Which of the critics owns the characteristics of Eugene Onegin. Criticism B


"Lessons on Pushkin Eugene Onegin" - A.S. Pushkin. Lesson-prologue to the study of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". Lesson plan. The heroic world of the novel. Anna Akhmatova. The novel "Eugene Onegin". introduction teachers. composition of the novel. Summing up the lesson.

"Eugene Onegin novel" - Belinsky about Eugene Onegin. Following Onegin, Lermontov's Pechorin, Turgenev's Rudin, and Goncharov's Oblomov appeared. Eugene Onegin is not "superfluous" at all, but simply a person. Results of the work Table. Why is Eugene Onegin considered an "extra" person? Eugene Onegin is the image of a "superfluous" person in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin".

“The history of the creation of Eugene Onegin” - Completed work on “Eugene Onegin” on September 26, 1830. The tenth chapter is not included in the canonical text of the novel. The genre of the novel. The history of the creation of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". artistic method. The writing of the novel took Pushkin over seven years (1823 - 1830). Onegin at the ball. Tatyana Larina.

"Eugene Onegin letter" - I foresee everything: you will be offended by an explanation of a sad secret. (From Onegin's letter to Tatyana). What bitter contempt your proud look will portray! Alien to everyone, not bound by anything, I thought: happiness and peace Replacement for happiness. 6. Benchmarking letters of Eugene Onegin and Tatyana. Paleness - permanent epithet Tatyana: “pale color”, “pale beauty”.

"Pushkin Eugene Onegin" - A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" A novel in verse. In which work of A.S. Pushkin, we have already met with the symmetrical construction of the plot? A. S. Pushkin. Pushkin published the novel in chapters as it was being written. And far free novel Through the magic crystal I still could not clearly distinguish. Essays. O you venerable spouses!

"Roman Onegin" - Onegin is a "suffering egoist" who is strangled by "the inactivity and vulgarity of life." Publication: What time of the year did Tatyana love the most? Work on the novel took 7 years, 4 months, 17 days. Literary controversy around the novel. Where, according to Pushkin, was Onegin born? The history of the Russian realistic novel begins with "Eugene Onegin".

In total there are 14 presentations in the topic

1. V. G. Belinsky. Article "Hero of our time".

"... Most of the public completely denied Onegin's soul and heart, saw in him a cold, dry and selfish person by nature. It is impossible to understand a person more erroneously and crookedly! This is not enough: many good-naturedly believed and still believe that the poet himself wanted to portray Onegin as cold egoist. This already means having eyes, not seeing anything. Secular life did not kill Onegin's feelings, but only cooled him to fruitless passions and petty entertainments. "Connection with Lensky, this young dreamer, which our public liked so much, speaks loudest of all against the imaginary soullessness of Onegin.

“Remember how Onegin was brought up, and you will agree that his nature was too good if such an upbringing did not completely kill her. A brilliant young man, he was carried away by the world, like many; but soon got bored with them and left him, as too few do. A spark of hope smoldered in his soul - to be resurrected and refreshed in the quiet of solitude, in the bosom of nature; but he soon saw that a change of place does not change the essence of some irresistible circumstances that do not depend on our will.

"Onegin is a suffering egoist... He can be called an egoist involuntarily; one should see in his egoism what the ancients called "fatum".

"Onegin was so smart, subtle and experienced, he understood people and their hearts so well that he could not help but understand from Tatyana's letter that this a poor girl gifted with a passionate heart, hungry for fatal food, that her passion is childishly ingenuous and that she is not in the least like those coquettes who are so tired of him with their feelings, sometimes light, sometimes fake. In his letter to Tatyana, he says that, noticing a spark of tenderness in her, he did not want to believe her (that is, he forced himself not to believe), did not give way to a sweet habit and did not want to part with his hateful freedom.

“And the more natural, simpler Onegin’s suffering, the farther it is from any showiness, the less it could be understood and appreciated by the majority of the public. such an unconditional denial, without going through any convictions: this is death! But Onegin was not destined to die without tasting from the cup of life: a strong and deep passion immediately aroused the forces of his spirit that were dormant in anguish.

"Onegin is a real character, in the sense that there is nothing dreamy, fantastic in him, that he could be happy and unhappy only in reality and through reality."

"Tatiana is an exceptional being, a deep, loving, passionate nature. Love for her could be either the greatest bliss or the greatest disaster of life, without any conciliatory middle."

"A visit to Onegin's house and reading his books prepared Tatyana for the rebirth of a village girl into a secular lady, which surprised and amazed Onegin so much."

"In fact, Onegin was to blame before Tatyana for not loving her then, as she was younger and better and loved him! After all, for love, only youth, beauty and reciprocity are needed! A dumb village girl with childhood dreams - and a secular woman, experienced by life and suffering, who found a word to express her feelings and thoughts: what's the difference! And yet, according to Tatyana, she was more capable of inspiring love then than now, because then she was younger and better !"

2. D. N. Ovsyanikov-Kulikovskii.

"Onegin is first of all a representative of an educated society, ... a man who only slightly rises above the average level of secular, then educated and affected by the ideas of the age of young people. He is smart, but in his mind there is neither depth of thought, nor sublimity ... Russian coldness , poor performance, inability to get carried away by any business or idea, and a great ability to get bored - these are character traits Onegin..."

“Onegin ... can be called an ordinary person, spoiled, incapable of work, serious business, etc., but cannot be called spiritually empty. He led an empty life at first, but she bored him precisely with her emptiness - he was dissatisfied with it. "

"Pushkin finds something attractive in the bored, apathetic, degraded Onegin, something not quite ordinary, by no means vulgar and seemingly significant."

"The board of spiritual loneliness pursues Onegin everywhere. Escaping from longing, he is looking not so much for new impressions, which are all boring, but for at least some food for the mind."

3. Onegin is not at all an egoist, as it might seem at first glance. His biggest trouble and at the same time dignity is the directness and frankness that came to him along with spiritual emptiness. He knew how to be hypocritical, but he decided to break with the past and did not want to pretend to be sweet and naive girl confessing her love to him.

Tatyana fell in love with Eugene, not yet knowing and not understanding him. This is youthful love, idealizing and romantic, but Eugene needed such feelings. He was already looking not for adoration, but for understanding, not for romanticism, but for real, mature feelings. He will see all this in Tatyana later, when he meets her, changed and beautiful, knowing and understanding him now.

Tatyana Larina, brought up in a truly Russian spirit, could never leave her lawful husband even for the sake of the person she loves. She regrets the past, about the time when she was free, when there was the possibility of happiness. She did not manage to stop loving Onegin, but for the sake of this love she will not destroy the happiness of another person. Suffering herself, Tatyana does not want to be a source of suffering for people who do not deserve it.

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"Eugene Onegin" in Russian criticism

Head: Petkun Lyudmila Prokhorovna


1. "Eugene Onegin" in the life of A.S. Pushkin

2. "Eugene Onegi in Russian Criticism"

2.1 N.Ya. Nightingale "Eugene Onegin"

2.2 A. Slonimsky "Pushkin's Mastery"

2.3 V.G. Belinsky "Eugene Onegin"

3. Comments on the novel "Eugene Onegin"

3.1 Yu.M. Lotman "Eugene Onegin"

3.2 N.L. Brodsky "Eugene Onegin"

4. A.S. Pushkin about "Eugene Onegin" in letters to friends


List of used literature


The novel "Eugene Onegin" occupies a central place in the poet's work. This is his biggest popular work, which had a strong influence on the fate of Russian literature. While working on the novel, the poet writes to Vyazemsky: "Now I am writing not a novel, but a novel in verse - a diabolical difference." Indeed, writing a novel is a colossal work. Pushkin worked on this novel for 8 years. His characters, plot, writing style evolved and grew with him. Work on the novel fell on the transition from romanticism to realism in creative life A.S. Pushkin. No wonder V.G. Belinsky called the novel "an encyclopedia of Russian life." This work reflects the life and style of society early XIX century, represented by the main characters - typical representatives that time. “In the person of Onegin, Lensky and Tatyana, Pushkin portrayed Russian society in one of the phases of its formation, its development, and with what truth, with what fidelity, how fully and artistically he depicted it, ”said Belinsky.

What is literary criticism anyway? Literary criticism - area literary creativity on the verge of art fiction) and the science of literature (literary criticism). Engaged in the interpretation and evaluation of works of literature from the point of view of modernity (including the pressing problems of social and spiritual life) and the personal views of the critic; reveals and approves creative principles literary trends; has an active influence on literary process, as well as directly on the formation public consciousness; relies on the theory and history of literature, philosophy, aesthetics. It is often journalistic, politically topical in nature, intertwined with journalism.

Abstract objectives:

1. Get acquainted with the criticism of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

2. Find out the attitude of critics to the novel, their opinions.

3. Analyze critical articles.

4. Make a conclusion.

1 . "Eugene Onegin" in the life of A.S.Pushkin

literary criticism Onegin Pushkin

Pushkin began writing "Eugene Onegin" in May 1823 in Chisinau, and finished on September 25, 1830 in Boldino. In 1831 Pushkin again turned to the novel. According to the plan, the novel was supposed to have nine chapters, but later the author removed the eighth chapter and put the ninth in its place. The tenth chapter was also written, but the poet burned it. In 1833 the novel was published and contained eight chapters.

Since Pushkin wrote the novel for about 8 years, it is difficult to give detailed history writing. However, in the book by Yu.M. Lotman, I found some references:

Period in Mikhailovsky (1824-1826):

“On September 26, 1824, Pushkin wrote the poem “A Conversation between a Bookseller and a Poet,” which he published as a preface to separate edition the first chapter of "Eugene Onegin". It was a declaration of the poet's right to a truly prosaic attitude towards life. "In February 1825, the first chapter of the novel is published ...". During his stay at Mikhailovsky, Pushkin finishes the third chapter of the novel and works on the fourth, fifth and sixth. "Creative thinking goes complicated ways: at the beginning of January 1826, Pushkin finally ends the fourth chapter of "Eugene Onegin" with playful verses about the preference that he has for some time given to Bordeaux wine compared to champagne "Ai". Then, with feverish haste, the fifth, and after it the sixth chapter of the novel, the stanzas dedicated to Odessa, which were later included in Onegin's Journey, are written.

“The duality of attitude to the world was deeply uncharacteristic of Pushkin and filled him with inner anxiety, dissatisfaction with himself. Builds up interesting paradox in the relationship between life and creativity: while in "Poltava" truth is equated with calm historical perspective in the perspective of a century-long distance (“A hundred years have passed ...”), while the rebellious Onegin is condemned and Tatyana’s wise humility is opposed to him ... "

Later, Pushkin realized that the movement started in Mikhailovskoye needed to be stopped. The year 1830 was the year of completion: Eugene Onegin was completed, the little tragedies conceived back in Mikhailovsky were written, the first completed prose works- Belkin's Tale.

2 . "Eugene Onegin" in Russianand criticism

In criticism and literary criticism, the assessment of "Eugene Onegin" has long been strengthened as central work Pushkin. Therefore, the novel was given considerable attention even by those critics who, due to their conservative ideological and aesthetic positions, denied it a serious social and literary significance. "Eugene Onegin" - the first realistic novel in the history of literature - became a work around which there were disputes about the tasks and directions of art, about artistic method about genres and style. The sharpness of the controversy around "Eugene Onegin", the clash of different points of view in the coverage of its concept and images, special attention to it in the history of Russian social thought - all this is due to its exceptional social, artistic, and general cultural significance. Reproducing the Russian life of the era, reflecting the most burning issues of our time, Pushkin, at the same time, put forward in his novel problems that go far beyond the time of its creation and have a broad national, national and universal sound - problems of the meaning of life, the relationship of man and public environment, civic and moral duty, nationality and humanism. As we will see below, it is precisely these problems that arose in one form or another in Russian criticism and literary criticism in the course of elucidating and interpreting the novel.

Literature about "Eugene Onegin" is truly boundless. There are almost no such studies on Pushkin's work that would not, to one degree or another, concern the novel, its content or images. In this chapter, we will touch only on the main directions in understanding the novel and works that reflect the history of its evaluation and study with the greatest certainty, as well as various trends in the development of problems associated with it.

2.1 N.Ya Nightingale "Eugene Onegin"

Nikolai Yakovlevich Solovey - Russian playwright.

In his critical article, N.Ya. nightingale paid great attention the birth of the idea of ​​"Eugene Onegin": "The novel in verse was conceived at a time when the poet became disillusioned with romanticism, but did not immediately come to an understanding of the new, realistic tasks of fiction." Speaking about the romantic crisis in the work of A.S. Pushkin, Nikolai Yakovlevich draws a parallel between romantic works, for example "Demon", "Sower", paid much attention to the poem "Gypsies".

"Eugene Onegin - central character novel in verse. Over the comprehension of this image and its artistic expression Pushkin worked for over ten years. The complexity of the implementation of the plan was that for the first time in the history of Russian literature in a central way artwork big genre form became a contemporary” - these are the words of N.Ya. The Nightingale begins the chapter on Onegin. The critic singled out 5 stages of Pushkin's work on this image:

Stage I:

This stage refers to the creation of the first-fourth chapter (1823-1825). “Already in the first chapter, Pushkin describes in detail the actions young man who lived eight years of scattered secular life in St. Petersburg. In general, this stage is devoted to creating the image of the protagonist, in these chapters the concept of Onegin's character is further developed. Nightingale notes that society has played big role in Onegin's disappointment in life: "The influence of the social environment on the formation of such properties of the hero as disappointment in life, selfishness, individualism is shown in the first four chapters of the novel."

Stage II:

The second stage of work on the image begins in 1826. It should be noted that at this time public life Russian occur important events: the Decembrist uprising was suppressed (December 14, 1825), the investigation and trial of its participants were carried out, the leaders of the uprising were executed.

N.Ya. Nightingale says that in this chapter the poet "for the first time depicts the provincial nobility in sufficient detail as part of the social environment where Onegin lives." Onegin almost does not act at the beginning of the fifth chapter, he only "appears in Tatyana's ominous dream as a fatal person in relation to Lensky." However, in the second part, Onegin already appears "in a real, not in a fantastic situation" at Tatyana's name day. In the actions of the hero, the egoistic feature of his character is again felt.

In the sixth chapter, where the duel is described, Pushkin shows “the dependence of the behavior of a contemporary person on public opinion from the mores of the environment.

Stage III:

The third stage is connected with the work on the seventh chapter (1827-1828). In this chapter, Onegin does not appear on the pages of the novel; he is characterized through the perception of Tatyana trying to unravel him. She reads books belonging to Onegin, who:

“Although we know that Yevgeny has long fallen out of love with reading, However, he excluded several creations from disgrace: Singer Giaur and Juan Yes, with him two or three more novels, In which the century was reflected And modern man Depicted quite faithfully With his immoral soul, Selfish and dry, Devoted to a dream immeasurably, With his embittered mind, Seething empty in action.

This chapter traces the similarity of Onegin with the heroes of Byron. So isn't Onegin a parody? “For Pushkin, Onega is not a parody. The poet takes under the protection of his hero with his "inimitable strangeness".

IV and V stages:

These stages refer to the period 1829-1830. These are the final chapters of the novel, the eighth, ninth and tenth.

The eighth chapter was called "The Journey", which was not included in the canonical text. The author took a new step in the development of the hero’s relationship with society: “Already in the first stanzas of the chapter “Wandering”, the theme of Onegin as an “extra” person in noble society". The same theme is repeated in the ninth chapter.

The last, tenth chapter, is the final (eighth chapter) in final version novel. In this chapter inner world Onegin characterizes his letter to Tatyana. “Only changed Onegin could fall in love with Tatyana, and his letter is the most striking evidence of the changes that have taken place in him.

The death of Lensky made life in the countryside painful for him:

“From everything that is dear to the heart, Then I tore my heart; Alien to everyone, not bound by anything, I thought: liberty and peace Replacement for happiness. My God! How wrong I was, how punished!”

Indifference to everything, life only for himself did not give him satisfaction. Onegin sees his happiness and salvation in love:

“No, every minute to see you, Follow you everywhere, Smile of the lips, movement of the eyes.

To catch with loving eyes, To listen to you for a long time, to understand with the Soul all your perfection, To freeze before you in torment, To turn pale and go out ... here is bliss! Thus, having considered the stages of work on the creation of the image of Onegin, N.Ya. Nightingale traced the evolution of the development of the protagonist, and consideration of the concept of the work helped him to better understand Onegin's character.

2 .2 A.Slonimsky "The Mastery of Pushkin"

The work of A. Slonimsky is called "Pushkin's Mastery". This book presents detailed descriptions many works of the poet, including "Eugene Onegin".

Slonimsky immediately begins with an analysis of the image of the author: “In the first chapter, the author acts as Onegin's “good friend”. At times, he even displaces his hero, attributing his thoughts and moods to him:

“I was embittered, he is sullen; We both knew the game of passions: The life tormented us both; In both hearts the heat died down; Both were expected by the malice of Blind Fortune and people In the very morning of our days.

This is a biography of Pushkin himself, and, in fact, it has nothing to do with Onegin, because, as can be seen from the previous one, he was not pursued in his youth by any "malice of blind Fortune and people." On the contrary, in the light he was greeted cordially from the first steps:

"... Light decided that he was smart and very nice."

The next step in the analysis of "Eugene Onegin" is the image of Tatyana. Slonimsky writes: “Tatyana is a “county young lady”, one of those about whom Pushkin wrote later (in “The Young Lady - a Peasant Woman”)”. “The beauty of Tatyana is not in the “marble”, plastic beauty, but in that inner “life”, the absence of which Onegin notices in her sister: “Olga has no life in her features.”

Slonimsky pays great attention to the love story of Tatiana and Onegin: " Love story Tatyana and Onegin do without major events. It all takes place in a peaceful life and consists of small psychological moves.

According to A. Slonimsky, “Onegin occupies a passive position in the action of the novel: Tatyana declares her love to him, Lensky challenges him to a duel, but own initiative almost invisible."

As for Lensky, Slonimsky mentions him in passing, does not focus much attention on him. However, he dwelled on his poems in detail, refuting the opinion that they are parodic: “Lensky’s poems get parody against the background Pushkin speech, they are preceded by the following lines:

“Takes a pen; his poems, Full of love nonsense, Sound and pour. He reads them aloud, in lyrical heat, Like Delvig drunk at a feast.

A. Slonimsky concludes his article with the speech of the characters: “Each character (in addition to his direct speech) introduces his speech structure into the author's story (which, of course, entails a certain system of concepts and ideas): Onegin - ironic, Tatiana - rural, estate , Lensky - romantic, all others (Larins, Zaretsky, etc.) - everyday, characteristic of a particular environment - landlord, army, etc., such as, for example, the "dashing" transition to Zaretsky:

“Forward, forward, my story! A new face is calling us."

Thus, it can be seen that the peculiarity of A. Slonimsky's article is that he did not specifically describe each character, but followed the chronology of the novel. He traced the relationship between the characters, revealed the features of their speech and manner of conversation.

2 .3 V.G. Belinsky "Eugene Onegin"

"Encyclopedia of Russian life and in the highest degree folk art” called V. G. Belinsky Pushkin’s novel, revealing in two articles entitled “Pushkin’s Works” the enormous merits of the novel, making it a great work of Russian literature.

Belinsky calls the novel historical, folk, national: "Eugene Onegin" - historical poem". "Pushkin was national in his soul, he found national elements in a life half accustomed to forms alien to it. "Eugene Onegin" is the first national work of art.

Belinsky compares the works of Pushkin and Byron, and concludes that “the form of “Eugene Onegin” was invented by Byron, but when comparing, we do not find anything in common, except for this form and manner of writing. Byron wrote about Europe - for Europe, Pushkin about Russia - for Russia.

Speaking about the images of the main characters, Belinsky noted that “in the person of Onegin, Lensky and Tatyana, Pushkin portrayed Russian society in one of the phases of its formation, its development ...”

Describing Onegin, Belinsky notes that most of The public completely denied Onegin's soul and heart, saw in him a cold, dry and selfish person by nature. However, in his opinion, this is not entirely true: “Onegin is neither cold, nor dry, nor callous, poetry is in his soul ...”, “Secular life did not kill feelings in Onegin, but only cooled them.” “The inactivity and vulgarity of life stifle him, he doesn’t even know what he needs, what he wants, but he knows what he doesn’t need, what he doesn’t want,” writes Belinsky. Dissatisfaction with oneself and the environment is characteristic of the hero of Pushkin. This dissatisfaction is evidence of how much higher Onegin secular society. His egoism Belinsky calls suffering egoism, selfishness involuntarily, due to historical circumstances.

In the image of Tatyana Belinsky sees "a nature that is not complex, but deep." A simple village girl, then a secular lady, Tatyana retains her inner essence in any life situations, she is “an exceptional being; deep, loving, passionate nature. The dramatic fate of the noble youth of the Decembrist era is expressed not only in the image of Onegin, but also in the image of Lensky. Onegin and Lensky are opposed in the novel by Tatyana, she is close to her native people, Russian nature, her image helps to reveal the main idea of ​​the novel: only communication with the people can save the intelligentsia, make their life meaningful, work useful. In his article, Belinsky realistically presented his opinion and the opinion of the society of his time. Having analyzed and analyzed the novel from a historical point of view, he came to the conclusion that "Eugene Onegin" is "an encyclopedia of Russian life."

3 . Comments to rOman "Eugene Onegin"

The main task of the commentary is to provide an opportunity to expand

evaluate the value of the text, clarify incomprehensible points or express disagreement with the author. However, in some cases, comments can be more valuable than the text itself. Usually comments are own thoughts, partially expressing the opinion of the author of the comment. Less often - quotes from any sources or images. Comments are often in the nature of an assumption or personal value judgment and are not accurate information.

IN literary commentary most often some lines or passages from the text are explained. This helps the reader to understand what the author wanted to say, to realize the thought contained in this passage.

3 .1 Yu.M. Lotman "Eugene Onegin".A comment

In this article, Lotman explains the lines from the novel "Eugene Onegin". However, there are some elements of criticism at the beginning.

The first thing Lotman's commentary begins with is the internal chronology of Eugene Onegin. In this part, the critic speaks about the time of the events that took place in the novel: “1811-1812 - the end of Onegin’s “learning” and the release of “public”. Counting the time from the winter of 1819 - the spring of 1820 (the time of the action of Chapter I), Pushkin writes:

“This is how he killed eight years,

Losing life's best light."

Yu. Lotman tells in detail about the life of the nobility, about their interests and occupations, about housing, entertainment and balls: “Dances occupy a significant place in the novel; author's digressions are devoted to them, they play a large plot role.

Y. Lotman's article about the title of the work is very interesting: “Eugene Onegin - the choice of the title and the name of the protagonist was not accidental. This choice determined genre nature text and the nature of the reader's expectation. The inclusion in the title of not only the name, but also the name of the hero, moreover, not conditionally - literary, but really - everyday, was possible only in a relatively small circle of genres focused on modern content and creating the illusion of the truth of incidents.

The main part of Yu. Lotman's commentary is occupied by the analysis of each chapter. In these analyses, Yu. Lotman explains lines from the novel.

In general, this article cannot be called a complete criticism, but elements of it are present. Yu. Lotman's comments help us understand the novel, study it to the smallest detail, form our opinion on this matter.

3 .2 N.L. Brodsky "Eugene Onegin"

Unlike Yu.M. Lotman's commentary by Brodsky is more complete. In his commentary, Brodsky explains each fragment of the text, and not some individual words.

The main part of his work is devoted to epigraphs, he begins with the definition: “An epigraph is a single word or saying, in prose or verse, taken from some famous writer, or their own, which the authors place at the beginning of their work and thereby express general idea works or their attitude to the depicted reality. Next comes the analysis of epigraphs: “And in a hurry to live and feel in a hurry” - this epigraph is taken from a poem by P.A. Vyazemsky "The First Snow" (1819). In the edition of the first chapter in 1825, the epigraph was missing. Pushkin borrowed it from a couplet in which Vyazemsky gave a generalized description of youth, its thirst for life:

Young fervor glides through life like this:

And hurry to live and feel in a hurry!

Thus, in the light of these verses, it becomes obvious that the epigraph does not refer to individual portrait Onegin, but characterizes the mood typical of young people of that time.

Thus, the analysis of epigraphs helps us understand main idea a certain chapter, because it is in the epigraph that it is concluded, and the main text is its disclosure.

4 . A.S. Pushkin about "Eugene Onegin" in letters to his friends

A.S. Pushkin mentioned his novel in letters to his friends. From these letters, one can trace the stages of work on the novel, Pushkin's feelings about censorship. I will give a couple of excerpts from the letters.

In letters from 1823, Pushkin speaks of the beginning of work:

Letter to P.A. Vyazemsky November 4, 1823: “As for my studies, I am now writing not a novel, but a novel in verse - a diabolical difference! In the Don Juan family. There is nothing to think about the press: I write carelessly.

Letter to A.A. Delvig November 16, 1823:"I'm writing now new poem, in which I talk utterly ... God knows when we will read it together ... ".

Letter to A.I. Turgenev on December 1, 1823:“I am writing a new poem at my leisure, Eugene Onegin, where I choke on bile. Two songs are already ready.

In his letters, Pushkin does not speak specifically about the characters, or about the actions, does not describe the novel itself, but talks about the stages of work. However, in a letter to P.A. On May 27, 1826, the poet wrote to Vyazemsky: “... My deaf Mikhailovskoye makes me sad and furious. In the 4th song of Onegin, I depicted my life ... ". This makes us understand that there are still elements of autobiography in the image of Onegin.

Also, from a letter to A. Bestuzhev on March 24, 1825, one can still feel Pushkin's attitude to his work: “Your letter is very clever, but still you are wrong; you look at Onegin from the wrong point; still he best work my…".


"Eugene Onegin" is a great work of Russian and world literature. We see that this creation excited many people, not only critics, but also writers and poets, because this is only a small part of the critical articles.

Each critic analyzed this work in his own way: someone analyzed every chapter, every word (this is called a commentary), and someone simply expressed his opinion about the work (this is criticism). Also different manner and structure of the articles: some paid a lot of attention to the characters, and others to the vocabulary and syntax. Different attitudes towards characters and events.

In general, criticism helps us form our opinions, find out the opinions and attitudes of other people, think and compare and come to a final opinion.

As for me, I really liked working with criticism, because I learned a lot about the novel: the stages of writing, formed my opinion about the characters and events, supplemented it with new information, and it was also interesting to read excerpts from Pushkin's letters in which he talks about novel.

List of used literature

1. N. Ya. Nightingale “Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

2. A. Slonimsky "Pushkin's Mastery".

3. Yu.M. Lotman “Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

4. N.L. Brodsky "Eugene Onegin". Roman A.S. Pushkin.

5. V.G. Belinsky "Eugene Onegin".

6. A.S. Pushkin in the memoirs of his contemporaries (a series of literary memoirs).

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    abstract, added 03/23/2010

    Classification of language units that are the subject of commenting on the work of Yu. Lotman. The history of commenting on the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Commenting on borrowed expressions. Forms of using comments in literature lessons.

    thesis, added 08/21/2017

    lyrical digression as literary term. The history of the creation of the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", features of the genre. Lyrical digressions about creativity, about love in the life of a poet, about training and education, about theater, love for the motherland.

    abstract, added 01.10.2014

    The novel "Eugene Onegin" - general characteristics. An encyclopedic view of the novel. Practical view for a novel. Criticism of the novel "Eugene Onegin". Review of Pushkin's contemporary Belinsky. A look at "Eugene Onegin" decades later in the face of Pisarev.

    term paper, added 11/24/2005

    Brief essay biographies of A.S. Pushkin. History of creation, content and plot line of the novel "Eugene Onegin". Characters And poetic features novel. Interesting Facts about the novel, its influence on works in literature, music and cinema.

    abstract, added 06/26/2012

    general characteristics and specific features of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", its structure and main storylines. The sixth chapter of the novel as a key episode in understanding the characters' characters. The place and significance of the duel scene between Lensky and Onegin in the novel.

    abstract, added 04/26/2011

    Pushkin's works that influenced Lermontov, and the nature of this influence. Comparison of the novels "Eugene Onegin" and "A Hero of Our Time" according to the criteria: the presence of allusions and reminiscences in the text of Lermontov's novel, composition, characters' images.

Belinsky began to analyze the novel "Eugene Onegin" at the peak of his literary talent. Leading and being the ideological inspirer of the department literary criticism magazine " Domestic notes"In the period 1839-1846, Belinsky published his best works in it. Articles about Pushkin's work "Eugene Onegin" were sequentially placed in Nos. 8 and 9 of the magazine in 1944 and 1945.

writing critical article Belinsky was preceded by his ardent passion for the ideas of Hegel, in particular, the idea of ​​the primacy of the historicity of any action, both in literature and in life. The personality of the hero, his actions, actions were considered by the critic solely from the point of view of the impact on the hero of the environment and the circumstances of the time.

Roman - "encyclopedia of Russian life"

By the time of work on the study of Pushkin's novel, the critic has outgrown his youthful passion for the ideas of the philosopher and considers the work and its characters, based on their actual position, Belinsky, assessing the personalities of the characters, the motives for their actions, the concept of the work, seeks to be guided by universal values ​​and the author's intention, without limiting reality within the framework of past worldviews. At the same time, the idea of ​​historicity in the evaluation of the work continues to play an important role.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is characterized by Belinsky, firstly, as a historical work, "an encyclopedia of Russian life", and secondly, as the most "heartfelt" work of the poet, which reflected his personality most fully, "brightly and clearly".

Pushkin, according to Belinsky, described in the heroes of the novel that part of Russian society (which he loved and to which he belonged) in a certain phase of its development. The heroes of the novel, people with whom the poet constantly encountered, communicated, made friends and hated.

Characteristics of the personalities of Tatyana and Onegin

The protagonist of the novel Onegin, Pushkin's "good friend", in the eyes of Belinsky, is not at all the same empty man, a cold egoist, as he seemed to the reading public. Belinsky calls him a "suffering egoist." In Onegin, according to the critic, Savor did not kill feelings, but only "cooled to fruitless passions", "petty entertainments". Onegin is in captivity of the framework in which he is placed by his origin and position in society. The hero is weak, but he is also strong enough, “a remarkable person, as the critic writes, in order to understand the emptiness of his life, to try to change it. Open Final Belinsky connected the novel with the fact that Onegin, being a product of his environment, will not be able to realize the potential of his personality.

Tatyana is opposed to Onegin in that part, which is responsible for the free manifestation of the individual's needs in spirituality. Describing the heroine, Belinsky calls her more than once an example of a "Russian woman" of a certain class, understanding, by this, both her weaknesses and strengths. Tatyana, a village girl, is “mute” without books from which she draws knowledge about life. Tatyana, a secular lady, is subject to false ideas about the value of a woman's personality, she cares more about her virtue. But at the same time, she is not limited by the framework of the "code" of a secular person, in this the heroine is freer than Onegin

Belinsky completes his literary research a hymn to the contribution of Pushkin, who wrote a work after which “standing” became impossible in literature. The novel, according to the critic, was "a great step forward" for Russian society.

About the statement of V. Nepomniachtchi

The thoughts of the Pushkinist V. Nepomniachtchi vividly illustrate the idea of ​​what kind of blunders are obtained when a person knows in advance what result he should get, as a result of which he adjusts the entire study to a given formula. Nowhere in Eugene Onegin do we find any mention of religion. Naturally, all the heroes of the novel are believers, at least formally performing church rites. But it is absolutely incomprehensible on what basis the Pushkinist V. Nepomniachtchi ascribes to Pushkin the formulation of the religious problem as the main problem of the novel.

Pisarev and Belinsky

Comparing the views on Eugene Onegin of two famous critics - Belinsky and Pisarev, we must immediately note the following: what Pisarev says is true, but very narrow and vicious. This critic is far from a calm consideration of the character, he is bursting with distrust and hostility towards him. Naturally, in such a situation, Onegin has little chance of justifying himself.

Belinsky's criticism is much more intelligent and insightful. Vissarion Grigorievich subtly notes the psychological features of the character in question and his relationship with the outside world. His approach to Onegin can be called dialectical, that is, taking into account the totality of factors in their mutual connection and sequence.

Onegin is not a frozen picture, he lives and develops, so what was possible for him at the beginning of the novel may be impossible at the end. Pisarev does not see this at all, ignoring the direct instructions of A. S. Pushkin himself on the internal struggle of his hero. Any statement of Pisarev, being a partial, limited truth, with further development, the expansion of thought will inevitably come to a much deeper understanding of Belinsky.

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