Dancing for overweight girls for weight loss. What dances help you lose weight quickly? How and where you can do it


All girls lose weight differently. Some people like to play sports, others like to diet, and still others choose both sports and changing their diet. If you are not into fitness or strength training, there is another way to keep yourself in good physical shape - dancing. We will talk about them in our article.

Dancing for losing weight on the belly, thighs, buttocks is chosen by those girls who want to improve their mood and tone and get rid of excess fat deposits. Is it possible to lose weight from dancing? Of course yes. Dancing provides useful cardio exercise and forces various muscle groups to work. Dancing is especially recommended for those who want to introduce their body to more severe physical activity. Well, experienced athletes, on the contrary, use dance movements to relax muscles that are constrained by strength training.

Dance lessons for weight loss

If you don’t know which dances can help you lose weight, think about the very nature of this action. At its core, any dance is a rhythm, a constant movement, and therefore an ideal way to burn calories. That is, the more actively you move, the faster you will lose weight. Thus, the answer is simple: any dance is effective in combating overweight. But the most effective are those that use the most intense movements.

If you don't want to go to a studio, practice at home. There are a huge number of dance lessons designed for home workouts, with the help of which you can correct your figure. What to choose is up to you. And the choice, I must say, is varied. Lovers of passion and sensuality can try strip plastic, fans fiery rhythms- Zumba, and for those who prefer oriental classics - belly dancing.

Do not forget that the effect can only be achieved through regular exercise. Choose a schedule for yourself and train. In the morning or evening, but an hour after eating. After training, refrain from eating for an hour and a half, etc. Exercise regularly, eat right, and after a little time you will notice how your figure takes on a seductive shape

Zumba dancing for weight loss

What are Zumba dances? Stunning, cheerful, bright. Zumba dance moves are just as beneficial as cardio workouts. Those who regularly engage in such dances effectively lose weight. In addition, they have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improve mood, and strengthen muscles. By dancing to your favorite music, you get rid of excess fat deposits, correct your figure and get incomparable pleasure.
We invite you to watch the video lesson on Zumba:

Oriental dancing for weight loss

Oriental dancing is no less useful than Zumba. They help strengthen the abdominal muscles and gain flexibility. Such activities form beautiful figure and remove extra centimeters from the waist. In addition, oriental dancing is the best prevention of pathologies of the female reproductive system.
And this video lesson will help you start mastering oriental dances:

Dancing for weight loss at home

Not every beginner decides to sign up for dance class in groups. Often girls, noticing the flaws in their figure, are simply embarrassed that they will look ridiculous and attract unnecessary attention. Therefore, you can always start with home training.

You need to spend about an hour dancing 2-3 times a week. A home trainer will be waiting for you in one of the many video tutorials. First, use the tips by looking at the instructor, and after a couple of weeks you will be able to perform any dance steps on your own.

What to choose? As we wrote above, it’s all up to you. Try Zumba, belly dancing, Latino. That is, do what you like best. Regardless of which dances you choose, you will achieve the effect you wanted. After all, dance is rhythm, movement, a good load on different groups muscles and a lot of pleasure. You can try it for yourself different directions, and only then make the final choice in favor of one of them.
When you realize that you feel quite confident in the world of movements and music, you can sign up for group training. Develop your endeavor and you will definitely achieve success.

Many girls take care of their slim figure. Not everyone has the time and money to study in special studios, and some also lack the courage. Dancing at home for weight loss will help solve the problem of excess weight. Classes do not require financial investments, special training, will not take up much free time. How to lose weight by dancing and what types of dancing are useful for this?

Benefits of dancing for weight loss

Many dance moves They use all the muscles of the body, thanks to which all problem areas are pumped up. Additional equipment in the form of simulators is not required, as well as professional level preparation. Dancing is a home exercise for weight loss that brings pleasure and lifts the mood and vitality of women. You can invite a coach (choreographer) or study on your own using video lessons. Do not despair if a beginner is unable to perform some elements. The result will definitely appear, the main thing is not to give up halfway!

If you are wondering how to lose weight at home, it is difficult to find a more effective way than dancing. Morning or evening classes charge you with positivity for the whole day. Dancing at home for weight loss is not recommended for those who have problems with the spine or reproductive system. Everyone else can safely begin incendiary workouts that will help restore slimness and lift their spirits.

What types of dancing help you lose weight?

You can try one of the classes below. Each of them effectively eliminates extra pounds and gives a positive charge of energy:

  1. Eastern are the perfect way losing weight. Learning to belly dance means tightening your muscles, getting rid of extra centimeters on your waist, and getting strong abs.
  2. Latin American dances(salsa, rumba, samba). This option involves smooth rhythmic movements, which are perfect for losing weight. During such incendiary activities, all muscles are used. The best option for losing weight is samba, but it requires a lot of exercise.
  3. Zumba for weight loss is both dance and cardio training. In addition to losing weight, you will get a healthy heart and blood vessels! The advantage of this type of dance is that you don’t have to memorize the choreography, because it is very simple, so everyone can dance Zumba.
  4. Hip-hop provides efficient combustion excess calories, trains endurance, flexibility, models the body shape. Such dances are considered the most energy-intensive, but not everyone likes them.
  5. Flamenco strengthens the thighs, calf muscles, and models the shape of the legs. As a result of regular practice of this dance, you will become more graceful, get rid of fat deposits on the neck, arms (upper body).
  6. Step – beautiful dance to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Increases skin tone, helps to lose weight, develops a sense of rhythm.
  7. Breakdancing is a good way to expend energy, but requires a lot of stamina. Training shapes perfect figure, develop flexibility, give good physical shape.
  8. Strip dance or strip plastic is modern look dancing, which helps not only to lose weight, but also to gain self-confidence. The training program includes gymnastics classes, so it will allow you to get a slim, graceful body and a strong character. If you believe the reviews, learning these dances is a pleasure!

Rules for practicing at home

You can start training at home using online video courses, in special schools or fitness centers. In any case, it is worth learning and following a few simple rules. The study area should be spacious, well-lit, preferably with large mirrors. All factors distracting from the exercises must be eliminated (children, pets, foreign objects on the floor, etc.). The environment around you should encourage the desire to dance.

It is important to prepare special shoes and clothing before starting classes. The girl herself should like her in order to further motivate her to study. The number of trainings, as well as the time of training, is selected individually. It is advisable to exercise 3 times a week for 120 minutes (or 5 times for 60 minutes). At the end of the workout, be sure to stretch the muscles (this rule cannot be neglected).

No less important is right choice musical accompaniment lesson. Russian or foreign song, which will inspire you more? It all depends on individual preferences. Experiment with this by choosing tracks to suit your needs. Sometimes even tired people, without strength and mood, feel a surge of strength and an improvement in mood to the sound of a good rhythmic melody. Additionally, you can remember about invigorating drinks, such as green tea, ginseng decoction.

When dancing at home to lose weight, normalize your diet. Choose healthy foods to use them as “fuel for the body.” It is recommended to eat 1.5-2 hours before the start of dancing, and after it no earlier than 30 minutes. It is optimal to follow a protein diet or include more meat, eggs, and legumes in your diet (excluding junk food). There is no need to despair if there is no success in the first stages, because classes should bring you only joy!

Striving at any cost occupies the thoughts of many. Only this “price” can be impressive: a sudden switch to hard can lead to problems with. But there are other, safer ways to bring your figure to the ideal, and our review is devoted to one of them. Let's find out whether dancing helps and what beginners need to remember.

Is it possible to lose weight from dancing?

This is true. Psychologists even consider dancing the best method losing weight. The fact is that such activities involve motor activity, during which excess calories are intensively burned. It's simple: more movement means more noticeable “reset”.

At the same time they are burned body fat, and increases - the body becomes toned and more prominent.
Let's add here the normalization of metabolism and system functioning. The result is obvious: regular dance classes will not only “kick you out,” but will also prevent you from gaining it again.

The emotional side is also important: this method is not accompanied by pain, which often manifests itself in various situations. After training, you feel a surge of strength and apathy goes away. So breakdowns are excluded, only...

The current pace of life is full of stress, and many people feel the need to “let off steam.” Dancing is also great for such needs: by dancing, we seem to throw out all the troubles without hurting our loved ones.
One more point - many dances for weight loss can be safely practiced at home. All you need is some free space, a mirror, and an appropriate... Well free time

: nothing should distract (some people have to send household members for a walk so as not to disturb them). As you can see, the benefits are obvious, the arguments “for” are quite weighty, so all that remains is to choose a specific type that fits better


The best types for weight loss Almost all styles are suitable for health purposes - any trainer will confirm this. Although the same mentors suggest that you need to choose from individual species
, because pair dancing is not quite suitable.

This is true: when working out with a partner, you have to “switch” to interacting with him, while getting in shape comes down to the work of certain groups.

Impressive ballroom dancing is more aimed at smooth movements, whereas we need activity. Therefore, they are not suitable for combating excess weight.

Before you figure out what kind of dances help you lose weight quickly, let us remind you that any of these techniques has both pros and cons, which you also need to remember. The main thing is not to harm yourself.
This style notable for the fact that:

  • Combines cardio exercise, exercises and at the same time also strength training. Many types cannot boast of such versatility.
  • Normalizes blood.
  • Almost all muscle groups are involved. The main load falls on the legs, back and.
  • Joints become toned and strengthened.
  • Literally a few lessons correct, making the gait soaring.
  • Develops self-confidence. It's no secret that many women strongly associate pole training with striptease. This is not true: the main emphasis is on muscle work and execution technique.

Important!When buying dance shoes, choose the correct size. The material is often soft skin, which wears out instantly, and if you make a mistake, the shoe will simply fly off.

It is better to start your first training with a mentor- floor dancing is difficult for beginners, and the risk of injury is always present. Therefore, we need a person who will explain and show all the elements in practice. And if you have some health problems, it is better not to approach the pole. This applies to diseases such as scoliosis, knees and joints. The initial stage of obesity with a BMI of 32 units is also considered a contraindication.

Many people have seen this dance - it is a breathtaking spectacle. But everyone can master it.
True, for this you will have to visit a special studio (“installing” the equipment yourself is unlikely to work).:

  • Such activities
  • strengthens legs and hips;
  • straighten, because you have to keep your back straight;
  • “work” with muscles, leaving no room for fat deposits;
  • normalize breathing;

form a sense of rhythm, which has a great effect on;Did you know?

  • Solo Irish dancing has its own set of rules. There are even two organizations (WIDA and CLRG) that monitor the regulations and hold championships among the pros.
Having mastered the technique and gradually picking up speed in your movements, you are more actively removing unnecessary calories. Besides this great option For creative personalities - even solo dance

can be turned into a whole performance. An increasingly popular “mixture” of elements, classical ballet ballroom dancing

, tap, break and other styles.
This “mix” is distinguished by its energy: all movements are very dynamic and fast to the point of suddenness.

  • It is attractive because:
  • heavily loads almost all muscle groups, which is useful for weight loss;
  • assumes excellent “reset” rates: up to 1000 kcal/hour;
  • with gradual “retraction” does not require sports training; it can be mastered at home by freeing and having familiarized yourself with the lessons that are full of them on the Internet.
The only thing is that you will have to take quite long breaks between approaches (especially between the first classes). Such a sharp surge in physical activity can come back to haunt you with temporary discomfort that comes from undeveloped muscles. Dress - wide pants and T-shirts, comfortable shoes without.

Belly dance

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when they start to choose what kind of dancing to do to lose weight. It (like other oriental dances) is valued for the following effects:

  • strengthening of muscles, hips, back and legs occurs without traumatic stretch marks;
  • the skin also becomes toned;
  • metabolism improves, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal, thereby guaranteeing rapid weight loss;
  • plastic movements are developed. In addition to aesthetics, there is also a medical side - this is a kind of prevention and treatment of many gynecological diseases.
  • Due to moderate loads, you can get rid of 450-500 kcal/hour.

For classes you need your own “entourage” in the form of a special suit. Although you can get by with a belt that is worn under trousers or a long skirt.

form a sense of rhythm, which has a great effect on;Choreographers identify about 50 varieties oriental dances. Many of them are in pure form" are performed collectively, vaguely reminiscent of an Irish jig.

Arabic dances are very popular, and many people learn them right at home. But they also have their contraindications. So, it is better to refuse training for women suffering from vertebral displacement, and various types of inflammation.

Another energetic style based on fast, hard rhythms. Let’s make a reservation right away - it requires no less physical training than “power” floor dance.
If there is one, then you will be able to fully experience all the advantages of this dance:

  • sudden movements involve all muscles;
  • high-quality cardio exercise strengthens the heart muscle and “accelerates” the blood, thereby normalizing its composition;
  • legs, hips and buttocks are strengthened, giving the shape a piquant roundness;
  • effective “burning” of at least 800 kcal/hour.
Be prepared for the fact that the first will be a bit of a shock for an organism accustomed to regularity: in order to keep up with the rhythm, you will have to move very actively (literally up to ).

If you have concerns about your cardiovascular system, choose a more relaxed style.

An ideal choice for people with a good sense of rhythm. Technically it is quite complex, but the choreographer will help “lay the foundations” by showing the basic movements.
At first you will only have to repeat all these steps and attacks after him, but then it will become more interesting:

  • the whole body is involved;

Important!Belly dancing is mastered starting from simple movements. Standing on tiptoes, bring your legs together and slightly bend your knees. Then they make smooth lunges up and down, forward and backward (trying to stay as straight as possible).

  • legs and hips, shoulders and arms work in the same rhythm, which creates some difficulties for beginners. This is a kind of coordination training;
  • Thick legs lose weight, and thinner ones become more prominent. This applies to the whole body - fat is rapidly lost (650 kcal/hour is lost);
  • excellent posture is developed;
  • the muscles, becoming toned, “tighten up”, while movements become graceful.
Props include sturdy heels, an elastic top, and a long length. wide skirt red - image is very important for flamenco.

There are many such styles - mamba, bachata, jive, rumba, cha-cha-cha and similar styles. What they all have in common is that they are based on energetic movements that actively shed excess.
Besides, obvious advantages can be called:

  • excellent emotional background;
  • emphasis on movements of the legs, hips and buttocks. If these are the areas of concern, then “Latina” is simply irreplaceable;

form a sense of rhythm, which has a great effect on;By mixing the most characteristic movements of all Latin American styles, three Colombian coaches developed separate species, known as Zumba. It became widespread not so long ago (in 2001).

  • all major muscle groups and ligaments are strengthened;
  • availability. The steps and lunges are easy to repeat after studying several video tutorials. There are no tricks, no special plastic skills are required. Such dances seem to be created for home use.
All that remains is to stock up on clothes and shoes. A T-shirt, a short skirt and shoes with a strong instep will be enough.

For the best effect, you should contact a sports club. There are many of them, and classes are recruited for all of the listed styles.
Strictly speaking, dance fitness is the same dancing, “diluted” with elements and some strength exercises that are necessary to maintain shape. As a result, calories are burned more actively, and muscles become elastic faster.

Having come to such a group, you will be under the supervision of a trainer who will not only tell you how to perform certain elements, but will also select a suitable program based on general condition health.

Don’t be afraid to talk about your problems - this will give the specialist full picture and reduce risks.

Important!Fitness centers offer development individual lessons. They are quite effective, but at the same time they are not cheap - the work of an intelligent trainer will cost a tidy sum.

You won’t need to spend much on clothing - just a comfortable T-shirt and “sweatpants”, complemented by light, comfortable sneakers.

We’ve already talked about clothes and shoes, so let’s move on to those points that you need to know when preparing for classes:

  • They should be regular and not cause pain. It may appear the first few times, but if the pain does not go away in the future, stop and think about changing your style.
  • For each problem area have their own dance. Remember that it is impossible to remove “excess” strictly in one area - many zones are involved. But you can choose a style that hits the right spot more.
  • Make a schedule. 3 sets per week will be effective if the workout lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour. More frequent classes (5-6 times) can be carried out for 20-30 minutes.
  • Eating. We don’t eat an hour before training and at least an hour and a half after it. Fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods are excluded. It is being replaced. We will also mention such a factor as contraindications. In pursuit of beauty, it is worth soberly calculating the capabilities of the body. Dancing is not suitable for women who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, high blood pressure and breathing, as well as injury.

    Before starting training, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if the disease is chronic.

    Of course, you shouldn’t be active if your temperature rises and you feel unwell. Same is strictly prohibited when and the active phase of the menocycle.

    Now you know how different dances are useful and what they are like. We hope that this information will help you accurately choose the right style. More positive emotions and bright colors!

Trying to reset excess weight Many people agree to try out all sorts of diets, train in gyms or run in stadiums. Why not use dancing to lose weight? It turns out that there is such a direction. After all, any dance is movement, and active movements help you lose extra pounds. This is a kind of exercise, you just need to choose the right music and suitable dances.

At the same time, dancing does not require special training or any equipment, only your desire. Correctly selected dances can correct the figure, since each direction uses different muscle groups. Dancing for weight loss can be done in special sports complexes or at home.

The effects of dancing on the body

Scientists have proven that in an hour of dancing, a person’s brain produces the same amount of the happiness hormone endorphin as he would get from eating two bars of chocolate. And, as you know, a good mood helps improve metabolism in the body. During such exercises, the load on the vascular and lymphatic systems is reduced, regular exercises help strengthen the heart muscle, and calories are effectively burned.

Those who love to dance live much longer than those who consider this activity a waste of time. But you shouldn’t rely only on dancing. They can only speed up the process of losing kilograms and make it more enjoyable. The weight loss itself should occur due to proper nutrition

and compliance with the regime.

What to choose?
What dances help you lose weight? Everything, but preference is recommended to give to single species. This is due to the fact that when working out in pairs, we train our memory and ability to interact with a partner more than our muscles. But various single compositions can “pump up” various muscles of the body.

  • The following dances will help you not only lose weight, but also develop flexibility and flexibility. The eastern direction helps normalize metabolism in the body, helps get rid of extra pounds, strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abdominals and back. Plus, this type
  • dance has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. Loss – 450 kcal/hour.
  • Latin American rhythms. Very fiery and energetic. Fast rhythmic movements help get rid of extra pounds. During the training, you will use all muscle groups, which allows you to straighten your posture and pump up your abs. Loss – 900 kcal/hour.
  • Flamenco - helps to tone all the muscles of the legs and back. With regular exercise, the weight begins to return to normal, while the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves. Loss – 650 kcal/hour.
  • Modern jazz is a new direction that arose in America and brought together many movements of hip-hop, R&B, tap, break, etc. Very energetic movements require maximum endurance and dedication. This promotes rapid weight loss and development of all muscles of the body. Loss – 1000 kcal/hour.
  • Specially designed Zumba weight loss classes deserve special attention. Their founder is Colombian choreographer Beto Perez. It was he who, in the 80s of the last century, came up with the idea of ​​​​doing various exercises based on incendiary Latin music. These classes are equated to cardio training, since Zumba movements have a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system. These weight loss activities promote weight loss, develop and strengthen the muscular system, and give you a good mood. Loss – 1000 kcal/hour.

How and where can you do it?

  • Depending on the chosen direction, you can find a suitable club in the city and sign up for a club there.
  • In some cities there are special fitness centers where you will be offered to develop a program for you personally, taking into account all the characteristics of your body.
  • Hire a personal trainer and work with him at home or in a club.
  • Usually, at swimming pools and sports complexes, groups are recruited for those who want to lose excess weight with the help of Zumba, shaping, Latino and “East”.
  • The easiest thing is to find the disk “Dancing for weight loss. Video lessons" and study at home, in a calm environment.

Losing weight is fun

Do you want to know how to lose weight through dancing? To do this, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Choose an activity that you enjoy.
  2. Training should be regular. It is recommended to study in the morning or at lunch, for an hour and a half. In the first days, do not overload the body, otherwise the next day will be difficult.
  3. An hour and a half before and after training, you should stop eating; you can drink any time you want.
  4. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals, at least at first. For classes, you should choose the most comfortable clothes and shoes.
  5. Avoid classes during special periods women's days", during illnesses, if you have a headache or feel weak, with an elevated body temperature.

That's all the rules. Do such exercises help you lose weight? The answer will be positive if, at the same time as regular exercise, you follow a daily routine, eat right or adhere to a non-strict diet and enjoy the exercises!

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Many women have heard about dancing for weight loss. But not everyone has the time and courage to “lose weight” dance studios, and at home, as people say, even the walls help. There are practically no costs, no one needs to be embarrassed, no one cares about the level of training, and much less time is spent. What kind of dances promote weight loss, and what is needed for this?

General recommendations: how to lose weight by dancing - how to properly organize dances for weight loss at home

The maximum load is ensured, as is known, during a single rhythmic dance, taking into account the involvement of almost all muscle groups. For example, belly dancing helps to shake off extra centimeters from the hips, abdomen and waist, Irish dances They form posture and train their legs, while strip dancing means working on all the muscles at once. But first you should prepare for home workouts. That is, choose the dance that is closest to your body, “go” to virtual dance lessons (this can be done without leaving this page) and create suitable conditions at home.

Video lesson: Dancing for weight loss at home.

So, what do you need for home dancing, and how to prepare for it?

  • Place to dance should not cause discomfort. The room should be large and bright. It's good if there are large wall mirrors that will help you see your mistakes.
  • Any irritants should be excluded. The environment should be conducive to pleasure. Therefore, you can send your children and pets to the next room, send your husband shopping, forget your phone in the kitchen, and put all your problems out of your head.
  • Don't forget about comfortable clothes and shoes. You can, of course, work out in old “sweatpants,” but a suit is your mood and mood, which means half the success.
  • Music is no less important. Sometimes you have absolutely no energy for training, but as soon as you put on good, upbeat music, the mood immediately appears. Choose those compositions that do not allow you to get bored and “let your feet dance.” And experiment constantly.
  • How much and how often should you dance to lose weight? Each case is individual, but experts advise training 5-6 times a week for 30-60 minutes or 3-4 times a week for 1-2 hours. Stretching after a workout won't hurt.
  • Use food exclusively as fuel, and only useful. There is no point in dancing for weight loss if after training you break into the refrigerator and pounce on buns, sausage and pork in batter. Read: .
  • Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first or second time. This takes time. Just enjoy the dance, the movement and the fact that you are already on the way to a beautiful, toned body.
  • Don't dance after eating – wait an hour, then start training. After dancing (after 1-1.5 hours), focus on vegetables and proteins.
  • Remember about “energy drinks” - invigorating green tea, water, ginseng, vitamin B.

The biggest advantage of dancing is mood, which they create. Dancing people They are not angry and gloomy - they radiate positivity and love of life. Dance, lose weight and be open to life and your desires.

Important: for whom dancing for weight loss is contraindicated or limited

By dancing, you not only reduce your exposure to nervous system daily stress - you improve your blood circulation and metabolism, relieve the lymphatic and vascular system, burn extra calories. But before you start training, visit your doctor and consult for contraindications in order to avoid trouble. And everyone has contraindications physical activity. For example:

  • Dynamic dancing is prohibited for serious chronic diseases, for problems with the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, for diseases of the spine, for hypertension.
  • Dancing is not recommended if there have been convulsions, or there is a fever, malaise, menstruation, pregnancy.
  • Belly dancing is contraindicated those whose medical records include diseases such as vertebral displacement, diseases of the female genital area, hernias, inflammatory, chronic and tumor processes in the body, varicose veins.
  • Contraindications for pole training – presence of injuries to ankles, knees, scoliosis, joint problems, 2nd degree obesity, etc.

If there are no serious contraindications, dancing will only bring joy and health.

The best home dances for weight loss - which dances help you lose weight quickly?

Dancing is one of the most effective opportunities for giving the body flexibility, plasticity, harmony and beautiful relief.

What dances are considered the most effective for weight loss?

  • Belly dancing (and other oriental dances).
    What gives? Strengthening the abdominal muscles, gaining flexibility, forming beautiful hips, eliminating extra cm from the waist, preventing diseases of the female genital area, normalizing metabolism.
    Video: Oriental dance lesson.
  • Strip dance.
    Gaining flexibility, correcting body contours, strengthening all muscles, effectively burning calories, developing self-confidence and sexuality.
    Video: Strip dance lessons.
  • Flamenco.
    Strengthening the calf muscles and thighs, correcting the contours of the legs, gaining grace, getting rid of extra cm in the upper body (neck, arms, etc.).
  • Hip-hop, breakdancing.
    Effective burning of excess fat, development of flexibility, endurance, formation of an ideal physical fitness. These dances are considered the most energy-intensive, but not everyone can do them or like them.
  • Irish dances.
    Training all leg muscles, preventing cellulite.
  • Latin American dances.
    Strengthening the hips and leg muscles, correcting body contours, preventing vascular diseases.
  • Step.
    Developing a sense of rhythm, strengthening the buttocks and leg muscles, combating sagging skin and excess weight.
  • Zumba.
    Equates to cardio training. Effective weight loss, beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system, improving mood and performance, strengthening the muscular system.
    Video: Zumba fitness dance lessons.

Not in a hurry to lose weight? Then dance as your soul demands, just for fun. At least half an hour a day – and the lines of your body will become smoother and more graceful.

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