What do Americans say about Russians. All Russian girls are beautiful


Having spent more than half a year in New York, I unmistakably single out girls from of Eastern Europe before I hear them speak. There is something in appearance, in a look - tenacious, arrogant and a little cheeky. In the manner of dressing on the verge of a challenge and bad taste: leggings "under the skin" with a transparent insert at the level of the thigh (these are worn without underwear), platform shoes and high heels, open blouses and dresses ... If I hear Russian speech in the metro from the lips of a stylish young lady, a modestly dressed student or a business woman in a strict gray three-piece suit, I am very surprised and happy. We do not want the Americans to perceive us only as temporary girlfriends with a sexual accent, who can be rented expensively, taken to restaurants and clubs, boasted to friends. But maybe it's not like that at all? Why not ask the Americans themselves what they think of Eastern European women? Finding men to interview was easier than I thought. People in the US are open to communication and, it seemed to me, quite frank in their judgments and assessments.

Russian ladies are confident in their appearance and love to cook

Gene Atnip, 46, Oil Company Engineer, Vernon, Texas:

I never met a woman from Eastern Europe, but a couple of times he became a victim of Internet fraud, when he communicated with beauties on a dating site with girls from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, sent money at their request for a visa and an air ticket to the United States, came to meet them to the airport and... no one ever showed up. But I had a friend from the GDR - we talked with her even before the wall was destroyed in Berlin ... I was always very curious to talk to her: a completely different culture! It was an important and interesting life experience.

Russian ladies are very confident in their appearance and clearly understand what they want from life. I spoke with some of them on the phone, and they all noticed that they love and know how to cook. This, as I understand it, is your main advantage, not counting beauty! (Smiling.) They are also very attached to the family. I like this: Russian-American couples have a future! Despite the fact that I was so ugly deceived, I am optimistic about Slavic women. I am a very curious person - everything unfamiliar intrigues me.

Language, in my opinion, will not be a barrier. I don't think Russian is any more difficult than German (Gene learned German while working in Germany. - Note. A.K.). For any person, if he wants to grow as a person, it is important to learn foreign languages ​​throughout his life. What is really hard to find, and not only in relationships with Russian girls, is trust. It's hard to trust someone if you communicate from a distance.

It cannot be said that Russian girls are more interesting and beautiful than American ones, and vice versa. We just live in different environments. American women often do not allow men to lead the family, and so many of us want to marry an Eastern European lady - in order to have enough freedom to work, to support a woman, while she creates comfort in the house and takes care of children. What could be better than a strong, close-knit family? I spent a lot of time in German families, visited family holidays and it's amazing how strong they have family values! Three generations can live in the same house at the same time, because it is too expensive to live independently of parents. And people manage not to quarrel, to treat each other with love. This is worth learning!

Beautiful eyes and sexy accent

Sheriff Upchurch, 32, senior restaurant manager at the Plaza Hotel, New York:

I am open to everything new, and it doesn’t matter to me what country the girl I like comes from. You see, men are looking for love ... They may admit it or not, but deep down we all want to be truly loved - in joy and in sorrow, no matter what. wealth... When there is love and trust, does it really matter if she is Russian or American? Any relationship has to be worked on. She grew up in a different world, she has different values, beliefs. The main thing is to find something in common and hold on to it. To help her adapt to the new reality, enrich her inner world.

As for the stereotypes about girls from Eastern Europe... You probably think that in the USA Russians are thought of as “pen-brides”, kept women with rich dads? You are wrong! There are many girls who love money among American women.

How many couples have I seen when he is over 60, and she is barely over 20! He is a millionaire, she is a model. All around! Eastern European women are more focused on finding a life partner than a sponsor. It is very important that a child born in international family spoke the languages ​​of both parents. I have a daughter from a Polish woman. She is not particularly eager to teach her child Polish: we live in New York. And I insist: I want my daughter to know the language and history home country his mother.

Much has been said about the beauty of Slavic girls ... They have something in their appearance that is very catchy ... Eyes, that's what! Plus Russian accent - very sexy! They always strive to look their best, more than Americans, use decorative cosmetics. It is easy to spend money if we are talking about wealthy Russian ladies. They have high standards, they want the best.

Russian girls take care for granted

Eric Jones, 37, interior designer for lingerie stores Victoria's Secret, NY:

Yes, I dated girls from Eastern Europe. It was pleasant experience. Interesting to talk about different topics with someone whose outlook on life is very different from yours. There is definitely something special about the appearance of Russian girls. They are very sensitive natural beauty. From physique, style to accent... Very, very attractive! I know several Russian names: Tatyana, Natalya, Alena, Olga, Anastasia, Victoria... Now here is Alice!

If a man is looking for a wife-partner, then Slavic women are just what you need. They are submissive, loyal, honest, open to entertainment, travel, know a lot about food, restaurants and know how to enjoy. simple things. I quite seriously admit that between me and a woman from Eastern Europe are possible serious relationship, even marriage. Maybe you have someone in mind for me? (Smiling.)

But seriously, my main concern about Russian girls (one might say, a sore spot): they take everything for granted. I did not hear words of gratitude, did not feel that they appreciate my attitude towards them, my desire to make them happy ... Maybe this is just my experience. But if I risk another relationship with a girl from Eastern Europe, I would like not only to give, but also to feel the return from her. Let it be a dinner prepared as a surprise for my return, or an offer to go somewhere for the weekend, go on a little trip for two ... I love to be surprised and I want to be close to the one who will surprise me. Plus a little appreciation and gratitude.

As for children, the question of what language they will speak is not even discussed! Of course, in the languages ​​of both parents! This child will come in handy in life, and even during visits to relatives (I hope they will be), I want the baby to speak Russian fluently and understand his grandparents well.

Russian girls know their place

Michael Michaelides, 34, professional golfer, New York:

I dated a Slavic woman. I rate this experience as positive. She was a sweet girl, beautiful and smart. For a while everything was fine, but, unfortunately, it did not work out. I don’t know if Americans have any stereotypes about Russian girls and how they differ from representatives of other countries ... I’ll tell you what I’m sure of: girls from Eastern Europe are among the most beautiful in the world.

Some of my friends say that Russian women are family oriented and at the same time they know their place. They are amazing lovers. For them, it is paramount that a man earns well.

They cook great. They have strong will... Here, you are already smiling! I also think that not all of this is worth taking on faith. I am absolutely sure that a serious relationship between an American and a woman from Eastern Europe is possible. You just need to find the one with which there is "chemistry", with which you feel happy.

Language in this case will not be such a significant obstacle, as well as differences in religions, cultures ... What matters is the different social structures in which the personalities of men and women were formed. Hence the different attitudes towards work, leisure, family life... If I were to marry a Russian woman, I would absolutely want my children to speak Russian and English equally well ... And Greek, since I am Greek by nationality, although I live in New York.

What Russian names do I know? Elena, Mila, Victoria, Katerina, Anna ... All these names belong to the women with whom I spoke in different time. Some of them are hard to remember because of the difficult pronunciation, but once you remember, you will never forget!

They are like puzzles that you can solve all your life.

Rob Forster, 35, Marketing Analyst, Jackson, Mississippi:

Girls from Eastern Europe are passionate, strong natures who often confuse us with their words and deeds. They are like puzzles that can be solved for a lifetime.

As a rule, they are beautiful, but I can't easily spot them in a crowd just by their looks. There is definitely a wide variety of types of Eastern European girls. Before I started living and working in Thailand, I had no idea how different the features of Russian girls can be! When I tell my friends in the US about this, they hardly believe me. To many, a Russian girl appears as the image of Anna Kournikova, a fair-skinned blonde with blue eyes.

What other stereotypes? Russian girls are sexy, temperamental, caring for the traditional family way, where the man is the head of the family, and the woman is the keeper of the hearth... Stereotypes and generalizations

so many, especially those related to excessive sexuality and indifference to the struggle for gender equality. But all this is individual. Conflicts in relations between an American and a Russian woman are inevitable, just as conflicts between two different cultures, behavioral models, expectations ... This will bring a lot of difficulties, but the real obstacles will relate to common problems for all couples (and not only international ones) in relationships, such as: trust, maturity of actions and thinking, "chemistry", that is, mutual sexual attraction.

The main advantage, it seems to me, will be in a child born in such a pair. After all, he can easily, immediately speak the two main languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the world!

The Russian soul always comes out

Paul Fushino, 33, Intellectual Property Expert, Westminster, Colorado:

Let's start with the Russian names that I know: Alla, Christina, Irina, Jarmila, Tatyana, Natasha, Natalya, Dinara, Dimira, Albina, Daria, Camilla, Janet, Love, Evgenia, Nadezhda, Galya, Alena, Inga, Leva, Anya , Elena, Oksana, Anastasia, Lyudmila, Olga, Julia, Lydia, Larisa, Anna, Victoria, Valentina, Antonina.

I had relationships with two Ukrainian girls and both were very different. The latter, unfortunately, falls under common stereotypes about what to expect from a woman from Eastern Europe. Therefore, I would like to talk about it first of all.

She was beautiful on the outside, but very soon I realized how ugly she was on the inside. She believed that the whole world should revolve around her, did little to

realize her dreams herself, but she expected this from me - she wanted me to provide her with everything for " beautiful life". I liked to wear beautiful things, to go to Beautiful places, while her personal ambitions were completely absent. I didn’t want to work on myself, I didn’t want to study, I didn’t want to look for a job. I will never forget how one day in a restaurant she demanded that I buy her flowers, or how, during a ballet, she suddenly leaned over to me and ... asked me to give her money for shopping. Found the moment! In a word, not the most best woman for dates, and even more so in order to spend the rest of his life with her. So I broke up with her.

Relations with another Ukrainian woman were of a different kind. She did not fit any stereotype about Slavic women, which proves once again that a stereotype is nothing more than a label used by people to generalize because of their unwillingness to understand the essence of things.

If in the USA his friends buy a birthday cake, then in Ukraine - the birthday boy himself. Where is the logic? Why does someone who has a birthday have to spend half a day in the shops and in the kitchen to feed and entertain friends?

She was beautiful not only externally, but also internally: she was very smart, well-read, at that time she was receiving a Ph.D. She was keenly interested in culture, painting, music, traveled a lot, could tell interesting things about a lot (she had fluent English, although she constantly doubted it and was embarrassed by her "meager" vocabulary). Family was of paramount importance to her. Friendship too. I can say for sure: she valued her friends more than gold. She was a fantastic girl who took care of me. And I - about her: I was pleased to give her flowers and gifts, but she never asked for them, unlike my other Ukrainian friend.

I think, if not for the distance (while she was finishing her studies, we had to live in different countries), we would get married. We are still close friends, so I do not think that everything is lost forever.

If we talk about difficulties in relations with women from Eastern European countries, then the language is the lesser of the evils. The difference in cultures and upbringing - that's what will make you sweat! A simple example: if in the USA his friends buy a birthday cake, then in Ukraine it is the birthday boy himself. Where is the logic here? Why does someone who has a birthday have to spend half a day in the shops and in the kitchen to feed and entertain friends? In the USA, friends will organize a party for you - you can relax.

Another obstacle that is almost never mentioned is the difference in size of the cities in which we grew up. My hometown is three times the size of the one where I grew up. ex girlfriend from Ukraine. She had everything nearby: home, school, shops, cinema... You could walk anywhere. In the USA, a car is a necessity, everything is located at a great distance from each other, public transport does not go everywhere and rarely. When I visited a girl in her hometown in Ukraine, I felt uncomfortable. The fact that she considered cute and cozy (to the cinema, the store, the park - within easy reach!), Annoyed me. When she visited me in America, she was indignant at the fact that a car was needed even in order to buy cabbage, not to mention going to the movies.

Judging by outside Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian girls, then there can be only one answer: they are very, very beautiful! They care about their appearance and do not leave a single detail without attention, knowing that we, men, look at them with all our eyes. (Smiling.)

I’m more interested in what is commonly called the “Russian soul” - the uniqueness of experiences, opinions, views ... No matter how they present themselves, no matter how they adapt to new country, this "Russian soul" always comes out. Those who are not fixated only on appearance, but also have spiritual beauty, seem to glow from the inside! Men notice and feel it, such a girl is always special, always stands out from the crowd.

Of course, Americans have a lot of stereotypes about Russian women, drawn from films. “An exotic Russian woman seduces an American spy while he tries to steal top-secret plans for a new submarine”... Or: “A rich American sees a poor Russian girl and, driven by pity for her (she can’t even afford a heater! ), marries, takes her to New York, settles in his luxury apartment, buys a Hummer ... Or: “Russian girls wear earflaps, are stunningly beautiful, eat borscht, drink more vodka in a day than an American in a year, want money and an American passport from you, demand attention and you run around her, and all of them - secret agents“... Well, have I given you enough stereotypes?

If you had asked me 10 years ago if marriage was possible between me and an Eastern European woman, I would have said no. But now the world is changing. Now I believe that a serious relationship and marriage is possible between me and the "right" woman from Eastern Europe.


What do Americans think of Russians? popular question which is of interest to many. There is no unequivocal opinion of Americans about Russians, although there are certain well-established opinions among Americans about who Russians are and in general what they do there in such a big country like Russia.

From my personal experience, I can say that in most cases, Americans have a rather superficial opinion about Russians and Russia in general. Why? There are several reasons for this. First, Americans are rather indifferent about other countries and about people in general. The indifference is not that they do not help each other, but that they do not care about what is happening in other countries (as long as it does not concern US interests and does not spin on TV and in newspapers every day) or simply how the other is dressed a man sitting in an elf costume opposite. No one will tell him anything special, because it is “his freedom” to dress as he wants and tell another how to behave indecently, especially a stranger. This is a slightly different indifference that may be related to some extent to American materialism, personal selfishness and the liberality of the average American.

On the other hand, more advanced Americans who travel and communicate with other nationalities have a clearer and more accurate idea of ​​Russians. However, the most popular opinion about Russia among Americans is that communism still exists in Russia and that Russians are very smart. The first conclusion is connected with the parents of Americans, who most likely grew up in the 60-80s, when Russia was part of the USSR and after the appearance of children did not really know anything about the changes in Russia, and therefore taught the children what they heard and knew themselves. Again, I repeat that most Americans are not interested in Russia to such an extent that they even know such basic things that Russia is a democratic country. The second conclusion about the fact that Russians are smart is connected with our literature, history, ballet and many other things for which Russia received world fame, including the USA. I have met many Americans who have read Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment" or Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" (in translation) and have a very high opinion of our literature and the country as a whole. In addition, for many of them "Crime and Punishment" is a favorite book.

There is also a fairly well-established opinion among the male population of America that Russian girls are very smart and beautiful, although many guys and not only in the USA probably have this opinion. Although I didn’t hear it that often, but still, many guys aged 20-35 told me about it. Another part of the guys probably thinks that it's not quite decent to say this to me as a Russian guy. But most of them have approximately the same opinion about the beauty and intelligence of Russian girls. What is it connected with? It's all about comparison local girls And personal experience Americans with Russian girls. Firstly, american girls it's pretty big circle girls. It can be white, black, Asian, Indian, Spanish. The last three categories may be second-generation “native” Americans, so they can be included in this group. Most American women lead a rather simple and promiscuous life, starting from school, when you see young girls going to school in pajamas and not really looking after themselves. Many American women are spoiled by their parents or simply by their lives, while Russian girls, growing up, become smarter and more confident in life. Of course, this is all my subjective opinion, but to a greater extent this is what I saw and noticed. Seeing this, an American guy will certainly give preference to a Russian girl, who most likely also knows how to cook. In my personal experience, only 3 out of 10 American women I met said they knew how to cook.

Another common belief about Russians is that we are wild and a little greedy. In other words, scumbags. I hear this quite often and not only from Americans, but also from Asians and other nationalities. I usually try to understand how they got this opinion and ask why they think so. In the end, it all comes down to the fact that they watch on YouTube about crazy Russians who walk on the roof of high-rise buildings, jump into snowdrifts from the fifth floor, or some other wildness for them (well, for us, harsh everyday life). It's hard to argue with such video facts, but I always say that they should not generalize their opinion about Russians. All Russians and Americans are different in behavior and character. If I remember something that I forgot, I will definitely add it.

Like the moment when they don't see Russians without a carpet on the wall, no carpet, you're not Russian. Americans know that Russians can clearly distinguish between indoor and outdoor clothing, Americans or Brits believe that this line is blurred. Russians never go home in street clothes, they will definitely take off their shoes at home, even if they are clean. Russians drink cold beer in the cold and consider it normal, the same goes for ice cream. For a birthday, Russians bring a lot of gifts, and Russian holiday organizers put 4 times more food on the table than guests can eat, and then they eat everything that is not eaten all week. Americans think that Russians evaluate women whether he would marry her or not. School lunch for Russian children is not a sandwich and rolls, but rye bread with meatballs. Russian families are always obliged to feed an American guest, even if he is not hungry. Russians never throw away old clothes, and let them on a floor cloth. Russians are afraid to whistle at home, so as not to be left without money. Russians make food containers out of used plastic packaging. Russians are very rich in slippers, no matter how many guests come to the house, and everyone will be provided with slippers.

Americans do not classify Russians as separate group, there is no separate relationship, Russians for Americans are no worse or better than Mexicans, Turks, Egyptians. Americans feel their superiority over all peoples, they believe that the United States is the most advanced country in all respects, both in terms of legislation and socio-economic terms, the progress of technology. Some Russians, coming to America after some time, already read the news from Russia in a completely different way, those laws that were once considered normal now already look wild and anti-people for them. If the Russians look at the peoples of Africa as savages and very strange people, then the Americans also look at the Russians as the same savages and strange people. So those food sanctions, burning imported food, detergents that Russians read as poisoned, various uprisings, coups, high-profile lawsuits, all this corruption, endless bribery and bribery, look at the obvious lack of love of Russians for Americans, just laugh at that the Russians blame the Americans for all their troubles, who don’t care about those Russians at all and the like.

Americans think about Russians, why they are always dissatisfied with everything, angry, offended, they can’t just live normally and build their own prosperous and independent state from external factors.

What looks normal in Russia, from the USA it sometimes seems just stupidity, a completely funny moment is retaliatory sanctions, if in Russia people approve of such actions, it seems that by really limiting imported food products, the local food industry spread its wings, so to speak, but the Americans understand that this is absolutely not the case, such a fencing off white light threatens to increase prices, lack of competition and deterioration in the quality of goods.

Everyone has their flaws

If Russians in America admit that they are Russians, then the Americans themselves react calmly to this, I think they don’t care if you are Russian, Pole or French, most likely they will be absorbed in thoughts about themselves, Americans are big individualists, not collectivists like Russians, an American thinks about himself, Russians tend to think first of all about others, they are more influenced environment. Admit that you are Russian, and nice, no one will ask you where your balalaika and bear with vodka are. Some labels are attached to other nationalities, Italians cannot be imagined without pizza and pasta, Japanese without sushi and anime, Germans without beer and leather shorts, Scots without a skirt and bagpipes, Irish without a bottle of whiskey, Koreans without a smartphone with big screen and without glasses and so on.

Become an American

Modern Russians in America are becoming real Americans in every sense of the word, they are finally starting to smile, they are becoming as friendly or even, if you like, the same hypocrites, it is the traditional American smile that seems to be hypocrisy, Russians simply do not understand it at first, it alarms them and even causes a feeling of fear. If a Russian walks with a stone face, then he has not yet adapted, if he starts smiling, then the process of assimilation has already begun.

Respect for the law

Americans with their Western mentality always notice some disregard for the law in Russians, while Americans blindly trust him, and someone ran a red light or ignored a stop sign, it must have been a Russian, who else? In the Russian area, cars are not parked along the lines, but at random, you can find hundreds of differences between the Russian and the international area in any city in the United States. Russians are also characterized by American maximalism or even boastfulness. Russians in the US are always trying to exaggerate their importance, especially in relation to their own people, to Russian immigrants in the US, or to show friends in Russia that they have succeeded in a new place.

Super Duper

Look at the names of Russian stores in the USA, there will be words with an amplifying meaning everywhere, a store of super-duper exclusive goods, in fact, you will not find any signs of elitism inside, all this is to splurge, a reality that does not correspond reality. Prices in Russian shops, restaurants are greatly inflated by local standards, only the Russians themselves, tortured by the American way of life, nostalgic for the past way of life, peck at this.

Russian cuisine in America

Americans do not like Russian food, it has not received such popularity as, for example, Chinese or Italian, although it is unlikely Chinese food with its cockroaches can be called more pleasant and normal compared to Russian, nevertheless it seems that Americans would rather eat cockroaches and lizards than borscht, jellied meat and buckwheat porridge, moreover, Americans consider such a product as black or red caviar to be very strange. If you want to introduce Americans to Russian or Ukrainian cuisine, avoid liquid and very fatty dishes.

Americans think that in the families of Russian emigrants there is always vodka in the refrigerator, this is not always true, and when it is true, then most likely the Americans themselves gave this vodka, thinking that this is the best gift for Russians, because they have a bear and a balalaika on the shelves in did not find the nearest store, local Teddy bears nothing like this standard Russian Grizzly-type bear.

Russian beauty in America

Americans consider Russian girls to be very beautiful, they even call them Russian dolls, this is all because they are more decorated and dressed up than Americans, who should not show off heels, dresses and makeup, they have completely different tools for showing off, which, due to poverty, can be not available to newly arrived Russian girls.

The Russians go ahead, this greatly shocks people in the USA and can even scare the Americans away, before asking for something, the Americans, like the British, apologize ten times, start a conversation from the back streets, and only then approach the topic of the question, especially when such a question ticklish or uncomfortable, the Russians get right down to business without much ceremony.

Collectivists and individualists

Russians are not talkative, stiff, they think that others will think them, because they are collectivists, and not such fierce individualists as the Americans. In Russian, the words yes and no do not always mean what they mean. Russians do not run away from conflicts, this is the usual way of communicating, Americans try to protect themselves from conflicts by laws and police officers with lawyers, Russians do not believe in the law, they just have to take the initiative.

In order to constantly bypass the laws that the Russians do not trust or they do not work, they, these Russians are trying to use ingenuity and ingenuity in everything, in this the Russians have greatly outperformed the Americans, who do not need to strain their brains so much in simple situations in which others work for them tools.

American heroes are Russian

For example, typical plot an American action movie, when the protagonist was greatly offended by a gang, and he, without contacting the police, cracks down on the offenders himself, well, completely far-fetched and seems absolutely fantastic, maybe this is the secret of the success of such an action-packed film in Russia, because this behavior of the protagonist is more like a Russian nature, in such action films from Hollywood, Russian viewers see themselves.

Wits and a quick reaction to a deteriorated situation are the only moment why Russians in general are hired in America, they are more resourceful, they can find a way out of any impasse, Russians in America become inventors and pioneers if they do not have time to assimilate until this moment, though some inventions seem ridiculous or unnecessary from a practical point of view. An ordinary American throws away a broken thing, a Russian repairs and improves it, makes an “upgrade”. The Russians are always on the alert, ready for various surprises, the Americans are calm and confident that nothing can get out of control.

Russian programmers

Therefore, Russian programmers are valued in America, they find non-standard solutions, they will always find a way out, it is already in their blood, always trying to fix the situation that was imposed by stupid leadership. Americans think about Russian rulers that they are stupid, otherwise Russia would become the United States, and the Russians would lose their universality, would cease to be jacks of all trades.

Americans think that there is no law in Russia, Russian emigrants don’t know what it is at all, Americans even fear that corruption will begin in them, since the Russian mafia has already made its way to the highest echelons of power, but still we don’t have a single Russian in the governors have not met, but somewhere they should be?

Americans are afraid that soon all of America will speak Spanish, Chinese and Russian. True, the census states that there is a possibility only about Spanish, the number of Russian speakers is negligible and can only decrease. Here one can trace the identification of Russians with Latin Americans, which is completely different nations by all criteria, incomparable and incomparable.

Americans have some stereotypes about Russians. But they are far from the worst, as many people think. Americans consider the most beautiful women in the world of Russian women. In the understanding of an American, a Russian woman is a woman with voluminous forms, with make-up, well-dressed. Such a woman knows how to work and cooks very tasty. According to American people, a Russian woman only does what she cooks a lot and very tasty.

As for Russian men, Americans consider them rich, the dashing 90s affected, when America was forced to get acquainted with the “new Russians”. Americans also consider them strong, physically healthy and strong. But despite this, according to the inhabitants of America, every Russian man is an alcoholic.

Russian food. Americans are not aware of the rather rich selection of Russian dishes. They know only borscht, dumplings, pancakes, jelly. There are Russian restaurants in America, but Americans are wary of such food. If any of the Americans managed to taste real Russian pies, then they were sure that it was Russian women who cooked them best. As for booze, it is, of course, vodka, according to the Americans, absolutely all Russians drink it, and in large quantities.

Russian rules. Americans are sure that Russians disregard all laws, especially traffic rules. In this, the Americans are most likely right, since there is a huge concentration of reckless drivers in Russia.

Americans believe that wild bears walk everywhere in Russia. If an American comes to Moscow and does not find a bear there, he thinks that in any case there are wild animals somewhere outside the city.

Russian smile. Americans think that Russian people are very sad and withdrawn. Most likely, the opinion has developed due to the fact that the Americans themselves are very smiling. The American smile is often feigned. They are taught this from childhood, but there are no Russians. Therefore, compared to Russians infrequently.

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Some people know that foreigners have a positive attitude towards Russian girls, but not many people know what is so special about them that they attract the attention of men abroad.

Foreigners have always admired Russian women. They attract the attention of men with their femininity. While abroad, girls always strive to look good: makeup, high-heeled shoes and an elegant suit, all this immediately catches the eye of foreigners. They easily recognize a woman by her appearance, because girls not only take care of themselves, but also behave quite modestly and gracefully.

Foreigners also say that in women, more than in others, there is romance and femininity. They still want to see the real ones from their companions. However, no matter how a foreigner behaves, Russian girls remain quite nice in any situation and can almost always keep up the conversation at the proper level.

Men abroad claim that every woman has a bit of madness. They are so spontaneous and sweet that it's hard not to pay attention to them. This is what distinguishes them from such sensible, restrained and constrained foreigners.

Slavic girls prefer flashy clothes bright colors. They always stand out from the crowd. The only downside is that they can't always find the line between bright clothes, the desire to stand out from the crowd and vulgarity.

It is known that Russian girls are the most submissive, tidy housewives and caring mothers. Very often, foreigners choose Russian ladies as their wives, because they are patient and enduring, they always try to support home, keep the house clean and comfortable, behave modestly in society, but in bed they try to be temperamental and relaxed. They are looking forward to when their husbands return from work, cook for them delicious dinner and in the evening pleasant and intelligent conversations. There are many more positive qualities, for which foreigners love so much, and you can talk about them endlessly.

Hi everybody! Alexander Khvastovich is with you, and this is the release of a conversation on wheels. I looked through the questions that were asked about girls. The most liked question was: “How do American girls feel about Russians?”.

How do American women choose guys?

I must say that an American woman, like any other girl, will look first of all at personal qualities and not where you are from. And if she is more "grounded", that is, she looks more at material values then she will look at status, wealth and perspective. I think the main thing is the person, and not where he comes from.

From my own experience I will say that I had several relationships with American women, but they were not serious. I have never been able to build such a relationship with them that they go into a serious stage with planning for the future, family. Nothing like this. All this was more "to have fun", to have fun. For some reason, longer-term relationships develop with Russian girls.

Family values

Not all American women have family values. In America different families, different outlooks on life and each family has its own values. But in general, an American who grew up in America, went to an American school, will never strive to have a baby at 20-22 years old. If this happens, then just because of "having fun", although it may be much earlier.

They will not consciously start a family at the age of 20. At least those girls with whom I spoke. The norm for them is 30 years or more. They want to travel first, hang out. They start a family only when they already find the ground under their feet.

By the way, it's hard to find american american(at least where I've been). Everyone has some kind of background: someone comes here at the age of 8-9, someone was brought by their parents. A clean American woman, probably, had to be looked for in college or in high school.

What is the attitude of American women towards Russians?

According to my observations and experience, American women have a normal attitude towards Russians. The accent does not scare them, the manner of communication, too. You can always talk to a person and discuss if there is something you don't like about each other. There are a lot of cultural differences. And it doesn't matter if she is pure American, Latino or from Germany. There is no special difference - cultural differences will be a shaft. There will be many things that are accepted with them and not accepted with us, and vice versa. It will be difficult for an American to say: “Stay at home and don’t go anywhere” or “Who is this? Your friend?". They are all friends.

My impression is that there is not much difference. The main thing is to communicate, and if people are suitable for each other, then you can get along with an American.

Moving to the USA is difficult, but there are categories of people who can afford it:

— Investors. It is enough to invest from 1 million dollars and in 2 years all family members will receive the status of a permanent resident of the United States ( EB-5 visa).

- You can also open a branch of an existing company in America or buy a ready-made business in the USA (from $100,000). This will entitle you to an L-1 work visa, which can be exchanged for a green card.

- Famous athletes, musicians, writers and other extraordinary people can move on an O-1 work visa.

— In the event of harassment by the state on religious grounds, political reason or humiliation due to belonging to a gay minority, you can request

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