. Of his buildings are known in Rome: the facade of the Church of St. Susanna, which is the first example of facades so widespread in the 17th century with two or more built on top of each other, orders, the palace of Mattei di Giove, the fountains in St. Peter's Square and partly the Palazzo Barberini, completed by Bernini and Borromini. He immortalized his name mainly by completing the construction (1605-1613) of St. Peter's Cathedral.)
  • Carlo Maratta (Maratti) ((1625-1713) Italian painter and architect of the Baroque era, who belonged to the Roman school of painting)
  • Carlos Bianchi ((born 1949) Argentine football coach, formerly a football player, striker. He was the top scorer in the French and Argentine leagues five times. He was recognized as the best coach of the year in South America five times. He currently works as a columnist for ESPN.)
  • Carlos Plummer (Honduran football striker, the most popular football player in the world in 2009 according to the International Federation of Football History and Statistics (IFFHS). He is sometimes called "the living legend of football in Honduras" in the media.)
  • Carlos Senamor (famous Spanish race car driver, two-time world rally champion (1990, 1992) and 4-time world vice-champion (1991, 1994, 1995 and 1998). Winner of the 2010 Dakar Rally (Argentina-Chile-Argentina). Nickname - "Matador".)
  • Carlos Scarone ((1888-1965) Uruguayan footballer, striker)
  • Carlos Delfino (Argentine basketball player, 2004 Olympic champion)
  • Vittorio Vidali ((1900-1983) pseudonym - Carlos Contreras; Italian anti-fascist, worker of the Comintern, participant in the Spanish Civil War, member of the Italian Parliament from the PCI. In 1948-1954 - General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Free Territory of Trieste.)
  • Carlos-Ernesto Murillo (Panamanian professional boxer, performing in the first lightweight (Light Flyweight) weight category, is the world champion according to the WBA (WBA))
  • Carlos Parreira (Brazilian football coach, the only coach to lead the national team at the World Cup six times; in 1994 he led the Brazilian team to victory at the World Cup in the USA)
  • Carlos Reygadas (Mexican film director, multiple winner of national and international awards and festivals)
  • Carlos Llompart (Spanish tennis player, the first Spaniard to become the first racket of the world)
  • Carlos Sherman ((1934-2005) Belarusian translator from Spanish, writer, human rights activist and honorary vice-president of the Belarusian PEN club (an international association of writers whose goal is to protect writers' rights, fight for freedom of speech and personality). Sherman translated into Spanish works by several Belarusian writers and poets (such as Yakub Kolas, Yanka Kupala, Ryhor Borodulin, Vasil Bykov) and into Belarusian and Russian works by Lorca, Neruda and many others, wrote poems in Spanish.)
  • Carlos Iaconelli (Brazilian racing driver)
  • Carlos Ghosn (President and CEO of Renault and Nissan. Gained fame in connection with the brilliant implementation of the plan to bring Nissan out of a severe crisis.)
  • Carlos Belo (Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, who, together with José Ramos-Horta, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996 "for their efforts for a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor." He is a member of the monastic congregation Salesians of Don Bosco and the Portuguese Order of Liberty. )
  • Jose Carlus Pace ((1944-1977) Brazilian race car driver, participant in the Formula 1 World Championship. He took part in 73 Formula 1 Grand Prix. The track, which now hosts the Brazilian Grand Prix, as a recognition his success, bears his name.)
  • Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Secretario (former Portuguese football player, right back, now a coach)
  • Carlos de Carvalho Veiga (First democratically elected Prime Minister of Cape Verde (1991–2000))
  • Juan Carlos Marigella ((1911-1969) Brazilian politician, leader of the Brazilian Communist Party (BCP) until 1967, founder and leader of the Action for National Liberation (ALN), writer, "father of the urban guerrilla")
  • Karoy Husar de Sarvar ((1882-1941) Hungarian conservative politician, journalist)
  • Karoly Botvay ((1897-1958) Hungarian scientist)
  • Karoly Botvay ((born 1932) Hungarian musician)
  • Karoly Lotz ((1833-1904) German-born Hungarian painter)
  • Karoly Ferenczi ((1862-1917) Hungarian impressionist painter, one of the leading representatives of the Nagybany school of painting)
  • Karoly Güttler (Hungarian swimmer, one of the strongest breaststrokers in the world from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. Two-time Olympic vice-champion, two-time world championship medalist, champion and multiple European championship medalist. Former world record holder in the 100 m breaststroke on the "long water".)
  • Karol Stryya ((1915-1998) Polish conductor; in 1979 he stood at the origins of the Grzegorz Fitelberg International Conducting Competition in Katowice, in 1980 he became one of the founders of the Carl Nielsen International Competition in Odense. He recorded, in particular, all vocal and symphonic works by Karol Szymanowski, including the opera King Roger.)
  • Karol Stanislav Radziwill ((1669-1719) Great Chancellor of Lithuania)
  • Karol Stanislav Radziwill, "Pane Kokhanku" ((1734 - 1790) Vilna voivode)
  • Károly Schranz (Hungarian-American violinist, second violinist of the Takacs Quartet since its founding in 1975, according to New York Times music critic Jeremy Eikler - "the musical soul of the quartet")
  • Karol Mikuli ((1819-1897) Polish virtuoso pianist, composer, conductor and teacher, founder of the Galician Musical Society in the city of Lvov)
  • John Paul II ((1920-2005) before enthronement - Karol Jozef Wojtyla; Pope, Primate of the Roman Catholic Church (1978-2005). Beatified on May 1, 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. In 1978, the 264th Pope John Paul II became the first pope of non-Italian origin on the Holy See to be elected in the last 455 years (Adrian VI, who became pope in 1523, was a Dutchman by birth), one of the youngest pontiffs in history and the first pope of Slavic origin.)
  • Karol Jelski (Polish artist and sculptor who worked in Lithuania at the end of the 18th - 19th centuries; a representative of classicism)
  • Karol Kurpiński ((1785-1857) Polish composer, wrote operas in the national spirit (26 in total), which were very successful, melodramas, ballets, church instrumental and piano works, author of the melody of the revolutionary song "Varshavyanka" (1831))

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