Why do we wear a cross? Why do we wear a pectoral cross - a symbol of the suffering and death of Christ? What are the consequences of using masks


Where did the tradition of wearing crosses come from? Why wear it? “I believe in God in my soul, but I don’t need a cross. The Bible does not say anywhere that you have to wear a cross, and nowhere does it say that the first Christians wore crosses. People who consider themselves Orthodox Christians say this or something like this, but do not express their faith in any way. Most unchurched people do not have a Christian understanding of what a cross is and why it should be worn on the body. So what is pectoral cross? Why does Satan hate it so much and does everything so that no one wears it, or wears it simply as a meaningless decoration?


The custom, along with Baptism, to put on a pectoral cross around the neck of the newly baptized did not appear immediately. In the first centuries of Christianity, the cross was not worn, but medallions with the image of the slain Lamb or the Crucifixion were worn. But the Cross, as an instrument for the salvation of the world by Jesus Christ, has been the object of the greatest honor among Christians from the very beginning of the Church. For example, the church thinker Tertullian (II-III centuries) in his "Apology" testifies that the veneration of the cross has existed since the early days of Christianity. Even before being in the 4th century by Queen Helena and Emperor Constantine life-giving cross, on which Christ was crucified, already among the first followers of Christ it was common to always have the image of the cross with them - both as a reminder of the sufferings of the Lord, and to confess their faith to others.According to Pontius, the biographer of St. Cyprian of Carthage, in the III century, some Christians depicted the figure of the cross even on their foreheads, by this sign they were recognized during persecution and betrayed to torment. The first Christians who wore a cross on their chests are also known. Mention it and the sources of the II century.

The first documentary evidence of the wearing of pectoral crosses dates back to the beginning of the 4th century. Thus, the acts of the VII Ecumenical Council testify that the holy martyrs Orestes (+304) and Procopius (+303), who suffered under Diocletian, wore a cross made of gold and silver around their necks.

After the weakening and subsequent cessation of the persecution of Christians, the wearing of the cross became a widespread custom. At the same time, crosses began to be installed on all Christian churches.

In Rus', this custom was adopted precisely with the baptism of the Slavs in 988. Starting from Byzantine times in Rus', there were two types of pectoral crosses: in fact, they themselves "vest" (worn on the body under clothing), etc. « encolpions" (from Greek word"chest"), worn not on the body, but over clothing. Let's say two words about the latter: initially, pious Christians carried with them (on themselves) an ark with particles of St. relics or other sacred things. A cross was placed on this ark. Subsequently, the ark itself acquired the shape of a cross, and bishops and emperors began to wear such a cross. The modern priestly and episcopal pectoral cross traces its history from encolpions, that is, boxes with relics or other shrines.

Russian people swore allegiance on crosses, and exchanging pectoral crosses, they became cross brothers. During the construction of churches, houses, bridges, the cross was laid in the foundation. There was a custom of crashed church bell cast a lot of crosses, which enjoyed special reverence.

The cross of Christ is a symbol of Christianity. For modern man a symbol is just an identification mark. The symbol is, as it were, an emblem that points to something with which we are dealing. But the symbol has a much wider meaning than just the meaning of the emblem. IN religious culture the symbol is involved in the reality that it symbolizes. What is the reality that the Cross of Christ symbolizes for Christians? .. This reality: the Redemption of the human race, accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ through Death on the Cross.

The veneration of the Cross has always been understood by the Teachings of the Church as the worship of Jesus Christ in the light of His redemptive feat.The Cross of Christ, which Orthodox Christians always wear on their bodies, points out to us and reminds us at what price our Salvation was bought.

For Christians, the cross is not just a sign. For Christians, the cross is a symbol of victory over the devil, a banner of the triumph of God. The cross reminds the believer of Christ, of the sacrifice that the Savior made for us.


What does the pectoral cross symbolize?

The cross is the greatest Christian shrine, a visible evidence of our redemption.

The cross, as an instrument of a terrible and painful execution, thanks to the sacrificial feat of Christ the Savior, became a symbol of redemption and an instrument for the salvation of all mankind from sin and death. It is on the Cross that through pain and suffering, death and Resurrection, the Son of God accomplishes salvation or healing. human nature from mortality, passion and perishability brought into it by the fall of Adam and Eve. Thus, a person who wears the Crucifixion of Christ testifies to his participation in the suffering and feat of his Savior, followed by the hope of salvation, and hence the resurrection of man for eternal life with God blessing.


The pectoral cross is not a talisman or a piece of jewelry. No matter how beautiful it is, no matter what precious metal it is made of, it is primarily a visible symbol. Christian faith.

Orthodox pectoral crosses are very ancient tradition and therefore they are very diverse in their appearance, depending on the time and place of manufacture.

The iconography of the Orthodox Crucifixion received its final dogmatic justification in 692 in the 82nd canon of the Trul Cathedral who approved canon of the iconographic image of the Crucifixion .

The main condition of the canon is the combination of historical realism with the realism of Divine Revelation. The figure of the Savior expresses Divine peace and greatness. It is, as it were, laid on the cross, and the Lord opens His arms to all who turn to Him. In this iconography, the complex dogmatic task of depicting the two hypostases of Christ - Human and Divine - is artistically solved, showing both death and the victory of the Savior.

Catholics, abandoning their early views, did not understand and did not accept the rules of the Trulsky Cathedral and, accordingly, the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus Christ. Thus, in the Middle Ages, new type The crucifixion, in which the features of the naturalism of human suffering and the agony of the execution of the cross become predominant: the heaviness of the body sagging on outstretched arms, the head crowned with a crown of thorns, the crossed feet are nailed with one nail (an innovation of the end of the 13th century). The anatomical details of the Catholic image, conveying the veracity of the execution itself, nevertheless hide the main thing - the triumph of the Lord, who conquered death and reveals eternal life to us, focuses on torment and death. His naturalism has only an external emotional impact, introducing into the temptation of comparing our sinful sufferings with the redemptive Passion of Christ.

Images of the crucified Savior, similar to Catholic ones, are also found on Orthodox crosses, especially often in the 18th-20th centuries, however, as well as the icon-painting images of God the Father of hosts banned by the Stoglavy Cathedral. Naturally, Orthodox piety requires the wearing of an Orthodox cross, not a Catholic one, which violates the dogmatic foundations of the Christian faith.

The most common form of the Orthodox cross is the eight-pointed cross, on reverse side the most common prayer "Bless and save".


Christians who wear a pectoral cross, as it were, offer a wordless prayer to God. And he always protects the wearer.

There is a widespread opinion among Christians that the cross of Christ, the image of God, the Lord Himself should keep us precisely from worldly troubles and troubles. And, of course, many of those who wear the pectoral cross are guided by precisely this pragmatic motive. But in fact, the meaning of wearing a cross and the inscription that we read on its back: "Bless and save", completely different.

In itself, the presence of a cross on the chest does not save and has no meaning for a person if he does not consciously confess what the Cross of Christ symbolizes. Although, of course, the Lord, Undoubtedly, it keeps the believer in it from many everyday misfortunes and troubles. That is, if a person wears a cross with faith and hope in the mercy of God, he, relatively speaking, is “included” in a special “God’s plan” and nothing fatally irreparable will ever happen to him in eternity. The concept of "God's plan" here means precisely the plan of our salvation, and not the management of the world on a broad, universal scale, because the whole world, of course, is contained by the right hand of God and is controlled by His Divine Providence. But, no matter how terrible it sounds, it is precisely the “necessary” and sometimes painful death that becomes for a person the door to the Kingdom of God. This does not mean that God wants such an end for us, but it means that, having endured unjust torment, he will certainly find great consolation. If anything, it is the law of God.

So what does the Lord promise to save us from? Not from worldly troubles, misfortunes and difficulties in the first place, because all this is even necessary for the soul, alas, prone to relaxation and forgetting the purpose of its existence. But The Lord promises to save us, first of all, from the terrible power of sin, through which the enemy of the human race destroys our souls. And this power is truly so great that not a single person can free himself from it by his own strength alone. But with the help of God it is possible. Maybe! Holy Fathers say: "The enemy is strong, but the Lord is omnipotent!"

Simple words "Bless and save" means our tireless, from the bottom of our hearts, our appeal to God with a request that He help us partake of grace-filled eternity.


The pectoral cross is placed on us in the Sacrament of Baptism in fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Whoever wants to follow Me, turn away from yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me"(Mark 8:34).

We must bear our life's cross, and the cross that we have on our chest reminds us of this. Cross "There is always for believers great power delivering from all evils, especially from the villainy of hated enemies,- writes the holy righteous John of Kronstadt.

When the Sacrament of Baptism takes place, during the consecration of the pectoral cross, the priest reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God to pour heavenly power into the cross and that this cross saves not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers, from all evil forces. That is why many pectoral crosses have an inscription "Bless and save!".

By the way, the question is often asked: should the crosses sold in stores be already consecrated, or should the cross be taken to the temple for consecration? The cross must be consecrated in the temple. Sprinkling it with holy water at home will not be enough - it must be lit by a priest, because. in the temple, the crosses are consecrated with a special rite.

Exists superstition that when consecrated, the pectoral cross acquires magical protective properties. But superstitions should be avoided. The Church teaches that the sanctification of matter allows us not only spiritually, but also bodily - through this sanctified matter - to partake of Divine grace, which is necessary for us to spiritual growth and salvation. But the grace of God works unconditionally. A correct spiritual life according to the commandments of God is required of a person, and it is this spiritual life that makes it possible for the grace of God to influence us in a salutary way, healing us from passions and sins.

For Orthodox Christian wearing a cross is a great honor and responsibility.Taking off the cross or not wearing it has always been understood as apostasy. During the 2000-year history of Christianity, many people have suffered for their faith, for refusing to renounce Christ and take off their pectoral cross. This feat has been repeated in our time.

If you do not wear a cross now, when you can freely confess your faith, then you will hardly dare to put it on when you have to suffer for it. Can you repeat the feat of a simple Russian guy Evgeny Rodionov ?

... He was a grenade launcher, served in the 479th Special Purpose Border Detachment. Exactly a month, Zhenya served at the outpost in Chechnya, and on February 13, 1996, he was captured. Three of his friends were with him: Sasha Zheleznov, Andrey Trusov, Igor Yakovlev. They spent 3.5 months in captivity. During this time, they were bullied as much as they could. But Eugene had a choice, every day they approached him and said: “You can live. To do this, you need to remove the cross, accept our faith, become our brother. And all these nightmares for you will end immediately. But Zhenya did not succumb to these persuasions, he did not take off the cross. And on May 23, 1996, on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, in the village of Bamut, Evgeny and his friends were killed. The day of Eugene's death was also the day of his birth. He was only 19 years old. Zhenya was beheaded, but even from Zhenya's dead body, the enemies did not dare to remove the cross.

I think that this great feat of the warrior Eugene should serve as an example for many, for all those who, for such stupid reasons, do not wear a cross or wear it as some kind of decoration. And then they change the holy cross for an amulet, a zodiac sign, and so on ... Let's never forget about it! Keep this in mind when wearing your cross.

ABOUT Reverent Reverence of the Pectoral Cross

The great Russian elders advised that one must always wear a pectoral cross and never take it off anywhere and never until death. "Christian without a cross, - wrote the elder Savva, he is a warrior without weapons, and the enemy can easily overpower him.” The pectoral cross is called so because it is worn on the body, under clothing, never exposing it to the outside (only priests wear the cross outside). This does not mean that the pectoral cross must be hidden and hidden under any circumstances, but it is still not customary to deliberately put it on public display. It is established by the church charter to kiss your pectoral cross at the end of evening prayers. In a moment of danger or when the soul is anxious, it’s good to kiss your cross and read the words “Save and save” on its back.

"Do not wear a cross as on a hanger, - often repeated the Pskov-Caves elder Savva, Christ left light and love on the Cross. Rays of blessed light and love emanate from the cross. The cross drives away evil spirits. Kiss your cross in the morning and in the evening, do not forget to kiss it, inhale these rays of grace emanating from it, they invisibly pass into the soul, heart, conscience, character. Under the influence of these blessed rays, a wicked person becomes pious. Kissing your cross, pray for close sinners: drunkards, fornicators and others you know. Through your prayers, they will be corrected and will be good, for the heart gives a message to the heart. The Lord loves us all. He suffered for everyone for the sake of love, and we must love everyone for His sake, even our enemies. If you start the day like this, overshadowing grace from your cross, then you will spend the whole day holy. Let's not forget to do this, it's better not to eat than to forget about the cross!


Elder Savva compiled prayers that should be read when kissing a cross. Here is one of them:

“Pour out, O Lord, a drop of Your Most Holy Blood into my heart, dried up from passions and sins and uncleanness of soul and body. Amen. In the image of fate, save me and my relatives and those I know (names)».

You can not wear a pectoral cross as an amulet, as an ornament. pectoral cross and sign of the cross there is only an outward expression of what should be in the heart of a Christian: humility, faith, hope in the Lord.

The pectoral cross is a visible evidence of belonging to the Orthodox Church, confession of the Christian faith, a means of grace-filled protection.


The cross is real power. They performed and continue to perform many miracles. The cross is a great Christian shrine. In the service on the feast of the Exaltation, the Church sings of the wood of the Cross of the Lord with many praises: "The cross is the guardian of the whole universe, the beauty of the Church, the power of kings, the faithful affirmation, the glory of angels and the plague of demons."

The cross is a weapon against the devil. About the miraculous, saving and healing power of the cross and the sign of the cross, the Church can authentically speak, referring to the experience of the life of her saints, as well as to the numerous testimonies of ordinary believers. Resurrection of the dead, healing from ailments, protection from evil forces - all these and other good deeds to this day through the cross show man the love of God.

But with irresistible weapons and all-conquering force the cross becomes only on the condition of faith and reverence.“The cross does not work miracles in your life. Why? — the holy righteous John of Kronstadt asks and himself gives the answer: “Because of your unbelief.”

Putting on a pectoral cross on the chest or making the sign of the cross, we Christians testify that we are ready to bear the cross meekly, humbly, voluntarily, with joy, for we love Christ and want to sympathize with Him, for His sake. Without faith and reverence, it is impossible to overshadow oneself or others with the sign of the cross.

The whole life of a Christian, from the day of birth to last breath on earth, and even after death, is accompanied by a cross. A Christian overshadows himself with the sign of the Cross when he wakes up (you must accustom yourself to make it the first movement) and when going to bed - the last movement. A Christian is baptized before and after eating food, before and after teaching, when going out into the street, before starting each business, before taking medicine, before opening a received letter, with unexpected, joyful and sad news, at the entrance to someone else's house, on a train, on on a steamboat, in general, at the beginning of any journey, a walk, a journey, before bathing, visiting the sick, going to court, for interrogation, in prison, in exile, before an operation, before a battle, before a scientific or other report, before and after a meeting and conference, and etc.

The sign of the cross must be made with all attention, with fear, with trepidation and with extreme reverence. (Putting three large fingers on the forehead, say: "in the name of the Father" then, lowering your hand in the same form on your chest, say: "and the Son" moving your hand to your right shoulder, then to your left, say: "and the Holy Spirit." Having made this holy sign of the cross upon yourself, conclude with a word "Amen". Or, when drawing a cross, you can say: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen".) Demons, as St. Simeon the New Theologian writes, are afraid of the image of the Cross and cannot bear to see the sign of the cross depicted even in the air, but flee from it immediately. “If you always use the holy Cross to help yourself, then “evil will not happen to you, and the plague will not come near your dwelling” (Ps. 91:10). Instead of a shield, protect yourself with the Holy Cross, imprint your limbs and heart with it. And do not only place the sign of the cross on yourself with your hand, but also in your thoughts imprint with it your every occupation, and your entrance, and your departure at all times, and your sitting, and rising, and your bed, and any service ... For it is very this weapon is strong, and no one can ever harm you if you are protected by it ”(Rev. Ephraim of Syria).

Glory, Lord, to Your Holy Cross!

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Temple Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

I've been wearing the wrong size bra for years. And you, most likely, too. In fact, almost 80 percent of women are still wearing poorly fitting bras. Why is this happening and how do you find the bra that really suits you?

Living in a world of thin and flat

A 2008 survey by lingerie manufacturer Triumph and published in the journal Chiropractic & Osteopathy found that the majority of women (80 percent!) were wearing the wrong size bra. Of these women, 70 percent wear bras that are too small and only 10 percent wear bras that are too big.

This is not surprising, considering how difficult it is to find attractive (or any!) options. big size. Victoria's Secret offers bras up to 90DDD in a nice variety of styles and colors, but that's not always enough. In fact, this is not enough at all. Many women need bras with a girth of more than 90 centimeters under the bust. For many mass-market stores, the size range still ends somewhere at 80 centimeters.

There is no general ideal cup size

When it comes to bra sizes, most women still believe in the idea that bigger is better - at least when it comes to cup size. But what they often don't realize is that cup sizes are not equal to breast size. This value depends on the difference between the size of the chest and the chest.

This means that someone with a 75C still has a smaller bra cup than an 80C girl. Increasing the girth size can provide the right fit for many women who are faced with too much cup volume.

Some women know they are wearing the wrong bra size but still wear it. A study in the journal Ergonomics found that women with more large size breasts tend to still bigger mistake when choosing a bra size.

Wearing the wrong bra size can cause chest pain and skin irritation. In a study looking at female equestrians and the impact of their bra size, 40% reported chest pain and 59% reported at least one other lingerie size problem. At the same time, the opinion that bras of the wrong size cause breast cancer is a myth.

How to find the bra that suits you

Before you give up bras or put up with constant discomfort, consider trying a professional lingerie fitting and fitting. The help of a professional can get rid of uncomfortable bras and wrong sizes. If helping another person is not an option, then these four tips will help you.

Choose a bra with a bottom that is comfortable with maximum hook sizes. There should be enough room to fit two fingers between the edge and the back. The bras stretch as you wear them, so you'll end up using the second and third hooks.

If your bra straps cut into your shoulders, try downsizing in girth. The girth and straps work together - and if the latter are pressing, then the bra is not doing its job in lifting and supporting the chest.

Does the chest literally “fall out” from the sides or top of the bra cup? Try a bra size up. And make sure you put on the bra by bending over so that your entire chest is in the cups.

And what about the "folds" on the back? Try on a bra with a larger girth. Many women think that fat creases mean their bra is too small - and it really is. But sometimes it happens that because of too large size, the lower part of the bra looks terrible on the back.

While science has begun to use 3D scanners to help create bras and find the perfect fit, it's still out of reach for all of us. If you're not ready for a professional bra fit, but still want to make sure you're wearing the correct bra size, take a tape measure (fabric). Then use one of the many online calculators to help you determine your ideal size.

8 chose

We often wear masks: at work, on the street, talking with friends and acquaintances, sometimes we don’t even take them off at home. Some of them are like us as two drops of water, others are strikingly different from us real. Let's figure it out why do we need these psychological superstructures and what disadvantages they may have.

So why do we need masks at all? We play different roles in different life situations. and this must be taken into account. If at work you are a strict boss, when you come home, you have to reorganize so as not to behave the same way with your family. Conversely, if you treat subordinates as if they were your own children, there will be no benefit from this.

In my opinion, wearing masks is not bad at all, at certain points in life they are very much needed. Well, is it bad to smile at a child, even if the cat itself is scratching at heart? Or to cheer up your loved one when you are scared yourself?

With the help of masks, you can solve some psychological problems. There is even a practice role therapy, during which people are encouraged to get used to various roles in order to overcome their fears.

The masks themselves are just a tool, they can be used for both good and bad purposes. And if we use masks only in the name of good, then what's the problem? It turns out that here There are some complications that should be avoided.

Imposed masks

It happens that we use some kind of masks or behaviors not because we like them, but because they are imposed: by colleagues, environment, close people. For example, parents from childhood brought up leadership qualities in a child, and he got used to putting on a leader's mask. At the same time, it is quite possible that a person does not want to pretend to be a leader at all, but he uses this model of behavior out of habit. And when our behavior goes against our true desires, which inevitably has a negative effect on psychological state. Dig into your "home dressing room", see which masks you absolutely do not need - maybe it's worth it without a twinge of conscience to take them to the trash?

Should everyone like it?

Often we put on masks to please other people, especially often this happens with new acquaintances. I have noticed more than once how people who seem almost perfect at the beginning of communication, after a long acquaintance, lose a good half of their charm. natural desire to please makes us hide character flaws and emphasize virtues.

On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with that. But, on the other hand, it turns out that others do not like us, but our masks, and with closer communication it becomes obvious - we can’t wear a mask all the time. So is it worth spending so much time and energy on people who don't like the real us? After all, our friends and loved ones love us the way we are, with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Do we want to be better or to seem?

Another reason people wear masks is because they often strive to be better than they really are. We are all brought up on the same principles. we want to do the right thing, not the easy way, to be kind and not evil, sympathetic and not insensitive. Some people do it better, others worse, but almost everyone wants to seem good. So, maybe we should try to change what we don’t like about ourselves, and not just habitually wear "good" mask?

Well, a little about sincerity

And what about sincerity? Often open, sincere behavior looks much more attractive than all of our prettiest masks. T so if you can afford to be sincere, be.

And finally, a funny approach to masks, which was formulated by the famous surrealist artist Salvador Dali: "If you start playing genius, you will certainly become one!" And he did succeed!

Really, when we get used to depicting some qualities, they often become part of our character. So we have a lot to learn from our own masks.

What kind of masks do you wear? Do you think masks are good or bad?

In fact, most of us constantly live "in role", without removing the mask even at home. In this case, only one mask is not necessarily used - it often changes depending on the place of use (work, home, group of friends, etc.) and circumstances. But they all have one thing in common - they are worn for a reason.

The main reasons for living under the mask:

  • Circumstances. For many people, masks in life help to "fit in" with the environment or match it. For example, at work, a person tries on the mask of a strict boss or an executive and disciplined worker, which gives him every chance for success in this field. At home, the mask of a wonderful worker is replaced by a mask loving wife and mothers or caring husband and father. Here it is the key to home comfort and warmth. Also, adults and children often use this technique to get what they want.
  • critical situations. It is not so rare to have to try on the role of a strong and unshakable man when troubles occur or unforeseen situations intervene in the course of affairs. That is, as they say, you have to wear a good face when bad game. It helps to hide your feelings from others, to experience grief yourself and to support those who need help and faith.
  • Overcoming fears. There are people who use masks to hide their psychological complexes and fears.
  • Social Priorities. To pretend to be someone else can be forced by the priorities imposed by the environment - parents, friends, colleagues, mass media and social networks. It can be a mask of a leader, an excellent student, a hard worker, a good boy, a “nice” and, conversely, a tear-off, a Protestant, a careless person and a playboy.
  • Desire to please. Another reason why people wear masks. In this case, flaws are hidden under the mask, and virtues are flaunted. And not always true. That is, here the mask performs the function of a bait - during an acquaintance, hiring, in a new team or a new company, etc.
  • Striving to be better than you really are. Although modern world breaks stereotypes, yet society still welcomes good manners, humanity, decency and sympathy. Therefore, if most of us do not have such qualities (by nature or by virtue of upbringing), then we try to show that we have them with the help of an appropriate mask.

Important! Whatever the reason for putting on a psychological mask, it, like a masquerade mask, hides the true face of its wearer. This makes it difficult to see the essence of a person not only to others, but also to himself.

Types of masks in people's lives

Since our life is an uninterrupted stream of changes and changes, we are forced to adapt in every possible way to it. Including with the help of psychological masks. Therefore, almost every person has his own set of masks for a particular situation. Most of them have much in common, so they can be divided into several types.

The main masks in people's lives

The main or basic psychological masks are masks with a deep foundation. Often a person has only one, and more superficial and diverse images are already superimposed on it.

These basic human masks include:

  1. . Such a mask is formed as a result of a severe psychotrauma once suffered: loss loved one, physical or psychological nature, humiliation, loss of status, rejection, collapse of ideals, disaster or accident. Such a shock affects not only the soul of a person, but also the body - it forms certain "clamps" and restrictions, including on the face. They remain with us until the end of life - new emotional expressions only correct the main mask, but do not cover it completely. It is noteworthy that we ourselves may not notice such changes in the expression of our face, despite the fact that they will be clearly visible to others. Hence, there are such visual inconsistencies as a strict boss with the face of an offended child or a cheerful laugher with sad eyes. characteristic feature such traumatic masks is that they reflect not only the experiences that we experienced at the time of the trauma, but also the age when it happened. So the people who endured stressful situation in childhood, retain childish facial features until old age.
  2. Mask of the basic attitude to life. Unlike the mask of psychotrauma, it is formed gradually, throughout life. It is based on our basic concepts of life and our role in it, our way of thinking and acting, our expectations from ourselves and from others. With age and experience, some priorities may change, but the main life principles yet remain intact. So the mask of the basic attitude to life in the process of life itself can change, acquiring new impressions and emotions, but its basis remains unchanged. Therefore, optimists will try to "save face" in any situation, pessimists will not be able to hide their sadness even under the most convincing mask of joy. In the same way as the proud will not cover up their arrogant attitude towards others even under the most benevolent facial expression, and among cowards their weakness will be noticeable even under the mask of arrogance.
  3. Professional masks. Such changes are the result professional activity, which forces us to play by certain rules - to correspond to the image of a certain profession or position. Thus, new features "grow" to our face so much that they are not removed from it even at home. So, households and relatives of people who have clearly entered the image of a military man, a doctor, a teacher, a leader, are very familiar with all the nuances of such professional deformation. Since this image no longer makes it possible to manifest true feelings and relationships.
  4. Borrowed masks. Such changes in facial features are formed in the process of communication with significant people for us. That is, such masks in people's lives appear as a result of imitation. As children, we copy our parents, and in adolescence- idols from TV screens, pages of glossy magazines, and now also from social networks. In the period of growing up and maturity, we continue to imitate and change ourselves, taking as an example the same parents, more successful friends and acquaintances, bosses and employees. Many find a role model among media people - politicians, businessmen and show business stars.

Important! You can “pick up” the mask of success and self-confidence when communicating with successful people, and the mask of a happy married man - communicating with happy couples. And in this case, imitation will only benefit.

Additional psychological masks

Additional masks appear as a result of new emotions and circumstances that arise during our lives. These masks are superimposed on the basic psychological mask and carry different emotional and motivational loads.

Such additional or auxiliary psychological life masks include:

  • "Good man". This image is most often used by a person who is very eager to be one. That is, he has "bad" qualities (a tendency to theft, violence, lies, quarrelsomeness, envy, aggressiveness, etc.), which he suppresses by an effort of will. Therefore, he can easily change his role, only he will cease to control himself - alone with himself, when communicating with loved ones or in critical situation. Such a person is always serious and longs for recognition of his virtuous mask. He knows perfectly well all the socially accepted principles of morality, has good oratorical skills and loves to teach. Therefore, he prefers public activities and professions related to communication, education, religion.
  • "Forever unhappy". Such a mask is chosen energetically weak people who prefer a passive perception of the world and the image of the victim. They always have a rationale for their failures, and not always real. Constantly feeling sorry for themselves, they indulge their weaknesses and habits, trying to arouse pity and compassion for themselves in others. It is noteworthy that such life position helps the “perpetually unhappy” to exist quite comfortably at the expense of the compassionate attitude of others. Firstly, they are fueled by energy from a compassionate person, and secondly, they can achieve certain selfish goals.
  • "Helpless". The image is in many ways similar to the mask of “eternally unhappy”, only here the position “I can’t”, “it won’t work”, “I can’t”, “I don’t understand”, “too difficult for me”, etc. prevails. The purpose of putting on such a mask is to shift your burden (work, responsibility, problem solving) onto someone else's shoulders.
  • "Cracker" or "cynic". Pretend that nothing in this world can touch your heart - good way close from reality. It is based on fear and inner fear of the world and everything that happens in it. As a result, a person builds a stone wall of indifference and insensitivity around him in order to protect himself from the outside world.
  • "Sexy". This image is used by representatives of both sexes, but men still exploit it more actively. At the root of such a mask lies the subconscious need for self-affirmation in front of others and oneself. Often covers the immaturity of his master, loneliness and dependence on the opinions of others. Such people are very active, sociable and have a lot of experience of close communication with the opposite sex. However, victories on the sexual front bring short-term joy, so they are constantly in search of new hobbies.
  • "Lord of the world". The mask of a strong and self-confident person is often worn by people who need to match their status or leadership position. Often, women who have married weak-willed men, or early grown-up children, forced to take care of themselves or their families from childhood, are forced to wear it.
  • "Jonah". With such a mask, people walk around who, with complaisance and goodwill, cover up their passivity and lack of will. They come to terms with the fact that their weak character did not allow them to achieve something more in life, and are content with what they have. They are sociable, sincere, but constantly feel guilty for their failure, so they often become alcoholics.
  • "Pitying All". It is possible to distinguish such a person from a person who is really experiencing by nature by several signs. Firstly, a person in the mask of a pitying person either confines himself only to words, or even helps, but only for selfish purposes. Therefore, he either provides assistance with the ulterior thought that it will be counted, and someone will sometime also help him at a difficult moment, or only helps important and the right people. Secondly, the "pitying" is engaged in narcissism, enjoying his "fine" organization of the soul.
  • "Merry". Often life under the guise of a sociable optimist is exploited by lonely people who are unsure of their significance. Their fear of being unnecessary, unclaimed makes the "merry fellows" constantly be in society, and ideally - in its center. They acquire a lot of friends and acquaintances, love noisy parties, often invite guests and go to visit themselves. Even when alone, they fill free time communication, by telephone in social networks or skype. Such hyper-sociality helps to avoid the possibility of being alone with yourself, your sad and gloomy thoughts. People with a "merry fellow" mask live other people's lives, running away from their own.
  • "Gray mouse". This style of behavior is chosen by people who are closed, with a deep sense of loneliness. They diligently hide their complexes under the image of the "golden mean", preferring to merge with the crowd so as not to stand out either for better or for worse. That is to draw attention to yourself.
  • "fool" or "stupid". Of course, women “turn on the fool” more often, but among the representatives of the stronger sex there are many users of this image. The purpose of its use is purely mercantile. For example, avoid punishment or censure, get help, information or material gain. The mechanism for obtaining the result is simple - to elevate another person by recognizing oneself as stupid (poor, unhappy, slow, etc.).
  • "Knowing Life". In the colors of such a mask, a cynic, a skeptic and a conservative are mixed. It is tried on by people who believe that they have seen everything, learned everything and can do everything. They are distrustful, “calculated” and categorical. There is no place for a miracle in their life, and the only right opinion- their own. The purpose of such a "masquerade" is to exalt oneself and one's significance in the eyes of others.
  • "Shirt-guy" or "cutie". The image of an ingenuous, sociable, benevolent, charming person is accepted by both men and women in order to achieve certain goals (to attract attention, ingratiate themselves, gain benefits).
Any of the above psychological masks is, first of all, a mask that hides true feelings, fears, desires. Therefore, it must be remembered that it is constantly in opposition to inner world. The more masks longer time wearing them, the deeper the internal imbalance. This only exacerbates the problem and can lead to nervous breakdowns or even suicide.

How to remove a mask from a person

To summarize, most masks in people's lives are designed to perform three functions. The first is to hide fears and complexes, the second is to achieve mercantile goals, the third is to assert oneself at the expense of others. Based on this, there are three ways to unmask a person and see his true nature.

The main ways to remove the psychological mask from a person:

  1. Masks hiding deep fears and complexes. Most The best way to see the true face of a person who defends himself from the world - warmth, interest and trust in communication. If you sincerely convince such an "incognito" that you are interested in him with all his "offal" and "cockroaches", his mask will "float" like wax. But here you need to be tactful and very careful: if he suspects at least some kind of trick (insincerity, irony), the mask will become even tougher.
  2. Masks with a mercantile purpose. People who are trying to look their best or impress just to get the benefit of it are brought to clean water pretty easy. To do this, just do not give them what they want - and you will see the transformation. To get his own, such a person tries to seem better, putting effort into it. Now, when the need to "strain" has disappeared, he will remove the mask.
  3. Masks for self-affirmation. The most durable psychological masks that can only be removed by specialists or critical incidents that make you rethink your life. Sometimes a certain life situation, capable of driving the wearer of the mask so much that he completely loses his composure.
Questions that will make the interlocutor remember something pleasant and good can help melt the mask. You can also see the true face if you ask clarifying questions during communication - how, why, because of what. They knock out the usual way of thinking and make you think. It is at this moment that the mask flies. Not bad breaks masks and alcohol.

What are masks in people's lives - look at the video:

In our world, full of conventions and stereotypes, it is very difficult to remain yourself. Therefore, mask images become a part of our life, helping us to adapt to the environment, blend into it, and even succeed in something. The main thing, playing in this large-scale performance, is not to lose yourself completely.

Orthodox Christians are often accused by some sectarians of venerating the cross of Christ, “after all, this is an instrument of torture, something that tormented Christ and led to His death,” they say.

Yes, indeed, the Cross is the instrument of torture of Christ and the cause of His death, but He Himself voluntarily went to this death and these torments for the sake of our salvation, out of His love for us. No one forced Him to do this, but He Himself, out of His love for us, did it, as He Himself said, "For the sake of this hour I have come." So, the cross is a symbol of God's love for us, and we wear it to remind ourselves: this is what God has done for me, and what have I done for Him? But when did the first tradition of wearing a pectoral cross appear? Let's figure this out.
The image of the cross has been used by the Church since at least the 2nd century, but pectoral crosses did not come into use immediately.

Christians of the first centuries sometimes wore images of the cross on their clothes, to recognize each other at a meeting, but more often symbols were used that were understandable only to fellow believers, since Christianity was a persecuted religion and open wearing Christian symbols was dangerous. For example, images of fish and anchors were used as secret signs. The fish was a symbol of Christ, because the first letters of the Greek phrase “ Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior". The anchor was an ancient symbol - fidelity -, besides, it is similar in outline to - "Cross".

According to a probable assumption, the custom of wearing pectoral crosses arose after, in the 20s of the 4th century, the holy Empress Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine, organized an expedition to Jerusalem to search for the genuine Cross on which Christ was crucified and this Cross was found. St. Constantine was the man who first abolished the persecution of the Church and then made Christianity the de facto state religion of the Empire.

After the Cross was found, Numerous particles of the wood of the Cross were distributed over the hands of Christians, who framed them with salaries and wore them as a shrine. The first salaries were round, like panagias for bishops, but over time, salaries began to be made in the form of a cross. Since there weren’t enough particles of the Life-Giving Tree of the Lord for everyone, and the veneration of the cross was already everywhere, then gradually the pectoral crosses acquired independent meaning, and the custom of wearing them became common to all Christians.

Why do Orthodox Christians wear a cross on their chest?

Twenty centuries ago, among Jews and pagans, the cross was an instrument of execution, an object of shame and horror. There was no execution more painful and shameful than the cross. She was subjected to the most desperate robbers and disturbers of public peace; to condemn a criminal to execution on the cross meant to deprive the unfortunate name of a person, to betray him to universal contempt - such was the meaning of the cross in ancient world. And what is the cross now among Christians? He is an instrument of salvation, an object of reverent reverence for all. Together with the Apostle Paul, every Orthodox dares to say: “Let me not boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Gal. 6:14).
Why did such a change come about, why did they begin to so reverently honor the cross, which they previously considered a shame? For what was pleased on the cross for the Son of God to receive death penalty for the sins of the whole world. On the cross, the reconciliation of the Heavenly Father with people-sinners took place. Since that time, this is a sign of victory over death, over the devil.

St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called, led by tormentors to death on the cross, seeing from afar the sign of the cross, cried out with delight:“Rejoice, Cross, sanctified in the flesh of Christ, and with His members, as decorated with Margaritas! Before my Lord ascended to you, you were terrible for the earthly, but now the faithful know how much bounty is hidden in you, how many rewards are prepared. Fearlessly and cheerfully I go to you, but you also accept me with joy and joy, a disciple of Christ Crucified on you. I have always loved you and have longed to hug you. Oh, blessed Cross, who received splendor and beauty from the members of the Lord, many times desired and vigilantly sought! Take me from the people and give me to my Teacher, let the One who saved me by you receive me!” . And St. app. Peter asked the performers of the execution of the cross only that he be crucified upside down, considering himself unworthy to be crucified like Jesus Christ.
You see, brothers, how highly the Cross of Christ was revered by St. apostles? How then can we, Orthodox Christians, not honor such precious treasure, the weapon of our salvation, deliverance from the power of the devil and hell, reconciliation with God and justification? In truth, from the time when the Son of God sanctified the Cross with His sufferings, as St. Orthodox Church: “Enlightening with the radiance of Your Coming, Christ, and sanctifying the ends of the world with Your Cross” (Trinity canon of the 1st chapter), an extraordinary miraculous power began to appear in it, which will be discussed below.
To wear a cross is not only the duty of every Christian, but also his special merit and honor. You can not wear a pectoral cross as an amulet, as an ornament. The pectoral cross and the sign of the cross are only an outward expression of what should be in the heart of a Christian: humility, faith, hope in the Lord.
The pectoral cross is not a piece of jewelry. No matter how beautiful it is, no matter what precious metal it is made of, it is, first of all, a visible symbol of the Christian faith. Orthodox pectoral crosses have a very ancient tradition and therefore are very diverse in appearance. At present, it has become a widespread opinion about the strength of the "aspen cross". The opinion is very erroneous, as it is superstition, this is a return to paganism. From the time Jesus Christ died on the Cross, His invincible, incomprehensible Divine power communicated to the Cross and dwelt in it and remained in it forever — hence it is so powerful and strong because the power of Christ is mysteriously present in it.

And therefore, when choosing a cross, one should pay attention not to the material from which the cross is made, but to whether its shape corresponds to Orthodox traditions. The cross must be consecrated by an Orthodox priest.
When consecrating the pectoral cross, the priest reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God to pour heavenly power into the cross, and that this cross saves not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers, from all evil forces. That is why on many pectoral crosses there is an inscription "Save and save!" .

PEARL CROSS. Where did the tradition of wearing pectoral crosses come from and why wear it?

Where did the tradition of wearing crosses come from? Why wear it?“I believe in God in my soul, but I don’t need a cross. The Bible does not say anywhere that you have to wear a cross, and nowhere does it say that the first Christians wore crosses. People who consider themselves Orthodox Christians say this or something like this, but do not express their faith in any way. Most unchurched people do not have a Christian understanding of what a cross is and why it should be worn on the body. So what is a pectoral cross? Why does Satan hate it so much and does everything so that no one wears it, or wears it simply as a meaningless decoration?

The origin and symbolism of the pectoral cross

The custom, along with Baptism, to put on a pectoral cross around the neck of the newly baptized did not appear immediately. In the first centuries of Christianity, the cross was not worn, but medallions with the image of the slain Lamb or the Crucifixion were worn. But the Cross, as an instrument for the salvation of the world by Jesus Christ, has been the object of the greatest honor among Christians from the very beginning of the Church. For example, the ecclesiastical thinker Tertullian (2nd-3rd centuries) testifies in his Apology that the veneration of the cross has existed since the earliest times of Christianity. Even before Queen Helena and Emperor Constantine found the life-giving Cross on which Christ was crucified in the 4th century, it was already common among the first followers of Christ to always have the image of the cross with them - both as a reminder of the sufferings of the Lord, and to confess their faith to others . According to Pontius, the biographer of St. Cyprian of Carthage, in the III century, some Christians depicted the figure of the cross even on their foreheads, by this sign they were recognized during persecution and betrayed to torment. The first Christians who wore a cross on their chests are also known. Mention it and the sources of the II century.

The first documentary evidence of the wearing of pectoral crosses dates back to the beginning of the 4th century. Thus, the acts of the VII Ecumenical Council testify that the holy martyrs Orestes (+304) and Procopius (+303), who suffered under Diocletian, wore a cross made of gold and silver around their necks.

After the weakening and subsequent cessation of the persecution of Christians, the wearing of the cross became a widespread custom. At the same time, crosses began to be installed on all Christian churches.

In Rus', this custom was adopted precisely with the baptism of the Slavs in 988. Starting from Byzantine times in Rus', there were two kinds of pectoral crosses: the actual “telniki” themselves (worn on the body under clothing) and the so-called. "encolpions" (from the Greek word "chest"), worn not on the body, but over clothing. Let's say two words about the latter: initially, pious Christians carried with them (on themselves) an ark with particles of St. relics or other sacred things. A cross was placed on this ark. Subsequently, the ark itself acquired the shape of a cross, and bishops and emperors began to wear such a cross. The modern priestly and episcopal pectoral cross traces its history from encolpions, that is, boxes with relics or other shrines.

Russian people swore allegiance on crosses, and exchanging pectoral crosses, they became cross brothers. During the construction of churches, houses, bridges, the cross was laid in the foundation. There was a custom to cast many crosses from a broken church bell, which enjoyed special reverence.

The cross of Christ is a symbol of Christianity. For a modern person, a symbol is just an identification mark. The symbol is, as it were, an emblem that points to something with which we are dealing. But the symbol has a much wider meaning than just the meaning of the emblem. In religious culture, a symbol is involved in the reality that it symbolizes. What is the reality that the Cross of Christ symbolizes for Christians? .. This reality: the Redemption of the human race, accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ through Death on the Cross.

The veneration of the Cross has always been understood by the Teachings of the Church as the worship of Jesus Christ in the light of His redemptive feat. The Cross of Christ, which Orthodox Christians always wear on their bodies, points out to us and reminds us at what price our Salvation was bought.

For Christians, the cross is not just a sign. For Christians, the cross is a symbol of victory over the devil, a banner of the triumph of God. The cross reminds the believer of Christ, of the sacrifice that the Savior made for us.

Meaning of the Cross

What does the pectoral cross symbolize?

The cross is the greatest Christian shrine, a visible evidence of our redemption.

The cross, as an instrument of a terrible and painful execution, thanks to the sacrificial feat of Christ the Savior, became a symbol of redemption and an instrument for the salvation of all mankind from sin and death. It is on the Cross, through pain and suffering, death and Resurrection, that the Son of God accomplishes the salvation or healing of human nature from the mortality, passion and corruption brought into it by the fall of Adam and Eve. Thus, a person who wears the Crucifixion of Christ testifies to his participation in the suffering and feat of his Savior, followed by the hope of salvation, and therefore the resurrection of man for eternal life with God.

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