The meaning of fairy tales in the life of the people. Educational portal



« The meaning of fairy tales in human life

A fairy tale, or a fairy tale, a tale, a fable (its oldest name is from the word "bayat", "talk") is an oral story about fictitious events, a notion about what does not happen.

Fairy tales are collectively created and traditionally preserved oral prose fictional narratives such real content, which necessarily requires the use of methods of implausible depiction of reality. They are not repeated in any other genre of folklore.

The difference between fabulous fiction and fiction that occurs in other folklore works, - primordial, genetic. The difference is expressed in a special function and in the extent to which fiction is used. The originality of fiction in fairy tales of any type is rooted in their special content. conditioning art forms vital content- the main thing for understanding any poetic genre. The originality of a fairy tale cannot be grasped if one pays attention only to its formal properties.

Folk tales have never been baseless fantasy. Reality was presented in a fairy tale as a complex system of connections and relationships. The reproduction of reality is combined in a fairy tale with the thought of its creators. The world of reality is always subjugated to the will and imagination of the storyteller, and it is this strong-willed, active principle that is most attractive in a fairy tale. And now, in an age that has crossed the threshold of the most daring dreams, the ancient thousand-year-old fairy tale has not lost its power over people. The human soul, as before, in the past, is open to poetic charms. The more amazing the technical discoveries, the more stronger feelings affirming people in the feeling of the greatness of life, the infinity of its eternal beauty. Accompanied by a string fairytale heroes man will enter the coming centuries. And then people will admire the art of fairy tales about the fox and the wolf, the bear and the hare, the kolobok, the swan geese, Koshchei, the fire-breathing snakes, Ivanushka the Fool, the rogue soldier, and many other heroes who have become the eternal companions of the people.

There are three main types of Russian folk tales: magical, household and children's tales about animals.

Fairy tale. A large number of images of a fairy tale developed in ancient times, in the very era when the first ideas and concepts of a person about the world arose. Of course, this does not mean that all magical fiction originates from ancient times. Many images of a fairy tale took shape in the relatively recent past. In each new era the fairy tale had certain fantastic material at its disposal, which generations passed down from old people, preserving and developing the former oral-poetic traditions.

The Russian people created about one hundred and fifty original fairy tales, but there is still no strict classification of them. Fairy Tales - Concrete Fiction folk art. Each of them has its own idea, which is clearly expressed in all versions of the same fairy tale plot. In a fairy tale, their own poetic forms, a certain composition, and style were also established. The aesthetics of the beautiful and the pathos of social truth determined the stylistic character of the fairy tale. There are no developing characters in a fairy tale. It reproduces, first of all, the actions of the characters, and only through them - the characters. The static nature of the characters depicted is striking: a coward is always a coward, a brave man is brave everywhere, an insidious wife is constantly in insidious plans. The hero appears in the tale with certain virtues. It stays that way until the end of the story.

Russian beauty and elegance distinguish the language of a fairy tale. These are not halftones, these are deep, dense colors, emphatically defined and sharp. In a fairy tale in question O dark night, about the white light, about the red sun, about the blue sea, about white swans, about the black crow, about green meadows. Things in fairy tales smell, taste, bright color, distinct forms, the material from which they are made is known. The armor on the hero is like a fire burning, he took out, as the fairy tale says, he pulled his sharp sword, pulled on a tight bow.

A fairy tale is an example of national Russian art. It has its deepest roots in the psyche, in the perception, culture and language of the people. The fantasy of fairy tales was created by the collective creative efforts of the people. As in a mirror, it reflected the life of the people, their character. Through a fairy tale, its thousand-year history is revealed to us. Fairy tale fiction had a real basis. Any change in the life of the people inevitably led to a change in the content of fantastic images and their forms. Once having arisen, fabulous fiction developed in connection with the totality of existing folk performances and concepts, undergoing new processing. Genesis and changes over the centuries explain the features and properties of fiction in a folk tale. Developed over the centuries in close connection with the way of life and the whole life of the people, fabulous fantasy original and unique. This originality and originality are explained by the qualities of the people to whom the fiction belongs, the circumstances of origin and the role played by the fairy tale in folk life.

In a fairy tale, a person communicates with creatures that you will not meet in life: Koshchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the many-headed Serpent, giants, dwarf sorcerers. Here and unprecedented animals: Deer-Golden horns, Mumps-Golden bristles, Sivka-burka, Firebird. Often, wonderful objects fall into the hands of a person: a ball, a self-shaking purse, a self-assembled tablecloth, a self-battered club. In such a fairy tale, everything is possible! The fairy tale begins with main character for one reason or another leaves home, and then - and from ordinary world. Everything that the character of a fairy tale does, most often, takes place in someone else's, strange world: in a copper, silver, gold kingdom, or in a far distant kingdom-thirtieth state. There are almost no signs of Russian life in a fairy tale. Unless the people themselves are Russians. Returning to the human world. The hero moves from one kingdom to another, becomes a king. However, one people lives everywhere. Other nations are somewhere far away, across the sea (foreign merchants, overseas wines).

The world of a fairy tale is a world of polytheism, i.e. paganism. The ancient rulers of the elements, natural forces help or try to prevent a person: the Sun, the Moon, the Wind, the Frost, the water, sea ​​king. You will not meet a priest in a fairy tale - all sorcerers and witches.

The protagonist of the tale is always young. According to the ideas primitive man, wisdom could only be obtained from ancestors. But the ancestors are in another world. That's where all these trips to different kingdoms come from.

Many fairy tales talk about military exploits. But fairy-tale heroes do not fight for Rus', not for the Russian land. They get for the king some marvelous marvelous, miraculous object.

The fairy tale has been passed down orally for centuries. Sometimes consciously, sometimes accidentally, the narrator changed something, added something. This is how works were created. similar friend to each other, but not exactly the same.

Household fairy tale . Everyday fairy tale is also called social-everyday, satirical or novelistic - from the word short story¦. She appeared much later than the magical one.

The novelistic fairy tale accurately conveys the life, the circumstances of the people's life. Truth coexists with fiction, with events and actions that in fact cannot be. For example, a cruel queen is corrected by changing places with the wife of a brawler-shoemaker for several days. In a fairy tale there are two worlds, in everyday life there is one. Everything is ordinary here, everything happens in Everyday life. IN everyday fairy tale the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor are contrasted. The tale respects good, skillful workers, ridicules the incompetent, loafers. In a household fairy tale (it is not for nothing that it is also called picaresque), theft is quite acceptable. In all the oldest legends and myths about heroes who brought to mankind some kind of knowledge and crafts, this or that discovery, this knowledge and discoveries were stolen from higher beings, gods. The most beloved hero of a fairy tale is a soldier. Dexterous, resourceful both in word and deed, brave, knowing everything, able to do everything, cheerful, cheerful. A soldier usually returns home after 25 years of service (which is why he is always an old soldier!). On the way, they have an adventure with him amazing stories. Failures haunt in a fairy tale everyone who is in real life dominated the people, robbed them, offended. The peasant takes over the gentleman, the worker - over the priest, the soldier - over the general, and the youngest, offended in the family - over the old tyrants. The beginning of the tale corresponds to the actual, unfair state of affairs, and the end necessarily destroys this injustice. In a fairy tale, the hero often achieves victory in battle with the help of miraculous weapons. In everyday life - the positive hero does not use force, military exploits does not commit. There are no miracles here. There is a kind of competition of the mind: who will outwit whom, who will be smarter.

Animal Tales. Tales about animals, like fairy tales, arose in ancient times, they reflect forgotten beliefs, rituals, and ideas. Here is the memory of ancestral totems, and the centuries-old experience of communication between primitive hunters and cattle breeders with animals. In ancient times, such tales were told before the start of the hunt, and this had magical meaning. Nowadays, they tell children. And they talk about the habits, tricks and ordinary adventures of wild and domestic animals, about birds and fish, the relationship between which is very similar to the relationship between people. Yes, and the nature of the animals is likened to a human: the bear is stupid, the hare is cowardly, the wolf is greedy, and Lisa Patrikeevna is more cunning than cunning, she will deceive anyone you want.

There are several types of fairy tales about animals.

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a chicken - a ripple - a wonderful fairy tale! Short, nothing more. These stories are for the little ones. Listening to them, the baby learns a lot, develops the mind, imagination.

About 50 plots of fairy tales about animals are known. Their heroes are the fox and the bear, the fox and the rooster. Especially often it is said about the relationship of the fox and the wolf. The fox deceived the peasant too, pretended to be dead, and then threw all the fish from the sleigh onto the road. Such fairy tales are for older children - those who have already begun to explore the world outside the walls of their home. And the fairy tale about how a man and a bear shared the harvest ("you - tops, I - roots"), teaches ingenuity, gives the child initial knowledge about the plants that feed a person.

In fairy tales for the smallest, there are often poetic and song inserts - this both facilitates memorization, and develops the ear, and entertains. And long, endless tales are both a game and an exercise in speech, in logical thinking. Particularly useful are the so-called chain-like tales, where one must very carefully follow the order of the episodes, their logic.

There are fairy tales and animals for teenagers, for adults. The fairy tale "The Confessor Fox" parodies the church confession. When reading a fairy tale, a person gets worried, worries, and when everything finally ends safely, he feels pleasure, like from any other good book. A fairy tale today is not a dilapidated monument of the distant past, but a bright, living part of our national culture.

The childhood of every person is associated with fairy tales. The tale originates from the depths of centuries - the time when oral folk art existed.

Oral folk art is considered inexhaustible source for moral, patriotic, labor, aesthetic education. For many Russian writers and poets, the fairy tale was a source of creativity, love for their people, for the environment, a sense of the mystery and beauty of nature. Everyone knows what influence Arina Rodionovna had, who opened the world to little Sasha folk song, fairy tales. About the inimitable charm of evenings filled with mysterious images of nurse's fairy tales, Pushkin wrote in the poem "Dream"

Fairy tales were a kind of tool for teaching and healing, a means of folk psychiatry long before psychotherapy received its status. In fairy tales and parables, it is shown in a figurative form how a person can help himself overcome various hardships and difficulties, make his life full, while remaining himself.

Fairy tales have a great influence on the formation of a person's personality.

Heroes of fairy tales go through trials. On the example of the heroes of fairy tales, the reader develops such personality traits as courage, willpower, the ability to understand another person, etc. A fairy tale always has happy end, because you need to believe in good, in magic. “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson".

The role of fairy tales in human life.

The writer Viktor Krotov gives the following definition of a fairy tale: “A fairy tale is an honest fiction, an honest fiction. The surprising thing is that this does not diminish her ability to reflect life, but rather enhances it.” Indeed, the fairy tale captivates with the richness of fiction, its images, the amazing interweaving of the fantastic and the real. The heroes of fairy tales fly on carpets - planes, drain swamps in one night, build palaces, defeat monsters and at the same time are no different from ordinary people. It's an amazing combination of truth and fiction.

All fairy tales teach good. In any, even in the most terrible fairy world there is a hero who, showing extraordinary strength, courage and endurance, fights against the most incredible monsters. In doing so, he makes his heroic deeds, usually protecting or rescuing someone. He is assisted by various creatures and objects. As assistants to a positive hero in fairy tales, they act wise old people, old women, fantasy creatures, rich people. The helpers of goodies in fairy tales are animals, beasts, and birds: the kind “sivka-burka”, “duck with a golden egg”, “wonderful chicken”, etc. Or even inanimate objects: a self-assembled tablecloth, boots - runners , living or dead water. These beings or objects respond with kindness to the kindness shown towards them.

Whether he is small or big, he must navigate life. But before a person learns to navigate in outer life, it is important for him to navigate in inner life, that is, I want to talk about the formation of a person's personality. The fairy tale works on internal orientation. The world of fairy tales can be called a masquerade. William Shakespeare once said: “A fairy tale gives us the opportunity to try on a variety of masks. Trying on a fairy-tale mask, we feel that this particular mask, this character is important to us. This is how we get to know some living being in our soul, related to this character. Courage and Cowardice, Greed and Generosity, Pettiness and Generosity, Faith and Rationalism, and many other characters live in our inner world, as in the fairy-tale world. fairytale game teaches us to notice them as fabulous and as internal characters, helps us to get comfortable among them and deal with them. A fairy tale helps us choose our ideal and hold on to it - at least internally. But without internal fidelity to the ideal, external service to it is also impossible.

People different ages love to read fairy tales. The semantic shades of fairy tales that are preferred at a particular age are different. For example, fairy tales for children. In them, a small listener comprehends the structure of the surrounding world from simple to more complex - through comparisons and ratios. In the fairy tale "Three Bears" the relationship between the size of the object and the age of the characters is clearly described, and that Mashenka is suitable for what corresponds to her age - Mishutka's accessories; in "Turnip" - the order of the characters "from large to small." In these tales, the structure of the intellect is created.

There are many fairy tales about relationships with others: about love, friendship, mutual assistance, cruelty, selfishness, deceit, etc. For example, “Geese - Swans”, “Princess - Frog”, etc.

A person at 10-14 years old, reading fairy tales, through the prism of imagination, tries to determine his place and his values ​​in real life. Adventure tales are interesting at this age: “Pippi - long stocking»,

"Adventures of Electronics", "Harry Potter", etc.

Fantasy, adventure, detective stories are fairy tales for adults. The period of belief in a miracle is replaced by a realistic perception of reality. Some adults, reading fairy tales, have a rest, for others, fairy tales, as it were, cease to exist, and still others create fairy tales themselves.

Adults read fairy tales to their children, introduce them to the system human values and relationships, with the rules and norms of behavior in society.

At the end of life, a person reads fairy tales to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Fairy tales help adults and children to become close, to learn to understand each other, to trust. After all, it is the fairy tale that is that invisible bridge between them in the sense that adults so often do not have enough time to talk with the baby. Telling stories, they can feel the feelings of a child even for a moment. For adults, this is an opportunity to talk with a child, not just teach. In response, the child trusts adults more. Therefore, fairy tales from the depths of centuries were an inexhaustible source of education of the most important human qualities.

In modern life, the concept of fairy tale therapy has appeared. Through fairy tale therapy, one can work with aggression, self-doubt, shyness, with the problem of shame, guilt, lies. In fairy tale therapy, the process of selecting for each person his own, special fairy tale is important, which will help to manifest potential parts of his personality, something unrealized, teach self-help methods to cope with conflict, problems and life's difficulties. As a result, a person has a feeling of security, the inner and outer world will be revealed.

A fairy tale can be called a means of introducing a person to life.

My tales.

"We are together, we are fine."

There lived a mother and father. They had a daughter. Mom and dad worked all day, and they did not have enough time to talk with their daughter.

And my daughter grew up. She felt lonely, she lacked communication. One evening after returning from work, the mother entered her daughter's room. She looked at her sleeping daughter and saw tears still wet under her eyes. Mom stroked her daughter's hair with her warm hands. “What a waste of time. After all, I did not notice how my daughter was growing, ”mother whispered. She looked around and saw pictures on the wall, painted by her daughter. On one of them, a house was drawn, next to flowers and green grass, blue sky and bright sun. And in the center of the picture is a girl who walks, taking her father and mother by the hands. The smiling faces in the picture seemed to say: "We are together, we are fine." The mother showed her daughter's painting to her father. Leaving all their affairs, they decided to take a walk with their daughter. Dad picked up his daughter in his arms, began to tell her interesting stories. Mom also listened attentively and quietly rejoiced, watching the happy faces of her husband and daughter. For her, this day seemed extraordinary. The girl was never lonely again.

Radustik and Sadstik.

Lived - there were twins - rabbits in the forest. One was called Radustik, the other Sadstik. When they grew up they had to leave Father's house. They began to look for a hole for themselves. Radustik was cheerful, joyful, sociable. He had many friends who helped him find a hole at the edge of the forest. Sad, on the other hand, lived in an old hedgehog hole, it was cold in it. He was timid, clumsy, sad, always afraid of something.

Once Radustik called Sadstik to visit, but he was afraid to leave the hole, he sat at home all day long. The slightest rustle, the rustle of grass horrified him, he presented terrible pictures.

One night it started to rain heavily. Nora Sadness could not stand it, collapsed. He was alone, it was dark and damp. Suddenly he heard a rustle, it was a hedgehog. The hedgehog called Sadstik to him. This time he was not afraid, because he felt a warm attitude towards him.

Morning came and the sun got hotter. scary world, as Sadstik imagined him, turned out to be bright and kind. Gradually he made new friends. Radustik looked after a good hole for Sadstik next to the river, and they began to live, rejoicing at each new day.

You can not despair, sadness and joy live side by side. Radustic will always come and remind you that a new day will come, everything will be fine.

There was an old stump in the forest. He was lonely and useless. His old friends oak and aspen standing nearby forgot him. The world seemed dark to him. In the evenings he remembered his youth and was sad.

Once a small hedgehog came up to the stump.

Hello, uncle stump, - the hedgehog greeted.

Hello baby. What are you doing here alone? Stump was worried.

The hedgehog said he was looking for a mink. He asked for help. Stump was very happy with the hedgehog's request, because no one had ever asked him for help. He offered to dig a mink under its root. So they began to live together. The hedgehog was happy in the warm embrace of the stump, especially in winter, and the stump was happy because he had a friend.

After a long winter, spring has come. A stump reappeared from under the snow, a hedgehog woke up. The hedgehog was grateful to his friend, told his dreams.

Suddenly, the stump felt that something was moving quietly under the root, asked the hedgehog to look. A weak, small sprout of a new tree reached for the sun. The hedgehog and the stump helped him get out from under the root. Soon flowers bloomed around, butterflies were drawn to the flowers. The world was so beautiful. Stump is happy because he has friends around him who need him.

He lived in a clearing under a small bush - he was already. He crawled through the forest all day and was sad, looking at the sky. Once he was noticed by a flying swan, sank to the snake.

Why are you so sad? - asked the swan.

Oh! How I would like to fly up to the sky, look at the world from a height, but there are no wings.

The swan took pity on the snake and figured out how to show him the land from above.

Well, let me help you. Lie on my back, I'll give you a ride.

Hooray! - I shouted already, - now everyone will envy me.

The white swan took to the sky. He was already happy, his dream came true. An immense world opened up before him, it was wonderful. He suddenly realized that he was a part of this beautiful, that one should not be sad, one should live and enjoy the surroundings.

It was already slippery, he wrapped himself around the swan's neck so as not to fall. The swan felt pain and soon sank to the ground. Already the snake was different, but they became friends because they understood each other. No need to be sad. It is enough to look around, because there may be another person nearby who needs your help, whose dream you can fulfill. And he will help you. Dreams do come true, you have to believe.

Lived - there was a dog. The guys named her Bobby. The dog lived in a dirty basement big house. She was beautiful, the children wanted to caress her, but the dog did not let anyone near her, growled. Therefore, the children became afraid of her. In the evening the dog went to the dirty, cold basement.

Lonely lived in the house an old man. Nobody came to him, so he often left the house and sat on the bench for a long time. Seeing Bobby, he tried to call her. A girl passing by stopped her grandfather:

Don't touch her, she's very angry.

The old man looked at the dog and said:

No, she's not angry, she's scared. Someone must have offended her. There is something good in every living soul.

Will she be able to find a friend? - the girl asked.

I know how to make friends with her, - the old man answered smiling and went home.

A few minutes later he left the house and brought out a pot of hot soup. Bobbie cautiously approached, looked around and began to eat.

The old man fed the dog every day. The dog became attached to people, began to trust. The old man took the dog home. They became very close friends and often went out for walks. The children stopped being afraid of her and had fun playing with her. Bobby also liked to play. She realized that not everything in life is so bad, there is good people which can help in Hard time and who you may need.

Lived - there was a girl. She was afraid of everything. She had no friends, and studied poorly. The girl was afraid to answer at the blackboard, she was afraid to make a mistake. She tried to hide her fear, so she tried to appear angry. The girl did not think about the future, she lived only in the past. She was tormented by doubts, she always regretted something, she cried at night.

“Indeed, how much you can hide from yourself and others, that I'm afraid. I have to admit my fear. What can I do to help myself?" thought the girl. She looked in the mirror and imagined that she was standing on the edge of a precipice. She was scared, she was afraid to fall. She imagined that this was not an abyss at all, but only a small crevice and she only had to take one step. She looked ahead, thought that this was her future and jumped. Happened! She became well. She believed that she could conquer fear, everything was in her hands.

Since then, the girl began to study well, she made many friends.

Today, at the beginning of the third millennium, people are intuitively drawn to the knowledge contained in fairy tales. IN last years fairy tales and parables began to be used as a psychotherapeutic intervention in the inner picture of the human world. They help resolve intrapsychic conflicts and relieve emotional stress, change life position and human behavior.

The texts of fairy tales, as we have already noted, are of interest to children and adults; in them you can find a complete list human problems and ways to solve them. On the example of the heroes of fairy tales, a person comprehends own life. By influencing the conscious and subconscious, a fairy tale can help him determine Right way solution to their problem, and projecting the act of the hero of a fairy tale onto modern life by changing his thinking and behavior, a person can take the path personal development, treatment of nervous disorders of somatic diseases.

Julia Borodinova
Fairy tale and its role in life little man

At preschool age, children's imagination rapidly develops, which clearly reveals itself in the game and in the perception of works of art. Especially for children preschool age like fairy tales. Fairy tale occupies such a strong position in child's life what some researchers call preschool age "age fairy tales» .

Fairy tale is oral poetry story, which to some extent contains fantastic fiction. Russian traditional fairy tale is. First of all, a work of art; lively, fascinating, bright, colorful, blurring the line between reality and play, which is extremely appealing to children and corresponds to their psychological characteristics.

Language fairy tales simple and therefore accessible. The plot is transparent, but mysterious, and thus contributes to the development of children's imagination. A fabulous the images are similar in nature to the images of the imagination of children. Besides, no child likes instruction, and fairy tale does not teach directly. She "permits" hint at what is best to do in a given situation. Fairy tales are good that they do not have long and tedious arguments. The variety and intensity of action create a constant and unflagging interest in children. Fairy tale contributes to the formation of moral concepts in children, because almost all children identify themselves with goodies, A fairy tale every time he shows that it is better to be good than bad, that one should strive to do good to people.

Artistic perception is an active process for preschool children, awakening them moral qualities, and, above all, humanity. The perception of art is always associated with empathy. In children of older preschool age, empathy is a direct character: they imagine themselves with their favorite heroes of works, penetrate into inner world copy their character. So they get used to the image that with the help of imagination they become participants in events (children try on the fate of a bunny, expelled from his hut by a fox, to their own and, empathizing, think approximately So: “What would I do if someone kicked me out of the house?”).

Fairy tale plays big role V aesthetic development children of preschool age, without which the nobility of the soul, sensitivity to someone else's grief, suffering is inconceivable. Thanks to fairy tale, children learn the world not only with their minds, but also with their hearts, and not only learn, but also respond to the events and phenomena of the world around them, express their attitude towards good and evil. happy ending fairy tales fosters optimism, confidence in overcoming any difficulties. Narrative followed by retelling contributes to the development of thinking and enrichment of the language of the child.

According to V. G. Belinsky, in children from the very early years a sense of beauty should be brought up as one of the first elements. Under influence fairy tales children's susceptibility to everything beautiful in life and nature. After all, basically, all actions fairy tales take place against the backdrop of nature. IN fairy tale No large paintings images of nature, but children see "clear field", "white birch", "grass-ant", "fast river", "cool bank" and much more. Fairy tale can draw different pictures nature:

beauty summer garden where grows wonderful apple tree: “apples hang on it in bulk, golden leaves rustle ...” (Havroshechka);

picture winter evening on the river, where the wolf sits with the lowered into the hole tail: “Clarify, clarify in the sky, freeze, freeze wolf tail ...” (Sister fox and gray wolf).

Associated with thrilling action fairy tales, pictures of nature are perceived by children emotionally, and, perhaps, for the first time, children begin to understand how beautiful the world around them is.

Children love magical fairy tales and fairy tales about animals. A cat, a rooster, a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear, as the animals most familiar to children, from life turned into a fairy tale. Everything fantastic in fairy tale is closely connected with reality, and does not lead children away from it, but, on the contrary, serves to reveal life truth. By its content fairy tales give children knowledge about nature.

Children learn about the image animal life, about their habits, about what features are inherent in this or that beast. After all, many interesting features animal behavior, plant growth, the essence of some phenomena of inanimate nature, are inaccessible to observation, and here comes to the rescue fairy tale. Children of older preschool age can talk about life animals in natural conditions, about how they arrange their homes, take care of their cubs, get food. You can also explain the importance of the animal in nature. The results of studies of preschool children show that the primary ideas about many animals, the features of their behavior, are formed precisely under the influence of fairy tales. The impressions of childhood are the brightest and most stable, they leave a deep mark on every person's life. Renowned zoologist, Dr. biological sciences A. G. Bayannikov recalls that read to him in childhood fairy tale about a boy, whom the fairy helped to find and see the nests of all the birds, taking a promise from him not to touch them, largely determined his attitude to nature and choice life path.

Fairy tale occupies a special place in preschooler life. fabulous the images are brightly emotionally colored and live in the minds of children for a long time. Fairy tale teaches children to dream, emphasize the main, individual in the image, generalize the essential features, enhances mental activity. Fairy fiction is always pedagogical. It is used as a means of educating the best human qualities. Fairy tale enriches the inner world of children, they are drawn to it.

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Every person has their own path from birth. Even twins have very different fates. Why does it happen this way? Of course, there can be no single answer to this question. Someone thinks that everything depends on the planet under the banner of which he was born, someone from the day or even the hour of birth, and someone never thought about it at all.

By by and large, fate is a kind of script by which we live. It begins to form at 6-7 years. This is the age at which we begin to get to know and understand fairy tales closer. The behavior and actions of fairy tale characters can affect our lives. Doesn't sound quite right? Imagine for a moment that you are a small child. You are about to come into this world. It is completely new and unknown to you. You are so small and he is so big. You still cannot know much, but you know the fairy tales that your mother, father or grandmother reads to you every evening. Delving into the fairy tale, you choose for yourself the best roles, with the help of which you will later create the scenario of your life - this is how a fairy tale affects fate. The scenario may be different, but there are mechanisms for its formation. These are mainly external factors, plus the child's decisions on emotional level. External factors can be represented by parents or teachers, as well as supported by cartoons and fairy tales. Someone repeats the fate of their parents, someone goes their own way. Basically a life path
is created by the unconscious actions of parents: intonations while reading a fairy tale, accents on certain events, statements, attitudes towards some heroes. Sometimes parents, in this way, help their children build their own destiny. But in any case, this choice occurs in childhood, filled with fairy tales, fairy-tale characters, their actions and characters.

What role does a fairy tale play in a child's life? Here it is worth mentioning the psychological tools of the influence of a fairy tale on the development of a child:

Identification mechanism;

Education moral standards behavior;

The solution of the personal problems of the baby is an example of their non-uniqueness;

Gaining new experience from a fairy tale;

Elimination of psycho-emotional stress;

Solving problems of age with the help of a fairy tale.

The role of fairy tales in human life is of great importance. Favorite fairy tale can ask
during our lives, when we compare ourselves with the hero and repeat his actions in life. Growing up, we close ourselves from childhood and already in adult life we perform the same actions and deeds as our beloved fairy tale character. Often we do not realize that a fairy tale is a model for building our life, and it is she who lays down our destiny. We identify with our favorite characters. If you remember what fairy tales were read to you as a child, then you should know that they come with positive programs, and vice versa. It is important that you can choose what to read to your children. Do the best choice: read about goodness, success and mutual assistance. Be sure to highlight positive characters. Then you will program your baby for a happy and successful life.

I invite you to fairy tale therapy for parents "Visiting a fairy tale"! At the training, you will learn what a fairy tale is and how it can affect the course of your whole life. In any story, a code is encrypted that helps us fight fears, find our dream, learn how to prevent difficult life circumstances and find answers to important questions. You can apply for the event using the following link:

Lydia Nikolaevna Belaya

Essay-reasoning based on the text of I.A. Ilyin about the role of a fairy tale in human life.



(question to be resolved)

Option number 1.The story is one of the most interesting phenomena folk culture. Among all works of oral folk art fairy tale is engaged special place. The works of this genre can truly fascinate us, they conquer both children and adults, who after many years again return to their favorite fairy tales of their childhood, remember familiar heroes and go on an exciting journey with them.I.A. makes his readers think about these difficult philosophical questions. Ilyin in the text proposed for analysis.

Option number 2. text in front of meoutstandingRussian philosopher, writer, publicist,supporter of the White movement,criticism of the communist government in Russia,book author« ”, “The Path to Evidence”, “Axioms of Religious Experience” by Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin, where he risesimportant problem.What role does a fairy tale play in a person's life?It makes its readers think about these difficult philosophical questions.authorin the proposed text for analysis.

A comment

(reasoning, explanation)

From the first phrases, the philosopher makes readers think about an interesting problem, drawing attention to what a fairy tale is for a person,how much people need it.I.A. Ilyin asks eternal questions:“What is the happiness of a person? Is it in wealth? In kindness and righteousness?Further, the author emphasizes that“a fairy tale generously prompts” a person who finds himself “in the depths of the forest of life”,way to overcome troubles and misfortunes.Continuing to build a system of arguments relevant to this problem, the thinkergives answers to sharp questions disturbing children's hearts and souls. In addition, I.A. Ilyin focuses the attention of readers on the fact that people “living with a fairy tale”, “have a gift and happiness”, are able to keep in their souls an “eternal child”.

(this is the conclusion that the author comes to, arguing about a particular problem)

According to the author,a fairy tale is the wisdom of national experience, which has experienced everything in antiquity, it is able to give a person answers to all questions of interest to him: moral, ethical, philosophical.I.A. Ilyinstrive to convey to the reader the idea thatfairy tale associated with national identity Therefore, it is very important and necessary for people at any age.

my position

(built according to the scheme: thesis (position to be proved) - argumentation (provided evidence) - conclusion (general result).

It is difficult to disagree with the position of the author. It is unlikely that anyone will deny the fact that all children love fairy tales. A fairy tale enters the life of a child from the very beginning. early age, accompanies throughout the entire adolescent period and remains with him for life. From a fairy tale begins his acquaintance with the world of literature, with the world of human relationships and the world around him as a whole. The role of fairy tales in the upbringing of children is great. The world of fairy-tale heroes is a world of good and evil, therefore, following the fate of the characters, the child begins to better understand what actions are considered good, and which are absolutely impossible to do.Fairy tales develop imagination, push to fantasize, develop correct speech.and even help to overcome small fears and weaknesses.

Argument #1


Convincing arguments supporting this thesis can be found in Russian classical literature.V.A. Zhukovsky was interested in everything old and unusual, he was a very dreamy person, therefore, with special interest read and listened to fairy tales, legends, old stories, legends. They excited his imagination, prompted him to poetry. More than half literary works V.A. Zhukovsky are translations from German and English, but these translations rightfully compete with the originals. He said: "A translator in prose is a slave, a translator in verse is a rival." And in fact, V.A. Zhukovsky became a worthy rival of the best poets of the world: Goethe and F. Schiller, V. Skop and Byron.

His poetic arrangements are widely known famous fairy tales Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault. One of these adaptations is the fairy tale "The Sleeping Princess", which appeared in the summer of 1831 as a result of a kind of poetic "competition" between two remarkable Russian poets - A.S. Pushkin and V.A. Zhukovsky. “How many delights have come from the pen of these men!” - exclaims N. V. Gogol. V.A. Zhukovsky in that year created “The Tale of Tsar Berendey” and “The Sleeping Princess”, A.S. Pushkin - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. And in 1833, Pushkin, perhaps remembering the poetic tournament and the fairy tale of his rival The Sleeping Princess, wrote The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes.

Argument #2


(what work classical literature can I take it as proof of your innocence?)

My agreement with the author's position can be substantiated by another argument fromRussian classical literature. Are remembered extremely vivid images "Tales of the dead princess and the seven heroes" A.S. Pushkin, where the poet, relying on the traditional fairy story about an evil stepmother and a beautiful kind stepdaughter, uses folk tales: Russian - "Morozko", "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Tiny-Havroshechka", German - "Mrs. Metelitsa" and "Snow Maiden", French "Cinderella". But A.S. Pushkin managed to fill the traditional plot with a special depth, permeated with the light of goodness. Pushkin's fairy tale opens its treasures to any reader, whether he is ten or fifty years old - there would only be a desire to open it. But the young reader is led by an adult: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather ...Children like fairy tales because good triumphs over evil. The image of a young princess attracts children with kindness and loyalty. With great pleasure they talk about a wonderful mirror: the magic is always near to a child's heart. They especially like the episodes of the journey of Prince Elisha in search of a bride, the return of the princess to life, the matchmaking of heroes. They pity the devoted Sokolko. And children admire melodic verses.

Conclusion(what conclusion can be drawn to fit this problem?)

Consequently, fairy tales play a huge role in shaping children's musical ear, taste for poetry, love for nature, for native land. This is the most popular and favorite genre of children. Everything that happens in fairy tales is fantastic and remarkable in its task: the heroes of fairy tales, falling from one dangerous situation to another, they save their friends, punish their enemies - they fight and fight not for life, but for death.Understanding simple truths, the child feels more confident and courageous, and life's troubles perceives as something natural, only tempering his character and fortitude.

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