Word games for children of the younger group. "word games for preschoolers of the younger, middle, preparatory group"


word games for children middle group

Children of the middle preschool age more active in the pursuit of learning the world. This is the age of "why-why", when the kids develop their thinking and speech intensively, the vocabulary increases, speech becomes more coherent and consistent. Children begin to highlight the essential features of objects, group objects according to material, quality and purpose. They can, for example, combine various vegetables, flowers, trees, clothes, dishes, toys, etc. into one group. They begin to understand the simplest causality, if they meet with phenomena familiar to them from past experience, and at the age of 4 they already know what happens and what does not happen if you tell them about familiar objects and phenomena.

The teacher develops the curiosity of children by answering their questions; encourages an attempt to independently find the answer, observing phenomena and performing actions with various objects. He teaches kids to compare objects by color, size, shape, correctly name their signs; in all types of games encourages active verbal communication of children, expands their lexicon develops coherent speech.
The teacher conducts word games based on the children's ideas about the environment. And in the middle group, he continues to direct the game, either personally participating or watching it. But the role of the leader in the game is increasingly entrusted to one or another child.
At first, the teacher can use word games that are already familiar to children in the younger group, the purpose of which was to develop speech, mental and motor activity, and then proceed to games with a more complex task.
This section proposes a number of different games, many of them are folk, known to educators since childhood, like "Geese-geese", "Where we were, we will not say ...", etc.
Games are played both with the whole group and with small groups playing. The teacher encourages independent word games of children.

Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show

The purpose of the game. To teach children to call an action a word, to use verbs correctly (time, person), to develop creative imagination, ingenuity.
Game progress. The teacher, turning to the children, says: “Today we will play such a game. The one of you whom we choose to lead will leave the room, and we will agree on what we will do. When the driver returns, he will ask: “Where have you been? What did you do?" We will answer him: “Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show!” Choose a driver, he goes out.
The teacher pretends that he is sawing firewood. "What am I doing?" he asks the children. - "Saw firewood." - "Let's all cut firewood."
The driver is invited. "Where have you been? What were you doing?” he asks. The children answer in chorus: “Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show.” The children and the teacher pretend to be sawing firewood, the driver guesses: "You are sawing firewood." To continue the game, choose another driver.
When a new driver leaves the room, the teacher invites the children to come up with an action that they will show: wash, dance, draw, chop wood, play the piano, etc.
The teacher monitors the correct use of verbs. If, while guessing, the child incorrectly uses the form of the verb, says, for example: “You are dancing, drawing,” the teacher makes sure that the child learns how to say it correctly. “Children, what are you doing? - asks the teacher. - Correctly said Vova? Children: "We draw." “Vova, tell me correctly what the children are doing,” the teacher suggests. Vova: "They draw."


The purpose of the game. To develop the speech and motor activity of children, to develop a reaction to a verbal signal.
Game progress. The teacher becomes with the children in a circle and explains the rules of the game "s: "Now we will play the game" Mice ". Let's choose mice (choose 3-4 children), they will run in a circle, run away from the circle and run into it again. And you and I will be a mousetrap." Children with a teacher walk in a circle and pronounce these words:
Oh, how tired the mice are!
Everyone ate, everyone ate.
Everywhere they climb - that's the attack!
We will get to you.
Beware you cheaters!
How to put mousetraps
Let's get everyone now!
Children and the teacher hold hands, raise them high, letting the mice pass.
When the teacher says the word "clap", the children lower their hands, not letting the mice out of the circle. Whoever remains inside is considered caught and becomes a common circle.

Sparrows and car

The purpose of the game. Exercise children in the correct sound pronunciation, develop a reaction to a verbal signal.
Game progress. Children sit on chairs away from the playground where the sparrows will fly. The teacher holds the steering wheel in his hands and says: “Children, this is the steering wheel. I will be a car. The car hums: "Whoo." How does the car honk?” “Oooh,” the children repeat. “Now we will play like this,” the teacher continues. - I am a car, and you are all sparrows. Listen, I will read a poem about sparrows:
Sparrow from a birch
On the road - jump!
No more frost
When I say the word "jump", you get up from your chairs and jump quietly on your toes along the road (points to the place where the children will jump). Together with me you will say: "Jump, jump, jump." When I say “chirp-tweet!”, you will fly wherever you want, you will flap your wings and chirp: “chirp-tweet!” And when you hear the signal of the car, fly to your nests.
After explaining the game, the teacher, together with the children, performs all the movements, but does not seek to perform the movements first. Let the children themselves hear the words "jump", "chik-chirik" and begin to perform the appropriate movements.
The game is repeated 2-3 times. Then, when the children memorize the quatrain, they can play on their own.

Who lives in the house?

The purpose of the game. To consolidate the knowledge of children about animals, the ability to correctly pronounce sounds.
Game progress. The teacher divides the children into several groups (first into 3, then into 4-5). Children depict birds or animals they know.
Each group builds a house out of chairs. The teacher tells the children that they will be in their houses and scream as the animal they represent screams. Then, with each group, the teacher repeats the sounds that the children should pronounce. After that, he goes around the houses in turn, knocks on each and says: “Knock-knock-knock, who lives in this house?” Children answer: “Moo-mu-mu”, “Me-e”, “Meow-meow”, “Be-e, be-e”, “I-go-go”, “Ga-ha-ha”, “ Ko-ko-ko. The teacher guesses who lives in the house.
If the children do not pronounce the sounds well enough, that is, not clearly and loudly enough, the teacher asks them to repeat them. If the question is: “Who lives in this house?” - the children answer: “We” or “Kits, dogs”, - the teacher says: “How do cats meow?” and so on.
The game is repeated several times, the number of animals gradually increases.
You should not change the roles of children in one lesson: this confuses them, they forget who they need to portray. When the kids learn the rules of the game, one of them can knock on the houses and guess who lives there.


The purpose of the game. To develop in children dialogic speech, the ability to act on a verbal signal, to combine words with actions.
Game progress. The teacher offers to play the game “Geese”: “You children will be geese, and I will be your mistress. You graze here on the grass (indicates a place where children can walk, “grass”), and in this corner there will be my house. The teacher explains the game to the children.

Teacher's words:
White geese, gray geese
Get home!
The geese stretched out their long necks,
Red paws spread out,
Wings are flapping
Noses reveal

Children's actions:
Children stretch their necks, spread their fingers, wave their hands. They all say together: “Ha-ha-ha! We don't want to go home. We are fine here too!”

The geese continue to pluck the grass and walk in the meadow. When the children learn the text, one of the children can be the hostess.

geese geese

The purpose of the game. To develop dialogical speech in children, to ensure that their speech is expressive.
Game progress. With the help of a counting rhyme, the hostess of the geese and the wolf is chosen. The geese are at one end of the room, the mistress at the other, the wolf at the side.

The words of the owner of the geese:
Geese! Geese!
Do you want to eat?
Well, fly!

Well, fly as you please
Save your wings!

Goose Answers:
Yes Yes Yes!
We are not allowed!
Gray wolf under the mountain
He won't let us go home!

Geese run to the mistress, and the wolf tries to catch them and take them to him. When the wolf catches a few geese, the mistress looks for them, and then helps them out by offering to run away from the wolf. The wolf catches them, but cannot catch them all, someone runs away.

How many?

The purpose of the game. To develop in children auditory attention, the ability to act in accordance with the text, to exercise children in counting.
Game progress. The teacher invites the children to listen to the poem:
Here is a lark from the field
He took off and flew.
Do you hear how fun
Did he sing a song?
Three hares from a hunter
They run jumping into the forest,
Hurry, hurry, bunnies
They won't find you in the forest!
Two boats on the lake
They swim to the wide;

Rowers sit on benches
And rowing fun.
Four galloping horses
Flying at full speed
And you can hear, like over pebbles
Their horseshoes are knocking.
The teacher asks the children how many larks were on the field, how many hares hid from the hunter, how many boats floated on the lake, how many horses galloped? After listening to the children's answers, he offers to play: “I will read a poem to you, and you will portray either a lark, or hares, or boats, or horses. When you hear the words about the lark, you will fly one at a time, and when I say about the hares, you will unite in threes into one group and gallop like bunnies into the forest. Etc.
The teacher reads the text again. Children perform the corresponding movements.

1st quatrain

2nd quatrain

3rd quatrain

4th quatrain

Mimicking the flight of a lark
children run around the room.
Children get into groups
three by three and jump like hares,
towards the forest.
They come together in twos and
depicting rowers, "rowing with oars."
Join in groups
four and jump, depicting horses.

This game is played at the end of the year.

Does it happen or not?

The purpose of the game. Develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments.
Game progress. Turning to the children, the teacher explains the rules of the game: “Now I will tell you about something. In my story, you should notice something that does not happen. Whoever notices / let him, after I finish, say why this cannot be.

Sample stories educator:
“In the summer, when the sun was shining brightly, the guys and I went for a walk. They made a hill out of snow and started sledding from it.
"Spring has come. All the birds have flown away. The children were sad. "Let's make birdhouses for the birds!" Vova suggested. When the birdhouses were hung up, the birds settled in them, and the children began to have fun again.
“Viti has a birthday today. He brought treats for his friends to kindergarten: apples, salty candies, sweet lemons, pears and cookies.
The children ate and wondered. Why were they surprised?
“All the children rejoiced at the onset of winter. “Now we are sledding, skiing, skating,” Sveta said. “And I like to swim in the river,” Luda said, “my mother and I will go to the river and sunbathe.”

Note. At first, only one fable should be included in the story, with re-conduct games increase the number of tales, but there should not be more than three.


The purpose of the game. To develop speech and motor activity of children.
Game progress. Children become in a circle. The child chosen with the help of a counting rhyme becomes the center of the circle. Everyone else says:
an even circle,
One after the other
Hey guys, don't yawn!
What Vovochka (Annechka, Valechka, etc.) will show us,
Let's do it together.
The child in the center of the circle shows a variety of movements, the rest of the children repeat them.


The purpose of the game. To exercise children in the correct coordination of actions and text, to cultivate an understanding of the various sizes of an object, to develop speech and motor activity.
Game progress. Children and teacher become in a circle.

Like on Vanya's day
We baked a loaf.
Here's one like this...
Here's one like this...
Here's one like this...
Here's one like this...
Caravan, caravan!
Whom do you want to choose!

Walk in circles, then
make the circle wide
narrow the circle
everyone sits down
hands up and
clap their hands.
Vanya comes to Galya,
takes her to the circle. Detn
clap their hands and hum a dance tune. The children are dancing in a circle.

This game is good to play on children's birthdays. But you can remember that Nina and Sveta recently had a birthday, and be the first to choose them in a circle.


The purpose of the game. Exercise children in dialogic speech, teach them to quickly respond to a verbal signal.
Game progress. The teacher tells the children about the kites, that they sometimes attack the hens with chickens and carry away the chickens. “Today we will play a game where chickens have to run away from a kite. Here, listen to the conversation that the mother hen had with the kite, ”says the educator.
- Kite, kite, what are you doing? - asks
mother hen.
“I’m digging a hole,” the kite answers.
What are you looking for in it?
- Pebble.
- Why do you need a stone?
- To sharpen the nose.
Why do you need to sharpen your nose?
- To peck at your kids.
“Now we will choose a kite, a hen, and all the rest will be chickens,” the teacher continues. - As soon as you hear the words “peck kids”, run to the chicken coop, right here (points to a place; circled in chalk or surrounded by chairs). The mother hen will protect her chickens, drive away the kite: "Shoo, shoo, evil kite." Try not to fall into the clutches of a kite.
The role of the mother hen for the first time takes on the educator. When the game is repeated, both the kite and the mother hen are selected from among the players.


The purpose of the game. To teach children to speak at a fast and slow pace, to coordinate movements with the words of the poem, to respond to a verbal signal.
Game progress. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game, having previously laid out the rope in the form of a ring: “Today we will play the Carousel game. Come on, children, stand near the rope in a circle, take it in your right hand and follow each other, it will be a carousel. Together we will say these words:

Barely, barely, barely,
the merry-go-rounds spun,
And then around, around -
Everyone run, run, run.

At first we will go slowly, and after the word "run" we will run in a circle. After I say the word "turn", we turn around, take the rope in our left hand and walk in the other direction, saying these words:

Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel
One and two, one and two
Here the game is over.

The carousel starts spinning slowly, finally stops. When the carousel stops, you get off it (put the rope on the floor), run around the site, and at the signal (hit the tambourine, bell) get back on the carousel.
When the game is repeated, the teacher may no longer stand in a circle, but only watch the game and remind the children of the text.


The purpose of the game. Develop the ability to coordinate movements with words, act on a verbal signal.
Game progress. On one side of the site, the places of the hares are marked and each of the children takes his place. At the teacher’s signal “run into a circle”, all the children gather in a circle, and one of the hares, who is chosen in advance by a counting rhyme, becomes in the middle. All children, together with the teacher, accompany the text with movements.

A white bunny is sitting
He moves his ears
Like this, like this
He moves his ears.
It's cold for a bunny to sit
Gotta warm up the paws
Clap, clap, clap, clap.
You need to warm up your paws.
It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump.
Jump, jump, jump, jump,
Bunny needs to jump.
Someone scared the stutterer
Bunny jumped... and ran away.

Children stand in a circle. Starting with the words “like this”, they raise their hands to their heads, turn their hands in one direction or the other.

Starting with the word "clap", clap your hands. Starting with the word "jump", they jump on two legs in place.

The teacher claps his hands, and the children scatter to their "homes".

What is planted in the garden?

The purpose of the game. To teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (according to their place of growth, according to their use), to develop speed of thinking, auditory attention.
Game progress. The teacher asks: “Children, do you know what they plant in the garden? Let's play this game: I will call miscellaneous items and you listen carefully. If I name what is planted in the garden, you will answer “yes”, but if what does not grow in the garden, you will say “no”. Whoever makes a mistake loses."
- Carrot.
- Cucumbers.
- Beet.
-Yes 1
- Plums.
- No!
If someone is in a hurry and answers incorrectly, the teacher can say: “Hurry, you will make people laugh. Be careful!" You can also play games: “Let's set the table for guests” (the teacher calls the tableware), “Let's plant a garden”, “Furniture”, “Clothes”, etc.

What season

The purpose of the game. To teach children to correlate the description of nature in poetry or prose with certain time years, develop auditory attention, speed of thinking.
Game progress. The teacher has written out on the cards short texts about different seasons. The texts are mixed. The teacher asks: “Who knows when this happens?” - and, opening the card, reads the text. Children guess.

I have a lot of things to do - I cover the whole earth with a white blanket, I clean the rivers with ice, I whiten the fields, houses My name is ...
I open the buds, I dress the trees in green leaves, I water the crops, I am full of movement. My name is...
I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me. I warm the rivers, "Swim!" - I invite. And you all love me for it. I...
I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees. But I do not touch the pines And fir trees. I...

What did they give Natasha?

The purpose of the game. Encourage children to consider objects, remember the qualities of those objects that the child in this moment does not see.
Game progress. The teacher says: “Grandma sent Natasha a gift. Natasha looks: there is something round, smooth, green in the basket, and red on one side, bite it off - delicious juicy. Grows on a tree. "I forgot what it's called," thought Natasha. Children, who will help her remember the name of what her grandmother sent her?
Another variant. The teacher recalls: “Once a guest came to the kindergarten. He was dressed in a beautiful fur coat, hat, felt boots. He had a long white hair (yes, a white mustache, eyebrows. Kind eyes. He held a bag in his hands. Who do you think was our guest? What does the guest have in the bag? What was the holiday in kindergarten
The educator can lead such conversations-riddles about different objects and phenomena.

Add a word

The purpose of the game. Exercise children in the correct designation of the position of the object in relation to themselves, develop orientation in space.
Game progress. The teacher says to the children: “Let's remember where our right hand is. Pick her up. All the objects that you see in the side where the right hand is on the right. Who knows where are the objects that you see in the direction where left hand? Do you know what the words "in front of me" and "behind me" mean? (Clarifies these concepts as well.) And now we will play. (Children sit down at the table.) I will start a sentence, name different objects in our room, and you will add the words: “right”, “left”, “behind”, “in front” - answer where this object is located. The teacher starts:
- The table is standing ... (calls the name of the child).
- Behind
- A shelf with flowers hangs ...
- On right.
- Door from us...
- Left.
If the child made a mistake, the teacher offers to stand up, raise his hand and point with this hand to the object.
- Which hand is closer to the window?
- Right.
- So, where is the window from you?
-- On right.
You can play this game as well. The teacher pronounces the words: “left”, “right”, “in front”, “behind”, and the children say which objects are in the named direction.
To conduct this game, children should not be seated in a circle, it is better to seat them on one side of the table, so that the objects in relation to them are located in the same way. In older groups, children can be planted in a circle. This complicates the solution of the game task, but the children successfully cope with the task, as they are already well oriented in space.

And then what?

The purpose of the game. To consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of children in different time day.
Game progress. Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Remember, we talked in class, what do we do in kindergarten all day long? Now let's play and see if you remember everything. We will talk in order about what we have been doing in kindergarten since the morning. Whoever makes a mistake will sit on the last chair, and everyone else will move.” You can enter like this game moment. The teacher sings a song: “I have a pebble. To whom to give? To whom to give? He will answer."
The teacher begins: “We came to kindergarten. Played in the field. What happened next? Passes a pebble to one of the players. “We did gymnastics,” the child answers. "And then?" (The teacher passes the pebble to another child.) Etc.
The game continues until the children name the last thing - going home.
Note. It is advisable to use a pebble in such games, since it is not the one who wants to answer, but the one who gets the pebble. This forces all children to be attentive and ready to respond.
The game is played at the end of the year.

When does it happen?

The purpose of the game. Clarify and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons.
Game progress. The teacher asks the children if they know when they pick vegetables, fruits, when there are many yellow leaves etc. The children's answers show the extent to which they correlate certain phenomena and human labor with the seasons. “And now I will name the time of the year, and you will answer what happens at this time and what people do. For example, I will say: “Spring” - and I will put a pebble to Vova, Vova will quickly remember and say what happens in spring. For example: "Snow melts in spring." Then he will pass the pebble to the person sitting next to him and he will remember something else about spring. When all the children have learned the rules, you can start the game. If someone cannot answer, the teacher helps him with questions.

What is wide (long, high, low, narrow)?

The purpose of the game. Clarify children's ideas about the size of objects, teach them to classify objects according to a certain attribute (size, color, shape), develop the speed of thinking.
Game progress. Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Children, the objects that surround us are of different sizes: large, small, long, short, low, high, narrow, wide. In the classroom and on walks, we saw many objects of different sizes. Now I will name one word, and you will list what objects can be called with this one word. In the hands of the teacher is a pebble. He gives it to the child who has to answer.
- Long, - says the teacher and gives a pebble
sitting next to him.
- The road, - he answers and passes the pebble to the neighbor.
“A dress, a rope, a day, a fur coat,” the children recall.
- Wide, - the teacher offers the following
Children call: road, street, river, tape, etc.
This game is played with children at the end of the year, when they have gained knowledge about the size of objects.
The game is also conducted with the aim of improving the ability of children to classify objects by color, shape. The teacher says:
- Red.
Children take turns answering: a flag, a ball, a berry, an asterisk, etc. Or:
- Round.
Children answer: ball, sun, apple, wheel, etc. Those children who named more words should be praised.

Word games for children of younger groups

Which adult has not noticed how very young children love to play with sound? The child still does not pronounce words, suddenly a sound suddenly breaks out, and now the baby is already repeating it in every way - it is humming. How much joy in the eyes of a child while walking!
Then, playing with the word, children begin to understand native language, assimilate its structure, learn colloquial speech. It is no coincidence that almost all folk rhymes are built on dialogues.
Kids love rhymed speech, its sound, they experience great pleasure when poetry is read to them. E. I. Tikheeva has repeatedly emphasized this feature of children: “The need for rhythmic rhymed speech is undoubtedly inherent in their age and justified by the course of their development.”

In choosing games for kids, we were guided by the advice of E. I. Tikheeva to use folk art as a source in which you can find material that meets both the content and the form of the requirements for works for children of the early age. The material for word games intended for kids was mainly the works folk art from the book of E. I. Tikheeva "Games and activities of small children."
In the methodology of the games, the advice of E. I. Tikheeva was also used: before reading this or that rhyme, it is necessary to introduce the kids to a living object or its image in the picture: with a crow, magpie, goat, etc., i.e. those images offered to the child living word, should be familiar to him, associated with his personal memories, experiences.
The main goal of word games for kids is to develop their speech activity, the ability to correlate the action with the word of nursery rhymes, verse, to achieve their understanding of the meaning of words, their correct pronunciation.
caregiver junior group in the process of the game directs it, teaches children. The speech of the educator should be competent, emotional and at the same time calm. Greater demands should be placed on gestures, facial expressions. Who has not noticed how young children quickly react to the expression on the face of the educator1 Here the educator opens his eyes wide in surprise, and the eyes of the children open just as wide. The caregiver did sad face- and all the children have sadness on their faces. It is not necessary, depicting a wolf, a bear, a goat, to make a scary face, to speak in a too rough voice. Small children get scared and sometimes refuse to play, saying, "I don't want to play scary goat."
Sitting or standing during the game should be so that each child can see the face of the teacher, his mouth, eyes. It is necessary to read the poem in such a way that it seems to everyone that they are reading and telling it to him, that is, all the time you need to turn your eyes first to one, then to the other player. Therefore, a poem, a nursery rhyme, a joke, the educator must know by heart.


The purpose of the game. To teach children to listen to the speech of the teacher, to correlate the action with the word of the nursery rhyme, to answer questions.
Game progress. Children sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher takes such a position that everyone can see him, and says: “Children, now we will play the game “Ladushki”. Let's clap our hands! Clap! Clap! - clap your hands.
Sweeties, sweeties!
Where were you? - By Grandma!
- What did you eat? - Kashka!
- What did you drink? - Brazhku!
Butter bowl,
Brazhka sweetie,
Grandma is good.
Drank, ate
Shu-u-u - flew!
Sat on the head! Sit down, sit down, Fly away!
The teacher and the children quietly clap their hands to the beat of the words of the nursery rhyme.
They raise their hands, wave them and put them on their heads. At the words “Fly away,” they spread their arms to the sides and lower them to their knees.

Playing again, the teacher after the words "Where were you?" pauses and waits for the children's answers; "By Grandma"; "What did they eat?" - "Cash"; “.What did they drink?” - “Brage”.
The next time the whole nursery rhyme is said by the children together with the teacher.

About magpie

The purpose of the game. Teaching children to listen native word, catch the rhythm of the nursery rhyme, understand what it says.
Game progress. Children sit opposite the teacher. teacher with index finger right hand makes circular movements in the palm of his left hand (“cooks porridge”), saying:


magpie, magpie,
Magpie - white-sided
cooked porridge,
Jumped on the threshold
Called guests.
Guests in the yard -
Porridge on the table.
This on a plate
This on a platter
This in a cup
This in a bowl

The teacher and the children cook porridge" together.
Fingers are bent in turn, starting with the little finger.
The thumb is not bent.
Refers to the thumb.
And she didn't give it anything.
You didn't carry wood
You didn't carry water
You didn't cook porridge.
Here's a spoon for you
Make your own porridge.
Here is a stump, here is a deck,
There is firewood
There is hot water here.

When repeating the game, the teacher offers the children to help pronounce the nursery rhyme. After the words “this”, he pauses, and the children finish the phrase: “on a silver platter”, “in a cup”, “in a bowl”.

Finger play

The purpose of the game. To teach to listen to speech, to understand what is said in the nursery rhyme, to correlate words with the actions of the fingers.
Game progress. The teacher examines the fingers on his hand, saying: “This thumb, and these are smaller, but quite small - little finger. They all live side by side, like brothers.”


Where have you been?"-
"With this brother -
Walked into the forest
With this brother
cabbage soup cooked,
With this brother
ate porridge,
With this brother
Sang songs!


The teacher shows
thumb and
leaning towards him, bends
fingers in turn.

"What song did he sing with his little brother?" - the teacher asks, referring to the children. The children offer to sing a familiar song (“The Gray Cat”, “Kalinka”), and the fingers “dance” (the children raise their hands and “dance” with their fingers).

The teacher can use another nursery rhyme about fingers. Curling his fingers alternately, he says:

This finger wants to sleep
This finger - jump into bed!
This finger twitched.
This finger is already asleep.

Only one thumb remains. The teacher, turning to him, says:

Hush, finger, do not make noise,
Don't wake up your brothers.

After a short pause, extending all his fingers and raising his hand, he cheerfully finishes:

The fingers are up. Hooray! IN
it's time to go to kindergarten.

The game with fingers can also be played like this:


Come on, brothers, to work,
Show your passion.
Big wood to chop,
Stoke everything for you,

And you carry water,
cook dinner for you
And sing songs to the baby,
Songs to sing and dance
To amuse siblings


Addressing everyone
fingers, touch
up to the thumb.
index finger,
doing a boolean
word stress
"you". Shows on
middle finger.
Refers to
ring finger.
The little finger "dances" and
"sings" favorite
a song familiar to the children.

When these games are repeated, the children repeat last words nursery rhymes - the actions of the fingers: “I went to the forest”, “cooked cabbage soup”, “ate porridge”, etc., and then they memorize the whole nursery rhyme and play on their own.

Goat horned

The purpose of the game. Amuse children, teach them to listen to the rhyme to the end, to understand it.
Game progress. After the children look at the picture of the goat, the teacher offers to play.

Children stand in front of the teacher, facing him. The educator, putting forefinger and little finger, goes to the children, saying:

There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
For the little guys.
Legs top-top,
Clap-clap eyes
Who does not eat porridge
Who does not drink milk -

At the word “gore”, the children run away from the goat, and the teacher catches up with them. Next time, you can choose one of the children as a goat.


The purpose of the game. Teach children to coordinate the words of the poem with actions.
Game progress. Children become in a circle. The teacher chooses a bunny with a counting rhyme, he becomes in the center of the circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say:

Zainka, along the senichka
Walk, walk!
Grey, brand new
Walk, walk!
There is nowhere for the hare to jump out,
Nowhere to jump gray.
Zainka, you will jump -
jump out
Gray, you will dance -
Will release.

The teacher with the children sings a dance tune, everyone clap their hands, and the bunny dances. After that, the bunny is released from the circle and a new one is chosen. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

In the poultry yard

The purpose of the game. To consolidate the knowledge of children about how poultry scream, to cultivate the correct sound pronunciation.
Game progress. The teacher invites the children to listen to a new poem:

Our ducks in the morning - Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!
Our geese by the pond - Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!
And the turkey in the middle of the yard - Ball-ball-ball! Baldy-balda!
Our bunnies at the top - Grru-grru-u-grru-grru-u!
Our chickens in the window - Kko-kko-kko-ko-ko-ko-ko!
How about Petya the Cockerel?
Early-early in the morning
We will sing ku-ka-re-ku!

How do ducks cry? - asks the teacher. The children answer. So he clarifies, consolidates the pronunciation of sounds with children.
The next time the teacher divides all the children into groups - "ducks", "geese", "turkeys". “Our ducks in the morning,” the teacher says, and the duck children answer: “Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!” etc.
This game teaches kids to be patient. Everyone wants to scream like ducks, but you can’t, you must be able to remain silent, wait your turn.

At the bear in the forest

The purpose of the game. To develop the speech activity of children, the ability to correlate their actions with the word, quickly respond to a verbal signal, exercise in the pronunciation of the sound r.
Game progress. Children sit on chairs. The teacher sits down in front of them and says: “Children, today we will play a game called “At the bear in the forest.” Look at this picture (shows a picture of a bear in the forest). That's what a big bear walks in the forest, in the forest. "Rrrrr," the bear growls. Listen to a poem about this bear:

At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries,
And the bear is sitting
And growls at us.

How does a bear growl? Let's Play. Now we will choose a bear. (With the help of a rhyme, a bear is chosen. Rhymes should always be very short so that the children do not wait long. The teacher puts a mask cap on the bear child.) That's what a bear we have! Can he growl?" “Rrrrr,” the bear growls.
“Children, the bear will live here in the forest (takes the driver aside). We will go to the forest and pick mushrooms and berries. As soon as the bear roars, we will immediately run home, ”the teacher explains the rules of the game.


At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries,
And the bear is sitting
And growls at us:


Children and teacher imitate
picking mushrooms and berries, slowly
approaching the forest where he lives
Children and teacher run away
the bear is chasing them.


The purpose of the game. Develop children's speech, exercise them in the correct sound pronunciation.
Game progress. Children stand one after another and depict galloping horses. The teacher becomes so that the children can see him, and together with the children pronounces the words of nursery rhymes (the words are memorized in advance in class).

You gallop.
You fly, horse, soon, soon,
Through the rivers, through the mountains,
All at a gallop, at a gallop, at a gallop.
Whoa! .. - says the teacher.

Children jump around the room, imitating the running of a horse. The run is getting faster.

Children stop and also say "Whoa..."

The game can be repeated by changing the child in front.


The purpose of the game. To develop the speech activity of children, exercise them in the correct pronunciation, consolidate knowledge about the cockerel.
Game progress. Children and teacher sit on chairs in a circle. In the middle is a chair for a cockerel. The teacher addresses the children: “Children, look, whose hat is this? (Shows a bright cockerel cap.) Yes, this is a cockerel, let's play with it. Now we will choose the cockerel as a counter, whoever she points to will be the cockerel. (A cockerel is chosen with the help of a counting rhyme. He is put on a hat, and the teacher says quietly (in his ear) that when he sits on a chair, he should sing loudly “ku-ka-re-ku!” Like a cockerel.) The cockerel sits on a chair and crows loudly. Then the teacher and children say the words:
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
Why do you get up early?
What are you eating out loud?
Don't let the kids sleep!
After the words “you don’t let the children sleep,” the teacher offers the cockerel to crow several times. Then a new cockerel is chosen.
The teacher works on the expressiveness of children's speech, teaches them to highlight the words golden, butter, silk with intonation, teaches them to highlight the question with intonation, pronounce loudly and melodiously "ku-ka-re-ku!". The game is repeated 3-4 times.


The purpose of the game. Exercise children in expressive reading poems, to consolidate knowledge about the habits of a hen.
Game progress. The teacher shows a picture that shows a chicken with chickens, tells how the chicken loves her chickens, how they walk, go out to pluck grass, look for worms. “Listen, children, I will read you a poem about this chicken. She is called a crest. Look, here she has a tuft sticking out. See? Therefore, it is called the corydalis.
Corydalis in the courtyard,
Furry in the yard
Comes with chickens.
A little children gape,
They run and run
Now he is calling:
"Where? Stop!
Where where? Come back!
Don't you dare run away!"

Let's play now. I will be a Corydalis hen, and you are my chickens. Let's go for a walk. When I say: "Come back! Don't you dare run away!" "You all come running to me."
A hen with chickens walks around the courtyard: they walk, collect grains, then disperse in different directions.
The teacher sentences the words of the nursery rhyme. Children try to repeat after her. When the children disperse throughout the room, the teacher stops and, turning to them, says:
Where? Stop!
Where where? Come back!
Don't you dare run away!

The chicks run to their mother. The game can be repeated 3-4 times.


The purpose of the game. Teach children to listen to a poem, understand its meaning and act on a signal.
Game progress. Children, holding hands, stand in a circle. The teacher chooses an owl with a rhyme. She sits down on a chair in the middle of the circle.

Teacher's words
and children:

It's dark in the forest
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
All the birds are sleeping
One owl does not sleep
Flying, screaming.
Owl Owl,
Big head,
On bitch sitting,
turns his head,
Looking in all directions
Yes, suddenly - how to fly!


Children walk in a circle. Stopping, depict sleeping

The owl shows how big her head is. He turns his head, looks around.

Hearing the words “how it will fly”, the children run away, and the owl catches up with them.
It is desirable that before the game, the teacher shows the children a picture of an owl, talks about this bird.


The purpose of the game. To teach children to act in accordance with the words of the poem, to deepen their knowledge of the duck.
Game progress. The teacher shows toys - a big duck and little ducklings, examines them with children, talks about the fact that ducks love to swim. A duck always swims ahead, followed by ducklings.
- Listen, children, a poem about a duck:
meadow duck,
gray, field,
Where did you spend the night?
Under a bush, under a birch.
I go ducking myself
I take my children
I'll swim myself
I will take my children.
Let's play now. Lena will be the duck (they choose an older girl), and we will be her ducklings.
Children stand in a column and, turning to the duck, say (together with the teacher):
meadow duck,
gray, field,
Where did you spend the night?
Lena (together with the teacher):
Under a bush, under a birch.
I go ducking myself
I take my children
I'll swim myself
I will take my children.
Lena is in front of the column. The children either follow her around the room, waddling from foot to foot, then swim, making circular movements with their hands in front of their chests.
Then another duck is chosen and the game continues.


The purpose of the game. Exercise children in the ability to coordinate words and actions, continue to activate children's speech.
Game progress. The teacher addresses the children: “Listen to a new poem about birds:
Two birds flew
By itself small.
How they flew
All the people were watching.
How they sat down
All the people were amazed.
Who wants to be birds? (The teacher puts on bird caps for those who wish.) We will all sit on chairs to the side and watch the birds fly, and then sit down, sit side by side and fly back.
Children and the teacher pronounce the words of the nursery rhyme, and the birds perform the appropriate actions. Then they choose new birds and the game is repeated. The game can be repeated several times.

sun bunnies

The purpose of the game. Exercise children in the pronunciation of the poem in combination with movements.
Game progress. The teacher, with the help of a small mirror, lets out a sunbeam and recites a poem:
sun bunnies
Playing on the wall
I beckon them with my finger
Let them run to me.
Well, catch it, catch it soon.
Here it is, a bright circle,
Here, here, here - left, left!
Ran to the ceiling.
Children catch a bunny on the wall. Let the teacher direct it lower: children love to bounce, trying to catch the bunny. This game causes great joy in children, especially if you manage to catch a sunbeam with your hand.

train game

The purpose of the game. To consolidate children's knowledge of such a form of transport as a train, evoke memories of children traveling by train, exercise in the correct pronunciation of sounds.
Game progress. The teacher depicts a steam locomotive. He gets in front of the column of children. Children represent wagons.
“Children,” he says, “look how long our train is. Now we will ride it. Show how the wheels move (children, bending their elbows, move them back and forth and say: “Gu-gu-gu”). Go!
Here is our train
The wheels are rattling
And the guys are sitting on the train.
"Gu-gu-gu, gu-gu-gu" -
The steam locomotive puffs
far, far away
He took the guys.
Stop! Stop! Who wants to walk? Get out quick!" Children get off the train, walk, picking mushrooms and berries. At the whistle of the locomotive ("woo-hoo!"), they again become in a column and go on. The teacher offers to say a rhyme about the train all together.
Other text may be used in this game:
Steam locomotive buzzed
And the wagons were taken:
I'll go far!"
Green trailers
Run, run, run
And the round wheels
It's all here, yes there, yes there.

Birds and car

The purpose of the game. To develop in children auditory attention, the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem.
Game progress. The teacher, turning to the children, says: “Look what kind of steering wheel I have. I will be the car and you will be the birds. You will fly and jump in the clearing (points to the middle of the room).


The birds flew
little birds,
They jumped merrily
The grains pecked.


Bird children "fly" and jump.
They squat down, tap their fingers on the floor.

The teacher turns the steering wheel in his hands, buzzes and says: “The car runs down the street, puffs, hurries, the horn is buzzing. Tra-ta-ta, beware, step aside!”
Bird children run away from the car. When repeating the game, the children pronounce the words together with the teacher.


The purpose of the game. To develop auditory attention in children, the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem, exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound p, learn to speak either loudly or quietly.
Game progress. Children portray crows, they stand in the middle of the room and perform movements in accordance with the text that the teacher says in a singsong voice. The words "kar-kar-kar" are pronounced by all children.

Here under the green tree
Ravens jump merrily:
"Kar-kar-kar!" (Loud.)
All day they screamed
The boys weren't allowed to sleep.
"Kar-kar-kar!" (Loud.)
Only at night they fall silent
And they all fall asleep together
"Kar-kar-kar!" (Quiet.)

Children run around the room, waving their arms like wings.

Squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.

The game goes well if the children have repeatedly observed the crow, its habits: how widely it spreads its wings when flying, how loudly it screams.


The purpose of the game. Exercise children in dialogical speech, in the correct pronunciation of the sound ls, to learn to act on a verbal signal.
Game progress. The teacher invites the children to play: “Remember, we saw the bees in the flower bed? How did they buzz? (Children remember.) Bees collect honey on flowers. Bear-bear also loves honey. He comes to the hive house where the bees live and wants to take their honey from there. The bees won't let him in, they chase him away. And he catches them. But the bees quickly fly away from him. I will be a mother bee. You will be baby bees. We will now choose a bear with a counter: “One, two, three, you will be a bear!” The driver wears a hat-mask. The bear moves away.

Mother bee's words:
The bees flew
collect honey from flowers.
The bear is walking
Honey will take away from the bees,
Bees, go home!

The words of the bee children:
This hive is our house,
Go away, bear, from us:

Bees fly (children run around the room, waving their arms) and buzz. Bees fly into the hive (corner of the room). The bear is heading there.

The bees flap their wings to drive the bear away and fly away from it. The bear tries to catch them.

To continue the game, children use the counting rhyme to choose a new bear.

ryabushechka chicken

The purpose of the game. To develop speech activity in children, work out interrogative intonation with them, exercise them in the correct sound pronunciation.

Game progress. The teacher shows a picture of a ryabenko chicken and explains why it is called "ryabushka", then invites the children to play. A chicken is chosen as a counter. The teacher puts on a hat for her, puts it in front of the children and begins to ask questions. The chicken answers them at the prompt of the teacher:
- Chicken-ryabushechka, where did you go?
- To the river.
- Chicken-ryabushechka, why did you go?
- For some water.
- Ryabushka chicken, why do you need some water?
- Water the chickens.
- Ryabushka hen, how do chickens ask for a drink?
- Pi-pi-pi-pi! (All children say this.)
When the game is repeated, the teacher suggests to the children: “Let's all ask the chicken together, where did she go?” The children, together with the teacher, trying to reproduce an interrogative intonation, ask: “Ribushka hen, where did you go?” etc. It is better to choose shy, timid, silent children as chickens.

food food

The purpose of the game. To develop speech activity in children, to exercise them in the ability to correlate actions with words, in the correct sound pronunciation.
Game progress. The teacher reads a poem to the children
asks if you liked it, and offers to play, all together go to grandma and grandpa. But before repeating the poem, the teacher asks: “How do horses clatter their hooves?” The children are chirping:
"Tsok-tsok-tsok". "How do we stop the horse?"
“Tpr-r-r,” the children say. Then the teacher puts
children in a circle one after another, reads them a poem, and
children, "pulling the reins", move in a circle, performing actions in accordance with the words of the poem and trying to pronounce the text together with the teacher.

"I'm going, I'm going
To the grandmother, to the grandfather
On a horse
In a red cap
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
On potholes, on bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly...
To the pit! Wow!

The children gallop.

They jump on one leg.

Jumping on two legs "from bump to bump"


Word games for children of senior and preparatory groups for school

observing natural phenomena and public life, participating in the life of the family and kindergarten, playing and getting used to organized activities, children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old) acquire, to the best of their ability, relatively wide circle knowledge, which should form the basis of subsequent mental development and help them in school.

Along with the expansion of the circle of knowledge, there are changes in the nature mental activity new forms of thinking emerge. At the heart of the child's mental work is the process of understanding, which is based on analysis and synthesis. As a result of the development of thinking, the analysis becomes more and more fractional, and the synthesis more and more generalized and precise. Children want to understand the connection between the surrounding objects and phenomena, the causes of the observed phenomena, their features. With the development of logical thinking, the ability to establish, reveal the various connections that exist in reality between objects and phenomena and within each of them develops.
Children b-7 years old are characterized by great curiosity, observation, inquisitiveness, interest in everything new, unusual. Guessing a riddle for yourself, expressing a judgment, coming up with a story or its end, beginning, generalizing objects according to certain criteria - this is not a complete list of interesting mental tasks solved by children of this age.
Solving puzzles, following certain rules of the game for children of this age is more exciting than playing and winning without imagination and without effort. The main thing in mental activity is the desire to learn new things. More than before, the motives of the competition acquire a place. In children of older preschool age, new motives for mental activity appear, and verbal and logical thinking develops intensively.
What is the verbal-logical thinking of children 6-7 years old?
The generalization of sensory experience, the expansion of one's horizons in connection with the ideas formed, create the opportunity to think not only about directly perceived objects, but also about those that are absent. At the age of 6-7 years, the child, when looking at pictures, listening to stories, fairy tales, various types activity can single out, abstract more or less essential features of objects, synthesize them, generalize, attribute objects to certain categories, classify.
Within the limits of their experience, children express correct judgments about the surrounding objects and phenomena, unite them among themselves, move from the general to the particular and from the particular to the general, make conclusions in which they correctly reveal the causal and other connections of phenomena available to them, learn to notice contradictions in their reasoning and eliminate them depending on the depth of knowledge about the subjects. The ability of the child to such a variety of mental actions indicates that at this age he is actively developing verbal-logical thinking.
Word games, aimed at developing the thinking of children, are conditionally divided into four groups. In. each group is assigned common mental tasks. So, for example, it is known that it is easier for children to compare objects than to generalize and classify them, therefore games on comparing objects are offered earlier than on classification and generalization. And within the groups, the games are arranged according to the degree of difficulty of the game tasks.
When conducting word games with older children, the role of the educator also changes: he advises more, helps, encourages the resourceful, pays more attention individual work with children who are shy, slow, less quick-witted.
Children seem to have great independence not only in choosing the game itself, but also in creative solution her tasks.


What does it mean to find the most characteristic features of an object? This means finding those signs that distinguish one object from others. If, for example, you need to indicate how a table and a chair differ from each other, then it will be necessary to say about their purpose, that is, that they eat at the table, study, work, etc., they sit on the chair. But if you need to highlight the signs that distinguish a chair from a stool, then the sign that you are sitting on a chair will not be the main one that distinguishes it from a stool. chief hallmark in this case there will be a back. Or, if you compare a sofa and a chair, the main feature that distinguishes them will be that one person can sit on a chair, and several people can sit on a sofa.
Before starting the games of the first group, it is recommended to conduct a conversation session. The content of this lesson boils down to the following: the teacher tells the children that many objects surround people, that objects are similar and different from each other, each has its own shape, color, a person needs it for something, etc. The objects themselves, as it were talk about themselves. “Let's think of what the book could tell about itself,” the educator suggests.
Children say: “I am made of paper, sewn from leaves, I can tell interesting tales and stories. I have a beautiful cover bright pictures". “How interestingly the book told about itself! We immediately recognized her,” says the teacher. So you can offer to “tell about yourself” to a TV, an apple tree, etc. You can finish the lesson with riddles about vegetables, flowers, animals, etc.
When the teacher is convinced that the children understood how to describe the characteristic features of objects, he offers the Guess the game.


The purpose of the game. To teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features in it; recognize an item from a description.
Game progress. The teacher reminds the children how they talked about familiar objects in class, made and guessed riddles about them, and suggests: “Let's play. Let the objects of our room tell about themselves, and we will guess from the description which object speaks. Choose for yourself every object and speak for it. You just need to follow the rules of the game: when you talk about an object, do not look at it so that we do not immediately guess, and only talk about those objects that are in the room.
After a short pause (children must choose an object for description, prepare for an answer), the teacher puts a pebble on the knees of any player (instead of a pebble, you can use a ribbon, a toy, etc.). The child gets up and gives a description of the object, and then passes the pebble to the one who will guess. Having guessed, the child describes his object and passes the pebble to the next player to guess.
The game continues until everyone has come up with their own puzzle. If the game takes place during the lesson and, therefore, all the children of the group take part in it, its duration will be 20-25 minutes.
During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children, when describing objects, name their essential features that would help to recognize the object. He can ask a question to the guesser: “Where is this item located?” or: “What is this item for?” But one should not rush to leading questions. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to remember the object, its main features and talk about them.
Children give the following descriptions of objects: “Wooden, polished, glass in front, it can be interesting to tell” (TV), “Iron, made of twigs, stands on the windowsill, from there you can hear the singing of a bird (cage), “Brilliant, with a spout, boiled water in it " (kettle).


The purpose of the game. To teach children to describe an object, to find its essential features, to recognize an object by description.
Game progress. Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a shelf with various toys. The teacher, turning to them, says: “We have opened a new store.
See how much is in it beautiful toys! You can buy them. But in order to buy a toy, one condition must be met: do not name it, but describe it, while you cannot look at the toy. According to your description, the seller will recognize it and sell it to you.
A seller is chosen with a short rhyme. The teacher buys the toy first, showing how to follow the rules of the game. Educator: “Comrade seller, I want to buy a toy. She is round, rubbery, can jump, all children love to play with her. The seller hands the ball to the buyer. “Thank you, what a beautiful ball!” - the teacher says and sits on a chair with the ball.
The seller calls the name of any of the players. He comes up and describes the toy he chose to buy: “And please sell me such a toy: it is fluffy, orange, it has a long beautiful tail, a narrow muzzle and sly eyes.” The seller gives the toy to the fox. The buyer thanks and sits down.
The game continues until all the children have bought toys.
The role of the seller can be performed by several guys in turn.
Children who "bought" toys then play with them in the room or on a walk.
The game in the "shop" is best done after sleep before independent games.
The teacher brings to the “shop” such toys that the children have not played with for a long time in order to arouse interest in them, to remind them how interesting and beautiful they are.
Note. By the same principle, the game "Flower Shop" is played, where children describe houseplants, their leaves, stem, flower.


The purpose of the game. Cultivate the ability to be observant, activate the speech of children.
Game progress. The teacher, turning to the children, says: “Today we will play new game, is called
she is Radio. Do you know the name of the person who speaks on the radio? That's right, they call him a speaker. Today, the radio announcer will be looking for the children of our group. He will describe one of us, and we will find out from his story which of us is lost. I'll be the announcer first, listen. Attention! Attention! The girl is lost. She wears a red sweater, a checkered apron, and white ribbons in pigtails. She sings songs well, is friends with Vera. Who knows this girl? So the teacher starts the game, showing the children an example of a description. Children name a girl from their group. “And now one of you will be the announcer,” says the teacher. A new speaker is chosen with the help of a rhyme.
The teacher makes sure that the children name the most character traits their comrades, how they are dressed, what they like to do, how they treat friends.
If the announcer gave such a description that the children could not recognize their comrade, everyone answers in unison: “We don’t have such a girl (boy)!”. And then the announcer pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Where was Petya?

The purpose of the game. Activate the processes of thinking, recall, attention, activate the speech of children.
Game progress. Option 1. The teacher tells the children that they will play a game that will make them remember everything they saw in their kindergarten: what rooms are there, who is in them, what is in each room, what they do in it.
The teacher says: “Let's imagine that a child came to our kindergarten new boy Peter. Together with his teacher, he went to inspect the kindergarten. But where he went and what he saw there, Petya will tell. On behalf of Petya, you will tell everything in turn. Don't name the room by a word. We must recognize it ourselves from your description."
If the children are already familiar with the games "Guess", "Shop", "Radio", they must independently, without the help of a teacher, give a description private rooms and labor of kindergarten adults.
We give approximate descriptions given by the children: “Petya went into a room where a lot of clean clothes lay on the shelves.
underwear. Maria Petrovna stroked him, buzzed washing machine". (Laundry.) “Petya looked into the room where the children were singing, dancing, someone was playing the piano. The room was large and bright. (Hall.)
The teacher warns the children that they should only describe what Petya could see in the kindergarten building. If the child told about what is not in kindergarten, he is considered a loser.
Option 2. You can complicate this game. The teacher, when repeating it, suggests remembering what Petya could see when he went to the kindergarten site. Children describe the site, buildings, trees, shrubs, identify features that distinguish the site of one group from the site of another.
The teacher needs to activate the children's vocabulary, offering to name the same thing with different words. So, for example, the child described the vegetable store: “Petya went down the stairs and saw jars with various fruits, juices, compotes on the shelves: there were carrots in the bags, and potatoes in a large box. It was cold there." The children answer: "Petya got into the basement." The teacher offers to think and say in other words. Children's answers may be: “To the grocery store”, “To the pantry”, “To the vegetable store”.
The teacher confirms the correctness of the children's answers: "Yes, the room where Petya looked can be called differently."
Option 3. You can offer a more complex option. The teacher says to the children: “You and I know our city (or district) well, we went on an excursion with you, we saw what institutions, buildings, streets are in the city. But Petya has only recently arrived in our city. Tell us where he has been and what he has seen. And we'll figure it out." Children talk about the library, school, cinema, main street, etc.
The teacher helps the children identify the most important distinctive features described object, clarifies the knowledge of children. For example, Ira gave the following description: “Petya went into the house. There were a lot of shelves with books, people were standing and looking at them.” From this description, it is difficult to guess where Petya was: in a bookstore or in a library? The teacher clarifies the child’s story: “Did they sell or give out books there?” - "Given out." - “Where did Petya get to?” Children respond;
"To the library". - “What was the main thing in the description of Ira?” the teacher asks. "The fact that books were given out there." - "Who gave out the books?" - Librarian. - "And who sells books?" - "Seller". - "Where does the seller work?" - "In the store." So the teacher clarifies and deepens the knowledge of children about the environment.
You can use other options.
Option 4. The teacher tells that Petya left with his parents to rest. The children should tell where Petya could go and what he could see there.
For example, the following description was given: “Petya came to his grandmother. I went for a walk with her and saw a long, long barn, there were a lot of pigs in it. There they were fed, they ate and grunted. The children answer: "Petya visited the collective farm."
The educator, activating the children's thinking, their vocabulary, suggests thinking about whether it is possible to answer in a different way. Children give the following answers: "Petya visited a pig farm, in the village."
“All answers are correct,” the teacher sums up.
Option 5. The next time the teacher invites the children to think and say what Petya could see if he were a traveler. Children talk about Africa, the Arctic, etc., using the knowledge they have gained in kindergarten and at home. The teacher clarifies and deepens the knowledge of children, seeks to enrich their vocabulary.
Option 6. The teacher tells the children that Petya loves to read books, and suggests: “Let him tell about some hero of the book, and we will find out which book Petya read.” He warns that you can only talk about those heroes that everyone read about in kindergarten, otherwise not everyone will be able to guess.

Here are some of the children's stories:
"The little girl loved her grandmother very much, she went to visit her in the forest, brought her pies and milk, and picked flowers along the way.
"The old people lived near the blue sea. The old man was fishing, and the old woman scolded him all the time, she was angry, fastidious."
“Grandpa was very kind. Spring came, the ice melted, the river overflowed, and the hares did not know where to hide. He swam up to them in a boat and rescued them.”

Children can also come up with games about Petya. “Let Petya find out what this song is called,” Tanya suggests. One of the guys or all together sing the words of the song, and the driver must remember its name and author. The teacher encourages creative independence. At the end of the game, he can invite the children to draw what they talked about in the game “Where was Petya?”.

What is this bird?

The purpose of the game. Teaching children to describe birds characteristics and recognize them by description.
Game progress. This game requires a lot pre-training. Children watch birds, pay attention to their special signs (for example, the size and length of the beak, legs, color of feathers, where this bird lives, what it eats, how it screams or sings), by which you can find out what it is for a bird.
The game begins with the appointment of a driver who guesses what kind of bird has arrived. He pronounces his riddles in a singsong voice, and everyone else repeats certain words in unison (see below). Here, for example, is how the driver describes the crane in such a game:
I have a bird
Like this, like this! -
shows with his hands how big his bird is. All players say:

The wings of a bird
Here they are, here they are! -
and shows, spreading his arms wide, what big wings the bird has. All players:
The bird flies, the bird flies, it flies to us!
This bird's beak is like this, like this!
But the driver is not yet sure that the players recognized the bird. He says where the bird lives, what it eats, etc., and ends with a question:
What kind of bird is flying to us? Well, guess what kind of bird it is?
Not all children answer the question in unison, but only one - whom the driver will point to. If the child answers correctly, the children say:
What a bird flew to us! What a bird flew to us!
The one who guessed becomes the leader and gives a description of the bird that he thought of.
If the child's answer was wrong, the driver tells him:
Not such a bird flew to us! Not such a bird flew to us!
Then he turns to another player and repeats his question:
What kind of bird flew to us? Well, guess what kind of bird it is?
The one called the driver can guess only once.
The new driver describes some other bird that has special signs, for example, an eagle, a parrot, a woodpecker, a crow, a rooster, a goose.
Another version of this game is also possible. Children give a description of various animals: a tiger, a hare, a fox, an elephant, a deer and many others. You just need to change the words:
I have a beast like this, like this!
Everyone says the words:
Runs, runs, the beast, Runs to us! Etc.

Not really

The purpose of the game. To teach children to think, logically raise questions, make the right conclusions.
Game progress. Option 1. The teacher tells the children the rules of the game and explains the name. Why is this game
so called? Because you and I can only answer the questions of the driver with the words “yes” or “no”. The driver will go out the door, and we will agree on what object in our room we will guess for him. He will come and ask us where the object is, what it is, what it is for. We will answer him with only two words. I will be the driver first. When I leave the room, Vova will tell you what object he proposes to make. Then you will call me.
The teacher leaves, then enters the room and asks: “Is this object on the floor?” - "No". "On the wall?" - "No." "On the ceiling?" - "Yes". "Glass? Like a pear?" - "Yes". "Bulb?" - "Yes".
Taking on the role of the first leader, the teacher teaches children to logically raise questions. He clarifies: “Children, did you notice how I asked? First I found out where the object is, and then I found out what it is. Try to guess the same."
This game teaches children to think logically: if an object is not on the floor, then it can be on the wall or on the ceiling. Children do not immediately draw the right conclusions. It happens like this: having learned that this object is not on the floor, the child continues to ask: “Table?”, “Chair?” The teacher in such cases helps the child to come to the correct conclusion: “Ira, we answered you that the object is not on the floor. Where is the chair, table? - "On the floor". "Did you have to name them?" - "No". “You found out that the item is on the wall. Look at what objects are on the wall and guess what we have guessed, ”the teacher offers. "Is it square?" - "Yes." "In a frame?" - "Yes". "Does it have flowers on it?" - "Yes". "Painting?" - "Yes".
Option 2. You can offer a more complex option. The teacher thinks of an object that is outside the room: “There are a lot of objects, children, and it will be difficult to guess if you don’t know if it’s on earth or in heaven, in a house or on the street, is it an animal or a plant.”
If children have played this game several times, they quickly begin to pick up questions and guess the intended object. For example, the children thought of the sun. Misha the guesser asks the following questions: “In the house? On the street? In the garden? In the forest? On the ground? In the sky?" Having learned that the object is in the sky, he asks the following questions: “Air? Clouds? Snow? Sparrows? Rocket? Airplane? Sun?"
From his questions, one can trace the course of logical thinking: having learned that an object is in the sky, he already names only those objects that can be there.


Before starting such games, the teacher conducts a lesson-conversation with the children. In a conversation, he recalls that the objects surrounding people are very diverse, they have both differences and similarities. “Now I will name two objects, and you will tell how they differ from each other and how they are similar,” he addresses the children. “Look at the table and chair and compare them.”
Usually children begin to name signs of difference, it's easier:
- They sit on a chair, write, draw, eat on the table.
“The table is bigger than the chair,” they continue.
- The table has no back, but the chair does.
- At the table high legs, and at the chair - below.
- The table has a cover, and the chair has a seat.
“Did you say how the table and chair are similar or how they are not similar?” - asks the teacher. - “How they are not similar.” - “That's right, you named the signs of difference, that is, how they differ from each other. And how are they similar? Do they have anything in common, similar? This task is more difficult for children to solve, and therefore the teacher can help them with additional questions: “Look what the table and chair are made of, what color they are”, etc.
Children answer:
- The table and chair are the same color. They are yellow.
Both the table and the chair are made of wood.
- They have sharp corners.
- The table and chair have four legs.
- Both the table and the chair are furniture.
The teacher sums up: “Now you have named the signs of similarity, that is, how the table and chair are similar to each other. This means that these objects are somewhat similar and somewhat different from one another. You yourself noticed it. Now let's do it differently. I will tell you about two objects, I will tell you how they differ from each other and how they are similar, and you try to recognize them from my description. And the teacher gives, for example, a description of two domestic animals - a cow and a horse. Then he invites the children to talk about two objects, to name how they differ and how they are similar. The rest of the children will guess.
This task is difficult, it is not immediately performed by the children correctly, and the teacher has to clarify the descriptions of the children and help them. For example, a child thinks: "One tree is thorny, and the other is not thorny." The teacher clarifies: “The prickly tree has small needles, the second tree has a smooth bark, white color". After clarification, children can guess that it is a spruce and a birch.
When the children learn how to find signs of similarities and differences in objects, the teacher offers them the game “Like - not like”.

Similar - not similar

The purpose of the game. To teach children to compare objects, find signs of differences, similarities in them, recognize objects by description.
Game progress. The teacher, having put the children in a circle or at tables, invites them to play a new game called “Looks like - not like”.
Addressing the children, he says: “Remember, you and I learned to describe two objects, tell how they are similar and how they differ? Today we will play like this. Everyone will think of two objects, remember how they differ from each other and how they are similar, and tell us, and we will guess. Remember (pause). I have a pebble in my hands, to whom I put it, he will guess.
The one who received the pebble makes a riddle, for example: “Two flowers, one with white petals and a yellow center, the other pink, with beautiful fragrant petals, with thorns. One field, the other grows in a flower bed. The guesser, after a short pause, passes the pebble to any of the players. He must quickly answer and guess the riddle. If the guesser is wrong, he pays a phantom, which is redeemed at the end of the game.
Examples of riddles invented by children.

Galya. “Two beetles crawled. One is small, red, with black dots, and the other is large, Brown. One does not buzz at all, and the other buzzes a lot" ( ladybug and Maybug).
Ira. “Animals, both agile. One gray color, the other is red. They live in the forest, one in a hole, and the other just runs like that. One loves cockerels, and the other attacks the flock ”(fox and wolf).
Seryozha. "Two cars. One plows the land, the other carries goods. One crackles loudly, and the other goes quietly (tractor and truck).

The teacher suggests next time to choose objects with less noticeable signs of difference for comparison. Children understand this task and give a description, for example, a cat and a kitten, spruce and pine trees, sofas and benches, etc.
Older children love storytelling games.
In the process of these games, they develop a coherent, figurative speech, an understanding of humor, the ability to joke themselves. These games increase children's interest in acquiring new knowledge.
Before conducting the game, the teacher finds out if the children know what fables are, where they heard them. Children answer that a fable is a fiction, something that does not happen in life, fables are often found in fairy tales. If they cannot answer, the teacher will tell them about it.
He invites the children to tell some fable from familiar fairy tales. Children recall: “Little Red Riding Hood could not get out alive from the belly of a wolf”, “Geese cannot carry Ivanushka on their wings”, “Fish cannot do miracles”, “Animals cannot speak”, etc.
After the children learn to notice fables, the teacher reads them a work with fables, introduces them to entertaining content. It happens that the children have questions that the teacher cannot immediately answer, for example: do elephants swim, do they refuel a rocket with gasoline, etc. In such cases, he promises to tell the children about it tomorrow and, having found out for himself that required, the next day, be sure to give them the correct answer. Otherwise, the guys will lose interest in such games.
When playing the game, you should not take the whole work, but only part of it. Initially, a passage may contain 2-3 fables, and then there may be more. The experience of playing games shows that children can remember and name 6-7 fables contained in a passage. Based on this, the educator independently breaks the work into semantic parts.

Who will notice the untruths more?

The purpose of the game. To teach children to notice fables, illogical situations, to explain them; develop the ability to distinguish between real and imagined.
Game progress. Children sit down so that they can put chips on the table. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Children, now I will read you a poem by Korney Chukovsky “Confusion”1. It will contain many lies. Try to notice and remember them. Whoever notices a fable, puts a chip, notices another fable - puts a second chip next to it, etc. Whoever notices more fables will win. You can put a chip only when you yourself noticed the fable.
First, a small part of this poem is read. The poem is read slowly, expressively, places with fables are accentuated.
After reading, the teacher asks the children why the poem is called "Confusion". Then the one who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the fables he noticed. Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. You cannot repeat what has been said. If the child has put more chips than the tales in the poem, the teacher tells him that he did not follow the rules of the game, and suggests that he be more careful another time.
Then the next part of the poem is read. It is necessary to ensure that children do not get tired, as the game requires a lot of mental stress. Noticing by the behavior of the children that they are tired, the teacher must stop the game. At the end of the game, praise should be given to those children who noticed more tales and explained them correctly.

Come up with a tall tale

The game is played after the previous game has been repeatedly played with the children.
The purpose of the game. To teach children to invent fables on their own, including them in their story, to develop the imagination of children.
Game progress. The following conversation of the educator serves as an introduction to the game: “Writers, poets have created many interesting funny poems, fairy tales, stories. We have read a lot of them. But we can try to come up with funny story. Here, listen to what a story-fiction I came up with ... "
An exemplary teacher's story:
“In the morning, when the sun went down, I got up and went to work. I went to the kindergarten and saw children there. I said goodbye to them. Everyone cheerfully answered me: "Goodbye." We went to the kindergarten, went into the room, dried our feet and immediately sat down at the table for breakfast.
Children listen carefully, and then they name fables. “Now try to come up with a story with fables yourself. We will listen and notice fables,” the educator suggests.
We give examples of stories-fictions invented by children: “There was a girl in the forest. She had Magic wand. A bunny without antennae with short ears jumped up to her. She wanted to touch him, but the hare did not exist. She looked back and forth - there is no hare. She raised her eyes up, and the hare was sitting on the top of a pine tree and laughing.
“One person left the house and went for a walk. By the river he saw a boat. Sat in it, swam. The boat capsized and the man fell to the bottom. He walks along the sand at the bottom, looks - towards the shark. She swallowed him, and he ripped open her belly and got out.

Verbal- didactic games for children of primary preschool age in preschool

Verbal and didactic game "Compare different animals" (2-3 years)
Target: teach children to compare different animals from fairy tales, highlighting opposite signs.
Number of players: 5-6 children
Game rule: the child who the driver points to answers
Game action: The teacher invites the children to consider the Bear and the mouse.
- The bear is big, and the mouse ... (small). What else Mishka? (Fat, fat-footed, clubfoot). What mouse? (Small, gray, fast, dexterous.) What does Mishka like? (Honey, raspberries), and the mouse loves ... (cheese, crackers).
- Mishka's paws are thick, and the mouse's ... (thin). Who has a longer tail? The mouse has a long tail, and Mishka ... (short.
Similarly, you can compare other animals from fairy tales - a fox and a hare, a wolf and a bear.
Verbal and didactic game "Kids and Bunny"
Purpose: To teach children to come up with a new ending to a familiar fairy tale
Number of players: 4-6 children
Game rule: listen carefully to the interlocutor
Game action: First, the children remember the fairy tale "Kids and the Wolf." It can be recalled using table theater or flannelgraph. The tale ends, but the teacher offers to listen to what happened next: “The goat left again for the forest. The goats were left alone at home. Suddenly there was a knock on the door again. The goats got scared and hid. And it was a small ... (a toy is shown) a bunny. The bunny says: ... ("Don't be afraid of me, it's me - a little bunny.") Kids ... (they let the bunny in). They treated him to ... (cabbage, carrots). The kids ate and began to ... (play, have fun, frolic). The bunny played ... (on the drum), and the kids ... (jumped merrily).

Verbal and didactic game "Ryabushka Chicken"
based on the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen"
Purpose: To develop speech activity in children, work out interrogative intonation with them, exercise them in the correct sound pronunciation.
Number of players: a subgroup of children
Game rules: the chicken must loudly, quickly answer children's questions
Game action: the teacher shows a picture of a ruffled chicken, suggests recalling the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen". After telling the tale, he explains why she is called "Ryaba". Then he invites the children to play. A chicken is chosen as a counter. The teacher puts on a hat for her, puts it in front of the children and begins to ask questions. The chicken answers them at the prompt of the teacher:
- Hen Ryaba, where did you go?
- To the river.
- Hen Ryaba, why did you go?
- For some water.
- Hen Ryaba, why do you need some water?
- Water the chickens.
- Hen Ryaba, how do your chickens ask to drink?
- Pi-pi-pi-pi! (All children say this.)
When the game is repeated, the teacher suggests to the children: “Let's all ask the chicken together, where did she go?” The children, together with the teacher, trying to reproduce an interrogative intonation, ask: “Ryaba Hen, where did you go?” etc. It is better to choose shy, timid, silent children as chickens.
4. Board game "Paired pictures"
Purpose: To exercise children in comparing the objects shown in the picture, in finding similarities and in selecting identical images; educate attention, concentration, form speech, develop the ability to fulfill the rule of the game.
Material: paired pictures-illustrations from Russian folk tales and chips
Game rules: Show and name only the same picture; who correctly selects and names a paired picture, he will receive a chip.
Game action: search required cards.
Board game "Fold the picture"
Purpose: To exercise children in composing a whole subject from its parts; educate will, perseverance, purposefulness
Number of players:
Game rules: Do not make a mistake in choosing. The winner is the one who folded and called his picture before the others.
Game action: search for parts, folding the whole picture
Board game "Lotto"
Purpose: To exercise children in the ability to combine objects according to their place of growth: where what grows; consolidate children's knowledge about Russians folk tales
Number of players:
Game rules: close the cells only with those pictures that correspond to the content of the large card, i.e. a fairy tale
Game action: find small cards depicting episodes from fairy tales and close the cells on a large map with them. Competition - who will be the first to close all the cards
Board game "Domino" (2-3 years)
Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales, correctly name the tale
Number of players:
Game rules: Put the cards in turn, next to the same picture. The first person to put down all the cards wins.
Game action: If the player does not have a paired card, he skips the move and waits for a paired picture to appear at either end. When the game is repeated, the cards are dealt again.

In choosing games for kids, we were guided by the advice of E. I. Tikheeva to use folk art as a source in which you can find material that meets both the content and the form of the requirements for works for young children. The material for games with the word, intended for kids, was mainly the works of folk art from the book by E. I. Tikheeva “Games and Activities for Small Children”.
In the methodology of the games, the advice of E. I. Tikheeva was also used: before reading this or that rhyme, it is necessary to introduce the kids to a living object or its image in the picture: with a crow, magpie, goat, etc., i.e. those images , which the living word offers the child, should be familiar to him, associated with his personal memories, experiences.
The main goal of word games for kids is to develop their speech activity, the ability to correlate the action with the word of nursery rhymes, verse, to achieve their understanding of the meaning of words, their correct pronunciation.
The teacher of the younger group during the game leads it, teaches children. The speech of the educator should be competent, emotional and at the same time calm. Greater demands should be placed on gestures, facial expressions. Who has not noticed how young children quickly react to the expression on the face of the educator1 Here the educator opens his eyes wide in surprise, and the eyes of the children open just as wide. The teacher made a sad face - and all the children have sadness on their faces. It is not necessary, depicting a wolf, a bear, a goat, to make a scary face, to speak in a too rough voice. Small children get scared and sometimes refuse to play, saying, "I don't want to play scary goat."
Sitting or standing during the game should be so that each child can see the face of the teacher, his mouth, eyes. It is necessary to read the poem in such a way that it seems to everyone that they are reading and telling it to him, that is, all the time you need to turn your eyes first to one, then to the other player. Therefore, a poem, a nursery rhyme, a joke, the educator must know by heart.

The purpose of the game. To teach children to listen to the speech of the teacher, to correlate the action with the word of the nursery rhyme, to answer questions.
Game progress. Children sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher takes such a position that everyone can see him, and says: “Children, now we will play the game “Ladushki”. Let's clap our hands! Clap! Clap! - clap your hands.
Sweeties, sweeties!
Where were you? - By Grandma!
- What did you eat? - Kashka!
- What did you drink? - Brazhku!
Butter bowl,
Brazhka sweetie,
Grandma is good.
Drank, ate
Shu-u-u - flew!
Sat on the head! Sit down, sit down, Fly away!
The teacher and the children quietly clap their hands to the beat of the words of the nursery rhyme.
They raise their hands, wave them and put them on their heads. At the words “Fly away,” they spread their arms to the sides and lower them to their knees.

Playing again, the teacher after the words "Where were you?" pauses and waits for the children's answers; "By Grandma"; "What did they eat?" - "Cash"; “.What did they drink?” - “Brage”.
The next time the whole nursery rhyme is said by the children together with the teacher.

About magpie

The purpose of the game. To teach children to listen to their native word, to catch the rhythm of the nursery rhyme, to understand what it says.
Game progress. Children sit opposite the teacher. The teacher with the index finger of the right hand makes circular movements in the palm of the left hand ("cooks porridge"), saying:


magpie, magpie,
Magpie - white-sided
cooked porridge,
Jumped on the threshold
Called guests.
Guests in the yard -
Porridge on the table.
This on a plate
This on a platter
This in a cup
This in a bowl

The teacher and the children cook porridge" together.
Fingers are bent in turn, starting with the little finger.
The thumb is not bent.
Refers to the thumb.
And she didn't give it anything.
You didn't carry wood
You didn't carry water
You didn't cook porridge.
Here's a spoon for you
Make your own porridge.
Here is a stump, here is a deck,
There is firewood
There is hot water here.

When repeating the game, the teacher offers the children to help pronounce the nursery rhyme. After the words “this”, he pauses, and the children finish the phrase: “on a silver platter”, “in a cup”, “in a bowl”.

Finger play

The purpose of the game. To teach to listen to speech, to understand what is said in the nursery rhyme, to correlate words with the actions of the fingers.
Game progress. The teacher examines the fingers on his hand, saying: “This is the thumb, and these are smaller, but quite small - the little finger. They all live side by side, like brothers.”



The purpose of the game. To teach children to listen to the speech of the teacher, to correlate the action with the word of the nursery rhyme, to answer questions.

Game progress. Det and sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher takes such a position that everyone can see him, and says: “Children, now we will play the game “Ladushki”. Let's clap our hands! Clap! Clap! clap their hands."

Words: Movements:

Sweeties, sweeties! The teacher and the children quietly clap their hands

Where were you? - By Grandma! In time with the words of the nursery rhyme.

What did they eat? - Kasha!

What did they drink? - Brazhku!

Butter bowl,

Brazhka sweetie,

Grandma is good. They raise their hands, wave them and put them on their heads.

They drank, ate, At the words "Fly away" they raise their hands in

Shu-u - fly! side and kneel down.

Sat on the head!

Sit down, sit down

Fly away!

Playing again, the teacher after the words "Where were you?" pauses and waits for the children's answers: "At the grandmother"; "What did they eat?" - "Cash"; "What did you drink?" - "Brazhka".

The next time the children say the whole nursery rhyme with the teacher.

Goat horned

The purpose of the game. Amuse children, teach them to listen to the rhyme to the end, to understand it.

Game progress. After the children look at the picture of the goat, the teacher offers to play.

Children stand in front of the teacher, facing him. The teacher, putting out his index finger and little finger, goes to the children, saying:

There is a horned goat

There is a butted goat

For the little guys.

Legs top-top,

Clap-clap eyes

Who does not eat porridge

Who does not drink milk




At the word “gore”, the children run away from the goat, and the teacher catches up with them. Next time, you can choose one of the children as a goat.


The purpose of the game. Teach children to coordinate the words of the poem with actions.

Game progress. Children become in a circle. The teacher chooses a bunny with a counting rhyme, he becomes in the center of the circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say:

Zainka, along the senichka

Walk, walk!

Grey, brand new

Walk, walk!

Nowhere for a hare to jump out,

Nowhere to jump gray.

Zainka, you will jump

jump out

Gray, you will dance

Will release.

The teacher with the children sings a dance tune, everyone clap their hands, and the bunny dances. After that, the bunny is released from the circle and a new one is chosen. The game is repeated 23 times.

In the poultry yard

The purpose of the game. To consolidate the knowledge of children about how poultry scream, to cultivate the correct sound pronunciation.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to listen to a new poem:

Our ducks in the morning Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!

Our geese at the pond Ga-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!

And the turkey in the middle of the yard Ball-ball-ball! Baldy-balda!

Our bunnies at the top Grru-grru-u-grru-grru-u!

Our chickens in the window Ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko!

How about Petya the Cockerel?

Early-early in the morning

We will sing ku-ka-re-ku!

How do ducks cry? the teacher asks. The children answer. So he clarifies, consolidates the pronunciation of sounds with children.

The next time the teacher divides all the children into groups of "ducks", "geese", "turkeys". “Our ducks in the morning,” the teacher says, and the duck children answer: “Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!” etc.

This game teaches kids to be patient. Everyone wants to scream like ducks, but you can’t, you must be able to remain silent, wait your turn.


The purpose of the game. Develop children's speech, exercise them in the correct sound pronunciation.

Game progress. Children stand one after another and depict galloping horses. The teacher becomes so that the children can see him, and together with the children pronounces the words of nursery rhymes (the words are memorized in advance in class).

Words: Movements:

Top-top-top! Children jump around the room, imitating the running of a horse.

You gallop.

You fly, horse, soon, soon, Running is getting faster

Through the rivers, through the mountains,

All at a gallop, at a gallop, at a gallop.


Whoa! .. says the teacher. Children stop and also say "whoa ...".


The purpose of the game. To develop the speech activity of children, exercise them in the correct pronunciation, consolidate knowledge about the cockerel.

Game progress. Children, I am a teacher, sit on chairs in a circle. In the middle is a chair for a cockerel. The teacher addresses the children: “Children, look, whose hat is this? (Shows a bright cockerel cap.) Yes, this is a cockerel, let's play with it. Now we will choose the cockerel as a counter, whoever she points to will be the cockerel. (A cockerel is chosen with the help of a counting rhyme. He is put on a hat, and the teacher says quietly (in his ear) that when he sits on a chair, he should sing loudly “ku-ka-re-ku!” Like a cockerel.) The cockerel sits on a chair and crows loudly. Then the teacher and children say the words:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

silk beard,

Why do you get up early?

What are you eating out loud?

Don't let the kids sleep!

After the words “you don’t let the children sleep,” the teacher offers the cockerel to crow several times. Then a new cockerel is chosen.

The teacher works on the expressiveness of children's speech, teaches them to highlight the words golden, butter, silk with intonation, teaches them to highlight the question with intonation, pronounce loudly and melodiously "ku-ka-re-ku!". The game is repeated 34 times.


The purpose of the game. Exercise children in the expressive reading of the poem, consolidate knowledge about the habits of the mother hen.

Game progress. The teacher shows a picture that shows a chicken with chickens, tells how the chicken loves her chickens, how they walk, go out to pluck grass, look for worms. “Listen, children, I will read you a poem about this chicken. She is called a crest. Look, here she has a tuft sticking out. See? Therefore, it is called the corydalis.

Corydalis in the courtyard,

Furry in the yard

Comes with chickens.

A little children gape,

They run and run

Now he is calling:

"Where? Stop!

Where where? Come back!

Don't you dare run away!"

Let's play now. I will be a Corydalis hen, and you are my chickens. Let's go for a walk. When I say: "Come back! Don't you dare run away!" you all come running to me." A hen with chickens walks around the courtyard: they walk, collect grains, then disperse in different directions.

The teacher sentences the words of the nursery rhyme. Children try to repeat after her. When the children disperse throughout the room, the teacher stops and, turning to them, says:

Where? Stop!

Where where? Come back!

Don't you dare run away!

The chicks run to their mother.

The game can be repeated 34 times


The purpose of the game. Teach children to listen to a poem, understand its meaning and act on a signal.

Game progress. Children, holding hands, stand in a circle. The teacher chooses an owl with a rhyme. She sits down on a chair in the middle of the circle.

Words of the teacher and children: Movements:

It's dark in the forest, Children walk in circles. stopping

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time. Depicting sleeping birds.

All the birds are sleeping

One owl does not sleep

Flying, screaming.

Owl Owl, Owl shows how big her head is.

Big head, Turns his head, looks around.

Sitting on a bitch

turns his head,

Looking in all directions

Yes, suddenly how to fly!

Hearing the words “how it will fly”, the children run away, and the owl catches up with them.

It is desirable that before the game, the teacher shows the children a picture of an owl, talks about this bird.


The purpose of the game. To teach children to act in accordance with the words of the poem, to deepen their knowledge of the duck.

Game progress. The teacher shows toys to a big duck and little ducklings, examines them with children, talks about the fact that ducks love to swim. A duck always swims ahead, followed by ducklings.

Listen, children, a poem about a duck:

meadow duck,

gray, field,

Where did you spend the night?

Under a bush, under a birch.

I go ducking myself

I take my children

I'll swim myself

I will take my children.

Let's play now. Lena will be the duck (they choose an older girl), and we will be her ducklings.

Children stand in a column and, turning to the duck, say (together with the teacher):

meadow duck,

gray, field,

Where did you spend the night?

Lena (together with the teacher):

Under a bush, under a birch.

I go ducking myself

I take my children

I'll swim myself

I will take my children.

Lena is in front of the column. The children either follow her around the room, waddling from foot to foot, then swim, making circular movements with their hands in front of their chests.

Then another duck is chosen and the game continues.


The purpose of the game. Exercise children in the ability to coordinate words and actions, continue to activate speech

Game progress. The teacher addresses the children: “Listen to a new poem about birds:

Two birds flew

By itself small.

How they flew

All the people were watching.

How they sat down

All the people were amazed.

Who wants to be birds? (The teacher puts on bird caps for those who wish.) We will all sit on chairs to the side and watch the birds fly, and then sit down, sit side by side and fly back.

Children and the teacher pronounce the words of the nursery rhyme, and the birds perform the appropriate actions. Then they choose new birds and the game is repeated. The game can be repeated several times.

sun bunnies

The purpose of the game. Exercise children in the pronunciation of the poem in combination with movements.

Game progress. The teacher, with the help of a small mirror, lets out a sunbeam and recites a poem:

sun bunnies

Playing on the wall

I beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it soon.

Here it is, a bright circle,

Here, here, here, left, left!

Ran to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. Let the teacher direct it lower: children love to bounce, trying to catch the bunny. This game causes great joy in children, especially if you manage to catch a sunbeam with your hand.

train game

The purpose of the game. To consolidate children's knowledge of transport such as a train, evoke memories of children traveling by train, exercise in the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Game progress. The teacher depicts a steam locomotive. He gets in front of the column of children. Children represent wagons.

“Children, he says, look how long our train is. Now we will ride it. Show how the wheels move (children, bending their elbows, move them back and forth and say: “Gu-gu-gu”). Go!

Here is our train

The wheels are rattling

And the guys are sitting on the train.

"Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo"

The steam locomotive puffs

far, far away

He took the guys.

Stop! Stop! Who wants to walk? Get out quick!" Children get off the train, walk, picking mushrooms and berries. At the whistle of the locomotive ("woo-hoo!"), they again become in a column and go on. The teacher offers to say a rhyme about the train all together.

Other text may be used in this game:

Steam locomotive buzzed

And the wagons were taken:



I'll go far!"


Green trailers

Run, run, run

And the round wheels

It's all here, yes there, yes there.


The purpose of the game. To develop auditory attention in children, the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem, exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound p, learn to speak either loudly or quietly.

Game progress. Children portray crows, they stand in the middle of the room and perform movements in accordance with the text that the teacher says in a singsong voice. The words "kar-kar-kar" are pronounced by all children.

Words: Movements:

Here under the green Christmas tree Children run around the room,

Crows are jumping merrily: waving their arms like

"Kar-kar-kar!" (Loudly) wings.

All day they screamed

The boys weren't allowed to sleep.

"Kar-kar-kar!" (Loud.)

Only by night they fall silent Squat down, ru-

and everyone falls asleep together: ki falls asleep under the cheek.

"Kar-kar-kar!" (Quiet.)

The game goes well if the children watched the crow, its habits: how widely it spreads its wings when flying, how loudly it screams.


The purpose of the game. Exercise children in dialogical speech, in the correct pronunciation of the sound w, learn to act on a verbal signal.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to play: “Remember, we saw the bees in the flower bed? How did they buzz? (Children remember.) Bees collect honey on flowers. Bear-bear also loves honey. He comes to the hive house where the bees live and wants to take their honey from there. The bees won't let him in, they chase him away. And he catches them. But the bees quickly fly away from him. I will be a mother bee. You will be baby bees. We will now choose a bear with a counter: “One, two, three, you will be a bear!” The driver wears a hat-mask. The bear moves away.

Mother bee words: Movements:

The bees have flown Children run around the room, waving their arms,

collect honey from flowers. and buzz

The bear is walking

Honey will take away from the bees,

Bees, go home! Run to the corner of the room

The words of the bee children:

This hive is our house, They wave their wings, driving away the bear.

Go away, bear, from us:


To continue the game, children use the counting rhyme to choose a new bear.

ryabushechka chicken

The purpose of the game. To develop speech activity in children, work out interrogative intonation with them, exercise them in the correct sound pronunciation.

Game progress. The teacher shows a picture of a ruffled chicken and explains why it is called a "ruffled chicken", then invites the children to play with the Rhything Room, they choose a chicken. The teacher puts on a hat for her, puts it in front of the children and begins to ask questions. The chicken answers them at the prompt of the teacher:

Ripple hen, where did you go?

To the river.

Chicken-ryabushechka, why did you go?

For water.

Chicken ryabushechka, why do you need some water?

Water the chickens.

Chicken ryabushechka, how do chickens ask for a drink?

Pee-pee-pee! (All children say this.)

When the game is repeated, the teacher suggests to the children: “Let's all ask the chicken together, where did she go?” The children, together with the teacher, trying to reproduce an interrogative intonation, ask: “Ribushka hen, where did you go?” etc. It is better to choose shy, timid, silent children as chickens.

Babies love to talk. This is due to the fact that they seek to learn about the world as much as possible. Children repeat words after adults, enriching their vocabulary and trying to remember as many words as possible.

Experienced specialists have developed special games for teaching children. They are aimed at the development of speech and, as a rule, these exercises are played in preschool institutions(DOE). But each game is selected taking into account age features. We propose to study what games should be played with the younger, middle and older preschool groups. The card file of word games is represented by a variety of choices.

If you choose verbal game methods for the company of little ones correctly, they will help in the development of speech and replenishment of vocabulary. With children of the younger group, it is worth playing such fun:

  • Settle down in the company of kids and teach them how poultry scream. For example, chickens - ko-ko-ko, geese - ha-ha-ha, ducks - quack-quack-quack. Divide the children into groups, each group will be responsible for only one bird. Name the bird, and the children to whom it refers will shout the appropriate words.
  • Teach the children to organize objects into groups. For example: orange, apple, banana - fruits, plate, cup, fork - dishes. Now ask the children to name vegetables, clothes in one word. Turn on your fantasy.
  • Ask each participant to name what objects and what people he sees in front of him, behind him or next to him. So the guys will learn to control the spatial imagination.
  • Collect photos of the mothers of the guys in the group. Everyone chooses a photo of only their mother, after which they talk about her.

Games will not only contribute to the development of speech, but also awaken logical thinking, which will come in handy at an older age. Verbal creativity preschoolers in the company is aimed at obtaining basic knowledge about the world around them.

Games for the middle group of dhows

Children of the middle group are inquisitive and interested in learning new phenomena. They continue to learn about the world around them, but relying on the achievements of past years. The children are able to group objects according to signs and know how to highlight these signs.

Games for the development of speech and attention for the middle group are based on encouraging kids to independently look for the answer to question asked. Classes imply that the child has already practiced on easier material, and will complete tasks more difficult. So, games for the middle group:

  • Choose one of the guys. Let him leave the room, and the rest will come up with an action (dance, write, wash, swim, run, etc.). Children do not just invent, they must be able to show it. When the child enters back into the room, they say the words: "What were you doing?". The rest of the company answers him: “We won’t tell where we were, but we’ll show what we did,” after which they show him this action. When he guesses, another leader is appointed.
  • Divide the kids into groups. Each group builds a dwelling from improvised means. The teacher approaches the house and asks: "Who lives in the house?". The children respond by imitating animal sounds. For example, meow, woof, quack, oink, ko, etc. The more animals, the more groups. When the game is played for the first time, do not change roles for children, they will get confused and forget which animal to portray.

Combine these games with games for the younger group that the children have already played. This contributes to the repetition and assimilation of the material, the development of memory.

Games for senior dow group

Purpose of games for senior group different from the previous ones. They are aimed at developing independent thinking, working capacity in children, preparing for long thought processes, and developing correct speech. For this purpose, didactic games are used:

  • Name a vegetable, ask: "What is edible?". The kids answer which part of this vegetable can be eaten. Usually called tops or roots.
  • To expand your vocabulary, name one word, such as vegetables. Throw the ball to one of the children. He names a few words (apple, pear, orange) that are part of the group of vegetables and throws the ball back. Work with each child in the group.

Didactic games for the development of working capacity prepare children for the independence that will be needed when entering school and continuing further education.

Word role play

Role-playing didactic games are aimed at a deep knowledge of a certain life sector by children and the development of speech. You can come up with a lot of such exercises, but nothing will work without the participation of adults. Let's take an example of a role-playing game with children.

The teacher, dressed as a chef, enters the room and tells the children that he has a lot to do and no helpers. The guys agree to help and go to the kitchen. Here, ask the children to do the following:

  • Name the product, ask the children to determine where this product is stored (on the table, in the refrigerator, in the freezer).
  • Ask the children to separate the kitchen and dining utensils.
  • Blindfold them and have them taste the food you gave them.
  • Show the kids the product, ask them to name what dish can be prepared from it, what vitamins are contained in the product.

Come up with questions and tasks depending on your capabilities. The main thing is to send children to work, to interest them in completing tasks.

Methods role playing are also used for the development of speech of adults. Adult games are used if you want to gameplay relax, develop attention, memory and speech.

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