What is a mandala and how to use it. Templates of interesting coloring pages "antistress"


Hello dear friends!

The image of the universe with the help of a symbol is called beautiful word mandala. All its parts are compared with the main laws of Buddhist teachings. Today, there are many varieties and ways to create a sacred symbol: drawing, weaving, creating three-dimensional models, constructing from colored sand and other natural elements.

Mandala is a valuable tool for development positive qualities man, his strength and energy. Thanks to her influence, people find themselves. The word "mandala" began to refer to establishments, spas, magazines, and even give names to their children. It meant one thing, the term literally took root in the culture!

Around the world, Tibetan monks are building extraordinary sand mandalas, placing the symbols in museums. Thus, they acquaint visitors from different parts of the world with the amazing cultural heritage of Tibet. But what does this mysterious symbol really mean?

What is a mandala? The Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, a student of Freud's grandfather himself, discovered the term "mandala" at the beginning of the 20th century as a unique method for studying the unconscious in psychoanalysis.

In the course of his work, he systematically kept diaries, writing down his conclusions, and even his own immersion in sleep. Moreover, in addition to reasoning in verbal form, his notebooks were painted with amazingly beautiful circles. Over time, he came to the conclusion that the mandala is nothing but a complete reflection of spiritual harmony.

It can be called the most powerful energy matrix, and not a simple outer circle, with a square inscribed in it and already an inner circle, which often has the shape of a lotus or tends to it.

This is something more, having a colossal charge of energy that is given to a person for use. If we translate the meaning of the term from Sanskrit, then the term will be read as "circle" or "disk". But what meaning for a person havesacred symbols?

Meaning of symbols

With the help of the subconscious, you can easily correct reality, attitude and perception of yourself in space. Mandala is exactly what will allow you to work with the silent part of your personality, having established communication with the inner "I".

Experienced professionals can easily "read" state of mind just by looking at your drawing. Understanding the meaning of each symbol, you can attract the most positive aspects, requisitions .

Where and why is the mandala used

Harmonization of self and space

You can learn how to weave a mandala from threads on your own. With this technique, the threads will begin to form unique patterns of squares and circles, thereby charging the space. What is the role of the braided mandala in your home? Everything is simple! She will let the energy of space pass through herself, harmonize it and align it.

This will help you find peace of mind both at the time of its creation and after. Thoughts will come in order, mood will improve, and pressing problems will seem less serious.

Moreover, you can draw and weave sacred symbols for other people or family members. And by choosing specific colors when creating, you can charge a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of a loved one.

Healing through self-training

From the drawing that a person has created, one can understand his feelings and the degree of anxiety. And if you manage to get carried away with the creation process, then the benefits will be more than noticeable.

But if you approach drawing a mandala through coloring "antistress”, where you need to add colors to an already created black and white drawing,then you will notice how the thoughts align. At this moment it happens healing from psychological disorders.

Imagine that this is the process of recovery. Visualize the images, charging the symbol for the restoration of the body, moreover, with its help you can, for the daily use of the whole family!


Art therapy with the help of a wicker or painted mandala is used as an effective tool for psychoanalysis not only in adults, but also in children. In this way, you can "see" the child's real fears, feelings or tendencies and help him overcome them.


Mandala patterns are used for meditation , how fast way go into a meditative, trance state. But most importantly, before doing practical session, you need to mentally formulate and ask a question that haunts.

Place the mandala at eye level and with unfocused vision, try to examine the patterns. In the process of "flight" you can keep your eyes open, sliding along the curves and lines, or you can close them, enjoying the images that pop up in the subconscious.

They help find answers, stimulatedevelopment of intuition, make a person experience a genuine state and weightlessness. You can also create a mandala that fully reflects the traditional representation of the human chakras.

Thanks to this, the individual will work energy centers on the mental level perception.

But how to create a symbol with your own hands? What is needed for this?

How to draw a sacred symbol

You need a blank sheet of paper and a set of paints, crayons or pencils. Meditative music and works great in the process. Listen to yourself and draw big circle in the center of the sheet (for example, you can circle the plate). Draw something in its center, choosing one or two colors.

The inner voice will tell you what symbols and lines should be in the drawing. Do this with concentration, but without straining your mind. Fill the space of the sphere with animals, triangles, signs, figures.

After that, try to decipher the meaning of the "space map". Get to know your subconscious mind systematically by drawing every other day for 7 days. Then, analyze your personal progress. Has it changed internal state Has harmony returned?

That's all! Share your impressions and transcripts in the comments, and of course psubscribe to updates, there is a lot of interesting things ahead!

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Mandala - sacred symbol, which can help a person get closer to what they want. It works by meditation while coloring and setting the mind in a positive way.

Mandala - an unusual word denoting the name of a geometric pattern. This drawing is not simple and represents geometric matrix. If you literally translate the word "mandala", then it stands for "circle" or "circle". In fact, it is: a mandala is a square inscribed in a circle and decorated with many decorative figures, as well as patterns.

Each drawing located in the mandala, all figures and ornaments are located symmetrical to each other.

It is interesting to know that in the East this drawing is very holy. He is recognized Buddhism and Hinduism. Moreover, in order to draw a mandala, it is necessary to follow a certain ritual. The monks draw it and see in the image not just a drawing, but a real one. object of worship which, with all its beauty and depth, symbolizes the Universe and the cosmos.

A person to whom such a culture and faith is alien cannot understand: why is a mandala still needed? The answer is simple: this figure allows open the subconscious. The sacred mandala is capable of bring harmony between man and nature. Of course, in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to be carried away by the knowledge of the inner world and be a spiritual person who knows how to meditate.

Each mandala drawing accumulates during creation in itself positivehuman energy. That is why many Buddhist and Hindu temples are decorated with mandalas. Some call the mandala "frozen prayer", as it is able to express the inner world of a person at the time of drawing.

mandala - sacred drawing or image

How to color mandalas and what is better?

Mandala is always color image. An exception in this case may be applied to the body with black paints. If we talk about real mandalas, then it is worth noting that in the original they are painted by the monks with colored sand on a flat surface for two months. They need this process only as a means meditation. After the drawing is ready, they simply blow it off and start a new one.

It does not matter what goals you adhere to if you draw a mandala. The main thing - know how to do it right. sacral image always colorful. For this reason, any writing multi-colored stationery tools will come in handy:

  • pencils
  • ballpoint pens
  • gel pens
  • oil handles
  • markers
  • any paint
  • liners (felt-tip pens with the thinnest tip from 0.1 mm)
  • rapidographs (pens with a tube for ink)

It is not difficult to draw a mandala even with the help of a special computer program, if you have certain knowledge of how to use it. graphics tablet or mouse.

sand-painted mandala

The meaning of colors in the mandala, how to color the drawing?

You are free to draw a mandala use absolutely any color. It is worth highlighting the most popular shades, since most often they have a certain meaning:

  • red - color of blood, color of survival, love and passion
  • black - color of darkness, death, despair, danger
  • yellow - symbolizes prosperity, joy, happiness
  • Orange - ambition, emotionality, controversy
  • blue - symbolizes the source of life, water and sky
  • blue - mysticism, mystery, conflict, intuition, fear
  • green - support, understanding, willingness to help
  • light green - weak energy field
  • violet - emotional dependence
  • lilac - feelings, anxiety, well-being

Coloring the mandala follows from the middle of the image and gradually reaching the edge. So the drawing will turn out organic and will not be spoiled by your palm.

drawing a mandala with felt-tip pens - bright and beautiful

Mandala for the fulfillment of a desire is very strong: photo for coloring

All mandalas can be divided into several subspecies: for the fulfillment of desires, for attracting money, for happiness, and so on. Choose exactly the coloring template that you need on this moment. Peculiar meditating and thinking about your goals while coloring will help you achieve what you want as soon as possible and set you up to be more confident in yourself.

Wish Fulfillment Mandala Coloring Templates:

mandala for coloring number 1

mandala for coloring number 2 mandala for coloring number 3

Mandala to attract money and material well-being: photo for coloring

It's no secret that someone wants to fulfill their desire, while the other wants to attract financial well-being. In this case, help comes the other mandala is the mandala of attracting money. What is the secret of such an image? The answer is very simple: while coloring, you will be able to clearly concentrate all your thoughts on how to come to your financial well-being as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Coloring the mandala should only in good location spirit, so that your drawing is not only beautiful, but also contains only positive energy.

Mandala coloring pages to attract money:

mandala to attract money, template number 1

mandala to attract money, template number 2

mandala to attract money, template number 3

Mandalas for space harmonization: photo for coloring

not rare modern man hard to get harmony with the environment. Most often, complexes, an abundance of problems and misunderstanding interfere with him. A magic mandala will help to establish your world inside the body and the world around you. Arrange your workplace, choose a coloring template and prepare a lot of colored pencils.

Try to finish coloring immediately after you start it (on the same day). Do not quit such work and do not throw away the drawing.

Coloring mandala templates for finding harmony:

mandala for finding harmony, template No. 1 mandala for finding harmony, template number 2 mandala for finding harmony, template number 3

Coloring mandala: antistress

Currently very popular, the so-called, antistress coloring pages. The principle of their action is to distract a person from problems and envelop them with an interesting therapy of colorful drawing and transformation. Coloring-mandala works on the same principle, but its magical abilities not only relaxing human soul and body.

Mandala attracts everything positive to a person, what can be taken from the environment.

Templates for interesting anti-stress coloring pages:

coloring-antistress, template number 1

coloring-antistress, template number 2

coloring-antistress, template number 3

Mandala of love, happiness and relationships, female happiness: photo for coloring

love mandala is designed to help a person find romantic feelings and understanding of a loved one. You need to color such a mandala carefully and slowly. While working with a drawing, you should only think about romance, relationships and pleasant things.

If during coloring love mandala you will be in a bad mood or depression, you will not be able to charge your magical drawing with positive energy.

Love mandala coloring templates:

love mandala coloring template #1

mandala of love, template for coloring number 2

mandala of love, template for coloring number 3

Mandala from loneliness - for love and marriage: photo for coloring

It's no secret that some magical things can influence the outcome of many events. So the mandala acts as a kind "push" which gives a person the courage to carry out his plans.

Mandala of marriage, capable accumulate and exude positive energy for humans, especially women. Such a mandala is necessary so that a woman does not lose confidence in herself and can find happiness in marriage.

Happy Marriage Mandala Coloring Templates:

mandala "marriage" for coloring, template number 1

mandala "marriage" for coloring, template number 2

mandala "marriage" for coloring, template number 3

Mandala for conceiving a child: coloring

Every adult wants to prolong the race. Sometimes stress, health problems and negativity become an obstacle to conception. Drawing and coloring a special mandala will help get pregnant safely and find peace within the soul.

Coloring templates:

conception mandala, template No. 1

conception mandala, template No. 2

conception mandala, template No. 3

Mandala for Forgiving Yourself: Photo for Coloring

Often the inner world of a person is very restless. It also happens that calmness borders on depression and apathy. Man is like a sponge absorbing a huge amount of negative that surrounds him every day. No one is immune from the fact that he can make a large number of mistakes, wrong actions and insults.

The situation can only be corrected by forgiving yourself and accepting yourself. Finding the way to it will help magic mandala which, through drawing and coloring, will reveal the most beautiful sides of a person's soul and allow him to think about himself.

Forgiveness Mandala Coloring Templates:

coloring-mandala "forgiveness", template No. 1 coloring-mandala "forgiveness", template No. 2

Mandala for health and healing: photo for coloring

Even doctors often say that a person's recovery depends only on his desire to get well. This theory is far from a myth, but a scientifically proven fact. Improve your mood and inspire yourself to recover coloring mandala.

Health mandala templates for coloring:

health mandala pattern for coloring number 1

health mandala pattern for coloring number 2

Coloring mandalas for kids

Every parent should try instill in your child a sense of beauty. For this, more than ever, they will come in handy simple diagram mandala coloring pages that you can color together in your free time.

Simple coloring templates:

mandala for children, template number 1

mandala for children, template number 2

mandala for children, template number 3

Mandalas for coloring for weight loss

The mandala does not have any restrictions and therefore is able to help a person. to acquire any thing and achieve any goals. This also applies to slimness. Just visualize your dream and start coloring the pattern.

coloring-mandala "health, weight loss"

Coloring Pages - Art Therapy: The Most Difficult Mandalas

For those who have a “creative touch” and like more difficult tasks, more detailed “mandala” coloring templates will come in handy. Such mandalas are oriented towards careful work, concentration and immersion in the deepest thoughts.

Complex Mandala Templates:

intricate mandala #1 intricate mandala #2

complex mandala number 3

10 mandalas to bring back the brightness of life

Improve mood and relieve the state of your soul not only coloring the mandalas will help, but also their contemplation. It is necessary to attach the image of the mandala in a conspicuous place so that it is constantly came within your field of vision. mandala "passion and joy" Protective mandala for coloring
mandala "successful business"

Video: “Music and mandalas. Meditation"

Mandala(Skt. - circle, disk) - a sacred schematic image or design used in Buddhist and Hindu religious practices.

The word “Mandala”, which is not too harmonious for the Russian ear, with an emphasis on the first syllable, carries a very many-sided and mysterious meaning.

So, a mandala is a complex geometric figure, but not a simple one, but a real energy matrix. The mandala is one of the most mysterious symbols in the history of mankind. To comprehend and decipher it, it is not enough to understand the definition, it is necessary to completely immerse yourself in the history of the universe and ancient cultures. The mandala takes us to time immemorial when people's faith in higher power was strong, and the sense of beauty spilled over into intricate ornaments. Mandala is not only the most complex geometry, which carries a grandiose semantic load. For many centuries, it has served as an unchanging and universal symbol of integrity, transformation and harmony. It combines almost all the initial intuitive human ideas about the nature of the world, ideas that determine our existence and are inherent in every person.


Since the art of creating a mandala originated in ancient times, today it is impossible to determine the inventor or date of creation of the first mandala. Some researchers are of the opinion that the history of the emergence of mandala drawings is associated with the construction of ancient megaliths. There is also a version that the inspiration for the image of the mandala was shaman tambourines and the symbols that were applied to them. The variety of historical interpretations and the nuances of semantic interpretations indicate that the mandala is much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

There is a beautiful Buddhist legend that the first mandala was made by the founder of the Vajrayana movement in the 8th century. He was in great need of divine help, so he built geometric pattern and stood at its center. He prayed for seven days and seven nights, after which the deity, attracted by the beauty of the image, descended to him and fulfilled his desire.

The mandala symbolizes the sphere of dwelling of deities, pure lands. A mandala is a geometric symbol of a complex structure, which is interpreted as a model of the universe, a "map of the cosmos". The typical shape is an outer circle, inscribed in a square, inscribed in an inner circle, which is often segmented or lotus-shaped. The outer circle is the Universe, the inner circle is the dimension of the deities. The square between them is oriented to the cardinal points.

Mandalas can be either two-dimensional, depicted on a plane, or three-dimensional, embossed. They are embroidered on fabric, painted on sand, made with colored powders and made of metal, stone, and wood. It can even be carved from oil, which is dyed in the appropriate ritual colors. Mandalas are often depicted on the floors, walls and ceilings of temples. The mandala is so sacred in the East that it is drawn to the accompaniment of special rituals. And her image in itself is an object of worship, symbolizing the Universe.

Mandala in different world cultures

The mandala was originally a sacred symbol that was used in many spiritual beliefs.

It is known that the Christian nun Hilda von Bingen, who lived in the 12th century, was engaged in the creation of magnificent mandalas. Thus, she expressed her religious beliefs and worldview.

Native Americans created sand mandalas by tracing the surface with unusual symbols. They also carved mandalas out of stone, creating colossal architectural works. The famous Aztec calendar is also a mandala. It symbolizes timing and religious outlook ancient Indian people.

Despite the fact that mandalas are usually complex images with numerous ornaments and symbols, the Yin-Yang sign is also a mandala. Like its intricate counterparts, it is used to meditate and comprehend the deep secrets of the universe. The whole world knows the ancient Tibetan art of creating mandalas from colored sand. This is painstaking and long work, requiring fantastic endurance and skill. It tempers the spirit and brings up the humility of a person. Drawing is an essential part of spiritual practice. Tibetan monks. The most incredible thing (for an uninitiated person, of course) is that when many days, and sometimes many months of work is completed, the mandala is destroyed. This gesture symbolizes the frailty of all things and teaches people to be submissive to the universal forces.

Remember the legendary British monument - Stonehenge. It's hard to believe, but this is also a kind of mandala. Huge blocks of stone, arranged in a circle, symbolize the knowledge and worldview of the ancient druids. In this place they comprehended the secrets of nature, calculated the course of the stars and planets, and prayed to their eternal gods.

The art of the mandala has not been forgotten. On the contrary, today it is experiencing new stage development. There are mandala proto-forms or templates for decorating. They can be downloaded online or bought at an art store. What for? The fact is that in the process of creating or decorating a cyclic drawing of a mandala, the deepest emotions of a person find a way out. Thus, psycho-emotional unloading occurs, we become calm and balanced, we open ourselves to happiness more easily and learn to enjoy elementary things.

If in the process of decorating the mandala you feel powerful emotions, focus on it and highlight more bright color the part that made you feel that way. This is how you build your personal "psychological diagram" like Dr. Jung.

Regular work with mandalas will lead to the fact that you will be in harmony with the outside world. Concentration on the process of drawing mandala patterns allows you to focus and sets the stage for resolution. internal conflicts. As a result, the human condition changes significantly.

It is important not just to draw a mandala and forget about it. Hang the finished image in a conspicuous place so you can look at it more often. Study your drawing, remembering what you thought at one stage or another of its creation. This will consolidate the favorable result of the work.

If you don't have a knack for drawing, but want to experience the magical effects of the mandala for yourself, there are many ways that do not involve the use of pencil and paper. So you can create beautiful mosaic mandalas, collages and sculptures from natural materials(stones, cones, seeds, etc.), sculpt patterns from polymer clay ... The beauty of this art is that it covers all areas of natural manifestation, both in the spiritual and physical sense.

Mandalas have come down to our days from the darkness of centuries and today they are found in the most unexpected places, influencing our psyche and pleasing the eye with their intricate magnificence. Take a look at the design of the vault opera house or the decor of a multi-level luxurious palace chandelier - a circular cyclic pattern is read everywhere. It attracts attention and gives a feeling of aesthetic completeness, calms the nerves and uplifts the mood. you can let in ancient art into your life and change it for the better.

Mandala in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, there are also many mandalas, one example is the icon "The All-Seeing Eye" or "The Burning Bush". If you carefully consider these images, there are real mandalas.

Mandala does not offend anyone's religious feelings and does not contradict them, as it is not a religious term, but a "technical" one. And the essence of the mandala is deeply symbolic and psychological, so mandalas are present in all religious schemes and cultures.

The mandala not only does not contradict the main ideas of Orthodoxy, on the contrary, it actively uses their principle. But the very term "mandala" in the Orthodox religion is prohibited, as a term of another faith.

The very essence of the icons is closely connected with Buddhist mandalas, which are perceived as the home of the deity. Orthodox icon it is also an image of the Divine Face and its main purpose is to establish an internal connection with God.

Jungian mandala

Renowned psychiatrist and researcher of human depth psychology, founder of analytical direction in psychology, Carl Gustave Jung, was one of the first in Europe to approach the study of the mandala with scientific point vision.

He created the first mandala in 1916, and in two years of practice he perfected the art, and every day he showed the world unique magnificent images. Over the years of studying this art and its spiritual background, he found out that each of his mandala reflects the internal state at the time of drawing. Jung began using his drawings to record his psychic transformation and eventually came to a startling conclusion. The professor discovered that with the help of the mandala technique one can show the unique individuality of a person, overcome his fears and look "inside" himself. And later he concluded that the “mandala” itself is an integrity (as he called it, “selfhood”), which appears when everything is harmonious. This is the most powerful archetype and is often present in dreams. This is a sacred space that protects the center and closely echoes the protection of the center. human personality(inner "I") from external attacks and exposure.

This is a female figure - a symbol of the birth of a new life, motherhood, and in a broad sense, a symbol of the entire universe as a whole.

Currently, the image of these figures is widely used in psychotherapeutic practice and psychodiagnostics.

In her book Mandala: A Reflection of the Self, Susan Fincher explains the mystery of the sacred meaning of the circle figure, which occupies a central place not only in all cultures, but also in nature. That from which life is born - an egg, a seed, has a rounded shape. Our planet is round, and even the atoms in the cells move in their own circular orbits.

It turns out that a person carries in himself the genetic memory of the perception of a circle, which was laid down while still in the round maternal womb.

Creation of sacred symbols

It is believed that the creation of a mandala acts as a kind of guide from the world of the mind to the infinity of the subconscious, helps to reveal one's own internal energy. Why do we write "create" and not "draw"? Because it can be not only drawn.

Use a little imagination, but rather ask yourself what kind of mandala would you like to create? Maybe it will be a sand or berry figure, or maybe you want to make it flowery or lay it out from cones, acorns or chestnuts. You can even make from cereals or embroider, weave from threads, beads, beads! Or just draw with colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. Try it and see what you get!

It is not at all necessary to be a good artist, draw or create as your inner self tells you. Know that everything that happens in the end comes from your heart.

What is hidden in this magical image? Why do we need to know this, you ask. Probably, no one will deny that with the help of the subconscious, you can drastically change your reality, but not everyone knows how to do it. So, the sacred image of the mandala will help you work with the subconscious. Get in touch with your inner self.

Each such drawing contains a concentrated energy. In many, not only Buddhist, temples, the walls and vaults of the cathedrals are decorated with painted mandalas.

Sometimes these figures are called "frozen prayers". When a person draws a mandala, he depicts his inner world at the moment.

How does a mandala affect a person

Mandala - a simple drawing placed in a circle, the image does not require special rules, is built spontaneously, expressing inner experiences. Why regular drawing is important and has a big impact on us?

The fact is that the circle is a symbol that reflects the deep and general parts of the essence of the individual. A person depicting a mandala influences himself through images, allowing him to realize his internal mechanisms and the forces that contributed to the creation of this image.

The mandala displays the drawing of the soul, which creates the "self", it displays the direction of movement of the "self", creating a basis that reveals the uniqueness of a person.

Creating a mandala as a tool for self-development and self-knowledge

The creation of a mandala is the creation of an individual symbol that reflects our inner self. The circle is a symbol of interaction different parts inner peace with each other, he initiates them to wholeness. In the process of drawing a mandala, internal conflicts are resolved and tension is relieved. Therefore the mandala is unique tool self-development and self-knowledge, which allows you to solve important problems.

The mechanism of the Mandala can be considered in terms of the neurophysiology of the eye. If the Mandala is an image of the structure of the eye, then the center of the Mandala corresponds to the “blind spot”. Since the "blind spot" is the passage from the eye to the visual area of ​​the brain, going "out" through the center will bring you into the brain.

Yogi opens the Mandala in his own body. The mandala is a tool to overcome the limits of the world of visible phenomena by centralizing them and returning within.

Ralph Metzner and Timothy Leary on the biopsychic nature of the Mandala

AT common understanding mandala is a universal model of human consciousness and the Universe, galactic cycles and all cosmic processes, as well as life principle Living creatures. Mandala is the First Mother, the Mother who gives birth to all living things. Therefore, it is both the earth, and man, and the atom, which is the basis of all life, and the Universe, in which the Earth is also an atom. The mandala represents manifestation, reification and birth.

The mandala is a primordial form that is related to the foundations of Being. It was known and widely used in all cultures.

The process of creating a mandala and subsequent meditation on it has the following effects:

  • Your internal blocks, fears, negative thoughts and complexes will free you (mentally “pour” their energy into the drawing, look at it with love and release it, then burn it);
  • internal potential will increase;
  • solution difficult situations will not keep you waiting long (ask yourself what needs to be done in this or that situation, listen to your inner self, follow the path that your heart tells you);
  • harmonize your overall mental and physical state (just relax, let go of thoughts, meditate);
  • help in the development of intuition;
  • relieve stress, have a relaxing and relaxing effect;

It is believed that the creation of a mandala is one of the oldest methods of concentrating energy and working with it. In addition, this is perhaps the most simple, but very effective method for those wishing to engage in spiritual practices.

No matter how incredible it may sound, but in this way you can even accelerate and implement the fulfillment of your cherished desires and engage in self-healing.

Fulfillment of desires

Think about what you want, formulate the desire correctly, do not use past or future tense verbs, only the present. It's like you already have what you want.

Concentrate on the image of what you want, think about it, imagine. And now start creating a mandala, put all the energy of your desire into it, and then - the power of gratitude. You can create several such drawings or crafts for one or different desires. Place them in conspicuous places, hang them on the wall, refrigerator, closet at home, at work above your workplace. You can take a photo and place the image on your computer desktop or mobile phone screensaver.

Every time you see this image, you will again and again concentrate on what you want, drawing energy for implementation and accelerating materialization.


This sacred figure can become your personal amulet, which you can create for yourself or purchase ready-made. From an energetic point of view, the mandala is a symbol of merging with the cosmos and entering the world of subtle vibrations.

While meditating with the drawing, mentally activate the chakras where you are experiencing pain.

Imagine a mandala in the form of a blossoming flower, cleanse its petals from pain, negativity, pollution. Feel into the drawing, dissolve in it. For healing, you can use a method similar to the method of getting rid of fears, complexes, negative thoughts.

Put an image of your pain into the drawing, give this energy spontaneously created image, thank you for being perfectly healthy, look at the drawing with love and burn it. This can be done repeatedly for different parts of your body where you feel unwell.

Surely you are familiar with the concept of "art therapy". Trainers personal growth, psychotherapists and practicing psychologists use drawing as a way to reflect internal conflicts and relieve tension. In this article, we will tell you about one of the options for art therapy: you will find out what a mandala is, how to use it and its hidden meaning!

What is a mandala?

In Sanskrit, "mandala" means "circle". These rounded symbols have been known since ancient times. They can be described as a square inscribed in a circle and decorated with various figures and patterns. What is especially fascinating about the mandalas is that each drawing and its ornaments are arranged symmetrically!

In Buddhism and Judaism, a deep meaning was laid in them - mandalas were an object of worship, symbolizing the Universe. Ancient people drew them, embroidered them on clothes, made sand patterns, built them as a temple building, used them for meditation and all kinds of rituals. It was believed that the sacred amulet programs for success and luck in all endeavors. This is not just a drawing, but a whole message to the world!

Today mandalas are very popular on eve new year holidays. They are used to decorate the space, "art therapy" and help to get closer to the fulfillment of desires. Yes, coloring geometric pattern(matrix), a person meditates and tunes his consciousness to a positive wave. And what are the thoughts - such is the reality. It is no coincidence that one wise man said: "Beware of your desires, they tend to come true"!

Why are mandalas needed?

You already figured out what a mandala is. But you can not understand why it is needed? Any psychologist will answer you: the sacred pattern allows you to open the subconscious. This is a unique way to find harmony with nature and yourself, to bring the fulfillment of desires closer through self-programming.

In the course of creation, the mandala drawing absorbs positive energy person. It reflects the inner world of its creator and is a kind of "frozen prayer". When painting a pattern, a person meditates, mentally putting his aspirations and dreams into the drawing.

How to use?

Before you start creating your mandala, prepare a sheet of paper, compasses (or a large plate) and a set of colored pencils (felt-tip pens, paints, liners, gel pens ...).

  • First, draw a circle.
  • Then, with the chosen color, draw something in the center of the circle. Listen inner voice- let him lead your hand.
  • Step by step, fill the entire space of the circle with whatever you like. It can be lines, geometric shapes, animal figures ... The color scheme can also be any - such as your subconscious mind suggests.
  • When the mandala is ready, you can give it meaning by interpreting colors, symbols, and pictures. Train as often as possible and watch how your mandalas change, and at the same time your state?
  • If you find it difficult to draw a mandala yourself, you can purchase special coloring pages. Determining color boundaries from a sketch is much easier!

What colors to choose for the mandala and what they mean:

  • black is a symbol of death, danger and despair
  • red is a symbol of love, survival and blood
  • blue - the color of secrets, fear and conflict
  • lilac - a symbol of unrest and experiences
  • blue - a life source, a symbol of sky and water
  • yellow - happiness, well-being
  • green - understanding, desire to help
  • orange - emotionality, ambition
  • purple - the color of dependence on someone emotionally
  • light green - a sign of a weak energy field

Meaning of some mandalas

All mandala drawings are divided according to their purpose. We will consider the most popular of them, which will help you achieve what you want as quickly as possible. What is the mandala of love, wealth, health, etc. - read below:

  • Mandala to attract money. It should be colored in good mood to make the drawing beautiful and filled with exceptionally positive energy. The secret of this mandala is simple: when coloring it, you need to concentrate your thoughts on the fastest financial well-being.
  • There is a special mandala called "Money Well" - it will help you to feel the sources of money at the level of intuition and effectively manage them. A painted mandala should be carried in a wallet or hung in an office. Before making an important financial decision, look at the picture for about 5 minutes. If the spiral in the center spins in both directions - the business will be profitable, if only in one direction - you should be more careful!
  • Mandala for love. Turn on beautiful music and get romantic. Think about who you love. Choose pleasant colors and paint your love as you like! Such a picture should be hung in the bedroom or stored in a jewelry box.
  • Mandala for health. Even doctors often say that recovery depends on how much a person wants to get well. So what is a health mandala? This is a pattern that will inspire you to heal yourself! When coloring it, you must sincerely believe in your recovery and mentally drive the disease out of the body. The finished mandala must be carried with you.
  • Mandala against stress. In the modern rhythm of life, it is difficult to avoid stress. Instead of antidepressants, try coloring this mandala! She will distract you from worries and “heal” you with colorful therapy. The anti-stress mandala works on the same principle as the others: it relaxes, attracts everything positive from the environment.
  • Mandala for conception. The desire to prolong one's family is quite natural. But not everyone finds it so easy. What is a conception mandala and how does it work? Her drawing will help you successfully conceive, find peace of mind for bearing a child, and drive away women's health problems.

There are several ways to understand what is in a person's heart. One of them is to decipher secret signs enclosed in a mandala. Color preferences tell what is happening in the psyche: what problems are bothering and how to get out of the crisis.

In this article

The meanings of the pattern in psychology

The Eastern doctrine of the sacred circle - the mandala - became widespread in the European system of psychoanalysis at the beginning of the last century. Carl Jung said that the mandala is not just ancient symbol and a tool for self-discovery. She is a protective circle that a person activates in difficult life situations. The subconscious seems to protect the wearer from problems, drawing a saving sign. It appears in dreams in the form of a labyrinth at the moment of the highest spiritual tension, we unconsciously sketch spirals, circles and other similar shapes on paper.

In classical magic, the circle is a shield. It is not for nothing that the hero of Gogol's Viy, reading the psalter over the body of the pannochka, outlined a space around him with chalk, into which evil spirits did not penetrate. To go beyond the saving lines means to give the soul to be torn apart by dark forces.

Drawing a mandala collects scattered fragments of consciousness, streamlines thoughts and helps to concentrate on the main thing.

The color and shape of the sacred symbol have a beneficial effect on the psyche - the eastern sages knew about this and used the mandala in esoteric practices and meditations.

Mandala is a portal to the inner "I" of a person

The video contains instructions for creating a personal mandala

Mandala heals not only the soul, through the subconscious, it penetrates to the bodily level. Color therapy as a way to get rid of psychosomatic diseases is used in modern medicine.

Mandalotherapy is the opening of secret channels. A bright disk is created in a state of altered consciousness when control is completely released. Does not dominate a person public opinion, and the personal censor rests.

You can decipher the mandala yourself, but the psychoanalyst will tell you more. When interpreting the pattern, the following is taken into account:

  • the color scheme in which the drawing is executed;
  • geometric figures inscribed in a circle or square;
  • the force of pressing the hand on the paper;
  • shading directions of the mandala.

Pay attention to the center of the circle

Lessons fine arts help to relax, distract from problems and throw out the accumulated emotions. You don't have to be talented to draw a mandala.

In this video about sacred geometry and the principles of building a mandala:

Geometric shape of the center

Lots of twisty lines. It's a symbol internal contradictions, fear, uncertainty. Chaotic weaves indicate weak character, inability to defend the chosen position, unwillingness to make independent decisions.

Square. The symbol of stability, on the one hand, on the other hand, indicates the presence of a secret that a person hides. In the classical interpretation - the personification of the house. If the scheme is open and assumes the presence of doors, the person is open for communication, his psyche is healthy. A closed perimeter is a warning sign. It indicates inner fatigue, stress, the inability to find a place in life. Such people experience communication difficulties in the family and at work.

Mandala with a square in the center

The triangle means perpetual motion. If an acute angle looks down, a person is prone to self-destruction. Subject to vicious addictions: alcoholism, drug addiction. The point up is a symbol of striving to the High Heights, enlightenment, a powerful creative potential. A person is not afraid to take responsibility for actions and thoughts. Able and likes to make decisions. Takes care of those around you.

Mandala with a triangle in the center

When deciphering the center of the mandala, pay attention to the original symbols.

Other Geometric Shapes of the Mandala Center

The color with which a person paints over the center of the mandala speaks of the state of the current moment.

The point located in the center of the figure is interpreted dually. Small and barely noticeable: complexes, shyness and insecurity. Clear and bold - a person knows how to stand up for himself, is active and bold.

Target (the center consists of several circles). Strong attachment to the material side of the world. Confidence in the hostility of the surrounding world. Feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. The larger the target, the more fears and concerns.

target mandala

The labyrinth is a disturbing symbol of the center of the mandala. Indicates the presence of internal problems that are difficult to correct. The subconscious signals the impossibility of getting out of the impasse. The mind searches in vain for ways to solve the problem, but does not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

mandala labyrinth

The spiral center says that there is not enough stability. Desire to feel a solid surface under your feet - sacred meaning symbol.

Spiral center

We can write the same template in different ways. Color preferences are influenced by physical and mental health.

Popular science film "The Way of the Mandala: The Wheel of Life".

The color symbolism of the center of the mandala and its interpretation

Interpretation of tones - milestone psychoanalysis.

  1. The dark brown gamma of the center of the mandala stands for depressive state. Indicates a deep melancholy, apathy and a persistent unwillingness to live.
  2. The presence of purple and dark blue tones speaks of fears, insecurity and the inability to take a step forward. The center, painted in yellow or white, indicates psychological trauma. The presence of these shades is an alarming signal.
  3. Blue and pink are a sign of infantilism. A man hides from reality behind multi-colored glasses.
  4. The center of the mandala, colored in purple tone, without admixtures of others, speaks of selfishness and spiritual deafness. Such people are not capable of compassion, first of all they satisfy their needs, but they like to receive praise from the outside.
  5. The red-blue center of the mandala indicates hidden or overt aggression towards the world. Depending on the level of culture and upbringing, a person shows hostility to the world in different ways.

Color the mandala and find out your mood

General meanings of the figures that make up the mandala

When deciphering the mandala, pay attention to the overall geometry.

  1. The more triangles, the more contradictory nature author. On the one hand, he is active and purposeful, on the other hand, he is passive and driven. It all depends on where the acute angle is directed: up or down.
  2. The squares speak of seeking protection and stability. The more of these geometric shapes, the higher the need for ordering life.
  3. A complex, intricate pattern without clear boundaries - the inability to gather one's thoughts and pull oneself together.
  4. Clockwise twisted spirals enclosed in a circle symbolize creative energy. Against the clock - inertia, unwillingness to develop, regression.
  5. Lots of wavy lines speaks of severe emotional experiences.
  6. Lightning and zigzags are symbols of creativity, a creative approach to life, divine energy.

The interpretation of mandala figures is a creative and exciting process., similar to the decoding of lines in the palm of your hand in palmistry. Esotericists compare it with Tarot cards: each person perceives in his own way classic images passing through the subconscious.

The interpretation of the mandala pattern should be guided by general rules and subconscious associations.

In this video you will see how 3 beautiful mandalas are drawn, filled with energy and come to life:

Meanings of symbols in the mandala

The symbolism of the picture is directly related to gender, age, social position and level spiritual development tested. The higher the intellect and the wider the boundaries of consciousness, the more bizarre the pattern. The most difficult to decipher are mandalas created by subtle and sensitive natures.

If a woman inscribes a flower into the mandala, this speaks of her sensuality, the desire to realize her potential and be liked by men. The same symbol in a male figure testifies to infantilism, immaturity, a tendency to shift responsibility to others.

The flower in the center is a sign of femininity

A star in a diagram drawn by a man is a sign of intelligence, stamina, ability to concentrate and inner strength. Women who choose this sign know how to attract the opposite sex, but prefer freedom and independence.

Star mandala - a symbol of a strong man

The cross is a symbol of contemplation. It means that a person is at a crossroads. It is difficult for him to make the right decision. The second interpretation is tougher: helplessness and depression. Best transcript: a new stage in life. Completion of the started cases and changes for the better.

The cross inside the mandala is interpreted in different ways.

Mandala color schemes and how to work with them

Life is filled with colors. Depending on the mood and well-being, we choose one or another shade of clothing or accessories. So the mandala can be chosen for all occasions. Color or draw the sacred symbol yourself, and then decipher the messages from the subconscious yourself.

The mandala can be made in various artistic techniques.

The most common colors used in mandala drawings and interpretation.

  1. Red. It symbolizes life, inner energy, the desire to create. Large fragments of the mandala, painted in red, speak of the aggression and self-confidence of a person. In the classification of male - feminine symbol sexuality and passion.
  2. Orange. Inflated self-esteem and exorbitant ambitions. The appearance of color in female figure- evidence of difficulties in finding a life partner.
  3. Yellow. Creative skills. Artists, writers and musicians use this shade more often than others.
  4. Green. Nature and harmony. The color of spring renewal of life. This color scheme is chosen by people whose activities are related to helping their neighbor: doctors and teachers.
  5. Blue. A sign of fortitude, intuition, endurance. Talks about the ability to withstand life's difficulties.
  6. Blue. Symbolizes friendliness, openness, tolerance. Turquoise shade helps to heal mental and physical ailments.
  7. Violet. The color of harmony, inspiration and purification.
  8. Brown. Earth tone. Stability. Stable psyche. Emotion control.
  9. Black. The presence of this color in the picture indicates depression, unresolved problems. In a broader sense: darkness, mystery and mystery.
  10. White. Color-amulet. A symbol of higher spirituality and purity.

Please note: if the center of the mandala is completely painted over in purple, this indicates that a person is very dependent on his mother. In the worst case, a young man or girl is not able to make an independent decision. Missing or white areas in the picture - insecurity and resentment.

Diagnostic webinar about the meaning of colors and mandala diagnostician:

When decoding a mandala pattern, tones, shades and combinations of colors are taken into account.

  1. A mixture of red and black is a sign of illness. The author of the mandala should be tested for the state of the hematopoietic system of the body.
  2. The pink color is good. But in combination with gothic black - a sign of depression and suicidal tendencies.
  3. Many lilac areas are a signal of a respiratory disease.
  4. Gray and graphite - despondency, loss of meaning and joy of life.
  5. Pink-black color - business card fans youth subculture emo. Its adherents view life as a series of suffering, and tearfulness and Bad mood raised to the absolute.

Mandala - a symbol of the eternal cycle of life

Video contains positive energetic mandala music 2018:

Use mandalotherapy for practical and domestic purposes. It will help you get to know your friends and family better. Of course, a non-specialist cannot claim a complete interpretation, but you will get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpeople . Deciphering a color chart is akin to a universal key. With it, you will learn how to find mutual language with the world and comprehend harmony.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

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