Slavic surnames for women. Russian surnames for women and men


Historians every year expand the list of nominal nicknames of Slavic origin. Many would be interested to know their origin. But sometimes it is impossible to determine this by the sound itself, since various suffixes, prefixes and prefixes have been added to the derivative word for years, distorting its original meaning.

To determine the origin of a person's genus, his passport data is used. The key points are the root of the word, which forms Russian names and surnames. They differ in prevalence.

By sound, you can determine the eminence of the family or the belonging of ancestors to different social groups and castes of society: peasants, boyars, clergy.

The etymology of some includes archaisms and strange foundations; you can use the reference book to determine these yourself.

Derivatives and roots can originate from the nicknames of ancestors, funny nicknames, names, activities. The origin of Russian surnames, in most cases, is unraveled in its etymology.

You should be interested in this clue, because through it you can find out about an outstanding ancestor or eminent family.

For those who want to determine the origins of their family nickname, there are alphabetical collections that are replenished and updated annually; on their pages, almost everyone can find out the history of their name.

The most popular derivatives:

  • On behalf of the ancestor (whose? whose will you be?) - Ivanov, Sidorov, Kuzmin, Petrov.
  • From geographical names - Vyazemsky, Stroganov, Smolensky.
  • From the nicknames of the representatives of the clergy - Rozhdestvensky, Preobrazhensky, Assumption.
  • From the names of plants and animals - Sokolova, Orlova, Hare, Lebedev, Golubev.
  • From count and boyar titles - Minin, Tikhomirov, Tikhonravov, Godunov.


Etymology and the formation of a proper genus name are of interest to an increasing number of people. The meaning of Russian surnames is found out when determining the root part of the word, it indicates the meaning.

The meaning of family names like Bondarev, Kovalev, Shevtsov - indicate the craft that someone from the family was engaged in. Muzzle, Stoyan, Brave - on the external or internal characteristics of an individual.

All members of the family were called by the nickname of the head of the family, and this was passed down from generation to generation.

When did surnames appear in Russia

The assignment of a generic nickname to identify each genus began to take shape from the 15th century. When surnames appeared in Russia, they initially referred to representatives higher strata society: boyars and aristocrats, later, in the 18th century, to church servants.

Until the 19th century, peasants and artisans received their nicknames. Their genus names were derived from the nicknames of one of the members of the family or occupation.

Listings were found in historical scrolls and records explaining this phenomenon: “Vasily, the son of Kuznetsov ... Ivan, the son of Khlebnikov”

How many surnames in Russia

The study of these data is still in question.

An absolutely correct numerical value has not been deduced that could answer exactly the question of how many surnames exist in Russia today.

Researchers undertook such a difficult task only a few times, about 250 thousand meanings are officially included in the collection, and these lists are constantly updated with new forms of nicknames once given.

Declension of surnames in Russian

Rules Russian language strictly determine the spelling and pronunciation of passport data.

The declension of surnames in Russian occurs according to the following basic rules: standard ones are declined as adjectives, and foreign origin- as nouns.

Do not bend over zero ending, or ending in a consonant (Bondar, Nitsevich, Ponomar), ending in -o (Petrenko, Shevchenko, Kovalenko), foreign ones in -a, -ya (Varnava, Okidzhava, Zola).

Boris Ubenhaun was the first to start compiling a directory that lists the names of Russia. There are collected various variations due to the process of transformation of folk nicknames.

Each position has an explanation (highlighted parts of word formation that explain the essence of a particular word). There are positions that can be found more often, there are those that are very rare.

The data were taken on the basis of the census of the population of the city of St. Petersburg.

Common surnames in Russia:

  • Vladimirov;
  • Sergeev;
  • Petrov;
  • Ivanov.

Beautiful Russian surnames

There are people whose generic nicknames enchant with their sound. These include those derived from place names or long nicknames given to church officials.

Such an etymology is rare, it sounds aristocratically melodious. Many people change the birth data in the passport in order to get a beautiful name that stands out from the crowd.

Lucky among the people are those to whom it was inherited.

The most beautiful surnames in Russia:

  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Caesar;
  • Christmas;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Uspensky.


There are genus names that originated from the ancient Slavs. These nicknames are very rare and therefore valuable to historians.

They are not a large number of due to the fact that derivatives originate from the names pagan gods or old Slavic names.

With the advent of Christianity, such nicknames were categorically banned, people were massively baptized and renamed, because those who still have them to this day are a godsend, a prime example pagan culture.

Old Slavic surnames, examples:

  • Yarilo;
  • Dovbush;
  • Putyata;
  • Lada;
  • Saint;
  • Dobrynin;
  • Peaceful.


According to a population census conducted in the 1980s, former USSR, about 50% of the rural and 35% of the urban population have generic nicknames formed on the basis of patronymics with the addition of suffixes.

This study is recognized as the highest quality and most detailed up to our times. Popular Russian surnames: Sidorov, Smirnov, Kuzmin, Vasiliev.

The second place in frequency is occupied by nicknames that indicate the type of activity: Kuznetsov, Bondarev, Reznikov, Khlebnikov, etc.

Rare Russian surnames

It is difficult to compile a reliable list that includes all positions. But the main ones have been selected. It is not often possible to meet people who have a family nickname that coincides completely with a geographical name or is formed from a combination of two words. There are few of those who were lucky enough to become the namesake of famous historical figures and heroes of literary novels.

Rare surnames in Russia:

  • Astrakhan;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Eibogin;
  • Krutiperets;
  • Crusoe;
  • Karenin.


Sometimes among acquaintances there are family nicknames that involuntarily cause a smile with their comicality.

They surprise fellow citizens, and especially foreigners, with their pronunciation, they consist of the addition of the foundations of any nouns or verbs, they can denote a funny or strange action, name objects whose name sounds strange in human name. A person who has to wear them can hardly be called lucky.

Funny Russian surnames:

  • Kostogryzov;
  • Mozgoedov;
  • Popkin;
  • Rzhach;
  • Login;
  • Khachapuri;
  • Govnodedov;
  • Snot.

Russian noble families

Their owners can be sure of high title someone of their kind, they were assigned exclusively to nobles, boyars, high-ranking officials. People close to high positions and ruling power.

They can also be merchants. The presence of such titular nicknames among the peasantry, a worker from the common population or artisans is excluded, their mere presence spoke of a high social status its owner.

Russian noble families:

  • Stroganov;
  • Godunov;
  • Tikhomirov;
  • Minin;
  • Novgorodtsev;
  • Tikhonravov;
  • Crowned.

Old Russian

This term denotes not only Old Slavonic nicknames from the times of paganism, but also those that, by their etymology, denote obsolete concepts and words. ancient usage eradicated from current speech.

Interesting to consider generic nicknames that call the old monetary units, household items, crafts not found in modern world. All these signs indicate the prescription of the genus and the roots that go far.

Old Russian surnames:

  • Kunin;
  • Altynov;
  • Kalita;
  • Zlatnikov;
  • Pryalkin;
  • Kozhemyak;
  • Bandurov.

surnames in Russia

The top 100 items have been compiled, which can often be found in the passports of fellow citizens. All of them were selected based on the directory and ordered during the census during the year.

This information will be especially interesting for girls, because everyone wants to meet her man and get married. Statistics show that 89% of women switch to a male generic nickname when they get married.

Such a top will clearly show the most likely options that everyone can face. The section includes 10 first positions.

surnames in Russia:

  • Ivanov;
  • Smirnov;
  • Kuznetsov;
  • Popov;
  • Sokolov;
  • Vasiliev;
  • Fedorov;
  • Novikov;
  • Egorov;
  • Kozlov.

Famous Russian surnames

Their list is based on the frequency of use among the population. The most popular surname in Russia - Ivanov. Even foreigners know about it, associating with it all the names of Russian compatriots. She went down in history and became a classic. For example in German such a nickname was - Muller, in America and Britain - Smith, Poland - Novak or Kovalsky, Georgia - Mammadov.

Famous Russian surnames:

  • Sidorov;
  • Ivanov;
  • Petrov;
  • Kozlov;
  • Smirnov;
  • Popov;
  • Sokolov.


Cool names and surnames: a list of male and female names, origin, meaning

All Russian names have Slavic origin and differ from others by the presence of two bases. Orthodox are very beautiful and have good good sense. Modern parents choose them as the name of their children. Let's talk about cool names and surnames in this article.

The secret of two foundations

Our ancestors believed that a person and his name are interconnected and inseparable. In ancient times, only his close relatives knew about the real name of the child, a false name was invented for everyone else.

During adolescence a person already used his real name, which determined his character and outlook on life. Among the cool names and surnames, there were both strong and funny ones.

In the modern world, parents continue the traditions of their ancestors and give other names to their children during baptism, thereby trying to protect their child from damage and the evil eye. Russian names are called children born outside our homeland.

The history of the origin of female names

An interesting fact is that many names are not originally Russian. Most of them have their origin in Christianity. After acceptance new faith Greek, Byzantine and Jewish names. cool names and surnames partially came to us completely from someone else's history.

Original Slavic female names

Alena, Bogdana, Wanda, Darina, Lada, Love, Hope, Vera, Miroslava, Lyudmila, Yaroslava, Vlad, Svetlana, Oksana. Among the unusual options are such as Yesenia, Berislava, Iskra, Assol, Zabava, Radmila, Radosveta, Milan, Tsvetana, Wanda, Spring.

Cool names and surnames borrowed from the Greeks

A lot of names were borrowed from the Greek peoples. If you look at this list, you can’t even believe that they were once foreign. These are such as Galina, Irina, Evgenia, Angelina, Ekaterina, Veronica, Daria, Elena, Angelica, Xenia, Tamara, Sofia, Nina, Asya, Lydia, Eugene, Timofey, Peter, Alexander, Cyril, Leonid.

Among the rare names that have passed to us from Greek people, we can distinguish: Stephanie, Vasilina, Avdotya, Theodosia, Agnia, Evdokia, Glafira, Kuzma, Arkady.

Greek surnames were formed from personal names. For example, Nikolaev from Nikolaos. Many interesting surnames can be formed from one name.

Roman roots

The names of this people are known not only in Russia, they are worn by women and men all over the world. Among them are: Natalia, Christina, Valentina, Ulyana, Victoria, Inna, Antonina, Rosa, Marina, Valeria, Dina, Julia, Karina, Victor, Pavel, Maxim, Sergey.

Incredibly beautiful, but rare names: Lana, Paul, Venus, Carolina, Stella, Lolita, Tina, Aurora, Vitalina.

Jewish names

And in Russia you can meet girls and boys with the names of Marta, Evelina, Elizabeth, Maria, Anna, Zhanna, Yana, Rimma. Less common are Leah, Edita, Ada, Seraphim, Amalia, Susanna, David, Daniel, Elizar, Ilya, Maximilian, Michael, Savely, Thomas.

The tradition of choosing a name

Like all ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that the name of a person depends on his further fate. The children were called good names because they believed that they would bring joy, love and a certain meaning into their lives.

The choice was a certain ritual with its own rules and peculiarities. In the modern world, parents choose cool names and surnames for girls and boys according to the principle: what they like in sound and what goes well with the child's middle name.

Sometimes children are called funny names. Associate them with celebrities or relatives.

When choosing a name for a child, it should be remembered that its rough sound will speak of insolence, and its soft sound will speak of tenderness and sensitivity.

IN Lately it is customary to call the baby old Orthodox names. These are such as Zlata, Yarina, Milana, Lubomira, Milena.

For the convenience of the reader, the information is collected in a table.

Anastasia - resurrected. Agnia - fiery. Angelina - angel. Antonina - kind. Anita - obstinate. Alla - selfish. Agata - kind August - summer. Albina - white. Bozhena - divine. Benedicta - blessed. Bella - beautiful. Biruta - a child. Birgit - a child of the mountains. Borislav - a fighter for glory. Bertha - bright, magnificent. Beata - bringing happiness. Vilora - desire, strong will. Vladlena - a good wife. Venus - love Barbara - savage. Vlad - possessing Vera - faith. Vasilisa - regal. Valeria - strong. Victoria - victory.
Galina - calm. Glafira - refined. Gloria - glory. Gabriella - God's stronghold. Henrietta - powerful, rich Daria - the winner. Daniela - chosen by God. Diana - divine. Dinara - precious. Darina - giving. Dana - bestowed, given. Gemma - a precious stone. Juliet - July. - force. Elena - the chosen one. Elizabeth - worshiping God. Eugenia - noble. Evdokia - glorified. Catherine - immaculate.
Jeanne - a gift from God. Josephine - God will reward. Zinaida - born of Zeus Zarina - light. Zoya - life. Gold - gold. Ivanna - God's gift Inna - a stormy stream. Irina - the world. Ilona - bright. Yvette - pardoned by God. Iya - violet.
Caroline is brave. Christina is baptized. Claudia is lame. Kira is mistress. Xenia is a stranger. Lada is sweet. Larisa is a seagull. Lesya is courageous. Love is love. Lydia is the first. Lily is a flower. Margarita - a pearl. Marina - sea. Maya - the goddess of spring. Mary - bitter. Martha - mistress. Miroslava - glory is sweet.
Hope is hope. Nelly is young. Nina is the ruler. Natalya is dear. Oksana - hospitable Olga - a saint. Polina is a fortune teller.
Raisa is submissive. Regina is a queen. Rose is a flower. Ruslana is a lioness. Snezhana - cold. Svetlana - bright Glory - glory. Tatyana is the founder. Tamara is a fig tree. Taisiya loves children Taisiya loves children.
Theodosia - landowner. Faina - radiant. Felicia - happy. Flora - blooming. Julia is fluffy. Juliana is curly. Yuna is the only one in the world. Juno is a girl forever young. Justina is the most fair. Yana - Goddess of the sun. Yanina - bright. Yaroslav - burning in glory. Yanita - pardoned by God.

Cool names and surnames for boys

There are many more beautiful male names than female ones, so expectant mothers sometimes have a hard time doing right choice. First of all, you should seriously think about what the name will be with the child all his life. The coolest first and last name should be within reason and not bring discomfort to the child when he grows up.

Some moms in late pregnancy read a list of names out loud. To which the baby will respond with his push in the tummy, then you should choose.

Among the beautiful male names are: Alexander, Andrey, Bogdan, Savely, Zakhar, Ilya, Nikita, Matvey, Grigory, Ivan, Konstantin, Dmitry, Sergey, Timur, Timofey, Vladimir, Nikolai, Miron, Maxim, Alexei, Anton, Roman .

What are children called abroad?

Cool English names and surnames also occur. In England and the USA, they can consist of two words, without the patronymic we are used to. In addition, in these countries, names are divided into official and everyday. Sometimes relatives and acquaintances may not even be aware of the existence of an additional part that is used only in documents.

Popular American names: William, Daniel, Jackson, Joseph, Mason, Noah, Michael, Benjamin, Aiden, David.

Popular nicknames in social networks

Today's youth spends a lot of time online, and it's no secret that everyone wants to stand out with something unusual. Cool names and surnames for boys are not as important here as nicknames. Among the unusual ones are: VERY ALIEN, Dr. Chokopay, Klaviaturovich, LOrik, ~pro100th~.

For girls, this is Shard_of_Happiness, ˜”*° .Glitter” data-author=” “>

To date, there is a huge selection of popular names and nicknames, so everyone can stand out from the crowd, be original. Look for the best for yourself and your child, choose beautiful names and come up with unusual nicknames with us.

Surnames in Russia appeared rather late. In ancient times, before the appearance of surnames, the Slavs had a personal name (they could have several names) and the name of the genus from which a person comes (for example, Vinitarkh from the Oriya clan). But since the number of members of the genus has increased tremendously, it became necessary to introduce the concept of "Surname", which reflects which family of this genus a person belongs to. Most of the surnames come from first names (the baptismal or worldly name of one of the ancestors), nicknames (according to the occupation or some other feature of the ancestor) or generic names. Much less often - from the names of the area (for example, Belozersky from White Lake). As a rule, Russian surnames were single and passed only through the male line.

Researchers have found that the vast majority of Russian surnames come from dedychestvo, that is, the name of the grandfather (or great-grandfather), thus fixing the hereditary name in the third (fourth) generation. This made it easier to designate families of the same root, because usually each clan had its own most commonly used names. The born children were named after the deceased grandfathers and great-grandfathers, in order to give them the opportunity to be born again (suddenly they did not complete all the work on this earth). But to call born child the name of a living family member was not allowed, since it was believed that the guardian legs (it's like the Greek guardian angels) would not be able to protect several family members with the same name at once.

The history of the origin of Russian surnames

In various social strata, surnames appeared in different time. The first in the XIV-XV centuries. they appeared among princes and boyars. As a rule, they were given by the names of their patrimonial estates: Tver, Zvenigorod, Vyazemsky. Among these surnames, there are many of eastern or western (Karamzin, Lermontov, Fonvizin) origin, due to the fact that many nobles came to serve the tsar from foreign countries. Methods of formation of noble families (surnames of ancient noble families and clans that served the nobility as ranks after the introduction of the Table of Ranks) were diverse. small group made up the names of the ancient princely families, which, as mentioned above, came from the names of their principalities.

A little later, surnames appeared among service people, including those who switched to the service tsarist Russia Cossacks. As a rule, they came from worldly names (native Vedic, not Christian) - Kirpa, Daremka, Strikha, Sokur, Khribut, Rizhaba, Trush; generic names - Lega, Bily; and nicknames - Shcherbina, Klochko, Halves, Lifeless, Naida, Zima, Mustache, Lyzhebko.

IN mid-nineteenth century, especially after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the surnames of peasants are formed, and before that their function was performed by nicknames and patronymics. So, for example, in the archival documents of that time one can find such entries: “Ivan Mikitin is the son, and the nickname is Menshik”, an entry of 1568; "Onton Mikiforov's son, and the nickname is Zhdan", a document of 1590; “Luba Mikiforov, son of Crooked cheeks, landowner”, entry of 1495; "Danilo Snot, peasant", 1495; "Efimko Sparrow, peasant", 1495.

In the XVII - the first half XVIII centuries peasants did not have hereditary surnames at all. The peasant surname lived only in the course of one life. For example, he was born in the family of Ivan Procopius, and in all metric records he is called Procopius Ivanov. When Vasily was born to Procopius, the newborn Vasily Prokopiev became, and not Ivanov at all. And only from the middle of the nineteenth century hereditary surnames of peasants began to form:

  1. From the names of the landowners. Some peasants were given the full or changed surname of their former owner, landowner - this is how entire villages of the Polivanovs, Gagarins, Vorontsovs, Lvovkins appeared.
  2. At the root of the surnames of some lay the names settlements. Basically, these are surnames ending in -sky, -sky. Gorodetsky, Polotsk, Uluzhsky
  3. The bulk of the peasants in the document recorded a “street” nickname, which a different family could have more than one. Nicknamed surnames appeared much earlier than the universal surnames that occurred after the abolition of serfdom. It was these nicknames that first fell into the census sheets.
  4. For some, a patronymic was recorded as a surname.

The first census in 1897 showed that up to 75% of the population did not have a surname. This whole process was very complicated and lengthy, often people continued to do without surnames, and for some they appeared only in the 30s of the 20th century during the era of passportization.

Under Peter the Great, by the Senate Decree of June 18, 1719, in connection with the introduction of the poll tax and recruitment duty, the earliest documents of police registration of foreigners were officially introduced - travel letters, some prototypes of modern passports. The travel letter contained information: name, surname, where he left, where he was going, place of residence, a description of his type of activity, information about family members who traveled with him, sometimes information about his father and parents.

By decree of January 20, 1797, Emperor Paul I ordered the compilation of a General Armorial of Noble Families, where more than 3,000 noble family names and coats of arms were collected. But the register of surnames in Russia is not limited to this number, therefore, in order to restore a single family connection with our ancestors, we all need to conduct a study of the appearance of our own family name.

An example of a study of the appearance of the surname "Trush"

All my life I considered my last name "Trush" not common enough. Having started collecting information on the history of the surname, I found out that the main geography of the settlement of representatives of my surname is Ukraine (there was even a village of Trushka in the Kiev province), the south of Belarus, the Kuban and the Volga. If so, does this mean that Old Slavic name"Trush", which was the basis of the surname, was once very common in one of the Slavic clans, which, when surnames were formed, settled precisely in these territories? Where was the original center of settlement of this genus and its name, the area of ​​​​its origin? And can we, based on the data historical sources, find it? Until what century will we have to continue our genealogical search?

Gorbanevsky's book gives 5 main ways of forming Russian surnames:

  1. Surnames formed from canonical and various folk forms baptismal Christian names.
  2. Surnames that have preserved worldly names in their basis. Worldly names came from the Vedic times of our ancestors, when there was a native faith and church names did not exist. After all, Christianity did not immediately captivate the minds, and even more so the souls of the Slavs. Old traditions were kept for a long time, the covenants of ancestors were revered sacredly. In each family, they remembered the names of their ancestors up to the 7th generation and even deeper. Traditions from the history of the family were passed down from generation to generation. cautionary tales about the past deeds of the ancestors were told at night to the young successors of the family. Many of the worldly ones were proper names (Gorazd, Zhdan, Lyubim, Trush), others arose as nicknames, but then became names (Dur, Chertan, Neustroy).
  3. Surnames formed from professional nicknames of ancestors, telling which of them did what. Hence the Goncharovs, Ovsyannikovs, Cherepennikovs, Bondarchuks, Kovalis, etc.
  4. Surnames formed from the name of the area where one of the ancestors came from (the basis of such surnames was various geographical names - cities, villages, villages, rivers, lakes, etc.): Meshcheryakov, Semiluksky, Novgorodtsev, Moskvitinov, etc.
  5. The most interesting group Russian surnames- belonging to the Orthodox clergy: Apollonov, Gilyarovsky, Troitsky, Rozhdestvensky.

Before the adoption of Christianity, the Slavs had names that called a person according to some essential feature, external or internal, reflecting his belonging to a certain genus, the order in which new family members appeared and the relationship to them - Bel, Mal, Buyan, Molchan, Lyubim, Zhdan, Pervusha, Tretiak, etc.

The researcher of the process of formation of surnames Tupikov made a very interesting conclusion: secular (non-Christian) Russian names in the southwestern regions of Russia could be used independently (without mentioning the name given at baptism). Another interesting conclusion of Tupikov: “ the 17th century. Russian names began to lose their meaning of personal names and began to pass from father to son, i.e. began to become family names ... "

From this we conclude that most likely until the seventeenth century "Trush" was a name common in one of the Slavic clans, and this conclusion is confirmed by documents.

  1. Year 1490 Trush - voit (head of the city) of Lutsk (Ukraine). Year 1563, Trush is mentioned in the city of Kremenets (Ukraine, not far from Lutsk). - materials are taken from the dictionary of A. Bazhenova.
  2. “List from the scribe and boundary book of the city of Sviyazhsk. Letters from Dmitry Andreev, son of Kikin, and comrades in the summer of 7076 (1567) November ”:“ In the village in Burundukovo, Poloneniki and newly baptized people live with Chuvash and Tatars, in the courtyard of Mitko, in the courtyard of Malaiko, in the courtyard of Mikhalko, in the courtyard of Rothko a shoemaker, in in the courtyard of Ivanko a polonenik, in the courtyard of Belyayko Trusha is newly baptized .. ”(Volga)
  3. In the registry Cossack Troops Zaporozhye from 1649. (Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky) two people with the name "Trush" are mentioned, these are Trush Moskal from the Zhabotinsky hundred and Trush Yaschenko from the Veremievsky hundred because of the Dnieper. (Ukraine) And in all these documents, "Trush" is recorded as a name, but already in documents dated to the 18th century, "Trush" is recorded as a person's surname:
  4. Pivovar A.V. in his work "Settlements of the Zadneprovsky places in the documents of the middle of the 18th century" lists the apiary belonging to Trokhim Trush (Ukraine).
  5. When settling by Zaporizhzhya Cossacks North Caucasus Bryukhovetsky hut arrived in the Kuban, named after the Zaporizhzhya ataman - Ivan Martynovich Bryukhovetsky. During the drawing of places for smoking in the winter of 1794, ataman Bryukhovetsky got the territory at the mouth of the Beisuzhok River, near the so-called Great Kurgan. Cossack Demko Trush is listed at number 184 in the register of kuren.

That is, we see that the fact is confirmed that most Russian surnames come from dedychestvo, that is, the name of the grandfather (or great-grandfather), who, as we have established, was most likely a Zaporozhye Cossack. But let's move on and see where the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks appeared in Ukraine. historical documents tell us the following: The Zaporizhzhya Cossacks are directly connected with the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo, Mamai. Mamai had two sons. One of them, Prince Mansur Kiyat, after the death of his father, continued to lead mixed detachments of Cherkasy Cossacks, Kiyat Cossacks, and descendants of other Slavic families who lived in the North Caucasus and part of the Chernihiv region and professed Rodnoverie (revered native Gods). This association in history is called the Sevruks and many historians call them the ancestors of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Mansur Kiyat was the founder of three fortresses - Glinskaya, Glinishchevskaya and Poltava. The son of Mansur is Oleksa (very common Cossack name, often mentioned in the register of the Zaporizhzhya army of Khmelnitsky and the register of the Kuban army) in 1390 was forced to be baptized in Kyiv. Oleksa Mansurovich in baptism was named Alexander. At the same time, the grandson of Mansur, the son of Alexa, named Ivan, was baptized. It was this Ivan Alexandrovich who in 1399 obtained for himself the title of Prince Glinsky from the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt. Grand Duke Vitovt married Prince Ivan Alexandrovich Glinsky to the Ostrog princess Nastasya Danilovna, but their grandson Ivan Mamai is considered the founder of the Zaporizhian Sich.

But who is Mamai himself? Attention is drawn to the long-term and constant support provided to Mamai in the Crimea, the Don and Kuban. There he more than once escaped after defeats in the Horde strife, and from there he reappeared with fresh forces. And the point was not only in the financial (and in 1380 - in military) assistance of the Genoese, but also in the fact that it was there that Mamai recruited the main, shock part their troops. Even after huge losses on the Kulikovo field, he immediately recruited another army there and fought Tokhtamysh, but the forces after the Kulikovo duel were no longer the same (and the age of the ataman, who already had adult grandchildren and great-grandchildren) and he lost again. It is unlikely that such selected military contingents at that time could be supplied only by Crimea, where there was not yet any Crimean Khanate, nor Crimean Tatars in the form in which they became known in the next century. Apparently leading role played here former population Ruskolani: hordes of Cherkasy Cossacks, Kiyat Cossacks, descendants of the Goths-Polovtsy and ancestors of the North Black Sea Russ, who roamed in the strip from the northern part of the Crimea and adjacent parts of Tavria and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, along the left bank of the Dnieper in the region of rapids and further north to Vorskla.

For them, Mamai was not just an administrator sent from Saray, but also his hereditary local prince, one of whose close ancestors was considered almost the direct successor of the pre-Horde rulers of these places (Ruskolani).

The text of the genealogy of the Glinsky princes: “And Mamai Tsar has a son Mansur-Kiyat, and Mansur-Kiyat Prince has children, two sons: Prince Alexa (Oleksa is a very common name among the Cossacks), and another Skidir Prince. And after the Battle of the Don, Mamaev, the son of Mansur-Kiyat, the Prince, cut down three cities of Glinesk, yes Poldova (Poltava), and Glechenitsa (Glinitsa). The children of Mansur-Kiyatov, the younger son of Skider (Skidyr) Prince, having caught a herd of horses and camels and wandered in Perekop, and big son its Alexa Prince, stayed on those
cities of the predestined."

From the next phrase of the above quoted text, it can be seen that the heirs of Mansur divided themselves and divided the remnants of their army. And this division, as we will see below, was due to Faith. Some stayed with Alexa. Others went south with Skider, because they did not want to change their native Vedic Faith and, like Mamai, were idolaters (that is, they revered the idols of their Gods). In "The Tale of Mamaev massacre”(in another way“ Zadonshchina ”) it says: “By God's permission for our sins, from the obsession of the devil, the prince will rise from the western country, named Mamai ellin (as the Old Believers were called in our annals or in another way - a pagan), by faith an idolater (that is, worshiping idols Gods) and an iconoclast, an evil Christian reproacher.

Further, in the same place, we see which Gods Mamai calls for help during his flight: “The godless king Mamai, seeing his death, began to call on the Gods of his Perun and Raklia and Khors.” God Perun is the patron Slavic princes, and God Horse (together with Kolyada) is the patron of the Cossacks. Khors was always imagined surrounded by white dogs or wolves, which are called Horts on the Cossack balachka. The island of Khortytsya, the main base of the Cossacks, is also named in honor of this God. And the fact that part of the Mamayevites went south with Skider is indirectly confirmed by the fact that much later, in late XVIII century, when Suvorov captured the Kuban, many Kuban Cossacks not to accept someone else's Christian faith were forced to emigrate to Turkey and among them there was a group that the Muscovites called "Mamayevites".

In the XVIII - XIX centuries in Ukrainian folk painting there was a characteristic plot: a Zaporozhian Cossack was depicted, sitting with his legs crossed and playing the bandura. Poems were written under the picture, most often containing a description of the Zaporizhzhya Cossack in general, often ironic, but always quite benevolent. Sometimes this Cossack was the only hero the whole composition, in other cases other figures and entire scenes were added, but in all scenes there was certainly a Cossack bandura player in his stereotypical pose. Often the name of a Cossack was written. The names were different, but among them the “Cossack Mamai” was more common, and among the people in general all paintings of this type were known as portraits of the “Cossack Mamai”. “Cossack Mamai” is generally known throughout Ukraine, but this picture was most common in Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkiv regions, that is, in the territory whose center is Poltava region.

And so we see that Zaporozhye Cossacks moved to Ukraine from the territory of the North Caucasus. But what kind of Slavic families lived in these places in ancient times. To this we are given the answer by the Book of Veles:

“The Goths that remained after Galarekh left at midnight and disappeared there, and Deterich led them. After that, we don't know anything about them. And the Berendeys came before us, and spoke to us about a very great oppression from the Yagis, who followed the trail of the Huns. And so that Beloyar told them to wait, and unexpectedly came to them with 50,000 (warriors), and Yagov defeated them, whom he scattered on all sides like the blessed ... .. after all, the husband of the Beloyar clan went on the other side of the Ra (Volga) river and warned the Sintsev there coming from the Fryazians, like the Huns on the islands, they will wait for the guests and rob them. It was 50 years from Aldorekh. And the ancient Beloyar family was strong ... .. Beloyar Krivorog was at that time the prince of Rushti (in the Veles book of Russians, they are often called the name "Rush" - Russian, in English our name is still written only in this way, hence the name in this family T-rush, That is Russian). And he releases a white dove. Where it flies, go there. And he flew to the Greeks. Krivorog attacked them and defeated them. Here the Greeks twirled their tails like foxes. Dali Krivorg The Golden Fleece with a silver horse. And that Krivorog held on to Surozh (a city in the Crimea) ... "

So everything fell into place, people from the ancient Slavic family Rush roamed these places, and the surname Trush only speaks of belonging modern descendants to this genus.

Trush name meaning

  • In the "Veles Book" written by Slavic priests in the 9th century, Russians are called by the generic name "RUSH". Also in the 10th century, the name "Rushav" was mentioned among the southern Slavs, in the 11th century the name "Rush" was mentioned in Bohemia and Moravia, in the 13th century Rushkovichev was the prince of Lithuania. It follows that "Trush" simply means - That Russian, a descendant of Rush.
  • If we read this name from the Glagolitic alphabet or from the Slovenian Letter with the help of figurative meanings, we get: T - firmly, approved by the gods, unshakable; R - rivers, wisdom flowing from the world of Rule which we speak. That is, what they received from above, then they said it. U - uk, (wok) connection of heavenly and earthly, connection on the verge of contacts. Ш - Breadth of aces, their wisdom, three channels of forces (soul, spirit, conscience), that is, the connection of man with heaven, the divine level. It follows that Trush is the one who must have a connection on the verge of contact with heaven and firmly convey to people the wisdom received from the gods (the numerical value of the name = 800).
  • If we read this name from the runes with the help of figurative meanings, we get: T - approved by the gods Ru - an active influencing principle, both destroying and creating, bringing the divine forces into action Ш - Divine forces of life.

That is, Trush is a person who must firmly and actively influence life with the help of divine forces.

Now put it all together and get more full value ancient generic name.

Trush is a person belonging to a Russian clan-tribe who is able to: 1) establish a connection with the forces of the three worlds (Reveal, Navi and Rule) on the verge of contact; 2) firmly without distortion to convey to people the wisdom received from the gods; 3) to firmly and actively influence life with the help of divine forces (but we must not forget that all these are potentialities that still need to be realized).

Some famous representatives surnames Trush who managed to realize to one extent or another their inherent opportunities in the name of Rod:

  • Trush Ivan Ivanovich born in 1869 - Ukrainian painter, paintings - ("Hutsulka with a child"), portraits (I. Franko), lyrical landscapes. A monument to him was erected in Lvov.
  • Famous genealogist late XIX century K. A. Trush
  • Vladimir Yakovlevich Trush (1869 -193 ...). "one of the resolute and fearless fighters and pioneers in the complete initiation of Galician Rus' to the all-Russian culture", he "turned out after the war one of the first wakers of the fallen, it was, folk spirit in the edge." In 1923, the Russian School society was founded in Lvov, the founding member of which was the same V.Ya.Trush ...

This material has been prepared in order to, through the study of surnames, encourage the living to restore the interrupted connection with their ancient clans. Therefore, I wish everyone good luck on this path.

Origin Slavic surnames.

History of Slavic surnames covers more than one century and combines their similarities and features that are common to all Slavic cultures. Practically in all Slavic lands hereditary names began to form in the XIV-XV centuries among landowners, when it became necessary to secure the hereditary right to property.

Educational features of Slavic surnames.

Usually meaning such Slavic surnames associated with some place names. There is a strong influence on Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian surnames rendered Polish generic names with the ending -sky, -tsky - Verbzhitsky (Polish), Steblivsky (Ukrainian), Vyazemsky (Russian), Belsky (Belarusian).

Perhaps in dictionary of Slavic surnames the endings -ov, -ev, -in, which are more characteristic of the Russian language, can be considered as common. They are found in Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Bulgarian surnames. True, in men's Czech surnames usually no endings, but in female version such hereditary names end in -ova - Novak-Novakova, Shpork-Shporkova. very many Bulgarian surnames formed in this way - Mitkov, Panchev, Tikhov. The southern Slavs have common surnames in -ich - Vutechich (Serbian), Babich (Serbian), Lalich (Hovatskaya), Kreshemirovich (Croatian).

Of course, there are a large number of ways to form Slavic surnames that differ national characteristics. In russian language declension of Slavic surnames obeys the laws of Russian grammar. For example, male surnames, ending in a consonant are declined, while feminine ones are not. Surnames ending in -sky, -sky change in cases in both genders as adjectives.

Meanings of Slavic surnames.

If you study alphabetical list of slavic surnames, it can be seen that they have much in common in semantic meaning. In all languages, part of the surnames was formed from personal names (Nikolich, Sidorov, Lukash, Petrenko, Aleshkovsky). Interpretation most Slavic surnames associated with the profession of a person, his nickname, the names of plants and objects. So, perhaps the first carrier Polish surname Dzenzelyuk bore the nickname "woodpecker", the Czech Sklenarzh was a glassmaker, the Ukrainian Koval was a blacksmith. The Polish-Belarusian surname Golodyuk is formed from the word "hunger", Ukrainian surname Kvitun corresponds to the Russian Kvitunov, and both of them came from the verb "kvitat", that is, "to avenge an insult, pay a debt." The Poles have a similar surname Kvitash.

Even this brief analysis shows how much Slavic surnames have in common, despite all their diversity. A top slavic slavic surnames will show which of them are the most common and popular in their countries.

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