A girl from the KVN team without preservatives. Beauty Sitora from "Asia MIX": I was a Bukhara "boy"


Age: 23 years old
Team: Zhest (Taganrog)
Experience in KVN: 5 years

Favorite KVN joke?

From the last thing that I really liked: “Men, if you are tired of your mother-in-law, take her to Paris - let everything be beautiful.” This is a joke of the Sergeyichi team.

If you were promised a lot of money, but in return they demanded to do plastic surgery for the image of Whoopi Goldberg, would you agree?

Yes, and all this, of course, not because of money, but for the sake of art.

What was your most sad New Year?

Even a broken leg could not make this holiday dreary and awkward. I danced so hard that I almost broke my leg. It didn't break, but it was bent. But nevertheless I went to the winter festival in Sochi. I took off the cast, and instead they put on a special corset so that the injury could not be seen.

Who is the sexiest juror in the Major Leagues?

For me, the sexiest - by 1.8 points - Konstantin Ernst, by 1.4 - Julius Gusman, by 1.2 - Yarmolnik. I'm so windy!

Elena Muzychenko

Age: 26 years old
Team: Ingecon (St. Petersburg)
Experience in KVN: 9 years
University: St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics

Favorite KVN joke?

The joke of our team: “During a thunderstorm, a seven-year-old girl played with dolls, and a 35-year-old dad climbed onto the roof to repair the antenna. Maybe girls really develop faster.”

Did you laugh during sex?

Yes, when during sex I remembered my favorite KVN joke. But seriously, it seems to me that everyone had it - right? Probably, it is even useful, if not abused.

How many aired jokes are cut for the final version?

Editing is in all leagues without exception. IN television leagues everything is a little more serious: after almost every editorial review, the most of material. Sometimes they cut out entire contests! Therefore, almost half of the material that gets on the air is written a week before the game. It is especially disappointing for those numbers that you have to clean up yourself, just to meet the timing.

How often did you cry during the game or after?

The closer to the final, the more responsible the game and the more strength it takes during preparation. Therefore, after the game, sometimes you can give vent to emotions. We are girls, we are forgiven. But most often I cry from laughter during rehearsals.

Natalia Chebotareva

Age: 24 years old
Team: "25th", team of the Voronezh region
Experience in KVN: 7 years
University: Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Favorite KVN joke?

This is our joke: “A teacher of literature, after reading the essay of Abramovich’s son “How I spent the summer”, burned it, threw the ashes into champagne and drank at exactly 12 o’clock.”

The forums often write that the 50th anniversary season of KVN did not live up to expectations.

Fully justified! And here MAXIM magazine does not live up to my expectations young man: he participates in every competition and still hasn't won anything!

Why would you agree not to laugh for a year?

For another shoot in MAXIM magazine.

What's the craziest joke you've ever made on stage?

“Stop calling fingernails fingernails. Nails on the feet, and hands on the hands!

Irina Soponaru

Age: 25 years old
Team: "Vinnitsa Peppers". Also plays for the national team of Ukraine
Experience in KVN: 9 years
University: Chernivtsi National University them. Y. Fedkovich

Favorite KVN joke?

I really like the joke of Lena from Pyatigorsk: “Forgive me, Akstisya!” - "Okay, whoever remembers the old, his eyes are in there."

Did you forget the lyrics on stage?

Oh, you know, it was like that, but somehow I immediately remembered it. It happened that she prompted her teammate to the text on stage. That's funny. But you have to control yourself and not laugh.

What is the most effective remedy for a hangover on the first of January?

A sense of proportion the day before. Or I advise you to watch KVN: laughter heals and distracts.

How do you feel about stealing jokes?

AMiK, of course, protects the copyrights of KVN players, but nevertheless, jokes are periodically stolen. Sometimes a joke turns into a joke. You know exactly which team was joking, but you read it in the Jokes section of some magazine. That is, what happens is that KVN jokes become popular. This probably indicates the quality of humor. It happens that the teams, without stealing from each other, write identical jokes. As a rule, this happens with current topics.

Lelya Nekrasova

Age: 24 years old
Team: "Polygraph Poligrafych" (Omsk). Participated in the teams "Universal evil" (Moscow) and "7 hills" (MESI, Moscow)
Experience in KVN: 7 years
University: Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Favorite KVN joke?

"The guys from the Roots are afraid that their guitars will be stolen, so they take them from the dressing room to the stage." “Half of the crucian ended up on the newspaper in such a way that Putin became a mermaid for twenty seconds.” These are the jokes of the guys from the Polygraph Polygraphych team.

Comment on the idea that the current KVN is no longer the same. And what does that KVN look like?

KVN is the same, the viewer is not the same. It was very interesting to read an article by Elena Galperina, the first editor of KVN, about the very first games. And if we talk about the differences, then earlier KVN was built on complete improvisation. Today it is already a prepared show with the participation of stars, extras, artists of all genres. Time dictates the rules. Therefore, I would not divide KVN into one and the other, let's just be glad that it exists.

Usually artists drink 50–250 grams before a performance. Do you drink for courage or for connections?

Only if to maintain the image - that the artists drink 50-250 grams before the performance. Personally, alcohol prevents me from getting ready, so before the games I do not drink absolutely anything. No alcohol, no food, no sleep! Somehow it happened to the kaveenschikov.

Why are there so few world famous female comedians?

How little is that? But what about Ellen DeGeneres, Wanda Sykes, Tina Fey? What, you don't even know them? There are few of us, because men still have not learned how to give birth.

Anastasia Kazandzhan

Age: 20 years old
Team: Zhest (Taganrog)
Experience in KVN: 2 years
University: Taganrog State pedagogical institute them. Chekhov

Favorite KVN joke?

The code of the Sochi performance of our team: “Well, what would I like to say at the end ... I'm already 25, Tanya - 25, Nastya - in general ... We have been playing KVN for a very long time. They played in the Krasnodar League, in the Polissya League, in the Ukrainian Higher League, in the First League. True, they stumbled, but then they gathered their strength and became vice-champions. Why am I doing all this ... In short, if not the Prime Minister, we will give birth! There was such a gap in the hall that my legs began to give way!

Do you receive performance fees?

My role as a cute girl in the team allows me to receive a fee only with soft toys.

Age: 23 years old
Team: Minsk Sea. She played for the teams "Gingerbread", "Complex of usefulness", "Tumba Johansen"
Experience in KVN: from grade 10, in official leagues 5 years
University: Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives

Favorite KVN joke?

I can tell a joke that cannot be inserted into the game, but I like it: “The homeless Egor smelled good only behind his ear, because he always wore chewing gum there.” But this one can be inserted, but it is already old and will not cause a storm of emotions: "Anfisa Chekhova came to work with a closed neckline, and she was sent home to change." And the hit of our team: “Lyokha left prison satisfied, because he is only seventeen years old and has his whole life ahead of him.” That's precisely because there are a lot of jokes, I didn't want to choose one. Now suffer.

What did Maslyakov Sr. tell you that was pleasant and not very pleasant?

This complex issue. He is undeniably kind and cheerful person but I'm still afraid of him. He was always critical of us as a team, and therefore he is unlikely to invite me to his birthday party. But I hope he won't scold me for starring in your magazine. What if, just after the release of this issue, he will say the same thing - the most pleasant thing?

How do you train your memory to remember jokes?

In my case, remembering a joke is memory training. After all, even the usual five-minute greeting needs to be prepared for a very long time. It is necessary not only to memorize the text, but first to write it and then submit it correctly. And if you don't remember it, you can always write a little cheat sheet that you keep with the microphone.

What was your brightest New Year's Eve?

I don’t celebrate violently, usually it’s quiet in the family circle. But a couple of times I had to work on New Year's Eve, and that's what I remember the most. I remember it as the worst celebration ever. The first time I worked as a Snow Maiden. They paid a penny, there was a terrible dressing room, they didn’t pick it up by car, as promised ... And the second time they shouted at us all the time and paid less than they promised. They don't have a heart! But the worst thing is to stand in front of people under the chimes, watch everyone raise their glasses, and feel that the magic of the holiday bypasses you.

Anna Nedelko - Russian singer and actress, player of the KVN team "Team of Murmansk". The city, which the girl represents in the Club of the cheerful and resourceful, is her native. WITH early childhood Anna was interested in the stage. From the age of 4 she studied at a music school, later studied acting skills at children's theater studio and also attended art school.

Nevertheless, after receiving a matriculation certificate, Nedelko decided to get a more mundane profession and entered the Murmansk State Technical University in two specialties at once. In 2011 she graduated from the day department Faculty of Economics, and the following year received a second diploma - a specialist in jurisprudence. It is worth noting that Anya graduated from both faculties with honors.

Despite the fact that Anna Nedelko works in a banking structure, and also enters the stage as a player in KVN, main passion girls remains music. In 2009, the singer became a member of the Murmansk group IsTerra, where she became the main soloist. The team, performing high-quality hard rock, regularly performed with concerts in the Arctic, and for Murmansk fans contemporary music has become practically a standard and the main reference point that determines the level of local rock music.

In 2010, the guys recorded the album "InDigo", later they worked on the disc "Dixi", and in total there are more than 20 author's songs in their repertoire. To gain a foothold in the domestic rock scene, the IsTerra group, together with Anna Nedelko, moved to Moscow. The expectation was that the development of the group in the capital would go even faster, but, unfortunately, the expectations turned out to be deceptive. According to Anna, the team has not broken up, but is, as it were, in a “frozen” state.


In 2006, freshman Anna Nedelko, along with her friend, went to the gathering of the women's KVN team technical university. As the girl recalls, she had no desire to participate, since she had not previously loved KVN. But, seeing that in the numbers you need to use acting skills, which she studied in childhood, she decided to try and gain a foothold in the OdnaKo team.

The first game of Anna Nedelko was a performance at the university championship, after which for two years she went on stage with her partners from OdnaKo. In 2008, Anna became the initiator of the creation new team co strange name“All God's Children Can Dance”, which after 4 years changed its name to the more standard “Team of the City of Murmansk” and became famous throughout the country thanks to its performances in the Highest League of KVN.

The team, which in 2014 reached the final stage and received the Presidential KiViN prize, is mostly male, and the only pleasant exception is Anna Nedelko, who believes that there should be one girl in the team.

Its main task is to prepare vocal numbers and musical scenes"Team of Murmansk". However, she showed herself and how talented actress, often attracting the attention of the audience to his person, and Anna's spectacular appearance made the journalists " Komsomolskaya Pravda» call her one of the most beautiful queens in history.

Personal life

ABOUT family life Nothing is known about Anna Nedelko, except that she has not entered into an official marriage yet. In an interview, the girl joked that this moment she was offered to marry only in in social networks.

The main hobby in Nedelko's life, with the exception of KVN and music, which she does not treat as entertainment, is sports. Anna visits regularly Gym where it supports sportswear and also takes long walks.

Selected songs

  • Breathe out
  • On the edge
  • You will kill me
  • Angel
  • Cars are flying
  • Three lines
  • Wings
  • Vacuum
  • Autumn will never come
  • The planet is spinning

Hello dear.
The current season of KVN is so bad that there is not even anything to talk about. For me, only one team is playing, which should become the champion, in a few more places they can show one or two numbers, but otherwise - complete seams. Know comments, as they say.
And when the games themselves inspire boredom and yawning, the humor is forced and button accordion, then you can only talk about related matters within the framework of KVN. No, don't worry - I'm not going to discuss the financial balancing act with the Maslyakov family's real estate - fortunately there are many resources of others, and the topic has already bothered me for 2 weeks.
No - we're talking about beauty. Or rather, about beautiful girls in KVN. I must say right away that I'm not such a fan of this game - and of course I don't watch all the Leagues. Therefore, I will talk about those whom I observed and remembered. So there are a lot of beautiful ladies in KVN, but in order to be in sight .... :-)
I won't be wrong if I say that feminine beauty KVN recent years 2 can be associated with two people.
First of all, this is Anna Nedelko from the Murmansk team.

Perhaps I will surprise you, but playing the character of a plastic doll on stage, Anna is not stupid at all. In 2011, she graduated from the Murmansk University full-time department of the Faculty of Economics, and the following year received a second diploma - a specialist in jurisprudence. It is worth noting that Anya graduated from both faculties with honors. Now he works in a bank, although he has to be distracted by KVN games.

In addition, the girl is seriously interested in music. In 2009, the singer joined the IsTerra rock group, where she became the main soloist.
And a few more photos:

Well, the second undoubted beauty that attracts the views of men is the charming Uzbek Sitora Farmonova from "Asia MIX".

Sitora is a well-known actress and singer in her homeland. She acts in films a lot and is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful women in Uzbekistan. She was born in Bukhara in a simple family.

Graduated from Tashkent Theatre Institute. Now she is studying to be a designer in order to fulfill her childhood dreams.

In general, let's be honest, after all, most often beautiful girl in KVN - this is either songs, or just a picture for the delight of the eyes. I don’t know what this is connected with, most likely just prejudices, but wit and beauty in female form rare on TV. And in the same KVN, I immediately remember only 4 girls who both actively joked and were cute. ,
The first one that comes to mind is the frontman and author of the Voronezh team "25th" Yulia Akhmedova.

The daughter of a military pilot from Azerbaijan, Yulia traveled around the military garrisons as a child, and came to Voronezh to study, enrolling in the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Construction and Technology. There she joined KVN, in which she achieved a lot. Her duet with Shpenkov was very good.
In 2008, she became a screenwriter for the television series Univer.

Since 2012 is creative producer TV show " comedy woman"(TV channel TNT). Since 2013, she has been the only female participant and producer of the Stand Up project. And it's really funny to listen to - a person knows how to joke.

Well, about the rest, we'll talk next time :-)))
To be continued...
Have a nice time of the day.

Once I read a funny version of why there are fewer women comedians than men. Allegedly, a man is seductive by nature, and in order to attract attention, you need to have a sense of humor. A woman, on the other hand, should have completely different qualities that do not belong to the sphere of humor ...

The stereotype "women can't joke" is very common. But this is not so, just women's humor is different from men's, well, so we look at the world differently. And sometimes a woman is able to see what a man will never pay attention to.

Take at least KVN - if before the girl were only the "decoration" or "voice" of the team, now they joke and even write jokes for others. By the way, the club has ignited and continues to ignite many stars, it has become a real source of personnel for film and television.

Elena Khanga

Known Russian journalist and the TV presenter played for the world team at the KVN festival in Israel. When I lived in America with former players the first composition of the KVN team, opened a Russian comedy club in New York.

Seemingly serious, but very funny Elena admits that she is an admirer and supporter of yesterday's KVN, then the teams that came on the basis of stems played. In her opinion, there used to be more improvisations, and in general the humor was "much more elegant."

There were many interesting and sometimes funny facts in Hangi's life: his parents came to the USSR purely from idealistic notions- build communism (Elena was even born on the "red" day of the calendar - May 1). Elena's father, the first prime minister of Zanzibar, Abdullah Qasim Hanga, fell in love with the daughter of a New York rabbi, Leah Oliverovna Golden. Hiding from racism, they came to the Land of the Soviets in the late 60s.

By the way, in the Soviet passport, Hanga's mother had the nationality "Negro".

When the father was no longer alive, the grandmother decided to make public his will and solemnly carried out the chest. Elena already imagined gold and diamonds (after all, the prime minister of an African country). When Grandma finally opened the chest, there were complete collections writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin. "Daddy asked me to give you the most precious thing he had," she said.

Elena graduated from the faculty of journalism and was the first Soviet journalist who was invited to work in America on an exchange. Then there was work in the newly opened "View". In the 80s, Elena left for the States, entered New York University to study as a psychotherapist. She was spotted by Leonid Parfyonov and invited to NTV news first talk show on a sexual theme "About it".

Elena became insanely popular. According to her, she could not even ride in a taxi: several times the drivers locked the door, stopped the car and talked about their sexual problems.

Tatyana Lazareva

She grew up in an intelligent family: her father taught at a physics and mathematics school, her mother was a teacher of literature. The girl dreamed of becoming an artist, but failed in the exams, and in Moscow theater universities, and in School of Music Novosibirsk, she was not accepted. And then Tatyana entered the Novosibirsk Pedagogical Institute at the French-German department of the faculty foreign languages. After studying for two years, she realized that the stage was closer to her than pedagogy, and switched to distance learning at the variety department of the Kemerovo Institute of Culture. But even there the girl did not stay long - she was carried away by KVN.

At first, Lazareva was a member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk state university and then performed with women's team NSU "Only girls in jazz". Was even twice named "Miss KVN". By the way, in different time Alexander Pushnoy, Andrey Bocharov, Konstantin Naumochkin, Pelageya Khanova, Mikhail Zuev participated in the team.

In Moscow, together with Vasily Antonov, Sergey Belogolovtsev, Mikhail Shats and other former KVN officers, she came up with the legendary O.S.P.-Studio. The show aired from December 1996 to 2001. At the same time, Tatyana led culinary program"Real jam". Together with Mikhail Shats and Alexander Pushny, Tatyana Lazareva fought "humorous fights" in the "Good Jokes" rating program.

Married to Mikhail Shats, three children. My husband and I take an active part in the activities of the "Creation" charitable foundation, and became members of the foundation's board of trustees. Also, the family of TV presenters is actively involved in opposition activities, Tatyana Lazareva was elected to the Coordinating Council of the opposition.

Team jokes:

“Yesterday I was looking out the window, and there the men were walking. I thought: oh, well, the men have gone!”

"Despite all the differences between a man and a woman, they have a lot of common ground!"

Natalia Gromushkina

Actress Natalya Gromushkina played in KVN in the mid-90s as part of the Hussar Squadron team. Natalya was in her 3rd year at GITIS when she was invited to the team, where she sang and danced a lot. It was very funny. "The father of my classmate, who was associated with this game, suggested:" Natasha, why don't you try it? Vika Tolstoganova left the institute together that day, said goodbye and ... exactly an hour later both came to get acquainted with the leaders of the "Hussars ..." Valery Zakutsky and Andrey Krivoruchko. "What are you doing here?" - we both exclaimed at once. Hussars..." chose me - simply because I sing.

She was even going to marry Valery Zakutsky, but after leaving the team she began to actively act in films, where she met her first husband Alexander Domogarov, with whom they lived for several years (there is joint child, son of Gordey).

Now Natalya Gromushkina is a sought-after actress, she has starred in more than thirty films and TV shows, including Turetsky's March, Who's the Boss in the House?, Doomed to Become a Star, Wild-2 and others. She combines acting with the work of a director, tries herself as an art producer of new projects, the actress also participates in various popular television projects (Dancing with the Stars, Stardust).Five years ago, Gromushkina decided to try herself in politics: she became member of the Central Council of the Just Russia party.

According to Natalia, she remembers KVN with special gratitude. And he is also thinking about the fact that the seven-year-old son Gordey also tried himself in this game. "I don't even know where to give it - to KVN or immediately to" comedy club"?! I appreciate humor in men, and this is in my son, which makes me very happy," Gromushkina said in an interview with 7 Days magazine.

Pelageya Khanova

The "National Treasure of Russia" (as the media once dubbed the singer Pelageya) is only 27 years old, 23 of them have been on stage. She first went public when she was only four years old. At the age of 8, she was admitted without exams to a special school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. At the age of 9, she won first place in the competition " morning Star"and became the owner of the honorary title" Best Performer folk song in Russia in 1996. Graduated from GITIS with honors.

Thanks to the unique voice and manner of performance folk songs and romances in the style of folk-rock, the singer won respect and recognition in musical circles most high level. For example, at the invitation of Mstislav Rostropovich, she participated in music festival in Switzerland along with Leo Markus, Evgeny Kissin, BB King. And Galina Vishnevskaya, in an interview with the French press, then called Pelageya "the future of the world opera stage". Kusturica admired her, and José Carreras.

Pelageya spoke to Patriarch Alexy II, Presidents Boris Yeltsin, Jacques Chirac and Helmut Kohl at the official summit of the three states. Her originality, Russian folk costumes and the unique timbre of her voice shocked the public. The singer took part in popular television projects"Two stars", "Property of the Republic". Now Pelageya is participating as a coach-mentor in the project of the First Channel "Voice".

When the girl was 11 years old, she was invited by the Cavemen. So Pelageya became a member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk State University and the youngest participant in KVN in its entire history. “I was with them as the daughter of a regiment, they loved me very much there,” recalls Pelageya. She participated in music competition, went to Jurmala.

By the way, in the club Pelageya met her future husband, Dmitry Efimovich (now the director of Comedy Woman). At the time of their acquaintance, Pelageya was 11 years old, and her future husband was 22 years old. True, Dmitry's first wife was fellow cavalry officer Polina Sibagatullina (Madame Polina from Comedy Woman). Dmitry and Pelageya lived together for two years.


“Why in the Field of Miracles do they give Yakubovich cucumbers, eggs, butter, but we don’t? - Pelageya! Our program is not so poor ...”

Svetlana Permyakova

Svetlana Permyakova admits that she would hardly have achieved today's popularity if it were not for KVN. She was born in an ordinary Perm family: her father was an electric locomotive driver, and her mother was an accountant. As a child, Sveta constantly laughed, so no one was surprised when the girl, after graduating from school, entered the Perm state institute arts and culture. During her studies, Svetlana was finally assigned the role of a comic actress.

After graduation, the actress worked in Lysva drama theater(she played in the performances "Murlin-Murlo", "Zoyka's apartment", "In a busy place", "Farewell of the Slavyanka" and others).

In 2000, she began playing in the KVN Parma team. calling card The team was a duet of eccentric "petushnits" Svetka (Svetlana Permyakova) in a white hat with blue tassels and a lollipop in her mouth and Zhanka (Zhanna Kadnikova). The history of this duet began in the Perm Youth Theater, however, at first they were fans of the actors, they became petushnits already in KVN.

After KVN Permyakova began to offer to act in films, she played in popular TV shows"Soldiers", "Happy Together", "Petrovka, 38", "Interns" (the latter brought her all-Russian popularity, as well as prestigious award"Golden Rhino").

At the end of 2012, the actress gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Varvara. Three months after the birth of her daughter, Permyakova again entered the film set"Interns". At the time of the birth of the child, Permyakova was already almost forty years old.

Jokes from "Svetka and Zhanka":

"It seems you have something on fire! - Oh, it's a salad."

"We cannot wait for mercy from men. To take them by force is our main task!"

“When I left home, my kid said to me: “If you cheat, I’ll kill you!” - So what? - When I come home, I’ll die.

Catherine Barnabas

Ekaterina was born into a military family and lived in Germany until the age of seven. Seriously engaged ballroom dancing. Parents were sure that a great future awaited their daughter as a dancer, she filed big hopes. But in adolescence Barnabas begins to grow rapidly and outgrows all dance partners (now the artist's height is 181 centimeters). Problems began with finding a suitable candidate, and at one of the training sessions, a 14-year-old girl fell and injured her back, with professional dances had to part.

At the insistence of her father, she entered the Moscow Finance and Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence. But KVN burst into life, at different times Ekaterina played for the KVN teams "Her Secrets" and "Team of Small Nations", therefore Barnabas did not work a single day in her specialty.

Today, 30-year-old Ekaterina is one of the brightest Comedy members Woman, she enters the stage in the form of a sex symbol. She is also the director of the numbers and the main choreographer of the project. As Ekaterina admits, she and her colleagues on the stage are trying to break the stereotype that women have no or poor sense of humor. She tries herself as an actress (she played in the sitcom "Univer" and in the film "8 First Dates").

Natalya Yeprikyan

The future star of humorous programs was born in sunny Georgia, although she has Armenian roots. She lived in Tbilisi until the age of 14, then the family moved to Moscow. In the capital, Natasha graduated from the Plekhanov Academy with a degree in mathematics and economics. Very soon she got bored with complicated math problems I wanted to be creative. KVN became an outlet and a favorite hobby for a young girl.

She played as part of the KVN team "MEGApolis". Her Natalya Andreevna (according to her passport she is Araikovna) fell in love with millions of viewers. Such a small, awkward woman with a boa around her neck, who considers herself a "terrible beauty." Success in KVN inspired Natalya to create own project- Made in Woman, later Comedy Woman. She prepares scripts, stage performances, and also produces the show, performs on stage as a host and one of the participants. On the stage of Comedy Woman, the girl plays the role of a kind of "hostess of the show", who considers herself beautiful woman but also its producer.

Natalya Yeprikyan took part in the creation of the series "Univer" as the author of dialogues, and in one of the series she appeared as a leader and participant comedy show Woman.

To the question "what do women laugh at?" Natalya Yeprikyan replies: “Women laugh first of all at other women, and only then - already at men. Who is dressed differently, who lives with whom, who fell in love with whom, divorced whom. We don’t joke about politics, we don’t joke below the belt ... "

Yeprikyan jokes:

"Natalya Andreevna, why are you yelling - it's not March in the yard! And why did you put on these shiny beads again! - And what, they make me fat? - Yes, and they make me fat here, again the magpie will take you away, then climb the trees, take off You!"

"Where is Natalya Andreevna? Where are these elite one and a half meters?"

"Natalya Andreevna, come here, move the beads! What a good tradition go to the jury and beg for something? "You can't stop me from talking to my friends."

Elena Borshcheva

Elena's father is Panamanian Julio Santa Maria Guerra (mother met him while studying at the Moscow Peoples' Friendship University). After graduation, he left, now lives in the Netherlands, he has a family, holds a doctorate in agriculture.

After graduating from school, Lena, without hesitation, entered the faculty Spanish at the Pyatigorsk State linguistic university(genes are calling!). According to her confession, she got into KVN by accident - the team captain saw her in the hostel. She soon became one of the most bright characters in the Pyatigorsk team. Soon the girl began to act not only as an artist, but also as an author and director of stage miniatures.

Having finished performing on the KVN stage, the team for a long time toured Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus with comedy concerts. However, some time later, the leaders of the "Team of Pyatigorsk" began to actively work on other projects. Elena, for example, was invited by Comedy Woman to TNT. Her heroine - Elena Khulyevna Santa Maria Guerra - the actress herself calls "the embodiment of anti-sexual absurdity." A year ago, Elena refused to renew her contract with TNT and started talking about a solo project.

One day, Valery Yushkevich, also a cavalry officer from Belarus, approached her to express his admiration for her game. The first date took place in the billiard room, after which Valery drove the girl around the city in a limousine all night. An amazing meeting turned into a romance and ended with a wedding; in March 2007, the couple had a daughter, Martha. Husband Valery is a master of sports in power all-around and a fitness coach. Under the guidance of her husband, Elena lost 7 kg in six months!

From the jokes of the "Team of Pyatigorsk"

"The Wizard of Oz":

Scarecrow: I, as a person without brains, do not understand why it is necessary to drive during the day with the headlights on.

Ellie: How american girl I agree that after 22 you don’t sell alcohol, but how Elena Borshcheva is deeply offended and deprived of her personal life!

Marina Gritsuk

Marina Gritsuk is still associated with the catchphrase "Boys from the South-West ...", which the girl uttered with a charming smile.

13 years have passed since then, during which time Marina got married and gave birth to three sons. In 2001 she was a member star team KVN BGU, which then thundered throughout the post-Soviet space. The lineup included Vadim Galygin, Vitaly Kolomiets, Vitaly Shlyappo, Viktor Tolkach, Kirill Papakul and others.

After KVN, most of the guys from this "golden" team left for Moscow and successfully began to build a career. There was an attempt to stay in the capital and at the Marina. “But at that time I made a choice in favor of getting an education and returned to graduate from a university (Marina is an economist in construction by education). Moscow is a sucking metropolis that takes all the strength and energy, the main goal of which is to make money. career, would I now have three children? I doubt it ... "- the former KVN officer admits in an interview.

After the collapse of the BSU team, Marina played for the "USSR Team", and also tried herself in various television projects. Vela on BT music program"Point", then, having won the casting, worked as a host in the Russian-language reality show "Villa Brides" in Holland, then there was "Silver Gramophone" on ONT. Together with Vadim Galygin led to STS transfer"Very Russian TV".

Today, Marina Gritsuk hosts the morning talk show "Our Morning" on ONT, and the rest of the time she devotes herself to her family - husband-musician Akim Tyshko, soloist of the Belarusian vocal group"Pure voice", and three sons.

A joke from Marina Gritsuk:

“The boys from the South-West yesterday in an unequal fight, five by five, Kolyan and Solntsevo broke his jaw. And on this holiday they send him a big hello! And all Kolyan’s sidekicks wish him a speedy recovery:
When you asked for a cigarette
They gave you eight grand.
You made cutlets out of enemies,
Washed tirelessly.
Now you're bedridden
Eyes do not see White light.
And those goats from the Southwest,
We will take great revenge!"

In the history of KVN, there was and is a huge number of unlimited funny teams. In addition to successful jokes, the participants of each of them are distinguished by general style. The Raisa team (KVN) is no exception. The composition of the team, photo and biography are described below.

History of creation

The end of 2009 - during this period, the Raisa KVN team was formed. The composition at that time was somewhat different. The founders of the new team were wonderful KVN players:

  • Stanislav Agafonov, who migrated to Rais from Baikal;
  • Alexander Ivanov - head of the KVN league of the Baikal district;
  • Alexandra Chubykina - former captain KVN team "Raisa".

The composition (names you will find below) has undergone some changes over time. But the level of the game did not suffer from this at all.

How the Raisa KVN team developed

The roster (photo below), which presented the team in 2010, has become truly significant for Rais. During this period, the team was lucky to become a member of the Asia KVN league. But they did not just take part, but "blew up" the audience hall and received from the jury maximum amount points. With confident steps that season, they entered the final. IN final game"Raisy" took the second place of honor and received the proud title - vice-champions of the league. In December of the same year, "Raisy" by invitation participate in the Cup of Champions of MS KVN. Here they claimed a landslide victory, but still they were beaten again.

In 2011, the Raisa KVN team is sent to Sochi to conquer new heights. The composition of the wonderful KVN players simply breaks the audience and makes a splash in the first round of the Vocal KiViN festival. They fail to get past the second round. But participation in this project allows you to prove yourself on the good side and get an invitation to Minsk to participate in the First League.

The Raisa KVN team, whose composition is strategically changing in 2012, sets off to conquer the Vocal KiViN festival. Here, the new frontwoman of the team, Elena Khokhonenko, declares that it does not matter for them which Premier League they have to play in. By decision of Alexander Maslyakov, "Raisy" receive an invitation to the Major League. In the first game - the first place, in the quarterfinals - the second, but it also confirms that the Raisa KVN team is going to the final. The line-up with the new frontwoman of the team proved to be excellent. So already in July of this year, "Raisy" receive their first award of the festival "Voicing KiViN" - "Small KiViN in the light." In the final of the Higher League "Raisy" take last place and receive the bronze medal of the season.

KVN team "Raisa": composition and photos from performances

Speaking about the Raisa KVN team, it is necessary to name twelve beautiful girls. They are the decoration of the KVN team "Raisa". The composition of the team, photos and names are listed below:

  1. Vera Gasaranova - team captain. Born in 1986 in Buryatia.
  2. Elena Khokhonenko - frontwoman. Originally from Angarsk.
  3. Ksyusha Korneva - participant in the show " Ural dumplings". 1988 year of birth.
  4. Irina Khaltanova - originally from Ulan-Ude.
  5. Anna Beklemisheva.
  6. Anastasia Pertseva.
  7. Anastasia Zhukova - was born in 1990, July 29.
  8. Lyubov Grebenshchikova.
  9. Natalya Grishina.
  10. Lyubov Astrakhantseva - originally from Chunsky (1991).
  11. Valeria Gresko.
  12. Alexandra Chubykina - left the team in 2012.

Speaking about the Raisa team, one should not forget about one very important man - Stanislav Agafonov. It is to him that the Rais owe their creation and existence. To this day, Stanislav is artistic director commands.

Team Style

What is it, the Raisa KVN team? The composition is purely feminine, and her style is definitely non-standard. All performances by girls must include a large number of all sorts of props. Also, "Rais" do not skimp on physical tricks and at the same time limit the number of text jokes. The image of the girls consists of outfits of the forties or fifties of the last century. Such a stylistic decision perfectly emphasizes their humor. Usually girls joke about films, performers, TV shows, toys and other attributes of that era characteristic of the nineties. The team decided to take this name because of the popular stable expression about women who do not succeed - "Well, you are Raisa!". In addition, the KVN team "Raisa" also has an appropriate composition. All images of girls are somewhat awkward and at the same time often found among the common population. The team also has an anthem, the chorus of which begins with the words: "Dance while you are young, girl of Paradise."

Facts from the life of girls

Anna Beklimisheva favorite hobby- play computer game Sims. The girl gave six years of dancing lessons. Has a certificate of completion music school. He knows how to play the guitar and piano.

Ira Khaltanova has been playing KVN since the sixth grade. At one of the speeches, she was entrusted to say one word, and she forgot it. For the girl Ira, this was a big shock, and she left KVN. Resumed the game only in the first year of university, and by accident.

Lena Khokhonenko is a family girl. Works as an administrator in a nightclub.

Lyuba Grebenshchikova is a provincial. She took up swimming. She loves to read and take care of her sisters' children. Dreams of finding a job by profession.

Vera Gasaranova plays in KVN despite the discontent of her parents. Other than that, he doesn't have time to do anything else.

Nastya Zhukova plans to combine work as a railway worker and playing in KVN.

Games in which the KVN team "Raisy" participated

The composition of the girls in the Raisa team is very unique. Once you see them, you want to watch them again and again. For all the time playing in KVN, the girls took part in many projects. The last of them were:

  • 2017 - Higher League of KVN (1/8 finals) and international festival"Voicing KiViN";
  • 2016 - Higher League of KVN (reached the quarterfinals);
  • 2013 - Cup of the President of Azerbaijan, Cup of the Mayor of Moscow, Major League KVN (reached the semi-finals).

The main award is "Small KiViN in Light", which the girls were awarded in 2012 in Jurmala.

Despite a very long break in the games, the Rais have not lost their former positive and characteristic sense of humor. Their jokes are still remembered and parsed into quotes. Probably everyone remembers famous saying"Rais" that using a gel and a pen from Vishnevsky's ointment, Vlad Stashevsky created Stashevsky's ointment. Videos of their performances from past years are gaining hundreds of thousands of views. The most popular is the performance of "Little Red Riding Hood". The tale turned out to be not quite classical, since the girls chose the style characteristic of the painting "Boomer" for its performance. In 2017, the girls showed again aerobatics on big stage KVN. And whether there will be.

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