How old is Jackie Chan, as well as other facts from the actor's personal life. How old is Jackie Chan: the biography of the actor


Quite often people have a question -is jackie chan still alive? As you know, the means mass media ready to go to great lengths to improve their rating. That is why so often unprincipled news appears on the network. To achieve mass interest, articles are written about world-famous actors, politicians and famous businessmen.

Information about Jackie Chan's personality

Kong Sung Chan, that's what his real name sounds like, was born in 1954 to a virtually impoverished family. The family was so poor that after the birth of the child, the parents could not immediately pay the required amount for the birth. A celebrity has achieved everything in his life on his own thanks to his talent, charisma and luck. Already at the age of 8, he began a film career and received his first salary. Throughout his life he starred more than 100 films. He always proudly said that his audience was watching a real action, and not fake fights.

Jackie chan activities

worldwide famous actor, director, director, screenwriter and stuntman. The idol of millions, he never ceased to amaze and delight his audience. It is well known that he does not use the help of stuntmen making his films. Many accidents, fractures, sprains are associated with this.

Somehow laughing, he said that by the age of 40, not a single untouched part of the body remained in his body. The actor received the most difficult injury on the set of the film in 1986 - a head injury. After that, there was a difficult rehabilitation course. But, despite this, he again began his work. Because it is in her that she sees the meaning of her life. By the way, the celebrity's motto is this: If the day comes when I can't do my own stunts - it will be the last working day on the set!

Is Jackie Chan alive now?

As stated above, news of his death appears regularly in one form or another. One of the next "ducks" was written and presented very believably. Before the official refutation of the news came, the President of America managed to offer condolences to the family. The news spread throughout the world within a few hours. Shocked millions of people.

Of course, Jackie Chan is alive, moreover, the actor is in great shape. physical form. He treats the misrepresentation of any type of information by journalists with condescension and humor. The celebrity continues to act in films and do acrobatic stunts on his own.

The actor's work is permeated with the philosophy of life and love for kung fu. In addition, all his films are kind, they carry deep moral aspects of justice, honesty, friendship, love for the world. Any creative work this man will be pierced subtle humor. Viewing his works guarantees not only an increase in mood, but also a rethinking of life principles and positions. Therefore, to the question is jackie chan alive, can be easily answered and will always be alive in his great films.

In this collection of interesting facts, one surprise awaits you, from which tears will flow from your eyes!

April 7, 1954 was born Jackie Chan - Hong Kong and American actor, director, producer, stunt coordinator. We all know his films, full of chases and extraordinary stunts, seasoned with a comedic zest.

But how much do you know about the actor himself? about how the future world star almost sold by his own parents, how he ended up in America, starred in a porn film, and about other facts of his most interesting biography - in our photo essay.

Jackie Chan showed his unusualness even before birth: his mother was pregnant with him for almost 11 months! Finally, she went to the doctor, who made her C-section. The weight of the child was 5 kilograms 400 grams.

The actor's real name is Jang Kong Sang, but, as he says, his father changed his name due to spying. family name, and Jackie's real name is Fon Si Lung.

Father future star really was a real spy, and his mother illegally sold opium.

After the birth, the parents were going to sell little Jackie who delivered the baby to a British obstetrician for $26.

Jackie argues that if he did get sold, he would most likely be living in the UK now, speaking English and not knowing Chinese. And maybe a doctor.

When the future star was seven years old, her parents moved to Australia, and Jackie was left at a boarding school in Hong Kong. It was there that he learned acrobatics, acting skills, martial arts and music. Classes started at 5:00 am and ended at midnight.

Any mistake led to corporal punishment. Jackie later recalled: “I was beaten every day. I was very angry."

Chan's childhood nickname is Big Nose: once an angry school teacher broke his nose with a cane, after this incident they began to call him that.

By the way, Jackie knows how to write and read Chinese poorly: there were almost no classes in grammar and reading at school, and if there were, the guys did not listen to anything and went about their own business. Jackie learned Chinese already in adulthood, along with English.

His name "Jackie" Chan got when he worked at a construction site in Australia.

Jackie's first role was in Big and Little Wong Tin Bar at the age of eight, and by the time he graduated from high school in 1971, he had seven films under his belt.

Once a young and unknown actor faced total lack of money, then he had to star in an “adult film”.

Jackie is not shy about her past and looks at such an experience philosophically.

Over time, the tabloids unearthed information that a frank film with his participation was filmed in 1975 and was called "All in The Family". By the way, many of his colleagues from Hollywood also started with porn.

Chan worked as an acrobat and stuntman, and got into big cinema as a sparring partner of Bruce Lee in the films Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon.

After Bruce Lee's death, producer Willie Chan cast Jackie as the new Bruce Lee in a number of shoddy films. However, Jackie wanted to create his own screen image, which would combine comedy, stunts and martial arts. He achieved this in his film The Drunken Master.

Then, in 1976, Jackie underwent eye enlargement surgery: during filming, he fell from the table to the floor and injured his eye. When the eye healed, it turned out to be wider than the other, after which the doctor advised me to do cosmetic surgery and increase the second one.

Jackie is the first only person in the Hong Kong film industry, which wrested the triad's right to independence.

Jackie only works with her stunt team. He organized this group back in 1985 after the filming of "Police Story": then many of the stuntmen working with him suffered, and none of them wanted to work with him anymore.

The promised surprise: Jackie Chan's meeting with his first team many years later!

Now, Chan has an average of 16 stuntmen who, after 10-15 years of work, become martial arts choreographers. Jackie personally trains them, pays for treatment and insurance, and fully trusts his guys.

It is curious that when filming films in Hong Kong, the inhabitants of the city send a secret commission that checks Jackie for honesty.

He easily passes such tests. He once re-shot a 10-minute scene 2,900 times. “People say Jackie is slow. I reshoot until I like this movement. This is how I can be sure that my fans will like it.”

In Chan's films there is no bloody violence, erotic scenes, and swearing appears only as a comedic highlight. The actor himself is proud of this and says that many children and women watch his films, so he cannot allow excess.

In his films, Jackie always plays only heroes who have become such by chance, and in the film he must be present someone who needs his protection: a girl, a child or an elderly person.

According to Jackie, doing tricks often scares him. But most of all he is afraid of hospitals, doctors and especially injections. Chan is not afraid of breaking his arm or leg, but the thought of going to the hospital terrifies him.

Incidentally, Chan nearly died while filming a fairly simple stunt in the 1986 film Armor of God. Due to the fact that the shooting took place in Yugoslavia, he suffered from jet lag. Still, he managed to perform a jump from a wall onto a tree branch flawlessly.

He did not like the scene and decided to re-shoot it, and during the second attempt, he missed a branch and fell from a height of 12 meters onto the stones.

Jackie injured his skull, a piece of which got into his brain, bleeding began and blood began to flow from his ears. Emergency surgery saved his life.

Now a plastic plate covers the hole in Chan's skull, and his right ear is almost deaf.

Not surprisingly, over the years, Jackie managed to damage almost all parts of his body: he broke his nose three times, injured his hands countless times, and injured his knees many times.

He suffered from dislocations of both shoulders, pelvis and sternum. And his thighs were once crushed between two vehicles.

After this, none Insurance Company does not take on the same risk as his insurance.

Jackie sleeps 4-5 hours a day.

Perhaps because of this, he has appeared in nearly 80 films as an actor, 11 as a stuntman, 15 as a director and 11 as a producer.

It was also not in vain that Jackie studied singing at the boarding school: since 1984 he has released more than 20 albums with his songs, and since 1980 he has sung theme songs in all his films made in China.

In 2012, Chan became a Guinness World Record holder by setting a record for the most credits in a single film: in Armor of God: Mission Zodiac, he worked as a screenwriter, director, main actor, producer, executive producer, operator, production designer, line producer, stunt coordinator, props manager, lighting engineer, stunt performer, composer, theme song performer, and even catering coordinator.

He also holds the record for the most career stunts performed by any live stuntman. Their number exceeds 1000.

The animated series "The Adventures of Jackie Chan" was a success, where Jackie answered questions from fans after each episode. But he did not voice his character.

The actor is widely known for his charity and is involved in many different projects. Often acts as a goodwill ambassador in various actions, for example, against abuse with animals, aid victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 or floods in mainland China.

Jackie has been married to Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao since the early 1980s.

One of the most famous Asian actors, Jackie Chan, with his remarkable talent, pronounced comedic gift, as well as excellent command of martial arts, was able to win the incredible popularity of numerous fans around the world.

Star children inherited from their father bright appearance and expressive Creative skills, thanks to which after a while they can also become famous.

How many children does Jackie Chan have?

The family of Jackie Chan and his wife failed to have many children - the couple has only one son, who was born on December 3, 1982. It is noteworthy that the boy was born the day after Jackie and his beloved Joan Lin officially married.

At birth, Jackie Chan's son received Chinese name Fang Zu Ming, whose American version sounds like Jaycee Chan. The boy spent all his childhood and adolescence in the USA, at a great distance from his famous father. Jackie Chan was completely immersed in work, and he visited his wife and son only on holidays.

Besides, famous actor hid his status for a long time married man and having a child. Jackie Chan feared that the publication of these facts would push his countless fans to commit rash acts, but nevertheless, in 1998, he decided to expose his family to the public.

From that moment on, Jaycee Chan began to communicate with his father much more often, however, for quite a long time they could not find mutual language. The famous actor did not understand his offspring and his attitude to life, and also believed that he was very lazy.

Starting in 2003, Jaycee Chan decided to conquer the Asian show business on his own. He first released music album With own songs, whose sales did not work out at all. In 2004, he decided to try his hand at cinema, however, and here the aspiring actor failed.

Meanwhile, in 2005, Jaycee Chan played the role of a teenager who left home for independent living along with his pregnant sweetheart in 2 Young. The work of the young man in this picture received very high marks from film critics and brought him notable success. After that, Jaycee's career went uphill - he receives various filming offers every year and often gets the main roles. The young man does not leave his passion for music. After some time, he plans to return to his musical career and release a second solo album.

Although officially there are no other children in Jackie Chan's family, in 1999, in his biography, there was major scandal associated with the birth of an illegitimate child by a celebrity. During the filming of the film "Magnificent", the actor met 26-year-old Elaine Wu Qili, who from him and nine months later gave birth to a daughter, Etta.

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Jackie Chan for a long time categorically did not recognize the child and in every possible way denied his paternity. After the birth of the baby, he declared that he no longer intended to discuss this topic with anyone and was ready to take full responsibility for the girl if it was proved that she was his native daughter. To this day, the star shows no interest in Etta and avoids any discussion of the girl and her mother.

His real name is Jang Kong San, few people know it, because famous artist became under the name of Jackie Chan.

Childhood of Jackie Chan

April 7, 1954 is the date of birth of Jackie Chan and the beginning of his biography. This is perhaps the most important date biography of Jackie Chan. On this day, the future actor was born in Hong Kong in a poor Chinese family. He was a very large baby - at birth, Jackie weighed 5 kg, because of this, his mother called "Pao pao", which is translated from Chinese means "cannonball".

It is known from the biography of Jackie Chan that his family ended up in Hong Kong during the civil war, from which Charles and Lily, the boy's parents, fled from China. In Hong Kong, the parents of the future star got a job in French embassy, mother - a maid, father - a cook. When the son was 6 years old, the young family moved to permanent residence to Australia, but they did not take their son with them.

From the age of 6, the boy was sent to the China Drama Academy - China Drama Academy, where they trained artists for the Peking Opera. During this period, within the walls of a theater school, the future actor acquires his first stage experience. As a child, Jackie was also actively involved in kung fu, he attended this type of martial art almost all his free time.

In fact, studying at the Opera was very difficult, because they taught not only singing and playing on stage. It was here that he mastered the fighting technique of kung fu, getting acquainted in detail with the capabilities of his body, acrobatics and acting, which, as it turned out, became the basis of his professional activity. Moreover, in this educational institution adhered to the most severe discipline, which not every child could withstand. The rise was at 5 am, despite the weekends and holidays, and the working day ended no earlier than midnight. For the labors, the child could receive only encouraging words. Despite this, Chang Kong Sang enjoyed studying at the Opera. This short biography Jackie Chan as a child.

All bright moments during his stay at the Opera from the biography of Jackie Chan in the photo below:

Biography of Jackie Chan: years of life and study, the role of the actor

It can be concluded after a detailed study of the biography of Jackie Chan that the years of life and study at the academy brought him a lot of benefits. Thanks to his efforts while studying at the Chinese Opera, Chan Kong San made his debut as an actor very early: he first appeared in a film at the age of 8. He starred in an episode of the film "Big and Little Wong Tin Bar" - "Big and Little Wong Tin Bar". In addition to this scene, as a student of the Opera, Jackie Chan played more than 20 episodic roles. At a young age, Jackie was one of the members of the then popular acting troupe "Seven Little Lucky People", where he played along with Corey Kwai, Yuen Biao, Samo Hong and other then-beginning actors who in the future gained fame far beyond China.

Jackie Chan graduated from the Chinese Drama Academy in 1971. Immediately after graduation, he received an invitation to work in the Hong Kong film studio "Sho Brothers", where he worked as a stuntman and actor. Here he was known under the pseudonym Sing Lung, which means "Become a Dragon". It is from this moment that the biography of Jackie Chan begins, as an actor who, a few years later, will be famous not only in China, but also beyond.

the first serious role the actor played in 1971 in the film "The Master with Broken Fingers." True, this work did not bring him success or fame.

In 1970, Hong Kong gains unprecedented success martial arts kung Fu. It gained such popularity due to the fame of the legendary Bruce Lee and his passion for this martial art. The biography of Jackie Chan is famous for the films in which he starred with Bruce Lee.

These are films such as:

"Fist of Fury" (Fist of Fury, 1972) and "Enter the Dragon" (Enter the Dragon, 1973), although the role of a novice actor in them was episodic. During this period, the young artist starred in many low-budget action films.

A few years later, there was a noticeable decline in the Hong Kong film studios, for a long period no filming was expected, especially for beginners and little-known actors. Given the circumstances, Jackie Chan decided to go to his parents in Australia. Unfortunately, he is like young actor, could not find a job in his specialty, so he had to work in a restaurant and at a construction site. It was there that he received the nickname "Jackie", which became his creative pseudonym.

Soon Jackie received an invitation from Hong Kong from producer Willie Chan. In 1976, he starred in the famous Hong Kong film director Lo Wei's The New Fist of Fury. This motion picture was a success and after it began to appear in the biography of Jackie Chan, a filmography consisting of famous films.

The real popularity of the actor brought the main role in the film "The Drunken Master", which was released on movie screens in 1978. In this picture have already been seen characteristics actor's games - acrobatic stunts and an excellent sense of humor. Thanks to the acting and natural talent of Jackie Chan, the Hong Kong action movie has turned into an exciting action comedy. The film was appreciated not only by the audience, but by film critics, and after this role, the already famous actor was invited by producer Robert Close to work in the USA. In 1980, the film "Battle Creek Fight" appeared in the American box office, but the Hong Kong action movie with comedy elements was not a success with the audience. After this role, there were several more unsuccessful shootings in American films, after which Jackie Chan returned to Hong Kong to continue his acting work where it is appreciated by the Asian audience.

Action comedies with the main participation of a popular actor - Project A (Project A, 1983), Police Story (Police Story, 1985) and Armor of God - 1, 2 (Armour of God, 1987, 1991) became successful pictures .

It was only in 1995 that success came to Jackie Chan in the American box office, when the film "Showdown in the Bronx" was released on movie screens.

It was followed by other bright blockbusters, which replenished the filmography of the actor:

"Rush Hour" (Rush Hour, 1998).

"Shanghai Noon" (Shanghai Noon, 2000).

Tuxedo (The Tuxedo, 2002).

"Around the World in 80 Days", "New Police Story" (2004).

"Myth" (2005).

"Karate Kid" (2010).

"Shaolin", "The Fall of the Last Empire" (2011).

Armor of God: Mission Zodiac, Police Story (2013).

Jackie Chan is one of the most popular and talented Asian actors. For all my creative activity At the moment he has starred in more than 100 films. The actor owes many admirers of his work solely to his own talent, natural abilities and hard work on himself. Almost all the stunt tricks the artist in the films performs himself.

Biography of Jackie Chan, photos of family and children

In the biography of Jackie Chan, family and children occupy the main place. The actor married Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao in the early 80s. In a family of young actors, a son, Zoming, was born, who also became an artist - he sings and plays in films.

Does Jackie Chan have any other children? From the biography of the Asian artist, it is known that he also has a daughter, Etta Wu Zholin, whom the actress Elaine Wu Qili gave birth to.

This family photos from the biography of Jackie Chan, where his family and children are together:

How old is Jackie Chan and the video biography of the actor

How old is Jackie Chan according to his biography? Today, the actor is already 62 years old. However, despite his age, he looks young, healthy and energetic.

In Hong Kong, this talented artist is also known as a pop artist. Musical creativity Jackie Chan started in 1984, during this period he released more than 100 songs, which were included in 20 albums. Chang Kong-sang sings on different languages– Mandarin and Cantonese, Japanese and English. Often, the actor personally performs the title songs for his films.

The actor is actively involved in charitable activities. He is constantly involved in various projects. This artist is such a talented and multifaceted personality that it is impossible to tell everything about Jackie Chan in a biography.

To get acquainted with the work of the artist, watch the video biography of Jackie Chan:

Jackie Chan (birth name Chen Gangsheng, in another transcription Chan Kongsan (Chan, born in Hong Kong), English Jackie Chan) is a Hong Kong, Chinese and American actor, stuntman and martial artist, as well as a singer and philanthropist.

He became famous for playing the lead roles in the comedy action movies The Drunken Master, Dragon Lord, Super Cop, Showdown in the Bronx, Rush Hour, Armor of God, 30 Million Baby and many others; He has acted in more than 100 films.

In addition to numerous merits, he is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, MBE, winner of the Academy Award for his contribution to cinema.

Family and childhood

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7, 1954. His parents Charles Chang (1914-2008) and Lily Chang (1916-2002) fled to Hong Kong from China to escape political persecution: Charles, an active supporter of the conservative Kuomintang party, during the civil war was its secret agent, and after the victory of the communists, he was revealed and recognized as an enemy of the people. The mother of the future actor, according to some reports, was a drug dealer - she sold opium.

In Hong Kong, the family had to start from scratch, so they lived below the poverty line. Even the money for the doctor, which Lily needed at the birth of her son, the father was forced to borrow from friends. Parents were hired to serve in the French embassy: Charles worked as a cook, and Lily became a maid.

Father began to introduce Chen to kung fu with early childhood- He believed that martial arts would help the child gain patience, strength and courage. Mom affectionately called her son Pao-Pao (“cannonball”), because he often rushed around the house, knocking down everything in his path.

At the age of 5, Chan started going to primary school, but after the first class he was expelled for poor progress. In 1960, when he was 6 years old, his parents again faced persecution from the Chinese side and were forced to move once again, this time to Australia. In Canberra, Charles got a job as a chef at the US Embassy, ​​but decided that it would be better for his son to stay in his native Hong Kong and learn a useful profession, so he got the boy in the Peking Opera School at the Chinese theater academy where Chan spent the next 10 years.

The school taught martial arts, acrobatics, singing and acting and prepared the boys for future careers in traditional Chinese opera. The strictest discipline reigned here, severe corporal punishments were practiced. Chan did not like his school, but he had nowhere to go: his parents were far away, and he almost never saw them. Therefore, the boy studied intensively and at one time was even a member of the Seven Lucky Group, an ensemble of the seven most talented students who traveled to theaters in Hong Kong and abroad.

How actor Jackie Chan has changed

He then became close with two bandmates, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, and the three of them formed a show group known as "Three Brothers" or "Three Dragons". During his studies, as a teenager, Chan managed to act in extras and episodes in several films: “ Eternal love”, “Big and small Wong Tin Bar”, as well as “Fist of Fury” and “Enter the Dragon” with Bruce Lee.

At the age of 17, the young man successfully graduated from the theater school, but by this time the traditional Chinese opera had lost its former popularity, and the graduates were left alone with uncertainty. The situation was aggravated by the fact that theater school they did not teach general education subjects, and Chang could not even read and write properly. All that was left for him was either an unskilled physical work, or a career as a stuntman in a movie.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Jackie Chan Stunts

The beginning of a film career

In 1971, Chan played the lead role for the first time in his life - it was the film "Little Tiger from Kwantung", where he performed under the pseudonym Chan Yuen Lung. The film was not released to the big screen until 1973, but neither before its release, nor in the months after that, there were no new offers for filming.

There was also a lull in the work of the stuntman, and the young man was forced to agree to shoot in leading role V comedy film for adults "All in the family" (1975). In this picture, he first starred naked in erotic scene; in addition, this is the only Jackie Chan film that does not contain a single episode of martial arts or stunts. In general, the Hong Kong film industry was in a state of decline during this period, and, having failed to find new job, in early 1976, Chan went to his parents in Australia.

In Australia, the young man took an accelerated course of secondary education at Dixon College, while working part-time at a construction site. Here he often worked in tandem with a man named Jack. Since it was difficult for the Australians to pronounce his Chinese name Gansheng, they began to call young guy after the name of his older and taller companion "little Jack" or "Jackie" - so he got his new name.

The young man was not satisfied with life in Australia: construction work was hard and did not give moral satisfaction, and he could hardly count on something better. The rescue came in the form of a telegram from a man named Willie Chan, who worked for the famous Hong Kong producer and director Lo Wei. They saw Jackie's stunt stunts in one of the films and wanted to cast him as the lead in The New Fist of Fury (1976). Chan happily returned to Hong Kong, and Willy subsequently became his manager and best friend.

In the film The New Fist of Fury, Lo Wei strongly encouraged and emphasized the resemblance of Jackie Chan to the famous Bruce Lee, also known by the nickname "Little Dragon". The young man even took on the screen name Xin Lun (in another transcription of Chen Long), which literally means "become a dragon." The film did not have great success, because Jackie Chan did not look organic in the style of hand-to-hand combat that is characteristic of Bruce Lee. However, Lo Wei made several more similar films starring Chan, and Jackie invented some of the tricks for these films himself. Gradually, the young actor began to create new genre- a comedy with a demonstration of martial arts or street fights and an abundance of complex, sometimes even dangerous tricks.

The first success came to Jackie Chan after the release of the films Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978) and Drunken Master (1978) directed by Yuan Heping (in a different transcription by Yun Wophing). In The Drunken Master, Jackie played the role of the Chinese folk hero Wong Feihong, who is presented as a rustic and careless young man.

After that, he returned to Lo Wei's studio and developed a successful "drunken master" comedy style in Spiritual Kung Fu (1978) and A Little Kung Fu (1980), and in Fearless Hyena (1979) Jackie Chan also acted as co-director. However, after filming Fearless Hyena 2 (1983), Jackie and Willie left Lo Wei's studio for the larger Golden Harvest studio.

Jackie Chan. "Drunk master". Trailer

Worldwide film success

In the early 1980s, Jackie Chan was already a successful actor with his own unique style and role, but its success has so far been limited to the Asian region. And Jackie dreamed of conquering the whole world and, in particular, the United States. He repeatedly entered the American market with projects " Big fight"(1980), "Race" Cannonball "" (1981) and its sequel (1984), "Patron" (1985), "Armor of God" (1986) and many others, but these pictures did not bring big fees in America.

While performing one of the stunts for the film Armor of God, Jackie Chan fell from a tree and suffered a serious head injury with a skull fracture. This caused serious fears for his life, but the actor quickly recovered.

On the set of The A Project (1983), Chan officially created the Jackie Chan Stunt Team, with whom he worked in later years(And in 2002, the actor was awarded the annual prize of the World Academy of Stuntmen "Taurus"). All this time, he was extremely in demand in the Asian film market: in the period from 1983 to 2007, Chan was nominated almost annually at the Hong Kong Film Festival as best actor or the best stunt coordinator, and five times he received this prize.

Jackie Chan cries at a meeting with fellow stuntmen

Real success in the United States came to Chan only in the mid-1990s, after the film Showdown in the Bronx (1995). American critics wrote: “Any attempt to evaluate this film from a rational point of view is doomed to failure. Do not try to consider the plot and dialogues, do not peer into acting game. The whole point is in Jackie Chan himself - he does what he can like no one else. His movements are confident, full of grace and grace. The choreography of the fight is set with humor (and without too much fanaticism). He's just having fun. And if we allow ourselves to plunge into this atmosphere, then we will have fun too.

Showdown in the Bronx. Jackie Chan's best fights compilation

And there were a lot of them: as when working on other paintings, Jackie did not spare himself at all and was even ready to risk his life for the sake of a spectacular shot. In the same year, the actor received the MTV Movie Awards for his achievements in cinema. Chan's other new work filmed in Hong Kong was also recognized - Thunderbolt (1995), First Strike (1996), Mister Cool (1996).

Top 10 Jackie Chan Stunts

Finally, in 1998, Jackie Chan took the plunge and made his first full american film- "Rush Hour" featuring Chris Tucker. The picture gained great popularity and became one of the highest grossing films of the year, and the creative tandem of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker received the MTV Movie Awards as the best duet. Subsequently, sequels were released in the same composition - "Rush Hour - 2" (2001, brought the "MTV Movie Awards" for best fight) and "Rush Hour - 3" (2007). However, despite the commercial success, the third part of the critics was perceived rather coolly: "This is a dull retelling of earlier films, and even a change of scenery cannot mask the lack of new ideas."

At the turn of the 1990s and 2000s, Jackie Chan began to experiment with his role, trying to diversify it. One of such successful “pen attempts” can be called the film “Magnificent” (1999), in which Jackie played a hero who is still fluent in kung fu, but at the same time is an incorrigible romantic and dreamer. The comedy western Shanghai Noon (2000) also became a success, where American comedian Owen Wilson became Jackie's shooting partner. “Although the plot of the picture is not worth discussing about it, Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson look great together. The footage is great, and Jackie Chan is hilarious. A wonderful film in the spirit of the good old cinema, ”critics spoke about the picture.

The next three years were marked by less successful work, in which Jackie Chan's own style was combined with expensive superimposed special effects. Thus, the film The Tuxedo (2002) was scolded for its "stupid" plot and blurred perception of tricks, "Medallion" (2003) was called "expensive cheap", and "Around the World in 80 Days" (2004) was criticized for too free deviations from the original novel by Jules Verne.

And after a series of failures in Hollywood, Jackie Chan decided to return to Hong Kong, where he was waiting for a new triumph in connection with the release of the film New Police Story (2004). This time he managed to successfully combine fights and stunts with the drama of a police hero who lost his friends. This was followed by the equally successful fantasy film The Myth (2005), and then the 30 Million Dollar Baby (2006, also known as Rob-B-Hood), in which Jackie Chan's "famous comic charm lit up a farce about a kidnapping a baby is a farce with a lively enough plot so that the eerie contents of children's diapers do not have time to stain the playpen.

In 2008, the Chinese-American film The Forbidden Kingdom directed by Rob Minkoff was released, on the set of which Chan met and became friends with the famous Chinese actor and martial artist Jet Li. Critics greeted the picture ambivalently, noting that "the action scenes are great, but there is too much" water "between them." After that, he continued to experiment with various genres, acting in Chinese and American films.

In 2010, Chan co-starred with Jaden Smith (son of Will Smith) in The Karate Kid, a remake of original painting 1984. The role of an elderly kung fu teacher was his first dramatic role in American cinema.

In 2011, Jackie Chan's 100th film, The Fall of the Last Empire, was released. Here he acted not only as the lead actor, but also as a co-director and executive producer. In the same year, the actor received the People's Choice Award as the favorite action movie star.

In 2012, at the Cannes Film Festival, Jackie Chan announced his retirement from action films, as his age was no longer "suitable" for the genre. However, he later clarified that he did not intend to give up his favorite business completely, but would only perform fewer tricks and, in general, would take more care of his body.

After that, he starred in the films Police Story 4 (2013), Dragon Sword (2015) and On the Trail (2016). In December 2016, the comedy thriller Railroad Tigers was released in China, in which the artist starred with his son Jaycee. November 12, 2016 Jackie Chan was awarded Academy Award for "Extraordinary Achievement" in Cinematography.

Musical career

Jackie Chan has been professionally trained in singing since childhood at the Peking Opera School. In the 1980s, he started recording songs and gained popularity as a performer in Hong Kong and the Asian region. Since 1984, he has released 20 albums of compositions in Cantonese, Mandarin and Taiwanese, as well as Japanese and English. He often performed songs for his films himself, but when the films were released in Europe and the USA, these compositions were usually replaced.

Jackie Chan sings Adele's song in Chinese

In 2007, Jackie Chan recorded the song "We Are Ready" ("We are ready") - the official song of preparation for the 2008 Summer Olympics. He also performed the song at the 2008 Summer Paralympics annual countdown ceremony, and also sang the song "Hard to Say Goodbye" at the closing ceremony of the Summer Paralympics. Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing with Andy Lau, Liu Huang and Emil (Wakin) Chau.

Political and social activities

Jackie Chan promotes healthy lifestyle life: he himself does not smoke, does not drink alcohol and even coffee. In addition, he actively opposes drug use and supported the campaign of Chinese President Xi Jinping in this matter: drug trafficking must be completely eradicated, and everyone who takes them must be "severely punished." In 2014, when his own son Jaycee was arrested for smoking marijuana, Jackie Chan said he was "shocked, crushed and disgraced".

In 2009, at the Boao Asian Forum, the actor was asked if he considered freedom to be a positive or a negative thing. To which he replied: “I am gradually coming to the conclusion that we Chinese need to be led and controlled. If we are not controlled, then we will begin to create what we want. This remark angered many prominent figures in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and Chan's rep later had to claim that the actor was talking about freedom in the entertainment industry and not about Chinese society in general.

In December 2012, Jackie Chan angered many by calling Hong Kong a "protest city" and calling for restrictions on the right to demonstrate. A little later in an interview, he called the United States the “most corrupt” country in the world, which caused a backlash of criticism. Journalists accused Chan of deliberately belittling America in order to present China in a more favorable light, as well as that he was driven by personal motives and attitudes towards the American film market.

Evening Urgant. Jackie Chan

Despite some controversial statements, the actor has a reputation for being a caring person and is active in charitable activities. Back in 1988, he founded the "Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation" to provide scholarships to young people in Hong Kong and to help those affected by natural disasters and diseases.

In 2005, the actor organized the Dragon Heart Foundation to help children and the elderly in remote areas of China: building schools, acquiring textbooks and school uniform, purchases wheelchairs, warm clothes, etc. In 2011, this fund expanded and began to work also in Europe.

In 2004, Chan participated financially in helping those affected by the Indian Ocean tsunami, and after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, he donated 10 million yuan. In addition, he donated to UNICEF and two other children's organizations for a total of HK$4.14 million. In June 2006, Jackie Chan announced that he admired the grandiose charitable donations of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates and himself intended to bequeath to charitable purposes half of his fortune.

Personal life of Jackie Chan

In matters related to his personal life, the famous actor is quite secretive. He is a Buddhist by religion. On December 1, 1982, he registered a marriage with Taiwanese actress Joan Lin (real name Lin Fengjiao, born in 1953), and two days later, on December 3, they had a son, Chan Zuming, who later became known as Jaycee Chan as a singer and an actor.

The relationship between father and son was not always smooth sailing. Jaycee was offended when, in 2011, his father confirmed his former decision to bequeath half of his fortune to charity, and not leave it to him. Jackie Chan then said about his son: “If he is capable of something, then he will earn his money himself. And if he is not capable, then he will spend mine in vain.

In 2014, when Jaycee was arrested for possession and use of marijuana, his father did not defend him, but said that the young man should be responsible for his own actions. However, when six months later the son was released from prison, they reconciled. “I haven't seen him for too long. And I feel that he has matured,” commented Jackie Chan. “We stayed up for a long time, we talked almost all night.”

Jackie Chan apologizes for drug addict son

Despite a long and strong marriage, Jackie Chan also has illegitimate daughter Etta Wu Zholin (b. January 18, 1999). Her mother, actress Elaine Wu Qili, who was awarded the title of Miss Asia 1990, decided to raise her daughter without the participation of her father. Chan admits that he "made a mistake that many men around the world have made."

Jackie Chan holds the Guinness World Record for being officially "a living actor who performed the largest number movie stunts.

Jackie's personal motto: "There is no fear, there are no understudies, there are no equals either." With this lifestyle, the actor “earned” a huge number of injuries during his career: he received a dislocation of the hip joints many times, broke his skull, fingers and toes, nose, cheekbones, thigh bones, sternum, neck, ankles and ribs. The right ankle was especially “unlucky”, and now, with any jumps, the actor can only land on left leg. Due to frequent bodily injuries, Jackie Chan is blacklisted by all insurance companies and has long been unable to insure his life and health while working on films.

Jackie Chan received an honorary doctorate in 1996. social sciences at the Baptist University of Hong Kong; in 2008 he was made Honorary Professor at the Hong Kong Branch of the Savannah College of Art and Design, and in 2009 received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Cambodia.

Jackie is seriously passionate about motorsport. He co-owns the Chinese Jackie Chan DC Racing team with driver David Chen. Also, he is active. football fan- Supports the Hong Kong national team, the England national team and Manchester City.

In 2011, several news agencies reported that the 56-year-old actor allegedly died in a Los Angeles hospital, where he was taken after a heart attack. Before the official denial came, US President Barack Obama managed to speak with words of condolence, and for several hours the whole world mourned the beloved artist. Fortunately, this information turned out to be a "duck". The actor himself took the incident with humor.

Jackie Chan now

In October 2017, The Foreigner, a Chinese-British film directed by Martin Campbell, was released in which Chan partnered with Pierce Brosnan. Here Jackie again performed a serious dramatic role, combining it with a demonstration of martial arts.

- from Russian. Public Favorite

Jackie Chan is a successful businessman. Since 2004, he has been producing and selling his own brand of clothing and accessories under the JCD (Jackie Chan Design) brand. He owns a chain of sushi restaurants, several sports clubs and a biscuit and chocolate production line.

Chan has stars on the Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong as well as famous Alley Stars in Hollywood and on the Old Arbat in Moscow. He is the author of the autobiographical books Inside the Dragon (1997), I, Jackie Chan (1998), Jackie Chan: Old Before I Grow Up (2015) and I'm Happy (2016). The number of books written about him by other people is incalculable.

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