Scenario of the literary and musical composition “Letters from the front. Poem B


Scenario theatrical holiday concert dedicated to the Great Victory "Letters from the front"

The scene is decorated with large triangles of soldiers' letters.

Characters (in military clothing)

Mother father, eldest daughter, daughter's fiancé.

Youngest daughter, her friend.

Son, son's friend.

Leading: Dear veterans! We are pleased to welcome you to holiday concert. May 9 marks the 71st anniversary of Great Victory. The victories that we got at a huge cost and therefore - so expensive and majestic.

For congratulations on the holiday of the Great Victory, it is given to the director of the school.

Director's congratulations

A musical screen saver sounds, actors appear on the stage.

With fishing rods and a bucket, the boys went fishing, a couple appears

Anya: Oh, how good it is today!

Kolya: An, let's go dancing tonight?

Anya: Dancing? With you? Well, of course I'll go!

Kolya: Good. And I was afraid to call...

Anya: I was also afraid ... but now we have so many more dances ahead!

Kolya: Of course, because ahead - whole life.

Anya: Look, Lyoshka is fishing, let's go to them.

Artists. A crowd of people (those who dance the waltz), all clapping, smiling. Among them are our familiar guys - Anya and Kolya.

Voice: That day they were still laughing
Loved the greenery and the lights.
Neither the voice of the violins nor the piano
They didn't predict war.
Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left!

Anya: Oh how I want to dance!

Kolya: Then I invite you.

Kolya invites to dance

(dancing couples exit)

Song "Easy school waltz"

Kolya: Guys, let's take a picture for memory!
Everyone says "Let's go" and start lining up for a photo

The sound of a bomb exploding is heard
Levitan's voice The record “All radio stations are working Soviet Union... "- a declaration of war.

Boys put on tunics, caps.

The song "Holy War" sounds (first lines)

Mom hugs father, cries. He approaches Lana, hugs her.

Anya's father: So long, daughter. God bless - see you

Anya is crying too. Father is taken to the front.

Anya's sister: Mom, mom. Where did they take dad?

Anya's mother: To war, honey. Holds the child close to him.

Sister: Mom, what is war?

Mother: War... War is when some people attack others, (voice sinks) war is fear and pain... (Crying)

Anya: War is the worst thing that can happen to people.

Anya: throw rush to Kolya. Kolya!!!

Kolya: Anechka, Anyuta. Do not Cry. Everything will be fine, just believe and wait!

The boys leave, everyone else sees them off.

Son: Father, I'm with you (rushes)

Father: Your time will come too.

Anya: Oh, war, what have you done, vile:
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads -
They have matured so far
They barely loomed on the road,
And they left, after the soldier - the soldier ...
Mother: Goodbye boys!
Try to go back.
No, don't hide, be tall
Spare neither bullets nor grenades
And don't spare yourself
And still
Try to get back!

Song "Evening on the Road"

Already on the first day, German aviation bombed 66 airfields and destroyed 1200 Soviet aircraft. In the first three weeks of the war, 28 Soviet divisions were completely destroyed, 72 more than half. German troops advanced 300-600 km deep into Soviet territory.

IN Lana runs. Mommy a letter from daddy. (read)

Mother and Anya: "Dear Masha! Here I am at the front. The enemy is persistently rushing forward. But you believe me, we will not give up Moscow for anything. The defeat of the enemy near Moscow is inevitable. This will be the beginning of his complete defeat. We are faced with a noble task - to cleanse the Soviet land of fascist barbarians, so that our children - the future of our Motherland - live in peace and do not know what war is. I am confident in our victory. Take care of the children. Kisses, your George."

Lana: Mom, are we going to win?

Mother: Of course, daughter! We'll win and we'll dance again"

Dance "Letka-enka"

Lana and a friend tiptoe in with a letter.

Lana: Just be quiet, mom and Anya are sleeping. They work all night in the rear, put cartridges in boxes, ... they get very tired.

Girlfriend: Fine. What do you have there?

Sister: This letter came to Anya from Kolya.

Girlfriend: Waiting?

Sister: Waiting.

Girlfriend: Let's open it? Oh please!

Sister: Let's. ( opens)

“My dear, Anechka. Hard. It's hard to see the battlefield, it's hard to fight, but everyone here understands that it is necessary. For the fatherland, for the future, for relatives and friends - it is necessary. Every day new fight.

How are you like sister and brother, mom? Write more often, I want to receive news from you every day. Know that you're all right. Wait for me".

Children's choir sings a song"Katyusha".

Voice from the front: Two months after the start of the war, August 1941, the Germans launched a powerful attack on Leningrad. Then people stood shoulder to shoulder to protect their native city. It doesn't matter whether you are an adult or a child - war affects everyone!

Having failed at the walls of Leningrad, the Nazis decided to suffocate the city with hunger.

By the end of August, the Nazis managed to cut railway Moscow-Leningrad.

On September 8, 1941, the fascist ring around Leningrad was closed by land. The blockade has begun.

The song "White panamas"

Son: Anya, Lana! Letter! From dad! Finally!

Mom reads

"Hello! Haven't written in a very long time. Now I can. Writing. Today, after the battle, there were many wounded. We are all so dead tired. We are all in one bundle, no matter who you are, where you are from, the main thing is forward, for the Motherland!

Dance "Cranes"

Sitting - son with friends.

Friend: And my dad serves in the tank troops! The letter arrived yesterday. He says it's scary. And I used to think that adults are not afraid of anything.

Son: They probably also thought before the start of the war that it was difficult to scare them, and they were not afraid of anything. And those who survive all this will never be able to look at the world the way it was before the war.

Friend: I will also become a tanker, soon.

Son: And I'm with you, to dad, to help!

Ensemble of boys "Three tankers"

About losses.

Voice: 1418 days, the most bloody and terrible war in the history of mankind was going on on our land. Four distant years. Few of those who went to the front in the first days of the war returned back ... Ninety-seven out of a hundred did not return! Ninety-seven out of a hundred, you know what that means!

During the Second World War, Soviet armed forces was held 6 giant battles and about 40 offensive operations, which ended in the defeat of enemy groups and formations, thereby multiplying the heroism and feat of the soldier and home front workers. Every 8th died. There are more than 27 million of them who died. Among the living there is no person left who did not know the bitterness of loss.
27 million went to immortality so that we can live.

Voice: There was not a family in our country that did not suffer a heavy loss in this war. The duty of the living is not to forget about that terrible war, about those who saved the Motherland, Soviet people from fascist slavery. We are forever in their debt. The memory of the past war will pass from fathers to sons, from sons to grandchildren. Otherwise it is impossible.

Please stand up. A moment of silence.

The metronome sounds, followed by a moment of silence.
Voice: The front passed everywhere - both on the front line and in the distant rear. Everyone fought: men and women, children and the elderly. A great burden fell on the fragile shoulders of women and children. As the years go by, we learn more and more about them. immortal feat at war. Their greatest sacrifice, brought to the altar of Victory.

Song "Great grandfather"

Levitan's message about the surrender of Germany.

All the characters on the stage, joy, embrace.

Anya: I will soon see Kolya, he has reached Berlin itself.

Children: Daddy, daddy, come back soon.

The noise of trains, a crowd of people standing at the station. Fighters enter to the music of Victory Day.

Lana throws herself on her father's neck. Everyone embraces.

Kolya comes out. Katya throws herself on his neck. Everyone is happy.

Some girls did not wait for the fighters.

Song "May Waltz"

We invite veterans, we dance ourselves.

Everyone stays on stage.

Kolya: On our banners
Word written:
For the sake of the living
In the name of the future
Misha: Let the years go by
Veterans will not be forgotten by the country.
Holy and joyful is the memory of the peoples
Your names are kept.
Fought bravely and steadfastly with enemies
You are for your Fatherland.
Eternal glory and everlasting memory
Living and fallen in a fierce battle.

Anya: Let's bow to those great years
Thus, commanders and fighters
And the marshals of the country, and the privates,
To all those we can't forget
Let's bow, bow, friends!

Father: We have only one request:
"Descendants, save the memory!"
We gave our lives for you
and you take care of Russia!

Lana: Today the holiday enters every home,
And joy to people with him comes next.
We congratulate you on a great day,
Happy glory day! Happy Victory Day!

Venya: To you, veterans of fierce battles,
Whose youth is hardened in battle.
We bring love and respect
And my deepest gratitude.

Son: We are the future defenders of the Fatherland, we remember the price of the Great Victory!

Final song "Thank you, grandfathers"

Dance "We are for peace"

Solemn fanfare sounds. The video “What is war?” is on stage. To the music of the war years, the hosts and actors of the theater studio take the stage.

1reader: I have never seen a war
And I can't imagine her horror
But the fact that our world wants silence
Today I understand very clearly.
2 reader: There is no more terrible word than "war",
That takes away all that is holy.
When the silence is ominous,
When a friend did not return from battle ..
3rd reader: Yes! Behind was a difficult hour.
We learned about the war only from books.
The windows have not been darkened anywhere.
In smoky Europe cities.
Victory is bought at the cost of blood.
May the globe always remember this.
4 reader: Yes, what do I know about the war, but what do I know about separation
When the steppe feather grass burns, and hands grab the void
And the marble of the clouds, as far as the eye can see, mints the march with pieces of the sky
You, without hiding, answer, soldier, what does victory taste like
1 host: May 9, 1945 ended the most bloody war in the history of mankind, not without reason called the world.

3 host: The war, which for our country has become Patriotic and Great, Great in terms of the willpower and courage of its citizens, the courage and feat of its defenders!

2 host: Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today, this hall is warm from the friendly atmosphere and crowded from the closeness of eras and generations. You have carried burdens on your shoulders terrible war, passed a huge life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. A generation of children has come to meet you, who have not experienced the horrors of war and know about it from history lessons, books, and films.

Together: To you, dear veterans, home front workers, children of war, we dedicate our concert!

Host 1: Touching the three great oceans,
She lies, spreading the cities,
Covered with a network of meridians,
Invincible, wide, proud.

Presenter 2: But at the hour when the last grenade
Already in your hand
And in a short moment it is necessary to remember at once
All that we have left in the distance,
You remember not a big country,
What did you travel and find out
Do you remember your homeland - such,
How did you see her as a child?

A piece of land, crouched against three birches,
A long road behind the woods
A river with a creaky ferry,
Sandy shore with low willows.

Presenter 3: This is where we were lucky to be born,
Where for life, until death, we found
That handful of earth that is good,
To see in it signs of the whole earth.

Yes, you can survive in the heat, in a thunderstorm, in frost,
Yes, you can be hungry and cold
Go to death ... But these three birches
You can't give it to anyone while you're alive.

Performance of 6th grade "A" and 7th grade "A" with the song "Where does the Motherland begin"

Lead 1: The earth slept peacefully. Children snuffled in their beds, and adults tired of the day rested. And only in the night, full of peace and quiet, a splash of water in the river was occasionally heard, and the leisurely whispering of leaves on the trees. Peaceful inhabitants of big cities and small villages slept in their beds, not knowing what awaits them tomorrow, that in their life there will be four long and terrible years and that many of them no longer have a future. The ground is covered with a light mist. Everywhere is still quiet. These were the last moments of silence.

Composition "Blue handkerchief" performed by class 6 "B"

2 host: I am writing to you from the front, dear.
Bow from me to fellow countrymen...
Let them, like you, believe in me and know
I will not give the land to the enemy.
We sometimes have a hard time
but thank good fortune:
I'm alive, dear friend,
and I wish you the same!

Lead 3: Old paper is stubbornly wrapped along the folds, pressed through more than sixty years ago. Faded ink, faded printing ink on postcards. Letters from the front are still carefully kept in many families. Each triangle has its own story: happy or sad. It also happened that sometimes news from the front that a loved one was alive and well came after a terrible official envelope. But mothers and wives believed: the funeral came by mistake. And they waited - for years, decades.
1 presenter: Letters from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are documents of great power. In the lines smelling of gunpowder - the breath of war, the rudeness of harsh trench everyday life, the tenderness of a soldier's heart, faith in Victory ...

Performance of the 8th grade "B" with the song "In the dugout"

1 reader: From a letter of Pyotr Aleksandrovich Gogolev.

December 28, 1942. For many days I was on a campaign, and therefore it was not possible to give regular information about myself. Now I have the opportunity to write. We follow in the footsteps of the outgoing enemy. Sometimes, instead of the villages indicated on the map, we find a bare, snow-covered place. Whoever participates in campaigns for the first time, it seems scary and unusual to him. Sometimes we have to pass the fields of hot recent battles. I recall the words of Pushkin in his work "Ruslan and Lyudmila". This same Ruslan went to the field of past battles, here is Pushkin's expression: “... Oh field, field! Who dotted you with dead bones…” The only difference is that Ruslan had an old battlefield in front of him, and we have fresh traces of battles. And another difference is that Pushkin describes a field littered with dead bones, and we have a field littered with dead cars, a mass of broken tanks, planes, cars. Of course, in some places there are our comrades who have not yet been cleaned up who died for the Motherland - soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. There are also those who wanted to take our land, our freedom, our Motherland from us.

2 reader: From a letter from senior sergeant Alyakrinsky.

Hello my dear!
Finally, letters from you began to arrive. I am sitting now in a dirty pit, covered with a tent on top. Recently it has been raining, mud all around. The front is not far away, the walls of the tent are shaking from the echoing peals of artillery fire. In three days we walked about 80 kilometers. Soon it seems that what we have been preparing for so long will begin. But now I feel very good and completely calm. I even want to get there sooner. Tired of dealing with this crap. We will finish it soon, it seems to me that these fights will be the last. The German is nervous and shoots from heavy guns - ours are silent. But the day is not far off when thousands of guns will strike at once and their thunder will herald a new Russian offensive for tens of kilometers.

The song "Mother Russia" performed by Daria Leonova 10 "B"

1 presenter: And from where

Suddenly strength comes

At the hour when

In the soul of black-black? ..

Was not the daughter of Russia,

I would have given up a long time ago.

2 host: Shoulder to shoulder with men, those who have been destined by nature since ancient times to be the keepers of the hearth stood up to defend the Fatherland, fragile women, girls, yesterday's girls. Without a single complaint, groaning, they endured all the hardships of front-line life and hard work in the rear, bringing the most long-awaited day closer - Victory Day!

Speech by Elizabeth Ryzhkova with an excerpt from Y. Bondarev's story "Battalions ask for fire"

The song "Katyusha" performed by Plesskaya Nadezhda from Grade 5 "A"

The movie "Children and War" is on the screen. Against its background are the words of the reader.

1 reader: From a letter from Katya Susanina.

March 12, Liozno, 1943.
Dear, kind daddy!
I am writing you a letter from German captivity. When you, papa, will read this letter, I will not be alive. And my request to you, father: punish the German bloodsuckers. This is your dying daughter's will.
A few words about mother. When you return, do not look for your mother. The Germans shot her. When asked about you, the officer hit her in the face with a whip. Mom could not stand it and proudly said: “You will not intimidate me with a beating. I am sure that the husband will come back and throw you vile invaders out of here. And the officer shot my mother in the mouth ...
Daddy, today I turned 15 years old, and if you met me now, you would not recognize your daughter. I became very thin, my eyes sunken in, my pigtails were cut bald, my hands dried up, they looked like a rake. When I cough, blood comes out of my mouth - my lungs were beaten off.
Yes, dad, and I am a slave of a German baron, I work for the German Charlene as a laundress, wash linen, wash floors. Twice I ran away from the owners, but their janitor found me. Then the baron himself tore off my dress and kicked me. I lost consciousness. Then they poured a bucket of water on me and threw me into the basement.
I bequeath, dad: avenge mom and me. Farewell, good papa, I'm going to die.
Your daughter Katya Susanina...
My heart believes: the letter will reach.

1 leader: Children and war. It is difficult to imagine a more terrible phrase than this. A ruthless rink war went through the fates of thousands, millions of boys and girls, taking away their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, Father's house depriving them of their childhood.

"Song of the little trumpeter" performed by 5th grade "B"

2 presenter: An excerpt from the story of V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment” is performed by Daniil Filatov from grade 7 “B”

Performance by Filatov D. 7 "B"

Presenter 1: Friends come to grandfather,
Come on Victory Day.
I like to listen for a long time
Their songs and conversations.

Presenter 2: I do not ask them to repeat
Secret stories:
After all, to repeat is to lose again
military comrades,

who are still looking for
Combat awards.
One sergeant, another major,
And more - ordinary.

Host 3: I know: It's hard every year
Tell first
About how the army forward
She walked with hope.

About what kind of shooting is there,
Like bullets in the heart...
"Fate," they sigh,
Fate! Do you remember what it's like in July?

Presenter 1: I sit silently next to each other,
But sometimes it seems
What am I looking into the scope,
That I'm getting ready for a fight.

Performance of the 8th grade "A" with the song "Great-grandfather"

Presenter 1: Remember how the guns rumbled,
How the soldiers died in the fire
In the forty-first
Forty-fifth -
Soldiers went to fight for the truth.

Presenter 2: Remember how the earth trembled and went blind,
As the dawn rose from the ashes
Thunder guns
Let's not forget
We are with you.

Presenter 3: Remember that spring shoots are noisy, -
Don't forget those terrible years!
Our path is difficult
Get up people
Life is calling!

Performance of the 9th grade "B" with the composition "Ah, war"

Presenter 1: Even then we were not in the world,
When fireworks rumbled from end to end.
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May!

Presenter 2: Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm of fire,
Deciding the fate of future centuries,
You fought a holy battle!

Presenter 3: Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory.
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From all the earth, from all the earth!

Presenter 1: Thank you, soldiers, you
For life, for childhood and spring,
For silence, for a peaceful home,
For the world we live in!

Video "Thank you, veterans!"

The song "Russia" performed by Ryzhkova Lisa and Pronina Yulia.

Scenario holiday program dedicated to the Victory Day "Music of front-line writing".

March of children, exercises with flags.

The scene is framed in the form of a soldier's halt (tree, hemp, fire, bowler hat, helmet, rifle).

Video "Letter from the front"

On the roads of Russia, feather grasses ring,
Like a bell of memory beats in the distance,
And the dawn plays in the sky in the morning
Again peace and war among people on the scales
Many years have passed since that terrible war
Dear sons did not return home,
But we remember them and still mourn
We keep photos of old houses.
In each of our families there is someone to remember,
Who forever remained in the steppes to fight
Well, and those who returned and survived then
They have become a life support for us forever.
On the roads of Russia, feather grasses ring ...
They will remind you of a sad date.

Good afternoon May 9 - Victory Day! And, of course, today's program is dedicated to soldiers who did not spare the most precious thing - their lives! If only she came ... Victory. And about those who loved, faithfully waited and worked desperately, only for it to come closer ... Victory.
And they wrote letters to each other, so lively, so touching. How nice to see glowing eyes a soldier who received news from home. Small soldier's triangles are able to overcome fatigue in one minute, relieve pain, cheer up and give strength for further struggle, struggle for victory.

(3 soldiers come out, are placed on a halt and write letters)

Leading. The soldiers went to the west

On the paths of war.

Dropped out among the volleys,

Maybe an hour of silence.

And then on a halt,

Falling down into the trench

People wrote letters

To those who were so far away.

Soldiers are sitting on the stage around the fire, quietly singing the song “In the Dugout” (music by K. Listov, lyrics by A. Surkov).

Soldier. What, guys, hung their noses? Look, the mail is coming!

(The postman enters.)

Postman. Hello fellow soldiers! Am I on the third battery? Yes? In that case, here is a pile of letters and a pile of telegrams for you. From sisters, brothers, brides and mothers. How many of them! From all sorts of places.

A telegram from a friend to you,

Mom sent you a letter

To you from your brother, to you from your grandfather,

You have a postcard from your neighbor.

It is for you. And this is for you.

Postman (sits down by the fire).

Fighter. And remember, friends, how tender Russian name gave the soldiers a formidable weapon of war - "Katyusha".

Soldier 1: Hello my Varya!
Soldier 2: Dear Masha!
Soldier 3: Favorite Sunny!
Soldier 1: I'm happy that I have you, Varya.
Soldier 2: You have always supported me...
Soldier 3:….and here. Thank you my dear!…

(3 girls appear with unfolded letters in their hands)

Girl 1: Thank you dear! Man is aging, but the sky is forever young...
Girl 2:... like your eyes, into which you can look for a long time ...
Girl 3:... and admire. They will never grow old, they will not fade.
Soldier 1: Time will pass people will heal their wounds...
Soldier 2:... will build new cities ...
Soldier 3:… will grow new gardens, other songs will be sung…
Girl 1:…other songs will be sung. We will have beautiful children.
Girl 2:…we will love each other…
Girl 3:…and live happily ever after. Wait for me!
Soldier 1: Your Ivan.
Soldier 2: Kiss. Shurik.
Soldier 3: Alyoshka.

(They leave with letters)

Leading: For them, loved ones and relatives, Russian soldiers and officers went into battle. Light and warmth home carefully kept in mind. And we still sing songs of those years about love and fidelity.

Song being performed:
Words by Y. Galitsky, music by G. Petersburgsky "Blue handkerchief

Soldier: brothers, look, the artists have come to us!

Concert for soldiers: children perform..

Leading: Russian soldier! You stood to death on the borders of our Motherland, carried bread to besieged Leningrad, died, saving millions of lives. Through time, those who will not return, will never hug their relatives and friends, loved ones, children and grandchildren, speak to us. Never. How scary!

Words by I. Shaferan, music by M. Minkov “My dear, if there were no war” is boring in the recording ...

A Soldier enters the stage, sits down in a clearing to write a letter to his mother. At the same time, the Mother comes to the table in front of the stage and sits down at the table. Expands the soldier's triangle, reads:

In the background accompaniment of the song "Mother's Prayer"

Presentation "Mother's Prayer"

Soldier: Mother! I am writing these lines to you
I send you filial greetings,
I remember you so dear
So good, there are no words!
For life, for you, for your native land
I'm walking towards the leaden wind.
And let there be kilometers between us now
You are here, you are with me, my dear!

Mother: In the cold night under the unkind sky
And together with you to distant victories
I will pass the soldier's road invisibly.

Soldier: and no matter what the war threatens me on the way
You know: I will not give up, where I breathe!
I know that you blessed me
And in the morning, without flinching, I'm leaving for battle!

Mother: I'm with you to distant victories
I will invisibly pass the soldier's road
In the cold night under the unkind sky,
Leaning towards you, I will sing a song.

Soldier: Mom, even if you did not fight in the war,
But I can say without hesitation
That the blood of children, spilled in the fire,
Gives forever military rank!
After all, we, at that time, young fighters,
Maybe I didn't even dream about it
How difficult it was because of us fathers,
And what was going on in the hearts of mothers.

Presenter: It would seem that all the hardships and sufferings of wartime leave no room for songs ... Nevertheless, the song has always accompanied a soldier on a campaign, at a halt, in battle ...

Potpourri on the theme of war songs

The children come out.

1st: I want our planet
The children were never sad.
So that no one cries, does not get sick
If only our merry laughter would ring.

2nd: So that forever all hearts are related,
Kindness so that everyone learns
For the planet Earth to forget
What is enmity and war.

3rd: You left us the clear sky of the Fatherland,
Home, and the road and tender bread on the table,
You left us the most important thing in life -
The joy of learning in a peaceful, happy land.

Children sing a song .... with balloons

The war died down on a sunny day forty-fifth
And the victorious salute shone over huge country
All those who mercilessly beat the damned fascist
Parented Victory Day that happy spring.
Tears, joy, laughter, kisses, hugs...
All merged together in that delight of love!
People were drunk with great happiness,
What about slavery home country saved.
How many peaceful springs have rang since then,
But no one is forgotten, who is killed in that brutal war
And look from the photos openly and boldly
Those who are no longer with us on our land.
Eternal glory to you, both the living and the fallen
Not sparing himself for us in the fiercest battles
Who gave their lives for our freedom,
For your home, which you saw in short dreams.

Today we again touched with our hearts the history of our country, its past, and maybe we managed to feel what it was like .... a front-line letter.

The song "Letter from the Front" is performed by teachers ...

(lighted candles in the hands) at the last chorus, everyone dressed in a soldier’s uniform quietly fades into the background), candles are left on the floor ...

A moment of silence...

sounds song:
Words by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov "Victory Day"

Leading: Happy holiday to you all! With Victory! Good to you, well-being, health and, of course, a peaceful sky above your head! We invite our guests, according to front-line custom, to taste soldier's porridge at our impromptu halt!

Scenario of the performance - concert, dedicated to the Day victories

(grades 7-11)

Purpose: to expand students' knowledge of the Great Patriotic war; fostering respect for the elderly: war veterans, home front workers - participants in the Great Victory, a sense of pride in the people - the winner, fostering a sense of empathy, compassion for those who survived the war years; increase civic consciousness and patriotism of students.


Awaken interest in the study of the history of the Fatherland, the history of their people, develop an awareness of responsibility for the preservation of the country's cultural and historical values.

Introduce students to art fiction, songs, musical works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War;

Develop Creative skills students, speaking skills, public speaking, expressive reading.

slide 1

"Letters from the Front"

slide 2

Sounds like modern music.

The guys come out (someone shakes himself off, someone looks around) Grade 7-8

Girl 1:Where did you take us? There's some chaos here!

Boy 1:Yes it an old house demolition! Maybe we can find something interesting in the attic!

Girl 2: Yeah, pirate treasure!

Boy 2: Treasure! Treasure! Treasure!

Girl 3: Yes, there is nothing but dust and cobwebs, in my opinion!

Boy 3: ABOUT! Look! What an old album!

Girl 1: Yes, these are old photographs, everything turned yellow!

(triangle envelopes fall out of the album)

Boy 1:I told you we'd find something interesting! Maybe these are old maps?

Girl 3:Memoirs! Let's get rich!

(collect and open envelopes)

Girl 2:Yeah, recipes for the elixir of youth.

Boy 2:We honor, we honor (begins to read with irony)

In moments of rare silence,

Between bloody battles

Let my dreams come to you

They fly, driven by the winds.

Boy 3: Come on, come on: (pulls out a sheet)

I am writing a letter to you, dear,

Cloudless at night

And, languishing from separation,

I am sick with all my heart.

The willow bent over me,

Branches gently hugging

Under the rustling leaves

Hiding privacy.

Boy 1:Wait….( takes a leaf)

And I dreamed in the night

Your hugs and caresses

As if there is no dashing war,

And we are with you in a wonderful fairy tale.

It's a pity reality will dispel miracles

With the rays of the first dawn.

Kiss the kids for me!

I'm looking forward to an answer!

The children change their mood and attitude to letters. Everyone dismantles the yellowed sheets, read them carefully.

Girl 1:Guys, yes it is. front letters! How did they get here?

Boy 3:Maybe they did not reach their addressees?

Girl 2:Or maybe those who kept these letters are no longer alive?

Boy 2: Let's read them today. This is our history, our memory.

Slide 3 (video "Letters from the front")

slide 4

An excerpt from “A tram to the front line” (10th grade student)

The front line was already very close to Odessa. And our militias left at the front line simply by tram. Until the end. Well, I went to see my son on the tram ...

When he was little, I accompanied him to school from the same stop. I always wrapped him three sandwiches, his favorite. And he always brought one back. Mom.

This time I also wrapped him three with me. But he didn't bring me anything back. Yes, and he did not return ... (siren howling) And I ... went to that stop for a long time.

slide 5

Song "Memory" (cf. group vocal studio)

Slide 6 (video "Mom")

An excerpt from the letter "Mother's Daughter" (11th grade student)

Dear mother, from the first lines I want to ask your forgiveness. I completed my nursing course without permission. I could not do otherwise, because both my dad and younger brother who did not even finish school, went to the front. I just couldn't stay at home. Of course, I did not expect that we would get into trouble so soon. On the way to the front lines, we were attacked by a German bomber. There were red crosses on the cars medical care but they didn't even look at it. We did not know what to do, there was a desert area around, no forest, no bush. At that moment, I forgot everything that I was taught, I could not move. Maybe it was a shell shock, because for the first time I heard explosions. All around, I was surrounded by funnels, burning cars and girls who were “writhing” in pain, and yet only yesterday they dreamed of getting to the front. When the explosions stopped, we went to the medical san bat, to take the wounded girls.

On September 9 we arrived in Leningrad. Ways to " big earth"were blocked, because Leningrad was under blockade, surrounded by a ring of Nazis. We got there through Lake Ladoga. In memory there was a little girl who could not be saved, Tanya Savicheva. She died on the way to the hospital. Her Notebook- the diary has become a symbol of the insignificantly bitter situation of Leningrad.

Later we arrived in Stalingrad. I wanted to help everyone, but the bandages that were stuffed in my bag little help could give to the soldiers. Someone's arm was torn off, half of his leg was torn off, his head was crushed, and everyone asked: "Sister, help." I bandaged their wounds and prayed to God to help them endure. “Darling, be patient, please,” I said, trying to calm down. In the trench, almost covered with earth, a soldier lay and tried to say something, but I did not hear, I began to dig him out. His and my blood mixed, hands from the ground were cut. But I had a goal - to save, to bring to the hospital, I didn’t even ask what his name was, I had to help others. I did not count how many were wounded that day and the next. We just had to do everything to help them. The most painful thing for me now is that I left without permission, without your blessing, but I beg you to forgive, because I, like you, like many hundreds of others, help to defend the Fatherland. We will not let the Nazis in and we will not give them the Motherland.

I am sending you this daisy, which is the only one left intact from the battlefield of my first baptism of fire. I love you, Mom.

Slide 7

Song "Scarlet Sunsets"

(St. Vocal Studio Group)

Slide 8 (video "19 years old")

An excerpt from the letter "Nikolai is 19 years old" (student of grade 9)

Dear Mom! I am writing in the hope that I will find you and be able to bow low to you for my salvation. It was in 1941.

Few remained alive when we were surrounded, and the battalion commander gave the order to break through two or three to the front line. My friend Nikolai and I walked through the forest, spent the night in haystacks, fed on whatever we could, until we reached the village of Telyapkino. There were already a dozen or two of our brother-soldiers. Taking a break, we decided to move on together. But the chairman of the collective farm advised: "The Germans are combing the forests all around, wait, guys ..."

But at night the Germans captured the village. We, unarmed, were driven to the village square, lined up. Three fascist submachine gunners approached the first in the line - it was Nikolai - they took him to the wall of the barn and fired a line at point blank range ... We began to say goodbye to each other. Less and less of us remained in the row: one by one, the soldiers were taken to the barn and shot. Women, children, old people who ran to the square screamed and cried. But the executioners did not pay any attention to them, calmly and methodically continuing the execution of the prisoners.

I was thirteenth in line, twelve of my comrades were already lying dead by the barn. And now it's my turn. They took me. Suddenly a terrible cry cut through the air: "Son! This is my son! Don't kill him!" rushed to me unknown woman, small children clung to her skirt, she held one in her arms. The Nazis pushed me away with the butts of machine guns, but the woman with five children did not back down, rushed towards me. The interpreter said something to the officer in charge of the execution, who waved his glove. I was taken aside. The whole square was shaking. Women clutched at the survivors of the Red Army, shouting: "This is my brother!", "This is my son!", "My fiance!".

The execution was stopped "until clarification." We managed to escape during the night.

I am writing to you, Mom, in the hope that you will respond. My real mother I don’t know, but you, who saved my life and became my dearest. Mom, the horrors that war brings will soon end. I hope that I will meet with you and Tanya, because we will win, we will definitely win! Private of the 61st Cavalry Regiment Sozin S.V.

Slide 9

The song "Our Tenth Airborne Battalion"

(duet of the senior group of the vocal studio)

Slide 10 (video "Chernomortsy")

Excerpt "Chernomortsy" (student of grade 10)

A group of sailors from the Black Sea, taken prisoner by the Nazis after the fall of Odessa and Sevastopol, was imprisoned in one of the barracks of the POW camp in the city of Chistyakovo, Donetsk region. According to eyewitnesses, the Nazis tortured sailors especially cruelly. A prisoner of war tanker wrote in a note hidden in the stove of one of the barracks: “... they were tortured, tormented, pierced with red-hot iron, twisted their hands, and they sang songs and told us: look, friends, if anyone manages to escape from here, do not forget to tell there, in the wild, that a sailor is steel and no force will bend us. For the Motherland! Sailors uttered these words during torture. And they were tortured in front of all the prisoners of war, so that others would not think to resist. Then we learned that the sailors strangled two German sentries, but they did not have to run away.

Brothers! Chernomorians dear!

Do not think that I was captured healthy. I was seriously injured, but they healed, bastards, to use as a worker. I'm not going. Today they beat me, repulsed everything to the spleen, goodbye.

Yours, Michael L.

Today I will not be, but you, the Black Sea sailors, will remain. For me, brothers, send a few bullets - let them remember that we do not give up, that I am not, but you are.

Your Nicholas G.

Farewell to everyone who was dear to me, and the sea, the Black Sea, at least see you once.

P. T. Chernomorets will die, but with a song.


Brother Kolka, dear Baltic! Remember me, take care of your mother.

Your brother Oleg.

Slide 11

moment of silence ( metronome)

slide 12

“The major brought the boy…..” (9th grade student)

The major brought the boy on a carriage.

Mother died. The son did not say goodbye to her.

For ten years in this and that world

These ten days will be credited to him.

He was taken from the fortress, from Brest.

The carriage was scratched by bullets.

It seemed to the father that the place was safer

From now on, there is no child in the world.

The father was wounded and the cannon was broken.

Tied to a shield so as not to fall,

Clutching a sleeping toy to your chest,

The gray-haired boy was sleeping on the gun carriage.

We went to meet him from Russia.

Waking up, he waved his hand to the troops ...

You say there is still others,

That I was there and it's time for me to go home ...

You know this grief by hearsay

And it broke our hearts.

Who has seen this boy?

He won't be able to come home.

I must see with the same eyes

With which I cried there, in the dust,

How will that boy come back with us

And kiss a handful of his land.

For everything that we cherished with you,

Called us to fight the military law.

Now my home is not where it used to be

And where he is taken from the boy.

slide 13

Dance "I ask at least ......"

(soloist of the choreographic studio)

Slide 14 (video "Larisa")

An excerpt from the letter "Andryusha" (10th grade student)

Hello, my dear Andryusha. I haven't received any letters from you for six months now. It is very difficult not to receive letters for such a long time. Right now: before the battle, under the roar of guns, the crackle of machine guns, under the howl of cadets, in fire, in powder smoke, I am writing these lines to you and I think, I think about you. My dear Andryushenka, what great power love in battle. You go into battle and you know what lies ahead, after the victory, colorful and creative life. And you suddenly feel better at heart during these terrible hours, because every tomorrow brings you closer to a joyful meeting with your loved one. I remember heavy and formidable battles for Moscow. It was doubly difficult for me then: I found out that the Nazis had torn to pieces my mother and brother. It was very difficult and scary. We survived 2 phases of the offensive. By winter it was getting very cold. I was very worried about my family. Grief crushed me, but I did not cry, no, I took revenge on the Nazis, but everything was not enough for me. My feelings retained their strength, and hatred of the enemy retained its sharpness. But your letter warmed my soul, it became easier for me to breathe, as if your gentle hands hugged and pressed me to themselves. And tomorrow, at dawn, the battle. The love of life is never as strong as before a fight. Suddenly you find out that the sky is damn stupid, that the forest is beautiful, thoughtful and quiet. Village, huts with thatched roofs, smoke from the chimneys, reminiscent of a cozy family life. Want to live. I really want to live. But live freely. This is the kind of life we ​​fight for: at different poles we crawl through the fields, we get wet to the bone. It can be difficult, very difficult, when strength is cut off, and even death seems to be a welcome deliverer from excruciating pain, but remember that there is a whole life ahead and it becomes easier to breathe. I am far from you, Andryusha, but I am not alone, and you are not alone ... there are many of us. Through the night we look ahead and see... victory. We walk over the corpses of the fascists, walking through streams of blood, through the agony of suffering, through the dirt and horror of war. We suffered our victory, we won it. And I so want to return home, tell you and press my cheek against your rough overcoat. My dear Andrey, there is an hour left before the start of the battle. Kiss you. Your Larisa.

slide 15

Song "Smuglyanka"

(cf. vocal studio group)

Slide 16 (video "Brother")

An excerpt from the letter “Victory is near” (9th grade student)

Hello brother.

I am writing to you from the army, I serve in Panzer Division No. 353. I'm fine. Bullets fly overhead, tanks burn, planes crash. We went to war to beat the Fritz. The weather is foggy, nothing can be seen, we drove into German territory. They noticed us and started shooting at us. The first time they didn't hit us, the second time they hit the caterpillars, but we killed them. We got out of the tank and went into the thicket, where we got into a swamp, one person drowned. There are three of us left. There is a hunt, they ate the last meal, there are no more supplies left. We crossed the forest and ended up on a German bunker. We killed seven people. We sat in the bunker drinking, smoking, eating. We captured their ciphers and codes, we went to headquarters. Along the way, we stumbled upon Fritz. One ran with ciphers and codes, but he was shot down, and we were taken prisoner. Tortured, beaten, laughed at us. We sat in agony for fifteen days. On the sixteenth day we ran away from there, we came to the headquarters. We were awarded the Order of Courage.

I will beat the enemy mercilessly until victory. We drive the Germans so that they run and leave everything behind.

That's it brother. Say hello to mom and dad. Wait for me, I'll be back soon. Kiss. Boyev Mikhail.

Slide 17

Song "Sing, soldier, sing"

(soloist of the vocal studio and senior group of the choreographic studio)

Slide 18 (video "Victory")

Letter "Victory" (student of grade 9)

Victory is ours!

Hello, dear Klavochka! With fiery greetings to you, your Vasily. Klavochka! Today I decided to write you a letter, maybe the last one before our meeting. The war ended on May 8, and on May 9 the victory was celebrated. Joy, of course, there is no limit. Now, after all, the Motherland has become very close. Soon, of course, we will be in Russia. In our beloved country. And celebrate victory. All past hardships are behind us. Now you can rightly rest. We have lifted the burden of war from our shoulders. Now happy peaceful working life- the life of still unfaded youth, full of all kinds of desires in all respects. I end here and say hello to my mother, Galochka, Nadya.

Until then, see you soon. Kiss. Your Vasily

Slide 19

Song "Cossacks in Berlin"

(Jr. vocal studio group)

Slide 20

4th grade student:

Friends come to grandfather

Come on Victory Day.

I like to listen for a long time

Their songs and conversations.

I don't ask them to repeat

frank stories,

After all, to repeat

lose again

military comrades,

who are still looking for

military awards,

One is a sergeant, the other is a major,

And more - ordinary.

I know it's hard every year

Tell first

About how the army forward

Walked with loss.

About what kind of shooting is there,

Like bullets in the heart...

- Fate, they sigh,


Do you remember how it was in July?

Friends come to grandfather

Celebrate victory.

Fewer of them...

But I believe - They will come, they will come ...

slide 21

Song "Victory Waltz"

(soloist of the vocal studio)

slide 22

Dance "White peakless cap"

(choreographic studio)

slide 23

Girl 1: Dear friends! We were born and raised in peacetime. We have never heard sirens announcing a military alarm, we have never seen houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we do not know what an unheated dwelling and meager military rations are.

Boy 1: We find it hard to believe that human life breaking off is as easy as a morning dream.

Girl 2: We can judge trenches and trenches only from movies and the stories of front-line soldiers.

Boy 2: For us, war is history. We dedicated today's concert to the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Girl 3: Guys, what to do with the letters?

Boy 3: Let's donate them to the museum military glory Let's read and remember!

Slides 24-26

(all groups of the vocal studio and concert participants).

Lydia Trifonova

Target: education of moral and patriotic feelings for the motherland.


1. To acquaint children with the heroism of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War.

2. To instill in preschoolers a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, a respectful attitude towards veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

3. To develop in children the ability to emotionally express their feelings in plastic, words, singing.

Equipment: costumes – military uniform for soldiers and a postman girl, pigeon costumes, a dress for a soloist, red ribbons; attributes - triangle letters, a large fake envelope, a stump, an accordion; phonogram - in this composition the following is used musical material: sounds of war (metronome, shots, explosions, the melody "In the dugout" by K. Ya. Listov, "Soldier's dance" by A. G. Novikov, "Vocalise" by V. Tolkunova, the song "I want there to be no more war» sl. and muses by A. Petryasheva, as well as author's poems by O. Kristesashvili, S. Udalova and L. Trifonova.

Event progress:

In the distance, the sounds of shooting, shots, bombing are heard. Everything subsides.

The quiet melody "In the dugout" sounds in the background.

Three fighters come out, are located on the stage.

One of them, a little to the side, sits on a stump and plays the harmonica.

Soldiers write letters to relatives.

1st fighter:

My dear

Here I am at the front.

I can already hear the shooting

I see a fire.

Courage, strength is.

To beat the enemy is an honor.

We can give our lives

To defend the country!

2nd fighter:

The fight has just ended.

I am writing to you, brother.

Many people fell

Officers, soldiers.

And it's not scary at all

For one victory.

The third soldier is sad, stops "playing".

The girl-postman runs out, in her hands is a letter-triangle.


Hey soldier, don't be bored!

Here, get the letter.

Dance for the envelope

For me from the heart.

Soldier dance

(The girl teases the soldier with a letter, forcing him to dance. The soldier calls his comrades for help, they dance. At the end of the dance, everyone freezes. The metronome sounds, and then the vocalization of Valentina Tolkunova. Against its background - a voice-over.)

Noiseless fights, those years are far away,

Where the fighters fought for the Victory...

Only never forget the letters of the soldiers,

They remain in my heart forever.

And today, in our fast computer age

Veterans read those letters.

Through fire and through death they were carried by a man.

They are helping to live.

Carrier pigeon dance with soldiers .

(Song “I want there to be no more war”, music and lyrics by A. Petryasheva)

At the end of the dance, the soldiers bring out a large layout of an envelope, where reverse side Attached are several gift envelopes for veterans.

Pigeon girls and soldiers line up in the central "photo", two children (a boy and a girl) come out junior group stand on both sides.


Yes, the terrible hour is behind us.

We learned about the war only from books.


Thank you, we love you very much.

Bow to you from girls and boys!

Any festive marching music sounds, children give letters-triangles with wishes to veterans.

VIDEO from the competition:

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