subtypes of art. Variety of art forms


Sculpture and symphony, painting and story, film and palace, play and dance - all these are works of various kinds of art.

Art is classified according to different criteria. Fine Arts show external reality in artistic images, non-graphic arts express the inner world. Non-fine arts: music, dance and literature, as well as architecture. There are also mixed (synthetic) arts: cinema, theater, ballet, circus, etc.
Within each art form there are divisions called genres according to the themes and objects of the image. This is what we will talk about with you today.

Kinds of art

fine arts


Perhaps this is one of the most common types of art. The very first works of painting belong to ancient times, they were found on the walls of the caves of ancient people.
Considered very ancient monumental painting, which developed in the form mosaics And frescoes(painting on wet plaster).

St Nicholas. Fresco by Dionysius. Ferapontov Monastery
easel painting- these are paintings of different genres, painted on canvas (cardboard, paper), most often with oil paints.

Genres of painting

IN modern painting there are the following genres: portrait, historical, mythological, battle, everyday life, landscape, still life, animalistic genre.
portrait genre reflects the external and internal appearance of a person or group of people. This genre is widespread not only in painting, but also in sculpture, graphics, etc. The main task of the portrait genre is to convey external similarities and reveal inner peace, the essence of a person's character.

I. Kramskoy "Portrait of Sophia Ivanovna Kramskoy"
historical genre(image of historical events and characters). Of course, genres in painting are very often intertwined, because. when depicting, for example, some historical event the artist has to turn to the portrait genre, and so on.
mythological genre- illustration of myths and legends different peoples.

S. Botticelli "The Birth of Venus"
Battle genre - an image of battles, military exploits, military operations, glorifying battles, the triumph of victory. The battle genre can also include elements of other genres - household, portrait, landscape, animalistic, still life.

V. Vasnetsov "After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsy"
household genre- the image of scenes of everyday, personal life of a person.

A. Venetsianov "On arable land"
Scenery- picture of nature environment, species countryside, cities, historical monuments, etc.

And Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"
Marina- seascape.
Still life(translated from French - "dead nature") - an image of household items, labor, creativity, flowers, fruits, dead game, caught fish, placed in a real household environment.
Animal genre- image of animals.

Graphic arts

The name of this species visual arts derived from Greek word grapho - I write, I draw.
Graphics include, first of all, drawing and engraving, in which the drawing is created mainly with the help of a line on a sheet of paper or with a cutter on a hard material, from which the image is imprinted onto a paper sheet.

Types of graphics

Engraving- a pattern is applied to a flat surface of the material, which is then covered with paint and imprinted on paper. The number of impressions varies depending on the engraving technique and material. The main engraving materials are metal (copper, zinc, steel), wood (boxwood, palm, pear, cherry, etc.), linoleum, cardboard, plastic, plexiglass. The processing of the engraving board is carried out by mechanical means, steel tools or acid etching.
print- an impression from an engraving board (engraving, lithography, silk-screen printing, monotype), which is an easel work of artistic graphics. The engraving is printed from a board engraved by the artist himself, often he also makes prints. Such works are usually signed, author's copies, considered originals. Prints are available in black and white and color.
book graphics- book design decoration, illustration.
Industrial graphics - the creation of product labels, brand names, publisher's marks, packaging, advertising publications, letterheads and envelopes. It comes into contact with advertising, is included in the design system.
ex libris- a sign indicating the owner of the book. The ex-libris is attached to the inside of the book binding or cover. Bookmarks are engraved on wood, copper, linoleum, zincographic or lithographic methods.

Bookplate of Greta Garbo

Poster- an image designed for general attention, created for propaganda or educational purposes.
Linocut- engraving on linoleum.
Lithography- type of engraving: drawing a picture on a stone and an impression from it.
Woodcut- woodcut.

Katsushika Hokusai A big wave in Kanagawa", woodcut
Etching- type of engraving on metal, engraving method and print obtained by this method.
Computer graphics– images are compiled on a computer, displayed in dynamics or in statics. When creating this type of graphics, it is possible to see how the image is formed at all stages, and to carry out unlimited adjustments.


This type of art also originated in ancient times. Many images of animals sculpted from clay or carved from stone have been found, quite accurately conveying their appearance. Many female figurines have been preserved, which embody the powerful feminine principle. Perhaps these are primitive images of goddesses. Ancient sculptors exaggerated their fertile powers, depicting them with powerful hips, and archaeologists call them "Venuses".

Venus of Willendorf, about 23 thousand years BC e., Central Europe
Sculpture is divided into round, freely placed in space, and relief, in which volumetric images are located on the plane.
As in painting, there are easel and monumental forms in sculpture. monumental sculpture designed for streets and squares, such a monument is created on for a long time, so it is usually made of bronze, marble, granite. easel sculpture - these are portraits or small genre groups made of wood, plaster and other materials.

Monument to the postman. Nizhny Novgorod

Arts and Crafts

The creators of works of arts and crafts set themselves two goals: to create a thing that is necessary for everyday life, but at the same time this thing must have certain artistic qualities. Items of everyday life should not only serve a person practically, but also decorate life, please the eye with the perfection of forms and colors.
Of course, now many works of arts and crafts are mainly aesthetic value, But it was not always so.

The main types of arts and crafts

Batik– hand-painted on fabric

Work in the technique of hot batik (using wax)

Lace making
Carpet weaving
quilling- the art of making flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

Quilling technique
Jewelry Art
Lacquer miniature

Palekh lacquer miniature
Art painting on wood
Art painting on metal

Zhostovo tray
Artistic carving
Artistic leather processing

Art painting on ceramics

Artistic metal processing
pyrography(burning on wood, leather, fabric, etc.)
Glass work

Upper half window of Canterbury Cathedral, UK

Photo art

Art artistic photography. The genres are basically the same as in painting.


Pictures on walls or other surfaces. Graffiti refers to any type of street painting on walls, on which you can find everything from simple written words to exquisite drawings.



Drawn stories, stories in pictures. The comic combines the features of such art forms as literature and fine arts.

Artist Winsor McKay "Little Sammy Sneezes"

Non-Visual Arts


Architecture- the art of designing and building buildings. architectural structures may exist as separate buildings or as ensembles. But sometimes ensembles are formed historically: from buildings built in different time, form a whole. An example is Red Square in Moscow.
The architecture makes it possible to judge technical achievements And artistic styles various eras. Until our time, preserved Egyptian pyramids, built about 5 thousand years ago, temples Ancient Greece and Rome. Any city in any country is famous for its architectural structures.

Palace Square in Saint Petersburg


In the broad sense of the word: the totality of any written texts.
Types of literature: fiction, documentary prose, memoirs, scientific and popular science, reference, educational, technical.

Genres of literature

A literary work can be attributed to a particular genre according to various criteria: by form (short story, ode, opus, essay, story, play, short story, novel, sketch, epic, epic, essay), by content (comedy, farce, vaudeville). , interlude, sketch, parody, sitcom, comedy of characters, tragedy, drama), by birth.
epic genus: fable, epic, ballad, myth, short story, story, story, novel, epic novel, fairy tale, epic.
lyric gender: ode, message, stanzas, elegy, epigram.
Lyro-epic genus: ballad, poem.
dramatic gender: drama, comedy, tragedy.


Music is art, a means of embodiment artistic images for whom are sound and silence, in a special way organized in time. But in general, give one exhaustively precise definition the concept of "music" is impossible. This special kind creative activity, including craft, profession.
Great visual and stylistic diversity of music.
Classic (or serious)– professional musical compositions, born in the culture of Europe mainly from the New Age (the turn of the 16th-17th centuries) and in the Middle Ages;
Popular- mostly song and dance musical genres.
Non-European (non-European)- the music of those peoples (of the East), whose culture differs from the culture of Western European civilization.
Ethnic (folk)- folklore musical works of different peoples, emphasizing the identity of the ethnic group, nation, tribe.
Variety (light)- music of an entertaining nature, intended for relaxation.
Jazz- performing traditions of American blacks rethought by Europeans, based on the synthesis of African and European musical elements.
Rock- music of small vocal and instrumental groups of young people, characterized by the obligatory presence of percussion and electric musical instruments, primarily guitars.
Avant-garde (experimental)- direction in professional composer's work in the 20th century
Alternative- new musical compositions or performances (sound performances, "performances"), fundamentally different from all types of music known today.
Types of music can also be determined by the function that it performs: military, church, religious, theatrical, dance, film music, etc.
Or by the nature of the performance: vocal, instrumental, chamber, vocal-instrumental, choral, solo, electronic, piano, etc.

Each type of music has its own genres. Consider for example genres instrumental music.
Instrumental music is music played on instruments without the participation of human voice. Instrumental music is symphonic and chamber.
Chamber music- compositions intended for performance in small rooms, for home, "room" music-making. Chamber music has great potential for conveying lyrical emotions and subtle mental states person. The genres of chamber music include: sonatas, quartets, plays, quintets, etc.
Sonata- one of the main genres of instrumental chamber music. Usually consists of 3 (4) parts.
Etudepiece of music designed to improve the technical skills of playing the instrument.
Nocturne(French "night") - a genre of a small one-part melodic lyrical piece for piano.
Prelude(lat. "introduction") - a small instrumental piece. Improvisational introduction to the main piece. But it can also be a standalone work.

Quartetmusical composition for 4 performers.
Within each of the types of music can arise and develop own styles and trends that are distinguished by stable and characteristic structural and aesthetic features: classicism, romanticism, impressionism, expressionism, neoclassicism, serialization, avant-garde, etc.


Choreography is the art of dance.

Spectacular (mixed or synthetic) art forms


Spectacular art form, which is a synthesis various arts: literature, music, choreography, vocals, fine arts and others.

Puppet show
Types of theaters: drama, opera, ballet, puppet, pantomime theater, etc. The art of the theater has long been known: the theater was born from ancient ritual festivals that reproduced natural phenomena or labor processes in allegorical form.


A type of art in which poetry and dramatic art, vocal and instrumental music, facial expressions, dances, painting, scenery and costumes are merged into a single whole.

La Scala Theater (Milan)


A type of art of small forms, mainly of a popular and entertaining direction. Variety includes directions: singing, dance, circus on stage, illusionism, colloquial genre, clowning.


A type of spectacular art, according to the laws of which an entertaining performance is built. The content of the performances of the modern circus is a demonstration of tricks, pantomime, clowning, reprise, demonstration of exceptional abilities, often associated with risk ( physical strength, acrobatics, tightrope walking,), trained animals.


A type of spectacular art, which is also a synthesis of the arts: literature, theater, dance, fine arts (decoration), etc.


Type of performing arts; performance, the content of which is embodied in musical and choreographic images. A classical ballet performance is based on a certain plot, a dramatic idea. In the XX century. a plotless ballet appeared, the dramaturgy of which is based on the development inherent in music.

Based on the creative reproduction of the surrounding world in artistic images. In addition, in a broad sense, art can mean the highest level of skill in any field of activity, not even directly related to creativity (for example, in cooking, construction, martial arts, sports, etc.).

object(or subject) art is the world in general and man in particular, and the form of existence - piece of art as a result of creative activity. Piece of art - highest form the result of creativity.

Aims of Art:

  • distribution of spiritual blessings;
  • author's self-expression.

Functions of art.

  1. Cognitive. Art acts as a source of information about the world or a person.
  2. Educational. Art influences the moral and ideological development individual.
  3. aesthetic. It reflects the spiritual need of a person for harmony and beauty. Forms the concept of beauty.
  4. hedonistic. close to aesthetic function, but does not form the concept of aesthetics, but provides an opportunity for aesthetic enjoyment.
  5. predictive. The function of trying to foresee the future.
  6. Compensatory. Serves to restore psychological balance; often used by psychologists and psychotherapists (fans of the Dom-2 program compensate for the lack of their own personal life and emotions by watching it; although I would not classify this show as art).
  7. Social. It can simply provide communication between people (communicative), or it can call for something (propaganda).
  8. Entertaining(for example, popular culture).

Kinds of art.

Kinds of art are different - it all depends on what criterion they are classified by. The generally accepted classification considers three types of art.

  1. art:
    • static (sculpture, painting, photography, decorative, etc.);
    • dynamic (for example, silent film, pantomime).
  1. expressive art(or non-pictorial):
    • static (architecture and literature);
    • dynamic (music, dance art, choreography).
  2. Spectacle art(theater, cinema, opera, circus).

According to the degree of application in Everyday life art can be

  • applied (decorative and applied);
  • graceful (music).

By creation time:

  • traditional (sculpture, literature);
  • new (cinema, television, photography).

In terms of time-space:

  • spatial (architecture);
  • temporary (music);
  • spatio-temporal (cinema, theater).

By the number of components used:

  • simple (music, sculpture);
  • complex (it is also synthetic: cinema, theater).

There are many classifications, and the definition and role of art is still an occasion for incessant disputes and discussions. The main thing is different. Art can destroy the human psyche or heal, corrupt or educate, oppress or give impetus to development. Task human society- to develop and encourage precisely the "light" types of art.

As diverse as the real world is, so are the forms of art. Each type of activity has an artistic form of display and different ways reincarnation of life in it: in literature it is a word, in music - sound, color and plasticity in visual forms, movement in choreography, etc.

Three groups for complete picture peace

There is no single classification of the arts, there are many of them, and they are all relative. The most common is the division scheme into three groups. The first is space and plasticity. Fine and decorative arts, architecture and photography. It can be said for centuries. The second includes dynamic, that is, temporary art forms, in which the main thing is a composition deployed in time: music, literature. The third group is synthetic, spectacular types, also spatio-temporal: choreography, theater, cinema. Only the main types of art are listed here. Why does humanity have so many different types? None of them on their own will not be able to convey a comprehensive picture of the world, the entire artistic culture generally. Only all together.

Main Arts: Characteristics

Architecture (from Greek - "builder") - view monumental art. These are structures and buildings for human life, for utilitarian and spiritual needs. Fine art represents a whole group of subspecies artistic creativity: painting, graphics, sculpture. Decorative and applied most often has national character creativity, it can include products made of metal, clay, wood, stone, bone, fabric. That is, embroidery, painting, chasing, carving, etc. Literature materializes through the word and is divided into artistic, historical, educational, reference, scientific. The main genres are lyrics, drama, epic, novel, story, etc. Music makes up its vast part of the universe from sound images. It is also divided into many genera, species and genres. These are just the most important types of art.

The main directions of modernity

Contemporary arts new scheme classification is not required. Within the same species, genera and genres, other directions, currents and schools appear. For example, sand animation or body art, graffiti or art installations - they, for all their novelty and distinctive features, do not go beyond, and certain types of art continue to exist for them for a long time. Who knows, maybe someday these applied hobbies will rise to a separate stage. It is still difficult to judge what drives modernity: the search for alternate worlds, outrageous or simply an expression of the discomfort of the surrounding life. Morally risky food is probably necessary. The main formula of creativity has been preserved: imagination - the illusions of life, equal to itself. The greatest sin artist - mediocrity, and it's not scary that a breakthrough into the unknown has not happened yet. Let's wait.

In modern art, more than 400 types are distinguished. Its main types are fiction, music, visual and applied arts, architecture, theater and cinema. Each of the types included in the system of art has its own specifics, allowing the most complete and emotional reflection of certain aspects of life. It is with this that their various relationships with each other, their place and role in the spiritual culture and life of society are connected.

Literature occupies a special place in the system of art. Literature got its name from the word "litera" - "letter". Of course, not everything written is literature. Literature as art will be treated only as works that essentially contain artistic images and have an aesthetic impact on readers. There are also special names for them - fiction, fiction (from the French belles-lettres - "fine literature").

The history of literature dates back to ancient times, to folklore. With the advent of writing and printing, literature turned into a phenomenon of written and printed creativity, and the very term "literature", starting from the 18th century. displaced the previously existing concepts of "poetry" and "poetic art".

Literature is a written form of the art of the word. The word is its main expressive and pictorial medium. In the pictorial and expressive possibilities of the word, its emotionality and persuasiveness, in the fullness of the coverage of life lies the power of literature and its meaning.

Fiction is usually divided into three types - epic, drama, lyrics.

TO epic literature genres include novel, short story, short story, essay. Their specific feature is a narrative combined with monologues and dialogues of characters.

TO lyrical works relate poetic genres- an elegy, a sonnet, an ode, a madrigal, a poem, in which the main subject of reflection is the internal state, feelings and mood of a person.

Drama is meant to be staged. TO dramatic genres include drama proper, tragedy, comedy, farce, tragicomedy, etc. dramatic works the plot and characters are revealed through dialogues and monologues.

At the dawn of its appearance, music was organically connected with the word.

Music (from Greek music, literally - the art of the muses) is an art form that uses as a means of embodying reality and human feelings sound images. The musical image is based on intonation, which goes back to the intonation of human speech, but is incomparably wider and richer than it. Important components musical expressiveness in addition to intonation, there are melody, mode, harmony, rhythm, meter, tempo, dynamic shades, instrumentation.

Music is able to express all shades of emotions, moods, experiences, their movement and changes. It has an unusually strong and direct effect on the emotional sphere of a person, unites his feelings and thoughts in a single impulse. Music with amazing fullness can reveal the inner world of a person. Tension, the strength of feelings, their dynamics in music are often conveyed better, fuller and more subtle than in a verbal description. A remarkable feature of music is that, while determining the general direction of experiences, it at the same time evokes an individual image in the soul of each listener, corresponding to his mood and feelings.

Music allows you to express not only the development of human feelings and experiences, but also the deepest thoughts of the composer. In this regard, the possibilities of symphonic and instrumental music, which are not always easy to perceive, are especially great.

The main genres of music, in addition to symphonic and instrumental, also include chamber and vocal-instrumental music. great place in people's lives light music relatively easy to understand and understandable to the general public.

To the number the most important types art includes fine arts, combining painting, graphics and sculpture. Artistic images in them are created on a plane or in space and are distinguished by visual concreteness and invariability in time. specific artistic means fine arts are drawing, color, plastic, shadow, allowing you to create visible images of objects. They manifest themselves in a peculiar way in each of the types of fine arts.

In painting, an artistic and expressive image is transmitted through paints. No verbal description can fully convey all the richness of colors. The human eye distinguishes a colossal number of colors and shades, there are many, many times fewer words for their designation.

The main genres of painting are portrait and landscape, associated with the image of man and nature, still life depicting natural objects - flowers, fruits, game, fish, household items, plot-thematic picture of historical, battle, genre-domestic or animalistic content. A special place in painting is occupied by a miniature, which is a work of small format executed on paper, metal, bone, porcelain or wood.

The closest relative of painting is graphics. Graphic image usually done on paper or cardboard with a pencil, ink or special paints and is a monophonic drawing. Depending on the purpose of the schedule, it is divided into easel, representing original work, and applied, including print engraving, lithography, etching and caricature.

An important type of fine art is sculpture, which reproduces reality in volume-spatial form. Sculpture differs from other visual arts in that its works are by nature voluminous and can be viewed from different angles.

The main materials used in sculpture are stone, bronze, marble and wood.

According to the shape of the image, a three-dimensional sculpture is distinguished, which allows measurements in height, thickness, width, bypassing from all sides, and various relief-convex images on a plane. In turn, the relief is divided into bas-relief, used on coins and medals, and high relief, used on seals and various forms.

Often, architecture and works of decorative and applied arts are also referred to the types of fine arts, since they are characterized by the predominance of the visual form of perception. But they are independent art forms.

One of the oldest types of creative activity in the creation of household items designed to meet both the practical and artistic and aesthetic needs of people is arts and crafts.

Decorative and applied art is associated with the artistic processing of various items intended mainly for everyday life. These include coinage and artistic processing metal, casting precious dishes, making patterned fabrics and jewelry, cows and facing ceramics, woodcarving. Common to all of them is the use of ornament, i.e. a pattern that features a symmetrical arrangement of specific elements.

In arts and crafts great importance attached to the material, manufacturing technology, decor, color, symbolism, ornament, which often become a sign of a certain national identity.

An important part of arts and crafts are artistic crafts and crafts.

arts and crafts plays important role V contemporary culture society, contributing to the improvement of the organization subject environment the life of people.

TO ancient arts refers to the architecture associated with the construction of buildings and structures. It is rightly called the "stone chronicle" of the world, which speaks even when legends and songs are already silent, nothing reminds of an irrevocably gone culture.

The specificity of architecture as an art form is that its images are emphatically expressive and emotional in nature and convey not individual phenomena of life, but general ideas the beauty of the world and man are images of time and epoch. Such works of architecture as towers, palaces, arches, theater buildings become the centers of large cities, or, as it were, the symbolic center of the country.

In the transformation of the subject environment of a person, the architecture of monumental forms associated with the construction of roads, bridges, triumphal arches, television masts, distinguished by the scale and complexity of the technical design, green architecture and landscape gardening culture, which includes a transformed architectural and vegetative landscape that connects people with nature.

TO ancient species art belongs to the theater (from the Greek theatron - a place for spectacles, a spectacle), the specific means of expression of which is stage action arising in the course of the actor's performance in front of the audience. origins theatrical art ascend to mass folk rituals and games. The first European theaters appeared in Ancient Greece. How professional art it took shape during the European Renaissance.

A work of modern theatrical art - a performance - is created on the basis of a dramatic or musical stage work in accordance with the plan and under the direction of the director by the joint efforts of the actors. Theatrical synthesis of the arts includes copyright content, director's reading, acting performance with the participation of music, choreography, decoration.

Modern theater while preserving traditional types and genres of performing arts - Theatre of Drama, Musical Theatre, including ballet, opera and operetta, plastic theater and drama theater for children, replenished with a musical, rock opera, various types experimental theatre.

The theater was repeatedly predicted to die in connection with the advent of cinema and television. Indeed, a film and a television film can assemble the best artists world, can show the broadest pictures of life, inaccessible to the technical possibilities of the theater.

Cinema originated at the end 19th century when a device was invented that allows you to shoot motion on a special light-sensitive film. But “moving photography”, as cinema was originally called, became art in the full sense of the word only when its own means of cinematic expression appeared.

Works of cinema art - movies - are created by filming real events, specially staged or recreated by means of animation. Synthesized in cinematography aesthetic properties literature, theatrical, visual arts and music, but based only on the inherent cinema means of expression, of which the main ones are the photographic nature of the image, which allows to recreate any pictures of reality with the utmost certainty, and the editing of the film. The connection of film frames in the montage creates a continuity in the development of the action, organizes a visual narrative, and allows, by comparing individual plans, to metaphorically interpret the actions in the film.

The creation of a work of cinema art is a complex creative and production process, which combines the work of artists of various specialties - a screenwriter (scriptwriter); the director, who determines the interpretation and implementation of the idea and directs the work of the other participants in the production; actors embodying the characters actors; an operator characterizing the action by means of compositional, light-tonal and color interpretation of frames; artist who finds pictorial characteristic environment, actions and costumes of characters (and in animation and external characteristic characters); composer, etc.

During the development of cinematography, three main types of it have been formed: fiction or fiction, non-fiction, including documentary and scientific, and animated films. With the help of specific means feature film the reproduction of vital material forms the illusion of the reality of screen action. Non-fiction cinema expresses reality directly, directly. IN animated film the image of reality is graphically or volumetrically mediated.

Among modern species arts, television stands out. Being the most important means of information about various phenomena of social life, it is also an independent type of artistic creativity. The artistic features of television are related to the fact that it is able to create a type of performance that combines the merits of theater, cinema and variety.

Art is in constant motion. It either becomes more complex, overcoming the established border zones within itself, or it is localized within strictly defined limits of its specific forms. This is the dialectic of the development of types and genres of contemporary art. An intensive search for new art forms and expressive means in art, there are new types of it. Thus, art today is greatly influenced by the technical process. This gives rise to the emergence of technical and is reflected in the development traditional species art.

Art will always occupy important place in the life and culture of society, because, as the ancients said, life is short, but art is eternal.

Experts give the term "art" different definitions, since it is impossible to contain all the huge meaning that this word carries in one concept, one phrase. It performs a lot of useful functions for mankind. Art forms spiritual values ​​and brings up the understanding of beauty.

What is art

Again, there are several definitions of the concept of "art". First of all, this high level skill of a person in any field of activity. To explain in more detail, it can be called the ability to creatively reproduce reality with the help of aesthetic artistic images, objects, and actions. The main types of art are the spiritual culture of society.

The subject of art is a set of relations between the world and man. The form of existence is a work of art, the means of manifestation of which can be a word, sound, color, volume. The main goal of art is the self-expression of the creator with the help of his work, which is created to evoke emotions, experiences, aesthetic pleasure in the contemplator.

Various types of art, the classification table of which shows their division into types, use imagination and illusoryness instead of strict unambiguous concepts. In human life, it acts as a means of communication, enrichment with knowledge, education of values, as well as a source of aesthetic joys.

The main functions of art

Types of art (their table is presented below) exist in the world to perform certain social functions:

  1. Aesthetic. Reproduction of reality according to the laws of beauty. Influence on the formation of aesthetic taste, the ability to live and feel emotions. The ability to distinguish between the sublime and the standard, the beautiful and the ugly.
  2. Social. Ideological influence on society, transformation of social reality.
  3. Compensatory. Solving psychological problems, Recovery peace of mind and balance. Detachment from the gray reality and everyday life by compensating for the lack of harmony and beauty.
  4. Hedonistic. The ability to bring positive emotions through the contemplation of beauty.
  5. Cognitive. The study and knowledge of reality with the help of which are sources of information about the processes of the public.
  6. Prognostic. The ability to predict and predict the future.
  7. Educational. Influence on the formation of personality and moral development of a person.

Classification of art forms

Art does not have a single form of embodiment. In this regard, it is classified according to various criteria into genres, genera, species, subspecies. There is no one generally accepted system, so art is divided into groups according to certain factors.

Dynamics is one of the criteria by which art forms are classified. The table posted in this article shows how the types of creativity are divided according to this scheme. So, according to the dynamics, art is divided into:

Temporary (dynamic);

Spatial (plastic);

Space-time (synthetic).

In accordance with the emotions expressed and the feelings evoked, it is divided into genres: comedy, tragedy, drama, etc.

The types of art are also determined by the materials used:

Traditional - paints, clay, metal, plaster, wood, granite, canvas;

Modern - electrical engineering, computers;

The main classification system distinguishes the main 5 types of art, each of which additionally has several subspecies:

Applied (labor);


Spectacular (game);



For an illustrative example, a summary table is provided for your attention, which contains all the main types of art.








A television


Decorative and applied








The material carrier of the literary art form is the word, with the help of which artistic images and written texts are created. It can reflect the epic narrative of certain events, the lyrical revelation of the inner world and the experience of the author, the dramatic reproduction of the actions that took place.

The literature is divided into:






The genres of works are determined by type, form, content.


There is also art capable of conveying emotions in an audible form - music. It is the embodiment of artistic images, ideas, emotional experiences with the help of silence and sound organized in a special way. It is an art fixed by reproduction and musical notation. Music, depending on the functions, is divided into religious, military, dance, theatrical. According to the performance, it can be: instrumental, electronic, vocal, choral, chamber. The main musical genres and directions are as follows:








Applied (labor) arts

Applied arts (the table also calls them spatial) include architecture and

Architecture helps shape the spatial environment. With its help, the design and construction of various structures is carried out. It helps to make the buildings that people need correspond to their spiritual needs.

Architecture is closely related to the development of engineering and technology, so it can be used to judge scientific achievements and artistic features. different eras. Among the best known historical styles buildings can be distinguished baroque, modern, classicism, renaissance, gothic. Depending on the purpose of the structures, architecture is divided into public, industrial, residential, landscape gardening, etc.

Decorative and applied art is a creative activity aimed at creating objects that simultaneously satisfy the artistic, aesthetic and everyday needs of people. Decorative and applied art to some extent has a national and ethnic character. Among its main types are: knitting, embroidery, lace-making, pyrography, origami, quilling, ceramics, carpet weaving, artistic painting and processing of various materials, etc. Products are made using various materials and technologies.

Fine Arts

Photography, sculpture, painting, graphics as an art form that uses an image, clearly show reality in art forms that are tangible to the eye.

Painting is a color reflection of reality on a plane. This is one of oldest species art. Depending on the subject of the picture, there are such historical, battle, mythological, animalistic, still life, landscape, portrait, household.

Graphics as an art form is the creation of a drawing with a line on a sheet or with a cutter on a hard material, followed by an imprint on paper. This type creativity, depending on the method of applying the drawing, is divided into subspecies: engraving, bookplate, poster, woodcut, lithography, linocut, etching, printmaking. There are also book industrial and computer graphics.

Photography is the art of documenting a visual image, which is carried out with the help of technical means. It has almost the same genres as painting.

Sculpture - the creation of three-dimensional three-dimensional With the help of this art, relief and round images are created. By size it is divided into easel, monumental, decorative.

Spectacular (playing) arts

Spectacular arts are aimed not only at but also at entertaining people. Just the person is the main object, with the help of which performing arts conveyed to the viewer. It has several directions.

Choreography is the art of dance. It is the construction of images with the help of plastic movements. Dances are divided into ballroom, ritual, folk, modern. choreographic art ballet is built on musical and dance images, which are based on a certain plot.

Cinema is a synthesis of certain types of arts - theater, dance, literature. It has many genres (comedy, drama, thriller, action movie, melodrama) and subspecies (documentary, feature, series).

Circus - a demonstration of entertaining performances. Includes clowning, acrobatics, reprise, pantomime, magic tricks, etc.

Theater, like cinema, consists in combining several types of creativity - music, literature, vocals, fine arts, choreography. It can be dramatic, operatic, puppet, ballet.

Estrada is the art of small forms, which has a popular and entertaining orientation. Includes choreography, vocals, conversational genre and others.

Mankind has been creating and studying art for centuries. It is the greatest spiritual and cultural asset of society, plays a huge role in its development and improvement.

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