Scenario of a concert about musical instruments. Leisure scenario "Journey to the country of Russian folk musical instruments


"In the world musical instruments»

(concert for kindergarten)

Hello dear guys! Today you are visiting a children's music school. We are very happy to meet you! Today you will not only hear how musical instruments sound, but also take a tour of the school.

You and I are in concert hall, where our traditional concerts are held for the Day of Music, the Day of Knowledge, Dedication to First Graders, March 8 and many others. Before you hear the story about musical instruments, I wanted to ask, do you have a favorite instrument? Well, for those who don't have one, I hope that after our meeting you will choose your favorite musical instrument and come to study at our music school on September 1!

So, I will begin my story about the queenorchestra -Violin.

The violin appeared on the stage at the end of the 15th century. The violin owes its appearance and, of course, its sound to the Italian masters Amati, Stradivari and Guarneri.

The violin is the highest-pitched instrument of the bow family. It consists of two main parts - the body and neck, between which are stretched four steel strings. The main advantage of the violin is the melodiousness of the timbre. It can play both lyrical melodies and dazzling fast passages. The main expressive technique is vibrato. The violin is played with a bow made of wood and horsehair.

Most famous violinist- Italian virtuoso and composer Niccolò Paganini.

And now you will hear in performanceRyamova Sofia "Song" by E. Baklanova.


In 1709, the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori from Florence made an instrument in which sounds were extracted by hammering the strings with hammers. The loudness of the sound depended on the strength of the impact. Now you can extract both loud and quiet sounds. On Italian loud and soft - "forte" and "piano" respectively. From these words came the name of the instrument - piano. The piano has 88 keys, of which 52 are white and 36 are black.

The forerunners of the piano are the harpsichord and the clavichord. Modern varieties Instruments are the grand piano and the upright piano. The piano is usually used for concert performance. Now electronic pianos or clavinova are common.

Cheremkina Serafima will show us the piano playing, she will perform V. Selivanov's play "Joke".

A bright representative of Russian folk instruments is domra.

This instrument was known in Rus' in the 11th century. Kiev monk Nestor, mentions domra in connection with the description festivities, during which wandering musicians - buffoons were in the center of everyone's attention.

The buffoons played the harp, horns, surns, bagpipes, trumpets, snots, tambourines. The harp and domra, which were their constant companions, were especially fond of the buffoons. The lightness and small size of the instruments, ease of manufacture and sonorous unique timbre made them indispensable participants in all performances. Domras come in three or four strings.Domra has a hemispherical body.

The sound on the domra comes from hitting the strings with a plectrum. A characteristic method of sound production istremolo.

In executionVatolina Natalia you will hear "Hungarian dance" by F. Drdl.


One of the most popular and widespread musical instruments in the world is the guitar. The guitar is one of the few instruments on which the sound is extracted directly with the fingers, which is why it is called plucked string instrument. In the 19th century Spanish guitar maker Antonio Torres gave the guitar modern shape and size. Guitars designed by Torres are today called classical. The case resembles a three-dimensional figure eight, in which there is a hole decorated with an ornament. Six strings are attached to the headstock. In the 1930s, electric guitars appeared. The guitar is an affordable musical instrument. She is often taken with them on hikes, they sing songs around the fire to her. There is also a ukulele, or ukulele, it has a small size, four strings and a specific sound.

In executionKislukhin Stepan "Etude" by M. Carcassy will be heard

Trebukhovskaya Vika will perform a play by O. Kopenkov "I'm losing her."


Bayan is a musical instrument related to accordion. It was made at the beginning of the 20th century by the Russian master Pyotr Sterligov. Weight about 8-9 kg. It is not easy to play such an instrument, strength and endurance are required. More often the performer plays sitting. The instrument was named afterancient Russian singer-storytellerBoyanamentioned in the poemA word about Igor's regiment.

The button accordion has two keypads and bellows.The main source of sound in the button accordion is the tongue, or a metal plate hidden under the button. When air enters, the reeds begin to oscillate and make a sound.

Performed by a duetPetrova Ivana AndChekavinsky Ilya the play "Good Beetle" will be performed.A. Spadavecchia

Duet of guitaristsMaslova Julia and Ryamov Kirill they will perform the dance "Minuet" by J.S. Bach and "Milonga" by O. Kopenkov.

Guys, do you want to play noise instruments? I want to invite my assistant Vatolina Natalya, on her instrument, domra, she will play the famous Russian folk song "Kalinka", and you will help her on noise instruments.


The name "balalaika", or, as it was also called, "balabayka", comes from the consonant Russian words balakat, balabonit, balabolit, joker, which means to chat, empty calls. These concepts convey the essence of the balalaika - a playful, light, "strumming" instrument, not very serious.

According to one version, the balalaika was invented by the peasants. Gradually, it spread among the buffoons traveling around the country. Buffoons performed at fairs, entertained the people, earned a living.

Balalaika belongs to the strings plucked instruments. The old balalaika did not always have a triangular shape. It could be both oval and semicircular, had two, and sometimes four strings. The modern balalaika was created in 1880 by the masters Paserbsky and Nalimov, commissioned by the founder of the first orchestra of folk instruments and a remarkable balalaika performer Andreev. The instruments made by Nalimov remain the best sounding to this day.

They play it with rattling - they emit single blows on the strings index finger, tremolo - by rapidly alternating strikes on the strings up and down, and pizzicato - by plucking the strings. The largest of the balalaikas - the double bass - has a height of 1.7 m.

Dear guys, our journey into the world of musical instruments has ended. I hope you decide on the choice of musical instrument. The doors of our music school are always open for young musicians!

Municipal Autonomous educational institution additional education children

Center of children's creativity

municipal formation Timashevsky district



Creative association "RONDO"

Teacher d.o. Golubyatnikova T.V.


2014-2015 academic year


Teach meaningful, expressive, artistic performance.

Development musical ear, memory, sense of rhythm, singing voice, the ability to empathize, creative imagination as a motivational component of readiness for further self-development.

Cultivate interest in artistic creativity and to music in general, to develop the horizons of children.

Equipment: 1. Audio files; 2. Notebook; 3. Audio equipment; 4. Microphone; 5. Fairy costume, hat, Magic wand Fairies.


Leading: Guys, today we will have an unusual journey - we will go to a musical country! And the sorceress Fairy NOTKA will help us go on this journey.


Fairy NOTE: To make life more fun in the world - We open the world of music to children: Songs, riddles, games, dances, Every day, as if in a fairy tale! We have the honor, we have the honor to open the Journey, We will not regret the songs, And believe that we will be able to give you a good mood! So! We are starting the journey And we invite all the guys.


Leading: Fairy Note! How are we going to travel? We do not know where this country is located, how can we get to the country of Music?

Fairy NOTE: Don't forget that I am a magician. And to get into the magical land of Music, you first need to guess musical riddles. Are you ready to guess guys?

1. What is the most musical flower?(Bell)

2. The biggest musical instrument? (Organ)

3. Mom sang this song when she rocked the cradle for us. (Lullaby)

4. I put a pipe to my lips, a trill poured through the forest

That tool is very fragile called ... (flute)

5. If the notes in the steel are in a row, These notes are... (scale)

6. Harmonium, guitar, balalaika. Their common word call me! (Tools)

8. He knows how to play both "forte" and "piano", for which they called him ... (piano)

Leading: Well, Fairy Notka, guys guessed all your riddles, where are we traveling next?


Fairy Note: Guys, you will need to guess the songs and sing them. Be careful! Listen to music and guess songs. Begin!

(Melodies of popular children's songs sound, children guess them and sing).

Leading: On what a fun island in musical country we visited Fairy Notka! Thank you!

Fairy Note: But in the country of Music there are many different cheerful islands and wonders. By the way, I have a magical musical hat!

Leading: Oh, yes, maybe it's an invisibility hat?

Fairy Note: No, this hat can guess the thoughts of who will put it on, the music will immediately sound and we will find out who is thinking what!

Leading: Guys! Do you think this is true? Well. Fairy Notka, let's find out the thoughts of the guys, who do you choose?


(The Fairy selects the guys for the competition. The children move in a circle to the music, the Fairy inside the circle puts a hat on the heads of the guys one by one and the thoughts of the guys are “voiced”)

Leading: Oh. What an interesting hat! What fun we had. Where are we traveling next?

Fairy Note: Well, now I want to offer you a trip to the dance island.


Fairy Note:.Guys! Dance bolder and more fun, and I will show you the moves, repeat them after me!

dance block.

Leading: Thank you, Fairy Notka for a fun dance. But the signal sounds, which means that the journey through the country of Music ends. So, it's time for the guys to say goodbye to you. Thank you for such an interesting trip!

Fairy Note: Goodbye, guys! I will wait for you in my magical land Music!!!


The plot is that musical instruments are arguing about which of them is in charge. During the concert, children get acquainted with the features of some musical instruments. The script also contains riddles about musical instruments.



Scenario of the concert of the Children's Philharmonic Society

"A true story about musical instruments"

(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 1)

Gathered once together musical instruments and let's argue: which of them is the most important.

Guys, do you want to know the answer to this question?

(Children answer yes).

Then listen true story about musical instruments...

This story happened in a musical instrument store. One night, when everyone was asleep, the musical instruments started arguing about who was the most important and why.

(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 2)The accordion spoke first. Bayan can tell a lot about himself. Look at him - what a handsome man!

It's amazing how much it looks like an accordion.

Still, - the instrument boomed in a juicy, thick bass. - The accordion is my blood brother. It confuses us, who does not look closely. Indeed, the accordion(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 3)on the side of the key, like a piano, on the other - buttons. And Bayan has buttons on the right and on the left. That's like the whole difference.

(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 4)Here the accordion told its story.

I come from the ancient Russian city of Tula. Came out of a large family of accordions. My proud name, epic - button accordion! I feel a heroic strength in myself, - said the instrument, finishing the story. - I can play any music, the most difficult. And with the famous Piano and with the mighty Organ I can enter into a competition.

No. 1. Prozorova Nastya V. Korovitsyn "Song without words" (button accordion)

Hello neighbor! I came to you about this, about this chat.
- What is your name, dear? I asked.
- Guess the riddle - you will know the name.

triangular board,
And it has three hairs.
Hair is thin
Voice - sonorous (balalaika)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 5)

You are a balabolka, neighbor, - Bayan grumbled in a bass voice. - Everything would be joking for you.
Not without reason your name is... BALALAYKA.
And in response, she hit her three strings - famously, with a dance. Listen!

No. 2. Dvornikova Nastya V. Gavrilin "Chatushka" (balalaika)

Here all the instruments were indignant: but we, too, are not born with a bast, and everyone believes that they are important in this world!

(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 6)The violin could not resist and decided to tell her story.

And the violin sang its song.

No. 3. Fagyashev Ruslan Estonian folk song"I play the violin" (violin)

How can you do without percussion instruments, - the bells were indignant, - we ring so loudly and beautifully! Listen!

(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 7, 8)

No. 4. Khismatullina Alisa K. Gurlit "The bells are ringing" (bells)

What would we guys do if there were no musical instruments in the world? After all, there would be no music, songs in the world ... boring and sad ...

Guess riddles about musical instruments.

I stand on three legs
Legs in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.

What is my name? (piano)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 9)

It's easy to go hiking with me,
Fun on the road with me
And I'm a screamer, and I'm a brawler,
I am sonorous, round ... (drum)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 10)

Know that they are neighbors with a drum.
They are made of copper.
In time, you need to wave your hands,
Hit loudly, then rest.
Their party is not a trifle, not a trifle,
Music also has...(Dishes) (Presentation "Musical instruments slide 11)

He has a pleated shirt
He loves to squat,
He dances and sings -
If it gets into your hands.
Forty buttons on it
With mother-of-pearl fire.
A merry fellow, not a rowdy My vociferous ... (button accordion)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 12)

He looks like a banana. What will you call him? (accordion)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 13)

It is carved in the forest, smoothly hewn, sings and fills. What is the name of? (violin)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 14)

He sings very cheerfully
If you blow into it
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
This is how she always sings.
Not a stick, not a tube, But what is it? ... (pipe)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 15)

What musical instrument
can you sip? (spoon)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 16)

What is this instrument the height of a whole house?
In pipes, dressed in wood, decorations on it.
This sonorous giant has many voices.
He is either affectionate or strict, but his name is ...(Organ) (Presentation "Musical instruments slide 17)

What tool do you always have with you? (voice)(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 18)

Let's sing a song with you now with the help of sounding gestures.

No. 5. Kostareva N.L., Pavlova Yu.V. "Let's do everything like me!"

And now the question is: can't our voice and our sounds compete for the title of the main musical instrument?

(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 19)But then the piano spoke. Did they forget about me?

And I want to tell you my story. Inside me are wooden mallets that strike the strings. And the strings cry, and sing tenderly, and laugh, and are indignant. My name comes from two Italian words: forte and piano. In Russian it means loudly - quietly.(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 20)And I also have a brother - a piano, which means "royal".

No. 6. I want to perform for you the Estonian folk song “Everyone has their own instrument” Fagyashev Ruslan (piano)

(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 21)

Hello, bassoon, said the flute!

Hello, flute, replied the bassoon.

The instruments fell silent for a while, or, speaking in musical terms, they paused.

Can't you and me, bassoon, says the flute, be the main instruments?

Quite, replied the bassoon, because you and I are relatives, it is not without reason that we are called woodwind instruments.

You know, bassoon, says the flute, - I sometimes envy you, because it seems that I can sing so tenderly that everyone is heard, and I can crumble with light passages. Yes, everyone is used to singing in high tones. It happens terribly want to say something that way solidly, low voice as you can. But when I go down to low sounds, it becomes hard, my breath catches.

And I sometimes envy you, flute, - the bassoon admitted. - Get used to bass. And sometimes it pulls to sing - there is no strength to endure! I try to climb higher by the sounds, and my throat seems to be squeezing.

My name - flute - comes from Latin word breath. A your name- bassoon - not too poetic - a bundle of firewood.

Eh, life ... - the flute and bassoon sighed, as it should be for wind instruments, and sang their song.

No. 7. Yulia Kalugina Russian folk song "Like the sea" (bassoon, flute)

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 22)

Suddenly a harp sounded.

Oh my god! What are you talking about, look at me - where will you find an instrument more beautiful than me, the harp said importantly, - who better than me to be the most important instrument, I’m already, perhaps, five thousand years old, - ten, and maybe even all twenty... Who knows?
Harp looks great for its venerable age. Graceful, like the wing of a giant butterfly, it looks like a king: below the pedals sparkle with gold, at the top on a column there is something like a small carved crown. And the thinnest cape of 46 strings.
- What is your origin?
- Divine! A learned monk wrote in ancient times that the god Mercury invented me. No, another objected: the harp was given to people by the son of Zeus Ampheon. And the third defended his own in a scientific dispute: this is an instrument of the Egyptian god Thoth.
Harp's voice is quiet, gentle, affectionate. It gurgles like a forest stream. Listen!

No. 8. Prozorova Nastya R. Schumann "Fantastic dance" (harp)

(Presentation "Musical instruments slide 23)

I have nothing against you, respected instruments, said the organ, but don't you think that I am the most important musical instrument, because the largest, the size of a house? Shouldn't I argue with you? - the mighty instrument gave a voice - a giant.

- Who are you, your omnipotence?

Tool, the tool answered. This is my name - an instrument, in Latin - an organ.

Here is the name! Tool named tool. It's like a person called a person, great and very interesting.

My sound is huge, inside me are pipes, pipes, pipes ... maybe hundreds, maybe thousands. And through my pipes the air flows, thanks to which the sound appears. Hear my voice!

No. 9. N.L. Kostareva G.F. Handel "Chaconne" (organ)

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 24)

The instruments were arguing like that, which of them was the main one, but they didn’t decide anything ... and you guys, what do you think, which of the instruments is the most important?

And thus morning came and buyers again came to the musical instrument store ...

Music stash
This material can be used in music lessons, extracurricular activities. Forms of holding can be different: matinee, holiday, concert, Parent meeting, as well as an element class hour. The purpose of the event: impact on the emotions and feelings of children, listeners; arousing interest in music (not only as subject); education of aesthetic taste in students, a sense of beauty.

For the event you need:

1. drawings depicting musical instruments, portraits of Stradivari and Andreev;

2. poems about musical instruments;

3. musical works, video with the sound of guessed instruments.

Leading. From time immemorial to the present day, a person has been accompanied by music, a song, and hence musical instruments. In ancient times musical art deeply revered. In Sumer and Babylon, sacrifices were made in honor of musical instruments. IN Ancient Greece gods, as a rule, were depicted with musical instruments in their hands.

The magical power of music was sung in legends and myths. So, the ancient Greeks laid down the myth of the singer Orpheus. Where the arrow and sword did not save, strength and courage did not help, the song of Orpheus did wonders. When he took a cithara in his hands and sang to the melodic ringing of its strings, the wind stopped swaying the foliage, distant rocks moved towards the song, the sea froze, wild animals got out of their lairs and humbly followed the amazing singer, frozen by the miracle of miracles - music.

People of antiquity saw magic, magical power in music and therefore attributed the creation of musical instruments to the gods.

Student. Once, according to an ancient legend, the god of the forests, Pan, met the beautiful maiden Syringa and fell in love with her at first sight. Pan, whose head was crowned with horns, and whose legs were with hooves, did not please Syringa. And she ran away from him. Pan rushed after her and almost overtook her on the banks of the River. But Syringa turned to the River with a plea to hide her from the goat-legged Pan. The River listened to the prayer of Syringa and turned her into a reed. The sad Pan carved a melodious flute from a reed and has not parted with it since then ...

Leading. The baby Hermes, the future god of cattle breeding, the patron of shepherds, designed a lyre from a tortoise shell ...

The flute was invented by the warlike goddess Athena...

This is how ancient Greek myths tell about the origin of music and musical instruments.


It was I don't remember when.
A man pastured a herd in the field,
A wild beast, a bird beat,
He sowed bread and caught fish.
He lived near the water,
Gathered forest fruits
And wore clothes made of skins,
He never extinguished his fire for a moment,
And when I sat by the fire
After a long hard day
He always sang one thing:

One day he was walking along the river,
Which grew reeds,
And straight cane escape
The man carefully took it into his hands.
He held a reed in his hands -
The free wind whistled through the reeds,
He caught the wind whistling on the fly
And he brought the reed to his mouth ...
And then sat by the fire
After a long hard day
And he played one thing on a reed:
“Onna-no! Onna-but! Onna-no!”
He was somehow following the beast into the meadow,
Carried in his hand a sharply bent bow,
And directed at the beast
Sharpened arrow.
The man let go of the bowstring -
The dead animal fell on the grass
It was heard how she barely sang,
A bowstring rang a little in the silence.
And then sat by the fire
After a long hard day
And the bowstring rang one:
“Onna-no! Onna-but! Onna-no!”
He walked through the forest through the windbreak.
Fallen into the trunk with a round hollow
The man pounded with all his might -
The roaring roar of the darkness announced.
And then the man at the log
Burned to the bottom in the middle
And covered the emptiness of the trunk
He is the elastic skin of an ox,
And then sat by the fire
After a long hard day
And he beat his drum alone:
“Onna-no! Onna-but! Onna-no!”
Passed for century century,
And the man became mighty:
He built himself cities
Him heaven, earth and water
Subdued, he flew up to the sun, -
But always, among all the difficult cases
I heard the singing of my strings,
And their percussion, and their wind, -
Song of wind, water and fire,
Song of the night and song of the day
Hey, let's all sing together:
“Onna-no! Onna-but! Onna-no!"

Leading. Each nation has its own legends about the appearance of this musical instrument. The Greeks attribute its invention either to the infant Hermes, or to the very patron of the arts, the sun-faced Apollo.

Student. The god Hermes, when he was still a baby, stole cows from his older brother Apollo. From their intestines he made strings, and then, after catching a turtle, he pulled the strings over the turtle shell. Apollo was angry with Hermes. Hermes, in order to make peace with his brother, gave him this amazingly sweet-sounding instrument. Apollo liked her voice so much that he changed his anger to mercy, and soon she became his favorite musical instrument.

Question: What musical instrument is mentioned in the legend?


(Tool drawing)

Leading. If you listened carefully to the legend, you probably noticed that the strings of the lyre are stretched. A stretched string can be made to sound, but why a tortoise shell? The fact is that the strings themselves sound weak, and the shell enhances their sound.

The tortoise shell is the body of the lyre. In another way, it is called a resonant box, the vibrations of the strings are transmitted to it. It amplifies sounds and makes them more beautiful.

Student. And here is the legend about the poet and singer Arion. At the competition of cytharists, Arion won and was awarded a precious prize. But the sea robbers decided to take it away from the singer. Having gone out to sea, they wanted to kill Arion in order to take possession of valuable booty.

The inevitable death of Arion. But he finally asks the robbers to let him sing. And Arion sang so wonderfully that even the hearts of cruel robbers were softened. Finished the song Arion and rushed into the depths of the sea. But before he had time to plunge into the water, he was picked up by dolphins fascinated by his music.

They did not let the great singer drown. Putting Arion on their backs, the dolphins brought him to the shore.

Question: What precious prize was awarded to Arion?

(Instrument drawing, video can be used, with the sound of a harp)

Student. The harp is an ancient Egyptian instrument. IN Ancient Egypt the harp was played in a wretched hut, and in the palace of the pharaoh, and in luxurious temples. In the temples, the harps were so large that the priests could only play them standing up. The strings of ancient harps were made from the veins or fibers of the palm leaf. In some Eastern countries, only men were allowed to play the harp, and in some, as in our days, it was considered an exclusively female instrument.

Special laws established how many strings a poor man's harp should have, and how many a master should have. A commoner's harp could not be larger than a nobleman's harp.

In Ireland, for example, for hurting the hand of a harper, the perpetrator had to pay a fine four times greater than for hurting the hand of any other person.

When from the blue scarf
Evening, slow shadows,
Your dreamy harp
Suddenly he will sing about the whirlwind of days.
About storms of bliss, ups and downs of passion,
About burning hearts
I'm all in her magical power,
In her caressing jets.
I think these sounds
They will take me out.
From idle boredom, stuffy flour
Of the bygone barrenness of the day.

S. Gorodetsky

Leading. The ancient ancestors of this instrument were born in distant eastern countries. One of its oldest predecessors is ravanastr, which can still be heard today. It is played folk musicians India and the islands of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). A small drum in the role of a resonator, a long wooden neck, to which one or two strings of silk or vein are pressed, an onion-shaped bow - here you have the ravanastr, the invention of the ten-headed dragon god Ravana, as the ancient legend says.

This instrument is titled for high musical perfection: first of all, a surprisingly lively, quivering sound, not inferior in flexibility and expressiveness to human singing. Only her singing can be endless, uninterrupted. She will not yield to the piano in virtuosity, and in the diverse “pronunciation” of sounds she simply has no equal. This is the most “speaking”, the most expressive instrument in sound.

Question: What is the name of this tool?

(Violin sounds)

Smooth bow movements
The strings tremble
The motive sounds from afar,
Sings about a moonlit evening.
How clear is the overflow of sounds,
They have joy and a smile,
Sounds dreamy.
I'm called violin.

Student. It was a long time ago, over three hundred years ago. Famous violin maker Nicolo Amati picked up a boy on one of the streets of the Italian city of Cremona, who did not know where to go. The ferocious disease plague, from which entire villages and cities once died out, killed the relatives of a homeless boy. Amati brought the boy Antonio to his studio and made him one of his assistants.

Leading. Antonio was very diligent. In his hands, the tree seemed to come to life, the wooden chocks seemed to turn by themselves into blanks for future violins.

At the age of 13, Antonio made a violin on his own. And the great Antonio made his last, more than a thousandth instrument, when he was over ninety.

Question: What is the name of the famous violin maker.

(Portrait of a master)

Leading. The great master was sixty years old when his best new violins sounded. Their sound was powerful, deep, and violins sang human voice, responding to the slightest movement of the bow with new colors.

Leading. This tool belongs to all rich houses. For its manufacture were brought from overseas countries precious varieties of wood - black, red, pink, lemon. The tool was trimmed with ivory, bronze, gold, precious stones, noble painters painted wonderful pictures on its walls and wing-shaped covers.

And the keys!

What are there plates of ivory! It happened that the keys were covered with plates of gems - layered agate - onyx, golden amber and even precious dark blue lapis lazuli.

Question: What is the name of this musical instrument?

(Harpsichord drawing)

Student. Glory to the craftsmen, artists and jewelers who turned the harpsichord into an indescribably handsome man!

Never before has a Musical Instrument been so expensive, so revered and appreciated…furniture.

Alas, improvement appearance resulted in poor sound. The voice of the harpsichord was a little dry, glassy. But the main trouble is that his sound power always remained the same, the same loudness. No matter how hard the musician hit the key, the volume of the sound did not change.

Leading. Replaced by another musical instrument. Who knows what it's called?

piano. The word "forte" means "loud" and the word "piano" means "quiet". For musicians, this property of the new instrument is important to make sounds of different volumes in direct proportion to the strength of the strike on the key.

Student. It happened about a hundred years ago in St. Petersburg. The young violinist Vasily Andreev came to the famous violin maker Ivanov. He said that he would like to order a musical instrument. But when the master looked at the drawings that the violinist Andreev brought him, he became terribly angry.

How so, he, a respected master, was offered to make a buffoonish, buffoonish instrument! Yes, it is not worth the tree spent on it! And at the same time, the young man insists that the instrument be made of the best varieties wood, which the master withstood for years in order to make noble violins and cellos out of it! This is some kind of misunderstanding, not a tool!

And the angry master said that if Mr. Andreev wanted, he could buy this peasant instrument in any petty shop, where it is sold along with matches and salt.

Question: What instrument did Andreev propose to Ivanov to make?

(Balalaika sounds, drawing)

Leading. Vasily Andreev noticed that he, a violinist, was not at all ashamed to play the balalaika, and showed the master his art.

And then Master Ivanov gave up. He liked how the young musician passionately talks about how he wants to improve Russian folk instruments.

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three flooded strings?
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity!
Like a flock of stray birds,
Fashion rushes after the wind.
Do not be sad, balalaika,
And don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!
Remember how in a pine hut
Your voice spilled
As with Natasha Rostova
Count Tolstoy listened to you.
You are now shy in vain!
You are alone in the whole country.
You are wickedly good at
Touch the Russian string!
With a remote folk heart
You are related for a reason!
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!
Well, maple, give it a go!
Disturb me completely.
ball balalaika,
Wooden bell!

Igor Kobzev

Smokotina Elena Vladimirovna, music teacher

MBOU DOD Children's Music School of the Tabunsky DistrictTeacher of theoretical disciplines Peshkova L. A.

Scenario - Day of Music - "Journey to the country of musical instruments"
- for students lower grades Secondary school, for the future enrollment in children's music school. The scenario is simple, but informative for level 1, 2 grades of school.

Hello dear guys.
Children's School of Music glad to meet you.
Today is a wonderful day - International Music Day
Every person has a birthday. And music has its birthday.
In 1975, by decision of the World Organization UNESCO, the International Music Day was established, which is held on October 1. One of the founders of this day was D. D. Shostakovich - great composer is a classic of the 20th century.
I invite you to look into our musical living room and plunge into the world of sounds and melodies!
To make music sound, a lot of musical instruments have been created by man. Each instrument is unique and sounds different.
I suggest you take a short trip to the country of musical instruments.
The first country we came to is the country of keyboard musical instruments. A piano and a grand piano live in it.
(Ved. sits down at the piano and tells)
200 years ago, the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori from the city of Florence made an instrument in which, using the keys and hammers inside the case, both loud sounds - forte, and quiet ones - piano (shows on the instrument) were extracted. Therefore, the instrument received such a name - pianoforte.
And this instrument is his relative.
It is called - the piano, which means "royal". It is big, beautiful, stands on three legs. His place is always in the concert hall.

Let's listen to the performance on the piano by the students of our school:

Performed..................Waltz by composer Titov will be performed

A 2nd grade student ............... will perform the play "Monkeys on a Tree"

Piano or grand piano
In appearance, you can hardly confuse
After all, you can’t with an elephant
confuse the three storey building!
All adults and children
Know these tools.

Do not forget! The instrument Piano came from 2 words:
Forte - loud, piano - quiet!

In the performance of .................. a cheerful play "Clowns" will sound. Its author is Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky, famous composer who wrote many works for children.

A 4th grade student..........will perform a play by the composer Gradeschi "Little Train"

Which instrument
Do you have strings and a pedal?
What is this? Undoubtedly
This is our glorious one.

Guys, you can play the piano in 4 hands, and now the Theme from Concert No. 1 of the Great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky performed by ..............
At the art school, it's always fun and interesting! Here pass various lessons where children learn a lot of new things, learn different types arts and play various musical instruments.
The second country that we got to is the country of wind instruments. The flute lives in this city. This instrument is the most ancient, it is about 4000 years old.
The forerunner of the flute was the shepherd's horn and pipe.

Performed by ................. March “All Higher” will sound

Will perform a play by composer Tikhon Khrennikov
"Song of Lepeletier"

Now we are going to the beautiful warm country of Spain. This country is known for its arenas, where people compete with bulls since ancient times. And many centuries ago, brave knights danced at royal receptions, composed and sang serenades. And the instrument on which they accompanied themselves is known to everyone. This is a guitar.
Look at her (show). It has a flat body and is shaped like a figure eight. She has a neck and 6 strings, and therefore it is called a string. The strings are attached to the pegs. Sound is produced with fingers.
Loved the guitar different nations and began to consider it their folk instrument.

Let's hear how this instrument sounds. Sounds R.N.P "Meadow Duck"

Before I announce the next number, I propose to solve a riddle:

He is stretched - he is getting fat
They squeeze him - he instantly loses weight,
Crying on your knees
And whoever listens to him jumps.
Guess what tool in question?
That's right, it's a banana.

Performed by ............ will sound the Exit March from the film Circus of Isaac Dunayevsky

Guys, do you know that every person from birth is endowed with the most unique, absolutely unique tool, what? - voice.
Only not everyone can use it as an instrument - for this you need to have talent and great diligence, as, indeed, when mastering any other musical instrument.

I am your friend, I am your companion.
On the road without me, nothing will work.
With me, friends. you are always interested.
Did you know who I am? Well, of course, the song!

Music by Maxim Dunayevsky - Colored Dreams - performs vocal ensemble senior classes

Our journey continues. Now we will get acquainted with the country with a string - bowed instruments.
Stringed - because they have strings. And bowed - because the sound is extracted with the help of fingers and a bow, which is made of a wooden cane and horsehair.
(A student comes out with a violin and shows the instrument)
Look guys.
She is small. She has 4 strings. And the sound is very high, gentle and thin.

Performing ......., performs r.n.p. Kalinka

The violin has been known since the 16th century.
Violins were made Italian masters. They were whole families. The most famous of them is the Stradivari family.
Stradivarius violins are highly valued. The secret of making some of them has not yet been discovered. They have survived to this day. Only best performers get the right to play Stradivarius violins. This instrument was played by the famous italian violinist Niccolo Paganini.
Let's hear more about how it sounds.
Look how beautiful she is!
...................perform J.S.Bach's Rondo

The last number on the journey will be "Continuous Movement" performed by an ensemble of violinists. We hope that this meeting with music will resonate in your hearts, and you will want to visit the art school more than once.

Dear colleagues, I appeal for help again!
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the school.
Another question is what it will be called, what theme will be the main grain of the anniversary.
I will look forward to your colleagues' proposals, topics and wishes for the development of a future scenario.
Thanks to all!

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