Interracial marriages are the destruction of a nation. The most famous genocides in human history


The annihilation of the Armenians as a nation in 1915 caused certain difficulties, which were not there during the beatings carried out by the Turks in 1895 and in other years. In that early period Armenians did not have sufficient power or means of resistance. In those days, Armenians were not allowed to undergo military training, serve in the Turkish army, or carry weapons… In early 1915, in every Turkish city, there were thousands of Armenians who had military training as soldiers, had guns, pistols, and other weapons for self-defense. The events in Van have once again shown that these people can successfully use their weapons ... In order for the plan to destroy the nation to be successful, two steps had to be taken first: in all major and small towns it was necessary to deprive all Armenian soldiers of the means of protection and to withdraw from them the weapons they already had. Before destroying the Armenians, it was necessary to disarm them.

At the beginning of 1915, the Armenian soldiers in the Turkish army received a new status. Until that time, most of them were construction workers, but now their weapons have been taken away from them, and they have been turned into workers. They suddenly discovered that now, instead of serving ... as artillerymen and cavalrymen, they began to be used as beasts of burden.

The whole burden of supplies for the army lay on them, and, staggering under the weight of the load, driven by the whips and bayonets of the Turks, they had to, overcoming fatigue, trudge with difficulty into the mountains of the Caucasus. Sometimes, burdened with their burdens, they had to make their way through the snow, which completely covered them. In fact, they were forced to stay in the open air and sleep on the bare ground all the time, if their overseers, constantly waking them with bayonet thrusts, did not deprive them of this opportunity. They were fed only with garbage; if they could not get up from weakness, then they were left where they lay, and their Turkish oppressors lingered, of course, only to steal things - they even took clothes. If any of the soldiers who fell behind on the way managed to reach their destination, then they were not killed only in rare cases. Most often, however, the Armenian soldiers were killed much earlier, for it had become common practice to shoot them in cold blood. In almost all cases the same procedure was followed. Here and there parties of 50-100 people were gathered, tied together by 4 people and then taken to a secluded place not far from the village. Suddenly the air was shaking with the sound of rifle shots, and the Turkish soldiers who accompanied them soon returned to the camp. Those who were sent to bury the corpses of the dead found them almost always completely naked, since the Turks, as a rule, took off all their clothes. In some cases known to me, the killers aggravated the suffering of their victims by forcing them to dig their own graves before being shot.

Allow me to refer to an episode contained in one of the reports of our consuls and included in the reports of the US State Department. In early July, 2,000 Armenian "amele" - as the Turks call the soldiers who were turned into workers - were sent from Kharberd to build roads. The Armenians, the inhabitants of this city, understood what this meant and turned to the governor with a request to spare the soldiers. But this official said that they need not worry; he even asked the German missionary Mr. Echemann to dispel the panic by giving him honestly, What former soldiers will have protection. Mr. Eheman believed the governor and dispelled the fears of the people. But in reality, all these 2 thousand people were killed, and their bodies were thrown into the abyss. Only a few people escaped, and thanks to them the news of this massacre became known to the world. A few days later, another 2,000 soldiers were sent to Diyarbekir. The sole purpose of sending these people outside settlements was their murder. In order to have no strength left to resist or to flee, these poor people were subjected to systematic starvation. Government agents were ahead of these parties, notifying the Kurds that the caravan was approaching, and ordering them to carry out the task assigned to them ... Armenians, but also in order to make this part of the population defenseless.

As horrifying as these killings of unarmed soldiers were, they were much more merciful. abuse with Armenians suspected of hiding weapons. Naturally, the Christians were alarmed when orders were posted in the villages and cities demanding to hand over all the weapons they had to the authorities at their place of residence. Although this order applied to all residents, the Armenians were well aware of what could happen if they remained unarmed in the neighborhood of Muslims who were allowed to keep their weapons. In many cases, however, the persecuted people obediently obeyed the order, and then the Turkish authorities almost gleefully displayed these guns as evidence that a "revolt" was being prepared, and threw their victims into prison on charges of treason. Thousands of people could not bring weapons simply because they did not have them; at the same time still more people stubbornly refused to surrender their weapons, not because they were plotting a riot, but because they intended to defend their lives, as well as the honor of their wives, from attacks that, as they knew, were already being prepared. The punishments suffered by these recalcitrants constitute one of the most heinous chapters in modern history. Most of us believe that torture has long ceased to be an administrative or judicial measure, but I do not think that in the darkest epochs there are more terrible scenes than those that now take place in all of Turkey. Nothing was sacred to Turkish policemen; under the pretext of searching for hidden weapons, they broke into churches, treated altars and sacred utensils with extreme disdain, and even staged mock ceremonies with imitation of Christian sacraments. They beat the priests senseless, accusing them of being the instigators of the rebellion. When the police failed to find weapons in churches, they sometimes armed bishops and priests with guns, pistols, and sabers, and then court-martialed them, allegedly for illegal possession of weapons, and in this form these people were led through the streets with the express purpose of arousing the fanatical wrath of the crowd. The women were treated just as brutally and obscenely by the police as they were the men. Cases are described when women accused of concealing weapons were stripped naked and beaten with rods freshly cut from a tree, and even pregnant women were subjected to this punishment. These searches for weapons were so often accompanied by abuse of women that Armenian women and girls, when approached by the police, usually ran into the forests, hid in the mountains or in mountain caves.

The prelude to this search, in all villages and cities, was the arrest and imprisonment of all healthy men. Their tormentors displayed diabolical ingenuity, trying to get their victims to declare themselves "rebels" and point out the place where the weapons were hidden. Usually the prisoner was placed in a room where two Turks stood on either side of him. The torture began with blows to the heels. This form of torture was hitherto unknown in the East; it consists in striking with a thin rod on the soles of the feet. At first the pain is slight, but as the process of beating continues methodically, it turns into the most terrible suffering, the feet swell and burn like fire, and it is not uncommon for them to have to be amputated after such torture. The police kick their Armenian victim on the heels until he passes out; then, sprinkling water on his face, they bring him to his senses and continue the torture again. If they failed in this way to force their victim to confess, then they used numerous other methods of torture. They pulled out eyebrows and beards, nails, burned the chest with a red-hot iron, tore out pieces of meat with red-hot tongs, and then poured hot oil on the wounds. In some cases, police officers nailed hands and feet to pieces of wood, apparently imitating the crucifixion of Christ, and while their victims writhed in agony, shouted to them: "Now let your Christ come and help you."

These and other cruelties, which I refrain from describing, were usually committed at night. The Turks were located around the prisons, beating drums and whistling so that the screams of suffering people did not reach the inhabitants of the villages.

In thousands of cases, Armenians endured this torment and refused to hand over their weapons simply because they had nothing to hand over. However, they could not convince their tormentors of this. Therefore, it became a custom for Armenians to buy weapons from their Turkish neighbors on the eve of searches in order to hand them over to the authorities in order to avoid such terrible punishments.

Once, about what was happening, I had a conversation with a responsible Turkish official, who told me about the torture being used. He did not hide the fact that the government approved of them, and, like all Turks from ruling class, he himself warmly approved of such treatment of the people he hated. This official said that all the details of the torture were discussed at a night meeting at the headquarters of the Unity and Progress party committee. Each new method of inflicting pain is regarded as an excellent discovery, and officials are constantly scratching their heads to invent some new torture. He told me that they even consulted the records of the Spanish Inquisition and other historical institutions concerning torture, and adopted everything they found there. He did not tell me who was awarded the prize in this terrible contest, but the strong reputation that Dzhevdet Bey, Vali Van, whose activities in this area I have already described, has won for himself throughout Armenia, gives him the right to superiority in unprecedented meanness. Throughout the country, Cevdet was known as the “horseshoe man from Bashkale,” since this expert in torture invented what, of course, was a masterpiece, the best of everything known before: it was he who knocked horseshoes to the feet of his Armenian victims.

But still, these cases were only part of what the newspapers usually called the Armenian horrors; they were only preparatory steps in the destruction of the nation.

The Young Turks showed more ingenuity than their predecessor, Abdul-Hamid. The deposed sultan simply ordered "kill, kill", while the Turkish democracy operated according to a completely new plan. Instead of an open massacre of the Armenians, they decided to send them out. In the south and southeast of the Ottoman Empire are the Syrian Desert and the Mesopotamian Valley. Although part of this area was once a region of flourishing civilization, everything here has fallen into decay during the last five centuries, which has generally been the lot of any country that has fallen under Turkish rule; now a deserted desert stretched out here without cities and villages or any other signs of life ... Only the most diligent workers, having spent many years, could turn this desert into a place suitable for the permanent habitation of any significant number of people. The central government has now announced its intention to gather more than 2 million Armenians from several regions of the empire and transport them to this abandoned and inhospitable area. Even if it undertook such a resettlement with good intentions, then this would be the height of cruelty and injustice. But the fact is that the Turks never thought about letting the Armenians get on with life in this new country. They knew that the vast majority of them would never reach their destination, and those who reached it would either die of thirst and hunger or be killed by savage Muslim tribes. The real purpose of the deportation was robbery and destruction; it really was just a new method of massacre. When the Turkish authorities ordered these deportations, they were in effect pronouncing the death sentence on an entire people; they understood this very well and in their conversations with me made no particular attempt to hide this fact. The expulsion took place throughout the spring and summer of 1915. It did not touch only the big cities - Constantinople, Smyrna and Aleppo; yet other places where there was at least one Armenian family became the scene of indescribable tragedies. Exceptions were hardly made for even one Armenian, regardless of his education, wealth or class. In some villages, one or two days before the deportation, orders were posted obliging the entire Armenian population to appear at a certain place at the appointed hour, and in other places the town crier walked through the streets and read out the order. In some places there was not the slightest warning about this.

Policemen appeared in front of the house of Armenians and ordered all its inhabitants to follow them. women busy with their homework were taken away without giving them the opportunity to change clothes. The police appeared before them as unexpectedly as the eruption of Vesuvius was unexpected for Pompeii. Women were torn off the troughs, children were kicked out of bed, bread was left unbaked in the oven, the family’s dinner was not finished, children were taken straight from the school class, leaving their textbooks open, men were forced to abandon their plows in the middle of the field and leave their cattle in the mountains. Even women who had just given birth were forced to get out of bed and walk with newborn babies in their arms. From their household belongings, people managed to grab with them in a hurry only a shawl, a blanket and, possibly, a little food. To their frantic inquiries "Where are we going?" the gendarmes honored them with only one answer: "To the interior of the country."

In some cases, the deportees were given several hours and, in exceptional cases, several days to dispose of their property and household items. But what happened after that amounted to open robbery. They could sell things only to the Turks, and since both the buyer and the seller knew that the wealth accumulated over a lifetime should be sold in one or two days, the sale took place at prices that were only a small fraction of the real value of things. A sewing machine sold for $1 or $2, a cow for $1, and the furnishing of an entire house for a meager pittance. In many cases, the Armenians were forbidden to sell and the Turks were forbidden to buy even at these ridiculously low prices, on the pretext that the government supposedly intended to sell these household items in order to pay off Armenian creditors. Their furniture was transported to warehouses or exhibited in public places where it was plundered by the Turks. Government officials warned the Armenians that since the deportation was a temporary measure and they would return after the war ended, they were not allowed to sell their homes. But the former owners of the houses did not have time to leave the village, as Mohammedans-settlers from other regions of Turkey moved into their apartments. Similarly, all the valuables of the Armenians - money, rings, watches and jewelry - were taken by the police ostensibly for "safekeeping" until the return of their owners, and then distributed among the Turks. But this robbery caused comparatively less suffering to the deportees, for they had to see much more terrible and heartbreaking things. The systematic extermination of men continued. Those men who survived during previous executions were also destroyed, as discussed above. A practice was established when, even before the departure of the caravan, young men were separated from their families, tied together by four people, taken to the outskirts of the village and shot there. There were continuous mass executions without trial; the only fault of these victims was that they were Armenians. The police were especially passionate about destroying the educated and influential people. I received incessant reports of such executions from American consuls and missionaries, and many of the events they described will never fade from my memory. In Angora, all Armenian men aged 15 to 70 were arrested, tied up in groups of 4 and taken away along the road in the direction of Caesarea. When, after five or six hours, they reached a secluded valley, they were attacked by a mob ... with clubs, hammers, axes, scythes, shovels and saws. Not only did the tools mentioned contribute to a more painful death than guns and pistols, but, as the Turks themselves boasted, they were more economically acceptable, since there was no need to waste gunpowder and bullets. In this way, they destroyed the entire male population of Angora, including rich and educated men, and their terribly mutilated bodies were left in the valley to be devoured by wild animals ... In Trebizond, the men were put on boats and sent to the Black Sea. With them in the boats were the police, who shot them, and threw the corpses into the water.

Therefore, when the signal was given for the departure of caravans, they almost always consisted exclusively of women, children and the elderly. Anyone who wanted to save them from the fate that awaited them would be killed on the spot. When the caravan set off, the head of the city often ironically wished them "a pleasant journey." Sometimes, before the departure of the caravan, women were offered to accept the Mohammedan faith. But even in cases where some agreed to this, their earthly torment did not end. The newly converted was forced to send her children to the so-called "Muslim orphanage" and, as proof of the sincerity of her conversion to another faith, agree that they be educated there. She was also required to marry a Muslim. If none of the Mohammedans offered her marriage, then she was sent into exile, regardless of her acceptance of Islam ... The caravans of these unfortunate people moved from thousands of Armenian cities and villages, blocking all roads leading to the south; as they moved, they left behind a huge cloud of dust and abandoned remnants of things: chairs, blankets, bedding, household utensils and other things that interfere with them, as if marking their path. When the caravans first began to move, people still looked like human beings, but after a few hours, road dust covered their faces and clothes, mud stuck to their feet, and a slowly moving crowd of people, often bent over with fatigue or crazy from the cruelty of their "protectors" , resembled a variety of some new and strange animals. During all six months - from April to October 1915 - the most convenient for movement, all the roads of Asia Minor were actually filled with these terrible crowds of exiles. They could be seen in the valleys, in the mountains, marching no one knew where, realizing only that any road would lead them to death. In terrible circumstances, as described in detail above, the Armenian population left village after village, city after city. As far as we have been able to determine, about 1.2 million people went on this terrible journey into the Syrian desert in six months.

“Pray for us,” they said as they left their hearths, where their ancestors lived about 2,500 years ago. We will never see each other again in this world, but we will meet someday. Pray for us!

No sooner had the Armenians left their native villages than new torments began. The roads they had to take were a little wider than donkey paths, and what a few hours ago had been like a slender procession turned into a disorderly crowd of people. Women were separated from their children, and husbands from their wives. The old people soon lost contact with their families and, quickly tired, put their feet to work. Turks - coachmen of bullock carts, by extortion, got the last money of their employers, unexpectedly landed them and, throwing their belongings on the road, returned to their villages for other victims. Thus, for a short time in fact, everyone - both young and old - were forced to walk. The gendarmes, whom the government supposedly assigned to protect the deportees, became their tormentors after a few hours. They followed their victims with drawn bayonets, urging on anyone who showed intent to slow down, and those who tried to rest or fell from fatigue on the road were forced with boundless cruelty to catch up with the moving crowd. They bayoneted even pregnant women; if some of them, as often happened, gave birth on the road, they were forced to immediately get up and move on ...

The brutality of the police increased, apparently because the journey dragged on, they seemed to resent the fact that some of their victims were still alive.

Often the police would bayonet anyone who fell on the road. Armenians were dying in hundreds of hunger and thirst. Even when they approached the rivers, the gendarmes did not allow them to drink in order to torment them. The hot desert sun burned their half-naked bodies, and their bare feet hurt so much from the hot desert sand that thousands of people fell and died on the spot or were killed where they fell. Thus, in a few days, what had been a procession of normal human beings turned into a wandering crowd of dust-covered skeletons, greedily looking for food, eating any garbage that came their way, driven mad by the horrors that filled their every hour. existence, suffering from all the diseases that accompany such difficulties and hardships, but still driven by the whips, butts and bayonets of their tormentors.

As they advanced, they left behind another caravan - a caravan of dead and unburied corpses of old men and women who died in the last stages of typhus, dysentery and cholera, small children lying on their backs and vomiting their last pitiful cry for food and water. Some women held out their children to strangers, begging them to take them and save them from their tormentors, and, having been refused, they threw them into wells or left them in bushes so that they could at least die in peace. The girls were sold into slavery, often for about 8 cents... A chain of camps overflowing with sick and dying people, lying mixed with unburied or half-buried corpses, marked the path of the moving crowds. They were constantly followed by flocks of vultures flying in the air and feral dogs, which, together with the vultures, attacked the corpses of the dead. The most terrible scenes took place near the rivers, especially near the Euphrates. Sometimes, during the crossing, the police pushed women into the water, shooting everyone who, swimming to the shore, tried to escape. Often women saved their honor by throwing themselves into the river with children in their arms. I will quote from the consul's report: "In last week on June several parties were sent into exile in succession from Erzurum, and most of these people were killed on the way; they were either shot or drowned. Madame Zarui, an elderly rich lady thrown into the Euphrates, escaped by clinging to an underwater rock. She managed to get to the shore, return to Erzerum and hide there in the house of her Turkish friends. She told Prince Argutinsky, a representative of the All-Russian Union of Cities in Erzurum, that she could not recall without a shudder how hundreds of children were stabbed with Turkish bayonets and thrown into the waters of the Euphrates, and how men and women, stripped naked and tied together in hundreds, were shot and thrown into river. She said that in one place near Yerznka, where the Euphrates turns, thousands of corpses formed a kind of dam, so that the river deviated from its course by about a hundred meters.

Absurd are the assurances of the Turkish government that it allegedly seriously intended to resettle the Armenians to new places; the nature of the treatment of the escorted clearly shows that the true goal of Enver and Talaat was the destruction of the Armenians. How many of those relocated south reached their destination under such outrageous conditions? The example of one caravan shows how cleverly this deportation plan was transformed into a plan of extermination. The details in question were reported to me directly from the American consul in Aleppo, and these documents are now in the State Department in Washington. On June 1, a convoy of 3,000 Armenians left Kharberd, mostly women, girls and children. Following their usual practice, the government sent with them an escort of 70 gendarmes under the command of the Turkish Bey.

Practice has already shown that these policemen did not behave at all like defenders of the deportees, but rather like their tormentors and executioners. Before the caravan had time to set off, the bey collected 400 liras from the deportees, allegedly in order to more reliably protect them until they arrived in Malatya; taking from them the only thing that could provide them with food on the road, he fled, leaving them to the mercy of the police.

All the way to Rasul-Ain, which became the first stop on the Baghdad line, the life of these unfortunate deportees was a continuous horror. Policemen rode ahead of the caravan, warning the half-wild hill tribes that several thousand Armenian women and girls are approaching. The girls began to be kidnapped… Highlanders attacked the caravan, raped and killed women, and the policemen themselves joined this wild orgy. Several men from the caravan were killed one by one...

Finally, having had enough of robbing, beating, raping and killing their victims for thirty days, the policemen completely abandoned them. Two days later, the Kurds attacked this party and drove together all the surviving men, who turned out to be about 150 people aged from 15 to 90 years; they were immediately taken aside and slaughtered to one and all. But on the same day, another party from Sebastia joined the party moving from Kharberd, thereby increasing the number of the caravan to 18 thousand people ...

For the next five days they did not see a piece of bread or a drop of water. “Hundreds of people died on the way,” the report says, “their tongues became like a piece of charcoal, and when five days later they approached the source, naturally, the whole party rushed to him. But here the police, blocking their way, did not give them the opportunity to drink at least a drop of water. They intended to sell water at a price of one to three liras per cup, and sometimes, having received money, they refused to give water. Elsewhere, where there were wells, women rushed straight into the wells, as there was no rope or bucket to draw water. They drowned in wells, and although their corpses remained there, people still drank water from these wells ... When these people, completely naked, walked past an Arab village, the Arabs, taking pity on them, gave them fragments old clothes so that they can cover their nakedness. Some of the deportees who still had money bought some clothes for themselves, but still many walked naked all the way to the city of Aleppo. The poor women, ashamed of their nakedness, could hardly walk: they all walked bent double.

On the seventeenth day these poor creatures reached Aleppo. Of the combined caravan of 18 thousand people, only 150 women and children reached their destination. Some of the most attractive of the survivors became captives of the Kurds and Turks, while the rest died.

I told not the most terrible details, because Full description these orgies of sadists, the victims of which were Armenian men and women, cannot possibly be published in any American publication. This unfortunate, doomed people daily experienced every crime that the perverted instinct of the human mind can devise, and every subtle torture and torment that the richest imagination can imagine. I am sure that in the whole history of mankind there is no such number of horrific facts. The great beatings and persecutions seen in the past seem almost insignificant compared to the suffering Armenian people in 1915. Massacre of the Albigensians early XIII century has always been considered one of the saddest events in history. During this outbreak of fanaticism, about 60,000 people were killed. IN Bartholomew night about 30,000 human beings lost their lives. During the "Sicilian Vespers", which always appears as one of the most brutal outbreaks of violence, 8,000 people were killed. Entire volumes have been written about the Spanish Inquisition during Torquemada's time, and yet, during his eighteen years in power, little more than 8,000 heretics were executed. It is possible that the deportation of the Armenians is most reminiscent of only one event - the expulsion of the Jews from Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella. According to Prescott, 160,000 people were expelled from their homes and scattered throughout Africa and Europe. However, all these persecutions seem insignificant in comparison with the suffering of the Armenians, among whom at least 600 thousand, and possibly 1 million people were killed.

If we make some changes to what is stated here about the Armenians, we would get the stories of the Greeks and Syrians. In fact, the Greeks were the first victims of the nationalist idea. I have already described how, a few months before European war the Ottoman government began to resettle the Turkish subjects of the Greeks from the coast of Asia Minor ... Within three or four months, more than 100 thousand Greeks were evicted from places where they had lived for centuries and resettled on the coast mediterranean sea, and from there to the Greek islands and to the interior of the country ... Perhaps due to the fact that civilized world did not protest against these resettlements, the Turks subsequently decided to apply the same method, but on an even larger scale, not only to the Greeks, but also to the Armenians, Syrians, Nestorians and representatives of other peoples subject to them. Indeed, Bedri Bey, prefect of the police of Constantinople, himself told one of my secretaries that they decided to apply a similar method to all other peoples of the empire ...

War against Russian civilization

The origins of the demographic catastrophe should be sought in the policy that is still being pursued by the liberal forces that captured Russia in 1991, which in essence are the conductors of the long-term strategy of the masters of the West to destroy the white race and Russian civilization.

hosts Western civilization- so-called. "financial international", "world behind the scenes", the union of the old aristocratic families of the Old World and usurious clans, create a new world order on the planet. They need to gain complete control over man and humanity - up to the introduction of "electronic collars" in the future. And for this it is necessary to destroy the natural division of mankind into races, civilizations, language groups, ethnic groups. The ideal slave should not have racial, linguistic, cultural, civilizational and national roots. It must be Homo economicus - economic man. A person who lives only by profit, instincts, strives for maximum profit, selfish and ruthless. Such a person will be a "brick" of a huge neo-slave-owning civilization.

As part of this strategy, it is necessary to solve the "Russian question" - to destroy the main geopolitical enemy on Earth, Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus. Due to the fighting qualities of the Rus, Russian civilization has the spiritual and military potential, the ability to become the "king of the hill", to lead the process of globalization. Moreover, Russia can create a different model of the world order on the planet, which will allow preserving racial, ethnic and cultural diversity. The masters of the West want to clear the Earth of "excessive biomass" in order to restore the ecological balance. Future "gods" want to live in a clean world. For decades, huge resources have been invested in biotechnologies, the search for technologies to achieve active longevity, when the rich will live two or three hundred years and in the future achieve "immortality".

However, Russia in the 1930s-1950s showed a different image of the future of mankind. In this future, it is not necessary to carry out the utilization of "excess biomass", on the contrary, people are necessary for creation, knowledge, development of the near, and in the distant future, even deep space. Under Joseph Stalin, Russia showed all mankind the way to a golden age, where material values recede into the background and third plans, and people are filled with energy not of acquisition and consumption, but of creative creation. The main values ​​of such a society are service to the Motherland and creation, the accumulation of comprehensive knowledge. Comprehensive education and high morality were the goals of Soviet society. Wealth was a form of means, not an end. Suffice it to recall the dream of the iron leader, which he expressed at the 19th Party Congress: every soviet man had to have two higher educations. And in 1952, Iosif Vissarionovich suggested that in the future, a Soviet person should devote no more than 4-5 hours a day to work, and he could devote the rest of the time to self-education, culture, creativity and physical culture.

Stalin needed an educated and spiritually developed civil society. With such people it was possible to build a “golden age society”. That is why in the Stalinist USSR, managers, creators, warriors and workers were put forward in the first roles. It is they, and not the merchants ("business elite"), actors and jesters, "stars" who do not leave the TV screens, that make up the real elite of civilization. Stalinist architecture (new imperial style), cinema (pre-war, war and post-war films), art, educational policy - everything was aimed at shaping a man with a capital letter.

If the USSR had continued to move along the main path outlined by Stalin for another two or three decades, the planet would have seen the birth of a new civilization capable of leading humanity to the stars. Even after the removal of Stalin, Khrushchev's "thaw" (the first attempt at "perestroika"), Brezhnev's "stagnation" in the USSR, one could see the germ of this civilization. Its manifestations are Gagarin, Korolev, Keldysh, spacecraft like Buran, magnificent space and military developments, due to which the modern Russian military-industrial complex maintains its place in the group of world leaders.

The owners of the Western project, who have conceptual power and will, saw and felt all this perfectly. They carefully followed every step Stalinist USSR. To destroy the Stalinist project, Hitler was fed and the infernal Third Reich was created. The Nazis were allowed to use psycho-technologies, which in a few years turned the Germans into an excellent fighting machine. Almost all of Europe was given to Hitler, and his legions were abandoned to eradicate the germ of the “golden age society”. The Germans in this acted as a "fool", who was used as a tool. But the Russian superethnos cannot be defeated in an open battle. Russians are a people of creators and warriors who have dominated Northern Eurasia for thousands of years, since the days of the Aryans and Scythians (direct ancestors of the Rus). The battle of the titans ended in Berlin and Prague. Soviet soldier drove his bayonet into the lair of the beast. military aggression united Europe against the Soviet civilization failed. Moscow gained control over Eastern, Southeastern and Central Europe, pushing the defensive lines strongly to the west.

The organizers of the aggression realized that it was impossible to defeat the USSR-Russia using military strategy. So, it is necessary to change the strategy and stubbornly move towards the goal. The information ("cold") war began. Part of this strategy would be to build a consumer society, this was discussed in the previous article of this cycle (), and launch the mechanisms of self-destruction of the people. After the elimination of Stalin, the USSR was able to transfer to the path of self-liquidation. Refusal to build a just society (formally it did not exist, but in fact the process was stopped) and reconciliation with evil (we are talking about the concept of peaceful coexistence of two systems: socialism and capitalism) predetermined the degradation and rebirth of the Soviet "elite", the death of the Soviet Union. During the times of Khrushchev and Brezhnev, Soviet society becomes essentially a consumer society, devoid of higher guidelines and values.

Since 1991, the destruction of another achievement of the USSR began - science and education. Soviet education retained the potential to build a just society. Suffice it to recall the statements of some Russian officials, including the heads of the Ministry of Education and the honest admission of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, that there should be as few literate people, people with higher education, in Russia as they can start a new revolution. They can be understood. The more educated and smarter people are, the higher their claims to the state. Fools and drunkards are much easier to control. True, such a society will eventually collapse.

You can pay attention to the fact that under Stalin in the USSR, thousands of seven-year and secondary (full) schools were built. In every village, even a small one, there was a seven-year plan. Thousands of technical schools were opened throughout the state. In fact, under Stalin, a magnificent Soviet graduate School. Like mushrooms after rain, institutes, universities, academies appeared all over the country. At the same time, a system of houses of creativity, houses of culture, music and art schools was created. Thousands of urban and rural libraries, museums. Most importantly, education was free and accessible. Dormitories were built for students, they helped financially. Adults could study in evening schools. All conditions were created for studying on the job - a system of correspondence education. Soviet system education was the best in the world, as was science. The results began to show very soon: in 1954, the world's first industrial nuclear power plant was launched in Obninsk; In 1957, the USSR launched the world's first artificial Earth satellite; in the same year, the Soviet Union launched the world's first surface vessel with a nuclear power plant, the Lenin nuclear icebreaker; in 1971 Soviet people launched the world's first manned orbital station - Salyut-1, and in 1986 the world's first orbital station of the modular type "Mir" ("Salyut-8"). The Soviet Union was the first to put a man into space: on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew, in the same year German Titov became the second man in space and the first man to make a long space flight (more than a day); in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the world's first female cosmonaut; in 1964, the world's first multi-seat Voskhod spacecraft flew, there were three people in the crew - Vladimir Komarov, Konstantin Feoktistov and Boris Egorov; In 1965, Alexei Leonov was the first person in the world to go into outer space.

The last two-plus decades of the history of the Russian Federation have been almost wasted. Nothing to be proud of. Even military developments are entirely modernizations of Soviet projects. The current advertising of the 2014 Olympics only emphasizes the wretchedness of modern Russia and the brilliant Soviet past. The consumer society and the society of creation and knowledge are like two different universes. Tens of billions buried and stolen for fun. Thousands of schools, kindergartens and other educational, educational and cultural institutions"optimized" (destroyed). Thousands of settlements have disappeared from the face of the earth.

It was 1991, when liberal forces seized power in the country, that led to a catastrophe in the field of demography. In the 1990s, the people underwent a real attack, a socio-economic, drug, alcohol and tobacco genocide. The consequences of the "reforms" (targeted destruction of the life support system) became worse than the Nazi invasion. It can be said that The decline in the population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is not natural, but man-made. The liberals acted as if according to Hitler's strategy, created for the occupied territory. In 1942, the foundations of the occupation policy in the occupied eastern territory were formed. In his brief directive, Adolf Hitler wrote: “It is necessary to reduce the Slavs to sign language. No hygiene, no vaccinations. Only vodka and tobacco. In the occupied territory, the conquered population was not supposed to have any schools, teachers, or cinema - only vodka and tobacco, as well as dances and music (pay attention to the bacchanalia of all kinds of "star factories," dancing with the stars "on TV). Liberals act like real occupiers, seize (privatize) those industries that can bring profit to their accomplices - the oligarchs, destroy those systems that cannot bring them quick profit, "optimize" science, education, culture. At the same time, the population is subjected to drug, alcohol and tobacco genocide. The process of occupation is completed by the criminal and sexual revolution. The program "sex, drugs and rock and roll" did a good job of corrupting the white civilization in the US and Western Europe, and since 1991 it began its destructive work in Eastern Europe, in the post-Soviet republics.

The liberals, in fact, consciously or unconsciously, implemented in Russia a long-term program of destruction created in the West. They have created a "pipe economy" that can be served by two to three tens of millions of people, the rest of the population being "unpromising", "excessive" and "economically unprofitable". According to some reports, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said that 15 million people are enough for Russia to service production natural resources, their transportation to the West, to ensure the repair of communications. I must say that in the economic sphere, the liberals themselves did not come up with anything, but only implemented the program Nazi Germany. In Goering's "Green Folder" there is an entry dated July 15, 1941: "The use of the areas to be occupied should be carried out primarily in the food and oil sectors of the economy. To get as much food and oil for Germany as possible is the main economic goal of the campaign. The liberals have implemented this program: in two decades Russia has been turned into a raw material appendage of the West and East. Oil, natural gas, metals, timber, grain, everything that is necessary for the development of Russia itself is sold for cut paper. They take out everything that is necessary for the normal life of many generations of Russian citizens. Resources are exchanged for paper, and then goods abroad are bought with it. Unhealthy foodstuffs, drinks, goods of light and electronic industry (the domestic industry was killed), luxury goods, etc. are being brought to Russia.

A terrible blow was dealt to children and adolescents. Their pure consciousness is poisoned skillfully and carefully. From the doctrine of CIA Director A. Dulles, 1945: “We will support and raise the so-called artists in every possible way, who will plant and hammer into the consciousness of the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, any immorality.” Outcome is terrible. Children begin to taste beer, champagne and wine, often with the support of their parents, at the age of 10, smoke from 11-12 years old, from the age of 13 they begin to learn “dog sex” (this cannot be called love, a purely animal manifestation). Russia leads in the level of teenage smoking among the states of Eastern Europe. Up to a quarter of Russian teenagers aged 13-15 smoke, and 90% are passive smokers who are forced to inhale tobacco poison at home and in public places. The level of beer consumption among adolescents is very high: 50-60% of adolescents drink beer on holidays, a third - once a month, half - once a week, 10-15% several times a week (in fact, they are already beer alcoholics).

Let me give you an example from my life experience. He taught for three years in a cadet class: all the boys tried alcohol, a third constantly smoked, several people drank, including vodka and moonshine, every week, one or two were already on the verge of alcoholism. Moreover, out of 20 children, not a single one was completely healthy, all had some kind of deviation, from mental to vision problems, heart problems, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. All this is the consequences of the geopolitical catastrophe of 1991.

Russia in the 1990s took one of the first places in the world in terms of mortality, especially among men of working age; by the number of murders and suicides; on the scale of drug, alcohol and tobacco consumption; by the number of abortions; by the level of infertility among both women and men; By low level fertility; by the number of orphans and children deprived of parental care; by the level of crime, corruption, prostitution, etc. Each item claimed tens, hundreds of thousands of lives.

So, only abortions take away 1.7-2 million lives annually. According to unofficial data, the figure is even worse - up to 6 million lives. Every fourth abortion on the planet is done in Russia. According to this indicator, we are the absolute leader in the world. Only by introducing a ban on abortion, as under Stalin, would we solve the demographic problem. An increase in the population would begin at the expense of the indigenous population. Liberals in the field of abortion became the conductors of Hitler's strategy to destroy the Russian people. In 1942, a directive was issued by one of the leaders of the Third Reich, Martin Bormann, which stated: “If women and girls in the occupied eastern territories perform abortions, then we should only welcome this. German lawyers should not object to this. According to the Fuhrer, an intensive trade in contraceptives should be allowed in the occupied eastern regions, since we are not interested in the growth of the non-German population.

During the post-Yeltsin period, the situation has not changed radically, although the third five-year period of V. Putin's presidency will soon come to an end. There are some positive developments, but they are not fundamental. The country's authorities de facto admitted their inability to solve the demographic problem, giving the "green light" to the mass importation of migrants. Otherwise, one will have to recognize the criminal nature of the actions of a number of prominent leaders of the USSR-Russia for recent decades, conduct show trials against "enemies of the people", change the concept of Russia's development from unfair to fair, change the value priorities of society in a country where capitalism and the "golden calf" have won. Putin has repeatedly said that it is impossible to review the results of privatization, thereby confirming his loyalty to the comprador bourgeoisie. Obviously, such a burden is beyond his power.

IN Russian society there is already a feeling that the course of the current Putin-Medvedev tandem is wrong. Thus, according to the latest poll by the Levada Center, the actions of Vladimir Putin as president have reached the highest level of rejection in 12 years: 31% of Russians do not support the actions of the head of state. The share of citizens who describe their current impression of Vladimir Putin as mostly unfavorable has grown to 29%. These figures are twice as high as during the first and second presidential terms of Vladimir Putin, when the level of rejection reached only 9-15%. The main reason for the growth of negative attitudes towards the president is the lack of clear prospects for the development of the state. In particular, who will now remember the “Putin plan”, which was advertised in election campaign party " United Russia» ahead of the parliamentary and presidential elections in 2007 and 2008 respectively? They shouted, promised, and forgot. Vladimir Putin did not declare any great goals and horizons for the country. The presence of spectacles - the Olympics in Sochi, the World Cup and so on - does not atone for the absence of real achievements and victories, the absence of a goal. It is impossible to travel endlessly to save the country from collapse in 1999-2001. and "stability". In order for Russia to survive the global systemic crisis - and a second wave is approaching, which may be followed by a serious regional conflict and an even more serious surge of violence around the planet - it is necessary to return the ship called "Russia" to the Stalinist course of building a society of creation and knowledge. The consumer society will not survive the global storm.

Interracial marriages are a way to destroy a nation

It has long been no secret that the fate of the Russian people behind the scenes of the world North American Indians. The “foreign” rulers of Russia no longer bother with the usual disguise and verbiage, and such odious Russophobes as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski openly name the numbers of the number of Russians planned by 2050 - no more than 50 million people. These misanthropes, who early felt themselves world masters, dictate to their puppets - governors in Russia, how and in what ways exterminate the Russian people. The most notable modern methods are the following:

  • robbery of the bulk of the population through endless inflation and untimely paid meager salaries and pensions;
  • exorbitant growth in the cost of medicines and medical services;
  • destruction Agriculture and the importation of substandard, and sometimes simply deadly imported products;
  • distribution throughout the country of "family planning" services that promote the sterilization of women, the promotion of abortion at any stage of pregnancy.

The destruction of the Russian people is also the creation of a chronic one, where the reproductively promising part, mainly the Russian people, is “grinded”; this is the deliberate freezing of the population of cities and entire regions by turning off the power supply in homes, schools, and hospitals in winter. This is the substitution of the moral guidelines of society, the deprivation of its national idea. This is by comprehensive methods, including the introduction of the so-called "sex education program" for children. This is the encouragement of migration to Russia of racially alien immigrants from Central Asia, the Far East, Transcaucasia, promotion of interracial marriages.

This last one is the most sophisticated. And if in relation to the Russian people there is no discussion of this sabotage, and the topic, in fact, is under an informal ban, then in relation to white race such intentions are no longer hidden. A striking illustration is the speech at one of the Jewish congresses in New York by the President of the US Anti-Defamation League, Abi Foxman. In particular, he stated:

“The white race is dying out through interbreeding... We must use all our power to defame white men and women, those who are still going to maintain their racial purity. They will be ostracized in the new society... We want every white father to feel inconvenience from white children and produce mixed offspring... We enjoy watching the last white children playing in the street with black peers... Die, Aryan goyim !".

Changing the genotype of a nation biologically is the most dangerous, since this change is irreversible. Now the number of Russians (together with Ukrainians and Belarusians) is about 85% of the population of Russia. It is worth reducing the number of the state-forming nation by 30% - and the state will no longer be Russia in the full sense of the word. Every day trains with people from these regions arrive in Russia from Central Asia, Transcaucasia and the Far East. Using the services of corrupt officials, they quickly receive a residence permit, which cannot be said about the Russians who were expelled from the same formerly Soviet republics. The influx of foreign migrants gives rise to a sharp increase in interethnic and, which is especially dangerous, interracial marriages.

Already in many large primordially Russian cities, Russians are becoming a national minority. Migrants don't go to the machine and go to the field, they seize markets, are engaged racket, produce singed vodka etc. This gives them a quick material income, raises their status in the eyes of young Slavs. Russian woman who married a foreigner, lost to her nation. A Russian man becomes the same loss, having connected his fate with a racially alien woman.

Russian wives are widely famous as carriers of the most attractive virtues, such as spiritual sensitivity and kindness, responsiveness and unpretentiousness, housekeeping and devotion to the family, and patience. How, than to convince Russian women not to be allowed to dissolve its divine nature in other races? The material side, as the most common cause such marriages, is not subsequently compensated by the often humiliated position in the family, psychological "inconsistencies", not to mention the often handicapped children.

The fact that White race is the most powerful carrier creativity earthlings. The greatest achievements in science and technology, literature and arts, philosophical views and socio-political concepts, humanity, first of all, is obliged to the white race. The disappearance of the white race, to which politicians from Zionism are so actively striving, will be a fatal catastrophe for the Earth. Among the whites, the Aryans stand out: Russians, Slavs Central Europe, Germans, Scandinavians.

According to Western ethnologists, the nations that gave largest number pioneers in science and technology, and, moreover, in their most important areas, are the Russians and Germans, who have created masterpieces of literature and art that are still unattainable for other peoples, giving the world the greatest thinkers. It should be noted that the Russian and German peoples are known to have common ancestors.

Back in the 19th century, the outstanding French thinker Edouard Drumont wrote: "All discoveries, great and small, were made by the Aryans". The great German racologist of the 20th century, Hans Günther, emphasized that the “hereditary inequality of people” in lawmaking, science, and philosophy is the basis for differences in the understanding and assessment of phenomena and their scale by individual peoples.

“The voice of the blood of each should prompt him that racial dissimilarity determines the fundamental differences in the essence of man. Therefore, there can never be equality of races in essence, talent, goals ... each individual race must think and act differently, must desire and want differently than all other races. The same expressions of the same language for people of different races must have different meaning",. "Blood and worldview must be identical ...". It is this provision that underlies the racial theory, the definition of which is presented by the well-known domestic racial scientist V.B. Avdeeva sounds like this:

“Under racial theory today it is customary to understand a single philosophical system, located at the junction of the humanities and natural sciences, through which all social, cultural, economic and political phenomena human history are explained by the action of the hereditary racial differences of the peoples who create this history ... " .

The inequality of the contribution of different races to the universally significant achievements of culture gave grounds for Western racologists to formulate the concepts of "higher" and "lower" races. In ancient Indian "Book of Laws of Manu" the exceptional importance of the selection and ordering of married couples is emphasized: "A kingdom in which promiscuous conceptions take place will quickly perish along with its inhabitants". This source can be considered one of the first written evidence that mestizos acquire worst features source races, and this has a detrimental effect on the state as a whole.

The collapse of Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome is not the result of lost battles or natural Disasters, but the result of an uncontrolled influx of racially alien tribes, interracial crossbreeds, their penetration into power structures. Especially fast empire fell apart from interracial marriages.

Relatively "fresh" and, at the same time, a prime example The history of Poland can serve as a degradation of the culture-creating people. The brilliant kingdom in the 16th-17th centuries, by the 19th century, was divided three times between Austria-Hungary, Prussia and Russia. And the reason was unprecedented in the late Middle Ages blood dissolution the indigenous Slavic population with Jewish blood. In terms of the concentration of Jews, Poland has surpassed all European countries. The beginning of interracial marriages, subsequently avalanche-like, was laid by the marriage of Sigismund III with the daughter of wealthy Jews - in order to replenish the empty treasury. The example of the king was followed by the clairvoyant lords, and after them by other strata of society. From then until now, it has been a “third” country, and it has survived as an independent state only due to the entry of most of it into the Russian Empire.

Examples of the destructive influence of the Jews on the countries where they managed to gain a foothold and seize power are countless. Their features such as greed, deceit, treachery, unscrupulousness, bloodthirstiness have been fixed for centuries on genetic level as a result of artificial selection carried out by the zealots of the Shulchan Aruch and other teachings, such as: “If your child is disposed towards Christianity, then kill him”, “Kill the best of the goyim!”, etc. The lack of national thinking among the leaders of countries inevitably leads to fatal consequences.

“All large empires, created on the principle of the dominance of state interests over national ones, died in an extremely similar way, exactly repeating the destructive algorithm of racial degeneration that follows on the heels of political elevation. The peoples who created empires dissolved without remnants in the conquered and newcomers national entities. The futility of miscegenation has always corroded the creative ethnos from within and, having lost its filling, the state fell like an empty and unfilled form..

The Soviet empire is an example of this. The same awaits Russia with the current uncontrolled migration of racially alien elements.

The purity of the race is the most important condition for its existence, improvement, preservation of the unity of interests and goals of the people, stability state institutions, hereditary national inclinations. “Blood never lies, only an impurity lies. - Approves V.B. Avdeev, - There is nothing sadder than watching a person floundering between two streams of blood flowing in his veins, especially when these streams archetypally do not converge. Such people are moral drowners from birth..

Observations show that mestizos are very often characterized by low self-criticism, increased conceit and very high self-esteem. Selfishness and the confession of permissiveness become the dominant features of their nature. The mestizo population represents a large proportion of idiots, lunatics, blind-borns, stutterers, and so on. For example, in Nicaragua and Peru, Zambos (mestizos of Negroes and Indians), although they represent a relatively small class, nevertheless, make up 80% of the prison population. In countries where the mestizo population prevails, crime is sharply above average and is characterized by cruel forms.

At the beginning of the 20th century, G. Günther wrote: “If people of purely Nordic blood, be it Russians or Italians, be it English, Germans, French, Spaniards and Scandinavians, were able to act together, regardless of languages, estates, civilizations in all parts of the world, as Jews are able to do, then history of the whole West and the New World would be different".

Now, after the white race did not heed this call of the great seer and suffered monstrous losses in the Second World War, when, with a low birth rate and a growing wave of interracial marriages, the white race fell into a catastrophic situation, it is the sacred duty of every nationally minded government to create conditions for the preservation and multiplying it, up to adoption of special laws, consecrating the priority of the white race and the promotion of fertility.

The most detrimental to posterity is the mixing of the white race with the black race, which is the most remote in anthropomorphic and intellectual properties. And if the number of mulattos is not yet too large, then the number of crossbreeds with Jews, genetically related and descended from the black race, continues to grow. The genetic relationship of Jews with the Negro tribe Lemba was proved by scientists at Harvard University. According to Oxford geneticists, modern descendants kohanim from Israel have genetic code, largely coinciding with the code of blacks from South Africa. Now even Israeli historians do not dispute the fact of the kinship between the Jews and the Lemba tribe. Try mentally painting the face of a typical Jew, even European, and you will very often see Negro.

There are a number of biological and medical reasons against whites marrying Jews. There are a number of diseases that are ill, practically, only Jews. Thus, among patients with Reilly-Day familial dysautonomy and essential pentosuria, Jews make up 99% ! Of the patients with amaurotic idiocy, defects in the PTA Factor (X1), Van Bogart-Bertrand spongy degeneration of the brain, and a number of other neuropsychiatric diseases with severe symptoms, Jews make up 80-90% .

Among Jews sexual perverts 6 times more than among normal peoples (G.P. Klimov "Protocols of the Red Wise Men", "His Name is Legion", etc.). Klimov's opinion is also shared by well-known Jewish writers - C. Lombroso, S. Kyerkjegaard, O. Veninger. It is believed that this disgusting vice can also be transmitted by inheritance.

If the Jews from time to time did not improve their breed at the expense of other peoples (with the supposedly existing ban on mixing), then they would have disappeared from the face of the Earth long ago, and with them, as the brilliant industrialist Henry Ford said, wars for the redivision of the world would have disappeared, usury, pornography and promiscuity. There would be no vile robbery and enslavement of peoples.

The fact that homosexuality is almost a hallmark of the Jews is best illustrated by their adoption of one of the very first laws - a ban on the persecution of persons with "non-traditional sexual orientation." It has long been one of the "universal values". On TV, you can often see masquerade parades of “blue”, “pink”, bestiality and other abominations on the streets of the USA, France and other “democratic” states. In the cinema, sexual perverts are presented as goodies! Touchingly lisp about same-sex marriages.

The mediocrity of the Jews in the arts is akin to their mediocrity in the sciences. All their works are essentially imitative. Lack of talent in painting, nurtured by the prohibitions of Judaism on the image of the living, with paranoid ambitions - to always be at the forefront, gave rise to the so-called "avant-gardism" in the visual arts. Hence their constant attempts to belittle the true traditional art, the value of genuine artists, large-scale propaganda of abstract art. His "prophets" are "unfastened" millions of prizes, museums are created for them, numerous exhibitions are organized. The purpose of all this fuss is the destruction of the national spirit in art.

Russia recently accused Ukraine of carrying out genocide of Russian-speaking citizens in the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. They say that members of the National Guard, the Right Sector and some military men specifically kill civilians and even receive monetary rewards for this. At the same time, the Russians even opened criminal proceedings in this case. The Ukrainian side called all the accusations absurd. Officials said that civilians are being killed by militants and the Russian military, who are shelling residential areas under the guise of ATO forces.

In order to understand the absurdity of such an announcement, we bring to your attention a selection of the most terrible genocides that have occurred in the history of mankind. Although the rating is not entirely appropriate here, because the destruction of peoples does not happen more or less, but still we will try to talk about the most terrible destruction of peoples in order to Russian propaganda was able to comprehend the seriousness and inappropriateness of their accusations.

Armenian Genocide

The Armenian Genocide took place starting in 1915, when other countries were involved in the First world war. Then the Ottoman Empire (which existed on the territory of modern Turkey) decided to destroy the Armenians as a Christian minority.

It is known that able-bodied men were literally killed immediately. Women and children were sent on foot through the Syrian desert to "a new place of residence." This path was called the “death march”, since almost no one survived on the road. Also, women and children were put on ships to supposedly be taken out of the territory of the empire, and then these ships were sunk. At least twenty concentration camps were built in which the survivors were killed with gas.

Ottoman doctors injected Armenian children with the smallpox virus, because of this, they died. Some villages were completely burnt out, all living things perished in the fire. According to the developed "plan" without differences in gender and age, it was destroyed in 9/10 of the territory. According to the most approximate data, the "Ottomans" killed two million Armenians.

Native American genocide

The Native American genocide is also called the "five hundred year war" or the longest holocaust in human history. It was destroyed, historians say, 95 of the 114 million indigenous people of America. It is noteworthy that according to experts, Hitler took the idea of ​​concentration camps from the colonialists who dealt with the Indians in the Wild West. He even admired how he managed to exterminate an entire people.

Genocide in Bosnia

It is also called the Srebrenica Holocaust because it took place in this region of the country. The worst of the crimes took place in the newly formed Bosnia (the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1990). General Ratko Mladic and Republika Srpska troops are known to have killed thousands of Bosnian Muslims and Serbs. Thus, they carried out "ethnic cleansing" in Srebrenica. The troops killed men between the ages of 17 and 77, women were raped and burned alive. Many were publicly executed.

Peace in Srebrec came only in 1995. Officially, more than 20,000 citizens died during the genocide. However, historians claim that in fact the number of deaths is many times greater, they simply hide the data on their deaths.

Jewish genocide

The Jewish Holocaust is considered the most well-researched crime against humanity. Hitler called it simply "the final decision Jewish question". He ordered Jews to be killed, burned in crematoria and poisoned in concentration camps, they were kept on reservations, where they often died from disease and starvation.

It is known that in 1945, when the concentration camps were liberated, at least six million Jews were killed.

Ukrainian Genocide

The Holodomor of 1932-1933 is also called genocide. It was organized by Stalin in order to "strangle" the national liberation movement in Ukraine and destroy the Ukrainians themselves. When Ukrainians were dying from piece hunger, there was plenty of grain and food on the territory of Russia, it was cut in warehouses.

As a result of the famine, at least four million Ukrainians died, the losses from “unbirth” amount to 6 million 122 thousand. 24 countries officially recognized the famine as genocide against the Ukrainian people.

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