Composers of the 18th century are foreign. Great composers of the 18th century


Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven- The greatest composer of the early 19th century. Requiem and Moonlight Sonata immediately recognizable by anyone. Immortal works composers have always been and will be popular because of unique style Beethoven.

- German composer of the 18th century. No doubt the founder contemporary music. His works were based on the versatility of harmonies of various instruments. He created the rhythm of music, so his works are easily amenable to modern instrumental processing.

- The most popular and understandable Austrian composer of the late 18th century. All his works are simple and ingenious. They are very melodic and pleasant. A little serenade, a thunderstorm and many other compositions in rock arrangement will have a special place in your collection.

- Austrian composer of the late 18th, early 19th century. Truly classical composer. The violin for Haydn was in a special place. In almost all the works of the composer, she is the soloist. Very beautiful and captivating music.

- Italian composer of the first half of the 18th century No. 1. National temperament and a new approach to arrangement literally blew up Europe in the middle of the 18th century. The symphonies "The Seasons" are calling card composer.

- Polish composer of the 19th century. According to some information, the ancestor of the combined genre of concert and folk music. His polonaises and mazurkas blend seamlessly with orchestral music. The only drawback in the composer's work was considered too soft style (lack of strong and incendiary motives).

- German composer of the late 19th century. He was spoken of as the great romantic of his time, and his "German Requiem" eclipsed other works of his contemporaries with its popularity. The style in Brahms' music is qualitatively different from the styles of other classics.

- Austrian composer of the early 19th century. One of the greatest composers unrecognized during his lifetime. Very early death at the age of 31 did not allow to fully develop the potential of Schubert. The songs he wrote were the main source of income when greatest symphonies dusted on the shelves. Only after the death of the composer, the works were highly appreciated by critics.

- Austrian composer of the late 19th century. Ancestor of waltzes and marches. We say Strauss - we mean waltz, we say waltz - we mean Strauss. Johann Jr. grew up in the family of his father, a composer. Strauss senior treated the works of his son with disdain. He believed that his son was engaged in nonsense and therefore humiliated him in every way in the world. But Johann Jr. stubbornly continued to do what he loved, and the revolution and the march written by Strauss in her honor proved the genius of his son in the eyes of European high society.

- One of the greatest composers of the 19th century. Maitre operatic art. "Aida" and "Otello" by Verdi are extremely popular today thanks to true talent Italian composer. The tragic loss of his family at the age of 27 crippled the composer, but he did not give up and delved into creativity, writing several operas at once. short term. high society highly appreciated the talent of Verdi and his operas were staged in the most prestigious theaters in Europe.

- Even at the age of 18, this talented Italian composer wrote several operas that became very popular. The crowning achievement of his creation was the revised play " barber of seville". After presenting it to the public, Gioachino was literally carried in his arms. The success was intoxicating. After that, Rossini became a welcome guest in high society and gained a solid reputation.

- German composer of the early 18th century. One of the founders of opera art and instrumental music. In addition to writing operas, Handel also wrote music for the "people", which was very popular in those days. Hundreds of songs and dance melodies of the composer thundered in the streets and squares in those distant times.

- Polish prince and composer - self-taught. Having no music education became famous composer. His famous polonaise is known all over the world. At the time of the composer, a revolution was taking place in Poland, and the marches written by him became the hymns of the rebels.

- Jewish composer, born in Germany. His wedding march and "Dream in midsummer night"have been popular for more than one hundred years. The symphonies and compositions written by him are successfully perceived all over the world.

- German composer of the 19th century. His mystically - anti-Semitic idea of ​​the superiority of the Aryan race over other races was adopted by the Nazis. Wagner's music is very different from the music of his predecessors. It is aimed primarily at connecting man and nature with an admixture of mysticism. His famous operas"Rings of the Nibelungs" and "Tristan and Isolde" - confirm the revolutionary spirit of the composer.

- French composer mid 19th century. Creator of Carmen. From birth he was a brilliant child and at the age of 10 he already entered the conservatory. During his short life (he died before the age of 37) he wrote dozens of operas and operettas, various orchestral works and ode symphonies.

- Norwegian composer - lyricist. His works are simply saturated with melody. During his life he wrote a large number of songs, romances, suites and etudes. His composition "The Cave of the Mountain King" is very often used in cinema and modern stage.

- American composer early 20th century - the author of "Rhapsody in Blues", which is especially popular to this day. At 26, he was already Broadway's first composer. Gershwin's popularity quickly spread throughout America, thanks to numerous songs and popular shows.

- Russian composer. His opera "Boris Godunov" is the hallmark of many theaters in the world. The composer in his works relied on folklore, considering folk music to be the music of the soul. "Night on Bald Mountain" by Modest Petrovich is one of the ten most popular symphonic sketches in the world.

most popular and greatest composer Of course, Russia is. " Swan Lake"and "Sleeping Beauty", "Slavic March" and "The Nutcracker", "Eugene Onegin" and " Queen of Spades". These and many more masterpieces musical art were created by our Russian composer. Tchaikovsky is the pride of Russia. All over the world they know "Balalaika", "Matryoshka", "Tchaikovsky"...

- Soviet composer. Stalin's favorite. The opera "The Tale of a Real Man" was strongly recommended to listen to Mikhail Zadornov. But mostly Sergey Sergeyevich has serious and profound works. "War and Peace", "Cinderella", "Romeo and Juliet", a lot of brilliant symphonies and works for orchestra.

- Russian composer who created his own inimitable style in music. He was a deeply religious man and special place in his work was given to writing religious music. Rachmaninov also wrote a lot of concert music and several symphonies. His last work "Symphonic Dances" is recognized as the greatest work of the composer.

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    Berezovsky Maxim Sozontovich 1745-1777

    • Russian composer Ukrainian origin He also worked in Italy.
    • Born October 16, 1745 in Glukhov.
    • He received his higher education at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, where he began to write his own works.
    • In 1758, for exceptional vocal abilities, he was sent to St. Petersburg, where he became a soloist in the Court Choir of Prince Pyotr Fedorovich.
    • He performed as a singer-soloist (Italian opera in Oranienbaum). In 1765-1774 he lived in Italy, where he was sent for improvement. He wrote there the concert "Do not reject me in old age" and the Hymns of the Divine Liturgy.
    • 1771 - Passed the exam at the Bologna Philharmonic Academy for the title of academic composer.
    • 1771 He wrote the opera Demofont (libretto by P. Metastasio), staged in 1773 in Livorno), and, as a result, became the first opera composer in the Russian Empire.
    • Died March 22, 1777.
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    Bortnyansky Dmitry Stepanovich 1751-1825

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    • Outstanding Russian spiritual composer.
    • Born in Ukraine, in Glukhov.
    • As a boy, he was taken to the court choir. He studied music in St. Petersburg, then was sent to study in Venice. Lived in Italy in 1769-1779, his operas were staged in Italian interpretations.
    • Operas: Creon 1776, Alcides 1778, Quintus Fabius 1778.
    • Upon his return to St. Petersburg, he was appointed "composer of the court singing choir", from 1796 - "director of vocal music" and manager of the Court singing chapel.
    • He created about 100 works. in the genre of a choral concert "a cappella", Lenten chants ("May my prayer be corrected", "Now the powers of heaven", etc.), Easter hymns ("Angel crying out", "Lights, shines"), the hymn "Kol our Lord is glorious in Zion", many otd. hymns from the church services (including seven "Cherubic").
    • Bortnyansky was the largest and most popular composer of his time, his works were performed church choirs, fortress chapels, ensembles.
    • Bortnyansky also paid attention to secular music (the operas The Feast of the Seigneur in 1786, The Falcon in 1786, The Rival Son, or the New Stratonics in 1787.
    • He also wrote a chamber instrument. ensembles; romances; choir "Singer in the camp of Russian soldiers" 1812, to the words of V. A. Zhukovsky).
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    Pashkevich Vasily Alekseevich 1742 - March 9, 1797

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    Pashkevich Vasily Alekseevich1742 - March 9, 1797

    • Russian composer, conductor, teacher, violinist, singer, one of the creators of the Russian national opera.
    • Vasily Pashkevich entered the court service in 1756, and was added to the staff of the chapel of the court church.
    • Since 1763, he began to play in the "ball music" orchestra (the second court orchestra of Catherine II).
    • In 1783, after the success of three operas in a row, Pashkevich was awarded the title of "chamber musician", and in 1789 - "concertmaster of ballroom music" with the rank of collegiate assessor.
    • Vasily Pashkevich also directed the musical part of the "Free Theatre", was engaged in pedagogical activity.
    • Paul I, after the death of his mother, dismissed the composer from court service. Left without work and livelihood, Vasily Pashkevich died on March 9 (March 20), 1797, leaving a widow with a one-year-old daughter.
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    • "Misfortune from the carriage" 1779
    • "Miserly" 1782
    • "Tunisian Pasha" 1783
    • Fevey, libretto by Catherine II 1786
    • "Fedul with children", libretto by Catherine II 1791
    • “As you live, so you will be known” 1792
    • "Unfortunate in love clerk" 1795
    • "Temple of Universal Rejoicing", music for the "theater festival"
    • "Oleg's initial management", dramatic performance 1790
    • 4-voice spiritual concerts “Now is the time to appear”, “Come ascend”, “Rejoice people and be glad”, “Glory to God in the highest”, “Hear my voice, Lord”
    • Choir "Cupid and Psyche" 1793
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    Fomin Evstigney Ipatievich 1761 - 1800

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    • Fomin is one of the first professional Russian composers, whose work had a significant impact on further development Russian opera. Fomin's legacy, however, remained little known until the middle of the 20th century, when some of his operas were staged in theaters in Moscow and Leningrad.
    • Born August 5, 1761 in St. Petersburg.
    • At the age of six, he was sent to the Educational School at Imperial Academy arts, then studied at the academy itself, where he mastered playing the harpsichord, music theory and composition.
    • After graduating from the academy in 1782, Fomin was sent to Bologna to improve his musical skills.
    • In 1785, under the name of Eugenio Fomini, Fomin was elected a member of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy.
    • In 1786, Fomin returned to St. Petersburg, where he wrote his first opera, The Novgorod Bogatyr Vasily Boeslavich, to a libretto by Empress Catherine II. The opera in five acts, completed by the composer unusually quickly - within one month - was already staged in the Hermitage Theater of St. Petersburg in the same year.
    • In 1786-1788 he served in the office of G. R. Derzhavin.
    • In Tambov, in 1788, the libretto of Fomin's opera Coachmen on the Frame was published anonymously.
    • In 1788, Fomin wrote one of his most famous operas, The Americans, to a libretto by 19-year-old Ivan Krylov. The directorate of the imperial theaters did not accept it for staging, and only in 1800 did this opera see the stage.
    • Another famous work by Fomin is the melodrama Orpheus and Eurydice, written in 1791.
    • In 1797, Fomin was hired as a tutor at court theaters, where he helped singers learn opera parts.
    • He died on April 28, 1800 in St. Petersburg.
    • The scores of “Coachmen on a Frame”, “Americans”, “Orpheus and Eurydice”, as well as the chorus from the music for the play “Yaropolk and Oleg” (1798) have survived to our time.
    • The operas "Novgorod Bogatyr Vasily Boeslavich" and " Golden Apple» (last of famous works composer) have been preserved in the form of orchestral parts.
  • The second half of the 17th and 18th centuries (Petrine and post-Petrine eras) are turning point in national history. It was in the 18th century that many significant changes took place in the cultural and public life that predetermined the development of the state for decades.

    • strengthening of absolutism,
    • the final enslavement of the peasants,
    • the introduction of a system of universal education, the establishment of the first academies of sciences and universities -

    All this could not but affect the cultural image of the country. great place in the spiritual life of people began to occupy music and.

    The position of folk music before Peter I

    But it was not always so. In 1648, under the influence of the church, which considered the buffoons to be "godless", a royal decree was issued that forbade the buffoons to participate in the celebrations and commanded to destroy their masks and musical instruments. Therefore, starting from this time, musicians performing folk songs, went underground and lost all privileges.

    And with the coming to power of Peter I in 1682, the position of the musicians changed significantly. The reforms of Peter I gave impetus to the development of all secular art in general and music in particular.

    Russian secular music of the 18th century - assemblies, salons, masquerades, the birth of romance

    At imperial palace, and then in the homes of nobles, the first instrumental chapels appeared. The nobility and aristocrats organized open musical evenings, the so-called "assemblies", which anyone could attend. The concerts held weekly in the house of Privy Councilor Bassevich became famous throughout St. Petersburg. They were represented by the repertoire of European composers of the 18th century, the chapel of the Duke of Holstein. According to an unspoken rule, young nobles were required to attend assemblies. There they could not only listen to music, but also communicate, dance and even play cards.

    In the salons and aristocratic houses developed amateur (or "salon") music-making. Young nobles learned to play the harpsichord, viol, harp, flute, guitar, clavichord, composed and performed lyrical cants, the so-called "arias" - the prototypes of future romances.

    The development of so-called chamber music is closely connected with the spread of amateur (“salon”) music-making in Russian music of the 18th century. The most popular at home concerts were various dance pieces - minuets, polonaises, ecossesses, agleses, country dances and others. Not less loved and enjoyed variations on the themes of folk songs. A large number of such variations for violin were written and published by the first composer I.E. Khandoshkin (1747–1804).

    In the middle of the 18th century, another unique "salon" genre - Russian song. These songs, in style and performance, are very similar to lyrical cants and future romances. , created on the verses of Russian poets such as A. Sumarokov, G. Derzhavin, N. Lvov and others.

    The first Russian songs were published in the collection "Between business idleness", owned by the pen statesman and scientist G. Teplov. Other notable authors Russian songs– I.A. Kozlovsky and amateur violinist M.F. Dubyansky.

    In addition to assemblies, Peter I also established court masquerades, celebrations and feasts with music. Especially for royal palace he ordered a group of foreign musicians and singers from abroad. In the 1690s, the tsar approved the All-Joking, All-Drunken and Extravagant Cathedral - a buffoon's "order" parodying Catholic and Orthodox worship with its activities. The cathedral has existed for over 30 years. All the years the inspirer and organizer of the "order" was Peter I.

    The emergence of Russian military brass bands in the 18th century

    After the reforms of the army in 1699 and 1705, each regiment had its own orchestra, consisting mostly of trumpets, oboes, timpani, horns and drums. In connection with the victories of Russian weapons in the soldier's environment, new genre in Russian music 18: "panegyric cant" - a welcoming anthem for three voices with bravura trumpet melodies (sometimes it was called vivat-kant - from the word "vivat!" ("Long live!") The cant dedicated to the end in 1721 began Northern war). Often vivaticheskie kanty were composed in honor of the emperor and his generals. Vivat cantes gave rise to a special poetics, comparable to the odic, which reached its peak in choral concertos, cantatas and oratorios in Russian music of the late 18th century.

    "Beloved daughter of the Russian people" Elizaveta Petrovna, who ascended the throne in 1741, continued progressive reforms his father, especially in the field of culture. Her era went down in history as the era of enlightened absolutism. .

    Russian secular music of the 18th century under Elizabeth Petrovna - chapels, symphony and ballroom orchestras

    In 1763, the Empress organized the Court Singing Chapel. Its graduates are the first Russian composers M.S. Berezovsky and D.S. Bortnyansky - completely reformed Russian choral music, tying national characteristics Russian polyphonic singing with the achievements of progressive European musicians.

    The first Russian classical composer D.S. Bortnyansky (1751-1825), returning from abroad after studying with Italian professors, was appointed Kapellmeister (Director) of the Court Singing Chapel. It was under Bortnyansky that the musicians of the chapel reached new heights of creativity. The composer himself became famous as the author of operas in French text, quintets, concert symphonies and a large number of sonatas and pieces for piano.

    In parallel with the singing chapel at the court, there was a special orchestra that played only for the imperial and persons close to them. Among the court orchestra, such talented Russian composers as V.A. Pashkevich and I.A. Khandoshkin.

    Gradually, in the 1760s, the musicians of the orchestra were divided into two fundamentally different groups:

    • for performers of opera and symphony
    • and ballroom music.

    Performers of the opera and symphony group took part in theatrical performances, and ballroom music performers played melodies popular at that time at celebrations, feasts and balls.

    Recording music notes in the 18th century

    The development of printing made it possible in 1730 for the first time in the country to reproduce notes on paper from engraving boards, and in 1766 the inventor S.I. Bashkovsky developed a method for typing notes. Now in Russian printing houses the opportunity to make musical notation folk songs.

    The first collections of folklore songs were printed - "Collection of Russian simple songs with notes" by singer and gusliar V. Trutovsky, "Collection of Russian folk songs with their voices" by poet and folklorist N. Lvov and Czech composer I. Prach.

    Themes and genres of Russian professional music 18th century

    Professional musicians when writing their works - operas, symphonies, overtures, variations often used folk motives in their works. Therefore, collections of folk songs played a significant role in the work of the first Russian composers.

    But still, folk songs were most often used V comic operas, which in the age of enlightened absolutism became the most popular genre in Russian music of the 18th century. (The acquaintance with the first operas took place as early as the 30s of the 18th century, during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, but these operas were not widely used. In particular, due to the fact that they were performed in French or Italian. Russian music of the 18th century needed a new genre - national opera.

    The first Russian national operas

    In 1755, the first opera, written in the original Russian text and performed only by Russian artists, was staged on the Russian stage under the title "Cefal and Prokris". The music was written by the then famous composer of the Neapolitan school F. Fraya, the libretto (text) was written by the "court" playwright-classicist A.P. Sumarokov.

    Other first Russian operas are

    “Melnik is a sorcerer, a deceiver and a matchmaker” by M. Sokolovsky, “St. Petersburg gostiny dvor”, “Misfortune from the carriage” and “Miserly” by V. Pashkevich, “Falcon” and “Son-rival” by D. Bortnyansky, “Coachmen on a set-up” by E. Fomin.

    E. Fomin (1761–1800), the first Russian tragic composer, was a popular author of Russian operas. He wrote an orchestral overture to the melodrama Orpheus and Eurydice (1792) to a text by Y. Knyazhnin, which turned out to be the first example of a Russian dramatic symphony. In general, the melodrama "Orpheus and Eurydice", according to music critics, is

    "the most majestic monument of the Russian musical theater» of that era.

    Concert life and tours in Russia in the 18th century

    Concert life gradually acquired an increasingly systematic character. For many orchestras and theaters, especially serfs, touring became business as usual. pompous oratorios and choral concerts Russian music had a huge success with a very different audience.

    Simultaneously gained momentum and solo activity performers. Great fame used by harpsichordists and organists V. Palshau, I. Gessler, A. Sartori, who performed not only in private houses for a limited circle of guests, but also in city squares, theater stages, and at the locations of military units. Many of solo artists they also worked as musical mentors for the children of wealthy nobles.

    Significance of the 18th century period for Russian music

    Music in Russia in the 18th century is a special phenomenon in history national music. During this period, there were great importance events:

    • The emergence, revival, reformation and interpenetration of many musical genres,
    • The widespread use of home music and the use of many musical instruments in everyday life,
    • The emergence of the first chapels, orchestras and opera companies,
    • Formation of the system of music education,
    • Great public interest in national traditions Russian music, the emerging scope of concert activity,
    • Maturation national school composers prepared the flourishing of Russian classical music in the coming 19th century.

    Fortress theater orchestras

    Great importance in cultural life The fortress theater also played in Russia. The fortress theater of Count Naryshkin was known in the country and abroad, competing in quality of performance not only with domestic, but also with European theaters. A feature of fortress theaters was the use of horn orchestras. Orchestras numbered dozens of performers. Each of them had a horn capable of producing only one note of a certain key. Despite the apparent simplicity and even primitiveness of the performing means, horn orchestras performed many works from the repertoire of contemporary music at that time, including the symphonies of Haydn and Mozart, and sometimes took part in opera performances.

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    19. Formation of classical music. Great composers of the 17th and 18th centuries

    Monteverdi. D.Frescobaldi`. A. Corelli. A.Vivaldi. A.Scarlatti.D.B.Pergolesi. Dynasties violin makers.


    J. B. Lully. J.F. Rameau. F. Couperin.




    G. Schutz. D. Buxtehude. G.F. Handel. J.S. Bach.


    M.S. Berezovsky. D.S. Bortnyansky. E.I. Fomin.


    On the edge XVI-XVII centuries polyphony, which dominated the music of the Renaissance, began to give way to homophony (from the Greek "homos" - "one", "same" and "background" - "sound", "voice"). Unlike polyphony, where all voices are equal, in homophonic polyphony one stands out, performing main theme, and the rest play the role of accompaniment (accompaniment). The accompaniment is usually a system of chords (harmonies). Hence the name of the new way of composing music - homophonic-harmonic.

    There were works written on religious texts or plots, but not intended for mandatory performance in the church. (Such compositions are called spiritual, since the word "spiritual" has a broader meaning than "ecclesiastical".) The main spiritual genres of the 17th-18th centuries. - cantata and oratorio. Increased value secular music: it sounded at court, in the salons of aristocrats, in public theaters (the first such theaters were opened in the 17th century). formed the new kind musical art - opera.

    Instrumental music is also marked by the emergence of new genres, most notably instrumental concert. Violin, harpsichord, organ gradually turned into solo instruments. The music written for them made it possible to show talent not only for the composer, but also for the performer. First of all, virtuosity was valued (the ability to cope with technical difficulties), which gradually became an end in itself for many musicians and artistic value.

    Composers of the 17th-18th centuries usually not only composed music, but also virtuoso played the instruments, and were engaged in pedagogical activities. The well-being of the artist largely depended on the specific customer. As a rule, each serious musician sought a place either at the court of a monarch or a wealthy aristocrat (many representatives of the nobility had their own orchestras or opera houses) or in the temple. Moreover, most composers easily combined church music-making with the service of a secular patron.

    21. Artistic movements of the 18th century and their characteristics

    The artistic direction is a fundamental commonality of artistic phenomena for a long time.

    Baroque - direction in European architecture and art of the late 16th-18th centuries, which is characterized by:

    Grandiosity, splendor and dynamics;

    Pathetic elation;

    Intensity of feelings;

    Passion for spectacular spectacles;

    Combination of illusory and real;

    Strong contrasts of scales and rhythms, materials and textures, light and shadow.

    Classicism - artistic direction V European art 17th-19th centuries. Classicist artists:

    Recognized as the highest standard antique art;

    Relying on tradition High Renaissance;

    Strived to express the idea of ​​a harmonious structure of society based on the eternal "laws of reason"

    22. "Enlightenment" absolutism in Russia. Cultural reforms of Peter 1 and Catherine 2

    National history- one of the main national shrines of any country - has become in Russia the subject of fierce disputes and conflicts, often associated with opposite assessments of past events, both ancient and the last twenty years. When in a tense atmosphere of mutual irritation of opponents (not to say deep mutual alienation, up to contempt and hatred) you resort to the terms of illness, diagnosis, syndrome, etiology, you risk getting accusations of blasphemy, and from all sides. Accounting social stratification. Under Catherine II, the rights of the nobles regarding estates and peasants expanded, but thereby aggravated the serfdom and hardships of the peasantry. A single parameter of "freedom" is not able to catch this "subtlety". The arithmetic addition of the values ​​of indicators for different social strata can only obscure the picture (similar to the notorious “average temperature of patients in a hospital”).

    23. Romanticism as an artistic movement

    Romanticism (Romanticism), an ideological and artistic direction that arose in European and American culture the end of the 18th century - the first half of the 19th century, as a reaction to the aesthetics of classicism. Initially formed (1790s) in philosophy and poetry in Germany, and later (1820s) spread to England, France and other countries. He ordained latest development art, even those of its directions that opposed it.

    The new criteria in art are freedom of expression, increased attention to the individual, unique features of a person, naturalness, sincerity and looseness, which replaced the imitation of the classical models of the 18th century. The Romantics rejected the rationalism and practicality of the Enlightenment as mechanistic, impersonal, and artificial. Instead, they prioritized the emotionality of expression, inspiration. Feeling free from the declining system of aristocratic rule, they sought to express their new views, the truths they had discovered. Their place in society has changed. They found their reader among the growing middle class, ready to emotionally support and even bow before the artist - a genius and a prophet. Restraint and humility were rejected. They have been replaced powerful emotions often going to extremes. Some romantics turned to the mysterious, the enigmatic, even the terrible, folk beliefs, fairy tales. Romanticism was partly associated with democratic, national and revolutionary movements, although the "classical" culture French Revolution actually slowed down the arrival of Romanticism in France.

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    Approximately 10% of Russian scientific papers are competitive on the world market of scientific products. 4. Artistic and spiritual life of the country in the 80-90s During the years of perestroika, there were fundamental changes in the relationship artistic culture with government and society. On the one hand, literature and art got rid of ideological dictates, on the other hand, artistic...

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    They would not only confirm the development of culture and art in antiquity and antiquity, but would also specifically indicate the development physical education in the period from 15,000 years BC. until the 6th century AD 1. Reflection of the development of physical culture in the art of the ancients in the period from 15,000 years BC. until the 6th century AD 1.1 archaeological finds confirming the development of physical culture before the 5th millennium BC...

    What would our life be like without music? For years, people have been asking themselves this question and coming to the conclusion that without the beautiful sounds of music, the world would be a very different place. Music helps us to experience joy more fully, to find our inner self and to cope with difficulties. Composers, working on their works, were inspired by a variety of things: love, nature, war, happiness, sadness and many others. Some of the ones they created musical compositions will forever remain in the hearts and memory of people. Here is a list of the ten greatest and most talented composers of all time. Under each of the composers you will find a link to one of his most famous works.


    Franz Peter Schubert is an Austrian composer who lived only 32 years, but his music will live on for a very long time. Schubert wrote nine symphonies, about 600 vocal compositions, as well as a large number of chamber and solo piano music.

    "Evening Serenade"

    German composer and pianist, author of two serenades, four symphonies, and concertos for violin, piano and cello. He performed at concerts from the age of ten, first performed with solo concert at 14 years old. During his lifetime, he gained popularity primarily thanks to the waltzes and Hungarian dances he wrote.

    "Hungarian Dance No. 5".

    Georg Friedrich Handel - German and English composer Baroque era, he wrote about 40 operas, many organ concertos, as well as chamber music. Handel's music played at the coronation English kings, since 973, it has also been played at royal weddings and even used as the anthem of the UEFA Champions League (with a small arrangement).

    "Music on the Water"

    Joseph Haydn- a famous and prolific Austrian composer of the Classical era, he is called the father of the symphony, since he made a significant contribution to the development of this musical genre. Joseph Haydn is the author of 104 symphonies, 50 piano sonatas, 24 operas and 36 concertos

    "Symphony No. 45".

    Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is the most famous Russian composer, the author of more than 80 works, including 10 operas, 3 ballets and 7 symphonies. He was very popular and known as a composer during his lifetime, performed in Russia and abroad as a conductor.

    "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

    Frederic Francois Chopin - Polish composer, which is also considered one of best pianists of all times. He wrote a lot musical works for piano, including 3 sonatas and 17 waltzes.

    "Rain waltz".

    The Venetian composer and virtuoso violinist Antonio Lucio Vivaldi is the author of more than 500 concertos and 90 operas. He had a great influence on the development of Italian and world violin art.

    "Elven Song"

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an Austrian composer who amazed the world with his talent with early childhood. Already at the age of five, Mozart was composing small pieces. IN total he wrote 626 works, among them 50 symphonies and 55 concertos. 9.Beethoven 10.Bach

    Johann Sebastian Bach - German composer and organist of the Baroque era, known as a master of polyphony. He is the author of more than 1000 works, which include almost all significant genres that time.

    "Musical Joke"

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