Meeting assol and warming to read. Russian literature lesson


government agency education

“Gurnovshchina Educational and Pedagogical Complex

kindergarten- basic school of Kletsk district”

Russian literature lesson

in the 7th grade


(using ICT)

Prepared by:

Russian teacher

language and literature

Khavanskaya N.V.

Outline of the lesson of Russian literature in grade 7


And thinking about happiness...

Subject: A.S. Green. “ Scarlet Sails". Assol and Gray. Glorification of courage and joy of life in the story

Goal and tasks:

Creation of conditions for entering the figurative world of Alexander Grin, for introducing students to the deep content of his work;

Lesson type:

Conduct form: reflection lesson

Technology: development of critical thinking (dialogue learning)

Forms of work in the lesson: work in groups, in pairs, individual

Equipment: multimedia presentation, notes on the board, handouts, dictionaries, a model of a ship with sails, the text of the story, white sheets, colored pencils, an epigraph: “A person in a fit of happiness is able to work miracles with his own hands.” Konstantin Paustovsky (written on the board), small boats for reflection.

During the classes

1. Organizing time. Motivational attitude

Hello! Glad to see you all at our lesson.

Guys, you have white sheets of paper and colored pencils on your tables. I will now read a poem, and you use colors or shapes to display your mood.

Where the mountain tops kiss the sky

Where the air is so transparent, fresh and clean,

Where at the foot the dew glistens in flowers,

I take it out of my pocket White list.

And write on it whatever I want

And I'll draw what I like...

And now I'm flying in my dreams,

To a distant and mysterious land

Where life is bright, pure and good,

Where there are no sorrows, no petty worries,

Where the soul freezes from excitement,

And the heart rejoices and sings.

I want to show you this world

And I'm glad to greet my friends!

Let's look for the path to happiness together

And be a purer and kinder soul.

2. Stage of goal setting

Today I brought a symbol of faith and dreams to the lesson, what do you think this ship is here for? (Student answers)

- I want to offer you today a not quite usual lesson title: “And thinking about happiness…”. slide 1. This is a phrase from the extravaganza "Scarlet Sails", slide 2 and placed it Green at the end of the book. When the writer created this work, he probably also "thought about happiness."

- And what are you guys thinking about today, show how you reflected your mood with which you came to the lesson?

The epigraph of the lesson today will be the words of Konstantin Paustovsky "A person in a fit of happiness is able to work miracles with his own hands." (writing on the board) How do you understand the meaning of these words? (student answers) Remember your statements, because we will return to these words at the end of the lesson.

Guys, we already know the topic of our conversation, we discussed the epigraph. Let's now formulate the objectives of our lesson. (Student answers).Slide 3:

- Research... (the path to happiness, the dream of the main characters of the work);

- To uncover(reveal) ... (the main features of the images of the main characters)

- Compare(compare) ... (images of Assol, Gray, residents of Kaperna).

Most importantly, today we will try to prove that a person in a fit of happiness is able to work miracles with his own hands.

3. Checking homework

4. Lexical work

For Alexander Stepanovich Green, it is very important to make a person happy. He wrote about this in his works. The greatest reward for a person is to bring happiness to another person. This is what Gray did for Assol in the captivating story "Scarlet Sails", which Green began writing in Petrograd in 1920, when after typhus he wandered around the city and every night he looked for lodging with random people.

- Remember how the writer himself defined the genre of the work?(fantastic story)

What language is the word "fairy" borrowed from? (from French). From what word was it formed? (from the word "fairy")slide 4

Now I invite you to work in pairs.

Work in pairs

1 pair: find the definition of the word "fairy" in the dictionary; (Handout)

2 pair: choose from the types appropriate to the work under study. (Handout)

3 pair: what is common between Green's extravaganza and ordinary fairy tale?


1. Definition. (What?)

2. Types of extravaganza.

(suggested responses of students during the summarizing dialogue after filling out the table:


1. Definition. (What?)

EXTRAVAGANZA1 . Theatrical or circus performance

fairy-tale content, distinguished by magnificent staging and stage effects

2 . Magical, fabulous spectacle

2. Types of extravaganza.

Circus show;


3. What is common between Green's extravaganza and an ordinary fairy tale?

A wonderful meeting with Agle;

Assol's unusual dream; Grey's bright audacious dream; the chance meeting of the heroes is also amazing; incredible transformation dreams into reality

5. System updating of knowledge. Working with extravaganza text

A fairy tale, magic, dreams - all this is so close and so unsteady. You have read the work, I want you now to share your impressions about what you read, about the main characters. Imagine what their portraits in word drawing Let's imagine an imaginary portrait of Assol and Gray.

Now I offer you work in two groups. The first group works with the image of Assol, and the second - with the image of Gray.

1) Work in groups


5. Read the description of Assol. What do you think, what are the most important features of her character that the author wanted to emphasize? Conclusion.

(Students' answers)Slide 5.

- And so, ASSOL, what is your idea of ​​her and her path to her dream? What is she?

(Assol is the daughter of the sailor Longren, two girls live in her, two Assol, mixed in a wonderful irregularity, making up a single image:

She is observant, saw everything around differently, talked to the bugs and to herself; believed in her dream; skillfully managed around the house; kind and sincere.

She lived her dreams, in her own world, understandable to her alone.)

How Assol's dream was born, we will now have the opportunity to see in a fragment from the film.

    Watching a fragment of a video film, episode No. 1 (Assol's meeting with Egle).

We looked bright episode film, they saw and heard how Assol's dream was born.

Answer the question: Why were the sails scarlet? (scarlet is the color of dreams, hopes of fire and love). Why is this piece interesting to you?


(Students' answers)slide 6.

(Gray was born with a living soul, lived in his own world, in this world a dream towered over everything. He eagerly read books, dreamed of becoming a captain. Gray experienced all the hardships of ship life, changed outwardly "lost weakness", became broad in the shoulders, strong in muscles, "a sparkle reflected in the thinking eyes", the speech became "short and precise. But Gray did not lose the most important thing - his strange flying soul.")

Do you think that the meeting between Assol and Arthur Gray?

I think no. Fate brought the heroes together. An uneasy feeling throbbed Gray's chest, "someone seemed to call him." Assol suddenly heard "something like a distant call", and this called her to the shore. Let's watch a clip from the movie.

    Watching a fragment of the video film, episode No. 2 (the first meeting of Asol and Gray).

2) Work in groups.

Now I suggest you find common features, which unite Assol and Gray.

Assignment: Groups look for commonalities in the main characters (handout)

Strong, rebellious personality (choice - to be a captain).

there is a desire for beauty, the ability to dream (toys for children, admiring the beauty of the world).

Striving for the unknown, adventure, freedom (born far from the sea, in a wealthy family, but chose the hardships of marine life).

faith in the power of dreams, imagination that can change the world; belief that everyone has a dream

Choosing the purpose of life (doing miracles with your own hands, feeling someone else's pain as your own)

Conclusion: Slide 7. So, we see that a lot of things unite young people? Slide 7.(Firstly, they were both deprived of communication with their peers. But this loneliness gave rise to the ability to see and appreciate the beauty of nature in the heroes. Secondly, they understand that they love all life on earth, are close to nature. Thirdly, Assol and Gray kind and selfless, hardworking, and finally, they both believe in the dream.)

3) Reflection

Pay attention to the slide: “I understood one simple truth. It is to do so-called miracles with your own hands.” slide 8.

To whom do these words belong? How do you understand them?

We were convinced that Green was right, if you go towards a dream, then all paths will be open and dreams will come true. Gray's dreams and romance intersected with Assol's fairy tale, and Gray responded to this fairy tale, as he himself loved romance and the sea, and Assol's dream was connected with the sea and a wonderful ship. Love helped him to fulfill Assol's dream. He fulfilled her dream and presented it to others as a fairy tale.

The meeting between Assol and Gray shocked all the inhabitants of Kaperna. How did it happen? Let's turn to the text. (Children find a fragment of the meeting between Assol and Gray, read out. In the text they find an image of a state of happiness that overwhelms the heroes, read out from the words "... in a solemn chorus ...")

    Watching a fragment of a video film, episode No. 3 (the meeting of Asol and Gray. Scarlet sails).

What did the people of Kaperna understand? (The people of Kaperna realized that even the most incredible dream can come true if you believe in it and go towards it.)

K.G. Paustovsky said: slide 9.“The future we strive for is born from an invincible human property - the ability to dream and love”? How does this statement resonate with the life and actions of the main characters of the work?

Igroup Assol faced with anger, envy, but did not respond with evil. She was always sympathetic, kind, gentle, sensitive, unusually beautiful soul. She became happy, because. happy is he who does not respond to evil with evil, but does good, and has not hardened his soul.

IІ groupGray. This statement by Paustovsky very well reflects the image, character and actions of Gray. gray s early childhood pursued his dream. He realized how wonderful it is when dreams come true, which he realized himself, with his work, perseverance, determination.

Is this saying still relevant today? Why?

4) Generalization

So what qualities do you need to have in order to achieve your dream, so that, no matter what, go towards it? We will answer this question in pairs. (There are felt-tip pens on the table and clean sheets paper.)

Guys, you should consult and write the qualities that Gray and Assol possessed, going towards their dream.

(Sample answers: 1. Faith in beauty, faith in miracles, faith in a fairy tale and the miraculous fulfillment of a dream; sincerity, diligence, reading books - all this leads Assol to his dream. 2. Gray's exciting love for the sea, the dream of being a captain, the ability overcoming difficulties, determination, determination, the ability to appreciate the beautiful, kindness, sensitivity, nobility - all these qualities allowed Gray to fulfill his dream and Assol's dream).

Pin the children's answers around the word dream on the board.

Many generations re-read this book, it has become a legend, a symbol of first love and dreams. There are symbols in this work, we have already talked about one of them - this is the scarlet color. slide 10.

If scarlet sails are a symbol of dreams, hope, love and fire, then a white ship is a symbol that in the Bible means a higher spiritual power that will carry you across the ocean of life and help you overcome all adversity.

Do you think people of the 21st century have these symbols? (“Scarlet Sails” is today a symbol of high and pure dreams. It is a symbol of hope and dreams of big and noble deeds for a brighter future.)

There is a tradition in St. Petersburg: slide 11 in a day prom all graduates gather on the Neva and wait for the Scarlet Sails to appear. This is very symbolic, as on this day graduates have their own dream of a happy future.

What does the book teach? (The book teaches you to believe in your dream, to be purposeful, to go boldly towards your dream, to believe and know that a person is the creator of his own happiness. The book teaches children to be real men and knights.)

Why are such heroes interesting, are they needed now? (Students answer).

Based on the work "Scarlet Sails" - many others have been created creative works, works of art, artists paint pictures, poets compose poems, composers write songs, there is even an opera "Scarlet Sails" - author Bogoslovsky, 1996. In the city of Feodosia there is a monument to "Scarlet Sails".

Guys, today we are talking with you about literary heroes who dreamed, tirelessly walked towards their dream and their dreams came true. Do you know examples from life when people dreamed and their dreams came true? (Yu. Gagarin, M. Lomonosov, many athletes, artists and ordinary people those who have become the creator of their dreams.)

Guys, why does a person need a dream in life? Discuss in pairs and answer this question. (Listen to each pair).

6. Homework

At home, everyone will have to express their attitude to the work, to its heroes in an essay-reasoning: “Does a person need a dream?”

7. Commented grading

8. Reflection

Children receive small drawings of boats, on which they write down their dream and voice their impression of the work that they thought about.

Let's take a look at the epigraph of our lesson again. Do you agree with the words of K. Paustovsky?

Everyone, adults and children, believe in miracles. And may our dreams come true! If you open your heart to this world, you will believe that "sails will rise over the scarlet ocean, and the violin will sing over the ocean." Let Kaperna, Gray, Assol, a ship with scarlet sails - all this is a figment of the artist's imagination. But as long as they live on earth good people- romantics who know how to love and dream like that, all this can come true. Green assured that a ship with scarlet sails sooner or later comes to everyone who knows how to dream, who believes with all his heart that dreams and desires will come true. After all, you just need to remember: “Miracles must be created with your own hands!”.

slide 13.


1. Definition. (What?)

2. Types of extravaganza.

3. What is common between Green's extravaganza and an ordinary fairy tale?


1. Definition. (What?)

2. Types of extravaganza.

3. What is common between Green's extravaganza and an ordinary fairy tale?


1. Definition. (What?)

2. Types of extravaganza.

3. What is common between Green's extravaganza and an ordinary fairy tale?

Ia group of students presents the project "Assol's Way to a Dream".

1. Tell us about the girl's childhood.

2. How was her relationship with her peers?

3. Why couldn't Assol make friends with the children of her village? What makes her different from them?

4. What did Longren teach his daughter?

5. Read the description of Assol. What do you think, what are the most important features of her character that the author wanted to emphasize?

IIthe group presents the project "Grey's Way to a Dream"

1. Why did Grey grow up lonely? (The father removed all the servants' children from the castle, fearing that they would spoil the boy.)

2. What was the world of his childhood filled with?

3. What episodes from Gray's life home do you remember?

4. Pay attention to stories with pictures. What is the significance of these episodes in the story?

5. How did he imagine the profession of a captain? Did the "restless work" on the ship correspond to Arthur Gray's childhood ideas?





Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov FEERIA [ « her » pronounced How one semi-long syllable ], -And,wives. 1 . Theatricalorcircusperformancefabulouscontent,differentmagnificentstagingand stageeffects. 2 . transfer. magical,fabulousspectacle(bookstore. ).F . winter forests . | adj. enchanting, -and I, -oh(To1 value. ).Enchanting effects .


magical sight , performance, fabulous spectacle, phantasmagoria

What is the meaning of the word "extravaganza"? (1. theatrical or circus performance with fabulous story, luxurious scenery, costumes. 2. magical, fabulous spectacle)

EXTRAVAGANZA(French féerie, from fée - sorceress, fairy), a genre of stage performing arts(theatrical, variety, circus, cinematic). In the extravaganza, as a rule, a fabulous, magical plot is used; luxurious costumes and scenery; numerous complex staged effects. Extravaganza is traditionally considered a "light", entertaining genre. performing arts.

The court theater of the era of absolutism provided fertile ground for the formation and development of the extravaganza genre, when financial resources for staging performances were practically unlimited. Opera and ballet performances very often carry the character of extravaganza.

It is believed that the features of the extravaganza are also characteristic of the folk fair, farce theater, which uses complex mechanisms of machinery, sound and light effects in its performances. However, in the strict sense, the aesthetics of folk booth rather, it is opposed to the principles of enchanting representations, striving to achieve the most convincing, life-like impression of a miracle. The rough effects of the booth, thickly mixed with humor, improvisation, direct contact with the public, unambiguously refer to the conventional theater masks And farce.

In the same way, it is impossible to attribute, say, numerous Hollywood thrillers to the extravaganza genre. Despite the fact that modern most complex staging technologies here make it possible to achieve the most convincing effect, this type of spectacle implies a fundamentally different emotional involvement of the audience.

In extravaganza, audience reactions are based on surprise and admiration; strong psychological reactions are possible only within these boundaries of the emotional field. That is why the extravaganza genre is extremely common in circus performances. The initially programmed reaction of admiration for the unusual skills and abilities of artists who exceed the abilities of the average person and go beyond the ordinary can be multiplied many times over by complex technical equipment- for example, an arena completely filled with water. As a rule, in genre extravaganzas are built numbers of circus and variety illusion, by their nature close to a miracle.

Speaking of theatrical extravaganza, one cannot help but recall the Russian entrepreneur, actor, director M.V. Lentovsky who opened the Fantastic Theater in 1882 in Moscow. The theater was very popular, striking the audience with the grandeur of productions, unusual effects, picturesque crowd scenes. In collaboration with the brilliant theater engineer and decorator K.F. Waltz, Lentovsky created extravaganzas filled with bright entertainment and ingenuity. Lentovsky Theater produced great impression on K.S.Stanislavsky, although it would seem difficult to imagine more polar theatrical aesthetics. This, in fact, once again indicates that all genres in the theater are equal, and that a high level of professionalism in any of them will not leave indifferent representatives of other aesthetic styles and trends.

Self-analysis of the lesson of Russian literature

Subject: And thinking about happiness...

A.S. Green. "Scarlet Sails". Assol and Gray. Glorification of courage and joy of life in the story


To help students through observation to highlight the main character traits of Assol and Gray, to understand why it was Assol and Gray who deserved happiness; see the position of the author in relation to such people as the heroes of the story;

Promote the development of a number of important psychological characteristics students' personalities: inclinations to comparison, comparison, analytical thinking; ability to abstract, put forward hypotheses, to creative imagination;

Contribute to the education of an active life position; high moral feelings, purposefulness; love for neighbor, faith in goodness, love and dream.

Lesson type: generalizing lesson using information and communication technologies

Technology: information and communication

Conduct form: reflection lesson

The lesson was held in the 7th grade. The grade point average in the subject is 7.4. On high level(9 points) - 2 students, 4 on sufficient, 1 of them has 8 points, 3 - 7 points, 1 student has an average score (5).

This lesson is the third in the study of the work of A.S. Green, his fairy tale "Scarlet Sails". Therefore, the purpose of the lesson was to create conditions for comprehending the figurative world of Alexander Grin, for familiarizing students with the deep content of his work. To achieve this goal, I used:

Film excerpts from this work for motivation learning activities;

Multimedia presentation in order to enhance the attention of students;

Work in pairs to define the concept of "extravaganza";

Work in groups at the stage of characterizing the images of the main characters;

The students were given the following tasks:

Write a mini essay "What is happiness?".

Health protection requirements were met at the lesson: visual gymnastics was carried out, the norms for using a multimedia presentation (up to 25 minutes) were met, the lesson was dynamic: all students were actively working. I think that the objectives of the lesson are realized. Ratings posted. Homework is creative.

Meeting Assol and Captain Gray Two people, so unlike the inhabitants around, live in two worlds, real and their own. And dream of the extraordinary. The meeting of Assol and Gray is amazing, like in a fairy tale, but it seems that this is exactly how it should have happened! It seems that Assol loved and waited for her prince for a long time - from the very moment the wizard told her about the ship with scarlet sails, how Longren decided - let her daughter live with this fabulous dream. It seems that Gray fell in love with Assol a long time ago - even before he saw her sleeping on the road.

As if two strings sounded together... That morning will soon come when the ship will approach the shore, and Assol will shout: "I'm here! Here I am!" - and will rush to run right on the water.

A dream, if you believe in it, that is, to give your life to it, no matter what prudent people say, becomes a powerful creative force. The meeting of Assol and Gray was inevitable, because their fates in childhood are very similar, they understand, they love all life on earth , close to nature, kind and disinterested, both believe in a dream.The meeting was not accidental: Gray did everything to make this meeting take place and be exactly what Assol dreamed of (a girl "who cannot, must not get married otherwise, as soon as in this way") And whether the meeting became happy for Assol and Gray can be understood from the words of Gray himself: "As for me, our beginning - mine and Assol - will remain to us forever in the scarlet reflection of the sails created by the depth of the heart, knowing, what is love "Amazingly, the poetic narration of Alexander Grin seems to convince us, the readers: the power of love is enormous if this love is pure, sincere, if it is the love of an untouched, spotless, uncorrupted soul. To be able to turn a dream into reality is the greatest human talent" Carefully , but with a laugh, himself shocked and surprised that an inexpressible, precious minute inaccessible to anyone had come, Gray lifted this long-long dreamed face by his chin, and the girl's eyes finally opened clearly ...

Meeting Assol and Captain Gray
Two people, so unlike the inhabitants around, live in two worlds, real and their own. And dream of the extraordinary. The meeting of Assol and Gray is amazing, like in a fairy tale, but it seems that this is exactly how it should have happened! It seems that Assol loved and waited for her prince for a long time - from the very moment the wizard told her about the ship with scarlet sails, how Longren decided - let her daughter live with this fabulous dream. It seems that Gray fell in love with Assol a long time ago - even before he saw her sleeping on the road.
As if two strings sounded together... Soon the morning will come when the ship will approach the shore, and Assol will shout: "I'm here! Here I am!" - And he will rush to run right on the water. A dream, if you believe in it, that is, if you give your life to it, no matter what prudent people say, becomes a powerful creative force.
The meeting of Assol and Gray was inevitable, because their fates in childhood are very similar, they understand, love all life on earth, are close to nature, kind and disinterested, both believe in a dream. The meeting was not accidental: Gray did everything to make this meeting take place and be exactly what Assol dreamed of (a girl “who cannot, should not get married otherwise than in this way”). And whether the meeting became happy for Assol and Gray can be understood from the words of Gray himself: “As for me, our beginning - mine and Assol - will remain for us forever in the scarlet reflection of the sails created by the depth of the heart that knows what love is"
Surprisingly, the poetic narrative of Alexander Grin seems to convince us, the readers: the power of love is enormous if this love is pure, sincere, if it is the love of an untouched, unstained, uncorrupted soul. To be able to turn a dream into reality is the greatest human talent. “Cautiously, but with a laugh, himself shocked and surprised that an inexpressible precious minute had come, Gray lifted this long-long dreamed face by his chin, and the girl’s eyes, finally , clearly revealed ... "

So, - by chance, as people who can read and write say, - Gray and Assol found each other in the morning summer day full of inevitability. "
This quote from the story reveals the regularity of the meeting ....
And you have to write your own essay.
The ancient Greeks said that desire itself creates. The power of desire, dreams can turn life around and change a person. Alexander Grin created with the power of his dreams the whole world in which brave, sincere men, poetic and lovely women, where cities with wonderful names stand by the sea - Lisa, Zurbagan.
Green knew the power of dreams and the power of love. All his stories about love end with one phrase - "They lived a long time and died on the same day." The most important thing is to meet, find each other.
Little Assol, an outcast child, brought up kind and loving father lives a solitary life. She is repulsed by her peers, disliked by adults, transferring dislike to her father to the girl.
One day he meets her in the forest a strange man, tells a tale about a ship with scarlet sails, and from that moment fate begins its work. Assol believed in a fairy tale, made it a part of her soul. The girl was ready for a miracle - and the miracle found her.
Green shows how intricate ways two people, made for each other, go to a meeting. Gray lives in a completely different world. Wealth, luxury, power are given to him by birthright. And in the soul lives a dream not of jewelry and feasts, but of the sea and sails. In defiance of his family, he becomes a sailor, sails around the world, and one day a chance brings him to the tavern of the village where Assol lives. As a crude anecdote, they tell Gray the story of a mad woman who is waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails.
As if two strings sounded together... Soon the morning will come when the ship will approach the shore, and Assol will shout: "I'm here! Here I am!" - And he will rush to run right across the water.
A dream, if you believe in it, that is, if you give your life to it, no matter what "reasonable" people say, it becomes a powerful creative force.


Our project is about Crimea, about the city of Feodosia.

About our favorite writer - Alexandra Green.

The purpose of the project isholding an exhibition of paintings written on only one literary plot - about the meeting of Assol and Gray.

The exhibition will take place in October 2016 in Moscow, in library No. 48.

The presentation of the exhibition will be held in the format of a musical and poetic evening.

And now about the history of the project!

A few years ago, we, the Davydov family, bought a funny, naive picture on the embankment of the city of Feodosia. On it is one of the most famous, touching and important plot for Feodosia: the meeting of Assol and Gray. Let's open the book:

"... a boat separated, full of tanned rowers; among them stood the one whom, as it seemed to her now, she knew, vaguely remembered from childhood. .... She ran waist-deep into the warm swaying of the waves, shouting: - I'm here, I'm here! It's me!"

Alexander Green is a favorite writer. Scarlet sails, like clear Soviet flags - a cherished, but also a close dream, tremble in the soul all my life, from childhood.

But you can’t make it out here ... Whether it’s to dream of radiant happiness together with the heroes of the picture and their creator; or to laugh homerically at the many absurdities and inconsistencies in our picture.

It turned out that one does not interfere with the other! The ingenious is so deep and inspiring that it fills even splint with meaning and nobility.

There are many versions of what is happening here. Here is one of them, the most daring:

Galeot "Secret" is captured by pirates! Gray managed to escape. A gang of robbers, having heard about Gray's plans (or having read "Scarlet Sails"), decided to capture Assol in order to sell her into slavery later. Wishing to attract the girl to the shore, they, following the plot, sail on the boat to the shore, putting a log depicting Gray on the bow of the boat....

Remember the words of Captain Gray:

"Assemble an orchestra, but not from dandies with the smart faces of the dead ... - no. Gather your own, making you cry simple hearts cooks and footmen; gather your tramps.The sea and love do not tolerate pedants."

And if they were not musicians, but artists?

And now - before us are paintings by artists from Zurbagan, Lissa, Gel-Gyu ...

The following year, we forked out for another picture. Now it was a watercolor. But here, apart from laughter, there was some kind of anxiety and doom:

Bad weather, rush, and the proximity of a shipwreck! But Assol is calm. She stands on the stones of the shore - an aged fisherwoman with a red pistol. But even here, the childish romantic feeling did not disappoint: the heart beats faster; the plot flew to other lands and realities:

And again a year has passed.... This time two paintings. At first we were not lucky, there was nothing suitable at the Feodosiya "opening day". I had to be content with something similar to the first version of the meeting of our favorites:

Assol appears before us as a high-society young lady, like a swan, who has sailed to her eternal date in magnificent attire. Straight from the ball to the ship!

But later, just before leaving for Moscow, on the parapet near the fountain, we discovered this miracle:

This picture is the most touching, and probably the best in artistic sense. It's hard not to shed a tear of tenderness!

Dream of a dream! A certain little girl, brought from Moscow or Leningrad, plays in her imagination in Assol.

And time flies again. And next year. And the Crimea is already ours... The storm is coming! And for sure - look what a contrast with the previous one:

This is not serene happiness in the sandbox! Everything is serious here. The giantess queen meets a toy prince on a toy boat. He probably swims towards her in the form of the Nutcracker. Nature, understanding the importance of the moment, squeezes out all the thunder colors. Everything promises drama. But the victory of Love is inevitable.

On the wall new calendar. And now the second Russian summer in Crimea. And our Assol settled down, threw off her carnival masks, and became like herself. Finally, we met our pet as it is described in the book:

How well pot-bellied boats emphasize her thin image! And one can feel Kaperna's incredulous, but also joyful excitement behind her back.

Thank you, Alexander Stepanovich! Thank you, Theodosius!

Here's what we've got so far:

Well, the "airplane" in the lower left corner, drawn by the middle son, was attached next to him at his request))

As long as our Art Gallery small. But we plan to expand it. We are going not only to supplement our collection with touching and often amateurish pictures (and this line will inevitably be continued!), but also to specially order every year from one or another Crimean artist picture on the subject.

Entrance to the exhibition will be free.

A small concert will be held as a presentation of the exhibition. The author of the project will perform songs own composition dedicated to the Crimea, the sea, Green, and, of course, love.

Support us!

Good luck!

Literature in 6th grade
« Extravaganza A. Green "Scarlet Sails" - a fairy tale about a dream come true", lesson number 3
1. The purpose of the lesson: to summarize and systematize students' ideas about the characters of the heroes of the story, to summarize the study of the story

2. Tasks:
- educational: introduce the genre of extravaganza, teach
correlate piece of art and its interpretation in fine arts and film, improve analysis skills literary text, characteristics literary hero.
- developing:
develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in solving problematic problems;
develop speech, creative imagination;
-educational: to form value orientations, ideas about morality
10. Type of lesson: lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills.
11. Forms of student work: frontal, individual work students.
12. Necessary Technical equipment: computers, projector, screen, Internet access.
13. Structure and course of the lesson
I. Organizational moment
-Hello guys! Is everyone ready for the lesson? Okay, have a seat.
In order for you and I to tune in to the desired wave of the lesson, I suggest that you listen to music, plunge into wonderful world sounds.
(turn on the music "Sound of the Sea")
- Guys, what did you hear? What sounds?
-It is today that we will plunge into an amazing and fairy world A. Green.
-In our lesson, we will summarize the study of A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails", generalize and systematize our ideas about the heroes of this story.
II. Updating knowledge and their correction
In the previous lessons, we got acquainted with the work of A. Green, a romantic writer, who believed “it is better to live in elusive captivating dreams than in the dirt and garbage of every day.” We traveled on a map of Greenland created by creative imagination writer, stopped in the village of Kapern, where the little dreamer Assol lives.
At home, you should have prepared a story about Assol.
EOR:- Consider the illustration by S. Brodsky "Assol"
.What personality traits of Assol did the artist manage to embody in the picture?
Did you see Assol like this when you read the work?

(reading the characteristics of Assol)
Conclusion: Assol, guys, lives in a world of cruel, rude people who do not know how to love. Unable to believe in a fairy tale. - Is there a hero in the story, close to Assol, able to understand her?
(Yes, and it's Gray)
EOR: Pay attention to the illustration by S. Brodsky "Assol and Grey".
-What do the characters have in common?
- Is the meeting of Assol and Gray accidental? What do these heroes have in common?
(No, this kinship of souls led to the fact that the hero was able to fulfill Assol's dream, to make fantasy a reality)

(I think that Assol and Gray did not meet by chance. Because Assol waited a very long time for her prince, her love. Her happiness. Gray, in turn, wandered and looked for a chosen one. And Assol found in her. This meeting was appointed by fate itself).

Teacher: The meeting of Assol and Gray was inevitable, because their fates in childhood are very similar, they understand, love all life on earth, are close to nature, kind and disinterested, both believe in a dream. The meeting was not accidental: Gray did everything to make this meeting take place and be exactly what Assol dreamed of

III. Repetition and analysis of the main facts, events and phenomena
- And now I suggest you answer the test questions, remember how Assol and Gray met. How did events develop further?

Discussion of test results, summing up.
IV. Generalization and systematization of concepts
EOR- Educational article.
-Read the educational article summarizing our study of A. Green's story. Green defines the genre of his work as extravaganza.
Read the genre definition. Is there a fairy tale, magical, wonderful in the story?
- Prove that there was nothing magical in the appearance of scarlet sails.
(Grey did the whole “miracle”: he chose the right material and ordered the sails to be sewn; ch.4.)
Conclusion: The heroes of the story themselves create a miracle. Gray makes Assol's dream come true. Assol believed in the dream and remained true to it.
Work with the textbook.
Find in the text Gray's words about that. How can you create miracles with your own hands.
(reading the text) "Miracles must be done with your own hands. If a person's soul longs for a miracle, do this miracle for him. new soul will be with Him, and a new one with you!"

V. Transfer of acquired knowledge to new conditions
-How did you understand these words? Write an essay-miniature “As I understand the words of Arthur Gray that “miracles must be done with your own hands”
(work in notebooks)
Read several essays.
Evaluation and encouragement of interesting, independent work.
- So, Gray creates a miracle with his own hands - Assol's dream comes true.
- How did they react to the appearance of scarlet sails in Kapern?
Let's see a Fragment from the movie "Scarlet Sails" (1961) directed by A. Ptushko "Inhabitants of Kaperna meet" Secret "

VI. Summing up the lesson, reflection
- Do you need Magic wand to perform a miracle?
What are the scarlet sails a symbol of? (a symbol of dreams and love, fulfillment of desire)
Green's "Scarlet Sails" represent magic power human dream. To sail in life under a scarlet sail means to set before oneself lofty goals to dream, to strive to realize what was planned.

Guys need to believe in miracles
Someday early in the spring
Scarlet sails will rise above the ocean,
And the violin will sing over the ocean.

VII. Setting homework
Offers homework optional: 1. Come up with a continuation of A. Green's story (for example, "The World of Kaperna after the events described")
2. Reasoning “Do we need Scarlet Sails today?
“What can the Scarlet Sails extravaganza teach?

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