Works of fiction about Shrovetide. They had Russian pancakes at Fatty Maslenitsa


Lesson objectives: - to get acquainted with the tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa;

To uncover spiritual meaning Maslenitsa through the analysis of folk and literary texts, paintings by Russian artists.

During the classes:

1. Introductory speech of the teacher:

Hello guys. Today we have an unusual lesson, as there are guests who came to see what we have learned and how much we love the Living Word.

ü Guys, look at the board (image of the sun). This is a symbol of the holiday, which we will talk about in the lesson. What holiday is it? slide 1.

Ø Task our lesson consists of V volume, to познакомиться With traditions celebrations Shrovetide And look, How this holiday found reflection V folk works And works Russian literature And V art.

v And as an epigraph to our lesson, we will take the words of the Russian poet P. Vyazemsky Slide No. 2 "Soon

Maslenitsa ringing will boil

fun feast…”

Pyotr Vyazemsky.

· At home you had to prepare material about the celebration of Maslenitsa and read an excerpt from the work of I. Shmelev "Summer of the Lord"

From distant times came to us madam-Shrovetide. For the ancient Slavs, it was a week-long holiday of seeing off winter. Maslenitsa is celebrated before Lent eight weeks before Easter - and certainly with pancakes, snowballs, slides, bonfires, horseback riding. slide number 3

What epithets did the people give to this holiday? (gluttonous, wide, cheerful, honest, yasochka, killer whale, ruiner).

Slide number 4. It is widely believed that Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday rather than an Orthodox one. This is not entirely true. Shrovetide Week is preparation week to Great Lent, and in the Christian sense it is dedicated to one goal - reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for the repentant path to God. This is the Christian component of Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa is a time that you need to devote to good communication with your neighbors, relatives, friends. But this does not prevent us from celebrating Maslenitsa cheerfully, noisily.

Today Maslenitsa came to visit us.

Let's welcome her. Are you my soul, Maslenitsa.

Your sugary lips

Sweet speech!

Come to visit me.

To a wide yard.

Ride on the hills.

Roll in pancakes

Our Maslenitsa dear,

It didn't take long for us to come.

We thought for seven weeks

And it took seven days.

2. Work withSB-board.

Indeed, Maslenitsa lasted a week. Each day of this week had its own name. Match the names and the day of the week (Monday - meeting, Tuesday - flirting, Wednesday - gourmet, Thursday - a wide quarter, revelry, fracture, Friday - mother-in-law evenings, Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings, Sunday - seeing off, farewell, kisser, Forgiveness Sunday. Board

3. Teacher's word:

1) The fact that the people respected this holiday is evidenced by a huge number of proverbs, sayings, ditties dedicated to Maslenitsa.

Slide number 5,6 Insert the missing word.

What proverbs do you know?

The student reads the proverbs on the paper.

How do you understand their meaning?

2) People composed many songs about Maslenitsa. Let's read one of them on page 8.

What are the names of Maslenitsa in the song?

Write them down in a notebook. What Maslenitsa traditions are mentioned in them? What other Christian holiday is mentioned in the song?

Write down the words related to Easter.

How is Easter related to Shrovetide?

Why is the theme of forgiveness so often reflected in the lyrics?

Maslenitsa is also reflected in music. The great Russian composer wrote piece of music"February. Maslenitsa"

Listen to the play and answer the questions: Slide #8

1. What, in your opinion, did the author want to convey in music?

2. What pictures do you imagine while listening to the play?

3. What mood does the music create in the listener?

3. For an answer, you can use the following words and expressions:

When you listen to a play, you imagine...

The composer managed to convey in the play ...

Tchaikovsky's music fills the soul... slide.

3) Russian writers and poets also addressed the theme of Maslenitsa Slide No. 9

A. Fet wrote about Maslenitsa like this

Everywhere the eye is occupied with a diverse picture,

Noisy crowd of idle people, something happy.

Some secret thirst inflamed soul,

And spring sweeps over the soul of everyone ...

But perhaps the most vivid literary image of Maslenitsa was created by a Russian writer turn of XIX- XX centuries Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev

In his story "The Summer of the Lord" there is a whole chapter devoted to this holiday. In it, the author described his childhood experiences.

Open the book to p.257, read the beginning of the chapter.

What remains in the memory of the writer?

4. Group task:

Guys, now you will work with excerpts from this work, write down the key words and tell us about the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa

1 group– prepares material about entertainment (p. 260)

Additionally individual task What other activities were there at the party?

Additionally, an individual task is about treats.

Group 2 - will conduct a short excursion to art gallery. Additionally - find in the text of "Maslenitsa" an excerpt that can describe the plot of Kustodiev's painting (pp. 260-261) slide No. 10

Let's look at Surikov's painting "The Capture of the Snow Town". What carnival fun did the artist depict?

Using the technique word drawing, describe what is shown in the reproduction. Slide #11

3group- tell us about the treats (p. 258)

Your performances should be emotional, expressive, clear, loud.

Collective work with an extract on attitudes towards the poor and disadvantaged (p. 263)

What is the most important day of Shrove Tuesday? Why?

Shrovetide Sunday is popularly called "Forgiven". This is the day when people ask each other: "Forgive me, for Christ's sake, what am I guilty of before you!" And they hear in response: “Forgive me, too!” All grievances are forgotten, and the Russian people are looking forward to the arrival of spring.

Uch. We see off Maslenitsa - we meet spring!

The guest stayed - she said goodbye to the winter.

Farewell, Shrovetide! goodbye red


Thanks friends!

You have prepared a good meeting and good farewell for me.

I walked with you, now I got into the sleigh,

I sang and danced, I was painfully tired.

The fun is over - get down to business. slide sled

4. Summing up the lesson.

Treating guests with pancakes.

5. Homework.

Probably, each of you will find something to ask for forgiveness from your parents, friends, classmates. Try to sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, ask for their forgiveness in the form of a letter.


Management department


Maslenitsa. The history of the holiday and its traditions

Completed by: student of group 7161

Chebotarkova M. D.

Checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor

Dudkina S.A.


Have fun honest people

After all, spring is just around the corner.

The Russian holiday is coming to us

By leaps and bounds.

From time immemorial

He's called the Butterfly.

He became dear to Russia,

With him, spring will smile at us.

Spring day, how bright it is!

Rus', loving, meets her,

Fresh, festive pancake

The table usually decorates.

Was given by the Gentiles

This day is blessed...

Sochi, Biysk and Magadan

They baked excellent pancakes.

Was the ancestor a barbarian, or not?

It is unlikely that anyone knows.

From pagan signs,

The role of Yaril - a pancake plays.

Anger squandered winter

Its snow melts under the sun,

long-awaited spring

The door quietly opens.

Rus' starts a round dance,

Treats everyone with pancakes,

All people are invited:

Have fun people with us!

Rituals on Shrovetide

Shrovetide is one of the favorite Russian holidays. This holiday is unusual, contains many different rituals and traditions. The most beloved and beautiful Shrovetide rite there was sledding. Everyone who had a horse rode out, and through the streets of cities and villages, teams of various colors raced: the rich flaunted sleek trotters and painted sledges, covered carpets and bear skins, peasant horses were cleaned to a shine, decorated with colored ribbons and paper flowers.

A long-standing folk custom gave special enthusiasm to sleigh rides: the “young” who got married in the winter drove through the streets “to show themselves”, made visits to relatives and friends. Everywhere they were in the center of attention, and this meant universal approval and recognition of the concluded union. Often, the engaged grooms took out beautiful brides for show to all honest people. “Newlyweds” and the betrothed were immediately recognized: both by their happy faces, and by their smart outfits, and especially by the fact that they were supposed to ride embracing.

Skiing on Shrovetide was ubiquitous. Everyone took part in it - both old and young. Skiing from the mountains was given a special meaning.

Children rode from the mountains all the days of Maslenitsa, while adults joined them later, from about Wednesday - Thursday. All married couples of the village had to roll down once. Skiing from the mountains was accompanied by songs, which were sung mainly by girls who were waiting for their turn to ride. As a rule, from Wednesday, unmarried youth also actively joined in riding from the mountains and on horseback. In some places there was even a custom to carry their midwives.

For mass skating, large sleds were used, which could accommodate 8-10 people, led by a "helmsman". They also rode on small sleds, wooden logs, overturned benches (“goats”), pre-fitted boxes with a frosted bottom (“frost”), thick pieces of ice carved in the river.

Scarecrow of Winter - main character Shrovetide

The culmination of Maslenitsa is the burning of the effigy of Winter - a symbol of the departure of winter and the onset of spring. The burning is preceded by songs, games, dances, round dances, accompanied by a treat with hot sbitn (honey drink) and pancakes, and buns - larks. As a sacrifice (once it was understood in this way), they made a huge funny and scary doll - a stuffed Shrovetide from straw or rags, usually dressed up in women's clothing, as an ancient sacred image of a deity. Then they carried it through the whole village, sometimes putting a stuffed animal on a wheel, stuck on top of a pole; leaving the village, the scarecrow was either drowned in the hole, or burned, or simply torn to pieces, and the remaining straw was scattered across the field. Sometimes, instead of a doll, they drove around the village a live “Maslenitsa”: smartly dressed girl or a woman, an old woman, or even an old man in rags. Then, to the sound of shouting and hooting, they were taken out of the village and planted there or dumped into the snow (“they held Maslenitsa”).

This fertility rite is associated with the idea of ​​rebirth through sacrifice and death; fruitful forces of nature, its renewal life force. It turns out that on this primitive holiday the people laid deep meaning: the birth of life through struggle, death and resurrection. The Christian Church tried to eradicate this holiday as a pagan one, but was only able to slightly postpone it and reduce the days of celebration from fourteen to eight.

Another version of this ceremony looks like this: a straw doll is taken out on a sled large sizes dressed up in National Costume. This is winter. They set her up in the center of the campfire site and say goodbye to her with jokes, songs, dances, scolding her for frosts and winter hunger and thanking her for fun winter fun. After that, the effigy is set on fire to cheerful exclamations and songs. When Winter burns down - the final fun completes the holiday: the youth jumps over the fire. With this competition in fun and dexterity, the Maslenitsa holiday ends.

And here is another village ritual of burning a stuffed carnival, which took place on Sunday - the last day of the holiday (unfortunately, this ritual of the holiday is almost lost). "Madame - Maslenitsa" was piled on a sleigh, next to it beautiful girl, and three young people were harnessed to the sleigh, who were carrying Maslenitsa through the winter streets. The Maslenitsa "train" followed the sleigh: a whole line of sleighs accompanying Maslenitsa. Behind the outskirts, a large fire was arranged. They gave an effigy of Shrovetide a pancake, after which “Madame - Shrovetide” was burned at the stake with the words: “Burn, pancakes, burn, Shrovetide!” It was as if pancakes were used to bury Maslenitsa, sacrificing them (pancakes were thrown into the fire) as a symbol of future fertility.

The ritual burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa also had ancient meaning: destruction
the symbol of winter was necessary for the resurrection of his strength in the spring in cereals. According to the idea of ​​the ancient Slavs, the ascended grains are, as it were, a resurrected dead person; the death of grain in the soil is necessary for the rebirth of its new life in the ear.

In the same place, where they did not make stuffed Maslenitsa, the ceremony of "seeing off Maslenitsa" consisted mainly in kindling village fires on a hill outside the village or near the river. In addition to firewood, they threw all sorts of junk into the fires - bast shoes, harrows, wallets, brooms, barrels and other unnecessary things that were previously collected by children throughout the village, and sometimes stolen specially for this. Sometimes they burned a wheel in a fire, a symbol of the sun, associated with the approaching spring; it was more often put on a pole stuck in the middle of a fire.

Among the Western and Southern Slavs, the Russian "Maslenitsa" corresponded to Zapust, Mensopust, Pust and some other characters - scarecrows, the "wiring" of which ended the Maslenitsa week.

In the central regions of Russia, the "seeing off the carnival" was accompanied by the removal of cultural space fast food, symbolizing Shrovetide. Therefore, the remains of pancakes and butter were sometimes burned in bonfires, milk was poured there, but more often they simply told the children that all the quick dishes were burned in the bonfire.

Pancakes for Maslenitsa

Pancakes are a dish whose ritual use is known from Eastern Slavs, mainly among the Russians. In other Slavic zones, a similar role in rituals is played by different kinds bread, porridge (kutya) or grain. The main symbolism of pancakes is associated with the idea of ​​death and the other world: pancakes are dedicated to the dead, symbolically feed the souls of their ancestors with them, pass pancakes to the "other world" in the coffin with the dead, etc. Intermediaries between the real and the other world are persons who are "outside": beggars, wanderers, carolers, who are given pancakes. Pancakes are also intended for the betrothed, the first person you meet, the shepherd, cattle, Christ, St. Vlasy, the effigy of Maslenitsa, Frost, etc. Special meaning in rituals it has a hot, first pancake and a pancake baked last, dry, lying on top of the foot, in divination - a salty pancake. Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes were baked in Rus' all year round, but nevertheless it was they who became the main treat and symbol of the Maslenitsa holiday, apparently because the round ruddy pancake looks like a hot summer sun, which they have been waiting for all the long winter. Each housewife had her own special recipe for making pancakes. This recipe was passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, then to granddaughter and beyond. They baked pancakes from wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn flour, sometimes with the addition of millet or semolina porridge, potatoes, pumpkins, apples, and cream. In the villages, the dough was set on Monday night, so that in the morning, by breakfast, a stack of fragrant pancakes “hot, hot” would already rise on the table. There was interesting custom: the first pancake has always been for the repose, it is dedicated to Vlasy or the dead. The pancake, baked first on Shrove Week, was laid out for the “parents” on the dormer window, shrine, roof or grave, given to the poor in memory of their ancestors, or eaten for the repose of the dead. If it was placed on the dormer window “for the souls of the parents”, then they would definitely say: “Our honest parents, here is a pancake for your darling!” In the cities, the first pancake was given to the beggar, so that he would remember all the dead.

In the ritual of the funeral of Maslenitsa, a pancake is given into the hands of an effigy, which will be burned.

They ate pancakes from morning to evening, alternating with other dishes. Butter yeast pancakes were especially popular during this period, which were sold from stalls on every corner, served in taverns and eateries along with sour cream, mushrooms, caviar, herring, sprat, whipped cream, jam, honey. Washed them down with tea, sbitn, hot milk. In the famous St. Petersburg and Moscow restaurants, efficient sex workers, along with a menu card, placed on the tables printed congratulations on Shrovetide, often written in verse and decorated with bright drawings.

He called - called honest Semik a wide Maslenitsa to visit him in the yard. Are you my soul, Maslenitsa, quail bones, your paper body, your sugary lips, your sweet speech! Come to visit me, ride in the wide yard on the mountains, roll in pancakes, amuse your heart. Oh, my Shrovetide, red beauty, fair-haired braid, thirty brothers, sister, forty grandmothers, granddaughter, three-mother's daughter, kitty-yasochka, you are my quail! Come to my plank house to amuse your soul, have fun with your mind, enjoy your speech. How honest Semik rode out to meet Maslenitsa in a sleigh, wearing only footcloths, without bast shoes. The honest Maslenitsa, the broad noblewoman, came to Semik’s courtyard in the mountains to ride, roll in pancakes, and amuse the heart. Semik beats her with his forehead on a sleigh, in some footcloths, without bast shoes. How is it here that the honest Maslenitsa rode in the mountains, rolled in pancakes, and amused her heart. Semik hits her with his forehead, bows, calls to the square tower, to the oak table, to green wine. Honest Maslenitsa, a broad noblewoman, came in to Semik in the plank tower, sat down at an oak table, to green wine. Just like she, honest Maslenitsa, amused her soul, had fun with her mind, enjoyed her speech! Carnival has arrived! Carnival has arrived!

In conclusion, jokes about Shrove Tuesday:

At Shrove Tuesday in the Central City Park of Culture and Leisure, a traditional best singer and a dancer. The winners ... were taken to the sobering-up station.

The son-in-law comes to his mother-in-law for pancakes.

Help yourself, son-in-law, says the mother-in-law.

He eats and praises, and the hostess barely has time to bake new ones.

Good, - says the son-in-law, - you have pancakes, but that's just a little fat.

So you don't take two then!

How did you celebrate Maslenitsa?

Amazing! In the morning I burned an effigy of my mother-in-law, she understood the hint and in the evening

At the end of winter, Russians celebrate Maslenitsa. And those who are poorer celebrate Margarine.



2. Kapitsa F. S. Slavic traditional beliefs, holidays and rituals: a Handbook. - 2nd ed. - m.: Flinta: Science, 2001. -216 p.

3. Snegirev I. Russians are simple folk holidays feasts and superstitious rites. - M., 1838. - Issue. 1-4.

4. Sokolova V. Spring-summer calendar rites Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. - M., 1957

5. Kharlitsky M., Khromov S. Russian holidays, folk customs, traditions, rituals: A book for reading. - M., 1996

Belyaeva Svetlana Anatolievna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MBOU secondary school №1
Locality: city ​​of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region
Material name: methodical development
Subject:"Maslenitsa in folklore and in Russian literature"
Publication date: 09.08.2017
Chapter: secondary education

1. Russian Maslenitsa

1.1 History of the holiday




















pagans, met both Maslenitsa and the New Year at the same time. In the XIV century

stopped celebrating the New Year in March. Maslenitsa

still remains one of

the most important holidays in Russia. Today it is not associated with the New Year, but is associated with

Great post. The term of Great Lent depends on the traveling church calendar, And

therefore the dates of Shrove Tuesday are mobile. It starts 56 days before Easter. Usually

Maslenitsa falls at the end of February - beginning of March.

In the old days Maslenitsa lasted 14 days, but in 1698 the patriarch shortened the time

of this holiday to one week, moving it to the first week of light fasting.




restrictions on the consumption of modest food, prohibiting

all kinds of entertainment and amusements, affecting various areas family

relations, but, in addition, demanding from the peasant the purification of the soul and the rejection of all

worldly temptations.






the next version is likely and common. On Maslenitsa, people tried to appease,

that is, to “butter” the spring, so the holiday was called “Shrovetide”. Second

version, this name of the holiday appeared after the adoption of Christianity. During the week






a name associated with butter pancakes.

There are several other names for this holiday. The name Myasopust is connected

with a church ban on eating meat. Cheese Week – Eating Cheese with Permission

and dairy products. Pancake Week (Pancake, Pancake) - with the custom of meeting

pancake holiday. Gluttonous week or Obyedukha - from folk performance About,

that if you do not eat up on Maslenitsa, then the next year will not be abundant and

hungry. The history of the Maslenitsa holiday goes deep into

throughout its existence, it

didn't change, didn't

experienced the influence of Christianity, with the exception of the prohibition of meat food and the custom

ask each other's forgiveness on the Sunday before Lent."

1.2 Traditions, customs and rituals of Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa was celebrated for a whole week, called Maslenitsa or cheese,




Maslenitsa included the first three days of the week: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday;



Sunday. However, in some places, preparations for the Maslenitsa meeting began with

Saturday of the previous week, which was called Small Maslenitsa or Motley

weeks. Saturday of Motley Week - Parents' Day - the first time in the new year

commemorated the deceased parents and relatives. The following Sunday after it -

the last day when meat was allowed to be eaten is called

Meat. As the well-known folklorist I.P. Sakharov, all days oily

weeks have their own special names: Monday - "meeting", Tuesday - "tricks",

Wednesday - "gourmet", Thursday - "wide", Friday - "mother-in-law party", Saturday -

“sister-in-law gatherings”, Sunday - “forgiveness day” (“seeing off”).

Day one - "Meeting", Narrow Shrovetide. On this day they met Maslenitsa:



Shrovetide, dressed him up and drove through the streets. On the first day of Maslenitsa, children drove

round dances

it was thought




relatives to agree on the procedure for visiting each other, joint entertainment

and travel to fairs.

Tuesday - "Games". Started on Tuesday funny Games. Youth in the morning


Historian and

everyday writer M.I. Pylyaev in the book "Old Life" describes the festivities on Maslenitsa in the following way:

“In a number of different amusements of the old time, the first place was occupied by

rolling mountains,

carousels, swings, etc. games. All these pleasures were arranged in the squares for

amusements of the people throughout Maslenitsa.


pancakes". Wednesday

opened treats in all houses with pancakes and



invited my son-in-law to pancakes. For many young couples, this is visiting the wife's house.

weddings. by the most

were considered


holiday, called "wide" or "riotous" Maslenitsa. The day before should

take a bath to wash away all the hardships and misfortunes of the past year. In houses

stopped all types of work, began to visit relatives and friends,

ride from the mountains, go to fairs, etc.

Thursday - "Razgulyay", "fracture", "wide Thursday".


u s t r a i v a l i

big festivities. Fistfights and the capture of a snowy town took place in many places.

A stuffed animal on a wheel was carried through the streets, they sang, had fun and arranged horseback riding.

It was believed that this custom helps the sun to spend the winter faster.

Friday - Mother-in-law evening. On this day, the son-in-law arranged a "party" for the mother-in-law.

The day before, he himself invited her to pancakes or did it through messengers. Mother-in-law sent

everything he needs for pancakes: a frying pan and food. Friday to the young spouse

friends from his wedding came to help bake pancakes.

Saturday - "Zolovkin gatherings." On Saturday, her young daughter-in-law came to her

girlfriends and sisters of the husband (sisters-in-law). The hostess covered for

guests a festive table and

gave gifts to the sister-in-law. On this day, the festive revelry and feast continued.






Maslenitsa was widely celebrated. In the morning, the children collected firewood for a fire to burn

Maslenitsa. Young people in a sleigh with a stuffed Maslenitsa rode around the village until dark,

songs and noise. Late in the evening everyone went out for the winter and here on the cooked

tossing up


"Maslenitsa, farewell! Come back this year!” Before Clean Monday

our ancestors from open mind asked each other for forgiveness and begged to forget

resentment, do not hold a grudge. On the same day, they visited the cemetery and the graves of deceased parents.

Farewell to Maslenitsa ended on the first day of Lent, Pure

Monday, which was considered the day of cleansing from sin and fast food. On this day

it was customary to clean the house from the “spirit of Maslenitsa”, take a bath, put on everything

pure, that is, meet fasting in pure. Russians saw off Maslenitsa

met spring - this is its most important tradition.

In this last winter holiday






straw effigy, burning it, throwing it into the water, games, disguise belong to



the day before


addressed both to people living and to those who have passed away from this life, refers to the customs


2. Maslenitsa in folklore and in Russian literature

2.1. Folklore




people, with the festive clothes of his soul, fill with deep content his entire

dimensional life, flowing according to the customs and rituals associated with his work, nature and

honoring fathers and grandfathers. The theme of Maslenitsa is reflected in folk art in

the form of proverbs, sayings, riddles, songs, chants, etc.

Proverbs and sayings about

Shrovetide appeared a long time ago, from them we learn about the traditions, customs of this

holiday: “This is Maslenitsa, pancake and honey brings”, “We rode in the mountains, in pancakes

lying around”, “Not life, but Shrovetide”, “Shrovetide for seven days we walk”, “Not all

Maslenitsa cat, there will be Great Lent. Maslenitsa was known as one of the wildest

holidays: "They ate until they had hiccups, drank until they were dandruff, sang until they were tired, danced until they dropped." All


Turns out,


souls of deceased parents. They put him on the windowsill and said at the same time: “Our honest

parents! Here is a pancake for your soul!” The tradition was fixed in the proverb: "lump" -

so not for me. Rather, it will be lumpy for me if I forget who gets the first pancake. with pancakes

mocking characteristics of people are also connected: “He lies that he bakes pancakes” (about the deceitful

person); “Do not feed pancake, give water to drink first” (give people the main thing); "Like pancakes

bakes ”(does it quickly and well), etc. It used to be a business to feed half a dozen sons-in-law

ruinous. Hence the saying "Shrovetide - a roundabout -

save the money." But

you can’t do anything: “Though lay yourself down, but spend Maslenitsa!”. Compiled many riddles

people about Shrovetide, about the days of Shrovetide week, about the main attribute of the holiday -

Maslenitsa week was accompanied by ritual songs. They called Shrovetide in them,

greeted, scolded, ridiculed, called to return,

called comic

human names: Avdotyushka, Izotievna, Akulina Savvishna, etc. In Russian

Shrovetide songs were also sung about the abundance of food on holiday table, about entertainment

on Shrovetide week. On the last day of Maslenitsa, sad farewells sounded

2.2 Russian literature

The image of Shrovetide, so firmly entrenched in our culture, served as a source

poetic inspirations of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.I. Tyutcheva, A.A. Feta, P.

A. Vyazemsky and many other Russian poets. In a poem by P. Vyazemsky, together with

as a lyrical hero, we feel the approach of spring, which the soul is secretly waiting for. Author

conveys to us the general joy that embraces the entire “baptized world”. In a poem

A. Fet, the personal mood of the hero merges with general mood other people, expresses

it and dissolves in it. The theme of forgiveness sounds in the poem by A. Dementiev

"Forgiveness Sunday".

Maslenitsa written a lot works of art. In the book of I.S. Shmeleva

"The Summer of the Lord" a whole chapter is devoted to this holiday. The author describes his childhood

impression. The hero of the story feels his kinship with the world, the unity of people, animals,

nature is the most important feature Russian national character. "Maslenitsa...

I still feel this word, as I felt it in childhood: bright spots, ringing


The image of Maslenitsa is expressed through familiar details: stoves, waves



denotes his state - “bright joy”, which is born in him with only one

memories of a sparkling, "affectionate" holiday.

The Moscow life of the beginning of the 20th century is expressively shown during Shrovetide week in

Ivan Bunin's story "Clean Monday", in addition, the work contains

reminder: after the merry Maslenitsa, Great Lent will come. Clean Monday

Bunin knowingly chose for turning point in the fate of the characters in the story. First day





a man who loves her to suffer from parting, but

herself, drastically changing her life,

finds the meaning of his existence.

the hero of I. Bunin's story "Snowdrop" is also comprehending the essence of being

a person on the eve of Clean Monday: life is fragile and perishable, so it becomes

disgusting if it lacks authenticity and beauty. It is this understanding

of life comes to a boy-gymnasium student, when

father from the village.


turned to the theme of Maslenitsa and its indispensable attribute - pancakes. Hero of the story

"Stupid Frenchman"

amazed at the abundance of food that fills the tables during

Maslenitsa celebrations.



thoroughly prepares the reader to survive this

culinary chaos. In the story "About frailty"



if these tips are ignored. In the story "Pancakes" Chekhov not only talks about

meaning of pancakes in everyday life, but also reflects on the place of pancakes in science.

o b o w l a

attention fun party Russian writer N.A. Lokhvitskaya (Teffi).

"Pancakes" is about how to explain to a foreigner what pancakes are.

In the story of A. Averchenko

"Pancakes" we meet a six-year-old boy, Dodi, who is told by his mother that

tomorrow there will be pancakes and guests will come to them. The hero does not yet know what this wonderful dish is and

so looking forward to the next day with such anticipation. Poetically described pancakes by A.I.

Kuprin in the novel "Junkers": "From Monday of Shrovetide week they began to bake pancakes

The main treat of the holiday. Pancake is red and hot, like everything warming up is hot

the sun is fucking watered vegetable oil is the memory of the sacrifices made

powerful stone idols. Pancake - a symbol of the sun, red days, good

harvests, good marriages, and healthy children.”




showed almost all the existing vices of the abundant food of Shrovetide week. A

it all started with pancakes. A. Averchenko's story "Wide Shrovetide" ridiculed not

only gluttony, but also the desire to "appease" right person, hypocrisy, stinginess.

The topic of the national holiday Maslenitsa was also addressed

addressed by many writers and poets. In their works they show us their

vision, feeling of this holiday. Big role in understanding traditions, customs

Maslenitsa plays oral folk art: ritual songs, proverbs, sayings,

riddles, beliefs and signs, getting acquainted with which, we discover something new for ourselves,



1.Vinogradova L.N. Winter calendar poetry of Western and Eastern Slavs [Text]: /

L.N. Vinogradov. - M.: "Nauka", 2012. - 250 p.

2. Gromova I.P. Orthodox and folk holidays [Text]: / I.P. Gromov. - M .: Bustard,

2011. - 350 p.

3. Zabylin M.S.

Russian people. His customs, rituals, legends, superstitions, poetry [Text]: / M.S. Zabylin. -

Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012. - 200p.

4. Pylyaev M.I. old

life [Text]: / M.I. Pylyaev. - M .: "Elite", 2011. - 300 p. 5. Sakharov I.P. legends

Russian people [Text]: / I.P. Sakharov. – M.: Enlightenment, 2010. – 450 p.

6. Shangina I.I. Russians

traditional holidays [Text]: / I.I. Shangina. - M.: "Azbuka-Klassika", 2008. - 336 p.



Shrovetide revelry unfolds in full breadth, and all baptized Rus' with

sincere simplicity indulges in all sorts of fun. Balagannye,

ice mountains, swings, fistfights, noisy fun - these are Maslenitsa

entertainment throughout the vast Rus' ... "



Maslenitsa was at the courtyard, but she didn’t go into the house.

Without pancakes - not Maslenitsa.

Pancake is not a sheaf - you can’t stick it on a pitchfork.

Pancakes are relatives of the sun.

Pancake is not a wedge - the belly will not split.

Where pancakes - here we are!

Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like spring wheels.

On Forgiveness Day - like on Easter everyone kisses!

My soul is a carnival, your quail bones, your paper body.

And the most cold-blooded person loves hot pancakes.

Looking for forty years Maslenitsa and three years of small holidays

As in Shrovetide week, pancakes flew to the ceiling.

To whom is Maslenitsa, but solid, and to us Palm and Passionate.

Maslenitsa without pancakes is like a name day without pies.

Oil is not given forever. Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting without

Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away.

Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

Maslenitsa Semikov's niece.

We see off Shrovetide, we expect the light of the sun.

We ask for mercy to us about Maslenitsa with our kindness and with an honest stomach!

We thought Shrove Tuesday was seven weeks, but it was only seven days.

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

Have fun on Maslenaya and treat yourself to a pancake.

Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat, but there will be Great Lent.

Not life-being, but Maslenitsa.

Let's pay our respects at cheese on Sunday.

Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting without oil.

After Maslenitsa - Great Lent, and after Passion - Easter.

Sugar lips, sweet speech, red beauty, rusa braid, thirty brothers sister. forty

granddaughter of grandmothers, daughter of three mothers, yasochka, you are my quail.

Thirty brothers sister, forty grandmothers granddaughter, three mothers Maslyan's daughter.

At least lay down everything from yourself, but celebrate Maslenitsa!

So that you can be carried up to your elbows, and eat up to your throat.

This Maslenitsa is coming, pancakes and honey are coming.

Iron current, spring settlement. (Pancake in a frying pan.)

You’ll drip on a bald patch, insert it, steam it, take it out, fix it. (Pancakes are baked.)

The shores are iron, fish without bones, water is expensive. (Frying pan, pancake and butter.)

The king bird sits on golden testicles. (Frying pan on coals.)

Everyone is baking pancakes ,

They give us plenty to eat,

We burn the effigy of winter,

And we invite spring to us. (Maslenitsa)

Everywhere fairs, festivities,

All the people are having fun!

See off the winter, the cold,

After all, spring is at the gate!

Rest all week

Everyone is served pancakes! (Maslenitsa)

There were dashing horses,

And golden pancakes

Tell me honest people

Who is being brought to visit us? (Shrovetide)

And we met Shrovetide,

They filled the mountain with cheese,

They poured oil on the mountain,

They called out to the wide yard. (Pancakes)

We met Shrovetide

Rolled a big hill

We poured oil on the hill,

All friends were treated. (Pancakes)

What a feast - a meal!

On this day we bake pancakes.

We will anoint them with jam -

How delicious they are! (Shrovetide)

This holiday is a treat!

Let's bake pancakes in the morning.

To them - sour cream and jam

And, of course, caviar! (Shrovetide)

Shrovetide is a delight!

We bake pancakes in the morning.

They also have butter and jam.

Well, maybe ..! (Caviar)

Before fasting - folk festivals,

Meat eater, fun and pancakes.

And with the fierce winter goodbye

According to the precepts of good antiquity. (Maslenitsa)

Drive the blizzards away from us

Ride on the carousel.

Melt the cold ice

May spring come soon! (Maslenitsa)

To the frying pan with a stream

From the pan in the sun. (Crap)

I meet you on Monday

I'll play on Tuesday.

On Wednesday I will treat you all,

Wednesday is a treat for everyone.

And on Thursday, revelry for everyone.

On Friday I go to my mother-in-law

And on Saturday, to the sister-in-law.

I forgive everyone on Sunday

And I serve pancakes.

How do you guide me

There is a post already at the yard. (7 days of Maslenitsa)

I'm standing on six

I look down

Body, hands, head

I have everything from straw.

Ritualized, brought

They burned me with songs. (Scarecrow of carnival)

On Maslenitsa Sunday

All tried old Titus

Ask everyone for forgiveness

And answer: ... ("God will forgive!")

Who plays the dude

All day,

Who dances and sings

Amuses all the people?

Oh, the boy is not bad,

And it's called - ... (Buffoon)

Maslenitsa meeting

Monday - meeting

And we met Shrovetide,

Met, soul, met,

We visited the mountain

Pancake lined the mountain,

They filled the mountain with cheese,

They poured oil on the mountain,

Watered, soul, watered.

Hello, Shrovetide annual,

Our dear guest!

Come to us on black horses,

Yes, on the sled ambulance painted.

So that the servants in the sledge were young,

Dear gifts would bring us:

And pancakes, and pancakes, and kalachi,

To us in the stove and in the window their swords!

Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,

quail bones,

Your paper body

Your sugary lips

Sweet speech!

Come visit us in the wide yard,

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes,

Cheer up your heart!

Come out, people, to the great miracle,

Meet Maslenitsa, they are bringing her to us!

Our Shrovetide is annual,

She is a dear guest

She does not walk to us,

Everything rides on horseback!

So that the horses were black,

To keep the servants young!

Hello Maslenitsa!

Oh, how we waited for Shrove Tuesday,

They waited, they waited, they waited.

Peas were laid with cheese,

Laid down, Lyuli, laid down.

Topped with oil.

Oh you Shrovetide, be katliva

Be katliva, lyuli, be katliva ...

Our dear Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Izotievna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

The scythe is long, triarshiny,

Scarlet ribbon, two-fifty,

A white scarf, new-fashioned,

Eyebrows are black, pointed,

The fur coat is blue, the swallows are red,

Bast shoes are often big-headed,

The footcloths are white, whitewashed!

Like butter week

We wanted pancakes!

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You, my pancakes!

Our older sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You, my pancakes!

On the tray she puts

And she brings it to the table.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You, my pancakes!

Oh yes, Maslenitsa is entering the yard,

Wide enters the yard!

And we girls meet her,

And we, the Reds, meet her!

Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,

Wide, stay with another!

Maslenitsa: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

Wide: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

"Oh yes Maslenitsa, fasting is still far away,

Wide, the post is still far away!"

Farewell to Shrovetide

Goodbye Shrovetide spinner

A great post is coming.

Everyone in the village arrived

Serve herring tail!

Like butter week

Pancakes flew into the ceiling!

You are Maslenitsa, you are a liar,

She said seven weeks, and only one day remained!

Goodbye Shrovetide

Farewell, red!

Great post is coming

They will give us a radish tail.

But we do not take radishes,

Cat by the ears!


You fooled us, you bastard!

Left us for sour kvass

For lean cabbage soup,

For hungry meals.

Hey Shrovetide,


Brought to the post -

She ran away!

Shrovetide, come back!

IN New Year show yourself!

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,

Semenov's niece

Cheated, spent

Didn't let me walk.


A. Dementiev

Forgiveness Sunday

I forgive everyone who cannot be forgiven.

Who paved my roads with slander.

The Lord taught: "Do not be strict with your neighbors.

All the same, the earth will reconcile you all."

I forgive those who kind words

He told me, not believing in them at all.

And yet, as sad as it was,

My confidence was right.

I forgive everyone who wished me harm.

But I did not console my soul with revenge.

Because in battles, too, is not sinless.

Someone and mine found an arrow.

A. A. Fet

Willow is all fluffy ...

Everywhere diverse

The eye is busy with the picture,

Noisy crowd idle

The people are happy about something ...

Some secret longing

The soul is inflamed

And over the soul of everyone

Spring is coming…

P.A. Vyazemsky

Carnival on the other side

Hello, in a white sundress

From silver brocade!

Diamonds burn on you

Like bright rays.

You are a life-giving smile

Fresh beauty of the face

You awaken to new feelings

Sleepy hearts!

Hello Russian girl,

Coloring soul,

white winch,

Hello mother winter!

Shrovetide is coming soon

A wide feast will boil,

And pancakes and tincture

The baptized world will wrap up.

The city, villages roamed,

Old and young went for a walk, -

All winter is a dear guest,

Every carnival is happy.

There is no end to the cheerful clicks

Songs, remove, feasts.

Where are the unfortunate Germans

Echo you, heroes?

M.Yu. Lermontov

Among the heavenly bodies...

Among the heavenly bodies

The face of the moon is misty

How round he is and how white he is,

Like a pancake with sour cream.

Every night she's in the rays

The Milky Way passes.

Apparently there in heaven

Shrovetide forever!

K. Stupnitsky


Wide Maslenitsa - Cheese Week!

You came dressed up to us to meet Spring.

Bake pancakes and have fun all week

To drive the cold winter out of the house! Morning… MONDAY… “MEETING” is coming.

Bright sleds glide from the hills.

All day fun. Evening is coming...

Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes. "ZAGRYSH" careless - TUESDAY joy.

All walk, frolic came out as one!

Games and fun, and for them - a reward:

Sweet and ruddy pancake! Here WEDNESDAY fits - "Gourmet" is called.

Each hostess conjures at the stove.

Kulebyaki, syrniki - they succeed in everything.

Pies and pancakes - all swords on the table! And on THURSDAY - the open-air "Razglyay" comes.

Ice fortresses, snow fights...

Troikas with bells enter the fields.

Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed. FRIDAY has come - "EVENINGS at the mother-in-law" ...

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!

Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,

We ate with sour cream, honey, butter. SATURDAY is coming - "SIS-IN-LAW TREATMENT".

All relatives meet, lead a round dance.

The holiday continues, the general fun.

Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people! SUNDAY bright comes quickly.

Everything relieves the soul in the "FORGIVENESS DAY".

Straw scarecrow - Zimushka - is burned,

Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt ... Lush festivities The fair crowns.

Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!

Ivan Shmelev. "Summer of the Lord"

“Now the holidays have faded, and people seem to have cooled off. And then ... everyone and everyone was

old man

who came

an unfamiliar trio, rushing off into the darkness with a ringing. And God

in the sky, behind the stars, looked affectionately at everyone, carnival,

walk! In this broad word and now still alive for me

bright joy." "Shrovetide ... I still feel it now

word, as I felt it in childhood: bright spots, ringing -

it evokes in me; flaming candles, bluish waves of fumes

in the contented rumble of the gathered people, bumpy, snowy

road, already oiled in the sun, with people diving along it








"Shrovetide is in ruins. Such a sun that warmed up the puddles.

The barns are gleaming with icicles. There are guys with funny bundles

balls, hurdy-gurdies hum. Factory, bulk, ride on




they try to tear each other out with their teeth - not to drop them, they merrily beat their muzzles.

“The table is huge. What is not on it! Fish, fish ... caviar in crystal, in ice,






cucumber eyes, lumps of pressed cheese, lumps of cheese, cartilage, sturgeon in vinegar, porcelain

vase with sour cream, in which upright spoons, pink oilers with golden bubbling

oil on camphor, decanters, bottles…”

“... Behind the ear and pies - again and again pancakes. Pancakes with spicy. Behind them is aspic,

again pancakes, already with double pripyok. Behind them are steam sturgeon, pancakes with undercooked. Bream

of extraordinary size, with fungi, with porridge, seven-versus navel, with Belozersky

smelt in croutons, sprinkled with mushroom sour cream, .. milk pancakes, light, pancakes with

testicles ... more boiled fish with pikeperch caviar, fried, orange jelly,

ice cream almond ".

A. I. Kuprin novel "Junkers"

“From Monday of Maslenitsa week they began to bake pancakes -

the main treat of the holiday. Pancake is red and hot, like everything is hot







good harvests

good marriages and healthy children.

I. Bunin. "Clean Monday"






met me already dressed, in a short astrakhan fur coat, in

astrakhan hat, in black felt boots "

A. Chekhov. "Stupid Frenchman"

Purqua looked around him and was horrified.


carried whole mountains of pancakes ... At the tables they sat





thought Purqua as he left the restaurant. - Not only

climate, but even their stomachs work wonders! ABOUT,

country, wonderful country!"

A. Chekhov. The story "Pancakes"

“Times give way, and little by little ancient customs, clothes,

songs; much has already disappeared and has only historical interest, but meanwhile such

nonsense, like pancakes, occupies in the modern Russian repertoire just as strong and

a familiar place, like 1000 years ago. There is no end in sight for them in the future ... Accepting








delicious circles of dough serve only the narrow purposes of cooking and philanthropy ... It's a shame and

for prescription and for exemplary, purely Spartan stamina ... Right, the kitchen and the womb are not

stand for thousands of years.

“In anthropology, they should occupy the same respectable place as a three-sazhen



regarding pancakes, this is simply due to the fact that pancakes are much easier to eat than

break their brains over them ... ".

A. Chekhov. "About frailty"

“But then, finally, the cook appeared with pancakes ... Semyon Petrovich, at the risk of burning

fingers, grabbed the top two, hottest pancakes and appetizingly slapped them on his

plate. The pancakes were fried, porous, plump ... After thinking a little, he put on

pancakes are the fattest piece of salmon, sprat and sardine, then, melaya and suffocating,

rolled both pancakes into a tube, opened his mouth ... But then he had an apoplexy.

M. Zoshchenko. The story "Merry Maslenitsa"

“Today, citizens, everything is clear and understandable. Let's say Maslenitsa has come - eat pancakes.

You want with sour cream, you want with butter. No one will say a word to you."

N. Taffy. The story "Wide Maslenitsa"

“From the kitchen, fumes are rushing, thick, oily. He cuts his eyes, and those gathered at the snack

guests squint and blink: “Pancakes are coming! They bring pancakes!” They do, but you won't have enough. Your

the neighbor took the last two, and you have to wait for the “hot ones”. But when they bring

"hot ones", it turns out that most have already eaten the first portion - and the servants

starts to feed again from the beginning ... "

A. Averchenko. The story "Wide Maslenitsa"

“Kulakov, but he thought this to himself, and said aloud:

Here they bring pancakes. With butter and sour cream.

And with caviar, add, - the guest said moralizingly. - Caviar is Martha and Onega of all

pancake, as one psalm reader used to say. Do you understand? This is him instead of Alpha and Omega

said... Martha and Onega! What is it? Hehe!"

I. Bunin. The story "Snowdrop"

“And yet, how imperceptibly this happy day flies, how blissfully and widely





takes on a humble and everyday look, even the market square is empty - and great grief

approaches Sasha: his father is leaving. Yes, even my father woke up today is not at all like that,

how I woke up all these Maslenitsa days. He is simple, quiet, preoccupied with something. And the horses already

stand on the porch. They are shaggy, their eyelashes are large, they have dried dough on their mustaches - God,

what a native, not urban, but rural, winter, infinitely cute look they have! lovely,

rustic and this sleigh stuffed with straw! And the worker is already standing in their box, in brown and

a rough coat, put on a sheepskin coat, with reins and a long whip in his hands ... More

minute - and these horses will run, these sleighs will run along Uspenskaya Street out of the city, into

gray snowy fields - and sorry, goodbye, the happiest week in my life!

Maslenitsa is the most Russian holiday. The most magnificent, the most delicious, the most colorful. The embodiment of the Russian soul, incomprehensible to a foreigner - this is necessary, so overeat to your own detriment!

From February 24 to March 2 - Maslenitsa week. A holiday rooted deep in the past. A lot has been written about how our ancestors celebrated Maslenitsa. Many classics in their works addressed this topic.

Unfortunately, everyone knows only one work that describes Maslenitsa - Ivan Shmelev's autobiographical story "The Summer of the Lord" (1927 - 1948). The journalists turned it into a well-worn quotation book, where you can find scenes of all Russian church holidays. But there are many other interesting descriptions Shrovetide.

Almost all the works that describe Maslenitsa were created before the revolution or tell about pre-revolutionary times (in Kuprin's story "Junker" (1932), the action takes place in 1889). Now, when fasting is a matter of personal choice, it is difficult to understand what a sharp contrast there was between the holiday week and the following time. During Great Lent, theaters and places of entertainment were closed, restaurants did not serve fast food, and they could be slammed for loud laughter. Therefore, on Maslenitsa they broke away as best they could.

Valery Syrov - Maslenitsa, 1998-1999

Eating twenty pieces of pancakes in one sitting was considered nothing, so, " light snack”, and connoisseurs swallowed pancakes whole, without chewing, - says the doctor historical sciences Vera Bokova, Leading Researcher, State historical museum, book author " Everyday life Moscow in the 19th century. - Actually, in Moscow they believed that it was the only way, without chewing, that they should be eaten (by the way, cutting a pancake with a knife was considered a sin). As a result, Maslenitsa was the hottest time for Moscow doctors.

Pieter Brueghel - Battle of Shrovetide and Lent, 1559

And for some Maslenitsa was also a time of tension of all spiritual forces. This is for marriageable girls and their mothers. Especially if they came "to Moscow for a fair of brides," like Tatyana Larina, from other provinces. I had to travel for weeks, crowding with relatives or renting an apartment, eating from the economy of frozen provisions seized from the village and splurge on outfits for my daughter. You will not have time to catch the groom before the post - return home without salty slurping. In the mid-1830s, the family of the landowner Yevgraf Saltykov came from the Tver province to Moscow to marry eldest daughter. Her brother Misha was about ten years old. Then he became a writer, added “Shchedrin” to his name and spoke about this Maslenitsa catching suitors in the story “ Poshekhonskaya antiquity».

K. E. Makovsky - festivities during Maslenitsa on Admiralteyskaya Square in St. Petersburg, 1869

"Moskvichka" presents to your attention the 7 most delicious descriptions Shrovetide in Russian classics

1 Maslenitsa fake

... Because of the icy Urals
How are you here by chance
How, dear, did you get
In this region of Busurman? (…)

No, beauty, not a place
Here for you, no use,
The snow here is loose dough,
The frost was sluggish and the people were sluggish.

How will they honor you, sir?
Is it a mug of beer,
Yes, a penny cigar,
Yes, smoked sausage. (…)

The German is numbered among the wise,
German - dock for everything,
The German is so thoughtful
that you fall into it.

But, according to our cover,
If a German is taken by surprise,
And especially in winter
German - your will! - bad.

Claude Monet - Boulevard des Capucines at Shrove Tuesday (1873)

2. Pancake week medical

§. Maslenitsa got its name from the Russian word for "oil", which is used in abundance during pancakes, like Chukhonian, and after pancakes, like oleum ricini (castor oil. - Approx. ed.). (…)
§. Before Shrove Tuesday, go to the master and get your stomach done. (…)
§. If, knowing or ignorant, your friends or enemies point a lantern to you, then do not go to the city government and do not offer services there as street lamp and go to sleep and sleep.
§. Not everything is carnival for the cat, and the great post will come. If you are a cat, then keep that in mind.

A.P. Chekhov. Shrovetide Rules of Discipline (1885)

B. Kustodiev "Shrovetide" (1916)

3. Maslenitsa edifying

Court adviser Semyon Petrovich Podtykin sat down at the table, covered his chest with a napkin and, burning with impatience, began to wait for the moment when pancakes would be served ... (...) Semyon Petrovich, risking burning his fingers, grabbed the top two, hottest pancakes and appetizingly slapped them on your plate. The pancakes were fried, porous, plump, like a merchant's daughter's shoulder... Podtykin smiled pleasantly, hiccupped with delight, and doused them with hot oil. Whereupon, as if whetting his appetite and enjoying the anticipation, he slowly, with an arrangement, smeared them with caviar. He poured sour cream over the places where the caviar did not fall ... All that remained now was to eat, wasn't it? But no!.. Podtykin looked at the work of his hands and was not satisfied... After thinking for a while, he put the fattest piece of salmon, sprat and sardine on the pancakes, then, melting and panting, rolled both pancakes into a pipe, drank a glass of vodka with feeling, grunted, opened his mouth ...
But then he had an apoplexy.

A.P. Chekhov. About Frailty (Shrovetide theme for a sermon) (1886)

Pyotr Nikolaevich Gruzinsky - Maslenitsa, 1889

4. Shrovetide practical

... From Christmas in the Noble Assembly, balls begin and periodically alternate until Lent itself.
Of these, the most important is considered to be the morning ball on Saturday at Shrove Tuesday. For girl brides, this is something like an exam. In daylight, rubbing will immediately show up, so that the girl involuntarily appears adorned with those gifts that are given to her by nature. (...) The sister could only slightly frown her eyebrows and, going to church, plucked her cheeks more diligently than usual. (…)
On Sunday, the last day of Maslenitsa, exactly at midnight, the cycle of Moscow amusements abruptly ended. (...) The family, which did not manage to enlist the last carnival entertainment, considered itself unhappy. She had to spend the whole day at home all alone, wandering around idle from corner to corner and consoling herself with the fact that Sunday, in fact, is already the beginning of Lent, since in churches on this day they bow and read “Lord, master of the stomach” .

IN Clean Monday Great Lent immediately came into its own. Bells were ringing at all intersections (...); the houses smelled of hemp oil. In a word, everything seemed to say: there is nothing to live in Moscow! everything she could give has already been taken!

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Poshekhonskaya antiquity (1887 - 1889)


5. Maslenitsa incomprehensible

The company was mixed - Russian-Italian. (…)
- Come to us in early spring, - the Italians said, - when everything is in bloom. You still have snow at the end of February, but what a beauty we have!
- Well, February is also good for us. We have carnival in February.
- Maslenitsa. We eat pancakes.
- What are pancakes? (…)
“Pancakes… the main thing in them is caviar,” another explained.
- This is a fish! - finally guessed one of the Italians. (…)
“Pancakes are eaten a lot,” the lady continued. - They'll eat about twenty. Then they get sick.
- Poisonous? - asked the Italians and made round eyes. - From the vegetable kingdom? (…)
But there was a solid, serious person between us - a mathematics teacher. He looked sternly at us, sternly at the Italians, and said clearly and distinctly:
- Now I will take the honor of explaining to you what a pancake is. To obtain this latter, a circle is taken three inches in diameter. Pi-er square is filled with a mass of flour with milk and yeast. Then the whole structure is subjected to slow action fire separated from it by an iron medium. To make the effect of fire on the pi-er square less intense, the iron medium is covered with oleic and stearic acids, i.e., the so-called oil. Obtained by heating
compact viscous-elastic mixture is then introduced through the esophagus into the human body, which in in large numbers harmful. (…)
The Italians whispered and asked timidly:
- And for what purpose are you doing all this?
The teacher raised his eyebrows, surprised at the question, and answered sternly:
- To have fun!

Teffi (N.A. Lokhvitskaya). Pancake (1916)

Paul Cezanne "Shrovetide" ("Pierrot and Harlequin") (1888)

6. Communist Maslenitsa

Today, citizens, everything is clear and understandable.
Let's say Maslenitsa came - eat pancakes. You want with sour cream, you want with butter. Nobody will say a word to you. (…)
Well, in 1919 the picture was different.
In 1919, many citizens walked around like crazy and did not know what kind of holiday it was - Maslenitsa. And can a Soviet citizen eat pancakes? Or is it a religious prejudice? (…)
And I ran out into the yard. And I see: in the yard the tenants are sausage. In such terrible longing they rush around the yard. And they whisper among themselves about something.
I whisper:
- Do not sausages about Maslenitsa, brothers?
- Yes, they answer, we look to see if the manager of the house is baking. And if it bakes, from the kitchen of children, then it’s like a decree - you can, then.
I volunteered to look into the kitchen. Looked like a key to the checkpoint. Nothing in the kitchen. And there's not even a pot. I run to the yard.
- No, I say, citizens, purely. No one and nothing, and the dough is not expected. (…)
Well, the class dispute broke out. And a woman always squeals in a dispute. And then some citizen squealed. And the house manager is on a squeal.
- What, he says, for the noise, but there is no fight?
Here I seem to be a delegate from the masses, I come forward and explain the misunderstanding of the citizens about the dough. And the house manager smiled in his heart and said:
- You can, he says, bake. Only, he says, do not chop wood in the kitchen. And what, he says, with regards to me, then I don’t have flour, that’s why I don’t bake.
The tenants clapped their hands and the stove went out. (…)
And many citizens even now are bobbing in anguish and do not know whether it is possible for a Soviet citizen to eat pancakes or whether this is a religious prejudice.
As recently as yesterday, the hostess came into my room and said:
- Oh, he says, and I don’t know ... Vanyushka, he says, mine is a responsible pioneer. Wouldn't mind pancakes. Can he, he says, eat them? A?
I remembered our house manager and answer:
- You can, I say, citizen. Eat. Only, I say, do not chop firewood in the kitchen and do not waste people's money on this.
Yes, citizens. Pop with sour cream.

Zoshchenko M.M. Now It's Clear (1925)

7. Maslenitsa nostalgic

... Today, the real tsar, the hero and hero of Moscow is a thousand-year-old pancake, the grandson of Dazhbog. (...) The pancake is red and hot, like a hot all-warming sun, the pancake is poured with melted butter - this is a memory of the sacrifices made to powerful stone idols. Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children.

Oh, the pagan specific principality of Moscow! She eats pancakes hot as fire, eats with butter, with sour cream, with granular caviar, with pressed caviar, with napkin caviar, with Achuevskaya, with chum salmon, with catfish, with herrings of all varieties, with sprats, sprats, sardines, with semushka and with Sizhk, with sturgeon balychk and white fish, with teshechka, and with sturgeon milk, and with smoked sterlet, and with the famous smelt from Lake Bela. They eat with a simple bookmark and with an intricately combined one.

And for ease of passage into the inside, each pancake is poured with various vodkas of forty varieties and forty infusions. (…)
And how many pancakes are eaten during Shrove Week in Moscow - no one could ever count this, because the numbers here are astronomical. The account would have to start in pounds, switch to Berkovtsy ( ancient measure weight equal to 10 pounds, i.e. 160 kg. - Approx. ed.), then into tons and after that already into six-masted cargo ships.

They ate for glory, in a pagan way, not knowing refusal. Ancient old-timers said with regret:
- Eh! Not that, not that people now went. People became liquid, not capacious. Judge for yourself: on pancakes at Petroseev's, Oganchikov the merchant made a bet with the grocer Tryasilov - who would eat more pancakes. And what do you think? On the thirty-second pancake, without moving from the spot, I gave my soul to God! Yes, people were crushed. (…)

Red Square was all crowded, and it was difficult to get through it. Clusters of countless balloons, flowers of red and white currant hung high in the air and seemed to rush upwards. (...) White bowls with soaked apples sprinkled with red cranberries stood in long rows, and a Moscow student, having bought a cold apple, defiantly ate it, loudly munching from youth and chills in his mouth. Eating soaked apples on Maslenaya is an old rite of passage for Moscow students. And pancakes, pancakes, pancakes everywhere. Walking pancakes, standing pancakes, pancakes in the glutton row, pancakes with hemp oil, and everywhere hot sbiten, sbiten, sbiten steam rising in the air.

A.I. Kuprin. Juncker (1932)

Photo: Natalia Feoktistova, "Evening Moscow"

“... Maslenitsa has been given to us.

national idea

starts with a pancake"

A. Voznesensky

Maslenitsa is a family holiday, during which Russian folk and family traditions are especially felt.

“There is no butter without a pancake,” says a Russian proverb. Shrovetide began and ended with pancakes.

There are a lot of proverbs, sayings, ditties about pancakes:

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like spring wheels.

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

Pancake is not a wedge, the belly will not split.

And, of course, Maslenitsa and pancakes have left their “oily” mark on literature.

Nadezhda Alexandrovna Teffi


1. Pancake

We sat in a fragrant southern night on the banks of the Arno.

That is, we were not sitting on the shore - where to sit there: damp and dirty, and indecent, but we were sitting on the balcony of the hotel, but it’s customary to say so for poetry.

Since there were neither too close friends nor relatives between us, we said things extremely pleasant to each other.

Especially in terms of international relations.

We Russians admired Italy. The Italians expressed their firm, unshakable confidence that Russia was just as beautiful. They shouted that the Italians hated the sun and could not stand the heat, that they loved the cold and dreamed of snow since childhood.

In the end, we so convinced each other of the merits of our homelands that we were no longer able to carry on a conversation with the former pathos.

- Yes, of course, Italy is beautiful, thought the Italians.

- But the frost is ... that. He has behind him ... - we said to each other.

And they immediately rallied and felt that the Italians were a little conceited with their Italy and it was time to show them their true place.

They, too, began to whisper.

“You have a lot of hissing letters,” one of them suddenly said. “Our language is very easy to pronounce. And you all whistle and hiss.

“Yes,” we answered coldly. “That happens because we have a very rich language. Our language contains all the sounds in the world. It goes without saying that sometimes you have to whistle.

“Do you have a T-H like the English have?” — doubted one of the Italians. — I have not heard.

- Of course have. You never know what you haven't heard. We can’t say “T-H” every minute. We already have so many sounds.

“We have sixty-four letters in the alphabet,” I sighed.

The Italians looked at me in silence for several minutes, and I got up and, turning my back to them, began to look at the moon. So it was calmer. And besides, everyone has the right to create the glory of their homeland, as best they can.

They were silent.

“Come visit us in early spring,” the Italians said, “when everything is in bloom.” You still have snow at the end of February, but what a beauty we have!

— Well, February is also good for us. We have carnival in February.

- Maslenitsa. We eat pancakes.

- And what is it - pancakes?

We exchanged glances. Well, how to explain to these organ grinders what a pancake is!

“Damn is very tasty,” I explained.

But they didn't understand.

"With butter," I said even more precisely.

"With sour cream," put in a Russian from our company.

But it turned out even worse. They didn’t even understand the pancake, and besides, they didn’t understand sour cream either.

- Pancakes, this is when it's Shrove Tuesday! one of our ladies said sensibly.

- Pancakes ... the main thing in them is caviar, explained another.

- This is a fish! one of the Italians finally guessed.

- What a fish when they are baked! the lady laughed.

- Don't they bake fish?

- They bake something, but the fish has a completely different body. Fish body. And the pancake has flour.

"With sour cream," put in the Russian again.

“They eat a lot of pancakes,” the lady continued. “They will eat about twenty. Then they get sick.

- Poisonous? - asked the Italians and made round eyes. - From the vegetable kingdom?

— No, from flour. Flour doesn't grow, does it? Flour in the shop.

We fell silent and felt how a deep dark abyss of mutual mistrust and misunderstanding lay between us and the dear Italians, who had admired our homeland half an hour ago.

They looked at each other, whispered.

It became dreadful.

“You know what, gentlemen, it’s not good with us somehow about pancakes. They consider us to be some sort of liar.

The situation was not pleasant.

But there was a solid, serious person between us - a mathematics teacher. He looked sternly at us, sternly at the Italians, and said clearly and distinctly:

“Now I will take the honor of explaining to you what a pancake is. To obtain this latter, a circle is taken three inches in diameter. Pi-er square is filled with a mass of flour with milk and yeast. Then the whole structure is subjected to the slow action of fire, separated from it by an iron medium. To make the effect of fire on the pi-er square less intense, the iron medium is covered with oleic and stearic acids, that is, the so-called oil. The compact viscous-elastic mixture obtained by heating is then introduced through the esophagus into the human body, which is harmful in large quantities.

The teacher fell silent and cast a triumphant glance at everyone.

The Italians whispered and asked timidly:

- And for what purpose are you doing all this? The teacher raised his eyebrows, surprised at the question, and answered sternly:

- To have fun!


Smoke rushes from the kitchen, thick, oily. He cuts his eyes, and the guests gathered at the snack squint and blink.

- They bring pancakes! Pancakes are!


But not enough for everyone. Your neighbor took the last two, and you will have to wait for the "hot ones".

But when the “hot ones” are brought in, it turns out that most have already eaten the first portion - and the servants begin to serve again from the beginning.

This time you get a pancake - one, rejected by everyone, with a tattered side and a hole in the middle.

You take it with the meek air of an orphan from an anthology and begin to look for oil with your eyes.

Butter is always at the other end of the table. This is a sad fact that must be reckoned with. But since it is not customary to come to visit with your oil, you need to submit to fate and chew a naked pancake.

When you eat it, fate will probably smile, and you will be given oil from both sides at once. Fate loves the meek and always rewards them when the need has passed.

On the most honorable place of the table sits usually a pancake liar. This is simply a cunning glutton who spreads rumors about himself that he can eat thirty-two pancakes.

Thanks to this, he immediately becomes the center of attention. He is served first, his pancakes are oiled and flavored with all sorts of Shrovetide accessories before others.

After eating fifteen or twenty pieces - as much as his appetite - with complete comfort, he suddenly declares that the pancakes today are not quite as baked as they should be.

“They don’t have something like that, that sort of thing—do you understand? Elusive. It is this elusive thing that makes them eatable in thirty-two pieces.

Everyone is disappointed. The owners are offended. They are offended, why they ate a lot and why they did not surprise anyone. But he doesn't care.

- What is glory? A bright patch on the singer's poor rags!

He cheated everyone, ate as he wanted, and is happy.

They also carry "hot ones".

Now, when everyone is full, they give you three good hot pancakes at once.

You slap them on your plate and look around the table in joyful animation.

To your right is a dish of salmon garnished with greens, to the left is an appetizing jug of caviar, and right next to your plate is a bowl in which sour cream was five minutes ago.

The hostess will look at you with such pleading eyes that you will immediately shout loudly that pancakes, in fact, are the most delicious in their natural form, without any seasonings, which, in essence, only beat off the real taste, and that true connoisseurs pancakes prefer it without any seasonings.

I saw something behind pancakes young man a great soul who, under the pleading gaze of the hostess, pretended to find caviar in an empty jar and put it on his plate. Moreover, he did not forget to spread this imaginary caviar on a piece of pancake and did all this with such selfless sincerity that the hostess who watched him even changed her face. She probably thought she had lost her mind and lost the ability to see the eggs.

After pancakes, they will force you to eat useless and unlovable fish soup and other nonsense, and when you feel like sending, you will be dragged into the living room and forced to talk.

Please don't look at your watch and say you have two more letters to write. Look at yourself in the mirror - well, who will believe you?

It is better to go directly to the hostess, raise your honest eyes to her and say simply:

- I want to sleep.

She will immediately be taken aback and find nothing to tell you.

And while she blinks her eyes, you will have time to say goodbye to everyone and slip away.

And the hostess will think about you for a long time that you are a joker.

So what's better?

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov


The clown from the circus of the Gintz brothers, Henry Purkua, went to the Moscow tavern Testov to have breakfast.

“Give me the consommé!” he ordered the sexual.

- Will you order poached or without poached?

- No, it's too satisfying with poached ... Two or three croutons, perhaps, give ...

While waiting for the consommé to be served, Pourquoi began to observe. The first thing that caught his eye was a stout, handsome gentleman sitting at the next table, preparing to eat pancakes.

“How, however, a lot is served in Russian restaurants! thought the Frenchman, watching his neighbor pour hot oil over his pancakes. - Five pancakes! How can one person eat so much dough?

The neighbor, meanwhile, anointed the pancakes with caviar, cut them all into halves, and swallowed them in less than five minutes...

— Chelaek! he turned to the sexton. - Give me another dose! What are your portion sizes? Give me ten or fifteen at once! Give balyk .. salmon, or what?

“Strange…” thought Purkua, looking at his neighbor. - He ate five pieces of dough and asks for more! However, such phenomena are not uncommon ... I myself had an uncle François in Brittany, who ate two bowls of soup and five lamb cutlets on a bet ... They say that there are also diseases when they eat a lot ... "

The floorman put a mountain of pancakes and two plates with balyk and salmon in front of the neighbor. The handsome gentleman drank a glass of vodka, ate some salmon, and began eating pancakes. To the great surprise of Purkua, he ate them in a hurry, barely chewing, like a hungry ...

"Obviously, he's ill," thought the Frenchman. “And does he, the eccentric, imagine that he will eat this whole mountain?” He won’t eat even three pieces, when his stomach will already be full, and you’ll have to pay for the whole mountain!”

- Give me some more caviar! shouted the neighbor, wiping his oily lips with a napkin. Don't forget green onions!

“But... however, half of the mountain is gone! the clown was horrified. — My God, did he eat all the salmon? It's even unnatural... Is the human stomach so stretchable? Can't be! No matter how stretchable the stomach is, it cannot stretch beyond the abdomen ... If we had this gentleman in France, they would show him for money ... God, there is no longer a mountain!

“Give me a bottle of Nui...” said the neighbor, taking caviar and onion from the sexual partner. - Just warm it up first ... What else? Perhaps give me another portion of pancakes... Hurry up only...

- I'm listening ... And what do you want after the pancakes?

“Something lighter... Order a portion of Russian-style sturgeon selyanka and... and... I’ll think about it, go!”

"Maybe I'm dreaming? said the clown, leaning back in his chair. This man wants to die! It is impossible to eat such mass with impunity! Yes, yes, he wants to die. This is evident from his sad face. And doesn't the servant seem suspicious that he eats so much? Can't be!"

Purkua called the clerk who was serving at the next table to him and asked in a whisper:

“Listen, why are you giving him so much?”

- That is, uh ... uh ... they demand, sir! How not to submit? the sexton was surprised.

The clerk grinned, shrugged, and walked away.

"Savages! said the Frenchman indignantly. “They are still glad that a madman, a suicide, is sitting at the table, who can eat an extra ruble! Nothing that a person dies, there would be only revenue!

- Orders, nothing to say! grumbled the neighbor, turning to the Frenchman. These long intermissions annoy me terribly! From serving to serving, if you please, wait half an hour! That way you will lose your appetite to hell, and you will be late ... It's three o'clock now, and I have to be at the anniversary dinner by five.

— No, no... What kind of lunch is this? It's breakfast... pancakes...

“Poor fellow…” the Frenchman continued to be horrified. “Either he is ill and does not notice his dangerous condition, or he does all this on purpose ... with the aim of suicide ... My God, if I knew that I would stumble upon such a picture here, I would never come here! My nerves can't stand such scenes!"

And the Frenchman began to look at his neighbor's face with regret, expecting every minute that convulsions were about to begin with him, such as Uncle Francois always had after a dangerous bet ...

“Apparently, an intelligent, young man ... full of strength ...” he thought, looking at his neighbor. “Perhaps he is benefiting his fatherland ... and it is very possible that he has a young wife, children ... Judging by his clothes, he must be rich; pleased ... but what makes him decide to take such a step? .. And really he could not have chosen another way to die? God knows how cheaply life is valued! And how low, how inhuman I am, sitting here and not going to his aid! Perhaps he can still be saved!”

Purqua resolutely got up from the table and approached his neighbor.

“Listen, monsieur,” he said to him in a low, insinuating voice. “I don’t have the honor to be acquainted with you, but, nevertheless, believe me, I am your friend ... Can I help you with something?” Remember, you are still young... you have a wife, children...

- I do not understand! the neighbor shook his head, staring at the Frenchman.

“Ah, why hide, monsieur? After all, I can see very well! You eat so much that... it's hard not to suspect...

- I eat a lot?! the neighbor was surprised. - I?! Fullness ... How can I not eat if I have not eaten anything since the morning?

“But you eat an awful lot!”

“But you don’t have to pay! What are you worried about? And I don't eat much at all! Look, I eat like everyone else!

Purqua looked around him and was horrified. The sex officers, pushing and bumping into each other, carried whole mountains of pancakes ... People sat at the tables and ate mountains of pancakes, salmon, caviar ... with the same appetite and fearlessness as the handsome gentleman.

"Oh wonderland! thought Purqua as he left the restaurant. - Not only the climate, but even their stomachs do wonders for them! Oh country, wonderful country!



Court adviser Semyon Petrovich Podtykin sat down at the table, covered his chest with a napkin and, burning with impatience, began to wait for the moment when pancakes would be served ... Before him, as in front of a commander examining the battlefield, a whole picture spread out ... In the middle of the table, stretched out to the front, there were slender bottles. There were three varieties of vodka, Kiev liquor, chatolaroz, rhine wine, and even a pot-bellied vessel with a product of the Benedictines. Herrings with mustard sauce, sprats, sour cream, granular caviar (3 rubles 40 kopecks per pound), fresh salmon and so on crowded around the drinks in an artistic mess. Podtykin looked at all this and greedily swallowed his saliva ... His eyes turned into oil, his face twisted with voluptuousness ...

- Well, can it be so long? he grimaced, turning to his wife. - Hurry, Katya!

But then, finally, the cook showed up with pancakes... Semyon Petrovich, at the risk of burning his fingers, grabbed the top two, hottest pancakes, and appetizingly slapped them on his plate. The pancakes were fried, porous, plump, like a merchant's daughter's shoulder... Podtykin smiled pleasantly, hiccupped with delight, and doused them with hot oil. Whereupon, as if whetting his appetite and enjoying the anticipation, he slowly, with an arrangement, smeared them with caviar. He poured sour cream over the places where the caviar hadn't landed... All that was left now was to eat, wasn't it? But no!.. Podtykin looked at the work of his hands and was not satisfied... After thinking a little, he put the fattest piece of salmon, sprat and sardine on the pancakes, then, melting and panting, rolled both pancakes into a pipe, drank a glass with feeling vodka, grunted, opened his mouth ...

But then he had an apoplexy.

And Pushkin, remember, in "Eugene Onegin" about the Larin family:

"They kept in a peaceful life

Sweet old habits:

They have fat on Maslenitsa

There were Russian pancakes"

N. V. Gogol “- Please humbly have a bite,” said the hostess. Chichikov looked around and saw that on the table there were already mushrooms, pies, quick thinkers, shanishki, spinners, pancakes, cakes with all sorts of seasonings: seasoning with onion, seasoning with poppy seeds, seasoning with cottage cheese, seasoning with pictures, and who knows what was not ”( "Dead Souls")

I. Bunin: “... In Yegorov's tavern in Okhotny Ryad, it was full of shaggy, thickly dressed cabbies, cutting stacks of pancakes filled with excess butter and sour cream, it was steamy, like in a bathhouse. In the upper rooms, also very warm, with low ceilings, the Old Testament merchants washed down fiery pancakes with grainy caviar with frozen champagne” (“Clean Monday”)

A. Kuprin: “The pancake is red and hot, like a hot all-warming sun, the pancake is poured with vegetable oil - this is a memory of the sacrifices made to powerful stone idols. Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children.

A.P. Chekhov: “Looking at a woman baking pancakes, you might think that she summons spirits or extracts a philosopher’s stone from dough” (“Pancakes”)

I. Shmelev: “Shrovetide... I still feel this word, as I felt it in childhood: bright spots, ringing - it evokes in me; flaming stoves, bluish waves of fumes in the contented rumble of the gathered people, a bumpy snowy road, already oiled in the sun, with merry sleighs diving along it, with merry horses in roses, in bells and bells, with playful picking of an accordion. Or has something wonderful remained in me since childhood, unlike anything else, in bright colors and gilding, which was cheerfully called “Shrovetide”? She stood on a high counter in the baths. On a big round gingerbread, on a pancake? - from which it smelled of honey - and it smelled of glue! - with gilded hills along the edge, with a dense forest, where bears, wolves and bunnies stuck out on pegs - wonderful lush flowers rose, similar to roses, and all this shone, entwined with a golden thread ...

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