Churches, monasteries and estates of the Kaluga region. Manor "White Villa"


In the summer of 1882, a small estate on Olkhovaya Street in Kislovodsk became a haven for the artist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko, who arrived for treatment. The nature of Kislovodsk fascinated the artist so much that three years later he acquired this estate and began construction on it. own house. The project of the "White Villa" is the creation of Yaroshenko himself - one-story wooden house with two outbuildings was built according to the sketches of the great artist.

Here, in different years welcome guests were artists, writers, scientists. The manor was considered the center cultural life North Caucasus. Dmitry Mendeleev, Sergei Rakhmaninov, Ilya Repin, Konstantin Stanislavsky and many other prominent people visited Yaroshenko and his wife Maria Pavlovna. It was at the "White Villa" that Leo Tolstoy wanted to find shelter and shelter when planning his first escape from Yasnaya Polyana.

Yaroshenko died in Kislovodsk in 1898 and was buried not far from the estate, in the fence of St. Nicholas Cathedral.

The revival of the Yaroshenko estate is associated with the name of the artist Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Seklyutsky, who did a great job of collecting historical documents and exhibits. In 1959, a decision was made to organize a museum in this estate. It was opened in 1962 and since then has always attracted the attention of lovers of painting and antiquity.

In the museum you can see large portrait genre and landscape works by Nikolai Yaroshenko. There is also a hall of works by his contemporaries: Isaac Levitan, Alexei Savrasov, Arkhip Kuindzhi and others.

IN last years The territory of the museum has expanded significantly: the estate has been returned to its former size and a beautiful garden has been laid out.

For many years the museum has been holding meetings with interesting people- "Yaroshenko's Saturdays", where outstanding cultural figures of art perform. This is a continuation of light traditions in the making artistic culture in the Caucasus.

The city of Kislovodsk and its inhabitants can no longer imagine themselves without this small house above the ever-talkative Olkhovka River, where the name of the artist lives and will live, his living spirit, where the whole world his art.


Seklyutsky, V. Kislovodsky Art Museum N.Ya. Yaroshenko / V. Seklyutsky - Mineralnye Vody: Ed. "Caucasian health resort", 1986. - 24 p.

Guide to the Caucasian Mineral Waters - Essentuki: "ROSS", 2005. - 344 pages.

Sheiko, N.I. Caucasian Mineralnye Vody / N. Sheiko - M .: Veche, 2011. - 304 p., ill.



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Let's cross the bridge to the opposite bank, climb a little uphill, turn left and find ourselves near the front gate of the estate. The estate is small in size and almost all is surrounded by greenery ancient trees. Through the front gate we will enter the territory of the former manor estate Stepanovskoe, which belonged in the second half 19th century Elizaveta Platonovna Yaroshenko (née Stepanova), wife of the artist's brother Vasily Alexandrovich.
The manor has been known since the 14th century. The owners - the boyars Stepanovs - were faithful guardians of the borders of Rus' in the fight against the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Crimean Khanate. IN late XVIII century, the wooden buildings of the estate were built (the wooden manor house burned down in 1917). Under the last owner of the estate, the estate was rebuilt in stone. Her husband V.A. Yaroshenko, an engineer by education, together with architects designed a two-story mansion, main house estates, paved new alleys of the park.
The main house of the estate is located on the high, gently sloping bank of the Techa River. From its front porch down to the river different directions linden alleys. The longest and most picturesque alley, which still retains its clear outline, stretches southwest through the entire estate. Shorter alleys descend directly to the river. The mansion acquired its modern look in mid-nineteenth century. However, it is very difficult to imagine now how beautiful this estate was before. The alley is overgrown, buildings are destroyed, the territory is littered. All this obviously does not decorate Stepanovskoye today.
After the revolution, the estate was nationalized, paintings, furniture and utensils were transferred to Kaluga museums in 1919. For a long time, various medical institutions were located on the estate. Many Kaluga residents know this place as the Pavlishchev Bor sanatorium. The resort has been closed for a long time. After the closure, a major fire broke out in the main house, significantly damaging the building. And now it stands, slowly collapsing, among the overgrown park, as a monument to its former beauty and splendor.
And the house is really beautiful, even now, when the spirit of desolation reigns everywhere. The wonderful is destroyed Noble Nest XIX century, one of the most beautiful estates in the Kaluga region. The ceilings of the main house collapsed, the fence of the estate was dismantled by local residents into bricks (only the front gate remained), and outbuildings were abandoned. And only memory brings us back to that distant past, when life was in full swing here, filled with creativity, poetry and art.
IN Lately The estate is undergoing restoration work. The area was surrounded by a concrete fence. Cleaned up trash in the main building. Several people are working to restore the north wing of the main house. However, the work is being carried out so slowly that it is not necessary to hope for a speedy restoration of the estate.
The Stepanovskoye estate is inextricably linked with the name of the famous itinerant artist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko (1846-1898).
Yaroshenko is known in Russian painting as a master - portrait painter, landscape painter. Nikolai Yaroshenko presents big interest both as an artist and as outstanding personality. Being a military engineer by education, he is engaged in painting, attends the class of the Academy of Arts as a volunteer. Yaroshenko is one of the organizers of the Association of Travelers art exhibitions, and after the death of the artist I.N. Kramskoy is headed by the Partnership. Nikolai Alexandrovich was intimately acquainted with the best representatives leading Russian intelligentsia late XIX century: artists I.N. Kramskoy, I.I. Shishkin, writers G.I. Uspensky, V.G. Korolenko.
The paintings on the theme of the heavy folk fate brought wide fame to the artist: “Stoker”, “Life Everywhere”, “Prisoner”.
According to the memoirs of a pupil of Elizaveta Platonovna Yaroshenko P.I. Vasilyeva, the artist often visited Stepanovsky and worked a lot. The estate has always had a lot of young people. Yaroshenko understood these youth well and captured their aspirations and revolutionary aspirations in the works “Student” and “Cursist”.
The one-figure composition “Girl Student” is known in two versions (one is kept in the Kiev Museum of Russian Art, the second in the Kaluga Art Museum). According to the memoirs of the artist I.S. Ostroukhova, I.N. Kramskoy, who saw the "Cursist" in the artist's studio, did not agree with the interpretation of her face and figure. The young girl evoked sympathy rather than respect. Then Yaroshenko wrote new picture, fully preserving the compositional scheme, but taking into account Kramskoy's remarks.
In the Kaluga Art Museum, the painting “Cursist” came from the Stepanovskoye estate in 1919. In the painting, the artist depicted a young girl walking with an energetic gait along a foggy St. Petersburg street. Her pretty face big eyes spiritualized. The clothes are deliberately rough and modest. A coarse wool sweater and a plaid protect her from the cold and dampness. With all the social concreteness in the created image of an advanced Russian woman, there is no everyday life, it is sublime and noble. The prototype for creating the picture was a student of the Higher (Bestuzhev) women's courses A.K. Chertkova, nee Dieterikhs. Anna Konstantinovna was close to the Yaroshenko family, she was friends with the artist's wife Maria Pavlovna.
Among the works donated to the Kaluga Art Museum, there are many portraits of relatives: a portrait of Vasily Alexandrovich's brother, "Portrait of a lady with a cat" (E.P. Yaroshenko), "Portrait of a nanny" and "Portrait of a mother."
Having examined the estate, we will go down the path leading through the park to the Techa River. Let's stop on the bridge and admire the river rapids and the mysterious - mysterious grotto of trees closing over the river. Techa - a forest river with a large number crystal clear springs. Downstream, in the vicinity of the village of Yekaterinovka, springs with healing mineral water were discovered. Water by chemical composition and the quality is not inferior to the famous Lipetsk water, but at present the source is not actively used.
The estate is considered a monument of history and culture and is under state protection. All this leaves hope that someday the estate will appear to us in its former appearance.

The owners of the estate left Russia before the revolution, leaving their estate. In 1918, the estate was nationalized, all the paintings were transferred to the Kaluga Art Museum. Among the requisitioned valuables were paintings by the artist N. A. Yaroshenko “A student student”, “Portrait of a nanny”, “Portrait of a lady with a cat”, “Portrait of a mother”, “Portrait of a brother”, “Reading a newspaper”, “Eruption of Etna”, “Etude mountain river." In addition to these paintings, the museum received two works from the estate painting XVII in .: "Penitent Peter" by Giacinto Brandi, "In the tavern" by Adrean van Ostade.

After 1917, the layout of the main house changed several times, and in two large fires (1929 and 1997), almost all floors and roofs burned down and the interiors were lost. In 1924-1928. The Yaroshenko estate, the Pavlishchevo estate, is on the list of eight estates that represent the greatest architectural and artistic value in the Kaluga province.

In 1955, a restoration was carried out, during which the partially preserved original painting was replaced by a new one or rather crudely updated.

Over the years, an orphanage, a rest home, a tuberculosis sanatorium, and even a camp for Polish prisoners of war were located on the territory. Since 1995, the territory of the estate has, in fact, been abandoned.

I wanted to get to Pavlishchev Bor as soon as I saw the first photos on the Internet, which showed that this would be the most interesting and majestic place of those that I managed to visit. And after some photos, it was decided that it was not worth postponing until next summer and waiting for good weather. As a result, one day, quite spontaneously, it was decided to go here. Unfortunately, such spontaneity led to the fact that I arrived at the place already at the moment when the sun was hiding behind the horizon, so some details could not be captured with my camera, coupled with whale optics.

To easily find the estate, you should look for the Pavlishchev Bor sanatorium on Yandex maps, or try to find (ask someone) a branch of the Russian Post. For some reason, this organization is drawn to such places, just remember.

Near the Russian Post there is an entrance gate:

And this is the gate of the front yard:

Back in the 70s of the 20th century, majestic deer could be observed here:

Now they can be called majestic only with a sign "Sarcasm" in their hands:

One has already lost his head:

Through the trees, the outline of the main building of the estate begins to appear. Unfortunately, through dense thickets and grown spruce trees, it is impossible to see the whole picture.

We go to the left along the trodden path (this place is very popular with lovers of abandoned places). First, one of the towers and part of the building appears:

Then the whole building appears before us:

Everything looks very majestic and solid, and the presence of towers makes this place look like medieval castle. You can compare how it was some 50 years ago:

Now everything is falling apart:

The facade of the building from the side of the park, you can see the remains of the steps:

Once this place was decorated with figures and it is hard to believe that such beauty was not somewhere in Italy, but not far from Kaluga:

If you look at the building from this side, then the left side of the building is made more in a rectangular style:

Here is one of the entrances to the building:

A Right side made in the rotunda style:

One of the towers with the remains of gutters:

Window to the basement, we'll get there:

It's time to look inside. This is not a corridor, this is a tower in which there are no floors left:

Central hall with columns:

And here only the columns remained:

The building is almost gone interior decoration. Only in one place did a part of the ceiling remain, which someone carefully propped up with a log:

Yes, in some places there are still small fragments that say that there was not always a bare and soulless brick here:

The door, obviously, was inherited from the Soviet past:

It is good that the steps were not made of wood, they managed to survive the fires and survive to this day. You can go down to the basement or go up to one of the towers. First of all, I want to go to the top:

Windows are increasingly associated with the castle:

Unfortunately, there is no escape from the tower, there is no floor at the top:

But you can enjoy the view:

There is still a staircase towards the rotunda balcony, but there you can only climb one flight and the view opens a little worse:

For the first time, the artist visited the North Caucasus during his honeymoon trip with his young wife Maria Pavlovna, whose maiden name was Navrotina. The couple really liked Kislovodsk and they decided to come here every year, and then they bought a land plot near the Kurortny Park and began to build their house in the Kislovodsk settlement.
The White Villa was designed by Yaroshenko himself. The builders built a one-story wooden house according to the drawings of the artist. At the built house, the Yaroshenkos smashed green Park.
In 1885, the Yaroshenkos left St. Petersburg and settled on the White Villa estate in Kislovodsk on a permanent basis.
Yaroshenko had many friends and there were always many guests at the White Villa, so several guest outbuildings were attached to the five-room house. It is known that the Yaroshenko couple often visited such famous people like:, Dmitry Mendeleev, Fedor Chaliapin, Sergei Rachmaninov, Konstantin Stanislavsky ...
Historians claim that the Pompeian murals of the estate were created by visiting friends of Yaroshenko.
Yaroshenko Nikolai Alexandrovich left home and could wander around the neighborhood for several days with paints and an easel, creating his paintings.
Yaroshenko lived in Kislovodsk happy creative life, he could create many more pictorial masterpieces. But fate decreed otherwise... summer day, in 1898, the painter went to work on Mount Big Saddle and already returning home, he fell under a heavy downpour. He had to run more than nine miles to find shelter from the cold dank rain. With difficulty, he reached the estate, wet and cold. The next morning, at the age of 51, Yaroshenko died of a heart attack.
Yaroshenko's wife Maria Pavlovna really wanted to keep Yaroshenko's original paintings and a collection of donated works by his friends, she dreamed of creating a museum named after N.A. Yaroshenko in Kislovodsk. For the museum building, she wanted to bequeath the "White Villa".
Unfortunately, on the lands of the Caucasian Mineral Waters they did not pick up good place For museum collection. The artist's widow was forced to give the paintings to Poltava, the city where the artist was born. This collection laid the foundation for the Poltava Art Museum.
Maria Yaroshenko Yaroshenko left this world in 1915, after which the "White Villa" was empty.

The very first museum of Yaroshenko in the estate "White Villa" was expected to be created in 1918. The then People's Commissar of Education, Professor Alexander Pavlovich Nechaev insisted on this, and Pavel Alexandrovich Utyakov preserved the surviving interiors of the manor house.
On December 16, 1968, two wings on the territory of the estate of N.A. Yaroshenko were approved as monuments of history and architecture state significance.
At the present time, the Memorial Museum-estate of the artist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko is a modern full-fledged museum that stores about 150 works by the artist. The first guest wing shows an exhibition of the works of the Wanderers, while the second hosts exhibitions on themes and cultural events. The museum also exhibits personal belongings and furniture of the Yaroshenko spouses.
A wonderful addition to the museum complex is the garden, which consists of two levels. On the first level there is an orchard and a tiny arboretum where exotic trees exist.
On the second level of the garden there is a quiet chamber park with fountains, where locals and visiting tourists.

Kislovodsk is famous not only for its resort life. Many artists, poets, writers and musicians have sought inspiration in this city. Today I would like to tell you about the "White Villa" - the estate of the great artist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko, a student of Kramskoy himself.

Manor complex, located among beautiful gardens, for a long time considered the center of the cultural life of the North Caucasus. Dmitry Mendeleev, Sergei Rakhmaninov, Ilya Repin, Konstantin Stanislavsky and many other prominent people visited Yaroshenko and his wife Maria Pavlovna. It was at the "White Villa" that Leo Tolstoy wanted to find shelter and shelter, planning his first escape from Yasnaya Polyana.

Yaroshenko managed to convey the atmosphere and culture of the North Caucasus in the most incredible ways. What is the fate of Yaroshenko's legacy? Why should the museum, now located on the estate, be visited by all lovers of quiet secluded places? You will find answers to all these questions in my story about the estate of an outstanding artist!

Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko is rightfully considered one of the most significant and talented Russian artists. For a long time, many obstacles arose on his creative path, which he was able to overcome thanks to perseverance, the pursuit of a dream and the endless power of his talent.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was born in the family of a retired major general in 1864. His historical homeland is Poltava. From childhood, the boy was prepared for military career. A strict and principled father, who devoted himself all his life to military affairs, did not see the future of his son in any other area than serving for the good of the Motherland.

ON THE. Yaroshenko. Self-portrait, 1895

Young Nikolai, upon reaching the required age, entered the Poltava cadet corps, and after graduation he went to St. Petersburg to continue his studies at the Pavlovsk School. Nikolai Alexandrovich with early childhood felt drawn to fine arts. And so, once in the "city of muses" - St. Petersburg, he began to take private drawing lessons.

He graduated from college with honors, and, having fulfilled the will of his father, he began work at the St. Petersburg Cartridge Plant. Nikolai Alexandrovich continued his studies in fine arts, gradually getting acquainted with the Wanderers and writers who published in the magazine " Domestic notes". The circle of his contacts was very heterogeneous: among his comrades were both representatives of the intelligentsia and ordinary workers from the factory. In many ways, it shaped him artistic outlook. Nikolai Alexandrovich saw beauty both in the deliberately sublime and in the simplicity of the ordinary.

At the courses of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists, he met Ivan Ivanovich Kramskoy himself, who taught him. After that, Yaroshenko began to attend the famous St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. And so it began creative way great artist.

Portrait of Kramskoy. ON THE. Yaroshenko, 1876.

Canvas, oil. 89.5 x 69.5. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

One of the most interesting memorable places connected with his fate is the estate in Kislovodsk, where Yaroshenko lived for a long time and created his masterpieces.

The history of the creation of the estate complex is intricately intertwined with the artist's great love for the Caucasus. The first acquaintance of Nikolai Yaroshenko with Kislovodsk took place during his honeymoon trip with his newly-made wife, Maria Pavlovna, nee Navrotina. The newlyweds were so fascinated by the beauty of the local scenery that they decided to visit Kislovodsk every year. When did such visits become kind family tradition, the Yaroshenko spouses decided to acquire their own housing in the resort town.

N.A. Yaroshenko. Beshtau.

1882 Oil on canvas. 73x110

Portrait of M.P. Yaroshenko.

Beginning 1880s. Canvas on cardboard, oil. 44x36 (oval)
They bought a plot near the Kurortny Park and began building their own house on it. The White Villa project is the creation of Yaroshenko himself. In those years, this area was called Kislovodskaya Sloboda and consisted of only seven streets. A one-story wooden house with two outbuildings was built according to the sketches of the great artist. Near the house, Maria Pavlovna and Nikolai Alexandrovich laid out a picturesque park.

In 1885, the Yaroshenko couple decided to leave St. Petersburg and finally settle in the North Caucasus. It was then that the “golden pages” began in the history of the Kislovodsk estate.

View from the "White Villa" on St. Nicholas Cathedral.
Being a prominent artist and famous public figure, Nikolai Yaroshenko had many friends. Among the close friends and associates of the artist were: Dmitry Mendeleev, Fyodor Chaliapin, Sergei Rachmaninov, Ilya Repin, Konstantin Stanislavsky. These cult personalities repeatedly visited their friend in the Kislovodsk estate. They emphasized the extraordinary simple beauty of the "Belaya Dacha" and the picturesqueness of its surroundings. The flow of guests wishing to visit the artist was so great that the Yaroshenkos decided to add several guest outbuildings to their own five-room house. It is curious that the guests did not remain aloof from the issues of landscaping the estate. Information has been preserved that the unique Pompeian paintings were created by Yaroshenko's friends who were visiting the estate.

Porch of the White Villa.
The nature of the North Caucasus served for Nikolai Alexandrovich as a source of endless inspiration. He could leave home for several days with paints and an easel, walk around the neighborhood in search of the ideal nature and completely lose the sense of real time while working on his masterpieces.

Shat mountain.

1884 Oil on canvas. 70x159
Yaroshenko literally traveled all over the Caucasus. In addition to popular natural attractions, he liked to visit places that an ordinary tourist would never wander into. He traveled with great pleasure to remote mountain villages. Nikolai Borisovich was very tactful, respectful and emphatically talented. It was these qualities that helped him to be accepted by representatives of any peoples and confessions. His biography contains amazing fact: Caucasian highlanders posed for Yaroshenko. It's no secret that Sharia law prohibits any images of a person. However, even proud and religious highlanders made an exception for Nikolai Alexandrovich. The artist adored the culture of the Caucasus in all its manifestations, and the locals greatly appreciated this quality and received him as a dear guest. Among artists, Yaroshenko even received the title of "mountain portrait painter".

Foothills. Autumn landscape

1882 Oil on canvas. 35.5x51
For several years Yaroshenko lived in the Caucasus, being in a state of absolute creative idyll. But the artist's life ended tragically and frighteningly "symbolically." In the summer of 1898 he Once again went to the mountains, this time his choice fell on the picturesque mountain Big saddle. Returning home, the artist was caught in a heavy downpour. He ran about 10 kilometers, trying to find at least some shelter from the rain. Yaroshenko barely made it home, freezing and getting very wet. The next morning, he died suddenly in the White Villa from a heart attack. He lived only 51 years.

Kislovodsk. Waterfall.

1889 Study. Cardboard, oil. 19.5x39
A heartbroken widow, Maria Pavlovna Yaroshenko, even despite her grief for her husband, managed to pull herself together and fulfill her main duty to the memory of her late husband - to save him creative heritage. Maria Yaroshenko was a versatile educated woman. She acted as a muse, critic and main support his

Contemporaries described her aspirations as follows: “After the death of N.A. Yaroshenko, - writes S. Karaskevich, - Maria Pavlovna had one concern - to preserve and preserve the paintings of Yaroshenko and his comrades in different time donated by them. Having nothing but a small pension and income from dachas in Kislovodsk, she lived very modestly in
Petersburg. Her favorite dream was to create a museum named after N.A. Yaroshenko in Kislovodsk, so that it would be a museum of the 80s, deaf and insultingly forgotten, according to her, although all the bright thoughts and events of the combat decades that followed were born and matured in them. For the museum, she wanted to bequeath the “White Villa”, in which to place all the paintings not only of Nikolai Alexandrovich himself, but also of all his contemporaries and comrades traveling exhibitions, portraits, letters, books, autographed by all the writers who were close to her circle, her extensive correspondence, diaries, notes "

In 1900, Maria Yaroshenko announced that she would donate her late husband's unique gallery to the public, but only on one condition - paintings by both Yaroshenko himself and more than 80 famous artists Russia, should be exhibited on the territory of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. But, unfortunately, the necessary exhibition space was not found within the specified territory. The widow was forced to transfer the paintings to Poltava, the homeland of her late husband. The canvases were exhibited in the building of the City Duma, laying the foundation for the Poltava Art Museum.

Maria Yaroshenko died in 1915. With her death, the "White Villa" was empty.
The first museum of Yaroshenko in his former estate was planned to be created in 1918. At the initiative of Professor Alexander Pavlovich Nechaev, who held the post of People's Commissar of Education. And Pavel Alexandrovich Utyakov managed to save the interiors of the manor house.

Curious historical information is posted on the official website of the museum. Here's what she says:

“On Sunday, December 8 of this year. the department of public education of the Kislovodsk Soviet of Deputies arranges folk holiday- honoring the memory of the famous citizen of Kislovodsk Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko and founding a museum named after him in the house where he lived and died ... At the grave of Yaroshenko, speeches about the life and work of the artist will be delivered, after which the orchestra on the square will perform plays appropriate to the moment. From the cathedral the procession will go to Yaroshenko's house. At the corner of the street, members of the Department of Public Education will nail a new board with the inscription: "Yaroshenko Street." Approaching the house itself, the participants in the ceremony will hang a sign over the entrance gate "People's Science and Art Museum in memory of the artist-citizen N.A. Yaroshenko”, and next to the entrance there is a plaque indicating that N.A. lived and died in this house. Yaroshenko."

However, bright plans were not destined to come true. During civil war The estate was desecrated and plundered. It was abandoned until 1948. To the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the great artist, at the initiative of those who care public figures, it was decided to open a museum of Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko in the White Villa. A long process of formation of the museum fund began. By that time, some of Yaroshenko's paintings were located in other state museums, some canvases have replenished private collections, and some have disappeared without a trace.

The museum in Kislovodsk was created by "the whole world". By decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of December 16, 1968, two wings on the territory former estate ON THE. Yaroshenko were recognized as monuments of history and architecture of national importance. Since then, the estate gradually began to take on a second life.

To date Memorial Museum-Estate artist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko is a multifunctional museum, exhibition and recreational space. The museum contains about 150 works of the greatest artist. In one of the guest wings there is an exhibition of paintings by Wanderers, the other guest outbuilding is designed for thematic exhibitions and cultural events for residents and visitors of the city.

In addition, the estate is a full-fledged museum. The spirit is well conveyed here noble estate of that time and the genius of the place that reigned here is very well felt. Among the exhibits of the museum are personal belongings and pieces of furniture of the Yaroshenko couple.

Another notable part of the museum complex is the beautiful garden, which consists of two levels. The first level is occupied by an orchard and a miniature arboretum, which contains exotic trees.

1954-2004 Restoration of memorial objects of the Yaroshenko estate.

Original taken from deadokey in the Estate of the artist N.A. Yaroshenko WHITE VILLA in Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory

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