Fathers and sons are generation gaps. Spiritual conflict between generations in the novel I


Philosophical reflections about generational change eternal struggle old and new sounded more than once in the works of Russian writers and before I. S. Turgenev (in A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, in “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin, etc.). At the end of his fundamental novel Fathers and Sons, Turgenev wrote to Pauline Viardot: “I tried to imagine a conflict between two generations.”

The novel "Fathers and Sons" was written in the years when real life in Russia social force raznochintsy became, and the aristocracy gradually lost its leading role. The society of that time was eventually split into several camps, each of which preached its own truths. In the novel "Fathers and Sons" the author tried to present his point of view on this problem and gave a sharp description of the struggle between the old and young generations, because he was a witness to the ongoing debate about the moral duty of children and the wisdom of fathers.

The plot of the novel is based on a sharp social conflict"new man" Bazarov with the world of the Kirsanovs. The writer himself sought to mitigate the eternal conflict with kindness, tolerance, wisdom and love. Despite his sympathy for the truth of the young, he hoped that his father's love and restraint could correct and soften youthful selfishness and arrogance.

Many heroes can be attributed to the "fathers" in the novel. Among them are the Kirsanov brothers, the old Bazarovs. Arkady also belongs to the camp of “fathers”, since their views are closer to him, he is a romantic by nature, like his father, and therefore Arkady rather adapts to Bazarov and his nihilism than deeply and sincerely believes in his principles. Thanks to his talent and out of a sense of gratitude to the past, Turgenev outlines the noble features of the generation of “fathers”.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, Arkady's father, is not a retrograde, not an ignorant serf-owner like Famusov and Prostakova, on the contrary: he graduated from the university, loves music and nature, and classical Russian literature. So, when Arkady offers his father to read a book on physics instead of Pushkin, Nikolai Petrovich, after reading a few pages and not understanding anything, returns to Pushkin. When the son was studying, the father lived with him, "tried to make acquaintances with the young comrades of Arkady." He kindly welcomes Bazarov in his house, sincerely wants to get close to him as a friend of his son, as a representative of the younger generation and just an interesting person. But he still cannot understand why this rapprochement does not occur.

It is impossible not to admire the old Bazarovs and read indifferently about their love for their son. Vasily Ivanovich claims that a person should live by his work, and he himself has worked all his life and continues to work. He, like Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, is drawn to young generation, thinks to learn: "... for a thinking person there is no backwater, I try, if possible, as they say, not to overgrow with moss, not to lag behind the century."

The kind old man sees a connection with new era in somehow making life easier for the peasants by putting them on quitrent, and he considered such an act “his duty”, although other “owners do not think about it”. But he soon bows his head to the youth: “Of course, you, gentlemen, better know where we can keep up with you? After all, you have come to replace us.”

The tragedy of Pavel Petrovich, who leads an empty and meaningless life and is able to take care only of his appearance and well-being, is also palpable. In a dispute with Bazarov, he does not look in the best way: unable to withstand the aristocratic tone, he comes to insults and is defeated due to a lack of paternal love for the young and a misunderstanding of their aspirations. The author says that Uncle Arkady became a dead man during his lifetime.

Watching the life of the fathers, Bazarov gave her an accurate assessment: “It seems that what is better: eat, drink? Only longing will overcome such a life!” Yes, and the author himself understands that people like Bazarov are cramped in parental home that they do not have enough air in a stuffy aristocratic world, they need room for action, for the implementation of grandiose plans and colossal life changes that can change old life for the better. At the same time, the author does not completely deny the aristocracy. He lovingly treats Nikolai Petrovich, the old Bazarovs. And only the aristocracy of Pavel Petrovich is denied by Turgenev, it is not for nothing that he, the only one from the generation of aristocrats, does not have children - the successors of his family.

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The conflict of two generations in the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

spiritual conflict between generations. Parents always wish their children happiness, they want them to go further, achieve more, but at the same time do not forget the best traditions of the past. Cultural continuity with the change of generations will not allow breaking the "connection of times". This world is so arranged that “old age” and “youth” mutually balance each other.

So thought Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, meeting his son after a long separation. He really wanted to be not just a father, but a comrade, friend, mentor. But Arkady already had a mentor. Nikolai Petrovich immediately realized that his son “sings from someone else’s voice,” when, after the enthusiastic words, Arkady, glancing at Bazarov, suddenly says in a completely different tone: “Well, dad, it doesn’t matter where a person is born.” Arkady's nihilism is just youthful enthusiasm, the desire to appear older and smarter. Father and son rejoice in spring, but each in his own way. Nikolai Petrovich recites Pushkin's poems:

How sad is your appearance to me,

Spring, spring, time for love!

Arkady looks at his father with surprise and sympathy. But this disagreement is purely age-related. You can't get away from him. In a conversation about Fenechka, the son shows a spiritual conflict between generations with excessive swagger. “Something pricked ... in the heart” of Nikolai Petrovich, “but he immediately blamed himself.” Fatherly love is always self-sacrifice and forgiveness.

A real conflict arises in Maryino between Uncle Arkady and Bazarov. Family ties do not bind them; they represent not only different generations, but also of different classes. Therefore, only with a stretch can we say the spiritual conflict of "fathers" and "children."

Bazarov condemns the "aristocrat" in Pavel Petrovich: his arrogant idleness, emphasized by starched collars, long nails, secular manners. Speaking in defense of his uncle, Arkady tells the story of his life, but she only evokes a skeptical smile from Bazarov: “ Let's go better look at the beetle." Arkady is offended by this: for him, the uncle is not an “archaic phenomenon”, but a smart person with a “kind heart”, a “deeply unhappy person”, whom it is “sinful to despise”.

But still Bazarov is right. Retiring and surrendering love experiences, Kirsanov did not suspect that it was a "resignation" from life.

In the dispute between Kirsanov and Bazarov, all the main philosophical and socio-economic issues that divided Russian society into two hostile camps. Bazarov wins easily and casually. His intelligence is extremely high. One can not agree with all the provisions of Bazarov, but he is an extraordinary person.

Is it possible to agree with Bazarov's statement that he raised himself? Only partly. He learned something from his parents, simple th good people adoring their son.

Bazarov loves his parents, but behaves too dryly and harshly with them. The complete opposite of him is Arkady Kirsanov, a pet of a noble nest, connected with his father and uncle by threads of deep affection, taking the most active part in everything that worries his father. Bazarov, on the other hand, is afraid of "getting sick." Saying goodbye to Arkady, he tells him: “Yes, Arkady, I have other words, but I won’t express them, because this is romanticism, it means: get pissed off.” Bazarov's artificially dry language is deceptive. No wonder Turgenev said that he spent on his hero the best paints. These colors are especially felt where the gentle, romantic soul of Bazarov peeps through the feigned severity of the nihilist. “Other words” is another Bazarov, generous, cordial, especially in relation to his parents. In the days of illness, on the verge of imminent death, he gives vent to his best feelings. He calls his father either tenderly and touchingly - "old man", then playfully and lovingly - "Vasily Ivanovich", then sublimely and solemnly - "my father". Before his death, Bazarov asks Odintsova to caress his parents: “After all, people like them are in your big light day with fire can not be found ... "

You read Turgenev and you feel how your heart becomes kinder, and your soul becomes purer. And you think: no conflicts between fathers and children are needed. We need only love, big, all-consuming, helping us to live.

« Fathers and Sons” is a sharply polemical work. In it, Turgenev reflected eternal problem"fathers and sons" and related critical issues human being: the inevitability of a change of generations, understanding the experience of the past and reassessing life values of the outgoing generation, in other words, the clash of "the current century and the past century."

But, besides this, the writer also reflected the social conflict, the struggle of representatives of different social strata of society - noblemen and raznochintsy, different worldview positions of liberals and democrats.

In the novel by I. S. Turgenev, the characters of representatives of the 40s and 60s of the nineteenth century collide. The textbook conflict of the work is played out between Pavel Petrovich and Evgeny Bazarov.

Bazarov is a nihilist who denies everything that was accumulated before him by previous generations. Especially his heart "rebels" against everything intangible: art, love, friendship, soul, finally. Bazarov considers all this to be inventions of aristocrats unfit for business, fantasies weak people. The hero says this to Pavel Petrovich: "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet." All these "newfangled trends" cause Kirsanov's indignation and anger. He considers himself and his class to be carriers true values, almost the saviors of mankind.

Disputes and quarrels immediately begin to flare up between these heroes. There wasn't one important issue on which there would be no fundamental disagreement between them. Disputes were conducted on a variety of issues: political, scientific, moral.

However, Pavel Petrovich turns out to be an untenable opponent for Bazarov. All Kirsanov's words are just “words”, as they are not supported by any action. He has no convictions. Pavel Petrovich both externally and internally resembles a doll. Bazarov, a swift, active person, is disgusted by everything that Kirsanov "consists" of.

At the end of the novel, we learn that Kirsanov has moved to Germany and that the Germans themselves mistake him for an Englishman. And from his love for Russia, about which Kirsanov loved to talk so much, there was only an ashtray in the form of a peasant's bast shoes on his desk.

Arkady's conflict with his father is not as obvious as the eternal clashes between Bazarov and Kirsanov, but it is very painful. In itself, the image of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov was created by the author with great sympathy. This is a man with gentle soul, quite educated, loving and appreciating art. He is simple and wise. Arkady is in many ways similar to his father. But the passion for nihilism makes him move away from Nikolai Petrovich. This distance is largely feigned. Arkady really wants to seem like an adult, mature man with their views on the world. To a young man I really want to be like my idol Bazarov in everything. But the gulf between Arkady and Eugene is huge. In fact, the younger Kirsanov needs very little to be happy: to live in home with father, have loving wife, raise children. Therefore, Nikolai Petrovich is so strongly jarred by the feigned cynicism of his son, his careless attitude to eternal ideals.

Kirsanov is very worried about Arkady's alienation, but he is wise enough not to blame his son. And indeed, after some time, Arkady again returns to simple human happiness, worldly harmony, which he really needed.

The most difficult conflict, in my opinion, is the abyss that lies between Bazarov and his parents. Eugene's feelings for his father and mother are contradictory. In a fit of frankness, he admits that he loves his parents. But in his words, contempt for " stupid life fathers." The fact is that this contempt is not feigned, like Arkady's, but real. Eugene's father and mother are madly in love with him. They try not to irritate their son in any way, they try to please him in everything, but in vain.

The end of Bazarov's life shows that his life philosophy was wrong. Bazarov is dying because. According to Turgenev, nihilism has no future, it is only impossible to destroy without creating anything.

Main conflict novel by I. S. Turgenev - the contradictions between "fathers" and "children". The title of the novel is often understood in a very simplified way: a contradiction between generations, a conflict between aristocrats and commoners. But the content of the novel goes much wider than the problems outlined above. Philosophical and psychological problems are also important to the author.

The conflict of generations is given by Turgenev as a confrontation between Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov and Arkady, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov.

The dispute between Arkady and his father is more peaceful. Nikolay Petrovich - family man, it is impossible to imagine outside the family circle. He is a father who strives to fulfill his paternal duty in the best possible way. It is on him, according to Turgenev, that the responsibility for the connection of generations should lie. In the name of his father's love, Nikolai Petrovich is ready to give up a lot. Nikolai Petrovich is distinguished by sensitivity, patience, wisdom. It is these qualities that prevent the rift between father and son.

Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, is arrogant and proud. Bazarov is also not inferior to Kirsanov - he is also strong personality. Both heroes are able to subdue others, but they themselves do not fall under the influence of others. Their biographies are somewhat similar: everyone in their lives had unrequited, unhappy love. Both of them are single, they have no heirs. Both characters do not know how to hear others.

Bazarov is critical of the older generation and denies a lot about it, not because it is old in age, but because it is old in spirit, in its own way. life principles and worldview.

The characters have a polemic that begins with light skirmishes, then develops into an argument, and then the confrontation of the heroes leads them to the barrier. Very often, the participants in a dispute are driven not by the desire for truth, but by mutual intolerance and irritation. Therefore, they cannot fairly evaluate their opponent, understand his point of view.

Bazarov defends the theory of "nihilism": "... we act by virtue of what we recognize as useful ... At the present time, denial is most useful - we deny." Bazarov denies everything: art (“A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet”, “Raphael is not worth a penny”), nature as an object for admiration (“nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it”), love , and even... Pavel Petrovich is trying to clarify how far Mr. Nihilist has gone in his denials. And Bazarov horrifies both older Kirsanovs with his answer:

We deny.

How? Not only art, poetry... but also... it's scary to say...

Everything,” Bazarov repeated with inexpressible calmness.

The reader can only guess what is behind this categorical "everything", this is religion, and faith, and even death.

Despite the categorical judgments of the hero (Bazarov), it is impossible not to notice Turgenev's interest and sympathy for his hero. He, of course, does not share Bazarov's positions, but humanly, some of Bazarov's delusions evoke Turgenev's sympathy rather than condemnation.

For his part, Kirsanov speaks of the need to follow the authorities and believe in them. Pavel Petrovich is sure that only immoral people can live without "principles". By principles, he himself understands, firstly, the constitution, progress, secondly, aristocratism in the English manner, and thirdly, Pavel Petrovich openly hates materialistic ideas, sharing the point of view of aesthetes and idealists.

In his novel, the author tries to resolve the eternal conflict of two generations. On the one hand, this conflict arises from a misunderstanding of the worldview of one generation by another. On the other hand, the heroes simply lack human wisdom, patience and kindness, as well as attention and openness. Turgenev himself claims that life is stronger than any theory, no theory can determine the course of life. And finally, the author is trying to find a way out of the confrontation that has arisen: the ideal of the writer is life, going continuously from the past to the future through the present. The most main value in life - the love of fathers for children. The younger generation inherits the best from the older one, and the older one is more tolerant of the heirs. Only in this case the dialogue of generations is possible.

The heroes of Turgenev's novels often became representatives of the new generation. This writer showed a striking sensitivity to the main social and political change. However, this feature of Turgenev's style does not deprive his books of topicality even today. After all, as you know, history repeats itself. And the conflict of fathers and children is relevant at all times.

Nihilist Ideas

In April 1860, Turgenev Once again left for France. In the small town of Soden, he studied the works of materialist philosophers. In the sixties, many young people showed interest in natural sciences. Turgenev was touched by Dobrolyubov's article, in which the author expressed extremely nihilist views.

Young people are smarter than old people - it was this idea that was seen between the lines in the work young critic. In the correspondence between Dobrolyubov and Turgenev, a furious dispute unfolded. Moreover, the discussion concerned primarily the main categories human existence- love and death.

novel idea

There is no love, but there is physical attraction. There is no beauty of nature, but there is an eternal cycle of chemical processes. There is no spiritual enjoyment of art, but only physiological stimulation of the nerves. The youth from the threshold denies the old ideals of their fathers. Matter and force - only they are beyond doubt. Only for some reason, not one mentally healthy man does not dream of death, and everyone strives to love and be loved. Such thoughts haunted the writer, and it was from them that the novel was born, in which, like no other, the theme of the conflict between fathers and children is revealed.

From the history of creation

The writer thought a lot about the relationship between youth and old age. What is the connection between them? Turgenev analyzed the conflict between fathers and children based on own experience. Disputes similar to those depicted in the novel increasingly arose between him and the matured daughter Polina.

In 1866 Turgenev met Herzen in London. The conversation between old friends was mainly about the Sovremennik magazine. And above all about the intolerant attitude of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov towards people of the forties. These conversations were the final impetus for the creation of a novel about the conflict between fathers and children. Turgenev touched on this topic in more early works, namely in noble nest". In "Fathers and Sons" he created an image that had not previously been seen in literature.

New hero

In 1860 Turgenev began to work on a new novel. For the first few days, the image of a hero vaguely appeared in his thoughts, convinced that natural scientific discoveries could explain everything in a person. The prose writer imagined a gloomy, significant, strong, malicious figure, but at the same time pure and sincere. And doomed to die.

Turgenev created a character who stands on the eve of the future, but is in constant confrontation with the present. At the same time, it turns out to be too weak to realize their ideas, to bring them to life. The conflict of fathers and children, humanists and nihilists, representatives of the Russian nobility and commoners - all this inspired the writer to create a novel.

Features of Turgenev's prose

This prose writer influenced both the form and the content. foreign literature. Opinion that he was addicted to European culture, incorrect. Rather, the French prose writers of the 20th century wrote under the influence of Turgenev's work. The novel "Fathers and Sons" also became popular in Europe. True, only those who grew up in Russia can fully understand the conflict of this work.

Turgenev's novels are characterized by the absence of verbose moralizing, which cannot be said about the books of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Author's voice in "Fathers and Sons", "On the Eve", "Ace", " spring waters' is by no means the first. The writer never forced his opinion on the reader. Another feature of Turgenev's manner is the presence of subtext.

And finally, he always wrote about the most actual problems contemporary society. So, in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" the conflict is born from the contradictions that have arisen between adherents different points vision. And it is directly related to social and political transformation in Russia in the middle of the 19th century.

Human nature is unchanging

What political events were taking place during the years when Turgenev was working on his novel? The Decembrists were returned from Siberia. The reforms have begun. Liberal views are progressing in society. Turgenev quickly realized that everything that was happening was superficial. It's just talk that doesn't follow. Turgenev, unlike Nekrasov, had no illusions.

The writer never laid on progress high hopes. He understood that human nature unchanged. The protagonist of the novel, Yevgeny Bazarov, is a man completely free from liberal illusions. He is alien to the empty conversations passionately conducted by Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Bazarov believes in nothing, wants nothing. This is a deeply disappointed person.

The image of Bazarov

The protagonist of this work is the first convincing commoner in Russian literature. This is the first character who proudly says about himself: "My grandfather dug the earth." Almost every novel Turgenev wrote for the sake of a new literary image. "Fathers and Sons" was created for the sake of Bazarov. This character is a manifestation of a new type of consciousness.

In Fathers and Sons, the writer created, as already mentioned, a fundamentally new hero. There is an opinion that Dostoevsky partly borrowed the image of Raskolnikov from his colleague.

What is Turgenev's novel about?

The political meaning of the novel "Fathers and Sons" somewhat obscures the author's main idea, feature which was humanity. This writer did not demand from his heroes moral achievement. "Fathers and Sons" is a novel with a very deep human sense, which is quite obvious, but it is obscured by the titanic figure of Evgeny Bazarov.

The main character is straightforward, he is smarter than most of his interlocutors, therefore he is not interested in communicating with them. It is very difficult for him to live. Eugene loves his father, but cannot build a dialogue with him. He is attached to Arkady, but he annoys him. Bazarov completely lacks the ability to make contact with others. The protagonist of Turgenev's novel denies everything, and above all conventions. He does not understand love metaphors and romantic relationship, and this becomes his main tragedy.

What main idea novel? Perhaps the fact that happy is the one who knows how to forgive and love. The landscape depicted in the final scene illustrates main idea Author: nature conquers all. Let us recall the content of the book, namely its ending.

Two couples are getting married in the church: Nikolai Petrovich with Fenechka, Arkady with Katya. There is happiness in the life of these characters, although somewhat simulated. Pavel Petrovich is still alone, he looks like a gentleman. But his life is empty. Sitnikov and Kukshina continue to break the comedy, posing as representatives of new views.

The nihilist hero was the least fortunate. From his ideas, only a gravestone remained, on which decrepit old men regularly come, cry and pray for the repose of the soul of their son. This fate awaits everyone. But Bazarov did not have time to fall in love for real, or to know his father's happiness. Charged with the ideas of the materialist philosophers, he was beyond that.

The ideal of man according to Turgenev

The conflict of generations in "Fathers and Sons" is expressed in the form of dialogues. Throughout the story, the characters have endless discussions, trying to defend their own point of view, to prove to each other that they are right. Who wins this dispute? Having finished reading Turgenev's novel, the reader does not see the resolution of the conflict. But one of the characters - a representative of the older generation - still wins the argument. Although he did not enter into controversy.

Pavel Petrovich does not command the respect of the author. This is a crushed man female love. The writer does not name the former beloved Kirsanov. However, there is an opinion that Princess R is a symbol pointing to Russia. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a man without a future, without prospects. Although this hero is only 44 years old. The main conflict in the novel is expressed primarily in the dialogues between Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov. They are representatives of opposing views. As is known from the finale of the novel, there is no winner in their intellectual dispute.

The ideal of a person for Turgenev is by no means Bazarov. The most charming and sweetest character in the novel is Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. He has a beloved son, a beloved woman. He reads poetry, plays the cello. Nikolai Petrovich knows how to live. And he is the most human of all the heroes of Turgenev's novel. He is one of the few who finds happiness at the conclusion of this whole story.

The eternal problem of Russia

The author of the novel "Fathers and Sons" about the conflict of generations was not the first to write. Lermontov spoke about this earlier. Moreover, the conflict between fathers and children (the main theme of Turgenev's novel) is a problem that has been relevant in Russia for a long time. Turgenev's compatriots have always been alien to both English continuity and Eastern respect for the elderly.

In Russia, it is somehow not customary to support the ideas of ancestors. Possibly from here revolutionary events different scales, occurring from time to time over the past two centuries.

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