What stories are being told to your family. Family lore as a way to study linguistic and cultural traditions


On-ver-noe, in every family from co-le-tion to co-le-tion they-re-da-yut-sya to-went from the deep-bi- we have centuries of legends about yes-le-kih ancestors. There is also in our se-mei-n ar-hi-ve such a pre-da-tion about pra-ro-di-tel-ni-tse ro-da along the female line of Ana-sta- these Ni-ko-la-ev-not Po-le-tae-howl. For-pi-san-noe my ba-bush-koy from the words of her ba-bush-ki, it sounds like this.
The days since that time have passed not-count-ta-but, the water has flowed away not-me-re-but. Somewhere, in chi-tai, seven-twenty years before the tsar-th ma-ni-fe-hundred of 1861 in the god-ha-tom se-le Kon-stan-ti -but-in, that in the Tula gu-ber-niya, she was born in the cattle yard de-voch-ka. Her mother, strong cattle Eph-ro-si-nya, young widow, sick, from-well-ren-naya heavy labor, passed away, and didn’t w-ly-hav the first cry of his re-ben-ka.
The poor ma-lut-ka was a round si-ro-toy.
In de-liv me-zh-du co-fight not-hit-swarm imu-shche-st-in-co-noy, cattle-ni-tsy ki-well-whether zhre-biy: to whose do-lyu must get it for the youngest, as if it were evil for them to be born. You-pa-la that bitter fate of te-lyat-ni-tse Var-va-re, women-schi-do not like-va seriously-ez-no-go, su-ro-in-go. Ko-nech-but, right-whether-in-a-di-to-say, the lord’s te-lyat and her own-st-ven-ny re-bats, she didn’t bi-la, but ma -lazy Na-stu (such a name is ok-re-sti-li si-rot-ku) tu-zi-la not-me-lo-heart-but.
From the very first day of his appearance, the go-re-moo-noe child did not meet in any of the villagers nor co-stra-da- no pity, no pity, for some reason, under-for-the-rear-no-ki, kick-ki and zu-bo-you-chi-we from-let-ka-whether without being stingy.
The poor de-voch-ka worked from morning to no-chi, and her name was lazy-tyay-koy and dar-mo-e-koy. With all the crumbs, she grazed geese and ducks, at the age of seven she was already number-ti-la for a cart in te-lyat-ni-ke, and a little under-grew-la - Var-va-ra op-re-de-li-la her hand-to-hand to her husband, husband-mi-ku zhes-to-to-mu, soon-ro-mu to race-right, then time - for some reason, for some reason, not os-ta-viv-she-mu mit-ka-le-va factory-ri-ku and re-se-liv-she-mu-sya with your own -im a weaver's camp to the same-not to the barnyard.
Yes, apparently, but it’s not in vain that they say: not everything is not-on-the-way, rise-child and the red sun-nysh-ko. By seven-on-twenty years, Na-tya has bloomed not-ve-ro-yat-but, turning into a real beauty. And in the summer, bar-rin Afa-na-siy Pet-ro-vich came to his estate for a rest. As in la-ga-et-sya - with wife, children, ok-ru-wives-we-mi nanny-ka-mi, gu-ver-not-ra-mi. Under the elder bar-chu-ke, Dmitriy Fe-do-ro-vich Dementiev, man-lo-age mo-lo-doy, ob-ra-zo-van -ny, you-ho-dets from b-go-rod-no-go, but lunch-nev-she-go-yes.
An accidental meeting with a cr-po-st-de-vush-koy On-sten-koy became for a non-ro-ko-howl. He fell in love. However, to his happiness, having learned about this, Afa-na-siy Pet-ro-vich did not fall into no-go-to-va-nie, on-against, through-you-tea -but ras-tro-gall-sya and yes, in a po-ry-ve ve-li-ko-du-shiya under-pi-sal not-happy si-rot-ke free. And since is-pra-shi-vat consent to marriage to Dmitriy Fe-do-ro-vi-chu it would have been more than someone else (ro-di-te-whether it -yes, but he died a long time ago), then the wedding-boo syg-ra-whether not-for-honey-li-tel-but.
It’s hard to say, it’s true, isn’t it, but it’s like in the future Ana-sta-siya Ni-ko-la-ev-not beautiful-but good luck-va-elk is hidden -vat your peasant pro-is-ho-zh-de-nie, and noble family Dementiev was one of the most respected in the Tula province.



Orenburg State University

The interconnected study of language and culture allows you to find new effective ways research and achieve new results in different fields of knowledge.

Tradition in general, it is oral interesting story or instructive story passed down from generation to generation. In philology, tradition is defined as one of the varieties folk art, genre of folklore, oral narration containing information about real faces and events.

Tradition defined as action on a verb transmit( betray). in meaning to bequeath something, to pass something on to posterity by custom or law. Tradition- story, narration, memory of an event, passed orally from ancestors to descendants; teachings, instructions, rules of life, passed on from one generation to another; belief, commandment, covenant.

Tradition, often arising from an eyewitness account, is subjected to free poetic interpretation during transmission, and in this sense it can be compared with a legend. Researchers note one of obsolete values concepts tradition- tradition, traditional establishment, order, rule.

Traditions related to the history of a country or people are closely intertwined with myths and folk epic, are reflected in proverbs and sayings, individual sayings taken from legends become catchphrases, the awareness of the origin of which may be gradually lost by native speakers of the language and culture.

Traditions are the most valuable sources of information for historians, philologists, and linguists. European scientists in the 19th century, following the German historian I. Droysen (German Johann Droysen; 1808-1884), subdivided all the studied materials, that is, the whole variety of products of purposeful human activity into historical leftovers And historical tradition I.

The historical materials to be studied, according to I. Droyzen, are: oral speech(song, saga, story, legend, anecdote, proverbs, winged words), written language(genealogical tables, historical inscriptions, memoirs, brochures, newspapers, etc.) and Images (geographic Maps, iconography historical figures, city plans, drawings, painting, sculpture).

Among the many historical materials special interest represents the study of family traditions, which reflect the history of the country from one country, and the way of life and unique shades of intra-family relations on the other.

The tradition of recording and preserving the history of individual families goes back to chronicles(Greek Χρόνος - time) - historical descriptions events in chronological order, which appeared in the late Roman Empire and developed in Byzantium and Western Europe.

In the Roman Empire, yearly records of events were also called annals (lat. annus- year). In the annals, along with records related to the life of a city, region or country, the life path of individual historical figures was described in detail. So, for example, it is known biographical essay Roman historian Eusebius of Caesarea (Greek Ευσέβιος ο Καισαρείας; 264-340) "Life of Constantine", which is a biography of the founder Byzantine Empire Emperor Constantine I, with whom Eusebius of Caesarea was personally intimately acquainted. The work of Tacitus (lat. Tacitus, 55-120) "Biography" is widely used as a source of historical and biographical information.

In addition, noble Roman families invited literate people to keep records of all family members. Plutarch (ancient Greek Πλούταρχος, 46-127) writes at the very beginning of his Comparative Lives: big love- already for myself: looking into history, as if in a mirror, I try to change for the better own life and arrange it according to the example of those whose virtues I tell.

The Russian historian (1881-1957) in his work "The Beginning of the Roman Chronicle" pointed out that "... the Romans were very scrupulous in relation to good name kind, and therefore it was already early in their customs to write down the most important of their family incidents.

Keeping chronicles, annals, compiling biographies continued throughout the Middle Ages. French Augustinian monk Father Anselm (fr. Pere Anselme, 1625-1694, in the world Pierre Guibourg (fr. Pierre Guibours)) developed a scheme for transmitting information about kinship using a numbering system for generations and individuals - generational painting or pedigree. Generation painting included in the form of a list of relatives divided into generations, information about descendants (descending painting) or ancestors (ascending painting). It is noted that ascending painting is much less common than descending painting. Unlike the genealogical tables known at that time, in which family ties were displayed graphically (using brackets, lines, horizontal or vertical arrangement), generational murals contributed to the preservation of more detailed information about individual members of a particular family.

In 1663, Father Anselm published The Palace of Honor - a heraldic study with generational murals of the Lorraine house of Chatenoy (German: Haus Châtenois) and the Italian dynasty of the Duke of Savoy (Italian: Duca di Savoia), later the Palace of Glory was published - a collection of genealogies of great families France and Europe.

IN Ancient Rus', Byzantium, Serbia, Bulgaria historical works, corresponding to the Roman chronicles, were called annals And chronographs.

chronicle was a more or less detailed record historical events on years. Recording the events of each new year in the annals usually begins with the words: "into the summer …"(i.e. "in the year..."), hence the name chronicle. In Rus', there was a tradition of maintaining special office documents - Rtale books or genealogies, in which duma clerks entered generational murals noble families. Genealogical books were used to compile references in local disputes. These books are valuable documents for genealogical research.

The first handwritten genealogical books appeared in the 40s of the 16th century. It is known that in 1555, by order of Ivan the Terrible, the Sovereign Genealogy was created. In 1682, the Chamber of Genealogical Affairs was formed, the main purpose of which was the creation of genealogical books of the entire nobility. There, on the basis of the Sovereign Genealogy, in 1687 the Velvet Book was created, later, in 1787, Russian journalist And public figure N. I. Novikov (1744-1818) published one of the lists of the “velvet book” called “The Genealogical Book of Russian Princes and Nobles and Travelers”.

in Poland and Western Ukraine V XVI-XVIII centuries were distributed Silva rerum(lat. - a forest of things, in figuratively- "a random set of heterogeneous things"); a certain type of household book, a household chronicle that was kept and preserved by many generations of noble families. The books that have survived to this day contain records of current events, letters, political speeches, copies legal documents, jokes and anecdotes, financial documents, philosophical reflections, poems, genealogical tables. Among the Polish and Ukrainian gentry Silva rerum considered as a diary or family memoir, among other things, they recorded family traditions; Silva rerum were not intended for a general audience, much less print, but sometimes some books were given to family friends, who were even allowed to add comments to the entries. Some Silva rerum had more than a thousand pages, Z. Gloger (Polish. Zygmunt Gloger; 1845 - 1910) cites a book of 1764 pages, but the most common size is between 500 and 800 pages.

Genealogical books, family diaries contain rich material for researching the connection between language and social conditions his existence. These sources represent big interest, but they have been actively studied and are currently being studied by historians, bibliographers, and philologists.

However, the stories of individual families - less famous, ordinary people, were practically not studied, so we set a goal to identify state of the art and traditions of keeping family business books, family archives, as well as the preservation of various legends in the families of the Orenburg region.

We are considering family lore as stories about members of the same family and events related to them and occurred in the recent and distant past; family beliefs and legends, passing from one family generation to another, both in oral transmission and recorded in writing.

When analyzing materials collected we intend to record: the facts of reflection in the family tradition of the historical events of the era; the degree of preservation of the legend (the interviewee recalls the tradition immediately or he needs to talk with other family members, names and dates are indicated relatively accurately and confidently); the legend is connected with members of the family or village, locality; use in retelling obsolete words and expressions; use in retelling foreign words and expressions (possibly distorted); the conditionality of the use of obsolete or foreign words (they are the essence of the legend); repetition of one storyline in several stories.

The results obtained so far suggest that young people aged 17-20 years old are little aware of the history of previous generations of their family, do not know family traditions, or are not aware of them as such, do not respond to the offer to talk with other members of their family with aim to find interesting stories Moreover, representatives of this age group do not always realize the value of preserving family history and family traditions.

Representatives of the 10-16 age group also have little knowledge of the history of previous generations of their family, but they are more willing to respond to the offer to talk with other members of their family in order to find interesting stories. The youngest of the respondents (10-12 years old) more often recall stories with elements of "wonderful" or mystical content.

Representatives of the older generation (over 30 years old) remember many stories related to various events the lives of several generations of their family, but are engaged in the purposeful collection and preservation of information about their family.

Thus, family traditions are stories that were, legends kept in families and valuable for members of the same family, at the same time they are rich material for studying historical events, ethnography, life and worldview of a particular region.

List of used literature

1. Big encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000. [Electronic resource] Access mode: http://dic. academic. en/dic. nsf/enc3p/242654

2. Dal, V.I. Dictionary Great Russian language [Electronic resource] Access mode: http://dic. academic. en/dic. nsf/enc2p/332102

3. Droyzen, I. G. Historian. Lectures on the encyclopedia and methodology of history / . - St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2004. - 581 p.

4. Efremova, dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory derivational. 2000 [Electronic resource] Access mode: http://www. efremova. info/word/tradition. html#.V7MAGmBkjIU

5. Radzig, Roman Chronicle / . - Kyiv: Agrar Media Group., 2012. - 150 p.

6. Plutarch. Comparative biographies[Electronic resource] Access mode: http://www. ancientrome. en/antlitr/plutarch/index-sgo. htm

7. Gloger, Z. Ksie̜ga rzeczy polskich / Zygmunt Gloger. - Nakl. Macierzy Polskiej, 1896. - 498 s.

8. Jouniaux, L. Genéalogie: pratique, méthode, recherche / Léo Jouniaux. - Quercy: Seuil, 2006. - 414 p.

Somehow recently I read a topic by Oli Urban about her grandfather. I read and caught myself in quiet envy: this is necessary, what! He told fairy tales, and in general, he was such a man, at whom, in his youth, the girls really stared.

Olya is the same age as my daughter. This means that my dad would be good for her grandfather. My dad would be too good grandfather but he is long gone. And I belong to the generation of children who had, basically, only grandmothers.

On the pages of our magazine, I have already told a little about my wonderful grandmother, but only in passing, using her life wisdom and advice from a folk healer. It was in the article "".

To link new story with a story in Cheremukha, I climbed to look for that article of mine, scoring the word “grandmother” into the search on the site. You know, the site search results stunned me! At first, I even thought that I had not pressed the "search" button and still remained on the main page.

The system gave me a dozen and a half pages, 6-7 articles on each! It turns out that in our articles, grandmother is mentioned even more often than mother. That's how grandmothers are! They played and play very important role until now, since we talk and write about them so often! It's nice, because I myself am a grandmother!

family history

How many of you know your family history well? I heard a lot from my grandmother, but my childhood memory just threw away almost everything as useless, which is a pity. I still have one family tradition, it was very unusual.

I knew that my grandmother's mother, my great-grandmother, was a cripple: due to a birth injury, she limped on both legs from childhood and walked waddling like a duck.

It was in Western Belarus, where, almost until the very revolution, the peasants went to work day labor for the pans. The parents of the crippled girl did not send their daughter to work for the gentlemen (there were no photographs in the 80s of the century before last, I post everything that I found).

A smart girl from childhood was taught to work that did not require great mobility, but required perseverance: spinning, twisting and weaving. She, my great-grandmother and her daughter, my grandmother taught this, I myself saw a spinning wheel, a spindle and a loom in a woman's house.

One day, the headman walked around the village and near each yard announced that everyone should go out to harvest a large crop of fodder beets, even those who usually do not walk, even the sick, children and the elderly. A cart will be sent for them.

So my great-grandmother, then still very young, hobbled in the morning as best she could to the cart and went along with everyone to harvest beets. She could not pull and fold the beets into heaps, so she, along with the rest of the same poor fellows, was planted to cut the tops. Apparently, the work was not too controversial, because near the grandmother and her "team" the gibberish of the hostess herself stopped.

Long braids

Great-grandmother had long, long black braids, which, when she sat in the upturned wind, came out from under the scarf and lay on the ground. A taratayka ran into one scythe with a wheel and the girl screamed in pain. Panna did not understand anything, she was frightened, and hit the horse with a whip, hitting the girl as well. Pan, the panna's husband, saw everything, but did not have time to do anything.

The girl's eye was also injured with a whip. He did not leak out, but remained blind and half-covered because of the scar for life. It's a bad thing: who needs a cripple who can barely walk, and even blind in one eye.

Good gentlemen

But the panna turned out to be a normal person one might even say a good Christian. She generously endowed the family with money, and took the girl to her estate to be engaged in carpet weaving.

My great-grandmother even managed to marry a very decent person and give birth to two daughters, one of them was my grandmother. By the way, my grandmother also had a thick black braid for a long time, laid in a knot at the back of her head.

I saw the carpets of my great-grandmother at our house for a long time. I'll tell you a secret: one of the homespun carpets was covered washing machine with my mother in the bathroom, so sitting in the toilet on the toilet, I learned by heart the patterned geometric interweaving of bright and dark threads. This art, I tell you, is not like a homespun radish rug from the remnants of patches! So many years have passed, but the carpet has not lost its freshness of colors, just its threads have become dilapidated and thinned.

Initiation to the sorcery

My great-grandmother, living near the panorama family, joined a certain culture. For example, she learned to read fluently, her children were clean and neatly combed, and she also became addicted over time to quackery and herbalism.

This knowledge did not fall to the great-grandmother from the sky. She did not study at universities and drew her first knowledge from old Polish calendars, which were kept for kindling stoves in the attic of a manor house.

Another source of knowledge of the self-taught healer was bought at the fair for a basket of cucumbers Old book about medicinal plants, with pictures and descriptions.

The woman was not too lazy herself to hobble slowly around the outskirts and collect herbs according to the descriptions, dry them in bunches and use the decoctions and tinctures of fellow villagers.

But her most important mentor was an old gypsy from the camp, who settled for the winter nearby in the forest. She claimed to be familiar with the ancient spells her tribe had preserved for centuries.

It was from the old gypsy woman that my grandmother learned to remove some skin diseases, reduce warts and speak her teeth. The husband did not approve of great-grandmother's hobby, he believed that it was not worthwhile for a decent woman to drive a friend with a gypsy.

But in the spring the camp disappeared, and so did the gypsy. And the knowledge and skills were inherited by my great-grandmother, and then passed on to my grandmother, and I also learned a little from her.

The legacy of the Belarusian great-grandmother...

The old book, written, as I think, in Old Slavonic, because it contained not only yat, but also other incomprehensible letters and abbreviations, was hidden in my grandmother's trunk for a long time.

I don’t know where she went then, but it’s a pity for this rarity! It was written in approximately the same ancient letters as in the picture.

But all the descendants of the great-grandmother in the female line got thick black hair, and the grandchildren in the male line got white-white, like flax, the hair of my great-grandfather, a tall Belarusian, a real “white Rusyn”.

Maybe my fair-haired Turkish granddaughter also somehow miraculously inherited light color hair from a great-great-grandfather, despite his black-eyed and black-haired mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother.

... and a Tatar grandmother

I can’t help remembering, at least briefly, my red-haired Tatar grandmother, my father’s mother. She had White skin and clear brown eyes. strange game nature awarded the Belarusian grandmother with a black suit, and the Tatar one with a red one. Unfortunately, I know almost nothing about my father's mother. Dad didn't tell, and I didn't ask.

I only know that she was given in marriage at the age of 12, and at 14 she already gave birth to her first child, and that her fate was unhappy. It’s a pity, but I didn’t inherit anything from the Tatar grandmother, except for the shape of the eyes.

Oh, what's there: you can write a separate fascinating book about each of our grandmothers. And it has already been written, but not by us, but by someone invisible, written and saved somewhere forever. Just like our life.

Sep 30, 2006 03:39 PM

Girls, a conversation about memory with mother Ira prompted me to ask: do your families have any secrets, legends and traditions?

There are several in mine. For example, my great-grandmother confessed to my grandmother that she gave birth to one son not from her husband, but from a loved one. Who he is is a mystery behind seven seals. So in my family tree there is White spot of unknown origin and my ancestors along this line are unknown.

There are several more stories. Maybe I'll tell you later.

Maybe your families also have legends or their own stories? If these are not skeletons in the closet, share

Sep 30 2006 03:57 PM

Oh, Mrs. Adams, are you pulling "skeletons out of closets"? Aren't you afraid that they will all come to you?!

Sep 30 2006, 04:00 PM

Yes, I have few closets in the house And they are clogged with clothes So these skeletons will go around the world to beg

Sep 30 2006, 04:25 PM

Well, then I'll write, just a little later.


Sep 30, 2006 06:39 PM

In our family, a legend is not a legend, in short, such a story ..

My paternal grandfather was the illegitimate son of the Vologda landowner Polyansky. As my father said, almost a count, but I don’t believe it, I like to exaggerate .. And my sister and I remember laughing that we have 1/8 "blue" blood.

There was some unearthly love between him and the maid. There is an old photo of my great-grandmother, beautiful .. eh .. and why am I not into it? I didn't see her alive. Right now I'm mastering Photoshop, I want to try to restore a photo a bit.

After the revolution, the landowner left for the city of Paris, and his former maid remained here. Either he didn’t call her himself, or she was for the revolution .. We don’t know anything more about him, he didn’t maintain contact with his son.

Great-grandmother did not tell her children anything, she was secretive. It would be interesting to listen to her.

Sep 30 2006, 07:38 PM

My grandfather was a career officer. Born in 1900. Yes, these were difficult years for the people and the country. Grandma told me a lot about them life path. And about Stalin as well. I regret now that I could not write down the history of the formation and devastation of that period on paper. For me, my grandfather remained in my memory as a smart, persistent comrade, a real officer of that particular time. Hardening - lead. These feelings were passed on to me by my grandmother and mother. But my relatives kept silent about one thing: the great love of my grandfather at the end of V.O.V. In 1946, he left for another woman. But he did not leave his family (wife and two daughters). And there is one more unknown - my grandfather died under very strange circumstances in 1947 in the city of Ivanovo. There was a closed factory where he served. Something happened there and a lot of people died. But I don't know what.
And on my father's line - everything is covered in darkness there. They are repressed. And deported to Siberia. Dad's mom never said anything about this period of life. The woman was powerful and strict.
Here are the little secrets of life. How strange, in a few lines - fit such a huge life. And not alone!
P.S.: My husband also tells me that we " blue blood". Yes, there are many secrets.

Sep 30, 2006 08:19 PM

There are no secrets, or maybe I don't know

My great-grandmother and grandmother with her daughter (my aunt) lived in Leningrad when the war began.
The factory where grandfather worked, who at that time no longer lived with his grandmother, was evacuated.
The Germans were coming closer, but so far no one knew about the worst thing that a blockade was coming.
Nevertheless, great-grandmother, who, unlike her grandmother, was a prudent and active woman, every day, going home from work, she went to the store and bought a couple of bags of cereals or sugar, carried it home and buried it in the yard. And thus, she created significant reserves that allowed the three of them to survive the first, most terrible blockade winter.
When the opportunity arose, grandfather came and took his daughter, ex-wife and mother-in-law on the Road of Life. And, although after that they did not live together for a long time and soon dispersed, my dad managed to be born

Oct 4 2006, 12:00 AM

Oh, I have such a "tradition", only it's true.
My maternal great-grandmother was a stunning beauty. One day Grishka Rasputin himself came to them, I don’t know for what reason. He was then just in the very, as they say, heyday. In the women's section, as you know, there was a distinguished walker. He didn’t miss my great-grandmother either, he crept up behind her and climbed, sorry, under her skirt. Grandmother Lyubka, instead of throwing her paws up in front of him, pushed the rolling pin between his eyes, and sparks began to fall.
Grishka was stunned, and then he greatly respected her and talked with her all night talking about life. Oh how.
And also, when my grandfather worked in Kolyma, someone managed to tell him that they would come for them at night - to arrest the whole family. And the grandfather managed to quickly hide the whole family. And he left on business. I don’t know how it happened, but my grandfather never ended up in the camps ...
And one more of my rather close relatives on my father’s side, something like a cousin or second cousin, was elevated by the Russian Orthodox Church to the rank of a great martyr, because. was, it seems, if I am not mistaken, a bishop and the communists brutally tortured him, demanding that he renounce everything that was sacred to him. And he didn't give up.
Oh, and one more thing ... When my grandfather on my father's side was already very old, he suddenly found a second family and a daughter - almost the same age as my dad. It turns out that he lived half his life like this - for two families. Later, we even talked with these people for a while, but it didn’t work out very well. It’s good that my grandmother did not live, she loved him very much, grandfather.

In the life of every person there can be nothing more important than the Motherland and the Family, and therefore we are all obliged to treat them with deep respect, love and care.

The meaning and importance of having a Motherland, as a rule, comes to people with growing up, but we begin to feel the understanding of the presence and significance of a family from an early age, because largest participation and warmth we receive from loved ones. Anything happens in life, but native family can become the support that can provide the necessary support in Hard time Therefore, you should always love and protect your family.

The main foundations of the family are the spiritual and moral values ​​and traditions that reign in it, the family traditions that are kept, which not only hold each family together, but also make it unique in its own way.

In ancient times, families, as a rule, lived together for three generations, which is why communication between older family members and their grandchildren was everyday. Then there was no television or the Internet, and in the evenings the grandchildren often listened to various tales, stories and legends that their grandparents told them. Every family has interesting events, about which the elders told from generation to generation and which gradually turned into family legends. Events could be completely different - heroic, adventurous or simply funny, but the main thing that was embedded in them was unusualness or human wisdom.

Unfortunately, now in many families, grandchildren do not often meet with their grandparents, because they live separately with them, and if they meet, you can often see such a picture - a grandson or granddaughter will sit at a party, buried in his gadget, because interest To social networks outweighs the child's interest in communicating with elders.

This is how family legends, the history of the family go into oblivion, and we gradually become "Ivans who do not remember kinship"!

With this competition, we want to slightly influence the current situation, push the guys to talk with the elders of their family, or at least with their parents.

Dear Guys! Show interest in the history of your family, ask the elders to tell something unusual from their past! Then you will have something to tell your children and grandchildren, which you will definitely someday have. In turn, your descendants will someday tell their grandchildren and children about it. And write to us about it family event the past in the form short story, essay.

Stories can be anything, the main thing is that they should seem interesting to both you and your readers who will evaluate them. It is not necessary to provide complete details of all actors of the story and the exact place where the event you describe took place, rough indications will suffice. To make it clear what is required of you, as an example, out of competition, let's give a family legend of one of the employees of the Office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights.

Dear children and their mothers and fathers, grandparents! The competition will last six months, so you have time to talk to each other, remember different family stories and choose the one that you can tell other people about.

Of course, adults can and should assist their children in writing a story, an essay, but I would like the main work to be writer's work- was performed by the children themselves, and therefore, dear adults, limit yourself to consultations.

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