At the bottom is the path of heroes. M


The play "At the Bottom" is the result of twenty years of A. M. Gorky's observations of the world " former people". The writer himself was only ten years old when he had to go "to the people." He observed the life of the very “bottom” of society, and when he began to write, these childhood and youthful impressions were reflected in his works. At first, M. Gorky even idealized homeless vagrants, because it seemed to him that these people, deprived of their property, were different from ordinary inhabitants. They are not greedy, they do not save money, and therefore they are free. Later, in the play "At the Bottom", written in 1902, M. Gorky abandoned any idealization and romanticization of the world of "former people".

The play "At the Bottom" depicts Kostylev's rooming house, which is inhabited by people deprived of everything. Many of them did not even have a name left, and they are known by nicknames: Actor, Kleshch, Tatarin, Baron. The inhabitants of the “bottom” are people from various classes of the then Russia. The baron is a former aristocrat, Bubnov is a craftsman, Satin is an intellectual, a former telegraph employee. There are those in the play who did not know another life. This is Nastya and "thief, son of thieves" Vaska Pepel.

It is known that official propaganda justified the existence of the “bottom”. It was believed that people fall to the “bottom” due to their vices, the inhabitants of the shelters are natural waste human society. M. Gorky, on the other hand, shows that these people, even in inhuman conditions, preserved “pearls moral qualities". Kind, soft, sympathetic Actor, hardworking Klesch, who dreams of honest labor to escape from the "bottom". And how much heroic strength and nobility from the hereditary thief Vaska Ash! Poor, hungry Nastya dreams not of satiety and well-being, but of sacrificial, clean and selfless love. And the reader gets the impression that it is not the people themselves who are to blame for their fall. Under other circumstances, they could become worthy members of society. The fate of the people of the “bottom”, as M. Gorky describes them, is an accusation social order Russia of that time.

Drawing the images of the shelters, M. Gorky not only answers the question: “Who is to blame?”. He poses and solves an even more significant question: "What to do?". What will help a person to get decent life? The main characters of the play, Luke and Satin, answer this question differently.

Luke is a stranger an old man, which does not appear immediately in the play. The spectator and reader have already looked into the "bottom" of life and were horrified by human suffering. And now Luke appears, who knows how to find affectionate, comforting words for everyone, reconciling a person with reality. He tells the actor about a free clinic where they can help him; He persuades Anna to be patient and not be afraid of death, because then "there will be no flour." He defends Nastya when he says he believes her stories of "fatal love". He advises Vaska Pepl to go to Siberia to the “free lands”. And the unfortunate people reached out to Luka. Even Vaska Pepel, who didn’t really believe Luka’s stories, says: “Lie, nothing ... It’s not enough, brother, pleasant in the world ...”

The further events of the play show that Luke's comforting lie, although it softened the morals in the rooming house, could not really help anyone. The fate of the shelters is truly tragic: the Actor hanged himself, Anna died, even harder than before, Nastya, whom no one else believes; Vaska Pepel, most likely, will end up in Siberia, only not to "free lands", but to hard labor.

And Luke himself disappears at the most decisive moment, when people cannot be helped by words, but only real deeds are needed.

Although many storylines plays are exhausted in the third act, M. Gorky also writes the fourth act, which, as shown by the long-term practice of staging the play on many stages of the world, is perceived as the most important. Once upon a time, even A.P. Chekhov doubted the stage nature of this act. But the audience's tension always culminated in the fourth act, where no events take place, but where Satin delivers his famous monologues about truth and lies.

satin is not positive hero play, but this, probably, could not be in a play about tramps. But Satin, who retained many good human qualities, became the spokesman for the ideas of M. Gorky in this play. The biography of Satin is noteworthy, who “killed the scoundrel in vehemence and irritation”, defending the honor of his sister, and after prison he “has no way”. And this man who has gone through a lot in his life claims that people do not need lies. “Lie is the religion of slaves and masters”, it helps some to justify their domination, and others to come to terms with lawlessness and oppression. But the one who is free and "does not eat someone else's" does not need a lie. Truth is God free man! No need to humiliate a person with lies, a person should always know true position affairs. Only then can he overcome circumstances. This philosophical content play, especially clearly expressed in the last act, and was especially dear to the viewer and reader.

M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom" was written on the eve of the first Russian revolution, and in those troubled days it affirmed the beauty and grandeur of a free man. "Man - that sounds proud!" It was a petrel play that foreshadowed the storm and called the storm.

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Innovation of AM Gorky For the first time before the viewer appeared the previously unseen world of thieves, vagabonds and prostitutes, and in it is a reflection of the world from which these people were cast out. The depiction of this terrible world is an indictment against an unjust social order.

Inhabitants of the flophouse Inhabitants of the bottom are thrown out of life due to the conditions prevailing in society. Their destinies are indicated by a few words. People are mutilated, broken by life and doomed to death, although they deserve a better fate. Before us are deeply suffering and lonely people. Everyone is closed in his grief Photograph sent by Gorky to the Moscow Art Theater

Kleshch and Anna Kleshch - locksmith. I went to the "bottom", losing my job. He dreams of getting out of the rooming house and doing honest work. He lives in the hope of liberation, which will bring him the death of his wife. Dying Anna all her life "shook over every piece of bread" and constantly worries, "how not to eat more than another." Act I. Artist S. Gonkov.

Baron Ruined nobleman. All his property is memories of the former greatness of his kind. He lives at the expense of Nastya, but her tears and fantasies only amuse him. He mocks everyone and quickly loses his human appearance. Baron: “Ah… for some reason I was born… huh?” Baron V. Kachalov. Performance of the Moscow Art Theater.

Actor Former theater actor. Once played on stage and wore sonorous surname Sverchkov - Transdanubian, and now he drank himself. Lives in memories of beauty. Of all the overnight stays, he is distinguished by a fine mental organization. Actor E. Reiher. Performance "Kleines Theatre", Berlin.

Vaska Pepel Thief. Son of a thief. Born in prison and doomed to walk this road. But he yearns right life: dreams of marrying Natasha, getting out of Vasilisa's power. “... you have to live ... otherwise! It is better to live! ... so that I can respect myself ... " Vaska Pepel I. Skanke. Performance by the Alma and Johan Falstram Theatre. Christiania (now Oslo), Norway.

Luke Name - the duality of the image: Luke means "bright" (the name of one of the 4 canonical evangelists) and evokes associations with the word "evil". Finds an approach to each overnight stay. In anyone he sees a person, his bright sides, instills in people faith in the best and in himself. Luka I. Moskvin. Performance of the Moscow Art Theater

“A man is free… he pays for everything himself: for faith, for disbelief, for love, for intelligence – a man pays for everything himself, and therefore he is free!..” “Don't offend a man! And if I was offended once - and for the rest of my life at once! How to be? Forgive? “After all, you ... you live with me, like a worm with an apple!”

Satin's Philosophy Satin does not believe in man, weak and small, but in humanity. Instead of "love of neighbor." He offers "love for the distant" person, the dream person. Satin: “Lie is the religion of slaves and masters… Truth is the god of a free man” “Man is the truth! Human! That sounds…proud!” Act IV. Artist S. Gonkov.

Philosophy of Luke Luke is the bearer of the philosophy of faith. He believes in every person. The essence of his philosophy: faith can change the real truth, as it helps to get away from the terrible reality into the world of beautiful illusions. Luke's truth is expressed in a simple formula: "What you believe is what you are." Act II. Artist S. Gonkov.

The philosophy of the author A.M. Gorky argues with Luka: one cannot live in captivity of illusions, and insight is always tragic. And the worst thing is that a person can come to terms with his hopeless life. This reconciliation must not be allowed. The composition of the play exposes Luke's philosophy.

April 24, 2015

The drama "At the Bottom" is a landmark work in creative biography Gorky. A description of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" will be presented in this article.

This work was written at a critical time for the country. In Russia in the 90s years XIX century, a serious economic crisis erupted. The masses of impoverished, ruined peasants after each crop failure left the villages in search of work. Plants and factories were closed. Thousands of people found themselves without livelihood and shelter. This led to the appearance big number"tramps" who have sunk to the bottom of life.

Who lived in hostels?

Enterprising slum owners, taking advantage of the fact that people were in a hopeless situation, found how to make use of the stinking basements. They turned them into bunkhouses, where the poor, the unemployed, thieves, vagabonds and other representatives of the "bottom" lived. This work was written in 1902. The heroes of the play "At the Bottom" are just such people.

Maxim Gorky throughout creative way interested in personality, man, his secrets inner world. Feelings and thoughts, dreams and hopes, weakness and strength - all this is reflected in the work. The heroes of the play "At the Bottom" are people who lived at the beginning of the 20th century, when old world, and arose new life. However, they differ from the rest in that they are rejected by society. These are people of the "bottom", outcasts. The place where Vaska Pepel, Bubnov, Actor, Satin and others live is unattractive and scary. According to Gorky's description, this is a basement that looks like a cave. Its ceiling is stone vaults with crumbling plaster, sooty. Why did the inhabitants of the rooming house find themselves "at the bottom" of life, what brought them here?

Heroes of the play "At the bottom": table

heroHow did you end up at the bottom?characterization of the herodreams

In the past, he owned a dyeing workshop. However, circumstances forced him to leave. Bubnov's wife got along with the master.

He believes that a person is not able to change fate. Therefore, Bubnov only goes with the flow. Often shows skepticism, cruelty, lack of positive qualities.

It is difficult to determine, given the negative attitude towards the whole world of this hero.


Life forced this heroine to become a prostitute. And this is the social bottom.

A romantic and dreamy person who lives in love stories.

Dreaming for a long time about clean and Great love while continuing to practice his profession.


Was in the past a real baron, but lost his wealth.

He does not perceive the ridicule of the inhabitants of the rooming house, continuing to live in the past.

He wants to return to his former position, once again becoming a wealthy person.


A cheerful and always drunk shoemaker who never tried to rise from the bottom, where his frivolity led him.

As he says, he wants nothing. About himself he reports that he is "good" and "fun".

Everyone is always satisfied, it is difficult to say about his needs. Dreams, most likely, of a "warm breeze" and "eternal sun".

Vaska Pepel

This is a hereditary thief who has been in prison twice.

Weak, loving person.

He dreams of leaving for Siberia with Natalya and becoming a respectable citizen, starting a new life.


He sank to the bottom due to drunkenness.

He often quotes literary works.

He dreams of finding a job, recovering from alcoholism and getting out of the rooming house.

LukeThis is a mysterious wanderer. Not much is known about him.Teaches sympathy, kindness, comforts heroes, guides them.Dreams of helping everyone in need.
satinHe killed a man, as a result of which he ended up in prison for 5 years.He believes that a person needs not consolation, but respect.He dreams of conveying his philosophy to people.

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What ruined the lives of these people?

Addiction to alcohol killed the Actor. According to him own confession He used to have a good memory. Now the Actor believes that everything is over for him. Vaska Pepel is a representative of the "thieves' dynasty". This hero had no choice but to continue his father's work. He says that even when he was little, even then he was called a thief. The former furrier Bubnov left the workshop because of his wife's infidelity, and also out of fear of his wife's lover. He went bankrupt, after which he went to serve in one "state chamber", in which he committed embezzlement. One of the most colorful figures in the work is Satin. He was a telegraph operator in the past, and went to prison for the murder of a man who insulted his sister.

Whom do the inhabitants of the rooming house blame?

Almost all the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" tend to blame the current situation not on themselves, but on life circumstances. Perhaps, if they had developed differently, nothing would have changed significantly, and all the same, the overnight stays would have suffered the same fate. The phrase that Bubnov uttered confirms this. He admitted that he actually drank the workshop away.

Apparently, the reason for the fall of all these people is their lack of moral core which constitutes a person's personality. You can cite the words of the Actor as an example: "Why did he die? I had no faith ..."

Was there a chance to live another life?

Creating images of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom", the author gave each of them the opportunity to live a different life. That is, they had a choice. However, for everyone, the first test ended in the collapse of life. The baron, for example, could improve his affairs not by stealing state funds, but by investing in profitable business that he had.

Satin could teach the offender a lesson in another way. As for Vaska Pepel, would there really be few places on earth where no one would know anything about him and his past? The same can be said about many of the inhabitants of the rooming house. They have no future, but in the past they had a chance not to get here. However, the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" did not use it.

How do heroes comfort themselves?

Now they can only live with unrealizable hopes and illusions. Baron, Bubnov and the Actor live in memories of the past. dreams of true love the prostitute Nastya amuses herself. At the same time, the characterization of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" is supplemented by the fact that these people, rejected by society, humiliated, are endlessly arguing about moral and spiritual problems. Although it would be more logical to talk about their daily bread, since they live from hand to mouth. Author's characteristic the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" says that they are occupied with such issues as freedom, truth, equality, labor, love, happiness, law, talent, honesty, pride, compassion, conscience, pity, patience, death, peace and much more other. They are also concerned about an even more important problem. They talk about what a person is, why he is born, what is the true meaning of being. Philosophers of the rooming house can be called Luka, Satina, Bubnov.

With the exception of Bubnov, all the heroes of the work reject the "bedroom" way of life. They hope for a successful turn of fortune, which will bring them from the "bottom" to the surface. A tick, for example, says that he has been working since an early age (this hero is a locksmith), so he will certainly get out of here. "Here, wait... the wife will die..." he says. The actor, this chronic drunkard, hopes to find a luxurious hospital in which health, strength, talent, memory and applause of the audience will miraculously return to him. Anna, the unfortunate sufferer, dreams of bliss and peace afterlife, in which she will be rewarded, finally, for her torment and patience. Vaska Pepel, this desperate hero, kills Kostylev, the owner of the rooming house, because he considers the latter to be the embodiment of evil. His dream is to go to Siberia, where he and his girlfriend will start a new life.

The role of Luke in the work

Luke, the wanderer, supports these illusions. He has the skill of a comforter and a preacher. Maxim Gorky depicts this hero as a doctor who considers all people to be terminally ill and sees his vocation in alleviating their pain and hiding it from them. However, at every step, life refutes the position this hero. Anna, to whom he promises a divine reward in heaven, suddenly wants to "live a little more ...". Believing at first in a cure for alcoholism, the Actor takes his own life at the end of the play. Vaska Pepel defines true value to all these consolations of Luke. He claims that he "tells fairy tales" pleasantly, because there is so little good in the world.

Satin's opinion

Luka is full of sincere pity for the inhabitants of the rooming house, but he cannot change anything, help people live a different life. In his monologue, Satin rejects this attitude, because he considers it humiliating, suggesting the failure and wretchedness of those to whom this pity is directed. The main characters of the play "At the bottom" Satin and Luka express opposing opinions. Satin says that it is necessary to respect a person and not humiliate him with pity. These words probably express the position of the author: "Man!.. That sounds... proud!"

The further fate of the heroes

What will happen to all these people in the future, will the heroes of Gorky's play "At the Bottom" be able to change something? It's easy to imagine them further fate. For example, Klesh. He tries to get out of the "bottom" at the beginning of the work. He thinks that when his wife dies, everything will change. magically for the better. However, after the death of his wife, Kleshch is left without tools and money and gloomily sings along with others: "I won't run away anyway." In fact, he will not run away, like the other inhabitants of the rooming house.

What is salvation?

Are there any ways of salvation from the "bottom", and what are they? A decisive way out of this difficult situation is perhaps outlined in Sateen's speech when he speaks of the truth. He believes that the purpose of a strong person is to eradicate evil, and not to comfort the suffering, like Luke. This is one of the most firm convictions Maxim Gorky himself. "From the bottom" people can rise only by learning to respect themselves, gaining a sense of dignity. Then they will be able to bear the proud title of Human. It still needs to be earned, according to Gorky.

Declaring his faith in the creative forces, abilities and mind of a free person, Maxim Gorky affirmed the ideas of humanism. The author understood that in the mouth of Satin, a drunken tramp, the words about free and proud man sound artificial. However, they should have sounded in the play, expressing the ideals of the writer himself. There was no one to say this speech to, except for Sateen.

Gorky in the work refuted the main principles of idealism. These are the ideas of humility, forgiveness, non-resistance. He made it clear what beliefs are the future. This is proved by the fate of the heroes of the play "At the bottom". The entire work is permeated with faith in man.

The play "At the Bottom" was created by Maxim Gorky specifically for the troupe of the Art Theater, and initially did not look in the eyes of the author as an independent literary work. However, the power of psychological embodiment, the sharp, to some extent even scandalous, theme of the work, brought the play "At the Bottom" to the rank of the strongest dramatic works.

"At the bottom" is a peculiar continuation of the theme of the humiliated and insulted in Russian literature. The author tells about the thoughts and feelings of people who, by the will of circumstances, found themselves at the very bottom of society. The very title of the work contains deepest meaning, which very accurately reflects the theme of the play.

The main images and heroes of the play "At the bottom"

From the first pages of the drama "At the Bottom" a dark and unpleasant picture unfolds before us. Dark dirty basement that looks more like primeval cave is the home of many people who different reasons got to the bottom social life. Many of them are rich in the past successful people who broke down under the pressure of fate, many continue their beggarly existence here.

All of them are bound by the same fetters, which consist in the absence of any spiritual and cultural development. The inhabitants of the rooming house are tired of struggling with difficulties and obediently swim along the life stream. Gorky vividly depicts lost people who will never be able to rise from the "bottom".

Thief Vaska Pepel not trying to change their life values, talking about what continues the thieves' path of their parents. The actor, who was in fact one of the most thoughtful inhabitants of the rooming house, unable to apply his philosophical reflections in practice, finally falls asleep.

Died in terrible agony Anna who still firmly believed before last moment your life in recovery. But like every society, even at its very bottom there was a person who tried to reassure and kindle the fire of faith in the souls of the destitute.

The priest was such a hero Luke. He tried to instill faith in people in salvation, pushed them to feel the strength in themselves and get out of the bottom of society. However, no one heard him. After the death of the priest, the existence of people became even more unbearable, they lost that weak thin thread of hope that was still in their souls.

It destroyed the dreams Tick O a better life, and he was the first to give up in his struggle for existence. The hope that at least someone could get out of here was completely crushed. The inhabitants did not have the strength to follow the light that Luke showed them.

The tragedy of society in the play

On the example of heroes, the author shows how people should not live. And this in no way concerns their fall, since no one in life is immune from this. But once at the bottom, no one has the right to obey circumstances, but on the contrary, this should serve powerful impetus to a better life.

"At the bottom" can be regarded as a kind of historical record. The situation described in the play was quite common at the beginning of the century.

Introductory lesson on Gorky's play "At the bottom".

Getting to know the characters. Conflict and Issues. Analysis of the 1st action.

Lesson Objectives:

educational: promote development cognitive interest to the work of Gorky; develop the ability to carefully read the list actors in a dramatic work; bring up attention to the word; to promote the development of new forms of search, processing and analysis of information; organize the activities of students to identify the predictive power of Gorky's play in comparison with other works;

developing : to promote the formation of communicative competence among high school students; create conditions for the development of creativity in the classroom; use pedagogical techniques to increase motivation with subsequent development cognitive activity; consolidate the ability to analyze, investigate and evaluate piece of art and his heroes;

educational: involve students in moral values; promote a sense of collective cooperation and civic responsibility.


Projector (presentation for the lesson, slides);

Portrait of M. Gorky;

Illustrations for the novel;

Table: characterization of heroes;

Lesson type : work on new topic with the complex application of students' knowledge, a lesson-thinking (talk on issues, associative thinking, filling in the table about the heroes, extracting quotes-aphorisms).

Dictionary: drama, play, conflict, polylogue.

Methodical methods:

Study of the poster: (title of the play, meaning of names, professions, ages of heroes; prototypes of heroes);

Comprehension of the title of the work "At the bottom", work with the word;

Filling in the table: quotes about heroes, language features;- expressive reading on the roles of the 1st act.

Textbook: "Russian 20th century literature» edited by Yu.I. Lyssogo

The main question that

I wanted to put in a play

"At the bottom" - which is better:

Truth or Compassion?

M Gorky

Gorky piled up the mountain

greatest suffering...

and united with a burning desire

to truth and justice.

L. Andreev about the play "At the Bottom"

During the classes

Organizational moment. Lesson topic message: “Studying philosophical drama about the purpose and possibilities of Man, about the essence of the human relationship to Man. Referring to the epigraphs of the lesson, commenting on them.

Repetition . Dramatic works. What is the nature of drama? Why is this the most difficult kind of art to perceive?

Student responses.

Drama (Greek) . - "action") - the most effective kind of literature. It is meant to be staged. Therefore, the playwright cannot, unlike the author, epic work to express one's position directly - the only exceptions are the author's remarks, which are intended for the reader or the actor, but which the viewer will not see. The playwright is also limited in the volume of the work (the performance can go on for two or three hours) and in the number of characters (all of them must fit on the stage and have time to realize themselves).

Teacher . Therefore, in the drama, a special burden falls on the conflict - a sharp clash between the characters on a very significant occasion for them. Otherwise, the characters simply will not be able to realize themselves in a limited amount of drama and stage space. The playwright ties such a knot, when unraveling it, a person shows himself from all sides. At the same time, the drama cannot be extra heroes- all heroes must be included in the conflict.

Before you start studying the piece, explain your association with the word "bottom".

Student response options:the bottom is rubbish, a pit, the dregs of society, a fall, bankruptcy, hopelessness.

Teacher: What does it mean to be at the "bottom"?

Students: to be powerless, to do nothing, not to work, to become a beggar.

Teacher: Gorky wrote this play at the beginning of the last century. Has anything changed?

Students : Hardly ever. There are rooming houses, the poor, the homeless.

Teacher: thus, the topic that the author identified is still relevant.

And now let's dwell on the poster, get acquainted with the characters. The presence of a conflict is already indicated in the title of the play and the poster.


  • Gorky rejected original titles plays - "Without the Sun", "Bunkhouse", "Bottom", "At the Bottom of Life".
  • The decisive word on the choice of the name "At the bottom" belonged to L. N. Andreev.
  • . On December 18, 1902, the premiere of Gorky's play "At the Bottom" took place.
  • The audience saw for the first time on stage scary world"former people", tramps.

Teacher adds: the tense silence, interrupted at times by either sobs or angry cries, testified to how shocked the hall was ... , caused such a frantic reaction from the audience that Nemirovich-Danchenko whispered to the actors from behind the scenes to play "easier". He feared that the police would not let the play end.

  • What could attract the audience to the title of the play?

"Bottom" was called Khitrov market. Every intelligent person should be familiar with this, Gorky believed. Conflict , of course, is already indicated in the title. After all, the very fact of the existence of the "bottom" of life implies the presence of an "upper stream", to which the characters strive.

Question : Why are some actors named only by their last names,

others - by name, others - in full, with an indication of the occupation?

  • The very name of the play and the list of characters speak of social conflicts, the victims of which were the heroes of the play, who found themselves at the "bottom" of life, in a rooming house.

Hero Prototypes

  • As Gorky himself pointed out, he observed the prototypes of heroes in Nizhny Novgorod. Almost every hero had their own prototype:
  • artist Kolosovsky-Sokolovskyserved as the prototype of the Actor;
  • Bubnova Gorky wrote not only from his tramp acquaintance, but also from one intellectual, his teacher;
  • In Nizhny Novgorod, and in other places, Gorky saw many wanderers, so that the writer had accumulated a huge amount of material for creating image of Luke.
  • satin also written with specific person.
    The heroes of the play “At the bottom” turned out to be generalized, collective images, although they are no doubt typical, they are familiar and close to Gorky.

Let's talk about first names

What associations do you have in connection with the surname LUKA?

One of the evangelists, Gorky, gives him a name that is dear to him. (Newspaper "Moskovskie Vedomosti", December 23, 1902: "This wanderer entered the basement like a ray of bright sun, illuminating everything bad in it ... and ... awakening to life the sprouts of goodness.")

First name Luka comes from the word "evil". This is exactly how Gorky's contemporaries see the old man (D. Merezhkovsky: "The religion of the evil old man is a religion of lies").

A contemporary of M. Gorky, Archbishop Luka (1877-1961) lived in Krasnoyarsk. He was a famous priest and surgeon, a man worthy of respect. Of course, he was known to Gorky. Archbishop Luka of Krasnoyarsk spent twelve years in Stalin's camps. In October 2002, in honor of the 125th anniversary of his birth, a monument was unveiled in Krasnoyarsk. A priest and a surgeon in a padded jacket - this is how the sculptor saw him.

What associations do you have in connection with the surname Satin?

  • Satin - in this name the sound of the word "Satan". But what test will he come up with? Maybe Satin is testing a person with the possibility of a new faith?

What does the occupation of the characters indicate?

Tick ​​- locksmith,

Kvashnya - a seller of dumplings,

Alyoshka - shoemaker,

Krivoy Goiter and Tatarin are key keeper.

Answers: All this required professions that is, these people can earn their living. But they don't work. This is also a social conflict. The very title of the play and the list of characters speak about social conflicts the victims of which were the heroes of the play, who found themselves at the "bottom" of life, in a rooming house.

Part social conflict is andlove conflict(it is indicated on the poster by the difference in the age of the Kostylev spouses, the presence of a girl with gentle name Natasha).

It is clear that here, in the conditions of the "bottom", the most exalted feelings will not bring happiness.

Let's turn to the heroes. What is the age of the overnight stays? What does it say?

Klesch and Kvashnya are 40 years old, Anna is 30, Bubnov is 45. This is the most productive age. And this is also the age at which a person should already develop, have something behind him. But these people are in a rooming house, they have nothing.

Baron is 33 years old. This is the age of Jesus Christ. Why Gorky (and we know that great artist nothing happens by chance) gives the age of Christ to one of the unloved heroes with the nickname Baron? Perhaps, by analyzing the play, revealing the image of the hero, we will answer this question.

Teacher: before than to start reading on the roles of the 1st act, I ask you to give brief information about the heroes. (Individual messages) Students fill out a table about the characters, continue to work at home, draw conclusions and pass after studying the work.

Table-study of the fate of the heroes in Gorky's play "At the Bottom".

Getting to know the characters. Mite.

  • Only six months is in a rooming house.
  • It is most painful for him, a working man, to realize that he is doomed to live among people who are without work.
  • The tick lives by one desire to escape to the surface.
  • In the 1st act - twice the remark "sullenly". This is the darkest figure. He soberly looks at life and gloomily in front of him.
  • His fate is tragic, because. at the end of the play, he comes to terms with life: “There is no work ... there is no strength! There is no shelter. You need to breathe…”


  • In the past, an intelligent person, an artist. He is kind and responsive.
  • The poetic nature of the Actor is confronted with the rudeness and vulgarity of the overnight stays.
  • on given time drunkard, constantly remembering his acting past. He is harmless, does no harm to anyone, helps Anna, takes pity on her. Quoting them classical works speaks for the hero.
  • He prefers solitude, the company of himself, or rather, his thoughts, dreams, memories. The remarks to his remarks are characteristic: "after a pause", "suddenly, as if waking up."
  • He has no name (his name was Sverchkov-Zavolzhsky, but "no one knows this"). Like a drowning man, he clutches at any straw if it creates the illusion of this name, individuality. "My body is poisoned by alcohol." The remark "with pride" explains a lot: here I have something that others do not have.


  • He reached the "dead point" of the fall, finally crushed by life.
  • Rude, cynical. On request dying Anna to stop shouting, scolding calmly answers: “Noise is not a hindrance to death.”
  • Indifferent to the fate of his comrades. His indifference is manifested at the moment of Anna's death. “I stopped coughing,” he says.
  • Once had a workshop ... drunk.
  • “I'm lazy. I don’t like the passion of working.”
  • From the first remarks, slow-wittedness and indifference are manifested.


  • A descendant of rich and noble nobles, but in the rooming house he sank below everyone. There is not a single bright human quality in this person.
  • He is still young, he is 33 years old, but he lives at the expense of Nastya, Kvashnya feeds him. Nastya is called “fool”, “whore”, “scum” - and immediately hurries to put up, cynically explaining: “If you don’t make peace, you won’t give me a drink.”
  • “A lost soul, an empty man,” the tramps say about him.

Vaska Pepel.

  • A hero in his strength and spiritual generosity;
  • Full of protest against the "wolf life", out of anger at her, he became a thief;
  • Stealing not out of greed. To him, strong man, idle life is boring;
  • With all his soul he is drawn to the pure, so he fell in love with the honest Natasha.


  • In the 1st act appears with the novel " fatal love(Newspapers wrote that such tabloid novels constituted the traditional "culture" of the city prostitute.)
  • She had already found the "uplifting deceit" before Luke arrived.


  • Appears not with words, but with a growl. His first line is that he is a card cheat and a drunkard.
  • He once served on the telegraph, was an educated person.
  • Came here because I killed a villain.
  • He served 4 years in prison, learned to play cards.
  • He pronounces words incomprehensible to others. Organon in translation means "tool", "organ of knowledge", "mind". (Perhaps Satin means that it is not the human body that is poisoned, but the very rationality of life.) Sicambre is an ancient Germanic tribe, meaning " dark man". In these words, the superiority of Satin over the rest of the rooming houses is felt.
  • Gorky's dream of transforming life sounds in his monologue.
  • Monologue about Man: “Man! It's great. That sounds...proud!”


  • Appears with the words: “Good health, honest people. To Vasilisa’s question: “Who are you? - answers: "Passing ... wandering."
  • It is known that he had a chance to "try" Siberia.
  • In the rooming house, he tries to call everyone to straight Talk ready to give advice.
  • For everyone he finds an affectionate word, consolation.

But do the inhabitants of the rooming house need it? We will answer this question later.

Reading the 1st action by roles. Text on the projector.

(in a drama, the appearance of heroes, their first lines, is important).

The action of the 1st act is preceded by detailed description basement. The author wanted to introduce the viewer into this cellar. It looks like a cave. But this is the house of the overnight stays, they are tied to their dwelling. From another world breathes cold. “Cold,” says Bubnov, it’s cold for Alyoshka, Klesch.

The task was set before the students: when reading, convey the character of their hero with intonation.

Conclusions after reading.

In the 1st act, we met with all the heroes of the play. These people are mostly indifferent to each other, often do not hear what others say, do not try to understand. In the 1st act, all the characters speak, but each, almost not listening to others, talks about his own.

Mutual alienation of the guests of Kostylev's rooming house, the author conveys the atmosphere of spiritual disunity of people in original form polylogue. (A polylogue is a form of speech organization in a drama, a combination of replicas of all the participants in the scene.) The characters are deliberately scattered by Gorky - each speaks about his own. Whatever the hero of the play starts talking about, he will still talk about what hurts. In the speech of the characters there are words, phrases that have symbolic meaning. (Bubnov: "And the threads are rotten..."; Bubnov - Nastya: "You are superfluous everywhere.") These words reveal the "subtextual meaning": the imaginary connections, the uselessness of these people.

Despite the abundance of replicas, the action of the 1st act is slow, "sleepy". The development of the conflict begins with the appearance of Luke.

The main theme of the play:which is better: truth or compassion? What is more needed?

Teacher: This homework, answer orally, based on the text, images of Satin and Luke, citing quotes (fill in the table).

Reflection: compose a syncwine on the topic of the lesson.

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