Pedagogical project on theatrical activities in the dow. Project of theatrical activity "the theater and us"


Podelyakina Irina
Project for theatrical activities


Theatrical games with older preschool children.

Performed: Podelyakin

Irina Nikolayevna

Stavropol, 2014

Relevance project

AT modern society sharply increased the social prestige of the intellect and scientific knowledge. This is connected with the desire to give children knowledge, teach them to read, write and count, and not the ability to feel, think and create. The pedagogical attitude, first of all, to the development of thinking, turns the emotional and spiritual essence of the child into a secondary value. According to new requirements state standard education in Russian Federation mastering by preschool children the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers is defined as the most important integrative quality. A person without communication cannot live among people, develop and create. To become educated, easily adaptable in society, sociable, a preschooler needs to master communication skills.

Well, the most important thing is a holiday, an emotional outburst, delight from participation in the performance.

The novelty of this project consists in the development of stage creativity by means of theatricalization through project activities with children and their parents.

Members project: teachers - children - parents - music director.

Type of project:

1. Dominant method: complex, practice-oriented, creative;

2. By the nature of the content: socio-pedagogical;

3. By number of participants project: a group of children 6-7 years old (25 children, teachers, parents;

4. By time: long-term - 3 months (September - November);

5. By the nature of contacts: within the framework of a preschool educational institution.

Form of work with children:

educational activity

Games for the expression of various emotions

Playing sketches, fairy tales

Performance of the play "Three Bears".

The purpose of this project creative and comprehensive development of the child's personality by means of . Tasks project:

1. Create conditions for joint (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, kindergarten employees, organizing performances by older children in front of younger ones);

2. To promote the versatile development of preschoolers, the disclosure of their creative and spiritual potential for subsequent successful adaptation in the social environment;

3. Formation in children of a sustainable interest in works of art, theatrical activities;

4. Development of communication skills - the ability to communicate with other people, based on the rules of verbal communication;

5. Instill in children primary skills in the field theatrical art ;

Methods and techniques.

Creative activity(game creativity, song, dance)

Games - dramatizations

Diction exercises

Transformation Games

Working with parents.

The leading idea is the active involvement of parents in the creative process of development theatrical activities of children.

Types of interaction with parents.

- oral questioning: "Do you play with your child in theatre" (at the beginning and end project)

Individual conversations

Visual information

Folder " Theater for everyone"with a description of the story theater, its types

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1 (organizational):

definition of goals and objectives project;

selection of literature, manuals, attributes;

preparation of thematic planning of events.

Stage 2 (practical):

creation of a developing environment;

cycle organization theatrical classes, leisure;

holidays and entertainment for children and parents.

Stage 3 (analytical):


analysis project activities;

presentation of results presentation project.

Implementation principles project.

1. The principle of integrating the main educational areas in various types of children's activities;

2. The principle of consistency and consistency;

3. Accounting for age characteristics;

4. Interaction with family;

5. Maximum orientation to the creativity of children, to the development of psychophysical sensations, the emancipation of the individual;

6. Support for children's initiative;

7. Developmental education in theatrical games.

Predicted result:

Implementation project will contribute to the comprehensive development of artistic abilities, musical creativity, the development of the emotional-sensual sphere and figurative thinking in children, the emancipation of children and the development of their communication skills;

Formation creativity children in theatrical activities we suggest starting with special game-exercises with children to develop imagination, facial expressions, pantomime, intonation and articulation.


Circle work activity itself. activity Individual

"Let's get acquainted"

Tasks: to develop an emotional response to the actions of the characters of the puppet show, to evoke sympathy and a desire to help

game-situation "Protect the Weak"/ file cabinet


“How a cat, a puppy and a duckling became friends”. / file cabinet Tasks:

theater Tasks:

Maintain an interested attitude towards dramatization games, the desire to participate in this type of activity.

Work on intonational expressiveness of speech.

Show how to act with different puppets

oral questioning Do you play with your child theatre» / application no. 1

Visual information "Organization theatrical activities in middle group »

Puppet show

"Who lives in the house?"

“Change myself, friends. Guess who I am?

"Sign Language"

Circle work activity itself. activity Individual. work Work with parents Final event

"Understand me" Tasks: to form the emotional expressiveness of children's speech; develop the ability to follow the development of action in a fairy tale.

Game improvisation "Happy Dialogue"/ file cabinet

Game exercises "Our cute little animals"/ file cabinet

Dialogues-improvisations / file cabinet Tasks:

encourage children to play with tabletop dolls theater, play familiar fairy tales, poems.

Game exercises "The Show Begins"/ file cabinet

Tasks: to form the skills of puppetry rubber, plastic, soft toy desktop theater.

Game improvisation: "Dolls Take the Stage"/ file cabinet

Visual information

"Conditions for development theatrical games and involving children in theatrical activities».

Tabletop puppet show "Kolobok"

Reading a play "Turnip".

“A big turnip has grown - very big”.

Play rehearsal "Turnip".

Playing a play "Turnip".

Circle work activity itself. activity Individual. work Work with parents Final event

"Animals in the Yard"

Tasks: to learn to evaluate the actions of actors.

Screen device display

Music exercise "My doll is dancing"

Etudes "We walk and run", "Let's walk together"/ file cabinet

Acting out scenes in pairs


encourage children to play with tabletop dolls theater, play out familiar fairy tales, poems

Tasks: to teach children the techniques of tabletop puppetry theater cone toy.

An exercise "Jump, my doll"

Demonstration of methods of action with puppets using a screen

Individual conversations

"Meaning theatrical education for preschool children.

dramatization "Cheerful Bunny"

"Gloves" №1

"Gloves" №2

"Tales from the chest"

Implementation results project.

Conditions for joint theatrical activities for children and adults(staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees of the kindergarten, organizing performances by children of older groups in front of younger ones);

in the process activities revealed their creative and spiritual potential for subsequent successful adaptation in the social environment;

children developed an interest in works of art, theatrical activities;

children are able to communicate with other people, based on the rules of verbal communication;

children practice rules of conduct in theater.

Great and versatile influence theatrical activities on the personality of the child allowed me to use it as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool, which allows solving many urgent problems of a pedagogical and psychological plan, because a child, during theatrical performance, feels more relaxed, free, natural, which allows you to more effectively absorb cognitive information about the world around you, the laws of society, the beauty of human relationships and learn to live in this world, build your relationships.


1. Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. M.: Education, 1991.

2. .Doronova T.N. We play theatre: theatrical activities of children 4-6 years old: methodical manual for educators of preschool educational institutions.

M. Enlightenment, 2005

3. Kutsakova L. V., Merzlyakova S. I. Raising a child preschooler: Program-methodical manual.

M.: Humanit. ed. center Vlados, 2004

4. Makhaneva M. D. Theatrical classes in children's garden: A manual for employees of pre-school institutions.

No wonder children love fairy tales.

After all, the fairy tale is good

What is in it a happy ending

The soul already anticipates ... "

fairy world theater

Why do we choose a fairy tale as the thread of communication with children? But how could it be otherwise, because this strong thread, tested for strength over the years, is destined to curl. Tied to human feelings, emotions and life situations, the fairy tale is close and understandable to children with its accessibility. Children want and love to play. Let's play a fairy tale, baby! It will bring you joy! In the life of a child from his very birth, there is a fairy tale with its kind heroes, transformations and magic items. The child lives in a land of various fantasies. A child can find the embodiment of non-standard thinking for an adult in the children's theater, where every minute he sees confirmation of his vision of the world around him. The fairy tale is close and understandable to children, and he finds a reflection of his worldview in the theater. Children believe in miracles, and that somewhere on earth there is an extraordinary country in which birds and animals can talk to each other and live in friendship, where good always triumphs over evil. This Wonderland exists and it is called - Theater! The theater world is a land of real fantasies and good fairy tale, a game of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and sounds. The theater is fertile ground for creativity. Everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking. An adult can also take on any role and ... become a Wizard! One has only to wave the “magic” wand and everything around will change: it will come to life fairy forest the birds and beasts will speak human language, everything will be illuminated with a mysterious light and filled with sounds, unprecedented adventures and amazing transformations will begin.

Children's theater is an integral part of a child's life. Pictures appear before his eyes. native nature, people with characters, life. The images of the heroes of Russian fairy tales become an integral part of the child's life, revealing to him in an accessible form the concepts of good and evil, bringing up good feelings.

The child is imbued with good feelings, experiences with the heroes of fairy tales, and along with all this comprehends the simple and complex, instructive and amazing truth of life.

Theater is an assistant in raising children. The theater encourages the activity of the child, has a huge emotional impact, promotes the development of imagination. Each time, entering the world of the theater, the child makes for himself, albeit small, but a discovery.

Theatrical activities help develop the interests and abilities of children, contribute to the overall development, the manifestation of curiosity, the desire to learn new things, assimilate information and new ways of acting, develop associative thinking, perseverance and purposefulness, manifestation general intelligence, emotions when playing roles. Theatrical activities require the child to be decisive, systematic in work, industriousness, thereby contributing to the formation of strong-willed character traits. Performances on stage contribute to the realization of the creative forces and spiritual needs of the child, emancipation and self-esteem. Theatrical activities teach the child to accurately formulate his thoughts, to accurately feel and learn the world

Love for theatrical creativity, the desire to convey this love to children, the desire to make the life of a child happier through theatrical skills, and inner world richer, has become the reference point for the creation of this project.

Objective of the project: Involve children in theater culture.

Project objectives:

  1. Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities.
  2. Teach children various means of improvisation.
  3. To form children's ideas about various types of theater and theatrical genres.
  4. Create conditions for joint activities of children and adults.
  5. Provide conditions for the relationship of theatrical and other activities.

Project participants:

  1. Group students.
  2. Group educators.
  3. Parents of the children in the group.
  4. Musical director.

For how long the project is designed: for the period of the child's stay in preschool (4 years).

Expected results:

  1. Development of the child in all areas of educational areas.
  2. A significant expansion of children's ideas about theatrical culture.
  3. Creation of an objective environment conducive to the development of theatrical culture in children.

Forms of work:

  • organization of training, developing and creative activities;
  • organization of joint events with parents;
  • organization of theater evenings (showing fairy tales and performances);
  • organization of visits cultural events(senior group).

Forms of work with parents:

  1. Joint production of toys and manuals for the organization of a subject-developing environment.
  2. Involving parents in joint activities.
  3. Open demonstrations of classes and theatrical performances.
  4. Advising parents on leading and current issues.
  5. Organization of visits to cultural sites and cultural events.

The main stages of the project implementation:

Stage 1

preliminary work

The study of methodological literature.

Acquisition of didactic material for the organization of a subject-developing environment.

Stage 2

Main job

Drawing up a program of activities to implement the tasks of the project.

Final work

Monitoring the implementation of project tasks.

On the final stage the implementation of the project, the final testing of pupils and the analysis of the subject-developing environment are carried out.

Stage 1

Preliminary work:

The study of methodological literature;

Organization of the subject-developing environment.


  1. federal state educational standard preschool education.
  2. SanPiN.
  3. N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich "Development of creative abilities in children from one year to three years, means of puppet theater"; Iris - press, Moscow 2007.
  4. A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in kindergarten with children 4-5 years old", Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008.
  5. A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in kindergarten with children aged 5-6", Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008.
  6. N.B. Ulashchenko "Organization of theatrical activity in the younger group", publishing house "Korifey", Volgograd.
  7. I.P. Koshmanskaya "Theatre in Kindergarten", Rostov-on-Don, publishing house "Phoenix".
  8. , Moscow, publishing house "Arkti", 2007.
  9. N.V. Smirnova, V.K. Shalaeva "Environment for the development of a preschooler: essence and structure", Ivanovo, 2009.
  10. S.N. Zakharova "Holidays in kindergarten", "Vlados", 2001.
  11. N.V. Zaretskaya, Z.A. Root "Holidays in kindergarten", Moscow publishing house "Iris-press", 2001.
  12. V.V. Gerbova, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarov "The program of education and training in kindergarten" Moscow, publishing house "Mosaic-synthesis", 2005.
  13. Magazines "Preschool education", magazines "Child in kindergarten".
  14. Internet sites of preschool institutions, Internet portals.

Organization of the subject-developing environment.

For the successful implementation of the project objectives, it is necessary to create an appropriate subject-developing environment.

  1. Mini-stage with a screen and a microphone.
  2. Bi-ba-bo dolls.
  3. Riding puppets.
  4. Gapite dolls.
  5. Flat theatres.
  6. Flannelgraph.
  7. Finger toys.
  8. Theater of a rubber toy.
  9. Theater of soft toys.
  10. Circle theater.
  11. Puppet Theatre.
  12. Round tabletop.
  13. Masks.
  14. Dressing room with large mirror.
  15. Dressing corner.
  16. Glove theater.
  17. Shadow theater.
  18. Spoon Theatre.
  19. Folding books.
  20. Cone dolls.
  21. Musical instruments (noise, percussion, keyboards, wind, strings).
  22. Attributes for dance improvisations.

Stage 2

The structure of the program for the implementation of the project tasks.

The program is focused on the comprehensive development of the personality of the child, taking into account his individuality. It systematizes the means and methods of theatrical and gaming activities.

The main objectives of the program:

  1. Consistently acquaint children with various types of theater, introduce them to theatrical art.
  2. Contribute to the development of the most important competencies of preschool children.
  3. Gradual development by children various kinds creativity by age group.
  4. Improving the artistic skills of children.

Program structure:

The program consists of three sections corresponding to the age periods of preschool childhood (from 3-4 years; from 4-5 years; from 5-6 years). There are two types of tasks in the program. The first type is educational tasks that are aimed at developing emotionality, intellectual and communicative competencies, by means of the theater. The second type is educational tasks that are associated with the development of artistry.

The program includes the following types creative activity:

Game creativity;

Song creativity;

Improvisation on children's musical instruments;

Fundamentals of puppetry;

Acting basics;

Fundamentals of puppet theater;


Song creativity, playing children's musical instruments, dance creativity, holidays, leisure activities are planned and held together with the music director at music lessons and in free time.

Theater classes begin with the second junior group and are held 1-2 times a week. In the schedule of classes, it is usually planned in the first half of the week. Classes can be held in the morning and in the evening at the discretion of the teacher. Starting from the middle group, two classes per week can be held. Seniors have two classes per week.

The material for classes is taken from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scripts of theatrical puppet classes”, Moscow, publishing house “Arkti”, 2007.

Second junior group

  1. Encourage interest in theatrical and game actions, create the necessary conditions to carry it out.
  2. Encourage the participation of children in theatrical activities, form positive attitude To her.
  3. To fix ideas about the surrounding objects. Teach children to name items of theatrical and domestic equipment.
  4. Develop the ability to follow the development of actions in dramatizations and puppet shows.
  5. To develop the speech of children with the help of puppet and other types of theater: to enrich the vocabulary, to form the ability to build sentences, achieving the correct and clear pronunciation of words.
  6. Encourage them to compose a fairy tale with the help of a teacher, using a table theater.
  7. Use improvisational forms of characters' dialogues in well-known fairy tales. Develop attention, memory, thinking of children.
  8. To form the ability to convey by means of facial expressions and pantomime, movements and gestures the main emotions of the characters. Teach children adequate emotional response to the state of other people or characters.
  9. To acquaint children with the techniques of puppetry table puppets. To form the ability to concentrate on a toy, a theater puppet.
  10. Teach children to accompany the movement of the puppets with a song or words.
  11. Encourage the desire of children to participate in improvisation, support the desire to play with musical toys, improvise on noise musical instruments.
  12. To develop the initiative and independence of children in games with theatrical puppets.
  13. Develop a desire to speak to parents, kindergarten staff.

Theater classes in the second junior group:

In theater classes, children learn the simplest methods of controlling table theater puppets. You can offer to come up with small stories that happen to the toy so that the child can compose dialogues himself, find expressive intonations. At the same time, help can be provided by leading questions, without giving a ready-made role model. No matter how primitive the stories composed by kids are, compulsory encouragement is necessary. The child must be encouraged to want to play with the doll. Playing out composed fairy tales spiritually liberates the baby and this should be paid attention to. In theater classes, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual trust, and respect for each other. A child can create only when he feels a benevolent attitude towards himself from his peers and adults.

Great importance in the second junior group is given to work on sketches. This is a kind of school that helps children learn the secrets of managing theatrical puppets, the basics of acting. Toddlers playfully learn to express their feelings and understand the feelings of other people. This will help them avoid difficulties in communicating with peers and adults. Working on sketches develops the child, gives him the necessary skills to participate in puppet and other performances. Only by creating an atmosphere of creative cooperation, you can start staging a performance. In the second junior group, well-known Russians can be played with table puppets folk tales: "Ryaba Hen", "Masha and the Bear", " Goby-Resin Barrel"," Zayushkin's hut ". Here you can also invite children to come up with a dialogue on their own. By the end of the second junior group, children should already master the skills of managing table puppets, they can fully concentrate their attention on the puppet, and listen carefully to their partner. Also, children can compose a small fairy tale on their own.

September-November (second junior group)

Types of creative activity Classes and repertoire
Game creativity Involve children in writing short stories and stories Table theater rubber toy “Meeting in the Forest”, “Bear and Donkey” (composed by children)
Song creativity Accompanying the movement of the doll with a song invented by the child Any table theater Any song from a fairy tale or music for example. "The bear is dancing" M. Protasov
Dance creativity Cause an emotional response and a desire to move to the music Phonogram of any rhythmic music Invite the children to come up with and dance a dance of any of the characters in the fairy tale "Turnip"
Generate interest and desire to play with musical toys Balalaikas, pipes, button accordions, piano imitate playing these instruments
The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. To introduce children to the techniques of tabletop puppetry table theater Lessons 1-4, 5-8, 9-12

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Fundamentals of puppet theater To educate the ability to follow the development of action in a fairy tale, to lead children to an expressive performance of the role. Table theater, table puppets, toys, Stuffed Toys
Acting Basics Cultivate mindfulness, develop children's imagination and imagination Work at the mirror
Develop interest in dramatization games, maintain a cheerful, joyful mood, encourage a friendly attitude towards each other, encourage them to join in dramatization games Dramatization in costumes, in the subject environment, with scenery According to the fairy tale "Turnip"
Engage in telling stories, arouse interest in what is happening on stage, enrich children with vivid impressions Attributes for the concert setting, costumes Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip", open viewing of the fairy tale

Second junior group (December-February)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creative abilities Means of development of creative abilities Classes, repertoire.

Classes are used from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Game creativity Encourage the desire of children to invent dialogues of characters in fairy tales Table Theater Cone Toy “Grandmother and granddaughter”, “Fox and cat”, “Visiting Santa Claus” (composed by children)
Song creativity Invite children to compose songs for individual syllables in the genre of lullaby or dance Large soft toy "Lullaby for Bear", "Doll Dance"
Dance creativity Encourage children to improvise simple dance moves to varied music Phonograms and discs with diverse music, attributes for dance improvisations (flags, sultans) Dance improvisations: “Dance of Petrushkas” (music by D. Kabalevsky), “Dance of Snowflakes” (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky)
Improvisation on children's musical instruments To give ideas and methods of sound extraction on children's musical instruments Spoons, rattles, tambourines, drums, bells Invite children to play music on musical instruments to the phonogram
Basic theater skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of forming the skills of theatrical skill The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. Teach children the techniques of puppetry table theater cone toys cone toy Zan.13-16, 17-20, 21-24

pp25-52. N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Lessons 17-18 - to assess the skills and knowledge of children in theatrical activities for the fall

Fundamentals of puppet theater To develop an emotional response to the action of the characters of the performance, to evoke sympathy and a desire to help, to form the emotional expressiveness of speech Cone Toy Theater
Acting Basics To form in children characteristic gestures of repulsion, attraction, opening, closing Work at the mirror Any studies on the expressiveness of the gesture “Hush”, “Come to me”, “Go away”, “Goodbye”
Basic principles of dramatization Arouse a desire to participate in dramatization games, lead children to create the image of a hero, using gestures and facial expressions Costumes, scenery, object environment. Eg. "Animals visiting the Snow Maiden"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment To develop actively participate in the holiday, develop the imagination, fantasy of children. Encourage children to play with table theater puppets Attributes for leisure, holiday "Christmas tree holiday"

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (episode production)

Second junior group (March-May)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creative abilities Means of development of creative abilities Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Game creativity Support the desire of children to collectively compose short fairy tales, stories, inventing dialogues of characters Table theater small soft toys "Birthday of the baby elephant", "The tiger cub got sick," Masha and the Bug "(composed by children)
Song creativity Encourage children to compose songs to the given text and use them in puppet shows and dramatizations Table theater cone toys, costumes, scenery and attributes Song of the cockerel from the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"
Dance creativity To instill interest and love for music, develop the child's musical abilities, cultivate an emotional attitude to music through dance movement Phonograms, caps of animals and birds, soft toys, dolls Free dance of a goat and kids from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Dance improvisation with puppets

Improvisation on children's musical instruments Encourage children to use children's musical instruments with a sound of indeterminate pitch in dramatizations and puppet shows Phonogram, sounding toys - instruments with sound of indefinite height Orchestral accompaniment of free dances in the play and dramatizations "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Zayushkina's Hut"
Basic theater skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of forming the skills of theatrical skill The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. To form in children the skills of puppetry of a soft toy of a table theater Soft toy Zan. 25-28, 29-32,33-36

pp.52-73 N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Lessons 35-36 - monitoring

See page 73

Fundamentals of puppet theater Develop the ability to give the actions of the characters in the play. Continue to form the emotional expressiveness of children's speech Soft Toy Theater
Acting Basics Develop children's ability to understand emotional condition another person and be able to adequately express their Work at the mirror Etudes "Chanterelle eavesdrops", "Delicious sweets",

“New doll”, “The fox is afraid”, “Vaska is ashamed”, “Silence”

Basic principles of dramatization To form a steady interest in dramatization games, to encourage children's independence in choosing expressive means for creating images Costumes, scenery, attributes "The wolf and the seven Young goats"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Arouse in children a desire to perform in front of their parents, instill a love for theatrical art.

Encourage children to participate in dramatization games

Costumes, decorations and attributes necessary for leisure and entertainment Showing a fairy tale at the discretion of the teacher

middle group

  1. Cultivate a steady interest in theatrical and gaming activities.
  2. Encourage children to create expressive image in sketches, dramatizations, in song and dance improvisations.
  3. Expand your understanding of the surroundings. To develop the ability to isolate the signs of objects (color, shape, size), determine the material from which toys, scenery, attributes for theatrical performances are made. Expand knowledge about the characters involved in theatrical and gaming activities.
  4. To replenish and activate the vocabulary of children (nouns, adjectives, verbs to denote the actions of characters). To form the ability to determine and name the location of theatrical characters, objects, scenery (right, left, straight, side), to characterize the state of mind and mood of the characters. Fix the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants. Improve the correct pronunciation of words and phrases. Form intonation expressiveness of speech. To develop the dialogic speech of children.
  5. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of manipulation with riding puppets.
  6. Using riding puppets, encourage children to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, stories, invent new ones, with the help of a teacher and without him.
  7. Stimulate children's attention, memory, thinking and imagination. Develop ideas about moral character person, the emotional state of oneself.
  8. To teach children to accompany the movement of the doll along the screen with a song, to come up with a given text on their own.
  9. Continue to develop in children the desire to participate in dance improvisations with and without puppets.
  10. Support the initiative of children in improvisation on the metallophone
  11. Encourage children to play with puppets on their own.
  12. To develop in children the desire to include in stand-alone games song and dance improvisations.
  13. Support the desire to speak in front of children, parents, employees.

To improve theatrical skills in the middle group, it is recommended to devote more time to individual work after noon.

Theater classes in the middle group:

In the middle group, work with table puppets continues. Children remember puppetry techniques, come up with small scenes with table puppets. Work continues on the development of creativity. Children can independently invent dialogues of characters, based on the plots of well-known fairy tales.

At the end of September, you can introduce children to the theater screen. At this time, it is good to introduce children to a doll on a gapite (a gapite is a stick on which a doll is seated. Controlling a doll on a gapite requires endurance, patience, and certain muscle efforts from the child, since the hand must lead the doll along the edge of the screen without leaning on it To make it easier for the child to control the doll, they are made as light as possible (can be made of cardboard).

At the theater classes, children can already be introduced to puppetry techniques. For this purpose, sketches with a doll are used, the purpose of which is to teach the child to focus his attention on the performance of a clear, rhythmic action by the doll. Etudes for the development of the emotional sphere are also used, which develop in children the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, the ability to adequately express their own. These sketches help the child to look at himself from the outside, contribute to the formation of self-control, increase self-confidence.

Work continues on the development of creativity, which also uses puppets on the gapite. Children can compose small tales and songs that accompany the movements of the dolls. Gradually, you can put into action noise instruments(tambourine, drum, rattle), which give a new sound to the song composed by the child, develop a sense of rhythm

With children, you can play Russian folk tales "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Turnip", using puppets on the gape. Playing fairy tales with theatrical puppets allows you to better understand the content of your favorite work, makes it possible to show creativity.

Middle group (September-November)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creative abilities Means of development of creative abilities Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Game creativity Continue to compose fairy tales with children with the help of a teacher and without his participation.

Encourage the desire of children to independently create playful images using gestures and facial expressions.

spoon theater

Caps of animals and birds

"Grandmother and Fox", "Hare and Bear", "Gingerbread Man and Grandfather"

"Teremok" (mouse, frog, bunny, fox, bear, wolf)

Song creativity Invite children to compose song characteristics of the characters of the puppet show Costumes, scenery, attributes necessary for this performance Songs of the characters of the fairy tale "Teremok"
Dance creativity Encourage children to compose dance characteristics of the characters of the play in the genre of folk dance Costumes of the characters of the performance, soundtracks "Dance of the Fox and the Bear to the fairy tale" Teremok "
Improvisation on children's musical instruments To introduce children to toys - instruments that emit a sound of a certain height, with which you can play various rhythms Flute, flute, horn Accompaniment of dance improvisations to the fairy tale "Teremok"
Basic theater skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of forming the skills of theatrical skill The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. To acquaint children with theatrical screen, with the techniques of driving riding puppets Screen or mini stage equipped with a screen, riding puppets “Mom is walking”, “Two mice”, “Grandfather and a turnip”.

Zan.1-4, 5-8,9-12

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Fundamentals of puppet theater Develop children's interest in puppet shows, encourage participation in this type of activity Theater of spoons, screen
Acting Basics Activate children, develop their memory and attention Phonogram, attributes for exercises "Be careful",

"Remember your place", "Remember your posture"

Basic principles of dramatization To form a positive attitude towards games-dramatizations. Learn to act out performances based on familiar literary plots, using means of expression(intonation, movement, facial expressions, gesture) Dramatizations in costumes and sets "Teremok"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Raise the desire to please parents with their performance. Develop interest in various performances. Encourage children's interest in acting out familiar tales Phonogram, puppets, scenery for the performance Puppet show "Visiting Vasilisa"

Middle group (December-February)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creative abilities Means of development of creative abilities Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Game creativity To develop in the blowers the desire to compose short stories, inventing dialogues of the characters. Encourage children to create in-depth images, familiar characters with the help of movements, facial expressions, gestures. riding puppets

Caps of animals, birds

“Visiting Snow White”, “Dwarf and Fox”, “Dog and Wolf” (composed by children).

"Merry Goat", "Frightened Goat", "Kit Recovered"

Song creativity Invite children to compose songs in the genre of march and waltz to a given text Costumes and attributes For example:

Chanterelle song (waltz), wolf song (march)

Dance creativity To lead children to compose dance improvisations of the heroes of the performance in the genre of march and waltz Costumes and attributes At the discretion of the educator
Improvisation on children's musical instruments To teach children how to play toys-instruments with a diatonic scale, be able to accompany dance improvisations on one sound Metallophone, phonogram Dance of the squirrels, "March of the Dwarves"

S. Prokofiev

Basic theater skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of forming the skills of theatrical skill The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. Teach children how to drive puppets on a screen Riding puppets, screen "Meeting of the Fox and the Hare", "The Conversation of the Mouse with the Frog", "Dance of the Animals"


N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical classes in kindergarten"

Fundamentals of puppet theater Continue to instill in children a love for puppet theater, arouse a desire to participate in puppet shows Riding puppets, phonogram, screen
Acting Basics To develop in children the ability to correctly understand the emotional and expressive movements of the hands, use gestures Phonogram, attributes, work at the mirror “This is me”, “This is mine”, “Give it back”, “Icicles”, “Humpty Dumpty”, “Parsley jumps”
Basic principles of dramatization Maintain an interested attitude towards dramatization games, the desire to participate in this type of activity Dramatization in costumes, scenery, object environment
Holidays, leisure, entertainment To develop a steady interest in speaking to parents, to develop the ability to understand the content of fairy tales. Involve children to play with riding puppets on their own Attributes and costumes necessary for this leisure At the discretion of the educator

Middle group (March-May)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creative abilities Means of development of creative abilities Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Game creativity Encourage children to collectively compose stories, activating children's verbal communication.

Develop the ability to compare various images using intonation, facial expressions, gesture

riding puppets

Caps of animals and birds, phonogram

"Forest School", "Housewarming", "Animal Hospital" (composed by children)

"Goat and Wolf", "Fox and Hare", "Cat and Mouse"

Song creativity Encourage children to write songs. Composition of recitatives on a given topic riding puppets At the discretion of the educator
Dance creativity Learn to compose dance improvisations in the polka genre Dolls, soft toys, phonogram "Polka with toys" (Czech melody)
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Encourage children to improvise with toys with instruments that make sounds of indeterminate pitch, as well as with diatonic scales. Spoons, rattles, tambourines, drums, bells, flutes, pipes, horns "Merry Musicians"

L. Isaeva

Basic theater skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of forming the skills of theatrical skill The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. Continue to teach children how to drive puppets Riding puppets, screen "Joyful meeting of Grandfather with the Bug", "Unpleasant conversation", "Game of blind man's buff"

Zan.25-28, 29-32,33-36.

Fundamentals of puppet theater Instill a steady interest in puppet theater, encourage the active participation of children in puppet show Riding puppets, screen, attributes for classes
Acting Basics Develop the ability to adequately understand the emotional state of another person and be able to adequately express their mood Work at the mirror "Surprise", "Flower", " North Pole”,“ Angry grandfather ”,“ Guilty ”
Basic principles of dramatization Continue to cultivate an interested attitude towards dramatization games, improve the improvisational abilities of children Costumes, scenery, object environment Eg. "Under the Mushroom", V. Suteeva
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Arouse a desire to participate in matinees, instill interest in Russian folklore. Maintain interest in what is happening on stage. Attributes necessary for the celebration Folk performance

Senior group

  1. Continue to develop a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities
  2. Improve the performance skills of children in creating artistic image using for this game, song and dance improvisations.
  3. Expand children's understanding of surrounding reality. Clarify ideas about objects, toys, decorations surrounding them. Be able to identify the essential features of the subject. To improve the ability of children to navigate in a group, in a kindergarten. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, respect for dolls and toys. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the various types of puppet theater, be able to distinguish between them and name them.
  4. Continue to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children, using nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions in speech. Fix the correct pronunciation of all sounds. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Continue to teach children to use direct and indirect speech in dramatizations of fairy tales. develop dialogue and monologue speech. To improve the ability to coherently and expressively retell fairy tales, stories without the help of a teacher. Encourage children to make up short stories on their own using puppets.
  5. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of manipulation with puppets, puppets with a "live hand".
  6. Encourage children to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, stories, invent stories of their own composition individually and collectively, using puppets and puppets with a “live hand”. Stimulate the desire to look for expressive means to create a game image of a character, using movement, facial expressions, gestures, and expressive intonation for this.
  7. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, attention of children.
  8. Continue to nurture the humane feelings of children, develop the desire to be responsive to adults and children, to show attention to their state of mind rejoice in the successes of peers and be upset in case of their failure, strive to come to the aid of Hard time. Teach them to correctly assess their actions and the actions of their comrades, as well as the actions of the characters in puppet and dramatic performances.
  9. Encourage children to use improvisation on a given text in the genre of song, dance, march to create the image of a puppet character and dramatic performances. To bring children to the collective composition of a children's opera based on a poetic text.
  10. To continue to develop in children the desire to participate in dance improvisations, the desire to create a bright, memorable image with the plasticity of their body.
  11. Encourage the desire of children to pick up familiar chants from different sounds, including them in game improvisations.
  12. Cultivate the desire to play with theatrical puppets.
  13. To develop the ability to use song, dance, game improvisations in independent activities.
  14. To support the desire of children to actively participate in holidays and entertainment, using the skills and abilities acquired in the classroom and in independent activities.

Theatrical classes in the senior group:

In the older group, at the beginning of the year, work with puppets on gapit continues. To do this, you can make a theatrical screen, puppets from different fairy tales and gradually invite children to come up with small stories with these dolls. Composed scenes can be used as material for etudes, allowing you to consolidate your skills in playing with a doll. In some stories invented by children, the puppets play hide and seek, catch up, and take part in dancing. At this point, the guys can pay more attention to the position of the doll on the screen.

Working on sketches allows the child to find and emphasize characteristics each doll.

These studies with puppets alternate with studies on the development of acting skills, which makes it possible to master the basic nuances of speech, to learn how to penetrate the world of artistic images.

At the end of September, children get acquainted with puppets, learn that puppets are set in motion with the help of a vaga (a wooden cross, to which a puppet is suspended on a string). Holding the wag horizontally by the middle and directing it to the right and left, the puppeteer sets it in motion.

In order to rhythmically organize the movement of the puppets, Russian folk melodies are used. When the children learn the principles of controlling the doll, they are invited to read nursery rhymes about animals. This is how the play “Visiting Vasilisa” appears, staged based on Russian folk rhymes.

With dolls - puppets in Russian costumes, the kids lead round dances, improvising dance moves while singing any Russian folk song.

In the second half of the year, children get acquainted with a new type of doll - with a "living hand". These dolls have bright expressive possibilities, convenient for dance improvisations, as well as improvisations using children's musical instruments. They are able to convey the subtlest nuances of the hero's moods and feelings, have expressive gestures that are inaccessible to other dolls.

By the end of the year children senior group acquire the necessary skills to control the cools of various systems (desktop, gape, puppets, with a "live hand"). Children use all their skills and abilities in the puppet show "Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales", which combines small scenes learned earlier. The performance in this form is final and summarizes the work with children for three years, gives them the opportunity to express themselves in various activities, demonstrate their skills and abilities.

Senior group (September-November)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creative abilities Means of development of creative abilities Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Game creativity Encourage children to get used to the image, constantly improving it, finding the most expressive means for embodiment Hats of animals, soundtrack Playful Bears, Toy Store, Bunnies
Song creativity Invite children to compose music in the genre of march and dance (folk dance, march, waltz, polka) Soft toy “On a flat path”, “Like ours at the gate”, “Summer” (waltz), “Bear with a doll”
Dance creativity Encourage children to compose dance characteristics of puppet theater characters Puppet Theatre, phonogram
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Teaching children to play chants built on the interval of a second Glockenspiel "Rain-Rain", "Forty-Forty", "Accordion"
Basic theater skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of forming the skills of theatrical skill The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. Introduce children to puppetry techniques Puppets: horse, cockerel, cat, mice, phonogram “A horse came to us”, “Mice and a cat”, “Cat and a cockerel”

Zan.1-4, 5-8, 9-12

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical classes"

Fundamentals of puppet theater Arouse interest in the puppet theater, the desire to participate in the performance Puppets, Russian folk costumes, phonogram
Acting Basics Develop children's memory and imagination Work at the mirror Sketches at the discretion of the teacher
Basic principles of dramatization Continue to develop the ability of children to play a play based on a familiar fairy tale Dramatization in costumes, scenery "Spikelet"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Introduce folklore. Learn to respond emotionally to children's performances Puppet puppets Performance at the discretion of the teacher

Senior group (December-February)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creative abilities Means of development of creative abilities Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Game creativity Encourage the initiative and activity of children in creating images of characteristic characters, opposing the character of one character to another Animal hats, costumes, phonogram "The Bunny and the Fox", "The Cat and the Goat", "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf"
Song creativity Encourage children to collectively compose songs in the character of their hero Animal hats, costumes, puppets "Shadow-shadow", "Lamb and Petya", "Bunny and Bear"
Dance creativity Develop the ability to improvise waltz and polka movements using marionette puppets puppet theater "Cat Leopold" (music by Reznikova)
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Teaching children to sing along to the scale Glockenspiel "Cockerel", "Cap-Cap-Cap", "March" E Tilicheeva
Basic theater skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of forming the skills of theatrical skill The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. Encourage children to create dance compositions and play improvisations with puppets Puppets in Russian costumes, phonogram Zan.13-16,17-20, 21-24, P.166-187

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical classes"

Fundamentals of puppet theater To instill a steady interest in puppet theater, a desire to improvise with puppets Puppets, performance attributes, phonogram
Acting Basics Develop expressiveness of gesture. Work at the mirror “Here he is”, “Game with pebbles”,

"I want to sleep", "Cinderella"

Basic principles of dramatization To develop the initiative and independence of children in playing a performance based on a familiar fairy tale Dramatization in costumes, with scenery, in the subject environment "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Cultivate a positive attitude towards the holidays, teach children to correctly evaluate actions Attributes, costumes necessary for a particular holiday At the discretion of the musicians hands and teacher.

According to the thematic plan

Senior group (March - May)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creative abilities Means of development of creative abilities Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Game creativity Encourage children to collectively create images of characters, constantly feeling their partner, trying to play along with him. Phonogram, costumes, necessary attributes "Karabas-Barabas and Pinocchio", "Malvina and Pierrot"
Song creativity Cultivate a steady interest in songwriting. table theater "Girl grimy" A. Barto
Dance creativity Encourage children to search for expressive movements to convey the character of the characters Costumes of the characters of the performance, attributes for improvisations Dance improvisations for the fairy tale "Pinocchio"
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Encourage picking up familiar chants from different sounds and including them in game improvisations Metallophone, puppets with a living hand. Russian folk melodies.
Basic theater skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of forming the skills of theatrical skill The content of the work, classes
Fundamentals of puppetry. To acquaint children with the methods of driving puppets with a “live hand” Dolls with a "live hand" Zan. 25-28, 29-32, 33-36

Lessons 33-36 on performance evaluation.

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes"

Fundamentals of puppet theater Develop interest in puppet theater with a "live hand" Dolls with a "live hand", phonogram
Acting Basics To teach the expression of various emotions and the reproduction of individual character traits Work at the mirror "Lost", "Kittens", " Little puppy”, “Sculptor”, “Shy”, “Cook-liar”
Basic principles of dramatization Use the improvisational capabilities of children in theatrical activities Costumes, scenery, riding puppets Fairy tale at the discretion of the teacher
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Cultivate love and interest in music, develop a desire to improvise Costumes and decorations necessary for the holidays A trip to the theatre. Holidays at the discretion of the teacher and the muses. hands

Stage 3

Monitoring the implementation of the tasks of the project "Theatre-Children-Theater" (teacher assessment)

Criteria for evaluation:

1. In the group, conditions have been created for the development of the creative activity of children in theatrical activities:

The performing creativity of children is encouraged (children play various roles in theatrical productions and performances, expressively read textual material in classes, matinees);

Children are calm and relaxed when speaking in front of adults and peers. The active participation of each child in performances and other performances is ensured;

Children actively use the means of facial expressions and pantomime for improvisation;

Distinguish between different experiences and emotional state of the characters;

Children independently choose the means for improvisation and self-expression.

2. The group has created conditions for introducing children to theatrical culture:

The subject-developing environment is organized taking into account the active involvement of children in theatrical culture (there is a stage, a curtain, a dressing room, etc.);

The teacher organizes a visit to the theater, shows slides and videos about the theater and theatrical performances, there is demo material on the study of theatrical genres;

There are various types of theater in the group: bi-ba-bo, finger, shadow, table, puppet, etc.

3. The teacher provides conditions for the relationship of theatrical and other activities in the pedagogical process:

Dramatization games are used in speech development classes and music classes;

Dramatization games are used when reading fiction;

In labor classes, attributes are made for theatrical productions.

4. Conditions have been created for joint events on theatrical activities of children and adults:

Joint performances are held with the participation of children, teachers, parents;

Organized performances for children.

Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of children

Evaluation of the results of theatrical and gaming activities is assessed in the following areas:

Etude training (actor skill)

  1. Diction (rhymes, tongue twisters, tongue twisters).
  2. Gestures (studies on the expressiveness of a gesture, including “Tell poems with your hands”).
  3. Facial expressions (studies for the expression of basic emotions and the reproduction of individual character traits).
  4. Movements (etudes with musical accompaniment).

Games - dramatizations

  1. Desire to participate in dramatization games;
  2. Ability to communicate with a partner;
  3. The ability to improvise when creating an image.

Sketches with dolls

  1. Desire to play with a doll;
  2. The ability to manage it;
  3. The ability to improvise with the doll.

puppet shows

  1. Desire to participate in performances;
  2. Ability to communicate with a partner using theater puppets;
  3. The ability to create an image with the help of theater puppets.

Theatrical activity project
"We play theater"
(preparatory group)

Annotation for the project:

This project "We play theater" is intended for children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old.
The project includes different types of theaters: a cone theatre, a puppet theatre, a table theatre, a theater with disguise and masks, a flannel graph theater.
The project used technologies, bright modern visibility, complex - thematic planning, various types of theaters for children of senior preschool age.
This project will help children make an exciting journey into the magical world of theater. Overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

The passport
Project participants:
-Children preparatory group, educator, parents of pupils
Children's age:
-age of children 6-7 years old
Project type:
-practice-oriented, group
-presentation of the project at the pedagogical council.

Project relevance:

No wonder children love fairy tales.
After all, the fairy tale is good
What is in it a happy ending,
The soul already feels.
And for any test
Agree brave hearts,
In impatient anticipation
Happy ending…”
(Valentin Berestov)

Nowadays, children do not suffer from a lack of information. And the main carriers for preschoolers are kindergarten and family. In kindergarten, the child is in a state of constant discovery in various fields: visual arts, music and much more.
Little pioneers in constant search of the unknown. They are driven by interest and endless curiosity.
Our task is to direct the child's interest in the right direction, to open before him the opportunity to develop spiritually and mentally.

Children's theater, due to its huge emotional impact on the child's soul, is able to take on the tasks of development: feeling - emotions, memory, fantasy, ingenuity and resourcefulness, broadening one's horizons, kindness and pity, courage.
Theater is always a holiday for a child, bright unforgettable impressions.
The expression "Fairy tale world of childhood" is not empty words. In the life of a child from his very birth there is a fairy tale with its kind heroes.
Does an adult believe that a chicken can lay a golden egg, or will he dream of a magic wand that will solve all problems? Of course not.
And the child is convinced that it is worth waving magic wand and a miracle will happen.
Children believe in miracles and that somewhere on earth there is an extraordinary fairy-tale land in which birds and animals can talk to each other and live in friendship. And this country exists, and it is called Theatre!!!
The fairy-tale world of theater is a country of real fantasies and a good fairy tale, a game of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and mysterious sounds.
The theater is a fertile ground for creativity, everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking.

It is impossible to play in the theater without emotions. That is why one and the same poem at one time will be told by a child expressively and artistically, and another - languidly and monotonously.
"Emotions energize and organize perception, thinking and action"
When memorizing the role, the child tries to convey the mood of the hero of the fairy tale with facial expressions, expressive speech and movements.
This is where the child gets acquainted with various emotions:
Interest, surprise, fear, grief, anger, shame.
Theatrical creativity has an emotional development on children when he plays a role, communicating with peers, or sitting in the auditorium.
Each time, leaving the theater, any child takes with him a discovery, albeit small.
The words spoken by K.S. Stanislavsky about creativity in the theater can also be attributed to the children's theater, since they contain the essence of the basis and success of any theater:
« creative work over the role and over the transformation of the literary work of the playwright into a stage reality, everything from beginning to end proceeds with the participation of the imagination "
Theater is an inexhaustible source for the development of real feelings and fantasies for a child.

The child constantly plays, comprehending the world and himself in the game. In the theater, the child involuntarily finds himself in such situations, the way out of which requires some ingenuity. Such moments occur infrequently and only in that case if adults and children take part on equal terms in a game called theater.
In the children's theater, against the background of active emotional development, two more directions in education exist and harmoniously complement each other: the development of the child's intellect and the instillation of social and moral qualities in him.
A variety of children come to the theater. The behavior of some of them can be characterized as constrained, shy, timid, indecisive.
Some children remain so for a short time, their stiffness is associated with the new environment in which they find themselves: new faces, unfamiliar objects.
Speaking in front of the audience, and even more so, in front of friends, will not be a psychological barrier for them.
The relationship that exists in children's theatrical activities forces children to turn to each other more often with requests and questions.
Children become more sociable, they make new friends, which in turn makes them liberated.

Theater for a child becomes an amazing, special world. Where any desire will surely come true, and no matter what happens, everything will certainly end well.

Expected Result:
- Awakening children's interest in theatrical activities
- Children need to master some types of theatrical activities
(cone theatre, puppet theatre, table theatre, disguise and mask theatre, flannelograph theatre) according to their age
- To form the ability to convey the character of the character and intonation expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, gestures
- Learn theater design skills
Involving parents in production different types theatre, costume design
- Communicate all theatrical activities to parents through questionnaires, consultations and conversations.

Objective of the project:
- Introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities

-Create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities
-Expand children's understanding of the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery
-To form in the group an artistic and aesthetic developing subject environment
- Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing children, parents and teachers closer together (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees, organizing performances by older children in front of younger ones).
- To develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in children
- Contribute to the self-realization of each child and the creation of a favorable microclimate, respect for the individual little man
- Ensure the relationship with other activities:
music, fiction, design, drawing.

Working with parents:
-Issue of consultations "We play theater with children at home"
-Conversations with parents
-Assist in the production of theater props

Forms of work:

1. Joint activities with children:
- theatrical games
-outdoor games
- speech games
- fairy tales - retellings
- rhythmoplasty
-use of different types of theaters
- screenings of theatrical works
- role-playing games
- visiting theaters
- theater screenings
2. Independent activity of children in theater corner
3.Integration with others educational areas:
- artistic creativity
- design
-reading fiction
- music
- speech development
4.Interaction with family
- joint theatrical and leisure activities
- preparation of recommendations for parents on the organization of theatrical activities
-Visiting parents with children theaters and performances
5. Interaction with the deputy. head of educational and methodical work
-consultations music director
All works allow you to increase theatrical activity.

Thematic plan:

September. Conversation with children:
"Introduction to the theater"

"Curtain and stage for the theater"
Lesson summary
"What is theater"

Russian folk tales
October. Conversation with children:
“How to invent your own theater, what is needed for this”
Psychogymnastics "Imagine yourself different"
Visit to the doll exhibition
Hood. - aesthetic development(Drawing)
"Zayushkina's hut"
November. Introduce children to several types of theater
"Cone Theater"
Finger gymnastics:
Compilation board games about animals
December. Conversation with children:
"My favorite fairy tales", "Favorite fairy tale characters"
Hood. - aesthetic development (Drawing)
"Create Your Own Theatre"
Collection of fairy tales and heroes finger theater
"Fox and Crane", "Rocked Hen", "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man"

Reading fiction:
"Tales - retellings"
January. Visit to the puppet theater:
"Friendship of Friends"
Conversation with children:
"The name of the theaters, the heroes of these theaters"
Screenings of theatrical works
Story - role-playing games
February. Reading fiction:
"Masha and the Bear"
Joint activities with parents
Organization of visits to the library
Hood. - aesthetic development (Lepka)
« fairy tale hero any fairy tale
Introduction to puppet theater
March. Participation of children in the performance
"Looking for Cinderella"
Plot - role-playing games in the theater corner
Hood. - aesthetic development (Application)
D / and "Collect a fairy tale"
April. Visit to the puppet theater
« funny friends»
Reading fiction:
"The Ant and the Dragonfly"
Puppet show for kids
May. Working with parents:
Questionnaire "Theatre and children"
Table theater screening:
Stand design for parents
D / and "Guess the fairy tale by description"

Types of theaters:

table theater
The name of this type of theater speaks for itself - gaming activities are carried out on the table. Its peculiarity is that the scenery and characters should be small in order to be able to place all the necessary attributes of the game on the surface.

Theater on flannelgraph
(board covered with fabric)
To organize this type of activity, you will need a self-made flannelograph and figurines-characters of the selected work of art, on which you need to reverse side attach Velcro or velvet paper.
Thus, as the plot develops, the child is invited to attach the necessary figures to the flannelgraph.

Theater with disguises and masks
This is a theater where children take on the role of a chosen character. Children, with the help of an adult or on their own, act out small fairy tales.
For better visibility, children need costumes. You can buy them in the store or sew them yourself. In kindergarten, in each group or at home, it is desirable to have a dressing room, where the costumes are sewn by the hands of parents and children.
Masks are made - caps according to the size of the performer's head. These can be knitted hats or characters drawn on cardboard that are fastened with an elastic band around the head.

Puppet show
Children really like this type of theatrical art, as it allows each child to open up individually in the process of learning to work with a puppet and in the rehearsal process, overcome complexes of constraint and insecurity, learn to play with the help of a puppet, enliven it with your actions and manner of moving and speaking.

cone theater
Helps to learn to coordinate the movements of hands and eyes, to accompany the movements of the fingers with speech. Express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

Project conclusions:

Children have an interest in theatrical activities. Children got acquainted with different types of theaters. Thanks to joint activities during the implementation of the project, the relationship between children and adults was strengthened.
Children have become more sociable among themselves, liberated, confident in themselves and in their abilities, they are not afraid to speak to the public.
In the face of my parents, I found support not only preparatory work(making scenery, costumes, toys), but I saw in them talented educators of my children.
I showed my parents that only in joint activities you can get to know your child better, his temperament, friendly relations between children and adults.
Created an atmosphere of creativity. My project made it possible to show the creative activity of children, parents and educators, to fully reveal the emotional possibilities of children.
Thus, we can conclude that the project "We play theater" has created favorable conditions for the disclosure of children's abilities in theatrical activities.

List of used literature:

Artemova L. V. "Theatrical games for preschoolers."
Antipina A. E. "Theatrical activity in kindergarten."
Baryaeva L. I., Vechkanova I. I., Zagrebaeva E. A., Zarin A. A. "Theatrical games with children"
Ivanova G.P. "Theatre of Moods".
Makhaneva M. Theatrical activity of preschoolers
Migunova E.V. Organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten: Teaching aid.
Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.L., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten.
Internet resources

Project problem due to the fact that children at open events are very constrained, there is low self-esteem, insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater; children's skills in " acting skills»; not enough theatrical costumes and masks in the group. And for in-depth study Given the problem, I chose this activity as the basis for the comprehensive development of the child.


· Learn to create images of living beings with the help of expressive plastic movements;

To acquaint with theatrical terminology, types of theatrical art;

Learn to use intonations that express basic feelings.

teach children to navigate in space, evenly placed on the site, develop coordination of movement, fine motor skills hands; develop the ability to voluntarily tense and relax individual groups muscles; learn to remember the given poses and figuratively convey them.

· learn to improvise dramatization games on the themes of familiar fairy tales.
form a clear and competent speech, build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic; memorize the words of the heroes of the performances; practice diction;

develop speech breathing and correct articulation;

develop children's imagination, imagination, memory, observation;

Develop the ability to sincerely believe in any imaginary situation. To achieve the creation of the image of animals with the help of expressive plastic movements.

relieve stiffness and stiffness, increase self-esteem;

· educate moral and ethical qualities, goodwill, contact relationship with peers, develop a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;

· educate the culture of behavior in the theatre.



Municipal educational institution

Kindergarten "Ryabinka"


"Child and theater"

Leonova Irina Alexandrovna

Creative project "Child and theater"

“Children should live in a world of beauty,
games, fantasies,

The most popular and exciting destination in preschool education is a theatrical activity.Children's creativity is one ofactual problemspreschool pedagogy and child psychology. Exactly theatrical activityallows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to better understand the world around them. At the same time, a theatrical game instills in the child a steady interest in their native culture, literature, and theater.

Huge and educational value theatrical games. Children develop respect for each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. Children's enthusiasm for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy communication between an adult and a child, the almost immediately disappearing “I can't” complex - all this surprises and attracts.

Performing game tasks in the images of animals and characters from fairy tales helps to better master one's body, to realize the plastic possibilities of movements. Theatrical games and performances allow children to immerse themselves in the world of fantasy with great interest and ease, teach them to notice and evaluate their own and other people's mistakes. Children become more liberated, sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and cognize the world around them more subtly. Theater activities and frequent appearances in front of the audience contribute to the realization of the creative forces and spiritual needs of the child, emancipation and self-esteem.

Project problemdue to the fact that children at open events are very constrained, there is low self-esteem, insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater; children's skills in "acting skills" are poorly formed; not enough theatrical costumes and masks in the group.And for an in-depth study of this problem, I chose this activity as the basis for the comprehensive development of the child.

Target: Development of creative abilities by means of theatrical and gaming activities.

  • Learn to create images of living beings with the help of expressive plastic movements;
  • to acquaint with theatrical terminology, types of theatrical art;
  • learn to use intonations that express basic feelings.
  • to teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to develop coordination of movement, fine motor skills of the hands; develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups; learn to remember the given poses and figuratively convey them.
  • learn to improvise dramatization games on the themes of familiar fairy tales.
    form a clear and competent speech, build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic; memorize the words of the heroes of the performances; practice diction;
  • develop speech breathing and correct articulation;
  • develop children's imagination, imagination, memory, observation;
  • Develop the ability to sincerely believe in any imaginary situation. To achieve the creation of the image of animals with the help of expressive plastic movements.
  • relieve stiffness and stiffness, increase self-esteem;
  • to cultivate moral and ethical qualities, goodwill, contact relationship with peers, to develop a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;
  • to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater.

Project participants:

Employees of the preschool educational institution (educators)

Children of the preparatory group


By the end of the project year, children should have developedskills, abilities, abilities:

  • ability to master the skills of expressive speech, rules good manners, behavior, etiquette of communication with peers and adults;
  • the ability to convey various feelings using facial expressions, gesture, intonation;
  • show interest, desire for theatrical art;
  • transfer images fairy tale characters characteristic movements;
  • interact collectively and in concert, showing their individuality;
  • the ability to consistently express their thoughts;
  • knowledge of five or six articulation exercises, one or two finger gymnastics;
  • expressively read a poetic text;
  • the ability to perform several plastic studies;
  • the ability to control their feelings, hold themselves confidently in front of an audience
  • be creative in role-playing

The direction of theatrical activity is to make the life of pupils interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity, to strive so that the skills acquired in theatrical games, children can apply in everyday life.

Project implementation period: 2013-2014 academic year.

The organization of work with pupils is built in three stages:

At the preparatory stagechildren get acquainted with theatrical terminology, types of theatrical art, with the functions of the theater, with its meaning, learn the meaning of such concepts as an actor, stage, makeup, etc. At the same stage, the direction of theatrical play is realized, where children form a desire to be a participant in the game, to be in the spotlight. The game liberates the child, relieves tightness, stiffness, increases self-esteem, which stimulates the child to participate in theatrical activities. We involve parents in the manufacture of costumes, various theaters.

1. Fundamentals of theatrical culture

  • Acquaintance with the terms of theatrical art: actor, theater, make-up;
  • viewing illustrations of fairy tales, heroes of fairy tales, portraits of famous actors;
  • a conversation about the culture of speech, the culture of the viewer, the peculiarities of theatrical art, the birth of the performance.

2. Theatrical game.

Theatrical play contributes to:

  1. The development of children's speech.
  2. The development of moral communicative qualities personality.
  3. Development of motor qualities and skills.
  4. development creative imagination and fantasies.
  5. The development of cognitive abilities.

The types of theatrical games are:

1. Exercises for the development of emotions:

Ask the child: to frown like an autumn cloud, like an angry person, like an evil sorceress; smile like a cat in the sun, like Pinocchio, like a cunning fox;

2. The ability to convey feelings: fear, admiration, horror, joy ...;

3. Games aimed at getting to know the emotions of others: "Music and emotions." "I rejoice when ..."

4. Psycho-gymnastic exercises (study for the expression of anger, etude for the expression of disgust, etude for the expression of sadness...).

3.Product attributes

  • production of theaters: mitten, finger, pompom, cone, planar, shadow, flannelograph;
  • making animal masks, vegetable masks;
  • selection of costumes for staging works: fox costume, hare costume, robot costume;
  • costumes for showing plastic sketches (parents);
  • production of attributes;
  • creating sketches of scenery and costumes for performances;

At the main stagewe work with children on speech, proper breathing, articulation, movements, body plasticity using specially selected exercises.

1. Stage speech.

  • Voice hygiene rules
  • Voice hardening methods: exercises: (“Explosion”, “Relaxing massage”, “Iron body”, “Humpty Dumpty”, etc.).
  • Breathing: (exercises "Ball", "Rubber Doll", "Ball", etc.).
  • Articulation gymnastics:Work on tongue twisters: learning simple tongue twisters with a gradual increase in tempo (“From the clatter of hooves”, “King-Eagle”, “Sasha walked”, “Yelah, “Forty forty in short term ate cheese”, “Good pie, curd inside”), etc.
  • Work on the text of the role.

2. Plastic.

Acquaintance of pupils with their own body: with its anatomy, with its physical and psychophysical qualities, with its motor capabilities, with its problems and limitations.

  • Warm up:
  • posture correction exercises, gait correction.
  • flexibility and strength exercises
  • stretching
  • plastic studies

Dance etudes "Cat's house";

Exercises to repeat the "movements" of plants "Rose", "Sprout", "Tree";

Exercises to repeat the movements of animals "Cat", "Fish";

Improvisation dances (to music to the imagination of children);

Plastic sketches for reading poems "Counting", "Butterfly";

Plastic studies based on nature "Brook", "Leaves and wind", "Flower bud";

The final stageproject is implemented on the preparation of miniatures, small thematic stage compositions that are part of any concert program on the open event for parents. The choice of material is based on the theme of the holiday. At this stage, children visit theatrical performances in kindergarten with the participation of educators. Once a month, various entertainments are held with the participation of fairy-tale heroes.

1.Staging work.

  • Scene "Three mothers", "Robot", "Mom" for Mother's Day
  • Musical miniatures: "Enka", "Fox and Hare" for the autumn holiday.
  • Plastic sketches based on nature: "Brook", "Rostok", "Butterfly", "Kitty", etc. - at the internship site.

2. Visiting theatrical performances in kindergarten, group tours, group events.

  • "Autumn Story" (performance by educators);
  • "Teremok" (performance on fire safety);
  • "Twelve months" (staging a fairy tale by educators);
  • "The Snow Queen" (performance);
  • Entertainment "What's in autumn's basket".

The plan of the "Child and Theater" project provides for visits to theatrical performances, both professional and children's. It also includes group activities aimed at improving the atmosphere in the group: Mother's Day; New Year's ball; Defender of the Fatherland Day; International Women's Day; celebration international day Theatre; "April Day", game program "Hello, summer!", "Goodbye kindergarten!!!"

In general, the project "Child and Theatre", from my point of view, has a progressive character and will make it possible to realize all the tasks set. Based on this, theoretical approach The following conclusion can be drawn to theatrical activity: theatrical activity has a beneficial effect not only on various aspects of the development of children, but also provides great assistance in the development of positive relationships between children. I believe that the work organized in this way will contribute to the fact that the theatrical game will become a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child in various types of creativity, self-affirmation in a peer group, increase the level of communication skills and reduce aggression. And the life of preschoolers in kindergarten will be enriched by the integration of the game and various types of art, which are embodied in theatrical and gaming activities.

List of used literature

  1. Anischenkova E.S. "Learn to speak correctly in 20 minutes a day." – M.: 2009.-159s.
  2. Vaksa Olga "Children's holidays in the family circle." - Yaroslavl: 2003.-192p.
  3. Generalova I.A. "Theatre". – M.: 2004.-48s.
  4. Goncharova O.V. "Theatrical palette". – M.: 2010.-128s.
  5. Davydova M.A. " Musical education in kindergarten." – M.: 2007.-240s.
  6. Danilkov A.A. "Games for every day". - Novosibirsk: 2004.-144p.
  7. Kartushina M.Yu. "Scenarios of recreational activities for children aged 6-7 years". – M.: 2004.-128s.
  8. Kovalko V.I. "ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers." – M.: 2006.-176s.
  9. Lapshina G.A. "Holidays in kindergarten". - Volgograd: 2004. - 239p.
  10. Nikitina V.V. "300 best games for children's holidays. – M.: 2007.-221s.
  11. Pole Lora "Theatre of fairy tales". - St. Petersburg: 2009.- 48s.
  12. Fateev S. "Theater at school, at home and in kindergarten." – M.: 2005.- 320s.
  13. Cherenkova E.F. "Original finger games". - M.: 2007.-186s.
  14. Shmakov S.A. "Games of a joke - games of a minute." – M.: 1993.-112p.
  15. Shchetkin A.V. Theatrical activity in kindergarten. For classes with children 5-6 years old. – M.: 2010. - 144s.

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