Mulyavin Pesnyary biography family. The note broke ... Stories of the tragic deaths of Belarusian artists


Vladimir Georgievich Mulyavin was born on January 12, 1941 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Father is a worker at the Uralmash plant.

He became interested in music early - he started playing the guitar at the age of 12.

In 1956, after graduating from an 8-year school, he entered the Sverdlovsk Music College, the department of string instruments. He was expelled from the school for his passion for jazz; despite the fact that he was eventually restored, after some time he left the school for own will.

From 1958-1963 he worked as a staff musician in various regional philharmonics. He played in the Neapolitan ensemble of the UZTM Palace of Culture in Sverdlovsk.

In 1963 he was invited to work at the Belarusian State Philharmonic.

In 1965-1967 he served in the ranks armed forces USSR, near Minsk. He created a vocal quartet in the company, took part in the organization of the ensemble of the Belarusian Military District.

At the end of his military service, he returned to the Belarusian State Philharmonic, under which in 1968 the Lyavony vocal and instrumental ensemble was created (plural from Lyavon - Belarusian name, corresponds to the Russian Leonid). In 1970, the ensemble, whose artistic director was Vladimir Mulyavin, was renamed Pesnyary. Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

May 14, 2002 got into a car accident. After 8 months, on January 26, 2003, he died in Moscow at the N. N. Burdenko GVKG. He was buried in Minsk at the Eastern Cemetery.

Personal life

In 1959, he married Lydia Karmalskaya (she worked on stage in the genre of artistic whistling). In 1961, their daughter Marina was born, and in 1975, their son Vladimir (died in 2006), in the same year the marriage with L. Karmalskaya was terminated.

He remarried Svetlana Konstantinovna Slizskaya. In 1976 their daughter Olga was born.

In 1981, he divorced S. Slizskaya and married actress Svetlana Penkina. In 1982, their son Valery was born.

The elder brother of Vladimir Mulyavin - Valery - died on tour in Yalta in 1973.


  • Francysk Skaryna Medal (1994).
  • Order of Francysk Skaryna (2001).
  • On January 21, 2001, a star was laid on the Avenue of Stars in Moscow in honor of Vladimir Mulyavin and the Pesnyary ensemble.


  • 1973 - Honored Artist Byelorussian SSR.
  • 1979 - People's Artist of the Byelorussian SSR.
  • 1991 - People's Artist of the USSR.


  • In 2004, a boulevard in the center of Minsk was renamed in honor of Mulyavin, which previously bore the name of Lunacharsky
  • In 2006 at the Moscow memorial cemetery Minsk, a tombstone was opened sculptural composition Vladimir Mulyavin by sculptor Alexander Kastryukov and architect Stalin Fedchenko.
  • In 2006, a memorial plaque was installed in Yekaterinburg on the house where Vladimir Georgievich spent his childhood. Authors memorial sign were the sculptor Pavel Voynitsky and the architect Valery Ivanov.
  • Filmed in 2007 documentary dedicated to Mulyavin.
  • The 65th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Mulyavin was celebrated.
  • Released in 2009 Postage Stamp Belarus dedicated to Mulyavin.

Vladimir Mulyavin was born in 1941 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg, Russia), studied at the local music school, worked in the Siberian Philharmonics.

In 1963 he was invited to the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society. In 1968, he founded the Lyavony ensemble, which in 1970 became Pesniary.

learned Belarusian language to work with folk song. Thanks to "Pesnyary", Belarusian folklore and classical poetry (Kupala, Kolas, Bogdanovich, Tank) became known throughout the USSR. Gathered a golden composition of musicians: Misevich, Bortkevich, Kasheparov, Tyshko, Demeshko, Daineko, Polivoda.

In 2002, Mulyavin was in a severe car accident and on January 26, 2003 he died from his injuries in the hospital. He was buried at the Eastern Cemetery in Minsk.

"Pesnyary" remains one of the greatest cultural achievements of Belarus in the 20th century.

[show]Ancestors of Vladimir Mulyavin were wealthy Siberian merchants

They had their own shops, were educated. Soviet authority repressed them. And already Vladimir's father, Georgy Mulyavin, was a simple worker at the Uralmash plant. He was musically gifted and played the guitar well. George left the family for another woman, leaving his wife with three children.

Mulyavin did not have a completed musical education, as he was expelled from his second year

His first music teacher was political prisoner Alexander Navrotsky.

As Mulyavin said, this graduate Kharkov Institute culture and a former prisoner of the Stalinist camps was an unusually talented musician and teacher. He was the first to see in Mulyavin not only talent, but also a colossal capacity for work. Navrotsky studied with his pupil for six to seven hours a day, and as a result, Mulyavin entered the Sverdlovsk Music College. He studied at the department folk instruments, and independently mastered the guitar, piano and created a jazz band.

Mulyavin did not have a completed music education, as he was expelled from his second year for "worshipping Western music."

Tore own notes

Mulyavin's demands on himselfcrossed all boundaries. If the audience reacted sluggishly at the first performance of the song, Mulyavin vomited after the concert own notes, and the song was no longer played.

Songs written at dawn

between four and nine o'clock in the morning.

When hiring for Pesnyary, Mulyavin asked the candidate to sing a verse from Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

If the applicant took the top notes, he could count on joining the group.

Three wives, four children

In 1959, 18-year-old Vladimir Mulyavin married the artist Lidia Karmalskaya, who performed in a rare genre of artistic whistling. In 1961 their daughter Marina was born, and in 1975 their son Vladimir was born.

In the same 1975, the marriage with Karmalskaya broke up, and Mulyavin married Svetlana Slizskaya. In 1976 their daughter Olga was born.

The second marriage lasted until 1981, when Mulyavin, having divorced, married actress Svetlana Penkina. (They were introduced by their colleague in Pesnyary, Vladislav Misevich). In 1982, Vladimir and Svetlana had a son, Valery.

Brother killed, son died from drugs

The death of Vladimir's brother, Valery Mulyavin, was never investigated. He died in Yalta in 1973, after a concert. The prosecutor's office and the police immediately voiced the version: he fell on the parapet and crashed. But, as Vladislav Misevich said in an interview with Pesnyar, criminals killed Valery. “He was lost at cards. And, probably, the criminals put Volodya on the line. But they didn’t really figure out which of the brothers was who, or maybe they decided that the leader is the one who is older.

On the day of his brother's death, Mulyavin was forced to sing two concerts with Pesniary. The audience sympathized, were ready to keep the tickets as a keepsake in case the concert was cancelled. But the officials did not allow the concert to be cancelled. The criminal case was closed "due to lack of evidence." Valery Mulyavin is buried at the Chizhovsky cemetery in Minsk.

The death of Vladimir Mulyavin's son, also Vladimir, was also tragic. Like two drops of water similar to his father, he was also a musician and even collaborated with the state Pesnyars. Subsequently, he was sentenced to a prison term for distribution of drugs and died in custody in 2006. The cause of death was reported to be long-term drug use.

As for Mulyavin himself, at the end of his life former colleagues accused of alcohol abuse. This was the beginning of the splits in the ensemble, when the "Belarusian Pesnyars" and other fragments of the former greatness appeared.

The mystery of the three deaths

Valery Mulyavin, Vladimir Ivasyuk, Leonid Garin

In the 70s, three representatives of the Soviet stage immediately passed away under mysterious circumstances. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Artists popular VIA"Pesnyary" folk rumor buried repeatedly. Most often, two soloists acted as the “dead”: Anatoly Kasheparov and Leonid Bortkevich. But by the will of fate, both of these people survived safely to this day, but the younger brother of the head of the Pesnyary, Valery Mulyavin, really died under very strange circumstances. It happened in the summer of 1973. Here is how it was.

"Pesnyary" took part in the festival "Crimean Dawns", which was held in Yalta. The organizers of the festival were supposed to provide the brothers with two suites in the same hotel, but they messed up something and, as a result, they took the Mulyavins to different hotels. Meanwhile, on the evening of that fateful day, one of the Pesnyars, Nikolai Puchinsky, had a birthday. The whole team celebrated this event in the hotel restaurant and only in the morning began to disperse. Valery was one of the last to leave.

“They killed a guy there, one of yours. Some Mulyavin. You need to go to the identification.

Tolya and I quickly dressed and went downstairs, still not believing. We were led to the scene.

Valera was lying face down on the parapet, his face covered in abrasions, and under his head there was blood. This terrible picture still stands before my eyes. But the realization of what had happened and all the horror of what had happened came later.

We had to work two concerts that day. Furtseva, the Minister of Culture, called from Moscow and said that at least one concert must be worked out, because there is a rumor going around the city that we got drunk and almost staged a stabbing. It is still unclear to me why many details of this case were hushed up and why it began to acquire ridiculous rumors. Although there were witnesses. The last person to see Valera sitting on a bench alive was the driver of a watering machine that was driving along the embankment. There was a suitcase nearby, and a group of young people crowded close to the bench. When the waterer drove back, they were gone. The suitcase stood there, and Valera lay dead next to him.

Then we found out - some bastards lost one of the "Pesnyars" in cards, and even I, even Tolya Kasheparov, could have been in Valera's place ... So what happened, Valera covered one of us with himself. And for some reason they tried to hush it all up - maybe they were afraid to disrupt the festival ...

But the whole city knew that one of the Pesnyars had been killed. But the concert has to work. And I remember this crowded hall. Usually we ended the concert with the song "Birch sap", the penultimate one was "Khatyn". And in it I went out with Valera to play a loss on the pipe. He on one side, me on the other. When you work on a concert, you kind of forget about everything. And then I mechanically go out and look - there is no Valerka. He must go out ... And then I suddenly understand that he will never be again. All.

With great difficulty, I then finished playing this loss on the trumpet. The song "Birch sap" I sang, swallowing tears. The whole hall clapped for us standing up, but we did not hear it. After enduring the whole concert, we immediately left.

Then there was a funeral at the Philharmonic and a zinc coffin. Valera left behind two small children.

Volodya Mulyavin was in shock. He closed up and for a long time I just couldn't speak..."

In 1979, the Soviet stage lost one of its most talented composers - Vladimir Ivasyuk. Since 1966 he lived in Western Ukraine, in Chernivtsi, and wrote songs. True, for some time he had to hide his real name under the pseudonym Vesnyany. Why? The fact is that Ivasyuk was involved in the nationalist movement, which has always been quite strong in Western Ukraine. For this he was expelled from medical institute where he studied, after which he had to get a job as a worker at the Legmash plant. There Ivasyuk led the choir, and also continued to write songs. One day he sent regional competition under the pseudonym Vesnyany two songs - "The Cranes Flew Off" and "Lullaby for Oksana" - and one of them ("Cranes") won the first prize. Shortly thereafter, the need for a pseudonym disappeared.

All-Union fame came to Ivasyuk in 1971, when he wrote his most famous hit- "Chervona Ruta", which soon became calling card Sofia Rotaru. However, it was Ivasyuk who was the first performer of this song - he performed it in the first issue of "Song of the Year", in the same 71st. Having become a collaborator with Rotaru and her team "Chervona Ruta", Ivasyuk wrote many hits in a few years (the most famous is "Vodogray"). However, despite this, it creative destiny could not be called smooth. For example, in the fall of 1975, Ivasyuk recorded a long-playing disc with Rotaru called “Songs of Vladimir Ivasyuk”, which included 12 songs by Ivasyuk: “I am your wing”, “The Ballad of Malvi”, “Pisnya will help us”, “A share has its own spring” , “Koliska Vitru”, “Unstriking Flow”, “Only Once Bloom Love”, “Maple Fire”, “Ask from a Dream”, “Two Rings”, “Dalina”, “A Story About You”. This record was supposed to help the young composer get into the Union of Composers of Ukraine. But this did not happen. The release of the disc was “frozen” by the Ukrainian authorities. Moreover, at the beginning of 1976, Ivasyuk ... was expelled from the Lviv Conservatory with the wording "for absenteeism" - and his stay in Kyiv on the recording of that very disc was declared absenteeism.

Already today in the USA former employee The KGB of Ukraine Mikhail Kryzhanovsky told the world that Ivasyuk was ... an unspoken KGB informant. Note that Kryzhanovsky himself in 1977-1982 studied at the faculty foreign languages Chernivtsi University (associate professor of the philological faculty there was Ivasyuk's father, Mikhail Grigoryevich Ivasyuk), after which he became an employee of the counterintelligence department of the Ivano-Frankivsk regional department of the KGB. It was then that he became aware of the information that Ivasyuk Jr. became an agent of the authorities in 1976, apparently due to the same lack of demand in his work.

In the composer's elite of Ukraine, Ivasyuk was considered the composer of one song, and he allegedly stole that one. It's about about the megahit "Chervona Ruta", the melody of which was very reminiscent of a Czech folk song. On the basis of this, Ivasyuk was called a plagiarist, they were clamped down in every possible way. Seeing how depressed the young composer was (and after his expulsion from the conservatory, he even had to go to a psycho-neurological clinic), the KGB offered him a deal: he becomes an unspoken informer of the Committee in nationalist circles Western Ukraine, and the security officers in return help him in his career. As a result, already two years after the conclusion of the deal, the same disc of Sofia Rotaru “Songs of Vladimir Ivasyuk” saw the light (and this after almost three years of lying “on the shelf”), and the first poetry collection of Ivasyuk with nine songs was published by the Musical Ukraine publishing house . In short, everything went to the fact that the next step would be to accept Ivasyuk as a member of the Union of Composers of Ukraine. But this event will be prevented by the tragic death of the composer. But let's talk about everything in order.

It all started on April 24, 1979, when Ivasyuk entered the building of the Lviv Conservatory and called his father from there, telling him that he would soon come home to Chernivtsi. After that, witnesses saw Vladimir get into a car that was waiting for him at the entrance. From that moment on, no one else saw the young composer alive (and in March he turned exactly 30 years old).

Ivasyuk's body was discovered on May 18. The soldiers of the local military unit were conducting exercises in the Bryukhovychi forest and stumbled upon the body of a man hanging from a tree. The investigation concluded that it was suicide. However, the parents of the deceased did not agree with this conclusion, since their son's face was badly beaten, and the fingers on both hands were broken. That is, before his death, Ivasyuk, apparently, was tortured and only after that he was hanged in order to simulate suicide. On the basis of these data, rumors spread among the people that the composer was dealt with ... by the local KGB for his nationalist views.

About how the funeral of V. Ivasyuk took place, the following is written on the website of his memory on the Internet: “Volodya was buried on May 22, the day when the ashes of the Great Taras Shevchenko were transported to their homeland. The oak coffin, which was decorated with viburnum branches and embroidered with a towel, people refused to put on the car and carried on their shoulders from the apartment to the Lychakiv cemetery itself. It was a procession unprecedented in those years, it was an act of disobedience to the authorities, administration, judicial deceptions. The place and time of the funeral was not reported anywhere. The obituary appeared in only one newspaper, which was published in a small circulation - in Lvov Railwayman. In universities, Komsomol meetings with mandatory attendance are scheduled for this day. Instructions were given not to go to the funeral. Not a single living flower could be found in Lvov, they were all there for Volodya, the last living flowers of his last spring.

Oksana, the daughter of the famous Lviv artist Patik, walked in front of the procession in the national order and carried in her arms a portrait of Volodya in a myrtle wreath. Behind her, Nazariy Yaremchuk, together with Levka Dutkovsky, carried a large wreath of fresh white flowers sent by Sofia Rotaru Far East and could not cancel concerts. But she asked the audience at her concerts to honor the memory of Ivasyuk by standing up before performing his songs. - F. R.)…

When the coffin was placed near the pit, everyone was waiting for a moment: who would come out and say the first word. This step was taken and the first sad word was said by Rostislav Bratun. His voice constantly trembled and broke, it was felt that he wanted to say something that everyone knows, but not yet the time. When he finished, thousands mentally bowed to him for not being afraid, not betraying, not retreating. And this cost Rostislav Andreevich the post of chairman of the Lviv organization of the Writers' Union ... "

The phrase "everyone knows, but it's not time yet" is deciphered simply: we are talking about the same "hand of the KGB" in this matter. In Lviv, then, rumors were intensely circulating about the involvement of local state security in the death of Ivasyuk, with which the composer allegedly had long-standing “misunderstandings”. However, we have already mentioned on these pages the name of an employee of the same KGB, Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, who today announced that Ivasyuk himself was ... an unspoken state security informer since 1976. And on this basis, he could not have been killed by his curators, who considered him a valuable informant in a nationalist environment. Rather, it was the nationalists who could have dealt with Ivasyuk, who took revenge on him for his cooperation with the Chekists. This could also explain the broken fingers of the composer - they could be broken in retaliation for the fact that the deceased wrote undercover denunciations. After being tortured, the composer was hanged.

There was still criminal version this tragedy. Allegedly, some racketeers "hit" Ivasyuk, who demanded 40 thousand rubles from him, which were on his passbook. But this version bears little resemblance to the truth, given what Kryzhanovsky said - Ivasyuk's cooperation with the KGB.

S. Rotaru tells: “No one really knows what happened to him. Volodya went missing at the very peak of his popularity. They saw how he left the Lviv Conservatory, got into some kind of car and left. They found him a month and a half later, hanged in the forest. The examination claimed that he committed suicide, but I do not believe in it. I knew Volodya's plans, I met him very often. Almost everything he wrote was written for me, and after his death I began to sing less Ukrainian songs, and if she sang, she returned to his "Chervona Ruta", "Water". His death was a tragedy for Ukraine. Someone said that the nationalists killed him, demanding that he write an anthem for them. The nationalists say that the KGB… I can say one thing: there will be no other such composer in Ukraine…”

Note that the then rival Rotaru had Soviet stage- Alla Pugacheva - there was a similar story that happened in the same year, but a little later - in September 1979. And there, too, it was about the composer with whom Alla collaborated. We are talking about Leonid Garin (by the way, Rotaru's repertoire also included his song - "Tell me a fairy tale", which was included in her first disc "The Ballad of the Violins" in 1973). Pugacheva met Garin several years ago, and since then he has been considered one of her most devoted friends. Together they wrote several songs, including the very first Pugachev's "imperishable" (meaning her composing field) - the heartfelt ballad "The Woman Who Sings." There are two versions of Garin's death: domestic and criminal. According to the first, everything happened because of chance. While in Sochi, Garin went over with alcohol and had a big fight with someone. The offender pushed Garin, he fell, but very unsuccessfully: he hit the back of his head on the asphalt. Death came instantly.

According to another version, everything looked a little different. At the end of September, Garin and Pugacheva arrived in Sochi. The first was to participate in the next All-Union competition for the best performance Soviet song as a member of the jury, the second came as an ordinary spectator. Among the contestants was a young famous singer Zhanna G. (at one time she hosted the Artloto TV program), whose then-husband was very influential crime boss. He sent messengers to Garin: they say, if my missus does not get the first place, you will regret it. For some reason, Garin reacted to this threat without proper attention. As a result, the singer, although she became a laureate, but only marginally - she took 3rd place. A couple of days after that, a fight broke out in which Garin died. Apparently, everything was arranged so professionally that the investigation did not find the direct perpetrators of the crime and attributed Garin's death to a fatal accident.

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The head of "Pesnyary" regretted that he left the artistic whistle artist Lydia Karmalskaya

January 26 marks 15 years since, how he passed away artistic director and soloist of the ensemble "Pesnyary" Vladimir MULYAVIN. Eldest daughter Musician Marina not so long ago released a book of memoirs, where she first spoke about the relationship between her father and mother - the first wife of Vladimir Georgievich Lydia KARMALSKAYA.

- Marina was Are your parents beautiful wedding?

They quietly signed in Kaliningrad. Dad at that time was an 18-year-old boy who played the guitar, and mom was already a sought-after artist of artistic whistling - a rare genre on the stage. They drank the “wedding” bottle of wine for a month and finished it only when friends came to visit ... Mom did everything so that dad became a soloist. When they divorced 17 years later in 1975, dad had the title of Honored Artist of Belarus and was a laureate of numerous competitions.

- You were already 15 years old at the time of the divorce. Who do you blame for this situation?

Girls always love dads. Therefore, I blamed my mother more for what happened. Although he was cheating on her, and my mother, trying to save the marriage, in 1974, despite the ban on having children, nevertheless decided to have a son, whom dad wanted so much. Dad filed for divorce, because mom with little Volodya in her arms simply had no time to do this. I often recall the story of my mother that in her youth a friend Anna Argo she was told that she would be left alone and go blind. The prediction came true.

- What kind of relationship did your parents have after the divorce?

They remained friends. Dad visited mom and sometimes even stayed overnight. The moment my grandmother died, my father ex-mother-in-law He was also with us. Mom then said: “You seemed to feel with your heart that something would happen.” How clever woman she understood that my father was above all creative person, musician, and then the head of the family. With second wife Svetlana Slimy, because of which, in fact, he left us, quickly divorced. Then he married an actress Svetlana Penkina. Mom, however, remained alone - she could not find a replacement for this interesting person. It's not that easy, and she didn't want to. Devoted herself to raising my younger brother.

Marina MULYAVINA (pictured) wrote a book about parents in collaboration with musicologist Olga BRILON. Photo from

- Did you have a conversation with your father, even after years, about why he left his wife with baby on hands?

Yes, once. It was difficult for him to discuss this topic. He only remarked: “These women are not left and they are not abandoned.” Dad's eyes spoke of more. He repented that he had left his mother, as well as in many other actions. He has always been a decent person.

- Your book about parents came out right after the death of your father's third wife, stars of the film "Walking through the torment" Svetlana Penkina

I even informed Penkina about the date of the presentation of the book. Svetlana also wrote memoirs, but did not have time to release them. Now the fate of the publication will be decided by her father and son Valery Mulyavin.

What is your relationship with your brother on your father's side?

We are still one family, we have never had disagreements with Valery. My brother is older than my son by a year and a half. He is for me a child to whom I once washed the ass. When Svetlana Alexandrovna was alive, we decided everything together. By the way, after the death of her father, she asked to be buried next to him at the Moscow cemetery in Minsk. They even prepared a place for her. And my mother is buried next to my younger brother Vladimir.

The musician called younger son Valery in honor of his brother, who was a musician in Pesnyary, and in 1973 died on tour in Yalta. Photo from personal archive

- They wrote that Penkina suffered from alcoholism and died precisely from binges ...

Svetlana suffered from heart failure and needed a stent. And after the death of her father, she was afraid of hospitals like fire.

- In your opinion, was your father proud of his son Vladimir, on whom he pinned his hopes, and dreamed that did he continue the dynasty?

Volodya was a talented musician, and dad said that he outplayed him. But because of the surname Mulyavin, his brother had to leave the Belarusian State Ensemble "Pesnyary", which at that time was led by Vyacheslav Sharapov. Volodya was very worried about this, but, like his father, he kept everything to himself. He could not understand why he could not find a place in the team where his father worked. (Vladimir Mulyavin died in 2006 from drug use in prison. - N. M.)

- Marina, do you regret not becoming an artist?

Having such parents, you must either be better than them, or look for yourself in another profession. Mom could, but she didn’t teach me how to whistle, although she always said: “You need a whistle so that the corners of your lips do not fall. Whistle into a jar for 15 minutes a day.” I do not regret at all that I did not become a singer. I married in 1979 and now have two adult sons and two grandchildren. None of them became an artist, we only sing at home. Children, however, play guitars inherited from their grandfather. He gave one to my elder, and the younger one inherited the instrument from my brother Volodya.

Before her death, Penkina saw her husband's double

Galina Ivanova has been a devoted admirer of the work of Vladimir Mulyavin and the Pesnyary ensemble. A fan was close friends with Vladimir Georgievich.

In 1998 when Mulyavina everyone left, I came to Minsk for his birthday, - Ivanova recalls. - It was on this day that he was summoned to the Ministry of Culture of Belarus. We with Sveta Penkina waiting for him at home. Volodya returned with a bowed head and said that he had been moved from the post of artistic director and appointed Vlad Misevich

With Svetlana and little Valera. Photo: Archive "SB Belarus Today"

- Galina, which of the women do you think Mulyavin loved the most?

Once he admitted: “If it was possible to repeat life, I would have stayed with my first wife,” referring to Lydia Karmalskaya. But he also loved the third one, Svetlana Penkina. When they met, I immediately said to Sveta: “I knew Mulyavin before you, I loved, I will love.” In it, by the way, all the time through People's Artist. She emphasized that for the sake of Volodya she quit her career. But if you look at her acting biography, then, apart from "Walking through the torments", there is nothing interesting there.

Why do you think Penkina died so early, at 65?

There are many versions. On the eve of Sveta's death Igor Nikolaev appeared in the image of Mulyavin in the TV show of reincarnations "Just the same". He conveyed it very clearly, even listened to my advice. And from that moment on, Sveta stopped answering the phone. Maybe after 13 years she saw her late husband on the screen and her heart could not stand it? After all, she didn’t drink anymore, but went into a trance in a different way - with the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

Just a fact

  • The Belarusian orchestra named after Zhinovich restored the program "Pesnyarov" "Vyanok". The notes were lost, but the collector found a recording from the run of all 15 songs of the concert.

Vladimir Georgievich MULYAVIN

national culture Belarus has suffered a heavy and irreparable loss. On the night of January 25-26, 2003, after a serious illness, the heart of an outstanding musician and composer stopped People's Artist USSR and Belarus, Honored Worker of Culture of Poland, creator and permanent artistic director of the Belarusian state ensemble"Pesnyary" by Vladimir Georgievich Mulyavin.

VG Mulyavin was born on January 12, 1941 in Sverdlovsk* (present-day Yekaterinburg). After graduating from a music school, he came to Belarus, with which he forever connected his life and creative destiny. Since 1962, Vladimir Mulyavin worked as an artist of the Belarusian State Philharmonic. And in 1969 he became the artistic director of the Pesnyary ensemble he created.

The unique talent of Vladimir Mulyavin, embodied in the work of Pesnyarov, opened new era in Belarusian pop art. In his wonderful songs, rich musical and poetic legacy Belarusian people acquired modern sound. Vladimir Mulyavin was also an excellent singer, the owner of a beautiful dramatic tenor, whose voice was recognized from the first note.

Forever gone down in history musical culture written by Vladimir Mulyavin "Song of the right share", vocal cycle"I'm not a paeta ...", a musical performance "Voice with a voice" based on the poem by V. Mayakovsky, the compositions "Song - a gift for a gift", "Praz usyu vaynu", "Vyanok M. Bagdanovych" and others. Thanks to the wonderful musical talent Mulyavin found a second life Belarusian folk songs"Kasiu Yas Kanyushyn", "Rechanka", "Kupalinka", "Perapelachka". Numerous admirers of the work of "Pesnyarov" listen with admiration vocal works composer on the verses of the classics and contemporary poets: "Alexandryna", "Zavushnitsy", "Marysya", "Chyrvona Rouge", "Oh, kalyadachki" and many others.

The name and work of Vladimir Mulyavin are widely known far beyond the borders of Belarus. Together with "Pesniary" he visited different countries world where art outstanding composer and the performer was received with enthusiasm. But the most desirable and grateful listeners for Vladimir Mulyavin have always been fellow Belarusians.

The merits of an outstanding musician of our time are highly appreciated at home and abroad. Vladimir Mulyavin was awarded honorary titles of the USSR, Belarus and Poland, awarded the order Francysk Skaryna, became the laureate of the VLKSM and LKSMB awards, numerous music competitions. In Moscow, on the Avenue of Stars, the star of our famous compatriot also shines.

Vladimir Georgievich Mulyavin will forever remain in the memory of his contemporaries and descendants. His unique talent and spiritual generosity will serve people, warming their hearts with the light of beauty and kindness.

A.G.Lukashenko, G.V.Novitsky, A.P.Voitovich, V.A.Popov, U.R.Latypov, V.N.Drazhin, S.N.Knyazev, I.A.Korendo, L. P. Gulyako, M. Ya. Pavlov, G. S. Ovsyannikov, L. L. Bortkevich, I. I. Vashkevich, V. I. Gaevaya, M. P. Drinevsky, V. N. Elizariev, M. Kozinets, A.I. Klimova, I.M. Luchenok, M.Ya. Finberg, F.I. Shmakov, A.A. Shut, R.I. Yankovsky.


The artistic director of the ensemble "Pesnyary" Vladimir Mulyavin died on January 26 in the hospital. Burdenko at the age of 63. In May last year, he got into a car accident near Minsk and received severe injuries (see MUSIC from 15.05.02). For the past few months, the singer has been completely paralyzed in his legs and arms. He underwent rehabilitation at the Moscow military hospital. Burdenko. During the treatment, the patient's health condition stabilized, there were even reports that he was trying to "eat and move his arms on his own", but the doctors could not save Mulyavin.
Speaking on the radio station "Echo of Moscow", the artistic director of the VIA "Gems" Yuri Malikov said: "This is an outstanding musician, artist and organizer of the vocal and instrumental genre. The songs that his team created will go down in history not only Belarusian culture but also Russian, Soviet". Editor of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", organizer last concert Mulyavina and "Pesnyarov" Igor Kozyritsky considers Vladimir the greatest musician of our time, a man of the level of John Lennon and band Pink Floyd. "Mulyavin's contribution not only to the domestic, but also world culture is huge and has not yet been truly appreciated," Igor Kozyritsky emphasized, speaking on the air of Ekho Moskvy.
Igor Kozyritsky said that Vladimir Mulyavin's wife, Svetlana Penkina, expressed her wish that the farewell to the artist take place in Moscow. However, the issue is still under discussion.
Vladimir Mulyavin was born on January 12, 1941 in Sverdlovsk. He studied at the Sverdlovsk College of Music in the guitar class, then moved to Belarus, with which he connected all his life and work. Russian by nationality, he became the founder and leader of "Pesnyary", which received the status of the state ensemble of Belarus. In 1968, Mulyavin created the Lyavony group in Minsk, which on September 1, 1969 was renamed the Pesnyary vocal and instrumental ensemble. The group was one of the most popular in the USSR, its hits "Vologda", "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "Alexandrina" are still sung today. "Pesnyary" recorded many interpretations folk songs, were the first to tour the United States, and later turned to large forms and made several large-scale musical performances which successfully combined folklore and modern sound. The 80s and early 90s were not best years in the biography of "Pesnyarov", however, in the mid-90s, Mulyavin recruited young talented musicians and the ensemble resumed touring activities, which were held with great success. However, in 1997, a split occurred in the group: most of the participants, accusing Vladimir Mulyavin of all mortal sins, left the group, organizing their own group "Belarusian Pesniary". Nevertheless, the leader of the ensemble endured this blow of fate, in Once again revived the group. January 21, 2001 "Pesnyary" led by Vladimir Mulyavin gave holiday concert in the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" as part of the Days of Belarusian Culture in honor of the laying of the ensemble's star slab on the "Square of Stars". This performance was the last Moscow concert of "Pesnyar". In 2001, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko presented Mulyavin with the highest Belarusian award- Order of Francysk Skaryna.

A monument was erected to the founder of the Pesnyary group Vladimir Mulyavin

January 12, 2006 | 12:32
Source: Interfax

In honor of the 65th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the group "Pesnyary" Vladimir Mulyavin, a monument was erected at the Eastern cemetery, where the artist is buried, the Ministry of Culture of Belarus reported on Thursday, January 12.

"Today in the morning in Minsk, at the Eastern Cemetery, the opening ceremony of the monument to the founder and permanent leader of the Pesnyary ensemble Vladimir Mulyavin will take place," the Ministry of Culture said.

"The monument, weighing about 6 tons and 2 meters high, is made of rare black granite, which was brought to Belarus from Karelia. The singer is depicted on it sitting with a guitar," the Ministry of Culture said.

Funds for the monument, made by the Belarusian sculptor Alexander Kostryukov, were allocated from the Presidential Fund for Support of Cultural and Art Workers, the ministry said.

The opening ceremony of the monument at the Eastern Cemetery in Minsk will be attended by First Deputy Minister of Culture of Belarus Vladimir Rylatko, fans of the Belarusian songwriter, famous musicians and poets, representatives of the Ministry of Culture, as well as Mulyavin's widow Svetlana Penkina.

Vladimir Mulyavin was born on January 12, 1941. He studied at the Sverdlovsk Musical College, guitar class. Worked on stage since the age of 14. In 1967-1968 he performed in the Minsk group "Lyavony". On September 1, 1969, the Lyavony group was renamed into the Pesnyary vocal and instrumental ensemble, which gained popularity both in Belarus and far beyond its borders.

After a car accident in May 2002, the paralyzed Mulyavin was operated on in Belarus at the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by the famous Belarusian neurosurgeon Iosif Voronovich. In the fall of 2002, the artist was transferred to Moscow, where he underwent a rehabilitation course at the neurosurgery department of the Burdenko Hospital. He died in Moscow on January 26, 2003 and was buried in Minsk.

Last interview Vladimir Mulyavin

Vladimir Mulyavin passed away a year ago legendary band"Pesnyary", the author of music for such songs as "Half an hour before spring", "Olesya", "Belarus". The last interview, which has not been published so far, is being published today by GAZETA. Svetlana Lepeshkova talked to Vladimir Mulyavin.

Vladimir Georgievich, you rarely visit Moscow, and Belarus is now a separate state. When you come to us, do you feel like a foreigner, or is everything the same for you?

For all of us, everything today is the same as before. It is politicians who change lives, but we have the feeling that when we are in Moscow, we are at home.

- "Pesnyary" is cult group, you have always enjoyed the viewer's love, fame, incredible popularity. Do you feel this "stardom" on yourself?

I am a modest person. I have never had a star disease.

The generation of your first listeners is already in old age. Do today's youth listen to you?

I love to watch the public. Our audience is very wide - from fifteen to very old people. And this makes us very happy.

Tell me, where did the other group "Belarusian Pesnyary" come from?

These are the tricks of perestroika. Some of our guys wanted independence and separated. But mercenary interests do not excite me. I'm interested in creativity. I didn't get angry about it. I always knew one thing - we need to work, because there are few years left. And I want to live even out of curiosity.

The soloist of "Pesnyary" Leonid Bortkevich at one time left for America. Have you ever had such thoughts?

I had my doubts about this. I have been invited there many times. And in 1977 they even offered to stay. I was in America and at the invitation of Leni, I lived with him for some time, but for myself I realized that it was too late to leave. You have to do this at the age of eighteen to get on your feet.

And if we talk about a place under the sun - where is it easiest for you to do it? What is your favorite city?

I love Minsk. But I don't really like Moscow. She doesn't fit my personality. Moscow has become like a western city: at twelve o'clock at night people come to you. And in Minsk, at ten in the evening, the streets are already empty. And the behavior of your audience obliges you to live by your laws. And that's not for me.

Today, with the development of show business, new bands, new directions, music has stepped far forward compared to the times when you started. Does contemporary youth music influence you in any way?

Of course it does. But we keep our basic things. Some today do not like how we work, what we sing. But we still try to stick to our style. For me, everything is new - it's like wearing the wrong shirt. We wouldn't want that. And to turn everything around and do it in a new way - it's too late for us. Gotta support that professional level with which we started.

What kind of music do you listen to for your soul?

I listen western music. I listen to the classics - it has everything.

In all your songs good poetry. Have you tried writing yourself?

I tried it once. I won't do it again. I do not like. I am completely different arranged than a poet. I have to do what God has given me. I am quite satisfied with those poets who write for us. These are both Russian authors and Belarusian ones.

Do you prefer to sing in Belarusian or in Russian?

At one time we had excesses and we were forced to sing in Belarusian. And when we were ordered, we did the opposite. Art cannot be ordered. Today we sing in one and another language.

Tell us about your childhood: how did you study, grow up, how were you brought up?

I started making music at the age of fourteen. First he played the balalaika, then he mastered the guitar, then others stringed instruments. I studied on my own. I rarely saw my mother. There were three of us in the family, my mother raised us alone. Was postwar period and had to develop independently. I am originally from Sverdlovsk.

How did you get to Belarus?

I was taken into the army, so I stayed in Belarus.

What is your most vivid childhood memory?

Mom said: “What are you strumming all the time? When are you going to do business? Work?" Once a friend came to me and said: “You need to work in an orchestra, you will earn twice as much as a turner at a factory.” So I began to work in the orchestra, and I was sixteen years old.

I had to go my own way. I was not satisfied with the stage in the form in which it was then. This was not our path. We took folk songs. I listened to them a lot, absorbed all the best. We succeeded because we were not like anyone else. Officially, we became the first group with which the VIA genre began.

Vladimir Georgievich, what else do you love in life besides music?

I love a lot and want to take on everything. But there is no time. I love fishing. I love digging in the garden. I have a house in the countryside. The apples are growing. The flowers, however, do not have enough patience. Lenya Bortkevich picks mushrooms, but I can't stand it.

Do you like going to the concerts of your colleagues?

No I do not like. I love football. I am a football fanatic. I always supported Dynamo Minsk. Now it is, however, a weak team, but they are rising. I go to all matches. To see it live is not like on TV. It's great to watch at the stadium - you immediately understand how hard it is for people.

Do you like theater?

I can't help but love the theatre. My wife is an actress. We often go to the theatre, although some performances are difficult for me to endure. My wife - Svetlana Penkina - acted in films.

Tell me how you met.

We were introduced by the poet Alexander Abramovich Mstislavsky, he is "to blame". He participated in the filming of the film "Walking Through the Torments", and Svetlana played there. Sasha passed verses for my songs through Sveta, and that's how we met. After some time we got married. She left the theatre. Worked with a child. Now the son is already independent - he is over twenty.

What is he going to do? Won't follow in your footsteps?

I wanted him to become a musician, but it didn't work out. He finished music school and said, "I'll never open the lid of a piano again in my life." Although he studied well and passed everything "excellently". His hands are beautiful - like a real pianist. But he became a computer scientist. He loves this business fanatically.

Do you remember how you first declared your love to Svetlana?

There was no need for words. Everything became clear in my eyes.

Why did you choose her as your wife? What is so unusual about her?

It has a lot of uniqueness. She is not like other women. She has her own mind, her own opinion.

How do you decide family problems?

Everything is settled in disputes. But still, I tend to give in to her.

Leonid Bortkevich: "Mulyavin was a genius"

“Mulya was pathologically modest. It is because of this modesty that he last years"Pesnyary" sounded very little, did not shine anywhere. After all, what humbler man, the less he talks about himself, propagandizes himself. Mulyavin was generally a genius, but he himself did not understand this, did not know this, did not guess about it. He felt himself ordinary person. Figuratively speaking, a genius dresses in simple clothes. And further. Genius sows good everywhere. He did everything for the people. But without people noticing. And he didn't need titles. But this is where the artist begins. Mulyavin is Vysotsky in his genre. He worked hard, always worked. On tour, everyone goes to the beach, and he sits on the sidelines, takes paper and writes, writes, writes ... He had little rest. Therefore, he was in poor health. Twice he moved clinical death but the doctors brought him back…”

Appreciated by John Lennon

Vladimir Georgievich Mulyavin is the leader of the Pesnyary ensemble, the most popular in the Soviet Union. The work of most VIA of the 70s-80s is now perceived either ironically or nostalgically, and Mulyavin's songs (for example, such masterpieces as "Alexandrina", "Belarus", "Vologda", "Belovezhskaya Pushcha") still have a strong influence on of people. "Pesnyary" combined Belarusian folklore and pop music, giving rise to a whole movement of this kind, but they were the first and unsurpassed in this matter.

Vladimir Mulyavin was born in Sverdlovsk on January 12, 1941. He studied at the Sverdlovsk Music College, led a school group, and then, in whatever city he moved (Kuzbass, Petrozavodsk, Orenburg), a group appeared everywhere under his leadership. He finished his military service in the orchestra of the Belarusian military district. It was in the army that he began to write the first things in the style that he later developed in Pesnyary. After the service, he stayed in Minsk, where he assembled an ensemble with his younger brother Valery. It was the group "Lyavons" ("Jokers"), which in 1969 took the more epic name "Pesnyary" ("Storytellers"). In a couple of years they won many competitions, and in 1972 they released their first big disc. "Pesnyary" became famous not only in the USSR, but also abroad. In 1976 there were triumphant trips to France and a tour of the United States. There is a legend that John Lennon called "Pesnyarov" the greatest band in the world. In 1973, under unclear circumstances, Valery Mulyavin died. It is believed that it was a car accident. The cause of the death of Vladimir Mulyavin was also a car accident in which he got in May 2002. After numerous operations and eventually hopes for recovery, he died in the neurosurgery clinic. Burdenko January 26, 2003. In 2003, the publishing house "Vagrius" published a book by Leonid Bortkevich "Pesnyary" and Olga.

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