The ugly duckling is a psychological interpretation of the fairy tale. (K.Estes - Runner with Wolves)


Who among us has not admired the proud and graceful birds - swans. These majestic and snow-white beauties with excellent posture immediately resemble the tale of the Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen " ugly duck". This work is simply a miracle! The story of an ugly duckling turned into beautiful swan touched the souls of many children and adults. Great storyteller was able to describe very deeply and sensually all the adventures of the poor, unfortunate chick, until he turned into a majestic bird.

The world of fairy tales of the great Danish master

Since childhood, most recognize the author of "The Ugly Duckling" - Hans Christian Andersen. The world of his fairy tales is very diverse. " The Snow Queen", "The Little Mermaid", "The Princess and the Pea", "The Nightingale", "Wild Swans" are real masterpieces that are known in all corners of the world. Many characters in Andersen's fairy tales became household names during the life of the writer himself. Hans Christian did not consider himself childish writer, many of his works raise very deep problems of adults.What are they, the tales of the author of "The Ugly Duckling"?

Among the huge number of Andersen's works, there are many creations with happy ending which children love very much. Also in the collection there are serious stories that only adults can understand. The minds of children and their parents are captivated by a beautiful story called "Thumbelina" about a tiny girl who grew up in a flower bud. The motive of the miraculous transformation of heroes is a favorite in the fairy tales of Hans Christian. So, in the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" readers see an inconspicuous girl who has become a princess.

True love and self-sacrifice is depicted by the writer in the fairy tale "Wild Swans". The girl Eliza saves her brothers from the spell at the risk of her life. wicked stepmother. This piece is more dramatic. But the story of the young Mermaid, who sacrificed her life for the sake of her beloved prince, is filled with a special tragedy. great strength genuine art showed Andersen in the fairy tale "Nightingale". The ostentatious grandeur and spiritual emptiness was reflected by the writer in the work "The King's New Dress". It is impossible to imagine the fairy tales of the great Dane without a mysterious little man who gives obedient children wonderful dreams - Ole Lukoye.

The concept of a literary fairy tale

The creative heritage of H. H. Andersen is mainly made up of literary fairy tales. They brought the author of "The Ugly Duckling" world fame. At first, the Writer retold some folk tales, and then he began to create his own works in this genre. Literary tale is called narrative genre, having magical-fiction content, fictional or real heroes, fantasy or reality. Writers raised in these writings moral, aesthetic, social problems society.

The early fairy tales of G. H. Andersen are similar to the works of the Brothers Grimm: they have a simple and natural intonation of folk narration. His first collection was called "Tales told to children", where there are a lot of similarities with folklore. As a basis for the collection, he took 10 tales that he was told in childhood. From these works, readers discover the beauty and spiritual essence of the world.

What is the main author's credo of the author of "The Ugly Duckling"? The writer appreciates sincere souls and immediate feelings. In pictures tragic sides life still prevails good. Andersen believes that the divine principle always wins in the person himself. The storyteller himself believed very much in a good God. He believed that every event in a person's life indicates that he belongs to the Lord. According to the writer, only he will see the light and become better who will survive many trials and hardships in life.

The most voluminous literary fairy tale by Hans Christian is "The Snow Queen". In it, the author touches on very deep issues. The main thing that the storyteller showed is all-conquering force love that can overcome any obstacles. The brave girl Gerda not only saved her brother Kai from the halls of the Snow Queen, but also returned his good heart.

The difficult fate of the writer and autobiographical moments in the fairy tale

In Denmark there is an ancient town of Odense. It was there that the author of The Ugly Duckling, Hans Christian Andersen, was born in 1805. His father was a simple shoemaker. He lived in a poor apartment, was surrounded ordinary people, ate the most meager foods. But he saw miracles in the most simple things, loved to listen to the stories of the elderly. He often looked at theater posters. He did homemade dolls and put on performances.

Such fantasies led Hans to theatrical activities. He arranged puppet show right at home. He wrote scripts himself, made scenery and paper costumes. After the funeral of his father in 1819, the young man moved to the capital of Denmark - Copenhagen. Dreaming of becoming happy, he tries to fulfill his dream and become an actor. Good people helped him get into high school. The fourteen-year-old boy had to sit at a desk with students much younger than him. A lot of ridicule and humiliation from classmates flew at Andersen's address. Hans passed the test and graduated from the gymnasium. Then he entered the university. It was this period from his life that the writer depicted in the book "The Ugly Duckling".

Being famous master words, Andersen himself understood that he was benefiting the world. Therefore, he felt happy. Each new fairy tale brought a lot joyful emotions to his readers. Hans Christian began to read fairy tales himself before ordinary people. He was not at all ashamed of his lower origin, but, on the contrary, wanted his books to be read by children from the same poor families as himself. Most of all, the writer hated the empty, ignorant, boastful and lazy representatives of high society.

Noble persons, whom Andersen ridiculed in his books, were unhappy with his caustic ridicule. They could not understand how the shoemaker's son could play a trick on them. After all, he even has a surname of low origin. Only on his 50th birthday the author was recognized in his hometown Odense. On the day he was awarded the title of honorary citizen, the townspeople lit the illumination.

Hans Christian published his fairy tale in 1843. Many children wonder who wrote "The Ugly Duckling" and this is not surprising. After all, the problems raised by Andersen in this tale are relevant today. Anna Ganzen translated it into Russian. In accordance with the plot and semantic sections of the tale, the work "The Ugly Duckling" can be divided into five parts:

  1. The hard life of a duckling in the poultry yard. It was on a sunny summer day. . One old manor, among the fluffy leaves of burdock, mother duck hatched ducklings. It is already becoming clear that the heroes of the "Ugly Duckling" are animals. The little kids looked at the big leaves around them with delight. The duck reassured the children that the world is much larger than these plants, and she herself has not yet seen all of it. An experienced duck approached the young mother and asked about the situation? Mom was happy with her cubs, only one chick from the largest egg still could not hatch. The ducks decided that a turkey egg had accidentally fallen into the nest. Finally, this moment has come. From the last egg a chick appeared, which was very different from the others, even the mother did not like it. She decided to see if he could swim like all the other ducklings.

  2. Beginning of wanderings. Duckling meeting with real friends. One sunny day the whole family went to the lake. All the kids were yellow. There was only one last gray color, but swam no worse than the others. After bathing, the duck decided to show off her brood and took everyone to the poultry yard to show it to the "society". Before that, she taught the children how to behave in front of the inhabitants of the courtyard, to bow to them. And what were the residents of the courtyard? The ducklings watched as they fought over the head of a fish thrown to them by their owners. There was a terrible scream in the yard. Then one duck of the Spanish breed positively evaluated new family. Only one, the most "absurd" cub, irritated her and everyone else. The mother duck first came to the gray duck's defense, saying that it would outgrow it and become a prominent drake. Then all the kids went to play. Everyone wanted to offend the gray duckling. They kept pecking at him. Over time, even his brothers, sisters and mother hated him. The duckling was exhausted from humiliation and ridicule. He didn't know how to get out of this situation. The only salvation for him was to run away from home.

  3. Meeting with geese. The duckling somehow managed to get over the fence. There he immediately met wild ducks, they also began to make fun of his unsightly appearance and worry that he does not ask for them to be relatives. A few days later, two important ganders flew to the lake. The appearance of the new one seemed funny to them, and they even decided to show it to their wives. Only this was not destined to come true: the hunters began to shoot at the geese, and two new friends were dead. Then a hunting dog ran to the lake to collect prey. The gray duckling was very frightened. But even the dog did not like him: she did not touch the chick. In fear, he sat in the reeds until the evening, and then decided to run away.
  4. The suffering of a duckling in a harsh winter. The poor chick wandered all day long. Finally he saw the hut. An old woman, a chicken and a cat lived in it. The hostess decided to keep the chick at home, hoping that he would lay eggs. The cat and the hen chuckled at the duckling in every possible way, but he never laid eggs. Once the chick felt that he was very drawn to swim, so he went to live by the lake. Once there he saw a very beautiful birds. They were swans. They screamed and the chick screamed back. He did not dare to approach the important birds, fearing that they would reject him like everyone else. And here came Cold winter. In order not to freeze, the duckling had to constantly swim. But this did not save the poor man. He was completely exhausted and froze to the ice. One farmer saw a duckling and took it home. In the new environment, the chick was unusual. He was afraid of the little children who wanted to play with him. Running away from them, the duckling spilled milk and got dirty in flour. He had to spend the winter in the bushes by the lake. It was cold and hungry.
  5. Spring awakening and unexpected transformation of a duckling. One spring, the chick got out of the reeds and flew. Near blooming apple trees suddenly he noticed proud and beautiful white swans. The duckling is sad. But then, remembering all his wanderings, he decided to approach these birds, even if they pecked him. The duckling descended into the water and began to swim quietly towards the flock of swans, and they swam towards him. The duckling sullenly lowered its head in front of the swans with the expectation that it would be killed. And suddenly he saw his reflection in the water. Who was the ugly duckling? It was a beautiful majestic swan! Other birds swam past the handsome young man and stroked him with their long beaks. They gladly accepted him into their flock. The children came running, began to throw pieces of bread to the birds and called the new one the most beautiful swan. Previously, the duckling did not even dream of such happiness.

That's it summary"Ugly duckling". A sad story with a happy ending.

Analysis of "The Ugly Duckling": Genre, Theme, Writer's Style

It is believed that in this tale Andersen veiled his biography. The very name of the creation is very unusual and is an oxymoron. One and the same hero is both ugly and beautiful. Who wrote "The Ugly Duckling" and in connection with what - is already clear. What genre is the work written in? Of course, this literary tale. But she has others distinctive features. There are motifs of myth in it, since the theme of the exile was very close to ancient myths. Very often the hero of such works cannot control his own destiny - he is dominated by other forces.

The fabulous duckling is a representative of the wild nature, which instinctively survives even in the harshest conditions. Wild natures are desperately fighting for existence. The reason for the expulsion of the duckling was not its ugly appearance, but that it was different from the others. No one knows how the swan egg ended up in the nest. The author shows what tests the hero had to go through before everyone began to admire his beauty. main theme"The ugly duckling" is the struggle between good and evil. The transformation of a nondescript chick into a snow-white handsome man is only a shell, but not the main meaning of the tale. Andersen showed that the soul of a little duckling is open for love and kindness.

There is a special dynamism in the author's style. All events develop with special tension. For a skillful and lively narration, the writer uses a wide variety of phrases: “they fell dead”, “the reeds stirred”, “the hunters surrounded”, “the fog shrouded”, “the reeds swayed”.

Psychological coloring of a fairy tale

The work "The Ugly Duckling" is very unusual. Andersen not only shows the fate of the hero, but describes him state of mind V different situations. He did this with monologues. The duckling is constantly thinking about why he is so ugly. The author shows him either tired or sad. Shown especially clearly psychological condition duckling at the moment of transformation into a beautiful swan. His joy knew no bounds. Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" is very sensual, it overwhelms readers with feelings for the little hero.

Idea and problems of the work

The hero of Andersen's book "The Ugly Duckling" had to suffer a lot and humiliate himself, but, having gone through such a lonely and hard life, he was able to truly appreciate his happiness. Ideological meaning fairy tales are expressed in the following terms:

  • In life, not everything is simple and easy, sometimes there are suffering and joy, rudeness and beauty.
  • For a sharp perception of happiness, a person needs wandering and suffering.
  • The sensitivity of the soul and inner talent are necessarily rewarded by fate.
  • Nobility and generosity manifests itself after suffering and unexpected happiness. After all, this taught the duckling to forgive his offenders.

It should be noted that in allegorical form, the tale shows the struggle that Andersen had to wage on his way to glory.

Conclusions about the personality of the author himself

The name of the fairy tale has long grown into a metaphor. Such a common term as "ugly duckling" is called unsightly teenagers, whose appearance is still being formed. From this autobiographical tale, the following conclusions emerge about Andersen:

  • The writer, like his hero, suffered a lot of suffering, misunderstanding and ridicule of rude people.
  • Andersen had a very vulnerable and sensitive soul.
  • Like the hero of a fairy tale, the author was a generous person, forgiving his offenders and enemies.
  • Andersen had a great faith in the victory of goodness, beauty and justice.

What is the main food for the soul? It largely depends on the person, but you can name some combinations - consider them soul macrobiotics. Some women need air, night, sunlight and trees. Others can only be fed by words, paper, and books. For the third, the most important thing is color, shape, shadow and clay. Some women have to jump, sway, run, because their soul yearns for dance. Others crave peace like weeping willows.

But there is another point that deserves attention. Lost zygotes learn the art of survival. It's hard to live for years next to people who can't help you flourish. To master this science is a great achievement: for many it remains just a word. Yet there comes a stage in the process of individuation when the threat of injury has largely passed. Now is the time to move on to the next step after survival - to healing and prosperity.

If we stop at the stage of survival without moving on to prosperity, we thereby impoverish ourselves, limit our energy only to ourselves, and cut our power in this world by more than half. A person can be so proud of his ability to survive that it becomes a hindrance to further creative development. Sometimes people are afraid to part with the title of survivor and move on: after all, after all, this is a title, a distinction, an achievement that you can be proud of.

Instead of prioritizing survival, it's better to treat it not as your only virtue, but as one of many. A person deserves an abundance of memories, medals and awards for the fact that he lived - lived for real and won. But, when the threat has passed, there is a danger to continue to call yourself the names received in this most terrible time of life. This creates a mindset that can limit us. You should not base your spiritual identity solely on the exploits, losses and victories that accompanied hard times. Yes, survival can make a woman tough as corned beef; but at some stage, relying solely on this property, it itself begins to slow down its further development.

If a woman constantly says: "I survived" - although the time for this has passed - it is clear what she has to work on next. You need to stop relying on the archetype of the survivor as a crutch, otherwise nothing new can be born. I give an example of a tenacious little plant that contrives despite the lack of sunlight, moisture and nutrients, bravely release a small stubborn leaf. Against everything.

But if you have reached the beginning of prosperity, this means that now, when Hard times behind, one must take advantage of the abundance of food and light and bloom: become covered with dense foliage and heavy clusters of flowers. It is better to call yourself names that encourage you to grow up as a free being. This is what prosperity is. We are made for him.

To remain a surviving child longer than is necessary is to become unnecessarily accustomed to the archetype of the wounded. Only by realizing your wound, although keeping it in memory, you can enter the time of prosperity. Prosperity is our mission on this earth. Prosperity, not just survival - this is the right that a woman receives when she is born.

So do not cringe, do not try to become invisible if you are called in childhood black sheep, white crow, wolf cub. Short-sighted people see the rebels as a danger to society. But time proves that to be different from others means to be at the forefront, it means almost certainly to make an original contribution, a useful and impressive contribution to culture.

Seeking guidance, never listen to the faint-hearted. Be kind to them, shower them with blessings, flatter them, but do not follow their advice.

If you have ever been called impudent, incorrigible, stubborn, cunning, uncontrollable, recalcitrant, rebellious - you are on the right way. Wild Woman somewhere near.

If you've never been called that, it's not over yet. Develop the Wild Woman in you. And Andele! - Forward! And forward again!

██ ██ Clarissa Estes, practicing and teaching Jungian psychoanalysis and mythology for over twenty years different cultures, shows how the primordial Spirit of a woman can be revived through "psychoarchaeological excavations" in the area of ​​the female unconscious. The healthy, instinctive, clairvoyant, healing archetypal Wild Woman lives life to the fullest in ancient myths and tales. But it can reappear in the soul of every woman in the conditions of the modern world.

Ugly duck Who. Razg. Shuttle. About a child, a teenager who suddenly shows dignity. The ugly duckling... The wisdom of this tale is the wisdom of life itself, which turns an awkward teenage girl into a lovely girl(P. Nightingale. Two voices). - From the name of the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling » .

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what the "Ugly Duckling" is in other dictionaries:

    Ugly duck- Den grimme Ælling ... Wikipedia

    The ugly duckling and me- The Ugly Duckling and Me! ... Wikipedia

    UGLY DUCK- (Dan. Den Grimme filing) the hero of H.K. Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" (1843). The ordeal of an ugly "duckling", which is actually a swan, is usually interpreted as a metaphor for the fate of the artist. Meanwhile, the hidden meaning of this philosophical tale ... ... literary heroes

    Ugly duck- 1. Razg. About a person unfairly assessed below his merits, opening up unexpectedly to others. BMS 1998, 589; BTS, 191, 1405. 2. Jarg. they say Shuttle. Male sexual organ. ZHEST 1, 141 Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    ugly duck- About an ugly, clumsy child, teenager (more often a girl), who may become in the future (or suddenly become) beautiful girl(or a young person); about whom l. inconspicuous, inconspicuous, etc., who later unexpectedly for everyone ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Ugly duckling (disambiguation)- "The Ugly Duckling" may refer to one of the following cartoons based on Andersen's fairy tale of the same name: Ugly Duckling (cartoon, 1939) / Ugly Duckling Walt Disney cartoon Ugly Duckling (cartoon, 1956) cartoon produced by the USSR ... ... Wikipedia

    Ugly duckling (cartoon, 2010)- Other films with the same or similar title: see The Ugly Duckling (cartoon). Ugly duckling ... Wikipedia

    The ugly duckling (opera)- Opera The Ugly Duckling Composer Sergei Prokofiev / Lev Konov Author(s) of the libretto Sergei Prokofiev / Lev Konov Plot source Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale ... Wikipedia

    The Ugly Duckling (cartoon, 1956)- This term has other meanings, see Ugly duckling (meanings). Ugly duckling Cartoon type Drawn Genre Fairy tale Director Vladimir Degtyarev ... Wikipedia

    Ugly duckling (cartoon)- This term has other meanings, see Ugly duckling (meanings). "The Ugly Duckling" may refer to one of the following cartoons based on Andersen's fairy tale of the same name: The Ugly Duckling (cartoon, 1939) Walt Disney cartoon ... ... Wikipedia


  • The Ugly Duckling, Andersen G.H.

The main meaning of Andersen's fairy tale is that one must steadfastly and patiently endure difficulties and hardships. The unfortunate duckling (who was in fact a swan) had to endure a series of cruel trials at the very beginning of his life. He was teased and poisoned by rude relatives. His own mother duck turned away from him, afraid public opinion. Then, when he escaped from the poultry yard and befriended wild geese, these hunters, and the duckling himself was saved only by a miracle. After this, the unfortunate duckling was picked up by an old woman and brought to her house. But its inhabitants - a cat and a chicken - laughed at the new tenant and unceremoniously taught "mind-mind". The duckling had to leave the old woman's house, he spent the winter in the reeds by the lake, where next spring he met beautiful swans. And the story ended with a happy ending.

The moral of this tale is that life can present many difficult trials, but we must not lose heart and not give up. After all, it was very difficult for the swan duckling, but he endured everything and eventually became happy.

In the same way, a person who does not bow to fate can ultimately triumph in victory.

Because of what the troubles of the duckling began in general

The moral of the tale is also that one should not be afraid to be different from others. The duckling was different in appearance from other ducklings. That is, he was not like everyone else. And so he was teased and poisoned by ducks. Why was he scolded and unceremoniously lectured by a cat and a chicken? Because he wasn't acting right. That is, again was not like everyone else! The duckling had a choice: either come to terms with the fact that it is impossible to differ from others either in appearance, or behavior, or habits, or behave in accordance with the principle: “Yes, I am different, but I have the right to do so!” And he made this choice, not being afraid that he would incur misunderstanding, scolding and even persecution.

A person should also defend the right to be himself, even if for this it is necessary to go against public opinion.

Some connoisseurs of Andersen's work believe that the author of the fairy tale portrayed himself in the image of the ugly duckling. After all, Andersen also had to endure a lot of ridicule, misunderstanding and unceremonious teachings from the people around him before he became famous writer, and his appearance was very different from the appearance of the "average" Dane. Never give up, fight for your happiness, regardless of all obstacles.

The name of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen is known to everyone almost from the very beginning. early childhood. Tales of the ugly duckling, the Snow Queen, the Little Mermaid, the Princess and the Pea and other characters became classics of world literature during the author's lifetime. However, Andersen himself did not like being called a children's writer, since many of his writings were addressed to adults.


Andersen's works include good tales co happy ending, intended for children's reading, there are more serious stories that are more understandable to adults. At the same time, numerous experiences from his own life.

Strange as it may sound, one of best fairy tales Andersen "Ugly" to some extent can be considered autobiographical. After all, the writer himself, like an ugly duckling, from childhood was distinguished by an unsightly appearance and a dreamy character. And, just as the ugly duckling at the end of a fairy tale is destined to turn into a beautiful swan, so Andersen himself turned from a constant object of ridicule into a worldwide famous storyteller.

Something in common with the "Ugly Duckling" and the fairy tale "Thumbelina", which tells about the numerous misadventures of a tiny girl who, like fairy fairy, was born from a flower bud. In the finale, Thumbelina really becomes a fairy named Maya and the wife of the kind and beautiful king of the elves.

"Princess and the Pea" - short but very famous fairy tale, based on which you can again see the motive of the miraculous transformation of the heroine. Wet in the rain and seemingly inconspicuous girl turns out to be real princess capable of feeling a small pea through forty featherbeds.

The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is much more ambitious both in terms of volume and problems. This is a story about true love to overcome any obstacles. Courageous

The protagonist of G.Kh. Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" is a chick from one large duck family. He differed from his brothers and sisters in his unattractive appearance and large sizes. The inhabitants of the poultry yard immediately disliked him and tried to peck more painfully. Even the girl bringing food to the birds pushed him away from the rest of the chicks.

Unable to bear such an attitude, the chick ran away from the poultry yard. He got to the swamp, and there he hid from everyone. But even in the swamp he had no peace - hunters came and started shooting geese. The poor traveler hid all day from hunting dogs, and closer to night he ran away from the swamp.

He stumbled upon a dilapidated hut in which an old woman lived. The old woman had a cat and a chicken. The old woman could not see well, and she mistook the big, ugly chick for a fat duck. Expecting that the duck will lay eggs, she left the chick to live in her house.

But over time, the chick became bored in the hut. He wanted to swim and dive, but the cat and the chicken disapproved of his desire. And the duckling left them.

Until the autumn he swam and dived, that's just forest dwellers didn't want to talk to him, he was so ugly.

But one day large white birds flew to the lake, at the sight of which the chick was seized with a strange excitement. He passionately wanted to be like these beauties, whose name was swans. But the swans screamed, made some noise and flew away to warmer climes, and the chick remained to spend the winter on the lake.

The winter was cold, and the unfortunate duckling had a hard time. But time passed. One day he saw the beautiful white birds again and decided to swim out to them. And then he saw his reflection in the water. He was like two drops of water similar to snow-white handsome swans. He was also a swan!

Who knows why the swan egg ended up in the duck's nest? But because of this little swan I had to endure a lot of difficulties and sip a lot of grief. But everything ended well, and now everyone loved him and admired his beauty.

This is the summary of the story.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" is that it is impossible to guess what the child will be like when he grows up. Perhaps now the child is unsightly and ugly, clumsy and awkward, but, having matured, he will be completely different. Everything comes in time to those who know how to wait. The fairy tale teaches us not to rush things, to draw conclusions in time. As for the children, there is no need to choose a beautiful one among them. If a child sees love and a kind attitude towards him from childhood, he will be able to grow up and become beautiful both in soul and body.

In the fairy tale, I liked the duckling character, because the difficulties did not break him, he turned out to be a strong spirit.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"?

How many ducks do not be cheerful, but not to be a swan.
Everyone considers his geese to be swans.
You never know in advance where you will find, where you will lose.

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