Scenario about musical instruments for children. P


Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education children of the Moscow region


Music lesson script


early childhood teacher aesthetic development children

Slivkova Galina Borisovna




« musical journey into the world of children's instruments"

Purpose: To introduce children to a variety of children's noise instruments.

Tasks: Musical education child, as well as development creativity.To interest children in playing percussion, noise, musical instruments that do not have a scale, because. noise instruments help to develop a sense of rhythm, expand the timbre representations of children.

Equipment: children's instruments: percussion and noise.

Presenter: Today we have gathered for an unusual, amazing holiday of music. We hope that the holiday will give you a smile, joy and good mood. Let's sing a funny song guys.

The song "Pass, pass this song in a circle" muses. sl. Agagabova E.

Host: Well done guys! And now we are going to visit musical instruments. We will sing musical exercise -

"Musical echo" sl. Trubnikova M.A.

Host: And now let's listen to our soloists.

Song "Triangle and Drum" music. Filippenko A., sl. Melnikova N.

Presenter: Let's join hands together, we'll go to the autumn forest.

Let's go musically. We need jingling instruments.

(children walk in a circle, holding tambourines behind their backs)

Presenter: We saw a titmouse in the forest, we will sing a song about it.

(children sing a song, and the chorus is played on tambourines)

Song « Titmouse "music. and sl. Olifirova L.A.

What is your name, birdie? Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.

Are you a titmouse? Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.

Eat wheat. Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.

Goodbye, titmouse. Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.

Presenter: And now we will go to the cloud, we are not afraid of the dense forest.

We will go around all the snags, we are walking along the path.

(Children move like a “snake” to the music, they hold tambourines behind their backs)

Presenter: And clouds are gathering in the sky, let's sing a song.

The song "Cloud - Serduchka" » music. and sl. Olifirova L.A.

A cloud lived in the world. Cap-cap. And poured out of the clouds. Cap-cap.

Named hearty. Cap-cap. Those hailstones are thorns. Cap-cap.

She didn't know anyone. Cap-cap. Cold tears. Cap-cap.

Didn't smile at all. Cap-cap.

Presenter: It has rained, and we will play a game in the clearing, everyone stand in a circle.

(The presenter picks up a tambourine and shows the children)

Here is a beautiful, sonorous tambourine!

He will not be silent in his hands.

Tambourine game. [ 4 ]

You go, cheerful tambourine, quietly, like this.

Whoever has a merry tambourine will dance a hopak for us!

Host: Listen to the riddle.

wooden girlfriends

They beat against each other loudly.

Painted like nesting dolls.

Guessed? This…( spoons) - percussion instruments.

Presenter: Pick up the spoons, guys.

Don't keep your feet from dancing

So dance with all your heart!

Spoons enter our orchestra,

Oh, how good are the spoons!

Children's Orchestra "Waltz" Schubert F.

Presenter: Spoons and sticks are wooden tools.

Now we take sticks.

(the children sing the song and the chorus is played on sticks)

Song "Horse" » music. and sl. Olifirova L.A.

Hello gray horse! And-go-go, and-go-go.

Would you like some sweet carrots? And-go-go, and-go-go.

Make friends - you are with me. And-go-go, and-go-go.

Sing a merrier song. And-go-go, and-go-go.

Presenter: The next instrument is also percussion.

Listen to riddles.

    wooden girlfriends

They dance on his crown.

They beat him, and he rattles -

Tells everyone to walk in step.

    They beat him, but he does not get angry,

He rumbles and has fun.

Because without a beating

He has no life.

    Doesn't stop on the way

It draws you into the distance,

Doesn't walk on his own

Walking helps.

    When I play it

When I rehearse

The whole house thinks with fear,

That the roof is being repaired.

The fraction beats, the guys convenes ( drum).

The song "Good old pelican" music. and sl. Agagabova E.

Host: Well done! Now take any instruments for the orchestra.

(leader and children read poetry)

Presenter: Admire the orchestra:

The tools are good! Virtuosi - musicians Our kids are with you!Child: Here is a beautiful, sonorous tambourine! He will not be silent in his hands!Child: Like friendly hands, Our spoons will play! Child: These are brothers - tomboys - Bells are bells.Child: Will play here for you Bright, red maracas.Child: Let's hit the triangles- We bring joy to all guests.Child: We will play together for you, All you have to do is clap!

Children's Orchestra "Hungarian Folk Melody" arr. Vishkareva L.

Host: Well done guys! This is where our holiday ends.

Let's sing a happy song.

The song "What we play" muses. Tilicheeva E., sl. Ostrovsky Yu.

Presenter: Exactly seven colors of the rainbow,

And music has seven notes.

On earth for our joy

Music lives forever.

Listen, the whole world sings -

Rustle, whistle and twitter.

Music lives in everything!

Her world is magical!

See you soon!

List of used literature:

    Methodical journal « Musical director"- M .: LLC Publishing House "Education of a preschooler", 4-2008.

    Methodical magazine "Musical leader" - M .: LLC Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 3-2010.

    Methodical magazine "Musical leader" - M .: LLC Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 6-2008.

    Trubnikova M.A. Music steps (games and entertainment with children's musical instruments). - M.: The original layout was made in the Computing Center of the Moscow State Conservatory, 1998.

    Tarasova K.V., Nesterenko T.V., Ruban T.G., Reader for the program "Harmony" for children of the 5th year of life, part 1, part 2. - M .: Center Harmony, 2000.

    Feoktistova L.Yu. Mom's helpers: Scripts, songs, poems, games. For children preschool age. - M .: Music, 2003.

Natalya Petrova
Leisure scenario "Journey to the country of Russian folk musical instruments"

Journey to the country of Russian folk

musical instruments

(Integrated leisure for children of the middle group)

Goals: introduce children to Russian folk instruments.

Tasks: 1. Give an idea of ​​how they look and how they sound.

2. To form a desire and interest in playing on Russian folk musical instruments.

3. Educate positive attitude back to origins Russian folk culture.

Area integration: "Artistic and aesthetic development", « cognitive development» , « Speech development» , "Social and communicative development".

Attributes: Russian folk musical instruments - spoons, rattles, balalaika, harmonica. Magic wand, Parsley - Bi-Ba-Bo doll. Notebook, information carrier, video - recording, audio - recordings musical Russian folk works.

Lesson progress:

The children enter the hall Russian folk song"Kalinka" and sit on chairs.

Musical director(ARINA) meets them at Russian folk costume.

ARINA: Hello guys. Get comfortable. Today we will make trip to magical land Russian folk musical instruments.

Sounds like music("Smolensk goose" dance, the character-Petrushka appears.

Parsley: Hello guys! My name is Petrushka. I love visiting and making new friends. Today I decided to come to you. Will you be friends with me?

The children answer.

Parsley: Also, I love travel. Let's all go somewhere together journey!

ARINA: Parsley, we are very glad that you came to visit us, the guys and I were just about to make journey to magical land and we will gladly take you with us, but first guess our riddle.

Spoon riddle. Not a shovel, not a scoop,

What will capture, then in the mouth,

Porridge, soup or okroshka:

Did you know? This (spoon).

Parsley: So it's a spoon! What are we going to eat now? It's good, I love to eat. Oh! But what about our journey?

ARINA: Don't worry Parsley, in journey we will definitely go. It's not just spoons, but the real one musical instrument.

Parsley: What is it musical instrument? And how to play on them, on these spoons, in cups and pots or what?

ARINA: No, they hit each other, like this. (shows) and that's why spoons are called percussion tools.

kids under Russian folk music"Pedlars" played on spoons on the first beat of the bar.


Our spoons are good

They knocked from the heart. (collects spoons.)

Parsley: Well, what does it have to do with our travel have these wooden spoons?

ARINA: Haven't you figured it out yet?

Parsley: I do not know. E (thinks) I guessed! We will go to country of Russian folk musical instruments!

ARINA: Well done Petrushka! Well then, let's go. Where is my magic wand?

(Waves magic wand. It sounds like a lyric. n. music"Sudarushka")

Children follow Petrushka in a circle to the other side of the hall. On the table are laid out different muses. tools.

ARINA: So we got into the magic country, Where live Russian folk musical instruments. Only to tools seemed to us, you Petrushka, you need to guess the names of these tools.

Parsley: Oh oh oh! And I'm completely unfamiliar with folk instruments.

ARINA: Oh, we'll help you. Really guys? Here is the first riddle.

The whole day is all rubbish and rubbish

And she's not too lazy to crack.

(Demonstration ratchet video).

Parsley: Oh, what is it so bursting? And how is this the instrument is called?

(Children answer).

ARINA: Yes, it's percussion ratchet tool.

Parsley: Is it a percussion ratchet? She's crackling. Wooden plates knock against each other and crack.

ARINA: On drums instruments sound occurs when one part tool hits another or when on one's own hit the instrument with something.

Parsley: What do they beat?

ARINA: Well, for example, by hand. Here's a new riddle.

All day bom da bom

There is a loud chime.

(Tambourine sounds).

Parsley: Oh, what is it guys?

(Children answer).

ARINA: Parsley, do you want to try?

Parsley: Yes, sure! (trying to play).

Leading: Well done, Petrushka. You are doing very well. Listen to the next riddle.

Tili-bom, tili-bom

Call from all sides.

The bells are ringing

They speak with bells.

Parsley: Ah, I figured it out! These are bells and bells.

ARINA: Well done, Petrushka, how quick-witted you are. Parsley, do you like to dance?

Parsley: Of course I love!

ARINA: Then dance with our guys.

Parsley: I'll dance with pleasure!

Dance with bells under the river. n. m. "Lady"

ARINA: Well done, danced well. Parsley, our guys also know how to make riddles. Here, listen.

Child: If you want to play

You need to take it in your hands

And blow it lightly

Will music is heard.

ARINA: Think for a minute

What is this?

Parsley: Dudochka!

ARINA: That's right, well done Petrushka. This pipe is called a flute. Listen to how it sounds.

(Demonstration video recordings of playing the flute r. n. m. "Like under a hill under a mountain").

Parsley: Ah, the flute is also percussion tool?

ARINA: Guys, what do you think, percussion pipe tool?

(Children answer).

Of course not. This is a wind tool. Makes the flute sound a stream of air that blows musician. Here look. (Plays the flute).

ARINA: But not only with spoons, tambourines and rattles

nice people in Rus'.

And also a sonorous accordion, look at her!

(The leader shows the accordion to the children).


She will sigh and turn around and walk along the village,

And gather in a circle people whatever you want, dance and sing!

The teacher turns on the audio recording Russian folk song"I went up the hill" (harmonica solo)

ARINA: Ah, that's the last one for today tool with whom I would like to introduce you. Now I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess it!

Piece of wood, three strings, Stretched, thin.

You must know it! Sings very loudly.

Quick guess. What is this?

(Children : Balalaika)

Well done boys! Would you like to hear how our balalaika plays? (children answer)

Sounds like a recording of the game on the balalaika r. n. m. "Kamarinskaya"

Parsley: I wish I could learn this. I also want to play different tools!

ARINA: And I suggest that we all now turn into musicians of the folk instruments orchestra. Let's teach Petrushka.

Children play on musical instruments under the. n. m. "Shining Moon".

Well, Petrushka, did you like it?

Parsley: Yes very. Well done boys.

Parsley: What an interesting journey. Now I will definitely learn to play something.

ARINA: Did you guys like it?

(Children answer).

Well, our journey to the country of Russian folk musical instruments has come to an end. Time to say good-bye. And you, Petrushka, come to us more often, and we will make more than one exciting journey.

Parsley: Thank you, I will definitely come. Goodbye.

ARINA: Guys, let's see Petrushka and wish him a happy journey.

Children leave the room Russian folk song"Kalinka"

Scenario lecture-concert

about musical instruments

"To the world of music..."


    Hello Dear friends, dear viewers! Today you will travel through an incredible interesting world music. We will teach you how to listen and understand music, tell you about Russian folk instruments, their history, capabilities and manufacturing method. Indeed, even in the simplest musical instrument, elegance and usefulness, reasonableness, are achieved at the cost of labor, intense searches, and sometimes hardships, through which the ancient master went to his goal.

    The oldest musical instrument was human voice. This unique tool possibilities, which are unlimited, it can convey all sorts of shades human feelings, emotions. The timbre of the human voice is its color, like fingerprints inherent in only one the only person. Now you will hear one of the highest female singing voices - soprano, which in Italian means over, over.

1. music. Dunayevsky, sl. Volpina " Spring is coming"from the movie" Spring "

2. Isaac Dunayevsky, sl. D" Aktila "You don't need to call love"

3. music Milyutina, sl. Dolmatovsky "Lyrical"

    Now you will hear one of the high timbres of the male singing voice- tenor. Which means to hold in Italian.

4. Russian folk song"I'll harness the three greyhounds"

    The word "orchestra" in Greek means the platform in front of the stage in ancient Greek theater where the choir was located. Now it is a large group of musicians playing various instruments and performing together musical works.

THEY are a group of performers playing national musical instruments. The principle of their organization is connected with national characteristics music culture and its level. Ensembles of folk instruments have been known in Russia since the 12th century, later expanded and turned into orchestras. In 1888 Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev the first professional ONI - the Great Russian Orchestra was created.

    Now that we have access to all the achievements of the world musical culture, we all exactly love folk instruments. We play the balalaika, button accordion, dombra, not because the cello, piano or clarinet are not available to us, but because our native songs and dances sound better on folk instruments, and to live without our own native music not one people on earth can.

Haven't heard from you for a long time

Three flooded strings?

They say they're out of fashion

Songs of Russian antiquity!

Like a flock of green birds

Fashion rushes after the wind

Don't be sad balalaika

Don't be sad and don't cry

You are now shy in vain!

You are alone in the whole country

You are so cocky

Touch the Russian string!

    There are tools that have become musical symbol, of this or that people. For example, the guitar is Spanish, the mandolin is Italian, the bagpipe is Scottish. Everyone in the world knows that balalaika is a Russian folk instrument. The first written mention of the balalaika dates back to the reign of Peter 1. They performed songs and dances on the balalaika, accompanied solo and choral singing, it was introduced into various instrumental ensembles.

Gusli - , is the most ancient Russian string plucked musical instrument. There are pterygoid and helmet-shaped gusli. The first reliable references to the use of Russian gusli are found in Byzantine sources of the 5th century. The heroes of the epic played the harp: , .

    TO string instruments the same applies to domra. Domra - ancient Russian musical instrumentwith three or four strings. Domra players were called domra players. Groups of dombras and balalaikas are among the obligatory instruments of the ONI.

5. Vladimir Lyamkin "Thin mountain ash";

6. For you, the duet of Daria and Xenia from Yuri Milyutin's operetta "Maiden Trouble" sounded for you;

7. Music. Tikhon Khrennikov, sl. Gusev "Oh, you are a winter winter";

8. Vladimir Lyamkin "Siberian festivities";

    I will now read to you some passages from different fairy tales, and I think you can easily name these works for me:

An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea ... (about a fisherman and a fish);

Near the seashore, a green oak, a golden chain on that oak ... (poem by Ruslan and Lyudmila);

Three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening ... (about Tsar Saltan);

Once upon a time there was a priest, a oatmeal forehead. The priest went through the bazaar ... (about the priest and his worker Balda);

A little danger, where the faithful watchman is visible as if from a dream, moves, starts up in that direction, turns around ... (about the golden cockerel)

    Now tell me, please, who is the author of all these wonderful fairy tales?

As we all know, now you have a week of children's books dedicated to A.S. Pushkin. Many composers turned to the work of A.S. Pushkin, such as Glinka (Opera), Rimsky Korsakov (The Tale of Tsar Saltan and the Golden Cockerel). In 1830, A.S. Pushkin wrote a cycle of works called Belkin's Tales, have you read it? The book consists of five stories, one of which is called Snowstorm. Domestic composer Georgy Sviridov wrote many romances in Pushkin's poems also wrote musical illustrations for the story Snowstorm. Music creates the atmosphere of the main events and experiences of the characters.

9. Georgy Sviridov "Echoes of a Waltz" from musical illustrations to the story by A.S. Pushkin "Snowstorm";

    The orchestra on the stage does not always perform works on its own, but also performs in the same way, as musical accompaniment, accompaniment. At the same time, the coherence of all instruments and voice is so important, creating the most beautiful musical picture.

10. Music. Mokrousova, sl. Lisyansky " Autumn leaves»;

11. Music. Afanasiev, sl. Guryanov "Don't be sad";

Harmony, harmonica!

Songs are playing loudly

For each swaying wattle fence ...

Harmony, harmonica!

native side

Poetry of Russian villages!

    A strong place in the orchestra occupiesAccordion - musical instrument .Bayan consists of three parts- right semi-hull, left semi-hull, fur chamber. Named after the ancient Russian singer-storyteller . Historians claim that the first master who created similar tool was Kirill Demianov, in whose name a certificate was issued in Vienna in 1829. He called his invention the accordion. Now bayan and accordion are two independent instruments. The creator of the modern button accordion was master Pyotr Sterligov in 1905.This instrument was made popular by an outstanding musician - accordionist Yakov Fedorovich Orlansky-Titarenko.

12. Ivan Tamarin old poster»;

13. A. Esinai "A It is snowing»;

14. music A. Lepin, sl. Korostylev "Song about good mood" from to/ f" Carnival Night";

15. Alexandra Pakhmutova "Good girls";

    They have long since legalized their position in Russian folk orchestra wind instruments. These include instruments whose sound is produced by air, for example: Horn, Zhaleika, Svirel, Kuvikly, Vargan. In general, in the old days, all wind instruments were called a flute.

Music stash
This material can be used in music lessons, extracurricular activities. Forms of holding can be different: matinee, holiday, concert, Parent meeting, as well as an element class hour. The purpose of the event: impact on the emotions and feelings of children, listeners; arousing interest in music (not only as subject); education of aesthetic taste in students, a sense of beauty.

For the event you need:

1. drawings depicting musical instruments, portraits of Stradivari and Andreev;

2. poems about musical instruments;

3. musical works, videos with the sound of guessed instruments.

Leading. From time immemorial to the present day, a person has been accompanied by music, a song, and hence musical instruments. In ancient times musical art deeply revered. In Sumer and Babylon, sacrifices were made in honor of musical instruments. IN Ancient Greece gods, as a rule, were depicted with musical instruments in their hands.

The magical power of music was sung in legends and myths. So, the ancient Greeks laid down the myth of the singer Orpheus. Where the arrow and sword did not save, strength and courage did not help, the song of Orpheus did wonders. When he took a cithara in his hands and sang to the melodic ringing of its strings, the wind stopped swaying the foliage, distant rocks moved towards the song, the sea froze, wild animals got out of their lairs and humbly followed the amazing singer, frozen by the miracle of miracles - music.

People of antiquity saw magic, magical power in music and therefore attributed the creation of musical instruments to the gods.

Student. Once, according to an ancient legend, the god of the forests, Pan, met the beautiful maiden Syringa and fell in love with her at first sight. Pan, whose head was crowned with horns, and whose legs were with hooves, did not please Syringa. And she ran away from him. Pan rushed after her and almost overtook her on the banks of the River. But Syringa turned to the River with a plea to hide her from the goat-legged Pan. The River listened to the prayer of Syringa and turned her into a reed. The sad Pan carved a melodious flute from a reed and has not parted with it since then ...

Leading. The baby Hermes, the future god of cattle breeding, the patron of shepherds, designed a lyre from a tortoise shell ...

The flute was invented by the warlike goddess Athena...

This is how ancient Greek myths tell about the origin of music and musical instruments.


It was I don't remember when.
A man pastured a herd in the field,
A wild beast, a bird beat,
He sowed bread and caught fish.
He lived near the water,
Gathered forest fruits
And wore clothes made of skins,
He never extinguished his fire for a moment,
And when I sat by the fire
After a long hard day
He always sang one thing:

One day he was walking along the river,
Which grew reeds,
And straight cane escape
The man carefully took it into his hands.
He held a reed in his hands -
The free wind whistled through the reeds,
He caught the wind whistling on the fly
And he brought the reed to his mouth ...
And then sat by the fire
After a long hard day
And he played one thing on a reed:
“Onna-no! Onna-but! Onna-no!”
He was somehow following the beast into the meadow,
Carried in his hand a sharply bent bow,
And directed at the beast
Sharpened arrow.
The man let go of the bowstring -
The dead animal fell on the grass
It was heard how she barely sang,
A bowstring rang a little in the silence.
And then sat by the fire
After a long hard day
And the bowstring rang one:
“Onna-no! Onna-but! Onna-no!”
He walked through the forest through the windbreak.
Fallen into the trunk with a round hollow
The man pounded with all his might -
The roaring roar of the darkness announced.
And then the man at the log
Burned to the bottom in the middle
And covered the emptiness of the trunk
He is the elastic skin of an ox,
And then sat by the fire
After a long hard day
And he beat his drum alone:
“Onna-no! Onna-but! Onna-no!”
Passed for century century,
And the man became mighty:
He built himself cities
Him heaven, earth and water
Subdued, he flew up to the sun, -
But always, among all the difficult cases
I heard the singing of my strings,
And their percussion, and their wind, -
Song of wind, water and fire,
Song of the night and song of the day
Hey, let's all sing together:
“Onna-no! Onna-but! Onna-no!"

Leading. Each nation has its own legends about the appearance of this musical instrument. The Greeks attribute its invention either to the infant Hermes, or to the very patron of the arts, the sun-faced Apollo.

Student. The god Hermes, when he was still a baby, stole cows from his older brother Apollo. From their intestines he made strings, and then, after catching a turtle, he pulled the strings over the turtle shell. Apollo was angry with Hermes. Hermes, in order to make peace with his brother, gave him this amazingly sweet-sounding instrument. Apollo liked her voice so much that he changed his anger to mercy, and soon she became his favorite musical instrument.

Question: What musical instrument is mentioned in the legend?


(Tool drawing)

Leading. If you listened carefully to the legend, you probably noticed that the strings of the lyre are stretched. A stretched string can be made to sound, but why a tortoise shell? The fact is that the strings themselves sound weak, and the shell enhances their sound.

The tortoise shell is the body of the lyre. In another way, it is called a resonant box, the vibrations of the strings are transmitted to it. It amplifies sounds and makes them more beautiful.

Student. And here is the legend about the poet and singer Arion. At the competition of cytharists, Arion won and was awarded a precious prize. But the sea robbers decided to take it away from the singer. Having gone out to sea, they wanted to kill Arion in order to take possession of valuable booty.

The inevitable death of Arion. But he finally asks the robbers to let him sing. And Arion sang so wonderfully that even the hearts of cruel robbers were softened. Finished the song Arion and rushed into the depths of the sea. But before he had time to plunge into the water, he was picked up by dolphins fascinated by his music.

They did not let the great singer drown. Putting Arion on their backs, the dolphins brought him to the shore.

Question: What precious prize was awarded to Arion?

(Instrument drawing, video can be used, with the sound of a harp)

Student. The harp is an ancient Egyptian instrument. IN Ancient Egypt the harp was played in a wretched hut, and in the palace of the pharaoh, and in luxurious temples. In the temples, the harps were so large that the priests could only play them standing up. The strings of ancient harps were made from the veins or fibers of the palm leaf. In some Eastern countries, only men were allowed to play the harp, and in some, as in our days, it was considered an exclusively female instrument.

Special laws established how many strings a poor man's harp should have, and how many a master should have. A commoner's harp could not be larger than a nobleman's harp.

In Ireland, for example, for hurting the hand of a harper, the perpetrator had to pay a fine four times greater than for hurting the hand of any other person.

When from the blue scarf
Evening, slow shadows,
Your dreamy harp
Suddenly he will sing about the whirlwind of days.
About storms of bliss, ups and downs of passion,
About burning hearts
I'm all in her magical power,
In her caressing jets.
I think these sounds
They will take me out.
From idle boredom, stuffy flour
Of the bygone barrenness of the day.

S. Gorodetsky

Leading. The ancient ancestors of this instrument were born in distant eastern countries. One of its oldest predecessors is ravanastr, which can still be heard today. It is played folk musicians India and the islands of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). A small drum in the role of a resonator, a long wooden neck, to which one or two strings of silk or vein are pressed, an onion-shaped bow - here you have the ravanastr, the invention of the ten-headed dragon god Ravana, as the ancient legend says.

This instrument is titled for high musical perfection: first of all, a surprisingly lively, quivering sound, not inferior in flexibility and expressiveness to human singing. Only her singing can be endless, uninterrupted. She will not yield to the piano in virtuosity, and in the diverse “pronunciation” of sounds she simply has no equal. This is the most “speaking”, the most expressive instrument in sound.

Question: What is the name of this instrument?

(Violin sounds)

Smooth bow movements
The strings tremble
The motive sounds from afar,
Sings about a moonlit evening.
How clear is the overflow of sounds,
They have joy and a smile,
Sounds dreamy.
I'm called violin.

Student. It was a long time ago, over three hundred years ago. Famous violin maker Nicolo Amati picked up a boy on one of the streets of the Italian city of Cremona, who did not know where to go. The ferocious disease plague, from which entire villages and cities once died out, killed the relatives of a homeless boy. Amati brought the boy Antonio to his studio and made him one of his assistants.

Leading. Antonio was very diligent. In his hands, the tree seemed to come to life, the wooden chocks seemed to turn by themselves into blanks for future violins.

At the age of 13, Antonio made a violin on his own. And the great Antonio made his last, more than a thousandth instrument, when he was over ninety.

Question: What is the name of the famous violin maker.

(Portrait of a master)

Leading. The great master was sixty years old when his best new violins sounded. Their sound was powerful, deep, and the violins sang with a human voice, responding to the slightest movement of the bow with new colors.

Leading. This tool belongs to all rich houses. For its manufacture were brought from overseas countries precious varieties of wood - black, red, pink, lemon. The tool was trimmed with ivory, bronze, gold, precious stones, noble painters painted wonderful pictures on its walls and wing-shaped covers.

And the keys!

What are there plates of ivory! It happened that the keys were covered with plates of gems - layered agate - onyx, golden amber and even precious dark blue lapis lazuli.

Question: What is the name of this musical instrument?

(Harpsichord drawing)

Student. Glory to the craftsmen, artists and jewelers who turned the harpsichord into an indescribably handsome man!

Never before has a Musical Instrument been so expensive, so revered and appreciated…furniture.

Alas, improvement appearance resulted in poor sound. The voice of the harpsichord was a little dry, glassy. But the main trouble is that his sound power always remained the same, the same loudness. No matter how hard the musician hit the key, the volume of the sound did not change.

Leading. Replaced by another musical instrument. Who knows what it's called?

piano. The word "forte" means "loud" and the word "piano" means "quiet". For musicians, this property of the new instrument is important to make sounds of different volumes in direct proportion to the strength of the strike on the key.

Student. It happened about a hundred years ago in St. Petersburg. The young violinist Vasily Andreev came to the famous violin maker Ivanov. He said that he would like to order a musical instrument. But when the master looked at the drawings that the violinist Andreev brought him, he became terribly angry.

How so, he, a respected master, was offered to make a buffoonish, buffoonish instrument! Yes, it is not worth the tree spent on it! And at the same time, the young man insists that the instrument be made of the best varieties wood, which the master withstood for years in order to make noble violins and cellos out of it! This is some kind of misunderstanding, not a tool!

And the angry master said that if Mr. Andreev liked, he could buy this peasant instrument in any petty shop, where it is sold along with matches and salt.

Question: What instrument did Andreev propose to Ivanov to make?

(Balalaika sounds, drawing)

Leading. Vasily Andreev noticed that he, a violinist, was not at all ashamed to play the balalaika, and showed the master his art.

And then master Ivanov gave up. He liked how the young musician passionately talks about how he wants to improve Russian folk instruments.

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three flooded strings?
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity!
Like a flock of stray birds,
Fashion rushes after the wind.
Do not be sad, balalaika,
And don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!
Remember how in a pine hut
Your voice spilled
As with Natasha Rostova
Count Tolstoy listened to you.
You are now shy in vain!
You are alone in the whole country.
You are wickedly good at
Touch the Russian string!
With a remote folk heart
You are related for a reason!
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!
Well, maple, give it a go!
Disturb me completely.
ball balalaika,
Wooden bell!

Igor Kobzev

Smokotina Elena Vladimirovna, music teacher

(For preschool institutions)

Leading : Hello, dear guys! Today, students and teachers of the art school came to visit you. We will show you the musical instruments that we learn to play in the lessons at our school, and tell you the stories of their origin.

For many nations, the origin of musical instruments is associated with the gods and lords of thunderstorms, blizzards, and winds. For example, the ancient Greeks attributed to Hermes the invention of the lyre, his son, the forest demon, the pan flute, and the lute to the god of thunder and lightning, Perun. Ancient people honored their ancestors and worshiped the gods.

But over the centuries, musical instruments have changed as well as the worldview of man, the instruments have been improved by the hands of people who were the creators and keepers of the best musical instruments.

Created by the people - folk instruments, have come down to us in a slightly modified form, for example, the Russian balalaika. Our guys will introduce you to her.

S. Nikolaev "Polka" Spanish. Darkness Daniil and Timirov Nikita.

Leading : The youngest folk instrument is the button accordion. The name appeared not so long ago in honor of the legendary ancient Russian singer-storyteller Bayan. Listen to the play on the button accordion, arranged by Mikhail Milman.

"Song" Spanish Kolesnikov Ilya

Leading : Companion of the Great Patriotic War became a very colorful sonority instrument - the accordion. Since that time, it is also considered a truly folk, original instrument.

E. Botyarov "Quadrille" Spanish. Novik Evgeniya

Leading : And now you will hear an instrument that is called universal. He can transmit everything musical sounds: high, medium and low, it is called stringed percussion instrument. The string tension is ... 20 tons! He wrote very accurately about this "giant" children's writer Sergei Volkov:

The piano has many keys and strings.

Each string has a hammer.

The keys have two colors - black and white.

Each student plays the piano skillfully.

And in another way the name of the piano is strange, wonderful, not clear -


And the piano is called like this:

Forte - loudly means

And the piano is quiet, quiet.

Lightly touch the keys with your hand.

Do you hear? The piano starts playing...

Quietly and loudly it can sound!

F. Schubert "Waltz" Spanish. Arteeva Sofia

Leading : Flute…. About how much ancient tool tells ancient history: “One day, wandering through the fields of Phrygia, Marsyas found a reed flute. He picked it up and soon learned to play it so well that everyone was listening to this unpretentious music. Marsyas even challenged Apollo, the patron saint of music, to a contest. The flute made wondrous sounds of fields and forests. The flute cannot be compared, of course, with either the piano or the guitar, because, like all wind instruments, it can only play a monophonic melody. But is it possible to imagine music without its beautiful sound, from which it breathes freshness and spring?

A. Alexandrov "Aria" Spanish. Cherdynkin Evgeny

Leading : You will now hear an instrument that sounds like a human voice or a singer. This is, you guessed right, a violin. The man with the violin has long been a symbol of serious music. Everyone knows the great Paganini, who managed to play on one string instead of four when ill-wishers cut the strings before a concert; and everyone knows violins Italian master Stradivari, who are hunted by the entire criminal world, and detective series with kidnappings and finds created on television.

J. Haydn "Andante" Spanish. Kanipov Aidar

J. Metallidi "At night a dream comes to us" Spanish. Kanipov Aidar

Chetchasova Varvara

Podorova Daria.

Leading : The guitar will continue our program - the ideal soloist and accompanist. We will hear a play with characteristic folk intonations and classical, Western European music. Such different in character works can be played on the guitar!

W. Mozart "Allegretto" Spanish. Melnik Igor


Leading : Dear Guys! Our acquaintance with musical instruments is coming to an end. In conclusion, you will hear the piano in an ensemble performance.

J. Metallidi "Elephant" Spanish. Banu Viorica and Belova Anna

Leading : Dear guys, dear viewers, colleagues! We hope you enjoy our performances. You have learned a lot of new and interesting things. Let this concert remain in your memory, or maybe one of you will want to learn how to play this or that instrument. We will be glad to see you within the walls of our art school. Thank you for your attention, see you soon!

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