On Mordovian Literature. Erzya literature


Project leader: Koltsova T.S.

Serafima Markovna Lyulyakina- Erzya storyteller, writer. She was born on July 29, 1922 in the village of Yagodnoye, Buguruslan district (now Pokhvistnevsky district), Samara province of the RSFSR.

Serafima Markovna was born in a large peasant family in which they knew how to appreciate the well-aimed folk word, fairy tales, songs. In addition to Sima, three brothers grew up in the family. The girl grew up inquisitive, mischievous. Everyone knew her as an inventor and an entertainer. She differed from her peers in her extraordinary sensitivity and impressionability, she easily adopted the well-aimed folk word, a sharp joke, a sincere melody. But most of all, Seraphim loved songs, since there were no number of them in her native Erzya village. Songs sounded everywhere - their village and strangers, flown in from neighboring villages and regions.

Erzyan kel

Mon Chachtymim Erzyan Ava, Erzyan Mastorso Kasyn, Erzyaks Kortamo Baslavaz Wese Pingem, Wese Chim. Erzyan kel, Erzyan kel, Asho kiley, chudi lei, Cholderdity of gornipov, Gaise morytsya of tsyoks. Erva keles es koisenze. Mazy, eraviks, pitney. Ilyado stuvto eisenze, Putodo tenze gray. Tirin mastor, vechken vele, Sedeem ketsni ton kitty. Mon pek vechksa esen kelem, And stuvtsa meeltse number!

Saygin, Mikhail Lukyanovich (Lukic)- Moksha-Mordovian writer, prose writer. Born November 21, 1913 in the village of Ezhovka, Kovylkinsky district of the Republic of Mordovia, in a peasant family.

The literary activity of Mikhail Saygin began in the 1930s. Since 1937, he has been publishing poetry in the newspaper Komsomolon Vaygyal (Voice of the Komsomol).

Mikhail Saigin found his true calling in fiction. After returning from the Great Patriotic War, he devotes his stories and stories to the artistic comprehension of a number of social and everyday problems and issues of post-war construction (Mouthpiece 1959, Fiery Heart, 1961, Father's Son, 1962, Mother's Heart, 1980, and others). Mikhail Saygin's works have been translated from Mordovian into Russian, Chuvash, Karelian, Udmurt, Mari and other languages.

Mikhail Lukyanovich Saigin died on April 27, 2007 in his apartment in Saransk, at the age of 93.

Devin Ilya Maksimovich(07/20/1922-11/13/1998) - Moksha writer (poet and prose writer). Born in the village of Staraya Terizmorga, now part of the Staroshaigovsky district of Mordovia. Member of the Great Patriotic War. IN post-war years worked in the Mordovian Radio Committee, in the editorial office of the Mokshen Pravda newspaper, as an editor of the Moksha magazine. From 1971 to 1984 Ilya Maksimovich Devin headed the Union of Writers of the MASSR. One after another, his poetry collections are published: “Shobdavan Dawn” (“ morning dawn”) (1945), “To my comrades in happiness” (1953). The pinnacle of Ilya Devin's work is the novel "Nardishe" ("Grass-Ant") (1975), published by Moscow publishing houses. The novel reflects the life of the Mordovian village during the Great Patriotic War. Devin, as a publicist, appeared on the pages of newspapers and magazines, was elected a deputy Supreme Council MASSR (1975-1980), for many years of work he was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples.

Krivosheeva Efimiya Petrovna - Mordovian folk storyteller, one of the founders of the Mordovian storytelling art

She was born on June 1, 1867 in the village of Tarasovka, now part of the Kameshkirsky district of the Penza region, in a large peasant family. Nationality - Erzya.

The discovery of the creative talent of Efimiya Petrovna belongs to her son, Ilya Petrovich Krivosheev, who since 1922 has been recording the works performed by her. The name of Krivosheeva became widely known after the publication in 1936 in the Pravda newspaper of the work “Laishema Kirovdo” (erz. “Lament for Kirov”).

In total, E. P. Krivosheeva recorded more than 50 works of various genres. The first collection of her works "Laishemat dy Morot" (erz. "Cry and songs") was published in 1937.

Mariz Kemal (Kemaykina Raisa Stepanovna) was born on August 13, 1950 in the village of Maloye Maresevo, Chamzinsky District, now the Republic of Mordovia, into a peasant family. In 1965, after graduating from eight classes in her rural school, she studied for two years at the Bolshemaresevskaya secondary school. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Mordovian University. From 1972 to 1975 she worked as a teacher in the school of her native village. In the summer of 1975 she moved to Saransk and for two years was a correspondent for the Erzyan Pravda newspaper. Then, for seven and a half years, she worked at the Mordovian Republican Library. A.S. Pushkin. From 1985 to 1988 - head. department of poetry in the magazine "Syatko", since 1989 he has been the executive secretary of the Erzya children's magazine "Chilisema". Mariz Kemal gives a lot of time and effort social activities. In 1989, she was one of the initiators of the creation of the cultural and educational society "Mastorava" and its first secretary, from December 1993 to 1997 - the organizer of the women's movement "Erzyava", the creator and leader of the amateur folklore and ethnographic ensemble "Lamzur". Member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 1996.

Chislav Grigoryevich Zhuravlev(real name - Vyacheslav, born on April 27, 1935 in the Erzya village of Bolshoy Tolkai, Podbelsky district (now Pokhvistnevsky district) of the Kuibyshev (now Samara) region) - Erzya poet, writer, prose writer. He graduated from the Malo-Tolkai Pedagogical School, worked as a physical education teacher at the Chesnokovskaya secondary school in the Koshkinsky district of the Kuibyshev region. From 1954 to 1957 he served in the army. Then for more than 12 years he worked in various positions in Siberia. In 1967 he returned to Kuibyshev. In 1975 he graduated from the Volgograd Institute of Physical Culture.

In the 60s. - Weightlifting coach, prospector at gold mines, flight radio operator (Magadan region).

Since 1967 - a physical education teacher, coach, sports referee. Currently lives in Samara.

He started writing poetry at school. His first teacher and mentor was V. K. Radaev, who at that time taught the Erzya language and literature. He also led a literary circle. The outlook and moral experience of the future writer were formed under the direct influence of difficult life experiences.

Vasily Kuzmich Radaev- Erzya folk poet and writer, creator folk epic"Siyazhar". Vasily Kuzmich Radaev was born on March 13, 1907 in the village of Bolshoy Tolkay, Podbelsky district, now Pokhvistnevsky district

Samara region in a peasant family. He began his career as an assistant librarian (1920). In 1925-28. - Executive secretary of the volost committee of the Komsomol in the village of Maly and Bolshoi Tolkai. In 1929-30 - Chairman of the village council and the collective farm "May" (Big Push). After graduating from the workers' faculty at the Komsomol University, he entered the philological faculty of the Leningrad state university, who graduated in 1934. 1934-35 - editor of the Ardatovskaya (“For collective farms”) and Dubyonskaya (“Ombotse five-year-old kis” - “For the second five-year plan”) regional newspapers of the Republic of Mordovia, literary editor of the Syatko magazine;

In 1935-37 he was a scientific secretary, scientific, senior researcher at the Mordovian Research Institute of National Culture.

He worked as a teacher in a school in the village of Bolshoi Tolkai), a teacher at the Ichalkovsky Pedagogical College in Mordovia. The result of his pedagogical activity was the education of the next generation of Erzya poets and cultural figures of Mordovia ( Chislav Zhuravlev , Michael Vtulkin and others). Date of death December 6, 1991.

Fedor Semenovich Atyanin was born on June 19, 1910 in the village of Mordovskaya Muromka, Golitsynsky District (now Mokshansky District), Penza Region, in a peasant family. From an early age, he learned hard work. Early left without parents, was brought up in an orphanage. Started at the age of fourteen work biography writer. He had to experience a lot: both hunger and cold. He was a shoemaker's apprentice, a port worker, a miner in the Donbass, where he left in 1927. From 1939 to 1944 he served in the Red Army. After demobilization, he worked as a teacher of the Mordovian language at the Institute of Theater Arts. A. Lunacharsky. In 1948 he moved to Saransk and began working in the republican newspapers Mokshen Pravda and Molodoy Leninets. His first poems were published in 1939. Atyanin's literary activity is multifaceted. He enriched Mordovian literature with poems and songs, poems, short stories, stories, fairy tales, and plays. The first collection of his poems "Mazy pinge" (" great time”) came out in 1954. In 1956, collections of his stories and novels for children "Selved the hero" ("Tear the hero") and "Pusma panchf" ("Bouquet of flowers") were published in Saransk. Died July 10, 1975. Buried in Saransk.

DORONIN Alexander Makarovich

Alexander Makarovich Doronin was born on January 7, 1947 in the village of Petrovka, Bolsheignatovsky district. Poet, prose writer, translator. Honored Writer of the Republic of Mordovia (1996), laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1991), laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Mordovia (1998), laureate of the M.A. Kastrena (Finland, 2000). Since 1985 he has been a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

The well-known Erzya prose writer, poet and essayist Alexander Makarovich Doronin was born in the village of Petrovka, Bolsheignatovsky district of the Republic of Mordovia. He graduated from the Ichalkovskoe Pedagogical College and the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky. He worked as secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, staff correspondent of the republican newspaper Erzyan Pravda, for 16 years he was the editor-in-chief of the Syatko magazine.

Viktor Leonidovich Altyshkin was born on September 27, 1934 in the village of Malye Remezenki, Chamzinsky District, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a peasant family. In 1942 he entered the first grade of the Maloremizenskaya elementary school, then studied at the Malomaresevskaya seven-year school, in 1952 he graduated from the Bolshemaresevskaya secondary school. In 1952-53 he worked in the city of Kuibyshev at a military aviation plant as a revolver turner, distribution master. In 1953 he entered the Nizhny Tagil Mining and Metallurgical College to study. In 1954 he was drafted into the army and served in the navy. In 1958 he was demobilized and returned to Mordovia, to the village of Komsomolsky, Chamzinsky district. He worked on the construction of the Alekseevsky slate plant, and after the start-up of the plant, he worked as a foreman at the Alekseevskaya thermal power station. After graduating from courses for electric locomotive drivers, he worked as a driver until 1989.

Nikolai Borisovich Golenkov (published under pseudonyms: N. Grozov, N. Buldygin, N. Borisov, N. Lundanov, N. Kuzhin) was born on August 17, 1958 in the village of Buldygin, Zubovo-Polyansky district of the Mordovian ASSR. In 1965 he entered the Buldygin secondary school in the Zubovo-Polyansky district. Since 1973, he continued his studies at the Zubovo-Polyanskaya secondary school, from which he graduated in 1975. In 1976 he entered to study at the Faculty of Philology of the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogaryov. From the student bench attended literary associations at the faculty, at the newspaper "Young Leninist". His first publications (poems, stories) were published on the pages of newspapers " Mordovia University”, “Mokshen Pravda”, “Young Leninist”, in the magazine “Moksha”

N.B. Golenkov is a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR (1984), a member of the Writers' Union of Russia (1993).

Timofei Fedorovich Yakushkin was born on February 21, 1916 in the village of Karsaevka, now the Belinsky district of the Penza region. His father died in civil war, was left without a mother early. He spent his childhood in an orphanage. He graduated from the Mordovian Pedagogical College (1933), the Penza Newspaper School (1936), the Leningrad Institute of Journalism. Vorovsky (1940). Labor activity associated with journalism, literary creativity. He worked in the newspaper "Red Mordovia", the radio committee, the Mordovian book publishing house, the editorial office of the almanac "Literary Mordovia". He was a literary consultant to the Board of the Writers' Union of Mordovia. Since 1963 - a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. Honored Writer of the MASSR (1980).

Kirill Timofeevich Samorodov was born on April 15, 1910 in the village of Novaya Tolkovka, now in the Kovylkinsky district of the Republic of Mordovia, into a peasant family. Graduated from the Mamolaev School of Peasant Youth (1929), Saransk Pedagogical College (1931), Moscow state institute history, philosophy and literature. N.G. Chernyshevsky (1939). In 1988 he defended his thesis for the degree of doctor philological sciences. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1964), Honored Worker of Culture of the Mordovian ASSR (1985), laureate of the State Prize of the MASSR (1989).

K. Samorodov was also engaged in translation activities. They translated into the Moksha language "The Night Before Christmas" by N.V. Gogol, from Erzya to Moksha drama by P. Kirillov "Litova", the story "Tatya" by T. Raptanov, the poem "Gale" by A. Rogozhin and others. Died December 7, 1991, buried in Saransk.

Mordovia poetic - page №1/1

Professional competition of educators



(2013/14 academic year)

State public institution of the Republic of Mordovia

additional education for children

"Republican children's music boarding school"

Saransk, Republic of Mordovia

Competition nomination: Organization of leisure and extracurricular activities
extracurricular activity

Completed: educators GKU RM DOD "RDMSHI"

Sedoykina Nina Ivanovna, Lapshaeva Valentina Grigoryevna

Place of work: GKU RM DOD "RDMSHI"

Saransk, Republic of Mordovia

Saransk 2014


to acquaint with the work of the poets of Mordovia, with poems about the Motherland; develop expressive reading skills, develop students' speech, cultivate love for the Motherland, for poetry.


portraits of poets of Mordovia, poetry books, computer.

Leading: Our small Motherland-Mordovia. Once A.M. Gorky noticed that the Mordovians are a great people. Saying it great writer I meant, first of all, the exceptional industriousness of the Mordovian people, their endurance and assertiveness in the struggle for a fair arrangement of life on earth, but the people of our region are much more than just labor. Of course, such a people cannot but have their own inspired singers, that is, poets. Mordovian poetry has achieved notable success. Today we will get acquainted with the work of Mordovian poets and find out what this concept means to them.
Nikolai Azarevich Irkaev (Nikul Erkai) occupies a special place among Mordovian poets.
Nikul Erkay (1906-1979) was born on May 22, 1906 in the village of Kurilovo, Romodanovsky district, the poet spent his childhood and youth in his native village. Here he is before October revolution I was lucky to finish a three-year rural school. Early attached to books, everything free time gave to reading. Then he worked in the Komsomol, in the newspaper. First, Erkay wrote stories, essays, then plays, poems and poems.
His works reflected the beauty of the soul of the Mordovian people, their wisdom, great diligence, cordiality and courage. He also has lyrical poems about love for his native land, for the Mordovian region.
native land,

I live by you!

I am in every spikelet

In the blade of each ...,

Wherever I am -

With unquenchable thirst,

native land,

I live by you.

Leading: A great contribution to the development of the culture of Mordovia was made by another Mordovian poet, Ivan Alekseevich Kalinkin.

Ivan Alekseevich Kalinkin was born on June 23, 1935 in the Erzya village of Chey (Cheldaevo) in the Inza district of the Ulyanovsk region. Parents worked on the collective farm. From the first days of the war, my father went to the front and died in 1944. The hard times of war forced the future poet in 1944, together with his mother, to leave their native places and move to the Bolsheignatovsky region of the MASSR. Since then began to live in Mordovia. He studied at the Spasskaya secondary school of the Bolsheignatovsky district, served in Soviet army. He graduated from the Ardatov cultural and educational school, was in charge of a club in the village of Staroe Chamzino. He worked in the editorial offices of regional newspapers. In June 1984, he was elected chairman of the board of the joint venture of Mordovia. Author of 19 books of poetry and poems. His poems are dedicated to working people, glorifying the beauties of their native nature.
Teacher: Ivan Pinyaev, “Soldier of War and Peace,” as he called the poet, worked a lot and fruitfully in poetry. famous poet Russian Sergei Smirnov.
Honored Writer of Mordovia Ivan Danilovich Pinyaev (1923-1979) was born on September 14, 1923 year in the Mordovian village of Napolnoye, Poretsky district of Chuvashia. The youth of the future poet was scorched by the war. With battles, he went through Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia. The first poems of Ivan Pinyaev appeared on the pages of front-line newspapers.
Returning from the war, Ivan Danilovich Pinyaev graduated from the Chuvash Pedagogical Institute, after which he devoted a lot of energy to journalism.
In 1950, the poet's first book, Native Spaces, was published in the city of Cheboksary. In total, Ivan Pinyaev wrote thirty books. He acts both as a poet and as a prose writer. Since 1955, Ivan Pinyaev lived in the city of Saransk. His poems are filled with lyrical warm intonations. They contain feelings of great happiness to live on earth and do good deeds.

Reading the poem "Native Side"

Zakhar Fedorovich Dorofeev (1890-1952) - one of the founders of Mordovian literature, teacher, folklore researcher, historian and ethnographer.
The poet was born in the village of Salazgor, Tambov province (now the Torbeevsky district of Mordovia). After graduating from the Kazan Teachers' Seminary in 1909, he worked as a school teacher.
In 1912, Dorofeev's collection of poems "Songs and Thoughts of a Folk Teacher" was published. The leitmotif of his poetry is reflections on the fate of workers, the dream of freedom, faith in the triumph of the transformation of life.
During the First World War, Dorofeev went to the front and was seriously wounded. He devoted a whole series of poems to the war: "To the War", "War", "Refugees", "A Night in the Camp", in which he condemns mass bloodshed.
The poet did a lot to educate the peoples of Mordovia. With its help, national schools were opened, special study guides for Mordovian students.
Until the early 1920s, Dorofeev wrote in Russian. In 1925, the first collection of the poet's poems in the Mordovian language, "My Songs", was published. Dorofeev is a master of the art of translation, his translations into the Mordovian language of the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov, A. V. Koltsov, N. A. Nekrasov, F. I. Tyutchev helped to open the wealth of Russian classical literature to the Mordovian people.
A blizzard is raging, sweeping
Roads in forests and fields...
Playing with fluffs of snow
Spinning on icy seas.
When it comes to the village
Frosty evening time,
Starts sad songs
Shining with its shroud...
And those songs flow like a wave
In the hut in the darkness of the night,
Where are the virgins with heartfelt anguish
They wonder about their happiness.
But woe to the one who across the field
At that time, it passes along the path, -
Blizzard, laughing plenty,
Cover it with a veil.
With a whistle and noise will leap,
She will shed a sad howl ...
And the snowdrift grows
Then over the lost soul.
The blizzard covers all traces,
Buzzing across the steppes and fields,
And throws snow dust
And winds along the white paths.

Vashchalkin Vladimir Alekseevich

(1949 - ...)

Vashchalkin Vladimir Alekseevich was born on July 26, 1949 in the village of Kochelaevo, Kovylkinsky district of Mordovia, in a family of employees. Studied in elementary schools with. Kochelaevo, Kovylkino and at the Nikolaev secondary school in Saransk. Graduated from the Department of History of the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva, Patent Department of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property in

Moscow. He worked as a teacher, journalist, in the Komsomol and trade union bodies, in the services of civil defense, personnel, invention and rationalization, scientific and technical information, advertising.
He began writing poetry in 1962 and publishing in 1966. He is the author of poetry books “I will still sing to the nightingale-”, “Do you remember, my angel-”, “Sunny watercolor”, “Crows flew into the field-”, “I will go to the Moksha-river-”, “Singing font”.
Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

The Russian spirit does not die

In grassy villages

Where day by day the rooster crows,

Loud and cheerful.

And simple rural life

With the fragrant heat of the oven

Stores in unhurried conversations

The melodiousness of Russian speech.

And let sometimes troubles alarm

Peace of mind destroys -

The fire of the lamps and God's gaze

They also heal souls.

Born in 1949 in the village of Plutovka (now Bersenevsky Vyselki) of the Lyambirsky district of Mordovia. Author of several poetry books. Laureate of the Prize of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia, National Prize Fund of Russian Literature and Joint Venture of Russia "Silver Pen of Rus'", etc.

Editor-compiler of the almanac of the Ministry of Press and Information and the Union of Writers of the Republic of Mordovia "Roots". Lives in Saransk.

Soothe my sorrows

"Assuage my sorrows" -

Behind the line, where is the pond and the raft,

Duckweed, march, heat and sweat, -

Suddenly a majestic vision

With an extraordinary name

crowning the hill

Swimming like a white swan.

I wandered here by accident

I zagreb here around

From worries and troubles

From thoughts and despair

To the temple

confessional shelter

"Assuage my sorrows..." -

That's what the people came up with!

The stream runs down the slope

Low hill.

Trees like a tower!

I just fell


To the spring and


And quenched by thirst,

Got up, -

the soul is full of goodness.


From the stream and the tower,

What once for centuries

An ancestor put winged,

filled with beauty,

And cross


Overshadow me hand.

Since then I've been meeting you


My love! -

Like a temple by the stream

"Assuage my sorrows."

I don't promise much.

Soothe my sorrows

I will satisfy yours too!

January powder

descends to earth

first powder

To the forest and the field, and to the father's house,

As if brushing aside

along with the past

My troubles are in my way.

Bright soul

from purity of desire,

From thoughts of good

and beauty

As if to me

in the high temple of God

Nature gives white flowers

For the ashes of loss

and the ashes of defeat

For a brief moment of luck

in the midst of trouble

For some truth

in the midst of doubt

For the honor of the future

maybe win...


Vladimir Iosifovich Nesterov was born on October 7, 1960 in the village of Anaevo in the Zubovo-Polyansky district of the Mordovian ASSR into a peasant family. He began writing in 1976. He publishes his poems on the pages of the regional and republican newspapers "Young Leninist", "Mokshen Pravda", in the magazines "Moksha" and "Syatko", in literary and art collections published in Saransk and Moscow. In 1988 he published the first collection of poems "Sotks" ("Communication"), in 1992 he published a collection of poems "Vachashit kolga" ("About hunger"). Nesterov's poems make you think about many problems of our century, more acutely feel your personal responsibility for everything that happens in this world. Historical and aesthetic experience of the native people, its past and present are reflected in the poems “Mora Moksherzyatnendi” (“Song to the Moksherzeans”), “Sai Pinge” (“The Time Will Come”) and others. Love to native land, its workers is a source of creative inspiration for the poet. He always seeks to penetrate into the soul of a person, to reflect his inner world. Questions, reflections, reflections about what awaits earthlings in the future, what is the role of man in a complex, constantly changing world - these are the problems posed by V. Nesterov in the lyric-philosophical poems “Kevt and eikhnen pack” (“Through stone and ice” ), "Ignatius".

Member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 1993.
Live Mordovia!

I saw different lands

But the heart is warm here:

When I look at the fields

What is covered with snow

When in spring time

Streams run from the hills

When over Moksha and Sura

The nightingales will cry.

Live, my Mordovia!

Keep heavenly light:

Your beautiful fields

Showered moonlight snow.

Live, my Mordovia!

Not knowing bitter troubles:

Me without you in foreign lands

There is no other happiness!

As the clouds float,

But your light does not fade:

I will never believe

That there is no place for me here.

Love is like spring water

Melt the heat in the heart:

I am happy to live

with you always

One destiny!

Ishutkin Nikolay Ivanovich

(1954 - ...)

Nikolai Ivanovich Ishutkin was born on May 28, 1954 in the village of Simkino, Bolshebereznikovsky District, now the Republic of Mordovia. The poet's father was a teacher, his mother was a collective farmer.

In 1961 he went to the first class of the Simkinskaya eight-year school. In 1971 he graduated from the Shugurov secondary school in the B.-Berezniki district. In the same year, he entered the philological faculty of the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogaryov. After graduating from the university for 11 years he worked as a correspondent, senior correspondent, head. department in the Erzyan Pravda newspaper. Since 1987, he has been the head of the Erzya children's magazine Chilisema. In 1989-91 he studied in absentia at the Department of Journalism of the Moscow Socio-Political Institute. In 1984 he was a participant in the VIII All-Union Conference of Young Writers. In 1995 he was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia.
Poetry began to write during the years of study at the university. The first poems "Od Pora" and "Kileine" were published in 1973 in the magazine "Syatko". He was actively engaged in creativity during the years of work in the Erzyan Pravda newspaper. A decisive role in the formation of the poet was played by the literary association under the editorial office of the Erzyan Pravda newspaper Teshtine, which was headed by the honored writer of Mordovia V.K. Radaev.
In the first collection of poems "Valskeni teshte" (" morning Star”, 1989) the author writes about what he sees around him, rethinks and finds beauty in the usual manifestations of life.
In 1994, the second collection of Ishutkin's poems, "Teshten Mastor" ("Star Country"), was published. The titles of the two books, one might say, are symbolic, they are evidence of the growth of poetic mastery, the breadth of vision, the depth of comprehension of the subtle manifestations of the human soul.
In 1998, the first book of poems in Russian, Landscape of the Soul, was published. Here are poems translated by A. Gromykhin and the author himself. A book was published in 2004 humorous stories and parodies "Varman kandovkst" ("Brought by the wind").
The poet's poems were published in collective collections, such as "Teshtine" ("Asterisk", 1982), "Manei Vasolkst" ("Clear Distances", 1987), "A sepsyn arsemam dy melem" ("I will not hide my thoughts and thoughts" , 1993), "Kaleidoscope" (1989) and others.
Poems for children are published in the magazines "Syatko", "Chilisema". The collection for children "Yutko shkasto" ("In your free time") includes games, fun, puzzles, and humor. Actively works in the humorous genre. In his humoresques, the author highlights our vices, lies, self-seeking, rudeness, drunkenness. Marked with the badge "Excellent worker in the press of the USSR." Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Moldova (1999).

Your waves boil with spring force,

You flow, playing, along quiet meadows,

And the Erzya song is sad and free,

Like a bird, it floats over the edge of the coast.

And, carrying its water into the great river,

Like giving blood to a dear sister,

You are pouring into the Volga as a particle of Russia,

And the stars bathe in your silver.

We are the free children of great Russia.

We are one with you on the way to the end.

Your springs are beating, they are the source of my strength.

And our hearts always beat in unison.

Gaini (Pozdyaev) Petr Uvarovich

(1910 - 1968)

Petr Uvarovich Gaini (real name - Pozdyaev) was born on September 6, 1910 in the village of Saldomanovo, now the Lukoyanovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the family of a poor peasant.

Many hardships and hardships fell on his lot in his childhood. After graduating from elementary school, he worked as a shepherd. In 1925 he studied at the ShRM, then at the workers' faculty, at the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical Institute, from where in 1930 he was transferred to the second year of the Mordovian Agricultural Pedagogical Institute. In 1933, he transferred to the correspondence department of the institute and became an employee of the Kochkurovsky regional newspaper Yakster Kolkhoz (Red Kolkhoz), then he taught his native language and literature at the Kemlyansky Agricultural College of the Ichalkovsky District. From 1941 to 1945 he was at the front. He was a war correspondent on the 2nd Ukrainian Front, a special correspondent for the front-line newspaper "Soviet Warrior". Was badly wounded. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War, five medals. After the war, he worked at the Mordovian book publishing house, the radio committee, collaborated in the Syatko magazine, and in the Erzyan Pravda newspaper.
For the first time in print, P. Gaini appeared in 1932 in the Lukoyan newspaper “Weisen eryamo” ​​(“Collective Life”), where his poem “Kizen chi” (“Summer Day”) was published. The poems of the young poet were often published on the pages of the magazine "Syatko", in the newspapers "Erzyan commune", "Leninen kiyava".
Gaini's first book of poems, Gaigek, Waigel (Ring, Voice), was published in 1933. In 1935, the second collection "Utsyaska" ("Happiness") was published, which also included his first poem "Kavto ucyaskat" ("Two Happinesses"). The poet's poems are distinguished by romantic elation, relevance of the subject, harmony of composition, simplicity of form.
Belief in victory, hatred of the enemy - the main theme of Gaini's military works. They are inspired by the memories of the war, assert loyalty to the soldier's traditions, sing of life. War lyrics testify to growth artistic skill poet. The war also became Gaini's school of civic maturity. Military poems, songs, feuilletons, essays were published in many front-line newspapers and in the Red Star. Some of his poems were set to music and became songs. During the war years, the ballad of the poet "Immortality" was very popular, in the original - "Sazorka" ("Sister"), dedicated to memory girl nurse Valentina Gonorovskaya, who committed heroic deed on the battlefield, for which she was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In the post-war years, Gainey published several collections of poetry. The most famous of them are “Kochkaz stiht” (“Selected poems”, 1947), “Chachoma mastor” (“Native land”, 1954), “Morot dy stiht” (“Poems and songs”, 1963), “My native land” (1965), two children's books - "Dushman ovto" ("Villainous Bear", 1956), "Petya the Pioneer" (1968), the play "Tsyanavne" ("Swallow", 1958). Gaini devoted the brightest pages of his works to his native people, to his homeland. The author focuses on the life of the country, the heroic deeds of contemporaries, fraternal friendship between peoples. His main lyrical theme is the affirmation of beauty in life, nature, and man. His creativity is characterized close attention to moral issues. Gaini gained wide popularity as a translator of works by A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, I. Bunin, N. Nekrasov, T. Shevchenko. Gaini's works are included in textbooks, readers for national schools of the Republic of Mordovia, published in translations into Russian, Chuvash, Mari. P. U. Gaini is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. He died on October 17, 1968. He was buried in Saransk.
Drown morasa te moront
Chachoma edge of cells dy waldo
Vechksa mon tont smeared tyuson
Son avan vanovtso sialdy.
Vechksyn paksyat, viret, lugat,
A slut to lead a house leise
Ton fell mon sedeyse gaygat
Morytsya narmunen weigels.

Chachoma region, tiren mastor

Ejdi eisen lembe to turn gray
Elnit - prick, teke sasort
Suras dy Mokshas - waldo leet.
Moksho-erzyan vechkeviks region!
Mon sex Moroso Shnan Ton Eise.
What dumped waldo mai
Gaytevste morytsya sedeysen.
Orlova Raisa Konstantinovna

(1963 - ...)

Raisa Konstantinovna Orlova was born on October 13, 1963 in the village of Sarga in the Staroshaigovsky district of the Republic of Mordovia in a large family of a collective farmer (the sixth child). After graduating from the Faculty of Philology of the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva worked for a number of years in an elective position - the chairman of the Sarginsk Village Council people's deputies, a teacher in her native village. Currently lives in Saransk. R. Orlova began writing poetry while still at school. The works of this period are dedicated to mother, school friendship, first love. However, the poetess herself considers the 80s to be the beginning of her literary activity, when her poems are already systematically published in the newspapers Trudovaya Pravda, Mordovian University, Mokshen Pravda, magazines Yakster Tyashtenya, Moksha. A cycle of poems by R. Orlova was also published in the journal Voyvyv Kodzuv (Northern Star) in the Komi language. A selection of her poems "My Chrysanthemums" was published in the collective collection "In the Garden of My Dreams" (1997). She is the author of a collection of poems in the Mordovian-Moksha language "Aran tyashtenyaks" ("I will become an asterisk"), released in 1997 by the Mordovian book publishing house.

R. Orlova's poems are distinguished by high moral exactingness, purity of thoughts, spiritual frankness, and emotional expression. The author knows how to excite the soul of the reader with laconic imagery, a successful range of poetic colors, make him think deeply about losses and gains, penetrate the secrets of the world of childhood.
In December 1998 she was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
All my Russia is sleep-grass and crosses.

All my Russia is a drunken boom, taverns.

I can't get away from the terrible longing,

Nowhere to go, emptiness ahead.

Leaning towards the spring

I embrace the silence

And the constellation of the Bucket

I will scoop up the tears of the living,

And as long as I live

And as long as I breathe

And while I am my Cross,

God given, I wear

And I will tell the mountain ash

And Kalina I will say:

"What kind of happiness is this -

I live in Russia!

Horses rush in the steppe, Pegasus is driven into the soap,

Poems choked with blood, the story died.

A boot passed over the strawberry eyes,

I beg the Almighty: "Give me more time ..."

Leaning towards the spring

I embrace the silence

All for your deeds

I will ask myself

And as long as I live

And as long as I breathe

And while my friend sleeps

I'll watch the fire

And I will tell the mountain ash

And I'll tell Kalina.

"Here is my happiness -

I live as a man!

You, my Russia - dawns, rivers, bridges.

You, my Russia - conscience, honor and debts.

I would go to the field, get lost in the meadows,

What I was looking for - to find, to bury eternal fear.

Leaning towards the spring

I will embrace silence.

And the Constellation of the Bucket

I will scoop up the tears of the living,

And as long as I live

And as long as I breathe

And while I am my Cross,

God given, I wear

And I will tell the mountain ash

And Kalina I will say:

"What kind of happiness is this -

I live in Russia!
Aleshina Polina Vladimirovna

(1950 - ...)

Polina Vladimirovna Aleshina was born in the village of Yezhovka, Kovylkinsky District, in 1950. Graduated from Mordovian State University, teaches at a vocational school - 15 Kovylkina.

The work of Polina Aleshina has become known to a wide audience of Moksha readers recently. Her first book "Tyat yota vakskan" ("Do not bypass me") was published by the Mordovian book publishing house in 1995. In less than ten years, she confidently became one of the leading Mokshan poets, as evidenced by the inexhaustible interest in her work, translations of poems into Estonian, Finnish and other languages. In 2004, a new book of poems by P. Aleshina "Tell me, wind" was published. Women's, maternal problems in her poems grow to a universal level. The poetry of Polina Aleshina is visible, concrete, the poetess has a vivid ethnic thinking. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
Vtulkin Mikhail Alekseevich

(1929 - 1991)

Vtulkin Mikhail Alekseevich was born on March 24, 1929 in the village of Dunaevka, Pokhvistnevsky district, Samara region. In 1948 he graduated from the Pedagogical College in Bolshoi Tolkai, studied at legal institute. Served on pacific ocean, lieutenant-captain. He worked in the prosecutor's office, in the newspaper "Erzyan Pravda" as a correspondent, a rationing worker at a repair plant. Wrote books for children: “Xiyan Pei” (“Silver Tooth”, 1977), “Syrnen Shka” (“ Golden time", 1981), "Vedbaigine" ("Dewdrop", 1992). In 1986, his poems were included in the collective collection Firefly. Together with folk writer Mordovia V.K. Radaev compiled a collection of Erzya legends, legends and tales (1977). Died August 16, 1991. Buried in Saransk.

Gadaev Viktor Alexandrovich

(1940 - ...)

Victor Alexandrovich Gadaev was born on January 10, 1940 in the village of Novo-Troitsk, Staroshaigovsky District, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the family of an artisan. He graduated from high school in his native village, then Saransk art school. In 1961 - 1962, V. Gadaev lived in Kazan, where he completed courses in offset printing at the printing plant named after. Kamil Yakuba. By profession, he worked as a colorist-probist in the Saransk printing house "Red October". At this time, he wrote poetry and published them in the newspapers "Soviet Tataria", "Soviet Mordovia", in the anthology "Literary Mordovia".

The dream of becoming a poet leads V. Gadaev to Moscow. And in 1963 he entered the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky, where he takes part in the poetic seminar of the Lenin Prize laureate, poet Yegor Isaev and critic Vladimir Milkov. After graduating from the institute in 1969, the Mordovian book publishing house published the first book of poems and poems by V. Gadaev, The Eternal Mill. It has been warmly received by readers and critics. In this book, as in subsequent ones: “The Light of the Threshold”, “Holidays of the Heart”, “Pumping of Honey”, Gadaev declared himself as a poet of vivid and visible impressions coming from love for nature and people of his native land. Particularly expressive are the poems in which he creates the world of his village with its special way of life: craftsmen, large bazaars, bright clothes of Mordovian women from the surrounding villages. They are permeated with a sense of joy of being, optimism. For many years, V.A. Gadaev works as head of the department of culture and executive secretary of the Staroshaigovskaya and Kochkurovskaya regional newspapers, editor of the Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting of the MASSR, editor of the Mordovian book publishing house. His poems are published in various publications not only in Mordovia, but also in Moscow, Kazan, Cheboksary, Izhevsk, Saratov, Altai. Expands his poetic vision. From pictures of his native land, he rises to comprehend the fate of the Russian land, Russia, the people. Poems appear “To Sergei Yesenin”, “I am standing over the Moscow River ...”, “A train is rushing me along Russian soil”, “Duma by the Black Sea”, “I am lying on the Kulikovo field ...”. In 1980 in Moscow in the publishing house " Soviet writer” a book of poems by V.A. Gadaev “Feast of the Earth. As a result of a trip to Central Asia and Kazakhstan in 1982, the poet created a large lyrical and philosophical cycle of poems "Asia". On Mordovian radio, a radio play based on Gadaev's poem "Magnet - Earth" sounded several times. This poem shows the life of our people during the Great Patriotic War and in the post-war period. For 25 years he worked on a large collection of poems about the most bright artists earth. As a result, he published a three-book of 33 poems - "Illuminated Thirst" (1986), "Insight" (1989) and "Pearl of Search" (1993). In 2000, the collection “I came to this world” was released in Mordkiz. Poems by V.A. Gadaev was repeatedly heard on the All-Union Radio. Among them - "He is ancient, this well ...". This is a bright colorful poem of a song-philosophical plan. Its essence is infinity, the inescapability of the life of the people. The poem was repeatedly published in the republican press and in Moscow. It was included in the anthology of Russian poetry "The Hour of Russia", published by the Sovremennik publishing house in 1988. For the books of poems and poems "The Feast of the Earth", "Illuminated Thirst" and "Insight" V.A. Gadaev was awarded the State Prize of Mordovia for 1991. Awarded in 1994 honorary title Honored Poet of the Republic of Mordovia.
Successfully works as a translator. He translated into Russian the poems of N. Erkay, I. Devin, S. Kinyakin, A. Martynov, A. Doronin, I. Kudashkin, A. Eskin, D. Nadkin, and other poets. Books of translations of A. Malkin "Makarushka", P. Kleschunov "Shalyai" were published. Y. Kuldurkaev's poem "Ermez" was translated. Since 1982, V.A. Gadaev has been a literary consultant of the Board of the Union of Writers of Mordovia. V.A. Gadaev has been a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR since 1976.
Gromykhin Alexey Alexandrovich

(1954 - ...)

Alexey Aleksandrovich Gromykhin was born on March 7, 1954 in the village of Tatarsky Sheldais, Bednodemyanovsky District, Penza Region. Graduated from the Zubovo-Polyansky Pedagogical College, the Faculty of Philology of the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogarev and at the same time the department of poetry of the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky (seminar of the poet E.A. Dolmatovsky). He is a member of the Union of Writers of Russia (1992), the author of the books “Village Patterns” (1993), “Tomato Sun” (1988), “To Live Life” (1990), “The Snake-hijacker and the traffic police” (1996), “ In the Cathedral of Feelings "(1997)," Tenderness "(2003), published by Mordovian and Volga book publishers. In his translation into Russian, several books of Mordovian poets were published: N. Ishutkin, V. Korcheganov, G. Grebentsov. He also actively translated other poets - S. Lyulyakin, V. Gadaev, I. Kudashkin, V. Demin, M. Imyarekov. A. Gromykhin is the author of several plays, has written more than 70 songs. Collections of poems were published in Literary Russia, collective collections published by Young Guard and Sovremennik. Many of the poet's poems have become textbooks.

In addition to lyric poetry, he writes fables, philosophical miniatures, and aphorisms. He created a number of works of lyrical prose. A living, direct movement of feelings is caused by "Flashes" by A. Gromykhin - a mini-essay. Filled with poetry, the music of the soul, the author's prose, firmly placed on the basis of real life, expresses the inner essence of the phenomena described in a rather multidimensional way. These works arise, as it were, spontaneously, from the influx of feelings that gripped the narrator, and take free form embodying wealth emotional world artist.
The poet lives in Saransk.
Arapov Alexander Vasilievich

(1959 - ...)

Alexander Vasilyevich Arapov was born on November 1, 1959 in the village of Chindyanovo, Dubensky District, now the Republic of Mordovia, in the family of a teacher.

In 1964, the family moved to Kabaevo, mother's native village. The poet spent his childhood and youth here. Arapov was 14 years old when his first poem was published in the Dubenskaya regional newspaper Novaya Zhizn. The aspiring poet believed in himself and began to send his poems to Moscow. Soon they began to be published in the Pioneer magazine, sounded on the All-Union Radio - in the program "Peers" and in the programs of the Yunost radio station. In 1977, Arapov graduated with honors from the Kabaevskaya secondary school and entered the philological faculty of the Mordovian State University. After the 3rd year, he transferred to the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who graduated in 1983.
The years spent in the capital became the time creative growth and becoming a poet. He tried not to miss any important literary event: was a member of the Luch literary association at Moscow University, attended a literary studio at the Yunost magazine. After graduating from high school, Arapov comes to Saransk, works as a correspondent for the Mordovian University newspaper. Since 1985, he has been the editor of the department of poetry and journalism, and since 2000 - Chief Editor magazine "Syatko".
In 1994 he was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia. Arapov writes in his native and Russian languages. His works are full of expression, inner expressiveness, always correlated with his state of mind, the world of his experiences and feelings. Arapov's poems were published in many collective collections: "Maney Vasolkst" - "Bright Dali" (Mordkiz, 1987), "Hospitable Land" (Mordkiz, 1988), "Kaleidoscope" (Mordkiz, 1989), "Youth Wave" (Samara Book Publishing House -vo, 1991), "Early Dawn" (publishing house "Young Guard", 1979), "Middle of the native land" (publishing house "Sovremennik", 1987), "Colleagues" (publishing house of Moscow University, 1989) . Published in Hungary - "I'm going to my living brother" (Budapest, 1993), "Finno-Ugric Bulletin" (Debrecen, 1997), in Estonia - "The Road of Water and Birds" (Tartu, 1995). Arapov’s poetry books were published in Mordkiz: “Vaigel” (“Voice”, 1990), “Valma” (“Window”, 1992), “Sweep”, 2001. His poems were published in the collection “Poetry of the Third Millennium”, which included poems by the best Russian poets. Published in collective collections and periodicals in Finland and Hungary. A special place in these collections is occupied by love lyrics. It serves to more fully reveal the character of the lyrical hero. Optimistic poetry of life, responsibility for one's word comes to the fore in Arapov's lyrics. The poet in his work solves important moral and ethical problems, writes about nature, about love for his native land, about the need careful attitude to the surrounding world. Arapov is also known as a translator. In his translations into the Erzya language, Dmitry Morsky's poem "Ulyana Sosnovskaya" ("Tirin yonks" - an anthology for students in grades 9, Mordkiz, 1997), a poetic fairy tale "The Snake-hijacker and the traffic police" ("Inegues dy GAI-s") , Mordkiz, 1996). In 1997, the poet became a scholarship holder of the International Association of Finno-Ugric Literature under the M.A. Castrén (for translation work). Arapov is also known as a performer of the author's song. Honored Poet of Mordovia (2002), laureate of the weekly " Literary Russia» (2001).
Lobanov Viktor Mikhailovich

(1950 - ...)

Born on May 10, 1950 in the village of Paevo, Kadoshkinsky district of Mordovia. At the end high school enrolled in Mordovian University. He graduated from two courses of the Faculty of Philology. In 1968 he entered the Moscow Literary Institute. M. Gorky. Returning to Saransk, he works on the republican radio and television, in the Moksha magazine. In 1998 - 2002 - editor-in-chief of the Moksha magazine. The first poems by V.M. Lobanov began to be published in the early 70s of the last century. In 1989, they were included in the collective collection "Lyadoms lomanks" ("Remain human").

In 1992, the first book of prose by V.M. Lobanov "Kalon kuntsien azkst" ("Fishing stories"). Subtly feeling, understanding nature, the writer returns to this topic in other publications. In 2000, a book of poems and prose "Shkaen Tolnya" ("Divine Fire") was published.
V.M. Lobanov has been a member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 2001.
Kemaykina (Mariz Kemal) Raisa Stepanovna

(1950 - ...)

Mariz Kemal (Kemaykina Raisa Stepanovna) was born on August 13, 1950 in the village of Maloye Maresevo, Chamzinsky District, now the Republic of Mordovia, into a peasant family. In 1965, after graduating from eight classes in her rural school, she studied for two years at the Bolshemaresevskaya secondary school. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Mordovian University.

From 1972 to 1975 she worked as a teacher in the school of her native village. In the summer of 1975 she moved to Saransk and for two years was a correspondent for the Erzyan Pravda newspaper. Then, for seven and a half years, she worked at the Mordovian Republican Library. A.S. Pushkin.
From 1985 to 1988 - head. department of poetry in the magazine "Syatko", since 1989 he has been the executive secretary of the Erzya children's magazine "Chilisema". The first publication of poems dates back to 1980. The August issue of "Syatko" published the poem "Eykakschin lavs" ("Cradle of childhood"). Then she began to participate in the annual seminars of young writers. The magazine "Syatko" continued to publish her poems. In 1987, a common collection of four authors "Maney Vasolkst" was published, which included big selection her poems. In 1988, the Mordovian book publishing house published her first collection "Lavs" ("Cradle"), which was the result of impressions made from childhood and adolescence.
The second collection, "Shtatol" ("Candle", 1994), is a philosophical reflection of the poetess about life, love, the fate of the ancient Erzya people and the involvement of the author's fate in it as a part of this people. This included poems of a lyrical and journalistic nature, as well as the poem "Mon - Erzyan!" (“I am an Erzyanka!”), in which she appears as an established personality with a national attitude.
The result of many years of studying the folklore, history and culture of the Erzyans was the book of fairy tales "Evkson kuzho" ("Fairy meadow") and a collection of essays "Son ulnest erzyat" ("They were zrzya") about famous, prominent people, immigrants from the Erzya people, the compiler of which she is. Mariz Kemal devotes a lot of time and energy to social activities. In 1989, she was one of the initiators of the creation of the cultural and educational society "Mastorava" and its first secretary, from December 1993 to 1997 - the organizer of the women's movement "Erzyava", the creator and leader of the amateur folklore and ethnographic ensemble "Lamzur". great attention devotes to journalism, writes problematic articles about the culture, religion, traditions of the Erzya people, is published in the magazines "Syatko", "Chilisema", the newspaper "Erzyan Mastor". In 1998, her poems were published in the collection "Nile Avat - Nile Morot" ("Four Women - Four Songs", Tallinn). Member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 1996.

Kinyakin Sergey Vasilievich

(1937 - ...)

Honored Poet of Mordovia Sergei Vasilyevich Kinyakin was born on September 24, 1937 in Moscow into a working-class family. In 1941, the family moved to their homeland - to the village of Pichpanda, now the Zubovo-Polyansky district of Mordovia. After graduating from the philological faculty of the Mordovian State University in 1960, he worked as a senior editor fiction Mordovian book publishing house, executive secretary of the Moksha magazine. Since 1988 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Mordovia. S. Kinyakin is a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of Mordovia, the author of the text of the National Anthem of the Republic of Mordovia. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR since 1971. He began to print in 1957: his first poem "Miron Gulyana" ("Dove of Peace") appeared in the newspaper "Mokshen Pravda". In 1967, the Mordovian book publishing house published the first book of his poems "Eryafs i kelgomas" ("Life and Love"), which reflected the main features of Kinyakin's poetry, individual characteristics his artistic style, which later became the main ones for all of his poetic creativity. In subsequent years, poetic collections were published in the Moksha-Mordovian language: “Yin Mazys” (“The Most Beautiful”, 1970), “Kizot-vaygyalbet” (“Years-versts”, 1973), “Yalgakshin sed” (“Friendship Bridge” , 1976). "Shachen eryama pavazuks" ("Born to live happily", 1987). Collections of poems and poems were published in Russian: "I'm worried" (1971), "There is no more dear you in the world" (1975), "Pioneers" (1977), in Mordovian-Moksha and Russian - "Sizef alashan vaygyal" ("Voice tired horse", 1997). The thematic range of poetic works by S. Kinyakin is extensive. The author focuses on the majestic image of the Motherland and native land, which is dearer to him than anything in the world. Poems dedicated to military childhood bribe the reader. In them, the boyish feeling of war was reflected very dramatically. The poem "Years-versts" is dedicated to young generation, continuing the work of his parents on the labor front. In his work, an inexhaustible love for native nature, her riches. The poet feels a deep connection with his land, with its history.

In many of his works, the poet sings of the high feelings of people: friendship, love, fidelity, camaraderie. He is pleased with every manifestation of the new in life. S. Kinyakin - poet big soul- kind and wise, frank and vulnerable. His works are full of philosophical thoughts about morality, morality, about the place of man in our troubled world, as evidenced by the collection of poems "The Voice of a Tired Horse". The strength of S. Kinyakin's poetry is that he always strives to show complex life processes true, ordinary in simple words creates a realistic picture of human relationships. His poems are problematic, the ability to find a topic that excites the reader.
Successfully works as a translator. He translated the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala", Y. Kuldurkaev's poem "Ermez", a number of works of the classics of Russian literature into the Moksha language. In 1998 S. Kinyakin awarded the order Honor.

Leading: So our poetic evening comes to an end. I hope you learned something new from it today. Your feelings for the Motherland, I am sure, have been confirmed in the verses of Mordovian poets. Remember, a person begins with love for his native land, for his native land. Guys, read poetry! After all, our souls speak the language of poetry. Poems ennoble us, make our thoughts purer.

The theme of nature is inextricably linked in the verses of Mordovian poets with the theme of the Motherland. Out of love for the nature of the native land, a tender, penetrating feeling of love for the Fatherland is born and grows.

On March 9, the Mordovian writer, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR and Russia, author of many books, Vladimir Nikolayevich Korcheganov, celebrated his 75th birthday. Comrades in writing about Vladimir Nikolaevich write that there are poets whose work seems to be not very noticeable, does not pretend to speak of him as an exceptional artistic and aesthetic phenomenon, however, without them it is difficult to imagine the poetic skyliterature. In modern Mordovian literature sucha person who has established his name in it for a long time, isMordovian writer Vladimir Korcheganov.

Vladimir Nikolayevich was born in 1941 in the village of Sadovka, Kovylkinsky District, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After graduating from the Yezhovskaya secondary school in 1969, he worked as a foundry worker, gasman, and operator at the Saransk Elektrovypryamitel plant. Absentee studied at law faculty Kazan State University, graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Higher Lecture Hall of Journalism in Moscow. Since 1968 - an employee of the All-Russian Research Institute of Light Sources. A. I. Lodygina. literary activity began studying in the 50s, the first poem was published in the Kovylkinsky district newspaper "Leninsky Way" in 1959. After that, he published a lot in republican newspapers and magazines. The first literary mentors of the young poet were famous Mordovian writers and poets - Yakov Pinyasov, Maxim Beban, Fedor Atyanin, Alexander Malkin. They noticed the outstanding artistic gift of the young author and blessed him. The poet published in the Moksha language the books “Sudban tyashte” (“Star of happiness”), “Luganyase-laimonyase” (“Meadow-meadow”, 1977), “Ozhuka, monts” (“Wait, I myself”, 1980), translated A. Gromykhina and A. Terentyev published the books My Friend the Sun (1984), Penalty Kick (1988), Spring (Moscow: Children's Literature, 1986), Magic Bag (1995), "Unquenchable Light" (1998), "Warmth of the Soul" (2000), "Sunny Kitten" (2001). In 2006, a book of selected works “The Fates of Humans” was published, which included poetry and prose in the Moksha language, poems translated into Russian by A. Gromykhin, S. Makarov, I. Deordiev, S. Skachenkov, into Erzya by I. Ishutkin , A. Arapova, I. Kalinkina, M. Vtulkina.

The poet actively participates in competitions artistic creativity of his people. He was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Mordovia", he is a laureate All-Russian festival folk art. Vladimir Korcheganov was awarded for his great contribution to the development of literature Honorary diploma board of the Writers' Union of Russia.

In 2005 he was elected a full member of the Academy of Russian Literature and Fine Arts. G. R. Derzhavin.

Many songs have been written to his poems. Songs for children on the words of the poet wrote famous composer Mordovia Nina Kosheleva.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Korcheganov is a labor veteran, professor, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

In turn, from the editors of the Finno-Ugric Newspaper, we congratulate the hero of the day on significant date. We wish Vladimir Nikolaev good health and creative success.

Inna Astaikina, Finno-Ugric newspaper.

December 29 - 100 years since the birth of Yakov Maksimovich Pinyasov (1913-1984) - Moksha poet, prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia (1940), Honored (1963) and People's (1983) writer of the MASSR, laureate of the State Prize of the MASSR (1970).

Ya. M. Pinyasov is the author of more than 30 children's books. About 20 of his books translated into Russian were published by Moscow publishing houses. Especially popular among young readers are the collections of stories, riddles and fairy tales Living Lanterns (1956), the book Ordinary Mittens (1959), and the story Noisy Brother (1964). The circulation of Pinyasov's children's books in Russian exceeded 7 million copies. Pinyasov's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the peoples of Russia and the CIS, published in England, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, China, Romania, and Czechoslovakia.

Here are some of his works for children translated from Moksha into Russian.

Fairy tale "Forest Tailor"

Have you heard the story of the forest tailor? Well, listen.

One day early snow fell. The guys were delighted that it was soft and sticky - let's roll balls out of it, snowmen sculpt. The bunnies were also happy. They jump, frolic, shake their ears - snowflakes tickle them. And it's so funny: you jump - and four tracks remain behind you. Two smaller ones, two bigger ones. You can embroider beautiful patterns on the snow.

The kids frolic, and the hare-mother almost cries. She sat under the tree, propped her cheek with her paw and dripped her head:

You are my children, dears, why are you rejoicing, stupid! After all, in these footsteps you are now not only a big-nosed wolf - any hunter will find you!

Nothing, - the hares squeak, - we will confuse the tracks so much that the cunning fox will not find us!

And the hare does not let up, she grieves:

Ah, winter-winter, why, early, came - I don’t have a zipun! Why did the first snow fall - after all, my rabbits don’t have white fur coats!

Nothing, - perky kids squeak, - we are warm even in summer coats!

It's not about heat. The trouble is that everything is white, and your clothes are gray. Now not only a big-eyed owl will see you - any loud-mouthed crow will offend you!

The hedgehog hears these lamentations in his hut. He lies, basking, on a feather bed made of dry leaves, pressing his bare soles under him, squinting into the ice window at the white snow and thinking:

“It’s good that I went to bed on time! Nobody will bother me now. I just feel sorry for the hares, it will be bad for them ... "

Only he thought it, out of nowhere, a crow. She saw the rabbits, spread her claws, opened her beak - grab it! - missed it. Bunnies rushed to different sides, and the smallest one landed right in the hedgehog's hole and got scared:

Oh who's here?

And you be quiet! - angry hedgehog. - Be polite...

Who are you? Why are you barefoot when it's winter? - the hare was surprised.

I am a forestry tailor. What about you?

Tailor? That's how wonderful! We need white coats to sew.

To sew fur coats, you need to have needles.

Needles? Yes, we will collect them as many as we like under the trees.

Will be soft.

No, they are frozen solid. I even pricked myself.

Okay, take it.

The hares quickly picked up the longest and strongest needles:

Sew coats for us as soon as possible, please, uncle tailor!

To sew fur coats, you need to have threads.

threads? Are they that thin? We will collect as many as we like on the road. They come across with hay. If we eat them, then the stomachs hurt.

Do not pick up any muck from the ground! It's horse hair... Well, okay, they'll do, just collect the white ones and don't bring me the black ones!

Okay, okay, let's try! - the kids rejoiced.

In the light of the moon, the hares ran out onto the meadow road, feasted on blades of hay that had been trotted out of full wagons, gathered up white hair that had fallen out of horse tails, and dragged them to the hedgehog tailor instead of thread. These white threads were good, but only a little short.

The forest tailor grumbled, but managed. He took measurements from the hare, squatted down in his house and started sewing fur coats from the snow cover.

I put all the short threads into the needles and it turns out so cleverly - like a real tailor sews. He runs out of one thread, he takes another needle and thread; and an empty one, so as not to lose it, sticks it in his back. Skillfully sewed! And he got so carried away that he was stuck with needles all over.

He tapped with a fingernail on the window of ice, called the kids:

Well, get white coats!

Bunnies came running, dressed up as if for a holiday. In such fur coats and to Santa Claus at the Christmas tree, it’s not a shame to appear. The hares became white, only the tails remained gray.

Sorry, the material was a bit lacking, - the hedgehog said admiring his work.

He yawned and went to bed, forgetting to take the needles out of his back: he was very tired.

The hares thanked him - some with a carrot, some with a cabbage stalk - and fled through the winter forest.

In white fur coats on white snow - try to find them! native mother does not hear, only by gray fluffy tails and guesses.

The fox was angry that the rabbits could not be caught in any way, and decided to take revenge on the hedgehog.

The hares spent the winter merrily, and spring came - as if their white fur coats had melted when they were no longer needed.

A hedgehog crawled out of his hut, squints at the sun, and the fox is right there:

Aha, caught, forest tailor! So I'll eat you instead of a rabbit!

The hedgehog curled up in a ball of fear.

So, so, - the fox grinned, - curl up, bun, get comfortable! - She opened her mouth - but how to grab a hedgehog!

Grabbed and pricked. I didn’t know, swindler, that all the needles grew to the back of the forest tailor during the winter. Since then, the fox has been afraid to touch the hedgehog.

As soon as winter comes, the hares carry new needles, and the hedgehog sews white fur coats for them.

That's all. And you didn't know that yet?

Fairy tale "About how the bunny lost its tail"

What a good fairy tale I know, - said the black-eyed Ninochka to her friend Olya.

Will you tell me? - the blond Olechka started up.

Of course, I'll tell you... Just let's go and sit on the grass.

Olechka and Ninochka sat side by side on the green grass, and Ninochka asked her friend:

Do you know why a bunny doesn't have a tail?

Olya shook her little white pigtails andaudibly replied:


And I know. And a story about it. Here listen...

There lived a bunny. He had a long tail. Well,like a fox. The same long, fluffy. And the bunny himself was as cunning as a fox. Once the bunny got hungry and began to look for food. For a long time he ran through the forest. And suddenly I smelled a delicious smell. The smell brought him to the edge of the forest. There was a small house there. A fire burned near the house. A white-white grandfather was sitting by the fire and weaving bast shoes from bast for his granddaughter.

The bunny sat down under a bush and began to look: if grandfather would go somewhere. After all, next to him is a pot with something tasty. The bunny sat for a long time, moving its whiskers. Suddenly, almost next to him, he heard someone's voice: "Dz-z-z, dz-z-z." The old man looked at the hives, and sees: his bees have returned home. He quit his job, put a net on his head and went to the bees. Bunny crawling on his stomach - to the bowler hat. In the pot - the soup is delicious, delicious. The bunny ate his fill, licked his antennae. “Now I would like some honey,” he thought, and sat down right on the red-hot little head that was lying by the fire. Burned his fluffy tail. Frightened, the bunny jumped up, thinking that it was the old man who hit him, and rushed to his heels.

For a long time the bunny was sad on its tail. After all, earlier some animals and birds took him for a fox, but now they immediately recognize him.

Until now, the bunny cannot forgive himself: he had such a beautiful tail, but he lost it out of stupidity - he coveted someone else's.

The story "Who to be and who not to be?"

Two comrades, Petya and Kolya, were walking down the street. We stopped at the window of a bookstore. Then they entered the store. Kolya quickly bought one book, the second - both with pictures. He paid the money and put the change in his pocket - thirty kopecks.

And Petya had little money. He really liked the book "Who to be?". Buy one and you will immediately find out a lot of good things. Petya counted the money - not enough. And a little - only ten kopecks.

Kolya, he asked, give me ten kopecks until tomorrow. Such a good book - tells who to be and who not to be.

And Kolya answers him:

Not enough money - do not buy, and that's it!

Spared the money.

The saleswoman who had just given Kolya the change looked at her friends and said to Petya:

Don't be upset, boy! What to be, you will know when you grow up. And who not to be - your friend knows.

At these words, Kolya blushed and left the store. And Petya ran out after him and kept asking:

Tell me, Kolya, who should not be? Tell!

Kolya was silent. Knew but didn't say.

The story "Mushrooms on the oak"

IN kindergarten there were many good boys and girls, but Misha was considered the most truthful of all - he would never tell a lie.

And here's what happened to him recently.

The guys went to the forest - to see how and what grows there.

They walked holding hands, and Aunt Katya explained:

Look, guys, this is a growing Christmas tree, and on it are fir cones. This is a good fungus under the tree - russula. And this is a bad mushroom - toadstool.

You see, a good fungus stands modestly in the shade, and a harmful fly agaric ran out into the sun, to boast of its beauty ...

Aunt Katya knew a lot.

Misha looked around and fell back a little. He liked a huge oak tree in the forest, under which it is even dark. Misha looked up and suddenly he sees mushrooms sticking up high on the withered oak branches!

That's such a miracle! He ran to catch up with the guys to show everyone his find, but he got a little lost.

They searched for him, aukali ... He searched, aukal ... Yes, it helped. And there was so much hooting in the forest that you can’t figure out who got lost where.

When they found each other, Aunt Katya got angry with Misha:

Why are you behind?

Aunt Katya, I did not lag behind in vain: I found mushrooms on an oak tree.

Oh you liar! Do mushrooms grow on oak? Aunt Katya threw up her hands.

Everyone laughed.

But Misha does not give up:

I saw it myself. Oak, and mushrooms on the branches! Come on, I'll show you!

On the way back, Misha found the same old, dark oak tree with dense foliage and dry branches at the top. I looked up, but there were no mushrooms. No - as it was not. And on the one hand went - it is not visible. On the other hand, nothing. I rubbed my eyes: there are dry branches, but there are no mushrooms on them.

Misha got upset and started crying.

They went home, and Aunt Katya comforted him:

Nothing, Misha, don't cry! You must have imagined this.

Of course, dreamed, dreamed! - picked up the guys. - Misha said to the truth, which he saw in a dream ... In a dream, you can see everything: how a fish falls on an empty hook, how you can fly, waving your arms, how rolls grow on a tree - not like mushrooms on an oak tree!

And so the children left the forest, not believing Misha. And the squirrel, watching the children from its hollow, hidden among the dense branches of the oak, looked after them and shook her head; If I could speak, I would probably say:

"Oh no no no! Why offend the truthful boy! After all, the mushrooms dried up while you were back there. I put them on the branches, I put them in the hollow - in my winter pantry. I have dried mushrooms hidden here and selected nuts, but I don’t like to talk about it so that they don’t envy me! Dived into the hollow and hid

The story "Sly Cucumber"

And in our garden, a cunning cucumber has grown! Natasha planted him.

The children helped the adults in the garden. Everyone brought a bottle of water to the garden and watered: some beets, some carrots, some cabbage.

Natasha and her friends were watering the cucumbers. And then all the guys went to the camp.

Natasha was in a hurry and forgot her bottle of water in the garden. So the bottle remained lying - the neck to the flowering cucumbers.

At the end of the summer, the guys returned, went to the garden. Oh, how much has grown here! And red beets, and green cabbages, and yellow pumpkins. And how many cucumbers! Now you will not recognize either your own or others.

Suddenly grandmother calls Natasha:

Natasha! Go look at your pickle!

Where is he?

But look.

Natasha looked. ... The bottle she had forgotten lies in the garden, and a cucumber has grown in it. So big it took up the whole bottle.

That's how cleverly settled! Grandma laughs.

And the guys cannot understand how such a large cucumber could fit into the narrow neck of the bottle.

Natasha, how did you grow a cucumber in a bottle?

But Natasha herself does not know.

I'm nothing ... It was he himself who got in there!

So guess: how did he get into the bottle?

Some works in the Moksha language:


Tachi, taga tala

Marnek welhtyavs fashion

Sporkayas valmyat ala

Aksha katfka kodas

Kelgs tyalot kelgs

Kozhfkas shamy arhty

Ice rink tuziatne velhkssonk

Lama fret right.

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Writers of Mordovia Prepared by: teacher of the native language and literature Rodionova T.A.

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F.S. Atyanin was born in the Penza region in the village of Muromka, Mokshansky district, on June 19, 1910. He is known to the reader as a poet, prose writer and playwright. Laborer, was a shoemaker's apprentice, a loader. He went through all the hard times of the war years, returned from the war in 1944, began working as a teacher of the Moksha language and literature in Moscow, at the Institute of Theater Arts. Then he returned to Saransk, began to write. The writer wrote a significant part of his works for children. The first collection of "Mazi pinge" (" Beautiful time”) came out in 1954. Then, in Russian and Mordovian (Moksha) languages, the books “Selved the Bogatyr”, “Tunda” (“Spring”), “The Miracle over Moksha”, “Swallow”, “Silver Lake”, “Nadya’s Deed”, “Gymnasist” and other. Many of his works have been staged on the stage of the Music and Drama Theatre. "Silver Lake" - this is how the writer called his most famous book based on her one story. It contains stories, fairy tales, legends, novels. Special interest evoke the fairy tales "The Shepherd's Daughter" and "The Tear-Hero". Their heroes are endowed with extraordinary qualities: beauty, courage, heroic strength. They often come to the rescue magical powers and reward heroes for courage and high moral character. F. Atyanin loved works created by the people themselves, collected the best of them. Heard legends, fairy tales, legends, stories the writer passed through his heart, absorbed them, altered them and brought them to his young readers and listeners through his works. Most main character in the works of the writer - the people themselves. He is also the strongest, cunning, smartest, who is not afraid of difficulties, he has no insoluble cases; who, with their work and mind, decorates today's life and builds tomorrow's. What is included in the Valdonia program: Broken plate» - senior group, "Martin" - preparatory group. You can include the book "On New Year's Eve." Poems and fairy tales, - S, 1973. The book includes seven poems - "Cranes", "Fishermen", "Garden", " new year's eve”, “Peaceful childhood”, as well as fairy tales - “Breeze”, “Pancakes”, “Spring on the stove”, “Brave Bunny”. All of them introduce children to the world of animals, the beauty of nature.

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V.N. Korchenganov was born in the village of Sadovka, Kovylkinsky District, on March 9, 1941. After graduating from the 10th grade, he came to Saransk and began working at the Elektrovypryamitel plant, and studied in absentia at Kazan University at the Faculty of Law. I had to leave school due to illness. The name of V.N. Korcheganov is often found on the pages of newspapers and magazines. He writes poetry short stories for children. The collections "Luganyase-laimonyase" (Meadow-meadow), "Ozhuk, monts" ("Wait, I myself") were released. The book “My Friend the Sun” was published in Russian, and in 1986 in Moscow, the children's collection “Spring” was published by the publishing house “Children's Literature”. In his works, the poet sings of the beauty of his beloved antiquity, the care of children for their small homeland, their deeds, thoughts. He showed well how children study, work together with adults, play on the street, communicate among friends and how they behave when they are alone. V.N. Korcheganov is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. The program "Valdonya" includes: "Cornflower" - the middle group, for additional reading, "Fish like a bast shoe" - a preparatory group.

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Yu.N. Azrapkin was born on October 15, 1939 in the village of Kolopino, Krasnoslobodsky district. After graduating from high school, he went to study at Moscow State University. N.P. Ogarev at the Faculty of Philology. At the same time, he began to write poetry. Y. Azrapkin wrote the first poems about children and dedicated them to children. His poems are filled with words and images that are understandable and memorable for children. The rhymes of his poems resemble a canvas, which is woven from the threads of an understandable child's life. Yu.N.Azrapkin's books are small, but very informative and humorous. Reading them, no one can help laughing and want to read them again. Even the titles of the books speak for themselves: “Chuck-chak-chak!”, “Shumbrat, swear!” (“Hello, forest!”). A very interesting and moralizing tale is written in the poetic form "Shis i Kshis" ("Sun and Bread"). The sun wanted to bake bread from the snow, but it did not work out. Bread was baked by a man from new grain, and the sun and water only helped to grow a new crop. Y.Azrapkin drew attention to space themes, popular both in his youth and now. He wrote a fairy tale about how the dog Bobik flew to Mars. The book is called "Marsa Bobikt marhta Marssa" ("Together with Bobik on Mars"). The poet feels very well the soul of children, their mood, dreams and thoughts, so his characters "fly" to school on hot-air balloon, With Caucasus mountains"Ride" on a sled right up to the tundra. Y. Azrapkin remained a “child” all his life. He devoted his poetry to children and, like a child, he himself enjoyed life, what he wrote.

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A.F. Yezhov was born in the village of Podlyasovo, Zubovo-Polyansky District. His childhood years were spent among the dense green forests of his native land, where the Vad and Parkhtsa rivers flow and converge. In the Mordovian village of Poldyaz, he was born on October 10, 1941, the future famous children's writer Mordovia A.F. Yezhov. Here he spent his hungry barefoot childhood. Here he finished school, here he wrote his first poems. A.F. Yezhov graduated from the philological faculty of the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogarev, and then went to work for the Mokshen Pravda newspaper. He worked as an editor in the Lyambirskaya regional newspaper, deputy chairman of the committee on television and radio broadcasting. Yezhov released several children's collections. His collections “Tyashtenyat - Siyan Pyashtenyat” (“Golden Stars”), “Azbukas stihsa” (“ABC in verse”), “Kasy velenyaze” (“My village is growing”), “Ultsyat kaznenza” (“Gifts of the street”) are good known to young readers. In Moscow, the books “Why Spring Came” were published in Russian, in Saransk - “Forest Bazaar”, “My Garden”, “Who is smarter?”. The writer's works are written in simple poetic language, so they are well remembered, deposited in the hearts of little listeners, make them think, do the right thing, love and protect nature.

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Children's poet F.N. Bobylev was born on June 20, 1912 in the city of Temnikovo. During the Great Patriotic War, he defended his homeland, and after returning from the front, he began working as a teacher in the village of Tretyakovo, in the village of Babaevo. Before retiring, he worked as a teacher at the Tyuveevskaya eight-year school in the Temnikovsky district. In 1959, the Mordovian book publishing house published a collection of his poems "Merry ABC". Then, one after another, books appear: “I don’t sit around doing nothing”, “Rainbow-arc”, “I don’t want to be a white hand”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Christmas trees-girlfriends” and others. The poet published many poems in the magazines Murzilka and Pioneer. Some of them have been set to music and published in Moscow in collections of songs for children. Poems by F.N. Bobylev give joy to children, he writes about nature, animals and birds of his native land, about school life, which is also interesting for children of preschool age. They tell in an original, interesting, new way about what in life seems ordinary to us. The works of F.N. Bobyleva for children preschool age: “Funny pictures, “Kolobok”, “Christmas trees”, “Cunning mushrooms”, “Why lemon slices?”, “Eyes-charcoal”, “Mushroom addresses”, “S Good morning, kids! and others.

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