As Santa Claus used to be called. Who is Santa Claus? Santa Claus in different countries


With the New Year, we associate many things that are probably already deeply rooted in our genes. This Christmas tree, garlands, Olivier and, of course, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.

But in fact, every culture has its own new year character which has certain historical and cultural roots. For some of them, this history is calculated in centuries, and for someone only for years. And in fact, they only have one. common feature- They bring gifts.

I think it's time to figure out what these New Year's characters are.

Let's start with the closest and most familiar to us Santa Claus. Few people know such an obvious thing that Santa Claus is an ordinary product of Soviet propaganda and he appeared around 1937.

Among historians, there are two versions of its appearance. Since these years had a huge number of repressions and prohibitions, which were not least directed against religion, Soviet propagandists urgently needed to create new traditions. Therefore, Christmas faded into the background, giving way to the New Year.

The second version is more prosaic. According to her, the incentive to create a new holiday and character was just the desire of the authorities to distract the population from real problems, in particular from repression. Well, the Soviet propaganda machine was so professional that thanks to it, not only New Year, but a lot of Soviet is still in the heads of the population.

In Ukraine, for example, in last years the tendency to return to pre-Soviet customs is gaining strength, therefore, gradually displacing Santa Claus, St. Nicholas takes his rightful place. It was he who was once the main symbol of Christmas, not even the New Year.

According to legend, the tradition of giving gifts appeared after Nicholas, being the son of a rich merchant, secretly threw gold coins to a poor girl so that she could marry her beloved. A rumor spread around the city that it was a gift from an angel, and Nikolai continued to secretly distribute various gifts to those who really needed them.

Initially, his day was celebrated on December 6, but later it was decided to move this holiday closer to the Christmas market. This happened during the years of the Reformation, which opposed the veneration of saints. But already during the Counter-Reformation, St. Nicholas was firmly entrenched as a character of Christmas who gives gifts.

In Holland, St. Nicholas was called Sinterklaas, the story of him, along with the Dutch colonists, came to America, where he became Santa Claus. Over the years, this image has taken root, has become a character in numerous fairy tales, commercialized and has become the main symbol of Christmas in the United States. But even the tradition of hanging socks over the fireplace comes from stories about St. Nicholas.

Santa Claus has been with us for a very long time. This is a real-life spirit, alive, by the way, to this day.

DED FROST (Morozko) - mighty Russian pagan god, a character of Russian legends, in Slavic legends - the personification of Russian winter frosts, a blacksmith who freezes water, generously showering winter nature sparkling snowy silver, giving the joy of a winter festival, and, if necessary, in a difficult time, protecting Russians from advancing enemies by hitherto unseen winter cold freezing into the ice, from which iron begins to break.

Once upon a time, even before the advent of Christianity in Rus', our ancestors believed that the spirits of the dead guard their family, take care of the offspring of livestock and good weather. Therefore, in order to reward them for their care, every winter people gave them gifts. On the eve of the holiday, the village youth put on masks, turned out sheepskin coats and went from house to house, caroling. (However, in different regions there were some peculiarities of caroling.) The hosts gave food to the carolers.
The meaning was precisely that the carolers were the spirits of their ancestors, who received a reward for their tireless care of the living. Among the carolers there was often one "man" dressed the worst of all. As a rule, he was forbidden to speak. It was the oldest and most formidable spirit, he was often called simply Grandfather. It is possible that this is the prototype of the modern Santa Claus. Only today, of course, he has become kinder and does not come for gifts, but brings them himself. With the adoption of Christianity, pagan rites were, of course, "abolished", and therefore exist to this day. The carolers depict not the spirits of ancestors, but heavenly messengers, which, you see, is practically the same thing. It is already difficult to say who to consider as Grandfather, but there is an "older" even now.

According to another version, the "great-great-grandfather" of the modern Russian Santa Claus was the hero of Russian folk tales Frost or Frost Red nose, master of weather, winter and frost. Initially, he was called Grandfather Cracker and was represented as a little old man with long beard and severe as Russian frost temper. From November to March, Grandfather Cracker was the sovereign master of the earth. Even the sun was afraid of him! He was married to a despising person - Zima. Grandfather Treskun or Father Frost was also identified with the first month of the year - the middle of winter - January. The first month of the year is cold and cold - the king of frosts, the root of winter, its sovereign. It is strict, icy, icy, it's time for snowstorms. People say about January like this: fireman and jelly, snowman and cracker, fierce and fierce.

In Russian fairy tales, Santa Claus is portrayed as an eccentric, strict, but fair spirit of winter. . Remember, for example, the fairy tale "Morozko". Good hardworking girl Morozko froze, froze, and then bestowed, and evil and lazy - he froze to death. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, some northern peoples and now they are coaxing old man Frost - on solemn nights they throw cakes, meat over the threshold of their dwellings, pour out wine so that the spirit does not get angry, does not interfere with hunting, does not destroy crops.

Santa Claus was represented as a gray-haired old man with a beard to the floor in a long thick fur coat, felt boots, a hat, mittens, and with a staff with which he froze people .
Under the influence of Christianity, which brutally and bloodily fought against Slavic paganism (the battle with religious competitors for profits), the original image of the Snow Grandfather was distorted (like all other Slavic gods), and Morozko began to be represented as an evil and cruel pagan deity, the Great Elder of the North, the lord of the icy cold and snowstorm, who froze people. This was also reflected in Nekrasov's poem "Frost - Red Nose", where Frost kills a poor young peasant widow in the forest, leaving her young children orphans.
With the weakening of the influence of Christianity in Russia in the late XIX - early XX century, the image of Morozko began to soften. Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but did not become widespread.

And here is that Santa Claus whom you and I are used to seeing with early years Appeared already in Soviet time , after the rejection of the ideas of Christianity, was distributed new image Santa Claus: he appeared to children on New Year's Eve and gave gifts; this image was created by Soviet filmmakers in the 1930s.
And note that only our Santa Claus comes to the holiday with his divine granddaughter - the Snow Maiden.
Modern collective image Father Frost was built based on the hagiography of St. Nicholas, as well as descriptions of the ancient Slavic deities Pozvizd (God of the wind), Zimnik and Karachun.

But the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church to Santa Claus is ambiguous, on the one hand, as a pagan deity and a wizard (God of a different religion, which means a religious competitor, contradicting Christian teaching), and on the other hand, as an invincible Russian cultural tradition with which to fight is only to dishonor yourself and reveal your weakness
It is difficult to say unequivocally where the Russian Santa Claus lives, since there are a lot of legends. Some claim that Santa Claus comes from North Pole, others say - from Lapland. Only one thing is clear, Santa Claus lives somewhere in the Far North, where it is winter all year round.

But the most interesting is the Origin of Santa Claus
Imagine that local gnomes are considered the ancestors of Santa Claus in some countries. In others, medieval itinerant jugglers who sang Christmas carols, or itinerant sellers of children's toys. There is an opinion that among the relatives of Santa Claus is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, he is Studenets, Frost. The image of Santa Claus has evolved over the centuries, and each nation has contributed something of its own to its history. But among the ancestors of the old man was, it turns out, quite a real man. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Mira. According to legend, it was a kind person. So, once he saved the three daughters of a distressed family by throwing bundles of gold into the window of their house. After the death of Nicholas, he was declared a saint. In the 11th century, the church where he was buried was robbed by Italian pirates. They stole the remains of the saint and took them to their homeland. The parishioners of the church of St. Nicholas were outraged. broke out international scandal. This story made so much noise that Nicholas became the object of reverence and worship of Christians from around the world.

And yet St. Nicholas is Our kind grandfather Frost, Santa Claus Feast and Day of Honor of St. Nicholas All nations have December 19. On December 19, it is customary to give gifts to children, because the saint himself did so. After the introduction of the new calendar, the saint began to come to the children at Christmas, and then on the New Year. Everywhere kind old man they call it differently, in England and America - Santa Claus, and in our country - Santa Claus.

And here is how our traditional appearance of Santa Claus looks like, according to ancient mythology and symbols :

Beard and hair - thick, gray (silver). These details of appearance, in addition to their "physiological" meaning (the old man - gray-haired), also carry a huge character character denoting power, happiness, prosperity and wealth. Surprisingly, it is the hair that is the only detail of the appearance that has not undergone any significant changes over the millennia.
Shirt and trousers - white, linen, decorated with white geometric ornament(symbol of purity). This detail is almost lost in modern view about the costume. The performers of the role of Santa Claus and dressers prefer to cover the neck of the performer with a white scarf (which is acceptable). As a rule, they do not pay attention to trousers or they are sewn in red to match the color of the fur coat ( terrible mistake!)
Fur coat- long (ankle-length or shin-length), always red, embroidered with silver (eight-pointed stars, geese, crosses and other traditional ornament), trimmed with swan down. Some modern theatrical costumes, alas, they sin with experiments in the field colors and replacement of materials. Surely many have seen a gray-haired wizard in a blue or green fur coat. If so, know that this is not Santa Claus, but one of his many " younger brothers ". If the fur coat is short (shin open) or has pronounced buttons- in front of you is a costume of Santa Claus, Per Noel or one of the foreign brothers of Father Frost. But the replacement of swan down with white fur, although not desirable, is still acceptable.
A cap- red, embroidered with silver and pearls. Trimming (hall) with swan down (white fur) with a triangular cutout made on the front part (stylized horns). The shape of the cap is semi-oval (the round shape of the cap is traditional for Russian tsars,
remember exactly the headdress of Ivan the Terrible). In addition to the imposing attitude to color described above, theatrical costume designers of our time tried to diversify the decoration and shape of Santa Claus's headdress. The following "inaccuracies" are characteristic: replacing pearls with glass diamonds and gems (permissible), the absence of a cutout behind the rim (not desirable, but very common), a hat of the correct semicircular shape (this is Vladimir Monomakh) or a cap (Santa Claus), a pompom (he same).

Three-fingered gloves or mittens - white, embroidered with silver - a symbol of purity and holiness of everything that he gives from his hands. three-fingered- a symbol of belonging to the highest divine principle since the Neolithic. What symbolic meaning carry modern red mittens - is unknown
Belt - white with a red ornament (a symbol of the connection between ancestors and descendants). Nowadays, it has been preserved as an element of the costume, having completely lost its symbolic meaning and the corresponding color scheme. It's a pity …
Shoes- silver or red, silver-embroidered boots with a raised toe. The heel is beveled, small or completely absent. On a frosty day, Santa Claus puts on white felt boots embroidered with silver. White color and silver are symbols of the moon, holiness, north, water and purity. It is by shoes that you can distinguish the real Santa Claus from the "fake". Dad Oroza will never go out to the public in boots or black boots! As a last resort, he will try to find red dancing boots or ordinary black felt boots (which is certainly not desirable).
Staff- crystal or silver "under the crystal". The handle is twisted, also in a silver-white color scheme. The staff is completed by a lunnitsa (a stylized image of the month) or a bull's head (a symbol of power, fertility and happiness).

And some more features of Santa Claus
1. Santa Claus wears a very warm hat with fur trim. Attention: no bombs and brushes!
2. Santa Claus's nose is usually red. (No bad analogies! Just on far north VERY cold!) But a blue nose is also allowed due to Grandfather's snow-ice origin.
3. Santa Claus has a beard to the floor. White and fluffy like snow.
4. Santa Claus wears a long thick fur coat. Initially, quite a long time ago, the color of the fur coat was blue, cold, but under the influence of the red coats of the "European brothers" it changed to red. Although on this moment both options are allowed.
5. Santa Claus hides his hands in huge mittens.
6. Santa Claus does not wear belts, but ties his fur coat with a sash (belt). Last but not least, fasten with buttons.
7. Santa Claus prefers only felt boots. And it is not surprising, because at - 50? C (usual northern air temperature) in boots, even the Snow Master's feet will freeze.
8. Santa Claus always carries a staff with him. Firstly, to make it easier to wade through the snowdrifts. And secondly, according to legend, Santa Claus, while still being "wild Frost", with this very staff "froze" the people.
9. A bag of gifts - a later attribute of the Master of winter. Many children believe that he is bottomless. In any case, Santa Claus never lets anyone near the bag, but he himself takes out gifts from it. He does this without looking, but he always guesses who is waiting for what gift.
10. Santa Claus moves on foot, through the air or on a sleigh pulled by a troika. He also likes to cross his native expanses by skiing. No cases of deer use have been reported.
11. The most important difference between the Russian Santa Claus is his constant companion, the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden. It is understandable: alone and in the far north, you can die of longing! And with the granddaughter it is more fun. P.S. And Santa Claus never wears glasses and never smokes a pipe!
Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Santa Claus
It should be noted that the Snow Maiden is purely Russian phenomenon. Not a single overseas character, symbolizing the arrival of the new year, has a companion. Only our Santa Claus is lucky.

Here he is Dash Kind Old Man Grandfather Frost Whom we wait for every year and Whom we make wishes, believe in a fairy tale And wait for a Miracle

How old is Santa Claus? When did Santa Claus appear?

At about the same time as the Christmas tree, Santa Claus becomes a permanent character of the New Year holiday, although the age of the fabulous grandfather has already exceeded a thousand years.

Until now, no one knows exactly where Santa Claus came from and who was his prototype. IN different countries- different opinions. Some believe that Santa Claus is a descendant of local gnomes, others - medieval wandering jugglers, and still others - itinerant toy sellers. But all these are just assumptions, in fact, it is very difficult to find out who Santa Claus is and where he came from.

At the end of the 1st millennium AD, among the peoples of the East, the cult of Nicholas of Mir (from the name of one of the cities of Asia Minor - Mir) appeared - the patron saint of children, sailors, bride girls and even thieves. For good deeds and asceticism, Nikolai Mirsky was elevated to the rank of saints after his death. Remains of a saint and a miracle worker for a long time were located in one of the eastern churches, but in the 11th century the temple was robbed by Italian pirates, who stole the relics of the saint and transported them to Italy. After such atrocity, the parishioners could not come to their senses for a long time and fervently prayed for the preservation of the remains of St. Nicholas.

From the East, the cult of the miracle creator spread later to the countries of Central and Western Europe. IN early middle ages On this holiday, the children did not even study. Saint Nikolaus in Germany, Klaas in Holland, Klaus in England, in the form of an old man with a white beard, moved through the streets laughing behind his back on a white horse or donkey and handed out gifts to children.

Over time, Santa Claus began to arrive with gifts on Christmas Day, which was celebrated on December 25th. The churchmen did not really like this, because the holiday was associated with the name of Christ. And then the gifts began to distribute Christ himself, who was depicted teenage girls in white clothes. But the people, accustomed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, could no longer imagine the New Year without this character. So grandfather had a young companion. Both of these characters in Russia took root very quickly - after all, their prototypes have long existed in fairy tales, where they migrated from the ancient Slavic myths about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. It is clear that Santa Claus is a mythical character.

Fans of holiday symbols decided that our Santa Claus should have his own Motherland. The residence of the Russian Father Frost in December 1998 was declared located in the north of the Vologda region Veliky Ustyug.

It is believed that our Santa Claus is a descendant of the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun (Studenets, Frost, Morozko, Karachun). Over time, the image of Santa Claus has changed. At first, the sacred character appeared in the form of an old man with a beard and felt boots; in one hand he carried a bag of gifts, in the other he held a staff. Such Santa Claus gave presents only to the most intelligent, obedient and well-mannered children, and “treated” the negligent ones with a stick in order to correct them.

Gradually, Santa Claus turned into a kinder old man - he no longer beat the children, but only scared them scary stories. Then Grandfather Frost became very kind - now he gives gifts to children and never scares them. The old man's staff became magical. With the help of this attribute, he saves all life in severe frosts and shows the kids funny tricks. Now Father Frost also has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, who helps the old man deliver gifts and tell stories.

The attire of Santa Claus, as well as his image, has undergone significant changes. At first, the outfit looked like a raincoat, after, to early XIX century, in Holland, Santa Claus was presented in the form of a slender chimney sweep, constantly smoking a pipe and cleaning chimneys in order to throw gifts there.

TO late XIX century, Santa Claus had a red fur coat trimmed with fur, in which he flaunts to this day. The image of the modern Santa Claus was created by the Englishman Tenniel, who turned him into a fat, good-natured old man, he only called the wizard Santa Claus.

And it doesn't matter that you no longer believe in Santa Claus, the main thing is that you absolutely cannot imagine the New Year without him. funny jokes, dances and gifts that turn an ordinary day into a real holiday.

All people love to receive gifts. Children believe what brings them good wizard while they sleep. Adults, wanting to please their loved ones, choose the most suitable souvenirs for them for the New Year and put them under the Christmas tree. Everyone is so pleased to join the creation of a wonderful and joyful mood reigning on this holiday, that it is just right to believe in a fairy tale and its main sorcerer, whom every nation calls in its own way. It remains to understand where Santa Claus lives and where the New Year's magic comes from.

There are several versions of the appearance of Santa Claus in Rus'. The ancient Slavs had a belief about the master of winter and cold weather. His name was Morozko and he was described as an angry old man with a long white beard. He ruled the earth from November to March, and everyone was afraid of his ability to send cold and blizzards.

The elder was strict but fair. He punished the lazy and evil people and bestowed gifts on the kind and sympathetic. Since then, parents have been persuading children to be obedient so that Santa Claus will fulfill their wishes and bring good gifts.

According to another version that arose after the advent of Christianity, the prototype of Santa Claus was Nicholas the Wonderworker, who lived in the 3rd century. Even in childhood the future saint constantly did good deeds and helped those around him as best he could.

Having become an archbishop in Lycia, he defended the unjustly persecuted, kidnapped children, repeatedly saved sailors during a storm, offering prayers to God and calming the sea. Many more magical deeds and extraordinary generosity to people are attributed to him.

Nicholas the Wonderworker lived to a ripe old age and wore a gray beard, which gives historians and researchers reason to consider him Santa Claus.

Children dream of seeing magic with their own eyes. "Where does Santa Claus live?" is the most frequently asked question to parents on New Year's Eve.

Someone answers that he lives in the lands covered with snow, where the multi-colored northern lights shimmer in the sky.

Others believe that the good sorcerer arrives on a reindeer team from Lapland.

Many believe that Santa Claus lives in Russia, in the city of Veliky Ustyug. Since 1999, this place has been officially considered his residence.

Go on an excursion to the wizard's house - interesting adventure for both children and adults.

City of Veliky Ustyug - brief information

So where does Santa Claus live in Russia? Of course, in the north, or rather, in small town located in the Vologda region at the source of the Northern Dvina river.

The distance to it from Moscow is 920 km. The population is 31 thousand people.

The city was founded in the 12th century by princes from Rostov and Suzdal. The settlement was constantly subjected to raids and looting until it became part of the Ustyug principality in the 14th century. The city grew due to its advantageous position near the trade routes and finally strengthened its position by joining the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Damage to its economy was caused by Peter I after the victory over the Swedes and the opening of shipping on the Baltic Sea. Merchants gradually left the city, which had lost its trade and transport significance. They were replaced by craftsmen who became famous throughout Russia for their skillful blackening of silver.

In the 18th century, there was a terrible fire in Veliky Ustyug, after which at that time the county town of the Vologda province had to be rebuilt. Since Soviet times, it belongs to the Vologda region. Now its name is widely known due to the stay of Santa Claus and the opening of a modern amusement park.

The city's attractions

Most of the architectural monuments are located along the banks of the Sukhona River. On one side are ancient temples Dymkovskaya Sloboda, built and consecrated in the XIV century.

On the opposite bank is the Cathedral Yard, hallmark which is a set of churches erected next to each other. In Veliky Ustyug, despite the fire, many ancient monasteries, cathedrals and bell towers have been preserved. Icons and church utensils have been carefully hidden from looting in church premises for centuries, therefore, in currently their interior decoration is of great historical value.

In the museum ancient Russian art interesting samples of ancient icon painting and sewing are presented, as well as tools, books and chronicles. There you can get acquainted with the development of architecture in the north-east of Russia.

IN former home merchant Usov opened the Museum of the History of Veliky Ustyug. It provides lectures on the significance of the city in the development of the northern lands. It also tells about the struggle of the population with the tribes that attacked the settlement of the XII century. Weapons and military ammunition of that time have been preserved, as they were stored in the basement of one of the monasteries. Eat unusual artifacts found during excavations by archaeologists.

The Veliky Ustyug Patterns factory presents boxes, caskets and baskets made of birch bark and decorated with carvings and paintings. Many items are for sale. Tourists love key rings and cup holders to remind them of visiting the city.

In the homeland of Santa Claus, there must be an exhibition dedicated only to him. The Museum of New Year and Christmas Toys is famous for its decorations for the Christmas tree and the collection greeting cards pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia. From this museum begins the path to the magical residence.

The most popular attraction of the city is the House of Santa Claus. This is a large wooden tower surrounded by pines and firs. The architecture of the house is so unusual that it is easy to believe that it belongs to a fairy tale.

You can walk on it for hours, looking at outlandish little things and rooms where Santa Claus lives and works. There is also his throne, on which guests are allowed to sit. A visit to the real hero of legends ends with the extraction of a gift from a large chest in the Throne Room.

The residence of Ded Moroz has a real Russian village, where guests are treated to Russian cuisine, ride in a sleigh and on a train. Open for children playgrounds, attractions and shops with souvenirs and toys. Interesting trip can be made along the Trail of fairy tales. IN pine forest houses built wise owl, Lesovichka and a magic well. Their inhabitants themselves meet guests and lead them through the forest.

The exact address for letters to Santa Claus

In Veliky Ustyug in a separate wooden house Santa Claus Post Office is working smoothly. It is here that children can send letters with a story about the desired gifts and ask the wizard to put them on a holiday under the Christmas tree.

Address to which you should write: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Father Frost Post or to the website:

The building exhibits objects of local folk art, which you can buy and send to friends and family along with a postcard, which will be signed and stamped by the owner of the house.

IN Western Europe And North America children believe in Santa Claus. The legend about him is based on a miracle performed by St. Nicholas in Lycia. The daughters of one poor city dweller could not get married because they were dowryless. Upon learning of this, Saint Nicholas threw purses with gold coins down the chimney. His gifts fell into the girls' shoes, which helped them find suitors.

That is why on Christmas Eve in Europe it is customary to put boots by the fireplace or hang stockings. Santa Claus flies on a sleigh pulled by reindeer and enters the house through the chimney. He has a retinue, consisting of evil and good fairy creatures. Depending on the behavior in the outgoing year, the child will receive a gift from Santa or the intrigues of Krampus.

The rest of the time the wizard lives beyond the Arctic Circle, in Lapland. Only his faithful deer and gnomes know the way to the sorcerer's house, it is difficult for people to find the way to him.

On the Finnish side arctic circle Mount Korvatunturi stands, looking like a huge ear. The requests of children from all over the world fly through him to Santa, and he prepares gifts in advance for next Christmas. His residence, where he meets with guests during his free hours, is located in Kuhmo, not far from the famous mountain.

There you can ride a reindeer sleigh or climb into the grotto to see Santa's house or watch the gnomes at work. Lots of entertainment and souvenir shops attract tourists from all over the world.

In addition, you can also write a letter to the local magician and send it to his personal mail.


Despite the loss of illusions, adults, like children, need to know where Santa Claus lives in order to briefly return to childhood. This carefree time is remembered with joy, because then there was faith in a miracle, and in new year holidays it came true. It doesn't matter that the parents put the gifts under the Christmas tree. Finding them the next morning was such a blessing!

The idea of ​​meeting with Santa Claus gives expectation extraordinary events. Children will be full of impressions from a trip to his magical dwelling, meetings with the heroes of fairy tales and walking along a snow-covered forest. The sorcerer looks just like a real one, so the hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires will remain for life.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but most I spent my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

Where did Santa Claus come from? The answer to this question interests not only children, but also adults. On the eve of the New Year, the history of the emergence of this fabulous image will be informative for all readers.

pagan traditions

Our ancestors in ancient times worshiped many gods at once. Each image was responsible for a certain element or action. For example, Perun was considered the main deity and was called the Thunderer in another way.

According to legend, Svarog was responsible for all the gods who led the natural forces. Morozko was a similar character in those days. He was in charge of the weather in winter. It was believed that this deity gave the Slavs sparkling snow and a festival with the onset of cold weather.

People firmly believed that during the attack of enemy troops, it was he who did not allow them to advance further, freezing everything around. According to legend, this deity created such ice that it was impossible to cut even with iron axes.

Fight against paganism

After the arrival of Christianity in Russian lands, active propaganda began new faith. All forces fought against paganism. In those days, the image of Morozko was drastically changed, making him a negative hero.

According to an invented legend, he turned into the Great Elder of the North, who came to different settlements and brutally froze people. One of these tragedies is described in the work "Frost - a Red Nose", which belongs to Nekrasov's pen.

In the poem, the Great Old Man froze his lonely mother in the forest without regret. Due to this tragedy, several children were left orphans, they had to overcome many difficulties in order to survive on their own.

The uneducated villagers began to believe in this legend. With the advent of winter, they were terribly afraid that this deity would come to their house.

Did Santa Claus pick up children

At times ancient Rus' in every village the guys were afraid of this hero. They waited in horror for his arrival. It was believed that he was catching up very coldy and wind to the villages to "pick up" the children.

Often in poor houses during a strong snowstorm it was very cold, because such shacks were not heated in any way. Weak guys sometimes froze to death. Such a misfortune in the family was associated with the arrival of this by no means kind and long-awaited character. For those families, it did not matter where Santa Claus came from. The story, unfortunately, is not very pleasant. But she also had a place.

In those days, it was believed that this deity took the children to him. Unlike modern children, the children of ancient Rus' never expected this hero and were very afraid of him. Everyone didn’t even want to pronounce his name aloud, and no one was interested in the question of where Santa Claus came from.

Crucial moment

In 1910, for the first time, cartoon postcards began to depict this character in a more attractive way. Artists in this way tried to eradicate pagan traditions and overcome the fear of the children.

A character appeared on the cards who smiled and came to the children with a large bag of gifts. Artists knew for sure that kids are very easy to bribe even with small surprises, because kids are so gullible.

With the help of new fairy tales and stories, they and their parents were offered a good version of where Santa Claus came from in Russia.

During the Soviet period, belief in any deity was strictly prohibited. In those days, Christianity was also actively oppressed. In order to further increase the patriotism of children, they turned into a kind old man who brings gifts to good children, a little forgotten Santa Claus. Where this character came from, no one knew. His legend at that time had not yet been invented.

Santa Claus, as well as his wonderful granddaughter Snegurochka, became the most beloved and desired characters. They came to kindergartens and schools on New Year's parties, entertained the kids near the Christmas trees, which in those days were organized in every park and in every club. In Soviet times, many wonderful cartoons and films were shot about these kind fairy-tale heroes, which today's children also enjoy watching. Perhaps because in such tapes there was not even a hint of violence, wonderful human qualities such as honesty, mutual assistance, friendship. Santa Claus in these tapes has always been fair, cheerful and infinitely kind.

Truth and speculation

Those who were children Soviet era, perhaps, they will be very surprised to learn that some modern historians are trying to connect the image of Santa Claus with communist propaganda. In those days, this hero was sincerely loved and believed that he was "the real one." And the statement that he comes only to obedient children hardly needs to be given a negative connotation, because not only in the Soviet Union they tried to influence the behavior of children in this way. fairy tale character Andersen Ole Lukoye also opens colored umbrellas only over obedient children.

First children's party with the participation of Santa Claus was held in 1935 in Kharkov. The event was a huge success. The good red-cheeked grandfather in a red coat was loved not only by children, but also by adults, he carried so much positive with him, created a festive mood.

Image Development

Gradually, this character entered the lives of people so firmly that few people were interested in the question of where Santa Claus came from. It was enough for the children to know that he brings gifts for the New Year, and they were very much looking forward to his arrival.

With the help of cinematography, an approximately identical image of the character emerged. He was required to have:

  • Gray hair and long beard.
  • Cheerful smile.
  • Red cheeks.
  • Staff.
  • Red or blue sheepskin coat and the same hat.
  • Big bag with gifts.
  • Kind eyes.

Gradually, this hero grew incredible stories and legends.

Snow Maiden: daughter or granddaughter?

Over time, the writers decided to diversify the character and added an assistant to him. Where did Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come from? For the first time, people learned about this heroine from the work of Ostrovsky.

The fairy tale told that the Snow Maiden appeared in the forest in front of the walkers, who was attracted by the songs and dances of the youth. According to the plot, the girl was the daughter of Santa Claus and helped him to live.

Over time, her image passed into the status of a granddaughter. There is an easy explanation for this. By age, a small girl approached the children, with whom communication at matinees became more pleasant and liberated.

Where did Santa Claus come from in Russia, and where does he live? There is no single answer to the question. This hero has repeatedly changed his place of residence during his existence. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the deity lives in a dense forest.

With coming Soviet power this hero was moved to Arkhangelsk. Children were taken there on excursions and showed his residence. Now Veliky Ustyug is considered the official place of residence. Here the architects built a large residence of Father Frost with all winter attributes.

Thousands of children come here to new year holidays to get to know your favorite character and plunge into his life. Many adults, in order to return at least for a while to their childhood, are also happy to walk around the possessions of their beloved fairy tale hero.

Santa Claus has a full-fledged family. Winter is considered his wife, and the well-known Snegurochka is his granddaughter. Together they reread the children's letters and collect gifts in a big bag.

Santa Claus has several animals on his farm. It has long been customary that this hero travels in a sleigh pulled by three horses. But in the residence of the character there is also a beautiful deer Leshka.

In the penates of Frost, there is a room for a wardrobe. It stores a large number of elegant fur coats of the character. Also here you can find a ski suit and summer outfits. Thus, the Russian Santa Claus is a "fashionista" compared to similar characters from other countries.

November 18 is considered to be the birthday of our fairy-tale hero. Around this period of the year, colds set in and frosts intensify in Russia. Father Frost celebrates his holiday first in Veliky Ustyug, and a few days later he arrives in the capital. Here, hundreds of children are also waiting for him with gifts and congratulations.

The main Santa Claus of the country is 37-year-old Andrei Balin. He has been in charge of the household at the residence for 15 years. The livestock specialist, at the age of 22, signed an agreement with the local authorities and makes the kids happy every year during the winter holidays.

Prototypes in other countries

Almost every state has its own characters who play the role of donors for the New Year. So, in Cyprus and Greece, Santa Claus is called Agios Vasilis. In these countries, January 1 is considered not only the New Year, but also a holiday named after all Vasilyev and Vasilis.

Where did Santa Claus come from in France? Per Noel - this is the name of this character in this European country. Its history of appearance is connected with religion. Per Noel is considered the prototype of St. Nicholas, who gave sweets to children from poor families on Christmas holidays.

American Santa Claus is increasingly appearing in commercials and in our country. The story of the appearance of the hero is connected with Nikolai Ugodnik. This saint was real character and endured many trials in his life. Despite this, he always remained the patron of children.

Initially, Santa Claus had the appearance of an elf and was dressed in dark green clothes. But in 1930, the famous Coca-Cola company came up with a publicity stunt and depicted the character in the red and white colors used for their products.

Since that time, Santa Claus has become a large old man with a beard and mustache. He travels everywhere in a sleigh pulled by 12 deer. The favorite of them is Rudolf. The American prototype does not have a Snow Maiden. Little elves help him in everything. They go through the kids' letters and collect gifts.

Where did Santa Claus come from in Africa? Does he exist there? Of course yes. Here, too, there is such a character. His name is Papa Noel. Of all the characters, he is the most secretive, does not like to be in public. No one knows exactly what he looks like, where he lives.

the most interesting and unusual name possesses a character from Finland. Here it is called Joulupukki. Finnish Santa Claus comes to the children on a goat. Gnomes work for him as assistants. He lives with his wife in a small house on the mountain.

It probably doesn’t matter what this hero is called, how tall he is, what he is wearing. The question of where Santa Claus came from, let adults worry. It is enough for children to simply believe in his existence and wait for his arrival every New Year. After all, the feeling of a fairy tale and a miracle is preserved in a person throughout his life.

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