Project based on fairy tales in the second junior group. Fairy tales for children of the younger group


Project "The Magical World of Fairy Tales"

(younger group)

Routing project

Project type : group, artistic and aesthetic.

Project participants : children second junior group, educator, music director, parents.

Duration : short-term - 2 weeks


Fairy tales are the most ancient of the widespread forms of oral folk art. And in the century technical progress When the reading of artistic literary works, including fairy tales, was replaced by games on computers, tablets and phones, watching cartoons, there is a decrease in the development of the spiritual wealth of the people by children, their cultural and historical experience. The relevance lies in the fact that this project combines the means and methods of development creativity and communication skills of children.

Problem modern society: introducing children to traditional Russian folklore. It is known that in oral folk art, as nowhere else, special features Russian character inherent in him moral values, ideas about goodness, beauty, courage, diligence, fidelity. We can see all this in Russian folk tales. It is fairy tales that are the material for teaching younger children. preschool age speech development.

Children know little of Russian folk tales.

Objective of the project: create conditions for introducing children to oral folk art through fairy tales different kinds activities.

Project objectives:


    To introduce and consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.

    Create a desire to be like positive characters fairy tales.


          Enrich children's vocabulary, develop oral speech.

          To develop expressive speech through the participation of children in dramatizations, puppet, table theaters.


                Raise interest in fairy tales; teach children the rules safe behavior on the example of fairy tales.

                To cultivate the ability to listen to an adult, to perform the appropriate actions proposed by the teacher.

Expected results:

Formed interest in oral folk creativity - fairy tales.

Children have ideas and knowledge about many Russian folk tales, know their content.

They are able to distinguish between good and evil through imitation of the image of the heroes of fairy tales; characterize actions, behavior; express emotions and understand the feelings of others.
- Children are more confident in staging fairy tales.

Enrichment vocabulary.

Project product:

    Design of the exhibition of children's books "Our favorite fairy tales"

    Creation with parents of the book "Sketches of a favorite fairy tale"

    Lapbook "Visiting fairy tales"

    Presentation of the project at the pedagogical council

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1: preparatory (project development)

Identification of the problem and relevance of the project;

Setting goals and objectives;

Definition of forms and methods of work;

Collection of information, literature, additional materials;

Work on drawing up stages and a plan for the implementation of the project; - creation of RPPS:

    Contribute to book center Russian folk tales

    Creation of didactic games according to the project

    Replenish the music and theater center with masks for staging fairy tales and outdoor games.

    Pick up file cabinets: finger games based on fairy tales"; "Riddles about the heroes of a fairy tale", "Mobile games based on fairy tales"

Stage 2: practical (project implementation)

Educational area

Forms of work with children

Socially - communication development

    Didactic games: “Tell a fairy tale according to the plots”, “What fairy tale is the hero from”, “Find out whose shadow”, “Good-evil in fairy tales”

    Musical - didactic game "Show who it is" (correlate music with characters of fairy tales, learn to imitate the movements of children)

    Educational situation "What fairy tales are you?" (to form children's interest in fairy tales, to arouse a desire to listen to them).

cognitive development

    Examining illustrations for fairy tales

    View any fairy tale of the choice of children

    Conversation “What happened to the bun that went for a walk without asking?” (rules of safe behavior)

    Labor activity: "Let's show Chanterelle how we work"

Speech development

    OOD for the development of speech "Favorite fairy tales"

    Showing the table theater "Kolobok"; dramatization of fairy tales "Turnip", "Teremok"

Artistic and aesthetic development

    Ltd. for modeling "Cockerel"

    CHL: reading children's favorite fairy tales throughout the project; guessing riddles about the heroes of fairy tales.

    Playing "Noise Makers"

    Joint activities of the teacher and children: Designing the "Hut for Chanterelles"

    Staging the fairy tale "Grandma's Yard" together with the music director.

Physical development

Breathing exercises "Hen", "Geese are flying"

Outdoor games: “At the bear in the forest”, “Cunning fox”, “Geese-geese”

Working with parents:

Introduce parents to the topic

Engage parents:

    to work with children and teachers.

    for the design of the book "Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale"

To increase the pedagogical competence of parents in the education of children of primary preschool age through oral folk art.

Consultations in information corner:

    "The value of family reading"

    "A fairy tale that she gives to children"

Stage 3: final (generalizing)

    Based on the results of work with parents, the design of the book “Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale”

    An exhibition of children's books "Our favorite fairy tales" was organized

    Creation of the book “Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale” together with parents

    Dramatization of the fairy tale "Grandma's Yard" in interaction with the music director.

    Creating a lapbook "Visiting fairy tales"

Used Books:

    Main general education program preschool education OOP "From birth to school" ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

    "We live in the Urals" Tolstikova O.V.

    "Methods of working with a fairy tale" Ryzhova L.V.

    "Scenarios of fairy tales for interactive activities with children" Ul'eva E.A.

    “Summaries of complex-thematic classes. Second junior group. Golitsina N.S.

    "Classes for children 3-5 years old on social and communicative development." Kolomiichenko L.V., Chugava G.I., Yugova L.A.

    "Socially moral education children from 2 to 5 years old. Abstracts of classes. Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V., Akhtyan A.G.

    "Method of projects in preschool education». Toolkit. Kochkina N.A.

Russian folk tale "Teremok"

It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok.

He is not low, not high, not high.

A mouse runs past. I saw the tower, stopped and asked:

- Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

Nobody responds.

The mouse entered the tower and began to live in it.

A frog jumped up to the tower and asked:

- I'm a mouse-norushka! And who are you?

- And I'm a frog.

- Come live with me!

The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live together.

Runaway bunny runs past. Stop and ask:

- Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in the low?

- I'm a mouse-norushka!

- I'm a frog. And who are you?

- I'm a runaway bunny.

- Come live with us!

Hare jump into the tower! They began to live together.

The little fox is coming. She knocked on the window and asked:

- Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

- I'm a mouse.

- I'm a frog.

- I'm a runaway bunny. And who are you?

- And I'm a fox-sister.

- Come live with us!

The fox climbed into the tower. The four of them began to live.

A top came running - a gray barrel, looked in the door and asked:

- Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

- I'm a mouse.

- I'm a frog.

- I'm a runaway bunny.

- I'm a fox-sister. And who are you?

- And I'm a top - a gray barrel.

- Come live with us!

The wolf got into the tower. The five of them began to live.

Here they all live in the tower, they sing songs.

Suddenly, a clumsy bear walks by. The bear saw the teremok, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:

- Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

- I'm a mouse.

- I'm a frog.

- I'm a runaway bunny.

- I'm a fox-sister.

- I, the top - a gray barrel. And who are you?

- And I'm a clumsy bear.

- Come live with us!

The bear climbed into the tower.

Lez-climb, climb-climb - he just couldn't get in and says:

“I’d rather live on your roof.”

- Yes, you crush us!

- No, I won't.

- Well, get down! The bear climbed onto the roof.

Just sat down - fuck! - crushed the teremok. The tower crackled, fell on its side and fell apart.

Barely managed to jump out of it:

mink mouse,


runaway bunny,


the spinning top is a gray barrel, everyone is safe and sound.

They began to carry logs, cut boards - to build a new tower. Built better than before!

Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

There lived an old man and an old woman. This is what the old man asks:

- Bake me, old gingerbread man.

- Yes, from what to bake something? There is no flour.

- Oh, old woman! Mark on the barn, scrape on the twigs - that's enough.

The old woman did just that: she scooped, scraped a handful of two flour, kneaded the dough with sour cream, rolled up a bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool.

Tired of the kolobok lying: he rolled from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor - and to the door, jumped over the threshold into the hallway, from the hay to the porch, from the porch to the yard, and there through the gate, further and further.

A bun rolls along the road, and a hare meets it:

- No, do not eat me, oblique, but rather listen to what song I will sing to you.

The hare raised his ears, and the bun sang:

- I'm a bun, a bun!

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by bits,

Mixed with sour cream

planted in the oven,

On the window it's cold

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

From you rabbit

Don't be smart about leaving.

A bun rolls along a path in the forest, and towards him Gray wolf:

— Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man! I will eat you!

- Don't eat me, gray wolf, I'll sing a song for you.

And the bun sang:

- I'm a bun, a bun!

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by bits,

Mixed with sour cream

planted in the oven,

On the window it's cold

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the rabbit.

From you wolf

A gingerbread man rolls through the forest, and a bear walks towards him, breaks brushwood, oppresses the bushes to the ground.

- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!

“Well, where are you, clubfoot, to eat me!” Listen to my song.

The gingerbread man sang, but Misha and his ears were not strong enough.

- I'm a bun, a bun!

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by bits,

Mixed with sour cream.

planted in the oven,

On the window it's cold

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the rabbit

I left the wolf

From you bear

Half a heart to leave.

And the bun rolled - the bear only looked after him.

A gingerbread man rolls, and a fox meets him: - Hello, gingerbread man! What a pretty, ruddy little boy you are!

Gingerbread man is glad that he was praised, and sang his song, and the fox listens and creeps closer and closer.

- I'm a bun, a bun!

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by bits,

Mixed with sour cream.

planted in the oven,

On the window it's cold

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the rabbit

I left the wolf

Walked away from the bear

From you fox

Don't be smart about leaving.

- Nice song! - said the fox. - Yes, the trouble, my dear, is that I have become old - I can’t hear well. Sit on my face and sing one more time.

Gingerbread man was delighted that his song was praised, jumped on the fox's face and sang:

- I'm a bun, a bun! ..

And his fox - um! — and ate it.

Russian folk tale "Three Bears"

One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for her way home, but she did not find it, but came to the house in the forest.

The door was open: she looked through the door, saw that there was no one in the house, and entered.

Three bears lived in this house.

One bear was a father, his name was Mikhail Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy.

The other was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna.

The third was a little bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went for a walk in the forest.

There were two rooms in the house: one dining room, the other bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups of stew on the table. The first cup, very large, was Mikhaila Ivanycheva. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina; the third, little blue cup was Mishutkin.

Beside each cup lay a spoon: large, medium and small. The girl took the biggest spoon and drank from the biggest cup; then she took the middle spoon and drank from the middle cup; then she took a small spoon and drank from a little blue cup, and Mishutka's stew seemed to her the best of all.

The girl wanted to sit down and sees three chairs by the table: one large - Mikhail Ivanychev, another smaller - Nastasya Petrovnin and the third small, with a blue cushion - Mishutkin. She climbed onto a large chair and fell; then she sat down on the middle chair - it was awkward on it; then she sat down on a small chair and laughed—it was so good. She took the little blue cup on her knees and began to eat. She ate all the stew and began to swing on a chair.

The chair broke and she fell to the floor. She got up, picked up a chair and went to another room.

There were three beds; one large one is for Mikhail Ivanychev, another medium one is for Nastasya Petrovna, and the third small one is for Mishutkin. The girl lay down in a large one - it was too spacious for her; lay down in the middle - it was too high; she lay down in the little one - the bed fit her just right, and she fell asleep.

And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner.

The big bear took his cup, looked and roared scary voice: — Who sipped in my cup? Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and growled not so loudly:

— Who sipped in my cup?

But Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice:

— Who sipped in my cup and you sipped all of it?

Mikhailo Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice:

Nastasya Petrovna glanced at her chair and growled not so loudly:

— Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place?

Mishutka saw his chair and squeaked:

Who was sitting on my chair and broke it?

The bears came to another room.

“Who got into my bed and wrinkled it up? roared Mikhailo Ivanovich in a terrible voice.

“Who got into my bed and wrinkled it up? growled Nastasya Petrovna, not so loudly.

And Mishenka set up a bench, climbed into his bed and squeaked in a thin voice:

Who got into my bed?

And suddenly he saw a girl and squealed as if he was being cut:

- Here she is! Hold on! Hold on! Here she is! Ay-ya-yay! Hold on!

He wanted to bite her. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. The window was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.

Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut"

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox has an icy hut, and the hare has a bast hut. Here is the fox teasing the hare:

- My hut is light, and yours is dark! Mine is light, yours is dark!

Summer has come, the fox's hut has melted.

Fox and asks for a hare:

- Let me go, hare, at least to your yard!

- No, fox, I won’t let you in: why did you tease?

The fox began to beg more. The hare let her into his yard.

The next day, the fox asks again:

- Let me, hare, on the porch.

The fox begged, begged, the hare agreed and let the fox on the porch.

On the third day, the fox asks again:

- Let me go, hare, into the hut.

- No, I won’t let you in: why did you tease?

She begged, she begged, the hare let her into the hut. The fox is sitting on the bench, and the bunny is on the stove.

On the fourth day, the fox asks again:

- Zainka, zainka, let me on the stove to your place!

- No, I won’t let you in: why did you tease?

She asked, the fox asked, and begged - the hare let her go on the stove.

A day passed, another - the fox began to drive the hare out of the hut:

"Get out, scythe." I don't want to live with you!

So she kicked out.

The hare sits and cries, grieves, wipes away tears with its paws.

Running past the dog

— Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! What, bunny, are you crying about?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked me to come and kicked me out.

“Don’t cry, bunny,” the dogs say. “We’ll kick her out.”

- No, don't kick me out!

- No, let's get out! Approached the hut:

— Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Go, fox, get out! And she told them from the oven:

- How do I get out?

How to jump out

Shreds will go

Through the alleys!

The dogs got scared and ran away.

Again the bunny sits and cries.

A wolf is walking by

- What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I not cry, gray wolf? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked me to come and kicked me out.

“Don’t cry, bunny,” says the wolf, “I’ll kick her out.”

- No, you won't. They drove the dogs - they didn’t kick them out, and you won’t kick them out.

- No, I'll take it out.

— Uyyy... Uyyy... Go, fox, get out!

And she from the oven:

- How do I get out?

How to jump out

Shreds will go

Through the alleys!

The wolf got scared and ran away.

Here the hare sits and cries again.

An old bear is coming.

- What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I, bear, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked me to come and kicked me out.

“Don’t cry, bunny,” says the bear, “I’ll kick her out.”

- No, you won't. The dogs drove, drove - did not drive out, the gray wolf drove, drove - did not drive out. And you won't get kicked out.

- No, I'll take it out.

The bear went to the hut and growled:

— Rrrr... rrr... Go, fox, get out!

And she from the oven:

- How do I get out?

How to jump out

Shreds will go

Through the alleys!

The bear got scared and left.

Again the hare sits and cries.

A rooster is coming, carrying a scythe.

— Ku-ka-re-ku! Zainka, what are you crying about?

- How can I, Petenka, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked me to come and kicked me out.

- Do not worry, zainka, I'm chasing you a fox.

- No, you won't. The dogs drove - did not drive out, the gray wolf drove, drove - did not drive out, the old bear drove, drove - did not drive out. And you won't get kicked out.

- No, I'll take it out.

The rooster went to the hut:

— Ku-ka-re-ku!

I walk on my feet

In red boots

I carry a scythe on my shoulders:

I want to kill the fox

Went, fox, from the stove!

The fox heard, got scared and said:

- I'm getting dressed...

Rooster again:

— Ku-ka-re-ku!

I walk on my feet

In red boots

I carry a scythe on my shoulders:

I want to kill the fox

Went, fox, from the stove!

And the fox says:

I put on a coat...

Rooster for the third time:

— Ku-ka-re-ku!

I walk on my feet

In red boots

I carry a scythe on my shoulders:

I want to kill the fox

Went, fox, from the stove!

The fox was frightened, jumped off the stove - yes, run away.

And the hare and the rooster began to live and live.

Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"

There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter Masha.

Once the girlfriends gathered in the forest - for mushrooms and for berries. They came to call Mashenka with them.

- Grandfather, grandmother, - says Masha, - let me go into the forest with my friends!

Grandparents answer:

“Go, just keep an eye on your girlfriends, or you’ll get lost.”

The girls came to the forest, began to pick mushrooms and berries. Here Masha - tree by tree, bush by bush - and went far, far from her girlfriends.

She began to haunt, began to call them. And the girlfriends do not hear, do not respond.

Mashenka walked and walked through the forest - she got completely lost.

She came to the very wilderness, to the very thicket. He sees - there is a hut. Mashenka knocked on the door - no answer. She pushed the door, the door opened.

Mashenka entered the hut, sat down by the window on a bench. Sit down and think:

“Who lives here? Why can't you see anyone?"

And in that hut lived a huge honey, after all. Only he was not at home then: he walked through the forest. The bear returned in the evening, saw Masha, was delighted.

“Aha,” he says, “now I won’t let you go!” You will live with me. You will heat the stove, you will cook porridge, feed me porridge.

Masha grieve, grieved, but nothing can be done. She began to live with a bear in a hut.

The bear will go into the forest for the whole day, and Mashenka is punished not to leave the hut anywhere without him.

“And if you leave,” he says, “I’ll catch it anyway and then I’ll eat it!”

Mashenka began to think how she could escape from the bear. Around the forest, in which direction to go - does not know, there is no one to ask ...

She thought and thought and thought.

Once a bear comes from the forest, and Mashenka says to him:

- Bear, bear, let me go to the village for a day: I will bring gifts to my grandmother and grandfather.

“No,” says the bear, “you will get lost in the forest.” Give me the gifts, I'll take them myself!

And Mashenka needs it!

She baked pies, took out a big, big box and said to the bear:

“Here, look: I will put pies in this box, and you take them to your grandfather and grandmother.” Yes, remember: do not open the box on the way, do not take out the pies. I'll climb into the oak tree, I'll follow you!

- Okay, - the bear answers, - let's box!

Mashenka says:

- Get out on the porch, see if it's raining!

As soon as the bear came out onto the porch, Masha immediately climbed into the box, and put a dish of pies on her head.

The bear returned, he sees that the box is ready. He put him on his back and went to the village.

A bear walks between the fir trees, a bear wanders between birches, descends into ravines, rises to the hillocks. Walked, walked, got tired and said:

And Mashenka from the box:

- See see!

Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!

“Look, what a big-eyed one,” says the honey, after all, “sees everything!”

- I'll sit on a stump, eat a pie!

And Mashenka from the box again:

- See see!

Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie!

Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!

The bear was surprised.

- What a clever one! Sits high, looks far!

I got up and walked faster.

I came to the village, found the house where my grandfather and grandmother lived, and let's knock on the gate with all our might:

- Knock-Knock! Unlock, open! I brought you presents from Mashenka.

And the dogs sensed the bear and rushed at him. From all yards they run, bark.

The bear was frightened, put the box at the gate and set off into the forest without looking back.

- What's in the box? Grandma says.

And grandfather lifted the lid, looked and couldn’t believe his eyes: Mashenka was sitting in the box - alive and well.

Grandpa and grandma rejoiced. They began to hug, kiss, and call Mashenka a clever girl.

Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Goats"

Once upon a time there lived a goat with kids. The goat went into the forest to eat silk grass, to drink icy water. As soon as he leaves, the kids will lock up the hut and won't go anywhere themselves.

The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings:

- Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Milk runs along the notch.

From a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The kids will unlock the door and let the mother in. She will feed them, give them a drink, and again go into the forest, and the kids will lock themselves tightly.

The wolf overheard the goat singing.

Once the goat left, the wolf ran to the hut and shouted in a thick voice:

- You kids!

You goats!

open up

open up

Your mother has come

She brought milk.

Hooves full of water!

The goats answer him:

The wolf has nothing to do. He went to the forge and ordered his throat to be reforged so that he could sing in a thin voice. The blacksmith cut his throat. The wolf again ran to the hut and hid behind a bush.

Here comes the goat and knocks:

- Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came - she brought milk;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The kids let their mother in and let's tell how the wolf came and wanted to eat them.

The goat fed and watered the kids and severely punished:

- Whoever comes to the hut, begins to ask in a thick voice and does not go through everything that I recite to you, do not open the door, do not let anyone in.

As soon as the goat left, the wolf again walked to the hut, knocked and began to lament in a thin voice:

- Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came - she brought milk;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The kids opened the door, the wolf rushed into the hut and ate all the kids. Only one kid was buried in the oven.

The goat is coming. No matter how much she called, or lamented, no one answered her. He sees the door is open. I ran into the hut - there is no one there. I looked into the oven and found one kid.

How the goat found out about her misfortune, how she sat on the bench - she began to grieve, cry bitterly:

- Oh, you, my children, goats!

To which they opened, they opened,

Did the bad wolf get it?

The wolf heard this, entered the hut and said to the goat:

- What are you sinning against me, godfather? I didn't eat your goats. Full of grief, let's go to the forest, take a walk.

They went into the forest, and there was a hole in the forest, and a fire was burning in the hole.

The goat says to the wolf:

- Come on, wolf, let's try, who will jump over the pit?

They began to jump. The goat jumped over, and the wolf jumped and fell into a hot hole.

His belly burst from the fire, the kids jumped out of there, all alive, yes - jump to the mother!

And they began to live, to live as before.

Literary quiz "On the roads of fairy tales" for the second junior group

The material is intended for educators preschool institutions, it can also be used by parents.

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of previously read works.
1. Strengthen the children's ability to guess familiar fairy tales.
2. To teach, intonation accurately, to repeat songs from fairy tales.
3. Cultivate love for literary works.
Material: illustrations for familiar fairy tales, characters of familiar fairy tales - Stuffed Toys, pictures depicting fragments of the fairy tales "Teremok" and "Kolobok"
Preliminary work: reading fairy tales "Teremok", "Gingerbread Man", "Masha and the Bear", "Fox, Hare and Rooster", "Kids and Wolf", "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Quiz progress:

Children play on their own. Suddenly there is a knock on the door and the Storyteller enters the group.
Storyteller:“Hello guys, I am a Storyteller, I came to visit you, tell a fairy tale and listen to you. Do you like to listen to fairy tales?
Children:"Yes, we love!"
Storyteller:“Do you know many fairy tales? »
Children:"Yes many".
Storyteller:“Then sit down, make yourself comfortable, and listen carefully: now we will find out what fairy tales you remember. I will guess different riddles for you according to fairy tales, and you will guess them. If you cope with the tasks, then you are waiting for new fairy tale. Just be very careful. Fine? »
Children:"Yes. Fine".
Storyteller: "Well, then let's start":
The fox took him away
Behind distant forests.
But the cat will come to the rescue,
Save your friend! (cockerel)

He left his grandmother
And left my grandfather
Songs sang under the blue sky,
For the fox, it became dinner.

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children? (goats)
She is the most important of all in a mystery,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents. (mouse)

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? … (bear)
Who loved to play and sing?
Two mice - Cool and ... (Twirl)

Storyteller:“I see, my children, you know these fairy tales well. Now let's see how you will cope with the next task. Ready? »
Children: "Yes"
Storyteller: “Now I will show you different heroes, and you must remember what songs they sing in their fairy tales.
If children find it difficult, help with leading questions:
- What song did the bun sing when he met a bunny, a wolf, a bear, a fox?
- What did the Goat sing to her kids so that they would open the door for her?
- What did the cockerel sing when he drove the fox out of Zayushka's hut?
What did the fox sing when luring the cockerel out of the house?
Storyteller:“Guys, you are so great that you coped with this task. Now let's get some rest. Repeat after me!"
"Once upon a time there were bunnies"
At the forest edge, (arms up, fingers apart - “tree”, draw a plane with palms)
Once upon a time there were bunnies (twist “flashlights” in front of you, show “ears”)
In a white hut. ("house")
We washed our ears, (swipe over the index and middle fingers)
Washed their paws. (imitation of hand washing)
Bunnies dressed up, (twist with hands, "Ears")
They put on slippers. (stomp feet)
Storyteller: “Now, you my children, be very careful: I have pictures from the fairy tales “Teremok” and “Kolobok”, you need to put them in order, how the actions in the fairy tale took place, these pictures. The girls make up Teremok, and the boys make up Kolobok. So, is everyone ready? Then let's get started."
Storyteller: “And finally, the last task. I will start, and you continue, what are the names of the heroes, name!

Storyteller: "Bunny ..."
Children: "Run!"
Storyteller: "Top ...."
Children: "Grey barrel!"
Storyteller: "Fox ..."
Children: "Sister!"
Storyteller: "Cockerel ..."
Children: "Golden comb!"
Storyteller: "Mouse ..."
Children: "Norushka!"
Storyteller: "Frog ..."
Children: "Wah!"
Storyteller: “Guys, I made sure that you know these fairy tales well. And you can take on any challenge. I really enjoyed playing with you. And now sit back, the fairy tale begins.
The storyteller tells the tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox"
Storyteller: “Guys, tell me, what did we do today?”
Children: “They remembered fairy tales, guessed riddles ....”
storyteller: “You are very smart, attentive kids. I really liked you, but it's time for me to leave. See you again, goodbye!”

Directly educational activities with children of the 2nd junior group "In the land of fairy tales"

Prepared by the teacher: Dosaeva I.V.
Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.
To form the ability of children to guess riddles based on description and comparison fairy tale characters; continue to introduce children to Russian folk tales (cognitive development);
To develop the activity of children in a conversation with a teacher; develop children's ability to listen and understand question asked, make simple generalizations (speech development);
To consolidate the ability of children to work with colored pencils, to instill accuracy and neatness; to promote the development of children's skills with the help of expressive means (facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait) to convey not only the external features of the characters, but also their internal experiences, various emotional states, feelings, relationships (artistic and aesthetic development);
To educate emotional perception, love for Russian folk tales, the desire to come to the rescue (social and communicative development).

Materials and equipment: multimedia, book of fairy tales, bell, hats of fairy tale characters, colored pencils, templates fairytale heroes for coloring, bibabo doll (mouse)

Techniques and methods: visual, game, teacher's story, conversation.

Course progress.

Educator: Guys, this morning a bird brought me news:
"Dear Guys! A misfortune happened in the Land of fairy tales, all the fairy-tale heroes mixed up. We ask you to help them get into their fairy tale.”

Well, can we help you guys? (Yes). A fairy tale is a land of dreams and fantasies. Just close your eyes, and the fairy tale will take you to your Magic world. A fairy tale will teach you to be brave, strong and courageous, resourceful, hardworking and kind ... A magical book of fairy tales will help us travel around the Land of fairy tales. So the journey begins! (the teacher rings the bell - magic music sounds).
Eyes close
Let's go to the land of fairy tales
Book, book, hurry up
Open the doors to the fairy tale!

Here we are in the Land of fairy tales. But why doesn't the magic book open? (children's answers) I think I guessed it! You and I need to solve riddles, then the book will open!

Where and when did this happen?
The mouse broke the golden egg.
The grandfather grieved and the woman was sad.
Just clucked ... (answer on the screen)

Amazing people!
We went out into the garden together
Here they hold each other tightly,
Pulled ... Here it is ... (answer on the screen)

Only a goat closed the door,
There's a hungry beast here.
Every child knows the story
This is ... (answer on screen)

She went for berries
Yes, I came across a house,
House under an old pine tree.
A big bear lived in the house.
I would get sick from longing
Yes, they saved ... pies.
(answer on screen)

Thieves are white!
Here's the trouble:
They flew to the village
And the boy was stolen.
Only a brave sister
Still found him.
The stove helped her
Apple tree and river. (answer on screen)

Three cups and three beds.
There are also three chairs, look
And tenants here indeed
Lives for exactly three.
(answer on screen)
He left his grandfather
He left his grandmother.
Round itself, ruddy side,
And it’s called ... (answer on the screen)

He's not low, he's not high
And not locked up
All from logs and boards,
Standing in the field ... (answer on the screen)

The gray wolf was chasing the brothers.
None of them fell into his clutches.
Live happily, laugh out loud
In their houses ... (answer on the screen)

Educator: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles! Here is our book and opened. Let's open the first page with you " Magic transformations". Now we will turn into heroes of fairy tales (children are invited to wear hats of heroes and dance a dance).

Educator: Well done! We open the next page “Continue the fairy tale. Now I will begin the story, and you will continue it.

Pull pull...
I'm sitting high...
Don't sit on a stump...
Do not drink, brother, from a puddle ...
The hare built a bast hut ...
I left my grandfather...
Grandfather beat-beat...
Who, who lives in a teremochka ...
Goats, kids...

What good fellows you all are! How many fairy tales do you know! But we need to move on. Page “Fairytale Workshop” (Mouse appears from behind the screen - a bibabo doll).

Educator: Guys, who is this meeting us? For some reason the mouse is crying. Let's ask her what happened.
Mouse: Hello guys! The artist who drew fairy tales forgot to finish some of the characters and now the children will not be able to read new fairy tales.
Educator: Let's help the mouse to finish the fairy tale characters? But before we get started, let's stretch our fingers:
Physical education "Mitten".
Because of the forest, because of the mountains
(Children slap their hands on their knees.)
Grandfather Egor stomped.
He was in a hurry to get home
(Show reverse side palms.)
Dropped the mitten.
(Extended with thumb up - show the “Mitten” gesture.)
The mouse ran across the field.
(Run fingers of one hand over the other.)
I saw a mitten.
(Glove "Mitten".)
Who, who lives here?

Nobody is waiting for a mouse here?
(Threaten with finger.)
I began to live - to live,
Sing the bells of the song.
Bunny ran across the field
(Gesture "Bunny")
I saw a mitten.
(Glove "Mitten".)
Who, who lives here?
(Knock with the right fist on the left palm.)
Does he sing a song loudly?
The mouse invited the bunny
(They call, gesturing with their right hand.)
She drank sweet tea.
(Hands extended forward, palms folded in the form of a cup)
Bunny jump, bunny jump,
Bunny baked pies.
("They bake" pies.)
As the fox walked through the forest,

I saw a mitten.
(Glove "Mitten".)
Who, who lives here?
(Knock with the right fist on the left palm.)
Does he sing a song loudly?
And the fox was invited.
(Soft hand movements.)
They served pies.
("They bake" pies.)
I began to live there to live,
Sweep the floor with a broom.
(Move hands left and right.)
The bear walked across the field.
(Knock on knees with fists.)
I saw a mitten.
(Glove "Mitten".)
Who, who lives here?
(Knock with the right fist on the left palm.)
Does he sing a song loudly?
The animals were scared.
(Squeeze your fingers into the “lock”.)
They fled in fear.
(Spread your arms to the sides.)

You have pictures with heroes and pencils on your table. Let's decorate the heroes with you different fairy tales. (children do the task).

Educator: Here, mouse, look! The guys helped you.
Mouse: Thanks kids! Goodbye!
Fairy tales go around the world
For children to read
In fairy tales to learn good,
And as in good fairy tale lived.
Fairy tales end
Saying goodbye to children.

Educator: here it is upside down last page magic book. Our journey has come to an end. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten(the teacher rings the bell - magic music sounds).

Eyes close
We are going to kindergarten.
1,2,3 -
We all returned from the fairy tale.
Where have we been today? What fairy tales did we guess today? What did you like the most? Never forget, fairy tales are our friends. They live in our heart, in our soul, in our mind and imagination. See you soon!

Sakalova Elena
Project "Week of Fairy Tales" (second junior group)

2 junior group

Theme of the first day "Beloved Day" fairy tales»

Target: Draw the attention of children to the fact that fairy tales, many and they are all different

Tasks: 1. Form children's interest in fairy tales

2. Develop attention, imagination

Motivational stage: A bear comes to visit the children and asks the children to remember fairy tales for him and his brothers

Working with parents: Ask parents with children to look at books, select their favorites and bring them to the garden for an exhibition

Problematic - activity stage:

Games for the development of small motility: Finger games Target: learn to pronounce words according to the text, develop fine motor skills of fingers

Reading fiction literature: L. N. Tolstoy "Three Bears"

Target: Learn to perceive emotionally fairy tale, be attentive to the figurative word, memorize and emotionally expressively reproduce the words of the text

Reader for little ones compiled by L. N. Eliseeva, Enlightenment 82, p. 132

Musically - didactic games"Show me who it is" Target: to form children's skills to relate music to characters fairy tales to learn to imitate the movements of children morning exercises with character fairy tales


Outdoor games:

"At the bear in the forest" Target: learn to run without bumping into each other

"Geese-geese"Goal: consolidate words, learn to play by the rules

Target: to teach children, when looking at their favorite books and illustrations, to rejoice at a meeting with a book, familiar characters; learn to communicate their impressions to peers

Subject second day"Finger Theater Day"

Target: Arouse children's interest in finger theater (bibabo)


Motivational stage: A gingerbread man comes to visit, invites children on a journey through fairy tale

Problematic - activity stage:

Reading fiction literature:

"Kolobok" (finger theatre) Target: recall fairy tale, educate children's interest in staging fairy tales to develop speech

DI "From what fairy tale character» Target: develop memory, attention; educate children's interest in fiction

Building games "Let's build houses for characters" Target: arouse interest in building games, develop fantasy, imagination

finger games "Tabunok" "Visiting" Target: development of fine motor skills, speech Observation: "Theater on the site" Target: Make snow figures with children to form children's interest in playing around.

Outdoor games:

"Roll the ball" Target: Learn to throw

"Passing Balls" Target: to consolidate the skills of transferring objects, to develop orientation in space.

Independent games with finger theater Target: to develop independence in children

Theme of the third day "Day of the Russian Folk fairy tales»

Target: Arouse children's interest in Russian folk fairy tale


1. Form the ability to listen carefully

fairy tale

3. Develop children's speech

Motivational stage: The book invites children to visit, find out what fairy tales are different

Working with parents: Article "Finger Games"

Problematic - activity stage:

Educational situation "What are you fairy tales Target: to form children's interest in fairy tales, cause a desire to listen to them.

Finger games: develop fine motor skills of fingers, learn to correlate words with actions

Reading fiction literature: "Fox hare and rooster" Target: to teach children to perceive emotionally fairy tale memorize and expressively reproduce words

“Consider books with Russian folk fairy tales» Target: introduce children to the world of beauty.

Morning exercises with a character fairy tales

"Consideration fabulous illustrations on the verandas» Target: remember from which fairy tales and who are the characters

Outdoor games:

"Cat and Mice" Target: Strengthen your running skills

"The mother hen and the chicks" Target: to consolidate the skills of crawling and running Didactic games

"Tell me what fairy tale" Target: learn to guess illustration fairy tales

"Guess the Hero" Target: learn to guess the hero fairy tales based on his lines

Theme of the fourth day "Day of the puppet theater"

Target: Arouse children's interest in puppet theater


1. To form the ability to carefully watch and listen to the characters

2. Raise children's interest in the theater

3. Cultivate children's creativity, imagination

Motivational stage: The Masha doll comes to visit the children, invites them to look and talk about dolls

Problematic - activity stage:

Educational situation "Why do we need puppets" Target: consolidate children's knowledge about toys, what they are for

Reading fiction literature: V. Berestov "Bear, bear, couch potato" Target: to teach children to emotionally perceive poems, to understand the content poetic texts feel the rhythm of poetic speech; encourage them to express their impressions in independent statements. Learn to act out a poem.

Development of fine motor skills

"Turnip", "Pancakes" "Economy" Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, speech Morning exercises with a character

Take the dolls to the site Target: teach children to play with dolls, create situations,

Outdoor games:

"The mother hen and the chicks" Target: to consolidate the skills of crawling, running.

"Roll the ball" Target: consolidate rolling skills Didactic games

"When does it happen?"

Clarify children's knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features.

"More less"

Exercise children in distinguishing and comparing the size of objects (more, less, same).

Topic of the fifth day "Day fairy tales writers from different countries

Target: Arouse children's interest in fairy tales different peoples and authors


1. To form the ability to carefully watch and listen to the characters

2. Raise children's interest in fairy tales

3. Develop children's creativity, imagination

Motivational stage: The teacher offers to get acquainted with the Ukrainian folk fairy tale. A cockerel comes to visit, asks the children what fairy tales they know where my character is.

Problematic - activity stage:

Educational situation "What are fairy tales Target: arouse children's interest in telling different stories, learn to listen fairy tales writers from different countries

Reading fiction literature:

"Spikelet" (ukr.) Target: introduce children to the Ukrainian folk fairy tale, continue to teach children to emotionally perceive the content fairy tales, memorize actors and sequence of events.

Flannelgraph \ table theater "Teremok" Target: exercise children in storytelling with characters, consolidate the ability to pronounce the endings of words, develop the speech of children

Plot - role-playing games

"Bookshop" Target: introduce the children to the bookstore, clarify what is sold there Morning exercises with a character fairy tales

Outdoor games:

"Cuckoo" Target: develop attention, auditory perception

"Bear" Target: Strengthen running skills, instill in children a desire to play Komi games.

Looking at books and illustrations

Target: continue to teach children to look at their favorite books and illustrations, to learn to enjoy meeting with a book, familiar characters; to consolidate the ability to communicate their impressions to peers

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