Literary quiz "on the roads of fairy tales". Fairy tale quiz (primary grades)


Entertainment based on fairy tales for children 6-7 years old

Author: Botvenko Svetlana Gennadievna, music director MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 27 "Kamen - on - Ob, Altai region
Summarize children's knowledge of fairy tales.
To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of fairy tales, the ability to quickly answer questions.
Cultivate a love of books and reading.
Material Description:
The material contains questions on fairy tales, can be used by educators preschool institutions working with children in their spare time.
1. Read carefully and remember:
1. What was the name of the smartest pig from the fairy tale by Sergei Mikhalkov? (naf-naf)
2. What phrase does the cat Leopold repeat, wanting to make peace with mice? (Guys let's be friends)
3. How many workers pulled out the turnip? (6)
4. Who swallowed something that immediately turned dark around? (The greedy crocodile swallowed the sun)

5. What fairy tale hero distinguished by unprecedented growth, served in the Navy and worked as a policeman? (Uncle Styopa)
6. Who was Moidodyr? (Washbasin chief and washcloths commander)
7. In what fairy tale the girl is walking in the winter to the forest for flowers? (Twelve months)
8. How did Masha get home to her grandparents? (In a box)
9. How many kids did the goat that lived in the forest have? (Seven)

2. Which of the fairy-tale heroes:
1. Taught the director puppet theater Karabas Barabas? (Pinocchio)

2. Re-educated the postman Pechkin? (Uncle Fyodor, cat Matroskin, dog Sharik)

3. Who is mentioned in the following lines:
1. "...turned into huge lion. The cat was so frightened when he saw a lion in front of him that he immediately rushed to the roof ”(About the evil Lyuboyed. C. Perro“ Puss in Boots ”)
2. “Kai looked at her. How good she was! He could not imagine a smarter and prettier face. Now she did not seem to him icy ... ”(About the Snow Queen. G.Kh. Andersen.“ The Snow Queen»)

4. What word should be put instead of ellipsis:
1. Russian folk tale "Princess ... (frog)
2. Fairy tale by Ch. Perro “Blue ... (beard)
3. Russian folk tale “Geese ... (swans)

4. Russian folk tale “Chicken ... (pockmarked)
5. The story of D. Mamin - Siberian "Gray ... (neck)
6. Fairy tale Ch. Perro "Red ... (hat)
7. Russian folk tale "Sivka ... (burka)

5. Vice versa
Name fairy tales, inventing their names with the opposite meaning.
1. "Green beret" ("Little Red Riding Hood")
2. "Barefoot Mouse" ("Puss in Boots")

3. "Colorless Cockerel" ("Ryaba Hen")
4. "Girl with a palm" ("Boy with a finger")

6. Remember, guess
1. Which of the fabulous animals had a hat? (Puss in Boots)
2. A little old woman tries to play a dirty trick on everyone, be sure to do some nasty things. And he always drags the same evil, unpleasant creature behind him on a string. (Old woman Shapoklyak with rat Lariska)

3. The wooden boy who didn't want to go to school? (Pinocchio)
4. This fabulously beautiful, but very cunning and insidious person committed serious crime: she killed two young brothers on the battlefield, and then got to her father. (Shamakhan girl)
5. A cat who could embroider, milk a cow, play the guitar? (Cat Matroskin)
6. Thin, bony multiplier. (Koschei the Deathless)
7. A lonely inhabitant of the swamps, who dreamed of flying. (Water)
8. Inveterate scammers. A young red-haired, very flattering person and her plump mustachioed companion. They fool everyone they meet on the way. (Fox Alice and cat Basilio)
9. The smallest girl who lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

10. Three intruders, being in the service of the king, replaced the letter, because of which there were sad consequences. But in the end, truth triumphed, evil was punished. (Weaver, Cook, Babarikha)
11. beautiful girl with blue hair. (Malvina)
12. Who lost the crystal slipper? (Cinderella)
13. A magical flower with colorful petals. (Flower - seven-flower)

14. The villain is an insect who wanted to destroy the beautiful fly. (Spider)
15. Who saved the curious cockerel from the cunning red cheat? (Cat)
16. A sweet girl who loved her grandmother and wore gifts to her? (Little Red Riding Hood)
17. A bakery character who embarked on a journey through the forest. (Kolobok)
18. The largest vegetable that helped to make friends big company. (Turnip)
19. What fabulous person had bone leg, hooked nose and mortar? (At Baba Yaga)
20. Which of the fairy-tale heroes crushed the magic house and dispersed all its inhabitants? (Bear. Tale "Teremok")

Quizzes are entertainment games in which it is necessary to quickly and correctly respond to questions asked. In elementary school, a quiz on Russian fairy tales is relevant for holding.


Quizzes are distinguished by:

  • Theme of the event.
  • Difficulty of questions.
  • Conducting rules.
  • Winner's reward.

The quiz is open to:

  • Two people: one asks questions, the other answers.
  • One leader and one team of players.
  • two and more players commands.

Quizzes for kids

IN school age on extracurricular activities quizzes are welcome. Choosing various topics for competitions, the teacher organizes entertaining and educational activities in order to expand and strengthen existing knowledge. Quiz on Russian folk tales takes not last place during school activities.

The purpose of the school quiz:

  • Unite the class: the team must act as a single holistic organism.
  • Test students' knowledge.
  • Preparing for the quiz will be a motive for self-improvement and strengthening the knowledge of students.
  • The prize becomes an incentive to win and thus stimulates the expansion of existing knowledge.

For junior classes

Fairy tale quiz is most often organized in lower grades. At this age, children are interested in such works and receive a lot of knowledge from them. Fairy tales contribute to the development of the concepts of "good" and "evil", the child learns honesty, justice, sees what bad thing punishment follows, that anger, resentment, revenge do not lead to anything good.

Thus, the conducted quiz on Russian folk tales will contribute to the development positive qualities at a schoolboy.

Classification of Russian folk tales

There are three major sections of works of this genre:

  • About animals.
  • Household.
  • Magic.

They also differ in acting heroes. In the tales of our smaller brothers, the qualities of people are transferred to animals that speak, think and behave like people. In everyday life there is the truth of life, greed and stupidity are ridiculed. Magic is full of wonders.

The meaning of all fairy tales is to show how good conquers evil, stupidity, rudeness. The main characters are endowed with ingenuity, kindness and responsiveness.

Why run competitions?

A quiz for children based on fairy tales has the following goals:

  • Summarize what you know about fairy tales.
  • Cultivate a love for oral folk art.
  • Develop imagination.
  • Learn to recognize fairy tales by characters.
  • Develop associative memory.
  • Motivate students to continue reading fiction.

Quiz on folk tales has positive influence for the proper upbringing of students.

For example, the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen are relevant in They talk about kindness, friendship, responsiveness and readiness to always help a friend.

Quiz based on the fairy tales of G.Kh. Andersen

  1. Who took away the sleepy Thumbelina from the apartment of the woman in which she lived (according to the fairy tale of the same name "Thumbelina"):
  • Toad.
  • Mouse.

Correct Answer: Toad.

2. What wish did Thumbelina make before the wedding with the mole (according to the fairy tale of the same name):

  • Eat.
  • Sing a song.
  • Look at the sun.

Correct Answer: Look at the sun.

3. As in the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea", the queen found out that the girl who came to them was a princess:

  • I asked her to dance.
  • She put a pea under her mattresses.
  • I took my word for it.

Correct answer: I put a pea under her mattresses.

4. What did the Little Mermaid sacrifice to the sorceress in exchange for legs instead of a tail (according to the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"):

  • Paid money.
  • She gave her vote.
  • Gave me a necklace.

5. Who was the first to shout "And the king is naked!" (based on the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes"):

  • Old lady.
  • Child.
  • One of the courtiers.

Correct answer: child

6. Which birds aroused the admiration of the duckling in the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling":

  • Hens.
  • Ducks.
  • Swans.

Correct answer: swans

7. What flowers did Kai and Gerda grow in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen":

  • Roses.
  • Daisies.
  • Tulips.

Correct answer: roses

8. What metal was the steadfast soldier made of who fell in love with a beautiful dancer (according to the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”)?

  • Copper.
  • Tin.
  • Bronze.

Correct answer: tin.

9. How many brothers did Elsa have in the fairy tale "Wild Swans":

  • Eleven.
  • Nine.
  • Thirteen.

Correct answer: eleven.

10. How Ole Lukoye “distributed” dreams to children (according to the tale of the same name “Ole Lukoye”):

  • Put it under the pillow.
  • He spoke to the child in his ear.
  • He opened an umbrella over a sleeping child.

Correct answer: opened an umbrella over a sleeping child.

Love for fairy tales

  1. When the cockerel choked on a grain, to whom the hen ran first for water (according to the fairy tale “The Bean Seed”):
  • To sticky.
  • To a girl.
  • To the river.

Correct Answer: River.

2. What did the Fox treat the Crane in the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane";

  • Potatoes.
  • Milk.
  • Semolina porridge.

Correct answer: semolina.

3. Where did the seventh kid hide from the wolf (according to the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”):

  • Under the table.
  • On the roof.
  • In the oven.

Correct Answer: oven.

4. Who drove the fox out of the hare's hut (according to the fairy tale "The hare's hut"):

  • Rooster.
  • Wolf.
  • Bear.

Correct Answer: Rooster.

5. How Masha outwitted the bear and was able to return home (according to the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”):

  • She hid in a box of pies.
  • Run away from the bear.
  • She followed the Bear when he brought gifts to her grandparents.

Correct answer: hid in a box of pies.

6. Who did not meet Kolobok on his way (according to the tale of the same name "Gingerbread Man"):

  • wolf.
  • Hare.
  • Hedgehog.

Correct Answer: Hedgehog.

7. How the cancer outwitted the Fox and was the first to "run" to the agreed place (according to the fairy tale "The Fox and the Cancer"):

  • He asked the Wolf to carry him to the place.
  • Attached to the tail of the Fox.
  • Just crawled first.

Correct answer: clung to the tail of the Fox.

8. How many animals fit in the tower (according to the fairy tale "Teremok" of the same name):

  • Four.
  • Five.
  • Six.

Correct answer: five.

9. How the Wolf caught a fish in the hole (according to the fairy tale "The Chanterelle-sister and the Wolf"):

  • Fishing rod.
  • With your tail.
  • Sachkom.

Correct Answer: Tail.

10. How the Fox wanted to make the black grouse descend to the ground (according to the fairy tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse"):

  • She said that a decree was signed, according to which the animals do not touch each other.
  • I wanted to treat him with grains.
  • She invited me to visit.

Correct answer: she said that a decree was signed, according to which the animals do not touch each other.

Magic in fairy tales

One of interesting topics in the classroom extracurricular lessons This is a fairy tale quiz. Primary school is the most appropriate time for this. Children elementary school they are just at an age when everything unusual and magical is interesting. Some students believe in miracles, want to meet fairies and others unusual characters. That's why fairy tales- one of the favorites of elementary school students.

One of the most relevant events at this age is a quiz on fairy tales.

Strengthening knowledge about folk tales

The proposed tasks can be used in extracurricular activities where a fairy tale quiz is held, with the answers given below.

  1. Who constantly gave advice and helped Vasilisa to fulfill all the tasks of her stepmother (according to the fairy tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful"):
  • Kitty.
  • Doll.
  • Girlfriend.

Correct answer: puppet

2. Who stole from the royal garden (according to the tale “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf»):

  • Robbers.
  • Firebird.
  • Wolf.

Correct Answer: Firebird

3. The princess was sitting at the window in a high chamber. What had to be done to marry her and get half the kingdom in addition (according to the fairy tale "Sivka-burka"):

  • Jump on a horse to the window and touch the princess's hand.
  • Sing her a song.
  • Jump on a horse to the window and kiss the princess.

The correct answer is to jump on a horse to the window and kiss the princess.

4. Who did you turn into? brother Ivanushka, disobeying his sister and drinking water from a hoof (according to the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"):

  • Calf.
  • Little kid.
  • Lamb.

Correct answer: goat.

5. Because of what the Snow Maiden melted. What did she do (according to the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"):

  • Jumped over the fire.
  • Went to the stove.
  • Went out into the sun.

Correct answer: jumped over the fire.

6. Why did you leave Ivan Tsarevich? What did he do (according to the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"):

  • Burnt frog skin.
  • told about her magical transformation brothers.
  • He left her at home without taking her to the feast.

Correct answer: burned frog skin.

7. Whom did the girl first ask where she could find her brother, who was carried away by swan geese (according to the fairy tale “Swan Geese):

  • At the apple tree.
  • At the stove.
  • By the Milky River.

Correct Answer: At the stove.

8. What magic fish caught Emel (according to the fairy tale "By the command of the pike"):

  • Goldfish.
  • Pike.
  • Carp.

Correct answer: pike.

9. Who helped the girl run away from Baba Yaga and gave her a comb and a towel, from which a wide river was obtained and (according to the tale "Baba Yaga"):

  • Birch.
  • Dogs.

Correct answer: cat.

10. What bird helped Tereshechka get home and run away from the witch (according to the fairy tale "Tereshechka"):

  • Gosling.
  • Martin.
  • Firebird.

Correct answer: gosling.

Fairy tales are an extraordinary world filled with magic, in which good triumphs despite all difficulties. Children are happy to perceive the positive emanating from such works. Therefore, a quiz on fairy tales held at school will give students positive emotions and allow them to have a good time.

Quiz "Journey to the world of fairy tales" for primary school.

Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, Regional Public Institution "Zheleznogorsk Center for Social Assistance", Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region.
Description: The importance of fairy tales in the upbringing of children cannot be overestimated. Accumulating in themselves the wisdom of previous generations, they acquire a truly magical power: teaching, developing, healing. Fairy tales influence the formation of the child's thinking, his behavior throughout childhood. Fairy tale is a tool unobtrusive learning. It is no secret that children best perceive information presented in a playful way. Fairy tales are rightly considered the most powerful tool for teaching children. The thing is that they give so-called indirect instructions. Children think in images, it is much easier for them to imagine a situation from the outside, where the main characters are fairy-tale characters. It is on the example of the heroes of fairy tales that important life information is best absorbed.
Purpose: I offer you a quiz for primary school children on the topic "Journey to the world of fairy tales." This material can be used by teachers, educators, parents.
- strengthening the knowledge of pupils about fairy tales, fairy tale characters and magical items.
- develop thinking, observation, ingenuity, speech, emotional sphere;
- to form responsibility, ability to work in a group and independently.
- exhibition of fairy tale books, fairy tale objects ( The Scarlet Flower, pocket mirror, needle, washcloth, shoe, pea, arrow, egg, hat), children's drawings based on fairy tales, cards.

Quiz progress:

presenter: Good afternoon guys! Good afternoon dear guests! Today we will take a trip to wonderful world fairy tales.
Where does the joyful and exciting world of childhood begin? WITH lullabies mother, from the strong hands of the father, from the smell of grandmother's pies.
And, of course, fairy tales. With the help of fairy tales, we get to know the world, learn to distinguish between good and evil, truth and lies ...
Fairy tales are you and me, our characters, outlook on life, the pursuit of happiness and harmony.
Truly wise is the one who does not part with a fairy tale all his life, because you do not get tired of admiring their beauty, and you comprehend the depth of a fairy tale only over the years.
- What is a fairy tale?
(A fairy tale is a work of oral folk art, narration, fiction, fiction, sometimes with the participation of magical powers.)
- What are fairy tales?
(Folk and copyright).
- Name folk tales ...
(children's answers)
- Name the author's fairy tales ...
(Answers of children and display of portraits of storytellers).
- What is the name of the famous Russian writer and storyteller.
(A.S. Pushkin.)

Everyone loves fairy tales
Loved by adults and children
They love to listen and watch
Fairy tales can warm the soul.
1 round. "Complete the name"
Presenter: Game for warm-up, inclusion of children in game situation. I call the first word of the name of the fairy-tale hero, you continue.
Koschey - Immortal
Vasilisa - wise
Karabas - Barabas
Elena - beautiful
Sister - Alyonushka
Brother - Ivanushka
Tiny - Khavroshechka
Serpent - Gorynych
Ivan - Tsarevich
Finist - clear falcon
snowy - Queen.

Round 2 "Who gave helpful advice
1. Don't open doors strangers. (Seven kids)
2. Brush your teeth, wash your hands, take regular showers. (Moidodyr)
3. Ate, wash the dishes after you. (Fedora)
4. Do not walk through the forest alone. (Little Red Riding Hood)
5. Help friends in difficult situations. (Turnip and Alyonushka from the fairy tale "Geese Swans")
6. Chew your food thoroughly, take your time and do not talk while eating. (The hen from the fairy tale "The Bean Seed")
7. Do not fulfill the requests of unfamiliar people. (Kolobok)
8. Drink only clean water. (Brother Ivanushka)
9. Hitting difficult situation, do not panic, but try to find a way out of it. (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" and Gerda)
10. Study well. (Pinocchio)

3 round. "Comic Quiz"
Presenter: Here you need to guess the fairy-tale heroes of a humorous quiz.

1. What is the achievement of a magical fabulous appetite? (Self-assembly tablecloth)
2. Name fabulous aircraft? (Mortar)
3. Which fairy tale describes the life of a friendly communal family? (Teremok)
4. What is the name of the king who lived so long ago that no one remembers about it? (Peas)
5. What is the most reliable means orientation in fairy situations? (ball, arrow)
6. What is the name of a high-ranking person whose smile was fabulously expensive? (Princess Nesmeyana)
7. What is the name of the detail of a woman's dress, in which rivers, lakes, swans and other elements are placed environment? (Sleeve)
8. Which fairy tale contains a recipe for making a dish out of a carpentry tool that is outlandish in taste? (Axe)

Well done boys!
Round 4 "Let's think about the story"
Presenter: There are two stories: "Cockerel - Golden Scallop" And "Kolobok"
Each team on a fairy tale.
The following questions must be answered:

- How many characters are in the story?
What words are repeated most often?
- What is the conclusion from the tale?
"Cockerel - golden comb"
- 4 heroes: cockerel, cat, fox, thrush.
- "Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb."
Oil head, silk beard
Look out the window, I'll give you peas.
- Conclusion: "Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends."

- 7 heroes: grandmother, grandfather, gingerbread man, hare, bear, fox, wolf.
“I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man;
- Conclusion: do not forget about caution with cunning (simplicity is worse than theft).

Round 5 "Who is faster?"
What did the fox feed the crane? (porridge)
- What did the cockerel choke on? (bean seed)
- Who helped the sister save her brother in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"? (mouse)
- Who was frozen by Frost - Blue Nose? (Merchant)
- What did the parents promise to buy their daughter at Gusi-Swans? (Handkerchief)
- Who saved the Snow Maiden in the fairy tale "Girl Snow Maiden"? (Bug)
- Who helped Tiny - Khavroshechka to do the work? (Cow)
- On whose bed did the girl fall asleep in the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (on Mishutkina)

Round 6 "Questions from the casket"
1. What word should Kai have put out of the ice in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen? (Eternity)
2. What did the Tin Woodman want to buy? (Heart)
3. A very true thing (Mirror talking)
4. Who ate the wrong sandwich? (Uncle Fedor)
5. What is the fairest wish the girl made in the fairy tale "Flower - Seven-Color"? (Cure the boy's legs)
6. How tall was the girl sleeping in the nutshell? (Thumbelina - 2.5 cm)

Round 7 "By key words guess the tale!
Presenter: Each team is asked a question in turn.
Donkey, hat, boots, field, castle ("Puss in Boots")
Road, robbers, music, friendship The Bremen Town Musicians»)
Pumpkin, prison, taxes, tears, generals ("Cipollino")
Herd, torch, creepers, wolf, boy ("Mowgli")
Grandmother, pies, forest, lumberjacks, rope ("Little Red Riding Hood")
Nora, wing, elf, flower, swallow, harvest mouse ("Thumbelina")
Brother, sister, apple tree, geese, Baba Yaga, stove ("Swan geese")
Sun, snow, glass, mirror, morning, rose, deer ("The Snow Queen")
Swan, egg, dream, water, duck, frost ("Ugly duck")
Rose, ratchet, nightingale, pot, princess ("Swineherd")
Rooster, seed, cow, blacksmith, chicken ("Cockerel and bean seed»)
Hollow, witch, dog, cradle, tube, princess ("Flint")
Grandmother, granddaughter, mouse, chicken ("Fear has big eyes")
Sea, wind, magical drink, pain, prince ("Mermaid")

Round 8 "Say one word"
1. A fabulous coachman with a long tail. (Rat)
2. What did the fairy make a carriage for Cinderella from? (From a pumpkin)
3. How many years did the old man fish until he caught goldfish? (33)
4. Number of tin soldiers? (25)
5. Did you bite women in the eye, then in the nose, and even the prince? (Mosquito)
6. What is the name of the girl that the hurricane threw into magical land? (Ellie)
7. In which fairy tale did the dirty dishes decide to run away from their owner? (Fedorino grief)
8. The woman who made the first flight? (Baba Yaga)
9. The name of the boy who was carried away by wild swans? (Ivanushka)
10. Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the wife of the prince? (Frog)
11. Secret spy Shapoklyak? (Rat Larisa)
12. What was the name of the boy whose heart turned to ice? (Kai)
13. The man who used a frying pan and gloves as an outfit? (Scattered)
14. In what city did the dunno live? (in flower)
15. He heals everyone and sits under a tree? (Aibolit)
16. What delicacy did Carlson prefer? (Jam)

Round 9 "Secret Chest"
Presenter: The chest contains various fabulous items. Based on the description of the item, guess what is in the chest.
1. With the help of this item, you can make a variety of things, and you can even kill me. (Needle)
2. This thing can hide you if you put it on your head. (Invisible hat)
3. Because of this subject, grandfather and woman cried after the trick of a small animal? (Golden egg)
4. Tossed and turned all night because she disturbed her sleep? (Pea)
5. This item told the truth to the queen. He said that there is a more beautiful girl in the world. (Mirror)
6. The thing that the crocodile ate? What is the name of the fairy tale? (Washcloth. "Moydodyr")
7. Did this object fly right into the swamp and fall near the frog? (Arrow)
8. She lost it at the ball? (Shoe)

10 rounds Quiz "How much?"
1. How many fairy-tale heroes pulled a turnip? (Six)
2. How many months did you sit by the New Year's fire? (Twelve)
3. How many animals went to Bremen to become musicians? (Four)
4. How many eyes does Bastinda have? (One)
5. How many kids did the wolf kidnap? (Six)
6. How old was Uncle Fyodor when he learned to read? (Four)
7. How many times did the old man ask the goldfish? (Five)
8. How many gold coins did Karabas Barabas give Pinocchio? (Five)
9. How many heroes offered Thumbelina to marry? (Four)
10. How many monkeys are the length of a boa constrictor? (Five)
11. How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep? (One hundred)
12. How old is Gena the crocodile? (Fifty) .

1. What is the name of the liquid cosmetic hair wash? (Shampoo.)

2. What is the name of a rubber nipple for a baby? (Empty.)

3. What is another name for a children's top toy? (Yula.)

4. How many months does a year consist of? (12.)

5. What is the name of a curly or curled strand of hair? (Curl.)

6. What is the name of the children's winter wagon on 2 skids? (Sled.)

7. Which month starts winter? (December.)

8. What is the name of a special book in which student progress is noted? (Magazine.)

9. What is the name of a measure of length equal to 10 centimeters? (Decimeter.)

10. Name the colors of the stripes on the flag in order Russian Federation. (White blue red.)

11. What animal ate the grasshopper in the song from the cartoon "The Adventures of Dunno"? (Frog.)

12. Which note is followed by the note "D"? (Before.)

13. What color is obtained by merging red and yellow? (Orange.)

14. Which bird has forty "A" in its name? (Magpie.)

15. What is the name of a household electrical appliance for grinding coffee beans? (Electric coffee grinder.)

16. What is the name of the device for preserving food at low temperature? (Fridge.)

17. What is the name vehicle, intended for the flight of people into space? (Spaceship.)

18. Which character in the fairy tale by E. Uspensky shot pigeons with a slingshot? (Old woman Shapoklyak.)

19. What character in K. Chukovsky's poem "Telephone" asks to send galoshes? (Crocodile.)

20. What book did Carlo Pinocchio's dad buy when he sold his jacket? (ABC.)

21. What character captivated main character poems "Fly-Tsokotuha"? (Spider.)

22. What is another name for the boletus mushroom? (White.)

23. What heavenly body Did Dunno and Donut fly? (Moon.)

24. What bird does not have its own nest? (Cuckoo.)

25. Which bird has the smallest body size in the world? It can be confused with an insect. (Hummingbird.)

26. Who sings this song?

If I scratch my head, it doesn't matter.

In the head of my sawdust, yes-yes-yes. (Winnie the Pooh.)

27. What is the stem of a word? (Part of a word or a word without an ending.)

28. Dwelling of Baba Yaga. (A hut on chicken legs.)

29. Which of the inhabitants of the marshes became the wife of the prince? (Frog.)

30. What did Cinderella lose? (Crystal shoe.)

31. The apparatus on which Baba Yaga flies. (Mortar.)

32. Cheerful onion man. (Cipollino.)

33. Hero of Russian folk tale traveling on stove. (Emelya.)

34. How many brothers did Ivan the Fool have? (Two.)

35. The smartest shorty flower city. (Znayka.)

36. The postman of the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin.)

37. Who said the magic words: "Fly, fly, petal, through the west, to the east ..."? (Zhenya.)

38. Who caught an extraordinary pike? (Emelya.)

39. Who became ugly duck? (Swan.)

40. Who got into the Looking Glass? (Alice.)

41. There are only three in this tale: three heroes, each with three objects. Name this story. ("Three Bears".)

42. From which city were the heroes of the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"? (Bremen.)

43. Flickers over a flower, dances, waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly.)

44. Stretched like an accordion, a miracle stove under the window. (Battery.)

45. That was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ. (Maria.)

46. ​​Strong wooden house

With a round small window.

He stands on a long leg

To keep the cats out. (Birdhouse.)

47. People always have it,

There are always ships. (Nose.)

48. Lives in water, has no beak, but pecks. (Fish.)

49. A relative of the bench. (Shop.)

50. They don’t sow, they don’t plant,

They grow up on their own. (Hair.)

51. He will come running and hide the sun, and then he will cry again. (Cloud.)

52. Beautiful picture which can be stuck anywhere without glue. (Sticker.)

53. Household cat, who is very fond of Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino. (Matroskin.)

54. They are rowed while sailing on a boat. (Paddle.)

55. In it salty water, you can't drink it. (Sea.)

56. What a long snake lay down in the middle of the street,

One has only to turn on the tap, will it pour and pour? (Hose.)

57. Who is in charge on the ship? (Captain.)

58. A warm house in the garden for cucumbers and tomatoes. (Greenhouse, greenhouse.)

59. What was the name of the owner of the Humpbacked Horse? (Ivan.)

60. Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - the driver;

He must know a lot

Because he ... (artist).

61. What was the famous fairy-tale soldier made of? (Tin.)

62. I need this notebook to put marks there. (Diary.)

63. According to Shapoklyak, so green and flat. (Crocodile Gena.)

64. From whom did the dishes run away? (From Fedora.)

65. This is the name of the holidays for your dads and moms. (Vacation.)

66. What is the name of the number that appears in the student's diary? (Grade.)

67. First you need to brew it, and then drink it. (Tea.)

68. What is the short name for a flying saucer? (UFO.)

69. This is the name of an orange, and an apple, and a tangerine. (Fruit.)

70. Sailors are "cleaning" her. (Deck.)

71. What is another name for a good or evil sorceress in fairy tales? (Fairy.)

72. His scythe will mow in the field,

In winter, the cow eats them. (Hay.)

73. Seven brothers in the calendar - 5 work and 2 rest. (A week.)

74. He is afraid of everything in the world. (Coward.)

75. He gets to his rooftop house with the help of a motor on his back. (Carlson.)

76. In the fog, he sends his light to the ships - a saving signal. (Lighthouse.)

77. They lay me on the mattress, they call me ... (sheet).

78. Inside it is cold, cold, hungry opens it. (Fridge.)

79. It has glass in the window and a picture on the wall. (Frame.)

80. A lamp standing on the floor on a long leg. (Floor lamp.)

81. No ship, no boat, no oars, no sails, but it floats - it does not sink. (Raft.)

82. What were the names of the first two people whom the Lord created? (Adam and Eve.)

83. This product, which is made from milk, is usually eaten with pancakes. (Sour cream.)

84. Hanging in the garden, among the trees, you can swing in it and sleep. (HIamak.)

85. This boy was raised by animals. (Mowgli.)

86. We have Santa Claus, and in Europe - ... (Santa Claus.)

87. Satirical children's film magazine. ("Jumble".)

90. How did the Wolf catch fish in the fairy tale “Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf”? (Tail.)

91. Frozen water. (Ice.)

92. If you do not leave it, then the ship will sail away. (Anchor.)

93. Sugar in pieces. (Refined.)

94. The bottom of the shoe. (Sole.)

95. Bed sheet for the little ones. (Diaper.)

96. Granddaughter of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden.)

97. Fairy hat. (Invisible.)

98. Not attending school without a good reason. (Absenteeism.)

99. The shortest month. (February.)

100. Chief chimney specialist. (Chimney sweep.)

Literary quiz

"Journey to the world of fairy tales"

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about fairy tales; to activate and develop a clear intonation-expressive speech, to enrich lexicon; to cultivate interest in reading, love for oral folk art, the ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales, watching cartoons and talking about the content, listening to a tape recording with fairy tales, an exhibition of books on the topic, dramatization games based on fairy tales.

Preparatory stage: Two teams of children are formed in advance.


The music of the song “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds. Children enter the hall, which is decorated with balloons and illustrations of various fairy tales.
Hello children and dear adults! We are glad to see you on our quiz "Journey to the world of fairy tales". Let's welcome our members.
We present to you the jury. The jury evaluates each correct answer with one point.
So here we go!

1 competition "Warm-up"

What was the nickname of the dog in the family, which included: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter?


Who loved to brag and paid with his life? (Kolobok)

What was the name of the girl who went for a walk, got lost, went into a strange house where bears lived? (Masha)

Who had an icy hut, and in what fairy tale? (Fox)

In what fairy tale did they know how to say: a stove, an apple tree and a river? (Swan geese)

What animal found the teremok in the forest? (Mouse-norushka)

2 competition "Mysterious".

It is necessary to guess the names of fairy tales.
(The host takes turns guessing riddles for each team).

1. A girl is sitting in a basket
The bear is on the back.
He himself, without knowing it,
Carries her home. (Masha and the Bear)

2. People are surprised:
The stove is coming, the smoke is coming,
And Emelya on the stove
Eating big rolls! ( By magic)

3. Granddaughter went to her grandmother,
She brought the pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

4. Who did not want to work,
Did he play and sing songs?
To the third brother then
Ran into new house. (Three piglets)

5. The girl is sleeping and does not yet know
What is in store for her in this story?
The toad will steal it in the morning,
An unscrupulous mole will hide in a hole. (Thumbelina)

6. Grandfather planted in the garden

Miracle - a vegetable for eating,

Here comes the summer

Grandfather goes to look at the works.

He began to pull - does not come out,

You can't do without family here.

Only with the help of norushka

The vegetable was pulled out. (Turnip)

7. Chanterelle - sister

She was very cunning.

Bunny - a coward

Driven out of the hut.

The rooster only managed

Stand up for the fox

I took a sharp scythe

And managed to drive the fox away. (Zayushkina hut)

8. Two mice kept playing,

They sang songs and danced.

Tumbling, having fun

The cock was not helped.

“Not me!”, “Not me!”,

They shouted at each other.

The rooster got angry

He stomped his foot, he chuckled!

Here the mice hid,

Instantly turned into good ones. (Spikelet)

9. This house is no longer small,

He brought in so many guests.

Everyone found a place here

Everyone has found a friend here.

But the bear hobbled

This house is broken. (Teremok)

    "Eating rolls

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married the princess ”(Emelya)

    “An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

He became sweet, beautiful, comely ”(Princess Frog)

    There is a way, but it is not easy -

I catch fish by the tail.

In the hole it is full ...

Everything, it's time to go home - it's dark.

Oh, you see, the catch is rich!

I won’t pull the tail back ”(Wolf)

    "From stepmother and from sisters

Some reproaches and reproach.

Oh, don't take your head off

If it weren’t for the cow” (Havroshechka)

5. He lives on the roof and loves to fly to visit his friend Kid. (Carlson)

6. The stepmother forced her to work until late and did not let her go to the ball. (Cinderella)

7. What was the name of the old woman in the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, who loved to do nasty things? (Shapoklyak)

8. This fairy-tale hero learned to compose poems and play on musical instruments and even flew to the moon. (Dunno)

9. Who came to the aid of Grandfather to pull the turnip after the Granddaughter? (Bug)

10. What was the name of the cat from the cartoon about Prostokvashino? (Matroskin).

4 competition "Guess what story this is from?"

I want to check if you know fairy tales well. Look at the TV screen and explain what Magic power this fabulous item. Name a fairy tale in which this object is present.

Items appear on the screen:

Walking boots. (boy-with-finger)
Self-assembly tablecloth. (Old Man Hottabych, Two Ivans)
Golden Key (The Adventures of Pinocchio)

Golden or simple egg (Ryaba Hen)

Straw House (Three Little Pigs)

Birch bark (Masha and the bear)

Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)

Well done boys! I didn't know you knew fairy tales so well.

5 competition "Correct the mistake in the title of fairy tales"

Listen carefully.

"Ax Soup"
"According to the hare's command",
"Green Hat"
"Cat in Shoes"
"Two Little Pigs"
"Wolf and Five Puppies"
"Sister Tanya and Brother Ivanushka"

"Cockerel Ryaba"

"Ducks - swans"

"Zayushkin house"

"Princess Turkey"

"Boy with Cam"

What wonderful members you are! You know everything!

6 competition "Live fairy tale".

Each team needs to show a fairy tale without words with movements, facial expressions, gestures. Teams must guess the name of the rivals' fairy tale ("Turnip", "Ryaba Hen", "Gingerbread Man").

In the meantime, the teams are preparing for the competition, I would like to test our guests, how they know fairy tales. Well, what shall we check?

Game with spectators.

"Add a word to the title of the fairy tale"

Swan geese)
- Princess Frog)
- The Scarlet Flower)
- Winnie the Pooh)
- Masha and the Bear)
- Zayushkina ... (Hut)
- Tiny - .... (Havroshechka)
- Sivka - ... (Burka)
- Boy ... (From a finger)
- Little Red Riding Hood)
- Sleeping Beauty)
- Tops - ... (Roots)

What attentive guests we have, they never made a mistake! I commend you!

7 contest "Question-answer".

Teams need to answer my questions:

1. What was the name of Piero's bride? (Malvina)
2. Who fit in size glass slipper? (Cinderella)
3. Who was born in the calyx? (Thumbelina)
4. Who took the matches and set fire to the blue sea? (chanterelles)
5. Who cooked porridge from an ax? (Soldier)
6. Who laid the golden egg? (Hen Ryaba)
7. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (Gerda)
8. What was the name of the village where the postman Pechkin lived? (Prostokvashino)
9. Who treated sick animals? (Aibolit)
10. What is the name of the hero who lives on the roof? (Carlson)
11. Which of the heroes rode down the street on the stove? (Emelya)
12. What did the fly buy at the market when she found the money? (Samovar)
13. How did the wolf catch fish in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox"? (tail)

8 competition "Magic chest"

Children pull out tasks from the chest. Answering the question "To whom do these words belong?

Get in one ear and get out the other - everything will work out (Cow)

Are you warm girl, are you warm red (Morozko)

Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat (Alyonushka)

As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets (Fox)

I see, I see, don't sit on the stump, don't eat the pie. Take it to grandma, take it to grandpa. (Masha)

The broken one is lucky

The broken one is lucky (Fox)

Milk river, jelly banks, where geese - swans flew (Alyonushka)

We hear, we hear - not mother's voice! Our mother sings in a thin voice (Kids)

9 contest "Guess the melody".

Now you will hear the songs of the heroes of fairy tales or cartoons. Remember the names of these fairy tales.
(An audio recording of songs from the fairy tales "Pinocchio", "Vacations in Prostokvashino", "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Three Little Pigs", "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena", "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" , "The wolf and the seven Young goats").

10 competition "Find a house for the hero of a fairy tale"

On the floor in front of each team are the names of the heroes of fairy tales. Houses with a different number of windows are placed on a magnetic board. To find out who lives where, you need to divide the names of the heroes into syllables.
Children take any picture, determine the number of syllables in the name of the hero of the fairy tale and attach it to the desired house. (Kolobok, Cat, Cinderella, Thumbelina, Wolf, Fox, Malvina, Aibolit, Rooster)

11 competition "Fairy-tale puzzles". (Competition of captains)

Each team needs to listen carefully to the tasks and solve fabulous puzzles.

1. How many animals did Kolobok meet in the forest? (4 - hare, wolf, fox, bear)
2. How many petals does the Semi-Flower have? (7)
3. The heroes of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" came to visit the heroes of the fairy tale "Three Bears". 4. How many of them became all together? (8 - wolf and 3 pigs, Masha and 3 bears)
5. What was the number of the cat in the fairy tale "Turnip"? (5 - grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug. Cat, mouse)
6. Name five fairy tales, the hero of which was a fox.
7. How many heroes are there in the fairy tale "Wintering of animals"? (Wolf and bear, bull, ram, goose, rooster and pig.)

Well done captains!

So our quiz "Journey to the world of fairy tales" has come to an end. I want to thank both teams for their active participation in the game. You proved to us that you are the real connoisseurs of fairy tales.

And now the floor is given to the jury.

Rewarding. Prize giving.
Music sounds, children leave the hall.

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