Open lesson on reading fiction. Summary of the lesson on the section "Reading fiction"


Teacher Demidenko N.A.
Abstract of an open reading session fiction. Reading the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Abstract of the openclasses on familiarization with fiction and speech development :

Reading Ukrainian folkfairy tales « Spikelet »

Target :

1. Introduce children to the content of the Ukrainian folkfairy tales « Spikelet » .

2. Teach children to evaluate the actions of characters.

3. Teach children to dramatize individual episodesfairy tales .

4. Consolidate knowledge of genre features with childrenfairy tales .

5. Form the ability to create psychological portraits heroes in certain situations.

6. To educate children in diligence and respect for other people's work on the example of the actions of the heroes of the listened work.

7. Develop attention, memory, speech.

Equipment :

1. Textfairy tales « Spikelet » .

2. Illustrations forfairy tale .

3. Masks of mice and a cockerel.

4. Drawer"touch" , slices of rye and wheat bread.

5. "Magic boxes"(in which there is org. glass and sand)

preliminary work :

1. Reading followed bydiscussion :

V. Palchinskaite"Bread" ,

germanfairy tale "Pot of porridge" .

2. Modeling from salt dough- bagels, pies, buns.

Lesson progress :

caregiver : Listen, little people,

Let's get together!

Hurry up in the circle

And repeat after me!

Good day to all kind people!

We are glad to see you, we love you!

We love people very much.

Both big and small!

Children, together with an adult, repeat the second quatrain.

A game"The Fourth Extra" .

B - l : -Guys, I have pictures on the board, name the extra one.

*tomato, cucumber, sour cream, onion;

* pear, apple, orange, cottage cheese;

*currant, sausage, gooseberry, raspberry;

*plate, saucepan, pie, frying pan.

Children call extra item and explain why it is redundant.

In le : Listenwords : sour cream, pie, sausage, cottage cheese. What is this?(Products) .

What are sour cream and cottage cheese made from?(from milk) .

What is sausage made from?(From meat) .

What are pies made of?(Out of flour) .

What is flour made from?(from grains, spikelets ) .

Let's show you how to growspikelets .

Exercise for the development of coordination of movements« Spikelets »

B - l : - Guys, which of you knows whatspikelet ?

- Spikelet is an inflorescence , in which the fruit is located - a grain, and the stalk -

this is straw.(Teacher shows spikelet )

Now stand near your chairs and let's show you how to grow

spikelets .

Exercise« Spikelets » .

In the spring, the field was plowed, the children make sliding movements of the palms of each other.


The field was sown with grain. Touch the fingers of one hand to the palm of the other and take

put your hand to the side ("sow" ).

The sun is hot, they cross their palms, spreading their fingers, and raise

hands ("Sun" ).

Warms the earth. They lower their hands, making springy movements with their palms,

open to the floor.

rose highspikelets , Bend your arms at the elbows, turn your palms towards each other

They reach for the sun. and slowly raise their hands.

The wind is blowing, They shake their hands over their heads.

Spikelets shakes .

Crouched to the right, Tilt the body and arms to the right, to the left.

Swinged to the left.

And as it rains, Slowly lower their hands, quickly moving their fingers.

Rye drinks water and drinks. Fold your palms in a cup and bring to your mouth(drink) .

What a field! Raise your hands, fingers apart.

What a beauty! Shake hands over head.

B - l : - Well done, sit on the chairs.

We have found out that flour is obtained from grains, and what is baked from flour?

That's right, not only various pies are baked from flour, but also bread ..

B - l : - Guys, guessriddle :

scarlet scallop,

Ruffled caftan,

double beard,

Important walk.

Gets up first

What is this riddle about? Whichfairy tales you know about cockerel ? ( "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk" , "Zayushkina's hut" , "Cockerel - golden comb" etc).

Why is thisfairy tales ?

That's right, thisfairy tales , because anything can happen in them, it's extraordinary stories in which both animals and objects can talk.

Now I will read to youfairy tale « Spikelet » written by the Ukrainian people.

In the text you will meet strangerswords : thresh, mill, grind. Maybe one of you knows what they mean.

Threshing means to beat the grains out ofspikelet with a flail .

A mill is a building where flour is ground from grains.

Grinding is grinding grains into flour.

The teacher reads the textfairy tales .

The teacher asks questions about the textfairy tales :

What did the rooster find?

What did the mice propose to do?

Who threshedspikelet ?

What did the mice propose to do with the grain?

Who did it?

What other work did the cockerel do? (Children list in order everything that the cockerel did. The teacher lays out illustrations forfairy tale ).

What were Krut and Vert doing at that time?

Who was the first to sit at the table when the pies were ready?

Why didn't the cockerel take pity on the mice when they left the table?

How would you portray the mice when they found out that the cockerel would not treat them to pies. That's right, they were embarrassed.

Pantomimic studies"Shame" , "Fatigue" , "Hunger" .

(Children imagine that they are mice and theyashamed : head down, eyes closed, hands down.)

Now let's portray a cockerel who is tired of work (they wipe their forehead from sweat, their head is lowered to one side, their shoulders are lowered, their knees are bent).

Now show the mice who want pies (children inhale the smell of delicious pies, lick their lips, make circular movements with their hands on their stomachs).

Now let's show how pies are baked.

finger game"Pie" .

We asked our stove : children put their hands"shelf" and shake them.

What are we going to bake today? Stretch your arms forward.

We asked the stove, turn the palms up and down.

The dough was kneaded. Wrinkle your hips with your hands.

The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin. They stroke their legs with their palms.

Rolled out - not tired.

Stuffed with cottage cheese"Baking pies" (then one hand on top, then the other) .

And they called it a pie!

Come on, stove, stretch your arms forward, palms up(2 times) .

Give the cottager a place! Clap your hands(4 times) .

B - l : Listen, I will read you one more passage fromfairy tales . Just listen carefully, then you will stage it.

The teacher reads the last dialogue withwords : "Pies are baked..."

Dramatization of the passagefairy tales by children .

From whatfairy tale did you meet today? That's right, from the Ukrainian folkfairy tale « Spikelet » .

B - l : Which herofairy tales would you like to be like? Who are you indid not like the story ? Why?

On the topic: K. Ushinsky "Blind Horse" for children of the preparatory group
(designed in accordance with theme week"Pets")
Compiled by:

Preparatory group teacher
Kataysk, 2013
Purpose of GCD: Leading children to understanding moral sense works.
Kind of activity: Integrative (communicative-cognitive). Perception of fiction, productive.
Conduct form: Frontal.
Tasks of the GCD: Reading fiction.
Integration (educational areas): cognition, communication, socialization, physical culture.
Tasks by educational areas:
Reading fiction: To educate the desire of children to listen to the work, to consider illustrations for it. Develop the ability of children to consistently transmit literary text, the ability to express their attitude to the events of the story.
Cognitive: Expand the horizons of children, develop the ability to listen. Form in children positive traits: kindness, honesty, responsiveness.
Communication: Stimulate the development of initiative and independence of the child in verbal communication with adults and peers. Develop auditory attention. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.
Socialization: To form ideas about the norms and rules of behavior, to cultivate the skill of a culture of behavior. Cultivate love for "our smaller brothers", arouse the desire to come to their aid.
Physical Culture: To cultivate the desire to maintain correct posture in various positions, interest in exercise. Develop fine motor skills and hand coordination. To form the ability to coordinate movements with speech.
Artistic Creativity: To consolidate the ability to draw and paint over them within the contour. To develop in children the skills of working with a brush and paints.
Expected result: The complete answer of each child to the teacher's question. The ability of children to consistently convey a literary text.
Ability to listen to peers.
Vocabulary work: Luxuriously, sable, brocade, horn, bridle, three measures, ill, frail, haggard roof, prince, eaves, unanimously.
Preliminary work: Reading the works of K. Ushinsky. Preparation with children of a story about K. D. Ushinsky. Selection of proverbs about kindness, friendship, honesty (work with parents). Exhibition of books by K. Ushinsky (work with parents). Drawings of children based on the works of K. Ushinsky.
Equipment: a portrait and an exhibition of books, blanks of horse contours, wax crayons, colored green and yellow cardboard, Su-Jok rings, colored paper hearts with the proverb “Look for a friend, but if you find it, take care of it.”
Methods: Visual, verbal, practical.
Receptions: Display, riddle, verbal communication, encouragement, questions, children's messages about the author.
GCD progress:
1. Organizational moment.
White sheets of books
Lots of black letters on them.
They are important to people
Guys should know them.
If you know the letters
You can read a book.
And you will hear at the same time,
Fascinating story.
Do you know how old
The sun gives us its light.
Why spring flowers
And in winter the fields are empty.
You will recognize your native land,
Peaceful, strong and big.
The book is a good friend to us,
Read it - find out for yourself!
2. Exhibition of books by Ushinsky.
- So at our exhibition, which you yourself compiled, bringing books from home, there are many various works. What do all these books have in common? Who is the author of these books?
Guys, do you know who this is?
3. The story about Ushinsky.
- Today the girls Vera and Liza Tyukalova prepared a story about Ushinsky for us. Let's listen to them carefully.
Many years ago in the city of Tula, which is not far from Moscow. Ushinsky. His father was an officer, his mother was a housewife, she was engaged in raising children. From childhood, Kostya was a very inquisitive and diligent boy.

Studied well and excellently. (Faith)
After school, he entered Moscow University and became a teacher. Konstantin Dmitrievich worked as a teacher in Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, and even abroad. He had a dream: to teach young children to read and write in a way that would be easy and interesting for them. Konstantin Dmitrievich began to compose interesting stories for children, games, riddles. (Lisa)
- Guys, what works do you know? Who are these works about?
- Well done. What a big and interesting exhibition, how many interesting books And creative works. And I want to replenish our exhibition with one more book. Guess what it's about:
4. Surprise moment.
Whose tail is there and whose mane is there,
Like flying in the wind?
Under the hooves playfully
Sparks shine bright...
Jumped - and immediately disappeared!
How it fell through the ground!
Who is this? Here's a riddle...
This is a frisky ... (Horse)
5. Vocabulary work.
Luxurious - characterized by luxury, wealth.
Sable - the fur of a predatory animal (sable).
Brocade is a dense patterned silk fabric with intertwining gold and silver threads.
Rogatin - a large stick with a fork at the end.
Bridle - part of the harness - belts with bits and reins, worn on the head of a draft animal.
Three measures - measure - an old Russian unit of capacity for bulk solids.
To be ill - to get sick, to frail - to become frail.
A sunken roof is what they say about a person who has lost a lot of weight.
The prince is the ruler of the city.
Strekha - the lower, hanging edge of the roof of a wooden house, a hut, as well as the roof itself, the roof, usually thatched.
Unanimously - complete agreement in opinions, actions.
6. Reading the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky "The Blind Horse".
7. Physical education
The horse is waiting for me on the road,
Beats with a hoof at the gate,
Mane plays in the wind
Lush, fabulously beautiful.
Quickly jump on the saddle -
I won't go, I'll fly!
Click, click, click, click.
There beyond the distant river
I'll wave my hand to you.
8. Analysis of what has been read.
- Who is this story about?
- Who was Catch-Wind for Usedom?
- What once happened to the merchant?
- Who saved Usedom?
What did the owner promise his horse?
Did Usedom keep his word? Why? How did it happen that Catch the Wind remained blind?
- What did Usedom order to do with the blind horse?
- How did Catch-the-Wind feel? (Loneliness.) / How do you understand the word "loneliness"? /
“Loneliness” is when there is no one around, when you feel bad and there is no one to help.
- How did the story end?
- This is how we got the retelling of "The Blind Horse". What has this story taught you?
9. Proverbs about friendship, kindness.
- What proverbs about kindness, friendship, honesty do you know?
“Friendship is more precious than money”, “Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow”, “Die yourself, but help out a comrade”.
10. Finger gymnastics"The horse jumped"
jumping horse
Across the field, across the field.
jumping horse
Free, free.
jumping horse,
And the wind flew, behind a fast horse
I wanted to catch up!
Su-Jok from the little finger and knead the fingers from the tips to the palm:
jumping horse
Along a small river.
Run after her (nameless)
A crowd of sheep.
On the bridge became (average)
horse run
Frogs are behind her (pointing)
We decided to jump!
horse, horse, (big)
Pretty jumping
Everyone comes together
It's time to rest!
11. Independent activity of children.
- Guys, each of you has a horse on the table, you need to determine its suit and color it, we will work wax crayons. Then, when your horses are ready, we will place them in a special large horse paddock where they can nibble on the green grass. You will be surprised and ask, what kind of grass can be? After all, there is snow all around, but, after all, our horses are special, and we prepared a corral for them in advance, there will always be worthy food for all horses in it.
Work with wax crayons. Coloring horses.
Compilation of a collage "Horse farm".
12. Reflection.
- With the work of which author did we meet today?
- What is the name of the story?
What does this tale teach us?
- Guys, while you were working, I also remembered very much good proverb: "Look for a friend, but you will find, take care!"
- I want to give you these hearts on which this proverb is written.

Actual problem modern society- Introducing children to reading. It's no secret that already preschool age listening to fairy tales, many kids prefer watching cartoons, computer games. Naturally, it will be difficult for such a child to fall in love with reading even at school. Meanwhile, literature is a powerful means of intellectual, moral and aesthetic education. It enriches children's speech, emotions, forms humane feelings, makes it possible to think, fantasize. On the part of adults, it is extremely important to arouse the preschooler's interest and love for the book in time, to open the reader in the baby. And the first stage here will not be the library, but the activity of the educator, his pedagogical skills.

Why preschoolers need fiction

The tasks of reading fiction with children of the middle group include:

  1. Formation in children of the idea that books contain a lot of interesting and informative information.
  2. Deepening knowledge about illustrations, their meaning in the book.
  3. Formation of the skill of moral evaluation of the work.
  4. Developing the ability to empathize with characters.

IN middle group children understand that a lot of interesting and informative things can be learned from books

IN senior group the list of tasks is expanding:

  1. The teacher teaches preschoolers to listen great works(by chapters).
  2. The teacher encourages children to express their emotional attitude to what they read, to talk about their perception of the actions of the characters, to reflect on the hidden motives of their behavior.
  3. Developing a sensitive attitude towards artistic word, the ability to notice vivid descriptions, epithets, comparisons, to feel the rhythm and melody of a poem.
  4. Skills development continues expressive reading poems, reading by roles.
  5. The concept of genre is explained in a form accessible to children, genre features fairy tales, stories, poems.
  6. Preschoolers learn to compare illustrations different artists to the same work.

Not a single event is complete without poetry in kindergarten

The tasks of the preparatory group include:

  1. Improving the ability to understand the expressiveness of the language of a work of art, the beauty of a poetic word.
  2. Developing a sense of humor in preschoolers.
  3. Developing the ability to put yourself in the place of a literary character.
  4. Development of expressive reading skills, dramatization of a work (manifestation of emotions through intonation, facial expressions, gestures).
  5. Deepening the concept of "genre", developing the ability to distinguish them.

How to Plan and Conduct a Fiction Reading Class

In order to competently build a lesson to familiarize kids with any literary work, the teacher needs to think through a lot.

What techniques and methods can be used

In a lesson on reading fiction, the educator uses the following methods:

  1. Reading by the teacher from the book or by heart. Such a literal transmission of the text preserves the author's language, best of all conveys the shades of thoughts of the prose writer.
  2. Narrative (retelling). This is a freer transfer of content: the teacher can rearrange the words, replace them with synonyms. But this form of narration gives more opportunities to attract children's attention: you can once again pause, repeat key phrases, etc.
  3. Staging is a method of secondary acquaintance with a literary work.
  4. Memorization or retelling of the text by preschoolers (depending on the genre of the work).

In order for the lesson to be successful, the following must be considered:

  1. The activity must be emotionally charged. First of all, this concerns the manner of speech of the educator, which should convey the nature of the work and influence the mind and feelings of children. The children should see the interested face of the teacher, his facial expressions and articulation, and not just hear the voice. To do this, he must look not only at the book, but also at the faces of the children in order to see their reaction.
  2. Prose works (fairy tales, stories) can be told, not read. As for poems, they are usually read in a medium volume voice (although some need to be told quietly or, conversely, loudly) and slowly so that preschoolers understand what is being said.
  3. To make the lesson more complete, you can include audio recordings in it (for example, where K. Chukovsky himself reads his poetic tales).
  4. Students should not be distracted while reading. disciplinary notices: for this purpose, the teacher can raise or lower his voice, pause.

Children should see the interested face of the teacher, see his facial expressions while reading

A better understanding of the content of the work, the assimilation of the expressive means of the language is facilitated by repeated reading. Short texts can be repeated immediately after the initial reading. For works of a larger volume, it takes some time to comprehend, and then the teacher re-reads separate, especially significant parts. You can also remind children of the content of the material after some time (2-3 weeks), but short poems, nursery rhymes, stories can be repeated often (for example, on a walk, during regime moments). Usually, children like to listen to their favorite fairy tales many times, they ask the teacher to tell them.

How to explain unfamiliar words to children

The teacher should explain to preschoolers the meaning of unfamiliar words in the work. This technique provides a complete perception artistic text: the characters of the heroes, their actions. Here you can use various options: in the course of the story, stop at a word incomprehensible to children and select synonyms for it (for example, the bast hut of a bunny means wooden; the upper room is a room), explain unfamiliar words even before reading (for example, before telling the tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" the teacher shows a picture of a goat, pronounces the phrase: “Milk flows over the notch, and from the notch over the hoof” and clearly explains what the animal’s udder is).

Illustrations help explain the meaning of unfamiliar words

However, not all words require detailed interpretation: for example, when reading A. Pushkin's “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” to older preschoolers, it is not at all necessary to dwell in detail on the phrases “pillar noblewoman”, “sable soul warmer” - they do not interfere with understanding the content of the work. Also, you don’t need to ask the guys what is unclear to them in the text, but if they are interested in what a word means, you need to give an answer in an accessible form.

How to conduct a conversation with children about a read work

After reading the work, an analytical conversation should be held (this is especially true in older preschool age). During the conversation, the teacher leads the children to assess the actions of the characters, their characters. There is no need to strive for children to simply reproduce the text in detail: questions should be thought out, contributing to a better understanding of the meaning, deepening emotions. The content should not be separated from the form: be sure to pay attention to genre, language features(for example, focus the attention of the kids on the repeated appeals “Kids, kids, open up, open up!” Or name which epithets refer to a fox, wolf, hare in a certain fairy tale).

Examples of questions to identify the emotional attitude towards the characters:

  • Who is your favorite character in the story and why?
  • Who would you like to be like?
  • Who would you not be friends with?

Questions to identify the key meaning of the work:

  • Who is to blame for the fact that the sparrow mother lost her tail (M. Gorky "Sparrow")?
  • Why is the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes" so called?

Motive questions:

  • Why did Mashenka not allow the bear to rest on the way to her grandparents (“Masha and the Bear”)?
  • Why did the fox smear dough on her head (“The Fox and the Wolf”)?
  • Why did the mother turn into a bird and fly away from her children (Nenets folk tale "Cuckoo")?

Especially needed analytical conversation when reading works about nature or human labor (for example, S. Marshak “Where did the table come from”, V. Mayakovsky “Horse-fire”, S. Baruzdin “Who built this house?” and others).

Children need to discuss and analyze poems dedicated to human labor

The teacher should not move from the content of the book to moralizing and moral conversation about the behavior of individual children in the group. It should only be about actions. literary heroes: the power of the artistic image sometimes has a greater impact than the notation.

How to memorize poems with children using mnemotables

For memorizing poems and retelling fairy tales, it is good to use mnemonic tables. They are a schematic representation of the plot of the work in the form of a series of pictures. This technique, which facilitates the memorization of the text, can be practiced already from the middle group.

Photo gallery: mnemonic tables for preschoolers

The key events of the tale are presented in the form of diagrams. The poster shows the main characters (a girl, a bear) and the key moments of the story (a forest, a hut, pies, a box) schematically. Each schematic picture corresponds to a line of a poem

How to show pictures to children

A deeper understanding of the text and the artistic images embedded in it is facilitated by examining illustrations. The method of using visualization depends on the age of preschoolers and the content of the book. But in any case, the perception of text and pictures should be holistic. Some books consist of a series of pictures with captions (an example of this is A. Barto, “Toys” or V. Mayakovsky, “Every page is an elephant, then a lioness”) or are divided into separate chapters (“ The Snow Queen» G.-H. Andersen. In this case, the teacher first shows the picture, and then reads the text. If the work is not divided into parts, then you should not interrupt the narrative by showing illustrations: this can be done after reading or shortly before it (looking at the book will arouse interest in the plot among preschoolers). When reading educational literature the picture is used to visually explain the information at any time.

Both younger and older preschoolers always look at illustrations for works with great interest.

The general structure of a reading lesson

The structure of a lesson in reading fiction depends on its type, the age of the pupils and the content of the material. Traditionally, there are three parts:

  1. Acquaintance with the work, the purpose of which is the correct and emotionally rich perception.
  2. A conversation about what was read, aimed at clarifying the content, language tools expressiveness.
  3. Re-reading the text (or its key episodes) to deepen perception and consolidate the impression.

Types of reading classes in kindergarten

There are several types of classes for reading fiction with preschoolers:

Motivating start to class

The key task of the educator is to prepare preschoolers for the perception of the work, to motivate them to listen. Various methods are used for this.

The appearance of the playable character

In younger and middle age, it is better to start classes with a surprise moment with the appearance of a game character. It is always with the content of the work. For example, this is a fluffy plush kitten (V. Berestov’s poem “Kitten”), a funny yellow chicken (K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken”), Masha doll (Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear”, “Three Bears”, “Geese Swans and others where a little girl appears).

The toy conveys the mischievous nature of the kitten from the poem of the same name by V. Berestov

The teacher can show the kids a magic chest in which the heroes of the fairy tale find themselves. As a rule, these are works where many characters appear (“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Gingerbread Man”).

Message from a hero

You can also use the motive of the letter - a message comes to the group from the brownie Kuzenka. He says that he lives in a kindergarten - he guards it at night, and during the day he really likes to listen to how the guys sing songs, play, play sports. And so Kuzya decided to give the children a gift - to give them his box with fairy tales. Now, at any time, kids can get acquainted with new fairy tale which the teacher will read to them.

Brownie Kuzya gives the kids his box with fairy tales

preliminary conversation

In older preschool age, to create motivation for reading, you can already use personal experience preschoolers. This can be an introductory mini-conversation that connects life events with the theme of the work. For example, a teacher asks children if they like to fantasize. Then they all discuss together: why do people fantasize at all (to amuse their interlocutor, to please him, etc.). Then the teacher smoothly proceeds to reading N. Nosov's story "Dreamers". By the way, you can also introduce a game character, Dunno, into the lesson on this topic, because he also liked to invent and compose fables.

Additionally, children can be offered to color Dunno

Another example is when a teacher starts a conversation about a dream. After all, every person has it. An adult asks to tell the guys what they dream about. After that, the teacher leads the preschoolers to the conclusion that in order to fulfill their desire, one cannot sit back, but one needs to work hard, make efforts, although, of course, there are times when luck smiles at a person, and a dream comes true by itself, as if by magic. And very often this is found in Russian folk tales, for example, in the work “According to pike command"(or another, where they appear magical heroes or things that help the main character).

Familiarization with visual materials

To create motivation for reading, the teacher can also start the lesson by looking at a picture, for example, the work of V. Vasnetsov “Three heroes”. After getting acquainted with this work of art, children will surely listen with great interest to the epic about Ilya Muromets or another Russian knight.

After examining the brave heroes, it will be very interesting for preschoolers to listen to the epic about Ilya Muromets

Shortly before the lesson, you can interest the children in the colorful cover of the book or its illustrations: the children will want to know who is depicted on it and what happened to the characters in the work.

After looking at the illustrations, the children will probably want to know who is depicted on them and what happened to the heroes.

Before reading poems about some time of the year, it is good to take the children for a walk or arrange an excursion to an autumn or winter park.

Examples of class notes

Sample lesson plans can be found here:

  • Karanova M.S., "Bear cub Burik" (second junior group);
  • Romanova N., “Reading and memorizing the poem by M. Khudyakov “Autumn” (middle group);
  • Konovalova D.V., “Let's talk about friendship (reading the story of V. Oseeva “Who is the boss”)” (preparatory group).

Topic options for classes in reading fiction

In each age group teacher selects interesting topics classes, focusing on the list of works of fiction recommended by educational programs. Some works may be repeated: if at an early age it is just listening, then at an older age there is already an in-depth analysis, retelling of the text by preschoolers, staging, reading by roles, etc.

First junior group

  • A. Barto's poem "Bear".
  • A. Barto's poem "The sun is looking out the window."
  • Russian folk song "The cat went to Torzhok ...".
  • Russian folk song "Cockerel, cockerel ...".
  • Russian folk tale "Turnip".
  • Russian folk song "Like a meadow, a meadow ...".
  • Russian folk song "Like our cat ...".
  • “Bai-bye, bye-bye, doggy, don’t bark ...”.
  • Russian folk song "Ryabushechka Hen".
  • Russian folk tale "Kids and the Wolf" in the processing of K. Ushinsky.
  • Russian folk song "Oh, how I love my cow ...".
  • Poem A. Barto "Truck".
  • S. Kaputikyan's poem "Everyone is sleeping."
  • Poem by V. Berestov "Sick Doll".
  • Russian folk song "Koza-dereza".
  • Russian folk song "Yegorka Hare ...".
  • The story of L. N. Tolstoy "The cat was sleeping on the roof ...".
  • The work of S. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse".

    Many fairy tales for children can be included in any regime moments(for example, transition to daytime sleep)

  • The story of L. N. Tolstoy "Petya and Masha had a horse ...".
  • K. Chukovsky's poem "Kotausi and Mausi".
  • A. Barto's poem "Elephant".
  • The nursery rhyme “Oh, you, a hare-shooter ...” (translated from Moldavian by I. Tokmakova).
  • Russian folk tale "Teremok" (arranged by M. Bulatov).
  • Russian folk song “Ai doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak tree.
  • S. Kaputikyan's poem "Masha is having lunch".
  • Poem by N. Saxonskaya “Where is my finger”
  • P. Voronko's poem "New clothes".
  • Poem by N. Syngaevsky "Helper".
  • An excerpt from a poem by Z. Alexandrova "My Bear".
  • Poem by V. Khorol "Bunny".

    Khorol's poem about a bunny is very rhythmic, which allows it to be used for motor exercises

  • M. Poznanskaya's poem "It's snowing."
  • Tale of L. N. Tolstoy "Three Bears".
  • Poem O. Vysotskaya "Cold".
  • Poem by V. Berestov "Kitten".
  • A. Barto's poem "Bunny".
  • A. Barto's poem "Who screams like that?".
  • Tale of V. Suteev "Who said" meow "?".
  • German song "Snegiryok" (translated by V. Viktorov).
  • A. Barto's poem "Ship".
  • Russian folk song "A fox with a box ran through the forest."
  • "In the toy store" (chapters from the book by Ch. Yancharsky "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik", translated from Polish by V. Prikhodko).
  • Russian folk nickname "Sun-bucket".
  • The call "Rain, rain, more fun ...".

    Calls and nursery rhymes can become the basis for a physical education session or finger gymnastics

  • Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear" (arranged by M. Bulatov).
  • A. Pleshcheev's poem "Rural Song".
  • “The wind walks on the sea ...” (an excerpt from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).
  • Poem by A. Vvedensky "Mouse".
  • G. Sapgir's poem "Cat".
  • Russian folk amusement "Because of the forest, because of the mountains ...".
  • Tale of V. Bianchi "The Fox and the Mouse".
  • G. Ball's story "Yeltyachok".
  • A poem by A. and P. Barto “The Roaring Girl”.

    This poem is useful for working with whiny children, but do not allow such a child to be teased by others.

  • Poem by K. Chukovsky "Confusion".
  • Tale of D. Bisset "Ha-ha-ha" (translated from English by N. Shereshevskaya).
  • Russian folk amusement "Cucumber, cucumber ...".
  • The poem "Shoemaker" (translated from Polish in the processing of B. Zakhoder).
  • B. Zakhoder's poem "Kiskino grief".
  • A. Brodsky's poem "Sunny Bunnies".
  • Tale of N. Pavlova "Strawberry".
  • "Friends" (chapter from Ch. Yancharsky's book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik").

Second junior group

middle group

Senior group

  • Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog".
  • A story on the theme of the poem by E. Trutneva "Summer is flying away."
  • A story on the theme of the poem by E. Trutneva "Autumn is flying away."
  • Memorizing a poem by M. Isakovsky "Go beyond the seas and oceans."
  • Retelling of the fairy tale by K. D. Ushinsky "Know how to wait."
  • T. Alexandrova "Kuzka Brownie".
  • The story of P. Bazhov's fairy tale "Silver Hoof".
  • Reading the story of Viktor Dragunsky "Childhood Friend".
  • Memorizing a poem by E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence."

    Poems and fairy tales teach the child kindness, respect for others, support curiosity

  • Retelling of the story by V. Chaplina "Squirrel".
  • The story of the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess".
  • Reading the fairy tale by N. Teleshov "Krupenichka".
  • Reading the chapters of Astrid Lindgren's story "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."
  • Memorizing a poem by I. Surikov "Here is my village."
  • The story of the Russian folk tale "Hare-boast" (in the processing of A. Tolstoy).
  • Reading the story of N. N. Nosov "The Living Hat".
  • The story of the work of V. P. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower".
  • Memorizing S. Yesenin's poem "Birch".
  • Telling the Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo" (arr. K. Shavrova).
  • S. Gorodetsky "Kitten" (reading in faces).
  • Retelling of N. Kalinina's story "About the snow bun".
  • Memorizing a poem by M. Yasnov "Peaceful counting rhyme".
  • The story of the Russian folk tale "Nikita Kozhemyaka".
  • Reading the work of G. Snegiryov "Penguin Beach".
  • Reading chapters from the story of A.P. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek". Modeling "Puppy"
  • Reading a poem by A. Fet "The cat sings, his eyes screwed up ...".
  • Reading a poem by Y. Akim "My relatives".
  • Narration of the folk tale "Sivka-burka".

    Many plots of Russian literature passed through the years, they were also known to the grandparents of today's kids

  • Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Bone".
  • Reading excerpts from the work of B. S. Zhitkov "How I caught little men."
  • Memorizing I. Belousov's poem "Spring Guest".
  • Reading a poem by G. Ladonshchikov "Spring".
  • Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Hare"
  • Retelling of the story by Y. Thais "Train".
  • The story of the Russian folk tale "Fear has big eyes."

    The fairy tale "Fear has big eyes" is essentially psychological

  • Reading the work of I. Leshkevich "Traffic Light".
  • Dramatization of an excerpt from the Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear".
  • Memorizing G. Vieru's poem "Mother's Day".
  • The story of the Russian folk tale "The wolf and the seven kids".
  • Retelling of the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet".
  • Reading an excerpt from the work of K. Paustovsky "Cat-thief".
  • Memorizing the excerpt “At the seashore there is a green oak ...” from A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.
  • Favorite tales of A. S. Pushkin.
  • Reading R. Kipling's fairy tale "Elephant".
  • The story of the Russian folk tale "Havroshechka".

preparatory group

Circle for reading fiction in kindergarten

In kindergarten, circle work on reading fiction is often practiced. This direction is very important: children's literature today has many "rivals" - cartoons, children's TV programs, computer games. They do not require reflection from the guys, unlike a work of art. There is also such a paradox: in bookstores there is a huge assortment of colorful, informative and interesting publications, but reading with a child requires strength, attention and time, which many parents do not have enough. In these cases, the task of introducing preschoolers to the book falls on the shoulders of the educator. And it’s good if, in addition to the works given by educational program kindergarten, he introduces children to other wonderful fairy tales, stories, epics, poems, as well as proverbs and sayings.

Today, books have many "competitors" in the struggle for the attention of the child.

As for the topics of the literary circle, it can cover:

  • works of various genres (variant titles: “Visiting a book”, “Literary living room”, “ Magic world books");
  • only fairy tales (“Fairy tales are good friends”, “Visiting a fairy tale”, “A fairy tale is rich in wisdom ...”);
  • poems (children expressively read them and memorize them).

Classes in the circle are usually held once a week in the afternoon.

As an example, consider work program And perspective plan the work of the circle "On a visit to the book" (designed for three years of study) of the educator E. V. Nazarova. Its peculiarity is that reading literature is combined with conducting Russian folk games similar topics.

Elizaveta Vasilievna indicates the following tasks of the circle:

  • develop in children the ability to fully perceive piece of art, empathize with the characters, emotionally respond to what they read;
  • to teach children to feel and understand the figurative language of a work of art, means of expression that create an artistic image, develop creative thinking preschoolers;
  • develop the ability to reproduce artistic images literary work, develop children's imagination, associative thinking, to develop the poetic ear of children, to accumulate the aesthetic experience of listening to works of fine literature, to cultivate an artistic ear;
  • to form the need for constant reading of books, to develop interest in reading fiction, the work of writers, creators of works of verbal art;
  • enrich the sensory experience of the child, his real ideas about the world and nature;
  • to form the aesthetic attitude of the child to life, introducing him to the classics of fiction;
  • expand the horizons of children through reading books of various genres, diverse in content and topics, enrich the moral, aesthetic and cognitive experience of the child;

The goal is to in-depth acquaint children with children's literature and books, to provide literary development preschoolers, to reveal to children the world of moral and aesthetic values ​​and spiritual culture accumulated previous generations, work out artistic taste, to form a culture of feelings, communication.

How to Organize an Open Viewing of a Fiction Reading Class

One of important forms reading activities are open classes during which the teacher demonstrates his innovative experience to colleagues. Novelty can affect various aspects:

  • the use of information and computer technologies - ICT (slides depicting episodes of a work, its individual characters);
  • retelling the fairy tale by children based on mnemonic tables (this direction is always of interest);
  • even a physical education minute can be innovative - required element most classes (for example, using pebbles to enhance the rhythm, by the way, this technique can also be used when reading poems).

Classes using ICT always look advantageous

Interesting idea - connect to the event music director or use audio recordings. For example, in the same fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”, the music will convey how a girl gathers mushrooms and berries in the forest, and a bear walks through the forest with a heavy tread. Children will simply be delighted with such a deep immersion in the work.

The final of an open lesson can also be interesting to beat. For example, children give guests bookmarks for books they have made with their own hands.

Open viewing cannot be rehearsed in advance with the group, for example, memorizing poems or working out answers to questions. This is always visible from the outside: children will not be as intrigued as if they perceived the work for the first time.

Features of holding festive and leisure activities for reading

The development of interest in the book is also facilitated by various festive events: literary leisure, entertainment, evenings, quizzes. Their theme may be the work of a particular writer, poet (for example, A. Pushkin, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto), especially if this is associated with his upcoming anniversary.

A literary event can be timed to coincide with a holiday, for example, Mother's Day, Bird's Day, May 9th. For this, they select works of different genres(poems, short stories, episodes from fairy tales, proverbs, sayings), which are played out in an original way.

The festive atmosphere is always created by the association various kinds art - literature, theater, dance, music, art. Sports elements can also be included in such leisure.

Structure literary holiday similar to building a matinee:

  1. Grand opening with introductory remarks leader.
  2. Display of concert numbers.
  3. Demonstration of the exhibition of books.
  4. Completion.

Combine parts of the event, except for the leader, game characters. They do not let children's attention weaken.

Recitation of poems is an integral part of the literary festival

Older preschoolers can arrange for pupils younger age a mini-concert with reading familiar nursery rhymes, songs, poems. In this case, it is desirable to use visual materials - toys, pictures, various objects.

An example of a synopsis of a literary event based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak (author A. G. Chirikova).

Related videos

Acquaintance with fiction often turns into little performance where the children themselves perform.

Video: reading Agnia Barto's poems about toys (younger group) Video can’t be loaded: An excerpt from the lesson in the second junior group by sign (

Video: telling and staging the fairy tale "Teremok" (second junior group) Video can’t be loaded: NOOD for fiction in the second junior group based on the fairy tale “Teremok” (

Video: "Journey through Russian folk tales" (open lesson in the middle group)

Video can't be loaded: Open class on the topic: "Journey through Russian folk tales» (

Video: lesson-journey through the fairy tale "Geese-swans" (senior preschool age) Video can’t be loaded: Integrated activity-journey through the fairy tale “Geese are swans” (

Introducing your child to reading should start from the very beginning. early age. In addition to parents, a key role in this is played by kindergarten- first social institution child. Of course, preschoolers are more listeners than readers. The content of the work of art is conveyed to them by the teacher, he also reveals the idea, helps the children to feel the feelings for the characters. That is why the teacher should be able to interest the kids in the book, being competent in the field of children's literature and in high degree mastering the skills of expressive reading.

Abstract educational activities for reading fiction in the middle group

Subject:“Reading the story of N. Nosov “The Living Hat””.
Target: introduce children to the work of Nikolai Nosov "The Living Hat"

to form the ability of children to understand the humor of the situation;
clarify children's ideas about the features of the story, its composition, differences from others literary genres;
enrich the active vocabulary by introducing children to the story;
develop dialogical and monologue speech of pupils;
development of a sense of humor, creative image;
development of communication skills: the ability to respond complete offer, enter into a dialogue, speak in turn, listen to the opinion of others without interrupting.
fostering interest in works of fiction
to cultivate aesthetic feelings through a work of art: to help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the poetic language.

Preliminary work:
educator: studying methodical literature, development of a summary of educational activities, preparation of the necessary materials;
with kids: reading N. Nosov's stories. Examination of pictures, illustrations for stories.
with parents: Parents were advised to read fiction with their children, to talk about the content of works with children.

Organization of the developing object-spatial environment:
class is held in group room, children sit on chairs;
demo: portrait of N. Nosov, illustrations for the story "The Living Hat", N. Nosov's book "The Living Hat"

Vocabulary work:
Dictionary activation:
cabinet, hat
Dictionary Enrichment: chest of drawers, poker, crack, flop, club

Features of a group of children and their consideration in the course of educational activities: based on the fact that three levels of speech development of children were identified in the group, this lesson it is expedient to carry out with three subgroups separately.

Individual characteristics children and their inclusion in the course of educational activities: due to the fact that there are children in the group (Zhenya P., Gosha Ch., Kolya Zh.) with low level development of speech, it is necessary to activate them when answering questions and repeating words and to assist in storytelling.

Methods and techniques:
Verbal: reading a story, conversation, questions, analysis, explanations, writing stories.
Visual: examining the portrait of N. Nosov and illustrations for the story "The Living Hat".
Practical: drawing a kitten, making up a story about a kitten.
Game Methods: game motivation.

The course of educational activities:
I. Introduction.

- Guys, tell me, please, what am I going to tell you a riddle about now:
What is it, tell me
There are no toys in there.
Books lined up
Waiting for the reading guys.
Children: bookshelf, bookcase, library
- How did you guess? We also have a library in the group. What books are in our library?
- Fairy tales, stories, poems.
- Guys, remember how stories differ from fairy tales and poems.
Children's answers.
-The story tells about what happened in life or could happen. There are no miracles and fairy-tale expressions in the story.
- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with creativity famous writer N. N. Nosova. Look at his portrait. He is one of the most popular and beloved children's authors. His books are worth reading and re-reading. Nikolai Nikolayevich became a writer as if by accident: when his son was born, he had to tell him many fairy tales. The son grew up and demanded new and new fairy tales. In the center of the works of N. Nosov are dreamers, fidgets, indefatigable inventors, your peers, who are often punished for their inventions. The most common life situations turn in Nosov's stories into extraordinarily funny cautionary tales, bring up in children honesty, a sense of friendship, responsiveness, love of work; they condemn such shameful qualities as envy, lies, rudeness, etc.
- Guys, what works of N. N. Nosov do you know?
- Listen to N. Nosov's story "The Living Hat"
II. Main part.
(Reading N. Nosov's story "The Living Hat". Pictures from the story gradually appear on the screen).
- Did you like this story? (Yes)
- Was the hat from Nosov's story really alive? (No)
- Name the heroes of the story (Volodya, Vladik).
Why did the boys think the hat was alive? (she crawled)
- What feelings did the boys experience at the sight of a "live" hat? (they got scared)
- Tell how the boys got scared.
- Show how scared they are!
- What weapon did the boys choose to fight the hat? (potato)
Who came up with the idea of ​​throwing potatoes? (Vovka)
- How did the boys know the secret of the hat? (they threw potatoes and the hat jumped to the top)
- Assess the behavior of the boys. What are they?
- Explain why Vadik caresses and hugs the cat Vaska.
How do boys feel about animals? (kindly)
How do we see them at the end of the story? (they rejoiced)
Is this story funny or sad? (funny)
- And what would you do in the place of the boys?
- The story is called "The Living Hat". What is another name for this story?
- What do you think, what could have happened to the guys if it was not the cat Vaska under the hat. Come up with your own story at home and draw a picture for it. And in the next lesson, we will listen to what you did.
Physical education:
One - rise, pull up,
Two - bend, unbend,
Three - in the hands of three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit on a chair
Seven, eight - laziness
- It is important to see the real, funny things in life, to understand the jokes of people around you, to be able to tell yourself about some funny incident.
- What were we doing? (read)
What story did we read? Who is author?
What feelings did you experience while reading the story?

The group includes the Old Man-Lesovichok, greets the children.
Old Man-Lesovichok:I have come to you from afar. Guess where I live?
The house is open on all sides
It is covered with a carved roof,
Come into the green house
You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

Guys, have any of you ever been in the forest?
Did you enjoy being there? Let's go to the forest now! What is the air like in the forest?
What sounds do you hear? (Birdsong)
Yes, not only birds live in the forest, but also animals. Do you know what? Here the hare galloped, but the wolf wanders along its trail. The bear lay down to rest. But our beauty of the forest went hunting.

Lesovichok: You know, in my forest, what kind of miracles do not happen. Yesterday Lisa left this wonderful book. I brought it for you. Let's take a look at it. What do you see on the cover? Who is depicted on it? Pay attention to the title! What letters do you see? Let's read the title of the book together. That's right, guys, our book is called Fox Bread. This is a story written by the writer M. Prishvin.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of M. Prishvin. During the years of his life he was a hunter, an agronomist, a teacher. M. Prishvin wrote many books for children and adults. He talked a lot about animals and nature. In the books, M. Prishvin discovers something important, close to every person. Why do you think he great attention given to nature? (portrait of M. Prishvin in the presentation).
And today we will get acquainted with the work of M. Prishvin, and the story is called "Fox Bread".
Shows a picture that shows an illustration from a book.
- In the story you will meet unfamiliar and incomprehensible words. Let's get to know them, find out what they mean so that you can understand the story.

The Old Man-Lesovichok introduces children to the interpretation of these words.
A crest is a diminutive of a crest, meaning a protruding tuft of hair or feathers (in the frontal part of the head).
Copulya is an affectionate word for a kopuska, a person who fumbles, gathers for a long time.
Prey is a prey that is caught either by a hunter or a predator animal.
Stunned - surprised, gasped, puzzled.

I wonder why M. Prishvin called his story that way? Then listen.

Old Man-Lesovichok:Did you like the story? What bird is the author talking about? What mushrooms and berries did he bring to Zinochka?
What does the author say about pine resin? What names of herbs do you remember? What did Zinochka see under the rabbit cabbage? What did the hunter call this bread? Why does “chanterelle bread” seem to Zinochka to be tastier than usual? Why did the writer title his story that way? Why do you think the writer told us this story?
Is bread good for you? Does it have any use? Do you know proverbs about bread?
Lesovichok: Well done, what are you! Now let's guys play one game. And I'll check you, how you remember this story!

The game "Truth and False"(Children guess where is the truth and where is the lie in the statements).

The narrator spent the whole day in the forest and returned home in the evening with rich booty?
- Did he catch a bear in the forest?
- Did the hunter tell Zinochka about the black grouse?
- He told about the titmouse, showed her that she was gray, with a tuft.
- He also brought with him a fragrant lump of pine resin, gave the girl a sniff and said that trees are treated with this resin.
-Under the hare cabbage was a piece of loaf?
- And Zinochka, when she saw a loaf under the hare cabbage, she cried.
- Did the fox give her bread?
- Zinochka ate this bread? She believed that chanterelle bread?
Let's warm up now. Let's go for a walk in the forest.
Physical education minute

We walked through the forest and rested a little. Let's get up, take a deep breath.Hands to the sides, forward, miracles in our world: Children have become dwarfsand then everyone stood up together, we became giants,
We clap together, stomp our feet! Well we walked
and not at all tired!
Lesovichok: Guys, do you like theater? And I love passion. Let's turn into actors and try to act out the plot from the story. Let's take the plot in which Zinochka found fox bread. Who wants to try the first to play?
Well, I liked the way you played, as if I had been to the theater.

Guys, do you understand what M. Prishvin wants to tell us in this story? (About the fact that grandfather cheated and taught Zinochka to eat bread)
Did you like this story? What new did you learn? Would you like to get acquainted with the works of M.M. Prishvin? Okay, next time I'll come to you with a new story. And now it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Did you like our meeting? What new work did you learn? What do we remember today?
I have prepared a surprise for you - a basket of cones! Joke! Because you are so quick-witted and quick-witted, here are some presents for you from me, the Old Man-Lesovichka.

Goodbye, see you again!

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