Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Roman. What are novels? Historical typology of the novel


Roman (French roman, German Roman; English novel / romance; Spanish novela, Italian romanzo), the central genre of European literature of the New Age, fictional, in contrast to the genre of the story adjacent to it, an extensive, plot-branched prose narrative ( despite the existence of compact, so-called "little novels" (French le petit roman), and poetic novels, for example "a novel in verse" "Eugene Onegin").

In contrast to the classical epic, the novel is focused on depicting the historical present and the fate of individuals, ordinary people who are looking for themselves and their destiny in this world, "prosaic", the world that has lost its original stability, integrity and sacredness (poetry). Even if in a novel, for example, in a historical novel, the action is transferred to the past, this past is always evaluated and perceived as immediately preceding the present and correlated with the present.

The novel as open to modernity, not formally ossified, becoming a genre of literature of the New and Contemporary times, cannot be exhaustively defined in the universalistic terms of theoretical poetics, but can be characterized in the light of historical poetics, which explores the evolution and development of artistic consciousness, history and prehistory. art forms. Historical poetics takes into account both the diachronic variability and diversity of the novel, and the conventionality of using the word "novel" itself as a genre "label". Far from all novels, even exemplary novels from a modern point of view, were defined by their creators and the reading public precisely as “novels”.

Initially, in the 12th-13th centuries, the word roman meant any written text in Old French, and only in the second half of the 17th century. partially acquired its modern semantic content. Cervantes - the creator of the paradigmatic novel of the New Age "Don Quixote" (1604-1615) - called his book "history", and used the word "novela" for the title of the book of stories and short stories "Instructive Novels" (1613).

On the other hand, many works that the criticism of the 19th century - the heyday of realistic novel- after the fact called "novels", they are not always such. A typical example is the poetic and prose pastoral eclogues of the Renaissance, which turned into "pastoral novels", the so-called "folk books" of the 16th century, including the parody Pentateuch of F. Rabelais. The novels are artificially classified as fantastic or allegorical satirical narratives dating back to the ancient "menippe satire", such as "Criticon" by B. Grasian, "The Pilgrim's Way" by J. Bunyan, "The Adventures of Telemachus" by Fenelon, J. Swift's satires, "philosophical stories" Voltaire, "poem" by N. V. Gogol " Dead Souls”,“ Penguin Island ”by A. France. Also, far from all utopias can be called novels, although - on the border of utopia and romance at the end of the 18th century. the genre of the utopian novel arose (Morris, Chernyshevsky, Zola ), and then his antipode double, a dystopian novel (“When the Sleeper Wakes” by G. Wells, “We” by Evg. Zamyatin).

The novel, in principle, is a borderline genre, associated with almost all types of discourse adjacent to it, both written and oral, easily absorbing foreign-genre and even foreign-generic verbal structures: essay documents, diaries, notes, letters ( epistolary novel), memoirs, confessions, newspaper chronicles, plots and images of folk and literary fairy tales, national and sacred traditions (for example, gospel images and motifs in the prose of F. M. Dostoevsky). There are novels in which the lyrical beginning is clearly expressed, in others the features of farce, comedy, tragedy, drama, medieval mystery are distinguishable. The emergence of a concept (V. Dneprov) is logical, according to which the novel is the fourth - in relation to the epic, lyrics and drama - a kind of literature.

The novel is a multilingual, multi-faceted and multi-angle genre that represents the world and a person in the world from a variety of points of view, including multi-genre points of view, including other genre worlds as an image object. The novel preserves in its meaningful form the memory of myth and ritual (the city of Macondo in G. Garcia Márquez's novel One Hundred Years of Solitude). Therefore, being the "standard-bearer and herald of individualism" (Vyach. Ivanov), the novel in new form(in a written word) at the same time seeks to resurrect the primitive syncretism of the word, sound and gesture (hence the organic birth of cinema and TV novels), to restore the original unity of man and the universe.

The problem of the place and time of the birth of the novel remains debatable. According to both the extremely wide and extremely narrow interpretation of the essence of the novel - an adventure story focused on the fate of lovers striving for union - the first novels were created back in ancient india and regardless of that - in Greece and Rome in the II-IV centuries. The so-called Greek (Hellenistic) novel - chronologically the first version of the “adventurous novel of trial” (M. Bakhtin) lies at the origins of the first stylistic line in the development of the novel, which is characterized by “mono-lingualism and mono-style” (in English criticism, such narratives are called romance).

The action in "romance" takes place in "adventurous time", which is removed from real (historical, biographical, natural) time and represents a kind of "gaping" (Bakhtin) between the starting and ending points of the development of a cyclic plot - two moments in the life of the characters - lovers: their meeting, marked by a sudden flare-up of mutual love, and their reunion after separation and overcoming by each of them various trials and temptations.

The interval between the first meeting and the final reunion is filled with such events as the attack of pirates, the kidnapping of the bride during the wedding, the sea storm, the fire, the shipwreck, the miraculous rescue, the false news of the death of one of the lovers, the imprisonment on false charges of the other, threatening him the death penalty, the ascension of another to the heights of earthly power, unexpected meeting and recognition. art space Greek novel - "alien", exotic, world: events take place in several Middle Eastern and African countries, which are described in sufficient detail (the novel is a kind of guide to a foreign world, replacing the geographical and historical encyclopedias, although it contains a lot of fantastic information).

A key role in the development of the plot in the ancient novel is played by chance, as well as various kinds of dreams and predictions. The characters and feelings of the characters, their appearance and even age remain unchanged throughout the development of the plot. The Hellenistic novel is genetically connected with myth, with Roman legal proceedings and rhetoric. Therefore, in such a novel there is a lot of reasoning on philosophical, religious and moral topics, speeches, including those delivered by the heroes in court and built according to all the rules of ancient rhetoric: the adventurous love plot of the novel is also a judicial “casus”, the subject of its discussion from two diametrically opposed points of view, pro and contra (this contraversity, conjugation of opposites will be preserved as genre feature novel at all stages of its development).

IN Western Europe the Hellenistic novel, forgotten during the Middle Ages, was rediscovered in the Renaissance by the authors of the late Renaissance poetics, created by admirers of the also rediscovered and read Aristotle. In trying to adapt the Aristotelian poetics (in which nothing is said about the novel) to the needs modern literature with its rapid development of various kinds fictional narratives, neo-Aristotelian humanists turned to the Greek (as well as Byzantine) novel as an ancient example-precedent, focusing on which one should create a plausible narrative (truthfulness, reliability - a new quality prescribed in humanistic poetics to novel fiction). The recommendations contained in the neo-Aristotelian treatises were largely followed by the creators of pseudo-historical adventurous love novels of the Baroque era (M. de Scuderi and others .) .

The plot of the Greek novel is not only exploited in mass literature and culture of the 19th and 20th centuries. (in the same Latin American TV novels), but also seen in the plot collisions of "high" literature in the novels of Balzac, Hugo, Dickens, Dostoevsky, A. N. Tolstoy (the trilogy "Sisters", "Walking through the torments", "The Eighteenth Year") , Andrey Platonov ("Chevengur"), Pasternak ("Doctor Zhivago"), although they are often parodied ("Candide" by Voltaire) and radically rethought (purposeful destruction of the mythology of the "sacred wedding" in the prose of Andrei Platonov and G. Garcia Marquez ).

But the novel is not reduced to the plot. A truly novel hero is not exhausted by the plot: he, in Bakhtin's words, is always either "more than the plot or less than his humanity." He is not only and not so much an “outer man”, realizing himself in action, in an act, in a rhetorical word addressed to everyone and no one, but an “inner man”, aimed at self-knowledge and at a confession-prayer appeal to God and a specific “other”: such a person was discovered by Christianity (the Epistles of the Apostle Paul, the "Confessions" of Aurelius Augustine), which paved the way for the formation of the European novel.

The novel, as a biography of the "inner man", began to take shape in Western European literature in the form of a poetic, and then a prose chivalric romance of the 12th-13th centuries. - the first narrative genre of the Middle Ages, perceived by authors and educated listeners and readers as fiction, although by tradition (which also becomes the subject of a parody game) it was often passed off as the writings of ancient "historians". At the heart of the plot collision of the chivalric novel is the indestructible confrontation between the whole and the individual, the chivalrous community (the mythical chivalry of the times of King Arthur) and the hero-knight, who stands out among others for his merits, and - according to the principle of metonymy - is the best part of the chivalric class. In the feat of chivalry destined for him from above and in the loving service of Eternal femininity, the hero-knight must rethink his place in the world and in society, divided into classes, but united by Christian, universal values. Knightly adventure is not just a test of the hero for self-identity, but also a moment of his self-knowledge.

Fiction, adventure as a test of self-identity and as a way to self-knowledge of the hero, a combination of motives of love and deed, the interest of the author and readers of the novel to inner world characters - all these characteristic genre signs of a chivalric novel, “reinforced” by the experience of a “Greek” novel close to it in style and structure, at the end of the Renaissance, will pass into the novel of the New Age, parodying the chivalrous epic and at the same time preserving the ideal of chivalrous service as a value orientation (“Don Quixote » Cervantes).

The cardinal difference between the novel of the New Age and the medieval novel is the transfer of events from the fairy-tale-utopian world (the chronotope of the knightly novel is “a wonderful world in adventurous time”, according to Bakhtin) to a recognizable “prosaic” modernity. One of the first (along with the novel by Cervantes) genre varieties of the new European novel is oriented towards modern, “low”, reality - the picaresque novel (or picaresque), which developed and flourished in Spain in the second half of the 16th - first half of the 17th century. (“Lazarillo from Tormes”, Mateo Aleman, F. de Quevedo. Genetically, picaresque is associated with the second stylistic line in the development of the novel, according to Bakhtin (cf. the English term novel as the opposite of romance). It is preceded by the “grassroots” prose of antiquity and the Middle Ages, and not taking shape in the form of a proper novelistic narrative, which includes Apuleius' Golden Ass, Petronius's Satyricon, Lucian's and Cicero's menippeas, medieval fablios, schwanks, farces, soti and other comic genres associated with carnival (carnivalized literature, on the one hand , contrasts the “inner man” with the “outer man”, on the other hand, with man as a socialized being (the “official” image of a man, according to Bakhtin) a natural, private, everyday man. ) - parodically oriented towards the genre of confession and built as a pseudo-confessional narrative on behalf of the hero, aimed not at repentance, but at self-praise and self-justification (Denis Diderot and "Notes from the Underground" by F. M. Dostoevsky). The author-ironist, hiding behind the hero-narrator, stylizes his fiction as a “human document” (it is characteristic that all four surviving editions of the story are anonymous). Later, genuine autobiographical narratives (“The Life of Estebanillo Gonzalez”), already stylized as picaresque novels, would branch off from the picaresque genre. At the same time, picaresque, having lost its proper novelistic properties, will turn into an allegorical satirical epic (B. Gracian).

The first examples of the novel genre reveal a specifically novelistic attitude to fiction, which becomes the subject of an ambiguous game between the author and the reader: on the one hand, the novelist invites the reader to believe in the authenticity of the life he depicts, to immerse himself in it, to dissolve in the flow of what is happening and in the experiences of the characters, on the other - every now and then ironically emphasizes the fictitiousness, the creation of novel reality. "Don Quixote" is a novel in which the defining beginning is the dialogue of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, author and reader. The picaresque novel is a kind of denial of the "ideal" world of novels of the first stylistic line - chivalric, pastoral, "Moorish". "Don Quixote", parodying chivalric novels, includes novels of the first stylistic line as objects of the image, creating parodic (and not only) images of the genres of these novels. The world of Cervantes' narration breaks up into a "book" and "life", but the boundary between them is blurred: the hero of Cervantes lives life as a novel, brings a conceived but not written novel to life, becoming the author and co-author of the novel of his life, while the author under the mask of the dummy Arab historian Sid Ahmet Benenkheli - becomes a character in the novel, without leaving his other roles at the same time - the author-publisher and the author-creator of the text: starting from the prologue to each part, he is the reader's interlocutor, who is also invited to join the game with the text of the book and the text of life. Thus, the “quixotic situation” unfolds in the stereometric space of the tragic farcical “novel of consciousness”, in the creation of which three main subjects are involved: Author - Hero - Reader. In Don Quixote, for the first time in European culture, a “three-dimensional” novelistic word sounded - the most striking sign of novelistic discourse.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Roman.

What does the name Roman mean?

The name Roman means - Roman (lat.)

The meaning of the name Roman is character and destiny

A man named Roman is vain, ambitious, unbalanced, outspoken egoist. Extraordinarily artistic, lives in a fictional world, always plays a role, rarely is himself. He wants to be friendly and hospitable, and for some time he succeeds, but the slightest dissatisfaction with him or, God forbid, the exposure of his true self infuriates Roman, and the mask of nobility immediately flies off. This person needs to be stroked "on the fur", to express his admiration for him, then, perhaps, you will not know how cruel he is. It is as if two people live in it, completely opposite to each other. A man named Roman is difficult in family life, irritable, impulsive, domineering, it is difficult to please him. He himself does not know what he wants in the next minute, but the wife is required to predict this. He marries several times, and rarely one of his ex-wives regrets that they broke up with him. But there are also good qualities in Roman: if he loves, then with all his heart, albeit not for long; if someone is taken to help, then he will break into a cake, but he will fulfill the promise. He loves children, but not to such an extent that he would sacrifice himself for them. Slightly worried if relations with them do not add up. He loves comfort, entertainment, cannot deny himself anything. He does not show much zeal for the household, he is lazy, he only takes care of his health. He prefers to live with a woman in a civil marriage, and in an official marriage he strictly delimits the rights to property, he will not give his to anyone.

The meaning of the name Roman for sex

A man named Roman often acts impulsively in relationships with women. "Winter" Roman has a stormy temperament and a strong sexual constitution. His attitude to sex is often prosaic, especially if Roman is not connected with his partner with deep feelings. He easily subjugates a woman, demanding from her complete dissolution in his sexual desires. Sometimes it is difficult for Roman to understand what his partner wants from him - he is conceited and believes that he does everything wonderful anyway.

The nature and fate of the name Roman, taking into account the patronymic

Name Roman and patronymic ....

Roman Alekseevich, Roman Andreevich, Roman Artemovich, Roman Valentinovich, Roman Vasilyevich, Roman Viktorovich, Roman Vitalievich, Roman Vladimirovich, Roman Evgenievich, Roman Ivanovich, Roman Ilyich, Roman Mikhailovich, Roman Petrovich, Roman Sergeevich, Roman Fedorovich, Roman Yurievich does not tolerate monotony, often gives up one hobby and. switches to something else. Very amorous, often changes his chosen ones without much remorse. A man named Roman chooses a life partner for a long time, but is rarely faithful even to the one in whom he sees the ideal of a woman. Family life with Roman is difficult, he is unpredictable, uncompromising even in small things. Requires unquestioning subordination to himself of all households, although he does not try to fulfill the functions of a full-fledged owner. In general, the economy worries him much less than his own person and personal life. Even after marriage, he would never give up his habits and hobbies. On the contrary, he will force his wife to obey his desires, to fulfill all his whims. The novel only knows how to take from others, without giving anything in return. But next to him it is interesting, he is inventive, smart, witty, loves art, often musically gifted, shows literary abilities. He is married more than once, has sons from his first marriage, does not want more children.

Name Roman and patronymic ....

Roman Alexandrovich, Roman Arkadievich, Roman Borisovich, Roman Vadimovich, Roman Grigorievich, Roman Kirillovich, Roman Maksimovich, Roman Matveevich, Roman Nikitich, Roman Pavlovich, Roman Romanovich, Roman Tarasovich, Roman Timofeevich, Roman Eduardovich, Roman Yakovlevich very quick-tempered, emotional, fickle in everything, but cheerful and cheerful. Not in a hurry to get married, leads a promiscuous sex life; simultaneously has several mistresses, gets out and dodges if he is convicted of infidelity or lies. A man named Roman is cunning, inventive, resourceful. Does not burden himself with any obligations to women, keeps them in uncertainty. After the wedding, he calms down a little, but you cannot call him a faithful spouse. With the birth of sons, this Roman usually settles down and becomes a wonderful father. In the family - a leader, not stingy, knows how to earn money, but lives for his own pleasure, loves entertainment, beautiful women. Often such a Roman in his old age remains completely alone. Children do not remember his care, because it never happened, but former spouses they suffered so much from him that they don’t even want to remember him.

Name Roman and patronymic ....

Roman Bogdanovich, Roman Vilenovich, Roman Vladislavovich, Roman Vyacheslavovich, Roman Gennadievich, Roman Georgievich, Roman Danilovich, Roman Egorovich, Roman Konstantinovich, Roman Robertovich, Roman Svyatoslavovich, Roman Yanovich, Roman Yaroslavovich cunning, mercenary, regardless of others, does what is beneficial to him. An egoist, but with people dear to him he is kind and honest. Unpredictable in behavior, acts spontaneously, it is very difficult to predict how relations will develop with him. Possesses strong will, stubbornly goes to the intended goal. Seductive, knows how to impress women. It is pleasant to spend time with such a man named Roman, he is cheerful, hospitable, witty, loves to travel, knows how to care. But in family life unreliable. Hard to compromise, uncompromising, domineering. Jealous excessively, in a fit of jealousy is rude, unrestrained, can arrange a fight. Marries at least two times. Has heterosexual children.

Name Roman and patronymic ....

Roman Antonovich, Roman Arturovich, Roman Valerievich, Roman Germanovich, Roman Glebovich, Roman Denisovich, Roman Igorevich, Roman Leonidovich, Roman Lvovich, Roman Mironovich, Roman Olegovich, Roman Ruslanovich, Roman Semenovich, Roman Filippovich, Roman Emmanuilovich loving, but very freedom-loving. Diligently avoids long-term relationships with one woman, not wanting to get used to her, does not give any hope for something serious. His love wears easy temper, he loves entertainment, a beautiful lifestyle, comfort, expensive pleasures. Not stingy, but only in relation to himself. For the sake of good earnings, he is able to completely forget about women, work can captivate him completely. Divorces are much rarer for such a Roman than for his namesakes. He has children of different sexes, knows how to win their love, because he is attentive and caring towards them.

Name Roman and patronymic ....

Roman Alanovich, Roman Albertovich, Roman Anatolyevich, Roman Veniaminovich, Roman Vladlenovich, Roman Dmitrievich, Roman Nikolaevich, Roman Rostislavovich, Roman Stanislavovich, Roman Stepanovich, Roman Feliksovich, as a rule, a person is gifted, intelligent, with a subtle sense of humor, a soul in any company. Conquers women at first sight. He himself often falls in love, but true love for him comes only in adulthood. If Roman marries early, then disappointment and divorce await him. Then he marries repeatedly, goes through a series of divorce proceedings, but does not lose hope of finding his happiness. Falls in love again, makes mistakes again, but does not lose heart. It is not easy for him in the family. This Roman is hindered most of all by excessive love for oneself, one's freedom and independence. A man named Roman cannot live under someone's constant supervision, let alone pressure. He will never give up his habits, attachments, which becomes the reason for his divorces. From the first marriage he has children of different sexes, in subsequent marriages he does not have children.

The name Roman of Latin origin translates as "Roman". The city of Rome was founded by two brothers named Remus and Romulus. The name Roman is derived from the name Romulus. In Russia, this name is very popular. It has been common throughout history. Let's find out in more detail what is the meaning of the name Roman?

The meaning of the name Roman for a boy is positive; from birth, he is a universal favorite. Parents, grandparents try to fulfill all the whims of the baby. Boy with the name Roman is very active and inquisitive, he does not know the word "no".

Since childhood, such a child has an overestimated self-esteem, in order to avoid problems in the future, parents need to be firm in some cases, otherwise the difficulties that arise in life can break an adult Roman.

study boy with the name Roman does not like, it is a pity for him to waste time studying boring subjects. He does not like to do homework, he believes that lessons at school are enough. Roman is very sociable, he has a huge number of friends, he spends a lot of time with them, he can even skip classes.

Forcing a boy named Roman to do homework for hours is useless. Despite his unwillingness to learn, he will not be in the class among the lagging students. Thanks to his excellent photographic memory and well-developed oratory skills, he gets good grades.

Roma is an addicted person, he always has a lot of hobbies. It’s good if the parents enroll Roman in some sports section or circle.

The novel is unpredictable and controversial. It is impossible to predict Roman's reaction to this or that event, his actions are unpredictable. For example, he may change his mind about getting married an hour before registration. Such a person appreciates freedom and independence very much, therefore he often chooses the appropriate profession, where there are no rigid frameworks and restrictions.

The name Roman gives its owner both positive and negative character traits. In general, he is a cheerful, kind and sympathetic person. He knows how to enjoy every minute of life. TO negative traits character include the following: frivolity and talkativeness. But he has a feeling dignity He is incapable of betrayal.


A man named Roman loves women and knows how to handle them. He is very loving and passionate nature, but in love is fickle. Often breaks women's hearts. Roma is attracted to beautiful girls with a bright appearance. He knows how to take care of women, he can charm even the most impregnable beauty.

It is difficult to keep a man named Roman, as soon as the love passes, he immediately disappears. But if he really fell in love, then this means that Roma will most likely marry.

His life partner should be not only beautiful girl, but also real true friend. She should share Roman's hobbies and help bring the most daring and original ideas to life. He creative person, therefore, does not tolerate monotony, can be carried away by other women. He needs a wife who can turn a blind eye to fleeting intrigues.


With age, a man named Roman changes, becomes more serious and responsible. He makes a good family man who takes care of his wife and children. He strives to make a successful career in order to provide his family with everything they need.

  • He doesn’t know how to save money, so it’s good if the wife manages the family budget. He likes to spend them on entertainment, and not save for a rainy day.
  • A man named Roman has many friends, they love him for his open and cheerful character. Noisy companies often gather in the house, funny theme parties are held. Nobody gets bored at such evenings.
  • For children, Roman is a true friend, he does not tolerate violence and cruelty, so he tries to educate them own example, achievements and successes.
  • He helps his wife with the housework, can take out the trash or take a pet out for a walk.

A man named Roma gets along well with both his parents and his mother-in-law and father-in-law. Relatives often visit his house. He loves to celebrate holidays with his family.

If a man named Roman does not marry at a young age, then the marriage usually goes well. After 25 years, he is ready for a serious relationship and family life, becomes more responsible and can already take care of not only himself, but also his family. It is easy to get along with such a man, he is always looking for compromises, he is ready to reckon with the opinion of his wife.

The only thing that Roman will not forgive is betrayal, in which case he immediately files for divorce.

Business and career

A man named Roman cannot stand boredom and monotony, therefore routine and monotonous work is not for him. He is always in search of new sensations, in his head there are many original ideas which he wants to bring to life, but, unfortunately, it does not always work out. Often Roma does not have the patience to finish the job he has begun to the end.

Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich (billionaire, businessman, former governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)

  • Most likely, he will not work in the office, such a person is more suitable creative professions associated with cinema, theater or music.
  • He knows how to get along with people, can find mutual language with any person. That is why Roman is also suitable for professions related to communication, for example, he can become a manager.
  • In addition, Roma can organize his own business, he has everything necessary qualities He is responsible, reliable and communicative.
  • For a man named Roman, it is very important that the work is adequately appreciated. Low wage he will not be satisfied, he will quickly change jobs.

Such a man knows his worth, so he will not work for a penny. Money is a kind of incentive, if the pay is low, then there is no point in working.

With colleagues Roma gets along well, he quickly finds common topics for conversation, he has no difficulties with communication. They respect and love Roman for his open and friendly nature. But because of his talkativeness, such a man can accidentally give out someone's secret, so people, knowing this shortcoming, usually do not share their innermost secrets with him.

What does the name Roman mean, we learned, he has both his positive and negative qualities. In general, the name has positive characteristic, it is beautiful and harmonious, which is why it is so common throughout the world. Before choosing a name for a child, it is imperative to find out its meaning and characteristics. Each name has a certain energy that affects the fate and character of a person.

Roman - "Roman" (lat.).

Characteristics of the name Roman

Outwardly calm and reasonable, but unpredictable. His health is quite strong, but in childhood he suffers from diathesis. Nervous system weak. The characterization of the name Roman should monitor the digestive organs, protect the boy from injury. He likes sports that involve risk: wrestling, karate, rugby, boxing. No need to encourage his hobbies. The novel is already prone to the manifestation of sadism and cruelty. There are many other sports where he will establish himself and show his fighting qualities.

In the case of the mystery of the name Roman is reliable. Gaining experience, he persistently goes to his ideal, finding a certain self-realization in work, but ... for a good pay. Always convinced that he is right. His self-confidence is boundless. In this he is a kind of fan. In judgments it is objective. He is so reasonable that at times it becomes tedious and tedious. Circumstances have little effect on his point of view and behavior. Able to surprise. Often he turns out to be his own among strangers and vice versa. This is a mysterious person, has the talent to subordinate people to his influence. Very organized and patient, sometimes even dangerous in his amazing patience. It looks like the calm before huge scandal. Characteristics of the name Roman never forgets the grievances inflicted on him. His revenge is terrible if he goes for it. Usually operates in secret. Skillfully manages intrigues, skillfully confuses the enemy.

Under the guise of indifference to what is happening, the fury of his nature is hidden. His spiritual impulses are deep and passionate, but he does not flaunt them. Tends to follow the failures of others, and especially rivals, with hidden pleasure. His reaction to everything is so intense and filled with a certain subtext that it confuses the environment. Willingly explores what others do not undertake. Can become an unsurpassed scout, agitator, policeman, fan, politician. The secret of the name Roman has excellent intuition, a subtle instinct. He is an intellectual, and even much more than others think.

Strives for complete independence, does not want to be bound by moral or social ties. Negatively refers to everything that can interfere with his plans. Obstacles cause anger. Korysten.

The mystery of the name Roman by month of birth

He is extraordinarily sexy, like all emotional individuals. His energy must be poured into something, so why shouldn't it manifest itself in sex? In this regard, Roman has many problems. This is a true seducer. He does not know how and does not want to wait, his sexual attraction nothing but instinct, and love for him is an empty word.

He tends to implement long-term plans. He manages to complete the most difficult cases. Roman cannot be called too sociable, but in the company of the right people he is absolutely irresistible. It is necessary, on occasion, to be able to resist and repulse Roman, only then can you enjoy his respect.

  • "Winter" Roman is quick-tempered, vindictive, despotic.
  • "Spring" is a narcissistic, selfish, but amorous and vulnerable person.
  • "Summer" Roman is a merry fellow, although he is on his own mind. Excellent toastmaster, entertainer. He likes to eat tasty and hearty food, drink well.
  • "Autumn" - to everything that has been said, he is prudent, prudent. He gravitates towards the professions of a doctor, designer, driver.

What patronymic is suitable for the name Roman

The name is suitable for patronymics: Efimovich, Makarovich, Viktorovich, Savelyevich, Vladimirovich, Glebovich, Yakovlevich, Yaroslavovich, Lazarevich, Ludwigovich, Svyatoslavovich, Alekseevich.

Winter Romance quick-tempered, egocentric and impulsive. He never forgets the offenses inflicted on him or his relatives, therefore, at the first opportunity, he will definitely punish his offender. His tough and often despotic nature interferes with building a harmonious and happy family.

Spring Romance has a gentle character, therefore, it often adapts to certain circumstances, preferring to "go with the flow" rather than deal with troubles. The narcissism and selfishness of the spring Roman can repel others, which hurts him very much.

Summer romance - a real merry fellow, a joker and the soul of the company. He likes to get the most out of life, while he is ready to work hard for this. He easily parted with money if he is going to spend it on himself. But behind the lightness of the summer Roman lies a very proud, courageous and persistent nature.

Autumn Romance scrupulous, prudent and mercantile. He really looks at life and does not expect help from outside (he is used to achieving everything exclusively with his own work and diligence). The novel, born in autumn, has a clear mind and a balanced character, which helps him both in family life and in the professional field.

Stone - talisman

Stones that can bring good luck to Roman are morion, rhodonite and amethyst.


Morion, also called "black crystal" for its dark color, is considered a mourning stone. Our ancestors wore products with morion in memory of the dead people. In addition, this stone helps to summon the souls of the dead during séances.

Interesting fact! It is impossible to wear products with morion every day, since this stone is able to inspire its owner with negative thoughts and feelings, thereby causing a person to suffer unreasonably.


This stone helps to strengthen love, reveal talents, console in grief, cleanse a person’s soul from bad thoughts, directing his energy into a peaceful and creative direction. Also, this mineral brings glory and material well-being to its owner.


This is a stone of love and fun, which helps not only to find your soul mate, but also gives a person wisdom, vigor and strength.

The inhabitants of Rome believed that amethyst brings good luck, eliminates conflicts, and heals nervous disorders.

In Rus', they loved this very much gem, which helped drive away bad thoughts, normalize sleep and overcome your enemy.

Interesting fact! Amethyst was used as a love spell, as it evoked love for the giver. For this reason, until the twentieth century, this stone was forbidden to give to women (especially married women).






The zodiac signs favoring Roman are Aquarius and Taurus (you can read about the impact of these signs in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of a name on a person's life").

Animal - symbol

Roman's animal symbols are the deer and the sailboat butterfly.


This fast and graceful animal is a symbol of meditation, timidity, tenderness and, at the same time, love passion.

The Celtic peoples believed that the doe is a divine messenger, so some parts of this animal (namely the skin and shoulder blades) were used to make ritual clothing.

In the East, doe symbolizes longevity, high social status, power and wealth. At the same time, a doe can represent loneliness and melancholy.

Butterfly sailboat

This insect, originally a caterpillar, symbolizes immortality, rebirth and the ability to spiritual transformation.

The sailboat butterfly personifies the transient nature of joy, frivolity and windiness, reminding that life is not only a holiday, but also hard work to improve oneself.

The Japanese butterfly is a symbol of love and family happiness.

The cyclical development of this insect is also symbolic:

  • caterpillar - start life path;
  • the chrysalis that survived the winter symbolizes death;
  • careless butterfly - rebirth.


Plants favorable to Romanus are poplar, cypress and violet.


This tree has a double symbolism: on the one hand, poplar is a symbol of beauty and youth, and on the other hand, it is the personification of loneliness, sadness and girlish longing.


This tree symbolizes sorrow, the frailty of being, grief and death, or rather life after death.

In addition to mourning symbols, other meanings are attributed to this tree. So, the Chinese revere this tree as a symbol of grace and happiness, while in the Christian tradition, cypress represents endurance, perseverance, perseverance, valor and justice.

Cypress is a symbol of modesty, personifying a person who does good not for the sake of recognizing his merits and his pride.


This beautiful flower symbolizes tenderness, kindness, modesty, chastity, fidelity and humility.

Interesting fact! The violet color, formed by a combination of blue and red, represents spirituality which is closely associated with the sacrificial blood of Christ.


The most favorable metal for Roman is gold, symbolizing power, power, wealth and at the same time plasticity, the ability to adapt to existing conditions.

But gold has other symbolic meanings, among which are fidelity, sincerity and purity of feelings, as well as the eternity of love (it is not for nothing that newlyweds exchange gold rings during marriage).

auspicious day


origin of the name Roman

Name translation

WITH Latin the name Roman is translated as "Roman", and from ancient Greek as "strong" and "strong".

Name history

In the Romanesque tradition, the name Romanus, popular today, means a resident of Rome, that is, a Roman, since one of the founders of the Eternal City bore the name Romulus.

The Greeks interpreted the meaning of the name in their own way: for example, the Greeks called Romans the strong, courageous and steadfast sons of the once great and invincible Roman Empire. However, after the adoption of Christianity by the Roman emperor Constantine, the name Roman, which has pagan roots, began to be used in the calendar.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most popular forms of the name Roman: Roma, Romanchik, Romochka, Chamomile, Romasya, Romchik, Romeo, Romusha, Romen, Ramon, Romanus, Romulus, Romusha, Romulya, Romano, Romasha.

The legend of the name Roman

There is a legend about the holy Monk Roman of Antioch, who received his nickname from the name of the environs of Antioch, where he for a long time he lived in humility and prayer (the ascetic strictly fasted, and under clothes made of coarse fabric he wore heavy chains to humble the flesh). For sincere faith and pure thoughts, the Lord gave him the gift of foresight and healing: so, to this day, women who cannot conceive a child ask St. Roman for help.

Saint Roman died at a ripe old age.

The mystery of the name Roman

name patrons

  • Venerable Roman of Antioch (Caesarea).
  • Deacon and creator of canons Roman the Melodist (or Constantinople).
  • Hermit Roman Syrian.
  • Martyr Roman of Samosata.
  • Passion-bearer Roman.
  • Martyr Prince Roman Olegovich.
  • Martyr Roman of Rome.
  • Hieromartyr Roman.
  • Martyr Romanos of Pariah.
  • Martyr Roman of Nicomedia.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 18 number.

February: 11th and 16th.

March: 2nd, 12th and 29th.

May: 5th and 15th.

June: 1st and 13th.

August: 1st, 6th, 11th, 15th and 23rd.

September: 24 number.

October: 8th and 14th.

November: 13 number.

December: 1 and 10 numbers.

Famous people

Famous theater and film directors named Roman:

  • Roman Viktyuk;
  • Roman Balayan;
  • Roman Polanski.

Roman Trachtenberg - outrageous Russian showman.

Roman Kartsev - entertainer.

Roman Klein - an architect who designed many significant buildings for the city in Moscow.

Roman Vreden - Founder of Russian surgical orthopedics.

Roman Jacobson - Russian-American linguist and literary critic.

Roman Abramovich - an oligarch and part-time owner of the Chelsea football club.

Roman Kostomarov figure skater and Olympic champion.

Roman Karmazin - boxing champion

The meaning of the name Roman

For a child

Little Roman cannot be called a patient and diligent child, although he tries his best to be obedient. And it's all about his irrepressible energy and natural curiosity, which now and then involves the boy in interesting adventures. In addition, it is difficult for him to focus his attention on one thing, because there are so many interesting events around him. In such a situation, it is very important that parents properly organize Roman's daily routine, in which he will be busy not only with games, but also with useful things.

The boy's sharp mind and organization help him cope with his studies without any problems. At school, he finds many friends and like-minded people who value and respect his opinion. But if laziness prevails over the desire to learn, then Roma can abandon his studies.

Already in childhood, in the character of Roma, such traits as stubbornness, impudence and pride can be traced, which is to blame for the excessive guardianship and love of mothers and grandmothers. At the same time, break its resistance with the help of physical strength it will not work, but with a word it is quite possible to soften the manifestation of the boy's self-confidence.

Roma is a real dreamer who may well resort to deception in order to avoid completing the tasks assigned to him.

For teenager

In adolescence, Roman's craving for adventure does not weaken, but, on the contrary, intensifies, because he absolutely does not accept the monotony of life. He is witty, easy to communicate and smart, but he prefers to keep his feelings carefully from disappointments, so he rarely lets even the closest people into his inner world.

The novel has amazing strength beliefs, therefore, is always in the spotlight, even without wanting it. Those around him are attracted by his love of life, optimism and adventurism: for example, it costs nothing for him to leave the institute and move to live in another city or country. At the same time, he will find his “place in the sun” everywhere, since he has such qualities as enterprise, composure and activity (the main thing is to be patient, and this is not an easy task for Roma).

In general, Roman-teenager is a sociable and open person who boldly goes through life, and therefore overcomes difficulties easily and with humor.

For a man

Adult Roman bears little resemblance to the impulsive teenage Roma. On the contrary, having matured, the owner of this name becomes self-possessed, serious, calm and balanced (he understands that stability is important in life). But still, the ability to capture the attention of the interlocutor cannot be taken away from Roman, only now he also knows how to skillfully manipulate others, who often do not even suspect it (but it is unlikely that Roma will be able to impose his opinion).

Roman can be safely called an ambitious, purposeful, but at the same time a vain and even selfish person who hides a vulnerable soul behind a mask of goodwill and cordiality. But one has only to anger or offend Roma, and he will turn into a tough and vindictive person.

Among negative qualities Roman's lack of perseverance and patience deserves special attention, because of which he can give up halfway through, refusing to fight. However, he always treats any life's adversities with irony and humor.

Description of the name Roman


Roman cannot be attributed to highly moral men, on the contrary, he does not want to tie himself moral standards, preferring freedom and independence in both judgment and action.

Moreover, Roman is touchy, vindictive and vengeful.


As a child, Roman is prone to respiratory problems, which can later develop into asthma. An adult Roman is distinguished by good health, but still he should pay attention to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as digestive problems are possible.


The novel does not lack female attention, because it is educated, elegant, seductive, charming and emotional. But the fair sex should beware Serious relationships with the owner of this name, since he is very amorous, and, consequently, there are many novels in his life.

He explains (or justifies) such love of love by the fact that he is in search of the only one who can share with him all the joys and hardships in life. At the same time, he does not hide the fact that his chosen one must completely dissolve in Roman and devote her life to him, forgetting about her freedom and independence. The only pity is that the complete subordination of his interests to the interests of Roma is not at all a guarantee of a happy family life, because a man is not going to part with his freedom.


The independence and polygamy of Roman, who longs for diversity everywhere and in everything, leads to the fact that he either ties the knot very late, or is in too much of a hurry to visit the registry office (in the latter case, it is likely that the marriage will not last long).

Roman's wife must have angelic patience and forget about her ambitions, otherwise living together ends before it starts. In addition, it is difficult to call Roma a faithful husband, which his soulmate will have to put up with. If Roman wants to save the marriage, then he will have to gather his will into a fist and resist the temptation in the form of female charms.

Family relationships

Roman can hardly be called an exemplary family man (on the contrary, routine everyday life contradicts his character). But with the birth of children, he reconsiders his attitude towards family values and becomes a caring father and economic husband, whom you can rely on in difficult times.

In the family, Roman is an unquestioning leader, whose opinion is not discussed, therefore it is not always easy for his household to build friendly and trusting relations with him, but if this succeeds, then in the person of Roma they will find a faithful and understanding friend.

Roma loves to receive guests, he is cheerful and generous, and his house is a full bowl, but he pays very little attention to his wife, which can cause quarrels and scandals.


The novel is temperamental, impulsive and passionate, but due to his selfishness, even in the intimate sphere, he cares, first of all, about himself, while the desires of his partner are of little interest to him (and in general he considers himself an excellent lover).

IN sexual relations he does not change his principles, and therefore seeks to comprehend the whole variety of forms and manifestations of intimate life, which for Roma is one of the opportunities to get physical and moral relaxation.

Physical intimacy is also important for Roman in marriage: for example, if the attraction to his wife fades away, he can easily find a new partner for himself.

Mind (intelligence)

Roman is the owner of a sharp mind, which he successfully applies in his work and life in general. He perfectly knows how to manipulate people, thereby shifting many of his responsibilities to them.


Roman does not like to complicate his life, so he does not seek to become a leader at work. He will give all the best in full only if his work is appreciated and rewarded financially. He is loved and respected in the team for his cheerful disposition, non-conflict and diligence, so he rarely has difficulties with colleagues.

Roman is best suited for professions related to communication with people. His analytical skills will be useful in the professions of an engineer, architect, designer, bank employee, and also a manager. And, of course, Roma is attracted by those areas in which a person daily encounters something new and interesting: it can be the work of a policeman, a fireman, an actor, an art historian, an intelligence officer, a rescuer or a politician.

Roma at work is as focused and accurate as possible, he patiently and scrupulously performs monotonous work. The leadership appreciates Roman's serious approach to business, as well as his ability to quickly find the right way out of any situation.


Roman will make a successful businessman, because money is the best incentive for him. Highly paid work brings him real pleasure. In addition, it is in his own business that he can realize his leadership qualities.


The main hobby of Roman is the knowledge of the world around him in all its colors. In addition, Roman is fond of various combat sports.

Character type

The novel is a pronounced sanguine person (you can read about this type of thinking in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").


Roman is upset and frustrated by obstacles and troubles, but he prefers not to resist. life's difficulties leaving them to fate. At the same time, he calls his unwillingness to fight optimism and the belief that everything that is not done necessarily happens for the better. Moreover, over the years, he develops a whole philosophy that justifies his inaction.

Roman's sociability has both positive and negative aspects: on the one hand, Roma easily makes new useful acquaintances, and on the other hand, he equally easily spreads information that he was entrusted with as a secret.

In general, Roman is an objective, sociable, but at the same time vulnerable, touchy and quick-tempered person, whose self-confidence often causes him to attract trouble. He is obligatory and responsible, but not always brings the matter to the end.


Roman has a well-developed intuition, and he knows this very well, so he often listens to his inner voice.

Roman horoscope

Roman - Aries

This is a sincere, sympathetic and good-natured man who does not bend under life's troubles and firmly believes in a "bright tomorrow", so he rarely gets upset because something in life goes not this way. It is typical for him to fall in love at first sight, and his feelings are always deep and sincere. However, Roman-Aries does not promise anything to his beloved, preferring to prove his love in practice.

Roman - Taurus

Activity and purposefulness help to realize the grandiose plans and ideas of Roman-Taurus, of which he has a lot. At the same time, he strives to work alone, because he is used to being responsible for his own actions and not relying on other people's strength. Roman-Taurus professional activity, does not accept pressure in life, so perseverance on the part of a woman can push him away.

Roman - Gemini

This eccentric, imposing and seemingly noble man strives to do good and save the world from evil, but in fact all his noble impulses, behind which a rather mediocre nature is hidden, are purely theoretical. With women, he also prefers to start a predominantly platonic relationship, shrouded in a halo of romance, waiting for the first serious step from his chosen one.

Roman - Cancer

This is a man with a controversial character, who tends to take everything to heart. Roman-Cancer is modest, suspicious and touchy, so it often falls under the influence of others. In relations with the fair sex, he prefers to be led rather than leading: for example, it is easier for him to obey than to shoulder the entire burden of responsibility for decisions made. In addition, he is afraid to hurt the feelings of his partner, but at the same time he wants to look in her eyes as a strong and self-confident man.

Roman - Leo

It is sociable and cheerful man who strives to be the center of attention. Such narcissism of Roman-Leo, backed up by his natural egoism, leads to the fact that he has practically no real friends. However, with the advent of his beloved, Roman-Lev is transformed: he surrounds her with care and love, forgetting about his pride and exorbitant ego. For the sake of the woman he loves, he will go to any feats.

Roman - Virgo

Stubbornness, perseverance and scrupulousness drive Roman-Virgo, who is distinguished by categorical judgments and incredible determination. He is consistent and thorough in his actions, which helps him achieve high altitudes in life. However, it is not easy for women with Roman-Virgo, because his beloved must meet his high standards, that is, be smart, beautiful, feminine and independent.

Roman - Libra

This is a smart, reserved and intelligent man who knows how to find a common language with everyone. At the same time, Roman-Libra is ready to help the people around him not only in word, but also in deed, without demanding anything in return. Roman-Libra enjoys well-deserved success with women, because he is gallant and courteous, generous and attentive. However, he is in no hurry to officially legitimize relations with his chosen one, preferring a format called "civil marriage".

Roman - Scorpio

This is an overly emotional, impulsive, and therefore unstable person, who has a hypertrophied sense of contradiction. Roman-Scorpio goes against the norms and rules established in society, considering himself a rebel and an innovator.

Such behavior, combined with the unpredictability of actions, can alienate both friends and representatives of the weak half of humanity from him. The chosen one of Roman-Scorpio will have to be patient and come to terms with the inconsistency of the nature of her betrothed.

Roman - Sagittarius

This charming and sincere man is a real ringleader in any company. Roman-Sagittarius has a cheerful disposition, he treats all the vicissitudes of life with humor, so fate indulges him with pleasant surprises. He is always surrounded by charming women who do not have souls in him, therefore he often makes a deceptive impression of a Don Juan. In fact, this merry fellow and joker is extremely restrained in his feelings, which only an exceptional woman can open.

Roman - Capricorn

This is a prudent, prudent and reserved person, for whom there is only one correct opinion - his own. Roman-Capricorn does not change his ideals and principles, even if they run counter to generally accepted norms. Roman-Capricorn is a real lone wolf who does not need anyone's company, which is why he often remains a bachelor until the end of his days.

Roman - Aquarius

This freedom-loving, honest, principled and intelligent man is subject to a sharp change in mood. He is thoughtful, insightful and distrustful, so he prefers to rely solely on own forces. In addition, Roman-Aquarius cannot stand pressure from the outside, perceiving it as an encroachment on his freedom and independence. He usually idealizes his beloved, which can lead to severe disappointments both in the chosen one herself and in love in general.

Roman - Pisces

This is an incorrigible romantic and a dreamer who firmly believes that he was born to fulfill a certain mission, which, at least, should remain in history.

Such a belief in one's chosenness leads to the fact that Roman-Pisces lives in some special world, divorced from reality. He is poorly versed in people in principle and in women in particular, therefore he often turns out to be deceived and rejected. And he himself is not ready to give his chosen one a deep feeling and stability in a relationship.

Roman name compatibility with female names

Roman and Olga

The basis of this tandem is an all-consuming passion, with the fading of which the relationship between Roman and Olga also disappears. Joint life literally "eats" their feelings, leaving behind only misunderstanding. In general, the union of Roman and Olga is rarely successful.

Roman and Anna

In this alliance, partners perfectly understand each other, and the achievement of common goals brings them together. For Roman and Anna, the main thing in a relationship is trust and love, so they do everything possible to preserve and increase their feelings.

Roman and Elena

Both partners are temperamental and passionate, therefore intimate life for them is one of the integral components of a happy family life. It is interesting that the contrast of the characters of Roma and Lena does not destroy, but, on the contrary, strengthens their relationship.

Roman and Julia

Tenderness, mutual support, idyll and harmony reign in this couple, and all thanks to the fact that Julia and Roman trust each other. In their relationship there is no place for such a feeling as jealousy, which favorably affects their family life.

Roman and Anastasia

In this passionate and controversial union, Anastasia and Roman often fight for power and supremacy.

If Roman can control his ego and hand over the reins to his beloved, he can save the family. In general, both partners are able to forgive insults, so their union can be quite strong.

Roman and Tatiana

Next to the proactive, but at the same time domestic Tatyana, Roman can settle down and try on the role of an exemplary family man. Moreover, in intimate terms, they are perfect for each other, which is important for the loving Roma.

Roman and Catherine

It is difficult to understand what connects these two people with different characters. Katya is charming and spontaneous, Roma is practical and reasonable. A woman in this union lives for today, and a man makes plans for the future. The lack of common views on life and common interests often lead to a break in relations in this pair.

Roman and Natalia

In this union there is not only love, but also friendship and unity of souls, which strengthens this union, making it strong, stable and promising. Only the struggle for leadership in the family can overshadow their family happiness, but they also solve this problem peacefully.
Natalya - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Roman and Marina

The owners of these names give all their love, all their attention, tenderness and care exclusively to each other and their family. They try to anticipate each other's desires and put them into practice. Roman and Marina are perfect couple, whose love will be enough for children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Roman and Maria

Maria in this tandem can become either the inspirer of Roman, or the destroyer (it all depends on the attitude of her chosen one towards her). Roma appreciates initiative and activity in Mary, but her exactingness and desire to dominate repel him. But still these two are able to create a good family.

Roman and Svetlana

Touchy and vulnerable, Svetlana needs an understanding and sensual man who can understand and accept her emotional experiences. It is precisely such a man that Roman is for her, who will always support his beloved in word and deed. Svetlana answers him with boundless love, loyalty and tenderness.

Roman and Christina

Active life position Roman and Christina do not let them get bored: they are freedom-loving and crave new sensations. Loneliness and tranquility are not their forte. In the relationship between Roman and Christina, there is lightness, romance, love, and passion.

Roman and Victoria

In this emotional union, despite the storm of passions, an atmosphere of joy and mutual understanding reigns. Victoria and Roman have no secrets from each other, their relationship is sincere and open, which has a positive effect on their life together.

Roman and Xenia

When two energetic and vital people converge, it is always fraught with the formation of an interesting and vibrant union, in which there is no place for misunderstanding and quarrels, because there is simply no time for this.

Roman and Ksenia are just such a couple, so they have a bright future ahead of them.

Romance and Love

Temperamental and domineering Roman loves his gentle and soft Love, who knows how to create family comfort and does not tolerate quarrels. Roma's initiative and responsibility, his ability to dominate and make decisions are also suitable for Lyuba. Their union is strong and stable.

Roman and Yana

Roma and Yana's relationship, despite its duration, is far from always strong. The passion that initially binds these two people gradually fades away, developing into a habit that can eventually transform into irritation. As a result, a break will be inevitable.

Roman and Hope

Hope is modest and shy, while Roman is persistent and stubborn. Without any problems, he wins the heart of his chosen one, who feels protected and confident with Roma. tomorrow. Not surprisingly, this relationship has a bright future ahead of it.

Roman and Alina

This uneasy alliance is impossible without an ardent showdown. However, Alina, like Roman, is ready to compromise for the sake of family happiness, and therefore quickly forgets insults. The main thing is not to forget that relationships should be built on love.

Roman and Diana

Both partners have very strong and strong-willed characters, while both Roma and Diana do not know how to leave their ambitions at work. On the contrary, they are trying to establish their leadership at home, which can develop into serious conflicts and lead to separation.

Roman and Evgenia

Roman cannot be called monogamous, but Evgenia is exactly the woman who can reason with her loving chosen one, surrounding him with care and affection. Their marriage is a symbiosis of love, tenderness and sensuality.

Roman and Daria

In this pair, both partners are able to find a compromise, so their life together is comfortable, calm and cozy. Their relationship every day becomes not only more tender, but also stronger. Roman and Daria are a harmonious couple who have every chance of becoming happy.

Roman and Olesya

The holders of these names aim to create ideal family, although for this Roman will have to cope with his imperiousness and become softer towards Olesya, who is ready to forget about her ambitions and completely dissolve in the family.

Roman and Alena

These two are made for each other, and in all respects, and this despite the dissimilarity of their characters. Roma and Alena crave novelty and adventure, but at the same time they should not forget that stability is also important in any relationship, which this couple clearly lacks.

Roman and Alexandra

In this pair, relations are built, first of all, on mutual understanding and mutual assistance. So, Roman and Alexandra are taking a firm step towards achieving joint goals, which can become the basis of not only family, but also business relationships.

Roman and Ludmila

Roman is attracted by a certain mystery in Lyudmila, as well as the inconsistency of her character. But over time, he may get tired of "unraveling" his chosen one, and her mood swings will very quickly annoy him, which will inevitably lead to parting.

Roman and Inna

This union is rarely strong, since Roman is solid and tends to stability, while the eccentric Inna lives in illusory world fantasies where there is no place for constancy. Such relationships are very difficult to maintain without learning to compromise.

Roman and Valeria

Valeria's unpredictability is incomprehensible to Roman, who takes life seriously despite his cheerful disposition. The ease with which his chosen one lives every new day attracts and repels at the same time. But love and patience will help Roma and Lera create a harmonious family.

Roman and Irina

There is no place for peace in this union, since Roma and Ira cannot find common ground. The only link between them is love. So, if the feelings between the owners of these names fade away, then their union will fall apart.

Roman and Elizabeth

This practical pair is aimed at achieving global goals. Romance and waste of money is not their forte, so Roma and Lisa always live in abundance. Their family life can be complicated by the desire of a woman to "educate" her man, which he absolutely does not like.

Roman and Valentine

This is a very fruitful couple, which is aimed at creative activity. So, Roman and Valentina strive not only to create an ideal family, but also to build their own business, which will provide them material wealth and let you enjoy life to the fullest.

Roman and Sofia

These two long time are looking at each other. Only now Roman is in no hurry to take the first step, because he is not ready to part with his freedom, and Sophia does not want to be disappointed in her chosen one. As a result, their relationship grows stronger, which is the key to their joint happy life.

Roman and Larisa

He is impulsive, she is contradictory, so the union of Roman and Larisa is always difficult, although bright. Both are trying to dominate, while no one wants to make concessions, which negatively affects the development of relations in general.

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