How does the war end. Interesting facts about the BBC series "War and Peace"


For many of us, "War and Peace" is an unbearable school reading, but for readers of the 19th century who received the novel in parts and waited for the continuation, it was something of a topical series that told about the most pressing problems of our time. Tatyana Trofimova talks about what issues of contemporaries helped to resolve the novel by Leo Tolstoy.

The study of the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy resembles the feeling of an elephant - the subject is immense, and the result is mosaic. It was much easier in this sense for the writer's contemporaries: reading the novel for them was like watching a series with all the consequences that follow from this format. For the first two years, they vigorously discussed each series, then for another two years they re-read their favorite fragments and greedily met the continuation. In other words, for four years they lived against the backdrop of Prince Andrei's existential encounters with the oak, Natasha's girlish dreams at the window, the high sky over Austerlitz, and the "swarm" life of Platon Karataev.

The series captivated me in earnest. In the breaks they argued endlessly about how justified the use of the French language, about the denigrated high society and the nature of patriotism. Leo Tolstoy clearly hurt pain points contemporaries, although it is not so easy to understand which ones exactly: reading habits, revolutionary upheavals, and Tolstoy's personal searches affected here. But at their intersection, one can catch something familiar - an attempt in an era of instability to turn around and build one's identity with the help of the past.

The context of the first half of the 1860s, when Tolstoy began to write the novel, leaves no questions about the scale of his idea. The long-awaited abolition of serfdom - and disappointment. The reform so believed in at the design stage did not change the world overnight. The radical youth went on the offensive, a wave of fires swept across St. Petersburg - the times were so alarming that few people blamed the hot and dry weather for this. Chernyshevsky, who was under arrest, nevertheless managed to issue instructions in the form of the novel What Is to Be Done?, where he intelligibly described how to move towards building a different, more just society. Finally, on the wave of difficult reforms, a Polish uprising happened, but Russian authorities showed that the reforms would still be carried out in accordance with original intention, and Russia is not ready to part with imperial ambitions and territories. The rebellion was brutally crushed Russian society frustrated, and Herzen, watching the excesses from London with different parties, could not resist the emotional assessment: "Very dangerous!!!".

Usually the idea of ​​the novel is simply retold: first there was a story about the return of the exiled Decembrist in 1856, then it acquired a prehistory in the form of the 1825 uprising itself, and gradually Tolstoy came to the idea of ​​describing the war of 1812. Based on this, the fact that only the third part was written seems almost accidental, although it was this topic that occupied Tolstoy much longer. Already in 1853, he reads and thinks about the military campaign of 1805, and this is understandable - Tolstoy himself goes to Crimean War. Three years later, the war, like the campaign of 1805, will end in defeat, and Tolstoy will go to inspect the tomb of Napoleon. “The deification of the villain is terrible,” he says almost with disdain, but by the early 1860s, in sketches, he admits that everything is interconnected: in 1812 “we spanked Napoleon I”, and in 1856 “we were spanked by Napoleon III” .

Just at the time when Tolstoy was thinking about the plot, there was also the 50th anniversary of the victory over Napoleon. This date has not been marked triumphal arch, nor the Alexander column on Palace Square like before, but forgetting about it was not so easy. National identity in an unstable situation is often formed by referring to the glorious past, and Tolstoy, like the authors of modern patriotic series about the war, got to the very heart of the problem.

By the time the novel was published, readers had already firmly established the habit of portion reading: long works are published in series in thick magazines, published - most often - once a month. At first, during 1865-1866, Tolstoy's novel entitled "1805" was published in Mikhail Katkov's magazine. The same heroes, the same canvases of peaceful life and war, the same historiosophical reflections. Publishing policy also came into play. Despite the fact that Tolstoy handed over the entire first part - about peaceful life - before publication began, and even asked to release it all at once, Katkov had his own plans: he wanted to extract the maximum from the novel and guide the reader in his reading. Simultaneously, Tolstoy continued to write; the publication schedule was intermittent, the second part - about the war - did not go to work, the reader did not know what to expect from the next issue, the intrigue intensified.

Duel between Pierre and Dolokhov. Fragment of an illustration for the novel "War and Peace". 1950-1991 Artist: Shmarinov Dementy Alekseevich. Paper, charcoal

This is how the first year of War and Peace passed, and then everything became much more interesting: from January 1866, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment began to be published literally back to back with Tolstoy’s novel. A coincidence, but not so accidental, given that both novels are connected by the figure of Napoleon. Is a single person capable of turning the course of history, and what did that same Napoleon do, since he managed to rise so high, asks Tolstoy. And if Napoleon had neither Toulon nor Egypt, how would he have acted in an ordinary life, not conducive to exploits, Dostoevsky continues the thought. On April 4, 1866, a shot sounds - former student Dmitry Karakozov shoots Alexander II at the fence summer garden Petersburg, to give society the opportunity to reorganize on a different basis. The attempt failed: the Kostroma artisan Osip Komissarov pushed Karakozov by the arm, and he missed.

The radical youth nevertheless tried to turn the course of history with a personal feat. In response, the troubled magazines Sovremennik and Russian word- the authorities decided that their revolutionary incitement was to blame for everything. The conservative Katkov shuddered and took a break. By that time, two parts of Tolstoy's novel had been published, Dostoevsky's novel was suspended. But literature has already grown together with reality: Katkov released separate edition the first part of "1805" - for those who missed everything and continued to publish Dostoevsky. And when Tolstoy brought the novel to seven hundred pages and decided that it was completed, he immediately offered to continue publishing parts in the journal. Nikolai Nekrasov desperately tried to resume the publication of Sovremennik, failed and rented the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine, whose circulation soared to unprecedented heights. It is impossible to break away from serial reading on the topic of the day.

Tolstoy's answer to the question about the role of the individual in history is well known - a person, even the greatest, cannot do anything by himself. To make a turn, he needs to get into the tectonic movement of the masses, feel it and, having caught a wave, be able to use it, and in this sense, even the heroic role of Kutuzov in the victory over Napoleon should not be exaggerated. Dostoevsky's answer is also clear - a simple person is not able to cope with the idea, the punishment catches up with him even before the crime, everything is drowning in a fever. With his answer, Tolstoy got into critical point. Daily writers " Domestic notes"have already plunged into the study of the people: some go to the village, others storm taverns, and everyone writes about what that very simple and so wise people is like. Yes, and Tolstoy himself works either as a mediator, or as a teacher in his own Yasnaya Polyana school. A little more - and "going to the people" will begin: either in order to learn from him, or in order to teach.

In 1868, Tolstoy began publishing a revised version of the novel with a sequel, now under the title War and Peace. Approximately in this form, we are used to reading it, and researchers study it. Contemporaries, not yet knowing what it will be great romance, saw in it an occasion to reflect on what worries them. Through this makeshift window, you can now see how they were going through hard time in search of that Napoleon who would change everything at once, and how fiction and reality forced them to change the search vector. “I can stop writing now. You can stop reading now,” Tolstoy says in the preface to the revised version of the novel. But this free choice is woven into the flow of events, the key to which is not in a single heroic action in defiance. War is opposed, as Tolstoy wrote, "peace" - not the absence of war, but the awareness of community and the acceptance of identity.

The novel "War and Peace" is one of the most grandiose creations of world literature. The duality is already in the title of the work, it is a kind of allusion to what this epic is about. In each to the book"War and Peace" can be read that in it events from peaceful life alternate with battle scenes.

In contact with

The novel consists of 4 volumes and an epilogue. For true lovers of Russian literature, it is important not how many volumes are in the novel, but the meanings that were laid down in the immortal epic. wrote "War and Peace" for seven years. Date of writing the novel - period from 1863 to 1869. It is known that he rewrote it 8 times, with some of the episodes being redone up to 26 times. Takova brief annotation to the book. Now let's get to the content.

First volume

This section describes the following events:

  1. Social event at Scherer's.
  2. The old man Bezukhov is dying.
  3. Pierre turns out to be the heir to a fortune.
  4. Wedding Bezukhov and Helen.
  5. Military actions of Russia (in alliance with Austria) against the Napoleonic army.

Everyone knows the date of writing "War and Peace" - it's 1869. At that time, the epic became one of the most widely read, it was also appreciated in literary circles. In the first chapter, the writer introduces us to the main characters - Pierre and Prince Bolkonsky. The prince plans to go to war. Pierre has to move to Moscow. The author also introduces us to another character from War and Peace. Anna Mikhailovna is a figure who plays an important role in the development of events.

Attention! Being brought up far from Russia, Pierre bows to the ideas of Napoleon. Pierre perceives flattery as a sign of love, he practically understands nothing in life.

The illness of the old man Bezukhov

In Chapter VII of the first part, Anna Mikhailovna reports that the old Count Bezukhov is ill and is practically dying. Count Bezukhov's illness progresses and he makes a will.

Together with Anna Mikhailovna, Pierre goes to his dying father. Anna Mikhailovna informs Pierre of his death.

The heirs unsuccessfully try to steal a portfolio with a will, according to which Pierre should receive the entire state. They are not very concerned about the illness of Count Bezukhov, the main thing for them is the opportunity to receive money.

The beginning of the novel "War and Peace" continues with an unexpected turn of events. Anna Mikhailovna, one of the brightest secondary characters, interferes with insidious plans. She does not allow the briefcase to be stolen, and Pierre receives an inheritance. He becomes a member of many higher houses and marries the beautiful Helen. Bolkonsky goes to war.

Cowardice of Nicholas

Scenes of peaceful life alternate with those of the military in the novel "War and Peace". A chapter summary introduces the reader to further development events. Nikolai Rostov lives with Vasily Denisov. Once, the latter's purse was stolen. Nikolai learned that this was the work of Telyanin. However, this act would cast a shadow over the entire regiment, and Rostov is forced to drop the charges and apologize. Nicholas does not apologize, but withdraws his accusation. Rostov is wounded, and, seeing the approaching enemies, he runs. However, in the future, he distorts the history of his battle, says that he "chopped right and left."

The volume ends with the wounding of Prince Bolkonsky. Falling down on the battlefield, he watches the clouds float across the vast blue sky. All those dreams that fascinated the prince before are now seem insignificant to him.

Attention! Boris Drubetskoy (sometimes his last name is confused with "Trubetskoy") is the son of Anna Mikhailovna. Through his mother, he is a relative of the Rostovs. Boris had tender feelings for Natasha. Boris Trubetskoy in War and Peace is a proud, ambitious character. He is with early years dreaming about great career. Through Prince Vasily, Anna Mikhailovna managed to secure a place for him in the guard.

Volume two

The events of this volume briefly:

  1. Duel Bezukhov and Dolokhov.
  2. Nikolay loses money to Dolokhov.
  3. Described love affair Natasha and the prince.
  4. Anatole wants to steal Natasha, but his lies are exposed.
  5. Gap girls with Bolkonsky.

Further developments

In the second volume, the plot of the novel continues with the arrival of Nikolai home for the duration of his vacation. He is accepted as a true hero. Nikolai becomes close to Dolokhov.

The latter makes a marriage proposal to Sonya, but is refused. Dolokhov, wanting to take revenge on Rostov, beats him to a large sum money.

Old Bolkonsky receives news of his son's death, but the letter also says that he may be alive. After all, Andrei was not found among the wounded.

Pierre's anguish about his wife Helen continue the plot of "War and Peace". Briefly describing the development of events, we can mention that Pierre, tormented by doubts, challenges Dolokhov to a duel. Pierre becomes a member Masonic Lodge and experiences delight from the truth that enlightened his mind. Returning, Pierre visits his friend, Bolkonsky. Communication with a young man gives the prince strength.

Nikolai Rostov, visiting the wounded Denisov, is amazed at the sight of the suffering soldiers in the infirmary, the smell of decay. He is also struck by the fact that Boris Trubetskoy communicates with the French. So in the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy shows the futility of war and the horror it brings.

Natasha and Bolkonsky

Prince Andrew is delighted statesman Speransky - this is how the plot of "War and Peace" continues. Briefly, the events are described as follows: Pierre at this time is disillusioned with Freemasonry and reconciles with Helen (at least outwardly). Prince Andrei goes to the Rostovs, hears Natasha's enthusiastic conversation.

Count Rostov, together with Natasha, goes to visit the Bolkonskys, but they do not favor them. Natasha is very uncomfortable. In the theater she meets Anatole, son of Karagin. He wants to steal her secretly from everyone (Anatole is already married by this time, but is in no hurry to talk about it).

But his plans are not destined to come true - Sonya finds out about Anatole's lie, and the kidnapping breaks down. Bolkonsky finds out about Natasha's refusal, about her affair with Anatole, and returns all those letters that she once wrote to him. Unexpectedly for myself Pierre confesses his tender feelings for Rostova. Already at this stage, one can make an assumption how the novel “War and Peace” will end - namely, with whom Natasha Rostova will have a happy life.

Third volume

Events in this volume:

  1. Natasha finds peace in religion.
  2. Pierre goes to the battlefield.
  3. Bolkonsky is injured.
  4. Kutuzov retreats, the French occupy Moscow.
  5. Natasha Rostova takes care of the wounded prince, their feelings come to life again.

In June 1812 hostilities begin. The emperor sends his adjutant named Balashev to Napoleon, but he is not honored, he has to wait 4 days. Bolkonsky wants to challenge Kuragin to a duel.

Rostov at this time live in Moscow. Natasha feels very bad, but on July 12 the family goes to church. On her state of mind Prayer has a beneficial effect, the girl calms down.


Shelling begins in Smolensk, and then a fire. So far, no one thinks about how the war will end. Old Bolkonsky is dying. Kutuzov offers Andrey remain to serve at the headquarters, but he asks to be left in the regiment.

Pierre Bezukhov is arrested. Before becoming a prisoner, he performs many noble deeds.

He saves a girl from a fire, protects the Armenians - all this suggests that Pierre sincerely wants to help people. In fact, an attentive reader of the novel will see that Bezukhov takes the child out from under the bench.

Pierre Bezukhov, who saves a girl from a fire, is a slightly incorrect wording. Reading the text carefully, one cannot say that Pierre really save the girl out of the fire, although he is no doubt doing a noble deed.

Kutuzov is sure that the spirit of the army determines the outcome of the battle. After the battle, Kutuzov's army heads towards Fili. The French army enters Moscow. Napoleon is informed that the city is empty. Shortly before this, the Rostovs are going to leave. Natasha takes care of the wounded Bolkonsky.

Attention! It is around Natasha that the main ideas of Leo Tolstoy are concentrated about, the author endows the girl with extraordinary ethical power. Natasha loses loved ones, but does not break down spiritually.

Volume four

Main events:

  1. Pierre is captured.
  2. Bolkonsky dies.
  3. Napoleon moves towards Smolensk.
  4. Petya is dying.
  5. Pierre is released.
  6. He confesses his tender feelings for Rostova.

Pierre in captivity

Nikolai goes to Voronezh, where he meets Bolkonsky's sister, Marya. Andrew is dying. Pierre Bezukhov is captured, he must be interrogated by a marshal known for his cruelty named Davout.

However, Pierre meets Davout's eyes, and this saves him - they both feel that are brothers in spirit. The French shoot five prisoners, while Bezukhov is taken to the barracks.

Denisov, together with Dolokhov, attacks the enemy transport, which contains prisoners of war. Among them is Pierre. Petya Rostov dies. After his rescue, Pierre is in Orel - deprivation affects his state of health. Bezukhov talks with Marya about whether his happiness with Natasha is possible. She also wakes up bright feelings for Pierre.


We have reviewed summary novel "War and Peace". How many volumes are in the book? There are 4 volumes in War and Peace, but the epic is supplemented with an epilogue. In it, the reader has the opportunity to learn about two weddings - Pierre and Natasha, as well as Nikolai and Marya. In the winter of 1820, Natasha comes to visit her brother with her children. A conversation takes place between Pierre, Denisov and Nikolai, Pierre talks about the need for change.

Bolkonsky's son, Nikolenka, dreams that he is leading a huge army. The epilogue introduces the reader to later life heroes, lets you know how the unusual events that took place on the pages ended immortal work Leo Tolstoy, author of the book "War and Peace".

We read quickly - "War and Peace" in half an hour


The epic of Tolstoy was hailed as a masterpiece world literary heritage. Galsworthy called the work the best that had ever been written. The novel is the result of Tolstoy's spiritual quest, his desire to find the truth and meaning of life.

1. About the first volume
2. Summary of parts and chapters
3. Results of the first volume

About the first volume War and Peace

In the first volume, the reader is introduced to the main characters: Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, the Rostov family, and Princess Mary. The reader is also given a description of the first military operations with France and a description of historical figures: Kutuzov, Bagration, Emperor Alexander the First, Napoleon.

The first part describes the Petersburg society and talks about the attitude of civilians towards the war. All the main characters are also brought to the scene and important, for the subsequent plot, such events occur: the acquaintance of Pierre and Natasha, the departure of Prince Andrei to the war, Bezukhov's inheritance.

The second part describes the hostilities that took place in Austria: the defeat of Mack, the unification of the Russian and Austrian troops, the capture of Vienna by the French and the heroic behavior of Bagration's vanguard.

The third part tells at the same time about life ordinary people, who also have important events and military operations for them, or rather, the battle of Austerlitz. This is done so that the reader understands that war and peace can be not only in the military sense, but also the struggle taking place in society itself.

Summary of Tolstoy War and peace 1 volume in parts and chapters

Part 1

Chapter 1

It was 1805. The action of the novel begins in the house of the maid of honor Anna Pavlovna Sherer. Prince Vasily came to visit her. They talk about the war, discuss secular news and the children of the prince - two sons and a daughter. His daughter and eldest son are beautiful, well-mannered and liked by everyone without exception. And the youngest son, Anatole, except for his handsome appearance, no longer has any positive qualities. The prince is worried that he leads an idle life and spends a lot of money. Anna Pavlovna offers to marry Anatole and the daughter of Prince Bolkonsky, Princess Marya. Prince Vasily approves of this idea.

Chapter 2

At the evening, the maid of honor gathered secular society: Prince Vasily with his daughter Helen, his eldest son Ippolit with a friend, the pregnant Princess Bolkonskaya (wife of Marya Bolkonskaya's brother), Abbot Morio and others. A new face appears in society - Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of Catherine's nobleman. The hostess does not like this young man because she fears that he will begin to express his thoughts aloud, which contradicted the views of others. For Pierre, who had arrived from abroad, this was the first soiree in Russia, and therefore, knowing that he was in an intelligent society, he tried to listen carefully to the conversations of the guests.

Chapter 3

All Scherer's guests were divided into circles according to their interests and discussed the thoughts that were of interest to them. The viscount came for the evening, whom the hostess presented in the most favorable light. The guest began to entertain the audience with funny stories about politicians. Anna Pavlovna tried to keep an eye on all the guests so that their conversation would not become too serious. In the midst of the viscount's conversation, she notices that Bezukhov is talking animatedly about something with the abbot. Hurrying over to them and changing the conversation to the topic of climate, the maid of honor joined them in the general circle.

Chapter 4

At this time, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Lisa's husband, enters the living room. He was a handsome young man, but from his appearance one could guess that everyone present at the evening bored him, and especially his wife. It turns out that he is going to war with the French as Kutuzov's adjutant. For Prince Andrei, the presence of Pierre is a pleasant surprise. Prince Vasily with his beautiful daughter going to leave society. In parting, he asks Anna Pavlovna to help Pierre get comfortable in society.

Chapter 5

The old princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya appeals to Prince Vasily with a request: she asks to transfer her son Boris to the guards regiment. At this time, a dispute about Napoleon flares up between Bezukhov, Bolkonsky and the viscount. Pierre, having enlisted the support of the prince, considers Bonaparte a hero. Prince Hippolyte ends the dispute with his anecdote, which he failed to tell in such a way that the listeners would understand him.

Chapter 6

The guests began to leave. Anna Pavlovna said goodbye to Bezukhov, then to Lisa Bolkonskaya, asking her to talk about the matchmaking between Anatole and Princess Marya. Hippolyte helped the little princess, whom he liked, to get ready. Prince Bolkonsky hurried his wife and invited Pierre to come to them. In the Bolkonskys' house, sitting in the prince's office, Andrey and Bezukhov began to discuss what the latter intended to do, and the conversation turned to military theme. It turns out that the prince does not like the life he is now leading and this is one of the reasons why he is going to war.

Chapter 7

The prince's wife enters the office. Upon learning that they are discussing her husband's departure for the war, Lisa begins to say that she does not understand the reasons why he wants to leave her alone and send her to a village where she has no friends and will not be able to attend secular evenings. The husband asks her to calm down, and the princess, wishing them Good night, leaves.

Chapter 8

After dinner, Andrei confesses to a friend that he is unhappy in marriage and advises him to marry as late as possible. It turns out that young people have known each other for a long time and are friends. Bezukhov admires Bolkonsky's willpower and lack of dreaminess in him. The prince asks him to stop being in the company of Anatole Kuragin, younger son Prince Vasily, in whose house Pierre lives, because he is a very frivolous young man. The young man gives the floor to his friend.

Chapter 9

Pierre, having left late at night from the Bolkonskys, despite the promise made to the prince, decides to go to Anatole. He has gathered big company where everyone drank and ate a lot. Bezukhov, who arrived, was forced to drink too. A certain Dolokhov, on a dare, drinks a whole bottle of alcohol, standing on a ledge of the wall outside the window. Deciding to continue the festivities, the whole company is going to go to someone, taking with them a bear that was in the room.

Chapter 10

Some time passes. Prince Vasily Kuragin complied with the request of Drubetskaya and her son Boris was transferred to the guards of the Semyonovsky regiment. The princess comes to her relatives Rostov. Rostov - big family: Count Ilya, his wife Natalya, their children - Nikolai, Natasha, Vera, Petya and orphaned niece Sonya. The Countess and her daughter Natasha have a birthday. There are many guests who are very tired of the princess. Tired of the visitors, she decides to receive the last guest - Princess Karagina with her daughter.

The guest talks about the latest Petersburg gossip, as well as about drunken escapade Anatole Kuragin, Dolokhov and Pierre Bezukhov. This trick amused Count Rostov and the rest of the listeners too.

Chapter 11

At this time, the younger generation runs into the room: Natasha Rostova, who was 13 years old, her brother Nikolai, a student, the youngest, Petya Rostov, Sonya, 15 years old and Boris Drubetskoy, a young officer. All of them were animated by a funny game with Natasha's doll, Mimi. Nikolai and Boris best friends. True, Drubetskoy is more sociable than his friend. Boris goes to prepare the carriage for his departure with his mother.

Chapter 12

This chapter deals with the relationship of children. Nikolai Rostov and Sonya are in love with each other, as are Natasha and Boris. Sonya was jealous of Nikolai for the Rostova Jury, with whom he spoke nicely only out of politeness. Given short description eldest daughter Rostov, Vera, who was disliked and misunderstood in the family, although she was not stupid. After sitting a little longer, the guests leave.

Chapter 13

Nikolai finds Sonya offended by him and asks her forgiveness. The girl forgives young man and they kiss. Seeing this, Natasha calls Boris and kisses him too. Drubetskoy promises to ask for her hand in 4 years. Natasha is happy.

Chapter 14

Vera was disliked by everyone in the family, even her brothers and sisters. When the countess asked her to go to the children, the girl saw that they were in pairs. She did not understand their childhood love and spoke down to them. Natasha says that they know that she is in love with Officer Berg. And the couples offended by her go to the nursery.

Countess Rostov and Princess Drubetskaya are talking. Natalya Rostova praises her friend for taking care of her son. Anna Mikhailovna is worried that she will not have enough money to equip Boris, and therefore she decides to go with him to his godfather, Count Bezukhov, who was dying. She hopes that he will bequeath something to the young man. Count Rostov, having learned where they were going, asked to pass an invitation to dinner to the illegitimate son of the count, Pierre Bezukhov.

Chapter 15

Drubetskaya and her son went to Count Bezukhov. She asks Boris to be attentive to the godfather. Although the young man does not like such pretense, for the sake of his mother he agrees. At Count Bezukhov, they meet Prince Vasily, who is his relative. Anna Mikhailovna thanks Kuragin for his assistance and asks about the count's well-being. She sends Boris to Pierre to convey an invitation from the Rostovs.

Chapter 16

Pierre Bezukhov did not immediately recognize Boris. He decided that it was Ilya Rostov, as it turned out later, he got everything mixed up: after all, his son's name was Nikolai. Young Drubetskoy tells Bezukhov that he does not need his father's money, and Pierre liked him even more from this statement. He promised that he would come to the Rostovs in order to get to know Boris better. The princess did not manage to talk to the count, because he does not recognize anyone. She hopes that he will mention them in the will and for this she is going to come again.

Chapter 17

Countess Rostova was worried that her friend of her youth had to beg for money. She asks her husband to give her 500 rubles. Count Rostov, seeing how upset she is, instructs his servant Mitenka, who was in charge of all his affairs, to bring 700 rubles. When Anna Mikhailovna returns and says that she did not manage to talk to Count Bezukhov, Natalya Rostova asks her to accept these 700 rubles. Embracing, both friends cry tears of joy.

Chapter 18

The guests begin to arrive for the celebration. Before the meal, the society was divided into two parts: the men's, which talked in the count's office, and the women's, which was located in the living room. IN male society the conversation turned to a military theme, in particular, about the manifesto. Officer Berg, with whom Vera was in love, boasted of his promotion.

Pierre Bezukhov arrived later and Countess Rostova and Princess Drubetskaya tried to start a conversation with him. But because of his shyness, he answered them in monosyllables. The godmother of Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, arrives, whom everyone feared and respected for her frankness and rude manners. She gave the little birthday girl earrings and scolded Pierre for his scandalous trick.

At the table, the guests were also divided into male and female parts. Sonya was jealous of Nikolai Rostov for Julie Karagina. Berg spoke of his love to Vera, Boris called those sitting at the table to Pierre, and exchanged glances with Natasha. Pierre, for the most part, ate and drank a lot.

Chapter 19

A dispute about Bonaparte flares up at the table, Shinshin, a relative of the countess, and the colonel argued loudest of all. Their argument is interrupted by young Natasha's question about what kind of cake will be served. But no one was angry with the girl for this trick.

Chapter 20

The dancing began. In the break between them, Natasha reassured Sonya, who was jealous of Nikolai for Julie and was worried that Vera would tell the countess everything. Young Rostova reassured the girl and said that Pierre was very funny. Then the girl invited him to dance. After dancing, the youth began to sing, and after singing, the count began to dance with Princess Akhrosimova, whose dance delighted the guests.

Chapter 21

Count Bezukhov is getting worse. According to the doctor's forecast, he could die any day. Prince Vasily begins to worry about his share of the inheritance and decides to consult with one of the Count's direct heirs, Princess Ekaterina Mamontova. It becomes known that Bezukhov wrote a petition to the sovereign that Pierre be recognized as his legitimate son. If this turned out to be true, then the entire inheritance went to him. Mamontova tells the prince where all the count's documents lie and accuses Drubetskaya of inciting Bezukhov against the Mamontov sisters.

Chapter 22

Anna Mikhailovna, together with Pierre, comes to his father. Passing by the apartments of the princesses, they see that Vasily Kuragin and Princess Mamontova are greatly alarmed by something. Drubetskaya tells Bezukhov not to worry about anything, that she will respect his interests. Pierre does not understand anything, but decides to obey her.

Chapter 23

Unction of Count Bezukhov began. All the relatives, the count's servants, gathered. After the end of the ceremony, Drubetskaya brought Pierre to her father so that they could say goodbye. The young man was horrified by the state in which his father was and was very sad about it. When Bezukhov Sr. fell asleep, Anna Mikhailovna and Pierre left the count's chambers.

Chapter 24

A scandal flares up, in which Princess Katerina Mamontova, Princess Drubetskaya and Prince Vasily take part. Anna Mikhailovna is trying to take the briefcase from the princess, which contains all the count's papers. In the midst of the struggle, they are informed that the Count has died. Princess Katerina is angry with Pierre because she understands that he will get the entire inheritance. Prince Vasily suddenly realizes that he has already become old and is crying. Pierre spends the night by his father's bed in distress. Princess Drubetskaya returns to the Rostovs and tells all the details of what happened.

Chapter 25

The reader is introduced to Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, the father of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. He, along with his daughter Marya, lives in the estate, which is located in Bald Hills. Everyone knows him as a demanding and strict person, even in relation to his daughter. In his house, everyone lives according to the established routine, and the old prince himself teaches Marya.

The prince gives her a letter written by her friend, Julie Karagina. In the letter, the girl talks about the fact that in Moscow there is only talk about the upcoming war. Julie is so excited about this topic also because Nikolai Rostov, with whom she is in love, went as a volunteer. She also says that the heir to the entire fortune of Count Bezukhov was his son Pierre, who was recognized as legitimate. The girl does not like him and she writes that now everyone is trying to pass off their daughters for him. Also, a friend warns the princess that she is considered a profitable match for the son of Prince Vasily, Anatole. The letter ends with a request to convey the news about Andrei Bolkonsky and his wife.

Princess Marya writes a response letter in which she sympathizes with Pierre and does not agree with Julie's opinion of him. For Princess Bolkonskaya, the most important quality in his character is kind heart. She says that she heard that Prince Vasily was going to come to them, and if her father decides that she needs to marry Anatole, then she will obey his will. About her brother, Bolkonskaya writes that they are soon expecting his arrival with his wife, but he himself will go to war.

The princess realizes that because of the letter, she starts her clavichord playing later than usual.

Chapter 26

Andrey Bolkonsky unexpectedly arrives with Lisa. Mademoiselle Bourien is very glad to see them. They take Princess Mary by surprise, who is very glad to see her brother and his wife. Lisa and Marya hug and cry, then the little princess begins to tell last news from your life. Princess Mary asks Andrei when he is going to go to war and receives an answer that the next day. Brother and sister are very happy to see each other after parting, and, waiting for the father to wake up, Prince Andrei hurried to him.

Bolkonsky Sr., for the sake of his son's arrival, made an exception in his daily routine and allowed him to be present at his toilet. Prince Andrei was very glad to see his father and communicated with him in the same way as with Pierre. Nikolai Bolkonsky asks him to tell about the latest military news, but he listens inattentively to his son. More and more inspired, Andrei passes on all the news to his father, who has already heard them. Having finished getting ready, he tells the young prince to go to the dining room.

Chapter 27

At dinner, all the household and the architect, Mikhail Ivanovich, who, for unknown reasons, were invited by the prince, gathered. Andrei, examining the portrait of his father, expressed the opinion that even smart person there are weaknesses. Princess Mary did not support her brother - for her, her father always did everything right.

At dinner, Nikolai Bolkonsky talked with the little princess, who was afraid of him. In a conversation with her father-in-law, she retold a lot of secular gossip, which the old prince did not like. During conversations between father and son, a dispute arose over the assessment of Napoleon's actions. Prince Andrei considered him an excellent commander, Nikolai Andreevich was of a different opinion. He believed that the French ruler was simply lucky. Bolkonsky Jr. was surprised that although his father did not leave his village anywhere, he was well aware of the state of affairs in the states of Europe.

The dinner was over, and the father and son each had their own opinion. The princess, who did not take part in the dispute, confidentially told Marya that the prince was very smart and therefore she was afraid of him. For the young princess, her father was always kind.

Chapter 28

The next day, Andrei Bolkonsky is going to go. Princess Mary comes up to him to talk before leaving. She asks him not to be too strict with Lisa, to which her brother honestly admits to her that neither he nor his wife are happy in marriage. The princess was very religious and asked the prince to take a small icon with her. Andrei, realizing that it is very important for his sister, promises not to shoot him. He asks if it is hard for her to live with her father, to which Marya replies that she is happy with everything.

On the way to the old prince's office, he sees Mademoiselle Bourienne, whom he does not like. While saying goodbye to his father, Andrei asks to take care of his wife and son. old prince promises to fulfill his request, gives him letter of recommendation, and so that Andrei does not see his experiences, he hurries with his departure. While saying goodbye to her husband, the princess faints. Prince Nikolai leaves only after the departure of his son and, seeing the princess without feelings, goes to his office.

Part 2

Chapter 1

It was October, 1805. Kutuzov was offered to join his army with the army of Archduke Ferdinand and Mack. The Russian commander did not consider this idea successful, so he decided to review the detachment that arrived at the Braunau fortress in order to show that Russian army not ready yet.

Chapter 2

Kutuzov arrives to review the regiment, in whose retinue are Bolkonsky, Nesvitsky, Andrei's friend and cornet Zherkov, who turns out to be Dolokhov's old acquaintance. The demoted Dolokhov serves in the regiment under inspection, Bolkonsky reminds Kutuzov of him and the epaulettes are returned to him.

Chapter 3

Kutuzov tried to explain to the Austrian general that the Austrian soldiers could cope without the help of the Russians. He asks Prince Bolkonsky to draw up a paper describing the reasons why the Russian army cannot move forward. Andrei Bolkonsky changed while in the army: he became lively and filed big hopes on military career. At this time, the famous Mack comes to the Russian commander-in-chief, who confirms the rumors about the defeat of the Austrian army. It becomes obvious that clashes between the Russians and the French cannot be avoided. Prince Andrei, realizing the seriousness of the situation, is in joyful excitement that he will be able to take part in hostilities.

Chapter 4

Nikolai Rostov ended up in the Pavlograd Hussar Regiment, in which he serves as a cadet. The young man lives in an apartment with Captain Denisov. This chapter tells how warmaster Telyatin stole the captain's purse, but Rostov convicted him of this, but, having condemned him of morally left him money.

Chapter 5

At Denisov's apartment, in a conversation between officers, Rostov talks about Telyanin and the regimental commander reprimands him. Nikolai wants to get satisfaction for the insult inflicted on him, but the staff captain and Denisov convince the young man that he is wrong and Rostov apologizes. At this time, Zherkov comes to them and informs them of the news of the defeat of the Austrian army and tells them to prepare for the offensive.

Chapters 6 - 7

Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, ordering to destroy the bridges behind the army. Nesvitsky was sent to the commander in chief. After a short rest, he goes to the crossing to hurry the lagging behind, and to follow the destruction of the bridge. The shelling of the crossing begins. At this time, Denisov appears and demands that they let him pass with his squadron.

Chapter 8

There was a stampede on the bridge. Nesvitsky mixed up the order, but Zherkov, who arrived, handed over the necessary instructions to the colonel. The two officers were watching the action away from the shots. Denisov's squadron was supposed to set fire to the bridge. During the buckshot, the first wounded appeared. Nikolai Rostov tried to be courageous, but then he was among those soldiers who ran after the hussars. After that, the young man began to consider himself a coward. The Russians were able to set fire to the bridge before the French.

Chapter 9

On October 28, Kutuzov crossed with his army to the left bank of the Danube, and on the 30th defeated Mortier's division. And even though this victory was overshadowed by the loss of soldiers, the wounded, it raised the morale of the troops. Rumors began to circulate in the army about the retreat of Bonaparte. Prince Andrei participated in hostilities and coped with all the affairs that Kutuzov entrusted to him. The commander-in-chief sent him with the news of this victory to the Austrian court.

Chapter 10

Prince Bolkonsky stopped at his Russian diplomat friend Bilibin and tells him about the cool reception. Bilibin replies that there is nothing surprising, because this is a victory for the Russian army, and not for the Austrian. Prince Andrei becomes aware that Vienna has been taken by the French and that the majority believes that this campaign has been lost. Bolkonsky fell asleep, thinking about the reception awaiting him from the emperor.

Chapters 11-12

In the company of Bilibin, Prince Andrei met Ippolit Kuragin, whom he had once been jealous of his wife. Bilibin promises to show Bolkonsky all the delights of Brunn. The prince tells the emperor all the details of the battle and he is awarded the Order of Maria Theresa 3rd degree. Returning to the diplomat, he sees that he is collecting things and learns that the French have crossed the bridge in Vienna and will soon be on the banks of the Danube. Prince Andrei hurries to warn the Russian army.

Chapter 13

Prince Bolkonsky has difficulty finding the army and Kutuzov. Going to the commander-in-chief, he learns that orders for battle have been given. Kutuzov sends Bagration's vanguard to hold back the French and bids farewell to him with tears in his eyes. Bolkonsky asks to be in the vanguard of Bagration, but Kutuzov does not let him in.

Chapter 14

The French sought to cut off communication between the troops of Kutuzov and Russia. To prevent this, the vanguard was sent, led by Bagration. Murat decided that a small detachment was the entire Russian army, he proposed a truce for three days in order to wait for reinforcements from Vienna. For Kutuzov, this was the only opportunity to give Bagration's detachment a rest. Napoleon figured out the commander-in-chief's trick and wrote to Murat about it, and he himself went with his army.

Chapters 15-16

Kutuzov still allows Bolkonsky to go to Bagration. Arriving there, Andrei sees that everything is calm, because Murat has not yet received Bonaparte's letter. The prince meets Captain Tushin and takes a liking to him. Later, he meets the captain again, passing through the battery, who was busy drawing the position of the French troops in his notebook. At this time, a cannonball falls into the center of the booth set up by the soldiers.

Chapters 17-18

Murat, having learned that he was deceived, decided to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of Napoleon and destroy a small army before his arrival and opens fire. At this time, Bagration and Bolkonsky travel around the entire avant-garde. Tushin, without waiting for orders, decided to set fire to the village. Prince Bagration orders Zherkov to go to the left flank and say that they need to retreat. After some time, surrounded by gunpowder and smoke, Bagration shouted "Hurrah!" launched an attack, which was able to ensure the retreat of the right flank.

Chapter 19

Thanks to the actions of Tushin's battery, a retreat of the right flank is obtained - the French are distracted by a fire in Shengraben. Zherkov did not convey Bagration's order, because he became afraid. At this time, the commanders of the left and right flanks are arguing among themselves. The squadron, in which Rostov was, was surrounded by the French. After Denisov's command, the attack began. Near Nikolai, a horse was wounded and, falling to the ground, instead of shooting at the enemies, he threw a pistol at the Frenchman and ran. The Frenchman wounded him in the arm, but Rostov ran to the bushes, in which there were Russian arrows.

Chapter 20

The fight was not in our favor. But Timokhin's company was able to change everything, which suddenly attacked the French from behind the forest. Dolokhov served in the same company, who distinguished himself by capturing two French officers and, despite being wounded, remained at the front. The Tushino battery was remembered only when the cover left in the midst of the battle. However, thanks to the energetic leadership of Tushin, active firing was carried out from his battery, because of which the French decided that the main enemy forces were located there. Tushin, because of the awakened passion, did not immediately realize that he had been ordered to retreat several times. Only when Bolkonsky arrived and helped to take Tushin's guns away did the battery retreat. Then Andrew left.

Chapter 21

On the way, Tushin helps a young shell-shocked officer - it was Rostov. Upon arrival in the village, Bagration summons the captain. The prince asks Tushin why he left two guns, to which he replies that there were not enough people not to say that the cover left the battery in the midst of the battle. Bolkonsky rescues him, telling how everything was to Bagration. Tushin sincerely thanks Andrey. Meanwhile, Rostov starts delirium and fever. The next day, the remnant of Bagration's vanguard joins Kutuzov's army.

Part 3

Chapter 1

Prince Vasily becomes close to Pierre and, for the sake of profit, wants to marry him to his daughter. After receiving the inheritance, everyone in society suddenly began to treat him very well. Vasily Kuragin decides to move Bezukhov to Moscow. The young count inspires himself that he is in love with Helen, although she seems stupid to him.

Chapter 2

Pierre Bezukhov still cannot decide to propose to Helen Kuragina. After celebrating her name day, when all the guests have left, Prince Vasily helps Bezukhov to propose to his daughter. Helen accepts him and after some time they get married.

Chapter 3

Prince Vasily, together with Anatole, is going to Prince Bolkonsky. This news does not please the old prince, because he despised Prince Kuragin. On the day of their arrival, he was out of sorts and under his hot hand everyone was hit, even the little princess, who was very afraid of him. Mademoiselle Bourienne and Lisa are trying to put in order the princess, who was not very beautiful in appearance, but possessed inner beauty. Princess Marya doubted whether she should agree to marry the unloved, but she was ashamed of such thoughts.

Chapters 4-5

The princess goes downstairs and meets the Kuragins. She tries to be nice to everyone, but her father started making remarks about appearance daughter, which upsets her. Sympathy arises between Anatole and Bourien. The next day, Prince Bolkonsky tells his daughter that she will have to decide for herself whether to marry Anatole or not. The princess promises to think. Leaving her father's office, she sees a Frenchwoman in Anatole's arms. She later reassures her and tells her that she is not angry. Marya informs her father and Prince Vasily that she will not marry Anatole. The princess decides that self-sacrifice is the meaning of her happiness.

Chapter 6

There was no news from Nikolai for a long time in the Rostovs' house. A letter arrives stating that he was wounded, but one should not fear for his life and he was promoted to officer. Soon the whole house knew about Nikolai and everyone began to write him a letter, which they were supposed to pass through Boris Drubetskoy.

Chapter 7

The letter reached Nicholas when the two emperors, Russian and Austrian, were to be reviewed. He needed to get to Boris, who had a letter. Boris served with Berg and the meeting of old friends was warm. They exchanged military stories, and at the moment when Rostov was talking about his injury, Bolkonsky entered, who was favorable to Boris. Nikolai and Andrei did not like each other and Rostov almost challenged him to a duel. But the prince was able to divert the conversation in a different direction and left.

Chapter 8

The next day, a review of the Russian and Austrian troops was held by the emperors. Nicholas was ready to die for the emperor, he was in such admiration that even Bolkonsky, who was in his retinue, did not spoil his mood. After the show, everyone was sure of victory.

Chapter 9

Boris decides to ask Prince Andrei for help in promotion. Bolkonsky promises to arrange for him to Prince Dolgoruky, but does not have time, so Drubetsky's advance is postponed. The next day they went on a campaign, and Boris remained in the Izmailovsky regiment until the battle of Austerlitz.

Chapters 10-11

The city of Vishau was occupied and a French squadron was taken prisoner. Rostov saw the sovereign and began to admire him even more. Emperor Alexander was very worried when he saw the wounded, which exalted him even more in the eyes of Nicholas. TO Russian emperor a French truce arrives and offers a personal meeting with Napoleon. The emperor refuses and transfers the case to Dolgoruky. French troops retreated and all were in anticipation of a decisive battle. Bolkonsky had a plan for a flank battle, which he tried to tell Dolgoruky, but he advised him to show it to Kutuzov. At the military council, Kutuzov hears almost nothing about the plan, because the most important thing is to get enough sleep. Andrei begins to think about the fact that he can die during the battle and thinks about his life.

Chapters 12-17

These chapters are about combat. Napoleon moved the main forces to the Kutuzov column. Kutuzov himself was irritable because he did not like how the battle plan was being carried out. He ordered to retreat and only Prince Bolkonsky remained by his side. The French began to fire at the fleeing battery, they shot at Kutuzov. Bolkonsky picked up the fallen banner and, with a cry of "Hurrah," rushed to the battery, but fell from a blow to the head, and apart from the sky, he saw nothing else.

Chapter 18

Rostov is sent on an assignment to the commander-in-chief. On the way, he hears shots - these are Russians and Austrians shooting at each other. He is looking for Kutuzov, but he is told that he was killed. Rostov sees the sovereign, but understands that he is too tired and does not give him the order.

Chapter 19

The battle is lost. Napoleon drives up to the bleeding Bolkonsky and orders to take care of him. The prince ended up in the hospital, where they returned the icon of Princess Marya to him. He suffers from delirium and fever. He is among the hopelessly ill, who were left in the care of the inhabitants.

Results of the first volume

At the end of the first volume, it is told about how wealth changed the life of one of the main characters, Pierre Bezukhov, that, due to his inexperience, he connected his life with a woman whom he considered stupid. The character of Princess Marya is fully revealed, as not just a girl who grew up away from society, but as selfless and very kind towards others.

Other characters- Prince Bolkonsky, Nikolai Rostov and Boris Drubetskoy have changed. Once in the thick of military events, they begin to appreciate life itself and the Fatherland more. The description of the battles shows the reader how difficult it was to fight Napoleon, but nevertheless, the Russian soldiers fought selflessly for their Motherland.

In the first volume, the author shows that, despite the fact that there is a war, the life of civilians goes on as usual: they also make important decisions for their lives, like, for example, Princess Marya, who, refusing to marry Anatole, realized that her happiness is self-sacrifice. Indeed, regardless of whether there is a war or a peaceful life, people continue to love, worry, care and make choices in the issues that concern them, and rethinking can occur. life values and character development.

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  • This summary of the epilogue of "War and Peace", divided into parts, covers the "peaceful" events in 1819-1820. In the final chapters of the work, the author describes the life of heroes in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Lysy Gory, and also discusses the significance of individual historical figures in the history of entire nations. The epilogue of War and Peace is one of the most important compositional elements of the entire book. In it, the author sums up the work, bringing to the fore the idea of ​​the importance of spiritual unity between people. The role of the epilogue of "War and Peace" is to show the reader how much love, friendship and mutual understanding can lead people forward and overcome any difficulties.

    To better convey the spirit of the work, we have included important quotes in the retelling and highlighted them in gray.

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    The events of the first part of the epilogue of "War and Peace" take place seven years after the military events of 1812, which ended the fourth volume.

    Tolstoy reflects on the driving forces of history, as well as the role of Alexander I and Napoleon in it. The author leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to unambiguously assess the activities of historical figures, since such an assessment will always be subjective.

    Chapters 2-3

    Tolstoy reflects on the causes of the movement European nations from east to west and from west to east and the ambiguous role of Napoleon in these movements. The author writes that Bonaparte's actions were stupid and vile.

    Chapter 4

    Description of the role of Alexander I in the movement of the masses from east to west. After graduation Patriotic War and with the beginning of the European personality of the sovereign comes to the fore.

    Chapter 5

    In 1813, Pierre and Natasha got married. In the same year, the old Count Rostov died. After the death of the count financial position Rostovs worsened even more, so Nikolai has to resign and enter the civil service. The debts turned out to be twice as much as the estates, so Nikolai, Sonya and his mother settled in a modest apartment in Moscow. At this time, Pierre and Natasha live in St. Petersburg, not knowing about the difficult situation of the Rostovs.

    Chapter 6

    Princess Mary comes to Moscow. Having learned about the changes in the life of the Rostov family, the princess comes to them. Nikolai met Marya solemnly and dryly (since the thought of marrying a rich bride is unpleasant to him), which greatly upset the girl. After Marya's departure, Countess Rostov persuades Nikolai to go to the princess.

    Visit of Nicholas to Marya Bolkonskaya. During the conversation, an explanation takes place between them: Marya understands that the reason is that he is now poor, and she is rich and is amazed at the nobility of Nicholas. Marya and Nikolai realized that now "the distant, the impossible suddenly became close, possible and inevitable."

    Chapter 7

    Marya and Nikolai got married, settling with Nikolai's mother and Sonya ( ex-lover Nicholas, a relative of the Rostovs) in the Bald Mountains. Rostov turned out to be an excellent owner and in three years was able to pay off all his debts, continuing to increase his property.

    Chapter 8

    Contrary to the requests of her husband, Marya fails to fall in love with Sonya, who lives with them. Once, when Marya and Natasha were talking about Sonya, Natasha compared Sonya with an empty flower: “Sometimes I feel sorry for her, and sometimes I think that she doesn’t feel it, as we would feel.”

    Living with the Rostovs, "it seemed that Sonya was not burdened by her position." "She, like a cat, took root not with people, but with the house."

    Chapter 9

    Bald Mountains, the eve of the winter St. Nicholas Day, 1820 Nikolai and Marya quarrel: the woman thinks that her husband does not love her, but he assures that he cannot find a place without Marya. The woman thinks that she would never have believed that it was possible to be so happy.

    Chapters 10-11

    After marriage, Natasha has changed a lot. Completely immersed in caring for her husband and family (she had three daughters and a son), she completely stopped taking care of herself, while being jealous of Pierre even to the governess or Sonya. The most important thing in their family relationships there were Pierre's desires, which the woman tried to instantly guess and fulfill. "After seven years of marriage, Pierre saw himself reflected in his wife".

    Chapters 12-13

    December 1820. The Bezukhovs are visiting the Rostovs. Everyone in the Bald Mountains loved Pierre, especially Nikolenka, Andrey's son.

    The old Countess Rostova was already over 60. After everything she had endured, “she felt like an unintentionally forgotten creature in this world, having no purpose and meaning.” The children understood her condition and took care of her in every possible way.

    Chapter 14

    A conversation between Nikolai, Pierre and Denisov (who also visited the Rostovs) about the state of affairs in Russia. Pierre says that the country is dying, and the sovereign is not trying to do anything. He is sure that there will be a coup. Bezukhov admits that he is a member of a secret society and believes that the activities of this society are the way to improve the state of affairs in Russia. Nikolai Rostov sharply objects to Bezukhov, as he believes that there will be no coup.

    Chapter 15

    Marya and Nikolai discuss the fact of Pierre's entry into a secret society. They are afraid for their children, and especially for Nikolenka, who was very excited when he heard Bezukhov's words about secret society. Marya asks her husband to bring Nikolenka into society.

    Chapter 16

    Description warm relations between Pierre and Natasha. They understand each other perfectly, can talk on any topic and always feel each other's mood.

    Dream of Nikolenka Bolkonsky. He dreamed that he and Pierre, in helmets, as in the book of Plutarch, walked ahead of a huge army to glory. But then they were stopped by Nikolai Rostov, who threatened to kill the first one to move forward. Turning around, Nikolenka saw that Pierre had become his father, Andrei. Nikolenka felt love for his father, but Nikolai approached them and the boy woke up in horror. Sitting in bed, Nikolenka thought about his father and that in the future he would achieve everything that even his father would be pleased with.

    Part 2

    Chapter 1

    The second part of the epilogue of "War and Peace" begins with the author's reflections on how historians study the life of peoples and individual person. Tolstoy condemns historians who believe that "peoples are led by single people" and that "there is known target towards which peoples and mankind are moving.

    Chapters 2-3

    Chapters 4-5

    The author's reflections on the appointment of power, its consideration as the totality of the will of the masses. Tolstoy writes that the life of the whole people cannot fit into the biography of several individual persons, and the power of these persons cannot become a reason historical events.

    Chapter 6

    Tolstoy's thoughts on how orders affect historical events. The author gives an illustration of the distribution of orders in the military hierarchy, in which "orderers take the least part in the event itself", since their activity is limited exclusively to "ordering".

    Chapter 7

    Chapters 8-10

    Chapter 11

    Tolstoy argues with historians, saying that history should stop looking for particular causes of events, focusing on the search for common law driving the history of mankind.

    Chapter 12

    Tolstoy's thoughts on the struggle between the old and the new view of history. The author believes that when considering historical events, “it is necessary to abandon the non-existent freedom [of will historical figure] and recognize the dependence we don’t feel” .


    Results and conclusions

    In the epilogue of his novel, Leo Tolstoy depicted not only the end of a huge story woven from cunning weaves human destinies, but also presented his own historical and philosophical reflections on the law of endless mutual influences and interconnections of human life. It is this irrational law, elusive to the mind, that determines, in the author's opinion, the fate of peoples and individuals. We recommend not only to read the retelling of the epilogue of the novel "War and Peace", but also to fully appreciate the great work.

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    You can test your knowledge of the content of the epilogue by answering this quiz:

    Retelling rating

    Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 2677.

    This 6-episode BBC film "War and Peace" based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy, the British watched excitedly, followed all the intricacies of the plot, were surprised and indignant at the frivolity of Natasha Rostova, tried to figure out the love polygon and wondered, wondered who the Tolstoy young lady would end up with ... We were less fortunate. We know from childhood: who and with whom. But on the other hand, we were lucky: the film adaptation of our classic was taken over by the British in the person of director Tom Harper. And this means that the viewer will not do without surprises for the Russian, brought up on the classics. Let's start wondering together from May 10th. In the meantime, we are in a hurry to tell you about some exciting details of the filming process so that the result does not take you by surprise. And by the way, children under the age of 16 should be immediately removed from the screens. For a book from the secondary program secondary school turned into an adult film by the BBC.

    Another attempt to film "War and Peace"

    Leo Tolstoy, as one of the brightest classics of Russian literature, does not give anyone peace, most of his works are not only known all over the world, but they periodically try to film them, with varying success. As for "War and Peace", this novel has been embodied as many as ten times, the current version is already the 11th. For the first time, Tolstoy's "War and Peace" was transferred to the screens in 1913 by the Russian director Pyotr Chardynin, however, for us the best option It is still considered the film epic of Sergei Bondarchuk. Maybe it is thanks to this film adaptation that we are, in general, indulgent towards everyone else. When you know that the best has already been done, you treat other, less successful incarnations somehow condescendingly, they say, let them try, we know ...

    In the West and in America, Lev Tolstov's novel excited cinematographers much more often. So, for example, Natasha Rostov was once played by Audrey Hepburn herself, and this role is considered one of the most unsuccessful in the actress's track record, and the BBC for the first time allowed themselves to touch the beautiful back in 1972. Then a 20-episode film was released with Anthony Hopkins in the role of Bezukhov. And so, now another attempt to rethink the Russian classics.

    Lily James fell in love with Natasha Rostova for costumes

    Actress Lily James was 25 at the time of filming, recall that her character, Natasha Rostova, first appears in the novel at the age of 13. But no one pays much attention to such trifles in our age of advanced technology, besides, the make-up artists did their best - in order to somehow indicate Natasha's young age, they provided James with a luxurious bang. That bangs in those distant times, when, in fact, the action takes place, did not exist at all, the makeup artists apparently forgot, well, or did not bother to find out. However, according to the actress herself, it was not the hairstyle and not even the natural talent that helped her get used to the image of Natasha, but the costumes. Here it is, the key to success - the outfits of the demonstrated era, the Stanislavsky system has absolutely nothing to do with it. IN puffy dresses Lily James felt, again, own confession, much more comfortable than in jeans, and if she had such an opportunity, she would certainly have acquired something similar in real life.

    Vilnius instead of Moscow

    We will not see Moscow in the series. The main locations were in Lithuanian Vilnius. To save money, so to speak. Our beloved and dear Moscow is now beyond the reach of even such a giant as the BBC (in this place we begin to puff our cheeks). According to the director, the old town in Vilnius conveys the atmosphere of historical Moscow in the best possible way (and Lithuanians should start to take offense in this place). In Russia film crew visited "the fields", almost all battle scenes were recreated near Novgorod, and for the sake of beautiful general plans Harper and Norton, who played the role of Andrei Bolkonsky, went to St. Petersburg.

    “For me there was no doubt that we had to shoot in St. Petersburg. In some episodes, it is impossible to replace the real Russia,” says film producer Julia Stannard. - We got access to Catherine Palace. For our sake they blocked traffic on the streets, for the city no less important than for London Trafalgar Square. The support we have been given has been incredible.” By the way, in between filming, Tom Harper and James Norton managed to go to " The Cherry Orchard» to Malyi Theatre of Drama, where they were presented to Lev Dodin. He was rather skeptical about Norton's candidacy for the role of Bolkonsky. True, then he pulled himself together and wished the actor good luck.

    Sex, sex, sex

    To be honest, sex and eroticism dominate the film adaptation. From time to time, in general, there is a feeling that we are talking about some other work, to which Lev Nikolayevich has nothing at all to do. The director, in company with the cameraman, actively demonstrates various seductive parts of the body of all the heroines, and then, I must say, the heroes - take at least a large-scale "nudity" - swimming in the river of Russian soldiers led by Bolkonsky (he, fortunately, shoots in front of the camera trousers refused) and much, much more, which even the most sophisticated connoisseur of Russian classics will raise some questions for ours. True, Harper does not see anything reprehensible in such an episode, categorically stating that, they say, it was written in the novel that the hussars washed themselves, but they had no reason to wash in their clothes, so everything was within the bounds of decency. And really, how many of us take a shower in trousers?

    In addition, in all its glory, Harper shows the public the incest scene of Helen and Anatole Kuragin, while in the novel there is only a hint (and that is in question) of such a sinful connection.

    Silent Harper

    Director Tom Harper approached the work on the film adaptation of "War and Peace" with due responsibility. Moreover, as it turned out after the end of filming, which, by the way, lasted for two whole years, he often regretted the decision. The whole problem is that Harper had never seen Tolstoy's novel before the start of work, so there is nothing surprising that after reading the work, the director was somewhat confused - to embody such a large-scale text on the screen is not an easy task, especially considering that most of the participants in the filming process, including the actors, only read the script.

    Today, Harper is proud of his work and looks at his own creation with pleasure, but remembers with a shudder how periodically he was speechless from horror and the overwhelming scale of the work. Yes, yes, that's exactly what happened: the director, who, being in the midst of the filming process, cannot utter a word. By the way, it's noticeable.

    'War and Peace' is the most expensive BBC series ever

    The film adaptation of Tolstoy's novel cost the BBC not only expensive, it became the largest production in the history of the company, which, by the way, is not surprising. 180 buttons and 49 meters of galloon went into each hussar suit. The uniform of a senior officer weighs 3.8 kg. Above military uniform 180 people worked for the series "War and Peace". The costumes were brought from different countries, including from Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Belarus, England and Lithuania. 500 extras were specially trained in winter and summer camps, where they underwent fire and bayonet training, studied weapons and the history of the era, as well as improvised first aid on the battlefield. 120 wigs were made by hairdressers and make-up artists used up 200 packs of dry wipes, 300 packs of wet wipes, 25 boxes of hair dye and 4 tear sticks. And on the stage where Anatole loses his leg, five liters of sham blood were taken.

    The novel "War and Peace" became a bestseller in the UK

    Unlike our country, in the UK the series has already ended and made an unprecedented sensation. Having broken all possible records in ratings and discussions, Tom Harper's creation took a leading position in the BBC rating, and Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy unexpectedly posthumously became the number one star. Copies of "War and Peace" are sold out with cosmic speed, and the novel itself managed to become an absolute bestseller. However, there is a risk that after reading the original admiring audience somewhat doubt the merits of the film adaptation.

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