Chanson concert script on YouTube. Scenario of the district rural festival "On the Teplovsky wave of chanson" - Donkovye - organization of events and recreation


September 27, 2016

Looking for an extraordinary and bold idea for organizing your holiday, and even one that will surprise everyone and be remembered for a long time? Then this High security party. You are guaranteed a unique birthday, bachelor party, bachelorette party, corporate party, anniversary, New Year and any other holiday. By the way, October 31 is the day of prison and pre-trial detention center workers. Why not get together?

The theme is quite brutal, but insanely fun. A prison party like no other demands total immersion in a specific atmosphere. To create a depressing environment, you need to carefully prepare, so let's get started.

1. Invitations

Every party starts with an invitation. The more original the invitation card, the more actively friends will join in the preparation.

Option one - "Wanted".

Make individual invitations for each guest in the form of a leaflet informing about the search for this person. You will need photos of everyone you want to invite to the party. Compose the frame, photo, and text on your computer, then print. If possible, pick up pictures in your archive that your friends have not yet seen.

It is best to send such flyers by mail or hang them in a conspicuous place: at the guest’s in the office, at the entrance ...

Here is an example text:

"Attention wanted!
(Photo of a friend)
Wanted (name of invitee) suspected of committing a particularly pathetic crime. The announcement of the verdict will take place (date, place and time) in a strict regime. When you turn yourself in, it is possible to mitigate the punishment in the form of raising glasses, tasting prison gruel, participating in contests and other entertainment!

Option two - "Secret meeting"

Come up with a funny bandit nickname for each invitee, beating his profession or last name. For example, a friend works in trade - Kolya "Huckster", a surgeon - "Ripper", a lawyer - "Zaconophile", a sailor - "Salty", a teacher - Alena "Sit down, two!", an official - Dmitry "I'm shifting papers", red-haired - Rusty. The main thing is that no one is offended.

On the background prison cell type the text: “Rough leaned back. We must choose a new authority. And it will be a selection according to strict criteria: you will have to drink a lot, laugh, have fun and say toasts, so that it takes for the soul. A secret meeting will take place in my cell on such and such a date in the colony at the address: _______ "

Option three "Jailbreak"

As a background for the invitation, you can use pictures dedicated to the Prison break series. The text is like this:

« Brother (buddy, girlfriend), I will definitely get us free! But I need your help as an experienced cracker. So take a corkscrew and come to my maximum security apartment on such and such a date.

Michael Scofil d"

If you plan to convey the casemate atmosphere as much as possible, focus on the dress code so that all guests are fully imbued with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis action and do not feel like visitors to the prison museum.

2. Room decoration and scenery

If you initially choose the room successfully, there will be less trouble with decorating the interior. Imagine that you need to recreate a real prison, a strict regime. The room should be dark, a little gloomy and somewhat intimidating. Don't worry, decor elements (light bulbs, funny signs, cool posters) can easily create a festive atmosphere. It's about about the location of the party.

The action will become truly unforgettable if you arrange everything in a basement or an abandoned building. Here, of course, you need to take into account both safety and sanitary conditions. Scary? It’s good if there is a quest room nearby, decorated in a similar theme, and even which one can be rented. You can stop at more trivial offers - a beer bar, night club, a restaurant hall or an apartment in general. In the warm season, you can arrange a holiday in nature.

If necessary, decorate the walls of the festive hall with fabric cuts in gray tones, decorate them with cool stickers with cartoons of prisoners and guards of the law. Decorate the airspace with bright paper garlands and black and white flags. Such an element as a garland of light bulbs will slightly dilute the strict atmosphere, bring positive and a sense of celebration into the atmosphere.

Prison stadiometer. You can make this one yourself. Draw straight lines on a large sheet of paper with a black marker. parallel lines, at an equal distance from each other (10 cm). Between them, draw thinner ones in the middle and make digital markup. Hang your artwork in a visible and easy-to-photograph location.

Prison paraphernalia. On tables, shelves, where possible, lay out all the items that are associated with the prison regime. These are police uniform parts, revolvers, handcuffs, batons, stun guns, police badges. All these items are sold in stores. Also allocate space for prisoners' belongings: aluminum utensils, prison uniforms (trousers, sweaters and striped hats, padded jacket), board games(dominoes, cards, checkers). Organize a separate place for “surprise packages” - a loaf with a file, a sausage with a screwdriver, a loaf of bread with mobile phone. Do not look for original attributes, it will be too gloomy. Your fantasy, fun shop, sex shop and " Child's world» will be provided with thematic inventory.

Prison cell. If the room is quite large, make a fake chamber with bars. It can be made from an old cabinet, to which, instead of doors, attach wooden slats(Just leave room for the entrance). Such a camera can also be made from a large cardboard box(see example in). Cover the entire structure with black or silver paint. If the cell turns out to be spacious, then there will be spectacular photos of prisoners in it.

3. Dress code

When choosing a costume for a prison party, there are two options: to be a prisoner or a warden. For contrast, let half of the audience play the role of criminals, the second half - employees of the colony.

Prisoners' clothing of both sexes: striped suits and headgear or orange uniforms (American version). An excellent addition to the image will be tattoo(not necessarily real J). But jewelry will be superfluous.

Law enforcement officers pick up clothes in black or dark blue. Shoulder straps, leather belts, sunglasses and weapons complete the look.

4. Menu

A strict regime party is cheerful and active, it is irrelevant to arrange a tedious and long feast here. Organize one big Buffet Everyone will take what and when they want.

Instead of a tablecloth, lay newspapers on the table (or a tablecloth with this print). For serving, pick up tin (aluminum) dishes. Use metal mugs for both alcohol and soft drinks. Just do not mock guests by serving aluminum cutlery, they are quite unpleasant to eat. If you are planning a gourmet drink (which is not at all relevant), take glass goblets.

The menu can be very varied. Take US prison food as a guide. Do not aim to feed everyone, aim to diversify the menu as much as possible and surprise the guests. Prepare a few vegetable salads, baked or french fries, small meat steaks, baked meat, seafood. Make lots of small but varied sandwiches and canapés. But the highlight holiday table can be prison gruel.

Drinks of your choice. Just decorate the prison-themed drink container by sticking labels on it with suitable titles such as "Sip of Freedom", "Pure Alcohol", "Thieves' Cocktail", "Chifir", etc.

For dessert, host a spectacular serving of high security decorated cake. Make donuts, cupcakes, brownies and black and white candies.

5. Entertainment program

Doubt your abilities? Then order a holiday organizer or a professional presenter. This is especially true if there are many guests.

Are you willing to check everything yourself? Then here are your entertainment options.

"Private bussiness"

Prepare for each guest a small cardboard folder, on the front side of which will be written "Personal File No.". Then leave these folders with all the contents as a keepsake for each invitee. Separately, in a pot, vase or hat, fold the leaves with serial numbers, starting from one, let each guest draw out his number himself. The first thing you can fill out a “personal file” is fingerprints. Upon the arrival of each person, handing him a folder with a selected individual number, offer to make fingerprints of each finger. Prepare paper and paints (gouache or children's finger paints) in advance, as well as a table for this procedure.


All invitees are divided into two teams, you can by gender. From each team, the two most shy people are selected, and they will conduct a search. Further, each guest is given a fake round coin with a diameter of about 5 cm or an ordinary playing card. All participants hide this little thing on themselves wherever they want: in a pocket, in a sock, in a bra, etc. In turn, everyone passes by two “checkers”, who must find a coin / card within 15 seconds. The team whose members were able to find as many hidden objects as possible wins.

"Crime Solving"

Prepare in advance cardboard cards on which to write humorous accusations. Make labels legible and capital letters so that you can take pictures with them. Let each guest draw out his crime at random. Here are some of the accusations:

  • Secretly eats employees' lunches.
  • Constantly sings the songs of Arkady Ukupnik.
  • Sticks to everything that moves.
  • He snores loudest in a train compartment.
  • Looks under girls' skirts.
  • Takes away sweets from children.
  • Sends a photo of his ass to colleagues.
  • He brutally mocked his subordinate, telling boring jokes and making them laugh at them.
  • Forced to view the family photo album.
  • Dropped and broke the last bottle of vodka.

"Announcement of the verdict"

Prepare a numbered list of various fun tasks. Each guest has his own individual number, received at the entrance. Let the leader with important view the judges will announce their verdict for each (according to the numbers). For example, we offer several options for tasks:

  • Stand on a chair in the middle of the hall and ask the jury for pardon, trying to prove your innocence.
  • Sing a song in the style of chanson (words are attached to the song).
  • Drink strong alcohol, raising a mug (glass) with Japanese chopsticks.
  • Feed prisoner number 5 a banana while completing his task.
  • Dance a striptease for prisoner number 4.
  • Pop a balloon with your buttocks.
  • Crawl on all fours and elbows, saying "I'm Bruce Willis. I'm Bruce Willis. Oh, and a narrow ventilation pipe.”
  • Draw 5 poses of a drunk fashion model for an erotic magazine.

"The escape"

This is a competition for several couples. In each pair, a girl and a guy must cover a given distance as quickly as possible twice in a row. For the first time, the couple is handcuffed, the girl's leg to the guy's hand. Instead of handcuffs, you can use strong tapes or any ropes. The second time they are tied back to back at the waist. The fastest win.

"Last wish"

This is a kind of variation of the game of Fanta. Write on pieces of paper the names of all those who came to your “strict regime”. Let each guest think of something doable in this moment desire and randomly pull out a leaflet with the name of the one who will fulfill everything. If the participant refuses to fulfill the prisoner's last wish, give him a broom and let him sweep the "cell" for 10 minutes. Jokes about the offender are welcome.

"Electric Chair" or ... "Green Mile"

Several teams of three people are determined, and each of them must have at least two men. Each team is given a chair and a bottle of strong alcohol. One person sits on a chair, two others carry it. The task of the teams is to cover a given distance as quickly as possible, but you need to get to the finish line with empty bottle. Take the bottle, alcohol can simply spill out of any other container. All members of the team have the right to empty the container. Winners receive valuable prizes... and a hangover in the morning.

6. Musical accompaniment

Only if those invited to the party have strong nerves and a desire to completely plunge into the life of people deprived of their freedom, choose chanson. There are many variations in this style, from specifically prison to unobtrusive "life" songs. If everything is in order with a sense of humor, give preference to songs with a hard meaning. The main thing is not to be loaded with these soul-rending stories.

Perfect for a high security party live music, especially if there are quite a lot of invitees planned. It will also be in the theme of playing the guitar

Cool meeting you! Do not forget to collect compromising evidence on all the "criminals", it will suddenly come in handy!

Greetings bright heads of event creators! how about Chanson's song parties?

Chanson evening.

Leading exit.

Good evening Dear friends! We are glad to welcome all lovers of chanson. After all, chanson is a genre musical art popular with many listeners of good music

The fact that today the right guys call chanson, and all the rest - thieves' songs or just "thugs" - is not an accidental phenomenon in culture. "Kid's songs" were born a very long time ago - over three centuries, and then appeared as robber and prison songs. The performers of remote songs usually actively fought against the authorities and the law, which they constantly praised in their lyrics.There was a time whenchanson was strictly censored and finding a song with a favorite artist was difficult. Today there is nothing difficult in this. We can freely listen to our favorite celebrities such as Alexander Novikov, Rosenbaum, Mogilevsky, Mikhailov, Vysotsky, Shafutinsky, Lyubov Uspenskaya and many others.

And today, our artists and guests of the Kabansky district will give you an unforgettable evening, consisting of touching texts, quality music and incredibly beautiful and soulful voices. And it is not for nothing that our evening is called from soul to soul.

And our evening is opened by Krupitsa Nadezhda, Yermolin Eduard, Razuvaev Ivan and Dubitsky Valentin with a wonderful song called “I raise a glass to friends” Let's meet!

On stage Yermolin Eduard with the song "Meteorite"

Razuvaev Ivan "You"

Dubitsky Valentin "Kalina"

Osetrov Valery " White Swan on the pond"

Grain Nadezhda "I will read in your eyes"

Duet "Bouquet of white roses"

Dear friends! Who and who knows how to translate the word Chanson? I have been interested all my life different music, before and during my work in culture, but I never thought about where it came from Musical direction under strange name Chanson? It turns out that this music, which is now called the Russian Chanson, has always lived in parallel. One thing is undoubtedly true - Chanson - in French - this is a song. And we cannot but agree with this. After all, Russian songs are very meaningful, with meaning. After all, a person should not only have fun, but also think.. Such thinking, semantic music - this is "Chanson". This time you will see for yourself.

Yermolin Eduard "Wind in the head"

Razuvaev Ivan "Vladimir Central"

Osetrov Valery. "Sleep my love"

Dubitsky Valentin "Queen of inspiration"

Krupitsa Nadezhda "Write to me"

Duet "Memories"

All the same, from time immemorial Russian song has always been filled with meaning.After all, when listening good music, we give great attention not only the content of the song, that is, the words, but also the arrangement of the entire song. Domestic chanson is always easy to recognize, even when the listener does not know the language of the song.. because in each song there are notes of longing, love, friendship, joy and sadness.Chanson is listened to not only with ears, but also with soul and heart; and if you liked any song, then in the future it will be played many times in memory. Many chanson songs are performed by the voice of a man, so the female loves such works very much. And produces strong impression. And what impression our artists will make on you, we will find out after their performance.

Razuvaev Ivan "Come to my house"

Osetrov Valery "I will leave you"

Yermolin Eduard "There are cones on the trees"

Krupitsa Nadezhda "My Queen"

Duet "Murka"

Some consider chanson a primitive genre. But, if you take a critical look, you can see that Russian chanson is in the zone of high preferences. The charm of the language, humor, melancholy and cruel power in these songs create a unique poetry, where rudeness borders on hatred. After all, this genre of music is an integral part of our culture of life. If you listen to a song and get goosebumps on your skin, a nostalgic feeling involuntarily arises - it means that the song "catches" for a long time! There is something in this work that touches the soul and the heart, hardened by last years. Chanson is when you can’t do anything else, except to sing ... And the Russian person is constantly in this state. Today, people who are not indifferent to the chanson song have gathered here. And that means you are close to each other in spirit. And you are united by a common song.

Duet "Man and Woman"

Dubitsky Valentin "Know about it"

Yermolin Eduard "Stolen Love"

Osetrov Valery "Blue eyes"

Krupitsa Nadezhda "For girlfriends"

Razuvaev Ivan "Nishtyak brother"

Curtain comes off, fanfare, piano
The hall was quiet before the concert, the stars and lights lit up
It's good that this evening
Here we are gathered
With a song we go through life
How we live is how we eat
The path to the hearts will open the song
Spreading amber.
1. Presenter: "Song of Friends"
Hello dear viewers! We are pleased to welcome you to our hall and are pleased to announce that the II Festival of the chanson genre song is open!
The genre "Russian chanson" means - art song, an urban romance, a lyrical song in which the lyrics make sense. "Russian chanson" is a song that is listened to with soul and heart.
Today, dear friends, we are going on an amazing journey through the world of spiritual music. Today on this stage you will see and hear not only familiar faces and voices, but we want to introduce you to new names as well.
The person who will now enter this stage is widely known on the stage as an author and performer. The works of this charming performer are permeated with sincerity and sincerity, which are sometimes so lacking in Everyday life. So, meet, honored guest of our festival. Winner of the chanson of the year Oleg Makin.
2. "________________________________________________"
3. "_______________________________________________"
four. "________________________________________________"
Well, friends! Of course, we hope someday to see Stas Mikhailov and Mikhail Shufutinsky on this stage, and interesting singer With unusual name Athena, but, unfortunately, they are still only thinking about their participation. And while the stars are on their way, we continue the concert program with local talents! Talents bright and strong!

Singing for you………………………
5. "Soul screams"
6. Chamomile

7. "Two Fates"
8. "Wait a soul"

Dear friends, you know that, unlike a popular pop song, in chanson it is not so much the music that matters as the lyrics of the song. Not so much the voice of the performer, but the sincerity of his performance. First of all, this is an honest song, sung from the heart and for the soul. On stage, a wonderful performer of soulful, lyrical songs. Meet - …………………….. presents the work of Mikhail Shufutinsky.

9. "Marjanja"
10. "Third of September" or "Palma de Mallorca"
11. "I love"

If you listen to a song and get goosebumps on your skin, a nostalgic feeling involuntarily arises - it means that the song "catches" for a long time. Chanson is such a feeling when you can’t do anything else, except to sing. On the stage ………………….. presents the work of Grigory Leps.

12. "Natalie"
13. " Goodnight, gentlemen"
14. "So what"

One performer in the chanson genre was once asked how he understands chanson, what it is for him. He replied: “This is when you feel through the song those strings of the soul that it touches. Chanson is an expression of thoughts, an expression of protest.

On the stage ………………..
15. "I'm not sick of you anymore" Rada Rai
16. "I'm lost"

The word "chanson" in French is translated as "song". Chansonniers are people who were not only the authors of music and words, but also brilliant artists who know how to play their song, make it deep, imaginative and soulful.

The next performer last year at our festival won the hearts of all the women in the hall by soulfully singing the songs of Stas Mikhailov. And today he again performs the songs of everyone's favorite on our stage. Meet …………………
21. "______________________________________"
22. "______________________________________"
23. "______________________________________"

24. Irina Tokareva "Lyuba, Lyubonka"
25. Convertible

The final song is a duet of E. Shergin and I. Tokarev song - “I wish”
All participants of the concert come out, awarding diplomas and memorable gifts.

Host: Attention! Attention! On the waves of the local radio Retro FM.

— Good afternoon, dear listeners! On the air of Retro FM and in the next hour we will be with you ——-and ——-.

Today we have the first meeting with the audience in the New Year, so we sincerely congratulate everyone on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the year of the Horse bring a whole load of health, prosperity, success and of course love to every home.

— Dear viewers! We invite you to listen and sing along with us

songs that you fell in love with, danced on the dance floors and that you will never forget.

- I have no doubt that each of you, with one or more of these songs, certain memories of youth and childhood are associated.

- And this evening we want to wish you a pleasant stay and a lot of positive emotions!

Listen and stay always young.

In the 60s and 70s, in our country, a a large number of musical films. The songs that sound in these films become, one might say, "folk". And our musical hour song from the film Russian field "Waltz about spring" which will be performed by—-.

Surely you are familiar with the wonderful comedy by Leonid Gaidai " Caucasian captive or Shurik's New Adventures. April 3, 2012 marks the 45th anniversary of the film's premiere. But we still remember and love the wonderful characters of this film: Shurik, Nina and the famous trinity of a coward, a dunce and an experienced one. And the songs from the movie are still very popular today. merry song main character"About Bears", composer Alexander Zatsepin, was performed in the film by singer Aida Vedischeva. And now it will be performed by Nastya

2. Small country

Presenters: What current TV show can do without a quiz

B 2: Let's go over the songs with you. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the movie in which it sounds

And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - "Carnival Night"

In the dark blue forest, where aspens tremble - " The Diamond Arm»

Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - "Iv.Vas"

When spring comes, I don’t know - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”

Somewhere in the world - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Your Honor, Lady Separation - "White Sun of the Desert"

What were you like - "Kuban Cossacks"

If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"

Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

There are so many golden lights - “It was in Penkovo”

Fatigue Forgotten - "New Adventures of the Elusive"

Hey sailor! - "Amphibian Man", wonderful

We continue the retro concert at the request of the library workers, the song "On the Path" sounds - we meet a female vocal group.

2. I like him

At the age of 60... On the concert stage, on the radio and from the first long-playing records, kind lyrical melodies sound - about peaceful and happy life friendship and love...

The country was reborn and sang the songs of the Festivals of Youth and Students, songs that came from the movie screen, and after - from the screens black and white televisions - first heard in the legendary " blue lights” and during the broadcasts of large holiday concerts.

We will congratulate the workers of the outpatient clinic with the song "Nightingale Grove" which will be performed by—-.

And of course, how on such an evening without humor, the brothers I will present their comic song.

(sounds musical insert weather)

And about the weather.

Today in the east of Ukraine partly cloudy weather, wind from the side of good luck and precipitation in the form of happiness are expected. And whatever happiness does not leave your home - your song will tell you how to do it.

Let's never fight

- In the 60s of the 20th century, hiking trips and travel became popular. The guitar was absolutely necessary here. How nice it is to sing soulful songs on a quiet evening near a crackling fire to the accompaniment of a guitar. And all these songs amounted to something new: not poetry, not music, but a new song genre- original song.

Now everyone knows Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Vizbor and many others not as poets, but as bards (that is, as authors and performers of their own songs). The songs of each of them, like the authors themselves, are not similar. But they are united by the simplicity of the melody and deep meaning, as well as the spirit of romance and freedom.

Hunting for wolves will perform Vysotsky's song

Blank sheet.

——- the song "It's not evening yet" congratulates teaching staff schools.

And you know what, the generation of the 60s is well known very famous song"Black cat". It's already 2012, and she's not losing her popularity! The 60s love it, the 70s love it, the 80s, the children of the 90s and the generation of the 21st century, by the way, too!

- Song by Yuri Saulsky to the verses of Mikhail Tanich. Written at the end of 1963. "Kot" was one of the first Soviet twists. Soon this song sounded in Polish, German and Czech. She resounds today cat

B 1: No matter how strange it may seem, but in recent years it has become very common and fashionable dance Boogie Woogie…

V 2: But this dance came to us from the West, and it was in the 60s that it gained great popularity among young people ...

V 1: It has become fashionable to dress brightly, to behave differently from everyone else ... and for such behavior they could be expelled from the party, and this did not frighten anyone ... Because it was the time of "Dandy".

V 1: Songs, they accompany us all our lives. So different and close to our hearts, which have become an integral part of ourselves.

B 2: Let's continue to remember and sing our favorite songs together.

- and we will sing together with the presenter - the Ukrainian romance "Nich Yaka Mіsyachna" to the words of Mikhail Starytsky and dedicate it to all the women present here in the hall.

She: How great it is to visit the holiday of memories and nostalgia ...

He: Feel the time of change, the first freedom! Dive into the golden age!

We continue the transmission of retro FM and invite Daria to the microphone with a song

"Ochі na pіsku" with which she will congratulate the colleagues of the plant of metal structures

Yellow tulips

Mikhail Krug dedicated his first 4 albums to his first love Marina and he wrote this song in 1987 also for her.

You are my last love duet

Workers ——- congratulates with his songs——.

В 2: You remember Soviet films of the USSR well, don't you? And now we will check it.

B 1: Say famous phrase from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession", which Ivan the Terrible said when he saw the newly built Moscow.

Answer: What a beauty! Lepota!

Q2: List everything positive traits the main character Nina from k / f. "Prisoner of the Caucasus", which Comrade Saakhov described at the event.

Answer: Komsomol member, student, athlete and just a beauty.

B 1: What he worked main character with k / f. "Gentlemen of Fortune" before he became a notorious prisoner named Associate Professor.

Answer: Kindergarten teacher.

В 2: Sing your favorite song of Semyon Semenych from the movie. "Diamond Arm", which he brilliantly performed at the Iva restaurant.

Answer: Song about hares.

V 1: Where did Evgeny Lukashin go every year on December 31 with his friends from the film. "The irony of fate, or light steam!».

Answer: To the bath.

In 2: “What a filth, what a filth is yours…” — what did Ippolit have in mind with the movie. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!" calling it "disgusting".

Answer: Jellied fish.

V 1: “Georgy Ivanovich, he is Goga, he is Gosha, he is Yuri, he is Gora, he is Zhora, does he live here?” - from which k / f. this quote.

Answer: "Moscow does not believe in tears."

B 2: “- Girl, oh, girl, what is your name?

"And I'm Fedya!"

Answer: - Well, a fool!

Presenter 1: Today in this hall wonderful songs written in the 60-70s of the 20th century are heard, songs that have become the golden fund of our stage. Many of them have not lost their beauty and sound in a modern way in the 21st century.

With these songs we congratulate the workers of the Head Plant.

In 1972, the poet L. I. Oshanin invited Valentina Tolkunova to perform on the stage of the Hall of Columns at the anniversary concert with the song of V. Ya. Shainsky “Ah, Natasha”. This was the beginning of her popularity on television and radio. Her song “Our Parents” will be presented to —— workers of the village council

And for the pebbles

And yet the old songs are immortal! They return and sound with new force, again become next to us and live, despite a different fashion and the emergence of new genres and trends.

——with the song Eyes Voloshkovy "congratulates the workers kindergarten Meet Pinocchio.

Wedding ring

— Yes, here earlier times were! And what good songs they sang!

Yes, the songs were good, sincere! Here is one of them!

How is life without love

The song that entered the golden fund Ukrainian stage written by Anatoly Gorchinsky and Leonid Tatarenko

It sounds for the workers of "Vodogray" performed by——-.

To your attention "Chervona Troyanda"

Was once like this great country- USSR. And all of us living today, whether we like it or not, are inextricably linked with it. We all come from there, and we simply have no right to forget about it. Each song is a meeting with the past, favorite films, ensembles, whose work is inextricably linked with the Soviet Union.

Song about a distant homeland

With his songs, he congratulates all his colleagues "Vlasivski Merezhi" on holidays.

"I just work as a wizard."

We continue the concert by request. and congratulate the deputies and the executive committee of the village council.

IN 1: Soviet song loved by people of all ages and professions.

V 2: Songs are loved for the beauty of the melody, the breadth and depth of feelings. The best of them, prompted by life, become ours true friends. They are with us in joy and in moments of sadness.

For you, our dear viewers, our songs sound.

"Two banks"

Now, when it has become completely clear that the seventies are gone forever, and nothing like this can be done by anyone, and interest in THAT music began to naturally revive.

We also wanted to give you good memories, wonderful music and atmosphere of the time.

We listen to the following folk song “Ah Samara town” performed by the ensemble “Libyd”, and the hall helps.

The sword was thawed, loved, danced and sang,

Flying somewhere far, far away.

Get up easily, fall asleep instantly,

And thought, thought so secretly.

Walked through forests, wandered through meadows,

And most importantly - there was time for everything:

For work, for love and for a little bit.

And everything worked out, and everything worked out!

Oh, youth, youth, you are incomparable!

Why did you just drive by?

Scenario of the concert "Everything for you"

(fanfare sounds, presenters exit)

Vedas 1: Everyone! Everyone! Good afternoon! radiant smiles and Have a good mood!

Vedas 2: Hello dear friends!We welcome everyone gathered in this hall!Vedas 1: One of the greats said: If there is nothing on the calendar, but the soul is restless, then you need to come up with little holiday and mark it, otherwise it will be completely sad.

Vedas 2: and here todayWe invited you to such a holiday! Holiday children's creativity, and we called it very simply - "Everything for you"!

Vedas 1 : And in fact, who among us has not dreamed of being on stage, feeling at least for a moment like a singer and musician, dancer and actor.

Vedas 2: But for this talent is not enough. We need courage and desperation, boundless faith in ourselves and our abilities.

Vedas 1: Yes, not each of us will become world wide famous star, but we are quite capable of surprising and delighting each other.

Vedas 2: No wonder one of our contemporaries said:

You are all talented from the cradle

One is a dancer, the other is a singer.

And even the most Small child

Artist, star and just well done!


Vedas 1: Fanfares sound! Fanfares sound!

Violins are playing and drums are beating!

Let's remember this event forever

How bright, colorful, big fireworks!

At our concert are obligatory,

Performances are exemplary.

This is a bright and interesting range,

Talented show!!!
Vedas 2: Good luck to you, young talents! Our holiday concert opens

Folk group "Sibirinka" with a cheerful song "Kids candy"

    The song "Children candy"

Vedas 1: I think that "Sibirinka" gave a good start and a bright start to our concert. Let's applaud them again. But next member, perhaps, can rightly call himself a daredevil. After all, he has a difficult task to present his acting gift one on one with auditorium. Meet Ilya Devishchenko with Sergey Mikhalkov's poem "Bulka"

    The poem "Bulka"

Vedas 2: Thanks, Ilya! A wonderful poem, although it was written a long time ago, it has not lost its significance even today. All this applause is for you.

Vedas 1:

The world of children's talents is so amazing

Now he is mysterious, then he is swift,

From the light of smiles comes into motion.

Full of fantasy and imagination.

Vedas 2: yes, imaginations, fantasies, dreams… Who among us does not like to dream from time to time. And we have the song "Dreams" in the concert. Berulina Ksenia will perform it for you.

3. Song "Dreams"

Vedas 1: (asks viewers) Do you like to solve riddles? Guess one of them.

Sparrows, swifts, penguins,

bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits:

In a word, it is... BIRDS

Vedas 2: That's right - birds! And now we will get to the bird market. This is the name of the poem by Eduard Uspensky, and Alina Bannikova will read it to us. Meet her.

4. Poem "Bird Market"

Vedas 1: This bird noise reminds me of something...

Vedas 2: Of course. It reminds you of the coming spring. AT ancient times, when a person animated not only all living things around, but also the seasons, the custom arose at the end of winter to call, to call spring. Children put figurines of birds on poles, threw them up and sang songs - calls. In them they asked the birds to bring the keys - to close the winter and unlock the spring.

Vedas 1: So Alina Potapova wants a real spring, because she chose the song “Spring was called” for performance.

Vedas 2: So let's call her on stage. Give our participant a round of applause.

5. The song "Spring was called"

Vedas 1: Good song. And Alina sang it well.

Vedas 2: And I'm sure that Irina Nikitina will also sing her song "Singing Bird" well. Moreover, it is also about spring.

6. Song "Singing Bird"

Vedas 2: It's good that April is coming soon, followed by May, and there it's not far to summer.

Vedas 1: May is so great! I want to sing, dance, believe in bright dreams ...

Vedas 2: Wait, I've heard those words somewhere before...

Vedas 1: Of course. After all, these are the words from the song that she will sing to us now vocal group second class. And it's called " Good tales».

Vedas 2: So let's get the guys on stage. Greet them with applause.

7. Song "Good Tales"

Vedas 2: Well done boys,and we continue our concert.

We all depend on each other

Is life bad or good.

Rain outside the window, whether the blizzard is circling.

With goodness, the soul is always bright.

Vedas 1: That's for sure. But that's just not always everything is good in life. As, for example, in Tamara Shesheva's poem "Bonfire" performed by Ulyana Domnina.

8. Poem "Bonfire"

Vedas 2: Let's applaud Ulyana, who read the poem wonderfully.

Vedas 1: Yes, we need to protect and love the world in which we live, nature and its inhabitants. We must be responsible for those whom we have tamed.

Vedas 2: And in continuation of this topic, we invite you to listen to the poemEduard Asadov "About the red-haired mongrel". And Yana Nikitina will read it

9. The poem "About the red mongrel"

Vedas 1: Good poem. For some reason, I just felt a little sad.

Vedas 2: No need to be sad, because we need to continue to conduct our concert. Friends, do you know that in life it often happens: sad mood, everything falls out of hand, nothing goes well, and suddenly a person appears nearby, like a ray of sunshine. Next to him, sadness dissipates, and work goes on, and everything in life is getting better.

Vedas 1: And clowns appear in our concert. Let's cheer them up with our applause.

10. Scene "Clowns"

Vedas 2: Thanks guys from theatrical circle. They did a great job on all of us. I even believed in magic myself.

Vedas 1: Well, after all, they are not in vain doing it - they should surprise and delight everyone. I know what else can please us - it's dance. For you a dancing group The House of Culture will perform an incendiary gypsy dance.

11. Dance "Gypsy"

Vedas 1: Wherever a person is, no matter what mood he is in, he sings songs, or simply hums some unpretentious tune. Noticed?

Vedas 2: Of course. Songs help people Hard time, and in a joyful hour, and in peacetime, and during the war. They are sung when they rest and when they work. And now in our concert performed by the folk group "Sibirinka" will sound Russian folk song"I'll sow a swan on the shore."

12. Song "I will sow a swan on the shore"

Vedas 1: Have you noticed - we somehow switched to folk theme. Now - a gypsy melody for you, then - a Russian folk melody, so we'll get to the Japanese one.

Vedas 2: No, today, perhaps, we will not get there. But I promise you a meeting with a Japanese. This is the name of the scene performed by Katya Rodionova. Malyarenko Alena and Berulina Ksyusha.

Vedas 1: Well, that's curious. Let's see.

13. Scene "Meeting with a Japanese"

Vedas 2: It’s not in vain that they say: “The more a Russian speaks in terms of concepts, the less he understands.”

Vedas 1: It's true, but it's funny.

Vedas 2: And we continue our concert and we have the “Modern Disco” next in line.

14. Dance "Modern disco"

Vedas 2: Wow. How fun it was.We should also learn the movements and dance it at the school disco.

Vedas 1: And I was already backstage dancing it with all my heart and even out of breath. I want to relax a bit, listen to calmer music.

Vedas 2: It seems to me that I can help with this, because the next number in our program will sound a good melody, and against its background you will hear the poem "Mom", written by Kristina Shtogrina and Anna Lebedeva.

15. The poem "Mom"

Vedas 1: We love moms with all our hearts. Mom is for us the whole world. And for every person prettier women than his mom is not. Russian women are beautiful, and this is recognized all over the world.

Vedas 2: By the way, Ksyusha Beryulina and Ira Nikitina sing about this in the song "Russian Beauties" Well, meet our duet with applause.

16. Song "Russian beauties"

Vedas 1: Let's once again thank our duet with applause, and our vocal and instrumental ensemble "Sonnet" is ready to take the stage. They will perform the song "Take care of yourself, boys"

17. The song "Take care of yourself, boys"

Vedas 1: We invite you to listen to another number performed by the ensemble. For you Siberians, the song “My Motherland is Siberia” sounds

18. Song " My homeland is Siberia »

Vedas 1: Our concert today takes place on an unusual day - the day of the presidential elections in Russia. Russia is our Motherland. A dance with the same name is performed for you.

19. Dance "Russia"

Vedas 2: And I would like to ask you, dear viewers, if you have closest friend or girlfriend? I'm sure everyone has. What a joy it is to be together. Here we are today gathered in this hall, and it's great!

And we just have a song about it. Alina Potapova and I will perform it for you.

20. Song "How cool"

Ved1: They tried their best - they played and sang,

They managed to show their talents to you.

Vedas 2:

Russia is rich in talents,

You convinced yourself

We are glad that the whole concert

You were with us!

Together: Until we meet again, friends!

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