Good fairy tale characters. Russian folk tales - heroes and characters


The characters invented in Russia are symbols of the childhood of each of us, while in different countries world they are perceived differently. For example, if in Russian mythology Baba Yaga is evil spirits, then among the Scandinavians a similar character is the goddess of the kingdom of the dead, Hel.

Female images: "my light, mirror, tell me ..."

Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful, Mary the Artisan, the Frog Princess, the Snow Maiden, Alyonushka are female images that possessed not only stunning female logic, but also kindness, wisdom, beauty, sincerity. The brightest of them are:

1 A fragile, little girl, Santa Claus's helper is a favorite New Year's guest, a role model for naughty children. From the middle of the 19th century, the image of a little granddaughter was replaced by a young beauty, with an obligatory kokoshnik or a fur hat, the preferred headwear of Russian women.

No country in the world can boast such a magical and romantic biography like the Russian Snegurka. In Italy, this is the fairy Befana, an old woman with a hooked nose, who flies to the kids on a broomstick, giving gifts. A kind of "Santa Claus" in a skirt. The Mongols call their Snow Maiden Zazan Ohin, the girl Snow. The heroine, by tradition, makes riddles and gives gifts only after she hears the answer. In the USA, Santa has only deer from his assistants, but there is no Snow Maiden.

It is curious that if you try to translate the word Snow Maiden into English using the service " Google Translate”, then the result will always be different. Yesterday, the Snow Maiden was translated as "Snow - boy" (literally - a snow boy). Today, the Snegurochka in the database of the service is translated as Snow-maiden (Made of snow).

2 Masha, a restless companion of the Bear, a naughty character of a 3D cartoon breaking all records.

The green-eyed fidget is fluent in hand-to-hand combat, loves to be capricious and hooligan, asks questions that are difficult to answer. The prototype of the animated series was the folklore heroine of the Russian folk tale. Director O. Kuznetsov borrowed character traits from the hero of O. Henry's story "The Leader of the Redskins". The team of creators of the series does not adapt native Russian characters for broadcast in various countries.

3 baba yaga- witch, heroine Slavic mythology endowed with magic power. Negative character lures good fellows to his hut on chicken legs, without fail gives the heroes of a fairy-tale horse and a magical navigator of those times - a ball of thread. The Russian witch is not always friendly, but if you are gifted with eloquence, she can help.

4 Firebird, fairy bird, healing the sick and restoring sight to the blind, is the sister of the Western European bird Phoenix, which knew how to revive from the ashes. The father of the two fiery heroines, most likely, was Peacock.

Each heroine is an individual, embodying good or evil, her actions and deeds are directly related to her character and mission.

Male images: “the heroes have not yet died out on the Russian land!”

The top of positive male images is no less colorful, vividly conveying the spirit of a Russian person. The main images are always antagonistic: in contrast to the beautiful, there is sure to be a bad one. Without which male images Russian fairy tales are inconceivable:

1 Father Frost.

In the Russian version - Morozko, Student, mighty ruler winter blizzard. The character, adored by the children, rides on a troika of horses, fetters reservoirs and rivers with the sound of a staff, sweeps cities and villages with cold breath. IN New Year together with the Snow Maiden gives gifts. During Soviet times, Grandfather was dressed in a red coat, the color of the country's flag. The image of the popular Grandfather, who "wanders through forests and meadows" is played differently in different countries: Santa Claus, Youlupuki, Jouluvana.

This is interesting:

According to the most conservative estimates of scientists, Santa Claus is more than 2000 years old. For two thousand years, Santa Claus has repeatedly appeared in different images. First - in the guise of the pagan god Zimnik: an old man of small stature, with white hair and a long gray beard, with an uncovered head, in warm white clothes and with an iron mace in his hands. And in the fourth century, Santa Claus was reminiscent of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who lived in Asia Minor in the city of Patara.

Grandfather began to come to the house with gifts with the beginning of the celebration of the New Year in Rus'. Previously, he gave gifts to the obedient and smart, and beat the mischievous with a stick. But the years made Santa Claus more compassionate: he replaced the stick with a magic staff.

By the way, Santa Claus first appeared on the pages of books in 1840, when Vladimir Odoevsky's "Children's Tales of Grandpa Iriney" were published. In the book, the name and patronymic of the winter wizard, Moroz Ivanovich, became known.

In the twentieth century, Santa Claus almost disappeared. After the revolution, it was considered that celebrating Christmas is harmful for the people, because this is a real “priestly” holiday. However, in 1935, the disgrace was finally removed, and soon Father Frost and Snegurochka first appeared together for the Christmas tree holiday at the Moscow House of Unions.

2 Three heroes. Strong, brave, funny heroes have long become a symbol of Russia, thanks to a series of full-length adventures by Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets. In fact, the brave fellows never met in life, according to epics, they even lived in different centuries.

This is interesting:

In 2015, the 6th part of the saga, “Three Heroes: The Knight’s Move”, which was released on the screens, collected 962,961,596 rubles. Almost 1 billion rubles! Thus, the picture became the highest grossing animated film of the year. Although it all started modestly: the box office of the first part - "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent" (2004) - amounted to 48,376,440 rubles. Since then, fees have steadily increased.

3 Ivan the Fool(third son) - a character embodying a special "magic strategy": the hero acts contrary to common sense and always succeed! The fool solves riddles admirably, wins evil spirit and valiantly saves the main character.

Pinocchio, Crocodile Gena, Dr. Aibolit, Barmaley, Winnie the Pooh, Leopold the Cat and Matroskin the Cat are also some of the most popular and beloved heroes of Russian cinema, who rightfully occupy high positions in the rating of fairy-tale characters.

Undead: guardians of forests, swamps and houses

most large group Russian folk epic constitute mythical creatures. Vodyanoy, Kikimora, Goblin, mermaids, Brownie, Baba Yaga are magical images that appeared along with inexplicable forces of nature. In their actions and character, these are more negative characters, but at the same time, they are charming and charismatic in modern films and cartoons, these include:

1 Koschei the Deathless. A character who has supernatural power. According to legend, this is an insidious old man who kills pets. The sorcerer often kidnaps the protagonist's bride in the hope of "mutual love".

This is interesting:

In Soviet cinema, Koshey was brilliantly played by actor Georgy Millyar. Basically, he played all sorts of evil spirits and had to put on complex makeup. But for the role of Koshchei the Immortal, makeup was practically not needed, since the actor himself resembled a living skeleton (after suffering from malaria, the actor's weight was only 45 kg).

Koschey the Immortal - Georgy Millyar
  • Article

“She was so lovely and tender, but made of ice, of dazzling, sparkling ice, and yet alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.

Neither evil nor good emanates from her, only one icy indifference. Indifference and loneliness.

Il. V. Alfeevsky to the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

They call her snow queen because she lives somewhere in the endless snow, and also because birds die from her breath, windows and even hearts freeze.

She comes only in winter, when it is dark and the windows are covered with ice patterns from frost - that's when you can see how she flies over the city in her snow-white carriage ...

Andersen, G. H. The Snow Queen: [fairy tale] / G. H. Andersen; [per. from dates A. Hansen]; drawings by V. Alfeevsky. - Saint Petersburg; Moscow: Speech, 2014. - 71 p. : ill.


Moomins first learn about Morra from Tofsla and Vifsla: "Terrible and terrible!"- say little foreigners. Their suitcase contains a Royal Ruby belonging to Morra, and she chases after them to get gem back. Tofsla and Vifsla are shaking with fear and trying to hide in a cozy Moominvalley.

Il. T. Jansson to his own story-tale "The Wizard's Hat"

In fact, Morra is "not particularly large and not particularly formidable in appearance." She is shaped like a big-nosed mop, has round, expressionless eyes, and many black skirts that hang from her, "like the leaves of a withered rose". The peculiarity of Morra is that she is a monster in a psychological sense rather than in a physiological one. She is the embodied irrational horror of eternity and loneliness, so gloomy and angry that nothing living can withstand her presence. The grass and leaves on the trees are covered with ice, the earth freezes and never bears fruit again, the fire to which it comes to warm itself goes out, and even the sand spreads, scatters from Morra. Inspiring only fear, disgust and a desire to get away, Morra lives in a slowly flowing, never ending time. It is the only thing she has.

At least until Moomintroll agrees to sometimes dispel her loneliness with his arrival and the light of a storm lantern in the story “Papa and the Sea”.

Jansson, T. Moomintroll and all the rest : [fairy tales] / Tove Jansson; [per. from the Swedish V. Smirnova; rice. author]. - Moscow: ROSMEN, 2003. - 496 p. : ill.

Jansson, T. All about the Moomins : [fairy tales] / Tove Jansson; [per. from the Swedish L. Braude, N. Belyakova, E. Paklina, E. Solovyova; foreword L. Braude; artistic T. Jansson]. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2004. - 878 p. : ill.

baba yaga

Baba Yaga is the main scarecrow of Russian childhood: "If you don't obey, Baba Yaga will take you away." In ancient times, this supernatural grandmother was a watchman between the worlds. On the edge of a dense forest - a hut on chicken legs, in it - “on the stove, on the ninth brick, lies a baba yaga, bone leg, the nose has grown into the ceiling ... she sharpens her teeth ".

Il. I. Bilibina to the Russian folk tale
"Vasilisa the Beautiful"

But that terrible thing that you can laugh at, over time, loses its terrible appearance and character. So is Baba Yaga. In fairy tales, she is no longer as scary as in ancient myth. In children's books, even more so. The artist Olga Ionaitis in the author's book "Russian Superstitions" (M .: Blagovest, 1992) described and painted her as "an old woman absurd and unpredictable". Marina Vishnevetskaya made the young Baba Yaga the heroine of her novel Kashchei and Yagda, or Heavenly Apples (Moscow: New Literary Review, 2004). And now Inna Gamazkova has appointed her the keeper of the Museum of Fairy Tales, which contains magical objects and creatures.

Gamazkova, I. L. Museum of Baba Yaga, or fabulous encyclopedia Scientist Cat/ Inna Gamazkova. - Moscow: White City: Sunday, 2013. - 272 p. : ill.

black lady

“Peter was approaching his goal.

He already saw a small round planet, densely overgrown with trees, bushes, vines and flowers. At the same time, he noticed a black cloud in the distance. He immediately thought: this is the Black Lady with a condor and with a retinue of ravens and rooks.

Il. N. Antokolskaya to the "modern fairy tale"
Z. Weak "Three bananas, or Peter on a fairy planet"

Who is this demonic personality, whose name alone plunges the inhabitants of the fabulous cosmos into sacred awe? It is difficult to say with certainty who she is. In the course of the action, the Black Lady appears to the boy Peter in various guises, but her true face is terrible.

“The black cloud hissed and growled. Peter already distinguished the Black Lady on a light chariot harnessed by ravens and rooks. The condor flew over the chariot and chirped furiously.

Fear has big eyes, but if you are not afraid, believe in yourself and be kind to everyone who meets on the way to the cherished three bananas, you can even cope with such an embodiment of evil.

Weak, Z. K. Three bananas, or Peter on a fairy planet: a modern fairy tale / Zdenek Karel Slaby; translation from Czech by S. Parkhomovska; drawings by N. Antokolskaya. - Moscow: Samokat, 2013. - 160 p. : ill. - (The book of our childhood).


Mice are so small... but there are so many of them! The radiant Frau Mauserinks is the owner of the mouse kingdom, located under the oven, and a big fan of smoked sausages. To our reader, who adores the exquisite and whimsical magic of Hoffmann, this regal lady is known under the name of Myshilda. She will take revenge on you pathetic people, for the lack of sausage, for disrespect and mousetraps!

Are you afraid of mice? But in vain.

Il. V.Alfeevsky to the tale of E.T.A. Hoffmann
"The Nutcracker and Mouse King»

Hoffmann, E. T. A. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King: fairy tale / E. T. A. Hoffman; [per. with him. I. Tatarinova]; drawings by V. Alfeevsky. - Saint Petersburg; Moscow: Speech, 2014. - 128 p. : ill.


“Olya and Yalo listened: horseshoes loudly knocked in the gorge. A minute later, riders appeared on the road. A woman galloped ahead on a thin-legged white horse. She was wearing a long black dress with a light scarf draped over her shoulders. Several men, judging by their clothes - servants, followed her.

Il. I. Ushakova to the story-tale
V. Gubareva "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

- Royal carriage?! - the lady exclaimed, having caught up with Olya and Yalo. - What does it mean?

Beauty, isn't it?

… And, alas, one more confirmation of how deceptive appearance can sometimes be.

With this beautiful lady, really, it is better not to meet on a narrow path. For the slightest fault, she can hit her old servant with a whip and will stop at nothing in her unbridled desire for power.

The villain's name is Anidag. Now try to read her name backwards... Brrr!

Gubarev, V. G. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors: [tale-tale] / Vitaly Gubarev; [art. B. Kalaushin]. - Moscow: Oniks, 2006. - 159 p. : ill. - (Library of the younger student).

Milady Winter

Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and d'Artagnan, who joined them, "ready for each other to sacrifice everything - from a wallet to a life", for 170 years they have been the embodiment of courage, generosity and selfless friendship.

Il. I. Kuskova to the novel by A. Dumas "Three Musketeers"

But who makes them act? Because of whom Athos shakes off his usual melancholy, Porthos refuses to eat, Aramis forgets about theological books and scented notes, and d'Artagnan shows miracles of dexterity and fearlessness?

Milady... Beautiful and treacherous, deadly and irresistibly seductive. Cardinal Richelieu's agent and the main mover of the plot. Through intrigue and plotting, Milady Winter gives noble heroes the opportunity to show their best qualities. Drawn almost exclusively in black paint, the image of milady enhances the radiance of brilliant virtues. three musketeers and one guard.

Dumas, A. Three Musketeers: novel / Alexandre Dumas; [per. from fr. D. Livshits, V. Waldman, K. Ksanina; foreword D. Bykov; ill. M. Leloire]. - Moscow: ACT: Astrel, 2011. - 735 p. : ill. - (Classics and contemporaries).


The fact that Dr. Aibolit's sister is evil, we learn from the very first lines: “Once upon a time there was a doctor. He was kind.<…>And he had an evil sister, whose name was Barbara..

Il. V. Chizhikov to the story-tale
K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

The point is not that Varvara is greedy and grumpy, but that there is no love in her at all. She never took pity on anyone, did not caress, did not help anyone.

"Drive them out this very minute!" she cries of those who are dear to the doctor. “They only dirty the rooms. I don't want to live with these nasty creatures!"

Varvara is not stupid, businesslike and prudent: as she warned, Aibolit's lifestyle leaves him without funds. But earthiness makes Barbara insensitive: in the wonderful Tyanitolkay she sees only a “two-headed donkey”, in a repentant crocodile - a hindrance for rich patients, in the rest of the doctor's favorites - a source of dirt. Standing up for order and peace, she does not shy away from violence: at the end of the book we learn that she beat animals. And how does she end her days who does not recognize love, but acts by force? On a desert island.

One can only hope that, left alone with herself, she will put things in order in her own heart.

Chukovsky, K. I. Doctor Aibolit: [fab. story] / Korney Chukovsky; artist Gennady Kalinovsky. - Moscow: NIGMA Publishing House, 2013. - 191 p. : ill. - (Wonderwork).


"I married a pretty woman, but stern, - the forester complains to the fairy-tale king, - and they twist ropes out of me. They, sir, are my wife and her two daughters from her first marriage. They have been dressing for three days now. royal ball and completely drove us. We, sir, are me and my poor tiny own daughter, who became so suddenly, through the fault of my amorousness, stepdaughter ".

Il. E. Bulatova and O. Vasilyeva
to Ch. Perro's fairy tale "Cinderella"

Men are surprisingly short-sighted when, having become widowed, they decide to tie the knot a second time, thereby dooming their own children to the unenviable position of "Cinderella". Of course, happy exceptions sometimes occur, but in folklore and literature they are downright vanishingly rare.

"Cinderella" by Charles Perrault, as well as the comedy of the same name by E.L. Schwartz written on its basis, is perhaps the most famous fairy tale story in which the stepdaughter suffers insults from her domineering and absurd stepmother. Poor Cinderella still lucky - her "second mother", at least not a witch! Things were much worse for Snow White from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm and for Pushkin's "dead princess", and even about the unfortunate Eliza from " wild swans» G.H. Andersen is nothing to say - her terrible stepmother-sorceress makes the blood run cold!

Andersen, G. H. Wild swans: [fairy tale] / Hans Christian Andersen; [per. from dates A. and P. Hansen; artistic K. Chelushkin]. - St. Petersburg: Aquarelle, 2013. - 48 p. : ill. - (Wizards of the brush).

Perrault, C. Cinderella: [fairy tale] / Charles Perrault; [paraphrase from fr. T. Gabbe; ill. E. Bulatova and O. Vasiliev]. - Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2011. - 32 p. : ill. - (Masterpieces of book illustration - for children).

Schwartz, E. L. Cinderella/ Evgeny Schwartz. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2010. - 96 p. - (School library).

Freken Bock

First, she is an excellent cook. Second, it appears in Hard time when you need to help out the family, otherwise the children will be left unattended. But it's not Mary Poppins. With the one who just mocked her, she sits down to dinner. But no, it's not the angelic Pollyanna.

Il. I. Wikland to the fairy tale by A. Lindgren
"Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again"

She loves peace and quiet, but tolerates the deafening antics of an absolutely ill-mannered creature with a motor. Miss Bock, an old maid, faithfully guards someone else's hearth and even copes well with children, although the last time she saw them nearby was forty years ago. An inveterate conservative, she, nevertheless, easily says goodbye to skepticism and believes in the fairy tale of the “other world”.

And yet we know her as a "housekeeper." Maybe her only fault is that she temporarily takes the place of her mother?

Miss Bock also has objective shortcomings: rivalry with her sister, arrogance from a sudden television "career". But for us, who do not know either envy or vanity, of course, it is not shameful to make fun of this ...

By the way, do you remember her name? Her name is a beautiful (and most importantly - rare for our region) name Hildur.

Lindgren, A. Malysh, Carlson and all-all-all/ Astrid Lindgren; [per. from the Swedish L. Lungina; ill. I. Wikland and others]. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2008. - 912 p. : ill.

Miss Andrew

Stingy? Maybe just being careful. The rough truth cuts into the eyes with a thunderous voice. Very, very fond of order. Even more than "very". You won’t whimper, you won’t kick the ball, you won’t put an extra candy in your mouth (and any other too).

Il. G. Kalinovsky to a fairy tale
P. Travers "Mary Poppins"

Goosebumps already? So Mr. Banks, until he grew up, was not at ease. The poor fellow still calls his old nanny Divine Punishment. But let's not be disingenuous - could the venerable Mr. Banks work in a bank, "make money" and support his family, if not for the lessons of Miss Euphemia Andrew?

Perhaps Mary Poppins would never have appeared without her. After all, the liberated, but also chatty Mr. Banks simply could not have hired a governess. Even with the most modest salary.

Travers, P. Mary Poppins: fairy tale / Pamela Travers; [translation from English. B. Zakhoder; artistic V. Chelak]. - Moscow: ROSMEN, 2010. - 173 p. : ill.


Always fit, athletic, always cheerful, fresh, inexhaustible for inventions, tricks and tricks.

Tricks? You will not please: a harsh order is too boring, and a couple of dirty tricks is already unacceptable.

Il. A. Semyonova to her own book
"Yabeda-Koryabeda, her tricks and tricks"

Who else will help children to be lazy, quarrel, be greedy, snitch and shift the blame on another? Don't like it again? Then think at least how much work it takes to lead a gang of unlucky agents and stupid scouts.

A finely organized sorceress is an excellent organizer herself. The secret of success is simple - morning work-out plus believing in yourself. Here Yabeda-Koryabeda looks in the mirror and mutters: "Beauty is everything!"

Well, we’ll show the bored Murzilka on occasion!

Semyonov, A. I. Yabeda-Koryabeda, her tricks and tricks/ A. Semenov; drawings by the author. - Moscow: Meshcheryakov Publishing House, 2013. - 288 p. : ill.

Old woman Shapoklyak

And she's not old at all! slender lady with sly eyes And long nose, not at all decrepit, but very lively and active. She appears everywhere with her pet rat Lariska, who lives in her small purse.

Frame from the cartoon "Cheburashka".
Dir. R. Kachanov. Artistic L. Schwartzman. USSR, 1971

Shapoklyak is an elegant lady, but there is something childish in her, probably a desire to spoil or break something. The old woman collects dirty tricks, but not because she world evil but simply because of their childish propensity to destroy.

Someone will say that at her age it is indecent to engage in sabotage, but age is not a hindrance here, on the contrary, experience and sophistication only help! Just calling someone is kindergarten, but pouring a bucket of water on passers-by or scaring someone half to death by releasing your faithful rat from your purse is already creativity.

By the way, Shapoklyak, apart from Lariska, had no friends at all. Until she became friends with Cheburashka and Gena and, one might say, matured (although this sounds strange in relation to an old woman). Shapoklyak began to study, began to monitor the safety of animals and, in the past - an ardent lawless person, now she helps to maintain public order.

Uspensky, E. N. All fairy tales about Cheburashka: [fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Astrel, 2012. - 544 p. : ill.

where do they come from and why are they needed

The first "villains" on our list are not really "good" or "evil". They are the personification of forces dangerous to man, acting in the outside world: the elements and natural phenomena. For example, this is an ice maiden - an inexorable, irresistible force of winter cold: it is she who acts in Andersen's fairy tale, although we used to call her snow queen. She is also the “fierce cold” that Tove Jansson mentions; but from the tales of this writer we took another personification of the eternal cold - Morru: her very name speaks of the triumph - albeit involuntary - of lifeless icy darkness.

Another folk image wandering from fairy tale to fairy tale, - baba yaga. She is a “borderline” being and functions as an intermediary between the worlds, between the “other” world and “this”, therefore she can act both as an executioner and as a good adviser (however, one does not contradict the other, so we still her afraid).

Such a character as the demonic "dark mistress" has quite folklore roots. According to tradition, it is impossible to defeat her with her weapon - evil, but she is powerless against kindness and humanity. On our list is Black Lady from the tale of Zdeněk the Weak.

The mistress of evil forces may look like a small, weak and even ridiculous creature, but in the space of a fairy tale her misanthropic abilities should not be underestimated, especially if the author professes the principle of “romantic duality”. An example of this is Mrs. Myshilda Hoffmann, the greatest of the small.

Often writers depict a villain, collecting in her image the worst human qualities: cruelty, greed, pride, lies and hypocrisy. One of these anti-heroines - Anidag from the fairy tale of Vitaly Gubarev: it is worth reading her name in reverse, and the essence of the “underground snake” will immediately become clear.

Characters of this kind are often found in adventure literature. An irresistibly charming type of villainess - an adventurer, an intriguer, an insidious beauty, capable of sowing discord and chaos in any fairy-tale or fairy-tale kingdom: this is in our list milady winter.

returning to ancient types villain folklore origin Let's remember the type of "evil sister" who harms her brother and those he loves (in folk tales, first of all, his bride, or wife and children, or faithful animal servants: a horse, a dog and a falcon). In our selection there is a relatively new representative of this type - Barbara, the sister of Dr. Aibolit, who offends his defenseless patients.

By the way, in folklore works quite often there is also the type of "evil bride" - a girl who opposes marriage, either defeating the suitors in a duel, or setting them impossible tasks, but we did not include such villains in our selection. However, a variation of this image is an “evil wife”, and in relation to a child - an evil stepmother, ready to tyrannize and oppress her stepdaughter in every possible way (as in the fairy tale about Cinderella), and it is better to completely destroy her from the world (“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”, “Wild swans”).

Often a child (not only a fairy-tale one) becomes an "orphan" in a figurative sense - when from parental hands is given into the power of a harsh teacher, who - naturally - turns out to be a "villain". In our selection, the corresponding type is represented by two figures: this is a governess Miss Andrew, which even children who have grown up for a long time are afraid of, and an almost unbending "housekeeper" Freken Bock.

Rounding out the list are two villains of a mixed type: part adventurer, part warrior, part educator of the younger generation. Evil sorceress Yabeda-Koryabeda owns magic spells, old woman Shapoklyak she doesn’t know how to cast spells, but she shoots great with a slingshot (and she has a RAT in her bag), and both of them (including the RAT) are incredibly resourceful in terms of harming someone. They are also related by the fact that both commit "evil" and " petty mischief"Literally out of love for art, - but in fact, in fact, in order to ensure that the ideals of goodness and humanism are established both in a fun children's book and in the soul of the reader.

Material prepared:

Olga Vinogradova, Kirill Zakharov, Daria Ivanova,
Alexey Kopeikin, Svetlana Malaya, Maria Poryadina,
Natalia Savushkina, Larisa Chetverikova

A folk tale is a message from our ancestors, handed down from time immemorial. Through magical stories, sacred information about morality and spirituality, traditions and culture reaches us. The heroes of Russian folk tales are very colorful. They live in the world full of wonders and dangers. There is a battle of light and dark forces, as a result of which goodness and justice always win.

Ivan the Fool

The main character of Russian fairy tales is a seeker. He goes to hard way to get a magical item or a bride, deal with a monster. In this case, initially the character may occupy a low social position. As a rule, this peasant son, the youngest child in the family.

By the way, the word "fool" in ancient times did not have a negative meaning. Since the 14th century, it has served as a name-amulet, which was often given to the youngest son. He did not receive any inheritance from his parents. The elder brothers in fairy tales are successful and practical. Ivan spends time on the stove, as he is not interested in living conditions. He is not looking for money or fame, patiently endures the ridicule of others.

However, it is Ivan the Fool who eventually smiles luck. He is unpredictable, able to solve non-standard riddles, defeats the enemy with cunning. The hero is characterized by mercy and kindness. He helps out those in trouble, releases the pike, for which he is awarded magical help. Having overcome all obstacles, Ivan the Fool marries the king's daughter and becomes rich. Behind the unsightly clothes lies the image of a sage who serves good and is wary of falsehood.


This hero was borrowed from epics. He is handsome, brave, noble. Often grows "by leaps and bounds". Possesses great strength, able to saddle a heroic horse. There are many plots where a character fights a monster, dies, and then resurrects.

The names of the heroes of Russian fairy tales can be different. We meet Ilya Muromets, Bova Korolevich, Alyosha Popovich, Nikita Kozhemyaka and other characters. Ivan Tsarevich can also be attributed to this category. He enters into battle with the Serpent Gorynych or Koshchei, saddles Sivka-Burka, protects the weak, rescues the princess.

It is significant that the hero sometimes makes mistakes (rudely replies to an oncoming grandmother, burns the skin of a frog). Subsequently, he has to repent of this, ask for forgiveness, correct the situation. By the end of the tale, he gains wisdom, finds the princess and receives half the kingdom as a reward for his deeds.

Wonder Bride

smart and beautiful girl by the end of the story, she becomes the wife of a fairy-tale hero. In Russian folk tales, we meet Vasilisa the Wise, Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful. They are embodied folk performance about a woman standing guard over her kind.

The characters are resourceful and smart. Thanks to their help, the hero solves ingenious riddles and defeats the enemy. Often beautiful princess subject to the forces of nature, she is able to turn into an animal (swan, frog), work real miracles. The heroine uses powerful forces for the benefit of her lover.

There is also an image of a meek stepdaughter in fairy tales, who achieves success thanks to her hard work and kindness. Common qualities for all positive female images are fidelity, purity of aspirations and readiness to help.

Which hero of Russian fairy tales is the most beloved and popular among children and adults? The first place rightfully belongs to Baba Yaga. This is a very ambiguous character with a frightening appearance, a hooked nose and a bone leg. "Baba" in ancient times was called the mother, the eldest woman in the family. "Yaga" may be related to old Russian words"yagat" ("scream loudly, swear") or "yagaya" ("sick, angry").

lives old witch in the forest, on the border of our and the other world. Her hut on chicken legs is fenced with a fence made of human bones. Grandmother flies on a mortar, makes friends with evil spirits, kidnaps children and keeps many magical items from intruders. According to scientists, it is associated with realm of the dead. This is indicated by loose hair, which was untwisted for women before burial, a bone leg, and also a house. The Slavs made wooden huts for the dead, which they put in the forest on stumps.

In Rus', ancestors have always been respected and turned to them for advice. Therefore, good fellows come to Baba Yaga, and she tests them. The witch gives a hint to those who pass the test, points the way to Koshchei, bestows a magic ball, as well as a towel, a comb and other curiosities. Baba Yaga also does not eat children, but she puts them in the oven and spends old rite"overbaking". In Rus', it was believed that in this way it was possible to heal a child from an illness.


The name of this fairy-tale hero of Russian fairy tales could come from the Turkic "koshchei", which translates as "slave". The character was chained and imprisoned for three hundred years. He himself also likes to kidnap beautiful girls and hide them in a dungeon. According to another version, the name comes from the Slavic "bone" (scold, harm) or "bone". Koschey is often depicted as a skinny old man, more like a skeleton.

He is a very powerful sorcerer, lives far away from other people and owns countless treasures. The death of the hero is in the needle, which is securely hidden in objects and animals nested in each other like a nesting doll. The prototype of Koshchei may be the winter deity Karachun, who was born from a golden egg. It covered the earth with ice and brought death with it, forcing our ancestors to move to a warmer area. In other myths, Koshchei was the son of Chernobog. The latter could control time and commanded the army afterlife.

This is one of the most ancient images. The hero of Russian fairy tales differs from foreign dragons in the presence of several heads. Usually their number is a multiple of three. The creature can fly, spew fire and kidnap people. It lives in caves, where it hides captives and treasures. Often appears in front of a goodie, coming out of the water. The nickname "Gorynych" is associated either with the habitat of the character (mountains), or with the verb "to burn".

The image of the terrible Serpent is borrowed from ancient myths about the dragon that guards the entrance to the underworld. To become a man, a teenager had to defeat him, i.e. perform a feat, and then enter into world of the dead and come back as an adult. According to another version, the Serpent Gorynych - collective image steppe nomads who attacked Rus' in huge hordes. At the same time, they used fire shells that burned wooden cities.

Forces of nature

In ancient times, people personified the Sun, Wind, Moon, Thunder, Rain and other phenomena on which their life depended. They often became heroes of Russian fairy tales, married princesses, helped goodies. There are also anthropomorphic rulers of certain elements: Moroz Ivanovich, goblin, water. They can play the role of both positive and negative characters.

Nature is depicted as spiritualized. The well-being of people largely depends on her actions. So, Morozko rewards the meek, hardworking daughter of an old man with gold and a fur coat, whom her stepmother ordered to be thrown into the forest. At the same time, her selfish stepsister dies under his spell. The Slavs bowed to the forces of nature and at the same time were wary of them, tried to appease them with the help of victims, and made requests.

grateful animals

In fairy tales we meet a talking wolf, a magical horse and a cow, goldfish, a wish-fulfilling pike. As well as a bear, a hare, a hedgehog, a crow, an eagle, etc. All of them understand human speech, possess unusual abilities. The hero helps them out of trouble, grants them life, and in return they help to defeat the enemy.

Here traces of totemism are clearly visible. The Slavs believed that each genus descended from a specific animal. After death, the human soul moves into the beast and vice versa. For example, in the fairy tale "Burenushka" the soul of a dead mother is reborn in the form of a cow to help her orphaned daughter. Such an animal could not be killed, because it became a relative and protected from trouble. Sometimes the heroes of a fairy tale themselves can turn into an animal or a bird.


A lot of people are trying to get hold of it. goodies fairy tales. A wonderful bird blinds its eyes like a golden sun, and lives behind a stone wall in rich lands. Freely floating in the sky, it is a symbol of the heavenly body, which bestows luck, abundance, creative power. This is a representative of another world, which often turns into a kidnapper. Firebird steals rejuvenating apples giving beauty and immortality.

Only one who is pure in soul, believes in a dream and is closely connected with deceased ancestors can catch her. Usually this is the youngest son, who had to take care of old parents and spent a lot of time near the birth center.

Thus, the heroes of Russian fairy tales teach us to respect our ancestors, listen to our hearts, overcome fear, go towards our dreams, despite mistakes, and always help those who ask for help. And then the divine radiance of the magical firebird will fall on a person, transforming him and bestowing happiness.

Fairy tales form the thinking, fantasy and worldview of many generations. Fairy tales not only entertained us in childhood, but the actions of the heroes of Russian fairy tales taught us to distinguish between good and evil, to be brave and to do justice.

At the same time, in fairy tales, beliefs, views and ideas of the people are displayed at different times. In the course of its development, the tale has changed significantly, and its functions have also changed. If initially it was used for a magical incantatory purpose (to call for good luck on a hunt, to protect oneself from enemies or to ensure victory in battle), then over time, having lost its ritual significance, the tale acquired an aesthetic, educational or entertaining character.

Remained conditional fairy tale characters. They are types, not individuals, which means they are described in in general terms, are often idealized, exalted, exaggerated. The main images here are always antagonistic: one embodies the good, the beautiful; the other is evil forces. Hence - their characteristics - actions, deeds, intentions, language. According to their functions, the heroes of Russian fairy tales are conventionally divided into benefactors, evil-doers and the destitute.

The largest group of fairy folk epic is made up of magical, fantastic tales. The explanation of many motives and features of fairy-tale characters can only be found in comparison with ancient rituals, elements of the socio-religious way of life of the Proto-Slavs and ancient Eurasians. Let's try to analyze some of the most famous characters Russian fairy tales.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. baba yaga

Baba Yaga is a character in Slavic mythology and folklore. Usually an ugly old woman, endowed with magical powers and magic items. Often a witch, a sorceress. More often - negative character(lures children and good fellows into his hut on chicken legs to eat), but sometimes acts as an assistant to the hero. According to folklore specialist Vladimir Propp, three types of Baba Yaga can be distinguished in fairy tales: the giver (gives the main character a fairy-tale horse), the kidnapper of children and the warrior (fights with the main character "not for life, but for death").

IN contemporary ideas Baba Yaga - mistress of the forest and guardian of the borders of the "other world" ( Far Far Away kingdom). Therefore, she has a bone leg - to stand in the world of the dead. In many fairy tales, Baba Yaga drowns the bathhouse and evaporates the hero, performing the rite of ablution. Then he feeds him, that is, performs, as it were, a feast with him. And the female image of Baba Yaga itself is associated, according to researchers, with matriarchal ideas about the structure of the social world.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Water

In Slavic mythology - a spirit that lives in water, the owner of the waters, the embodiment of the element of water as a negative and dangerous principle. Appears before us in the form of a flabby old man, goggle-eyed, with a fish tail. He has a huge beard and mustache, sometimes - fish features, webbed paws and a horn on his head. Lives in whirlpools, whirlpools, but especially loves water mills. Therefore, the millers coaxed them in every possible way, and also buried a live black rooster or other security attributes under a log, where there would be a door to the mill. Often the Vodyanoy is associated with the sea king.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Firebird

A fairy bird is usually the goal of finding a fairy tale hero. The feathers of the firebird glow and amaze with their beauty. Lives in the Garden of Eden, in a golden cage. He feeds on golden apples, heals the sick with his singing and restores sight to the blind. At a deep mythological level, it is the personification of fire, light and the sun. Therefore, every year in the autumn the Firebird dies, and in the spring it is reborn. At the intercultural level, it has an analogue - the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Dragon

A fire-breathing dragon with several heads, the personification of the evil inclination in fairy tales and epics. He usually lives in the mountains, near the fiery river and guards the Kalinov Bridge, through which they enter the kingdom of the dead. The number of heads of the Serpent-Gorynych is usually three (3, 6, 9 or 12). In fairy tales, the fire element is usually associated with the snake. The Serpent-Gorynych kidnaps girls (often princesses) to feast on. After that main characters comes to him for a duel, before killing his baby vipers.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Ivan the Fool

A very popular image in mythology, which, when solving problems, is guided by its own, non-standard solutions, often contrary to common sense, but bringing success. The designation "fool" is interpreted in different ways. Some of the researchers consider this a talisman against the evil eye. According to another version, Ivan is called a fool, because usually in fairy tales he is the third son who is not entitled to a share of the parental inheritance (hence the ability to think outside the box, find a way out of difficult situations). Etymologically, the image of Ivan the Fool is associated with the image of a priest, because he can sing and play different instruments and also speaks in riddles. At the end of the tales, Ivan the Fool receives wealth and the princess as his wife.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Cat Baiyun

A huge man-eating cat with a magical voice. On the one hand, he speaks and lulls travelers with his tales, on the other hand, his tales can heal. The very word "bayun" means "talker, narrator". In fairy tales cat Baiyun sits on a high pillar far away in the distant kingdom or in a lifeless forest where there are no animals. In one of the tales, he lives with Baba Yaga.

Catching Bayun the Cat is usually a test for the protagonist, who catches him wearing an iron cap and iron gauntlets. But the caught Cat Bayun then serves at the royal court, heals the sick with his stories.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Kolobok

A fairy-tale character in the form of a spherical wheat bread that escapes from grandparents, from various animals, but is eventually eaten by a fox. This character clearly personifies the reverent attitude of the Slavic people to bread, and its sacred meaning. Namely, the round shape of Kolobok, which also rolls, which refers us to the cult of the sun.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Koschey (Kashchey) the Immortal

An evil sorcerer whose death is hidden in several nested magical animals and objects. “There is an island on the sea, on the ocean, on that island there is an oak, a chest is buried under an oak, a hare is in the chest, a duck is in the hare, an egg is in the duck, Koshchei’s death is in the egg.” Often kidnaps the bride of the protagonist. In appearance - a thin (Koschey - from the word "bone") a tall old man or a living skeleton. Sometimes on a talking and flying horse. A powerful sorcerer, which also allows priests to be called his prototypes.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Goblin

The master spirit of the forest in the mythology of the Slavs. Its appearance is different, the breeds are even opposite in different fairy tales- either he is small in stature, then a giant, then an anthropomorphic creature, then he has an animal appearance. In any case, its otherworldly nature. The attitude of people towards him is also ambivalent. On the one hand, they are afraid of him, he can make a person go astray, sometimes plays pranks, can punish for inappropriate behavior in his domain. At the same time, it is Leshy who guards the forest, on which human life largely depends.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Miracle Yudo

The character of folk tales and epics, and even Proto-Slavic mythology. The positive or negative nature of the character is not clearly indicated, as well as his gender - in different eras he was both feminine and masculine and average. Miracle Yudo is a character so ancient that researchers find it difficult to tie him to any phenomenon.

It can be a sea animal, a mythical serpent, a dragon. And in author's fairy tale Pyotr Ershov's "Humpbacked Horse" (1834) there is a Miracle Yudo Whale fish - an island fish.

Elena Evgenievna Zyzina
Interactive game "Kind and evil heroes Russian folk tales"

Interactive game« Good and evil heroes of Russian folk tales»

Target: by examples fairy tales form an idea about good and evil, to uncover good and evil deeds. To make it clear that everyone is given freedom choice: create good or evil. Continue learning to make a coherent story develop communication skills.

One of the main topics Russian folk tales had a theme of good and evil. IN fairy tales meet good and evil characters. Heroes of Russian fairy tales are often magical powers that in ancient times served as the subject of people's faith in mystical reality. Every fairy tale hero has its own unique type - one starts intrigues, the other brilliantly defeats the villain and lives happily ever after.

Appears in this game fairy tale hero and the guys have to answer is he good or evil. You can also specify what actions were performed hero. good heroes go to the kingdom Of good, evil - in the kingdom of Evil.

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