Literary genres and their features. Genre story: features, history of development, examples


Literature is an amoebic concept (equally, like types of literature): throughout centuries of development human civilization, it inevitably changed both in form and in content. You can confidently talk about the evolution of this art form on a global scale, or be strictly limited certain periods time or a particular region (ancient literature, the Middle Ages, Russian literature of the 19th century and others), nevertheless, it must be perceived as a true art of the word and an integral part of the global cultural process.

word art

Traditionally, when talking about literature, the individual means fiction. This concept(often a synonym is used - “the art of the word”) arose on the fertile soil of oral folk art. However, unlike him, literature in given time exists not in oral, but in written form (from Latin lit (t) eratura - literally “written”, from lit (t) era - literally “letter”). Fiction uses words and constructions of written (natural human) language as a single material. Literature and other art forms are similar to each other. But its specificity is determined in comparison with the types of art that use other material instead of linguistic-verbal ( art, music) or together with it (songs, theater, cinema), on the other hand - with other types of verbal text: scientific, philosophical, journalistic, etc. In addition, fiction combines any author's (including anonymous) works, in unlike works of folklore that clearly do not have a specific author.

Three main genera

Types and types of literature are significant associations according to the category of the relationship of the "speech carrier" (speaking) to the artistic whole. There are three main genera:

Types and genres of literature

In the most common classification, all types fiction distributed within the framework They can be epic, which include a story, a novel and a short story; lyrical poems include; ballads and poems are lyrical; dramaturgy can be divided into drama, tragedy and comedy. Literary views can be distinguished from each other by the number of heroes and storylines, volume, functions and content. At various periods in the history of literature, one species can be represented in different genres. For example, philosophical and psychological novels, detective novels, social and picaresque. Theoretically, Aristotle began to divide works into types of literature in his treatise called Poetics. His work was continued in modern times by the French poet-critic Boileau and Lessing.

Literature typification

Editorial and publishing training, i.e. selection written essays for subsequent editions, usually by the publisher's editor. But it is rather difficult for an ordinary user to accurately navigate in the boundless sea. It is more expedient to use a systematic approach, namely, you need to clearly distinguish between the types of literature and their purpose.

  • The novel is an impressive form of work, having a huge number of characters with a fairly developed and closely connected system of relationships between them. A novel can be historical, family, philosophical, adventure and social.
  • Epic - a series of works, less often single, invariably illuminating a significant historical era or major event.
  • Novela - the primary genre of narrative prose, much shorter than a novel or short story. The collection of stories is usually called short stories, and the writer is called a short story writer.

Not the last of the significant

  • Comedy is a creation that ridicules individual or social shortcomings, focusing on especially awkward and ridiculous situations.
  • Song - ancient species poetry, without which the category "types of fiction" would not be complete. The work is a poetic form with many verses and refrains. There are: folk, lyrical, heroic and historical.
  • A fable is a prose, but more often a poetic, work of a moralistic, moralistic and satirical nature.
  • A story is a literary work of a certain, often small, size, which tells about a separate event in the life of a character.
  • Myth - narration is also included in the section "types of literature" and carries to future generations the idea of ​​​​ancestors about the universe, heroes and gods.
  • A lyric poem is an expression of the author's emotional experiences in a poetic form convenient for him.
  • Essay - a narrative, a subspecies of the epic, which reliably tells about real events, facts.
  • A story is a work similar in structure to a story, but differing in volume. The story can tell about several events from the life of the main characters at once.
  • Melodrama - deservedly continues the list of the category "types of literature", this is a narrative dramatic work, characterized by a categorical division of heroes into positive and negative.

Literature and modernity

Life itself every day more and more insistently convinces everyone that the level of consistency and unity of book publications, newspaper and magazine materials is one of the main criteria for the effectiveness of society education. Naturally, First stage acquaintance with literature (not counting children's) starts at school. Therefore, any literature for teachers contains a variety of literature, which help to convey the necessary knowledge in an accessible form for the perception of the child.

individual choice

It is difficult to overestimate the role of literature in life modern man After all, books have brought up more than one generation. It was they who helped people to comprehend and the world, and himself, encouraged the pursuit of truth, moral principles and knowledge, taught to respect the past. Unfortunately, literature and other arts in modern society are often underestimated. There is a certain category of individuals who declare that literature has already outlived its usefulness, it has been fully replaced by television and cinema. But whether to take advantage of the opportunity that books provide or not is an individual choice for everyone.

Literary genera and literary genres- the most powerful tool to ensure unity and continuity literary process. They relate to the characteristic features of the narration, the plot, the author's position and the relationship of the narrator with the reader.

V. G. Belinsky is considered the founder of Russian literary criticism, but even in antiquity Aristotle made a serious contribution to the concept literary kind, which was later scientifically substantiated by Belinsky.

So, the types of literature are called numerous sets of works of art (texts), which differ in the type of relation of the speaker to the artistic whole. There are 3 genera:

  • epic;
  • Lyrics;
  • Drama.

The epic as a kind of literature aims to tell in as much detail as possible about an object, phenomenon or event, about the circumstances associated with them, the conditions of existence. The author, as it were, is removed from what is happening and acts as a narrator-narrator. The main thing in the text is the story itself.

The lyrics aim to tell not so much about the events, but about the impressions and feelings that the author has experienced and is experiencing. The main image will be the image of the inner world and the human soul. Impression and experience are the main events of the lyrics. This kind of literature is dominated by poetry..

The drama tries to depict the subject in action and show it on theater stage, present the described in the environment of other phenomena. The author's text is visible here only in remarks - brief explanations to the actions and replicas of the characters. Sometimes the author's position is reflected by a special reasoning hero.

Epos (from Greek - "narration") Lyrics (derived from "lyre", musical instrument, the sound of which accompanied the reading of poetry) Drama (from Greek - "action")
A story about events, phenomena, the fate of heroes, adventures, deeds. portrayed outer side what is happening. Feelings are also shown from the side of their external manifestation. The author can be either a detached narrator or directly express his position (in digressions). Experience of phenomena and events, reflection of inner emotions and feelings, detailed image of the inner world. The main event is the feeling and how it affected the hero. Shows the event and the relationship of the characters on the stage. Implies special kind text entries. The author's point of view is contained in the remarks or remarks of the reasoning hero.

Each type of literature includes several genres.

Literary genres

Genre is a group of works united by historically characteristic common features form and content. Genres include novel, poem, short story, epigram and many others.

However, between the concept of "genre" and "genus" there is an intermediate - type. This is a less broad concept than a genus, but wider than a genre. Although sometimes the term "kind" is identified with the term "genre". If we distinguish between these concepts, then the novel will be considered a type of fiction, and its varieties (novel-dystopia, adventure novel, fantasy novel) - genres.

Example: genus - epic, type - story, genre - Christmas story.

Types of literature and their genres, table.

epic Lyrics Drama
Folk Author's Folk Author's Folk Author's
Epic poem:
  • Heroic;
  • Military;
  • Fairy-tale legendary;
  • Historical.

Fairy tale, epic, thought, tradition, legend, song. Small genres:

  • proverbs;
  • sayings;
  • riddles and fun.
Epic Romance:
  • historical;
  • fantastic;
  • adventurous;
  • novel-parable;
  • Utopian;
  • social, etc.

Small genres:

  • story;
  • story;
  • short story;
  • fable;
  • parable;
  • ballad;
  • literary tale.
Song. Ode, hymn, elegy, sonnet, madrigal, epistle, romance, epigram. Game, rite, nativity scene, rayek. Tragedy and comedy:
  • provisions;
  • characters;
  • masks;
  • philosophical;
  • social;
  • historical.

Vaudeville Farce

Modern literary critics single out 4 kinds of literature - lyroepic (lyroepos). A poem is attributed to him. On the one hand, the poem tells about the feelings and experiences of the protagonist, and on the other hand, it describes the history, events, circumstances in which the hero lives.

The poem has a plot-narrative organization, it describes many experiences of the protagonist. The main feature is the presence, along with a clearly structured storyline, of multiple lyrical digressions or paying attention to the inner world of the character.

To lyro- epic genres refer to the ballad. It has an unusual, dynamic and extremely tense plot. It is characterized by a poetic form, it is a story in verse. May be historical, heroic, or mythical. The plot is often borrowed from folklore.

The text of an epic work is strictly plot-driven, focused on events, characters and circumstances. It is based on storytelling, not on experience. The events described by the author are separated from him, as a rule, by a long period of time, which allows him to be impartial and objective. The author's position can manifest itself in lyrical digressions. However, they are absent in purely epic works.

Events are described in the past tense. The story is unhurried, unhurried, measured. The world appears complete and fully known. Many detailed details, great thoroughness.

Major epic genres

An epic novel can be called a work covering a long period in history, describing many heroes, with intertwining storylines. It has large volume. Roman is the most popular genre Nowadays. Most of the books on the shelves in bookstores are of the novel genre.

The story is either classified as a small or medium genre, it concentrates on one storyline, on the fate of a particular hero.

Small genres of epic

The story embodies small literary genres. This is the so-called intensive prose, in which, due to its small volume, there are no detailed descriptions, enumeration and abundance of details. The author is trying to convey a specific idea to the reader, and the entire text is aimed at revealing this idea.

The stories are characterized by the following features:

  • Small volume.
  • In the center of the plot is a specific event.
  • A small number of heroes - 1, a maximum of 2-3 central characters.
  • It has a specific theme, which is devoted to the entire text.
  • It aims to answer a specific question, the rest are secondary and, as a rule, are not disclosed.

Nowadays, it is practically impossible to determine where the story is and where the short story is, although these genres have completely different origin. At the dawn of its appearance, the short story was a short dynamic work with an entertaining plot, accompanied by anecdotal situations. It lacked psychology.

Essay is a genre of non-fiction based on real facts. However, very often an essay can be called a story and vice versa. There won't be a big mistake here.

IN literary tale a fairy-tale narrative is stylized, it often reflects the mood of the whole society, some political ideas sound.

Lyrics are subjective. Addressed to the inner world of the hero or the author himself. This kind of literature is characterized by emotional interest, psychologism. The plot fades into the background. It is not the events and phenomena that are happening themselves that are important, but the attitude of the hero towards them, how they affect him. Events often reflect the state of the character's inner world. The lyrics have a completely different attitude to time, it seems as if it does not exist, and all events take place exclusively in the present.

Lyric genres

The main genres of poems, the list of which can be continued:

  • Ode is a solemn poem intended to praise and exalt
  • hero (historical figure).
  • Elegy is a poetic work with sadness as the dominant mood, which is a reflection on the meaning of life against the backdrop of a landscape.
  • Satire is a caustic and accusatory work, to poetic satirical genres refer to the epigram.
  • An epitaph is a piece of poetry written on the occasion of the death of someone. Often becomes an inscription on a tombstone.
  • Madrigal - a small message to a friend, usually containing a hymn.
  • Epithalama is a wedding hymn.
  • The message is a verse written in the form of a letter, implying openness.
  • Sonnet - strict poetic genre, requiring strict observance of the form. Consists of 14 lines: 2 quatrains, and 2 tertiary.

To understand the drama, it is important to understand the source and nature of its conflict. Drama always aims for a direct portrayal dramatic works written for stage performance. The only means of revealing the character of the hero in the drama is his speech. The hero, as it were, lives in the spoken word, which reflects his entire inner world.

The action in a drama (play) develops from the present to the future. Although events take place in the present, they are not completed, they are directed to the future. Since dramatic works are aimed at staging them on the stage, each of them implies spectacle.

Dramatic works

Tragedy, comedy and farce are genres of drama.

In the center classic tragedy irreconcilable eternal conflict, which is inevitable. Often the tragedy ends with the death of the heroes who failed to resolve this conflict, but death is not a genre-defining factor, since it can be present in both comedy and drama.

Comedy is characterized by humorous or satirical image reality. The conflict is specific and usually resolvable. There is a comedy of characters and a sitcom. They differ in the source of comedy: in the first case, the situations in which the characters find themselves are funny, and in the second, the characters themselves. Often these 2 types of comedy overlap with each other.

Contemporary dramaturgy tends to genre modifications. A farce is a deliberately comical work in which attention is focused on comic elements. Vaudeville - light comedy with a simple plot and a clearly traced author's style.

It is not worth the path of drama as a kind of literature and drama as a literary genre. In the second case, the drama is characterized by an acute conflict, which is less global, irreconcilable and insoluble than tragic conflict. In the center of the work - the relationship between man and society. The drama is realistic and close to life.

All literary genres are unique, each of which has a complex of qualities and characteristics inherent exclusively to it. The first known classification was proposed by Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist. In accordance with it, the basic literary genres can be arranged into a small list that is not subject to any changes. The author working on any work should simply find similarities between his creation and the parameters of the indicated genres. Over the next two millennia, any changes in the classifier developed by Aristotle were taken with hostility and considered a shift from the norm.

In the 18th century, a large-scale literary restructuring began. The ingrained types of the genre and their system began to undergo major modifications. The current conditions have become the main prerequisite for the fact that some genres of literature have sunk into oblivion, others have gained crazy popularity, and others have just begun to form. The results of this transformation, which continues even now, we can personally observe with our own eyes - types of genres that are dissimilar in meaning, in kind and in many other criteria. Let's try to figure out what genres are in literature and what are their features.

A genre in literature is a historically established set of literary creations, united by a set of similar parameters and formal characteristics.

All existing species and genres of literature can be visually represented in a table in which in one part will appear large groups, and in the other - its typical representatives. There are 4 main groups of genres by gender:

  • epic (mostly prose);
  • lyrical (mainly poetics);
  • dramatic (plays);
  • lyroepic (something between lyrics and epic).

Also types literary works can be classified according to the content:

  • comedy;
  • tragedy;
  • drama.

But to understand what types of literature are, it will become much easier if you understand their forms. The form of a work is a method of presenting the author's ideas underlying the work. There are external and internal forms. The first, in fact, is the language of the work, the second is the system artistic methods, images and means with which it was created.

What are the genres of books in form: essay, vision, short story, epic, ode, play, epic, essay, sketch, opus, novel, story. Let's consider each in detail.


Essay - short essay prosaic orientation with free composition. His the main objective- show the personal opinion and concepts of the author on a specific occasion. In this case, the essay is not required to fully disclose the problem of presentation or clearly answer questions. Basic properties:

  • figurativeness;
  • proximity to the reader;
  • aphorism;
  • associativity.

There is an opinion according to which the essay - separate view artistic works. This genre dominated XVIII-XIX centuries in British and Western European journalism. Notable Representatives of that time: J. Addison, O. Goldsmith, J. Wharton, W. Godwin.


The epic is at the same time a genus, type and genre of literature. It is a heroic tale about the past, showing the then life of people and the reality of the characters from the epic side. Often the epic talks in detail about a person, about an adventure with his participation, about his feelings and experiences. It also tells about the attitude of the hero to what is happening around him. Representatives of the genre:

  • "Iliad", "Odyssey" by Homer;
  • "Song of Roland" Turold;
  • The Nibelungenlied, author unknown.

The progenitors of the epic are the traditional poems-songs of the ancient Greeks.


epic - great works with heroic overtones and those that are similar to them. What is the literature of this genre:

  • story about important historical moments in verse or prose;
  • a story about something, including several descriptions of different significant events.

There is also a moral epic. This is a special kind of narrative in literature, distinguished by its prosaic nature and ridicule of the comic state of society. Rabelais' "Gargantua and Pantagruel" is referred to him.


They call it a sketch short play, in which there are only two (rarely three) main characters. Today, the sketch is used on the stage in the form comedy show with thumbnails no longer than 10 minutes. Such shows regularly appear on television in Britain, the USA and Russia. Well-known example programs on TV are “Unreal Story”, “6 Frames”, “Our Russia”.


The novel is a separate literary genre. It presents a detailed account of the development and life of key characters (or one hero) in the most critical and difficult periods. The main types of novel in literature are those belonging to a specific era or country, psychological, chivalrous, classical, moral, and many others. Notable examples:

  • "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin;
  • "Doctor Zhivago" Pasternak;
  • "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov.


The novella or short story is a key genre of fiction, having a smaller volume than the short story or novel. The main properties of the work include:

  • the presence of a small number of heroes;
  • the plot has only one line;
  • cyclicity.

The creator of the stories is a novelist, and the collection of stories is a novelist.


The play is a dramaturgy. It is designed to be shown on the stage of the theater and in other performances. The play consists of:

  • speeches of the main characters;
  • copyright notes;
  • descriptions of places where the main actions take place;
  • characteristics appearance the persons involved, their mannerisms and character.

The play includes several acts, which consist of episodes, actions, pictures.


The story is a work of prose. It has no special restrictions on volume, but is located between the short story and the novel. Usually the plot of the story has a clear chronology, shows the natural course of the character's life without intrigue. All attention belongs to the main person and the specifics of his nature. It is worth noting that the plot line is only one. Famous representatives of the genre:

  • "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by A. Conan Doyle;
  • "Poor Lisa" by N. M. Karamzin;
  • "Steppe" by A.P. Chekhov.

IN foreign literature the concept of "story" is equal to the concept of "short novel".

Feature article

An essay is a concise, truthful artistic tale about several events and phenomena thought out by the author. The basis of the essay is an accurate understanding of the subject of observation directly by the writer. Types of such descriptions:

  • portrait;
  • problematic;
  • travel;
  • historical.


Opus in common understanding is a play accompanied by music. Main characteristics:

  • internal completeness;
  • individuality of form;
  • thoroughness.

IN literary sense opus - any scientific work or creation of the author.

Oh yeah

Ode - a poem (usually solemn), dedicated to a specific event or person. At the same time, an ode can be a separate work co related topics. IN Ancient Greece all poetic lyrics, even the singing of the choir, were considered odes. Since the Renaissance, only pompous people began to call it that way. lyric poems based on the images of antiquity.


Vision is a genre of literature of the Middle Ages, which is based on a “clairvoyant”, who talks about the afterlife and unreal images that appear to him. Many modern researchers attribute visions to narrative didactics and journalism, since in the Middle Ages a person could thus convey his thoughts about the unknown.

These are the main types of literature in form and what their variations are. Unfortunately, it is difficult to fit all the genres of literature and their definitions into a small article - there are really a lot of them. In any case, everyone understands the need and importance of reading a wide variety of works, because they are real vitamins for the brain. With the help of books, you can increase your level of intelligence, expand lexicon, improve memory and attentiveness. BrainApps is a resource that will help you develop in this direction. The service features more than 100 effective simulators that can easily pump gray matter.

At school, in literature lessons, they study stories, novels, novels, essays, elegies. In cinemas, various films are shown - action films, comedies, melodramas. And how can all these phenomena be united in one term? For this, the concept of "genre" was invented.

Let's figure out what a genre is in literature, what types of them exist and how to determine which direction a particular work belongs to.

The division of works by genre has been known since antiquity. What is a genre in ancient literature? This:

  • tragedy;
  • comedy.

Fiction was practically inseparable from the theater, and therefore the set was limited to what could be embodied on the stage.

In the Middle Ages, the list expanded: now it includes a short story, a novel and a story. The emergence of the New Age romantic poem, epic novels, and ballads.

The 20th century, with its enormous changes in significance, now and then taking place in the life of society and individual person, gave rise to new literary forms:

  • thriller;
  • action movie;
  • fantastic;
  • fantasy.

What is a genre in literature

The totality of some features of groups literary forms(signs can be both formal and meaningful) - these are the genres of literature.

According to Wikipedia, they are divided into three large groups:

  • by content;
  • in form;
  • by birth.

Wikipedia names at least 30 different directions. These include (of the most famous):

  • story;
  • story;
  • novel;
  • elegy,

and others.

There are also less common ones:

  • sketch;
  • opus;
  • stanzas.

How to define a genre

How to determine the genre of a work? If we are talking about a novel or an ode, then we will not get confused, but something more complex - a sketch or stanzas - can cause difficulties.

So before us open book. It is immediately possible to correctly name well-known literary forms, the definition of which we do not even need. For example, we see a three-dimensional creation that describes a large period of time in which many characters appear.

There are several storylines - one main and an unlimited number (at the discretion of the author) of secondary ones. If all these requirements are met, then every high school student will say with confidence that we have a novel.

If this is a short narrative, limited to a description of an event, while the author’s attitude to what he is talking about is clearly visible, then this is a story.

More difficult, for example, with opus.

The interpretation of the concept is ambiguous: most often it means something that causes ridicule, that is, an essay, story or story, the merits of which are doubtful.

In principle, many literary works can be attributed to the concept of "opus", if they do not differ in clarity of style, richness of thought, in other words, they are mediocre.

What are stanzas? This is a kind of poem-remembrance, a poem-reflection. Remember, for example, Pushkin's Stanzas, written by him on a long winter journey.

Important! In order to correctly classify this or that literary form, be sure to take into account both external signs and content.

Let's try to bring literary genres together, and for this we will collect the types of works known to us in a table. Of course, we will not be able to cover everything - the most complete literary trends are presented in serious philological works. But a small list can be made.

The table will look like this:

Definition of genre (in the conventional sense) Characteristic features
Story Accurate plot, description of one bright event
Feature article A kind of story, the task of the essay is to reveal spiritual world heroes
Tale The description is not so much an event as its consequences for the spiritual world of the characters. The story reveals the inner world of the characters
Sketch A short play (usually consisting of one act). Actors minimal amount. Designed for stage performance
Essay A short story, where a considerable place is given to the personal impressions of the author
Oh yeah Solemn poem dedicated to a person or event

Types of genres by content

Before, we touched on the question of the form of writing and divided the genres of literature precisely on this basis. However, directions can be interpreted more broadly. The content, the meaning of what is written is very important. At the same time, the terms in both lists can "echo", intersect.

Let's say a story falls into two groups at once: stories can be distinguished by outward signs(short, with a clearly expressed attitude of the author), and in content (one bright event).

Among the areas divided by content, we note:

  • comedy;
  • tragedy;
  • horror;
  • drama.

Comedy is perhaps one of the most ancient genres. The definition of comedy is multifaceted: it can be a sitcom, a comedy of characters. There are also comedies:

  • household;
  • romantic;
  • heroic.

Tragedies were also known ancient world. The definition of this genre of literature is a work, the outcome of which will certainly be sad, hopeless.

Genres of literature and their definitions

A list of literary genres can be found in any textbook for students of philology. Who cares to know in what directions literary forms stand out?

This information is needed by the following professionals:

  • writers;
  • journalists;
  • teachers;
  • philologists.

While creating artwork the author submits his creation to certain canons, and their framework - conditional boundaries - allow us to attribute the created to the group "novels", "essays" or "odes".

This concept is relevant not only to works of literature, but also to other types of art. Wikipedia explains: this term can also be used in relation to:

  • painting;
  • photos;
  • movie;
  • oratory;
  • music.

Important! Even the game of chess obeys its genre standards.

However, these are very large separate topics. We are now interested in what genres there are in literature.


Any concept should be considered with examples, and types of literary forms are no exception. Let's take a look at practical examples.

Let's start with the simplest - with a story. Surely everyone remembers Chekhov's work "I want to sleep" from school.

This scary tale, written in a deliberately simple, everyday style, it is based on a crime committed by a thirteen-year-old girl in a state of passion, when her mind was clouded from fatigue and hopelessness.

We see that Chekhov complied with all the laws of the genre:

  • description practically does not go beyond one event;
  • the author is "present", we feel his attitude to what is happening;
  • in the story - one main character;
  • The essay is short and can be read in a few minutes.

As an example of the story, you can take " spring waters» Turgenev. The author here argues more, as if helping the reader to draw conclusions, gently pushing him to these conclusions. In the story important place is given to questions of morality, ethics, the inner world of heroes - all these problems come to the fore.

– is also quite specific. This is a kind of sketch, where the author expresses his own thoughts on a specific occasion.

The essay is characterized by vivid imagery, originality, frankness. If you have ever read André Maurois and Bernard Shaw, you will understand what we are talking about.

Novels and their character traits- the length of events in time, multiple storylines, a chronological chain, the author's periodic digressions from a given topic - do not allow confusing the genre with any other.

In the novel, the author touches on many problems: from personal to acute social. At the mention of novels, “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, “Fathers and Sons”, “Gone with the Wind” by M. Mitchell, “ Wuthering Heights» E. Bronte.

Types and groupings

In addition to grouping by content and form, we can take advantage of the proposal of philologists and subdivide everything created by writers, poets and playwrights by gender. How to determine the genre of a work - what kind can it belong to?

You can create a list of varieties:

  • epic;
  • lyrical;
  • dramatic.

The first are distinguished by a calm narrative, descriptiveness. Epic can be a novel, essay, poem. The second is everything that is connected with the personal experiences of the heroes, as well as with solemn events. This includes an ode, an elegy, an epigram.

Drama is comedy, tragedy, drama. For the most part, the theater expresses the “right” to them.

Summarizing what has been said, we can apply the following classification: there are three major areas in literature, covering everything that has ever been created by prose writers, playwrights and poets. Works are divided by:

  • form;
  • content;
  • the kind of writing.

Within the framework of one direction, there can be many completely diverse works. So, if we take the division by form, then here we will include stories, novels, essays, odes, essays, novels.

We determine belonging to any direction by the "external structure" of the work: its size, the number of storylines, the author's attitude to what is happening.

The division by birth is lyrical, dramatic and epic works. Lyrical can be a novel, a story, an essay. The genus epic includes poems, fairy tales, epics. Dramatic - these are plays: comedies, tragicomedies, tragedies.

Important! The new time makes adjustments to the system literary trends. IN recent decades The genre of the detective, which originated in the 19th century, was developed. In contrast to the utopian novel that arose during the period late Middle Ages, a dystopia was born.

Useful video

Summing up

Literature continues to evolve today. The world is changing at a tremendous speed, and therefore undergo changes in the form of expression of thoughts, feelings, the speed of perception. Perhaps in the future, new genres will form - so unusual that it is still difficult for us to imagine them.

It is possible that they will be located at the junction of several types of art at once, for example, cinema, music and literature. But this is in the future, but for now our task is to learn how to understand literary heritage which we already have.

literary genre- this is a form, an abstract model on which the text of a literary work is built. A genre is a set of certain features that make it possible to classify a literary work as an epic, lyric or drama. Genres were not invented. They have existed and continue to exist in the very nature of human thought.

The main types of literary genres

Literary genres are divided into three types: epic, lyrical and dramatic. Epic genres include: a fairy tale, an epic, an epic, an epic novel, a novel, a story, an essay, a story, an anecdote. Lyrical genres called an ode, an elegy, a ballad, a message, an epigram, a madrigal. Dramatic genres are tragedy, comedy, drama, melodrama, vaudeville and farce.

Literary genres have certain characteristics, which are divided into genre-forming and additional. Genre-forming features determine the specifics of a particular genre. For example, the genre-forming feature of a fairy tale is an attitude towards fiction. The events of the fairy tale are obviously perceived by the listener as magical, fictional, not directly related to reality. The genre-forming feature of the novel is its connection with objective reality, coverage a large number events that happened in reality or could happen, many acting characters, focus on inner world heroes.

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