That boundless distance is not visible. Extra-curricular event "Hour of Folk Wisdom"


The concept of "Wealth" through the prism of proverbial sayings
(on the material of the Russian language)

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word. And, perhaps, in none of the forms of the linguistic creativity of the people with such force and so many-sided is its mind manifested, so crystallized is it not deposited. national history, social order, life, outlook, as in proverbs. The apt and figurative Russian language is especially rich in proverbs. There are thousands, tens of thousands of them! As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another, and the boundless distance where this winged wisdom directs its flight is not visible ...
M. Sholokhov

Proverbs (in ancient times they were called "parables") and sayings ("proverbs", "sayings") are an important element of folk culture in relation to itself. They provide information about the deep layers of the national consciousness, allow you to identify the most important cultural concepts, define ethical attitudes. Proverbs and sayings serve as a vivid manifestation of the attitude of the people to the state; man - to his neighbor, to work, life and death. In fact, the subject of proverbs covers all areas Everyday life, reflects its most stable manifestations and patterns.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801 - 1872; pseudonym Cossack Lugansky) is known to most people as the author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. " Dictionary"- the main brainchild of V.I. Dahl, a work by which anyone who is interested in the Russian language knows him. The great goal, the fulfillment of which was given 53 years, has been achieved. Here is what Kotlyarevsky wrote about the dictionary: “... and Russian science, literature, the whole society will have a monument worthy of the greatness of the people, they will fully possess a work that will be the subject of our pride.” At the same time, his collection Proverbs of the Russian People (1862) is of no less value, unique and, perhaps, the only one of its kind in terms of volume and variety of material, structured into 179 thematic sections: proverbs about objects of faith, about fate, about happiness , about wealth and poverty, about prosperity, avarice, about thrift, etc. This topic is as extensive as the life of the people. Each proverb examines a particular phenomenon with close interest. The fight against foreign invaders, ardent love for the motherland and hatred for its enemies, fortitude, courage and heroism of the Russian people - all this was found in short, but wise sayings. labor people, creating all the wealth of the country and protecting it from foreign invaders, for many centuries languished under the heavy yoke of exploitation and enslavement. The people saw the culprits of their hard life in the boyars, officials, churchmen, landowners, and then in the capitalists. Many proverbs have been created that reflect the difficult and hungry life a peasant, opposed to the well-fed and carefree life of the master who squeezes all the juice out of him (A poor peasant does not eat bread, a rich man will eat a peasant; Boyar chambers are red, and peasants have huts on their sides; Bars live full of peasant calluses). There are especially many proverbs that caustically ridicule priests and monks, their greed, selfishness, selfishness (Ass and thief fit everything; Wolf mouth and priestly eyes are an insatiable pit). Officials stood guard over the same feudal lords (Where there is strength, there is law). It was impossible to come to court without a bribe, which was possible only for the rich. And, of course, the case was always decided in their favor. Where there is a court there is untruth. Life is not limited to the creation of new and the preservation of old proverbs. Many proverbs are rethought, remade in accordance with the new conditions.
A special place among the selected thematic groups is occupied by proverbs and sayings denoting wealth. Studies have shown that the main conceptual features of wealth are the identified primary conceptual features of the word "wealth" confirm the special role of the described concept for the thought of human well-being. Initially, wealth was associated with the concept of "property, fortune, share."
V.I Dal in the "Proverbs of the Russian people" highlights several points on the topic of wealth: 1) wealth - prosperity; 2) wealth - squalor. A great connoisseur of the Russian language V.I. Dahl in his dictionary does not give sayings that reproach honored people with wealth. They include phrases such as:

1. Mind gives birth to wealth.
(The proverb says that wealth adds intelligence in order to preserve and increase this wealth).

2. The rich man takes care of his face, and the poor man takes care of his clothes.
(The proverb says that every person saves what is truly dear to him, valuable. For example, in a war, a simple soldier is more careful about shoes and weapons, and officers about their own brilliance).

3. Better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick.
(The proverb says that, of course, it is better to have everything at once than nothing or a little).

4. Moshna tight - every servant of her.
(The proverb says that they serve, obey the one who is rich, has a lot of money).

5. Not to live with wealth, but with a person.
(The proverb says that the material well-being of a person is not main argument upon marriage or marriage. It is used as advice not to pay attention to the material condition of a person).

6. Do not fight with the strong, do not sue the rich.
(The proverb says that a person should know with whom it makes sense to contact, and with whom it is better not to do this due to a lack of resources and a high probability of defeat).

The first collection of Russian proverbs and sayings that has come down to us dates back to the end of the 17th century. This is "Tales or proverbs of the people in alphabetical order." The compiler remained unknown, and more than 2500 proverbs and sayings were included in the collection.

Created over the centuries, passing from generation to generation, proverbs and sayings supported the way of life of the people, strengthened the spiritual and moral image of the people. It's like the commandments of the people, regulating the life of everyone common man. This is an expression of thoughts that people have come to through centuries of experience. A proverb is always instructive, but not always instructive. However, each leads to a conclusion that it is useful to take note of.
Life changed, new sayings appeared, old ones were forgotten, but undeniably valuable things settled, which were important for subsequent eras. The widespread and longevity of proverbs was facilitated by the fact that some of them, losing their direct meaning, acquired a figurative meaning. For example, the proverb Two are afraid of a broken bow, lived for a long time, changing its direct meaning to a figurative one, although the people changed weapons long ago. But there were also such proverbs that initially appeared in figuratively, for example, the proverb To shoot at a stone - arrows to lose were never understood in literally, attributed to various subjects and phenomena. Whatever is said in proverbs is always a generalization. The figurative reflection of reality in the proverb is also associated with an aesthetic assessment of various phenomena of life. That is why there are proverbs that are funny, and sad, and amusing, and bitter. Here is how V.I. Dal: a proverb is “a set of folk wisdom and superstition, these are groans and sighs, weeping and sobbing, joy and fun, grief and consolation in faces; it is the color of the people's mind, the original article; this is the truth of everyday life, a kind of judicial record, not judged by anyone.

1. V. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people, vols. 1 - 2. M., 1984
3. V. Dahl. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, vols. 1 - 4. M.,
4. www. (Russian proverbs and sayings)

The well-known saying from which the Gospel of John begins - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth ..." (Jn .1) very filled deep meaning and content, while the "Word" is written with a capital letter.

The word is not only our speech, but also an expression of national self-consciousness, embodied folk spirit, which stores what has been created by man throughout the history of human development. The Word raises us above the surrounding nature as the first sign of a conscious, intelligent life. It is a way of expressing our thoughts and feelings, which gives us the opportunity to understand others and be understood. As a rule, the first word in a person's life is the word "Mom", which the child subsequently puts together for the first time in syllables, and then diligently displays in writing. On a deathbed, a dying will is expected from a person, last words. Even before death penalty The perpetrator has the last word.

In all dictionaries, starting from the end of the 18th century, the interpretation of the meaning of "word" expands from philological to theological. "Philology" literally translated from Greek means "love of the word."

Respect for the word manifested itself in ancient times. Belief in the power of the word is reflected in folklore different peoples world: it is enough to recall the existence of all kinds of conspiracies and spells. Finally, prayer, which is the word addressed to God.

The importance and value of the word is captured by numerous proverbs and sayings, in which centuries-old folk wisdom is polished. Here are just a few of them: "You will win with a living word", "For bad words, even your head will fly off."

It is impossible not to remember the words here Nobel laureate, writer M.A. Sholokhova: "The variety of human relations, which are imprinted in chased folk sayings and aphorisms, is boundless. From the abyss of time, in these clots of reason and knowledge of life, human joy and suffering, laughter and tears, love and anger, faith and unbelief, truth and falsehood have come down to us , honesty and deceit, diligence and laziness, the beauty of truths and the ugliness of prejudice.

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word. And perhaps, in none of the forms of linguistic creativity of the people with such force and so multifaceted does its mind manifest itself, its national history, social system, way of life, worldview are so crystallinely deposited, as in proverbs. The apt and figurative Russian language is especially rich in proverbs. There are thousands, tens of thousands. As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another, and the boundless distance where this winged wisdom directs its flight is not visible. Our patriotic pride, chained in damask steel of such proverbs, will never fade: "I stepped on the Russian land, but stumbled"; "From your native land - die, do not leave"; "Stand boldly for a just cause."

Yes, and the people themselves were aware of the special, title position of proverbs and sayings in their language, which they expressed orally: "Red speech with a parable"; "The proverb is being told, like a hut sweeping with a broom"; "The proverb is not said in vain"; "There is a proverb for your arrogance"; "White light is not a neighborhood, and empty speech is not a proverb."

“Literacy is a stepping stone to wisdom,” says an old Russian proverb. The Russian people at all times have treated literate people with great respect, rightly believing that literacy is the most important and indispensable condition for introducing a person to the treasures of world knowledge.

The gospel is the root cause and the first impetus of our millennial culture and literature. If it had not been the first teaching, then perhaps we would never have known such great works of art, like "The Brothers Karamazov" M.F. Dostoevsky, "Anna Karenina", "War and Peace", "Resurrection" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Cathedrals" N.S. Leskov, "Cliff" A.I. Goncharova, "Twelve" A.A. Blok; we would not recognize the Evangelical robber in Pushkin's penitent Pugachev. We would not have had any "The Appearance of Christ to the People" by A.A. Ivanova, nor gospel stories V.D. Polenova, I.N. Kramskoy, N.N. Ge, nor liturgical musical poems by A.T. Grechaninov and S.V. Rachmaninov. If at the beginning of the wonderful monuments of the ancient written culture If there were no Gospel Word, then we would have neither the "Sermon about Igor's Campaign" nor the "Sermon on Law and Grace" of Metropolitan Hilarion.

"The Word of Law and Grace", created in the late 30s of the 11th century, is outstanding work Old Russian oratorical prose. The author seeks to penetrate into the meaning and significance of the events of the distant past of the Slavs and to give a comprehensive assessment of contemporary reality. The main themes of the "Word" are: the superiority of Christianity over Judaism and paganism; victory and spread Christian doctrine in pagan countries, first of all, in Rus'; glorification of Vladimir the Baptist (his canonization is proposed), his son Yaroslav, genus Kyiv princes, Rus' and its capital - Kyiv. The "Word" forms the doctrine of national independence and its own patriotic concept world history. Illarion's work becomes a model for scribes of the 12th-15th centuries, who use separate techniques and stylistic formulas of the Lay.

Illarion is also the author of the Prayer, which is close to the Lay in content and style ( for a long time was considered its final part), and the "Confession of Faith", which is characterized by theological accuracy and clarity of presentation. The affiliation of Hilarion with other works signed in his name ("Word to the Stylite Brother") has not been proven at present.

Slavic writing, and with it literary language, were created to translate biblical texts intended for worship. As you know, before the invention of printing, the complete Bible could not be widely distributed, because. it was read in retellings, extracts, in books with the interpretation of the biblical text, listened to during worship.

The need for a complete Bible arose in the 15th century. At this time, in Muscovite Rus', among the common people and part of the clergy, views were spread that differed from those officially accepted by Russian Orthodox Church. The arguing parties, proving the correctness of their dogma, turned to the Bible, so a complete and reliable biblical text became necessary. Work on it was completed in 1499. This translation is called the Gennadiev Bible, after the Novgorod archbishop Gennady, who led the work.

In 1850-1581, the first printed Bible was published - the famous Ostroh Bible by Ivan Fedorov. This edition was based on the text of the Gennadiev Bible, the grammar and spelling of which were somewhat corrected. The Ostroh Bible was used by a publicist, philologist, church and public figure of Southwestern Rus' Melety Smotrytsky when compiling the first Slavic grammar. Its copies were kept in many monastic libraries not only in Russia, but also in other Slavic countries. This Bible had a great influence on the norms of the Church Slavonic language.

The initiator of the latest revision of the Church Slavonic Bible was Peter I. The book was published only in 1751, under Elizabeth Petrovna, and therefore is called the Elizabethan Bible. It is currently being reprinted.

Translation of the Bible into Russian was started only in 1812. At first, this caused a lot of controversy and protests in society, including the church, because. the usual Slavic text in Russian translation seemed simplified. The complete Bible in Russian appeared only in 1870. The translation was approved by the Holy Synod and received the title of Synodal. Until now, it remains the only Russian text of the Bible that is accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church, despite the fact that many other translations appeared in the 20th century. In general, Bible translations played an important role in the formation of many European languages, including Russian.

The Russian language is the richest treasury that we inherited from our ancestors. Having absorbed a huge amount of information that has been collected bit by bit for centuries, the Russian language is able to convey information on any branch of knowledge. Thanks to the wide morphological and syntactic possibilities of our native language, we can express our innermost feelings and experiences, describe what we see and hear. Lexical wealth The Russian language made it possible to capture historical events even in ancient times, allows you to reflect the present and predict the future.

Here is how the Russian language was characterized famous writer M. Gorky: "Himself extraordinary language ours is a secret. It has all the tones and shades, all the transitions of sounds - from the hardest to the most tender and soft; it is boundless and can, living like life, enrich itself if necessary, drawing on the one hand high words from the language of the Church-Biblical, and on the other hand choosing apt names from countless dialects scattered throughout our provinces, having the opportunity, thus , in one and the same speech, ascend to a height inaccessible to any other language and descend to a simplicity that is palpable to the touch of the most obtuse person - a language that is already a poet in itself.

I highly recommend reading Russian fairy tales, epics, collections of songs, the Bible, and classics to get acquainted with the Russian language. Read Afanasiev, Kireevsky, Rybnikov, Danilov, Aksakov, Turgenev, Chekhov. Something will seem boring to you - read on! Delve into the charm of common speech, into the structure of a phrase in a song, a fairy tale, in the Psalter, in the Song of Solomon. You will see here an amazing wealth of images, accuracy of comparisons, simplicity, enchanting power, amazing beauty of definitions. Delve into folk art - it's great, like fresh water from the springs of mountain, underground, sweet jets. Stay close to vernacular look for simplicity, brevity, healthy strength, which creates an image in two or three words. There are a lot of new words in the language, but along with so goes spoiling the language, there is a newspaper, cloth language, extremely monotonous and colorless.

According to one of the greatest Russian scientists M.V. Lomonosov: "Charles IV, the Roman emperor, said that Spanish with God, French - with friends, German - with the enemy, Italian - with the female sex to speak decently. But if he were skilled in the Russian language, then, of course, he would add to that that it was decent for them to speak with all of them, for he would find in it the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian, moreover, richness and strength in images brevity of Greek and Latin.

The Russian language is the language in which ingenious masterpieces world literature - works of famous Russian masters of the pen, such as A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, M.A. Sholokhov. We not only inherit the priceless treasure created by our great compatriots, but we also bear the responsibility to preserve our mighty Russian language for future generations.

We are gradually forgetting the words of the famous Russian historian N.M. Karamzin that "The Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimony of foreign estheticians themselves, is not inferior either in courage to Latin or in fluency to Greek, surpassing all European ones: Italian, French and Spanish, much more German. Our language is expressive not only for high of eloquence, for loud, picturesque poetry, but also for tender simplicity.For the sounds of the heart and sensibility.It is richer harmonically than French, more capable of outpouring the soul in tones; presents more analogous words, that is, consistent with and with the action expressed: the benefit that have the same indigenous languages.

As you know, the word not only heals, but also cripples. People, without hesitation, "throw" words, but "the word is not a sparrow: it will fly out, you won't catch it." Many of us out of envy, inferiority, bitterness break down on others, try to prick harder, offend, humiliate. A whole generation of crippled souls is growing, among which there are fewer and fewer young people who read. In schools, children who strive for knowledge are called "nerds", they are laughed at. Books are gradually being replaced by audio and video equipment, from which a stream of cheap Western propaganda falls upon us, where sometimes the main words are those that fundamentally contradict the 10 commandments of the Law of God: murder, idol, intimate relationship outside of marriage, theft, lies, slander, accusation, envy , betrayal, etc.

Listening to our modern speech, to the words that sound around us on the street, in transport, in the yard, in institutions, we sometimes do not hear words from the dictionaries of the Russian language V.I. Dalia or S.I. Ozhegov. The usual words "greens", "cabbage", "packed", "lemon" have now become "new vocabulary", turned into some kind of metaphors. The semantics of these "new formations" seems to constitute a separate phrase book for the criminal or semi-criminal world. Surprisingly, even older people often began to use such "slang" in everyday life, flaunting their "modernity". Sometimes words sound ridiculous from the lips of the father of the family, which can only be learned in the gateway. In some terms, this means keeping up with the times. The question is where, why and with whom to go.

A whole separate set of sound monsters invented to express thoughts and feelings. How wretched must an idea be to fit into such "packages"?! Is it possible to bring up virtue, patriotism, morality, purposefulness, spirituality, when the words: honor, dignity, pride, Fatherland, light, kindness, faith, chastity are completely absent in the speech?

Gradually, words that are necessary at all times, such as "thank you" - God save, "thank you" - thank you - as an answer to the good shown to you, are gradually leaving the speech. From all this it becomes clearly not on its own. Are we gradually regressing and will soon find ourselves like in the Stone Age, only on foreign cars, with the Internet and mobile phones?

One involuntarily recalls the words of the American General Allen Dulles, which he said in 1945, which is already far away for us and came true at the beginning of the 21st century: “Having sowed chaos in Russia, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our helpers and allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness will be played out. From literature and art, for example, we will gradually eradicate them social entity. We will disaccustom artists, we will discourage them from engaging in depiction, the study of those processes that take place in the depths of the masses of the people. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called creators, who will plant and hammer into the human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, any immorality.

In the administration of the state, we will create chaos, confusion. We will imperceptibly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, unscrupulousness.

Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone, will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all, enmity and hatred for the Russian people - all this we will deftly and imperceptibly cultivate.

And only a few, very few will guess or understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turning them into a laughingstock. We will find a way to slander them and declare them the dregs of society ... ".

By themselves, questions arise that are very difficult to answer right away: “What will we leave to our descendants? Who is responsible for the state of the Russian language, native speech today? Do we have the right to be indifferent to what is a national treasure? Can we stop the ongoing degradation Great and Mighty RUSSIAN LANGUAGE?"

This year 2007 has been declared the Year of the Russian Language in Russia. In Odessa, for example, the action "I speak Russian" is being held, in Belgorod architectural projects monument to the Russian language. But will all these actions, events, national projects on the preservation of the original Russian language, will they help the modern young generation, even if you don’t know your native Russian language “perfectly”, but at least treat it with respect, remember that it is one of the main and important elements of our culture, our mentality?

In our opinion, the problem of the Russian language that exists in society should not be reduced only to the problem of how to speak better and more competently, because it is also a problem moral character, "moral content" of every Russian and society as a whole; partly, it is also a political problem. Remember, at least, what happened abroad, what debates were held on the issue of studying and using the Russian language in the speech turnover. The centuries-old history knows dozens of examples when books published in Russian were simply destroyed, and the work of Russian thinkers, writers, philosophers was completely banned. Therefore, all those, regardless of age, religion, origin, social, official or property status, in whom the desire to revive our glorious Fatherland still lives, should take part in resolving the above issues.

As the Bible teaches - "In the beginning was the Word...",
And the Word was God, and in Him is all grace
And our life is like the Kulikovo field,
Where everyone should stand to the death!
Alexander Trutnev

First published in Kaluga diocesan magazine "Orthodox Christian"

Dear friends, military sailors!

Thanks a lot for warm letter and for your attention to my work.

You ask why I made Davydov a Baltic sailor.

Davydov had several prototypes. I met with many sailors, talked with them, saw how they work where the party sent them. And everywhere they brought to life their good maritime, revolutionary traditions.

Even Vladimir Ilyich Lenin praised the sailors after the October events. They fought just as valiantly in the civil war, took an active part in the construction Soviet power.

This gave rise to the idea in me to make Davydov a former Baltic sailor. For a person who came to work in the village had to have courage, endurance, good humor, the ability to communicate with people, to feel the team. All these qualities, selfless devotion to the party and the cause of communism, I saw in the sailors brought up in our fleet.

That, perhaps, is all that I can say briefly in response to your letter.

I warmly greet you, dear and valiant sailors, on the glorious 40th anniversary of our Armed Forces.

Difficult and glorious is our feat

My dear, dear warriors!

I give you all the best feelings, all the warmth of my heart on the day of the 40th anniversary of the Soviet Armed Forces. Difficult and glorious is your feat on the battlefields, your sacred duty to the people, to the Communist Party is lofty.

The people created the Army and the Navy in a difficult time, in order to drive away the interventionists, in order to protect the birth of a new system - Soviet power. Our soldiers courageously carried out the commandment of the people.

I have not seen other soldiers who would fight with great stubbornness and courage and would love their land as much as Soviet soldiers. Devotion to the Soviet people called them to a feat in the days of the Great Patriotic War when we saved not only ourselves, our native home, and all mankind from hated fascism.

There is no higher honor for a Soviet writer than to write about you. Courage, valor, fidelity to the banner of the revolution and the military fraternity - you, the faithful defenders of our fatherland, are famous for all this.

I would like to wish you heartily new successes on the difficult military path. The people respect and love you, brave soldiers guarding our home. Warmly, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, valiant defenders of our motherland, on the glorious 40th anniversary of the Soviet Armed Forces.

Love your homeland, your people, strengthen the military partnership, and you will always be invincible.

During the Great Patriotic War, I was with you, my family. And if the motherland calls, I - like an old soldier - will be with you until my last breath.

I hug you, my family.

Soldiers of my country

The anniversary of the Soviet Army is not only a solemn day in our lives, but also a universal holiday, which means a lot both for the population of the countries of people's democracy, and for the peoples of capitalist Europe, who swallowed the smoke of fascist cremation ovens to their heart's content, and for the German people, who drank a lot of hemlock from bitter bowls of Buchenwald.

When creating the Soviet Army, the great Lenin set before it the noble task of defending the fatherland and the conquests of October. Throughout its history, our Armed Forces have been true to this goal - they have waged only just wars.

Defensive battles civil war against the hordes of interventionists and internal counter-revolution, a bloody battle on the distant lake Khasan, a battle with the Japanese invaders on the Mongolian river Khalkhin-Gol, liberation campaign V Western Ukraine and Belarus gave rise to such massive heroism of Soviet soldiers, which I did not know world history. The Soviet warrior showed himself as a true son of his age.

Perhaps today it is worth remembering what dark waves the events rolled in during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. Poloniv capitulated French army, Hitler with fire and sword passed through the flowering fields of Belgium and Holland and from the chalk cliffs at Dunkirk threw the remnants of the defeated English army of General Alexander into the cold waters of the English Channel. It was as if the Middle Ages had returned: bonfires lit by the fascist inquisition began to smoke in Europe.

At the disposal of the fascist Fuhrer were all the arsenals of Western Europe. He became the absolute master of industry and land from the Atlantic to the Soviet borders.

Now it is known with what accuracy the German General Staff developed and painted by months and days plans for the capture of the Arab East, South America, and the USA. Over the nations the globe, all the time growing, the brown shadow of the swastika loomed.

We remember a clear sunny morning, the silence of which was broken by the roar of tank armies, the rumble of air armadas, the clatter of rifle divisions rushing to our land, where the harvesting of bread began.

Our people honed their hatred for the invaders on the whetstone of war.

All the best people the world, with bated breath, followed bloody battle that flared up in the East when Soviet troops alone, without the help of allies, they fought tense defensive battles.

Even then, in the first, most hard days war, the Central Committee of the Communist Party has set before our Armed Forces the great goal of liberation - to defend the homeland and rescue the peoples of Europe from under the yoke of fascists.

Curious documents remained from that era. In front of me lies the American newspaper The Washington Post, yellowed from time to time, in which it is written with spiritual masculine excitement: “You tremble at the very thought of what could happen if the Red Army collapsed under the pressure of the advancing German less courageous and undaunted..."

The peoples, heads of governments and parliaments of the countries of the world did not hide the highest opinion of the courage of the Soviet people. English newspapers admitted: "If there were no Red Army, the fate of free peoples would be truly gloomy."

The victories of the Soviet Army added strength to the people in the countries enslaved by fascism, where the resistance movement flared up more and more brightly. We are proud that in the ranks of the partisans of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Belgium, France, Italy, our compatriots who escaped from fascist captivity, such as Fyodor Poetan, a mechanic in Moscow, and Anatoly Tarasov, from Leningrad, fought.

The battles with the Nazis were a struggle that continues to this day. Soviet people for peace. And the machine gunners, holding tightly the pulsing handles of the butt pads, dreamed of the time when they could take up the plow caps. There are cases when, in the intervals between battles, tankers yearning for peaceful labor, attaching plows to their "thirty-fours", plowed the land for Polish and Yugoslav peasants.

The Soviet people and their mighty Armed Forces justified the hopes of millions of people - they drove the fascist hordes from their land and helped many peoples to free themselves from fascist enslavement.

The Soviet people are intimately connected with their army. How many dwellings are decorated with photographs of fighters with military orders and medals on their tunics! IN family albums more than once I had to see pictures of our soldiers with German children in their arms, trustingly hugging their necks.

And often, when I see such a truly human picture, I see Berlin: streets that look like quarries and field kitchens, from which company cooks pour soup to hungry German women.

Coming to German soil as a victor, the Soviet soldier understood very well that there were two Germanys at war with each other: the Germany of the capitalists, the fascist bosses, and the Germany of millions of German workers and peasants.

In Weimar, the pretty green town where Goethe created his immortal Faust, where Schiller, Heine and Liszt worked, the Soviet soldier saw the Buchenwald extermination camp built by the executioner Himmler for the German communists.

Filled with anger, a Soviet soldier entered the crematorium, in which the SS burned tens of thousands of unsubdued Germans and killed the leader of the German labor movement, the unforgettable Ernst Thalmann.

Soviet soldiers gave a reliable hand of friendship to the true heroes of the German people - people whom they liberated from the death camps, who then returned from emigration, who came out of the deep underground where they hid from the Gestapo.

The Soviet people helped these heroes to sow the bloodied, incinerated soil of Germany with the good seeds of life. From these seeds grew a young Germanic Democratic Republic- the state of eighteen million German workers, peasants, intellectuals who are building socialism.

All progressive minds recognize great merit Soviet people before mankind. They know that the USSR steadfastly withstood all the hardships of the Second World War, proved to be stronger than the enemy.

We have won at a high price. Millions of graves of Soviet soldiers are scattered from the Volga to the Spree.

Good monuments rise in the capitals of European states liberated by our army. And, thinking now about the army, I remember the bronze Soviet soldier in a Berlin park, crushing a swastika cut with a sword with a boot and holding a rescued child in his arms.

Children should live more beautiful and happier than us. But in last years over the cradles of millions of children hung a new dark shadow - the diabolical shadow of the hydrogen bomb.

This shadow kills sunlight joys of life. the main objective humanity in our day - the struggle for peace!

We live in such a difficult time, when even preparation for war is dangerous for all the inhabitants of our planet. People of science have proven that tests of atomic and hydrogen weapons infect not only the earth, but also the air and even water with deadly dust.

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word. And, perhaps, in none of the forms of linguistic creativity of the people with such force and so multifaceted does its mind manifest itself, its national history, social system, way of life, worldview are so crystallinely deposited, as in proverbs.

The apt and figurative Russian language is especially rich in proverbs. There are thousands, tens of thousands! As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another, and the boundless distance where this winged wisdom directs its flight is not visible ...

The epochs that gave rise to proverbs are different. The variety of human relations, which are imprinted in chased folk sayings and aphorisms, is boundless. From the abyss of time, in these clumps of reason and knowledge of life, human joy and suffering, laughter and tears, love and anger, faith and unbelief, truth and falsehood, honesty and deceit, diligence and laziness, the beauty of truths and the ugliness of prejudices have come down to us.

Referring to the proverbs of the Russian people, soviet man he will take the best and discard what is already dead and does not need him in the creation of a new world.

Our patriotic pride will never fade, clad in damask such proverbs:

to the Russian land, but stumbled”, “From your native land - die, do not go”, “Stand boldly for a just cause”.

Following the wise people, the Soviet people will also say (the proverb is said to the word!): “White hands love other people’s work”, “Without sweeping your strength, do not lift it on a pitchfork”, “Taking on someone else’s back is easy”, “Looking at someone else’s work, You won’t be full”, “An hour is late, you won’t make up a year”, “The word is not an arrow, but strikes”.

However, our contemporary is alien to everything that bears the stamp of national hatred, slavery, oppression of women, religious superstition in proverbs - everything that did not express the true wisdom of the people, over which class, estate and church oppression weighed. The people perfectly expressed their protest against him in a multitude of well-aimed, crafty and striking with their mockery, and sometimes even bitter proverbs: “The rich man would eat money if the poor did not feed him bread”, there is no use”, “Praise the rye in a haystack, and the master in the coffin”.

And a lot of false wisdom, ugly ideas were instilled in the people by centuries of social injustice, admiration for power, hypocrisy and hypocrisy. Much has been preserved in proverbs that can now offend a healthy feeling. All this is supplanted by life moving forward, our new, socialist experience comes to replace it, which also gives birth to a new, noble worldly wisdom.

Thus, the golden grains of folk life, struggle and traditions of countless generations, scattered in proverbs, are continuously washed by time and polished.

The publication of Russian proverbs collected over several decades of the last century by the dialectologist and writer V. I. Dahl will serve the great and noble cause studying the inexhaustible riches of our national culture, our great and mighty language.

For my centuries of history the peoples of our country have created a huge number of proverbs and sayings. Accurate and imaginative, these little pearls of folk wisdom have been passed down from one generation to another for centuries, preserving the depth of thought and artistic power. In a bright chased form, they capture the rich life experience of the people, their high moral qualities. Since time immemorial they have lived in colloquial speech expressing the thoughts and aspirations of ordinary people in a peculiar form.

Folk proverbs cover a huge range of phenomena and events, they talk about social relations people in society, the national liberation struggle, the spiritual qualities of the people. They "exemplarily form the entire life, socio-historical experience of the working people," said A. M. Gorky. In figurative and expressive sayings, the people embodied ardent love for the Motherland and hatred for its enemies - foreign invaders.

Therefore, the purpose of my work is to study the relationship between the history and culture of the Russian people (on the example of proverbs, sayings and popular expressions)

To achieve the stated goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. study and analysis of literary sources, devoted to proverbs, sayings of the Russian people;

2. analysis of proverbs and sayings from the point of view of reflecting in them specific historical events and the attitude of the people towards them;

3. compiling a table in which proverbs and sayings are combined by a specific historical event, and given short description historical fact.

4. ranking the collected information by topic training course The history of the Fatherland, which will allow the use of the results of work in the classroom, both for the teacher and the students.

I studied the works of authors, both philologists and historians - V. Dal, M. Gorky, M. Shakhnovich (experts in Russian literature) and V. Balyazin, O. V. Volobuev, A. A. Danilov and many others. The systematization of sayings and proverbs (based on the collection of V. Dahl "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people"), reflecting the historical events experienced by the people, is carried out, and a brief description of these events is given. A chronological systematization and linking of these materials to specific topics studied in the course of the history of the Fatherland at school has been carried out.

Product research work should become a table of proverbs, sayings and popular expressions of the Russian people (based on the collection of V. Dahl "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people"), classified according to historical events, topics of the study course History of the Fatherland.

The materials received will help the teacher in organizing and conducting lessons related to the study of Russian culture, and students will learn their history, the history of their people from an interesting and entertaining side, and therefore form love for their Fatherland.

The presented work does not claim to be exhaustive (because it relies on a limited range of literary sources) and is artificially limited by time frames (9th-19th centuries). However, the undoubted advantage of this work is the fact that it can be continued on other grounds, criteria or time limits.

Why I was interested in this particular manifestation of the culture of the people - proverbs and sayings? Proverbs and sayings are distinguished by accuracy, conciseness, and sophistication. Thought is expressed in them extremely concisely, they are easy to remember. The language of proverbs and sayings is sharp, humorous, excellent comparisons, metaphors, epithets. The extraordinary wisdom, brevity and clarity of expression contained in proverbs have always attracted attention. public figures, writers. Even N.V. Gogol noticed that "all the great people, from Pushkin to Suvorov and Peter, were in awe of our proverbs."

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word. And perhaps, in none of the forms of linguistic creativity of the people with such force and so many times does its mind manifest itself, so crystallized its national history, social life, system, worldview, as in proverbs.

The apt and figurative Russian language is especially rich in proverbs. As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another. The epochs that gave rise to proverbs are different. The variety of human relations, which are imprinted in chased folk sayings and aphorisms, is boundless. From the abyss of time, knowledge of life, human joy and suffering, laughter and tears, love and anger, the beauty of truths and the ugliness of prejudices have come down to us in these clots of reason.

Among the various works of folk poetry, proverbs and sayings occupy a special place: they live in colloquial speech as its organic part, concentrating in artistic image phenomena of human life and nature. Collected together, proverbs constitute a set of judgments about the life of the people, a set of precise and sharp characteristics, observations and generalizations. Proverbs also reflect erroneous, false interpretations of the surrounding world and true knowledge, which gradually accumulated and received figurative expression. Proverbs taken together reveal the complex and often contradictory worldview of the people in the process of its development; the proverbs quite clearly express the assessment of the existing reality by the people, their view of life - through overcoming inert, backward views - affirming it not as it is, but as one would like to see. Best Compilations proverbs and sayings can be put on a par with greatest works world literature. An outstanding collection of proverbs is the collection of V. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people", compiled and published by him in the middle of the 19th century. The collection of V. Dahl is a classic work containing the richest material (about 30,000 proverbs, sayings, well-aimed words, sayings, etc.), most of which are still alive today. It was this collection that became the main source of the folklore material analyzed by me in the presented work.

The source for the collection of V. Dahl was a live vernacular rich in proverbs and sayings. V. Dal wrote “the sources or reserve for the collection were: two or three printed collections of the last century, the collections of Knyazhevich, Snegirev, handwritten sheets and notebooks, communicated with different sides, and - most importantly - the living Russian language, and more - the speech of the people. ". The division of proverbs into ancient and new, general and particular, general and local, historical, political, etc., is applicable only to a small number of them. But even here you won’t end up stretching, all folk proverbs have developed in everyday life and their application is extremely diverse - V. Dal thought so. On the other hand, historical knowledge is not only a statement of specific historical events and facts, but also an attitude towards these events - approval or condemnation by the people, pride or disappointment. I was not so much interested literary terms(philological interpretation of certain concepts), how much is the reflection of historical events in them. Therefore, despite the conventionality of the principle of dividing proverbs and sayings into historical and others, I still allowed myself to single out from total number proverbs and sayings, those that, in my opinion, answer the task.

Of course, each of the proverbs and sayings of the people, to one degree or another, is the result of the historical development of society, but in this case the interpretation of history is very extensive and cannot be used as part of student work. So, in my analysis, I rely on a specific name historical facts(wars, laws, etc.) in proverbs and sayings as the basis for their selection as historical.

In the collection of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, proverbs and sayings are classified on two grounds - thematic (190 sections) and in alphabetical order by keywords found in proverbs and sayings (434 names). Moreover, neither in the first nor in the second case was the proposed by me used criterion for the classification of proverbs and sayings. I analyzed about 3000 proverbs and sayings from the dictionary of V. Dahl, 74 were assigned to the desired category. This is about 2.5% of the total number of analyzed material.

Among the proverbs and sayings I have selected more refer to the following events:

Patriotic War of 1812;

Sayings related to military prowess;

The reign of Peter 1;

Horde yoke in Rus'.

This result can be explained by the fact that the collection of V. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people" was published in the second half of the 19th century and the events of the Patriotic War were fresh and popular among the people. And since this war ended in victory for the Russian people, the sayings associated with the military prowess of the Russian soldier are also relevant for Russia of that historical period.

Each proverb or saying is given a brief description. historical event which is reflected in it (from the point of view of the interpretation of a proverb or saying, and not an exhaustive description of a historical event). The use of the rich additional material in the course of the history of the Fatherland allowed me to feel the facts and events that before that were abstract knowledge and ideas. This personal discovery is one of important results work. The materials obtained can be used by a history teacher in preparing lessons and extracurricular activities. In order to facilitate the task of the teacher, I carried out work on the distribution of prepared materials on the topics of the curriculum of the History of the Fatherland.

In addition to the teacher of history, my work was of interest to the teacher of Russian language and literature, who believes that my work is interesting and used by her.

Thus, my work testifies to the close relationship between the history of the Russian people and its culture (on the example of proverbs and sayings). I created a "catalog" of proverbs and sayings (9th-19th centuries) and described their historical roots, which allows using the prepared materials in the course of teaching and studying the course of the history of the Fatherland.

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