Oleg Gazmanov: biography. Individual birth horoscope

Gazmanov Oleg Mikhailovich

Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov - Soviet and Russian crooner, composer, poet, actor, producer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1995). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001). Seven-time winner of the National Russian Award "Ovation" and the most famous song hits ("Squadron", "Lucy", "Seaman", "Close My Eyes", "Fog", "My Clear Days", "Farewell", "Lord Officers" , "Baltic Coast", "Esaul", "Made in the USSR" and much more).

Year of birth by lunar calendar: Khara
Date of birth: 22.07.1951 , 12:00 (GMT +3)
Place of birth: Gusev, Russia, Kaliningrad region, 22°E11′, 54°N35′
  • Rasi
  • rising sign11°13′Virgo1 housestar of the eastHastamoon star2/4 PurvabhadrapadaDay of the weekResurrection Sun5°34′Cancer11 house Moon24°06′ Aquarius6th house Mercury29°44′Raka11 house Venus17°23′ Leo12 house Mars19°07′Gemini10 house Jupiter20°43′Pisces7th house Saturn4°43′Virgo1 house Rahu18°53′ Aquarius6th house Ketu18°53′ Leo12 house
    Ayanamsa: 23°10′
  • Navamsa
  • The power of the planets

    rising sign0 conventional force
    Sun0 conventional force
    Moon-1 weakened
    Mercury-2 very weak
    Venus-3 very weak
    Mars-2 very weak
    Jupiter0 conventional force
    Saturn0 conventional force
    Rahu-3 very weak
    Ketu-3 very weak
Rasi | degrees | Navamsa | Force

I. Sunrise, stars, day of the week

Rising sign - Virgo

Virgo is a sign associated with the element of earth, ruled by Mercury, symbolized by the virgin. People born under this sign have practical abilities - for example, keeping records or making things with their own hands. They have a weak body and calm nature. They dress well and have an unconditional purity of their character. They are quick-witted, they are lucky in commercial activities, they are interested in the most various types knowledge. They like to talk, they are very curious. There is an impulsive, emotional streak in their character, they often engage in art, music, play musical instruments, draw, sculpt, design, and work that requires attention to detail.

If this sign is ascending, it indicates a thoughtful, receptive, cautious and punctual person, restless or nervous. They are economical, methodical, capable of doing hard work. They lack self-confidence and tend to hesitate about any decision they make unless their heart tells them directly that it is good.

Their nature is religious, but the mentality is analytical. They are very fond of nature. They suffer from disturbances in their family and from hostile relations with relatives. These are influential people who are able to judge things correctly, but tend to get carried away by the mood. Their life is usually long, and its end is peaceful, calm.

Outwardly, they are usually of medium height, with long arms and legs, an attractive face, brown-haired or brunette, with large cheeks.

The sign of Virgo is a sign of a person who is pleasant, sensitive and creative, pure, innocent, or naive in character. They may work hard to earn money, but feel better when their freedom of action is not limited by the established, boring order.

Star of the East - Hasta

Hasta's symbol is a clenched fist. She points to a pure, immaculate person, and to actions related to power, control. This "virgin" is a star divine in nature. It indicates the ability to heal, eliminate ignorance, create. Hasta is a bright star, giving a pleasant, cheerful character. She is associated with the merchant class.

If this star rises we see a man pleasant character, With skillful hands, sociable, willingly taking part in entertainment, but firmly pursuing his goal. Outwardly, these people are usually beautiful, follow the generally accepted manner of behavior, sensitive, artistic, prone to social activities. They are able to withstand the competition, they love foreign countries, their speech is penetrating, their mindset is somewhat thieving.

Moon Star - Purvabhadrapada

Purvabhadrapada - "earthly", negative in nature. Her name translates as "burning couple." She points to people who are passionate, impulsive, with a fickle mind. It is ruled by Jupiter and thus indicates people who repent of their sins and mistakes. It corresponds to the Brahmin class, the intellectual caste.

When the Moon is in this star, a person will be rich, but stingy, will worry, will be under the “shoe of his wife”, will deftly do his job.

When the Moon is in the 2nd quarter, the following is manifested:

Getting wealth from the state, love of the opposite sex, complete material wealth.

Day of the week - Sunday

A person born on the day of Surya [Sun] (Sunday) is a hero (warrior), he has thin hair, he wins the battle, his complexion is dark red, he is irritable in character, generous and beneficent, energetic (full of enthusiasm , enthusiastic) and extremely bright (active).

II. Planets in signs

Sun in Cancer

The sun in this sign serves as a sign of a person who is able to be kind, sincere, cordial and indicates his love for solemn rituals. This person is attached to his household possessions or loves life surrounded by nature or in luxurious surroundings. Cancer is a mobile and "one" sign, and these people have the ability to deal with liquid products or travel related activities. They like to live close to the water, swim, they are happy to travel to the tropics or beyond the seas. A person with the Sun in Cancer is very sincere in his affections. These people have a stubborn, sensitive, emotional character. In their decision-making process big role feelings play. These people are shy, their manner is restrained, but they are receptive to new ideas and insightful. They usually understand what is good and what is right, but sometimes overestimate their own ideas.

In his career or in his social position, this person experiences ups and downs. These are thrifty, conservative people, good-natured and cheerful character. They are attached to home and family; love pleasure, fun and entertainment; have a strong imagination and a good memory. Sometimes they suffer from stomach disorders, indigestion or constipation. They are rich, their character is independent. At times they can express themselves roughly, but their minds and psychic abilities are quite bright - they just know when and whom to inspire with energetic expressions. They have a temperament of good teachers, they have a heightened sense of truth. They are able to sacrifice their own interests, working for the benefit of others. They suffer from travel fatigue.

Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius is a masculine air sign ruled by Saturn and symbolized by a woman carrying a jar or load. Therefore, such people are usually humble, interested in scientific and philosophical problems. Often they preach a doctrine with conviction. They serve well and can be seen participating in humanitarian projects. At times their mind can be skeptical, prone to objections and criticism, but, as a rule, these people know a lot due to their ability to perceive clearly. real situation of things. They usually have a weak body, weak appetite, debilitating habits, light color faces and fine hair.

The Moon in Aquarius gives a person psychic and meditative abilities or a natural inclination towards religion, devotion to God. They are often tall and have large teeth. Many texts state that they experience unexpected ups and downs in their lives. They speak diplomatically, have a developed artistic taste, cannot endure loneliness, by nature they are grateful, energetic and emotional. They will have enemies among powerful people; they will have dry skin, wide waist; they will have an unimportant character. Periods of poverty and dependence on others are not excluded, as these are qualities given by Saturn, the lord of Aquarius. Renunciation of sensual pleasures last years life, the ability to convey messages, serving influential people - all this is characteristic of people whose Moon is located in this sign.

Mercury in Cancer

This sign is hostile to Mercury, which is expressed in an emotional, risk-taking character; It's hard to live with this person. Such people quarrel with their friends and relatives, often change housing, earn a living by transporting goods, usually they are successful in business.

Venus in Leo

This sign is hostile to Venus, and this placement indicates some pride, passion and debauchery. These are secular, artistic people, loving fellowship, entertainment and "on a friendly footing" with celebrities. They are romantic, idealistic, but also practical. Astrological texts speak of "an attractive marriage partner, money coming through the opposite sex, and a small number of children."

Mars in Gemini

This sign is hostile to Mars, so it can be foreseen that the influence of Mars will be negative. These people speak sarcastically and have few close friends. They lack focus, they may not finish their work, they may have an incomplete education, they may be stingy. Their positive qualities are intelligence, ingenuity, attractive appearance, skillful hands.

Jupiter in Pisces

Here Jupiter is in its own sign and therefore is a sign of a sincere person with a spirit of service to others. They have the ability to teach, are able to give good advice in the financial field, work with children, in the church or care for the sick. One can note their kindness and mental susceptibility. They are diplomatic, sometimes married or married twice, receive a good inheritance.

Saturn in Virgo

Here Saturn is in a friendly sign and indicates high qualifications. this person in the performance of his work, on administrative abilities, on engaging in activities related to the means of communication, on love for public life. classical lyrics note such qualities as "prudence, zeal, gloom, captiousness, conservative character with love for the mysterious." Outwardly, they are usually beautiful, the hair is thin, the veins are clearly visible. May be busy, but not productively, with work in the arts.

III. planets in houses

* The accuracy of this section depends on the accuracy of the time of birth

Sun in the eleventh house

These people are usually gifted beautiful appearance, live long, associate with great men, own property, are able to earn money and manage it well. They may come from a wealthy family. These people are selfish and have few loved ones. They are proud and somewhat boastful, but are highly regarded by educated and skilled people.

Moon in the sixth house

This position of the Moon indicates the meekness of the mind, the opportunities favorable for helping other people. In their youth, these people have health problems. They may be troubled by problems associated with a pessimistic way of thinking, periods of exile or imprisonment, stomach diseases. They have enemies and suffer humiliation or criticism. They are interested in spiritualism and are lazy in material matters.

Mercury in the eleventh house

This influential person having knowledge in many areas. He will earn money through Agriculture, possessing a large library, he can be friends with important people. It will probably be a truthful person, with a considerable fortune, with a profitable business and the opportunity to hear about knowledge from the right sources; other people serve him.

Venus in the twelfth house

These people enjoy luxury and sex excessively. They may be misled by members of the opposite sex; may survive the sudden loss of a marriage partner or lose their social position. They have an interest in charity, but are not stable in their religious principles. They love the mysterious and what is under a secret, sometimes they are inclined to lie; but they believe in the next life and create good karma for the sake of their future births.

Mars in tenth house

It's perky a strong character with the qualities of a researcher, a pioneer; these people are skilled in their work and are successful in the fields of mechanics, real estate, machinery management, agriculture, transportation industries. They love controversy, are energetic, suffer from resentment or persecution. They are highly regarded for their dutiful service, impulsive and can be treacherous. They love animals physical exercise and disputes; can be rude and competitive.

Jupiter in the seventh house

This location indicates a person who receives a godly marriage partner, a person who is able to manage money well in the conduct of any business. These people are generous, more influential in society than their parents. They travel to places of pilgrimage. Outwardly they are strong, healthy. They have many good friends. Jupiter in the 7th house indicates the receipt of money through marriage and through the transport of goods.

Saturn in the first house

This indicates a reliable worker, to his credit, having a certain humility. These people have failures during their youth, and during their lives they should expect any family discord. They adapt well to different environments and have a high opinion of foreign customs. By nature, they are slow and skeptical. They serve the people.

Rahu in the sixth house

This indicates a human fighter going his own way. They are interested foreign countries or may be successful in import-export operations. They usually have a good lifespan, but they suffer from problems with the excretory system and from being disturbed by spirits, ghosts. They work hard and can take on many responsibilities.

IV. Yogi hosts

* The accuracy of this section depends on the accuracy of the time of birth

Owner of the 1st house in the 11th

Benefits from older relatives, abundance of favorable opportunities, success in achieving high goals and desires, wealth, ability to make good money, nature with strong desires.

Owner of the 2nd house in the 12th

Poverty, lack of control over spending, large debts, speech defects, complications with the right eye, timidity, limited imagination, foul language, propensity to lie, unhappy family life, poor nutrition, possible earnings through unwanted or illegal ways.

Owner of the 3rd house in the 10th

Hard work in a career, successful career of relatives, good earnings; a career in music, dance, drama or literature. Travel with a professional purpose, courage and adventurism.

Lord of the 4th house in the 7th

Own lands and houses, strong mother, comfort and means of transportation, love for a spouse, marital happiness, strong spouse, favorable fortune.

Lord of the 5th house in the 1st

Very favorable, as it gives strong fate. The person is respected or famous, intelligent, rich, handsome, kind, powerful, happy with children, religious, successful in speculation, fond of sports, well educated, wise. His fate follows the same direction as in the previous life, he does good deeds, is merciful, trained in ancient scriptures, prayers and spiritual practices. Love affairs are successful happy childhood, a good start to life.

Lord of the 6th house in the 1st

Poor health, thin or emaciated body, need to follow a special diet, lack of fame, hard work, interest or career in medicine or healing practices, difficult childhood, unfavorable start in life, close relationship with maternal uncle, being born into a mediocre family.

Lord of the 7th house in the 7th

The person will be strong, handsome and respected. Handsome, significant or gifted spouse. If the lord of the 7th house is a benefic planet, marriage is a source of joy; if it is harmful, there will be problems in marriage and a divorce is quite likely, despite the fact that the planet is in its own sign.

Lord of the 8th house in the 10th

No success in determining one's dharma, problems in one's career, one's accomplishments go unnoticed, careers changeable, lack of fortune and fame, doing bad deeds, misfortune, interruptions in education, difficulty obtaining a degree, long life.

Lord of the 9th house in the 12th

Luck is spoiled; there is no happiness from the father, the life of the father is difficult, or he will die early; no respect for religion or philosophy, no help from Guru, no faith, good sex life, travel to "unknown places" (distant lands such as Tibet or India), a good afterlife (that is, reaching heaven). Although this position is bad for religion, it is excellent for moksha.

Lord of the 10th house in the 11th

Very good position for wealth. Most desires and ambitions come true. Successful career doing good deeds. Rich and influential friends, relatives can help in a career or be associated with it. Good intelligence, happiness from children and good investments.

Lord of the 11th house in the 6th

Desires are difficult to fulfill, no financial gain, few opportunities, no happiness or income from older relatives, trouble from enemies, problems with friends, there may be income from hospitals or health-related activities.

Lord of the 12th house in the 11th

Bad relationship with older relatives, older relatives may die early or their life will be difficult, ascetic friends, bad friends, debts and spending due to friends, few favorable opportunities, desires and ambitions not fulfilled, financial losses, few benefits and incomes. Problems with children, bad investments, mental problems.

V. Main periods and sub-periods

Jupiter's main period from 07/22/1951 to 08/14/1962

Subperiod Mercury from 07/22/1951 to 07/20/1953

Ketu sub-period from 07/20/1953 to 06/26/1954

Sub-period Venus from 06/26/1954 to 02/26/1957

Sub-period Sun from 02/26/1957 to 12/14/1957

Sub-period Moon from 12/14/1957 to 04/14/1959

Subperiod Mars from 04/14/1959 to 03/20/1960

Rahu sub-period from 03/20/1960 to 08/14/1962

The main period of Saturn from 08/14/1962 to 08/14/1981

Saturn sub-period from 08/14/1962 to 08/17/1965

Subperiod Mercury from 08/17/1965 to 04/26/1968

Ketu sub-period from 04/26/1968 to 06/05/1969

Venus sub-period from 06/05/1969 to 08/05/1972

Sub-period Sun from 08/05/1972 to 07/17/1973

Sub-period Moon from 07/17/1973 to 02/17/1975

Subperiod Mars from 02/17/1975 to 03/26/1976

Rahu sub-period from 03/26/1976 to 02/02/1979

Subperiod Jupiter from 02/02/1979 to 08/14/1981

The main period of Mercury from 08/14/1981 to 08/14/1998

Subperiod Mercury from 08/14/1981 to 01/11/1984

Ketu sub-period from 01/11/1984 to 01/08/1985

Venus sub-period from 01/08/1985 to 11/08/1987

Sub-period Sun from 11/08/1987 to 09/14/1988

Sub-period Moon from 09/14/1988 to 02/14/1990

Sub-period Mars from 02/14/1990 to 02/11/1991

Rahu sub-period from 02/11/1991 to 08/29/1993

Jupiter subperiod from 08/29/1993 to 12/05/1995

Saturn sub-period from 12/05/1995 to 08/14/1998

The main period of Ketu from 08/14/1998 to 08/14/2005

Ketu sub-period from 08/14/1998 to 01/11/1999

Venus sub-period from 01/11/1999 to 03/11/2000

Sub-period Sun from 03/11/2000 to 07/17/2000

Sub-period Moon from 07/17/2000 to 02/17/2001

Subperiod Mars from 02/17/2001 to 07/14/2001

Rahu sub-period from 07/14/2001 to 08/02/2002

Subperiod Jupiter from 08/02/2002 to 07/08/2003

Saturn sub-period from 07/08/2003 to 08/17/2004

Mercury sub-period from 08/17/2004 to 08/14/2005

The main period of Venus from 08/14/2005 to 08/14/2025

Venus sub-period from 08/14/2005 to 12/14/2008

Sub-period Sun from 12/14/2008 to 12/14/2009

Sub-period Moon from 12/14/2009 to 08/14/2011

Sub-period Mars from 08/14/2011 to 10/14/2012

Rahu sub-period from 10/14/2012 to 10/14/2015

Jupiter subperiod from 10/14/2015 to 06/14/2018

Saturn sub-period from 06/14/2018 to 08/14/2021

Mercury sub-period from 08/14/2021 to 06/14/2024

Ketu sub-period from 06/14/2024 to 08/14/2025

The main period of the Sun is from 08/14/2025 to 08/14/2031

Sub-period Sun from 08/14/2025 to 12/02/2025

Sub-period Moon from 12/02/2025 to 06/02/2026

Subperiod Mars from 06/02/2026 to 10/08/2026

Rahu sub-period from 10/08/2026 to 09/02/2027

Subperiod Jupiter from 09/02/2027 to 06/20/2028

Saturn sub-period from 06/20/2028 to 06/02/2029

Mercury sub-period from 06/02/2029 to 04/08/2030

Ketu sub-period from 04/08/2030 to 08/14/2030

Venus sub-period from 08/14/2030 to 08/14/2031

The main period of the Moon from 08/14/2031 to 08/14/2041

Sub-period Moon from 08/14/2031 to 06/14/2032

Sub-period Mars from 06/14/2032 to 01/14/2033

Rahu sub-period from 01/14/2033 to 07/14/2034

Jupiter subperiod from 07/14/2034 to 11/14/2035

Saturn sub-period from 11/14/2035 to 06/14/2037

Mercury sub-period from 06/14/2037 to 11/14/2038

Ketu sub-period from 11/14/2038 to 06/14/2039

Venus sub-period from 06/14/2039 to 02/14/2041

Sub-period Sun from 02/14/2041 to 08/14/2041

The main period of Mars from 08/14/2041 to 08/14/2048

Sub-period Mars from 08/14/2041 to 01/11/2042

Rahu sub-period from 01/11/2042 to 01/29/2043

Jupiter subperiod from 01/29/2043 to 01/05/2044

Saturn sub-period from 01/05/2044 to 02/14/2045

Sub-period Mercury from 02/14/2045 to 02/11/2046

Ketu sub-period from 02/11/2046 to 07/08/2046

Venus sub-period from 07/08/2046 to 09/08/2047

Sub-period Sun from 09/08/2047 to 01/14/2048

Sub-period Moon from 01/14/2048 to 08/14/2048

The main period of Rahu from 08/14/2048 to 07/26/2065

Rahu sub-period from 08/14/2048 to 04/26/2051

Jupiter subperiod from 04/26/2051 to 09/20/2053

Saturn sub-period from 09/20/2053 to 07/26/2056

Mercury sub-period from 07/26/2056 to 02/14/2059

Ketu sub-period from 02/14/2059 to 03/02/2060

Venus sub-period from 03/02/2060 to 03/02/2063

Sub-period Sun from 03/02/2063 to 01/26/2064

Sub-period Moon from 01/26/2064 to 07/26/2065

VI. General qualities of the main periods and sub-periods


Jupiter brings a period of prosperity, happiness and honor. Achievement of goals and fulfillment of cherished desires is expected. Also mostly this time spiritual growth and higher education. This period is a good time for having children. If the children are already big, then they become more purposeful; the older child may change during this period, and for better or for worse - it depends on the position of the planet. Since Jupiter is a benefic planet, it often gives various favorable opportunities, and therefore marriage is successful during this period. Also, the standard of living can rise, it will be possible to enjoy comfort and luxury. The acquisition of good cars is likely, as favorable opportunities favor the acquisition of property. In spiritual terms, the period is very successful for relationships with Guru or spiritual teachers. Travels to holy places are also expected. In any case, long trips will be successful. If Jupiter is afflicted, all kinds of misfortunes are possible, as luck is frustrated and almost all ventures fail. There will be diseases associated with allergies and the liver.


The period of Saturn is characterized hard work for a career. This period can bring honor and progress based on the individual's current and previous efforts. This is a time of great discipline and laying a solid foundation for a career. At this time, a person can create any real structure necessary for the future. The period of Saturn can also give wealth, authority and power. There may be money from inheritances or from real estate. If Saturn is afflicted, the period will bring limitations, delays, poverty, heaviness, disease and injury. There may also be professional falls, loss of respect, and danger from rheumatism or paralysis.


During the period of Mercury there will be a great attraction to learning, writing, oratory and all intellectual pursuits. There will be deep concentration and deep psychological understanding. Mercury is the planet of trade and commerce, and therefore this is a good time to start a business. There may also be a connection with radio, television, accounting, publishing and other activities of Mercury. If Mercury is not aspected by the Sun or any other malefic planet, then as a benefic planet it brings happiness, prosperity and other favorable effects. There will be excellent results regarding the acquisition of all kinds of knowledge. The period bestows successful relationships with the Guru and spiritual teachers. Entering this period will initiate the study of new spiritual traditions or yoga techniques. It is also more likely to go back to college or evening school. If Mercury is afflicted, there will be mental problems, depression or instability. There may be nerves of exhaustion, as Mercury governs the nervous system. Merchants will experience loss in business in proportion to the degree of planetary affliction.


Of all the planetary periods, the period of Ketu is the most difficult to give accurate predictions. Ancient Indian writings predict all kinds of misfortune: poverty, sadness, humiliation, slander, poisoning, strange diseases, etc. Since Ketu is transcendental and carries an ascetic influence and non-attachment to earthly affairs, it does not favor marital affairs. If Ketu is influenced by positive planets, then good results can be expected. For the spiritual explorer, this period will provide an opportunity to experience a deep spiritual, mystical or psychic experience.


The period of Venus is favorable for enjoying luxury, comfort, romance and married life. If Venus is not afflicted, it will give great wealth, happiness and pleasant connections. Possible connection with artistic pursuits. This is an extremely favorable period for actors, musicians, singers and dancers. The business can be related to jewelry, sweets, entertainment, beauty salons, etc. Basically, the attention of the personality during the period of Venus is directed to marriage and heart affairs. If Venus is badly placed, these deeds will bring disappointment, sadness and grief. Happiness is upset and money matters also suffer. There may be diseases of the reproductive system and kidneys.


The Sun period will bring with it events related to popularity, professional advancement, position of authority, influence and power, recognition from senior or significant figures, and affairs related to the government. The father can play a significant role in fate at this time; father's life will improve if the Sun is well placed. If it is affected, the opposite effect will take place. At this time, spiritual practices and travel in tropical regions are possible. If the Sun is weak or afflicted, there may be trouble with the eyes or the heart.


The Moon gives a very personal influence in the horoscope. The period is associated with personal physical existence, recognition from others and the fulfillment of the most significant desires. It is also most closely connected with the facets of life that are dear to the individual. One can expect affairs with women and a mother whose life will also improve or worsen - this depends on the position of the moon. These years will undoubtedly be very emotional, romantic, sensitive and changeable. This is an excellent time to draw public attention and gain a good reputation if the Moon is well placed. In this case, it is also the right time for marriage and great happiness. If the Moon is afflicted there will be a very difficult period as the mental world and basic well-being are damaged. Possible exposure to slander, humiliation, accusations, falls and persecution. Physical illnesses can be related to the stomach, chest, or brain.


During the period of Mars, there will be energy and activity in all possible forms. Progress and success can be made. This is a good time for the birth of sons, the acquisition of property and interaction with siblings. There may be strong sexual passions. The period is favorable for mechanical or technical work, as well as for communication with the military or police services. The ability to perform surgery may appear. If the planet is afflicted, there is a danger of accidents, violence, cuts, fires, and so on. There may also be disputes and recklessness, diseases of the blood, bone marrow or muscular system.


The period of Rahu is mainly characterized as a time strong desires relating to the house where Rahu is located, and generally inherent in the nature of the individual. It is an indicator of the depth and intensity of the experience. In general, Rahu usually causes great suffering during the first and last two or three years of his period. If there are aspects from benefic planets or Rahu is well placed, there can be great worldly success and material gain. A person can rise to a very high, authoritative position. If Mars, Saturn or the 12th lord aspects Rahu, the period may be more difficult than usual. During this period, one can expect financial losses, danger from snakes or poison, many diseases, restless thoughts, humiliations and failures. Since Rahu is not really a planet and therefore has no direct relation to mental capacity, then its period is characterized more as a time for the application of already developed abilities than for the acquisition of new talents. The scriptures say that even when Rahu is well placed, the benefits gained during this period are completely lost at its end.

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Other popular personalities

Oleg Gazmanov's hits "Squadron", "Esaul", "Seaman", soulful songs "Officers", "Wait", "Mama" won the hearts of millions of music lovers of the post-Soviet space. The patriotism and lyrics of Gazman's compositions touch the hidden strings in everyone's soul. This is not possible for every performer, but only for those who are talented.

On July 22, 1951, in the town of Gusev, Kaliningrad Region, a son, Oleg, was born into the family of a cardiologist and a military man. Parents went through the Great Patriotic War. Father Mikhail Semenovich served in the Navy, mother Zinaida Abramovna worked as a nurse, then as a nurse in a military hospital, but they met on peaceful days. When the war ended, they got married and moved to Kaliningrad. Gazmanov's parents are Belarusians: mother was born in the village of Koshany, Mogilev region, father - in the village of Mikhalki, Gomel region.

Childhood future star also took place in Kaliningrad, where every yard reminded of the recent war. Gazmanov and his friends were looking for weapons and soon gathered an arsenal, including a German machine gun. One day he came across an anti-tank mine and dragged him into the house. But the find turned out to be so heavy that Oleg undertook to open it on the spot. A favorable fate saved the boy from death: passing soldiers dragged him away from the mine. The second time, Oleg miraculously survived a fire that broke out in the apartment. Fortunately, the parents returned in time.

Oleg Gazmanov studied at the same school with (later Putin) and (Lada Dance).

After school, Oleg Gazmanov, who dreamed of sea ​​voyages, entered the naval engineering school in Kaliningrad and graduated in 1973. Then he served near Riga, where, in the company of colleagues, Oleg sang with a guitar in the evenings. After 3 years of service, Gazmanov returned to Kaliningrad and got a job at his native school. Entered graduate school, took up writing a Ph.D. thesis, but changed his mind.

In the late 70s, Oleg Gazmanov entered a music school: the passion for music won. In 1981, the musician was awarded a diploma from the Kaliningrad music school guitar class. Gazmanov began working in his specialty on the stage of the restaurant of the Kaliningrad Hotel. Oleg sang in the instrumental ensembles "Atlantic" and "Visit", later played in the rock bands "Galaxy" and "Divo".

Oleg Gazmanov moved to Moscow in 1983.


Gazmanov was fond of music from adolescence: he played in an amateur ensemble, in a restaurant, at a city disco, and composed songs. In 1989, in Moscow, the musician gathered a team, calling it "Squadron". The first keyboardist of the group, Galina Romanova, performed Gazmanov's songs "Snow Stars", "Handy Boy" and "My Sailor", which the audience accepted with a bang. So the first glory to Oleg Gazmanov was brought by songwriting, not performance. The composition "Lucy", written for his son, turned out to be the debut hit of the Kaliningrad musician.

At the song interesting story. The heroine of the hit was the girl Lucy, but Oleg Gazmanov could not sing the composition, as he lost his voice. The question was decided whether Gazmanov would be able to continue his career as a singer. In order not to waste good, Oleg Mikhailovich rewrote the poems, replacing the girl with a dog. The song was learned and sung by a 5-year-old, making a splash in the public with a sonorous children's voice and a touching plot of the composition. Six months later, the voice of Oleg Gazmanov was restored, creative biography continued.

In 1989, Oleg Gazmanov recorded the song "Putana", which the metropolitan "priestesses of love" liked so much that the girls promised free services to the idol as a reward. Gazmanov, who did not differ in Hollywood beauty and stateliness (the height of the star is 1.63 meters), becomes a favorite of girls and women.

In the same year, the singer wrote the hit "Squadron" and released a solo album of the same name, which was a resounding success: the whole country sang along with Gazmanov. In a month, the album "Squadron" became platinum, and the title song held on to the leading position in the hit parade of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The album includes the composition "Fresh Wind". The performer went on tour around the country, at a concert in Luzhniki, the star gathered 70 thousand spectators.

In the summer of 1992, Oleg Gazmanov participated in a music festival in Monaco, and two years later he starred in the film "Dreams", recording a video clip "And I love girls" based on it.

The year 1997 turned out to be memorable for the singer. The star first visited America with a tour. At the same time, the song "Moscow" was born, written by Gazmanov in honor of the 850th anniversary of the capital. Composition - unofficial anthem cities. Success pushed the organizers music festival « New wave» to order the composer to write the anthem: the song “I’ll leave for Sochi!” was born.

In 2003, fans of the star welcomed Gazmanov's album My Clear Days, named after the title song of the same name.

Every year the singer released new hit, which was instantly picked up by the whole country. “Esaul”, “Seaman”, “Going on a walk”, “Tramp” - Oleg Mikhailovich performed with them at all holiday concerts.

His hit "Lord of the Officers" is still relevant 10 years after the premiere of the song. Every year Oleg Gazmanov performs it at concerts dedicated to February 23 and May 9.

Vladimir Putin awards Oleg Gazmanov the title People's Artist

In 1995, the singer and composer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, six years later he became the People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Oleg Gazmanov has 17 albums on his account. The 2008 collection "Seven Feet Under the Keel" included the song "Two Eagles", beloved by millions of listeners. A clip was filmed for it.

The latest were the albums "Dimension of Life" (2012), "Anthology" (2013), "Reboot" (2014). His hits were performed and continue to be performed, and.

In the album "Dimension of Life", the singer included the patriotic hit "No one but us!". A music video for the song was released in 2015.

Not all colleagues are delighted with Gazmanov's work: Oleg Mikhailovich has critics. The rock musician and singer reproached his colleague for plagiarism: he claims that Gazmanov's hit "Made in the USSR" was copied from his composition "Born in the USSR". The rock singer and leader of the DDT group called the work of Oleg Gazmanov "Kremlin-parquet".

The acting talent of Oleg Gazmanov manifested itself in the projects "Old songs about the main thing-1" and "Old songs about the main thing-2". The singer has repeatedly received interesting offers from Russian filmmakers - film scripts specially written for Gazmanov. The last works of the artist in the cinema are roles in the films "Taxi Driver-4" (2007), "New Year's SMS" (2011), "Mixed Feelings" (2014).


Oleg Gazmanov supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia, for which some EU countries imposed sanctions against him. The artist was included in the "black list" of Latvia - he is forbidden to enter this country. He learned about the entry ban on the eve of the New Wave festival, in which he was supposed to participate. official reason indicated on the website of the Latvian Foreign Ministry: “contributed to undermining the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.”

In August 2015, the Security Service of Ukraine banned Gazmanov from entering the country for the same reason.

Oleg Gazmanov claims that he is not afraid of sanctions. In response to them, he wrote the song “Forward, Russia!”, Showing the unity Russian people and love for the motherland.

Premiere of the song "Forward, Russia!" took place in Kerch. The video for the song appeared on YouTube in 2015, but it was soon removed due to a hacker attack. After the restoration, the video channel of Oleg Gazmanov was blocked, accusing the performer of militarism. The scandal gained momentum, and soon the singer's website was also unblocked.

Personal life

Oleg Gazmanov was married twice. With their first wife, Irina, they legalized relations in 1975 and lived for 20 years. Irina is a chemist by profession, but she devoted herself to her family and home. The couple have a son, Rodion. He graduated from the Financial Academy, works as a financial director in a large Russian company specializing in nanotechnology. Free time Rodion Gazmanov devotes to music - he has his own group "DNA".

Oleg Gazmanov met his second wife Marina Muravyova in 1998, when the 47-year-old artist came to Voronezh on tour. The singer saw a long-legged blonde walking by concert venue. He asked the drummer of the group to invite the girl he liked to the concert. She was indignant, saying to the musician:

"Tell the boss not to send messengers!"

Gazmanov, who had already tasted fame, was intrigued by the refusal. He found the beauty and invited him to the concert personally. Marina came and did not regret it: the girl was pleasantly surprised by the energy of the hall.

18-year-old Marina at that time studied at Faculty of Economics Voronezh University. The girl was not interested in Gazmanov's work and did not go to his concerts. But most importantly, Marina was married to the brother of the infamous creator of "MMM", Vyacheslav, a son grew up in the family.

Long years the couple maintained friendly relations. Oleg Gazmanov supported the woman when her husband went to prison. A five-year friendship grew into love and destroyed the families of Oleg and Marina. The feeling overcame all obstacles: the lovers formalized their relationship in 2003.

On December 16, 2003, Marina and Oleg had a daughter, Marianna. The second wife was never found mutual language with the mother of Oleg Gazmanov: Zinaida Abramovna did not accept her. She considered Irina her only daughter-in-law. No one was surprised that Zinaida Abramovna Marina was not at the funeral.

Oleg Gazmanov dedicated the heartfelt composition “Mom” to his mother, which is difficult to listen to without tears.

Friendly relations developed with Rodion Gazmanov and stepmothers. Rodion was present at his father's wedding, and he is a frequent guest in his house.

Oleg Gazmanov lives in Serebryany Bor, in a protected area on the shores of the Bottomless Lake.

Oleg Gazmanov now

In 2016, Oleg Gazmanov, together with, and performed at the concert "Chanson of the Year" with the song "Former Podesaul". The singers dedicated the composition to the author - who would have turned 60 in 2016.

In the summer of 2016, the singer presented the fans with the song “Live Live Like This”, which was first performed at a concert in honor of Kaliningrad Day.

Gazmanov's fans are watching the events in the life of an idol on his page in Instagram, where he has 195 thousand subscribers. On fresh photos 2017, the singer's children, the picturesque nature of Serebryany Bor near the house, the pine trees planted by Gazmanov and the family's favorite four-legged friends.


  • 1989 - "Lucy"
  • 1990 - "Squadron"
  • 1993 - "Shadow of the Petrel"
  • 1993 - "Sailor"
  • 1994 - "Walking"
  • 1996 - "The Tramp"
  • 1997 - "A squadron of my crazy songs ..."
  • 1998 - "The Red Book of Oleg Gazmanov"
  • 2000 - “From century to century. Favorites»
  • 2002 - "First round - 50!"
  • 2003 - "My clear days"
  • 2004 - "Gentlemen officers - 10 years"
  • 2005 - "Made in the USSR"
  • 2008 - "Seven feet under the keel"
  • 2011 - "Upgrade"
  • 2012 - "Dimension of Life"
  • 2013 - "Anthology"
  • 2015 - "Forward, Russia!"

The hero of our article - talented musician and a true patriot Oleg Gazmanov. The biography of this artist is still of interest to his fans, representing different generations. About where the singer was born and studied, how he made his way to success, you will learn from the article.

Oleg Gazmanov: biography

The main "esaul" of our stage was born on July 22, 1951 in the city of Gusev, in the Kaliningrad region. His father and mother went through the whole Great Patriotic War. But fate brought them together later, in peacetime. Gazmanov's father fought in the Navy, and his mother was a doctor in the hospital.

The childhood of our hero passed in Kaliningrad. Like all boys born in post-war years, he walked through abandoned places in search of captured weapons and ammunition. Oleg managed to find a German-made heavy machine gun. Parents did not know about this find. When they were at work, the boy took out a machine gun and "killed" imaginary opponents. This continued until one day these shootings ended in failure. Oleg injured his little finger.

As a child, the singer was freckled, for which he was constantly teased by the guys from the yard. At school, Gazmanov was also bullied. But the boy, brave beyond his years, knew how to hit back.

Student years

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Oleg Gazmanov decided to become a sailor. He applied to the Higher Naval Engineering School in his native Kaliningrad. A strong and courageous guy managed to pass the entrance exams.

In 1973, with the rank of lieutenant, he served in mine torpedo depots located near Riga. Oleg performed at festive evenings - he sang songs with a guitar.

Returning from the service, Gazmanov worked for 3 years in his specialty at the same school, where he had recently received his education.

In the late 1970s, our hero entered a music school. In parallel, he performed in various ensembles known throughout Kaliningrad. At various times, Oleg Mikhailovich was the soloist of the Galaxy and Blue Bird groups. The guys made a living by performing in restaurants.

At some point, Gazmanov realized that music was his main vocation. More and more time he devoted to writing songs. And after graduating from college, Oleg Mikhailovich decided to go to Moscow. He understood that only in the capital could he fully realize his creative ambitions.

Way to success

The singer Oleg Gazmanov did not immediately appear on our stage. His biography as a solo artist began in the 1990s. The guy from Kaliningrad had to go hard way to success.

In 1989, Gazmanov created the Squadron group and recorded the song of the same name, which brought him unprecedented popularity. For 18 months, the composition led the hit parade, which was prestigious at that time.

Together with his little son Rodion, Oleg Mikhailovich sang the song "Lucy". The sentimental composition about a yard dog appealed to Soviet listeners. Soon Gazmanov pleased his fans with new songs, which also became popular. These include: "Sailor", "Esaul", "Moscow", "Putana" and others.

To date, Gazmanov's creative piggy bank has 13 albums, a dozen clips and several honorary titles. In 2012, our hero even participated in the recording of the Russian anthem.

We all know Oleg Gazmanov as an excellent family man and a true patriot. But there are facts about which only a few are known. Here are some of them:

  • On May 9, 1999, a nominal star "Oleg Gazmanov" appeared on the "Square of Stars" (next to the entrance to the State Central Concert Hall).
  • Our hero in Kaliningrad studied at the same school with the former wife of the president, Lyudmila Putina.
  • In an interview, Oleg Gazmanov rarely talks about his roots. The biography, the nationality of the singer - all this interests his fans. Especially for them we inform: his father is a purebred Tatar, and his mother was Jewish.
  • Gazmanov wrote many songs for such performers as Iosif Kobzon, Natasha Koroleva, Kristina Orbakaite and others. These compositions have gained national love.

Oleg Gazmanov. Biography, family

A stately and charismatic brunette has always liked female gender. His songs with a guitar drove the girls crazy. They considered Oleg a romantic and a real gentleman. The singer has always dreamed of a big and friendly family. And soon God heard him.

Who did Oleg Gazmanov meet in his youth? Biography, wife and children - his fans want to know about this. The first wife of the artist was Irina. She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, but did not work by profession. Their wedding took place in 1975. Then no one knew the musician and singer Oleg Gazmanov. In 1981, the couple had a son, Rodion. Our hero did not have a soul in him. Dad tried to instill in his son a love of music from childhood. In 1995, Oleg and Irina divorced.

The singer did not wear the status of a bachelor for long. Soon he met a charming blonde Marina Muravyova. In 2003 they got married. The woman had a 6-year-old son, Philip, from her first marriage. Oleg Mikhailovich accepted him and gave his last name. In 2003, the couple had a common child - daughter Marianna.

worthy generation

Each of us knows who Oleg Gazmanov is. Biography of the singer (at least in in general terms) is known to many. But he has a worthy successor to the family name - the son of Rodion. The guy from childhood attended a music school, was fond of karate, kung fu and swimming. He received his secondary education at a Moscow school. Behind him - studying at a prestigious English college.

Since 2010, Rodion has been participating in his father's concerts, and has also been practicing vocals with the best teachers. The guy is increasingly seen on television. For example, now he is participating in the parody show “Just Like It” on Channel One.


You learned about where Oleg Gazmanov was born and studied. The biography of the famous singer was examined in detail by us. Today he may well call himself happy man, because he has a beautiful wife, three talented children and a favorite job.

Born in the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad Region, in the family of a professional military man, Mikhail Semenovich, and a doctor, Zinaida Abramovna Gazmanov. Studied at music school violin class. Despite a congenital heart disease, he was engaged in gymnastics. After school, he entered the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School (specialty "ship refrigeration machines and installations") and graduated with honors. Engaged in science, wrote a dissertation. However, he left his scientific career for the sake of music. In 1981 he graduated from the Kaliningrad Regional Music College (guitar class). Worked in VIA"Blue Bird", "Galaxy" and other groups. He wrote music and poetry.
In 1989 he recorded the song "Squadron", which became mega-popular. Since then, he has been touring a lot with the Squadron group around the country and abroad. In the late 1980s, he performed with his son Rodion Gazmanov.
Hits: "Squadron", "Officers", "Esaul", "Moscow", "My Clear Days", "Sailor", "Fresh Wind".
Albums: Squadron (1989), Sailor (1991), Walked Out (1994), Tramp (1996), Moscow. Best songs"(1996)," A squadron of my crazy songs ... "(1997)," The Red Book "(1998)," From century to century. Favorites "(2000)," First round - 50! (2002), "My Clear Days" (2003), "Gentlemen Officers - 10 years" (2004), "Made in the USSR" (2005), "Seven feet under the keel" (2008), "Upgrade" (2011), "Dimension of life" (2012).
Was an author, director and producer concert programs"Gentlemen officers", "Songs of Victory", etc.
In 1998, Oleg Gazmanov's nominal star was laid on the Square of Stars at the entrance to the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall.
Member of the Writers' Union of Moscow, public council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, public council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Ambassador good will UNICEF.


▪ Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1995)
▪ People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001)


▪ Ovation Award (1992, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2002)
▪ World Music Awards (1992)
▪ Prize of the City of Moscow (1997)
▪ Nominal star on the "Square of Stars" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" (1998)
▪ Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (2000)
▪ Order of Honor (2006)
▪ Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Anniversary medal"300 years of the Russian fleet"
▪ Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"
▪ Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2012)

Gazmanov Oleg Mikhailovich (b.1951) - Russian singer, poet and composer, producer and actor. He has the title of People's Artist of Russia.


Oleg Gazmanov was born on July 22, 1951 in the city of Gusev, which is located in the Kaliningrad region. His parents were frontline soldiers. Dad, Gazmanov Mikhail Semyonovich, is a professional military man, had the rank of major. Mom, Zinaida Abramovna, went through the war as a nurse in a hospital, then received a higher medical education and became a cardiologist.

Both Oleg's father and mother were from Belarus, but after demobilization they ended up in the Kaliningrad region. His grandmother lived in the city of Minsk for a long time. Gazmanov loves the beautiful country of Belarus very much, with its open people and wonderful nature, with huge BelAZ trucks and amazing potato pancakes. When he comes to Minsk with concerts, a picture from childhood clearly pops up in his memory - grandmother's cherry garden.

Oleg was the only son of his parents. He began to show a good voice and hearing very early, mom and dad decided to give the child musical education, at the age of 5 they enrolled him in school to learn to play the violin. But the instrument aroused hostility in little Oleg, he preferred the company of yard friends to music.

His childhood years were spent in the Kaliningrad region, but not in the yards with a soccer ball. The post-war boys were only engaged in looking for echoes of the war years in the form of ammunition or weapons in abandoned places.

Everyone boasted to each other about their combat collection, Gazmanov had one too. Of course, such boyish fun sometimes ended sadly, Oleg had injuries and cases when life hung in the balance.

Once a machine gun fell on his little finger, fortunately, his mother was nearby and gave her son first aid. The second case was much more serious, when Oleg, out of interest, began to open an anti-tank mine that he had found. Luckily for him, the military passed by, they instantly dragged the curious boy away from the ammunition.

School years

Oleg went to school in the city of Kaliningrad, where the family had moved by this time.

He was released from physical education, as doctors discovered a congenital heart defect in the child. But he could not come to terms with this and enrolled in the gymnastics section after his school friends. The boy liked to hang on the rings or swing on the bars, but he did all this in secret from his parents.

Gazmanov not only went to training, but also took part in competitions. When the parents found out the truth, at first they were shocked by all this gymnastics, physical activity, training and competition. However, over time, doctors discovered that congenital heart murmurs began to disappear, and mom and dad resigned themselves to their son's sports passion.

However, in the ninth grade, Oleg fell from a gymnastic apparatus and received a fracture in both legs. I had to part with the dream of a career as a great athlete, but Oleg soon found himself another hobby to his liking. He was taken to the school musical ensemble, the guys sang at parties and discos. It turned out well for them and the ensemble began to be invited to clubs and dance floors in Kaliningrad. So Oleg Gazmanov began to earn his first money. But my mother didn’t even want to hear about the career of a musician; she didn’t want such a future for her son.

Higher education institutions

Respecting his parents, Gazmanov did not argue and entered the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School, began to study the promising profession of a refrigeration specialist. Starting from the third year, Oleg took up science, he had occasion to go to sea on ships. After graduating from college at the invitation of the management educational institution Gazmanov remained at the department, wrote a dissertation, lectured.
But having completed his scientific work, he suddenly realized that he would not be able to realize himself as a scientist.

And Oleg again became a student, this time at the Kaliningrad College of Music, guitar class.

During his studies, he began his labor activity in the ensemble that sang in the restaurant of the Kaliningrad Hotel, later was a member of the VIA:

  • "Visit";
  • "Galaxy";
  • "Blue bird";
  • "Atlantic".

But the main income was still brought by performances in restaurants. Moreover, being a student at a music school, Oleg got married. His first wife was a girl named Irina, who gave birth to Gazmanov in 1981, the son of Rodion.

creative path

In 1986, Oleg Gazmanov and his family moved to Moscow. By this time, he not only sang songs and played the guitar, but also composed music. As a composer, the country recognized him after the song about the dog "Lucy", which was sung by his five-year-old son. Soviet listeners liked the unpretentious song and the little performer. It turns out that the name Gazmanov was first glorified by Rodion. The father wrote several children's songs, the son performed them, an album was recorded, and tours around the country began.

1989 became a truly stellar year for Oleg himself. He created the Squadron group, wrote and performed the songs Putana and Squadron. In an instant these musical compositions became popular, at the top of the domestic hit parade lasted almost 18 months. Gazmanov released a solo album under the same name "Squadron", it went platinum in one month. The whole country sang along with Oleg at the concerts with which he went through the decaying Soviet Union.

In 1990, Oleg Gazmanov took part in the final of "Song of the Year", and in 1991, 70 thousand spectators gathered at his concert in Luzhniki.

Each of his new song sure to become a hit.

  • "Esaul";
  • "Went on a walk";
  • "Sailor";
  • "Tramp";
  • "Squadron of my crazy songs";
  • "Moscow, the bells are ringing";
  • "My clear days".

His composition "Gentlemen officers" has become an indispensable attribute of all holiday concerts dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day.

The work of Oleg Gazmanov has been repeatedly awarded with prizes and awards:

  • Ovation and Golden Gramophone awards;
  • "Hit of the Year";
  • "The best soloist of pop music";
  • "Best Lyricist"

In 1995, Oleg Gazmanov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, in 2001 - People's Artist of Russia.

Personal life

He lived with his first wife Irina Gazmanov for 20 years, she was a chemist by education, but did not work, she was engaged in housekeeping and raising her son Rodion.

The boy, who became popular throughout the country thanks to the song about the dog Lucy, grew up a long time ago, graduated from the financial academy. In a large Russian company that deals with nanotechnology, Rodion works as a financial director. He did not abandon his passion for music, he has his own group "DNA".

Oleg's second wife, Marina Muravyova, is 18 years younger than the singer. They met in Voronezh in 1988. Oleg was there with a concert, but the acquaintance took place in a restaurant. Marina at that time was married to the brother of Sergei Mavrodi, the head of the legendary MMM, and had a son. She was not a fan of Oleg Gazmanov, moreover, she was not even interested in his work at all. But the singer liked the girl in that Voronezh restaurant at first sight, and he invited her to his concert.

Both were not free, but sympathy arose between Oleg and Marina, which grew into strong feelings. Since the mid-90s, they left their families and began to live together, the couple officially signed in 2003.

In December 2003, Oleg and Marina had a daughter, Marianna.

The mother of Oleg Gazmanov, Zinaida Abramovna, considered only the first Irina to be her only daughter-in-law; relations with the second Marina did not work out. But Oleg's son Rodion gets along well with his father's second wife, with her son from his first marriage Philip and sister. He often visits the Gazmanovs in Serebryany Bor.

off stage

Oleg Gazmanov supported the actions of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in relation to the Crimea and Donbass. For this, sanctions were imposed against him, the singer was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine and Latvia. In response to this, he wrote the song "Forward, Russia!" as a symbol of love for the motherland and the unity of the Russian people.

Oleg Gazmanov is an Honorary Citizen of the cities of Kaliningrad and Saratov.
In 2104, he took an active part in the preparation and holding of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

In 2105, he participated in the First Channel project “Together with Dolphins”, where he demonstrated an excellent performance for his age. sportswear.

Singer Oleg Gazmanov has an award - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

He loves life in all its manifestations, like a real man, considers honor, dignity and independence, the ability to keep his word as true values.

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