Culture of Cambodia. Khmer customs and culture


Buddhism is considered their religion by about 95% of the population of the country of Cambodia. The religion of this area is called Theravada, or "southern Buddhism."

In Cambodia, it is not surprising that Buddhism has the status of a founding religion and is fully recognized by the laws of the country.

There is a small percentage (1.5%) of the population of Cambodia whose religion is Islam. There are even fewer Christians here - about 0.5%. Here Buddhism bears the name and character of Theravada, which, moreover, is recognized as the state religion. There are a huge number (more than 4300) of monasteries and temples in Cambodia.

The monks of Cambodia are divided into two major orders: Thammayutnikai (more numerous) and Mahanikai. Although the second order is not so great, it is supported by local authorities.

Monastic groups live modestly and follow the 227 rules of Buddhist monks. They do not take part in recreational activities and devote their existence entirely to religion. Buddhist monasteries are called "vata".

In the life of the ordinary people of the country of Cambodia, religion is of the utmost importance, and Cambodians adhere to the religious Buddhist principles in ordinary life.

In all the centuries of the formation of the culture of the country of Cambodia, religion was reflected in its art. The belief of local residents in animism was fully reflected in their cultural development. Hinduism and Buddhism also have their adherents. Both of these directions appeared on the Asian continent at the very beginning of our era.

Khmers live in settlements located close to each other. There they cultivate the land, and when the stock useful properties the soil in their chosen territory dries up - they leave this land and relocate. The rest of the main part of the inhabitants of Cambodia lives in permanent villages near the banks of reservoirs or near rivers. Khmer settlements often also include Chinese communities that practice Confucianism.

The Khmer Rouge, during their rule in the territory of the modern country of Cambodia, religion was banned until 1979.

Residents of Cambodia, who profess Buddhism, consider all existence to be a cycle of transmigration of the soul. Therefore, they try to “accumulate” good deeds. This they do by donating finances or things for the temples, or by bringing food for the monks.

The development of Khmer culture, in different eras, was influenced by international cultures. Cambodian cultural heritage combines features of Chinese and Thai cultures.

Sanskrit - official language used in the literature. Spoken language is Khmer, which is rather difficult to learn. The place of the second language of the country belongs to English, despite the fact that many residents speak French.

The extraordinary architectural buildings that have been preserved to date are the Angkor Wat and Bayon temple complexes located in the town of Siem Real. This is a powerful visual evidence of the majesty of the structures being built. cultural character empire.

Along with the construction of buildings and temples, an unprecedented development is also characterized by applied art, the development of sculptural monuments, the formation of musical and dance styles. All this, in the future, will play extraordinarily important role in the development of the culture and architecture of modern Cambodia, which is known today.
An example of the union of Cambodia's past and its present is the Royal Ballet, which was based on Thai, Javanese and Indian traditions and principles.

A wonderful place, with samples of Khmer culture and the image of Hindu deities, is National Museum in Phnom Penh.

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The Ministry of Culture and visual arts. The culture of Cambodia has strong Indian influences regarding language, art and other elements. An important factor Theravada Buddhism, which came to these lands in the first centuries of our era and spread widely here, was also a culture-forming one. In addition to the Khmer culture itself, the country's culture also includes the culture of more than 20 different ethnic groups, living mainly in the mountainous and hilly regions in the northeast of the country.

Dance and music

Cambodian dances are generally divided into 3 groups: classical dances, folk dances and ballroom dances. classical dances originally performed only for representatives of the royal court as entertainment, they also have ceremonial significance. Despite some influences from neighboring cultures, classical Khmer dance is a rather unique art form. The performers of such productions are skillfully dressed, special meaning in the performance have the movements, gestures and postures of the dancer. The performance itself is slow and measured. Music accompanying such performances includes xylophones, metallophones, wooden wind instruments, various drums and gongs.

Folk dances differ from the classical ones, as a rule, in a faster rhythm, less significant gestures and movements, and less decorative clothes of the performers. Folk dances and features of their performance vary from region to region and are different for different ethnic groups of the country. Folk dances are closely related to fairy tales and other works of local folklore. Khmer traditional music, like dance, dates back to the ancient Khmer Empire and has notable Indian influences.


The history of the fine arts of Cambodia goes back to ancient crafts. Khmer art reached its peak during the Angkor period. traditional art and the craft includes weaving, the production of silver and gold products, stone carving, the production of lacquerware, pottery, monumental painting, the art of making kites, etc. A serious blow to art was the period of the Khmer Rouge in power, associated with the persecution of artists and other representatives of art and their rather frequent physical elimination. Lately there are some improvements in this area related to the support of the government and non-governmental organizations, and, in addition, with the attraction of tourists to the country.


Numerous inscriptions on stones, walls and columns speak of the antiquity of the Khmer language. Following the inscriptions on the stones, texts and comments written on palm leaves have spread. Buddhist texts Tipitaka; a large number of them are still kept in monasteries throughout the country. The Khmer epic poem Reamker is based on the Indian epic Ramayana and has a traditional dance performance. Widespread in Cambodia received various forms oral art. Later, court literature developed, so King Ang Duong (1841-1860) is known not only as a ruler, but also as a classic of literature thanks to his writing of the novel Kakey, which has an important cultural significance and today. classic history tragic love is Tum Teav, which has become widespread at least since the middle of the 19th century and has oral, literary and dance forms. Tum Teav became widely known in the West after the translation literary version this story written by a monk named Preah Botumthera Som ( English) on English language American George Chigas in 1915. Monk catfish is recognized as one of the best Khmer classics.


Rice and fried dust

As in other countries of Southeast Asia, the main food of the Cambodians is rice. Due to the dense river network and the presence of such large reservoirs as the Mekong and Tonle Sap Lake, important place Cambodian cuisine is traditionally occupied by fish. Pickled fish pasta is also traditional. dust, which in its essence is a method of long-term storage of the product. Prahok serves as the most common seasoning for food; often just eaten with rice. In addition, traditional ingredients include various tropical fruits, fish, oyster and soy sauces, curry, tamarind, ginger, coconut milk, black pepper, etc. A widespread Cambodian lunch dish is rice noodle soup in pork broth with onions and garlic. Compared to neighboring Thai and Vietnamese cuisine, Cambodian cuisine is rather unknown and not widely used in the world.

Cambodia. Sihanoukville - city for all 2013

brief information

Previously, Cambodia was called Kampuchea (from the Sanskrit name "Kambujadesa"). Until relatively recently, Cambodia was in the midst of a long-term civil war, which, fortunately, ended. Now Cambodia is a peaceful country where you can have a great vacation. This country has magnificent mountains, beautiful natural scenery, green forests, rivers with waterfalls, numerous Buddhist temples and monasteries, traditional Khmer villages, beaches with palm groves, delicious cuisine and rare Ayeyarwaddy freshwater dolphins.

Geography of Cambodia

Cambodia is located on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Cambodia borders Vietnam to the east, Thailand to the northwest, and Laos to the northeast. In the southwest of the country is the Gulf of Thailand of the South China Sea. The total area of ​​Cambodia, including the islands, is 181,040 sq. km., and the total length state border- 2,572 km.

About 75% of the territory of Cambodia is occupied by plains, which are surrounded by highlands and low mountains. The Kravan Mountains stretch from the northwest of the country to the southeast. The most high peak in Cambodia - Mount Oral, whose height reaches 1,813 m.

Through the east of Cambodia, the Mekong River flows south, which is considered the longest river in this country.


The capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh, which is now home to more than 1.6 million people. Phnom Penh was built in 1372 and became the capital of Cambodia in 1431.

Official language

The official language of the population of Cambodia is Khmer, belonging to the Mon-Khmer languages ​​of the Austroasiatic language family.


More than 95% of the population of Cambodia professes Buddhism (in particular, Theravada Buddhism is the most conservative direction of this religion).

State structure of Cambodia

According to the current Constitution, Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the King, who is elected by the Council royal throne. The King appoints, with the approval of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister and ministers.

Legislative power belongs to the bicameral parliament - the National Assembly, consisting of the Senate (61 people) and the National Assembly (122 deputies).

Main political parties- Cambodia People's Party, Sam Rainsy Party and Buddhist Liberal Party.

Climate and weather

Cambodia, like most other countries in Southeast Asia, has a hot climate with strong monsoon influences. In fact, there are four annual climatic seasons in Cambodia:

  1. November-February is a cold and dry season.
  2. March-May is a hot and dry season.
  3. June-August is the hot and humid season.
  4. September - early November is the cold and wet season.

Tourists are advised to visit Cambodia from November to February, when the average air temperature exceeds + 26C, and when there is little rain. During this period, the weather in the beach resort of Sihanoukville is just perfect, and the sea is very calm and warm.

Sea in Cambodia

In the southwest of Cambodia is the Gulf of Thailand of the South China Sea. Coastline is 443 km. The best time to visit beach resorts in Cambodia is during the dry season (November to April).

Rivers and lakes

Through the east of Cambodia, the Mekong River flows south, which is considered the longest river in this country. Cambodia is home to Tonle Sap Lake (also called the "Great Lake"), one of the largest in Asia.


The history of Cambodia has centuries-old roots. It is believed that the state on the territory of modern Cambodia was formed in the 7th century AD. The Khmer Empire flourished in the 9th century when Jayavarman II declared independence from Java.

During the Middle Ages, the Khmer often fought with their neighbors (Vietnam and Siam claimed the territory of Cambodia).

In the end, in the 1860-80s, Cambodia, trying to find protection from Siam, falls under the protectorate of France.

Cambodia's independence was proclaimed only in 1953. Until 1975, a bloody civil war was going on in Cambodia, which ended with the victory of the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot. As a result, the state of Kampuchea was formed, which fell in 1979 under the blows of the Vietnamese army.

Now Cambodia is considered a constitutional monarchy headed by the King.


Many different ethnic groups live in Cambodia, and therefore the culture of this country is very diverse and unique. And ethnic groups Cambodians celebrate the same holidays at different times. So, the Khmer Lunar New Year is celebrated in mid-April, and the Vietnamese and Chinese, of whom there are a lot in Cambodia, in late February - early February.

By the way, the Khmer New Year is called "Chnam-Tmai". During this holiday, it is necessary to build sand hills, which are considered a symbol of Buddha's stupas. Moreover, every grain of sand in such a hill can save a person from sins.


Cambodia neighbors Thailand and Vietnam, which can be attributed to the "heavyweights" of culinary traditions. Therefore, very often they forget about the cuisine of Cambodia, giving preference to dishes from Thailand and Vietnam. However, once you try Khmer cuisine, you will fall in love with it forever...

Of course, you need to get used to Cambodian cuisine - for Europeans it will seem too exotic at first (for example, it uses fried grasshoppers and ants).

In Cambodia, tourists are recommended to try Bai sach chrouk (pork with rice), amok fish (served on a banana leaf), Lap Khmer salad (beef with vegetables and spices), Nom banh chok (red noodles ), "Kdam chaa" (fried crab), red ants with beef and basil, "Ang dtray-meuk" (fried squid), "Cha houy teuk" (jelly).

Sights of Cambodia

According to official data, there are now several thousand historical, architectural and archaeological monuments in Cambodia. The top 10 best attractions in Cambodia, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Diamond Buddha Pagoda in Phnom Penh
  2. Citadel of Angkor Thom
  3. Royal Palace in Phnom Penh
  4. Wat Phnom temple in Phnom Penh
  5. Pre Can Monastery
  6. Eyebrow Temple in Phnom Penh
  7. Temple complex Wat Banan in Battambang
  8. Wat Lang Ka Pagoda in Phnom Penh
  9. angkor wat temple
  10. Bayon Temple at Angkor

Cities and resorts

The largest Cambodian cities are Kampong Thom, Battambang, Sihanoukville, and, of course, Phnom Penh.

In Cambodia, tourists are waiting for several beach resorts. The most popular of them are Sihanoukville and Kampot.

On one of the islands near Kampot, the former king of Cambodia Sihanouk liked to relax. By the way, it is believed that the most the best dishes seafood is served in the restaurants of Kampot.

However, the most popular beach resort Sihanoukville is considered in Cambodia. Its two beaches, Ochatial Beach and Sokha Beach, are especially popular. On an island near Sihanoukville excellent conditions for diving and fishing (there are very beautiful corals with a lot of exotic fish).


Tourists from Cambodia usually bring handicrafts, scarves, shawls, jewelry, palm sugar, Cambodian spices, tea, bamboo napkins, Cambodian musical instruments(bamboo flute, tro-kmae - a kind of three-string violin).

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 08:00-15:00

The shops:
08:00-20:00 seven days a week


Khmer language.

The Khmers and a number of the hill tribes of Cambodia speak closely related languages ​​that belong to the Mon-Khmer group. The Austroasiatic language family includes the Senoi and Semang of Malacca, Vietnamese, the Munda languages ​​of India, and the Mon language of Thailand.

The Khmae language is monotonous with traces of tonal stress. Vocabulary is characterized by the use of monosyllabic and two-syllable words. The language has no cases, no number, no tense. Words are difficult to pronounce for foreign-speaking people, they are very different from European ones, so if you decide to learn Khmer, you will need months and months of hard training just for pronunciation. There is a myth that is actively promoted by those people who, in long torment, have mastered written language, but they do not really understand why they did it. These people everywhere, in personal communication and on various forums, with foam at the mouth, prove to everyone that mastering the Khmer language without learning the alphabet is IMPOSSIBLE. Of course, this is, to put it mildly, false. Thanks to its simplified grammar compared to many languages, Khmer is quite easy to master for everyday (everyday) communication, to the extent that explaining in this language and understanding the locals is not difficult. You can (and sometimes you need to get the fastest results) to master the Khmer language, bypassing the dreary study of the longest alphabet in the world.


The Khmers, like the Vietnamese, Laotians, Thais, are considered to be the Thai-Malay anthropological type of the southern Mongoloid race. Cambodian hair color is dark to blue-black. Images of people of this type can be found on the bas-reliefs of the temples of Angkor.
The Highland Khmers and the Cham tribes have features characteristic of the Australoid race. It can be concluded that they belong to the remnant of the ancient Austroloid population of Southeast Asia.
The mountainous Khmers in the north and slightly to the east include kui, brao, stiengi, in the west and in the central part of the country - anrak, por, chon, samre. Highland Khmers in Cambodia are considered part of the Khmer nation.
In the northeast live close to the mountainous Khmers in culture and development of the tyams: Jarai and Rade. The Cham language belongs to the Austronesian family of languages.
Cambodians from Angkor have a darker skin color, a straight and high nose, wavy and soft hair.
Some Khmer tribes have features of the Samre and Por blacks living in the western part of Cambodia.


The Khmers can be classified as ancient inhabitants region, confirming the peculiarities of language and anthropology.
Legends say that the naga snake was the progenitor of the people. In Indian mythology, snakes - nagas were the rulers of the earth and lived in the region of the extreme south.

According to Khmer tradition, many centuries ago, the king of Indraprashta, now Delhi, expelled his own son Preh Thogng from home. Preh Thongng, after a long ordeal, found himself on the island of Thlok. The island was located in a quiet, but rather large sea bay. In this very place, the prince met his charming beloved, who is the daughter of a sea serpent, perhaps the same one who laid the channel of the Mekong.
The girl's father was not against marriage and even drained all the water from the bay so that a new powerful state would form on this place.

They say that the spirit of the nine-headed Naga, who is the guardian of the state, lived in the Heavenly Tower. Every evening she disguised herself as a woman and spent the night with the king. If the sovereign did not come on a date, various hardships fell upon the kingdom, but if the snake itself did not appear at the appointed hour, everyone knew that the king was destined imminent death. The tower still exists on the territory of the Angkor complex.

Khmer culture is closely intertwined with the culture neighboring nations, and, although the linguistic difference is obvious, the connection between the peoples is quite strong.

In the area of ​​​​Lake Tonle Sap, the brightest Neolithic culture of Southeast Asia, the Somrongsen, arose. She had connections with India and other regions of Asia, was familiar with the processing of bronze.

Indian culture influenced the formation of the first Cambodian states. In the 1st century AD, the state of Bapnom was formed, the capital at Vyadhapura. The economy was based on rice cultivation, handicrafts, trade and navigation, as well as plowing on buffaloes. Cities were built and temples were erected. The culture and religion combined elements of the Hindu and Buddhist cultures of South India.

Khmer culture and art.

The heyday of Khmer culture fell on the Angkor period (9th-13th centuries). The influence of Hinduism was strong until the 19th century. At the court, the caste of Brahmins who performed Hindu rites was given special honor. In modern times, the Khmers still have elements of Hinduism in the ceremonies of marriage, death and birth.
Gradually, the religion underwent changes, Hinduism was replaced by Theravada Buddhism, which combines the spiritual cult of "non-act" and elements of Brahmanism.
Class division for a long time preserved among the Khmer peoples. In ancient times, the Kui tribe were elephant trainers, and now they were hunters of their king.
The traditional Khmer clothing is the sarong. The hairstyle characteristic of the people is a short haircut for both men and women.


The basis of nutrition in Indochina is rice without additives, and even without salt, the Khmers are no exception in this matter.
Rice is eaten with salted fish, prahok sauce and nuok mam sauce, which consists of peppers, fruits, onions, garlic and herbs.
All dishes, unlike Thai cuisine, are not spicy. Soups are seasoned with lime. In addition, the diet includes grasshoppers, frogs, shrimp and turtle meat.
Meat is consumed only on holidays. Khmer's favorite drink is green tea.
As with many countries in Southeast Asia, there is a habit of betel consumption.


The Khmer family is traditionally small, polygamy is found only among wealthy people rich urban families. Marriages are made at the request of the youth. In the event that a girl accepts a gift from a young man in the form of a box with betel and areca nuts, then she agrees to make a couple with him.
Not marrying for a long time among the Khmers is considered bad manners. Men enter into a marriage union at the age of 20-25 years, women from 16 years.

Khmer Literature and Writing.

In temples and monasteries, the development of national writing, literature, and traditions took place. In the 7th century, the Khmer script was born based on the Grantha alphabet. The alphabet has 33 characters and 16 more symbols for vowels, which are not used on their own. The Khmer interpretation of the Ramayana, Ram Ker, is widely known.

Khmer theater and dance.

The dance had high level already from antiquity. Khmer dances are distinguished by harmony, sense of proportion and classical order. The ballet of Cambodia is widely known all over the world. Shadow theater "nang sbek" is also popular. Khmer drama combines dance, mime and singing. It is based on mythology and epic stories.

Khmer music.

The music is based on the pentatonic scale. Its structure is set by rhythm, so the main instruments are percussion: double timpani (sko-thom), drums (sampho, chayam), cymbals and gongs. Stringed instruments came to the Khmers in the 12th century, these are violins (tro-che, tro-sao, tro-kmae), lutes (ta dieu, tyapey and ta khe). The melody is led by an oboe (pei o, pay-pok, pra-pei) or a reed flute (khloi).
The classical orchestra is accompanied by the Royal Ballet. Number of instruments in classical and folk orchestra equally.
No festival is complete without musical accompaniment. Many Cambodian songs have been lost due to the lack of musical notation.
Since 1966, the Institute of Fine Arts has been operating in Phnom Penh. It trains dancers, actors and musicians. The Institute collects folklore, which is then processed and presented to the general public right under open sky. Phnom Penh has its own concert hall.
The musical traditions of Cambodia remained unchanged until recently, when Western television invaded this country, planting a cult of consumption and destructive individualism. As a result, folk roots are gradually being eroded, and the place of authentic performers is being invaded by painted pop stars, clumsily copying the habits of Western pop idols. For now contemporary music still contains real Khmer melody, and pure and strong voices are not replaced by miserable attempts of mediocrities nurtured by producer money passed through the computer. But some 5-10 years will pass and we will see the same thing that is happening everywhere - the dominance of bad taste, implicated in advertising money.

Customs and traditions of Cambodia.

The Khmer character is calm, slightly melancholy. The people love their king and country, they truly profess Buddhism. The Khmer are tolerant of people of other faiths and ignorance of the laws of their country. They are categorically against the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs, but mostly against European ones. Women constantly chew betel, and men chew special tobacco and slightly narcotic herbs.
The Khmers have a sense of collectivism similar to that of the Japanese. But some tribalism still remains. Family and religion are at the top of the list of values, which is why the temple is the center of any Cambodian settlement.
"Wat" or "Wat" ("temple") is usually presented in the form of a pagoda. Holy place with statues of the Buddha, reservoirs and a quarter where the monks live, enclosed by walls. The temple takes responsibility for the education of the village children at its own expense.
When a young man reaches the age of sixteen, he goes to the temple and lives there for several years in a row. The young man works for the benefit of the temple, prays, studies and reflects on the eternity of life. The purpose of leaving the world is to study Buddhism, to raise the human status after reincarnation. In addition, a close connection with religion remains throughout life.

At the entrance to the temple, one should leave hats and shoes in front of the door, express their respect to the clergy and images of the Buddha. Donations to churches are encouraged. You can only go around the temple in a clockwise direction.

The traditional greeting of the Cambodians is a bow and handshake, similar to the Thai gesture "wai". But in currently Khmer prefer to just shake hands. Women greet both men and women the same way. It is customary to give gifts when visiting an office, organization or when visiting.

Khmers are reserved in showing emotions such as anger and anger, as to behave in such a way is to behave in an unworthy way. You can not touch someone else's head, especially a child's, point a finger at a person. It is also ugly to accept and give an object in both hands, you can perform this action only right hand, put your feet on the table and show everyone your feet (feet are considered unclean due to touching the ground). And lifting up thumb hands is considered a sexual gesture.

Khmer casual wear is quite ordinary. Both men and women wear a blended or cotton sarong. Silk sarongs are worn during the festival, although rich people can afford to wear them daily. Wide-cut trousers and dresses that cover the body and do not restrict movement are popular in cities. During the passage of religious festivals, women dress in "hoi" (shirts of a special cut), but in ordinary life they look more than modest.

Tourists are advised to refrain from provocative shorts and miniskirts when visiting temples so as not to offend the religious feelings of Cambodians. It is better to wear lightweight trousers and closed shirts. In other cases, shorter and lighter clothing is acceptable.

the foundation of tradition and cultural heritage Khmer is an interweaving of two world religions (Hinduism and Buddhism). In ancient times, even before the advent of our era, the Cambodian territory was entirely under the influence of Hinduism. This religion was brought with them by sailors from India. Khmer temples and pagodas are built in accordance with Hindu canons, although they have features architectural style characteristic of Southeast Asia.
Folk and state creativity consisted of dances, songs, paintings and oral stories. Then it was replenished with such world masterpieces as the Indian epics "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata". The walls of many Hindu temples are decorated with scenes from these works.

At the end of the first millennium of our era, Buddhism completely took over the country.
Cambodian kings accept new faith and begin to reconstruct the old Hindu temples. Now they worship the Buddha and the religious buildings built during this period look completely different. Significant changes occur both in folk and in the author's work. However, the Hindu foundation settled quite firmly, which is reflected in national songs, dances, painting, and shadow theater. In culture, one way or another, Hindu motifs are used and reflected. There is a layering of two religions on top of each other. Some ancient Hindu traditions have not sunk into oblivion. For example, Buddhists - Cambodians on the Thousand Lingam Creek go through the sacrament of asking for male power from the Hindu god Shiva, and treat this as a matter of course.

Religion had a great influence on its development and culture. IN unique culture Khmer displayed the religious beliefs of the local population in animism, and also found their place elements of Hinduism and Buddhism. These two religions along with Sanskrit and other elements indian culture penetrated the mainland of Southeast Asia in the first centuries of our era.

Thanks to his geographic location port cities arose on the territory of Cambodia, which were transit points in the Gulf of Thailand for merchants conducting their trading business along the entire coast from India to China. In those days, the territory of modern Cambodia was part of the first Khmer state of Bapnom.

A Khmer wedding consists of several ceremonies in a strict order, which tell about ancient Buddhist traditions.

The classical Khmer dance originates from the Indian court dance, which in turn absorbed the features of the dance of the demigods in Hindu mythology - the Apsar.

The houses of local residents in the ancient Khmer state were similar to those that can now be found in the Cambodian outback.

The ancient Khmers adopted the unprecedented skill of stone carving from the Indian civilization, but later they modified it, turning it into a unique Khmer style.

Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia, which is followed by 90% of the country's population, a similar situation can be observed in Thailand, Sri Lanka.

In Khmer culture, there are two main types of ensembles performing traditional music, one of them locals called " Pinpeat"and the other" Mohori".

IN different times Khmer culture was influenced Javanese, Chinese and Thai cultures, That's why culture of cambodia contains their traits. From the 9th-15th centuries, the powerful empire of Angkor flourished in the northwest of Cambodia, named after its capital of the same name. This Khmer Empire dominated all of Southeast Asia (Laos, Vietnam, Thailand). Religious and Political Views India had a huge impact on the development of the culture of the state. The official literary language, the language of the royal court, was Sanskrit, colloquial speech used the Khmer language.

amazing architectural structures that time, which have survived to this day, namely the largest temple complexes "Angkor Wat" and "Bayon" in the center of Angkor Thom (Siem Reap province), are an excellent clear example and evidence of the power of the empire and the development of its culture. Already in those days, applied arts, sculpture, music, dances reached an impressive development, and it was the models of those times that served as models for the subsequent cultural development in modern Cambodia.

Angkor ceased to exist after the capital was moved deep into the peninsula - to Phnom Penh in the 15th century, historians suggest that the reason for this was the frequent devastating raids of the Thais. Phnom Penh will mark a new milestone in the history of Cambodia, and the jungle quickly grew on the site of the structures of Angkor. In the following centuries, due to numerous wars, the Cambodian state decreased in territory, and also lost its former power and wealth. Nevertheless, it existed with its capital Phnom Penh until the 19th century. Most significant work Cambodian literature "Ram Ker" (Khmer version of the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana") was written just during this period.

Thanks to the efforts of France (Cambodia was a French protectorate from 1863 to 1953), at the beginning of the 20th century, the restoration of Angkor from the thickets of the jungle began. Unfortunately, in the 70s and 90s of the XX century, many architectural monuments (including Angkor), like the rest of traditional culture Cambodia, were in danger due to the unfolding civil war. The Khmer Rouge regime that came to power caused enormous damage to the culture of Cambodia, in particular, all educational institutions, not only religious monuments were destroyed, but also people who shared any religious belief, art and writing were banned. When the extremist regime was overthrown in 1991 and the warring parties signed a peace agreement, international organizations helped the new Cambodian government restore Angkori and revive traditional crafts.

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