Drawing frost on trees in the preparatory group. winter tree


Tatyana Pavlyuchenko
Synopsis of the GCD for the NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" in preparatory group. Drawing "Hoarfrost covered the trees"

Synopsis of the GCD on the NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" (drawing) in the preparatory group on the topic: "Hoarfrost covered the trees."

Program content:

Learn children to depict a picture of nature, conveying the structure of various trees (large, small, tall, low, slender, straight and curved).

Choose pictorial content and reflect the most salient features.

fasten techniques for working with paints, the ability to beautifully arrange the image on the sheet.

Develop aesthetic perception, cause a desire to admire the beauty of the winter landscape.

Bring up love for nature.

Material: reproductions of paintings - I. I. Shishkin "Winter", K. F. Yuon "Russian Winter", I. E. Grabar "Hoarfrost"; for children - gouache, brushes, landscape sheets.

1. Organizing time. The teacher makes a riddle:

I will decorate the branches with white paint

I will throw silver on your roof.

Warm spring winds will come

And they'll kick me out of the yard. (Winter)

The teacher invites the children to come to the window and look at the street.

Children, look how beautiful it is outside the window. Why do you think it became so beautiful? (children's answers). Yes, it is winter in nature. The days are frosty, snowy, a lot of snow fell. He wrapped the fields, forests, houses with a white fluffy blanket - it became light, elegant, fabulous, beautiful! We have seen how snow sparkles in the sun, how different it can be: in the morning it is pink, in the afternoon it is bluish, yellow from the sun's rays, shimmers with brilliant lights.

Enchanted winter

The forest is bewitched -

And under the snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life. (F. Tyutchev)

2. Guys, look how differently artists depict winter. Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin in the painting “Winter” depicts a dense winter forest after snowfalls, the artist used only white and gray colors. Nikolai Romadin depicted winter in a different way - clear frosty weather, blue and yellowish colors are visible in the picture.

Listen to the riddles, what are they about:

1. Not snow or ice

And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)

2. Not scratchy, light blue

Hung in the bushes ... (hoarfrost)

When does frost appear? (children express their opinions). Trees are frosty when it was warm on the eve of this day, and frost hit at night. Let's look at images of trees in frost. (children sit down, show presentation)

See how Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon depicted winter in his painting “Russian Winter”.

Questions: - Who is depicted in the picture; - What kind of trees?

How did Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar depict trees in hoarfrost in his painting “Hoarfrost”? (I give the children the opportunity to look at the picture).

Questions about the painting:

What feelings do you experience when you look at them?

What are the trees, what can you say about them?

Have you ever seen such a winter as in the paintings of Konstantin Yuon and Igor Grabar?

Looking at his picture, we see magic picture silently standing trees, covered with the thinnest cover of hoarfrost. The forest fabulously transformed, it became as if crystal and weightless. Trees in hoarfrost are beautiful against a bright sky. Covered with a delicate silvery hoarfrost, each branch acquires a special fragility and charm. The forest is painted in smooth halftones, and even the shadows become transparent and blurry. It seems that the whole world is painted white, and this feeling emphasizes winter mood. (slide)

Incredibly light and as if transparent, trees fancifully decorated with hoarfrost are seen at dawn, they appear bright and sparkling in the rays of the low winter sun, casting thin shadows on the silvered earth. (slide)

Looking at a branch covered with tiny needles of frost, one can imagine how this fleeting charm crumbles and melts. (slide)

Beautiful and bewitching trees in hoarfrost remind us of how magnificent nature is in all its manifestations. (slide) (Children look at the trees in the hoarfrost again, share their impressions).

3. - And now let's also draw our trees in frost. (Children sit at the tables). Let's start the picture with the image of the snow cover, then draw the trees. What are the parts of a tree? We begin to draw the trunk from the bottom, brush up. Color carefully. Then paint the branches with the tip of the brush. Then we paint frost on the branches with white paint. (The teacher accompanies the story by showing how to draw). Try to draw different trees, young, slender and old branchy.

4. Children do work on the theme "Hoarfrost on the trees." In the course of work, the teacher provides the children with the necessary assistance.

5. Analysis of children's work.

At the end, consider all the work, admire the beauty of the winter forest. Note which trees are all different.

Guys, let's put all your drawings together and look at them. Ask whose drawings they liked best and why? Guys, and I, looking at your drawings, imagine myself in winter forest.

Frost is silver on the trees,

All dressed in white winter

A wonderful dream, as if I were dreaming,

The fairy came into this dream by herself.

And waved her magic wand

Everything around has changed its outfit

In hoarfrost the trees are silver,

Winter gave us a fairy tale.

I would like to stay in that fairy tale

The Fairy settled there herself.

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Theme: "Trees in hoarfrost."

Target: Expanding children's knowledge about phenomena and features winter nature. Improving the ability to convey images of objects and objects in a drawing.

Tasks: Build the ability to mark characteristics winters in nature, expand lexicon; to see the beauty of winter nature, the beauty of winter, described by poets in verse; to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in adverse weather conditions; to consolidate the ability to convey the beauty of nature in the drawing, to exercise in drawing in an unconventional way(using a disposable fork).

Develop observational and aesthetic perception.

Cultivate love for native nature, careful attitude to trees during frosts; nurture a sustained interest in the arts.

Preliminary work: Reading poems about winter, looking at pictures of winter landscapes, talking about caution during the winter cold.

Equipment: Album sheet, toned with gouache blue color, brushes, whitewash and brown gouache, disposable forks.

OOD progress:

1. opening talk about the season, about natural phenomena in winter.

Examining illustrations of trees in hoarfrost.

2. Statement of the problem and finding out how to draw. We remember how to draw a branched tree. (At the blackboard, one of the children shows how to draw a tree).

Demonstration by the teacher of drawing frost on the branches of a tree with a fork.

3. Physical education.

Let's stretch a little before work.

Snow. (I. Tokmakova)

Like snow on a hill, snow, (hands up)

And under the hill snow, snow. (hands down)

And on the Christmas tree snow, snow, (hands to the sides)

And under the tree snow, snow. (squat, touch the floor with your palms)

And under the snow the bear is sleeping, (we put our fists to the head -

"bear ears")

Quiet, don't make noise. (we bring the finger to the lips, in a whisper)

4. Independent work children. Drawing trees in frost. Individual help.

5. Reflection. Exhibition of works.

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Synopsis of the GCD in the senior group "Winter Tree" in an unconventional drawing technique.

Garbuz Irina Fedorovna

Purpose: To introduce children to non-traditional technique tree drawing.

Program tasks:

Teach children on their own in a certain sequence,

draw a winter tree using non-traditional techniques drawing;

Develop speech, attention, thinking, fine motor skills hands of children;

Promote development creativity, fantasies and imaginations of preschoolers;

To cultivate interest, love and respect for nature, accuracy, independence.

Methodological techniques: examination; conversation; hearing musical works; teacher display.

Materials and equipment: white gouache, cotton wool, brushes, glue, napkins, brush holders, sheets of cardboard with a glued tree trunk, cotton buds, musical accompaniment, multimedia presentation.

Course progress.

1 organizational moment.

snowflake slide

Educator: Guys, guests came to us today, let's say hello to them, smile and no longer be distracted.

And now we will stand in a circle and play a little.

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends got up.

We're going to the right now

Now let's go to the left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink

Let's all start listening to me!

Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Then listen to what I will tell you:

It is snowing,

Under the white wool

Streets and houses disappeared.

All the guys are happy with the snow -

Came back to us...

Children's answer.

And let's remember what winter is like? What words can you use to describe her?

(Winter is white, snowy, snow-white, cold, beautiful, frosty, fluffy, shiny).

How can you have fun in winter? (Sledding, skating, skiing, making snowmen).

We also love winter for its beauty. Artists have painted many pictures about winter. I invite you to consider the paintings about winter, which were painted by the artist Igor Grabar.

(A multimedia presentation is shown with reproductions of the artist's paintings about winter.)

Children look at slides with pictures.

These are so amazing beautiful pictures painted by Russian artist I. E. Grabar. "Hoarfrost", "February Blue", "Winter Morning".

Guys, look what the artist depicts in his paintings?


What trees are in winter? (beautiful, snow-white, fabulous, fluffy)

And let us become artists and draw a winter tree. Do you agree?

Look, you have cotton wool on your tables. With the help of it, we will draw today, do you want? Let's try, apply pieces of cotton wool to the tree. Now flip the cardboard over. What happened? (Water flew off). And what will be needed in order for the cotton wool to stay on the tree?

Children's answers: (spread with glue)

Of course, we need glue.

So, today we will draw a real winter tree, we will not just draw, we will draw with pieces of cotton wool. It's very interesting and exciting!

The teacher invites the children to the table to show how to distribute and stick cotton wool to the tree.

We need to gently apply glue to the contour of the tree with a brush. Then we distribute the cotton wool into small pieces and start gluing one at a time. We press it with our hand.

Look, we got a winter tree. So, everyone understands how we will draw trees?

Look closely at the drawing. It seems to me that something is missing in our work?

(children's answers)

That's right, no snow. In winter it is very beautiful when it snows, now I will decorate my picture with snowfall. I'll take it in hand cotton buds and dip in white gouache. We will make a snowball using the “poke with a stick” method and we will get round peas similar to snow.

Ready? Then sit on your chairs and start working.

(Independent activity of children. Children draw to music. The teacher conducts individual work, helps as needed).

Guys, let's play a little, shall we? Let's stand together in a circle!

Fizminutka "In winter" How interesting it is for us in winter! (show thumbs up) We go on a sled in a crowd, (imitate sledding) Then we will play snowballs, (imitate modeling and throwing snowballs) We put on skis all together, (“put on” skis, “take” sticks, “ride” ) Then everyone got on skates, (depict skating) In winter, fun days! (show thumbs up)

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, let's put our drawings on a separate table and admire them.

What did we draw?

What did you find interesting in the lesson?

What did we draw? What is the name of the drawing that you met today?

Paint unusual materials did you like it?

Thank you guys, you and I turned out beautiful winter trees. I really enjoyed drawing with you. I wish you that the drawing that you met today will be useful to you in creating new, interesting drawings!

Name: Abstract of the drawing lesson "Birch in hoarfrost"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Summaries of classes, GCD, visual activity, senior speech therapy group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MKDOU d / s No. 33
Location: Novosibirsk city

Abstract of GCD for drawing in the senior speech therapy group
"Birch in hoarfrost".

Other tasks: to teach children to convey in the drawing the outlines of the trunk, branches;

continue to acquaint children with the winter landscape;

to consolidate the ability to draw a tree without leaves;

develop aesthetic perception;

develop the ability to make generalizations, conclusions, imagination, attention, small muscles of the hands;

to educate children's interest and love for the natural environment; self-control of speech.

Material:wax crayons, blue and white paint, cotton wool, winter landscapes, a picture of a birch in hoarfrost, audio recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

Preliminary work: observation on a walk of a birch in hoarfrost, examining its structure, color; conversation on the topic "Winter"; examination of the painting by A. Savrasov "Hoarfrost"; paintings depicting a birch in hoarfrost; drawing with wax crayons, paper toning.

Integration educational areas: social - communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic.

Stroke: Guys, look at my beautiful picture.

What season is shown on it? ( Winter)

What is depicted on it? birch). But what a beauty she is. This sorceress winter gave her such a fur coat made of hoarfrost. Listen to what poem S. Yesenin wrote about the birch ( reading the poem "White Birch").

And who saw frost? Do you want me to show you a birch twig in hoarfrost? The truth is beautiful. Hoarfrost sparkles on a branch like crystals.

Today we will try to draw the same birch in hoarfrost.

What are the parts of a tree? That's right, roots, trunk, branches and leaves, but in winter the birch has no leaves and the roots are under the snow. A beautiful birch grows under our window. See what picture I have now. ( I substitute the frame to the glass, and through it the children see: the blue sky, the birch, behind the birch the land covered with snow).

Let's try to draw the same picture? Then let's prepare the fingers ( finger gymnastics):

It's cold and windy in the yard, children are walking in the yard,

Handles, handles are rubbed, handles, handles are warm.

So that our hands do not freeze, we clap our hands.

That's how we know how to clap, that's how we warm our hands.

Our hands are ready, take your places.

Pick up a magic chalk and draw a birch. Do not forget that the trunk of a birch is thin, there are small branches on large branches, there are many of them. No wonder they say "curly birch". Well done! Now draw snowflakes. They are so small that they only resemble dots. Remember, we saw that because of the birch we saw snowdrifts? Let's draw them with magic crayon too. And now the sorceress winter will dress our birch in frost. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the paint and apply the background.

What did you see? Miracles! Our birch appeared, such a beauty! And snowflakes, white dots, and snowdrifts.

Lay your work side by side on the table. What did we get Birch Grove! What they are slender, curly, and frost lies on the branches. You like? The sorceress winter gives us such beauty.

Summary of open direct educational activities
on drawing on the topic: “Hoarfrost covered the trees” for children of the preparatory group for school
To form the ability of children to depict a picture of nature, conveying the structure and proportions of various trees.
Update and enrich children's ideas about winter. Develop aesthetic perception, cause a desire to admire the beauty of the winter landscape.
Cultivate love for nature, respect for the objects of nature.
Preliminary work: examination of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists about winter and winter activities, reading poems by S. Yesenin "White Birch", F. Tyutchev "The Enchantress in Winter", examining reproductions of paintings by artists: A. M. Kamanin "The River Freezes", K. F. Yuon "Russian Winter", I. E. Grabar " February Blue”, “Hoarfrost”, listening to music, looking at illustrations about winter, observing on a walk, guessing riddles, toning album sheets in blue tones.
Materials: album sheets, gouache, wax crayons of black and Brown, a wide brush, a bristle brush, a jar of water, a palette for each child, a napkin, a presentation “Trees in Winter”, music by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.
The course of directly educational activities.
The teacher reads the poem:
Do you hear? Blizzards say: "Winter - our mistress - For the trees there is an outfit All winter outfits are more beautiful."
- Each season has its own outfit. How do trees dress in spring and other seasons? (Children's answers: spring - in young green foliage, summer adds more green colors, autumn - paints the leaves on the trees in orange, red and yellow colors. And in winter there are no leaves on the trees.)
Educator. Yes, children, but in winter there is an unusual dress on the trees. Listen to the riddle.
Silvery fringe hangs on the branches in winter. And in the spring on weight Turns into dew. (frost)
And not snow, and not ice, And silver will remove the trees. (frost)
- That's right, it's frost.
See what different trees grow in the forest, how beautiful they are in winter dress.
Demonstration of the presentation "Trees in winter". (information and communication technologies)
Educator. What is the name of the outfit in which winter wrapped all the trees? (children's answers)
Let's remember the reproductions of paintings by which artists we looked at, which paintings did you like? (Children's answers) What is the name of the picture if it depicts nature?
Children. Scenery.
Educator. Let's try today, as artists, to depict a winter landscape, or rather, trees in hoarfrost.
Fizminutka "Zimushka - winter" (health-saving technologies)
Let's put on the legs
Warm boots. (bend over, point to feet)
This one is from the right leg, (“put on a boot” on the right leg)
This one is on the left leg. ("put on a boot" on the left foot)
On hands - mittens, (raise hands up)
Warm sisters. (twist palms)
In this one - the right fist, (show the right hand)
In this - the left cam. (show left hand)
Fur coats, (put on a coat)
Fur boots. (point to boots, bend down)
Educator. Guys, I suggest going to our creative workshop. To make your winter landscape as beautiful as that of artists, think about what trees will grow in your winter forest, how you place them in the picture. (Children's answers: At first, it is better to draw trees and bushes that are close to us, so you need to depict them on the sheet lower and larger, then distant objects that will be located higher and smaller on the sheet.) Correct. Drawing any tree is better to start with the image of the trunk. What is the trunk of the tree? (Children's answers: The trunk can be straight or curved.) Then we will draw branches-arms, then small twigs-fingers. And then we will dress our trees in frost. I suggest you paint the frost with a hard bristle brush using the poke method to convey the airy lace of frost on the branches.
Drawing children to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons". (information and communication technologies)
Children post their work on a magnetic board. Together they consider the work, talk about their impressions.
Educator. You have wonderful pictures. As if we were in a winter forest. Trees in beautiful winter clothes. Hoarfrost, like a fringe, envelops the twigs on the birch trees, and the Christmas trees are covered with snow. Here's what nice clothes clothes winter trees.

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