What is choice c. How do you understand the meaning of the word choice? formulate and comment on your definition


What is a choice?

Essay on a given topic of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018 in accordance with all the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard, only for users of our friendly educational project!

The first version of the essay (according to the text of E.V. Grishkovets “Mom, when I was still at school ...”)

Concept definition

What is choice? Choice is the basic rule human life, what determines the actions of a person, his future occupations, his fate, finally. Each of us sooner or later faces the problem of choice, but the most important of them is the choice of a specialty, a further profession, which we are forced to do at the very beginning of our life.

So the author of the text Evgeny Valeryevich Grishkovets tells how he tried to choose an educational institution in his youth, to decide on a future occupation. Something seemed boring to him, something impossible, but he did not know at all what he would like. An important condition for him was that the study was interesting, fun, appropriate real life. Apparently, writer's work became exactly the occupation that he dreamed of in his youth.

Argument from personal experience

In addition, very soon each of us will face a similar choice - which profession to prefer, which type of activity is more interesting to him - accurate, natural Sciences, or more attractive physical work. We will all make this choice based on own desires, advice from relatives, friends and relatives.


So, choice is something that a person faces more than once or twice in his life. Our well-being and satisfaction with our own existence depends on how correctly we do it.

The second version of the essay (according to the text of A.I. Denikin “In the first year of my life, on the day of some holiday ...”)

Concept definition

I think that choice is the task of each person. We face choices every day, from what to choose for breakfast to lifestyle. Sometimes our choice is influenced by superstitions and certain signs of fate, which seem to help us choose the right path.

Argument from the read text

This point of view is confirmed by the case described by A.I. Denikin, where the hero, being a one-year-old child, from everything that was in his access zone, chose a glass and a saber. The fortune-telling came true partially - he later connected his life with military activities, but he did not become a drunkard. It is quite possible that military career was the result of a legend often told to the boy from childhood about that incident from his infancy.

Argument from personal experience

Superstitions in general have a great influence on the lives of many people. in ancient times, divination determined the choice of a life partner or type of employment. Until now, some of us cross the road if a black cat crosses their path. Or they refuse an important planned business if they met a person with an empty bucket.


I believe that the choice should be made based only on one's own desires or set life goals, but in no case on superstitious fortune-telling or signs.

The third version of the essay (on the example of the text of Aleksin A.G. “Even in kindergarten, Oleg learned a song ...”)

Concept definition

One of the most important choices in our lives is the choice of profession, employment. Choice is a decision that we are forced to make depending on the surrounding conditions and our own capabilities. What should you pay attention to when making the most important choice?

Argument from the read text

A.G. Aleksin in his text tells a story about how influential the desires of relatives sometimes turn out to be and what is the role of predestination in the life of every person. Sometimes parents or other close people try to embody their unfulfilled hopes in the growing offspring. However, what the child really has a talent for will still manifest itself. It's just a matter of time. Therefore, you should not impose your desires on a person, but rather give him the opportunity to choose what is closest to him.

Argument from personal experience

Many follow in the footsteps of their parents, choosing a future profession. It is good if the interests of the child and parents coincide. However, some parents do not approve of the choice of their child, ridicule him, force the child to make a different choice. But they must remember that such actions can ruin the life of a descendant forever.


The most important thing in life is to do what you especially like. Then life will seem easier, and you will bring more benefits to society. In order to choose exactly what you have a calling for, it is important not to listen to anyone, but to do what is closest and most interesting.

"Moral Choice"

Option 1

Moral Choice - this is, first of all, a choice between good and evil: loyalty and betrayal, love and hatred, mercy or indifference, conscience or dishonor, law or lawlessness ... Every person makes it throughout his life, perhaps more than once. From childhood, we were taught what is good and what is bad. Sometimes life presents us with a choice: to be sincere or hypocritical, to do good or bad deeds. And this choice depends on the person himself. I will prove this thesis by citing arguments from the text of V.K. Zheleznikov and analyzing my own life experience.

As a second argument proving the thesis, I will give an example from the reader's experience. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" moral choice stands before the main character: to refuse a duel with Lensky or not to refuse. On the one hand, there was the opinion of society, which would be condemned for refusal, and on the other, Lensky, a friend whose death was not needed. Eugene did, in my opinion, not right choice: human life is more precious public opinion.

Thus, I proved that we are constantly faced with a moral choice, sometimes even in ordinary things. And this choice must be the right one, so as not to regret later.

Option 2

What is a moral choice? I think the moral choice is the choice between love and hate, trust and distrust, conscience and dishonor, loyalty and betrayal, and if to generalize, it is a choice between good and evil. It depends on the degree of human morality. At present, as always, a moral choice can reveal the true nature of a person, because the choice between good and evil is the most top choice person.

In the text of E.Shim you can find an example that confirms my idea. Gosha, a boy with a gentle character, makes real heroic deed when, risking his health, he defends Vera. When the boy sees that the rocket could explode, he makes the right choice. This act characterizes him differently than at the beginning of the story, because by his act Gosha changes his opinion of himself for the better.

As a second proof of the thesis, I want to give an example from life. I would like to tell you about Nikolai Shvedyuk, who, risking his life, saved five people who were riding a snowmobile and fell through the ice. The ninth grader, seeing what happened, called ambulance, himself, taking a rope, rushed to help people. Nicholas committed this act, although no one forced him to do it: he made his moral choice.

Option 3

Moral Choice - this is a choice between good and evil, between friendship and betrayal, between conscience and dishonor ... The main thing is that a person makes a decision that he will not regret in the future. I believe that the phrase “moral choice” is understood differently by each person. For me, a moral choice is a choice in which the upbringing and soul of a person is manifested. To confirm my point of view, I will turn to the text of V. Droganov and personal experience.

Propositions 24-25 can serve as the first argument in favor of my opinion. In these sentences, the author tells that the narrator, many years later, understands that his choice at the moment when he took away the book from Kolka Babushkin was wrong, and he regrets it very much. This once wrongly chosen decision became his pain, his “inseparable companion”, because the hero understands that, unfortunately, he cannot fix anything, it is already impossible to even ask for forgiveness (30).

Thus, having analyzed two arguments, I proved that a moral choice is a choice that a person makes first of all with his soul, heart, and then with his mind. And sometimes the experience of past years tells him that he did wrong.

Option 4

Moral Choice is the adoption of one decision out of several: we always think about what to choose: good or evil, love or hatred, loyalty or betrayal, conscience or dishonor ... Our choice depends on many things: on the person himself and his moral guidelines, from life circumstances, from public opinion. I believe that a moral choice may not always be right, it is often a reflection of how a person was brought up. Man with bad temper will choose decisions in his favor: he does not think about others, he does not care what happens to them. For evidence, we turn to the text of Yu. Dombrovsky and life experience.

Secondly, I would like to recall the story of a boy from the story of V. Astafiev “A horse with pink mane". In the work, we observe that the boy realized his mistake and repented of his act. In other words, the hero, who was faced with the question of whether to ask for forgiveness from his grandmother or remain silent, decides to apologize. In this story, we just observe that the decision of a moral choice depends on the character of a person.

Thus, we have proved that a moral choice is a decision that we make every day, and the choice of this decision depends only on ourselves.

To the question What is a choice? What is a choice? (For essay-reasoning 15.3) given by the author Neurologist the best answer is Choice Choice – main stage decision-making process, consisting in the selection of one option from several possible ones. Shakespeare was right in emphasizing the exceptional importance of such moments in life: "To be or not to be, that is the question...". A person often finds himself in a situation of choice: profession, institution, loved one and friends, worldview ... He has to give preference to some values ​​and norms, rejecting others

Answer from Xenia Kostyleva[newbie]
Choice is a conscious decision-making from the proposed set of options, it is a preference for one option over another. A person is constantly faced with the situation of choice, this is a vital necessity. It is especially important to make the right decision when choosing future profession because the future of human life depends on it. Sometimes it is very difficult to make such a choice. I will prove the truth of my words concrete examples. The hero of the text by E. Grishkovets tells how he chose his future profession. The boy had three options: to become an engineer, like his mother, a doctor, like his uncle and brother, or a cultural worker. In each profession, he saw the pros and cons. On this life stage the hero could not decide, but we understand that sooner or later he cannot avoid accepting this important decision. But A. V. Suvorov did not have to think long about choosing his future profession. Already in childhood, despite poor health and lack of support from his father, he decided to become a military man. Therefore, all later life he dedicated to achieving his goal. The correctness of the path he chose is proved by the fact that the name of A. Suvorov entered the history of our country as the name legendary commander. Thus, making a choice is still half the battle, the main thing is not to make a mistake with your choice. (184 words)

Answer from Forgive[newbie]
A choice is a single decision chosen by a person from among several proposed ones. And if we are talking about choosing a profession, then this decision should be deliberate, because with its help the future is determined. The topic of choice is always relevant. Every minute we choose something, make decisions, not knowing whether they are right or not. We choose what to eat, what to wear, how to relax and the like. We are faced with tasks on the solution of which a person's life may depend. Our actions can help someone, or they can hurt. It seems to me that the problem of choice is very complicated. You always think about where to go after school, where to get a job, with whom to connect your life. I believe that the result of choosing a profession depends on many things: on the person himself, his goals, interests, abilities, on the opinion of the people around him. Thus, we were convinced that choosing a profession is one of the main life actions that can change the fate of a person.

Answer from Danil Platkovsky[active]
thanks bro

Answer from contribute[newbie]
Thanks for the writeups, they're all good!

Answer from Jadomir Piglycine[expert]


(1) There are people who painfully experience other people's successes. (2) This was Senya Golubkin. (3) Everywhere he seemed to see the benefits and privileges enjoyed by others. (4) If someone fell ill, Senka would say: (5) “It’s clear ... (6) I decided to take a break!” (7) If someone got a five for home composition, he asked: (8) “What, did mommy and daddy work hard?”

(9) It seemed to him that any luck comes to people as if at his expense. (10) Envy, in which lies the source of many human weaknesses and vices, did not leave Senka alone ...

(11) It was difficult to find people, no longer similar friend on a friend than Vanya and Senka. (12) At that time, Vanya still sympathized with him very much. (13) When Senya, confused and straining, wandered through the labyrinths of the famous quatrains, Vanya suffered. (14) And after the lesson, at which Golubkin received another deuce, this big man pushed the short Vanya: he, it turns out, did not prompt clearly and clearly enough.

(15) Once a “district” dictation was appointed, and Senya Golubkin was in a panic: a deuce for that dictation threatened him with repetition.

(16) After the dictation, Senka ran along the corridor and asked his

- (17) How do you spell "during"?

(18) They answered him.

- (19) There is one mistake! - he said and bent his finger. - (20) And how did you write it yourself? (21) Right?

(22) If it turned out that it was right, Senka whined:

- (23) Well, of course, I wrote it myself!

(24) After the "district" dictation, Senka did not have enough fingers on both
hands: he counted twelve mistakes. (25) Except commas and dashes...

(26) At a break, Vanya Belov approached me and asked:

- (27) Well, Vera Matveevna, will Golubkin now stay for the second year?

- (28) I don't know. (29) Haven't checked yet.

(30) When I sat down in the teacher's room for notebooks, it turned out that six works from the pack had disappeared. (31) Among them were the dictations of Senya Golubkin and Vanya.

(32) At a big break, the director and I in the empty classroom became
break through to Golubkin's conscience. (33) It was then, in the midst of our conversation, that Vanya Belov appeared and said:

- (34) I have come to give myself into the hands of justice!

(35) I did not believe that he pulled out the dictations, but the director agreed
with Vanya's version. (36) After the lessons, six students, whose works disappeared, rewrote the dictation. (37) Senya Golubkin received a triple, because he had already discovered his mistakes during the break, and moved to the seventh grade.

(38) He was not filled with gratitude to Vanya Belov, on the contrary, it was
since then, and disliked him. (39) Golubkin did not forgive nobility, just as he did not forgive literacy to those who helped him find mistakes. (40) Vanya Belov understood this. (41) After Senka Once again annoyed my savior in something, I casually said to Vanya:

- (42) Well ... not a single good deed goes unpunished?

- (43) You never know what happens! he replied. - (44) Because of this, do not believe everyone?

(According to A. Aleksin)*

* Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich(born in 1924) - writer, playwright. His works such as "My brother plays the clarinet", " Characters and performers”, “Third in the fifth row”, etc., tell about the world of youth.


Moral choice is conscious accepted by man the decision is the answer to the question "What to do?": pass by or help, deceive or tell the truth, succumb to temptation or resist. Making a moral choice, a person is guided by conscience, morality, and his own ideas about life. I will prove the validity of my words with specific examples.

One of the heroes of the text by A.G. Aleksin, Vanya Belov, in critical situation made his moral choice: he took upon himself the guilt of his friend, Senya Golubkin, who, out of fear of being left for the second year, stole several notebooks with the district dictation from the teacher's room. Vanya fearlessly confessed his deed to the director. He made this Noble act because he wanted to help his friend move into the seventh grade. Vanya acted according to the laws of friendship.

Pyotr Grinev, the hero of the story by A.S. Pushkin, also made his moral choice " Captain's daughter". When Petrusha lost a hundred rubles to officer Zurin in billiards, Savelyich began to convince his pupil not to repay this swindler. Grinev himself understood that Zurin had fooled him around his finger, but nevertheless decided to give the money. He acted as he taught him father - according to the laws of honor.

Thus, a person very often finds himself in a situation of choice. And decision-making largely depends on his moral foundations. (183 words)

How do you understand the meaning of the expression " inner world person"? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is the INNER WORLD OF HUMAN".


(1) When I was six years old, probably, or six and a half, I did not know at all who I would eventually be in this world. (2) Then my appetite flared up to learn how to become such an artist who draws white stripes for racing cars on street asphalt. (3) Otherwise, it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler and cross all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. (4) And the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw on TV the drawing of the European boxing championship. (5) How they thrashed each other - just some kind of horror! (6) And then they showed their training, and here they were already pounding a heavy leather "pear" - such an oblong heavy ball; you need to hit him with all your might, hit him with all your might, in order to develop the power of impact in yourself. (7) And I also decided to become the most strong man in the courtyard.

(8) I told dad:

- Dad, buy me a punching bag! (9) I will train and become a boxer.

- (10) There is nothing to spend money on nonsense, - dad answered. - (11) Train somehow without a pear.

(12) And he got dressed and went to work. (13) And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and tried to help me.

(14) She took out a large wicker basket from under the sofa, where old toys were stacked, and took out a healthy one from it Teddy bear.

- (15) Here. (16) A good bear, excellent. (17) Look how tight! (18) Why not a pear? (19) Let's train as much as you like!

(20) I was very happy that my mother came up with such a cool idea. (21) And I made the bear more comfortable on the couch, so that it would be more convenient for me to train and develop the power of impact.

(22) He was sitting in front of me so chocolate, and he had different eyes: one of his own was yellow glass, and the other big white was from a sewn button from a pillowcase. (23) But it didn't matter, because the bear looked at me with his different eyes and raised both paws up, as if he had already given up in advance ...

(24) And I suddenly remembered how a long time ago I didn’t part with this bear for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and put him at the table next to me to dine, and put him to sleep, and rocked him like a little brother and whispered to him different fairy tales right into his velvet, hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, then I would have given my life for him ...

(25) And now he is sitting on the couch, my ex is the most best friend, a real childhood friend, and I want to train the power of impact about him ...

- (26) What's wrong with you? Mom asked as she opened the door.

(27) But I didn’t know what was happening to me, I lifted my head to the ceiling so that tears were not visible, and said:

“I changed my mind about being a boxer. (According to V.Yu. Dragunsky) *

*Dragoon Victor Yuzefovich(1913–1972) – Russian Soviet writer author of short stories for children.


The inner world of a person is his spiritual world consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about surrounding reality. There are people with a rich inner world, and there are people with a poor one. The inner world of a person can be judged by his actions. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text of V.Yu. Dragunsky. Main character- a six-year-old boy - has, in my opinion, a rich inner world. This is evidenced by his actions. When the mother offered the boy as punching bag use a forgotten childhood toy - a teddy bear, the hero was delighted at first, but then he remembered how he loved this bear, how he spent his time with him, as if with a little brother or friend. The surging memories made the boy give up not only training, but also the desire to become a boxer. The behavior of the hero suggests that he has a kind and devoted heart.

Masha Mironova, the heroine of A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", also has a rich inner world. This fragile and shy girl at first glance turned out to be very strong and courageous. When she found out that Pyotr Grinev was threatened the death penalty, she fearlessly goes to the queen herself in order to save her lover. A person with a poor inner world would not have dared to do such an act.

Thus, in order to find out what the inner world of a person is, one must pay attention to his behavior in a given situation. (206 words)

OGE 15.3 Essay on the topic "What is a choice" according to the text of E.V. Grishkovets from open bank assignments (FIPI)

How do you understand the meaning of the word CHOICE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is CHOICE".


(1) Mom, when I was not yet at school, worked as an engineer and drew a lot. (2) The drawings were so beautiful, and her preparation with shiny things was so unusually attractive that I could not pass by. (3) Of course, they caught me, they didn’t let me in, but I still spoiled a few drawings, broke some compasses.

- (4) He is clearly drawn to exact sciences- Mom said seriously to her father.

(5) At school, it immediately became clear that I was not drawn to the exact sciences.
(6) I studied very average. (7) Mom said that if I continue like this, I will become a loader. (8) The expression on my father’s face at that time was such that I guessed: he doubts that my mother is telling the truth.

(9) In short, the profession of a loader was never considered by me as a promising one.

(10) When I was in high school, my parents taught at the university. (11) Mom taught thermodynamics, and my father worked as the head of the department at the Faculty of Economics.

(12) But algebra, geometry and physics were still the darkest subjects for me. (13) My parents themselves understood that I would not follow in their footsteps, and did not even hint at it.

(14) What opportunities did I have? (15) University, institute of culture and, of course, medical.

(16) I always liked the medical one. (17) Firstly, my beloved uncle taught there. (18) Secondly, my second cousin studied there, whom I also liked. (19) But somehow the so-called anatomist scared me. (20) I understood: I couldn’t even just enter the building where she is located.

(21) Then I began to go to the Institute of Culture. (22) I listened and watched performances of the student choir, concerts of students of the pop department, performances staged and played by students. (23) Of course, I didn’t understand this well then, but I felt deadly boredom and terrifying joylessness of what I saw. (24) The smell of the “anatomist” seemed to haunt me, it came from everything there: in all the speeches, the uselessness of what was happening was visible. (25) Useless to anyone! (26) Neither speakers nor spectators. (27) This lack of hope for joy made me firmly abandon the idea of ​​​​entering the Institute of Culture.

(28) But I wanted ... (29) I don’t know what I wanted. (30) Nothing definite. (31) I wanted to be a student. (32) I wanted to study not very difficult and not very boring ... (33) I wanted a fun, interesting, real life. (34) The main thing is real, with the whole being - life.

(According to E.V. Grishkovets)*

*Grishkovets Evgeny Valerievich (born in 1967)modern Russian writer, playwright, director, actor, musician. He became famous after he was awarded the national theater award in 1999 " golden mask". He is the author of the books "Shirt", "Rivers", "Footprints on me", "Asphalt".


Choice is a conscious decision-making from the proposed set of options, it is a preference for one option over another. A person is constantly faced with the situation of choice, this is a vital necessity. It is especially important to make the right decision when choosing a future profession, because a person’s future life depends on it. Sometimes it is very difficult to make such a choice. I will prove the validity of my words with specific examples.

The hero of the text by E. Grishkovets tells how he chose his future profession. The boy had three options: to become an engineer, like his mother, a doctor, like his uncle and brother, or a cultural worker. In each profession, he saw the pros and cons. At this life stage, the hero could not decide, but we understand that sooner or later he will not be able to avoid making this important decision.

But A.V. Suvorov did not have to think long about choosing his future profession. Already in childhood, despite poor health and lack of support from his father, he decided to become a military man. Therefore, he devoted his entire life to achieving his goal. The correctness of the path chosen by him is proved by the fact that the name of A. Suvorov entered the history of our country as the name of the legendary commander.

Thus, making a choice is still half the battle, the main thing is not to make a mistake with your choice.(184 words)

Absolutely all people, without exception, one way or another have to deal with such moments in life when you don’t know what to do. They themselves define this situation in different ways: some call it stupidity, while others call it laziness or weakness. But few of them realize that the reason lies elsewhere: people just do not know what to do when they face a large number of options. And until they dare to choose something, they will not take further action. That is the whole point of choice.

What is a choice? This is when a person needs to decide which of the many variations he will use. For it is too difficult to manage two things at the same time, and in some cases it is physically impossible. And if they are engaged in chaotic order, then this does not fit into any framework at all, since each of them has its own priority.

What does he give? It is simply necessary, since a person, having not decided, will not be able to perform further actions. If any of us is unsure of what is involved in given time the most important thing is that we will begin to doubt, be afraid of something, hesitate, which will generally stop our further actions.

In fact, this is the main reason when doubts gnaw at a person, laziness and fears overcome. Without focusing on one thing, a person becomes indecisive, trying to do two or more things at the same time. And in the process of this, he doubts: maybe I'm doing something wrong now? Maybe I need to do something else?

We all know perfectly well that man was created by God like him. But the most important thing in this is that he endowed his creation with the ability to think, think and choose. Sometimes we have to face the solution of very complex problems, independent solution which seems difficult to us.

One has only to think about how many questions we have to solve during the day, which have more than one or two answers. In the morning we puzzle over what to have for breakfast. Then we solve a very difficult problem, what to wear. During the working day, puzzles are thrown at us at work. In the evening we will again face the definition of this or that priority, and so on in a circle, only questions. And each priority needs to be argued.

But Life is going In due course, we may face a more serious choice. For example, what profession to acquire, in what direction to build your life, etc. Such questions are more typical for young people who enter adult life. After all, it is not in vain that school bench teachers introduce us to works, teach us to analyze them and draw our own conclusions. This greatly facilitates further way because you can rely on the experience of others.

Choice - an example from life

Let's look at this example: a person has decided that money does not play in his life important role, the main thing is to have a favorite job ... As soon as he took up his favorite job and agreed to switch to bread and water for it, and spend his life in a hut, as right there in the old boring place of work, from which he decided to leave, they offer a place of leadership with high salary. And now he was faced with a dilemma - what to choose? Everything will depend on what choice a person makes, and this will show what is most important in his life.

People often encounter situations like this throughout their lives. For example, a person leads an honest life, he is a law-abiding citizen, and then bam, there was an opportunity to steal, and very decently: what to choose? There is an unequal struggle between a person's honesty and deceit, and easy, without unnecessary risk, and to get what you have long dreamed of: what to choose?

The young man decided to enter the university. Among a large number educational institutions he decided on one, but it is very difficult to get into it, you will have to waste time trying to do it every year. And suddenly there was an opportunity to fulfill your dream much easier and faster by enrolling in another university to console your parents: what to choose?

A person is sure that he will never exchange for anything true love. And suddenly he has a chance to brighten up his life with a cozy marriage, or a sweet and pleasant relationship without love: what to choose?

Why is it difficult to choose?

The selection process itself cannot in any way suggest that this can be an ideal solution, especially if it already exists, then there is no point in choosing. A person simply dynamically walks along his own path of life, which he has determined for himself, or the Universe has given him. But, when a person is all right, he knows exactly with whom, why and where he should go, then why the hell should he choose something there? Here and so everything is clear.

If a person has found himself in a situation where he needs to decide on something, then his path in life does not exist. Then for all the questions like “how to find a job with a high salary?”, “how to find a way to get into university easily?” will be the same answer - no way.

When faced with a problem to choose, it may mean that the solution this issue will not be without conflict. One side will have to suffer, lose or gain something important, part with the old and come to the new, in general, without any risk.

What is moral choice

A moral choice is when a person is determined with something, thanks to his moral convictions, referring to generally recognized human values, in some cases even hurting themselves. This situation often associated with selflessness, because a person is surrounded by many temptations that push him to dishonest and unfair deeds, but when he relies on morality, he will by no means do this.

It is inherent in each person to perform certain actions as his conscience tells him, without ignoring the interests of others. It very often happens that moral deeds go unnoticed, because a person decides for himself without unnecessary witnesses, for example, holding a high position, he refuses a bribe, because he considers it immoral and a violation of the law, but other people will not know about his perfect feat. This also includes the share of self-sacrifice, since a person had the opportunity to earn money, for him this money would not be superfluous, but he had to refuse, even in the case when he had to pay for treatment.

How to choose a profession

Before deciding what a person likes, it would be nice to get acquainted with the needs modern world and which professionals are in high demand. What is career choice? This is when a person is puzzled by the fact that he needs to decide on one of the many professions, thanks to its demand. But first you need to study their ratings.

To understand which field of activity will be closer to your liking, you need to get to know it more specifically. In the labor market, and especially on the Internet, they offer a huge number of job reviews. It describes the specifics of each job, where you can learn new specialties, there is a list prestigious specialties with high paying jobs.

Even after acquaintance, a person finds it difficult to choose a job that suits him best, in which case you can seek advice from an expert specializing in career guidance.

What is a conscious choice

What is a choice, and even a conscious one? Often, in defense of their bad habits and destructive behavior, some people have excuses for this: “I consciously chose,” or “This is my conscious decision.” But is the speaker sure that he is right, and does he understand correctly what is being said?

In truth, a person really chooses his own path: whether he will swim in or not, whether he will lead healthy lifestyle life, or go with the flow, he decides. As for the conscious decision, there are a lot of questions here. How to determine the action or not? A person simply chooses and what can he know about it?

Since we are talking about the conscious decision of a person, then the following is implied here:

  1. What do I need to choose for further actions?
  2. How will this turn out for me and what does it matter?
  3. What will happen as a result of my subsequent actions or inactions?
  4. What results can I expect in the future?
  5. How will my friends, relatives and relatives react to my decision?

If a person finds answers to these questions and agrees with each of them, then we can already say that the decision to choose or not was conscious.

The high art of making the right choice

Any person is life process organizes according to:

  1. Perception.
  2. Awareness.
  3. Understanding.
  4. Choice.
  5. Decision.
  6. Action.

This is the foundation of everything that is happening, not only right now, but everything that will be.

The essence of our life lies in continuous learning, but where, what specialty and with whom, this is already a personal decision for everyone. To adequately meet the requirements of the present time, you need to have personal strength. But having it is not enough, you must also be able to steer and manage it. Most likely, this will be high art right choice.

But how to figure out what is called correct, are there any statistics on this, what is the process of this determination? People who are wise with life experience and knowledge can say that the beginning of everything is a question, by answering which, you can make changes to anything.

Lesser of two evils

The very formulation of the question can be called a little strange, but nevertheless, how to choose the lesser of two evils? How can you find any value in evil? But let's look from the outside at our life process, where people, out of old habit, overcome obstacles, solve problems, and struggle with difficulties. Evil is general concept, built on various complexities, problems, obstacles that arise naturally.

All this may represent some kind of danger, which has the most diverse origins, and is not always life-threatening. That is, evil is such a thing that is unpleasant and uncomfortable for a person. I wonder why then people accept evil? There is a philosophical point of view on this question: a person can always choose, he has an opportunity for this. You can find a way out of any situation.

Ancient wisdom conveyed to us the idea of ​​how powerful the human mind has. He has the ability to make decisions that are useful for himself, for example, to survive, or to find a way out of any situation. And when a person has to choose from several evils, what can interfere with the brain in this choice? Following the law of nature, nothing will interfere. For humanity, as a species, would have had to disappear long ago.

fair choice

If a person has to choose from something, then everything is clear here, but how to determine an honest choice? Every day we make decisions about different issues: what to wear today, what to cook for breakfast, what time to get up ... And all the time there is an explanation for this - we choose for ourselves.

For example, in the evening I need to wear a tie with my suit, as I will be going to an important official meeting. Or, you need to limit yourself in sweets, so that by the end of the week you do not gain excess weight.

But if suddenly human relations with anyone arise in the foreground, and we need to decide, here we are already faced with the concept of “fair choice”. Hmm, it seems that before that we chose jokingly.

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