Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv: Graves of Celebrities. Bishop Kirill Stefanovich

Another famous tourist place in Lviv is the Lychakiv Cemetery. We spent 3 hours on it, but we could not get around and capture everything, it is so huge, amazing and beautiful. See for yourself and read. All photos and text belong to my husband utflytter .


If you type “Lychakovskoye Cemetery” in Google, the search engine will return hundreds or even thousands of links to photos, videos, and just text with information about one of oldest cemeteries Europe. So I will not discover America and will not tell you some hitherto unknown facts, but will just show you a few tourist photos taken last summer during our trip to Lviv.

To be honest, I shot randomly. We randomly chose the direction of movement through the cemetery and sometimes stopped to take a picture at the most noticeable or unusual monument in our opinion. Already at home, I read a lot of interesting things about the famous Lviv necropolis and regretted that I had not prepared before the trip. Then our movements would be more meaningful and the most famous and famous "residents" of Lychakovsky would get into the frame. But what we have, we have.


The official date of foundation of Lychakovsky is 1786. The reason for the emergence of the cemetery was the decree of the Austrian Emperor Joseph II who considered it necessary to streamline the burials and avoid the unsanitary conditions that arose as a result of the burial of the bodies of the dead in dungeons near churches. In hot summer days the cadaverous smell was felt in the churches. Thanks to the emperor, four cemeteries were built around Lviv. Three of them ceased to operate during the days of Austrian domination. They laid through Paporovka railway line, on the site of the Gorodok cemetery there is the Railway Station Bazaar, and on the site of the Stryi cemetery there is a monument Soviet army and hotel. Only one survived- Lychakivske.


All this is known to Wikipedia and a bunch of other sources on the Internet, and all these sources are unanimous regarding the date and reasons for the emergence of the necropolis. But then small differences begin. They relate to the name of the district Lychakiv. According to one version of Lychakov- the distorted German Lutzenhof (courtyard of the Lutzes, German colonists who settled here at the end of the 16th century), according to another, Lychakov comes from the poor who wore bast shoes and settled in this area as early as the 15th century. There is also no unanimity regarding the status of the cemetery. It is believed that due to its proximity to the center of Lviv, the Lychakiv cemetery immediately became prestigious, rich residents of the "middle i stya." It is known that in the 15th century those who died as a result of epidemics, as well as suicides, were buried at Lychakovsky. So the "prestige" of the cemetery at the beginning of its existence is in question.


Boris Akunin in his graveyard stories He very accurately described the sensations that arise in modern existing cemeteries: “From the existing Moscow cemeteries, my soul turns up. They look like bleeding pieces of meat torn out alive. Buses with black stripes on the side drive up there, they speak too quietly and cry too loudly, and in In the crematory conveyor shop, a chorale prelude howls four times an hour, and a government lady in a mourning dress says in a trained voice: “We come one by one, we say goodbye.”
Thanks to the efforts of the botanist Karl Bauer in 1856, who developed the design and paths, Lychakiv is perceived rather as a huge park immersed in greenery and lined with many sculptures. Or like an open air museum- history of Lviv since the times of Austria- Hungarian Empire until the collapse of the USSR.



Polish family crypts. Some are several hundred years old. Most of them were looted with the arrival Soviet power. According to legend, a certain Polish family was buried in golden shoes. The revolutionary-minded marauders could not allow such misuse of the precious metal by the dead - the bourgeoisie, and carried out "expropriation" of the contents of the crypts at night. In the morning, the cemetery watchmen found the coffins with the remains right on the paths of the cemetery.




Many more monuments would have survived to this day if it were not for the wheel of history in the form of a stone crusher sent by the Lviv magistrate in the 19th century to destroy the burial places that have been left without care for more than twenty-five years. Three-hundred-year-old slabs were mercilessly ground into stone chips, which then covered the alleys of the cemetery.



Since 1991, the Lychakiv cemetery has had the status of a historical and cultural reserve. All new burials are carried out only with the permission of the mayor and in agreement with the chairman of the academic council. Subburials of direct relatives are allowed. Here are buried the inhabitants of Lviv who emigrated to America, but wished to be buried in their homeland. Modern sparkling Americanism against the backdrop of the gloomy, moss-covered stones of old Europe.




Female figures in mourning poses - mourners. There are a lot of them on Lychakovsky, in various variations. They say that the faces of some of them in the morning really roll "tears". But there is no mysticism in this. According to the stories, some sculptors made a system of inconspicuous grooves in the stone, in which the morning dew accumulated and flowed out of the holes in the eye area.





19. family crests..





And of course, what an old cemetery without legends. The famous Lychakovsky "sleeping beauty". Regina Markovskaya. It is very well told about the story of the "sleeping beauty": "The life-size figure of a sleeping young girl is a beautiful serene face, her hair scattered in disorder over the pillow ... Several versions of her death are told. According to one of them, Regina was a budding young actress who is too strongly "entered the role" on stage, and died when, according to the script of the play, her heroine was supposed to die. According to another version, she, already a married lady, fell in love with a young womanizer, and took poison, unable to endure his constant betrayals. Third, and in my opinion humble opinion, the most plausible legend - the heart of a young woman simply could not bear the tragic loss - the death of her young sons. Both boys, seven and two years old, are buried with their mother. Previously, a stone figure of a weeping angel still stood at the head, and then disappeared somewhere. Mysticism, an act of vandalism? Don't know. But there are always fresh flowers on her grave - visitors are drawn here, as if by a magnet ... "


Grave of Armenian Bishop Samvel Kirill Stefanovich. Again, according to legend, at the age of 75, the bishop fell seriously ill and, anticipating his death, ordered a tombstone for himself. By the time the work was completed, the patient's condition had improved dramatically and the priest was on the mend. He lived another 28 years caring for his own image carved in stone.

And finally, one more story for lovers of horror stories: “There are crypts here with a“ bad ”reputation, such as one of the richest tombs of Rosalia and Wanda Zamoyski. Mother and daughter died tragically in a fire in 1902. They say that you can often to hear the chains rattling in the hermetically sealed crypt, on which the coffins are hung ... "But, unfortunately, we did not know anything about this and I do not have a photo of the "bad" crypt. It might be interesting for you to go to Lviv yourself, go to the Lychakiv cemetery and find this gloomy place :)

Today, there are 24 ancient chapels, 5 large memorials, 2 pantions of political prisoners, repressed people and fighters for Ukraine, as well as more than 5,000 tombs and more than 100,000 grave structures at the Lychakiv cemetery.

(Total 46 photos)

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1. The oldest tombstone in the cemetery dates back to 1675. It was moved from the church cemetery from the center of Lviv.

2. A mourner near the urn with ashes, the tombstone of Juliana Schrangner, handiwork of the famous architect Hartmann Witwer. His sculptures also adorn Rynok Square and many other streets of Lviv. In general, there are many sculptures in the form of mourners in the cemetery, because they symbolize unfading love, endless longing and sorrow for the departed person.

3. Sculptural composition of Brothers Johann and Anton Shimzer. Gravestone "Baer, ​​Trunkli and Weigl". The sculpture depicts the transition from one life to another. dying girl holds a poppy in his hands as a symbol of sleep and a ritual vessel for collecting tears. The second takes her to the other world.

4. Tomb of Honorata Bozetskaya.

5. A grieving angel.

6. Tomb of the Polish Zlovodski family.

7. Chapel of Karol Kiselski. This Lviv citizen was a very rich man in his time. He began his career from the bottom, and later, having become rich, he became public figure and patron. In the same chapel lies a certain Emilia Kiselski, who was one of the creators of the first ambulance in Lviv.

8. In those days, depicting putting a sculpture of a guardian angel on the grave, people believed that he would keep them in the same way in the afterlife.

9. There were many fires in the history of Lviv, one of them directly touched Lychakov. In 1848, all burial registration books burned down, at the same time a new census of graves was carried out. During the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, strict rules were introduced on the territory of the cemetery. In case of non-payment of money for a burial place, the relatives of the deceased were punished. The burial was demolished, and the remains of people were transferred to mass graves.

12. Tombstone on the grave of Maria Anna Poninskaya (installed in 1805), the work of Hartmann Witwer. Sculpture in the Rococo style.

13. Monument to Juliana Nevator, work of Antonio Shimzer. The goddess of the dead removes the crown of life from a woman. It happens suddenly and the woman does not want to give it away. The monument was built for a girl who died suddenly under unclear circumstances.

14. The crypt of the Barczewski family, the largest crypt of the Lychakiv cemetery, was built in the neo-Byzantine style, total area 220 sq.m. Such crypts were built in order to repose the souls of a whole family. But the only and last representative of the Barchevsky family is buried here. Barchevsky was a very rich but lonely man. Never having created a family, he died young at 50. He bequeathed his entire fortune to science and charity.

16. Classical sculpture. Mother of God.

17. Alley, in the distance you can see the dome of the Barczewski crypt. By the way, the house of this family is still preserved on Rynok Square.

18. Lion statue.

20. Sarcophagus-monument, the remains of the deceased are simply buried in the ground.

25. Downed cross. Huge damage to the cemetery was caused during the opening of the cemetery for mass graves, during the years of the Soviet Union. The local Soviet authorities simply knocked down crosses from tombstones and dug up the graves, and buried ordinary Soviet citizens in a new place. That is why now among the ancient sculptures and monuments you can find simple nondescript granite slabs.

28. Tombstone of an unknown person.

31. The chapel was built in the Neo-Gothic style, the end of the 19th century.

32. The owners of the chapel are unknown. Nearby is a monument to Juliane Schrangner. On this moment this chapel was purchased. Restoration robots are now being carried out: the doors have been changed, new windows have been inserted, everything inside has been put in order. The new owners of the chapel built two new marble boards into the wall.

33. Tomb of the Pax family.

34. Crypt of the Barczewski family.

43. Polish military cemetery 1918-1920 One of the most majestic war memorials in the territory of Eastern Europe. Like most of these cemeteries, after the Second World War, the Polish memorial was destroyed and robbed. And during the time of the same Soviet power, excavators and tanks simply razed it to the ground and there was nothing left that would remind of former glory Polish boys who died for the liberation of Lvov. And only after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, with the money of the Polish government and the Polish diaspora, restoration work began to restore the memorial. According to the first burial, Polish cemetery the souls of 2859 young people aged 17 to 19 are buried.

Right at the entrance to the Lychakiv cemetery, on the right side, there is a field of honorable burials. Most of the finished slabs are empty, no one is lying there.
I express my deep gratitude to Yevgenia Yavorskaya for providing me with interesting information on the Lychakiv cemetery.

Traveling is my favorite pastime. On the road, you not only relax, but also see a lot of interesting and memorable things. When in Once again got to Lviv, could not help but visit one special placeLychakiv cemetery.

Thanks to the photo with the description, you will also have a desire to visit there.

Step into history

The historical part of Lviv will impress any guest, as well as a local resident. Among the important sights of the city - Lychakiv cemetery: one of the oldest necropolises in Europe. Incidentally, it is included in List world heritage , compiled UNESCO, and this already definitely says that it is worth a visit.

The history of the first burials in this cemetery goes back to XVI century, and according to legend, people who died of the plague were buried here back in XIII century. However, the oldest tombstone is dated 1675 year.

Emperor of Austria-Hungary Joseph II V 1783 In the same year, he issued a decree according to which it was forbidden to bury the dead within the city. It turns out that this was not just an imperial whim. In the traditions of those times, people were buried either near church buildings or in the basements of churches and temples. This led to serious problems. In the warm season, during the services, a putrid smell was felt. Such unsanitary conditions often led to deadly infectious diseases. Therefore, it was necessary to take out the burials outside the city.

As a result, after some time, burying at the Lychakiv cemetery became very prestigious. This, in turn, influenced who exactly was buried there. Closer to the city, wealthier citizens were interred, who could afford beautiful tombstones.

IN 1856 year Lviv City of dead decided to turn into beautiful park for romantics with paths and alleys. Transformed the cemetery Karl Bauer, then a university botanist.

In the second half XX century, in order to bury a person at the Lychakiv cemetery, one had to get special permission from the authorities. It was issued without problems only For famous people . However, for a considerable bribe of 15 thousand rubles for those times, the coveted place in the cemetery was still provided to those who did not have special merits to society.

The Soviet period stands out brightly at the Lychakovsky cemetery: a mass of the most ordinary tombstones made of gray stone with stars inherent in the Soviets falling out of overall picture necropolis. True, only a third of such burials. Most of the monuments date back to the second half XIX century, although there are also crypts from the time of the foundation of the necropolis.

Since it was a luxury to bury loved ones here, tombstones were made by famous sculptors. Among them - Paul Eutele, Hartmann Witwer, Paris Philippi, Leonard Marconi, siblings Johann and Anton Shimzer and others.

Celebrity Crypts

It seems that there can be interesting things in the cemetery? For me, as a tourist, it is important who is buried there, because this is what makes the Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv so popular.

Among the 300 thousand graves, about 2 thousand crypts and a little more 500 sculptures- many graves of famous personalities, including Lviv residents.

According to me, one of interesting monuments is Crypt of the Barczewski family. It dates back to the mid 80s. XIX century. impresses him pseudo-Byzantine style in the form of a bowl-shaped dome, from which a tree symbolically grows. It was built on the finances of the last of Barczewski dynasty, who never created own family and died at the age of 50. His fortune, which there was no one to transfer, made it possible not only to build a luxurious tomb, but also to make large investments in charity. The crypt was partially destroyed during World War II.

It was interesting to hear the story of the appearance of the crypt of the Armenian bishop Samuel Stefanovich. Feeling in old age serious illness, he ordered a monument for himself, because he did not want to burden his relatives after death. However, shortly after completing the order, Stefanovich felt better, and he lived for about 28 more years. All this time he regularly looked after his future grave.

Among the interesting monuments is the grave of a young artist, popular in Poland Arthur Grottger. premature death at the age of 30, she did not allow him to legally marry a Lviv beauty Wanda Monnet. Bride selling everything heirlooms, transported the ashes of her beloved to Lviv, and the artist’s friend, a famous sculptor Paris Philippi, created a crypt for him for free.

I was especially struck by a small grave: a mound sown with grass, on a simple cross - a wreath of thorns and a photo famous composer Igor Bilozir.

It is impossible not to notice also the mausoleums of famous families: Adamsky, Sukhodolsky, Kshecinovic, Morovsky, Kiselkov And Lyudinsky.

The sculpture of Kamenyar attracts attention - Ivan Franko. It is worth visiting the graves of the author of "Chervona Ruta" Vladimir Ivasyuk, "Waker of Rus'" Markian Shashkevich, "Ukrainian nightingale" Salome Krushelnytska, composers Kos Anatolian And Stanislav Lyudkevich.

Ivan Franko

Vladimir Ivasyuk

Buried in the same cemetery Ivan Kripyakevich, Anton Manastyrsky, Maria Konopnitskaya, Carl Shainoha, Ivan Trush, Stanislav Shchepanovsky, Irina Vilde, Stefan Banach, Bronislaw Komorowski and many others.

A special place of worship for believers and students - burial place of Nicholas Czarnetsky Blessed Bishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. During the exams, the earth on the bishop’s grave has to be filled up: students believe that the martyr, whose remains were reburied at the Lychakiv cemetery in 1960s, be sure to help them, and the soil itself has miraculous properties. Some patients also hope for Czarniecki's care and help.

How to get to the Lychakiv cemetery?

Lychakiv cemetery is located in the historical part of Lviv, the address is easy to remember: Mechnikov street, 33.

There are several options for how to get to it:

  1. with your car– enter the address or GPS coordinates 49°50’2.76’’N 24°3’4.68’’E into the navigator,
  2. public transport– by shuttle bus along Lychakivska street to get to the Church of Saints Peter and Paul; from the railway station - tram number 10 or bus number 29; from the center (from the monument to Ivan Fedorov) - by tram number 7 to a stop on Pekarskaya street.
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Opening hours of the Lychakiv cemetery

You can visit the historical museum daily: in the summer (April-September) -

In the historical center of Lviv, in the Lychakovo district, there is one of the oldest cemeteries in Ukraine - the Lychakiv Cemetery. This is where many are buried. famous people Ukraine, Poland and other countries.

History of the cemetery

The cemetery has been counting its history since 1786. It was in this year that, by order of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary Joseph II, a ban was imposed on burial within the city. In the place where the cemetery was supposed to be located, as early as the 16th century, the townspeople who died from the plague were buried. The proximity to the city made it possible to bury both ordinary citizens and wealthy people here. Now the tombstones of these persons are real historical values and monuments of art different eras. Subsequently, the burial at the Lychakiv cemetery acquired a prestigious status, so ordinary citizens did not always have the opportunity to bury their loved ones here. During the Khrushchev era, a special permit was required for burial in the cemetery. Therefore, they buried then mainly statesmen in different areas. monuments Soviet period introduced an imbalance in the architectural ensemble of the cemetery. Rectangular tombstones and red stars did not harmonize with the former appearance at all.

Many burials were made in the second half of the 19th century. There are also those that have been preserved since the formation of the cemetery. In the 19th century it was fashionable to order monuments from famous sculptors. So, for example, in the necropolis there are monuments belonging to the chisel of Gertman Witwer, who is the author of sculptures in the form of four antique statues located on Rynok Square.

Notable citizens

Large crypts were erected for wealthy families. One of those that attracts the attention of visitors to the Lychakiv cemetery is the crypt of the Barczewski family. It was created at the end of the 19th century in pseudo-Byzantine style. The dome, made in the form of a bowl, was destroyed during the Second World War. Now a tree is growing from the dome. The crypt was created for the family last man from the Barchevsky family, but he never created a family and died at the age of 50. He spent one part of the funds on the construction of the crypt, and sent the rest to charity.

Another monument to Bishop Samuel Stefanovich was made and installed by his order during his serious illness. However, soon the disease passed. He lived for almost thirty more years and constantly looked after his monument.

Attractions of the cemetery

The Lychakiv cemetery is full of all kinds of legends and mystical places. For example, on the tombstone of the famous publicist J. Galan, a Christian cross appears after the rain. Of course, this is not mysticism. It's just that the tombstone was made of a stone that had previously been the tombstone of another person, and the master, apparently, did not rub the cross too carefully. In the depths of the cemetery there is a “Rebel Hill of 1863”. Participants of the Polish uprising of 1863 are buried here. Their monuments with steel crosses have original look. The Lychakiv cemetery has more than 500 sculptures and more than 300,000 graves. The "Memorial of the Lviv Eaglets" is very popular. Young militiamen who died in 1918-1919 during the Ukrainian-Polish war are buried here. Many were not even 16 years old. In the north of the Lychakiv cemetery is the famous Field of Mars. This is a military memorial with 3800 graves of Soviet soldiers, built in 1974.

An integral part of the history of the city, which is worth getting to know is the Golden Rose Synagogue, which has a very interesting history.

Lychakiv cemetery on the map of Lviv

In the historical center of Lviv, in the Lychakovo district, there is one of the oldest cemeteries in Ukraine - the Lychakiv Cemetery. It is here that many famous people of Ukraine, Poland and other countries are buried.

History of the cemetery

The cemetery has been counting its history since 1786. It was in this year that, by order of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary Joseph II, a ban was imposed on the burial..." />

The cemetery is not a place to walk. This rule has been instilled in us since childhood, and we live with the firm conviction that every visit to the churchyard takes away from us a piece of vital energy and strength. And how many horror films are based on a plot where main character turns out to be at the gravestone at night! But if you are lucky enough to be in Lviv, be sure to get an excursion to the Lychakiv cemetery. This place is strikingly different from everything that we understand by the word "graveyard". After all, here is real city dead with beautiful green alleys and paved paths, and an abundance of sculptures and masterpieces of architecture makes the Lychakiv cemetery a real landmark of the city. From our article you will learn a lot of interesting things about this unique place, as well as the stories of people who found eternal peace here.

Short description

The Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv is considered one of the oldest and most beautiful. Twenty-six years ago, this necropolis was officially transferred to the category historical monuments. Now it belongs to the historical and memorial museum-reserves of Ukraine. On the territory of Lychakov there are graves of celebrities, tombs of ancient European families and burials of citizens awarded various honorary titles (including the Hero Soviet Union). Here you can find gravestone inscriptions in at least twenty-four languages, and among the graves there are more than four hundred thousand graves of people of different nationalities.

The Lychakiv cemetery occupies about forty-two hectares of land on a hill. The entire territory is cut into eighty-six sections, here for some reason they are called "fields". The churchyard is famous for its sculptural structures, there are more than five hundred of them. Also big interest rich and intricately designed crypts evoke the locals and tourists. Many of the two thousand structures were built famous architects of his time. They often became the authors of tombstones, in which various architectural styles characteristic of a particular era.

Today, to look at the graves of celebrities, you can book a group tour. It is carried out in several languages, so Foreign tourists often visit the most famous cemetery in Lviv, listening to the guide with great interest.

History of the cemetery

Historians claim that the Lychakiv cemetery (Lviv) was founded in the sixteenth century. However, written evidence has been preserved that three centuries before the foundation of the necropolis, people who died from the plague were buried on these lands. The place was considered sufficiently remote from the city, which excluded the spread of infection.

It was only at the end of the eighteenth century, by order of Emperor Joseph II, that the Lychakiv cemetery began to be used everywhere for the burial of dead citizens. The fact is that earlier it was customary to bury the dead within the city near temples and churches. In a small area, crypts were built, where all the bodies fell. Naturally, the smell of rotting flesh enveloped the city in a stinking cloud. Infectious diseases often broke out, usually they turned into epidemics and claimed a huge number of people with them. The Austrian emperor decided to move all cemeteries outside the city in order to clear its territory of any possible infections and bad smell, because of which visiting the church turned into excruciating torture.

By decree of the emperor, four plots of land were cleared for graveyards. But, unfortunately, only the Lychakiv cemetery has survived to this day. In Lviv, every schoolchild knows about it, because walking along this historical museum turn into a real pleasure. Interestingly, since its foundation, the territory of the cemetery has aroused interest among the wealthy residents of the city. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, they began to buy land for the construction of crypts, which significantly expanded the perimeter of the churchyard. From that moment on, not just tombstones were erected here, but real masterpieces of art, to which the most famous sculptors and architects had a hand. Among them are such names as:

  • Hartmann Witwer.
  • Paris Philippi.
  • Leonardo Marconi and so on.

The tombs created by these people became family ones. Several generations of the same family found their rest here.

In the fifties of the nineteenth century, a project was created that turned the area into a real museum. Its authors were two talented botanists who thought out a system of alleys and paths that give visitors the feeling of walking through a beautiful European city.

Which celebrity is buried at the Lychakiv cemetery?

Many guides claim that the names of the people who found their refuge in the churchyard near Lviv do not say anything to Russians. In fact, this is not so, because among the large number of Polish, German and Ukrainian names there are those that are well known to our compatriots in Soviet times.

For example, buried here National artist USSR Boris Romanitsky and his wife Nadezhda Dotsenko. During the tour, the guide will definitely lead the group past the grave of the Soviet playwright Yaroslav Galan, well known in all former republics Soviet Union. We will talk about his memorial a little later. If you find yourself in the Lychakovsky churchyard, be sure to visit the grave of Ivan Franko. This man is considered one of the most bright figures revolutionary movement late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. At the same time, he is known as a writer, poet and publicist. A year before his death, he was even nominated for Nobel Prize. In Ukraine, his name is very well known and respected; one city and an urban-type settlement in the Lviv region are named after the revolutionary.

Also, visitors to the cemetery should pay attention to the monuments to the following people:

  • Stanislav Ludkevich.
  • Vladimir Ivasyuk.
  • Mykola Kolessa.
  • Yaroslav Galan.
  • Regina Markovskaya.
  • Grigory Tyutyunnik.

We will briefly describe each memorial in the following sections of our article.

Hill of Glory

Today, the Hill of Glory also belongs to the Lychakiv cemetery - a famous memorial where Russian soldiers who died in the Battle of Galicia in 1914, as well as Soviet soldiers who liberated Lviv from the Nazi invaders, are buried.

The first burials in this area were made in the fourteenth year of the twentieth century. There were mass graves and individual graves. At that time, the memorial was a white high cross, mounted on a pedestal. There were walkways and benches set up.

After the Second World War, the number of burials increased - two hundred and fifty-five individual and three mass graves. The memorial was completely redone; large group architects from Lviv. Thanks to their efforts, the Hill of Glory became a circle, divided into two semicircles by an alley. Each contains thirteen gravestones, at the entrance there are two sculptural groups And Eternal flame.

Unfortunately, if you come to Lviv now, the eternal flame at the Lychakiv cemetery will not burn. IN last time it was lit on the ninth of May of this year at nine o'clock in the morning and extinguished at six o'clock in the evening. This fact caused great unrest in Ukraine, but the leader memorial museum-reserve refers to the order received from the mayor of Lvov.

Memorial in honor of the soldiers of the Ukrainian National Army

Nine years ago, a memorial was erected on the territory of the Lychakiv cemetery in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Ukrainian National Army. It began to take shape two months before the end of the war with Nazi Germany.

Today, patriots and members of various public organizations to lay flowers at the memorial.

Burial of Stanislav Lyudkevich

If you start to inspect the churchyard from the central alley, you will surely stumble upon the memorial of Lyudkevich. This amazing person was a talented composer and artist who received many titles confirming his services to the country. Stanislav Lyudkevich lived for a hundred years and all these years he warmed people with the flame of his talent. That is why a sculptural composition of Prometheus was installed on his grave, reflecting the essence of the composer's life.

Ukrainian composer and poet Ivasyuk

Vladimir Ivasyuk, like many other artists of the Soviet period, is buried on Lychakovo. Over the thirty years of his life, he managed to prove himself as a talented and versatile person who made a huge contribution to the development Ukrainian music. Ivasyuk played the violin, guitar and several others superbly. musical instruments. In parallel, he wrote poetry, and by education he was medical worker with great promise.

Many rumors are connected with the death of V. Ivasyuk, because he was found hanged on a tree in the vicinity of Lviv. official version there was a suicide, but several times a criminal case was opened on the fact of death, but each time it was closed for lack of corpus delicti.

Mykola Kolessa

Not far from the grave of Lyudkevich, the composer Kolessa was buried, who managed to live up to one hundred and three years and had long list government awards. Mikola Filaretovich composed music and also played in the theater. Unfortunately, a worthy monument has not yet been erected on his grave. However, it is worth hoping that the sculptural composition will be created soon. After all, such a person deserves a long memory.

The burial of Yaroslav Galan does not have a pretentious appearance and even a sculptural composition that could reflect the talent of this writer and publicist. On his grave is a simple, smooth, dark-colored granite slab. True, it is quite difficult to get past it. It stands out very strikingly against the backdrop of intricately decorated crypts, which are often called "houses for the dead." It is noteworthy, but after a downpour on a smooth slab, it clearly appears Orthodox cross. locals find no other explanation for this than the mystical.

If you find yourself at the Lychakiv cemetery, then be sure to find the grave of Galan, who proved himself to be a bright individualist during the period of the communist party's total power over the minds and souls of the people. It was for his views that he paid with his life when he was hacked to death with an ax by a Ukrainian nationalist.

Regina Markovskaya

This actress has received one of the most unusual monuments at the cemetery. He is often called the "sleeping beauty" because of the sculptural composition of a girl reclining on a luxurious bed. The young beauty is in a sleeping state, her face is relaxed, and her hair is scattered over the pillow. Historians claim that the sculptor was a relative of Regina Markovskaya and in his creation he tried to capture the beautiful features of the actress.

There are many rumors about her on the Internet, but it is known for certain that she did not shine on stage for long, having died of tuberculosis.

Grave of G. M. Tyutyunnik

The tombstone of the Ukrainian prose writer Grigory Tyutyunnik looks very severe against the background of ancient sculptural compositions cemeteries. It is a roughly hewn stone, to which is attached a bas-relief with the writer's face. Only the years of the writer's life are carved on the tombstone itself.

I would like to note that Tyutyunnik lived a short life - only forty-one years. But the writer used the time and talent given to him by fate to the full. He created a number of works that are still considered classics. Ukrainian literature. Some of them have even been made into feature films.

Directions to the Lychakiv necropolis and the cost of excursions

If you do not know how to get to the Lychakiv cemetery, then this section of the article will be useful to you. The necropolis is located on Mechnikov Street, thirty-three, not far from the central square. From there, you can walk to the churchyard in just fifteen minutes.

However, there are several public transport routes that will quickly take you to this necropolis. Podvalna Street runs through the center of Lviv, from which you can get to the Lychakiv Cemetery by tram number seven. If you plan to go sightseeing in Lviv directly from the railway station, then you need the twenty-ninth bus route or tram number ten. You can also use minibuses, which in large numbers ply along Lychakivska street.

Keep in mind that the entrance to the necropolis is paid. For one person you will need to pay about ten hryvnia. Group tours are held with the number of tourists at least ten people. In this case, you must pay one hundred hryvnia. For this money, the guide will take you to the most interesting places cemetery and tell about its history in the required language.

Many people say that visiting the Lychakiv cemetery made a deep impression on them. However, not all tourists allow themselves to take photographs of tombstones, considering it in bad taste and fearing the revenge of the deceased. It is known that on this graveyard often happen incredible stories mystical character. For example, in one of the crypts where a mother and daughter are buried, burned alive during a fire, the creak of iron chains holding the coffins is periodically heard. This is rather difficult to explain, given that the crypt is hermetically sealed and drafts are impossible inside. Whatever it was in reality, but a tour of this ancient necropolis leaves positive emotions, seasoned with light and bright sadness.

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