Education of the aesthetic culture of the individual. Formation of physical culture


The aesthetic culture of the individual is a complex integrative quality, expressed in the ability and ability to emotionally perceive, realize and evaluate the phenomena of life and art, as well as transform nature, the world man "according to the laws of beauty."

The concept of "aesthetic culture of the individual" includes two components: aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic activity.

Aesthetic consciousness is one of the forms public consciousness, which reflects the sensual-emotional and intellectual attitude of the individual to reality and art, her desire for harmony and perfection. The structure of aesthetic consciousness includes a need-motivational component, aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings, taste, interest, aesthetic ideal, aesthetic creativity.

Aesthetic artistic activity is an activity aimed at the performance or creation of any aesthetic value, such as works of art. Of course, any kind of activity contains an aesthetic aspect to one degree or another. For example, the formation of an aesthetic motive of activity, setting the goal of creating an aesthetically expressive, emotionally attractive product; the choice of aesthetically significant means and methods of carrying out activities, obtaining an aesthetically valuable result.

Thus, the aesthetic culture of the individual means the unity of aesthetic knowledge, beliefs, feelings, skills and norms of activity and behavior. In the spiritual structure of the personality, the totality of these components expresses the degree of mastering aesthetic culture society, while also determining the measure of possible creative dedication.

Therefore, the components of the aesthetic culture of the individual are:

a) the development of aesthetic consciousness (knowledge of the beautiful and the ugly, the sublime and the base, the tragic and the comic);

b) the development of an aesthetic worldview (aesthetic ideals, norms and principles, aesthetic orientations and interests, convictions and beliefs);

c) the degree of perfection of aesthetic taste;

d) consistent implementation of aesthetic values ​​in accordance with the aesthetic ideal.

Based on the above components of the aesthetic culture of the individual, it is possible to consider the criteria and levels of development of some individual cognitive processes personality and aesthetic culture in general. As such a process, one can take aesthetic perception, which is defined as the process of reflecting objects and phenomena of reality in art in all the variety of their properties, including aesthetic ones, which directly affect the senses.

The originality of aesthetic perception is expressed in the full meaningful development of the aesthetic subject, the ability to cover the subject in all its details, in the emotional immediacy, enthusiasm that persists in the analysis of the perceived object. Aesthetic perception always evokes certain associations and thoughts about the perceived phenomenon. Thus, the entire personality of a person is involved in the process of aesthetic perception.

As criteria, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the level and dynamics of aesthetic perception, we can propose: adequacy of the perceived object, the ratio of intellectual and emotional, integrity.

important integral part aesthetic consciousness are:

aesthetic taste- the ability to adequately master the aesthetic qualities of reality, expressed in a system of direct emotional assessments. The very first gradations of taste: like - don't like, beautiful - ugly. It is clear that this impulsive reaction, which acquires the meaning of an unspoken assessment, has a natural tendency to become more complicated and, in the end, to be realized by the individual. It has a direct impact on the actions and experiences of a person. Aesthetic taste regulates it emotional reactions, and also indirectly affects the intellectual life of the subject.

aesthetic feelingsspecial kind emotional experiences that have a clearly expressed objective character and are characterized by comparative stability. Aesthetic feelings as a kind of human experience arise from the perception of specific objects - works of art, beautiful objects, natural phenomena. They stimulate social activity a person, have a regulatory influence on his behavior and influence the formation of socio-political, aesthetic, ethical and other ideals of the individual.

aesthetic ideal- norms that do not attribute a certain attitude to reality, but act as models that define the boundaries of an aesthetic attitude.

Aesthetic judgment- an aesthetic assessment of reality, an opinion about an aesthetic object or phenomenon. The main measure of evaluation for him is the aesthetic ideal. Judgment operates with aesthetic categories that reflect the most general and essential aspects of the aesthetic phenomena of reality, aesthetic activity and aesthetic consciousness.

Thus, the aesthetic qualities of a person are complex concept- aesthetic culture. In terms of its content, the aesthetic culture of the individual largely coincides with the aesthetic culture of society, while differing in the subjectivity of comprehension and expression, the dominance of certain aesthetic values, and orientation.


The course "Ethics and Aesthetics" plays an important role in the formation of the spiritual culture of the individual, moral qualities, aesthetic taste. Moral has a universal meaning and specific historical content. The problem of the place and role of moral values ​​became especially acute in XX-XXI centuries, during the period of post-Soviet transformation. The problem of war in the nuclear age, the global ecological crisis, the problems of interaction between cultures and education have become planetary problems. Solving them without relying on a moral component human existence impossible, since the intellect "without morality" is capable of destroying not only the world around, but also itself. The moral revival and spiritual improvement of a person is the goal of the development of Ukrainian society and humanity as a whole. Aesthetics plays big role in the formation of the spiritual culture of students, development creativity, the ability to perceive the world according to the laws of beauty.

Independent work is an important, integral component of the modern educational process, the significance of which in Lately is constantly increasing. Use of developed guidelines will improve the efficiency of independent work of students, including their readiness to independently acquire knowledge in this course.

a) basic literature

Zharavina L.V. "At Time at the Bottom": Aesthetics and Poetics of Varlam Shalamov's Prose: Monograph. - M. : Flinta, 2010 - 232 p.

Modern ethics: a textbook for universities / V. A. Kanke. - 4th ed., ster. - M.: Omega-L, 2011. - 394 p.

Fundamentals of Ethics: A Primer for the Secondary vocational education: Recommended Min. education / A. V. Razin. - M.: Forum; M.: Infra-M, 2014. - 304 p.

b) additional literature

Ethics and Aesthetics [Electronic resource]: electronic tutorial: recommended by the methodological council of the university / N. I. Bezlepkin, O. A. Yanutsh; St. Petersburg. acad. ex. and economy. - Electron. text data .. - St. Petersburg: SPbAUE Publishing House, 2010. - 1 CD-ROM:

Aesthetics and ethics in a changing world. - St. Petersburg, Asterion, 2009.

Fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics: textbook / P.A. Egorov, V.N. Rudnev. – M.: Kno-Rus, 2010.

Guseinov A.A., Dubko E.L. Ethics: Textbook / Under the general editorship of A.A. Guseinov, E.L. Dubko; Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. -M.: Gardariki, 2004.

Ionov A.I. Ethics and culture government controlled: Uch. settlement / A.I. Ionova. - Flint: Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. -M.: , 2005.

Kibanov A.Ya. Ethics of business relations: textbook; Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. -M.: INFRA-M, 2003.

Mishatkina T.V. Ethics. - Minsk: New Knowledge Publishing House, 2008.

Ethics: textbook / L.E.Balashov. - M .: Publishing house Dashkov and K, 2008. - 283 p.

Gubin V.D., Nekrasova E.N. Fundamentals of ethics: textbook. - M.: Forum: INFRA-M, 2007.

c) databases, information and reference search engines

Information and educational portal of SPBUUE. -

Electronic Library of SPBUUE. -

Electronic informational resources:

Website of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences:;

website of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University:;

portal " Humanities education»;

Federal portal " Russian education»;

Federal repository "Unified collection of digital educational resources» http://schoolcollection;

- digital library in philosophy: ;

- Gumer library: .

The well-known scientist B. T. Likhachev identifies the criteria for aesthetic education: aesthetic susceptibility, the actual level of education in the field of culture, the presence of an aesthetic ideal, taste, ideas about perfection in art and reality; the ability to aesthetically evaluate reality in every sphere of life, as well as the aesthetic education of a person.

Noteworthy is the definition of M. A. Verba: aesthetic culture is an integral formation in which consciousness, feelings, and abilities of the individual interact. The scientist includes in the composition of aesthetic culture such components as aesthetic education, the system value orientations, emotional susceptibility to beauty, artistic and creative abilities. The listed qualities can be considered as guiding elements of spiritual and practical aesthetic experience.

When clarifying the essence of the concept of “personal aesthetic culture”, the definition of M. A. Verba was taken as the basis, who understands the core basic quality of a person as the aesthetic culture of a person, which allows her to fully understand, communicate with the beautiful in life and actively participate in its creation.

Aesthetic interest is defined as the selective orientation of a person's mental processes to objects and phenomena of reality, the desire to engage in satisfying activities (the joy of the learning process, the desire to delve into the knowledge of the subject of interest, in cognitive activity experience of failures and strong-willed aspirations to overcome them). Aesthetic interest is a kind of stimulus that ensures the active flow of all mental processes and the productivity of activity. At the same time, aesthetic interest is a unity of emotional, volitional, thought processes, in which a cognitive principle is necessarily present, since, being interested in a subject, a person seeks to know it better.

For aesthetic interest, focus on the object, independence and perseverance in overcoming the flow of information are important, but even more important is the internal readiness of a person to perceive aesthetic information. Therefore, aesthetic interest can arise in a person only in situations containing a lack of information, which, of course, is present in the process physical education, in physical culture and sports activities.

When substantiating the motor component of the aesthetic culture of the individual, it is important to take into account that the object of aesthetic activity is the person himself. One of the aspects of the form of aesthetic activity is the formation of the beauty of the physique and movements of a person. A beautiful physique implies harmony (posture), smartness, symmetry, proportionality, harmony of the body.

The main factor that makes it possible to consider the human body as an aesthetic value, as well as the material value of physical culture, is the position that it is the body and its “cultivation” (first of all, the formation of physique; the development of motor abilities necessary for social practice) is an object, subject and result reflecting the assimilation of the values ​​of aesthetic and physical education. In addition, the very body of a representative of the human race is already a manifestation of culture (the body as a reflection social culture, the material basis of purposeful influences for the formation of the "spirit" through the "cultivation" of the body).

The athletic constitution of a person has always been a standard of an absolutely proportional figure (body build). The aesthetic standard of proportionality is the formation of grace and symmetry of body shapes. The symmetry of the physique is manifested in the size of the body, the proportionality of the limbs, chest; normal (within age and gender norms) body type (asthenic, hyposthenic, normosthenic). In senior school age it is important to form a proportional physique, focus on strengthening the muscular corset, which ensures the preservation and strengthening of correct posture skills, and physical fitness appropriate for age and gender.

Athletic physique implies well-developed muscles, which are emphasized by posture. Posture is a habitual posture standing man. With the correct posture, the body is straightened, the shoulders are straightened, the gaze is directed forward. It is the posture that determines the type of physique and, along with the weight and height indicator, is an indicator of the functional state of the body, its performance and recoverability. But most importantly, these indicators serve as the basis for the vital activity of the human body, a fairly significant link in the motor component and serve as a prerequisite for the formation of the components of the aesthetic culture of the individual.

The beauty of the physique and the beauty of the movements are inextricably linked with each other. The aesthetic "design" of the human physique is revealed in motor actions in order to give them aesthetic expressiveness, plasticity, rhythm and attractiveness.

The dynamism of motor actions is the unity of indicators reflecting the internal and external entity motor action. Dynamism is a complex characteristic of a motor act, which is the result of a relationship between internal and external forces, which determine its implementation, and is specifically expressed by individual characteristics of movements - rhythm, plasticity, tempo and amplitude.

Rhythm - the correct organization of movements in time, the regular alternation (duration, pairs, emphasis) of individual elements of the movement. Rhythm is a characteristic of the technique of physical exercises, reflects the natural order of the distribution of efforts in time and space, the sequence and measure of their change (increase and decrease) in the dynamics of action. Rhythm unites all the elements of motional action technique into a single whole and is an important feature of the motional component (Zh.K. Kholodov).

Plasticity is defined as a regular sequence of changing positions human body, as well as his separate parts, subject to their harmonic coherence, continuity, unity.

Amplitude is the range of motion of individual parts of the body in relation to each other and of the whole body in relation to the projectile.

In substantiating the axiological component of the aesthetic culture of the individual, it should be taken into account that the defining beginning of a high school student's attitude to beauty is his value-aesthetic orientations. The axiological component integrates a number of personal properties, in which the selective-evaluative function of aesthetic consciousness is manifested. Consciousness is a reflection, as well as a person's attitude to the world around him, norms, criteria that are realized in a complex set of individual selective connections of the individual with various aspects of the objective world (S. L. Rubinshtein). The basis of aesthetic consciousness is the system of the most general relations, essential knowledge, criteria internally accepted by the individual and reflecting certain social positions. Knowledge is needed, first of all, for constructing a personal relationship to the world - personal, i.e. sensual (to a person, work, society, knowledge, beauty, ugliness, physique, physical culture and sports activities).

The value orientations of a person express a person's conscious aesthetic attitude to reality, the personal aesthetic position of each individual. This mobile system of relations becomes an accepted personality when habits are formed on its basis, life principles and traits of character, personality abilities are developed, constantly and systematically manifested in the entire life activity of the personality, the real unity of word and deed (body and soul). In this capacity, the personal aesthetic position is manifested in the ability of the individual, and the axiological component serves as a prerequisite for his activity. It is important to note that for a high school student, the value attitude to the world is generated by the self-consciousness of the individual as a free subject of activity, whose perception of the world, his experiences and spiritual positions are formed in the space of a peculiar selection of the fragments of the entire cultural heritage mastered by him.

The quality of accepting the values ​​of aesthetic culture is manifested in personal involvement in the process of aesthetic self-improvement, self-education. The aesthetic ideal as a holistic, sensually concrete image of a perfect person and a perfect life is for the individual both a guide and a stimulus for activity in the field of beauty, including in physical culture and sports activities. The very concept of physical perfection contains the aesthetic ideal of harmonic correspondence between the inner content and external forms. The aesthetic development of mankind is based on the desire for harmony and perfection. The ideal is a concept, an image, a perfection. The aesthetic ideal is the goal and model that stimulates the conscious desire for beauty.

The aesthetic ideal of the personality correlates with the properties, qualities, features of all objects, processes, phenomena encountered in social practice, in assessing their personality determines the quality of preferences in accordance with what kind of sensory reaction they cause. In this sense, the concept of "ideal" coincides with the concept of "beautiful". According to modern scientific ideas the mechanism for the realization and self-development of aesthetic knowledge, interests, ideals, the orientation of the system of relations to the aesthetics of reality is precisely the activity of the individual. The basis of the fourth, creative block of personal properties, the structure of the aesthetic culture of the individual is the activity component.

To substantiate the activity component of the aesthetic culture of the individual, it is important to note the following provisions. Aesthetic activity can be considered as a generalized characteristic of the external (skills, abilities) and internal creative activity of the individual, performed in accordance with the criteria of beauty established in society. The motive determines the characteristics of behavior and activity of the individual. Aesthetic need is a person's steady desire to satisfy inclinations, desires in the sphere of beauty (to the sublime, heroic, comic). A motive is a stimulus that determines the choice of the direction of activity for the object (material, spiritual) for which it is carried out, or a conscious need. In this regard, the motives of aesthetic activity reflect:

  • - obtaining aesthetic pleasure from participation in physical culture and sports activities;
  • - mastering the values ​​of aesthetic culture (material, artistic, spiritual);
  • - ensuring creative self-realization in motor actions and created things (transformation of oneself and society) through the development of the values ​​of general social and physical culture.

However, it is hardly legitimate to consider as an aesthetic feeling of muscle pleasure or a combination of various kinds of hedonistic feelings and experiences that arise in the process of sports activities. Another thing is that on their basis, an athlete can really form aesthetic feelings and experiences.

Aesthetic emotions and experiences in sports are largely determined by its game character. The game is always extremely saturated emotionally. As a rule, it is associated not only with established rules, but also with invention, ingenuity, creativity, directly expressing individual abilities players. All this determines a wide range of aesthetic experiences associated with gaming activities, and hence sports.

Presence of conditions for manifestation creativity- one of the main sources of aesthetic pleasure from the process of sports activities.

Ability to search and apply new, non-standard, original tricks and solutions are available in all sports, especially gaming ones. For example, in football there is a large space playing field, a large number of players, lack of time limits on possession of the ball, the ability to perform techniques with any part of the body, except for the hands, etc. provide athletes with ample opportunities for choosing and applying a wide variety of technical and tactical actions. Success accompanies those who are capable of truly creative action.

In sports (especially elite sports), the athlete acts in the presence of other people who are watching him. In this regard, the activity of an athlete is similar to the game of an actor, since he seeks to "find contact" with the public, get its support, feel its excitement. The first world heavyweight champion in the history of national weightlifting A.S. Medvedev wrote about this: "We, the athletes, as well as the artists, need spiritual contact with the public, we need their sincere support, their excitement, which, as if by wire, is transmitted to the stage and ignites the performers." This "contact with the public" is one of the main sources of the athlete's aesthetic experience.

An important source of aesthetic experiences in sports is the very intensity of the sports struggle to achieve victory. This struggle evokes various emotions and experiences in athletes, which are analyzed and described in sufficient detail by sports psychologists. O.A. Chernikova singles out, for example, such emotions of sports wrestling: emotions of pre-launch states, sports passion, sports excitement, fighting enthusiasm, "sports anger", etc. Some of these emotions, such as "combat enthusiasm", "sports passion", causing joy in a person, a state of inspiration, are very close to aesthetic experiences, although they are not completely identical with them. In the state of "sports enthusiasm" the athlete ceases to notice the surrounding phenomena that are not directly related to wrestling. Fascinated by the game, he does not hear the reaction of the public, the noise in the stands, the calls of his comrades. At this moment, all his activity is mobilized to perform the game activity required in this situation. This activity gives the athlete great satisfaction, and the feelings that he experiences at this moment are in many ways similar to aesthetic ones.

One of characteristic features perception of any kind performing arts is the effect of participation, empathy and co-creation of the viewer. This effect, as a rule, is characteristic of a sports spectacle and largely explains the aesthetic experience of the spectators, and, in particular, their ability to perceive the movements of athletes as full of meaning and beauty.

The aesthetic manifestations of sport noted above and related to them are by no means secondary, but rather essential components of it.

First of all, it is important to consider that modern sport performs an important entertainment function. Spectacle is usually understood as such an action in which a resolution of a conflict that is quite understandable to the audience is achieved with the help of active, built according to the laws. game strategy actions that can be perceived by the viewer directly in their development and are accompanied by deep emotional experiences of participants and spectators.

Sports satisfy these demands of entertainment. It is an activity that is carried out according to strictly stipulated conditional game rules. These rules are known in advance and are well understood by the viewer. He knows the goals of the athlete's actions in competitive wrestling and the ways that can be used to achieve them. In this regard, the competition appears for the viewer as a certain semantic integrity. Any private event the viewer can correlate with common idea wrestling, which allows him to easily assess the impact of this event on the result of the actions of the opposing sides as a whole.

However, it is important to note that the aesthetic organization sports competitions, aesthetic perfection in the performance of movements can significantly increase the entertainment of sports. American philosopher P. Weiss noted on this occasion that one of the main reasons for the existence spectacular views sport is connected with the desire of a person to perceive perfection, with the pleasure that he receives from such perception.

Of particular importance in this regard is the technical skill of athletes. The higher technical training athletes, the greater the scale of the tasks that they are able to solve, the more diverse the techniques they use. Fantasy, improvisation, creative solutions to various game problems - all this "intellectual beauty" of sports, as it is sometimes called, significantly increases the spectacular appeal of sports. And vice versa, the lack of thought, the pattern, the monotony, the schematism in the actions of an athlete or a team sharply reduce their aesthetic assessment, and hence the entertainment.

aesthetic education culture sport

The concept of the aesthetic culture of the individual. Formation of Estonian culture- it is a process of purposeful development of the individual's ability to fully perceive and correctly understand beauty in art and reality. It provides for the development of a system of bad ideas, attitudes and beliefs, provides satisfaction from what is truly aesthetically valuable. At the same time, schoolchildren are brought up with the desire and ability to introduce elements of beauty into all aspects of life, to fight against the ugly, ugly, base, as well as a readiness for a feasible manifestation of oneself in art.

Aesthetics of children's life. Man by nature is an artist. Everywhere, one way or another, he strives to bring zhsota into his life. The aesthetic attitude of man to reality owes its origin to his labor activity. Awareness of the experience of labor as a game of physical and spiritual forces, as a phenomenon of sublime, ennobling, beautiful composition ~ from the foundation of the Estonian development of personality.

It is important to introduce elements of the Estonian design of the immediate environment and everyday life into everyday life of children. Improvement living conditions, an increase in material well-being, an increase in the output of consumer goods significantly change object world and material environment, which cannot but participate in raising the level of household culture.

Aesthetic perception of nature. Nature is an irreplaceable source of beauty. It provides the richest material for the development of an aesthetic sense, observation, and imagination. Aesthetic attitude to nature forms moral attitude To her. Nature, not being the bearer of social morality, at the same time teaches the child moral behavior through harmony, beauty, eternal renewal, strict regularity, proportions, variety of shapes, lines, colors, sounds. Children gradually come to understand that good attitude to nature lies in the preservation and enhancement of its wealth, including beauty, and evil consists in causing damage to it, in environmental pollution.

It is important to ensure the aesthetic orientation of environmental protection activities of students: to conduct observations and experiments with them in a corner of wildlife, on an educational and experimental school site, to organize feeding and protection of animals, and the protection of green spaces.

Formation of aesthetic culture by means of culture.

Aesthetic development of personality by means of art in pedagogy is usually called artistic education

One of the effective means of cultivating a literary taste and aesthetic responsiveness is the development of a culture of reading. In the lessons of their native language, students learn to perceive literature as the art of the word, reproduce images of the worst work in their imagination, subtly notice the saints and characteristics of characters, and analyze their actions. Mastering the culture of reading, the student begins to think about what the read book calls for, what it teaches, with the help of what artistic means the writer manages to evoke deep and vivid impressions in the reader.

The basis of musical education at school, choral singing, which provides a joint experience of heroic and lyrical feelings, develops ear for music, memory, sense of rhythm, harmony, singing skills, poor taste. great place listening at school musical works in the recording, as well as familiarization with the basics of musical literacy.

One of the means of introducing students to the worst cool-re is teaching art. It is designed to develop in students artistic thinking, creative imagination, visual memory, spatial representations, visual abilities. This, in turn, requires teaching children the basics of visual literacy, developing their ability to use the expressive means of drawing, painting, modeling, and arts and crafts.

This form has been approved aesthetic education, like a music library in which records are included best performers- soloists, choral and orchestral groups.

The basic categories of the aesthetic culture of the individual are aesthetic consciousness, artistic and aesthetic perception, aesthetic feeling, aesthetic experience, aesthetic need, aesthetic ideal, aesthetic taste, aesthetic judgment.

Aesthetic consciousness includes a people-conscious aesthetic attitude to reality and art, expressed in the totality of aesthetic ideas, theories, views, criteria.

The most important element of a person's aesthetic consciousness is artistic and aesthetic perception. Perception is the initial stage of communication with art and the beauty of reality, psychological basis aesthetic attitude to the world.

Artistic and aesthetic perception is manifested in the ability of a person to isolate processes, properties, qualities that awaken aesthetic feelings in the phenomena of reality and art.

Aesthetic feeling is subjective emotional condition caused by a person's evaluative attitude to an aesthetic phenomenon of reality or art.

Aesthetic experience is a state of shock, enlightenment, suffering, joy, delight, etc. Aesthetic experience contributes to the emergence and development of spiritual and aesthetic needs.

Aesthetic need manifests itself as a steady need to communicate with artistic and aesthetic values.

The central link of aesthetic consciousness is the aesthetic ideal - a socially conditioned idea of ​​modern beauty in nature, society, man, art.

Aesthetic consciousness in unity with aesthetic feeling gives rise to artistic and aesthetic taste as a subtle and complex ability to see, feel, understand truly beautiful or ugly, tragic or comic and correctly evaluate it.

On this basis, the ability of aesthetic judgment develops - evidence-based, reasoned, reasonable assessment of aesthetic phenomena. public life, art, nature.

The formation of aesthetic culture is carried out in the process of aesthetic education.

Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of forming a creatively active personality capable of perceiving, feeling, evaluating

beautiful, tragic, comic, ugly in life and art, to live and create according to the "laws of beauty".

Aesthetic education includes aesthetic development -organized process the formation in the child of natural essential forces that ensure the activity of aesthetic perception, feeling, creative imagination, emotional experience, imaginative thinking, as well as the formation of spiritual needs.

The core of aesthetic education is the impact on the personality by means of art and the implementation of artistic education on its basis.

Artistic education is a purposeful process of developing in children the ability to perceive, feel, experience, love, appreciate art, enjoy it and create artistic values.

The organization of the system of aesthetic education is based on a number of principles:

The universality of aesthetic education;

An integrated approach to the whole matter of education;

Combination of classroom, extracurricular, extracurricular activities, various forms exposure to art through the media;

The connection of artistic and aesthetic activity with life, the practice of updating society;

Unity of artistic and mental development;

Artistic activities and amateur performances of children;

Aestheticization of all life;

Accounting for age and individual features children.

Criteria for the formation of aesthetic culture:

The presence of a desire to communicate with art and nature;

The presence of an aesthetic need for transformation surrounding reality according to the laws of beauty and intolerance for the ugly;

The ability to perceive art, empathize and enjoy highly artistic samples;

The ability to give an aesthetic assessment of a work of art and an object of nature;

The ability of artistic and creative self-expression;

Aestheticization of relationships with other people;

Basic knowledge folk art, historical and cultural traditions of their country, the desire for their creative development and preservation.

More on the topic § 4. Formation of the aesthetic culture of the individual:


The concept of the aesthetic culture of the individual. The formation of aesthetic culture is a process of purposeful development of a person's ability to fully perceive and correctly understand beauty in art and reality. It provides for the development of a system of artistic ideas, views and beliefs, the education of aesthetic sensitivity and taste. At the same time, schoolchildren are brought up with the desire and ability to introduce elements of beauty into all aspects of life, to fight against everything ugly, ugly, vile, as well as a readiness for the feasible manifestation of oneself in art.

Aesthetics of children's life. Man by nature is an artist. Everywhere, one way or another, he strives to bring beauty into his life. This idea of ​​M. Gorky seems to us extremely important. The aesthetic assimilation of reality by a person is not limited to one activity in the field of art: in one form or another, it is present in any creative activity. In other words, a person acts as an artist not only when he directly creates works of art, devotes himself to poetry, painting or music. The aesthetic principle is embedded in human labor itself, in human activity aimed at transforming the surrounding life and oneself. The aesthetic attitude of a person to reality owes its origin to his labor activity. Awareness and experience of labor as a game of physical and spiritual forces, as a phenomenon of the sublime, ennobling, beautiful, form the foundation of the aesthetic development of the individual.

In order for child labor not to turn into a burden and a burden, to bring aesthetic pleasure, it must be inspired by a high socially significant goal, marked by the beauty and precision of movements, strict economy of time, inspiration, and enthusiasm. The harmony of physical movements gives rise to inner spiritual beauty, manifested in rhythm, dexterity, clarity, joy, self-affirmation. It is perceived and appreciated by children as a great aesthetic value.

A lot of aesthetic impressions can and do give the activity of teaching. In mathematics, for example, they often say: "A beautiful, elegant solution or proof", meaning by this their simplicity, which is based on the highest expediency, harmony.

There is its own aesthetics in sincere, healthy, humane relationships between students and teachers, between pupils, between older and younger students. Primitive, callous, insincere relationships between people in the family and school deeply hurt the personality of the child, leave a mark for life. And vice versa, subtle, differentiated attitudes of teachers to students, fair exactingness make the way of children's life a school of education in the spirit of high aesthetics and morality.

It is important to introduce elements of the aesthetic design of the immediate environment and everyday life into the everyday life of children.

It is important to awaken in schoolchildren the desire to affirm beauty at school, at home, wherever they spend their time, do business or relax. Children should be more involved in creating an aesthetic environment at school, in the classroom, in the apartment. Extremely great interest in this regard is the experience of A. S. Makarenko. Eyewitnesses who visited the educational institutions he led spoke about the abundance of flowers, about the sparkling parquet, mirrors, snow-white tablecloths in the dining rooms, and the perfect cleanliness of the rooms.

Aesthetic perception of nature. Nature is an irreplaceable source of beauty. It provides the richest material for the development of an aesthetic sense, observation, and imagination. "But freedom, and space, the beautiful surroundings of the town, and these fragrant ravines and swaying fields, and pink spring and golden autumn, weren't our educators?" - wrote K.D.Ushinsky. "Call me a barbarian in pedagogy, but I learned from the impressions of my life a deep conviction that a beautiful landscape has such a huge educational influence on the development of a young soul, with which it is difficult to compete with the influence of a teacher..."

Aesthetic attitude to nature forms a moral attitude to it. Nature, not being the bearer of social morality, at the same time teaches the child moral behavior through harmony, beauty, eternal renewal, strict regularity, proportions, variety of shapes, lines, colors, sounds. Children gradually come to understand that good in relation to nature consists in preserving and increasing its wealth, including beauty, and evil consists in damaging it, in polluting it.

In the process of forming the aesthetic culture of students important role belongs to the courses of biology and geography, which are largely based on the direct study and observation of natural phenomena. During excursions and walks in nature, children sharpen their aesthetic vision of its beauty, develop a recreative imagination and creative thinking. Big interest schoolchildren are invited to excursions on such topics as "Forests clad in scarlet and gold", "Wishing signs of spring", "Nature and fantasy", "Flowers of our fields", "Autumn bouquet", "Cultural monuments of our region", etc. During the excursions, students perform various tasks: make sketches and sketches from nature, photograph their favorite corner, collect materials for the collection, find dead branches, roots, knots, nodules on trees, using them for crafts and miniature sculpture.

Teachers should more often turn to the works of writers, composers, artists who glorified the beauty of nature. Students can be offered for reflection and discussion such questions and tasks, for example: find and read your favorite descriptions of forests, fields, steppes, rivers, lakes, mountains; write down the statements you like about nature; what does communication with nature teach you; describe your favorite corner of nature; how do you imagine the basic rules of behavior in nature; Have you tried to reflect your impressions of nature in poems, stories, drawings, crafts?

The education of an aesthetic attitude to nature is actively promoted by conversations and conferences on works of fiction ("White Bim - Black Ear" by G. Troepolsky, "Do not shoot at white swans" by B. Vasiliev, "White steamboat", "Blach" by Ch. Aitmatov, " King-fish" by V. Astafiev, "Russian Forest" by L. Leonov, "Farewell to Matera" by V. A. Rasputin, novels and stories by V. Belov, Yu. Kazakov, V. Soloukhin).

Formation of aesthetic culture by means of art. The artistic potential of a person, his aesthetic possibilities are most fully and consistently manifested in art. Generated by human labor, art at a certain historical stage is separated from material production into a specific type of activity as one of the forms of social consciousness. Art embodies all the features of a person's aesthetic attitude to reality.

The curriculum of the general education school includes the disciplines of the artistic cycle - literature, music, fine arts.

Aesthetic development of personality by means of art in pedagogy is usually called artistic education. Turning directly to works of art, it requires the development in a person of the ability to correctly perceive the phenomena of beauty. This does not mean that he should become a professional artist or an art critic. In addition to knowledge of a number of works of art, a person must acquire a certain amount of information from the field of theory and history of a particular type of art. Such enrichment of direct artistic impressions with knowledge of the laws of art and the skill of the artist by no means kills (as is sometimes claimed) the emotionality of perception. On the contrary, this emotionality intensifies, deepens, and perception becomes more meaningful.

One of the strongest means of cultivating literary taste and aesthetic responsiveness is the development of a culture of reading. In the lessons of their native language, students learn to perceive literature as the art of the word, reproduce the images of a work of art in their imagination, subtly notice the properties and characteristics of characters, analyze and motivate their actions. Mastering the culture of reading, the student begins to think about what the read book calls for, what it teaches, with the help of what artistic means the writer manages to evoke deep and vivid impressions in the reader.

The development of artistic taste encourages students to engage in aesthetic activity, which is characterized by certain results and implies that during art classes, students bring to life the elements of beauty available to them. Performing a poem, story or fairy tale, they seem to re-create the circumstances proposed by the author, reviving them with the help of their own thoughts, feelings and associations, i.e. convey to the listeners the emotional state of the hero, enriched by personal experience. And no matter how small and limited this experience, it still gives freshness and unique originality to the performance of the student.

The basis of musical education at school is choral singing, which provides a joint experience of heroic and lyrical feelings, develops an ear for music, memory, rhythm, harmony, singing skills, and artistic taste. A large place in the school is given to listening to recorded music, as well as familiarization with the elementary foundations of musical literacy.

One of the means of introducing students to artistic culture is the teaching of fine arts. It is designed to develop artistic thinking, creative imagination, visual memory, spatial representations, visual abilities in schoolchildren. This, in turn, requires teaching children the basics of fine literacy, developing their ability to use the expressive means of drawing, painting, modeling, arts and crafts. Students master the basics of a realistic image by teaching them such means of artistic expression as the texture of the material, color-line-volume, light tone, rhythm, shape and proportion, space, composition.

It is important to ensure direct acquaintance of students with outstanding works of Russian, Soviet, foreign fine arts and architecture, to teach them to understand the expressive language of the artist, the inseparable connection between content and artistic form, to cultivate an emotional and aesthetic attitude towards works of art. In order to form students' ideas about the vitality of art, classes are held with them: "The art of seeing. You and the world around you", "Art around us", "You and art", "Every nation is an artist", "Fine art and the world of interests human", "Decorative and applied art and human life".

The opportunities for art education and aesthetic education of students provided by the curriculum and program are limited. This limitation should be compensated in the system of additional education.

Talks, lectures, round-table meetings, universities of culture, clubs of friends of art have become widespread. A form of aesthetic education has become established as a music library, which includes records of the best performers - soloists, choirs and orchestral groups. Schoolchildren get acquainted with the language and genres of music, study musical instruments, voices, learn about the life and work of composers. Children respond especially emotionally to songs in which courageous, selflessly devoted people are sung, the romance of struggle and exploits is revealed.

Movies, videos and TV films play an important role in shaping the aesthetic culture of students. The perception of screened works of literature and art needs subtle pedagogical guidance. For this purpose, a number of schools introduced an optional course "Fundamentals of Cinematography", organized children's film clubs and school cinemas.

The theater has a huge power of aesthetic and emotional impact. It is necessary to first prepare students for the perception of theatrical art, to create conditions under which children would be able to succumb to the charm of acting.

Thus, aesthetic education, being one of the components of a holistic pedagogical process, is designed to form in schoolchildren the desire and ability to build their lives according to the laws of beauty.

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