The history of the creation of war and peace is a brief description. The history of the creation of the novel "War and Peace"


"War and Peace"(“War and Peace”) is an epic novel by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, describing the events of the wars against Napoleon: 1805 and the Patriotic War of 1812.

History of writing a novel

The idea of ​​the epic was formed long before the start of work on the text known as "War and Peace". In a draft of the preface to War and Peace, Tolstoy wrote that in 1856 he began to write a story, “whose hero was supposed to be a Decembrist returning with his family to Russia. Involuntarily, I moved from the present to 1825 ... But even in 1825, my hero was already mature, family man. To understand him, I had to go back to his youth, and his youth coincided with ... the era of 1812 ... If the reason for our triumph was not accidental, but lay in the essence of the character of the Russian people and army, then this character should have been expressed even brighter in the era failures and defeats ... "Thus Tolstoy gradually came to the need to start the story from 1805.

Tolstoy returned to work on the story several times. In early 1861, he read chapters from the novel The Decembrists, written in November 1860 - early 1861, to Turgenev and reported on work on the novel to Herzen. However, the work was postponed several times, until in 1863-1869. The novel "War and Peace" was not written. For some time, the epic novel was perceived by Tolstoy as part of a narrative that was supposed to end with the return of Pierre and Natasha from Siberian exile in 1856 (this is what is being discussed in the 3 surviving chapters of the novel The Decembrists). Attempts to work on this idea were made by Tolstoy last time in the late 1870s, after finishing Anna Karenina.

The novel "War and Peace" big success. An excerpt from the novel entitled "1805" appeared in the "Russian Messenger" in 1865. In 1868, three of its parts were published, followed soon by the other two (four volumes in total).

Recognized by critics around the world as the greatest epic work new European literature, "War and Peace" is already striking from a purely technical point of view with the size of its fictional canvas. Only in painting can one find some parallel in huge paintings Paolo Veronese in the Doge's Palace in Venice, where hundreds of faces are also written out with amazing clarity and individual expression. encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron In Tolstoy's novel, all classes of society are represented, from emperors and kings to the last soldier, all ages, all temperaments and throughout the entire reign of Alexander I. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron What further elevates his dignity as an epic is the psychology he gave Russian people. With striking penetration, Tolstoy portrayed the mood of the crowd, both high and the most vile and bestial (for example, in the famous scene of the murder of Vereshchagin).

The reform of 1861 did not essentially resolve the question of the peasant, of his relationship with the landowner. Numerous uprisings, with which the peasantry responded to the reform, clearly showed the discontent and indignation caused by the reform in the peasant masses. It is in this social and literary atmosphere that L. Tolstoy has the idea of historical novel, but one that, on the basis of history, would give an answer to the burning questions of our time. Tolstoy conceived to push two epochs together: the era of the first revolutionary movement in Russia - the era of the Decembrists, and the 60s - the era of revolutionary democrats.

Tolstoy approached the epic War and Peace from the novel The Decembrists. In 1856, after the death of Nicholas I, the surviving Decembrists were amnestied. Their return from Siberia aroused a natural interest in them in Russian society. In this regard, Tolstoy and the theme of the novel "The Decembrists" is born. In it, Tolstoy intended to describe the family of a Decembrist who had returned from Siberia. But soon he abandoned what he had begun and moved on to 1825, the era of “delusions and misfortunes” of his hero, and then “another time he abandoned what he had begun and began to write from the time of 1812”, wanting to show the youth of the Decembrist, which coincided in time with the Patriotic War. But, as he himself notes, he was “ashamed” to write about the triumph of Russia in the struggle against Bonaparte, and he moves on to the era of 1805-1806, the time of “failures” and “shame” of Russia. Thus, moving away from 1856 to 1805, Tolstoy intends to "lead not one, but many ... heroes and heroines through the historical events of 1805, 1807, 1812, 1825 and 1856."

This grand design Tolstoy did not. But in connection with the introduction of historical events into the novel, its scope has expanded significantly. Historical figures of the era appeared - Alexander I, Napoleon, Kutuzov, Speransky and others; became more complex life path the main characters of the novel - Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov; entered the novel - as one of the main characters of the people.

So deep in the process ideological concept writer. Having decided at first to show only landowner Russia, the nobility. Tolstoy in the final edition of the novel painted the broadest picture of the life of the landlord and peasant Russia, gave the image of the struggle of the people for freedom in the first quarter XIX V.

While working on the epic "War and Peace", Tolstoy, in his words, "loved the thought of the people as a result of the war of 12 years." “I tried,” he said, “to write the history of the people.”

Demonstrating the decisive role of the people in historical events of national importance, Tolstoy created special genre novel, grandiose in terms of the scope of life and the scale of the narrative, a realistic epic.

The novel very widely shows the life of the landlord and aristocratic nobility. Here the nobility is represented by representatives of various strata of the nobility: on the one hand, the highest bureaucratic and court nobility (Kuragins, Sherer, etc.), on the other hand, the ruined Moscow nobility (Rostovs), and finally, an independent, opposition-minded aristocracy (old man Bolkonsky, Bezukhov). A special group is the "nest of staff influential people."

The second group is made up of a "nest of staff influential people."

Tolstoy draws all these layers of the nobility in different light, depending on how close they are to the people - to its spirit and worldview.

In Tolstoy, people like Vasily Kuragin are especially hostile. A secular man, a careerist and an egoist, Prince Kuragin seeks to become one of the heirs of the dying rich nobleman - Count Bezukhov, and when he fails, he catches the rich heir - Pierre - and marries him to his daughter - the soulless coquette Helen.

Having arranged this wedding, he dreams of another: to marry his "restless fool" Anatole to the rich Princess Bolkonskaya. Strong convictions, firm moral principles Kuragin does not. Tolstoy shows this surprisingly aptly and vividly in the behavior and statements of Prince Vasily in the Sherer salon when it was a question of the possibility of appointing Kutuzov commander in chief. Predation, callousness, unscrupulousness, mental limitations, or rather, stupidity are characteristic features Kuragin-father and children.

Shchedrin emphasized the irresistible power of Tolstoy's denunciation of high-society nobles: “But our so-called high society Count (Tolstoy. - Ed.) famously caught on.

“In a satirical coverage, yes“ we are the regulars of the salon of the maid of honor Scherer, led by the hostess herself. Intrigue, court gossip, career and wealth - these are their interests, this is how they all live. Everything in this salon is repugnant to Tolstoy, as if saturated through and through with lies, falsehood, hypocrisy, heartlessness, acting. In this circle of secular people there is nothing truthful, simple, natural, direct. Their speeches, gestures, facial expressions and actions are determined by the conventional rules of secular behavior. Tolstoy emphasizes this prudent posturing of people in a secular environment by comparing the Scherer salon with a spinning workshop, with a machine that mechanically performs its work: “Anna Pavlovna ... with a word or movement, she again started a uniform decent conversational machine.” Or else: “Anna Pavlovna's evening was started up. spindle with different sides evenly and without ceasing noise.

This category of secular people also includes such careerists as Boris Drubetskoy and Berg, whose life goal is to be in sight, to be able to get a “warm place”, a rich wife, create a prominent career for themselves, and get to the “tops”.

Tolstoy is merciless towards administrators like Rostopchin, who were strangers to the people, despised the people and were despised by the people.

Concerning the representatives of the authorities - both civil and military, - Tolstoy shows the anti-people nature of this government, the bureaucracy and careerism of the vast majority of its bearers. Such, for example, is Arakcheev - right hand Alexander I, this "faithful executor and guardian of order and bodyguard of the sovereign ... serviceable, cruel and incapable of expressing his devotion otherwise than by cruelty."

Otherwise the writer draws landed nobility presented in the novel by the Rostovs and Akhrosimova. Without hiding the mismanagement and carelessness of Ilya Andreevich Rostov, who led the family to ruin, Tolstoy emphasizes with great force the positive family qualities of the members of this family: simplicity, cheerfulness, cordiality, hospitality, good relations to the courtyards and peasants, love and affection for each other, honesty, lack of narrowly selfish interests.

with great force emphasizes the positive family qualities of the members of this family: simplicity, cheerfulness, cordiality, hospitality, kind attitude towards courtyards and peasants, love and affection for each other, honesty, lack of narrowly selfish interests.

The extravagance and mismanagement of the old count disappear from his children. His son Nikolai, having married Marya Bolkonskaya, becomes an economic master, admiring the hardworking peasants. Nikolai Tolstoy wants to see the secret of success in his attention to the peasant, in the ability to adopt the economic experience of the peasant. “He loved this Russian people and their way of life with all the strength of his soul, and therefore he only understood and mastered for himself that only way and method of economy that brought good results.” He ran the household in the old way, not recognizing any innovations, especially English ones, and the peasants, according to Tolstoy, loved him: “... long after his death, the pious memory of his management was kept among the people. “The owner was ... In advance, a peasant, and then his own. Well, he gave some indulgences. One word - owner.

Tolstoy obscures the cruel system of landlord serf management and puts forward as an ideal the life of the patriarchal peasantry.

With undoubted sympathy, Tolstoy shows the independent and proud Bolkonsky family: a stubborn and domineering old man who does not bow his head to anyone, is not without traits of tyranny and is heavy in family life, but educated, honest, opposed to court circles and careerist bureaucrats (the scene of his reception of Prince Kuragin in the Bald Mountains is magnificent); man of strong will, smart, looking for meaning the life of Prince Andrei and meek Princess Marya.

Tolstoy lovingly describes the local nobility. In the Rostov and Bolkonsky families, and even in Pierre Bezukhov and Akhrosimova, an intelligent, direct, warm-hearted woman, Tolstoy sees Russian folk principles, which he sharply contrasts with the principles embodied in representatives of the urban nobility.

Each of us in school years was fascinated by the story of fate and love of the main characters brilliant creation Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy under the title "War and Peace". Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov - we know these names from childhood, because through these characters the author conveyed to us the problems of the nineteenth century and how people fought with them. Let's trace the history of the creation of "War and Peace" together.

Tolstoy managed to create a work that became popular all over the world, which he created for many years by hard work. Many global events taking place in our country at the beginning of the nineteenth century prompted the writer to express his thoughts in this format. The uprisings of peasants and Decembrists, the abolition of serfdom, the victory in the Patriotic war with Napoleon, all this made it clear and realize how powerful and strong the unification of the whole people can be.

In every individual hero, in the image of the entire Russian people and in its character as a whole, which are indicated in the novel, we can catch the writer’s well-founded, thoughtful view and his conclusions, which he made while studying the history of his homeland, visiting the battlefields described in his work. tragic fates, sharp love lines, the experiences of the characters were able to convey the whole atmosphere that took place in that difficult period time.

The main idea, the main storyline of the novel "War and Peace" briefly.

The work was created for a long time, it is known that Tolstoy rewrote the first volume of his novel many times, the plot changed, the main idea also changed. What did the author come to anyway?

"People's Thought". This favorite phrase of the author can characterize the work. He came to this idea on the basis of the study of history. What helped us defeat Napoleon in terrible war? It is the unification of all people into a single whole, such a strong wall that is difficult for the enemy to break. But even digging inside all the events of that time, you can find a lot of interesting things in the fate and character of everyone who went through that war.

Reference. Initially, the idea was to tell about the fate of one brave Decembrist, but in the course of writing a few more were added storylines. The Rostov, Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov families are the main characters, watching whom we delve into the beginning of the 19th century and can feel at least a small part of what they had to experience. By their example, we see that despite the hostilities and what is happening around, you must always have faith, love and just live. In addition to the personal lives of the characters, there is a storyline of historical events.

Period of work on the novel.

The writer thought about writing a novel long before its publication. Back in 1856, he began work, and only in 1861 he decided to read the first chapter to Turgenev. There were many different trial titles, different plots. At first it was planned to describe completely different events, but soon Lev Nikolayevich abandoned his manuscripts and later began a completely different story, which was later recognized as brilliant and has survived to this day.

For six years Tolstoy worked on his legendary work. This lasted from 1863 to December 1869.

What sources were used to write the novel

The author studied a huge amount of material, documents and chronicles that date back to 1812. He was able to collect a large library of books describing the biography of both Alexander the First and Napoleon. But all these sources only knocked him down and confused his thoughts. In view of this, Tolstoy began to form his own opinion and attitude towards everyone. historical figures and events. He chose to trust his inner voice and start collecting historical facts who have found their place in the novel.

For work, he began to use the notes of his contemporaries, collected information in articles from newspapers and magazines, read letters from generals. Personally visited the place where they took place tragic events and lived a couple of days in Borodino. The trip inspired me to continue my work and gave me a special mood and spiritual uplift.

Thoughts and experiences of Tolstoy at the time of writing

The epic novel is saturated with reflections, experiences, feelings and thoughts of the author. With the text, he was able to convey everything that was inside him, all his worldview to the events of those years. Philosophical thoughts in the historical chapters are an integral part of the worldview, which is not simple way developed in him and brought the long-awaited peace and happiness.

At the core is the idea that historical moments inexorable laws govern people's lives. Even the desire and will of individual prominent personalities, they cannot influence the development of history. A person who sets goals for himself and goes to achieve them, directing all his strength, thinks that he is free in his actions. Not only is he not free, but he does not always achieve the results he hopes to see. historical process consists of just what it does a large number of people, regardless of their personal goals and aspirations.

Tolstoy knew that in all the grandiose historical events, people's unification was a decisive part. This awareness of the role of the masses in history forms the basis of the story of the historical past, which War and Peace gives us. Understanding this made it easier for the author artistic creation image of the same national unity depicting his participation in the war. Describing the war, the writer draws attention to the properties of the Russian people - they do not bend before the most terrible invasion of the enemy, about their will and patriotism, they are ready to die, but they will never surrender to the one who attacks them. Tolstoy also shows us more detailed image Kutuzov as a historical figure of that era. It was his image that helped Lev Nikolaevich very deeply and clearly reveal the character that the people had during the Patriotic War of 1812. She shows us the confidence of the army in its commander and makes him a real popular historical figure. This deep and very true thought guided the author when he created the image of Kutuzov in War and Peace.

In digressions and chapters where Tolstoy expressed his philosophical thoughts he often repeated that he thought that historical events happen only because they have to happen, and if we try to understand and explain these phenomena, they immediately become even more incomprehensible.

The role of one person in the whole history is negligible. No matter how brilliant and outstanding a person is, he will still be unable to control the movement of history at will. History is created by all of humanity, by all the masses of the people, and not by one person who puts himself above others and takes upon himself the right to control the course of events.

From all this it follows that Tolstoy did not deny the role of man in history and did not reduce it to zero. Anyone who participates in events, is gifted with the mind and is able to delve into events, to grasp the meaning of what is happening, who is close to the people, deserves the right to be called great and brilliant. There are very few of them, one of them is Kutuzov, but Napoleon is his complete opposite.


One of the greatest creations is rightly called the epic novel “War and Peace”. Exactly this outstanding creation Tolstoy, who managed to take special place in his work, as well as in the development artistic culture all people on earth. This book brought him fame all over the world and gave grounds to recognize him as one of the most brilliant realist writers.

The epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" is the standard of Russian classical literature. The novel was written for about seven years, work on this titanic work requires a separate story.

L. N. Tolstoy began writing "War and Peace" in the autumn of 1863. Literary critics and historians studying War and Peace rely primarily on the 5,200-page manuscript stored in the archive. The history of the creation of the novel is very well traced through the pages of the manuscript. An interesting fact is that initially Tolstoy conceived a novel about a participant in the Decembrist uprising who returned home from exile. As conceived by the author, the plot of the plot began in 1856. Then Leo Tolstoy rethought his original idea and decided to write about 1825 - about the Decembrist uprising. The author did not stop there either, and he sent his hero during the years of the Patriotic War of 1812, but since this war is directly connected with 1805, the story began from there, from the young years of the hero.

The original idea was as follows: to capture 50 years of the country's history, dividing them into three periods:

  • The beginning of the century (the wars with Napoleon, the growing up of future Decembrists);
  • 1920s (the main event is the Decembrist uprising);
  • Mid-century (defeat in Crimean War, sudden death Nicholas I, the amnesty of the participants in the uprising on the Senate Square and their return to their native lands).

While writing his masterpiece, L. N. Tolstoy decided to shorten it and leave only the first period, slightly touching the second at the end of the work. Several times the author gave up writing the novel, whole year he wrote only one beginning, in Tolstoy's archive about 15 variants of the plot's plot have been preserved. When writing, the author used historical books, memoirs, archival documents - the author wanted to be accurate to the smallest detail, which cannot but cause respect. L. N. Tolstoy also visited the Borodino field, he stayed there for two days. finished writing my great work author in 1869, having spent a huge amount of effort on this.

One of the main goals of the writer was to depict not the struggle of the two emperors, but to show the liberation struggle of the people, and he succeeded. Tolstoy very skillfully described social life Petersburg and military actions, which are very closely interconnected. There has never been a work like "War and Peace" in our literature, and there is none. This work is a huge layer of Russian (and not only) classical literature.

The history of the creation of Tolstoy's novel War and Peace

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy is the greatest world writer who, through his works, could reveal the essence of Rus', the life of her life and fully open his feelings to everything that was happening at that time.

One of these works, in which you can feel what is happening, and understand what the author saw, is the work "War and Peace". This novel belongs to the works of world scale, depicting very subtly the character and feelings of its characters. Through many years of effort, this is a work of art. Conquered the world. main goal novel, were the events that took place during the invasion of Napoleon's army, which began their journey through the lands of Europe and reached the Russian lands. These events were reflected in the feelings of Lev Nikolaevich, and he expressed this in his letters, which he sent with experience to his relatives in other cities.

His literary skills made it possible to colorfully display in his work all the details of both the personal lives of the heroes of all these events, and to cover the scale of the grandiose battle. Thanks to his ability to express his thought beautifully, the reader is completely immersed in the thick of current events. To narrate the novel, Lev Nikolaevich, began in 1805, when a wave of emotions swept over him, about the suffering of the Russian people. The author himself felt the pain and torment that the Russian people felt.

The main character of the novel turned out to be Platon Karataev, on whom hopes were pinned. In it, the author displayed all the willpower and endurance of the people. chief in a feminine way, became Natalia Rostova. She became a symbol of femininity and kindness in the novel. Not less than important characters this wonderful work, steel, Kutuzov and Napoleon himself. In these two heroes, greatness and courage, thoughtful military tactics, and general human qualities, each of them. The author, mentioned, absolutely all classes of society, which brought the work under the discussion of world literary critics. Few of them understood that the work was written in real events, in disputes, and discussions, there was a full discussion of the work of Lev Nikolaevich. Very bright moment in the novel it became, the murder of Vereshchagin.

The first part of the novel was strictly theoretical. It did not have a strong spiritual impression, and the turn of all events. Here, the author was not verbose, did not embellish the details. He just did general descriptions for readers this work. At first glance, the novel could not interest the reader, but having reached the second part of the novel, the author introduces a pronounced heroine Natalya, which completely enlivens the action and the whole plot.

Natalya herself had a casual and simple look, which was combined with family life and fuss. Later, the author already draws the girl as a secular person, with the manners of a noble lady. She has big circle friends and admirers, which is in the work, elevates her to more high status in society.

Ultimately, this great and grandiose work, in its content and design, became historical narrative like privacy different people with different classes, and military battles and fate ordinary people who took part in this battle.

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The work “War and Peace” was the result of an insane authorial effort, to which Tolstoy devoted almost seven years of his life. The novel was completely rewritten seven times (his household members, especially his wife, helped the classic in this), more than 5 thousand pages have been preserved, written on both sides, the researchers counted 34 options for the beginning of the work. All this points to the titanic work, the enormous forces given by the writer to his offspring. And the result exceeded all expectations: I. Turgenev, the most popular prose writer at that time, admitted that with the release of the novel “War and Peace” into the literary arena, Tolstoy took the honorable first place among all contemporary writers. I. Goncharov punned in a letter to Turgenev as follows: “He became a real literary lion”.
The idea of ​​the novel arose in 1856 after Lev Nikolayevich met with the Decembrist S. Volkonsky and his wife, who returned from Siberian exile, this was the beginning of the story of the novel. The impression of communicating with these people was enormous, and Tolstoy decides to create a novel about a Decembrist who returned from exile and evaluates himself and his like-minded people in 1825 and the modern image of Russia. This is how the chapters of the novel entitled “The Decembrists” (1860) were created. However main character was not entirely clear to the writer himself: why does he have the right to pass judgment on the whole society and why can he be trusted? Therefore, the time of action of the work changes several times. First, Tolstoy turns to 1825, the era of “misfortunes and delusions” of his main hero at that time. But even during this period, the hero was not clear to the author, since he was already a mature person. Only then does the writer move on to 1812 - the time when the characters and ideals of the Decembrists were formed. This is how the sketches for the novel “Three Pores” (1863) appear, indicating that the classic conceived a trilogy about the Decembrist, covering the years 1812, 1825 and 1856. But the personality of the protagonist retreated to a secondary plane, the writer’s interest was attracted by other characters, the time frame and content of the work expanded again: “It was ashamed for me to describe our triumph in the victorious struggle against Napoleonic France, without pointing out our failures. Returning from 1856 to 1805, I intend from now on to lead not even one, but many characters through the events of historical reality in 1805, 1812, 1856. In 1864, the passage "From 1805 to 1814" was written and published. A novel by Count L. N. Tolstoy. 1805. Part 1. Chapter 1”. Here, the main character was still a Decembrist and his family, although the author's interest in the era of Napoleonic battles is clearly traced. Tolstoy intensively studies in the Rumyantsev Archive historical documents, acts and manuscripts, Masonic books of 1810-1820s, memoirs of contemporaries, family archives of Tolstoy and Volkonsky. Real historical figures are introduced into the novel - Alexander I and Napoleon, it becomes more complicated genre structure works, it goes beyond the family chronicle. The title from 1805 becomes the working title of the work, under which, from 1865, the novel appears in parts in print. After the publication of the first two parts, the writer makes sketches of the subsequent parts of the work, calling it “All's well that ends well”, where it should be happy ending, where Petya Rostov and Andrei Bolkonsky remained alive. But Tolstoy was interested in the "people's thought" in the history of the war of 1812. The writer studies numerous sources, Russian and foreign, about Patriotic War 1812, met by participants in the hostilities, in September 1867 he himself visited the Borodino field, compiled a map of the battle. It was during this period that the current title of the work “War and Peace” arose, the novel itself received its final design, combining the features of many genres, and Borodino becomes its culmination.
The work was published in parts, as they were written, in the Russky Vestnik magazine in 1865-1869. After its completion, Tolstoy prepares the novel for separate edition, recycles it again. The structure of the work is changing (instead of six volumes, four will remain, part philosophical reflections will move to the epilogue). The author makes stylistic corrections: under the influence of criticism from N. Strakhov, V. Chertkov, I. Turgenev, he translates the French text into Russian (later he refused this change).
Since the novel caused a colossal number of responses, Tolstoy wrote several articles about his offspring: Outline of the preface of the novel "War and Peace" (1868). In them, the writer explains some issues of the genre, structure, style of his work, gives a description of his characters.
Tags: The history of the creation of the epic novel "War and Peace", the history of the creation of Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", The history of the creation of the work "War and Peace", how the novel "War and Peace" was created.

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  19. The novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” is one of the best works world literature. “War and Peace” is not just an epic narrative about the historical events of that time. The main problem that...
  20. The peculiarity of the composition. The most important feature epic novel is a complex multi-level composition. Each part and each volume, finally, the whole work has its climax and denouement. The epic has several storylines that are closely intertwined....
  21. creative history the tragedy “Faust” is the life work of J. Goethe, the result of not only German, but also European Enlightenment. No wonder it has been translated into many languages. The tragedy "Faust" is called "a poetic testament to humanity from ...
  22. THE MAIN CHARACTER OF THE NOVEL IS THE PEOPLE (based on the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy) L. N. Tolstoy pointed out that in creating “War and Peace” he was inspired by “people’s thought”, meaning ...
  23. A. N. Ostrovsky Drama "Thunderstorm" The history of the creation and staging of the drama "Thunderstorm" is associated whole era in the development of the Russian theater. For forty...
  24. N. A. Nekrasov. Poem “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” History of creation. The question of composition The poetry of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821-1877) is the poetry of deep analysis, strong feeling, lofty ideas. It makes... What is the function of the image of a comet in the context of the events of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"? Forming a detailed judgment on literary theme, emphasize that natural phenomena were often perceived by people as messengers of the most important ...
  25. For the first time, Dickens' novel was published under the title "Oliver Twist, or the Path of the Parish Boy" in the magazine "Bentley's Mix" from February 1837 (the writer began work on it in 1836) until ...
The history of the creation of the novel War and Peace

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